uOttawa.ca Early Pregnancy Complications Journee Montfort Presented by: Vincent della Zazzera, April 8 2016 uOttawa.ca Faculté des sciences sociales | Faculty of Social Sciences

Early Pregnancy Complications - Montfort · uOttawa.ca Early Pregnancy Complications • Journee Montfort Presented by: Vincent della Zazzera, April 8 2016 Faculté des sciences sociales

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Early Pregnancy Complications

• Journee Montfort

Presented by: Vincent della Zazzera, April 8 2016


Faculté des sciences sociales | Faculty of Social Sciences


Early Pregnancy Complication

Nothing to disclose




Case 1

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 40 days and urine BhCG is +.

• Normal pregnancy

• Failed pregnancy

• Threatened abortion

• PUL/Ectopic pregnancy


Case 129yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 40 days and urine BhCGis +.


• B/W

– Complete CBC

– BhCG

– Progesterone

– Type, RH

– LFT’s, Renal function

• Ultrasound

– Gyne Ultrasound

• Early pregnancy scan, viability? r/o Ectopic


Case 1Desired pregnancy

• Lab:

– BhCG; 1500, Progesterone 78

– A+

– CBC, LFT, Renal (N)

• Ultrasound:

– Slight endometrial thickening with scan fluid, gestational sac measuring 15mm with no yolk sac or fetal pole is seen

– Bilateral adnexa and ovaries are unremarkable other than a small 2.5cm anechoic cyst on right ovary, likely corpus luteal cyst


Case 1-BhCG 1500, A+, (N) b/w

-GS 15mm, no fetal pole or yolk sac -Right 2.5cm corpus luteal cyst


Case 1

BhCG doubles every 72hrs

Repeat ultrasound in 1-2 weeks


QUIZAt what BhCG level should we be able to confirm a

intra-uterine pregnancy?

• Endovaginal– 800

– 1200

– 2000

– 5000

– 7500

• Trans Abdominal – 800

– 1200

– 2000

– 5000

– 7500


QUIZAt what BhCG level should we be able to confirm a

intra-uterine pregnancy?

• Endovaginal– 800

– 1200

– 2000

– 5000

– 7500

• Trans Abdominal – 800

– 1200

– 2000

– 5000

– 7500


• First ultrasound performed after 7 to 13GA

• EDC assigned using ultrasound biometry

• Ultrasound is more accurate than a “certain” menstrual date

• Ideally all women should have a dating ultrasound


Case 229yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 40 days and urine BhCGis +.


• B/W

– Complete CBC

– BhCG

– Progesterone

– Type, RH

– LFT’s, Renal function

• Ultrasound

– Gyne Ultrasound

• Early pregnancy scan, viability? r/o Ectopic


Case 2Desired pregnancy

• Lab:

– BhCG; 900, Progesterone 30

– A-

– CBC, LFT, Renal (N)

• Ultrasound:

– Slight endometrial thickening with scan fluid, no gestational sac seen. NO IUPC seen

– Bilateral adnexa and ovaries are unremarkable other than a small 2.5cm anechoic cyst on right para-ovarian adnexal region, ectopic pregnancy can not be ruled out


Case 2 Imaging


Case 2 Imaging


Case 2Ectopic









Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

• What to do if pregnant with IUD

• Confirm intra-uterine

• Rule out Ectopic




Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are NOT present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 18GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C



IUD retained versus removed

• Tatum et al 275 women with cu-IUD

• 118 (43%) removed

– Live birth rate 79%

• 157 (57%) left in situ

– Live birth rate 44%



Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are NOT present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are NOT present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 6GA

• Remove IUD in office

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 18GA

• Remove IUD

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C


Case 3

29yo presents with abdominal pain, light PV bleeding. She has been amenorrheic for the past 3 years due to Mirena IUD, urine BhCG is +.

Strings are present on exam, according to u/s IUP currently 18GA

• Remove IUD

• Leave IUD in situ

• Misoprostol 800mcg PV q24h x2

• Book for IUD removal and D&C
