Early Explorers to Canada

Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

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Page 1: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Early Explorers to Canada

Page 2: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Who were the Vikings?• Eric the Red was the Viking who

led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there.

• Leif Ericson, the son of Eric the Red, led 35 Vikings to find a land he had heard about.

• Leif Ericson landed on Newfoundland and called it Vinland (Wine Land) because they found grapes there that they made into wine.

• The Vikings were the first Europeans to visit North America. http://www.histori.ca/minutes/minute.


Page 3: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Christopher Columbus• Christopher Columbus convinced

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to have three ships.

• The three ships were: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

• He saw people and named them “Indians” because he thought that he was in the East Indies.

• He got others explorers excited and curious about the fortunes they may find around the world.

Picture Credit:


Page 4: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Columbian Exchange

• As a result of Columbus’s voyages to the New Word an exchange began between the North America and the rest of the world.

Page 5: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Columbian Exchange

North America to Europe Europe to North America

Potatoes & Tomatoes Sugar, Tea, Coffee

Maize, (Corn) Horses, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle, rats

Tobacco Diseases (smallpox, measles, whooping cough, bubonic plague, malaria, yellow fever )

Chocolate •Asian cockroaches, Japanese beetle

Page 6: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

John Cabot: English Explorer


• He was the first European explorer since the Vikings to explore the mainland of North America and the first to search for the Northwest Passage.

Page 7: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

John Cabot Born: 1450 Died: 1499• He was born in Italy. • He loved to watch sailors at

the docks and hear their stories.

• At age 16, he began studying sailing and mapping.

• He moved to England and got the King to support his exploration.

• He is important because his exploration for England gave England the right to North America.

Picture Credit: http://www.heritage.nf.ca/exploration/cabot.html

Page 8: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Jacques Cartier Born: 1491 Died: 1557

• Jacques Cartier was born in France. He studied navigation.

• In 1531, the King of France, Francis I, hired Cartier to look for the Northwest Passage, the short route to the Pacific Ocean.

• He sailed down the coast of Newfoundland, discovering Prince Edward islands.

• He crossed the Gaspe Peninsula and took possession of it for France before returning home. Unfortunately he had mistaken the mouth of the St. Lawrence River for a bay, and failed to investigate it.

Page 9: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Jacques Cartier: French Explorer

Page 10: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,


Page 11: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Jacques Cartier: Second Expedition • In 1535, the king sent him out again. • He sailed up the St. Lawrence River and

recognized it for what it was. • He continued on, establishing Mont Real (Mount

Royal) which is now Montreal, Canada.• They spent the winter at an Indian village near

Quebec, where Cartier watched 25 of his men die of scurvy.

• Cartier may have named Canada; "Kanata" meaning village or settlement in the Huron-Iroquois language.

Page 12: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Jacques Cartier: Takes Prisoners• The Huron were generous to Cartier, but he betrayed

them. • He kidnapped 12 Indians, including their chief, and

headed straight for France.• Cartier hoped that his prisoners would tell him where

their gold mine was located, but there really was no gold.

• An epidemic of scurvy killed many explorers and Indians. The Iroquois, were the first affected and were slow in giving up the secret of anedda, a white cedar tea which would save them – Vitamin C.

Page 13: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Jacques Cartier: Third Expedition • In 1541, Cartier was hired to help Jean Roberval

begin a colony in Canada. • They could not find enough French colonists

willing to give up the advantages of home for the uncivilized New World.

• They asked the French Government for help.• They helped by giving them prisoners who were

willing to join the expedition.• Cartier left Roberval stranded in New France with

a colony of robbers and murderers.• Cartier never found the Northwest Passage.• He died in England in 1499.

Page 14: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Samuel de Champlain French Explorer

• He was a French explorer and skilled mapmaker, who mapped much of northeastern North America.

• He started a settlement in Quebec and founded the city of Quebec as a center of the fur trade.

• Champlain explored the Ottawa River, and the eastern Great Lakes.

• Champlain was important in establishing the French colonies in the New World.

Page 15: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Champlain’s Routes

Page 16: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Champlain’s Routes

Page 17: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Champlain’s Final Years• He wanted to convert the Indians to


• Champlain headed the Quebec settlement for years, until the English attacked and took the Fort at Quebec.

• Champlain returned to France.

• After a French-British peace treaty in 1632, Quebec was once again French, and Champlain returned as its governor (1633).

• He died from a stroke on Dec. 25, 1635.

Page 18: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Henry Hudson: English Explorer

• He was an English explorer and navigator who sailed to northern North America four times.

• He had been hired to find a Northwest passage.

• A trip through the Hudson Strait and into Hudson Bay ended in a mutiny.

• The Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay are named for Hudson.

Page 19: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

HENRY KELSEY: English Explorer

• Kelsey was a British explorer of inland Canada.

• He was only 17 years old when he explored Canada.

• Kelsey was the first European to see the Canadian prairies.

• Kelsey began the trade routes of the Hudson's Bay Company in Saskatchewan.

• He negotiated with various Indian tribes; he respected and enjoyed Indian culture.

Page 20: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Simon Fraser: English Explorer

• Fraser was a fur trader and explorer in British Columbia.

• He was hired by the Northwest Company to set up fur trading post out west.

• He explored what is now known as the Fraser River, which is named after him.

• He was the first European to establish permanent settlements in the area.

Page 21: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Samuel Hearne: English Explorer

• Samuel Hearne was an was an English explorer, fur-trader, and author.

• He was the first European to make an overland excursion across northern Canada to the Arctic Ocean.

• Hearne built Cumberland House for the Hudson’s Bay Company, its first interior trading post and the first permanent settlement in present Saskatchewan.

Page 22: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Samuel Hearne: Explores Northern Canada

Page 23: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Mathieu de Costa: African Translator

• His translating skills helped close the cultural gap between early French explorers and the Mi'kmaq people.

• Mathieu de Costa is the first recorded black person in Canada.

• De Costa spoke many different languages and was able to communicate in Mi'kmaq, an Indian language.

• He was a translator for the Europeans.

Page 24: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Can you name the explorers?









De C____


Page 25: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Can you name the explorers?









De Costa


Page 26: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

What did each explorer contribute?

Explorer What they did . . .

Vikings ______________________________________.

Columbus Columbian Exchange: ____________________ ______________________________________.

Cabot Cabot’s exploration gave England the “right” to _________ ___________.

Car______ _______ may have named Canada; “________" meaning village or settlement.

Champlain ___________ was important in establishing the __________ colonies and converting the Indians to ________________.

Page 27: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

What did each explorer contribute?

Explorer What they did . . .

Huds____ The ________ River, ________ Strait, and _______ Bay are named for ____________.

__________ Kelsey began the trade routes of the Hudson's Bay Company in ________________.

F_______ He was the first European to establish permanent settlements in British Columbia.

Hearne Hearne began the first permanent settlement in present __________________.

De C______ De Costa translated languages so that Europeans could communicate with the _________.

Page 28: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Explorer What they did . . .

Vikings The first Europeans to come to North America.

Columbus Columbian Exchange: began the trade between North America and the rest of the world.

Cabot Cabot’s exploration gave England the “right” to North America.

Cartier Cartier may have named Canada; "Kanata" meaning village or settlement.

Champlain Champlain was important in establishing the French colonies and converting the Indians to Christianity.

What did each explorer contribute?

Page 29: Early Explorers to Canada Who were the Vikings? Eric the Red was the Viking who led Europeans to Greenland. He started a settlement there. Leif Ericson,

Explorer What they did . . .

Hudson The Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay are named for Hudson.

Kelsey Kelsey began the trade routes of the Hudson's Bay Company in Saskatchewan.

Fraser He was the first European to establish permanent settlements in British Columbia.

Hearne Hearne began the first permanent settlement in present Saskatchewan.

De Costa De Costa translated languages so that Europeans could communicate with the Indians.

What did each explorer contribute?