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EARLOBE DEFORMITY - Inland Cosmetic Surgery€¦ · Earlobe deformity Hair pattern changes Fat irregularities and ... surgeon should look for residual signs of aging that have not

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Reoperative Faceand Neck LiftsJacob Haiavy, MD, DDSa,b,*

In the past decade cosmetic surgery has becomemore common and accepted in our society. Faceand neck lift procedures can be routinely viewedon the Internet or television. With easy access tothe information and reality shows demonstratingsuccess stories, there has been an increase indemand for these procedures. This increase hasgiven rise to a new generation of patients whohave undergone a facelift or a neck lift procedureand, because of the continued effects of aging,request a secondary operation.

When performing a secondary facelift or necklift, the surgeon needs to consider the effects ofthe primary procedure on the tissues. Even thoughthere are a few techniques of performing a faceliftor a neck lift, the factors that need to be consid-ered when performing a secondary procedureare the same:

� Previous incision placement and resultingscars

� Amount of skin laxity� Earlobe deformity� Hair pattern changes� Fat irregularities and deficiencies� Fascial laxity leading to deep nasolabialfolds and jowls

� Cervicomental angle obtusity� Platysmal laxity and banding� Presence of unusual rhytids.

Most patients requesting secondary facelifts orneck lifts have some form of laxity and want tomaintain their facial appearance. In addition,most of the patients seeking secondary facelifts

are older in age and often have other ailmentsconcomitant with aging. Therefore, the preopera-tive assessment should include a thoroughmedical history and physical examination. Thisassessment should include a history of over-the-counter and herbal medicines, because many ofthe patients who seek secondary facelift or necklift take herbal medicine with potential ill effectson surgery. For example, ginkgo biloba andtestosterone can potentially induce hypertension.1

Many of the herbal products are blood thinnersand can affect the coagulation cascade, such asginkgo biloba, garlic tablets, ginger, St John’swort, and ginseng. The author recommends thatpatients stop all herbal medicines for 2 weeksbefore and after surgery. When necessary, appro-priate referrals to the primary care physician,cardiologist, or other specialist should be madeto obtain a clearance and minimize risk of perio-perative complications.

In general, the author’s approach to a secondaryprocedure is the opportunistic approach and istailored to the patient’s needs and existinganatomy.2 Each patient presents with differentskin thickness and elasticity, variable amount ofsubcutaneous tissue, variable amount of laxityand thickness of their superficial fascia, and vari-able amount of scarring from their primary faceliftor neck lift. When evaluating the patient, thesurgeon should look for residual signs of agingthat have not been addressed in the primaryprocedure. It is not uncommon to see a patientwho has had a facelift seeking a secondary proce-dure and on examination most of the laxity is

a Inland Cosmetic Surgery, 8680 Monroe Court, Suite #200, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USAb Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, Loma Linda, CA92354, USA* Inland Cosmetic Surgery, 8680 Monroe Court, Suite #200, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730.E-mail address: [email protected]


� Secondary facelift � Revisional facelift � Reoperative facelift� Secondary neck lift � Revisional neck lift� Reoperative neck lift � Platysmaplasty� Secondary rhytidectomy

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 23 (2011) 109–118doi:10.1016/j.coms.2010.10.0061042-3699/11/$ e see front matter � 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. or


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concentrated in the upper face and periocularregion, which was not addressed in the primarysurgery (Fig. 1). During the secondary facelift, thesurgeon can and should address those areas toachieve the best possible result.Generally,mostof thepatientsseekingasecondary

procedurehave their skin envelope tightenedwith theprimary procedure, and therefore, little skin needs tobe removed in thesecondaryprocedure.On theotherhand, their superficial musculoaponeurotic system(SMAS) and the muscles in the neck are commonlylax compared with the tightened skin envelope.3,4 Inrecent years, the popularity of various forms ofshort-scar facelifts has given rise to an increasingnumber of patients with this presentation.Because most of the primary facelifts performed

do not involve an extensive sub-SMAS dissection,the secondary facelift will benefit from some form ofSMAS undermining and tightening. The subcuta-neous layer, which is the most common plane ofdissection ina facelift,maybe thinnerafter the traumaof the original procedure and facial fat atrophy,5

creating a challenge in a thin patient. In those cases,it may be more prudent to perform an SMASectomywith plication rather than an SMAS elevation.


Incision placement during the secondary proce-dure is largely dictated by the incision line that

was made during the first operation. The author’spreference is to make a tragal margin incision ora retrotragal incision because it is easier to hidethe scar and the scar heals well. Before makingthe incision, careful assessment of the amount ofskin laxity present should be made, and if enoughlaxity is present, a preauricular incision can beconverted to a tragal or retrotragal incision duringthe reoperation (Fig. 2). On closure of the flap,there should be minimal tension on the tragus.To minimize tension, the skin flap is sutured aboveand below the tragus with 4-0 Monocryl sutures.


Another common stigmata of facelifts is the “batear” or “pixie ear” deformity (Fig. 3A). This defor-mity is a result of poor incision placement andexcess skin removal caudal to the ear lobe duringclosure of the primary procedure. The closure ofthe earlobe cannot be under tension. The deeperstructures of the jaw line and neck should besecured to a stable structure such as the postaur-icular fascia or the mastoid fascia, and the skinshould be closed passively around the earlobe.To correct this deformity, the surgeon shouldincise the earlobe to a more rounded appearanceand then inset the earlobe to its proper position,which is 10� to 20� posterior to the axis of thepinna (see Fig. 3B).6 One should never attempt

Fig. 1. (A) A 62-year-old woman 10 years after her primary facelift complaining of recurrent sagging in the faceand jowls. (B) Same patient 3 months after facelift revision, endoscopic brow lift, and full-face CO2 laserresurfacing.


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to hang the cheek on the earlobe during flap re-draping. Instead, the skin flap should be securedto the base of the ear lobe with a 3-0 Monocrylor 3-0 Vicryl suture. The skin of the earlobe isthen closed with a 5-0 plain catgut suture underminimal tension (see Fig. 3C).


One of the greatest challenges with incision place-ment in revisional facelift or neck lift is problemswith hairline shifting and bold spots from theprimary operation. Another common stigma offacelifts is distortion or the loss of sideburn andtemporal hairline. This problem can occur whenthe cervicofacial flap is advanced too far in thecephalad direction, causing the hairline shift. Forexample, transposition of the sideburn above thehelical rim can leave a bold spot above the ear.This problem is difficult to correct. It is occasion-ally possible to rotate the temporal hairline inferi-orly and partially lower the sideburn. As iscommonly the case, avoidance of this problem isthe best course of action.

The author prefers to make the temporal incisionin the hairline at the initial procedure and leave thesideburn or 1 cm of hair-bearing skin attached atthe base of the helix. This method avoids impropertransposition of hair in the temporal region. If skin

needs to be removed at that location, it is done ina conservative fashion, bearing in mind not to shiftthe temporal hairline. Another alternative forcorrection of this problem is to place the incisionalong the temporal hairline in the secondaryprocedure and avoid any additional hairline shift-ing at the time of flap advancement.1

In the postauricular region, there is a potentialfor visible scars when the incision in the primaryprocedure was made along the posterior scalphairline. This scar can become wide and morevisible when the neck tissues are suspended tothe postauricular scalp skin as opposed to thedeeper scalp structures. In the revisional proce-dure, the surgeon has the opportunity to removesome or the entire scar as long as enough laxityis present. It is the author’s preference to makethe new incision in the hairline cephalad to theold scar in a line that is perpendicular to the vectorof pull. If the incision is made in a beveled mannerand the dissection is made in a plane to avoiddamage to the hair follicles, this incision heals sowell that it is almost invisible a year later whenthe hairs have grown into the scar. Whenadvancing the posterior cervical skin flap ina cephalic direction, the author places 1 or 2deep permanent sutures (2-0 Ethibond or Nurolon[Ethicon, San Angelo, TX, USA]) that secure thedeep portion of the skin flap to the deep posterior

Fig. 2. (A) Preoperative markings of a 65-year-old woman 8 years after her primary facelift demonstrating a tragalmargin incision. (B) Same patient 3 months after revisional facelift and neck lift with fat transfer to lower eyelidsand a full-face trichloroacetic acid peel.

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scalp fascia and/or the periosteum (Fig. 4A). Theexcess skin and the old scar are then trimmed,and the incision is closed with staples passivelyunder no tension. Care is taken to align the poste-rior hairline during closure (see Fig. 4B).


Because patients continue to age after theirprimary surgery, there is continued laxity of theskin and underlying tissues and facial fat atrophy.In addition, because patients are seeking these

procedures at an early age and have minimalneck laxity, surgeons have become more aggres-sive with cervical and facial fat removal. This situ-ation had led to the problem of the patientspresenting for a secondary procedure with anoverskeletonized neck and submalar hollowing(Fig. 5A). This lack of subcutaneous fat makes itdifficult to disguise the fascial and platysmal irreg-ularities that may occur during surgical manipula-tion, especially on a thin patient. To correct thisproblem, in the secondary procedure instead ofremoving fat, the surgeon should attempt

Fig. 3. (A) A 62-year-old woman 10 years after her primary facelift, with a visible preauricular scar and pixie eardeformity. (B) Same patient after secondary facelift with revision of preauricular scar, conversion to a tragalmargin scar, and correction of pixie ear. (C) Close-up of a corrected earlobe with a previous pixie deformity.


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redraping the patient’s existing fat from the jowlscephalically over the buccal recess. In the author’spractice, it has been more common to perform fatgrafting than fat removal procedures during faceliftrevisions. Fat grafting can correct the hollowing inthe submalar, infraorbital, and perioral regions (seeFig. 5B). Patients need to understand that theymay need multiple fat grafting sessions to achievethe optimal results. With the advancements instem cell research and isolation of stem cell fromadipose tissue, it may not be long before revisionalsurgery can be combined with one session of stem

celleenriched fat grafting to correct theseproblems.


Patients presenting for a secondary facelift or necklift usually have minimal skin laxity, but morecommonly they have some form of laxity in thedeeper layers (SMAS and platysma muscle) thatcan lead to deepening of nasolabial folds, jowls,and platysmal banding. Usually, SMAS elevationis limited during the primary procedure. Therefore,

Fig. 4. (A) Advancement and fixation of posterior cervical skin flap. Note the alignment of hair. (B) Closure andalignment of temporal and posterior scalp hairline.

Fig. 5. (A) A 62-year-old woman demonstrating infraorbital, submalar, and cervical hollowing caused by fatatrophy after the primary procedure. (B) Same patient after reoperative facelift, endoscopic brow lift, and fattransfer to the eyes, cheeks, and lips, with full-face CO2 laser resurfacing.

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most patients benefit from reelevation and tight-ening of the deeper fascial layers (Fig. 6).1,7

The surgeon should be cautious because scar-ring form previous surgery can distort theanatomy. Fortunately, the scarring is mostly overthe parotid gland, where the facial nerve branchesare deep to the plane of dissection. It is also impor-tant not to carry the dissection too deep over theparotid, as damage to the gland can lead to a sia-locele. Once the SMAS is freed past the parotidgland, the dissection becomes easier in the sub-SMAS areolar plane. It is important to understandthe anatomy and relationship of the facial nerve tothe SMAS and facial muscles (Fig. 7). The zygo-maticus major and zygomaticus minor as well asorbicularis oculi and platysma muscles receivetheir innervations through their deep surface,whereas the buccinator, levator anguli oris, andmentalis muscles are innervated along their super-ficial surface.6 Therefore, when the SMAS eleva-tion is performed, as long as the dissection iscarried out along the superficial surface of thefacial muscles, injury to the facial nerve is notlikely. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, theauthor’s approach is opportunistic, and thedissection is carried out medially only to the pointneeded to achieve adequate release and correc-tion. This approach varies with each patient. Ifextensive scarring is present to the point wherethe relationship between the superficial and deepfascial layers is obscured, a simple SMAS plicationis preferable (Fig. 8). Also, if the SMAS is found tobe very thin and attenuated, it becomes difficult toperform a smooth elevation of that layer because itmay tear. Therefore, a simple plication in this casemay serve the patient and the surgeon better.


The cervicomental angle has been studied exten-sively. For ideal aesthetics, it should be

approximately 90�, but a wide range of normalneck morphology exists and the angle may varyfrom 105� to 120�.8,9 The angle is usually moreobtuse in women compared with men. A low andanteriorly positioned hyoid bone also leads toa more obtuse angle. This morphology can becamouflaged by placement of a chin implant togive the illusion of a more acute angle.10 Becauseprimary surgeries are being done at early ages,they usually involve removal of preplatysmal fatand tightening of cervical skin. With aging, the pla-tysma muscle becomes more attenuated and theplatysmal bands become more obvious. Anotherfactor that can contribute to cervicomental obtu-sity is fat accumulation under the platysma.In a revisional surgery, it is more common to seethis condition than the accumulation of preplatys-mal fat if the patient has gained significant weight.Therefore, in the revisional facelift or neck lift,every effort should be made to preserve the faton the cervical skin flap, especially if subplatysmalfat removal is planned. The author does notroutinely perform submental liposuction when per-forming a revisional neck lift, especially if an exten-sive platysmaplasty is planned.The author’s approach to the neck is through the

submental incision centrally and the postauricularincision laterally. Once adequately exposed, theamount of platysmal laxity is evaluated, and ifnecessary, excess muscle and fat are clampedand removed centrally in a conservative fashionto prevent undue tension on the suture plication.The subplatysmal fat is then exposed by elevationof the medial borders of the platysma from thementum to the level of the cricoid cartilage. Theexcess fat is then removed under direct visionwith the Bovie cautery and scissors. Carefulhemostasis must be obtained. This fat contouringhas to be precise, and care should be taken toavoid overresection of fat in the submental region.This overresection can lead to a hollowed out sub-mental appearance that is difficult to correct. Agreater amount of fat can be removed at the levelof the hyoid, where it helps to deepen the cervico-mental angle. In addition, releasing the musclelaterally by performing a myotomy either at thelevel of the hyoid or just caudal to the last muscleplication suture relieves some of the tension alongthe platysmal plication and allows the platysma toshift superiorly, creating a deeper cervicomentalangle (Fig. 9). This back cut or myotomy of the pla-tysma is parallel to the inferior border of themandible and away from the submandibular gland,facial artery, facial vein, and the facial nerve. Afteradequate mobilization of the platysma, the edgesof the muscle are grasped and overlapped in themidline. Platysmal plication is then performed

Fig. 6. Elevation of the deep layer and SMAS ina revisional facelift.


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with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl or 3-0 silk sutures fromthe mentum to at least the level of the hyoid bone.The author often continues this plication lower tothe level of the thyroid cartilage, especially ona long-necked person with long bands. In verythin patients with little subcutaneous fat, it isimportant to bury the knots and be careful tocreate a smooth contour because the anatomycreated with the muscle plication is immediatelyvisible under the skin with little padding. The goalof muscle plication is to produce an even smoothplatysma contour that tightly adheres to the under-lying structures, producing a proper framework forredraping of the cervical skin.

On occasion, patients presenting for secondaryfacelift or neck lift have bulging of their subman-dibular gland. This presentation can be secondaryto overaggressive liposuction during the primaryprocedure or just ptosis of the gland with attenua-tion of the deep fascia and gland capsule. Somepatients may accept this side effect of the primaryprocedure as an explanation of normal anatomy.During the secondary procedure, the surgeoncan address the ptotic gland by either attemptinga sling suture, such as the Giampapa suture fromthe submental region to each mastoid fascia, orperforming partial resection of the submandibulargland. The gland can be approached through the

Fig. 8. (A) A 61-year-old woman 8 years after a subcutaneous facelift with extensive pre- and postauricular scar-ring. (B) Same patient after a revisional facelift with SMAS elevation and plication as well as endoscopic brow lift.

Fig. 7. Relationship of the facial nerve to the facial muscles. (From Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media,copyright 1998. All rights reserved; with permission.)

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subplatysmal dissection, whereby the cervicalfascia is carefully penetrated over the bulge ofthe gland. The most inferior and anterior portionof the gland is then gently grasped, and the

excessive portion of the gland is removed. Thisprocedure has to be done with extreme care andunder excellent visualization because branchesof the facial artery and vein and the mandibularbranch of the facial nerve are close by and haveto be preserved. This procedure should bereserved for the experienced surgeon who is veryfamiliar with the anatomy.


Facial rhytids are not removed by facelifts or necklifts, whether it is primary or revisional surgery. Therhytids are improved and redraped. Regarding na-solabial folds, Dr Howard Tobin (author’s mentor)often calls them “undefeated nasolabial folds”and says, “nothing will remove them, but we canimprove them.” (Howard Tobin, MD, Abilene, TX,personal communication, 2000).Occasionally, patients present for reoperation

with unnatural-looking rhytids, which occur asa result of an exaggerated rotation of the cervico-facial flap, causing the rhytids to run in an upwarddirection. This condition is compounded by thefact that with aging, the patients lose some ofthe skin elasticity and have more actinic damagebecause of continued sun exposure, leadingto inelastic poor-quality skin with keratoticchanges and hyperpigmentation. Therefore, atthe secondary procedure the surgeon should beaware of the direction of flap rotation to not

Fig. 9. Platysmal plication and lateral myotomy. (FromSykes JM. Rejuvenation of the aging neck. FacialPlast Surg 2001;17:103, Thieme-connect; withpermission.)

Fig. 10. (A) A 70-year-old woman 6 years after primary brow lift, facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, andcheek augmentation. (B) Same patient 6 months after revisional face and neck lifts and full-face trichloroaceticacid peel.


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exaggerate the abnormal rhytids. Furthermore,laser skin resurfacing and/or chemical peels areuseful adjuncts to the secondary procedure; thesetechniques can correct the actinic changes andimprove some of the fine lines and rhytids(Fig. 10). When combining revisional surgery withlaser resurfacing or chemical peeling, the skindissection is kept to the minimum and the liftmust rely mostly on the rotation of the deepermusculofascial structure. This method works wellbecause most of the patients presenting for thesecondary procedure have little skin laxity. Onsmokers, is advisable to do shorter skin flapsand rely mostly on the SMAS and platysma dissec-tion. The skin flap in reoperations should be moreresistant to vascular compromise, especiallybecause it was delayed during the primaryprocedure.7


A common question presented by patients is “Howlong will my facelift last?” A recent article tried toanswer this question for a single surgeon.11 Theauthor’s standard answer is “The changes thatone will make to your face are permanent butyou will continue to age.” Patients who want tomaintain their lifted appearance are better servedwith a face tuck within the first 2 to 3 years afterthe primary procedure (Fig. 11).

In that period, the scar tissue is still fairly resilientand the pull in the periauricular area can be easilytransmitted to the jowl and neck. When the wait for

the secondary procedure is longer, a combinationof skin elevation, SMAS dissection and plication,as well as platysmal manipulation followed bycareful skin redraping often leads to considerableimprovement and a satisfied patient.


The complexity of the revisional facelift or neck liftis directly related to the way the primary procedurewas performed. With so many techniques nowavailable to the facial cosmetic surgeon, such asthe subcutaneous facelift,12 variations of SMASor extended SMAS procedures,13e15 lateralSMASectomy,16 deep plane and composite ryhti-dectomy,17,18 subperiosteal facelift,19,20 andshort-scar facelifts,21 the revisional procedureshould be directed to the specific problems thatthe patient exhibits, such as laxity in the upperface, laxity in the neck, jowling, or deepening ofthe nasolabial folds. In general, it is more prudentto restore contour within the deep layer supportby the elevation of the SMAS and platysma ratherthan by rotating skin flaps in an exaggeratedmanner in a cephalad direction producing a tightunnatural look. In addition, it is extremely impor-tant that the posterior hairline and the temporalhairline are correctly aligned at the time of closure.


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Fig. 11. (A) A 50-year-old woman 3 years after primary face and neck lifts. (B) Same patient 3 months after a facialtuck and full-face CO2 laser resurfacing.

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