COMMITMENT…INTEGRITY…ACHIEVEMENT From the desk of...Mr. Menard East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017 Volume 10 Issue 4 Falcon Forum Dear Falcon Families, With warm air right around the corner, the crack of the bat on opening day and the first buds of flowers outside my window, spring time always is a special time. Spring time at EHMS is a time of celebration; it is that special time of year where our students make that jump of maturity and growth. It is a time of recognition and reward for the great work that has been accom- plished all year. Please carefully review the enclosed information on our Family Fun Night, Field Trips and Recognition Ceremonies. Please put these activities in your calendar and plan on being here at EHMS. As we near the end of the school year, it is especially important that our students continue to work hard and make the year end on a positive note. In the words of the great John Wooden, “It’s not who starts the game that is important, it’s who finishes it!” Finally, I want to stress the importance of a strong finish to the school year as we embrace the fourth quarter stretch. This year has truly been a year of achievement for our students and I sincerely appreciate the efforts of your family to make that happen. As we move into the fourth quarter, take the time to sit with your child and review their progress. Encourage them to finish the job that they started, to take challenges head-on, and to feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments. For all of our eighth grade families, I want to personally thank you for the relationship we have developed over the past three years. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with your children and wish them the best of luck. They are special kids and will go on to do great things! Finish strong! Anthony M. Menard Principal Inside this issue: A.P.’s Page 2 UConn Academy 3 UConn Academy cont’d Trinity Academy Musical Notes 4 CCSU/STEM Academy 5 Yale Academy 6 World Language 7 Sporting News Nurse’s Note Art Canvas 8 Recognition 8th Grade Dance 9 Info Sheet 10 FOCUSED & READY #TOGETHERSTRONGER UConn Academy June 16th 9:15am Trinity Academy June 16th 1:00pm Yale Academy June 19th 9:15am CCSU/STEM Academy June 19th 1:00pm Family Fun Night May 11th 6-8pm 8th Grade Highmeadows May 23rd 9-5pm 7th Grades Grade Lake Quassy June 6th 9-5:30pm 8th Grade Dance June 9th 6-8pm

East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017 Volume 10 … · East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017 Volume 10 Issue 4 Falcon Forum ... portant for the healthy development of children

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Page 1: East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017 Volume 10 … · East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017 Volume 10 Issue 4 Falcon Forum ... portant for the healthy development of children


From the desk of...Mr. Menard

East Hartford Middle School Spring 2017

Volume 10 Issue 4

Falcon Forum

Dear Falcon Families,

With warm air right around the corner, the crack of the bat on

opening day and the first buds of flowers outside my window, spring time

always is a special time.

Spring time at EHMS is a time of celebration; it is that special time of

year where our students make that jump of maturity and growth. It is a

time of recognition and reward for the great work that has been accom-

plished all year. Please carefully review the enclosed information on our

Family Fun Night, Field Trips and Recognition Ceremonies. Please put

these activities in your calendar and plan on being here at EHMS.

As we near the end of the school year, it is especially important that our

students continue to work hard and make the year end on a positive note.

In the words of the great John Wooden, “It’s not who starts the game that

is important, it’s who finishes it!”

Finally, I want to stress the importance of a strong finish to the school

year as we embrace the fourth quarter stretch. This year has truly been a

year of achievement for our students and I sincerely appreciate the efforts

of your family to make that happen. As we move into the fourth quarter,

take the time to sit with your child and review their progress. Encourage

them to finish the job that they started, to take challenges head-on, and to

feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments.

For all of our eighth grade families, I want to personally thank you for the

relationship we have developed over the past three years. I have really

enjoyed the opportunity to work with your children and wish them the

best of luck. They are special kids and will go on to do great things!

Finish strong!

Anthony M. Menard


Inside this issue:

A.P.’s Page 2

UConn Academy 3

UConn Academy cont’d Trinity Academy

Musical Notes


CCSU/STEM Academy 5

Yale Academy 6

World Language 7

Sporting News Nurse’s Note

Art Canvas


Recognition 8th Grade Dance


Info Sheet 10



UConn Academy

June 16th 9:15am

Trinity Academy

June 16th 1:00pm

Yale Academy

June 19th 9:15am


June 19th 1:00pm

Family Fun Night

May 11th 6-8pm

8th Grade Highmeadows

May 23rd 9-5pm

7th Grades Grade Lake Quassy

June 6th 9-5:30pm

8th Grade Dance

June 9th 6-8pm

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From the desk of Spencer Clapp, J.D. Assistant Principal for Yale and

Trinity Academies The Power of Nature

As we transition from the cold harsh winter to the milder days of spring and into summer, recent research has revealed

how spending time outdoors can positively affect both our physical and mental health. I believe that this is also critically im-

portant for the healthy development of children who are middle school aged. Their young bodies need exercise to properly devel-

op and now it appears that spending time in a natural environment, like a park, has added benefits for everyone.

An April 2016 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives revealed that when people walk through a forest,

they inhale phytoncides that increase their number of natural killer (NK) cells – a type of white blood cell that supports the im-

mune system and lowers the risk of cancer. NK cells are also thought to have a role in combating infections and tamping down

inflammation, which contributes to a wide range of ailments including heart disease and diabetes.

Another study published in 2015 by the National Academy of Science found that people who walked for 90 minutes in a

natural setting like a forest or park were less likely to ruminate – a hallmark of depression and anxiety – and had lower activity in

the area of the brain linked to depression. “Accessible natural areas may be vital for mental health in our rapidly urbanizing

world,” the study authors concluded.

The exact mechanism of how nature helps mood disorders is unclear, but researchers agree that time in nature tends to

lift spirits. “When you have a short blast of nature exposure, people’s moods go up,” says Professor Ming Kuo at the University

of Illinois . Another possibility is that air near moving water, forests and mountains contains high levels of negative ions which

are thought to potentially reduce symptoms of depression, according to a study in Frontiers of Psychology.

Another study found that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) improved their ability to con-

centrate and focus after taking three 20 minute walks a week in a park setting. And people without ADHD symptoms can also

improve their concentration by interacting with nature. One University of Michigan study found that people improved their short

term memory by 20% after a nature walk but had no improvement after walking along city streets.

Fortunately, in East Hartford there are a number of natural areas that families can experience and gain the physical and

emotional benefits of spending time in nature. These include the Hockanum River Trail, Wickham Park in Manchester, and the

Connecticut River Park. Why not plan a family outing to one of these places that can be as simple of a half hour walk with

some snacks to improve your immune system and increase your level of well-being…and it would be a great time to ask your

student how things are going at school….:)

Notes from Ms. Houghton, Assistant Principal for

Central Connecticut State University/STEM Academy






You, too, can be engaged

in learning. Ask your

child to describe these


Enjoy being a member of

our school community.

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In writing, we have been learning about teen activists.

Together, we gathered information about Malala (girls' education),

Alex Lin (e-waste), and Alex Libby (bullying). We learned how

they are making a difference. My students were also given an op-

portunity to explore more teen activists on their own. We devel-

oped a claim and 3 main points about teen activists. The students

are using their research to expand and elaborate on the 3 main

points. They will have a 5 paragraph informational essay complete

at the end of this unit.

In Social Studies we just recently wrapped up our unit on

Ancient Greece and have started our Ancient Rome unit. In this

unit we focus on the architecture, government, and everyday lives

of the Ancient Romans. We will continue to discuss important

current events, and students will have the opportunity to watch and

discuss Channel One news. Please continue to have discussions

with your child about news events.

At the beginning of May, students will be learning about

Medieval Times. Again the focus will be on the government and

the everyday lives of the people. A major focus of the district in

Social Studies this year is on research projects. We will be doing

a 2-3 week research project on the Importance of Castles, conclud-

ing with a 2 page paper. I am excited to find out what the stu-

dents learned about Medieval Castles.

Please remember to check e-school as well as Google

classroom to see how your child is doing on a daily basis. Also,

please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any


The sun is coming out, the trees are turning green, and our

students on UConn 6 are working harder than ever! That can only

mean one thing, Spring is here! Please read what your son/daughter

has been doing in class, and what they will be studying in the fourth

marking period.

In science your child has been learning about the human

body. Your child has learned how the different systems help main-

tain homeostasis- ask them about this! We are currently finishing up

the circulatory system, and we will do our final assessment lab on

this system: “Feel the Beat”. Your child will measure their pulse

before and immediately after exercise. Then your child will reflect

about why the heart rate went up (the cells were in need of oxygen).

This is always a fun lab. When the weather finally turns, we will be

studying ecosystems. This involves trips to the Hockanum River

right here in our backyard. So, if your child needs to carry or wear

old sneakers to school, we’re probably going outside! Thank you

for all of your support at home with quizzes and tests.

Our UCONN 6 students have been hard at work in math

class, with a continued focus on persevering through increasingly

difficult problems. We've revisited our expectations of developing a

community within each class and our team, and students have be-

gun to realize the importance of going through the steps of solving a

problem. Some of our most recent concepts have included dividing

fractions, learning about rational numbers (including negative inte-

gers), and an introduction to geometric figures within coordinate

planes. Currently, we're learning about rates, where we'll be able to

describe real-world scenarios by writing and graphing ratios. With-

in the next few weeks, students will be taking their spring assess-

ments, and if their effort in class is an indicator, we should be ex-

pecting a large increase in a number of their scores. As we begin the

fourth marking period, it's not too late for those students who have

not been putting forth their best effort earlier in the year to start

now. As a reminder, students will be given homework most nights

in math, which you're able to keep track of at home via the e-School

Home Access Center. Should you have any questions or concerns at

any point, please don't hesitate to contact me.

We have been very busy in Language Arts! The students

completed our Informational Unit, in which they used the Elite

Eight Strategies (Text Features, Text Structure, Questioning, Note-

taking, Monitoring Comprehension, Vocabulary, Activating Back-

ground Knowledge, and Previewing a text) to complete station ac-

tivities with their peers. The students also learned how to write a

10% summary of an informational text. This strategy will continue

to be an asset as they continue reading non-fiction in both their Sci-

ence class, as well as Social Studies.

Currently, we are spending a few weeks preparing for the

SBAC assessment that the students will take in a month. We have

been practicing test taking strategies that will be helpful when they

take this very challenging test.

When we come back from April break, we will begin

reading the novel, Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This is a historical

fiction book that takes place during the time of the Holocaust. This

novel will tie into all the lessons on WWII & the Holocaust that the

students have received in Social Studies class.



UConn 8 update: our Students of the Month this quar-

ter: William Reyes-Abrego, Nea Mitchell, and Kevon Morgan.

Congratulations, and great work!

UConn 8 recently completed our SBAC boot camp

program, with Ms. Rottler and Mr. Knapp, during which we

worked hard getting ready for the Spring Smarter Balanced

assessment. Great job team, and great job students!

Science CMT review paid off this week, and Mr.

Brzozowy is pleased to congratulate all of our hard working

8th graders on their effort, focus, and grit! We showed what

we know, and we should all be proud!

Coming up in the next several weeks, we are ALL

looking forward to the annual 8th grade trip to High Meadow!!

Please, students and families, keep an eye out for your ac-

countabilities! We don’t want anyone left behind!!


Our Board of Education representative is

Mr. Tyron Harris

Email: [email protected]

Voice mail: 860-622-5015

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The 2016-2017 school year is flying by and we are al-

ready in the 4th quarter, looking forward to warm weather and an

exciting last few months of school at EHMS. Many Trinity stu-

dents were Flying Falcons during the 3rd quarter and more than

half of our team’s students were Honors or High Honors students

for the 3rd quarter marking period- great job, Trinity!

In addition to completing the annual LAS Links testing

for all EL students on the Trinity team in February, students have

been busy getting ready for their STAR testing in Math and

Reading as well as the schoolwide Smarter Balanced tests com-

ing up in May. Remind your children to finish strong and show

their best effort on these important assessments!

Trinity students enjoy a pizza party

In Ms. Davis’ Composition class, students are working hard

on an argument unit where they have chosen their own topics which

will culminate in a class debate. The topics for each period are 1.

Lunch should not be mandatory 2. Students should have a free period

or study hall in middle school. 3. Students should not get homework

4. College tuition should be free and 5. Cheerleading is a sport. After

choosing a topic, each class has researched the pros and cons of their

argument. Students are finishing up their argument essays and will

begin to work in groups to prepare for a class debate on these contro-

versial issues!

In Science, Mr. Mill’s classes are currently learning about

the properties of matter. Recently, our class looked at the differences

in thermal conductivity of different candy wrappers to make a recom-

mendation on what type of wrapper best protects chocolate from

melting. Once we return from break we will be finishing our unit on

matter by looking at the differences between metals, nonmetals, and

metallic on the periodic table. Then for the rest of the school year we

will be learning about my favorite unit, cells!

In Social Studies, Ms. Marquis’ classes will be wrapping up

their unit on China, ending on current event topics impacting the

country. They will then be starting research papers focusing on a

country or region of the world that connects to their background or

ethnicity. Students will be learning how to conduct historical

research and how put it into their own words while writing

about the history of and any current events impacting the area.

To top it all off, students will be presenting their findings to

their peers in class!

Our UConn 7 students are working on a unit about

Statistics in their math class. We are calculating data points

such as mean, median and mode and using a variety of

graphs to represent them. Students are enjoying choosing

topics to survey their classmates about. Then they are ana-

lyzing their results and making conclusions with the data to

back up their statements. Our class set of laptops has al-

lowed many students to listen to math videos to further

explain the topics we are learning in class!

Ms. Palange's Literature students are currently

wrapping up a unit on Smarter Balanced Testing Strategies

and practice that has equipped students with the tools to

master the test as well as familiarized them with the for-

mat. Next, students will begin an exciting unit on poetry.

Trinity students have enjoyed pizza parties to cele-

brate their academic success, with many students receiving

recognition as team and subject Students-of-the-Month dur-

ing the winter months. 8th-grade students will visit the

Mohegan Reservation as part of their Social Studies’ classes

in April and other field trips and team activities are being

planned for the last months of the school year.

The EHMS Music Department is looking

forward to another successful concert season.

Thank you to the Falcon Family for their support

of our amazing program! Please mark your busy

Spring Calendars for the following Spring Con-


East Hartford Vocal Arts Festival

EHHS Auditorium


7:00 PM

EHMS Instrumental Concert

EHMS Auditorium


7:00 pm

All Town String Concert

EHHS Gymnasium


7:00 pm

All Town Band Concert

EHMS Auditorium


7:00 pm

EHMS Choral & Jazz Band Concert

EHMS Auditorium


7:00 pm

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Despite the snow days in February and March, we have

accomplished quite a lot in the 3rd quarter! Students have en-

gaged in two more STEM Activities to encourage the use of the

inquiry design model. They have created bridges out of straws

and tape and built catapults that launch marshmallow

“basketballs!” In March we held conferences for a smaller

group of students than in the fall. Many of these conferences

were student led with students reviewing with their parents the

work they have completed and the skills they are working on.

Note from Math: We are coming to a close on our

units for the year! Students will have learned 6 different topics

to help them feel prepared for the upcoming SBAC Test. We

will spend the next couple months of the year strengthening our

basic skills and preparing for the 8th grade curriculum. Students

will get the opportunity to try out some more inquiry-style

learning and deepen their understanding!

Note from Science: In Science the students have used

mathematical formulas to calculate the density, mass and vol-

ume of various objects and liquids. The students created pro-

jects to test their ideas about density and properties while incor-

porating the STEM principles. The students will now learn

about the periodic table of elements while incorporating what

they learn into their cells unit to round out the year.

Note from Social Studies: We will be learning about

the different regions of Asia and the Pacific Islands, specifically

Japan, China and North Korea. We will focus on the 5 themes

of geography and how they influence our community. Our focus

this quarter will be to complete a research paper.

Note from Literature: As the third quarter ends we

have finished our non-fiction unit studying the Holocaust. Addi-

tionally we worked on improving critical thinking skills by

drawing connections from modern day examples of prejudice

and discrimination.

Note from Composition: Students have worked hard

researching and publishing their Black History Essay. Students

were required to research any figure in black history. They

compiled biographical information as well as a list of contribu-

tions people had/have made. In the spring, students will be ex-

tending their study of Asia by reading So Far from the Bamboo

Grove, a true story of survival during World War 2 in Korea

and Japan. Students will use their background knowledge of

Korea and Japan to understand the geography of the story as

well as customs. They will also experience the traditions and

foods of Asia in class.

We want to give a big shout out to our most recent

students of the month. Shandar Lennon (Science), Serenity

Ortiz (Literature), Pedro Luis (Composition.) Thao Duong

(Social Studies), Sparkle Richardson (Math), and Gianna Lit-

winka (Overall CCSU-7 Student of the Month). These students

were selected by each teacher in the specific content areas for

their dedication, persistence, effort, participation, and conscien-

tious decision making in the specific classes.

Students have wrapped up their study of forces and

motion and will be working on our last unit: cells and genet-

ics. They will review the basic unit of life in all living things

and how our cells function to maintain balance within the

body. Students will also learn how offspring inherit different

characteristics from their parents and why certain traits are ex-

pressed while others can be "hidden."

In Composition, students have just completed their

longest essay yet, the Thematic Essay! They read and chose

from four Science Fiction stories and discussed possible

Themes. They then argued the theme of the text in six organized

and detailed paragraphs. This included cited and explained text

evidence and a counterclaim. Currently, we are preparing for

our SBAC assessment with academic vocabulary and writing

strategy lessons. In these assignments, students are working on

their editing and revising skills and practicing valuable test tak-

ing strategies. We will follow this work with another argument

writing unit where students will choose from a variety of debat-

able topics.

Social Studies classes have finished the American Rev-

olution unit by completing a Close reading activity from the

novel My Brother Sam is Dead, as well as writing an argumen-

tative essay defending their choice of being a Loyalist or a Patri-

ot. Classes also did a project to recognize famous African

Americans for their historical contributions in honor of Black

History month. The next social studies unit will cover the U.S.

Constitution, specifically the Bill Of Rights. The classes will

end the year with a research report on industrialization and in-

ventions that have shaped our world.

Celebrate! Celebrate! CCSU 8 celebrated an extra gym

period with those students earning Flying Falcon for the third

interim report, followed by a cupcake social for the students

who earned Flying Falcon for all three reports. Great work eve-

ryone! The Team also wants to give special attention to our tal-

ented representatives in the variety show. We enjoyed the tal-

ents of Destinee King, Ashley Alvarado, and Ke’Aundre

Woods. Congratulations to our spring athletes participating on

the track team, the girls’ softball team, and the boys’ baseball

team. We want to acknowledge the hard work and effort of our

students who were named student of month for the past three

months. Outstanding effort from Rosa Deras-Martinez, Antonio

Ortiz, and Jimena Sibrian. Lastly, we want to congratulate those

students who earned high honors and general honors for the

third marking period. A job well done!


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Munson’s Fundraiser

Thank you to Mrs. Rivera-Rowe and Ms. Lisa LeBon. We

greatly appreciate your support and effort arranging and organizing

this spectacular fundraiser to benefit Yale 6 students. Thanks also

to the families who sold Munson’s Chocolates; due to YOUR efforts

our team made over $500!

Boston Science Museum Field Trip

We are looking forward to visiting the Boston Science Museum

April 26. We will leave school at 7:15 a.m. Please plan to arrive

no later than 7:00 a.m. to ensure you will not miss the bus.

Students should only bring items that they can be responsi-

ble for. They will be responsible for their personal possessions. We

will return by 5:00 p.m.

Yale University Visit

We are extremely excited to have the opportunity to visit

Yale on June 8. Students will be treated to a guided tour and the

chance to visit Yale’s exhibits at the Yale University Museum of

Art and the Yale Center for British Art.

Academic Subjects

In Math class, the students have just finished up the units

on Ratios, Proportions, and Rates. The students appeared to really

understand the relationships of ratios to fractions, so they were able

to quickly grasp the concepts. At the end of our unit, we completed

a Performance Task, A Summer Job, where we applied all we

learned the past few weeks.

Our next undertaking is with Percents, Unit 11. The stu-

dents will gain a strong understanding of what percents mean, how

to apply sales discounts to items, and finding percents of whole

numbers. This should be an exciting unit!

In Writing, the students are finishing up our Literary Essay

unit. Students have learned to support and organize information to

present effective arguments or opinions. We have also completed

3/4 of our Grammar unit on pronouns and nouns.

We will start Research-Based Informative Writing and begin work-

ing on subject and verb agreement in the coming weeks.

In Social Studies, we finished up our unit on Ancient

Greece with a project on Greek Mythology. Students used their re-

search skills to find accurate information on their god or goddess.

They composed a seven paragraph essay with a cover page and a

bibliography as their final product. It was a very exciting project for


We are now wrapping up our Ancient Rome unit. Current-

ly we are learning about Pompeii and the destruction from Mount

Vesuvius. Students will work together to create a skit of characters

who actually might have been in Pompeii during the time. They will

have the opportunity to present their skits to the class this week.


Our next unit will be Medieval Times which we will

start right before break. All the sixth grade social studies classes

will be doing a research project on this unit. They will use their

research skills that they have learned in prior units as well as

some new strategies to help them with this project. Their final

product will be an essay of at least a page and a half.

In Language Arts, we are nearing the end of our non-

fiction unit as we finish reading the autobiography Leon’s Story

by Leon Walter Tillage. Students have connected information

gathered from reading many Newsela articles about civil rights,

viewing a mini-documentary called A Time for Justice, and the

events presented in the class book Leon’s Story. Students were

quick to make connections between America’s past struggles

with equal rights for all citizens/groups with the struggles of

individuals and groups in the news today.

Our next unit of study is the Holocaust, one that is rich

with literature (both fiction and nonfiction). We will read a nov-

el, articles (both current events and historical), and explore some

perspective writing to bring to life lessons the Holocaust can

teach us. We will culminate the unit with a book project.

Lastly, many of Ms. Maina’s periods 4 and 7 classes

(and a few other students) have taken on an optional project to

become “Pen Friends” with middle schoolers from Sessa Aurun-

ca, Italy. Ms. Maina’s aunt, “Prof.”Renata Maina has requested

that our students play the role of teacher, making corrections in

their the Italian students’ letters to help students better under-

stand the English language. We will also be making a video tour

of EHMS, as the Italian students are fascinated with the Ameri-

can schools they see on TV. This has been a very exciting en-

deavor that can last well beyond the school year.

Science class has been eventful since we last checked

in. We have almost finished our human body unit, having cov-

ered the nervous, skeletal, muscular, digestive, and respiratory

systems. We will wrap up with the circulatory system and a

detailed heart rate lab. Over the past couple of weeks, our stu-

dents have diagrammed the body systems to emphasize how

they work together, built a working model of the respiratory

system, and squeezed clothespins until their hand muscles

burned. Please ask your student to explain why I would require

them to do such a thing! Additionally, a special thank you

to Ms. LeBon who is a pediatric respiratory therapist at

the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. Ms. LeBon made a

guest appearance during third period several weeks ago to talk

to our students and answer any breathing-related questions. I

learned as much as our students!

As always, please ask lots of questions about what

we're studying, There is no better way to reinforce student

learning than to encourage them to share what they know.

The Technology Department at East Hartford Middle School just ended a great Third Quarter. Mr. Gosselin is help-

ing his kids develop lifelong skills on the computer. The kids are making interactive and elaborate presentations using Mi-

crosoft PowerPoint. They are learning all about incorporating video, pictures and links into their PowerPoint Designs! Mr.

Stegner is teaching Manufacturing using curriculum from the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology. His kids are cur-

rently learning about Transportation Design. They are designing Mouse-Trap Vehicles and studying how the different design

variables affect performance. Ms. Rondinone is continuing to work with Asnuntuck Community College. Students are learning

a challenging piece of Manufacturing software called Solidworks! Shortly they will have the opportunity to 3D Print parts they


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Visit our School Website @ www.easthartford.org

for updates and information. This site will be updated on a

weekly basis.

Our EHMS Website give parents a direct portal to

our HOME Access Center—A great way to immediately

check your child’s grades and progress

你好(NI HAO) from your Chinese teacher

6th grade

Students have been learning how to do greetings,

introduce themselves, and count numbers as well as ask the

date and what day of the week it is. We are enjoying learn-

ing how Chinese characters were created and understanding

the character structures as well as getting introduced to pho-

tographic characters and idiographic characters. We also

use our imagination to recognize Chinese characters based

on their looks and practice writing the Chinese characters.

Students have also learned how to type Chinese characters

using the Chinese program IQ100 in the language lab. We

also typed up and printed it out a greeting paper for the stu-

dents to practice their speaking skills with a family member

or a friend. The next lesson will be talking about birthdays,

country and nationality. Student will learn how to sing hap-

py birthday in Chinese.

7th grade Students are working on their family project and later

will be presenting either their real or fictional family members

in front of the class. It is always great fun to see some of the

students being creative and expressive. Every week, as a class

routine, students take turns to be a little teacher to greet his or

hers classmates and talk about the date as well as read the les-

son objective in Chinese. It is a good to see that the students

are getting used to using the language daily. Next unit, we will

be talking about fruit, food and drink as well as expressing

what one person wants or doesn’t want, likes or dislikes. We

are going to learn how to use chopsticks and try to use chop-

sticks to pick up small items. We also will watch a video about

table etiquette using chopsticks.



For the culture activity in February, we’ve learned to cut

out in paper some Chinese lucky words such as longevity, spring

festival, and double happiness as well as learned about the good

luck Chinese New Year food.

8th grade We have finished unit 5 weather. In this unit students

learned how to talk about the weather and 4 seasons. At the end of

unit, students made weather posters and presented their weather

reports. Students were creative with their posters and had fun being

a weatherman/weatherwomen. We also reviewed unit 3 and fin-

ished unit 3 review test. The 8th graders are now very familiar with

being a little teacher every day including talking about the dates,

weather, season, and lesson objectives in Chinese. We are now

learning occupations. Students first were talking about what they

are going to be when they grow up. It was interesting to learn about

what the students want to be in the future. At the end of this unit,

students are also going to choose a famous person and describe his

or her job in Chinese.

For this year’s Chinese New Year celebration, we cele-

brated the Chinese Lunar New Year in EHHS’s cafeteria and I

wanted to express many thanks to the students and parents who

participated in this celebration.




Español 8

¡Hola de la Sra. Pistoia!

I can’t believe the school year is almost over and my

eighth graders will be entering high school in the fall. We just

finished the unit on food and students took the test on Chapter 5.

It included the study of tapas, tortillas españolas, and the eating

times and habits of the Spanish speaking world. Students pre-

sented skits and made menus as two of their projects. Our next

chapter will be a study of the family and the rooms of the house.

We will continue working on grammar in prepara-

tion for the Spanish final exam which will be given in May.

The dates for the exam are May 17th and May 22nd. Stu-

dents successfully passing Spanish 1 with a C- or higher will

proceed to Spanish 2 or Spanish 2 Honors with one high

school credit.

We are also continuing our study of Spanish history

and art with the comparison and contrasting of Velázquez,

Goya, Picasso, and Dalí. Ask your children to tell you some-

thing about these artists.

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Falcon Sporting News EHMS TRACK

The 2017 outdoor track season is starting with much

anticipated excitement. The Falcons team has a good mix of

veterans and new comers. The veteran leadership will help

vault the track team into contention for a championship run.

The Falcons track team will be competing against our oppo-

nents as well as ourselves to break personal records on the track

and in the field. Student-athletes are ready to model falcon

pride to the conference through good sportsmanship and a

championship attitude.


Intramural Basketball just finished another com-

petitive session before April vacation. Student teams were

mixed throughout the spring so that all students could com-

pete against the rest of the school. Each team received five

sessions to play 5 on 5, 3 on 3, or just to shoot around and

work on their game. Thanks to the 8th graders who showed

two successful years of sportsmanship and competitiveness.

Your leadership will be missed next year. As for the 7th

graders, we can't wait to return for the fall session begin-

ning right away in September. Have a great summer!


After practicing indoors for the first two weeks of

the season, the girls’ softball team can’t wait to get out on the

field and play. The team includes four returning 8th graders,

three returning 7th graders, four new 7th graders and six 6th

graders. The team will be led by two sixth grade pitchers,

Annalisse and Maura, and our catcher, Jailyn, playing on this

team for her third season. Marti and Madi will take charge of

the infield and Tiarra will command the outfield. These girls

have come together as a team, continue to work hard in prac-

tice, and will play like falcons when the season starts. Come

out to the field, show your falcon pride, and cheer on our girls

at our first home game on April 28th. Make sure you congrat-

ulate the following girls for making the softball team.

All 9th grade students will need a mandated

physical to enter 10th grade. That physical

can be from 1/1/2017 moving forward.

Why not have the SBHC complete that

physical before High School. This will

cover you for all sports next year. Sport

physical are good for one year.

Contact the nurse at 860-622-5603

Or April at SBHC 860-622-5670


8th Grade:

Marti Adamcewicz

Tiarra Lewis

Jailyn Harrigan

Madisyn Vera

6th Grade:

Maura Sumislaski

Annalisse Santana

Zoey Rosario

Caitlyn Breault

Deziree Rodriguez

7th Grade:

Anelyze Alicea

Kayla Ram-


Kaylee Roman

Esah Ferrigno

Madison Camp-




Ivymar Gonzalez

Our students have had the opportunity to explore the vari-

ous aspects of art this year. Students have been writing about art,

exploring various mediums and creating.

In Mrs. Nicholson’s classes, we have been focusing on the

art principles of design so that we can understand the basic reason

for creating art. We will continue the quarter exploring various

drawing techniques and skills. We will explore blind contour draw-

ing and abstract drawing as well as creating 3D cityscapes.

In Ms. Shelley’s graphic arts class, are learning about sym-

metry, asymmetry and contrast. We are designing in Photoshop a

digital collage inspired by Romare Bearden that incorporates culture,

things we like and who we are. We are learning the tools necessary

to make it creative and detailed. We will be working with pattern

and texture making creating digital quilts. Creating apps are in our


In Miss Pellegrino's class we are focusing on identifying

the elements of art and principles of design within famous works of

art. We will then apply these concepts to our own artwork in order to

make a radial design. We will also learn about the ancient techniques

of Gyotaku Fish printmaking. We will then finish the semester with

capturing figures with movement in the style of Keith Haring.

As you can see we have been very busy exploring

various aspects of the art world. It has been a very full and

busy year. We will end the month of April with a town wide

art show at the Cultural Community Center. The Art Show

will open at 6:00 pm on April 25th. Come out and see all the

hard work that our students in the district have been working

on. As we wrap up this year we hope that all of our students

have come to understand and appreciate art in their world and

in others.

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Dear Eighth Grade Students and Parents,

As a culmination to your years at EHMS, we will celebrate your child’s achievement in our annual Academy Recognition

Ceremony. The Recognition Ceremony is a formal event that is intended to not only acknowledge your child’s current suc-

cess, but also serve as a pathway to greater things.

Please consider the following guidelines below regarding your child’s participation in the Recognition Ceremony.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support as we keep the focus on learning.

All accountabilities must be paid in full in order to participate in our Recognition Ceremonies. For questions, please

contact Mrs. Cessario at (860) 622-5606.

All students must be in attendance from the beginning of the school day (7:55 a.m.) the day of the ceremony.

Students should dress appropriately, according to our EHMS Dress Code Policy. (Please note that it is appropriate

to wear the EHMS Uniform for Recognition Ceremonies.)

Clothing that will NOT BE permitted:

Blue Jeans

Shirts and/or blouses which reveal the abdomen, chest, or undergarments. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS


Shorts, miniskirts or pants which reveal the upper thigh or undergarments.

Students who do not dress appropriately will not be permitted to participate in the ceremony.


Students will be provided with ten tickets for guests. Only guests with tickets may attend the ceremony.

Parents may sign their child out of school following the ceremony.


This year's 8th grade dance is going to be special. We have contracted a Photo Booth who will provide our

students with 3 hours of unlimited prints as well as video messaging, DVD, flash drive picture gallery, and

instant social media uploads all complete with props and red carpet. It is an event for none to miss.

The Eighth Grade dance will be held on June 9, 2017 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Please review the following rules with your

child as the precursor to their attendance:

All Accountabilities must be paid in full by June 8, 2017, prior to the student’s lunch wave to be permitted to

attend the dance. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Cessario at (860) 622-5606.

Dance wristbands will be issued at lunch only, on June 9, 2017. No student will be allowed to attend the dance

without the appropriate wristband on their wrist.

Only 8th grade EHMS students will be permitted at the dance.

Students must be in school all day the day (7:55-2:45pm) of the dance in order to attend the dance.

Please dress appropriately, the dance is not a formal affair, and clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for

school is required for the dance.

Clothing that will NOT BE permitted:

Shirts and/or blouses which reveal the abdomen, chest, or undergarments. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS


Shorts, miniskirts or pants which reveal the upper thigh or undergarments.

All school rules apply during the dance.

Please make arrangements to pick up your child promptly at 8:00 pm.

Thanks for enjoying this event in an appropriate, tasteful, and celebratory atmosphere.

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Telephone Numbers

Anthony Menard, Principal 622-5600

EHMS Main Office 622-5600

Assistant Principal:

David Caruso 622-5620

UConn Academy & Special Education

Assistant Principal:

Spencer Clapp, J.D. 622-5630

Yale Academy & Trinity Academies

Assistant Principal:

Deborah Houghton 622-5610


Nurse’s Office:

Lynn Moreland (Grades 6 & 8) 622-5603

Nicole Tarbell (Grade 7)

School Based Health Center 622-5670

Please call your counselor if you have any questions.

Guidance Counselors 622-5640

Mr. Michael Kelsey 622-5642 Yale Academy

Mrs. Brenda Cook 622-5643 UConn & Trinity Academies

Mrs. Susan Zingler 622-5644 CCSU/STEM Academy


All visitors entering the building must

show a picture identification. All identification

cards will be held at the security desk until the

visitor exits the building.

Please remember to pick up your ID

before leaving the building.

Have Safety or Security Issues? Make

the Right Call! Contact the EHMS

Security Team 860-622-5677

See us in person or call the:

East Hartford Public Schools

Security Tip Line:



[email protected]


Meetings are held at CIBA and start at 7:00 pm

May 1st & 15th

June 5th & 19th


All meetings will be held Tuesdays in the Upper Media Center

. Time: 6:00 p.m.

April 18th

May 23rd

A Great Gift Idea: EHMS Uniform!


The Connecticut Shirt Man, Inc..

Online Store: (Open 24/7)


Phone orders: 1-800-348-7679



Important parent information regarding our school, procedures and events will be sent home with your child on


Let us help you

stay connected!