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East Middle Earth A Story Worth Telling

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Page 1: East Middle Earth A Story Worth Telling



How Would You Redesign Classic Superheroes (or Super­villains)?(http://observationdeck.io9.com/how­would­you­redesign­classic­superheroes­




Controversial Opinion: I Like The New Wonder Woman(http://observationdeck.io9.com/controversial­opinion­i­like­the­new­wonder­




Replacing The Music With Cha­la makes the Second DBZ Opening Better


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Page 3: East Middle Earth A Story Worth Telling

East Middle Earth: A Story Worth Telling?(http://observationdeck.io9.com/east-middle-earth-a-story-worth-telling-1691586234)

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240,095 102Gretnablue (http://gretnablue.kinja.com)Filed to: TOLKIEN (/TAG/TOLKIEN) Yesterday 4:06pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/east-middle-earth-a-story-worth-telling-1691586234)

8 l



It is often said that Tolkien had only finished 1/3 of his life's work before he died and looking through all

his books and notes shows much truth to that. Virtually nothing was written about what happened in the

east of Middle Earth during the events of Tolkien's work, though from what we do know, it indicates

something big was happening there.

The thing is, is it worth exploring?

First, a little study of the world and people who live in the east.

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The Geography Of East Middle Earth

The problem when describing the geography is that most of it comes from the Years of the Trees and the

First Age of the Sun, meaning that most of it is likely gone by the time of The Hobbit and LOTR which

take place near the end of the Third Age of the Sun. This is because events like the sinking of Beleriand

and the changing of the world (aka, when Arda was turned from flat to round) altered the geography of

Arda greatly.

As such this part will be split into two sections for each era.

Ancient Middle Earth

During the Age of the Trees and the First Age, East Middle Earth was known as Palisor and right in the

middle of it, there was the giant inland sea of Helcar. Cuiviénen lay on Helcar's eastern coast and was

the birth place of the elves.

Behind that lies the wild wood which wasknown for its beauty. To the south east lies Hildórien, the birth

place of humanity. Man would live here for a longtime until Morgoth arrived, with many fleeing to the

west while others staying to worship him.

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To the north east lies Orocarni, a mountain range that connects to the Iron mountains where Utumno,

Morgoth's Great Fortress once stood. Lastly, there is possibly the Yellow mountains, but they could

actually be part of South Middle Earth.

Modern Middle Earth

Helcar no longer exists, as it was drained by Morgoth. Cuiviénen, the wild woods and the Iron

Mountains were also destroyed, with all that remained becoming the Iron Hills. However, Orocarni still

stands and Hildórien may also still exist.

East Middle Earth had at least two nations, Rhûn and Khand. Though nothing is known about Khand,

in west Rhûn lay the Sea of Rhûn and next to it was Dorwinion, a place known for its grand Gardens

and making the finest wines in Middle Earth.

The Known People Of East Middle Earth

Like its geography, we don't know much about the people who live there. Given what we've seen in West

Middle Earth, it is likely the east has its own mix of unique beasts and races. But because of the lack of

information, we can't say for sure.


Page 6: East Middle Earth A Story Worth Telling

The Easterlings are probably the most well­known group of people who live there. Easterlings is the

name originally given to two tribes of humans that served Morgoth in the first age, likely descendents of

his worshipers from Hildórien. They were called the Sons of Bór who were wiped out and the Sons of


In the Third Age, the Easterlings now consist of a mixture of humans and dwarves and are several tribes

that live in the nation of Rhûn. Many of them still worship Morgoth and work for Sauron such as the

Wainriders (the ones you see in the films) and the Balchoth who were known for their chariots.

However, not all Easterlings were evil. It is mentioned in his notes that some tribes fighting against the

Wainriders and those who live in Dorwinion openly trade with the Free people and stayed neutral.


The Variags are the men who come from the nation of Khund. Nothing is known about them except that

they supplied Mordor's horses and that they fought in Sauron's army during the siege of Minas Tirith.

The name stems from Varangians, a group of Vikings who ruled the ancient Kingdom of Kievan Rus'.

This could suggest that their culture is based on the Vikings though oddly, nearly all media seems to

portray them as either Japanese or Mongols.

Dark Elves

As mentioned before, the elves originally came from Cuiviénen. But when Morgoth came, most of the

elves fled to the west and took the great journey to become Eldar Elves (the ones you see in the movies)

which gave them super powers, but also screwed them over when Morgoth destroyed the source of their

power. However, one group of elves, the Avari, stayed behind and though some were captured and

became the first orcs. The rest flourished in the east and were the ones who taught humans language

and culture as well as the inventors of wine in Middle Earth.

Page 7: East Middle Earth A Story Worth Telling

The Eldar Elves hate them (Dark Elf is actually a slur) and consider them barbaric and uncivilized. But

unlike their Eldar cousins, they did not have to leave Middle Earth thanks due to them never going on

the Great Journey.

Lastly, despite the name, Dark Elves aren't evil (well, except for the ones turned into Orcs) and actively

fought Morgoth.


Again, like mentioned before, some Dwarves have either conquered or assimilated themselves into the

Easterlings. But there is also Dwarf Kingdoms scattered around the place, most noticeably in Orocarni.

The Blue Wizards

Alatar and Pallando, known as the Blue Wizards for their sea­blue robes were spirits who served Oromë,

the valar (god) of hunting. They were chosen to become two of the five wizards who would go to Middle

Earth to help defeat Sauron.

Nothing is mentioned about their personalities but from what we see of the other three Wizards, their

personalities would be very similar to the Valar they serve. For example, Radagast is a servant of

Yavanna, the valar of nature so in turn, he is also dedicated to nature. As such, it is most probable that

the Blue Wizards were highly trained hunters, trackers and their magic was based around that.

Both went to the east to aid those who fought against Sauron but both would eventually vanish. What

happens exactly is unclear, but from Tolkien's later notes, Pallando was involved in an event that

changed the course of the war but would be unnoticed by those in the West.

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Villains and Plot

Probably the biggest problem you would have is what would be the villain and what would be the plot?

There are many interesting possibilities for villains offered in the source material itself. First of all,

Morgoth's remaining soldiers and lieutenants. Though most perished with him and Sauron went on to

become a dark lord in his own right. There are still a few unaccounted for such as Lungorthin, a

powerful Balrog (think about three times more powerful than the one in Moria) who was chief of

security of Angband.

There is also the Nameless Things. During the world's creation, Morgoth (known as Melkor back then)

discord resulted in the creation of these powerful and intelligent abominations who care for no one. One

of these creatures was Ungoliant, a massive mutant spider who tricked Morgoth into thinking she was

his ally before betraying him.

Or you could always create your own. Nothing would stop you from creating a threat unlike anything

established in the books. Even Tolkien himself was exploring new threats in an unfinished book.

The same can go for plot as well. The plot doesn't have to be another LOTR or be similar to the previous

films. You can explore new ideas and plots that weren't covered or weren't possible in the novels.

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There is also of course the event Tolkien hinted at. Something that happened in the East that changed

the course of LOTR but was not noticed in the West. What could it have been?

Is it worth exploring?

In my Opinion, yes.

It would definitely be different from the Hobbit and LOTR, moving away from the standard European

mythology and exploring Slavic, Chinese and other mythologies that don't get explored as often. It would

also be a great way to diverse the Fantasy genre that is all too often solely focused on white people,

usually reserving POC as minor characters and/or villains.

Plus, you would already have the Middle Earth brand already in place. Which make it far more easier for

it to be understood and accepted in the mainstream. Something that other fantasy universes struggle at

outside of fantasy and geek circles like Dragonlance and the Wheel of Time.

But would general audiences be interested in such a project? I would think so.

Remember, what annoyed audiences about the Hobbit films was that they felt overblown and didn't do

anything new. If you used this as a way to tell an entirely new story that didn't have to be tied down or

didn't fail to stand on its own (I should point out I actually enjoyed the Hobbit films at this point). I

think audience would accept it and enjoy

l 1

3 42

Tristan3z (http://tristan3z.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 4:42pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/shhh-dont-talk-about-epic-fantasy-on-the-odeck-its-1691589064)



Shhh.....don't talk about Epic Fantasy on the Odeck. Its bad nerding.

Seriously, I've always felt something like this or telling stories set in the First Age would be

amazing. I really like the idea of exploring other parts of Middle Earth in the Third Age, but I

think the only hope of it happening would be in video games, and that is very, very slim. I think the

Tolkien Estate is rather like Smaug when it comes to stuff like this. But great post and I would

definitely be on board with seeing a different side of Middle Earth.

1 l Reply

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Gutbloom (http://gutbloom.kinja.com) Tristan3zSunday 9:11pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/i-think-the-tolkien-estate-is-rather-like-smaug-except-1691611697)



I think the Tolkien Estate is rather like Smaug

Except that Smaug stole his horde and Christopher Tolkien, who is still alive, has been his father's

chief collaborator for most of his life. I can't imagine what it would be like to be him and have to

watch those Hobbit movies. It reminds me of the line from "If" by Kipling:

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn­out tools:

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Tristan3z (http://tristan3z.kinja.com) GutbloomSunday 9:17pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/there-is-a-difference-between-approved-adaptations-that-1691612533)



There is a difference between approved adaptations that people on the internet have declared the

Worst Thing Ever and wholly new material put together by a new creator. I don't believe the estate

would let anyone touch Middle Earth ever, all the while swimming in the sweet Hobbit money.

Hence the comparison.

But you keep beating that Hobbit drum. The world has not heard enough about how awful it is.

1 l Reply

Nicole (http://iraenicole.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:15pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/lastly-despite-the-name-dark-elves-arent-evil-well-1691591674)



Lastly, despite the name, Dark Elves aren't evil (well, except for the ones turned into

Orcs) and actively fought Morgoth..

Of course! With their dual wielding scimitars and faithful panther companion!

I want a story following an Easterling or something fighting evil. Someone besides a white guy.

Would kinda help get rid of some of the unfortunate implications generally associated with

Tolkien's work.

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Doomsley (http://doomsley.kinja.com) NicoleSunday 5:41pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/i-second-this-1691593808)



I second this

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Attercop (http://attercop.kinja.com) NicoleSunday 6:24pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/lungorthin-isnt-really-part-of-the-established-canon-1691597375)



Lungorthin isn't really part of the established "canon" of the Tolkien universe ­ he was mentioned

in early versions of the Silmarillion and didn't make it into the official version. And even further

east there is another continent called the Land of the Sun, but I think it was meant to be empty.

There'd be plenty of scope for stuff to happen in the east as Sauron fled there for a time too, once

Morgoth was defeated.

In other nerdery Ungoliant fled southwards more than east and in some early versions Earendil

killed her on one of his voyages. And Tolkien laid the seeds of a story for the Blue Wizards

(Romestamo and Morinehtar) by suggesting they did some good work preventing the hordes of the

east growing to huge numbers, thus helping save the west from annihilation.

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Howie (http://ebontrio.kinja.com) NicoleSunday 6:25pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/not-a-huge-lotr-fan-but-i-dont-think-the-dark-elves-of-1691597448)



Not a huge LOTR fan but I don't think the dark elves of Tolkien's world are like the drow. If I had

to hazard a guess the term "dark elf" is an appellation. It might be a glaring distinction readily

apparent among the elves (since it seems elves are crazy like that) but to a non­elf you probably

couldn't spot the difference between the middle earth an easterling elves without close study

(mannerisms and so on).

Tolkien's drow are the orcs after all.

1 l Reply

SquirrelyWrath (http://squirrelywrath.kinja.com) NicoleSunday 6:30pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/better-to-write-your-own-in-a-more-diverse-world-unburd-1691597777)



Better to write your own in a more diverse world unburdened by an established mythos. That way

you are unlimited by another mans vision. Or with Englands inherent racism.

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HoldenCash (http://holdencash.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:20pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/is-it-worth-exploring-in-my-opinion-yes-good-write-u-1691592062)



Is it worth exploring?

In my Opinion, yes.

good write­up

imho, i agree with one caveat...JRRT basically killed it with the Silmarillon...that thing goes back

into pre­history so much it really rivals the Bible

after the Silmarillon (combined w/ LOTR & the Hobbit) it all just seems like showing the work on a

math problem you did in your head

but that said, there's never a reason not to publish good writing...JRRT's world is a perfect

launching point for this

so yeah, go for it (just have rational expectations for it's quality)

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His Royal Daintiness (http://kournikova-milk-bar.kinja.com) HoldenCashSunday 5:33pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/that-thing-goes-back-into-pre-history-so-much-it-rea-1691593184)



...that thing goes back into pre­history so much it really rivals the Bible.

Reads just as well.

1 l Reply

HoldenCash (http://holdencash.kinja.com) His Royal DaintinessSunday 6:10pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/reads-just-as-well-lol-haha-youre-totally-right-thats-1691596250)



Reads just as well.


haha you're totally right

that's kind of my point, in a way

l Reply

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Polisonico (http://polisonicooficial.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:23pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/people-hated-tauriel-you-think-they-would-allow-someth-1691592302)



People hated Tauriel, you think they would allow something like this to exist??

1 l Reply

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Fauxcused (http://fauxcused.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:23pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/this-has-all-the-potential-that-the-non-frank-herbert-d-1691592371)



This has all the potential that the non­Frank Herbert Dune books had...

1 l Reply

slcboston (http://slcboston.kinja.com) FauxcusedSunday 5:54pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/to-be-fair-there-was-a-great-deal-of-potential-there-1691594917)



To be fair, there was a great deal of potential there, and even a fair amount of canon as Herbert

left behind notes. There was a lot of excitement when the project was first announced, especially as

things in the Dune universe were left unfinished

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Of course, they quickly @#$% it all up in the execution of it, but the potential was there. Heck, I'd

argue it's still there, if someone could ever wrest the rights away and do the job properly. Just

restart the whole thing like they're doing with the Star Wars canon.

1 l Reply

Fauxcused (http://fauxcused.kinja.com) slcbostonSunday 6:39pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/yeah-it-was-rife-with-potential-but-you-saw-what-happ-1691598339)



Yeah, it was rife with potential. But you saw what happened, I presume.

Likewise, I think this is rife with potential —to be good, or....not so much.

l Reply

slcboston (http://slcboston.kinja.com) FauxcusedSunday 6:49pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/oh-i-stuck-it-out-through-the-house-books-and-almost-a-1691599071)



Oh, I stuck it out through the House books and almost all of the machine books. Almost. Got

maybe two­thirds through the last and then just could go no further. Got tempted to pick up a few

others here and there, but that quickly vanished upon skimming them. So disappointed.

1 l Reply

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Denziloe (http://r-denziloe.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:29pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/remember-what-annoyed-audiences-about-the-hobbit-films-1691592843)



Remember, what annoyed audiences about the Hobbit films was that they felt overblown

and didn't do anything new.

Really? Overblown, yes, obviously; everyone recognises that. But I don't recall anybody coming out

of the cinema and complaining, "I'm so disappointed that The Hobbit covered the material in The

Hobbit, I'm bored of western mythology". I think you're making up a problem with the films and

conflating it with the real problems in order to support your point. The western source material

wasn't the problem, it was the execution.

1 l Reply


His Royal Daintiness (http://kournikova-milk-bar.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:32pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/no-its-over-1691593053)



No. It's over.

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Meerkatx (http://meerkatx.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:33pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/the-history-of-the-east-could-have-some-great-stories-t-1691593169)



The history of the East could have some great stories to tell.

Some of the Ring Wraiths were from the east. I'm sure there were heroic peoples that fought the

Dark Lord and his minions in the east with help from the Blue Wizards.

1 l Reply

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dawfydd2001 (http://dawfydd2001.kinja.com) GretnablueSunday 5:33pm (http://observationdeck.io9.com/i-was-a-big-fan-of-games-workshops-lord-of-the-rings-st-1691593185)



I was a big fan of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings Strategy Battlegame system that they've

been putting out since Fellowship, and they did some utterly fascinating work exploring the

Eastern kingdoms of Middle­Earth, expanding the Easterlings & Haradrim beyond what we saw of

their forces in Two Towers and ROTK. They also did sterling work exploring the kingdoms that

were only hinted at. They didn't do a bad job of making them extremely flavourful with some

stunning minis that fitted in wonderfully with the movie designs.

Hell, they even went back and explored bits of the books that didn't make the films: Tom Bombadil

& Goldberry, Arathorn & The Dunedein, The Sons of Elrond, Glorfindel, the White Councils

assault of Dol Guldur, the Fall of Arnor & Angmar, Dol Amroth & the Fifedoms of Gondor, the Fall

of Moria and Balins Expedition. Lots of good stuff with minis that fitted the movie aesthetic


(Oh, and they also REALLY expanded on the Nazgul, giving each one a distinct personality &

place in the heirarchy of Mordor)

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