EAGLES Remember who forwarded this to you and what you expect to be in it… thanks to Irv…

EAGLES Remember who forwarded this to you and what you expect to be in it… thanks to Irv…

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EAGLESRemember who forwarded this to you and what you expect to be in

it… thanks to Irv…

The Bald Eagle is

The Symbol of

America 's Freedom.....

The Golden Eagle is a powerful and elegant bird...

But in ALL of the Eagle Family, none is a more beautiful, majestic...


awe inspiring, or a spiritually arousing specimen than the


Let us take a moment to get better acquainted with this creature...

Here we see a few pictures of the Spread

Eagle in its natural state...

As you've probably noticed, there are differences between

each of these coveted birds... for instance...

The Bald Spread Eagle

the Crowned Spread Eagle...

the Pierced Spread Eagle...

the Crowned Flap-Lipped Spread Eagle...

and this is a rare picture of a Double Spread Eagle...

the Spread Eagle can be a very playful creature...

here we see pictures of them playing...

and here are a couple of Spread Eagles enjoying a grooming ritual...

here we see a hungry Spread Eagle...

once a Spread Eagle gets a craving and hunger sets in they

eat with a passion...

they will eat fingers...



Plant Life…





Even plastics….

but they thrive when

fed meat...

here we see a

Spread Eagle

preparing to gorge


on some meat...

here we see several feasting...

here we see one that has completely

swallowed its meal...

here's another example that they're not really picky about what they eat...

The Spread Eagle is a beautiful, elegant

creature... but a very, very messy eater...

 SHIT Now I Know Why Eagle Scouts

Have A Smile On their Face 

So lets review what we’ve seen

and learned:

Don’t let these Eagles become “extinct” feed them daily!

• Now:

Go practice at home, work, and in the woods

If you’ve forgotten what the eagle looks like,

You may review these slides…

I said REVIEW the slides,

there is no more…

Why are you looking here?

Otherwise known as THE END