, " " I NcbrS'ate 1H".. E TE ist. S c XXX 1 l' :l' J. dI -;i::;;c;:t::;;;::-;-====-:-:l=-:-=----- I I I I ,. "I . '/ ,'" ( HERALD Section One, Eight Pages NUMBER FORTY"NINE -----\---l-.---, __ 4-__ WAYNE, j«EBRASKA, TRURSD'AY, APRIL 14, 1949 , _cil 12-Foot Strip of Campus I Pat,. Traces Rlie, to F 0;::0. F. -'Will Be Used }1alr -Board ay "It , . a 'g, W, e I aequainled with kinds of people. 'Bungling' of . For Widening Il . World Tha IS Har ld Parr S moSit The tours are corftparatively , ulld New B rn recent recor mg and It typtflcs lhl5 uous with usually three or four F " P I" '1 0 r nearly every day of orelgn 0 ICY , f 10th Street 1"Proposes Issuin.L cad;o show, and h s bride, 'are 1:" ADDlTIOJ to appear;ng on Russl"a W'I"nnl"ng C" 1; spending [\a t of th ir honeymoon the radIo and 101 theaters, Har?ld tty Council Hears I I Stock to F,inance, tdr w;'h ;5 pa nts, Mr. cas made sevecall record lOgS whIch Cold War, Says Mrs. Henry rp, in ayne. : are available for public. Petition Asking a ,Cost of Build" The :!')'ye c·old f nner Wayne Work;ng long I hours every day MI"II"tary Analys"t New Sewer DI"s' trl"ct , ,youth, who as bee hlind all do('sn't give much time 'for . , 'Iifr, hasn't I I this h nd,icap distont relaxation or for enjoying his hob· !rhe \Vayn0 COHnty fujr lOHrd hIS sense of umor 0 stand in the 'by, ham radio. e has a 125-'Watt "AmrrlCans han' hu 'ir'ri Vv'aynr ('o1y council w4nt on. rf'cord Tuesday c: ning way of a ha py life. ' Yes," he sayS, transmitter, wh ch is "just too nat ion's forPign polw :'-0 bn.dly I night pA.ssrd nn ordlOance llS,lavol'mg th(' issuanef' ()f nf'W "those of u. who ,c n't 'sec, heavy to carry around." While in th ing a <;trlO of \:mrl from the stock in th(' associahon 10 S (,UI'(' ahly arp mi sing so e things. but I New York. he with Gerry al Ru""ia today IS ,1 tually wln- fund:; for the construction of l1-H we mak(' II for it, n some other son of t e Burret Wrights ning thl' cold W;lr," Ca Jt. I\1what'l __ hoF, barn. . I way Our Olhf'r se se.'; arc not pf Wayne, for t e construction of :r)f'ldlng, military' on R. prlitmn rf'qUf'!iling tlU' rC'rl- t to usc lthcrn to hetter advan·1 1 In 1)l(' norl hW(,S,t part,;tP( ncc('sl':ary.,", brFIska Seho I for th Blind in :aecumulate, thrS' as well and nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c- ;J 11·rnot "lrip ::tlnng thf' nl Bah('. manager of tl1f'll)R.},(l' nec('ssarily a ute, we just I la smallC'r, morf' r les,s portable an;J.lY."t. told lwo <;;trurllon of CI <;:mltR.ry s(,wel' I fail' make 01(' ne\\! bu ATTF;S E]) the [trunkS pvcry c, sec-ms to Flrlding til(' Thr ];lnri 'Wf'f'plf'rj hy the A:'.YOSI': ihtnestcd in b lying bl'ilSka City Cor yraro-, rarry my radIO too. he declared. tcrl/.lng J\mrrlC<'lns m high, Clnd e'dt:;r of l1-\r cCimpus on Tenth <;!rrt't _ su{'h stock ma\' SC'(' onC' () Iht' ualing in HI 1. Her(' he I('arncd to Although th.\' of Nehraska low PO'-ollion<; as 11(' trCl('('d 11)(' hrlwl'0n Main Wmdom. It \\'n.o.; of til(' hOHrd or th(' oun· play just ah ut eve kind of BUCkfand ent. thl' USSR in their efforl" 10 win latllrf' ano signed into law Jac.t 'D n Warner were named a.<; a was placed voice training:. thr!'e years, when. he jOined the to .see some eq';llpment he l.h(' wo.r·ld to two bItterly opposed Columuia, Mo.-Dr. F, Moore of \\"a\'ne State wepk by the governor. mitt('(' to super\'isC' thC' s('('(1i g of th music, the school llC'idt show. :1I1 1Og mIles of tiny, Teachers piLtul'cd registering for the TilE ORDISASCE. No. 436, in- th grounds to hromc grass. fered all the usual g ade and high It WilS whil(' hl' W<J,S working: mtncate wll'lnp;. III'; SPOKE os "A Rift In th(' un utilization uf materiab in college corpora Ie!'; lh(' property as a pl'lrt r d. the teaching which he at Stephens college here NUMBER of 4.H c1uhs i Ihe ocder to aU in a c rla;n of inde- go out well over I'he air, so Ray pente blonde fcorn Zenesville, Ohio. School men's as,ociatlOn On the week. Prof. C. V, Wait of Wayne a1,,) altendell. Sixty au- In ,hc Clly 01 Wayne. Nebe." coUnty trC'es from I the pcnd.C'nce. F m the timc the stu· Olson, on(' of 1h(' announcC'rs, Th£: two mC't nirl!Onths ago when State campus. Tu('sday thorities from throughout the nation trJok part in the It is thl" int('ntion of the> citv 10 KE'ghtS of WhenJhC'Y dents are fi th gra ers, they can gested changing it to "Par." One the troup figt layed Zanesville, morning he spoke twice bdore h('t:;1n widening operations and tn rc rganized Cor the current car. use the type riter r thair work day the singer dT'cided Ala! "'Par' and they we carried in March. largr eollC'g'f' audiencco- on "Wh' Ih(' ('xtra strip as soon as P()<.- k Harold did' so 1 decided to hI' ;lnillv,-cr] C R d M is published Of,'the various organizations. W<lS at WJ G in orfolk. whprc Hamid· . .., [Jillenls ha\"(' som('tmlf's jOin the Horac(' !Heidt. unit. Both Unlt('d SUlks lorl'lgn hy ounty ee er.'c a' p AC'TI:'\(' 0:'\ A petition for thr : :I he hart a 15· inute program on found tile nanH'S confusing. but Hn' looking forWard to the trip, pOlnllng OUI tilell ttw ("nunlr'y liCl';; "lllllding rf :i S w t th RI "tes Held fo Sundays. Th first tree were "fol' they now bccome ac('ustom('d since neither has ;ever been to the al;sllm('d Bri\;un's ('rslwbile rolf' of /I)ullrli ftee" and af cr thal he pald i)(·ing Mr. and Mrs. Parr. west coast.: hf'lng th(> iC'arlC'r of thC' democratIc b P llolrJs n[ Omaha a", engineer t:q $,0 a week. Of hIS work the form(>r "It's a long way aWflY, hut we world "This mNtns that WE" must A -t · sllrvpy thE" I'lnd submit an 1 FROM N RFOL , he went to Wayn{' !Joy SHYS It IS must might just as well: spend some time hoth thf' hank;'r m I lOUS "'ogvnm (,'-01 Imatp of Ihf' cnst 'M "G Yankton, S. " to wo k for WNAX .. ir;g and gIve." him t)w opportunity sC'eing that part of the country Rnd polJcemnn. A!'; soon H<; w(' , I I U "1 pf'tlljon, fi]f'ri hy !;('vf'r;.d I arVID run e a jO, __ ¥ct ,.,round till' ry ______ _ )_ __ _ _. "uneral ,o.erv,·e"s ,,'ore h"ld Sat- W B. pi. through our Marshall plan and the I In lot" 1 to 11 inclUSIve ane! 30 10 '- L- Truman d et' "he ,',I DIrt clor" or the \\ a)one County Paul El"nung WI"II 10 In"IU<I'" ,n block 4. and In" 1 .7 '--'II' CJiltlOn plwncd an ambItIOUS pro Go to Boys State lhr (,ollrgf' IIIII second ,ldditlun If) . r eglns on aVlng he "The ('orn Belt I.lvP,>toek rf'('(]crs a<.,"o- t , tn In block 111'lll Grlh'1k(", :n. with R. ('v. :c.:. E. , Marshall plan is designed to OJ!· gram for thC' commg Ylar ""hen th(> cIty 'oru!iciating. Mr. Grunke, who was pose communist ideology by build· they mpt Jr.,l Thursday c\enmg at Pf:wl ElnlJng of :-'lr Ind I . drtp!oyed by the Idaho Powe Co. ing the economic systems of the rUJA bUlldlng In .:'-.1-1'; John t J01Jn,e.; hrts bcrn ac. J Ol R BIII..DING permlls in Nampa. suffered fatal inj ries -- --- - +------ ern Europe to fhe group saId It helicl,(,s that crpted as the "\\aynr de Irg'atC' 10 gr;J.nl0d hy th(' counCIl Th{'sc 'I'.{!(, April 4 when some linlht pol he - I whereas the Truman doclnn(' ap- f d II the ninth "nnu,1 (-o"nhu5kn .. rcqu('stf'rI hy PhI M h I' Ch k d C(' er<; organIzation .... 1 " Wil!S helping unload from rt fta car' cks of res an{ ars a I, ec s pli('!'; political and economic force hIt h t noyc; State III ""Ill ;t!t('nrl )30,"'" r.dv.rtrd S<,ymour for pc'rnll<;<:!(,n broke loose from a cable and , to counter Russian moves. Slatf', whIch IS un.dPr thp dJrcctl-on tn build a "rcond story additIOn fur struck him. Ph" I PI "The only way we could ke('p of the county's fann incomf' IS of the American at the nfflC'r purposes to the hU1lding on Marilyn Gamble, aceomp nied C tit d yterl3 all L a1 ·ld· China from going communistic rhcd from livestock. Precinct Cnh Cl'o-it)' of Nebrriska coli('gc of ThIrd <.;trpet occupied by Johnson s oncr e a Spr.°)1O'. Meet.""!! OC '1'1 lUgS memberships Understand." ere' u angtze river JinC'. Since we are a ('anciJdat(' by the Way,ne cilY mission to' huild a hoUse Richard Baier, Lyle G mble. ur- Paving of s ven blo ks of streC'ts E. C. Iyc'rson, st)ate fire marshal. nol willing to do this. China ano and his alli<':11danc.T at Boys' Mrs Lou Owens home aSSOCIate, Hughes, was in Green .. c me- Friday. "India r('mains as a stronf.'; and n WAS HET as the datf' school atlendC'd to Thf' local ost, of dHY and Wednrsday in He was critic"L of some for 11 lIvestock fppcl('n lour, Thc Purpose of th(' Buy,,' Statf' pro. AlbC'rt Watson, for pcrmi5Sion to olhg:; ;gc at MC'mbers of the color f.::!Elrd ere t' b (th' If' J. O. \Vl'ntworth of Wayn(', sidr of Main strll'et And the old into ndl Th('sp two Moslem na- Rohrrt Boccl(cnhaucr and Herb form of government. Ahou100.oo0 ALKO Tt'ESDAY mght, thr> Dick Boyce, Archie Rex Ime ecaUse 0 e a Iva 0 Win. tiring prpsirknf of th{' tions a {' th('ir Perry. hny" parlicip<ltc III the prugram ('ouncH cr!,nv'issf'd the returns (Jf Johnson and Boh MeLRJin. Th i aving viII t \\'<lru Russian ht'- ('ach lcar lJ1 ,13 les. two and onp half hi on Wm. a.m. I\!". commitlf'l' torn down.' I c hlJv{' ant ... grlOi;.('d them .... for Ihf' forthcoming special library ncr find Thomas HUlton. Ian dom str('('t f om Sev'nth 10" half man. hp will rpporl on the The insnector and the loci\1 \'01- with r policy In p"lp:.-tine. I Dentists Honor hond ('1e<:tlOn, approvC'd a list of Sandnhl presented'the lag to'Mr" bb:OCkk north s ofhFoU I hI' Hind .one Prpshyt('l'Y rr'slnr;]t ion fund unteer firf' depRrtmrnt urged all cours(' of thr dinner: C. R. Late Dr Young flrrmen cprtified by Fire Chwf Grunke's mother. Will am C on xt sl ('e ){'lv..,:'C'n Rf'\'. Charlf's G. Light of Nor- Wayne cltizC'ns to hI" C'specially of IJeKalb, l,ll, natIonal pr('sld('nt· Paul Rogg(' and Secretary Norocrt land served. as chapiaiq. at g and_ fl. folk -ff'tlring mO(if'rritor and Dr pamstaking during their spring P<J.ct arc ba!<J.nce of power mov s of thf' Corn Belt Livestock FcrdC'rs " I1ruggf'r, allowed bills and granted sid£' Buglers were EVfJ,n Hu hes 1 .BmnnC'ss rl S'trlcl Oli\'pr .... n. Proctt of \Vriyn{' is cleanup. Good housekeC'ping in 10 contaifl RUs5ia. The assO('Jation. has .hcen invltPd. as a hf'cr license to Charil's S1cck- nnd' Larry Johnson, and C tu::! all, wlll ;f" cd ('lr'rk. W. n. Ellis nrohahly will business as wC'11 as at home is a guest speaker. wllh DOli! Cunnl,!'lg- 11f'ntal ao.;sociatlon V,ifS hf'ld m Co .. of th(' vot('!i producer! Sharer was sergeant the, Iud. -i2. sC'rve as temporary clerk. fire prevention, thC'y strat('gic ar('as must b(' in AmC'll. no in Ilnof(icial Tf',- SOLOl\JON MARVI'NIGRU KE. east-wpst an J nort ·south AT TilE Pn''ihytrrian sC'ssion, In 1918 Nehra:-;ktt had more than c('r(>mOnlrs. l)r. 1). Tl. W:,ilrr "nd l)r C;corgr lllrn" rrporlf'd In f!1c. Herald last k pavmg e in d<'fnOCrHtic. way." ,Tilt: al"o is (·on· Gohlirsch. T)r. W. L HVf'rs of hul the of Marc;h 4 .. From,: tthe he b AI t k oc 4 m s wer also will F. MoorC' will JpB.d a said that 95 percent Fielding praiseri I.ht, .• It moved wit hiS paren sl .0 a fIll e al m 0 ; of all fires arc preventable, tration of the Marshall plan b t L",,""I "1,"0 all"n')"", m<1n ar:t0 An ("xtra vote for Mrs. I neat hellived ntil ., Mn;. Ralph Crockett h('ads the .... in-siTarp c t st th(' bu Wayne County 1"air . " ,I, D W ht r be f th 1935 whe the family moved to a .. missiqnary Illeralurf' and ('dUCfl- gllng that A'merica into I A commi1t('e consisting of Lr.. AI thf' noon lunchrun. sllf'nt i .on Ig man or mcm roe nea, Wayne. Key Cl h B lion committ('C'. Mrs. F. A. Sand- Benefit Berlin airlift nnd thC' bragadoc io IHnd Ikrmrtn as chairman. )frrh Inbutf' was paId I.n .thl' Lit(' Dr cC'rtified the He attt nded rura.l school jn' herg of Laurf'1 is. retiring presi- , complacency g('nd('r('d from t c Ikrgl, Hf'Tb P('rry llnd Ern('o-t L. B. of. \\h<J.had ('1('<:lion of the follOWing public M d ' on ' ounty and 1ayne pcep A G t Of'nf. D PI I atom bomb false Sf'ns(' of s('curil"'. Stratt'. wi]] inVf'stJgalc thl" rPo"I', tmP,r.::,'"lndgcn""I'I',r 'officials,' William. Pfeil. council- .a ... ls re II S S Glupsl Spf'akprs Ht 1he ancc an' ned 'jJ I . '" . hlg'h scho(:ll. ' mC'oting will include Dr. Henry W. "It is doubtful if we could Norfolk. A numhrr of drnlls!." in man .flrst ward, Elmer Meyer, }in December 1942 •. e Local . a -. " Lamp(', 11 misslonHry from KoreR'IB B association :and thc counly f;uf IhC' virmily will atlrnd lhe' state the army ;and served slf \V lanS and Edith Bmokmillct" of C'hicRgo, y an uroup f1 affair. Such we r association.' ('oll\\'nllon of 01£' Nf'tmlska second ward (one 0 .the K y club of the hoard of Chris-' I would ironically destroy Am in Lincoln ;\I:IY I:) 10 17. his discharge, hE! went to. I aha Wayn<; s'hool r£' tlan'educdtlOn. Th(' WayOf' B:md Booslers hav(' .... board. wh('re he was employe 1 WIt} the the Klwams luh M{ nday. Those I:\' ADI)(TIO:\" to tho:-(' Hlr('(lrly a h('n('fit squarc dnncr (]('struction that \vould come to our A Warns County's Cancer SORBERT RRITGGER. city light power company at Na pa, altending Wer" Don ietgen, presi .. nllm<,d, Wayn(' pf'l"sons planning at cIty auditorium Saturday, country. W(' would be forc('d 10 ssessor plHnt pngine('r, told' the council . J.. il d'J ' dent, Kennet Lipp, Jack Fishel', to "tlcnd inclurk Mr!'. Young, Arml :n. i adopt a totalitarianism ourselves. (!uota Is $626 that conversion of the new diesel S MR, h e nn· l , Warrpt\t F:llis, PRul Alan Mrs. M(,rlr B<'ckn('r M:s. T. S. Ralph 01 Walth' I D di" N png-inp to the dual fuel system (to '30wajn9'10Sn a we, 1 8 0, prl CramC'ir, Smith, Ted Horrell Hook at thC' mf'f'tmg, and wi]] be on hand ptomptly al 8:.0 "A, (,:TUA\.-I"Y I htahve /wo ea lne, ears f' Ttl," county {p.lOta D,f $62.6 hurn ('ithC'r natural gas or fuel nIl) . and, MaUrICe roetL Mr. Hook and K('nnpt h D. )ohnson to direct the entertainment Music wor ( wars {CSPI e e ml I Hry ()r t 1(' canccr soclcly ( nvc IS !e If you o"n peesonal proper'y, cd WIth t e War Eagle afid Einung play a cor ('1 solo Bob tative at the mepting h 'Il be J! h r:c ace 0 thiS war or. ace es ruc- and If .you have no'1: filed your 1949 m<'ln. rf'ports. eUcs 10 and was vice pm- Smith report on h s trip the R<,pr<,sentntiv('" ri :l9 chure-hrs Lunc Wi. Wc must malhtam assessment with lh(' offic(' of the No ]elfers will hc spnt out this Th(' rngine already has been mandel' 0 the Nampa .' internatiOnal conv(' tion which will take part in the- the ('vcnmg th wlOI'ian s II mB",,'':'!? sta Y h county by April you y('ar, smC'e previQu" r('sl,onse was tested on natural gas, he said. and EesiciC'sl his wife and arC'nt he was held in Washi gton, D. S;:., 'I' C U rooms,. t. er In, ""''; must strengt en 0 will be subject to a heavy enalty. not good. l,ndiv)dual:; contributions was op('rated for a day or two last leaves six! brothers, ely e of several week ago, nd to which .r The chtr gc I ar· t, he AtlantiC bact and the M.arsl").al So said Alex J('ffrc , ty may be seen or left WIth Henry weekend WIth gas. worth, Lester of Nampa Ron d of he wa$ a dele ate. M F t m.clu es . rs. . C. plan .. Howe .... r, we must live, 0 in urging p pi . 0 Ley at' the State Nahonal bank # Keesler Field Biloxi ss C lvin of th(" cl b were Dr, ore ea ores, StJrtz, Mrs. WIllard )WIItsc, !'S. Amerumn democracy. by cltmmat· ha\ l' not alrr'ildy cnmpl('tf'd h(' WIth L n Mc('lur·c at th(' First S " T d () Okinawa RoY" <OJe at Galen Saylor f the niversityof Burr Davis, Mrs. Jl?C Gifford" rs. mg.thl':' lack of c.ecunty and rac;ml to dc,so WllhlJut dela} NdtlOnrd lldnk or \,,..lth Mr'-o Mor- ervlces 0 ay aneJ two SIsters, elph' and Nebraska, N . Thor of LlOcoln, W Mark Cramer and Dor'othy prejudice so that we ha,:""c a real has b('('rtl f,url} good gdn. Delores :of Wa nco l a former Wa ne hlg :-;uprrlnten· Fot a ne Days Kablsch. ,product to :-;('11 the world. Cluh donatIOns arC' helng encour- ,y dent and At n Mcy r of Colum- y # Fleldmg dubbed th(' clash J('ffre} sald, ('om:adctng weath('r ag'Cfl Among lh(' flr'-o\ of lhGse F M S4f II Al\IONl TilE out-o OWn cla- bus. 'who was WIth E mrr Meyer R lEt t tn \\H'en Tlto and Stalin as a tr"dl- and road condItIOns hut tht rC' arC' v.a<; a $:.:!O from the or rs. Il.O e bves and rlends who c e fo the Ray Shretn r was. amed by the Two nC'w fratures have been ea s a e tlOnal LcnmlsVJ;:r;Zkite feud and qluh' R. number who a\c not yet Wdyne Woman 5. club rites we p Mr and rs H lenn preSident as instttu lonal added I to the program for Wayne ,D r t ..... J. 1 pointed out that T to was actually fliC'd <il return I Mrs Carohne 75 died At MlYlorgan anfdCM t mrer sentativel for he Bo Scouts for April 28, 29 e lnquen morC' Violently op os d to Amerlca AssIstmg the cOllhty as<.;e<;sor Gambles Appoints her home south of WaYne'ruesday organ an a 8. ana a, Next week Dr Pa I Barnes of and 3 ,[ than was Stalin an hiS 14 mcm- thlS year elr(' Henry Arp, Art Mann mornmg She was found dead In G un • GMrs·k Norfolk will dlscu s SOCialized Aut \TIobll!" and Implement I The tt ber politburcau and Herb Lutt In \\layn£' Henry Kinder's Station bed by her son, Herman. wIth rira e E n Gr nke'l medIcine. An docto , In the C'rS ar Iplanning Ii "PO\ll,i;cr Patade FIELDI::-JG SAID th('re IS nb Lage In Carroll and DavId Leonarl . she lived. W" d R til MEr' ty Will bo guc ts of t e club, of 19 9" available new It b d 1 r M 1 posslbJllty of war between the two lJl Wmsldc Harry Kinder s staUon I Mrs Stolle was born In U; is Ii I model 'In, l:)oth Imes The auto-I ax ".ecames e mqUent on ay . nations In the next five years and "I h<ls been named the authonzed Iburg. G('rmany, Nov 15. 1873 runke all M wcs? P mt Mrs' M 8 S t A VFW mobHqs and Implements WIll th£'n that ther(' 1<; always a chance of In lIosllital <.;tallon for Gamhles automotl\e [came to America as a young gIrl Larson and VI i1 and Mr: I ay be on dlspl d demonstration Buys settling the dIfferences of IdeoiOig}, Mrs A n Carhart was 1al(en to lln(' Kmder's WIll carry tJres, bat· land lived first ncar Hooper .. I'She and Mrs. Bruce R!ain oug of Budd P pply Day at thel respe IVP bus mesS houses. Ray Agler, ]r, hflS purqhased 80 so long as the United States recog· an Omaha hospital Thursday for tCi;les, and aut f parts later to and for the Creighton Mr and Mrs om. I Thel C!lty udllorlum will be the of land bel t1gmg to Mrs mzes ItS le;adershlp role and IS I treatment Mrs L J KIlian was Kmders station past 12 years had lived south of van a.nd nd Mrs' aU r E site of an phance showmg. WIth 1vJary Grace Jeff cy and Ethel wdlmg to resolute m mamtam-! With her for several days and Lu- eral an tur ay Wayne , Wood an of Om h$1 Mrs. The let FW uXlliaty has local deale, displaymg the latest Huff Surber. I 109 democratIc precepts. cllle Ames IS with her now when the openmg as Gambles She IS survived by four sons, Ed Germ no Pierce W r. set May a Buddy PQPPY day m m. apph nee line. No charge I authorIzed sen ICC dealer IS sched· IHerman of Wayne .. George and son of Pi' -Ia 'Mr.' and rs \ Wayne. I rs Earl Larsbn WCf,S WIll He ma e for vlsitoI'S to the II I - \ re uled, Ben .of Salem. Ore •• and Henry m L ial1' f M 'il d I . named d rect r She III be dlsolasr W. n R d C R d S Canada' three daughters Mrs Al- nid. ed ,by of he 'drs of tije arCI progre"Iflg on the ay e If} .yOSS ono Legion Poppy' Day vin HOlines and Mrs. Jepson OkUt M aM M L 1 G" :nke auxIliary! who will c net the aucUnn, WIth articles al· CJ.I' I of Emerson and Mrs. Leonard of M MaS I ulel nual sale.. J . ranging from a , Will Be May 7 Keyser of Stevens, S. D.; 12 grand- . M' I H As in the st. a I new 11 actor to btome grass seed I I ' , I IChi1dren and 2 great-grandchil- of U Mr and will be ,spen fo.r atrlOnc pl!r and icycle A complete lIsting The Wayne co ty chapter of Wayne county, Ncb, for the valu-\ under the auspIces of the Red Mrs Raymond Elhs poppy dren rthur osle and' l;>Oses, i dud' g re1 work a d * put; next week's the Atnencan Re Icrots has re· abile help which they have given Cross Some of tdhfls clothmg was Chall'man of Irwm umt of Funeral' Wlll be held , r< 1 support of he n tIonal h011le Wayn'!' Her d. .. I . I I ff and kmtte at government A h hiS afternoon (Thursday) at 2·00 Elmer V'ru'nke of Ne 19h. I where c Udre!n nd wives ';1f oM-'1'. celVed a cltahon f t e E;:nghsh toward rehe;,f of su ermg In hosPltals In thlS COUntry ap- the merlcan LeJ{lOn, as an- h B k ha h 1 R .. il I . war dea live" I .., I II government whic n.aional Red the. Umted Ktngdom caused by parently qUIte a bltJ of clothing nounced that May 7 wlil be Pqppy U. edc Tax: Buddy Pop ies,. 0 .amed by ve - Gra:vel Cross headquarte Ides rlbes lIS a ttlqn durmg the war of to go overseas ,ent to Eng- day MMrs EOU tto .'fit e - " I .] erans/. i ho or f heir buddi S F' H..rJ \ tribu eJ to he host of 19B9.194 IThe people of the land [ man IS aSS1S 109 IS WI -'t $2880 who did not etur I rom the w;, or, 1 WilY 98 volunteer Red ross men and . mgdom wBi ever hold Mrs Franl< Heine, production PO{;r'd 5 sold fO d To Hold COlL'" I I< ili j I are ma in vario s [ women who brou ht lief to the their generosity in grateful chairman, estimates that about e al 0 lsa e vc an DIstrIct Judge Fay . Pol DC , WBlYne co 0 thf; f TIt de of Foads' and peopleiof the Unit Ki gdom." or f " I I 200 Womf'!n in Wayne county were chIldren--of wIll hold a.regUlar sessoJ1. of dis· s te g sol' q t/lX, money, fot MI'l!., to we r irrigation a I Called for bids on 'Fhe citation re d.:" is Majes- he eilallon was signed by regular !,nd faithful workers in trIet court m Wayne A 21. a cn a oun ed to Of a BUI.td r the d d a san gray projet:t for ty's government jill e Unite,d H hfax. I this proJect throughout the war Driver Exa.ms Today I t ty ,road t is so !i[t- the patrol[(highway of Gre t itain;rpd F(E .WAl"NE county chaptEr' years. Mrs S B. Whitmore was A patrolman examiner will he SberUllnHospltal \ tl'le c unt::r sq mucllI,"J No. T' T [dePljlrtrnent's nptice Ireland warmly du lUg $e- war was cxm: of the cuthng chairman *4. Mrs W1111s at the court hOUSe thlS afternoon Sheriff Hans Tietgen d the roa'i1 r the support tol tract [51 is publiShed m l to. thank .tl],e rembe 'of 1Ihe chapter most prqdUc.tlve chapters In. thIS No*kes, now of Linfoln, was kmt· (Thursd'!Y) to give examinatIOns IOmaha Wednesday wheII:e he wrll I I , 0 I I\ day s era1 1 of thE' A encan\ Rf'dl Cross In arqa in Rendmg clothmg fo EuroJlf" hng chainnan r ' I I for drlVers hcenses. jLUJ1dergo an operatiOn. I , 'I' , I: I ' Ii, II' r i, : I 'I I " I , \N 'i 11 " " II I , I' I - ,," I "1 I , !I

E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

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Page 1: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

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NcbrS'ate 1H".. E ,~ 'J\{~ TE ist. S c XXX 1 l' :l' J. dI l.~

-;i::;;c;:t::;;;::-;-====-:-:l=-:-=----- I I I ~ I

,. "I

. '/ ,'" (

HERALD Section One, Eight Pages

NUMBER FORTY"NINE -----\---l-.---, __ 4-__ WAYNE, j«EBRASKA, TRURSD'AY, APRIL 14, 1949 ,

_.~" _cil ~c~pts 12-Foot Strip of Campus I ~yne COU~Y Pat,. Traces Rlie, to F a~e IFieldi~g B1~ts 0;::0. F. M~" ~t N;:tionaIC~n;'''n;' -'Will Be Used

}1alr -Board ay "It , . a 'g, W, e WO~decfUI I aequainled with ~ll kinds of people. 'Bungling' of . For Widening Il

. World Tha IS Har ld Parr S moSit The tours are corftparatively stren~ ,

ulld New B rn recent recor mg and It typtflcs lhl5 uous with usually three or four F " P I" '10 :'~i:l~~rdl ~ 1~~1: r 1~~~:r~i~~~~ ~~~:~et~ilY, nearly every day of orelgn 0 ICY , f 10th Street 1"Proposes Issuin.L cad;o show, and h s bride, 'are 1:" ADDlTIOJ to appear;ng on Russl"a W'I"nnl"ng C"

1; spending [\a t of th ir honeymoon the radIo and 101 theaters, Har?ld ~ tty Council Hears


I Stock to F,inance, tdr w;'h ;5 pa nts, Mr. an~ cas made sevecall record lOgS whIch Cold War, Says Mrs. Henry rp, in ayne. : are available for ~he public. Petition Asking a

,Cost of Build" The :!')'ye c·old f nner Wayne Work;ng long I hours every day MI"II"tary Analys"t New Sewer DI"s' trl"ct , ,youth, who as bee hlind all hi~ do('sn't give Ha~ld much time 'for . , 'Iifr, hasn't I I this h nd,icap distont relaxation or for enjoying his hob· !rhe \Vayn0 COHnty fujr lOHrd hIS sense of umor 0 stand in the 'by, ham radio. e has a 125-'Watt "AmrrlCans han' hu 'ir'ri Vv'aynr ('o1y council

w4nt on. rf'cord Tuesday c: ning way of a ha py life. ' Yes," he sayS, transmitter, wh ch is "just too nat ion's forPign polw :'-0 bn.dly I night pA.ssrd nn ordlOance llS,lavol'mg th(' issuanef' ()f nf'W "those of u. who ,c n't 'sec, prob~ heavy to carry around." While in th ing a <;trlO of \:mrl from the stock in th(' associahon 10 S (,UI'(' ahly arp mi sing so e things. but I New York. he ar~dnged with Gerry al Ru""ia today IS ,1 tually wln-fund:; for the construction of l1-H we mak(' II for it, n some other Wri~ht, son of t e Burret Wrights ning thl' cold W;lr," Ca Jt. I\1what'l ~~~~.u~n~[J~n~~rr~~f'I~~~;;~gac!;:~:;~ __ hoF, barn. . I way Our Olhf'r se se.'; arc not pf Wayne, for t e construction of :r)f'ldlng, military' on R. prlitmn rf'qUf'!iling tlU' rC'rl-

~~~(~iC~11~ til~e~~~~i~7liv~~t~~(> t t~~ ~~~~~" to usc lthcrn to hetter advan·1 '~~~t ';;o~~d c~~6~s ~~:;p~rla~~~ ~~a;;r{; 1 (),~rf:l~n(~;jy ~fr~ In 1)l(' norl hW(,S,t part,;tP(

ncc('sl':ary.,", brFIska Seho I for th Blind in Ne~ :aecumulate, thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c- ;J 11·rnot "lrip ::tlnng thf'

nl Bah('. manager of tl1f'll)R.},(l' nec('ssarily ~Ol'(' a ute, we just I la smallC'r, morf' r les,s portable an;J.lY."t. told lwo <;;trurllon of CI <;:mltR.ry s(,wel'

I co\Jnt~ fail' make 01(' ne\\! bu Idin~ II.!~RO,I..D ATTF;S E]) the Ne~ [trunkS pvcry c, ntprt~iner sec-ms to Flrlding bl:,~tNl til(' If'lhar~y Thr ];lnri 'Wf'f'plf'rj hy the

A:'.YOSI': ihtnestcd in b lying bl'ilSka City Cor 1~ yraro-, grad~ rarry my radIO too. he declared. tcrl/.lng J\mrrlC<'lns m high, Clnd e'dt:;r of l1-\r cCimpus on Tenth <;!rrt't _ su{'h stock ma\' SC'(' onC' () Iht' ualing in HI 1. Her(' he I('arncd to Although th.\' sla~e of Nehraska low PO'-ollion<; as 11(' trCl('('d 11)(' hrlwl'0n Main ~nri Wmdom. It \\'n.o.;

m~mhers of til(' hOHrd or th(' oun· play just ah ut eve kind of mu~ nlo\\~.asda~ad](tdt~J;nl~gdSCho~l ~or ~)~~~~S b;;;v.I~een ut~I(;r(t~;~~r/~l~(1 ~~f'~j~;1 ~~f'~~~tr~~s\~nll ~il~h~nf~~~:~ ty~@~~t' fe~~e ~~~~·a?c BUCkfand ~i~~l ~~~tr~i ent. i~e u~i~!h t~~r~~; ~~~erseta~fe C~em~\;~~' f~; th~m~~:t f~~ "':;aisoea:~r. ~tasiS ar~~~r~:~~~ thl' USSR in their efforl" 10 win latllrf' ano signed into law Jac.t 'D n Warner were named a.<; a om~ was placed voice training:. thr!'e years, when. he jOined the to .see some ~f .t~c eq';llpment he l.h(' wo.r·ld to two bItterly opposed Columuia, Mo.-Dr. F, Moore of \\"a\'ne State wepk by the governor. mitt('(' to super\'isC' thC' s('('(1i g of B('~ides th music, the school of~ llC'idt show. ~as.made, ~0.n :1I11Og mIles of tiny, idf'olol;le~. Teachers college,i~ piLtul'cd registering for the ~(Jnference TilE ORDISASCE. No. 436, in-th grounds to hromc grass. fered all the usual g ade and high It WilS whil(' hl' W<J,S working: mtncate wll'lnp;. III'; SPOKE os "A Rift In th(' un effe~ti\'e utilization uf audi(J~\'isua! materiab in college corpora Ie!'; lh(' property as a pl'lrt

r r(~nbr~l~r~~~~:;~~g :~p~7; d.the ~~~~~~rJu~ ~~~cnUtS~; ~:Si;reu~~ ~~I:ng~~~J'v~he t~~ltmchl';A~~.f!1di;n~~ t,~:~!S'f~~ ~~.If;:!t:rf ~~e~~: t~~nof~~~ai~'~r~~/:,,,~C'''r~n~~:h~:~~~ teaching which he ath~nded at Stephens college here la~t ~~ ~~~~a~~rk;~t~~ ~~~bl:~ ~'~;('~~~

NUMBER of 4.H c1uhs i Ihe ocder to aU in a c rla;n of inde- go out well over I'he air, so Ray pente blonde fcorn Zenesville, Ohio. School men's as,ociatlOn On the week. Prof. C. V, Wait of Wayne a1,,) altendell. Sixty au- In ,hc Clly 01 Wayne. Nebe." coUnty r~ceived trC'es from I the pcnd.C'nce. F m the timc the stu· Olson, on(' of 1h(' announcC'rs, sug~ Th£: two mC't nirl!Onths ago when Way~(' State campus. Tu('sday thorities from throughout the nation trJok part in the It is thl" int('ntion of the> citv 10 KE'ghtS of Ak~Sar~Ben WhenJhC'Y dents are fi th gra ers, they can gested changing it to "Par." One the troup figt layed Zanesville, morning he spoke twice bdore h('t:;1n widening operations and tn rc rganized Cor the current car. use the type riter r thair work day the singer dT'cided Ala! "'Par' and they we carried in March. largr eollC'g'f' audiencco- on "Wh' p~ve Ih(' ('xtra strip as soon as P()<.-

~~ o~ ~~e tr:i~C g~~~~d;~~ ~e ~~;~ an~hCco~j~~ir ~~~c~·o k Harold did' ~\~aJ }~~t'I~~/;r~,I·t so 1 decided to da~t~~:~~I~or~i!:r~~;!lh!('!~~ ~~= N~~t ~1~~ R~;i::;I~;~('<; hI' ;lnillv,-cr] C R d M ~~h:~;dH~~f' IF:r~I~~ncc is published

Of,'the various organizations. W<lS at WJ G in orfolk. whprc Hamid· . .., [Jillenls ha\"(' som('tmlf's jOin the Horac(' !Heidt. unit. Both Unlt('d SUlks lorl'lgn p()Ij("J("~ hy ounty ee er.'c a' p AC'TI:'\(' 0:'\ A petition for thr : :I he hart a 15· inute program on found tile nanH'S confusing. but Hn' looking forWard to the trip, pOlnllng OUI tilell ttw ("nunlr'y liCl';; "lllllding rf :i S w t th

RI"tes Held fo Sundays. Th first tree were "fol' they now bccome ac('ustom('d since neither has ;ever been to the al;sllm('d Bri\;un's ('rslwbile rolf' of /I)ullrli ("~g-ag('~{ J~~egh5 ~'Rey~l

ftee" and af cr thal he wn~ pald t~ i)(·ing Mr. and Mrs. Parr. west coast.: hf'lng th(> iC'arlC'r of thC' democratIc b P llolrJs n[ Omaha a", engineer t:q $,0 a week. Of hIS Pl'f'~t'n1 work the form(>r "It's a long way aWflY, hut we world "This mNtns that WE" must A -t · sllrvpy thE" prnpo!';~il I'lnd submit an

1 FROM N RFOL , he went to Wayn{' !Joy SHYS It IS must intcrC'st~ might just as well: spend some time h('('O~e, hoth thf' ~\'Orld'S, hank;'r m I lOUS "'ogvnm (,'-01 Imatp of Ihf' cnst 'M "G ~ Yankton, S. " to wo k for WNAX .. ir;g and gIve." him t)w opportunity sC'eing that part of the country Rnd polJcemnn. A!'; soon H<; w(' , I I U "1 ~lP pf'tlljon, fi]f'ri hy !;('vf'r;.d

I arVID run e ~~~ a "~e~T':~~~- ~!le jO, i~~~~~ __ ¥ct ,.,round till' l~~unl ry a~ _~~~~th rtgreCt.l~ ______ ~ ~~o~~i\fe b/hf~~fe t~C'S~~~;I~~~"~~i~~ ~ _ )_ __ _ _. ~_ ;)~~P~~:I(>ro~}~<;~~~ ~equce;~=~ru~~I~/l "uneral ,o.erv,·e"s ,,'ore h"ld Sat- W B. pi. through our Marshall plan and the I In lot" 1 to 11 inclUSIve ane! 30 10 ~- .~ '- L- ~ Truman d et' "he ,',I DIrt clor" or the \\ a)one County Paul El"nung WI"II 10 In"IU<I'" ,n block 4. and In" 1

.7 '--'II' CJiltlOn plwncd an ambItIOUS pro Go to Boys State lhr (,ollrgf' IIIII second ,ldditlun If) ~~t~~hafi~irn~~"~1~ thtorMC~<i~:r~ . r eglns on aVlng CONTI;U;~~'. he S~"al'd, "The ('orn Belt I.lvP,>toek rf'('(]crs a<.,"o- t , ~ tn 211~'rl'~<;I\(> In block ~ 111'lll

Grlh'1k(", :n. with R. ('v. :c.:. E. ~)Iay , Marshall plan is designed to OJ!· gram for thC' commg Ylar ""hen th(> cIty 'oru!iciating. Mr. Grunke, who was pose communist ideology by build· they mpt Jr.,l Thursday c\enmg at Pf:wl ElnlJng ~()n of :-'lr Ind I .

drtp!oyed by the Idaho Powe Co. ing the economic systems of w('sl~ the rUJA bUlldlng In Wa~nC' .:'-.1-1'; John t J01Jn,e.; hrts bcrn ac. J Ol R BIII..DING permlls v.err~ • in Nampa. suffered fatal inj ries -- --- - +------ ern Europe to ~elr-sufficicncy fhe group saId It helicl,(,s that crpted as the "\\aynr de Irg'atC' 10 gr;J.nl0d hy th(' counCIl Th{'sc 'I'.{!(,

April 4 when some linlht pol he - I whereas the Truman doclnn(' ap- f d II the ninth "nnu,1 (-o"nhu5kn .. rcqu('stf'rI hy ~ PhI M h I' Ch k d stro~ C(' er<; organIzation .... 1 n'~.


Wil!S helping unload from rt fta car' cks of res ytel~y an{ ars a I, ec s pli('!'; political and economic force hIt h t noyc; State III ""Ill ;t!t('nrl )30,"'" r.dv.rtrd S<,ymour for pc'rnll<;<:!(,n broke loose from a cable and , to counter Russian moves. p~m~~n";~'t~\g~h~~ n~e ~:JO;os~nai~ Slatf', whIch IS un.dPr thp dJrcctl-on tn build a "rcond story additIOn fur struck him. Ph" I PI "The only way we could ke('p of the county's fann incomf' IS de~ of the American Lf'~ion. at the nfflC'r purposes to the hU1lding on

Marilyn Gamble, aceomp nied C tit d rc~ yterl3 all L a1 B"~ ·ld· China from going communistic rhcd from livestock. Precinct Cnh Cl'o-it)' of Nebrriska coli('gc of ThIrd <.;trpet occupied by Johnson s

:~~c~r~~~./~~~Js~'~'o~Cli~~e °e~~; oncr e a e· Spr.°)1O'. Meet.""!! OC '1'1 lUgS ~~~I~/o.\~!~ic~nhatl:o~lg:e~od~hJ~ ~~;\~C'~s~ila~i~~~it memberships ag~i~~r~ur~a~;e:a~o;~hmitkd1ts FrG~~~g~~~\toggcnbrtCh, Understand." pal10e~ers ere' ~ u angtze river JinC'. Since we are a ('anciJdat(' by the Way,ne cilY mission to' huild a hoUse Richard Baier, Lyle G mble. ur- Paving of s ven blo ks of streC'ts E. C. Iyc'rson, st)ate fire marshal. nol willing to do this. China ano 1C';;!~;~~~a:~ts t~~d O~~!~i~~~~~n ~~~ ~rh()1J1 and his alli<':11danc.T at Boys' Mrs Lou Owens home

~~~1\~ i;l~~rq~i~~, ti'~f I~r w~ :~~: ~~~in~~:Y~r;a ~he~:n ·;~f."n~~lek~~ pr~~~~~~~I~~f'r~~~r~~hof ~·rs ~\~~~~ ~~~:~a~te~u~d~~~;ini~ i~:~!onla~~ ~I~rfly~n~~~~h~~ifl ~(~dCO~;~~~is;~~' ~~~fii~~f' mt;m~~~~s.a~ aSSOCIate, non~ ~\:~~n:~ ~JI~y}~s~Ce~~, tt!~C'~~?c~~~~)f Sj~~lIAce Hughes,

~~;i.al was in Green .. ~od c me- ~:[;.l~{b~n~he r~7d~,:~·~i~~;. com~ ~hr~"b~~~~~']"r~i;;ti~:~s~~~~r),~~~ Friday. "India r('mains as a stronf.'; and ,Jl'~F. n WAS HET as the datf' i~'sRtY~'~~ar~ilmpu<; school atlendC'd ~~oh~~~:unt.additjon to

Thf' local A~erican ~gion ost, w~~~ of ~~~~ ~~t ~~~f d~~\.:~~~~ dHY and Wednrsday in L~urel. He was critic"L of some condi~ ~'~ta;;tr~~/0~.~h~:;tc;;og~Ob~lla~7~~ for 11 lIvestock fppcl('n lour, Thc Purpose of th(' Buy,,' Statf' pro. AlbC'rt Watson, for pcrmi5Sion to

:-:~~~L~~r~g~e ~:~~~~i~~ai~~' k~~~ ~~rclhhSe~3~ olhg:; ~v~~U~~i1t~~1 ~~~~~'or~~H~f:, ':~ltb;~~'~~~~;s" ~~~~t~~~;~:~~~llh~a~£~eo~~ ~~" ~rl;1t g~:~~;I:~a;~, f~fft~;~r~ ~,~7:;',~eXI~~rIC~;'~~o~fc~;;-:~!~~ ~r'~~ns~;p t~~:;;n,~ ;gc f~~C~;~~:~ ~~~;;"!n g:nd~e~: ~e~t';,~e at MC'mbers of the color f.::!Elrd ere t' b (th' If' J. O. \Vl'ntworth of Wayn(', r('~ sidr of Main strll'et And the old into ndl Th('sp two Moslem na- Rohrrt Boccl(cnhaucr and Herb form of government. Ahou100.oo0 ALKO Tt'ESDAY mght, thr> Dick Boyce, Archie Ir~ert, Rex Ime ecaUse 0 e a Iva 0 Win. tiring prpsirknf of th{' Prl'~hyt('r. tions a {' 'rpi-llJ~nmg th('ir vi(''J,'~ Perry. hny" parlicip<ltc III the prugram ('ouncH cr!,nv'issf'd the returns (Jf

Johnson and Boh MeLRJin. Th i fir~ teh~Y~;~~~· aving viII ch~prise ~~('t~i~)~n,\ h~\;illgr~:~~<.;i(;~ fA:3~ ~g~,~~~~~~ ~~it~i;~ro~~;s ('~~,~Re\~~ ~~~ t \\'<lru Russian id('olo~v ht'- nu~r\)~I~~(:l(~i:lt{~;c w~~. h~I~:, i~"lr~~~ ('ach lcar lJ1 ,13 ~li( les. :)~~V~c~n'lisT~7jjJcfie:l~~0~ie~r~ ~~~~auna~~~~~~D~~grat:-S~h i~~~ two and onp half hi ck~ on Wm. a.m. Tlj('~day. I\!". commitlf'l' ch<dr~ torn down.' I c hlJv{' ant ... grlOi;.('d them .... for Ihf' forthcoming special library ncr find Thomas HUlton. Ian dom str('('t f om Sev'nth 10" half man. hp al~() will rpporl on the The insnector and the loci\1 \'01- with r policy In p"lp:.-tine. ~~,r"/}t%~(~~Oh~)i R.f~;~'(lt~~: ~~~~ I Dentists Honor hond ('1e<:tlOn, approvC'd a list of Sandnhl presented'the lag to'Mr" bb:OCkk norths ofhFoU I hI' Hind .one Prpshyt('l'Y rr'slnr;]t ion fund unteer firf' depRrtmrnt urged all Ih~:G~~~~'r~~n' "\~~or~~:K~~a~~~ cours(' of thr dinner: C. R. W~tson Late Dr Young flrrmen cprtified by Fire Chwf Grunke's mother. Will am C 'oss~ ~ on xt sl ('e ){'lv..,:'C'n Rf'\'. Charlf's G. Light of Nor- Wayne cltizC'ns to hI" C'specially ~t of IJeKalb, l,ll, natIonal pr('sld('nt· Paul Rogg(' and Secretary Norocrt land served. as chapiaiq. at g ve~ Wmd~m and_ e~ras fl. folk i~ -ff'tlring mO(if'rritor and Dr pamstaking during their spring P<J.ct arc ba!<J.nce of power mov s of thf' Corn Belt Livestock FcrdC'rs " I1ruggf'r, allowed bills and granted sid£' Buglers were EVfJ,n Hu hes 1 .BmnnC'ss rl S'trlcl mpr.ovC'f!1e~ts Oli\'pr .... n. Proctt of \Vriyn{' is stat~ cleanup. Good housekeC'ping in 10 contaifl RUs5ia. The ~nit~d assO('Jation. has .hcen invltPd. as rliJ~i~t"p~:rgl~CC'(,l~~hr~~s~~(' ~~~i~ a hf'cr license to Charil's S1cck­nnd' Larry Johnson, and C tu::! \~Il~be It~ all, y~ onl~t ~hl~ wlll ;f" cd ('lr'rk. W. n. Ellis nrohahly will business as wC'11 as at home is a f~~t~~c~~~t l~r~a\~:e~~IUnp~tl~hs('~i~ guest speaker. wllh DOli! Cunnl,!'lg- 11f'ntal ao.;sociatlon V,ifS hf'ld m Co .. mf~~H~lVa<;.., of th(' vot('!i producer! Sharer was sergeant 0~1 the, Iud. ~o~th all~yst ~ -;'~~ -i2. a;dorthl~ sC'rve as temporary clerk. ~~f~~~~t~~~r fire prevention, thC'y strat('gic ar('as must b(' in AmC'll. t1~~t'~~('~~~~a~~C't,h;:s ~~;~~~('~ I~~ ~r;::~I~ ~~(~);:l;\~.l' ~~(\(~~~~~I..)~~~~. no ('hrin~f's in Ih~ Ilnof(icial Tf',-

SOLOl\JON MARVI'NIGRU KE. east-wpst an J nort ·south all~'ys AT TilE Pn''ihytrrian sC'ssion, In 1918 Nehra:-;ktt had more than ~~: n'~~I~~SI\~pW~ndrPm~(:n~'~i~ti~tn~ c('r(>mOnlrs. l)r. 1). Tl. W:,ilrr "nd l)r C;corgr lllrn" rrporlf'd In f!1c. Herald last

W~y~e~~'a~n:o~r~e~~Wi~~ ~o~~ ~Ir~~~~k e~ist ~~l~lbl k k12~f pavmg Mcr~~t',oo'rn~aOn~,Vj;"'a~";t~"o'rn';;'fcr.o"m;lfenW,s,'If:l:c~;,rMP\~r~,II. df~~rthms ilo';fon71firC'pcR.I.~oesnusl.tinThg ein II,.~~ d<'fnOCrHtic. way." ,Tilt: A~HOCIATIO:'lO al"o is (·on· Gohlirsch. T)r. W. L HVf'rs of I\~~('k, hul the cou~tmg of o~e ~B.!l Marc;h 4 .. h19~2. From,: tthe ~ he b AI hdlo~kboll' t


4m s wer also will O~ F. MoorC' will JpB.d a oev~Jtionai I~;rshal said that ~hout 95 percent Fielding praiseri I.ht, at1min~ .• ~jJ~;~~m~I~~~ s~~~~~~rsr~~ {)[h;~~ (;~;~ ~:~~<;t:~lr~'h~n~)rJ)~: It ~.;()rt~;~ ~~ ,~~~(~ ~~~~eoF:r r~j:ct ;~:.ct c~unC~I:

moved wit hiS paren sl .0 a fIll e al m 0 ; of all fires arc preventable, tration of the Marshall plan b t L",,""I "1,"0 all"n')"", m<1n ar:t0 An ("xtra vote for Mrs.

I neat Nor~Olk;where hellived ntil ., Mn;. Ralph Crockett h('ads the .... in-siTarp c t st '~orC'd th(' bu Wayne County 1"air . " n.~ ,I, D W ht r be f th 1935 whe the family moved to a .. missiqnary Illeralurf' and ('dUCfl- • gllng that ~~~~~d A'merica into I ~ A commi1t('e consisting of Lr.. AI thf' noon lunchrun. sllf'nt i .on Ig man or mcm roe far~ nea, Wayne. Key Cl h B lion committ('C'. Mrs. F. A. Sand- Benefit SfI~lare Berlin airlift nnd thC' bragadoc io IHnd Ikrmrtn as chairman. )frrh Inbutf' was paId I.n .thl' Lit(' Dr ~cltth~ChcOoO~n~r~pn cC'rtified the

He atttnded

rura.l school jn' herg of Laurf'1 is. retiring presi- , complacency g('nd('r('d from t c Ikrgl, Hf'Tb P('rry llnd Ern('o-t L. B. Yo~ng of. Vv;I~nr. \\h<J.had ('1('<:lion of the follOWing public

M d ' on ' ounty and 1ayne pcep A G t Of'nf. D PI I atom bomb false Sf'ns(' of s('curil"'. Stratt'. ~"r.' wi]] inVf'stJgalc thl" b(';lnl,~1 rPo"I', tmP,r.::,'"lndgcn""I'I',r 11'~('hg,.rlodu,Pn· 'officials,' William. Pfeil. council-.a ... ls re II S S Glupsl Spf'akprs Ht 1he two~d<ly ancc an' ned 'jJ I . '" ~.. .

hlg'h scho(:ll. ' mC'oting will include Dr. Henry W. "It is doubtful if we could v.~n ~;~~~~l n~;~~on~il\o S~~~i're~rll;~~ Norfolk. A numhrr of drnlls!." in man .flrst ward, Elmer Meyer, }in December 1942 •. e enq~ed Local . a -. " Lamp(', 11 misslonHry from KoreR'IB B d'~1 aWarAgaim;tRu~siaifwestartfd association :and thc counly f;uf IhC' virmily will atlrnd lhe' state ,counc~lmansecondward;EdBahe,

the army ;and served w~th t~ slf \V lanS and Edith Bmokmillct" of C'hicRgo, y an uroup f1 ~h()oting affair. Such ~ wer association.' ('oll\\'nllon of 01£' Nf'tmlska as~o~ ,counf~lman second ward (one nuan't"lcorDP:d:eo~b~~~fg~5~t~tOlfo ~n;' M('mh~rs 0 .the K y club of .lh(',r~pl'Ps{'nt~n~ the hoard of Chris-' I would ironically destroy Am ri~n ~ (,Jatl~n in Lincoln ;\I:IY I:) 10 17. ,h~~~d': ~~~n:~~di;~;e.wtghS;:~~ his discharge, hE! went to. I aha Wayn<; hjg~ s'hool r£' gLlests~of tlan'educdtlOn. Th(' WayOf' B:md Booslers hav(' ~h~iI~I,~~ ~nli~)l~ cil(\V{!rn~:e~)~S~:~~ .... ~ I~('hool board. wh('re he was employe 1 WIt} the the Klwams luh M{ nday. Those I:\' ADI)(TIO:\" to tho:-(' Hlr('(lrly s('h~dul('r~ a h('n('fit squarc dnncr (]('struction that \vould come to our A Warns County's Cancer SORBERT RRITGGER. city light power company at Na pa, altending Wer" Don ietgen, presi .. nllm<,d, Wayn(' pf'l"sons planning at ~h(' cIty auditorium Saturday, country. W(' would be forc('d 10 ssessor plHnt pngine('r, told' the council

. J.. il d'J ' dent, Kennet Lipp, Jack Fishel', to "tlcnd inclurk Mr!'. MFI~' Young, Arml :n. i adopt a totalitarianism ourselves. (!uota Is $626 that conversion of the new diesel S MR, G~[U~~~ ~irlde h e nn·l , Warrpt\t F:llis, PRul ~inun~, Alan Mrs. M(,rlr B<'ckn('r ~lnd M:s. T. S. Ralph C()pcnha~cr 01 Walth' I D di" N png-inp to the dual fuel system (to '30wajn9'10Sn ~n a we, 18 0, prl CramC'ir, ~ob" Smith, Ted Horrell Hook at thC' Womf'n'~ mf'f'tmg, and wi]] be on hand ptomptly al 8:.0 "A, (,:TUA\.-I"YI '~'If<~ htahve lo~,t /wo ea lne, ears f' Ttl," Wl~~~e county {p.lOta D,f $62.6 hurn ('ithC'r natural gas or fuel nIl) _'.~ . and, MaUrICe roetL Mr. Hook and K('nnpt h D. )ohnson to direct the entertainment Music wor ( wars {CSPI e e ml I Hry ()r t 1(' ,~·t., canccr soclcly ( nvc IS

M~i~p~r~~ ~h~;~~e~Igf !e a~ Ii:~: Li~~ 7~~eOf! erg~~i am~~lcn~~~~, f~f't~~:;r~'~~~~~:r('l(~~~l~~~~~sne~~ J~~n ~~c~~~r;~h~1 Jt~er~~~.Harold ~~~o~~e~: o~~~~~~<;ew~er~~,~;i~c;~~ If you o"n peesonal proper'y, ~l';s"' r$l~) ~~~~:n' h~~u~~;'ch~':;~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~i~~~' r~~aJ~a\osob~ cd WIth t e War Eagle afid oh~ Einung play a cor ('1 solo Bob tative at the mepting h 'Il be J! h r:cace 0 thiS war or. ace es ruc- and If .you have no'1: filed your 1949 m<'ln. rf'ports. eUcs 10 e~. and was vice pm- Smith report on h s trip t~ the R<,pr<,sentntiv('" ri :l9 chure-hrs Lunc Wi. .~erve thrQ~g.- tJf:I~. Wc must malhtam ~lro~g assessment with lh(' offic(' of the No ]elfers will hc spnt out this Th(' rngine already has been mandel' 0 the Nampa .' internatiOnal conv(' tion which will take part in the- ~cssions. ,o~tb the ('vcnmg 1~ th wlOI'ian s II mB",,'':'!? ~orces; ~'e mu~th staY

h ~. county a~ses<:;or by April ~(), you y('ar, smC'e previQu" r('sl,onse was tested on natural gas, he said. and

EesiciC'sl his wife and arC'nt he was held in Washi gton, D. S;:., 'I' C U rooms,. t. '~I er In, ""''; must strengt en 0 will be subject to a heavy enalty. not good. l,ndiv)dual:; contributions was op('rated for a day or two last leaves six! brothers, ely e of ins~ several week ago, nd to which .r The commI~tec chtrgc I ar· t, he AtlantiC bact and the M.arsl").al So said Alex J('ffrc , ty may be seen or left WIth Henry weekend WIth gas. worth, Lester of Nampa Ron d of he wa$ a dele ate. M F t ra~gements m.clu es . rs. . C. plan .. Howe .... r, we must live, 0 flSSC'S~Or, in urging p pi . 0 Ley at' the State Nahonal bank # Keesler Field Biloxi ss C lvin Gue~ts of th(" cl b were Dr, ore ea ores, StJrtz, Mrs. WIllard )WIItsc, !'S. Amerumn democracy. by cltmmat· ha\ l' not alrr'ildy cnmpl('tf'd h(' WIth L n Mc('lur·c at th(' First S " T d () Okinawa ~nd RoY" <OJe at Galen Saylor f the niversityof Burr Davis, Mrs. Jl?C Gifford" rs. mg.thl':' lack of c.ecunty and rac;ml sehf'dull~ to dc,so WllhlJut dela} NdtlOnrd lldnk or \,,..lth Mr'-o Mor- ervlces 0 ay h~mc, aneJ two SIsters, elph' and Nebraska, N . Thor of LlOcoln, W Mark Cramer and Mr~. Dor'othy prejudice so that we ha,:""c a real Rc~r)ons(' has b('('rtl f,url} good gdn. Delores :of Wa nco l a former Wa ne hlg :-;uprrlnten· Fot a ne Days Kablsch. ,product to :-;('11 the world. Cluh donatIOns arC' helng encour-

,y dent and At n Mcy r of Colum- y # Fleldmg dubbed th(' clash br~ J('ffre} sald, ('om:adctng weath('r ag'Cfl Among lh(' flr'-o\ of lhGse F M S4f II Al\IONl TilE out-o OWn cla- bus. 'who was WIth E mrr Meyer R lEt t tn \\H'en Tlto and Stalin as a tr"dl- and road condItIOns hut tht rC' arC' v.a<; a $:.:!O con.~lbu'lon from the or rs. Il.O e

bves and rlends who c e fo the Ray Shretn r was. amed by the Two nC'w fratures have been ea s a e 'la~ tlOnal LcnmlsVJ;:r;Zkite feud and qluh' R. number who a\c not yet Wdyne Woman 5. club • rites we p Mr and rs H lenn preSident as instttu lonal reprc~ added I to the program for Wayne ,D r t ..... J. 1 pointed out that T to was actually fliC'd <il return I Mrs Carohne ~ol1e 75 died At MlYlorgan ~dd ~' anfdCM t mrer sentativel for he Bo Scouts 'DaY"~ChC'dUICd for April 28, 29 e lnquen ~'la)' morC' Violently op os d to Amerlca AssIstmg the cOllhty as<.;e<;sor Gambles Appoints her home south of WaYne'ruesday

organ an ~n a 8. ana a, Next week Dr Pa I Barnes of and 3 ,[ than was Stalin an hiS 14 mcm- thlS year elr(' Henry Arp, Art Mann mornmg She was found dead In

fm~ G un • GMrs·k A~thdUH~~. Norfolk will dlscu s SOCialized Aut \TIobll!" and Implement deal~ I The OfflC~ o~ tt co~ntK ttr~~~ ber politburcau and Herb Lutt In \\layn£' Henry Kinder's Station bed by her son, Herman. wIth J~a~r Gr~r;rke rira e

E n Gr nke'l medIcine. An docto , In the coun~ C'rS ar Iplanning Ii "PO\ll,i;cr Patade ~~~~r h~ITI~f sthcaxf$tset~:i ~stflt~ FIELDI::-JG SAID th('re IS nb Lage In Carroll and DavId Leonarl . ~vhom she lived.

W" d R til MEr' ty Will bo guc ts of t e club, of 19 9" fe~tut'Jng available new It b d 1 r M 1 posslbJllty of war between the two lJl Wmsldc Harry Kinder s scrvlc~ staUon I Mrs Stolle was born In Olden~ ne~ra~r~~ce "'~raunk r~n U; is Ii I ~ model 'In, l:)oth Imes The auto-I ax ".ecames e mqUent on ay . nations In the next five years and "I h<ls been named the authonzed Iburg. G('rmany, Nov 15. 1873 Sh~

runke all M wcs? P mt Mrs' M 8 S t A VFW mobHqs and Implements WIll th£'n • that ther(' 1<; always a chance of In lIosllital <.;tallon for Gamhles automotl\e [came to America as a young gIrl ~ae Larson and VI i1 and Mr: I ay be on dlspl d demonstration Buys 80~acre Trac~ settling the dIfferences of IdeoiOig}, Mrs A n Carhart was 1al(en to lln(' Kmder's WIll carry tJres, bat· land lived first ncar Hooper .. I'She and Mrs. Bruce R!ain oug of Budd P pply Day at thel respe IVP bus mesS houses. Ray Agler, ]r, hflS purqhased 80 so long as the United States recog· an Omaha hospital Thursday for tCi;les, a~cessol'les and autf parts ImOV~d later to Pend~[" and for the Creighton Mr and Mrs ~8Y om. I Thel C!lty udllorlum will be the la~res of land bel t1gmg to Mrs mzes ItS le;adershlp role and IS I treatment Mrs L J KIlian was Kmders station wllldo~r sdv~ past 12 years had lived south of van a.nd ~I' nd Mrs' aU r E ~ site of an ~ phance showmg. WIth 1vJary Grace Jeff cy and Ethel wdlmg to b~ resolute m mamtam-! With her for several days and Lu- eral specl8is~Frlday an tur ay Wayne , Wood an B'r~d of Om h$1 Mrs. The let FW uXlliaty has local deale, displaymg the latest Huff Surber. I 109 democratIc precepts. cllle Ames IS with her now when the openmg as Gambles She IS survived by four sons, Ed Germ no Pierce W nd~ r. set May a Buddy PQPPY day m m. th~ apph nee line. No charge I authorIzed sen ICC dealer IS sched· IHerman of Wayne .. George and son of Pi' mgll~r -Ia 'Mr.' and rs \ Wayne. I rs Earl Larsbn WCf,S WIll He ma e for vlsitoI'S to the II I - \ re uled, Ben .of Salem. Ore •• and Henry m L ~ ial1' f M 'il d I . named d rect r She III be assls~. dlsolasr W. n R d C R d S Canada' three daughters Mrs Al-"'''!CnDet~rt 'PaUls::~r,:t • nid. ed ,by of he ~m 'drs of tije PI~ns arCI progre"Iflg on the ay e If} .yOSS ono Legion Poppy' Day vin HOlines and Mrs. Ch~'s Jepson OkUt M aM M L 1 G" :nke auxIliary! who will c net the an~ pubh~ aucUnn, WIth articles al· CJ.I' I of Emerson and Mrs. Leonard of T;ld~' M :~d MaS I ulel nual sale.. J . ready~eonSjned ranging from a , Will Be May 7 Keyser of Stevens, S. D.; 12 grand-

• . M' I H As in the st. a I co~tributlO.ttS new 11 actor to btome grass seed I I ' , I IChi1dren and 2 great-grandchil-turtzx~ of U 1~~e~ Mr and will be ,spen fo.r atrlOnc pl!r and icycle A complete lIsting The Wayne co ty chapter of Wayne county, Ncb, for the valu-\ under the auspIces of the Red Mrs Raymond Elhs poppy dren M~~g rthur p~ulS'on ~f';:' osle and' l;>Oses, i dud' g re1 ~ work a d w~ll * put; i~hedhn next week's the Atnencan Re Icrots has re· abile help which they have given Cross Some of tdhfls clothmg was Chall'man of Irwm Sear~ umt of Funeral' s~rYIces Wlll be held

, r< 1 support of he n tIonal h011le Wayn'!' Her d. .. I . I I ff ~wed and kmtte at government A h hiS afternoon (Thursday) at 2·00 Elmer V'ru'nke of Ne 19h. I where ~ c Udre!n nd wives ';1f oM-'1'. celVed a cltahon f t e E;:nghsh toward ~he rehe;,f of su ermg In hosPltals In thlS COUntry ~ut ap- the merlcan LeJ{lOn, as an- h B k ha h 1 R

.. il I . war dea live" ~ ~ I .., I II government whic n.aional Red the. Umted Ktngdom caused by parently qUIte a bltJ of th~ clothing nounced that May 7 wlil be Pqppy U. edc ~~c~~e ~~ ~ 'i~ ch&I':~' countY's~as Tax: Buddy Pop ies,. 0 .amed by ve - Gra:vel ~h~dUled Cross headquarte Ides rlbes lIS a en~my ttlqn durmg the war of to go overseas wa~ ,ent to Eng- day ~n Wayt~· MMrs EOU

tto .'fite- ~ " I

.] erans/. i ho or f heir buddi S F' H..rJ \ j(wen~~al'ned tribu eJ to he host of 19B9.194 IThe people of the land [ man IS aSS1S 109 ~s. IS WI ar~ -'t ~ S:l\are~TO al~ $2880 who did not etur I rom the w;, or, 1 WilY 98 volunteer Red ross men and U~it~d . mgdom wBi ever hold Mrs Franl< Heine, production ilinge~enls'd PO{;r'd

5 a~e sold fOd To Hold COlL'" I I<

ili j I are ma ~ in vario s ~ ~ [ women who brou ht lief to the their generosity in grateful J1Ilem~ chairman, estimates that about e al 0 lsa e vc e~an$ an DIstrIct Judge Fay . Pol DC

, WBlYne co ~ty's sh~u,:e 0 thf; gov~rn ve~eran. f TIt de ~~nt of Foads' and peopleiof the Unit ~ Ki gdom." or

f" I I 200 Womf'!n in Wayne county were chIldren--of v~er,:!ns. wIll hold a.regUlar sessoJ1. of dis·

s te g sol' q t/lX, money, fot MI'l!., to we r irrigation a I Called for bids on 'Fhe citation re d.:" is Majes- he eilallon was signed by ~ord regular !,nd faithful workers in ~ trIet court m Wayne A 21. a cn a oun ed to $2880.9~, Of a BUI.td r the d d a san gray ~sutf'Cmg projet:t for ty's government jill e Unite,d H hfax. I this proJect throughout the war Driver Exa.ms Today I

t ty ,road fun~ t is so !i[t- the Pierce~ ~ne patrol[(highway Kingd~m of Gre t itain;rpd F(E .WAl"NE county chaptEr' years. Mrs S B. Whitmore was A patrolman examiner will he SberUllnHospltal \ tl'le c unt::r sq mucllI,"J No. T' T [dePljlrtrnent's nptice North~.rn Ireland \m~t warmly du lUg $e- war was cxm: of the cuthng chairman *4. Mrs W1111s at the court hOUSe thlS afternoon Sheriff Hans Tietgen went,~Lto

d the roa'i1 r the support tol ~o tract [51 is publiShed m l to. thank .tl],e rembe 'of 1Ihe chapter most prqdUc.tlve chapters In. thIS No*kes, now of Linfoln, was kmt· (Thursd'!Y) to give examinatIOns IOmaha Wednesday wheII:e he wrll

I I, 0 I I \ day s era1 1 of thE' A encan\ Rf'dl Cross In arqa in Rendmg clothmg fo EuroJlf" hng chainnan

r' I I for drlVers hcenses. jLUJ1dergo an operatiOn. I , 'I'

, I: I ' Ii, II' r i, : I 'I I " ~' I , \N 'i 11 " " II I ~ , I' I - ,," I "1 I , !I

Page 2: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

I, It , , ,

, i I

i _.

-I 1


John Goshorn has purch<1sf'rl t lw Abner n(,Hr~on home on \Vf'st Fjrq street. The Harold Goshorn fam­~Jy will mov(' from ('<lrrol1 iv!HY 1 to OCr'upy trw pr()rH'r1\ The J'('ilr­"ons plan I() mm'(' 111 I,irJrllin ;1..,

"(Jon C1<; hOllJ.;ing j" 11\ ;lii3hll' 1IH'IT' :\11'. PCilt':ilOn. \\ ho h ~'rnplnYli'd 1Il l!Jr City, 11;1." h('('11 th('rf' frl!" ."'!TnC timf'.


FFA Boys at State M1eeting

Fi\"c FFA

~~!~Sf~:·)~l((.)Jrn('(' day. \\"aynq c;mlpus \\ho milr!f' 11llf' tl"lP

~'~~~l~;~t~~~d ~1~~('('~::II~~I;,. Korn n:'prf'~t>nt('d th .... Cily Wil<;

Th .. "\\/isrtf'r FFA chapter \\';tS I crnss nam41'd a') on(' [)f trw tf'n \wf.,.1 in wh"f'1l hf' :-,tat(' hy [)f[H"]ii]<; of 1)1(' (;1'- purpos('

grtnizatlOn. a, N(lryal LTt('mark of \ k .... fif'lrl

:=Inn Vl'rnon Sf'hultz ;Ind r BIf'I'Jnall, hotl1 ()f \\·]'-I]('r. I til!' gold key 01 111(' ,'-;1,ill'

~ Wayne Students to Fine Arts Festival

prf'\"f'C; Gaylord Ryan. (l("('ompaniNi by

J,acQuelinc turt IS, sang a solo from "'The S('\,('n' ast vVord5."

Five Wayne city school f';tudcnts ).rlrs. F. : . Morgan rpport('d on will atfpnd the Finp Arts F('sti\'al th(' cancl'r ~ri\'(' and lhf' club gav~ In Lincoln at Ill(' t1nl\'f'r~ity of Nf'- $2(] Iowan! thi . ..;. Sh(' also ralled hra~ka o"n April ~2 and :23. Tht:' an f,"\C'('ut]q· hO;ird n1f'('ling f('~ti\'111 is C'onrluclen ,]'; C! clinie. Apt'l! 21 a,t ,'3. wlll1 judgf'S giVing c;icll <;lurient :Vhs. Don \\'ightmnn rcporlC'd <m indiYJdual criticism. lh.:> Ilbrild,: l)ond iC;SIH' eiC'('tion "May

Tho~(' par!lClJmling \ .... ·ill hC' Rob 11) .f;taling Ih:d 11 will not cosl any l\.1o'ip<;, h~moro.ll"" readmg, Palll, t:J"I(P(l\'fT' mnrr ih;ln 11 (Tnt" a Elnun g ,. rllsC'us~J{)n: Alan crarncr·lmnnlli. Thl~ ,("Iuh \.()l!'rl tf) promot(' ~h~i~t,n~~';~':;;t I~~d C;:~!~I~'('lll;~~~\~'~ -~---~, --------cr, c)ramalic rcndlng. ~"I'I""

nuth n"" ,,·,11 Clrenmr",ny the rV f .

~;j:~;iC, t Meeting I SJ~' ~/~/~ Scheduled Here ' , ,iYf:iI

lifhe Kmg's I);Jughic'rs of the !

Church of CllrJ.st \ ..... 'Ill 1](, h?stcssc, S ,; A'll to the F:lkhor~Vallpy dlc;tnct con- ~~' ~~rsti~~C';U~:~I/\~J;~ep.rC;~~~~~: In , '

Officers of 1 he Jocal organiza-tion arf' in charge of arrangements, I

Mrs. John Beckman IS president; ~'

~cr~t;~~~~~ f~~~~fe'se,v~eecrtt~~~~ ,I

and .:\11'5. E. T. Shields, trl'asurer. ~ ,

Complete Plans ---~----+----':"'--+--,,*------~IF~::m~;~n~a~,~P p,(coRinn ~.n

agents fl10m \Vaynf>, Pipr('(', Madi- V son, Stanton, Colfax nml Boone cnun~if's last wcck nwt in Stanton 10 plan fhis summQ.+.·S di ... trict -1-1 r I y4~t~·~ club camp.

Th{' camp will h(' lH'ld Ihe fairgrounds in Stallton J(Jf' Bstandig of Stanlon county as camp rlirf'ctol'. I>on \Varnf"'r of \Vflyne R.nn '.:lcn!lnr Slflll of Bnnnf"' county \\ill he In chiu·)..':(' of lhe kitchpn.

Bccaw;f' of JimiIPri faciliti('s nna the anticipalNi attf"'ndanc(', \Vaynf' county WIll he limiled to 40 club members and Iparlrrs at the camp. Date, for ilH' oUling orr June "7, HERE'S WHAT WE DO: 2R ann 29.

# Feeders Day in Lincoln April 22

The 37th <l.nnual liv('stock C('('(l f'rs day will be h(>ld Friday, April 22, al the University of NF'braska college Qf agriculture in Lincoln. Albert Watson of Wayne will par~ ticipate in a panel discussion on "Efficient Utilization ot Roughage in Cattle Feeding" at 9:15 a.m. 1'h€'re als will he a series of meeting '.for women.

# • 'L County O~flCers

At Ann~al Meeting I I c, A. Bard. Jean Boyd, lFmIl

TvleYi'!r and DaVid Hamer arel at­t~nding the annual

N mleting ~ of

Ffe'!.~;;;~f~fe~e i~rog~~~ka:~lr~~ election of o~icers and a Ipanel d,is.

of roa.d improvements. The ,been scheduled h'vice

""''''b·''·"and Was postponed I pe­weaither. and road! co!rldi-

. I

Here, in handy check·list form, are values to help yOI1 plan a grand Easter feast that's easy on the budget. And our money·back guarantee on every item is your assurance of quality. Enjoy the finest in foods at Safeway's lQw' price,.

Appetizers Tomato Juice ;,,,,,"y Dawo ""c;;::; 25c Grapefruit Juice ~~~~, 2 4i:~ 39c ~neapple Juice Do', 2 'Z;~~ 27c Sweet Pickles Eo",]" m,~.j ,r;; 27c SWl",t Pickles ~:~~{~ ,';; 29c Swel"t Pickles Ma Bcown J~~ 33c Olives i~~~: ;~!~r;~~~~rjpe 'c~~. 29c

Salad Ideas Fruits for Salad ~~:b)2"; Ca" 49c Cherriesvl~~~~~~I~O, 4E~~ .• lc MarshmallowsFl"a., •• , \;~. 29c Gelatin J~l~~~~~ 'flavor!! 4 Pkg~ ~5c Salad Dressing eM""O 'j;,;: 49c French Dressing Knn 'B~; 22c Mazola Oil_tor "'ad, ~~ 72c


LOW PRICES ON' 'NA·MS FiJ:llt Grade brands, wrap~; smoked or ready-to-eat.

Medium size (12 to 16 pounds)

Whole or

either half,Lb. 5Sc Ham F.'nd~

Low~r Pri('Pe

n- ... _ • CS First grade brands; ~ 7 c ~ 1 •• 1.1 smoked, 6 to /'I-Ih. "Vg', Lb. rJj

Chuck Ro.sl~~~fGra1bd 4ge Chicke!ls fg;.R~~~\nNGi:.b SSe Pork Roast ~;:'" ':.'n. ..b 45c Round Steak g~'~'d Lb. '~ljc Sausage f~~'~~... ~~~i 33c

Chocolates ..........:~ 251: lad & M Brand; ,

Candy Coated

Bacon ~1:'C:~\'ll:lty iL:;.~b; ft5c Grol!ncllle~i All "m Lb liSe Baked Loa\fes ~\i~ ,;/ dLIo 3ge Luneh Meat ~';':.~'i Lh 55c

Vegetables Peas ?a';:~ ~~i~'l~);~, Iwed Peas H1&h.~·ay, 5Wt'Eot varL~ty ljc~~ 120 Asparagus Gmo, '"' 'p'u. "~~ 25e Buffer Beans ';:;;;;;~"o,~;" "~"~ 17c Wax Be~ns Llb"y •. cut N~a~ 2lc Corr~ ;'~t!~~r~.}~~T" ~o·.den 2 ~~~;>~ 31 c Corn ;~;~,:.;.,.~",;;~ am,,,,,, .. N "'; I'l c Tomato!s If,ll~~~~~":]!ty N~l'.; fit Sliced Beets L'bb,. ";.; I~' Spinach "m .. ," B.y Bm/o'r~'~ 19c

EGGS for Every E13ster Purpose

Eggs are plentiful and tull of g'nOO ftavor. Usc them with a !"noh haJId for E::l~ter,

For Poaching and Boiling For Easter Di~h ReCIpes For Colorin~ and De..:"oraf.· g

Dessert Foods Fruit Cocktail ;;:,~~;:; NOC'c:;; 36c Peaches ;1~~~Je o<;.r~~~·:,,(,to:Cf', t;~; 2ilc Pears I~~~~;·~~/r~~r;" .. ·r1 No c~~- 45c Apricots ~~~,,~.':" .",' "" c;;;, t5c Pudding ::~~,,~~"n"'M" 4 p"" 25c Crusil!14il:k 1"";,,,0' m" ;,; I !tiC Cake Mixes or \Ynlt~ I;;,'; 3rf'

Corned Beef "" .< •• , .~~~~. 53c _ in! !1reafer vBriety! , . ubby's; jU8t

beat and !IIerve. Asparagus Fre'ih, greon and tender

. Spry .... 'c~~ 35e ..... ~~~~ 95e I'

Unifornl-size. Gne quality Tomaloes

PQ;!scai Ceie;;y ~i~~ral

Lb.23c Ctn 2.5c Lb.IOc Vegetable shortening;

tor frying and bakinv

1,.oIai Stap .... 4"", 31<

I ...:;,":;;;::~ ii,


8h.ubarb ~~~:;;r~:{~~';;' 0 Lb 19 c il1'omonst~~~~~ Bu"",6= Apples!:;";::; ,,::~:~,g 2 Lb, 25c New Cabbage G ........... p Lb 7c ora~ges :~~';;d.~,,, cootoot Lb. ge Cauliflower ,~~~;, Lb. 17c Fre~h Carrots Top, cernma Lb. 8e Potatoes ,~~~i~~' 10 Lb,. 63c Ya~s io,,~h.':;;:i.[:;~"" 2 L"'. 29c

Fresh Bread White Bread ~~;~'ht. ~~:i: 6c Wheat Bread W,1gbt·. 't:i 16~ pota~read ~~gbt. 't:;.~ 151: Rye or CRACK'D WHEAT, 16-oz. I Gc

Mno. W"~ht' •. " ":.". Loal

Fine Coffees Nob HlJl~r.~t 45e 2s:.~ ·89c Airway~~F~~g 43c t~~ S 1.27 Edwards--:ti':';:'i:~~5IC 2~ 9ge Instant Sanka -COFFEE>;:; 47c


Suggestions ,"B~~ $/.81

1C\!. 14c t~ 41c n Cheese ~~~ib .. ~ 8Se

..... n' .. ,r.II"l~::.y~~i ..... ~~ 27c Taste Tells; tomato ." 2 'i~ 21c Mints m,ca.F'ne 1;:;: 3Sc Mints ~~~i~, .. ~-::: 23.: Soap G,anulate. 2~ 27e

Northern "l Roll Be



Page 3: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

·JO\\~. vo~c('; voice; Warn'n

high voice; girls; trio;

G~<l 101' mi~"d ch rus and gir'ls

\ Jis F~~~('~,('fl~i~; , ' tr mbone; Chere Iloo"or,hp'," pi 0; troIT1bone trio: ce lent for IDick Billier h<tn: Paul ,Einung, corru::t

"$e;xtet, ore est ra,

f,o ~~~ynml~ t~h~r~lrls fa boys; oc et gIrls trIO

nstrum(' 'al ~ SupC'llor-plus

ar;~~0~GjO~h6~1°~~ ~; ~~~~~~~ yOung folks to be better citizens," believes Milton J. Hassel, princi­pal of thl!'l campus thigh sehool. Mr. Hassel, who is also supervisor at

~~~he~rn~~icS i~~r~~~~<;;~~<;ol, t ~aa~ might be. mai;:lp In secondary edu­cation.

':'vIr, Hcj,,ssri is a native 'Nebras­kan. star~ing in rural school ncar

the Clrmrd did personnel

s('t'vice com­dutif's during of inlC'rview_

and Italian thu>i 'u('tp.rm­h"d to qualI­

the various where prisuner

jlpt Quart1(' strmg quartel

I lWisner ~ Vocal' I

.. ba d Su nor for Herhert Oeu, ha shorn ancy Pumphn'\ ('1~ll

School men" from northea$.t Ne­braska g.a!hered in Wayne Monday for 1 heIr anrual m('cting and elected Henry' Hageman. superin­tendent of schools at Wisner. to the presidency of the organizatIon. Hageman succeeds Eugene Ranck, superintendent at West PoitJt.

There was a panpl discussion on the Nebraska cooperative school study counCil, a proposed organi­zation of "Nehraska schools for the purpos(' of sfuciying various prob­lems t? aid schools in improving educatlOnal practices, If organiZed, the coun.cil will be financed by mt;'mber lnstitutions and hopes 10

~~Ico~?I~)~g~n t~l~nlE'~~ntt~~~itTv:i~t,~~; school~. Y'our ycars of high school nwanf four sppar,,\(' (!nd dL<;tjnct schools for him.

I '.

~11~ba~afr~:t~~,j,B~~!~~~,: (~~1~7~!i q!,ilartct; woodwind trio. T>,:cl'lI:~'nt 10f St~zannp MCG.Uil'r, f.l'utC': 11'um­pc. trIO; woodwind quintet.

,"'ukefh'ld -', Vocal: SUperior for Hi 1 Anr]pr~In. boys me~'um voice' L<~rry Ring boys low 1('('; Hnr: DId .Hyps(', hoys high .. oic£'; hoys qual'tet; .m xrrj chorus; madrigal groqp: 1ll1xod octet, girl!' and 11o)s gl¢'c cluQs. ;

Insl rumC'utal: Non-lmp('tit~VC ~~;'~;'i~i('\o~~(JS~~i;g.,\.~~\~~>, hO~'ib(ir~-rl~ino; brnsf; RPxtf't; ba d. Ex¢el~ lent for Dick Bl('h(>\.' trombone; Charles. Soderberg, corl~et; wood­wind trio. Good for Raltlh ConrWr, burrton!' horn.

Laurt"1 Vocnl: girl~ club.

;1 ~~:r'd ~~~l~·i.~:f~~~~o{~~~~;~~~~~ns , sio~a~fl~~~ij~_nfis~I~1 ~(:~~~lo~l~'~:~

Stuart Hallf'r find C. V. Wait. hoth of V-layne. Ballf'I' was chair'man of ih(' dis('ussion.

Spf'akpr at thf' spring hanqud Monday' C'vli'ning was' Capt. Mitha('1 Fielding;, milltnrv and po,f ioal an1ll),sl. Cap!. t;jpldtng was introdu('cd by Ilr. \,iclor l' Mbrpy,

In rC'cal.ling thp f imf' spent in the vanous schools. :\1r. l[os8£'1 stated that though Ihere art' both ad\'an- , lages and di...,ad\':lntages in going J .

from school to school. the student I to , ':':.~~_ ~a~~~~ __ ~~_~~~::._I_ca~.:~~ar~~Jlc


SH"'no:;on, ~aSfor of TClhor L111hf'r­April 7··-·Born to Mr. and Mrs. I1n chllr(' , \\';J,usa, \\'Ill 1)(' the

':\1artin Inseiman of MHdison, a son, :-pf':tkl'r.

~,~;t:I~~;~rR~~.~:~lr{~'~;~c~he former - c;rltr! Luth('ran Chllreh AlJril H - Born to i\1r. anri Mrs IH,'\' 1; ,/. Bl'rnlhal. p;\ ... IM)

Donald PaintC'r, a son. DnnJ('1 Maun(jy ThllrscJHY: DiVIne wor~ Dean, in a NorftOlk ho<;pilal !ihiP,wltltl~' .C'II'I.)rllliOn of holy com-

Apri! 13· Horn 10 r:.rr. and Mr .. mUlllOrl, I p.m Hoy ;'>.lat~on at a 0i()rfulk hospital. (;nnd F Idav: \YnrRhip <;pr\'i('(' a sun, 8 Ills. with cf'l&tI all·nn of holy c()mmun~

:II: inn. R p.rjl • Adele Lloyd

; , -

~1~e~;.~::;;.~:;;;:~~s;W.;;!,;;;~IIPhon e Pion eerl'l Meet Here for

GIn Df'Rrf'C \\'ork IIPrp Saturd ,Apri116: No Saturn1fY A gl'OUp of Masons from \Vhit~ s:ehoo[ [0 [ower c!assf's; only the

ing. Ia .. alll'ncl('d a m{'('tlnf; of 11lr conflrmaf n il1.'ltruction cia":; WIll

]f:cal l\~a'ion!(' lodge TUl'Miay e\l'- ~('('t at !l' m

The College

Friday, Satulrday and


11m£;' to conriurt df'grf'f' w()),k for Fa;:;II',! ~n~l<lY. April 17: S.\ln­William Broughton, a Waynp cnl- ay .scho 1 at 10 am. Fr<;11\·al If'gf' ~tud(jnt whose hom(' I:;' In ·cryice at '11 a m Sermon "(,hri<;f

The R. Y. Hyd(' council of the Whilin~, . thf' Fi ~I 1(') Ri~C'." I (~orinthi-Telephonf' Ploncprs of America j: ans 1::;:1~ )0. held their annual dinner ati the Imnnrm:. ('I TUC'Sda

t: .C'hOir TPi.1C'IlTS<l1. ~:-1~

;!~it~~ly ~~~:~~sT:~~S~:~s~~e::~~ ,n U I( \.n .lJ P'~;rctn~~ uy: Joint Rocial mePling nr('!.:('nt. Thf> council i~ madf' lap of of Junl() and Sen,or Walther northt'il.'ifern Nebraskan.,> hdong- if'aguf'''' R'p m. illg 10 Ih(' Pidn(>(>r~. who~(> quhlifl- Trinity Luth. Churt'lt, Altona Sfltun!<If' I, April, :';''''',: Sil.turd.ay mlion I) ~l )'Cilrl of t le[ t1 nr I H.l'\·. ,K. F. \Vcntz('J, p13S1 or) sc-ho{)l~ I, p. n1. COnflT'Tl1al JOn 1n-service. ' .. r I () Apr;1 lei: Good Frida, se,'vlce'> ~lil\l[lllpn Im:~: l·JO.n m

c;o!~H" .. (;~~n\i<~I(; b/~,Y?~~1rc~~r .. ~. Wi~~.'~i?I'~7C.O~~H~;O~t~~~,,~ a~~~irH' i~I~~~~~t d~~; ~~~~j~~~O~~~7·il2~~Jr-~.n'ger of." W " ,,·n ,,' .. , at 111 3.~. • 1- -- _, " ._ ~}\d 'lJl'~);id&\)l ()f th;~';~\)~il~ t'.7-~d SUL"~talylCraatn4 ... 13'0opu.rm' .NOrrOli{, ('very (R::~ u'g·e·nt:<>(~~I:'ly<.-hr::':ll~rl Dunham, s('crf'tary of thf' Pionf'ers ~ 'j

aSSOCiation; Ed Hogland. senior - Thursd (toni~h!): R :00, "pe_ vice presidC'ni of thl\. a~~ociation; Thf'opbllus EvanliwUC'ai ChurC'h cial h~l)' communion .~prvi('(> by Marvin Krat. who 1S ('onnected f Rev. D. BUf'lter, pastor) eandl('llgh. Thp mixC'~ quart~t with tJlr Pionecr mag;azine; George Apnl 17: Sunday school. 9:45 will s.in~. Sf'rmnn, "ChriSt's Word Johnston, chaIrman of lhC' hlSlot'~ Ea:'itC'r serVIce, 10:45 (I.m, oC Viclot) " .

! ical committeI'; L G. Whelan, he offC'rmg will he gwpn to' Inc Easlel~ unday, Aprrl 17: 6<30 I Omaha plant supf'rin1('nrl,(1nt; and ITllSSlOn work of the Evangcllcal a.m., sUn ise ~pr\'lr(' in Br('"sjPr

A. W. D(,\,pJ'('aux, di\'i~i()n plant ilnd n.~'~ornlf'd <;~\lr('h. park, s~ sated by ::\1YF. All aI'£' superintendent. Lafilps Aid will n1('el April 21 invited 0 this sC'r'Vicp. 7~1:) a.m ..

A qiUiz prog;rnm)was dlr('rl I'd by <l t :! .O(). ~~<;~.~~ ~ ~~fa~~t l.i~f'c1.~\~~r~~~r~.?o~ SchU~ZL9nd Earl Dur~t()n, Norfolk. Jmrnanuf:1 Lut.hf'~n (,hll~('h a.m., fir t Easter worship

Find" l.a"t Vf'nr',", Rpuds (Hf'\(. },~~~~o~~~~i~,nr~~ast~r) ~t~~fan U rt~~r;~~.sl~fh(' .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!Ia ;aAr~;~~~[I~~~!f'~I~'a~rf~o~~~ Communion servIces Good Fri· fonnin~1 essage of Eastf'f." .~ Emil Swanson Tucoilay, he un- dala~~;rO ~~~~'iecs Sunday at 10 :~~i' i~h~ ctavs;h~~~~rj<~l~~~ber of

earthed a hill of last year's pota- a.m. Sunday sC'hol at 11:15. every cIa present. Bring Easter toes. The potatoes were of good Ladi&s Aid will m('et Thursday, offering e velopes. 11 a.m., second

~i::n pze~~ not appear to have fil:~~;J~~FJ.{f~e4~~~~JB~i ~~~~~:rr, +~~iP~~~f~tn~;t~;~: , G-raft(]rhUdren Baptized m('et that evening. sage of Ester," The special Eaf>~

Two grandchildren of Mrs, Hen~ tfr offeri g for world ~('r\'ice will

rietta Al~~rsorh(' \\'e~)~e~~~'f~~~:~ ~~d('~~~r.t~~F~~::('~hp::~:~~~ ~~lr~eeixe e~~n~~~hr::~~~ii~~~ :~hf~~ They are Rodnf'Y Dale, Faster Sunday, April 17: Sun· youth g bps. , an<J Mrs. Gar!Je SailorE. ri~(' services at 6:30 a,m., followed Wedn s ay: 6:~O p.m .. r('gular

Leah Je~n, daughtC'r of Mr. by youth breakfast. Sunday school supper d mC'eting of Methodist Mrs. LeROy Jonp" of Omaha, at 10 a.m. Easter-non commun'ion. men.· 7: p.m., chancel choir rC-first Was born March 21 and \\'()J'..,hip St'rvicC's CIt 11 a.m. "We hC'A.rsal.

the other a day latcr. Th(! babiC's' Ml,lst Not Forget." Thurstl y: 5:30 p.m., me(>ling of g'aerastt-l:raOolomN.6rthrOe)rk', ca~mireS. lorL"t"h"e Holy w(,pk services: Maundy the Wes)e club. H h Thu~sdaYY."April 14, communion Apri124j: District rally for MC'th-occasion. Other gupsts at thC' s('rvlC~s at A p.m.; Good Friday, octi~t Y01!lt" at Norfolk Alderson home Sunday were Mr. April 15, communion services at April :27: 2:30 p,m., guC'st day and Mrs, Merle BecknC'r and fam- p.m. for the \\1ompn's Society of Chris-By, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Alderson Choir practice Wednesdays at Han Ser}'.iFc. R:OO p.m., concert by and family and Mr. and 1\11'<;. WiJ- 7 p.m. Wilma FINcher, negro soprano. Ham Plahn and Betty. Monday, April 1R: T('achcrs ' '"

#: \ . meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred

BRENNA D(>se~~n~~nf:18l~~lo~es due this Guests at a dinncr at the 'Jens week.

:i~ke~~i~~s ~ci:;f~r~~~?:X ~~~e and Mrs. Alvin Daum, Le~ and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Ear Rom­berg, Mr. and Mrs, Harry chulz,

I Don a,nd Vern, Mr. and MHS Bern~ hardt Poeschel, Richard i man, Mrs.J.<atharine Reinhardt a d Mr. ~r~m::~,Niels Skovsende r d Leo


Wakefield to Have Community Service

Wakefield - ~'. Ervil Gustaf­son will give the Easter meSEagf'

the community sunrise services 6 :30 Easter morning. The serv-

will be held at the' Presbyter­ian church under sponsorship of the American Legion auxillary.

The ~ other mini~ters \\. I!l ha\'(' a part in the program, Hev. Charles Rabenberg gi .... ing 1 he' JIl­

vocal ion and benedici ion. RI·v. Curt,is W. Wiherg. 1 hf' scrip1 urc' rf>admg, and Rev. Robert H. Evans, a prayer.

Vocal sf'iC'cl iom; w!ll be prf's(>nf­cd by Ihe Preshytf'fian choir and I h~ high school mixed en,<,emhll'. Vpna Green will be the organi.st.




C-::T"""'.' .. ':-'.- land being th .. VI' r~et ot the traet Or

owned by the State ()r :-:"'_ K!I. In the City of \\·ayn.·

, . nf' County. N .. braj;lJw, and' I , n a8 the property u( th,'

:-Jor-mal SChool." tllrtt th€ Said propprty he

. tn('orporatf"d. laid out and , . ~,Thl;~~k~. a puhlk sln'N In

.......... "L 2 'rh .. .r- .. rorp. In' authority . , ''''''oJ law lIald abu\<' dclH;nbl:'~

]1 .,;,,,,, and prupt>rty ]1'1 }It't·~ ac~

cl~ :t;":~J :. "IJ~,~~, I:;:;~f I~!~~ ~~'~d 11 IJ :~~r: ~ , >'tl' ,·t III th .. ('lIy ur \\'ayn.',

a"){". llnu "h,,11 l. .. ·u~,·d atlJ .1,'[ t::' ·S;)\~/jll~~;ttJ .. !.t ill tI,,' dt} u!

~ ',,\ :1·~;::lI::c,,~\. \I[[!)~~,\~fl~/'t'l h(:.rr"~:[t\~

.,I.'::'~; :?:[::';,~~i~~I;~;,fl,~~~~:~~ ': ,.\ ~1 II 12 1 ~ : ~

AI'I',J "".t.l .\IJI11 l;!, 1~1'l.

'TTl>'!' L. W ~!r:"A~ ..: n[, ~,j.·'r ;"1:.""" ]1, I";EAL)

~(Yf'[('I.:roF I'nun \'rJ·: Ufo' ,,'IT,I, I (-.,..-~-;;...-...... --...... ..;;;;.;;;.-...... ....;.:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;~ ~~,~j.V· u[ ~"bta~b, ~~'d~;:~!

f,,[ -"',j' .'1) <l'J I NOTICE!

We Will Ha\'e a Bonded Representative in This Vicinity on :\Ionday of Each Week

We service all makes machines and vacuum cleanera

NEW jrIACHi;-..'ES AVAILABLE Fer sales and service, write or call

Ttl e Singer Sewing Machine Co. H9 Norfolk Ave. Telephone 79

N,,~rfolk, ~ebraska


Here they are! An the rlne~tastID' SprlDc­til11E' roods tLJ.t make Easter Season meals

such a pleasure to DIan ••• and e&t! You'll "!'light in the variety. \he quaUty. and \he

good value, we oller JOu.

1-"'.E .... A"-5P-RAY-m-'." ..... EP ......... =~=_tiV,DI.IL· OAK.L" il,r~'"

:r~~~~~t,~~~".':o~ 3 T,o.

r.:l-; eLL BU8'l'IC BrIe-ED

CRABAPPLES le.olt. Jur


FRUIT COCKTAIL Fanl'-1. No. !¥Z ran



I· 210 .


M,H·n, (,herry PII', :No. ! fan 25c l


21;;,; 33e


PEACHES Hains or SII('eiI. No. !~


ALASKA PEAS f'lln('T gTlHle



~~~~! DRESSING ... _ 4ge 8NO·WHITE

MARSHMALLOWS Fresh. Fluffy. l·lh. ~f>lIo bag 25e ROB,B·ROSR

GELATIN DESSERT 7 Delldoull FlavoJ'l'l. pkg.




SUGAR COOKI~_~ ____ . 21#

~ WfClTI1~L(S: fRlJlts':' CELERY

C:\BB.\GE -J,r·\ .... (;-."p :,r~d (;rf'~n .. ~ Ihs ..

GRAPEFRUIT '\". I '·{r:r~!l ~"I'(I ""4, ;') Ill".


OR.\;\'GES I

"".II.~. ,·",j'1;",. oth<.

APPLES . ",·,)1>.11<1"" •. '? tl"'1

BACON l':ncb alHI Pi{'('f'''. Pf'r pound

CHEESE FOOD 1"11 a Longhorll. Pf'i" JlOllnd

19c l3c 45c 4'5c 35c

(> IDe 37c 6ge

........... 49c 45c

Page 4: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

'I I

I ··'1'''. . ,

Bu&y ...

ettk~ our

. : stJcks of'Ffne.

'Gro¢~ries rea~~for

. tp!e II

E~ster Sh9Pper !

iC01~~ in and I-I Li

t r" '.

LOCALS SteHns were Sunday dmner guests 1~1rs A]\m \Villpfs and Diane, and at the Max Ash home .\lr and MIS l>d,ul LJUI"':

several The Ed Grubbs spent Monday J A Jacobs Cijme Sunday Crom Mrs GomEr Eotwrts and Jllm:'¥ tra,!sf~:'ioh:.'.. evcning a.t the James Maben hlS home l~_~~tte, Wyo. to VISit of Wymore came T ~,lond;;'j 1\( flJl1,{.

. . ina~~l~gg~~ Ca~:~lla~~:rs. M. :~dtR~:J::hrlo';{ tfe'J~M~~~~I~~~~Slt at the "ens Chnstensen

gl{;~t5 at Packer's. week visiting ~~~: Iac~~;le ~f w;:~bs has~n I fa~11~Y a~1 ~~:k;I~ll~m I\~:r;~!)n cJ~~;n a~e r~~o~c~~n~c_~~~~s~;r~~~~ ~e~d'~~ansu;~~~t ~~t~~~~l, ~~h NIr and Mrs Peter Jorgensen Sunday ~lnner and SUPPI r

the Car. from. the ,bruises recerved last Mon- families visited _the Ervin Hefti entertamcd at dmner Sunday for at 1he r lank l...an;u1 hlJm, I dar. ievenlng w!1en her father's c.ar family near Coler~dge. Mr and Mrs Gordon Jorgensen. Glenn GldnqUl"t fao,d y \\l~JL

I ~ I ~~~c~ her .. She has h~d ma.ny VIS- Mrs. R. H. Parker of Valier, Rodney ~nd Kathy Ann, Mr and nmg guests • r ~O"'HWE5T. , ,~.".~:'::;"~~~: :t;"'~.'':i~ ~:"~W~.' ':;;;""':' ::;',;:'~:~ ---=----'---~----'---;;::::;;:::=::;,;::==.::.::..::.::;-;~.:. WAKEFIELD I vlnSwagertys. J paul.!:--essman and BOl1n~c Anr:t' Johnsons, left for her home Fri- IJU TIlE GRAND

' . 'M~~·y~n~e~r~·U~d';idi~~~/~~:~ls~(~ ~~e/·~rr~.B~YI?i~,e~("..:~t,l, ~~~: ~~~ T.c~~f~~g~~ts~;~f'[~~~lli~;s~~~ ./~ by . at Leonard .D.ersch's. DahJgr~n.' Mrs. Catherinel Culton, had been here for Mrs, olivd Gos- PIANO SCALE

Mrs. W. C. Ring Ronald F~J!J~. and family ! I Mrs. LIIha!l' '~lOI:tpnsr~n. 1\1rs. Fred sard's birthday,

The IVan ~ixson f,lTni!y \\('fl' ~(~17(i~1~~; hc~~~~mg at t11e '·t I ~nr\v.o~::'l~h~ r~~~~~~:~~.7,~\VO~~~: an~tGa~.~da~~rkr~.UJ';;~~ ~~~~~~~ JAthaNt maSiwsSEtheN Sunday supprr g-ucsls of Mr. and Gorrlon and C:lCoII"l< D;.llllgl"('Jl \\"(·rf' I-van Nlxson and L.'o SchyLc fami- were Sunday c\·pning guc'sts at the '

Mrs. Gedr~e Bruns. homp for the \\ cekC'nd from Y':STC. lies. John Benjamin home. Mr, and Mr:-;. OlIo ~Sahs 0f ·Mr. and Mrs. Wally UIl"Ich ;)nd Vcrna Mae Bartels, ,Joan Dlatch- .:\'1rs. Clifford Brown and Julie S NE

Wayne Were Sunday dmwT gU('sts ~;on w('r(' pntcrtained gt the. Will ford, Elsie Faye IJahlgrcn. Leola returned Friday from Florida MIRRA PI T COafll;Vld rst· ,·lfill}rCl"lRuC"WCIPukll,'o'·o IT'Oh)nC~ P('!crs home for Sunday dmncr M .. k ~ahl~rcn and Lc)~IS J:!:1'ickson where they had spent two months q~~."

'- a 11' '- '-' and supper. tm\Jk part 111 the musIc contC'St in with Mn:;. Brown's mother, Mrs. J also, ,. Mr. an.d Mrs. Gporgf' Burn1f'i!'.l W*yne Saturday, M . Ro,Pert Elva Leibel.

Th~,rsd~y aflel'n(;on, ,Mrs. I·, IllU I of Ro,,;.dl(' werp Sunday din Blatchford and ;\drs. II·VI Bar-leIS Dinner guests at the WHifred MlllC'r~a d MIS flIIH Hp\\mk,le gUf's!s <It .F mil Mdl('rs Thr v F' each drov~ C3rs for the group. hom{' Sundny to honor R """'T VlSJle1 r 3~rl MIS HailS .1en<.;(n lurnr'd [10m thf'lrCaIlfofl111 lfJ(ld. Mrs. Efn.l'st Andror<;on spent Carlson on hc.rconfirmation The .JANSSEN ~II R .. t\.SPI .... r.. In }.,nlcr n fh<y rf'c('otly lllovf1li \v('(k dgO Suhday SUndAY with hl'r moUler. Mrs. were Mr and Mrs Don Carlson B~rall'~ JANS~E;o; found the way. you can n()w h3\f' th .. ~atTH' (ull :;'2" I!;ranti mto t cq neW horne clo~{ r dm\ n I \1r Hnd Mrs G ]I Sdml( I .mel Am. anda LlndbC'rg !-It the Jess ;tnd fantily , 'Mr. i;nd Mrs. Alvm pu'n<> ~trin, l.n,lb in a beauliful.compact w.rtiral.pind ;a<e. TIll' i. ju'! Sll'>11,rr 10\\n I , , Lrsllf' Ann of Jlanerofl \\( J( liS! Brbwnt'll home <'0 that the frlmily Carl<;on, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert

l\1r I,(ntl Mr s L('n Lunrl \.JsJ1{ d I Tilursd,ty dinner gur sts ,It h dn mIght have dmnrr wit h th(' Oscar i>Hngbel"g and Dennis and Mr. and rMul1 of JANSSE:"i"S 100 year old family tradition of ~\"i~11; you" mOTT! re"lh ('"e Easter /wr slhtd '. MJS Mdlte N( Ison m ]\lxson LlmJiIC's of Ppndr r SP( nt Johnson'.s. HP~ Erickson and Mrs. Russell Pryf)!'. and family pill no r .. aturt.A-for {'~ery dollar you Bptud.

Sun- Cow ord Sun dy ,lftNJjIoon Supt lIH ['\enlng at IVan N1XSOll 9 John came> flO Alta. la. to get Mr. and Mrs. IIrnry Langf'n~rg .<md Mrs Lav('l n ~pl~>on i-lnd dd.Ugh~ I An'.louncrillents hav{' .!)('r Jl rr-r Mrts. Enck~on, \ )u had t)('('~ here and Geno werc tlW. re in the c .... c- OniU "'\~SSE:"t PI'\~OS. & & c,,~ CL.~Uf ALL THESE ""('ature. t(,l~ .of (~smon? ~L'n' .:)I.lso ,~u('~~S c('ivrct of tlhe Illrt h of a !!.O~. Apnl seE~al ~a.ys. nlng-. • Dirert Blow Adion • A ,'2'· r;nmd Pwno 5rale thll(,. S~.)~t. ~('Ison hc~:'; h((n I(J- 10, ~n Mr. Hnd :.'\lr::;. Kr·nnrth 1:-;·t:rlck:-;on WilS a nlf'm\)('r of Mr. and Mrs, HE Radakcrand .DiK1pPf'l1.nng5w/in~FaUBoard. .Al!Tofj".inBcm."·"rl'''''' cJ~e~e1 t ()s~l1fmd, f~l- h.I" l:l~.hl~l S~enJ('r ~f Pendr.r jn. a Pcnrl~'I· ho~- Ih Ml~~jn1l\ C·u\"('llant c()nf,r.mat Ion Ki:!t hryn of WIsner and Mr. and • ~(J(J(J ''Illnrc rl1.rhf" 5;nul1.riing B()n~d Y('HI frer, .at ~n )n~ r.1 d~r In s;.ddr~. pI! ,d. TIlI'i i.'i t hell-' fl1·S! chilli. cl' 5S SUllday and her filmlly, the Mrs. \V. S. Nelson and"famlly were • ArOu.!ciron Tnnr Ch(Imber • Rd .. (lnd Brrd~" nnlrr'll(.J fO

MI'. a.n? Mr~ O:-;cdr BloomqUlst. !\Jr, and Mrs. Art Schagl't·. ro- C04lperati\"e dlnniT <It thp cilurC/l evening gupsts of Mrs -MolhPToojHnmml'T' wrrc IF'."ldflY C\ft Pl'nO()d'll lundll'otl joyrd out-of-. town gu('st~ Fnd;IY Jo~pph Erick'ions at tl'nded the to help he'r obscn:c he~ • Mu.k Dt'Jlk U~h.t. gUf'stsyt IMn;,. lil'll LUll. (,\·(,l1mg. :\1rs. D. L. Nelson. :\1.5. parlors for the clas:--. bJrthday.

Mt." :~n(i '~H"s. J !mv;!l'I!i AnO(lr'ion DilVlli N('ls(Jn. b\Jlh of I3Clt lip Creck. Sunday aft (>':nuoo . .i\1r. i] nil ;Vlrs. Mr. and .\1rs, John Bush sp('nt • PractK"f! Pedal • Pr/lf'n(pddf'rorQrH(' nn,/u.rjul.l1lrror

• -"n POOl Rark

of. SIOUX C1IY SP(,Il! 1/1(' 'Arl'kcnd I<-I. MI". ilnd ;\1I's. Lyle Knskata, of Arl 1\1('yer \·I~Jt('(j at thl' \\·J11 II. the weckcnd at the Howard Por- The J,ln..,,,cn cln al"(j tH' t'<lrI \\ :~I'II('1 Wl.~h IlI1r,part'nts, i\. '1 r. and :\ll"s. \\·<lYI1(" J:II111'S Nclson of JTar1J~g- ::'I1e.Yc.'rhorne In Wayn('. kr hOr.1r;! in' Mitchell, S. D. lIJ(dmi;r t.:und. . I ton TIH'Y had attended 1hl' music 'Mr. and Mr~. Hany R'Jrtels ilnd Mr. and Mr.:;. Leonard Rold ,-mr!

Tlw IE rjll'SI Andel"son$ ('tllr-.rt8m- contest in \Vaynr. ;V1~nlyn SIwnt l"'it .:vIonday pvenJllg Gary we,'c ThursdHY and Friday

rd thq t11f'nl f 'n::l A nd('r,c;on. Ji1~llJy .Trall lIf'ndt'l"son. who if';wh(''( at at Fred Ror-1)('r·s :\11; nnd Mrs gu("sts at the Ralph Morsc' homf'. at supperl Y".f'dnCS.da y r'IjI('n~ng l1w Plp[ls<lTlt IIlil s.ppnt t.h(' \\'f.C.k('IHl In Mi~ord Ro. d. )Pt' 11<.1\"(' illovpd to 1h~ The Rokls arc rna 'n~ to LC':-'lars, lattrr IfarhJly mO\·J,d to ;\ll(lt1f'sot/-t Enwrsol;! with Iwnlf' folks. fa north oj hiS [athcT·s. 1<1., where U)('y ill cn a skalmg the' lattl'rt Pdl-j oj thf' "\'('I·k. Tht,y I\lr, .\Inri 1\1r>;. J~sr'ph EI'ickson he lrvlO fbl'!!'I,> family attcnd- rink thiS summer. havt' r~tlrqhas('d.iJ J;-ll,I.11 ,II1,rr('; ,. an~l D\\'ain, :V1rs. IITifl Bar.t('J<.; and· cd ~h(' dlt~nrJr <11 St. John·s Lulh('r- .:'-.lr. and Mrs. Sclv Jelmf'k of

Mr.1 ?-,}d ::\I,r~, \ .... ,1ll,rl "~,t(cht Vf'rJn :\1ac spcnt :\londay In SIUUX an ~hurc:h SundClY. V(,l'I1a Map Bar- Sioux Cily il:nd ,:\11". Hnd Mrs. Con. s~nt ~,nJ.dY t \1 lling oI.t C Idn'net' CJ!V 1('/$ Wn'i H nWllll)(,l" uf one of tile I rad WClrr~htius{'r and family of \\OltCI['S, " , . _,. . , ;\11'. anrl 1\11'". Gus Schulz Wf'IT' ciass('s h()nOfl'd WakeflC'ld were 3"unday dlnnrr

On $undolY. tll( (1dl( III P \\(Jjt{ r Sunday SUll])""r guC'sts at. lh{' I..c'o . Ruriolph LundtJl"'rg Wac; a Sunday gupsts at the L. R. Barratt home. [amd.Y w~!'f' dlnlWr gtlf"sls at Leo Sshul.t"s. In th('l p\·pnlng, the Lau- dlniner gUI''it <11 Lf'VI Dahlgren's. Mr. and :'VIrs. L. A. Fanske al-H.rudlg~n s .. l,Itu."IWt ~JE'~~1p!{(' ~-.as at rcncr Blat !crt fiumly viSited all he . J'V1r om\ .r'J J <; 1-:r.nl'st Packrr ended the ;\J(,hrao5ka jewelers con-Saturdcty ovcfIllAht gUl st <il LtuclJ- LN-l S('h1ulz homp vls(!cci at trw John Schro{>der and v('nllon in Omaha from Sunday gRnts. T1If' Leo Schut I. filrndy K('hnel11 Patkn honH'S Sunday af- throu~h Tuef><iay,

.:vtClrvin ;Ind C'llffnrd Fl"I'ririck ... oI'l Fndil), {'vcning /It Clarence terhoon. , 'n)"(' Trod Fuo~s family of Canhy. \lsi1('d at Joel j);()d;.:rl·n'~ SUll(LIY !'()Il'S :-t1r illld \1r<; .John N J()hnson .:'I-linn., spent from Friday until aflrrnoon. :,JI' and :"oIl'S Laut"rt1c(' l'!('(·llt ~P(,llt SunudY ~'\(·nlng ill Kellneth Tue"day WIth Mrs Fu%,,· father,

MI'. fmel l\11'i and .1<1nl('(' gpf'nl 1,Ist Monday ('\"('- ·PiI<:krr·s Fred Wcstcr"housc, F(Jnda,li:i.. ning at the Ronidd Ellis hOlllt', ':'-I1I"s. 1-\l'nn('t11 hlck,'r and daugh- ':\-lrs. Frank Larson calkd on Dahlglt{'n·s Hl"l' si"tf'I'S i'\lT"<.; Emil Mlll('r <lnd Mrs. Til- l:r~ at.trndcd ::'I?I> \\";dlf'.r F.red- :'Ifr!' .. cph neek('nhaucr and Mrs,

anci EIIl." an~l IiI' Rp\\·lnk('] \ I-.;itf'rj l\1rs. Mary t rick-son ~ blrl11d.l Y parly fupsdi.JY LizZIC Gl('<,e Friday afternoon

EXCLUSIVE! 5 nuilt~in f!1If1rf"Sf·l'nl mil"\!- II,>,', Ji;.;ht • nuilt-In I"i('rtroni<' nwtrul1orlll' /1111'1 rOI1I1I"" I

SOl }()u ('an '-('('.'l.<' 'n'll ;\" fl' ar 111,· I I,t,·

• Pin h:O(·k lock\' So thl' 1':11 i,:,,(·)" ,.,'

pull Joo~c from tlil' i"ll·1.;.

]t('nlf'mtwr. lon, th(' ,'an ..... f'n i .. -I,) indH'''' III Ilf"i;::::;ht, :'::I~ Ifl!.; It \t'II!:' r '.~rinl{!'o and larger "ollndin~ !Joanl ar".1

NEW SPINET PIANO AS LOW AS $435 with full 88-noto keyboard

Fora Better PIA:\(j By Far, ••

Buy •• Al\"SSEX

\n~ IL\\"E l'Sf:O REIU·ILT 1'1.\:'\0"';

fU!tTil! <I' ill(' Emil t: 1 ('1'11 1 llOnll'lafHTnoon. Dr. and .\1r<;. Roy ;\1at:,on were

S:.1l11;;;1~ .. f.~:1l1H' 10,\\lr~~\ ~·r\~~~tlKlll~{;;~Y ~\~;~~ ;;~~~~~~ ed M:OI~~71:~1~ltll~1l.'\:'~/.r'~;t~'~' .'~'tt7~~. ~'~~c~. ~l~ri~~lldl:ll~;;'~,. SUlld. ay al :'\"('hra~l(a's J.,o'H, • ..,t Prkl> P,lIno Ifo;.]',l'

,\aj"()n '1IcI-[1I1g an the ca~·e of Mrs, George !Tla)1uf'1 Lullwr,lll (hurch Sunday. ;;;l'~!~rs~!.~:,~.a;;A~»h~;;a~n~d~"~'~rs~.~P;.~J~L~~~~~~~~~~=;;:;:;~:;:;;::~:::=~==::=~~ (;ol(li)n of Koh'ml'if'1". ~ who ha~ \J('f'n !II at fh!?lr nt'pllew. ;-';ulIlli-ln ;>'1L'jcr, \\",,05 ~___ _ _______ _ gw ~[:, at Cladnda. la. En~,i~ ~~~~:,::,:::,~~~~~~I· O~Y,l~,:~a~s~ ___ ,_


Famous "Hathaway" 44 x 90 .. lnchl


38•8 PAIR

Fresh as Spring itself, these crispy new,extra­collnt pebble dots ere lovely for either b~droom or living rooml Extr~ full, 6-inch ruffles; Ivory •



'11 '\ XI indH'.'I. E'\(.uhitl'ly madt· of

loydy la1'I' that Hill \\par Yl'llr.., 1c)1IJ.:""

(>r., TIH'y'li '\11,,11 and d!':y in I~ ,.ijff~, 1H,:,('d !itt II' ironing",


18.8 Add new spo'rkle to your windows with these gay clip ,f}gur;ed Isets' Handsome Dutcn styl. with deep valencie. Red, b[ue Clnd green on white, 50x 16x.43~inch tops, sash 25x34-lnches.


PEBiiLt~6Te~COT;A~t;ETS '28•8


GABARDINE GREATCOAT... In every ~ense of the word! You·1I love the stunning shirred beck that's softly gathered frOrT\ the yoke, All­wool gabardine ••• Beige, grey, aqua, middte blue, b!ack; 9-15.

/$> $399•5


~' 1;1 .


l- .', ... ~on the !ong~~!~:~~E!~O~ /1, ~ Interesting hip and, bac~ det~iO

.1 < ' c.nd even on the trim, slim skirt! _.;,J fIrm, aJ1·wool gabord"1e; grey,

h, beige, aqva, brown, !.kipper, red, or kel1ji 10-18.

Page 5: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

I. I·

/ . 'ShoP'for a

ter outfit at and find. .. ' i .' .!

.. G~CE HATS that ~re II. mighty'engaging. I

',STETSON CLOY . hand-right inm ny ,&t)i"~s., ..


IS~':S' •

Loo~ ,tbv~I)" f~r ~aster

SCS All SCS lub cmbC'P.;~cre

gUesl.s alt' the home of Mh. ai­da RodienC' for t leir re ular meet mg Th rsday The ext mcC'ting will e wit Mrs. ank Lansing.

JOB JOB {!Iub let with Mrs. nus,

scll Lindsay ursd y afternoon. :Mls. Frank Lind ay was in charge of the enter inment.;Thc April 28 me ting il~ be with 'Mrs, LoUis T st.

Eldeen Clu j' Mrs. l.ou utt w s los leSs to

Eldeen mem ers nd a g1j1est, Mrs. Brrnha d K ch, Tue$day afternoon las wee. 1i'he Jesson on. breakfast. was es('nted. by Mrs. Paul 'Si vcrs.

WW Club Mrs. Ole

to WW (;1 GU('sts were!. rs. agltlu:-q WeRt­lund and M '!'. A na Addison. The group pets j 1 h .... o weeks with Mrs. qt 0 'OJ on.

the serving com It ~ce '\fere Irene Thorn on a d 'Chrislt~ne Dillon.

For Mr~. H nsen , Mr.!;. It H. Hans n r.vas J~on­

OTf'd bv 25 fr ('ods nfl, r('jI'l.Hv('s Thul'srla}' eve ing f lr J-pf'r birth­day. P!tch, was }laycd V.·i1lt

I prize'S g-oing to rs~1 August Brudigam an Mrs Jqhn Lutt. Lunch Wa-s s rvcd. :


IKen Lore ,

evening. Mrs Cha Il;'s McI!>er.

, "Mrs. R. G.1

Fuel e~'h enler· I taitled Ken re cl b fhursday


mott was a est. rs. Fortest Betz Hnd'Mrs Orvill S erry'arc neW member~. Priz s ere won

, by Mrs. Siler y and rs. Paul P<lw{'lski.~

Housewarm ng , A numbf'r of fri nd~. had a

houscwal'n1i.n party fo Mr. ahd Mrs. Albert Watso l.'it Sun­day evening. The ve ing- was spent sociall and r Watson showed $On1e of the pi :tures he f

had takdn on his ret tr.ip ito Europe. Gucs s serv d 1 nch.

Bridge Club I Mrs. EYere t R('cs w,~s ho~t(jss

~r~ri~~l~~ ~~~~ ~a~~d'e~tr~: William Nelon w r~Ci guqsts. Prizes WC're on b rs. Paul

. Rogge and Mrs. Ch ~I s Mej{;r. T11£' nex~ mO' 1 ing \ 'Ill, be With Mrs. Merle T ctsort.

! ! , I


'Mrs.@nch'Pennissecretary.hartAuhcr\Yillfr.vicwthebook' hvo years In the naVy after which j OCA ... t8' IlaY and SUhday ~ts at the treas cr. Mrs. Walter Bressler '''I he BIg Fi.:.herman," by Doug~ ! he finishtd his pilot training at the ..I U Ralph HC'adlee home. Easter week-is er chainnan. Chairman of Jas. Lincoln air base and was employ- Mr. and Mrs.i .C1arence Longe end guests of the Headlees will be t eva iOllS committ~s arc: Mrs. To Be,.Married Friday ed as pilot'instructor at both the and Gary and Mrs. Dale Langen- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCrain, Mr.

t,1.D. Club I urr tandle), home visitation; :'vlapJlyn St ndl d ht f 1)'enton and Lexington bases. He berg were entertained at the Hen- and Mrs. Elof Magnuson and Mr. Mc-mbers of u.~ cJub met rs. E. E.' 'Fleetwood. white M; <¥nd :\Ir;; 'k BCYSt a~1 C~~l is now employed with the Uncoln ry Claus home for Margaret's con- ad. Mrs. Wilford Caf!1pbell and

with MrS'.· jessie Re ooIds Mon- c . Mrs. A. D. Lewis, card b(-' . mar:ie(\ . F;iday ~~ ~~wa~ Telephone Co. firmation dinner Sunday_ Children of Perry, la. ~ay afternoon. 'Mrs. C. M. Cra- and owers;: Mrs. Carlos Mar- Adams, 30n of Mr. and M..rs. Har- The couple are making their Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Siefken and Mrs. Frank Longe has mov d '\len had the l('s$on * Nebraska tin, st ~ent dounsel: Mrs. G. A. ry Ad<ip1s of Wakefield. The home at the Regent)lpartments in daughters were dinner gUeti1:s at from near Wakefield to make h r schools. Mrs. Willie Von Seg- Wade, reading. Mrs. A. Van- \Veddin~ will be at 3 o'clock at Lincoln. the George Hughes home Sunday. home with her daughter, M gem is the host~ss ext week. dBecvnostc,.hontscnforhathde.Cmheaertg,"ngOafnd'hae t~e \Va~,ne. Baptist church. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Allan Perdue and Martha Siennan.

b St~ndley IS teaching in West Los Angeles Resident Patty, and Mrs. C. J. Perlin were ... 5etWedainlDat«;; 1 o'cI<fk IWlcheon was served. Po lOt Rnd will finish the school \\-ieds M. H. Klopping atJtunh·BRaUSYh~e':?UeG.hcanmdesI,ulnadnadY:ls' Giraffes grow as tall a~ 18 fc annoUnce the ;enga emont and VFW. Auxiliary uate student at the University spending a few days with his par.

M~. ,and Mrs. Hen~ A. Temme ye?-r there. :vIr. Adams is a grad- Formerly of Carroll _

approaching marria e of their O{f~eers eJected at the last of Ne\)!·aska. Both were graduat- Miss ~eatrice Louise Robertson ents. the John Bush's . .daughter, Esther, to Harold Ek· meeti~g and those appointed f'd lasl YC'ar from Wayne State of Los Angeles, Calif., and Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Granquist F d S I berg, son of Mr. an Mrs. Emil since 1 were installed at the Tcac/lPrs college. H. Klopping, YClungest son of Mr. were at the. Frank Larsen home 00 a e Ekberg of Wake-fie.} . The wed- VFW auxiliary meeting Monday A rm'i('C'Il:.tneous shower was and ':\1rs. Frank J. KJopping. form- Sunday evcfHng for Supper. . I plOg date l?as been set for April evening. MTS. J. T. Gillespie of glVf'n I~fj" :'.liss Standley Sat'ur- erly of Carroll, were manied Feb- Mrs. Walfred Carlson, Mrs.Alvln 24 at 3 p.m., at Grace Lutheran Norfol~. fotmcr president of the ?.o"n' 1',,~·m'·n.o'.n~lrgat. s'hweanW,o' nCo ·MSrW"Ao-. ruary 2:7 in an early evening can-I Carlsot."l and Mrs .. Russell Pryor rhurch. local group' was here to con- .~ ~ ... L' • dlelight service at the Seventh Day and chdd.:c.n were 10 ~.orlolk Mo~

P-NG ~~~~ t Mc:s~em~r;;;.~~~cr l~Y~~~ ~)ndL(;~·l:.~: 1~f~a~~\V~~I~~~~ ~l~;ntist church of Eagle Rock, ~~h~~, 'Mg. ~~~ryAJ;~~g;:2son s PNG club members met with eighth district vice president; Wf'rc hostf'sses. The gifts were at;- Before the wedding party' took DUane Hutchinson took Mrs. G.

'Mrs. A}bert Watson Tuesday af- Rnd three other members of the tHc;lwd by strings ro a "shower'" their places, Roy Pendelton and 1.. ~o~ers and Mrs. Jac~ Dawson ternoon. Mrs. Harry McMillan Randolph unit Mrs Art Wol- cloud. U('col'ations Were in the Richard Groves sang a duet. Mr. to VISit ~rs. James A. MIller Mon-and Mrs. George < Lamberson ters w~s In charge of entertam- hndal colors or green and yellow Pend('lton salng "Because." day evenmg. Were· assisting hostesses. Mrs. ment which Included mUSIcal lJastcl. Elder 0011 E. Duncan read the ~ulah Scott of I!=~an .. ton'. Ill., Walter Ulmer was a gue!rt. The numbelTS by the city school girls marjPiagc lines. arr,~ed Monday to Vl~lt her slfo.ter, ,proglram was in charge of Mrs. trio 8t1d two solos by Marlene <$>- The hridal gown Was of white ~ttJe Scott. She VISited relatives J. W. GrOSkur;JThe next meet- San;CdCk"'M' "rgo. EM ern" MACryOcOrid se~~a A nlycc Flood and satm, faShioned with a lace yoke l~ Fremont on th~ w~y he~e. The ~ng place was·n definitely de- ·and slceves and a long train. Hf"r women .('xpect their sister. Mrs. J. cided. . lunch.' ~fcrlill Uute Marry long veil was held by a headpiece H. Sfoutemeyer, and her husband

At Linroln Church of orange blossoms. Her bouquet o~ Kearney. Fnday to spend the Eastern Star . Wilbur Club was of white rose buds interwoven y,eekend.

Th ~ d f M A $t K f'ntcrt;Jin T!IP m,lrriagc of Mi~s Ardye(' With Idles Df the valiey and cen- Mrs. M. O. V.~ahIgren, mother ~~ EasteCrn p~~:~a~eJ~~~~~n~ond~; ed ~~ibu~~!l.lh ';~~~;Sday af't('r~ Fluod, daughtf'r of Mrs. H. H. tered with white orchids.,... ~rs. J. L. Ennl~, and Mrs. EnnIS


Royal Neighbor Lodge

will hold a food oale


April 16

at the Natud.1 Gas Co.

Your patronage will~ be

appreciated evening after thcir husiness noon. New o(ficf'TS elected arf': IFI(j'xl. and Merlin Bute. son of Mr. Mi~s Julia Whitley as maid of niece, penH~ I\1~son, .of Omaha meeting' consisted of two musical Mrs. John C. Hansen, presinent: and Mrs. Elgie,C. BUle, all of Lin~ honor, wore a formal gown of yel- came S~nda)- to \ ISlt o\er the Eas.~ ~:;:::;:::;:::;,;;;;:;';;;:;';:;::;;:;';:;,;;:;,;;~ numbers. Phyllis Fost('r played Mrs. Kruse: vice president; and coIn WiIS solpmnize-d March 24 at low brocaded taffeta and she car- ter hOlid~Y'M R a flute solo and Dick Ballf'r Mrs. Emil Rrad('r, s('cretary- 8 ()cl(lck In the cvening at Taber- ried a houquet of red talisman rose 'Mr. an . f"S; .o?, Lennart ,and played a' haritone horn. solo. treasurer. Thf' duh vot('d a $5 n;l{'k Christian church in Lincoln. buds. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack were m.~~k('flcld Sunda,~ af-Thcl' W('re acCompanied by A. J. conlributi~n to 1hc cancer fund. Rc\". H . .\'1. Bythewood performed Bonnie Benton, Mrs, Peggy Hoge- ternoon t~ VISIt Mrs. Lennart S fa-Atk,jns. \ A[tcr thp lhusinpss mceting, lhf' th(' douhle ring ceremony in the boom and Mrs. Frank J. Klopping-, ther. Ed ~rlson. and the ~ona.rd

lani('s s('v/('d' quilt blocks. All presc'nce of 150 guests before an jr., all of whom wore formal gowns S?~ulz f;;!mily. In the eYcnlOg they Book Review Club members and the following ailar decorated with spring flow- of gref't) brocaded taffeta. Each VISited at the Harry Wendell horne.

Il M Fld· d earned a bouquet of yellow daffo- ~r. and Mrs. ~enr::( Ley enter-Mrs. R. B. Standley reviewed ~~~set:t:.erMr:(,s~~kd rDr;;!~h~~ I er~~~~. ~7;I~edBcuat~d~~a~~. former dils. talnM a~ a .famlly dinner Satu:-

"Born in Paradise" by Armine Mrs. Will Lutt. Mrs. Mary Han-I Th:-rtha Berres of Wayne. , Frank J. Klopping, jr., of Whit- day ev~n!ng In honor or Barbara s Von Tempsky, at the Book Rc· gpn. Mrs. Will Hansen, Mrs. 1\1 Fl d Z' b· I d tier, Calif.. elder brolher of the 161h birthday, .. view club meeting last Thur~- Howard Mau, Mrs. K('nneth rs. e a legen em p aye bridegroom acted as bcst man. Lt. Col. and Mr!'. G. ~. Olll~ YdaaYlc' MKccsm'lbcerrs. amndet ... 1"rs;t.·h n M. rR'.· Dunklau. Mrs. Dean· D('ticfsf'n, ~~l'd "D'ed~ld'ogCI,muksic ahnd accomM~a~· Ushers were Olivor Hogeboom and daughters will. arrIve thlS

.LVI J"\. Il' aVI . ar e, w 0 sang. ISS Wayne Patterson and Gror e wee~e.nd from Washlngto~, D. c., Smith was· assistant hostess. k~o~~. H~~.onset:;'~ ~;~~m~al~ .~~(~n~~TI~~~e~n~~~~~~~n Anne Whitley. g to VISit at th~ home of hiS bro}h-Next month the m('etin~ is at n('W'mf'mhcr. Thc next m('ding C;iv(;"n III marriage by her brolh-, Little Jan('t Robertson and Tim_ e:, ;\-1. B. Childs, here. :r wllh the Standley home. will be with Mrs. Arthur Young. ('r, Dr. 11. J. Flpod of Franklin., my Donovan in formal attire look hiS. pa~ents, Mr. and :\1 . A. E.

~ the tJnd(' wore a gown of ice blue part as a minlatUJre bride and Childs In Belden. Central Social Circle Presbyterian Women and carried a bouquet of or-- g:oom. Julian Bylard \ ... ·as flower E.r..lrs. ~"';'1~' 61a~ch·St~r;;· ~o~~

1 hcMC,sc'nWtra' I WSo'c,RaIOOC,Crcol'cc Thtaiunrcs~ Women of thc Presbyterian and invertl'd tulips. gIrl. .lnung, t J. • • - I Z, u hit Carrie Ratekin was her sis-' Thf' bride's brother, Howard, Ro"s, "}.;. Jd ;"'l:f'se and ).trs.

day afternoon. All members church had t eir regu ar m('e - matron of honor. Her gOV,'fl gave her in maniage. Mrs. ~ryrtle ~~[O~~tu~da/\~ ;t~~~dt~h~~fah: Were pr('sent and Mrs. James ing April 6. Hazel Reeve prl'sl'nt~ was of rose brocaded taffeta. She lIamml'r was organiSt. "Oh M· t M·" t T h h· h Bressler \HIS fi gucst. M:rs. I e cd her third graders in song.,> an__ Crtl rled a houfluet of sweetpeas and A wed .. dmg re.ccP.tion. for 250 aU~"t'or',.'umrcs. s j inC, a ec Ig Reed, Mrs. Basil Osburn an illus1rations, and the pupils Df h ld EI C Del (j

Mrs. Warren Austin were chosen rades four and five sang a whit!- tulips. ;~':~t~l~\~·~o~se.at' asa AI- ,Dr. and :\'Irs. J. R J.ohnson I.('ft as the program committee for oup of two~part songs. Ollv('r Ilulwrt Bl']"gt of Wayne, attend- )- V. f'dne-sday f(Jr I\ladlson, WIS ..

~~.x~i~~a~~~~~~~7st ~aei~~.ng ~t,Oo~oosF.MMcdr~';.C SR~a;ym~~io\n~d~Ostghcchargc~n:Octr~ ~~rl~~.~o~~~ j~hb~sk~:~nK~~~~~ J,oslin-I<urtz "Vedding ~~~~~l Dr:;e;~~~s~f ~~~l M\~~7:Si~~~ I. as U"hl'l'S Solemnized April 12 Valley Historical a<:.sociation. They

'Ib B' who had the Easter lesson told A recl'ptiom in the church parlors At .0Iethodi~t Chapel plan to return Sunday. Honor WI ur rqns of various custo"ms and' legends follo\V('d .tht> wedding. Assisting P. L. !l.larch was In Sioux City

Mr. ami Mrs. Wilbur Bruns. rclati"ve to E'aster and read a \\·el·f' :'.'lr-s. Lois McDonald, Mvs. Elm('r Joslin of Coleridge and on husiness Tu(>sday. Who were married recently, were story, "Emmaus," by Agnes l\Ierla \Vright, Mrs. Shirley Atkin_ Opal Kirts of Hope, Ind., were mar- !\1rs. Don Nelson spent from honored at a reception at 1he Turnbull. Hostesses wen"' Mr-s. son and Mrs. Zelma Allen. Mf'S. Il('d Tuesday affernoon at 3:00 at Thursday until Sunday at the home !lCudr,CdCaymccVCrn,Lo::.tAh~oaunt·9cohr~~~ Forrest Betz. Mrs. Clarence C'or- Jo..,eph Wishart was in charge of the Methodist chapel by'Rev. E. E. oC her parents, 'Mr. and ...... lrs. "'I ., b't Mrs P L' March Mrs Wd I the floral arrangemerfts. Gol;;!y French Penn. Mr. !\'elson came Cor t ves ,and friends were .present. I , G·" . d M i. ~J KT - ~1nL Butf' attended the Universi- The· bride WJre an afternpon her Sunday and they returned to Ol'~orations. wc~e in blue and "!F~~ l;df~~ ~ill h~~e gU~st I ~~~~ /1 f N b . ka d a me ber dres..<; of gray crepe, with a pink W

M7~~~'Cl?O;~JC ~~~~c~?;~n~~~~ (.) nin_~_ A~~2~_ ~_l_~~. __ Mrs. Ho- I o~ ~he ~;~~esis~_oM_r_':'_~~t=-_'~_rv_e_d corsage. Her at.tehdants~ Mrs. ~~~' Wayne Tictgen began work presided at the serving table. ··r;;,;;.;..;;;.;;;;;;,..;;,.;.;;;;;;;;";;.;..;..;....;.;...;.;;.;..-..;;.;;.;;;;;;",....;,,;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,,,;,,;.;;;;~ ~;~.~s(':tn:~~se;~~ld :~v;i~k aco~:~: i~~~nesday at the local AAA of-

King's Daughters A regular me('ting of the

King's Daughters was hcld at lhe church last Thursday. noll call was answered with scriptural verses. Plans were discussed for tJie convention. Th(' business m~e1.ing followed a covered d.ish IU~lcheon. The May. 5 meeting will be an all·day meeting when the ladies wjll clean the church.

Swans' !vtr. Anderson attended the Patrici-'i Brf'ssler of ;-,[ew York

bridegroom. Both men wore dark arri\"C'd last Thl.H'sdrty for a VIsit suits with' \ .... hite boutonnieres. with her par('nts, Mr. and ).Trs.

The couple will live on a farm John T . ....Bress\.('r. She came by ncar Coleridge. p];me from Maracaibo. Venezu('l;;!,

I ' \"\·her(' she had been the past three Confirm 12 at mooths.

Redeemer Church D;~L~~.a~~ ~~:~~~~~~'~~\~~~~'la~} ~~~ Fn·(, hoys Hnd Sf'\'pn girls wen'

confIrmed Sunrlay at morning s('rvic('s at Redeemer Lutheran church.

In the class were Dewayne Foote. son of Mr. and :VIrs. Curtis Footf'; Richard Hanson, :-.on of Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson; Gary and Daisy Lee Nelson, son and daughtf'r of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson; Melvin RC'eg, son of ~rr. and Mrs. Vv'alter R('cg-; Df'\vaine .and Dorothy Ro­sacker. san and· daughtPr of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Otto Rosacker; Margie Ann Kittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H('rbert Kittle; Mildred Korn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph {orn; JOan Grone, daughter of l\lr. ;;!nd Mrs. G('org-e Grone; and Elaine Hurd. riaught('r of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd.

iI Banquet Honors Junior High Cagers

Memb('rs of the junior high school baskrtball team at the city high school were honored at a banquet at the city auditorium Wednc!'day f'vpning. Mother!' of til!' hays served the dlnnf'r, with Mrs. Merle Tietsort and Mr . ..,. Lco ZHPP as chajrmen.

Guests hesides the players were Coach George Baiky and his as­sislants. Loren Bonneau land Jess Borg, and Supt. Stuart Baller.

Th(' boy\., all of whom are !'ev­('n1 h and eighth gradC'TS, are Jim Atkins, Jim FIenegar, Buster Tiet­sort, Jack Korff, Gordon Zapp, Rodncy Tietsort, Jerry Korff. Charlcs Price, LdWeli Johnson, Larry Johnson, Bobby Morse. Bil­lie Palmer, Paul Koplin, Victor Forth, Jimmy Burr Davi Bob Baller and Larry Lubbcnt

# Immanuel Luthera Has 'J Confirmands

A cJasl'i of seven boys and girls was confirmed at Immanuel Luth­eran church Sunday morning. Fol­lowing the serviccs, a dinner wa~ served in ,the churcb parlors for 85 relatives and friends of the con­firmands.

In the class were Geraldine Buehner, daughter of Rev, and

~~.P~.d~u~t~~n~~; ~o!.c~:~: Harvey Echtenkamp;. Myrna Lou Ee;htenkarnp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Echtenk .. mp; Norman Me-yer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin

?,l/rs. George- Falmon, ;\Iartha and Leone, of .Perry, la., were Satur-


Smut Hutfll"" 1M


You'll make .twS on the Avenull with thl. luxu·rlou. I fur J.It, Smart, hpnd.om • nne. ; • • flnbhing touch to your w.lI. ,roomed apPlar. ance. Yours In the nOlo.'. mOlt de­sired "d,ess.up" shad ...

~~~e:~d NM~aEm~l~~~be~~n a~~ i ~' . ~~~ a~~d~~nJO~~~Ii~~,fe~d~.s. of Le~in. - master desigl'~r of fi re fl.tterY, poinu •

u~. slimmer waistline with a i.red midriff and Confirm Class


'500to '1000

B. i ." '. smoother, I,onger look ~i.from neCkli.' ne to he lille. Shee. ray~>n crepe. I Black or Navy. At St. Paul's , - . j ' Confirmation_ was ~I held at St.


." ' ! I I '2595 Sunday ortJing. ' ! . •

J)(j88S HATS

'8~t .. '1250 . ...


Make your BidfOT

Come in Coi America'. top ,uit vllue~ _ • -. Garfield "Ace'~ T~il~ed by Merit. Yout bid ia lute to make -you. ""inner for we ha'Ve ali

\ exc:eUent_eeleetion. . Garfield "Ace", TaiIJx'e<I by Merit features the \ . <i>mbinedlkillsor ...... ' l.bri,c ml~ulacturert Garfield, and'., .

gre.t tailorilif. $ .ft.1S eoucUD. Ment ..... Only... . enlADlDI.U.lC'

I .~ I' '. ! "

In Rel'll.r .... " Half Sizes. I' t, Paul's It!heran c urch Palm

I In the la$s were alrl All. vIn. son II ~ _.... ,of Mr. dl Mrs. ~frid Allvin; -, t 't

II Swanj" :~~~:li;~;~~I~:!~In~f~ S-. .... -.·· •... " .. I ... ·., ...... : ... '::.( I '. . . ·l\Ir. and Mr. Hen Doring; Hen- 5wa •• ' I . ~_ I .. ,. 'ryFleer,'so of . and Mrs. Er· I' Apparelfor~~e~and\~?~n:.i".

AP1lar.elfOr,l>.len..a01dw,m. en win Fleer; and aney Grimm, ,'t'-,. p~ .. !~o.r .. M .. ~Q.I!'.D Wo~n I " ~ ~ .".-----+-----..;.;.~~---f-_--+I_ .. __ ..... -' ~"im.'f:,~r!o. nil ~.NoJ(,,~~~--iI. ~~-+--_+rJJf_:,_,:--........ · 'i'" """~""~~'~

'II I i

Page 6: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

"I ,



and the Anderson fam,Jly \.H'rt:: ,;1

I Coneord Monday evening fur " family gathering with the I':<I]" An. der.son family. Elmer Andl'r-.(m :, Rev. Pearson's grdndson.

III. Rev. Pearson, ~1a('. and l!ulJ~

Mrs. Emil swanson~ w at ArY,d Peterson's Friday ewn g

Mr. and Mrs. Emil. 'anc;on dr.']

~r~~~u~~~nb~~~~~i' ~~';.n(jur. d l

Doris Norman uf \\'a SCI" a ni' r

of Mrs. Wallate Hughes, \'l::I~('rl . Longe the Hughes home SaturdflY there. Sunday afternoon a~d

A number attended Mrs. Ray guests at the Hennan F rp~{' Hammer's' birthday party Monday were Mr. and .:'Ilrs. Enf' i\JLl,S l',d afternoon and enjoyed a social time Doralyn. with rerr~hments. ('TaJ days Rev. and :,rrs. Christ \':If t.r, .

Mr. and IMrs. Fritz Leuders .... and family Mrs Fisher had afrnodma B et;,t,hoa_we .. ekt~.r,.~"etd"n TI)~:'I'm",','" , Jerry and the Gordon Nyernberg- months In Wymore With n ~(l. ~ '-

,April : confirmation ~~~:i~~~d:~ !~:nin~lhe Longe te~~~\jaO~~~'e Breyer ~:!t~' t~~~b~~t s~~i~~i~71ec~~~: ' :30. All members are Dick and Bob Longe attended Rose ~ltchcll of South The Henry W1E'tlnF: LIml]Y (,f

to a~end regularly. Also at 4-H meeting at the Don Meyer were luncheon guests' \Vakefield visited Sunday ;:t'

~eet l~~ E~~~~:~r~~~~ ~:~~~r~; Bolt er hO~~. M,,~~d"t;;r~ve~~~s Chambers GaS~n~:;b3!~~~i,"'er I>e~~n~'hr;;~r~";;'~lh~~:~";'i'Y Karl J. Johansson has accepted Mrs Jtto Fre- spent Sunday afternoon at the Henry Frevert Omaha.

_th,_e d:lIl to ConeOr,?i8. Mi~nie and' Mr . ..and Dick Chambers home .near 'Laurel. Henry ~ Barelman )ir. and !'vIr<:.. \,\.rendpll ~ . Ervin Vahl~amD and da{Jgh- Lois ~~dfkam, ~ar)lyn Test and I Wake·fleld, Mr and Cnme from Orchard to sp

Mr. and Mrs. George Schroeder ters and Mr. artd Mrs. Max Marcellmer Kay were Thursday Fr('\"i:'rt and :'1r. day \~ ith their d<lugh1C.'r. \', n.! f... attended a dinner given in honor Henschke. evening supper gUests at the Ru- Larsen, Janet . I and .:\lrs \"·J!.son·:> s,~t( I, Of.M~ra· esse Wheeler of Longview. IMr and Mrs. Clark Kai and doll Kay home. d F S. the GrO\c Wastl., a the Legion hall in AlI~n . Terry and Mr. find Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs, Jule Swanson an I ' I 'Mr and \iro;; R..-Jberi SuMndr ,·' M-, W,'ll,'am Haskell cvenmg. Steinhoff and Noreen of Bancroft baby, Mrs. Gus Swanson. all of Ai- ~r. and. :\1rs. PTlmghar. Ia \~cr('

.~ Wacker ~n,d family of were in Omaha Sunday attending le':1. 81.50 Mrs. Art Y1un~on and of Glenwood, la_. Hunk hcpv Saturdi:1}o and sons Were Sunday dinner Sunday vISitors at the the wedding of a cousin, .Gordon Carroll ,:"e~e Sunday supper guests I ('nd with the Gil \Irs (Hln Lutt \,,('nl T) I)r

guests at the Glenn Paul home. Schroeder home. Hansen and Doris Hoffert at the at thc DIck Sandah'~ home. ly. Th('y arC' Fnda}o v,lh \ir <lnd ::'tlr" Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doescher aryd and MrS. John Nygren and First Lutheran church, Monday Mr. and Mrs_ ElvJS Olson were at ::\Ir. and :'fIr:'>. spent and Franklm \'.hn \\a'i 1

Maril;,vn Meyer, of Wayne were . and Mrs, were eVening Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kai the Joe Heckens home for Sunday I Sunday evenmg at Ruser ran e}of> operation Sa lurd 1\ r. 'Sunday evening visitors at the Nortolk visitors were at the Clark Kai home, supper.. home. v,erf' hom. Tuesda) I

George Vollers home, Grandma ,Robert. Erwi~. made a The Top Notchlt'rs 4-H club 1!let !"Ir: and Mrs. Jack ~reuger o~ Mr. and :'lrs. ~Ie :vir and \Irs \\ I.,odrn', Llil I Vollers went home with them for trip to SIOUX CIty Monday. at; L. J, Bres:;ler's 'Monday evenmg. wmSld.e and the ,~ermlt. and Al family are planning Ann Estelle v"ere \\PI k( nd a feW days visv: The Clayton Schroeders were Herby Hansen .of Pierson, la., den Johnso':l faml~les enjoyed co- from Audubon, Ia., ter lat thp Otto Lutt homl ™ I;:cic Ne!;on ' family spent supper guests at,. the George who nas relatives here" underwent o!lllTa"ve d'uner to the par;ntal, weekend,. Mr and 'Mrs L"H", J"",, ,I Sunday evening at the Olaf Nelson Schtoeder home FrIday. Mr, and surgery at a SioUx CIty hospital JOii Johnson home Sun~a'y. ~lr. and ::\Jrs. F I babY daughtpr Jf Om;lha $P' n' •

'home. Mrs. Cleo Schroeder of Norfolk last week. , ,Mrs. Joe JoJ"lnson VISIted ~rs. Bob. and \.1rs. Lena 1v,(,f'-kPnd h('.re.Vlsltlng

r"I.1lll,_ Mr, and Mrs. Herman Lehman were there for SUpper Saturday. A ~arge group of friends helped Art Munson Fnday afternoon. Mrs. to the Ray )'lr. and '\Irs Ralph Cr(,('k( 1 r \\ :

~~~c ~h:aa~:fi~~t;~r~d~rst.o .;{~~ Lat4'r the two familie~ Visited at Mrs 'Fred Tarnow celebrate her F. A. Suber and sons were there to observe Mrs. entertam th('.\T lJ FI",hl~;' :.!n '

dolph Lehman, who ha' been a pa- thZJ;~';['t~~s ~~~~~e~~~ei~~eof b<rit:ja~ Satl([~:y ~~,:n'~~a.e and th~~e%~~sbet~~berstedt famdy ~~;;'~,' '''t~ at '~~ ~~~~~~dd~~"n,;,/1,:~; I;~":;" 'I,

til'nt at the community hospital for birth of a 61}l lb, girl to Mr. fam1ly a 1d Mrs George Laase and MrS;. Ted Carlson and sons of The W Eollie Ley rICturnl":! .'undd.', fr

eight months following a fracture Mrs. Burdette Nygren of BunkIe. were Sunday supper guests at Omaha '(ijsited at the Art Borg on ~rs \\ illram $(,\'('ral v,f'ek.; (' ,jr'

of I:t~~ ;~~' Mrs, Marland Schroeder ~"a;;:;;, other chIld in the famdy FrUrT:~do~;~, Harry Wageman hO~~ssu~:fct:;hen;:;~tenson and I ~~~,~:,n,~ I~:J ~';~,~,~ e;~~ ;;,~~ ~~~:l~~';g ~", J I and children visited the John Mrs .. Caroline Flege .and Mrs. drove to Wisner Saturday t~ meet young.cr chiJdren visi~cd Mrs. Fred Inmg', . ' ning in Omahi1. Schroeder family·Sunday. Franklm Flege spent FrIday after· their son, Harold of St. LoUlii, ~ho Ll,llldin Tuesday evenmg. Thurr;day f'vemng :\1r.}nd Mrs. l\l d .\1 5

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Reynolds and noon at the James Hank ho~e, is home for his Easter \·acatlon. Bonni~ and Gale 'Morten.son were Alhin Peterson and sons called at I 1 ~. an d ~l' Marli]n and Mr. and M;rs. Merle Mr. and Mrs. George Vollers and They and the Alfie Utechts were with their aunt, Mrs. Wel.don Mor- the Emil Swam;on hom. l\lane I c~ Ok r Tan. d" .rs Rubeck and Randall wfre among family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H .. Doesch~ Sut!day dinner V.iRitOrs~(of Mrs. tcnson Tuesday while th~l.r mother Lindgren w-.!s a ).oIonday ~fteF1loc.n i v.er up,., .i:I.i -:::; , ..... ' th guests at the celebra~ion of Mr er Mr and Mrs. Robert Hanson, Emma Utecht and Herb rt. was in Norfolk. visitor 1 I ).Irs. P. H .• tf\r,,~ Cln~ Mrs. Everard Burns' wedding M~. and Mrs Bernard Pehrson and Mrs, Adolph English jo~ed .a The James Gustafson. family and I ).oIr. ~nd :'Tfs. Elmer F. Anderson, home In \\'Ichila" !'...Ll anniversary Sunday. Doris Nelson were guests at the group of visito~s FrIday e~nmg m Mr. and Mrs. John Flsc11('r. were jr-.. and daughter. ::\Iary Marie, of] after spen~mg. a f(,~.'

Mr, and Mrs, Iobert Sasse, Nor- Ehjner Hank home Friday eve.ning homor of her bIrthday. guests at the H.arold Fischer Trahuco Canyon, ('.alrf , ~m(' Mon-! hc:mc of hr r h.lothc., ~I.dx rna Erwin and Dean Backstrom in honor of the wedding annlver- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wageman Sunday followmg th~ bap· day to \',sit until Tuesd 'at the With hpr m~Lh.('r :'II,~ spent Sunday evening at the Mar- sary of Mr and Mrs. Elray Hank. and Harold spent Sunday evening tism of their infant ion. Richard Rev P Pp'lr"on home. ey \Vere ::\lr<;. :\Iax Asn ._I,r.d \If~ land Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. James Hank, Mr, at Charles Wageman's. Dean at the Mis~ion churc~. tnr~ut~ home from Gplesburg. ~~,?~~~ :-;I~U~ (~')

'Mr.' and Mrs, Axel Fredrickson and Mrs, Elray Hank and children Mrs.' Emma Utecht and Herbert The Lorence Flschpr family ~as ~ ________ ~_. _ , . __ and Clifford and Mrs. J. 1. Pe~er- and Mr. and Mrs. Bernh&rd Pehr· \'biited Emil Utecht Sun~av after- at the Marvin Muller h~m(' last • , .: . sen and baby were dinner guests at son visited at the Everett Hwnk noon at the Wayne hospital wherc Tuesday evening celebrating' G(>f~

~~:~iE :::::::so:fhO::y:: ~~!~~~?tf:~~~~:;~t£alt :~~~ ::~1:~~d:~~~:~:~:fP~il:~~~st :v'~l~~~~~~E~!i~~a~il~ux City , spent Friday evening at the Arvid n' Complimenting Mr. and :\1rs. 1 PetcfSlon horne, I~rs, Vernon Nelson and Mrs. Aid Mef't!'J .. Claude Roberts and daughter of

Verneal. Myron and Einar P.eter~ Lyle Cleveland were wayne VlSlt- Pleasant Valley Ladl(,~ ~ld m.et San FranciSCO. a famIly drnner was son visited at the George Magnu- ors Wednesday afternoon. Wllrtnes~ay at Mrs. Ed cQ.U1S- enjoyed at the Alden Johnson son home SlInday afternoon. :'IIlrs. Lyle Cleveland was a h j;m'~. WIth ~ood attendance, Mrs. home !Vlonday noon. ()thers pre~­

Farny Fredrickson of Omaha o'clock luncheon guest of Eilene l.flwrence Rmg was guest spe.al~er. ent v.'ere: Mr. and Mrs. Francl.!' pent the weekend at the home of Lynott in Sioux City ~aturday. They .meet, next at .Mrs, Wd lam RoBIUbfefr,ot,sR::vn,danfadmMilrYs, DOofnaCldo~nocbd

parents, Mr, and l'YIrs. Axel ,Mrs. Thomas Erwin spent FIiday McQUIstan s. " '" 11;.

Fredrickson. w'th her parents Mr and Mrs C ---,- erts of Sioux City,.d the Ma,rvm, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, left HI Nelson ',. . 'Ron ClJ.rilit("necl Mortenson family.·rw= Roberts are'l

Tuesday of last week after spe~~- ·Mrs. Ca~1 Paulson and son, Alvin M:!~n~rM~~~~e~f v.~er::e('fson brothers of :Mrs, Johnson and 7vlrs. He Nelson home. They pl'an to VISit Guern and Mrs: Pearl ,Guem of SunidaY af thf' christening of little Mortenson. iog several weeks in the ~rs.1 Mil- Wayne were calling on fflends here Jack Lf'slip Hansen. son of Mr" 'Mr, and Mrs, Martin Holmberg his father in Oklahoma City, then Monday. and Mrs. William Hansen. Pastor were at the Reuben Goldber~ hpme are going to California to visit Mr,. and Mrs. Ben Lund of Harold Kieck of St. Paul Lutheran Thursdayevening celebratmg Ja other relatives. ~akE'fleld called at the Mrs . .iV111· church officiated, Dinner gUests at N°Ashn'as cboiru!ft~asYy'to th.e Darv.'in Ag-

Mrs, D. A. Paul and Mrs. Ivan 11e Nelson hom~ Sunday. . the Hansen home in honor of the L '" II ' C"nlacr,okunsPCe"lnl"ITufhfuS,rs\?ha~reanMdrsF,r"aauYI Thomas ErWIn :nade a bUstness cc sion were the pastor and fam- leI'S, who, are mQVlrg to ays

;> y < P'f trip to Pender Fnday. 'lly i\1rs Mary Hahsen and family, Spring, the Ray Ag e~, sr" en~ visited the Paul Harts a.nd Mrs, The Glenn . Magnuson family M; and Mrs. Henry Mueller and tertained at 'Sunday dmner ·the Clark an aunt, Mrs, T. Cramord. were Sunday dmner guests at the Mr: and Mrs. Ervin Clinkenbeard Chauncey Darwin and Ray Aglers,

s~~~· ~6~~~s'ev;~~~~~t ~a:I}~~ C'icv~~~~~fg~~~~;~son of Oma- of Thurston. jr'Joann Wert has been out of

~"". - m, .. ~""' e, ... M.. M" M' W."", '-, I .oW""'''''''''' meo". Rev. and Mrs, John Gabrielson Magn.uson were dinner guests at • SOUTHWES. T ~ The Harry Werts were w~th and children and Mr. and Mrs. the Wymore Wallin home Sunday. ~ D Mrs. Magnus Westlund for Sunday Clifford ('arlson and children vi~it- Mr and .Mrs, Robert Allen of W AKEFIEL ~~~T~ :~~v~~1n1h~u~!~:.rt Gamb~C! ~~:s~a~h~ve;:~~d Johnson home Wayne were ci'und"''01 afte~noon \ I

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carlson, Mahle vi~~,r~~d ~~s. ,~c~g~., d~~k o~d '~by ~nnlvl"Sary I Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Karen Ann were visitors at the as· Mrs .. L~wrence Ring CeleQrating the 25th wedding an-

and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. car Borg horne in Dixon Sunday. ? . h niversary of Mr, and Mrs, E, J, and Dickie were Monday evening dinner guests at 'Mr, and Mrs, aul FISC er Lundahl. members of the St.udy i

visitors a~ the the Ivar Anderson home "Were Mr, Paulette Visited ~t the Laurence Circle and their families surpn.sed I \ and Mrs. Elmer Anderson, jr., and ~:l~I~:t~O~~ S~~~'~~a~;e~~oo~:~ them Friday evening. An ongmal

l Mrs. Mary of Thurs· Mary Marie of Trabuco Canyon, Carlson and Larr-" durmg the time poem by Mrs, Charles Pie:son was

tOn spent the weekend at the Cal. RE'v.' p, Pearson anq Mae and -l d M enjoyed anti a song, wntten by I aid Cl~rk home. Ruth of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. of Impassable roads Mr an 7' Mrs Ray Dilts was sung by Joan I

.Mr. and Mrs. James Hank ahd Harley Bard of Wakefield. W Carlson were e ... enmg V1S1 - Lundahl and' Ivalyn Johnson



Nutrena Pig Pusher isn~wstepped- '" .;t;:'n ... ,. up v.ith "Liviwn ,. and is speCl~lly I LlWWJ w., made to help you save more pIgs. Scientists have proved that ,the PIG PUS H E.R new Animal P:o~ein ,factor (con- Slepped-Up WiJh

tained in "LlVIum ) can help ~ " \ \ 11/,1 /' ~ build fast gains. AskyoiIrNutrena -:::::=:::/f;MfJ.. . . ~ dealer about Nutrena Pig Pusher :::::::-; ]/Ii) ~ with "Livium". It's a complete.::=: U./J -:::= milk-producing feed for sows and ---: ~ ~ - -..:...,;,.:::=:::: an outstanding creep feed ~or ~igs. -.;;:; '--:-:;:;f~';'\ \ \." ,<"

, Rich ih rolled oats, toO. Pig Sized =---:::::-- ~ Con/o;n, Animol P,0191" Mr. and Mrs. Elray Hank and fam- ors k f h Games and luncheon foUowed and I ily were Sunday visitors at the ' I Mrs Lawrence Rmg spa e a e~ a gJft was presented by the group :e,ob H]anson home. • L E S LIE European tiTlP before the Pleasand Sunday which was the anmver- Sh 8 P d' . Mr. and Mrs. William \Vall were L : Valley AId and ~uests~t Jhe Ef sary date the fest WltlCS were con- erry ros ro uce

dinner guests at the OScar Nelson by----....... w McQuistan, home la::t e ay a - tlnued in 'the evening \vhen 50 rela- • honie south of Laurel Saturday, te['noon, tives and friends brought gifts and I 06

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erwin, Dale, Mrs, GraCe Buskirk For cooperative lunChC01.tand a socIal 1 Wayne, Neb. Phone 2

... pellets same price as meal. facio, Supplement

Marcia and Wylie were in S!?UX Olga Clausen spent last week in time ~~~da~~jo:r:~'~on.~t~:d~' Ji~~~~,,!fl~.~~~:':~1 ~;;~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::....-: ~~~,YJ~g~djf~k'f~se;~ ~~~e~~~t:y:l Omaha with her sister and family. ':.: -"~~~=1:j=t====~=~=~!=~=1:============::~ In May she and her fathel', J. p, CTausen will fly to Denmark to

f.. \1iS~1ei~~~~!~V~~n bormann of ~th. ',',If 1 ,- A: C' "., IN' fRY eum,IMass"couslnofthe;rannows,

, "

came last v.;('ck to assist at the George Dinklage farm. He w'ls C'mployC'd as manager of a. fur~ll­t.urp store in N(['theum. HIS Wife

•., ti~,b,,·cants \Vi~C~,y'cri~:~~ and Dan Dolph (I. UI were 1n Laurel Tuesdar to visit

, D-X Motor C)iI. Heavy Duty and Oils. ~ltd otherllul>ricants in prop ..

fQ~ all mQving parts of farm


Ray bolph. Thf farm 'sale of Austin Breasler

was i;ell attended. They have pur~. 1 ch<1sqd a home in Wisner. Mrs, Katel Keenan and two sons of Stan~on were dinner guests thp.t day 4s were other reiative~, Mrs. Clal1ence Mann of \Vayne was ,*n afternoon visitor.

TI~e Emil Lunds spent Sunday afternoon.itt the Art Longe home,

Mrs. Dan Dolp~ and Mrs. August Kai' visited theIr mother, Mrf.' Lena Habrock, ncar Emerson FrI-

Tile Most Bear,tihd '" I d h ppl y Pontiaf' . We are. of course, very pro~( an a

~ that people ev:erywhere nrr {'alli~g the Pontiac ··the most beautiful tiling on

ne~. b'LilliantJy beautiful autolllohile wbeels." Pontiac IS a Ir _ ,

-las .handsome 8 car a8 ever fQllcd onr America 8

. and hl~ ,,:.~s. ,

]9.19 ofTen; a totally m>w'kind of ride-a Olnd effortless and comfortahle as a either ~f Pontiac's famon8 engines,

ei~ht"')'li,nd"r. is a sweetheart for poll cr. P~ntiac is· the lowest-priced car

the €"ase of Hydra-~Iatic on all models at extra ('or

fllcne:\t new Pontiac you sce-tbtm car a really thorough exami.

really t~ appreciate why


Page 7: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State


F~~or~~nL~~l !~~~e~~~~T~.a~::te~: ~~h~n~LEf~IIRebg~!~re~ndS~i}fs~ FOR kENT-good, tires, Phone 34, 116'tfl West Choice quality, W. J. Kieper. ___________ _ 10th. a14p a14tf

KEROSENE RANGETTE: Good 'FOR SALE: F·20 tractor with cuI-

,~~~~it~~~~S~~ry ~f6.5'O. Ga~~ie~~ ~~vna~~~o~nEgd~o~~~~rr~~I.g~ -T-A-K-I-N-G-n-A-'-TE-' -s-c-or-o-ne-o-'c::':o2ur

~a14 cabins at Lake Okoboji for hon- _+--' ________ _ FOR SALE: Good used piano. Mrs. evmooners or vacationers. 'D.

F. S. Morgan. phone 157·J, a14 :=H=al=',=5=4=9=-J:'=====iiiia~1=4P 1 __ 1-. ________ _ FOR SALE: 1936 Model A John - . ,

Deere traclor. with cultivalor -'--.--------f'-.......:::..: LOST AND FOUND-aWndl'n'sP01'd~.er liCt. Hermanl T


jP4Pp' PRICES 0L''''''Y<JV ___________ _

... Westinghouse utomatic

'Card of IThanks 1 1. wish Ilo thank all who remern-~cred me ,while I was sick at my

orne with cards, letters, ~lfts ant..! ood and 'who helped with the ousework. .Mrs. Fred ::\1uehlmeier.

+-_________ aI4p

Card of Thank~ I wish t,) express my sincere

hanks to all who sent gifts and r personal visits during my stay

i the hOSPital. C. E. :'I1iller. a14p cr..al"d of Tha~--~---

1-i wish to thank all who r('rnem­t)ered me with cards. letters and


owers during my stay. in the hos­ital and illness at homf'. -A Iso hanks to Our kind neIghbors who elped us in so many ways. :\lrs. rthur Longe. a14

fa: ;i~ ~~~sk you·' to all our latives and friends who Temem­

ered us on our ~5th annlv!!rsary mE'St and Clara Lundahl. a14p

SId of Thanks , We wish to express our thanks to those who visited u;:; during our

FOR SAl¥: 1935 Chevrolet coach~ Coffee Maker -+----------'-- stay r~~:~~e~~J~!~~:it~~Saord~ha~~ ~~~: ~~~s ~?~~~~~8~2P~?~~ol~~ to $22.95 ~~~=-------------~~, Mrs. Warren Btl"on and

a14 S~LE: Nemaha oats. State

certified. Pure seed 99.25'/0 G€rmination 97r/~ Gilmore J. Sahs, phone 17 on 15, Carroll.

Phone 446-W. 014 LESTER ELECTRIC

m3ltf c------------ .-----OR SALE: 1947 Bromegrass seed: state tested~pure seed 95.8(/c; Germination 92('{ Cleaned. Phone Carroll 17 on 15. Albert C. Sahs.


FOR SALE: New 15' Sioux Discs Heavily constructed. ~ll parts

interchangeable wlth a popular brand.

Price $200

Harold Frese •. Lyons. Neh'raska

1 mile west and 1 mile south a7t2

OR SALE: Certified Hawkeye ~ soybean seed. Lawrence Ring. Wake1'ield-E~~~\e Z2~~~~2!!

OR SALE: Half stack third cut~ ting alfalfa hay. ~so a few tons

i~i~pe~U~~~. brgnr~ngh::ha~~ . puppies. Levi: Gil!se. a7tt

TCHEN RANGES: Three good used all white; porcelain cast

~~ft~~~~~mor~ng;,s~ic~J ~nel~'!; market value. Gambles. alit

R SALE: 825 bushels certified indo oats. Gemnination 97(;0;

pure seed 99.2(/r; weet seed Q(k

~:4~!uC:g~~~~~u:~~.f~\ Ra~~~g

Safety Glass C)


/ While You Wait

ilWayne AuU.o. Salvage . o28tf

• 1

SEED· CORN For ISale: Genuine Pfister Hybritls. " The corn that set a new offici~l high world yield record. Call or write Oscar Peterson, Wayne. _ ....... _~_~

FOR SALE: 1, new lHe "M" trac-tor cab at $73.50. Bjckert Farm Service, Wayne. a14t2




S:~E ~:Y !~~~i~I!::~~e NEED, 'J






fOR SALE: 3 ('>xtn ... ~'~.-'! n,llNl

I ~~~r~t,~.":~· ' UH'd.:'U~ : U:11cr 1~~ I Fisher, lU4. J/niles west of

'~~~;;~~~~~~~;;:;~:;~~~~;;~~;;~~II' Wayne on 98. a14p i -EFRICERATOR$: Two good used Coronado rdirigerators. A-l -----,--1--------

1 ~~~?itboan~ b~;~~~~;:;~ o~e~~;~

~~l~;""i~~"~::- -~:: i tractor cultivator, new. Oliver

2-14 .. inch tractor plow . . Racherbaumer, 4.south,

of Wayne.


KELLYRYAN Equipment Co. '

Blair, Neb. Recognizes the

New Trend! Through production econo­

mies as well"s itnproved raw material procure~

ment we are able to pass along to the farmer his

dividend in the form of--

Reduced Prices

Kelly Ryan "Single Cut" Disc Harrows

15-ft. Single Cut Now $197.66

Other Sizes from: 5 ft. 8 in. to 11 ft, 6 in .

Priced Proportionately'

Kelly Ryan Tandem "Land Leveler"

11 feet 9 inches

Dis~ Harrows Now $261.91 Othe~ Sizes f)-om:

6 feet to! 10 feet 8 inches Priced


K4lly Ryan "Trailaway" Elevators

24 ft. ~omplete _________ $296,57 28ft. complete ___ .. _____ $312_71 32 ft. complete __________ $328,95 36 ft. com~lete----.-----$345.18 40 ft. cOIJl lete _____ .. ___ $361.41 44 ft. cOJlJ let,e __________ $377.64

, I

Above Equipment ,Fully

G~aranteed , ,


WILL PUMP cesspools and septic I tanks. First class equipment. :=1========== Have been out of the state and will take care of jobs previously

Thank ...

guarantero. Eddie Mason, phone _-1-_________ _ 112, Randolph. f3tf

sincere -thanks to all who red us WIth cards, flowers. visits during our stay in al and after our return


Clean Cotton Rags Without buttons,

hooks or snaps

The Wayne Herald a12tl

B.ULLDO ZING Erosion Control

Dams and Ditches Basements Excavated

Will also work in con~ junction with AAA

Neely & Askwith Phone 52 Box 194

, Tilden, Neb. m31-a

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •

Coryell Two '46 Chevr~- a

and a 5-pas~~r '46 Oldsmobile 4·door Severalexcellent'41

and Fords '140 Fords j39 Clievrolet '38 Chevrolet '~8 Ford , WE HAVE SOME REAL


We Hav~ ,f;x:ceJlleilt

Kenneth Eckert <lnd a14p

Farm Mortgages BUliDels Properties

"'arm and FHA Loans


PR NG Fancy TUrl~s to

:Thoughts of •


••. One Black

.' • • • • • • • • • , . • II"

Page 8: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State


II ~

Cdrnhuskor I


2 No.2 29c cap.

112 eans 1.59

Bom to :\olr. and Mrs. JacQbscn, a daug-htcr, April 9, a Nprfolk hospital. ~

BroVber-ln-law Dies Mrs. Grace Laase rll'ceivcd

last week of the death of

~~~~~~ti~a~'cnv~~e~~ces held at Pjer~e. Dr. LetJ"oy Laasc Lincoln accompanied his mother the rites.

A group of relatives hclpN,li. Mrs.: Donald Kvols observe her birthd/iY

las~~,:g~Ks~,v~cnl~~~r in the junior

~~'~r~~~o~~r :~s c~~~~~~y ~r:e~~~ tio~.

rVlx. and Mrs. Warden' Lyons, Harry Lyons and Mr, and IMrs. Ed Gl'olhc and Sharon of Wayne were din!rler guests Sunday at the 'El·

m~'~~~~~s ~~~'k~no~i~~~rds and famlly w.ere Friday ",~inner guests alifuC R. ec~ Richards nome in Nor-I fol ' " :

M h~ng~e~n~ar~~la~~~rv~Cl~~~: bjrt~day las~ Monday afternoon. '

Bd>nnie Gr enwald celebrated her s('\'dnth birt day last Friday after-I noon.,Classmates and friends were' guests.

for a social afternoon i"'ith Mrs. Longe before she leaves the neighborhood where she h:tftl~~

as a're­I membr"nco,_ :._- -C • .-" :c-·,, __ - served hostess. Mrs. Longe moved home in Wayne on Satur~

Farewf'U Party ~ Mrs. Rudy Longe pleasantl sur­

prised Mrs. Louise Longe on Fri­day afternoon by inviting a large group of neighbor ladiC's friends to the Rudy 'Longe

'"dSMART fot


party tir"el I,

$3.95 to


Shoes Shiny Block Pa1tnhfo'yovrliffl. girl ... sporldil'lg, gI10Il\ing"blGu, ti,l lor drtu-vp occalions. AACi, Mother, yo~/II h~. In. .o'Y~· th.-budget prlc,,,, .-

323 Main St. Phone 331-J

1. Str~ighten Up 2. Jig~~n Up . 3. lunf UP. J~. Pai~t Up

Your Ca~'for Spring

, I * Lubrication * Car Washing *

* Overhauling



Co. I

Wayne, Neb.


Page 9: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

I:· I

: I • I '

I ,

t t,

1 I



• • · , • • • • • • • • • • • • •

.' • • •



! ~

'. S ./ ,



thi~ is th I


Ithat Ica~ say .• Q

',this!is ~ lire_tlst ,I raa_ lalu.



i at

'I I


',try-oD., an<l 'YOU'll agree •.. , beautifully tailore<l styles, metic~~ouslylcr~r\ed

\.rnake ~ea~Harper unbelieva~le'

.Ameh6~B.O, re.a.t C?st V4Iue: •. ilSPat.bu • it today I

. mll.tV'Iweedsl Rlth raul.lttl, .......

, nl!'~' j" ,tau~lful~illar. II I

I'~nl r nd ml-r,i i '. I. I \' : .', Ii I ' I

i ,i, I

! "ii, ....



1'1 " ,,"

uNls~·PA'RA·DgRs··~·~·l ~ E 'x~YNE H, E ALD S~ore


J~ekie Jumper Ray ~ilbert

Suiit:s flllr Boys

J'h,l'YijJ 1)(' ~)('t 10 g,O places in f'W JackIe' Jump('r or Ray Gil­

I crt SUI t. Gabanlmc and wor­t~d pattern!> in both solid col­

.pr~ and two-tom's. Single :Ind dlQublc brcilsted nl:jdS. All new calvrs, .

Si7.f: ... fj t(l 18

Student$ SizclS 311 tu!iq


., = 'Jl! "" j ______ ~ __________ ~----------__ ___ ' I :. ~ 4Q

Uo.y,>' N "Mh Country


Wayne, Nebraska, Th ursday, April 14, 1949

~.-.-•• -.-.-•• -.-.-.+"-.-•• -.-.-"-.-.-•• -II-.-n-.-.-a.-.:-.-•• -.-.-.. -.-.-.. -.-.-•• -.-.. -.-.-.. -.-.-•• -.-.-•• -.-.-•• -.-.-.. -.-.-•• -.-.'-•• -.-.-.. -.-•• -.-.-.. -.-.-.. -.-.-•• -.. Sec, 2-Pages 1 to 6


at: Larson's Clot:hing St:ore

Clothcraft SUITS Onc of Larson's famous Clothcraft suits will make you a leader in the Easter Parade, ~ew gabardines, sharkskins, or worsteds in double or,;ingle breasted model~. Select yours now while st9cb arc complete.

Grays - Tans - Greens - Browns t.

Regulars .. Shorts .. Longs

Expert Alteration Service at No Extra Charge ... Experienced Tailors



It's going tr) hI: gra.Y this spring, at least as far a~

men's clothes are COnCel"'1H:u.

The new Stetson Itcgatta in blue-gray \I,;ill top off your

~pring clothes perfectly, See

the Hegatta, with t,he smart pleated band, today,


· · 0, · .. .. • : .. · · .. ~ F · .. · r,s' · · .. .. · .. • .. · .. .. · · • • • .. • J(, .. • · · , . .. .. · " .. H .. · .. " R

: L · .. · .. • .... __ .-

Others $4.95 up '. ' • .. .:~~,t . "'~ :

We feature ... • · .. .. ..



: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. --------------------------- • ..

Arrow Shirts Crosby Square SHOES FOR MEN

• .. · .. · .. · ' .. • · .. · .. • • .. · .. .. • .. •

You'll be well dressed. from Illop to toe" wearing all auth"ntic Crosby SCluare, fashioned to fit­{aHhioned [rj make a mall feel fit. All the new Rpring patterns in light weight dress shoe~ or • heavy soled sport shoes. Come in, try them on.

$9.95 t::o $14.95 OTHERS $7.95 UP i

toncs predominate in this Easter enRcmble by Arrow. The shirt, and the handk~rchief are designed as a team, .. and a hand­

trio you never saw. The shirt features subdued tones on broad­with a double satin stripe for contrast.

The Tie ........ $1.50 ' Han.U<er.obi.1If .• SSe:

Turn the Page 'for More

Larson's Values

Page 10: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

r "1

i '-1 1 ,

H ,

II I ,

Jacques who had ia dry pleating factorY! 'here,

from C. C, ~ ten-

been . an~.a fine vacant lot wned

, of Main stre t ... was manager of Win-team at arj orgaOlzation meetin IMon-

Hodapp ha$ been chosen head of the " for ne':Ct., year . . . Dave qriffith

finger One day last week whrn the

.' at i~~ J~han ~~~iJ~~i~~\I:c~ea~a~~a~;~i , . . three Wayne banJ{s will be closed n Ar-bor day, April 21 ... A, communitv supper i being

~~~ uj~j,:r-~~ef~~I~~h~~n~V~~i~lk.t~. r:J!~h fu s~~ ~f Wake fie Ill· is president pf ~he Northeast ~ra$ka Bankerf association wh~ch ~lOlds ils annual ';J~etjng in Norfolk next week.

na~rJdmn!?~e!;3t;-r~~f~;y ;~d~~~trn~:~ti~1~i~:~f t.he siter of the ne\}'" Wayne post office htlil.ding ... Su t. J" R. JO"hnson of Wakefield was elected presi­de t ofl the IJixon county: schoolmcn's assdciation W nelay in Concord .... John Rimel who was help­iQg wit farm work at Hobart Auker's thiS spring, ha ,an. infected. toe amputat~d Saturday in Laurel ... Dr, L. W. Jamieson pr~ented a paper at a conw ventionlin Waterloo, Ia., Th rsday ... Fern Van Alw le~n a installed. as presli 'ent of ·the coU~ge high Gir R 'erve organization. ,Alberta Fannan is vice \ prf;' ide' t, Helen tMabott, s~crelary and Iren(> Bas­tiUi , tr asurer ... Mildrel) Moses and Charll'ne

~~ n; ~~~!~Jee~,~i~7~lbatv~~~('~~~ti~g. ~f l\~~ Ka e Gertner is converting the upper floor of her sto e b~ilding on Main str('ct into thre(' apartments an offlice rooms.

'Pll'i~ 20, 1939-Mrs. ~o d Behmer will complete

t·h school term as sUj:)er tendent in Hoskihs suc~ ,ce' ing I W. S, IckIer, w resigned effecUiVe last : Friiday ... Russ.,~U' Wid0ft as ret' ned as music in-

',st~cto~ in Wayne City, "Seh Is ... A, ~on, g th, e .125 Wa ne ounty eighth graft rs, A lene Smith of dis~

g,i ~r~B ·~s a~~~e!~~~~p ~i~::te;~n' i.alll~~~r~~ 1..0 isej eiden . . students: at the Un ye~s ty o( r .h!g~ scholar-.shi '.,. The at· Potioa after bei gf' d up f Seymour is reR

serVe legate to th~~, ~~t . ist uniting confer,~nc:e plann in Kansas Cit P: II 26 ... Burl' Cralg lS movin y 1 to iMrs. a Ulrich's house in the south t part of town I. unds cleared by Wayne PI "I ers t their producl:i' of Big Hearted Herhert, wil b~ iven to the liQl' . to purchase new books . , . Staldng for REA Ii es in wa~ne county is pr gress~ng. I

~unication purport~'n' to 'come

~rom the spirit of orge Wash­ngton, e pressin ala at the

i rend of ~ents. ft was reJayed to [Us blY a medJum in New ~ork sta te, l:-yho claims- to havlj received the ,"spit:.itual~' message' April 3.


WAYNE ap:~~~i~h~n . was' Qpo~rl~t:~~ [ by---.......I.'-l

~ee~k~a!t ~~~f~~(l~n t~~~' u~?u:~~~~~ r Staff'Corresoondent

f~~~:t~~~~i~ ~~ i{:doer :~~i~~~adu~~ Tlie Ed Niemanns visited at the ing the coming year, de pite the ae- Frectri}!k Nieman,:! home Wednes-tiol1 of the bUfElau of tIr hudget in day everting. . . trimming morel than a million and Billy' and Hans Piwenitzky ac­a halt:. dotlars from t e estimate. companied Walter. Ulrich and The a'ppropriations sub-committee Dale to Norfolk Thursday evenwg of which t.he third di&.t.tict member to see the boxl1lg matches

~~O::~~~i~; ~~n~f~~ re~r:1~~r rnr sp~~· r~~~a~~;thK~;en~~ca~~;~ Director J. Edgar Hobver testify seys.' that without tnA~<; am01..l!~t his agen-I Mr. and Mrs. Alden Dunklau and cy would be greatly crtJppJed. Mr. and .Mrs. Eldin Roberts and ~~- Sheryl were last Sunday afternoon

The approoriations. committee and supper guesls at the J. M. voted unanimously to g c the F'Br Roberts home. Leonard Roberts the '$52,585,141 it reque cd. The was an evening visitor. bureau of (he bllldget hp,d pprovcd Mr. and Mrs. Elhardt Pospishil only ~50 987,~OO_ spent last Sunday afternoon at the

The FBI handled Oiol'e than a halfrmillio? investigative atters last year. This was em al -time

~~'kl~:~~ J:~j~egdi~;y ~7 t~~r~~~'~ r years. During those busy

yea rs, when go'VernlT1~t expendi­tures were un[!aralJ~ f'd in this country's history, ap roximately $10.000,000 which had, een author­ized but unspent was voluntarily returned to the treasury hy the FBI. indica ting the f'f[i('if'ncy of its op. r",atiQfl ul)df'r MIt'. Hoov.cr.

Will Schroeder home. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Piwenifizky

and Mr. and MFS. Herman Steube, sr., visi,ted at the Henry Victor home Wednesday evening.

Mary Ann Fern and Billy Piwen­itzky were at, the Oscar Ramsey home laft Sunday artean.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbe Echten­kamp and family w e evening guests at W. H. Rae' beumer's Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Florenz Nieman and Mr; and Mrs. Fred Ree.g helped the Ray Reegs celebrate their sec­ond wedding anniversary last

Ori inall~ FBI jurl."ldlction cov- Wednesday.. . ered nly 20 or 30 f('d~ral statutes. " Mr. and Mrs. Will,Schroeder VIS­This number has now increased to Iltea ~t Carl Damme s last Monday around 120 major la~s, including :cvenulg. . seven passed hy congrC'.ss in the; Mr. and MrS. Paul Slevers cailed past year, I;llone. Ip addition, the :3t the Charle.s Bull home last Wed-responsibHities of this organiza- ,nuday mornIng· . , tion have been increaed by presi- I .~r. and Mrs. Me1vm Longe and dential. direc.tives which have [Children and the Herbert Echt~,,n­charged th'e FBI with the coordina- kamps spent last Tuesday evenmg tion of aJi internal siCUri1Y mat- lat t~e El~er Echtenkamp home. ters affecting the civ lian popula- I M.1. and Mrs., Ernest ::v1uhs and tian, including mattJ(!rs of es- ,family were last SundaY

a afternoon

pionage, s~botage ~nd treason. i~~:~ttv~~:~~~larence ~ mm home --~- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson

Every FBI special agent in the land daughters were guests at the field is now carrying an average Amos Echtenkamp home. workload of 18 cases, although 10' M d::\1 V rnonfian and are- regarded as the maximum for :R~g~~ ate ~ ~re e supper guests efficient productive capacity. The 'Wednesday evening at the Floyd spirit of the agents is demonstrated 'Hupp home.

ri~Ci:re~::~t t~~t p~~[~~e~h~'o1~~~ sp~;~' Irs; ~r~d::;/~v~~7~~ ~~?h~: tary overtime, for which no com- .J. H. Spahrs. pensation was teceived, in excess Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Echten­of on£' million hours alnd forfeited kamp and family visited at the 12.915 days' annual leave. Elmer Rinehart horne last Sunday

Investigations indidte .that the ':af~~~~~~ Mrs. Haymond Reeg had communist party today is organ- 'dinner last Sunday with the Flar .. ized in some 600 communities in ienz Niemanns. They visited at the

~~n~~i~~eof~~~~~"u~~~~~eJhi~ ~~= ~~~~. Kiemann home in the after-, sia in 1917, there v.rtIs only one Mr. and ':vIrs. Carl Damme visit­communist for every 2,277 inhahi- 'ed j h(' Fritz Thuns in Norfolk lants of that country. In the United last Sunday evenifilg. Slales today there is one commu- :'ITr. and ::vIrs. Adolph Claussen ni'-l for every 2.463 inhabitants. and family and Amanda Wischhof

were last Sunday guests at the Somf'times \0.'(, wondf'r what the George Reuter home.

founding fathers of Our republic Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Bruns were would think of world conditions if .visitors at the Henry Wacker, jr., thev were' We don't hume last Tuesday. know how can be, but The following held a cooperative this office a com- dinner at the Charles Bull home



Ja:.::~~, ) l' , 'fOr your Easter .rardrobe

,I PIUEIIX NYLONS Step un .... rtlv 'h\io Easter In Phoenix'

I!aJtet,P <\e., Freoh..new,'w:, blJ.h bl<i:cwlth ~ ~a ve under:tOf.eI ie desilD~

Iv ror vpur n.,. wardro~. Partl~ly ...... wIth navy. tilack'~ _v ••• wond.m.n"

com li!men~ to the new' bluFI., a and _.1Il In ~ wear welljhUo

I "

gtr~~~.r h~~~~te;;'dlt~~e ~i~it~~ laSt Monc;.ay. He was given two transfusions before undergoing an operation to amputate one of his legs below the knee.

Stanley Soden was a caller at W. H_ Piwenitzky's last Sunday eve­ning.

Janet Ramsey was an overnight g11est of her grandparents. the Os­car Ramseys, Wednesd,ay and Thursday.

Ray Roberts was a guest of the J. M. Roberts' last Wednesday eve­ning.

LoUis \l1"illers home evening tD he~1 them

their wedding anniversary. Mrs. Herbert Echtellk;m1p viSit­

~o~.race Gamble Thtr.rsday aftel" . .,

Sh~I:~n,a~~d 1!;t"G~~(' ~,~~~eaff;~ noon callers last Sunday at the Charles Bull home.

I1C,IL<;pwa.rming Party About 40 ~lativeg and friends

had a housewarming party for Mr. and 1\lrs. Elmer Ecbtenkamp ~lt tl-jeir home west of Wayne la~t Tu( sday ever.ing. , Mr. and l\.1rs. Carl Damme were

guests of thf1. Elhardt Pospishils T~~~daa:d ~~~~~n~\1arvin Dunklau OJJ.ce hockey is at Je.'] sf 2no years


Ric~~rt~~Ri:~ ~~~ I

at t~;~~E~~~1 SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Tuesday after-

, Music by Paul Moorhead and His Paxton Hotel

WEST RANDOLPH BALLROOM "WhCre t he Good Band.., PIa}"

a~!~~noo;:~l~~~! Orchestra .•. featuring Betty Cox

. ~yron Dirks and Hear them nightly except Sunday O\"(>r KFAB at 11.05 to 11'1{) gu('st~ at the Ted Admission: 83(' phi" tax

in Norfolk. "I

Coleridge last Sun- ~;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;::;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:::;;:::;;~ Virgil Buc;s Clnd II ----~--

~'isitors last Sunday I Ernest :\1uhs home John Rcq:;- \Vere at! home last TUPsday !

were. guests I home m Frc..,

Reeg were at

'Will Back \H're I

~al('r 5 last sunol '-'he last Tues-day

The W C Wests were guC'sts at I the WIll Brown home m Fremont last Sundt.

Mr. an Mrs WIll Back were gu.est~ at rlS Baler's last Sunday evpning. I 1

Mrs. Al Carlson called at \v. H. Piwcnitzky's last Tuesday after- I

noon. 'I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. West were guests at the ClarencE' Schager

hO~~.i~~7~~~g~a~~c~~:~:f:~Ord !


F or Efficient, Cheerful

and Prompt Service

,,"'e're Johnny-on-tpe-rfpot

when you need good w~ rinC

by trained eledriclans.

Wayne [Iectric & Appliance Co. 209 South Main Phone 281

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Here are your "Parade Pretty" shoes for

Easter •.• the fashion hour

.••. a tmatt season to be gaily accented i '

with beautiful Jolene Hollywood-

InsPi~ed Shoes. Every year more and

more )olene shoes go:

Easte~-parading •••

catching an eyes ... because Jolene Shoes "

add original high-fashion high lights

to every ensemble! What a thfill to

their budget price.

• • · · · • • · • • • • • · · f · • • .. · • • ·

t • • • ·v

Page 11: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

~. I' r~ , '"


I , i

: I I


~ongregations of all :Wake~icld

ch rches, will particip te in a uh ted sunrise sel',Viec E$ter mo, rn- I in at 6:30 at. the Prjesbyte-rian chliirch. Each minister will hUlJe a P"i on the program, ~'~mm;t t

i A hletic Banquet '. I~~~din, t

. 'aws Big Crowd t The ~carly 160 people wer1lH.:nCd at for th& uthll'tle banquet at the ~gh SC~OOI Thursday, givcn I hono of! th football and hasket all tea s Go rge (Potsy) Clrlrk, thletlc dI­re tor at the Umverf:;lty 1!f Neb1as­ka and Jack Dbnovan flSO of Ithe un~erslty, gave speechqs.

e Lions cluh, sponsored ,1he ar tli,r and two grdups of ~hc Le~ion a iliary served. i

~~eanor Mathe~son ,;~e~;~ ~~~:?qni~~il!rc •. c('jved word that nn Idaugh .cr, Elranor, who is an .army diel1~·an ~~JI~~m~r~~~ri~~ri?l~e~ Kl~~'u~~rl r~t to' captain. Capt. Mathowson as aLo informed hom I' folks that ~he 'has rC'c{'ived ordf'rs 10 sail Jane 17' hom Seattle\ \Vtlsh .. 10)' YOlw, hama, Japan. She eXpllcts to be

g~r~rn:~ll~l ~ef;t~~lc~\'ceks before. Ire-OqC IlL'structs Scouts

,lo\t their. meeting Tuesday ning, Boy Smuts receiwd first instruction from Dr. C. B. Coe,



Mrs. W~'ll Korth a, nct and " Jack or CarroIl ~c .. e 1,4<>n, a went to Fremont Saturday Mr. an Mrs. 'Alvin ddt h ,. F an I. mncr gues 5 at teL. 'I to VISIt at the Irving Bahdc home.

. 4r1d Mrs. \~ill home. Sunday they went to Seward' to called at th,c Joe N~~y,ana~dM~r.A~tnJ"%t:.s ~g --;;;-;;;';;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~F;:;;;;;;;;:';;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I~~~~~~1" ~~e~~CYnn.r . Bergt had Sunday evening dinner

d ~ at Herbert Bergt's. H~n;e~~i~~!~ ~~~~Y atl The Dean Schram family spent

ViSiting in Sioux City Friday ~~;~~ ~~r~,:;s~c~arn~e~~~~~:: wc.r~ Mrs. A. L. Pospisil~ Mrs. Mark They celebrated the birthdays of

• • :~~l.larSH~\~~On~go~e~~nger and Dean and his father. SueInl BrIef, I Mrs. Cliff Klmrod of Sioux.City J r~Cd AXC~ FredriThcksondand M

f "',

and her ~on. Harlan, of Anchorage. .. crs n were urs aya ter-lop~~;ete~~}~hi;~~~s:e~e~~ '~~: tlaska, shent Thursday and Fri- ~~.n guests of Mrs. Ernest Pctcr-

Fremont C. M. Cae' anc!. IMrs. Vic' Turney. h~~f'~t t e Charles Kinney, jr., Mrs. Gene Curtis and children to Thursday, and Mrs. Walter Moller, MTs. Charles Nyc and daughters and Orson Jeffrey -of Plainview

Fr~:i~hh()rS arid friends spent o~ Omaha were expected Sunday :ter~h~a~J~~YJl'~~~~~n~o~c~iSI~~ the afternoon and evening last ~l~;; ~:a~1~oV~t~{y ~b~uat~O~~eOk~e. guests were brother and si;--;tcr Thesday with 'Mr.s. Wfilt('r Ftro- )\1 J of Mr. Jeffrey. erickson for hc·rjJ.irthdI1Y. I L;w~~'ncc 0(' Nj~~rsf;ft a~~r Mrf~ Clarence Johnson and Gary

A 'birthday p'ilJkr was held at the c~estf'r'. Minn., last Thesday eve- ~fs~~~Ogn aOtf ~~u~~r:jS~~, ~~~~~~:~

~~~r~~~eM;~~n~, ~i~~, s~:;.r;r:n~~~~ ~ng to be WIth Mr. and Mrs. Emil mother, Mrs. Jennie John.son.

~ Mrs George Eickhoff 1001' nderso~. ,\11'. A!1derson was to '),11f and Mrs. Paul Mines went'

Mrs. Anna Lar$ n, nie Peters home to Dixon~ I umiprgo d~ operation at S:. Mary's to Lincoln Saturday to \151t at the n,:,~'~'m''";:''['~:'('[JFr~~:~nrt'f~g i ~~C:~~~~m~a:,~ Monday. She returned to hosPllyl \\cdnesday mormng-. Gc-orge Peter home. I renee Ring willi c' k to the group. field Thursday. j ~ Ir Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merchant WIll

Mrs. Harold I rson'~ hirthday Mrs. Art F!orinc spent Tut;'s- JLOCALS cntertnin at Easter dinner for Mr. was celebrated' a week ago Si11ur- ·day and Wednesday WIth Mr. ~nd a~d Mrs Bob Merchant The group

day. , M~~~~~~rclf~'j~x~~c~:~Y~~~mc AI~l~;1 ~)~di~~~:' a~~t lfr~-C~~~e ~~~~ ~~~;~~;~~~ ohserve Bob's birthday of

f1t're' and Therfl :Mrs. Eric Hit<1 and Mr:;;. Will

Gmdcrt won hlgJl scores Wednes­day at. the Here and There club meeting, held with Mrs. Allen Salmon. Mrs. William Thomsen is the next has toss.

Sale 8a.t1lrday The VFW auxiliary will hold a

food sale Satul1'day in the newspa­per offic"c, starling: at 2:30,

to Mr. nnd Mrs. Fro'driirk'idn a son, Alan Dale,

next weekend for thc Easter va- EVI'r'ett IJale Lind~ay and children Mr. and )11'5. W. G. 5-chulz cation. He attends school in .$t. WPl'l' Sunday guests' at the L n. were in Oakland Sunday visIting Louis. McClure home. Mrs. Schulz's mother, Mrs. Hilma

Wednesday evening artpr church La<;t Monday afternoon \'lSitors Gustllf.son Mrs. Anna MeyC'r and son.'; \Velr(' at thc.W. E. Lindsay home \vere Sunday guests at the IIenry Arp guests at the Fred Jahde home fbr MI'8. Anton J('nsC'n of Holtvil!e, hom(' were Mr'. and Mrs. John Arp.

co~~~. and Mrs. Fred Jahde were ~~;~pr ~~~~~~~d~~: :Ui;~sH~af1.rs. ~~g~~~r ~~d' ~l~.u~dt M~s~PHe~~~ in Pender Friday to visit the IIdr- I\lr. and Mrs. Paul Peterson of A. Arp. ma.n Thompsons. Carroll were Sunday guests at the lona Heikes was a Saturday Dal~ Borg and Patricia Longe 'Ot lsmael Hughes home. overnight guest at the Kermit An-

AlIifl;ncc arc C'xpected here FndbY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Larson will drews horne. to spend the we('kcnd at the 1\.1 he l':aster dinner gU('sts of Mr. and Dr. S. A. Lutgen is in Chicag-o

~~~s~OWJil Miner 5pcnt wedn~'S- ~1·r.L~~~a:Jrs~01~~~ IJ~(~~'k of ~~~k.\\J~~i11o~gba~Si~ ~I~a~~f~~~ day afternoon and was a sup er Emerson spent Sunday afternoon Monday. gu('st at the William Hugelm n with the John Lutts. The two fam- Curtis Nyc and Marjorie Adams home. ilics were at the Budd Lutt home of Lincoln were w('('k('nd guests at

The ,Jack Park family were in the evening. the A. H. Owens home. Wayne Motor ~~~~~~nf~orri~P&e;d:~sdt~; e~~~~rl~~ f.;~t)y a~~d:~~s;Jr~O:n:i~i:s~E~~~ Li~~~~ ~~d~;;nd \\~J!st~~mveac!~?o~ to;~?e~o~~~n~o~;s~e~~ ~~. H~r('ra~d~turda~~~~~i~tb('ek and . h thaen~'J::s~~~i~l~fs Bahde and 209 South Main

19ffiRamJ • Christta.n Church

rii~;l~: ~~~~ri OE:.~.stfl~~~r~or_ ship. 11 a.m. Evcning serVices, 7:30 p. m.

St .. "a.III's Lnt"llI'ran Chllrf'h (Rev. H. W. Kieck pastor)

Maundy Thursday sC'irVlces with holy communlon:n:30 p.m.

Good }o'riday ~prvic('s, 10 a.m. Saturday confirmation class, a

a. m 'Sunday school and Bih!p class,

10 a.m Easter serviees~1O:43. April 21, Ladies Ai will meet

with Mrs. Lou~s Hans n.

(Rev. Eh:~rrs~~e~~hpastor)

Telephone 146

, rs

, ,. Ladies Aid will me~ Thursday at the- church. Hostes;ts arc Mrs. Ray Dilts and Mrs. Leaie Hannon.

-~--~-.c.._--"'---1---=----1--+------"- 8;g6e,~i~~r;d~~C~~e~;~ b~t~~i~~ .

".' .:.' ,~. f' the sacrament of the . I'd's supper will be observed. '

, Easter Sunday: Suuday school. 10 a.m. Mornin~ services 11 a.m.

I Sacrificial meal offerin~ and one great hour off('ring will be re­ceived. Senior Westminster fellow­

I ship, 6 p.m. Remember the F>lstf'r sunrise

servIce for the community, 6:30 B. m. l)

(R~~S;~~'iICCt~~:;,,~~~h~~~~~r) . ThursdflY evening, 8 p.m .. choir

rehC'arsal. Good J.o'riday services, 8 p.m. Easter Sunday; Sunday school,

10 a.m. Morning wor;l~ip, 11 a.m. There will be a ~p('cial bffering for Covenant foreign missibns. 8 p.m., gospel hour.

We4tncsday, April 20, mid-week

se~~t~d~y~·mAprjj h, S('nior

~~~~cr~~~l~'~d g~,?~t A~~~ r~~~d~ , riekson serve.

(R~~~('~ ~~ttwt~'enrg~~~~~'~r) Ho!y communion services this

Thursd:J.Y. J\prfl14, R p.rn. Good Friday services at 2 p.m.,

with the Golcbration of the Lord's Supper.

SlI;nday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m. 1

Easter morning serWce at 11 a. m. Special anthems by the church choir. Sern'lbn hy the p' tor.

Sunday. 7:36- p;m., @rogram hy t~e Young Women's Missionary so­ciety.

Eng. St. J,hn's LuthCD" Ohuroo (Rev. Rpbert Kruse pastor)

'Maundy [I1;!ursday se ices, with eommuniO~ 8 p·.m,

Good Fr· ay services, with com­munion, 8 .m,

No ehur h school thi~ Saturday.

an~a~rble :~r~!~: io ~~r~~y ~~~~~~ fe!'tive service, 1O~45 .

.• M.crf's club mlf'cts Thursday, April p.m. qlarenc;e Wolter and Wasel1~Il' serve.

e I

Ou~ing the . I ..

St~debaker;retail salesthroug out rst S months of I 49

thei u.s. seti a new' all~time rec rd! , iJi[t£

Mo:.e pe.opl~· boughVc1tew Stud baker • • f • • I

ca~ and tr~c~s in ~anu~'10/, ~bruary an~ .. March of this y~a tha in any \previous quarterly .' -an

I !


J tudebal$er history!

Page 12: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State


Present Musicale I A musicale of the G~y Nineties

WaS presented at tlh.e m nicipal au­ditorium Friday e!venin by grade and nigh school pupils' under the direction of Mrs.: Shirley Lash. a grade teacher in .tlbe p~blic school. A large crowd attended.

PllO"he 4166

'GT Club Meets Mrs, Gen~ Carr Wag hoste'ss to

the GT card club at her home Fri­day afternoon. Mrs. Dora Ehlers was a substitute guest - and Mrs. C. J. Unger was a guest. At Mrs. Ferdinand Kah~ prize. The next party will be with Mrs. Frank Dangberg Friday, April 22. Mrs. C~rr served a one-course lune'hean. I

lun~heon tablf's ""ere ter motif. The next be Wednesday, ,May

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nieman enter- William Loebsack and talned' Sunday evening in honor of Miller as hostesses. I

Nieman:s birthday. TWenty --- I guests were present. The evening WINSIDE LOCALs ors at th~, Otto was spent playin.g cards. Priz~s day evenmg. went to Mrs. Ferd'inand Kahl, Mrs. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ro~e~. Boulting Mr. and Mrs. . Jacob Walde and Mmnie Carstens. and DoriS, and Bobble lller were and daughter were

A two-course luncheon was served. N~fr~lkan~S~:: ~:tdn:. ,~~~. were M~~.a~;Jt~~~nRoy Happy Go Lucky Sunday evening dmner guests at Mrs. Otto Stender were .

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jensen en!~r- the Hobart Auker h me ncar guests Tuesday at the John Scbroe-tained if¥! Happy Go Lucky card Wayne. . der hcJme, Wayne.

were LeRoy Petersen and William fa~ily and Mr. and' rs. Harry t'he Wirftezr, i~' L.e.xington with his

day evening guests at the Dafilkoetter home. The was spent playing cards.

Mr. and Mrs. John family attended a Saturday, evening'

Mrs. Robert Pestel returned weeks in Burley, Idaho, at the home Sunday after spending two home of her sister, ,Mrs. Herbert Thompsen, who waj ill

Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and MrS. Carl Woehler were Mr" and Mrs. John Hessman of Norfolk, . ,Mr. and Mrs, George Hap~l and son of Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Willers and family and Mr. arid Mrs, Louis Woehler and daughters.

Mr. and' Mrs. August Broecke­meier I.ntertained at dinner Sun­day .. ,ue~s w~r(> Mr. and Mrs.

~~~~r B~ot;~~~m~~lfhalft~~t r~;e~. mqnt,

and Mrs. VAllis Hawkins, Clarkson, were Sunday dinner guests at the Paul Siecke, ::.r., home.

':'vIr. and Mrs. v...'alter Chace were weekend guests. at the home of ~rs. Chace's brother-in-law and sister, :VIr. and Mrs. Harry Hoff­man, in Ayreshire, '1a.

:\Olr. and )'lrs. L. E. Bare spent the .... eek:·nd \'isiting relatlves in Fremont and Omaha and with their son, Lyle, who attends the umverSl t)<.

Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Layton spent a week visiting their daugh­ter, Ruth and other relatives 10

Denver. Mr. and ::'Itlrs.

folk, were at the 1... S.

• • • •


dub Saturday evening. Guests Mr. and Mrs. William~Heier and Fred· Warnemunde, who spent

Swanson.. M~' bers' prizes went Miller and sons were Su day after- daugHter; l'irrs: Fred: Rathman and Mr. and Mrs Christ Petersen noon Visitors at the J hn Asmus family, retlIrtied! hOrtle the pa"t-I-''ll'''''' Mr. and MrS Clair Swanson. week.-of the> guestS also received a . .' 'Mr.

1~~ir23~ ~e~!h~~ill be , one-co'urse luncheon Was


qrd, Service r ~r De~r:,; ~


:::a::::::::! At ~l'":~ ~.M"I"·fTH:t 1'\'10 GREATEST:,,~~~o:


, "' I . '71. I _r, " ' 'I.. 71< ·$3l!!'A"""~ ... ,,,C"""I.~L.brl<:ado.IAJ).XM""l .. ti I D;l tR'ODl7¢;rSARt.

.-,J.(,: .... , I

Page 13: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State



I I'



... 11l.00 1..0

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G~: 1~

2U,~ '1 :?!\I)f)


Z38!ff, ~;l 0 I

R.ool 4:;01

li-!S!O' '8.IlO

~"m,· . 1'" "'pairs .... _ ..... _. .

IHOItrl".. Xu. n--.Jon~ .. RP~if'h HurlilPrt. I'd}!l!r work

)! S. \\·hI!IH·~'. ~llJ'DII"H ol~'t~i(:t ':1~~ '1'2:"':":"'li~i~llit work

Dt .. trlrt ;"\ .... \\-. I: .'" r ,1J]]t-r, TI'~"~ , di~T 11,-1 rOlnlll"

/n",ud fI.,jJ"UJJI'~d Ii) .\p! II I". 1:H9

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Attention F Join your Corri Belt Livestock FeedersAs Feeders Association is the nwst practical that it represents only one interest -:- th Mail this coupon today. __________________________________ .. ________ L_

FeedIng Heifers Stock He!fe ... Breeding Kelf.,... Stock Cows W .. tern Feeding Hfl"$.. FeeCling C01jn


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\Vayne. Nebr.




Here j~ :$:1.00 for membership in the Corn Belt LivestOJk Feeders Association. Of thi~, 50 cents j:;; to go to the \Vayne County Livestock F eders .A..~~ociation. 50 cent." to the :\ehraska Li\'estock Feeders Association, $1.00 to the Corn Belt Li\'btnck 'Feeders A~sociation. and $-I.OO to pay for my subscl~ption to the CORN BF:LT LIVEOlTOC'K FEEDER for one year. I

Kame Local A1dress

Post Office. I a14TL


Ounce of Prevention I

COWBO~S of just a few yeacrs agb would have been puzzled by the 4bove illusttation. But livestock producers today 8ef! it as a picture of a routine job ... vaccination at a calf to help keep him healthy.

LivestPck producers 'and meat packers have a comm"llj goal: to supply America with aU the wholesorPe, nutritious JIileat this nation of ours needs. And so at every step of the way-from range, f*= and feed lot to the tables of con­somers-precautions are taken to produce meat ot.the hfjst ~i.ble quaI,i.ty ••• meat that:;oil! re­Get,ve :th~ familiar rowld' purple stamp I T.L· S.

3"tep & Passed." 'J:Ws purple circIe-,.nmnd on·

eve iIjlportant cut s.l. pplied by ffMelaJIY[ m­epec ad packers, is the housewWs guarantee of gOOd~W olesome meat. i '

Gra .. g anlinalil 7t' sub~Jf1o, V~I·aiI. lI!en " ,mille, W I and otIIervaluabi1lby-produ • _ . enough to pply a good-ei~d:, lIll>-

tion ... are lost on fat1I1p and r!ll\ehes. each ?iea:. Add to this the lost grairl: and graas fed to anlIItafll which never live to mat,jmty, or,fed to unthrifty livestollk that gain slowly. Total dollar lOsses run moo Irillions.

Much has been don~ toward reducing these losses. ij;; drugs and I chemicals, such as the sulfas, ~ and PhEthiazme, are conquer­ing liveStock aiJiIIents, ts and[ parasi¥,". But some ofltheBei flllUBeS of duced production and pro1it mit, etubborn. T~O[ lick thejn will tak~ in: _d coo ration alnong neighbors and 8- £ danger [signs. But the

whi can re$ult from these more dIan ~a while. fro­livestock ill. .' eni), WA6< to

for th~ meaty< produce.sup­~l\IIding. IJt· sol'tilig yOur' JII'Obiems

state 'and (t!derai'. v' . • aM

'''''''' ,,,,,,,,flt\,mlnl to for _elp. :

-.-jo--~Ioda alII ::ier::'+-__ _

Price lafallCe5 SupPly and Deman" i l'"

I Inthefirntsixweeksortheyear livestoe and m..,t p' have

. . drop::!, with great ra~ty. I'n my 24 years with Swift~Company ] hare.nev,,", seen SO violent! a drop. . the other hand, I liav .. never seen prit:e;l start d~ , from s<> high a level ft is the law of.!upply a d demand at work.

When thewho\esale pli o{meat-th"amount meat packers can get fa ~it-gO down, it mean<> Iow~r p ces for livestock.: It always lIasIieenand' always . be that way~, en demand for meat inc 1 we are a~le to pay produ~rs tnOl1!! for their livestock. The pri Swift & Company, a!!d the oth~ 26,000 meat packers and commercial' 8Iaughts,;,rs, pay for livestock are governed by what they can get for the :totaI a.vailable supply of meat and the by·products. As in the past, so m the future, livestock prices will result entirely from the balance between supply and demand.

Let's Be For ThinK Seemg to me that most of us spend too m;;;;i,'ftime and blood-__ be,. ing against things. Let's be for things. Let's be for freedom of choice and initiative. r.et'"e<be for a system which allows a man to aose freely his. own wo.k, to make his own.op .. to plan his own production. Whieh lets' . de where and how he lives; how be spend r 1 ts his earnings. Let's be for ou~untry, where a man's the boss of his own time, . oWn thoughts and his own political and religio belief.. Let's take a good look at the rest Of~e world, then reverently thank 004, and be for United States.

Hupeyov. have a pros roussummer, ~d weru he looking.tbrward to be' g witJI you ags!q. M .... -while, if you're' in Chi g(), plan to visit us at Swift & Company. All <if us in the AgricoItural Research Department co!dialJy invite you to drop in fa" acl>at. We'a be loo~ingfar YOf'i

f./Il S;mf SDII. Agricultural IksearcJI, Dept.


1 ca~ ,bmoe! ti ... tftlosh 2 fabfesP90rrs sR()rfening:

Yz reop thinfy sliced onion 2. to.blespoonsJlour 1 No. 2 CAl" p.o,12Y:a cops). ~I·a,_salt

Page 14: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State


••.• :April 17

Phone Orders to 493

I ~ . W. Winterstein'~" ard ~rau and boys were the AJ;

w:~ed t~~~e ~~i~he ~f~ ~~~nf~~~,klau home last Il'I1uncf ~

t"ORTfIEAST M, ,., M •. ,,-" "O""~ family were guests Sund4y evening

WAY N E atW&~ol~!ith~l~: din~ ~~~e~eek at the Lcsli~ Alleman

by-----' and Mrs. Wilbur Allbaugh of Sharolyn Pryor ~ a Satdrday

Staff C~rreSDOn'lent ~w~re~' o~n~m~~~:~~~~ ~e~k.jght guest of .' da Beck last

I I w·.,j,,"o,bv e\"'ening callers at the Mr. and :'drs. Albert Reibold and The Joe Corbit family wen; din· home. Larry were at the Harvey Rei'hoJd

.~. r~~bittsh~;ri!. Sunday atlne C. ':~~~iti~~ hO~~.I:~~ %or~~'Z~eVretire1bold~nd ·Mr. and Mrs .. August Dorman the 50th anniv-er~ Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rei~

a d Marjorie visited at the Har~ sary of the home economics depart- bold and Mr. and Mrs. Charles r s Sorensen home last Sunday eve· m€nt at the univ~rsity. Mr. CIay~ Franzen and family were visitors n ng. baugh went to the eity Saturday at the Walter Behmer home Thurs~

rlJ~i~n~miwr::eS, ~~~~:!e~~~r;iTh~~ an~:~~ri~o pTe~~~~e!e~~t~aliuron da'~J~dnai~g~vening guests at the da.y evening at the Herman Steube S.: D .. to attend funeral services Clarence. Beck home for Mrs.

Lynn Nelson spent Friday grandparents, the Otto . In the afternoon, Mrs. and Kathy were guests of

Dan Heithold. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nolte and

Tuesday guest at the Otto ~;t a~~n~~' !,li~hn ~h('{erWSi~~; Fleer hom,e. Noltes

CO~~~ilN~f~nsa~~n~~~nl~ ':~~i ~~ Marilyn and David Stringer wc~c the A. E. Sieck home. .t;Jt the Amos Bcckcnhaucr home all

The Fred Lutt family spent last day Thursday, }<~rlday evening at the Ben Nissen ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bcckenhauer home. MJs. Charles Meyer was a and Phillip ':Icre in. Osmond la~t vIsitor Thursday afternoon. Sunday to viSIt Mrs. BeckentJaucf1's

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Prc8ton re· pi:trents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Emil Spring­turned a week ago Friday from cr. th,cic, trip to Florida. . I Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Ash called at

I Mr. and Mrs. Quentm Preston the Roy Pierson home Friday eve­and Kenny were guests at the Rus- n;.ng.

~y~lg ~~~s[~~ l~~t'"::~s ~~~~t:: cvc- Oscar Kardell and sons nnd Hil. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gccw~ and rna ~ar.d('11 of ~urel were guests

Merlin spent last Monday evening at V.lrgli Kardell s last Tuesday at the John Luschen home .. Mr. evenmg. and Mrs. Wayne Tietgen were Mr. and Mrs .. Harry G. Kay spent tr,l·re Thursday evening. Thursday evenmg at the LJoyd

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Echten- Powers home. kamp and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. William DeBlonk Elmer Echtenk~mp and Larry, and Moines were last :Monct.ay Fmnk Downley visited the Wi!· guests a t the Harry Me]l. Ham Rachcrbaumers Thursday eve- Ian home. I,J( fling. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Elder Lubbcrstc t

Mr. and Mrs.IW. W. Roe were and famiJy ·vi~ilcd the Basil O:i­Sunaay evening dinner guests at burns Thursday evening. the J~mes Bressler home. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nielsen

Mrs. James Bressler and daugh- and LeRoy were at th! ftussdl ters were guests at the Central Lutt home Wednesday evcn.~.n . Social Circle meeting at 'Mrs. 'W. T. C. Price of Minneapo is is W. Roe's Thursday afternoon. spending several weeks WI the

Mr. and Mrs. Jame!l Bressler Mark Stringers. He is MrB. 'ng~ and family plan to spend Easter er's father. .., Sunday at the Art Link home in Thursday evening guegts at the Carroll. Judy will spend part of Harvey Echtcnkamp horne were her vacation with the W, W. Roes. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Gilmore Sahs and

Mrs. JameSr--.,Bressler attended daughters. 'the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Wi!- -Mr, anti Mrs. Paul Lessman and bur Bruns Thursday evening, Bonnie spent last Monday evening

At John Grimm Home at the Theron Culton home ncar Wakefield.

~~t ~~:~~~er<h~~'. ~~;U~eett?~~d I ~~~~~s g~;~g~fst~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ Fr~~.Y·and Mrs. Wilbur Baker of ~1~~a~r. ~~~n~~'~,E~~~r~~d Concord called at the Edward Bak~ Mrs. BUi·dette Granquist and Mr. er home Friday evening. and Mrs: Fred Gildersleeve and

Mrs. Albert Nelson and sons Renee. spent Friday afternoon WIth Mrs. Mrs. Albert Gamble and sons Dan Hcithold, spent Thursday e\'eniog at E. W,

Mr. and Mrs, Albert Steube and Wint'crstein's family were guests Thursday at LlOda Beck stayed overnight the Herman Steube home. Mrs. with Donna Carlson last Woones~ I Hennan Steube visited at Albert's day. \ on Friday. ·::\1r. and :Vlr<; Lyle' Gamble and

Milton Buehner was an over- family ·ealild at the Clarence Beck night guest at the Dun Heithold home last Sunday evening. Thursday I

Mr. and Mrs. Wliliam Meyer and family of Pender' v.'t're at the George Meyer home Thursday ev-ening. >

4-H Club Mf'{"tg The Logan Vall£'y Becf Produc­

ers met at th(' Martin Meyer home Thursd~y even mg.

BrpaiL'I Wrist Mrs. George :Meyer broke

left wrist Friday when she and fell in the house. Mrs. HinnC'flchs and Ruby visited Friday evening. r 'OUTHW",

WAYNE by-----I

Staff Correspondent

::vrr. and Mrs. Clarence Beck and Linda \VeTe Sunday dlnner' at Rus."ell Pryor's.

Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Andrews and Lorraine had Sunday dinner last week with Mfs. Emma Eddie in Carroll.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reibold were dinner guests at the Henry Wittler homc-'Jast Sunday


Staff Correswndent

Rev. and :'I.lr::;. A. Van Densehot­en spent Frlrlay afternoon at the Cliff Penn home.

Mrs. Allan PC'rdue and Patly called on ~lrs Russell Beckman Thursday afternoon.

:v1r. and :\lrs. Bill Hansen and Leann w('re at the Will Lutt home Sunday afternoon

Sunday (":enJOg VISitors at the Howard :;VIau home were ::\lr. and :\irs. August Kruse Mr. and :\lrs. Willard Blecke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nelson and Kat:,y.

Mr. and ?vIrs. Herbert Thun and family VISited .:"vIrs. Alnna Drock~ m,1I1 Sunday evening.

Mr Hid .:"IIrs Kennrth nunklrru and hmdy and .:"v1r. and :\11'». IIuw-

:.'\Ir. and Mrs. Roy Pie~son were Sunday afternoon guests .$.:t Shirley Spraf;uc's.

!v;r. and MrS':! Ralph: Watson spent: Thursday evening Jt the Ed Kenny home near Carroll

r..i:r. and trs. Wfll ilitt we're ul lhc- How·.d Mau hdme li.l~t TI\~',.:day eve mg. .

::\Ir~. Ed Kenn~! carne ~~,ltjday af~ ternoon and VISited untl Sunday at the Ralph Watson h line. The Watsons took her tJome Sunday.

Mr. and :\lrs. Henry E. May, Mr. and Mrs. Henry· C. ~lau and Jlmmv and ~rs. Anna Mau spent Sunday' afternoon at the IIowaJr'd :\lau home. I

::\lr. and ~lr<". Ralpn Watson called on the Albert \Vatson~ Sun. day evening.

The Howard :VI.'iu family spent Monday With Will Lutts.

Mrs. Fred Beckman and Joann viSited at RusseU Beckman's Sun~ day e,Vening.

West Point Cleaners

and Launderers


Call 482

Pick-up and Delivery Monday and Thunday


Guests at the John April 6 for Mr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker and Ellen visited the Emil Roebers last Sunday.

Mrs. Haro~~~.~':l0 spent all day It pays to shop FIRST at J. "'. ",.Donald Co.

were Mr .and Mrs. family, Mr. and Mrs. and Doris May, Mr. and Mrs. Lutt, Mr. and Mrs. John Lutt, .Mr. and Mrg. Maunso Ulrich, Mr. and

Mrs. Wi1I Hansen spent Wedn~s­day afternoon with Mrs. Dah H('ithold.

Nancy v.ere

a7t:.:! I Mrs. Pete Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Grimm and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. ~Roy Grimm, Joanne and

the fi'i#§

drug store for

Imaginel Pretty Cohama

thrill is seieing it ...

test thrill is driving' it!

Whlt'lld~wanllr'laplionalal.xlra COl'.

Th. mo.t B.aulifu' BUY for Comfort. Enjoy the l~ungiDg restfulness of a Super~ Size Interiorl with extra·wide "Five·Foot Scats," extJa-gcncrous head. leg and elbowroom, and the advanced healing· and ventilating system of a. "car that 'breathes." ·CHeater and defrost'br optional at extra cost.)

The mo.t BeautiFul BUY for AII.Round Safety. Featuring: (1) Ccrti·S.re Br.k~s with 'jD'ubl~Life" rivetless brake linings (2) ,Extra·Strong Fisher Unisteel Body (8) :ranoramic Visibility (4) Safety Plate Glass in aU windows. and (5) the super. safe Unitized K:Jle~-Action Ride. .

The Edward B.:..kers and Fred Lo:smans \\ ('f(, among those who holped John Ronnfeldt celehrate his birthday Ja<;[ Tuesday Evening.

Mr. and lin!. Lyle Pierson and Butehie were at the Roy Pierson home \\ f dm~aay evening.

The Virgil Kl..rdells spent Thurs~ day ('v('ning at Oscar Kardell's in L;:luri·l.

:\1r. and Mrs. George Juhlin, Don and Rosalie of Hartington were

Friday at the Harry Mc~ an home.

Friday evening visitors at the El~ der Luhherstedt home were Mr. and Mrs. Grunald Wischhof and Vonu.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lutt spent Friday afternoon with the Russell Lutts.

Lavonne Echtcnkamp was an overnight guest Thursday of Ver~ nclle Echtenkamp.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thomsen were Wednesday evening visitors at the Edward Baker home.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steube


Softly ~_ detailed SHEERS Fit your figure, your budget

$1295 Also $7.95 to·$14.95

There'. sheer beauty in every line of these· top-of.fashiOll dresses. One-piece .ilhouettet with newett soft d.taik, dell­e.t. trims, ·c:ontrutin, trimI. DeSigned to fit and fiatte&'. Sheer rayon, navy, pastels, prints on light or d .. k

I .rounds. Junior. missel', women'l, half lin ..


NYLON slips at this low price

Long-wearing, washable, qulck-dqlng 100% nylon,crep., lavished with. lace

These slips would seU right out at any price. At $3.99 they'll be gone

l before you can say "~hama!"

Thil multifilament wonder: fabric we~ and

wears. yo~u know how easy nylon is to launder and keep fresh.· 'lih .. e ~ore Slips are prettily Ityled, trimmed to~ and ~tlom with a generoUt' portion of nylon Adj)lStable . .str8jl1. i

Pink or white, fo 40.



Page 15: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State




o SA Vf Now DlJring Thi, Sal. ~ .5IPme thai on 6.50x16

Sped.al --Varcon Mo~or Oil 2[ $t09 B~:!~:~r


BaHeries! VarCC-J1 Deluxe-Group 1

$12.95 exch.



2c Discount

For These Two Days


£x~~e~te~!~~~c only 23c

All 4 Pie4:es


Beautiful, blond virOI~ahOganY by Haddon Hall-Ialt

minule s~ling in a fin ,'piece Bedroom Suite for those who delight in gracious Mode n! Suite includes ci fu'li size bed, a:'

raon1Y four·drawer che~, a stunning four·drawer vanity fitted,

with :a glamorous 34x32 inch unframed mirror a matdting I I I ,

va~ity bsnch and a twb·shelf night table. All drawers are

builtlof fine grain aak with dust·proof construction through. '

out, bnd are specially ,rllated to resist sticking or swelling. ,

exrllct to pay ~uch more than our s~all price-but whittled our profits to:. the core to save YOU money!

I '


.,' .t

'I I, i

THE WAYNE HERALD 74th Y¢"ar - No, 49 Wayne, Ntraska, Th ursday, April 14, 1949 Sec: 3-Pages 1 to 6

Clean-up Drive Starts Tomorrow / I

Requests! P R' () C LAM A T ION

Cooperationi Clea~.U.p, Pairt.Up, Fix.U" Week. , . April 15·22

. . so Ft; GARDEN HOSE Green

A Ugfdwdight hose that's Guaranteed For JO Years. 615 Comes complete with ne.., MAXI-VOLUME nickel plated coupling. Add resisting covet". Stroog rayon .... ds. I

"Expert" 4 Tined SPADING F,ORKS htremely Ji9htw~ohf; Tines $217 are angular for .luier IPGding.

Famous "Expert" 16" Cut ~ LAWN MOWERS Seml.pneumatic: tireL eo. 2095 f.tbulGt ,te,l bandle.

Hos durable, polished 6Yl" IfClI1 blad •• HOI a .. Ya' h<Uld"~

Round Wire Toothed LAWN BROOM RAKES

\ ' Stu!:..dy and flexible. Self- S7( d.~ng. Very IIghtwei~hl.

'·Artisan" Round Bow

LAWN RAKES Popular round bow It3el roke $ J 95 that has 1.5 curved t •• th.


SPREADERS Heavy gouge steel CO","",- $119 fiorl. Rubber-tired disc wheels. Holds 20 Ibs.

~#'~~;f~$~ ~O!!~ f!!~~~,.L!a~w~ p~!~ 91 ( ~~yDL!,~~~~~~ ~o~~p~,,!,E:'? a luxurionf growth for a permanent lawn. fure tfoIot germinotes quickly and is specially 5 Lb. Box of loyal Green •••••••••• ,.20 I povncI adapted to shody spot,'.

MAGICOL GREEN LAWNSnD WHITE CLOVER LAWN SEED It. speciol mixturo cf lawn seed tftot will 74 ( Grows ealily, rapidly al\d abundantly.

rod f sf rowthforapermancntlawn Protects your lawn from dying betOu5C of : Lbo U:~:; ~glcoI Gre.n ••••••••• 3.39 .·1 poun4. ill nitrogen tontcnt.


Time to Clean Up Farms, Too

Lower Priced "Stalwart'!

LAWN MOWERS Fufl 16' M. Rubber '1695 firel. Eal)' operation"

Page 16: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State



S l (. J )·'t . study of the highlandlrof eastern n ec ourna IS S UnIted States. Karen Childs was ~ ) 'elected ,captam [or ga'ites for the

I M . fom1lll1'quarter.

ssue ag~""ne The children are learning to give

l O · ULd. eports -and each child reported a ...... '.ra, ................. S n ' , favorite .Tadio program during the

The journalism class published' language period on Friday. Each Way~c prep's first magazinC', The pupil is reading a book which will Mus~ s W~tebasket, T u e s day, be used for a 'book report.

seI~,'e (OJ the last six 'weeks of tia~~d 5b/~~~rym~~~z~n~d '£;~~ Y1::: er;~~~~tt?:e~~:lo~ero~~~~~~ ~,Y~~~~ksfJ:~~~~~~'ia~~:t~~~~~~~: ~~~~;~t~er~o;~~ f~'~?f~~t~r~~~~ c~~~ ~~~~H'~:?~ela~~~:~c~e~~~~n{y retary,~PhiliP Gries~; and program tributed articles, poems and stor- Thorson, chairm n, Duane Fitch. ies. There are also contributions' Language club has not yet chos-

The class decided to sponsor an from three faculty members. en a name. A group of interesting SOS cub which means "stay on The material in the rnaga7.ine original stories was read at ~ast s'dpwa ks." Ronnie Stirtz was ranges from sports stories, through week's meeting. chos£'n to have a conference with human-interest stones and serious Prof. G. \V. Costerisan's class ob~ Mr. Baller to sec if thf'rc had been articLes to funny poems and lime- served thf' begInning of work in C{)mpla~nts about children cutting ricks and representl:; the work of solving two-step problems. across luwns or tr.espassing in any 22 writers. The journalism class New soc<:er captains are Donald othe,. way. He also called at sev- .edited and print('d the magazine, Peden and 'Patty Dcnkinger. ~ral homes near the sch?ol to sec which was ,distributed to every Business letters wen" writ\(>n 1t they had any complamts. Two high school student and faculty and mailed. These are the firc,t chlldrel)l WIll be chosen from each member. thp class has written at school. room lQl organize the cluh and dc- THE \\'ORLD history cleIss, su- iCarolyn Lllu's brought birthday

Mr. and Mr». Howarn Marsh and Mr. and Mr'i. Charley Sohn were bu.",Jnes~ caller.', in Wa) n(> Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Peters and baby visited at the Bill Long home in :\1agnf.'t \\iednesclay

The Hill Broer, family from north of Rando~~~visited~ at Walt

with hi~ son,

Meet. The Pleasant Hour club rnet~ast

Wednesday at the home of Mrs . Rachel Craven. A large number were present. The next meeting of the club will be ApriJ :Ll with Mrs, Glady!! Backer,

Mr. and Mrs, Harold BUrn)' Rnd • baby of Laurel visited Monday The date of Easter can vary as evening at the Roley 180m homf'. much as 35 days, from March 21

Tom Smith spent most of Iflst to April 25. --,--_.-................................................. -------Wolks on Spring --• • ~,

cide wHal can ue done to prcvcnt perviscd by C. V. \Vait, hat; begun treats. Golay trespassing. study on a new unit of the United J{I~DERGARTES -,- Stude}ts,.

to '~hird, fuurth and fifth grade mu- NatIOns. Thursday, April 7, the hav(' made Eac;\('r rabbits and hat:;· UP

W]' r ' this 1 sic 'gro?ps sang for W.oman's so~ nn "I'f L'" h 1}0 ket!;, and dyed ,eggs. Easter sur-i c:et:( a~hC prCsbytcnu. n. church t~c \las~. eTh~nfi'lm \V~~~~I~i~~n the prises have Il(>('n prepared fur th(>ir

o olFar,sasncc were IW'*'"Il,n

Ces ~ af,'"cRrnAon°':ThA thj'r,l operation and duties of UNNRA. m9rthh~rS~'ralh(>r calf'nrjar shO\\'s

L • _ :-ct. Lo--" U Se\'eral of the smaller organiza-i gn dE~ m :!e clR.SS under jhc di- tions which opNate through the more sunny cl:tvs jhan any utileI'

redtion of Miss Rp(>\'c prcscntC'd a e(;onomic and liucial council were kind So far thlS IY,!onth, 15-rnim.lltc program of vocal sclee- also studied and reported on. l\liss Wende/hurg is hf'lping lhf' tions fOlr the second gradf' on Tues- Sludent teachers ar£' flernadine studE'nh get rf'ady for it 1'f'('ll,iI 10 Qay. Haf',sman and Dick Oshon. he glvC'n for 1 heir mot h(>rs.

The reading class started read- The American govf'rnment class ------------,1 jn~ in ,t new bool, Monday, It is is also studying -lhi:; unit of the •. cdll<:~ '~More Friends and ]\,'clgh- Unil('(j Nations and "iaw the same B R E N N A !Jor::. film Monday, April 11. L .

KINDIERGARTE::'Ii -- K are n COX(,ESSIO~'S AT the music by------'

~~~~~SOh brought cal tails for our I ~?('~~c~~ l~~r~~i~~Yth~n~()~ak~~~~~ Staff' Correspondent

j'n\!\o'uorPJlaj'nndICcdj.' l'a"rg'canrdlrhnl~.a,[",~acdkiS!!lr,S_ of troop 174. A. F. Gullivf'r is the ::\1r<;. Ralph Pal'k('r of k! g " ". _ ~~ SC(JutmastC'l' Clnd Frank, Sadorf>' J\1ont., was a ];l"it Tu('r.;d8Y

chad Karel, ,Lorraine Morns and thl' leader'. Concessions: consiSting at fhe Rus~ll LindsB',Y home. Connie 'Meyer brol.!ght boxes of dirt of candy :wd pop, were sold from ::\11'. and MrR. Walla(,e .:\1(>yer in which to plant our gardens. a stan.d on the ~ain floor of the and children c<lllC'd on the Wlihur

Our fm is decorat€'d wJth Eas- admtnlstration bUl~djng. The boys Bruns' \Vcdnrsc1ay evening. ter bor ers in connection with our also had charge of a checkroom in :\1r5. Leora :-.rickols and fAmily new uni . room 215 of the administration were Thursday suppc'r gUf'-.ts at

I You'll Be Content:: t L t I: a as ... I_ If yOil know you're a good cook.· d but feel you haven't ever qwte : an achieved perfection, you need a :

COPPER-CLAD i Combination :

Coal and Gas Range : We rt',1{:j out of "Skip Along" building, thc Clarf"ncC' BnklT home.

:====:::j====::;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~'~~. ;;;;:;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;: Boys ,assigned to work were Mr. and :vIrs. Lylc G3mhl(' 8.nd . \\'8.yne Samu(']son, Don Denkinger, family helped Gilbert Granquist Jo(' Nuc;s, Jimmie Ehlers, Bob celebl'ate hIS hi!'lhdClY ]a,,1 Mondny Sherry. Tom Bahe, Mitch£'11 Nis- evening.

makes poqr coob· good"t and Yes, this fine range llctpally 1_::.-

good coob "super." ,

~~?g.Dakco\~Cnnso~j~~~~IynK~~ae~h Mrs. Art Odf'gaard sp('nt last Grarnlwrg. Tom ~lyers, Harold 6~~~~l~~'Sl'saft('j'n()(Jn at l)ndrcw Surber. John Anderson, VerI Mor- :'lr. tlnd :\1rs. :\1¢h·jn Ruo:;s('II vis­ey. Jim Corbit, Leon Parentl and ited FridflY ('wniJlg at the Rus-Bob Simonin. sell Lihdsay honH'.

THI'; ~EVENTII grade English Friday l'\Tnln){ gu('sts at the' cIa.>:;"> is ](>nrning how to usc the Wilbur Bruns homp were ;Vlr. and lihrary. DUring thc past week Mrs. H('nrY \\''lelie!' and ::\1r. and t~1('y have made sf'veral tTiPS 10 "Irs, J{('nn"pth lk;!leJer and T('rry. 11)(' college library. :vI1SS Crouch, :VIr. and :\lrs, ClarC'n('p I3ak('r

~{;~~~:hli:~:rffl)nr'a~~~~~'~'~!chJ tC~:~ and family were" at th" Her!wrt the- location ,of 1 he rrference books Barelman homC' Friday evening for and explained the usc of rpfC'r~nce ~7e,hl~ of Eunice and IVlar-

books. Jimmy 'Ray Nickols was a w('ek­The class als,o spent one day lo~ ('nd gUt'st al thel. Clarenc(' Bakrr

c(lting material in the college H~ home>. hr<1ry reference books. Next they .:vIr. and Mr:;. Harry Granquist will be learning how to use the and family and Lena Niemann card oatalogue and locate books in were at the Clal1'ence Beck home the Iibr.ary. last [or Mrs.

Kenneth Gansebom is the stu- Beck's dent teacher, and Laura Franklin ::'vIr and ;\1

Brings contentment for other reasons, too - because it is so I.

beautiful; because it burns coal,:::. or wood for warmth in winter, and gas for coolness in summer; because it never gives any trouble and endures for yean: and years.

Come in. Let us show you the many exceptional features: Cop­per Lining. Five-ply Body-walls, Hot Blaist Firebox for coat or wood. Speed.Simmer Bumen, Dual Oven, convenient con~ cealed reservoir. .

fully .pprDved by A: C. A.


I I-• • •

is 't;he -8uperv,isor. . Beverly spent iii~~~ the,c~pus hl~h noon with the PhGIJe lOB

~~~e bire::r~~,l!g~~~~t!!19tl!l~u'Xeh~!: w~~,:,:lr~.~a~::!.~. :t~:::::~:::.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ worked Friday and ·Saturday 111 _ the music contest hdd at the coJ­Jege. The student's who \ ... ·orked far one hour' .. 'receive·d free tlckpjs for

Quart. - ReI:, $1.40

SPECIAL $1.00 .. pt. 39c .... Qt. 79c

95e Ige 20e



All "War Model"

iii~iii~iiiiijiiiiiiiiiii~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiti~~~iiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii' their labor. Keeping tim!' and tak-ing tickets at lhe door were lwo of the tasks the- students per­fonned.

her, I



fstimates I, !

i· REA:

fixt$.res will "dI1ess .up" your $eeing easier, make your home a

pla~e iti which tQ live.1 WI: have a selection pf beatItif~t fix u,res for

in the hrme ..• K~ina 'r appli­Fowler water hrarers .. ~ Morton

cabinets. ' v

Stanley' .saIIl1lelson, stu den t teacher for the· chemist ry class, told the class Tuesday, April 5,

field tdp a college- class to Omaha. Mr. Samuc]­

.how chf/mists in iaboratories test

own products but competitors. Among

visitf"d were 1he rail mad testing lab­

water works and .eKchange.

",oPdiieimii;l\oin,C;,lt&rEat~; f~~ ~r:r~ rn,,'p;;i"~,"'o observation and pro­

Thursday, April 7. The . been studying two one­and the appreciati'On of

. The supervisor for js Frances Phillips. Care for the Sick" is the of -study in homemaking

the jlTojects the class on are how to -change

what foods to serve,. the doctor, how to

, ts in general and the sick.

English class social notes and

letters. pencil cop­made first, and now stu­

are copying them over in ink placing them in scrapbooks.

WAl'NE SAMUELSON and Joe NUBS, under the instrUction of Vemon Harder, student teacher, have been testing Koch's method of deterrnh1ing the organisms which cause diseases, in an experi­ment for biology. The ctbject of the experiment is to see whether a healthy organism will produce the original disease when inoculated with the bact€ria from a pure cuI':' ture.

"Who Makes Words," a film, was shown to the 11th grade English class April 7. The class 'has been working on . An­c!r('wis

would. hi9hez . them sing1e1 wall t IDachln,e.. But th~ ... emi: fact· ~ Ib,at ~ doub e·wall Speed Queen( actu . r COlI!- 1Ha Ibcui IDoit cODvelltional elDqle. wall washers. Slop In' and let ... ~ you howland why Ithe Speed Queep is the I!I9'leit.wGBblng)IDa­chin" 'ftdue 011 'the Jllllikel today •.

$89.95 ..... Sl29.95 " .


. 'L W. McNaltHardware I 203 .... '.:..' . Phone 108 ., .. "~~"" I, . II

I, Ii


Galva ized Sheet Iron

CQ.TTON ROTE, per footu Ie Nowon Hand-- •

Good Tin MiI~ Buckets ...

Large Heavy $trainers . . 89c to $1.50

"_u __ $2.25

Top Qualitr

Lawn Mm~f'I';;' Both Eclipse and! Penn­sylva.nia. A goocl:l lawn deserves a good. ~ower.

Speed Queen

Clhinet Irollf'r A New Model

$99.95 PREPARE NOW 10R . , . .

A 'fool Kitchen Westinghouse Elettric Westinghouse Electric

Rangf's i Refrigerators

~189~;~:~3i495 :2299~::~:,: range.

Financing can be ar~ a ranged for all large ap­pliances,

Phone 108 203 Main: e. • i . ,',' I; " ~= •• ~-' .. _ ...... I ........................ .

\ i, \ I' .. t) . . 1. i ~:

'11 'I'

Page 17: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

'i ! II'.


MO\re to Norfolk f?lk, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Be~mer, ir., I ~~~d

and Merle moved their:l1ousehold Mrs. gOOds Thursday to the~r Ihome in ~drfolk at 409 Sguth Thitd street. M. and ·Mr~. fd Scha.ffer and Sttnlcy moved. there thUi'sday Mrs

OVering. . \t' Ma·'; 'Fo~ Mrs. Harry I ausen -Friends anrt eighboJ'!> I,gathered

atlthc home of arrv Ha:nsen Sun- . dillY e:vcmng in ann). of.l'I.Irs. Han­r('h'S birthday, In the grbup were .

;zrJd ~r~.~~~·('~ f7}~~~~~r~~: ~d MJ:s. ReubC'n ~pss and Peggy. Mr. a~l~ Mrs. Ch~ ley Fuhrman and

t '~~~ni~~~ ~f.n~~nd r;;rs. s~~~~~~, I T,te cv(.ning \\18S spent, in playillg

pI eh. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mar­ti Won family high scaN', Mr. and

rs. Charley Fuhnnan won see-o d high and Ernest Fuhrman re­e ivcd low. Lunch was.scrveci.

Ca d (:Iub IMr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fletcher spent

('rOtertained the Hosldns Card club the

gth the fOllO\.ving gu{'sts:1Mr. and ----rs . ...John Krause 'and Mr. and J,'or Mr. r5. Glen £:pnk. Ten-point pitch .

~a!i; played, '~yv!th Mr. and Mrs. for

1- ans Asmus winning club high, ning r. and Mrs. Harry Stmtf', club Card

~1.~,~~n1 ~~~cno~~~·siu~~.i~I~~ng~;~ ;Jrvcd. Mr. and Mrs. HalTY Strate ''1ill en1ertain the club April :21.

Tntertain Club I ~he card club met Jast Frida~ at

home of Mr. i'lnd Mrs. Oliver was served. Guests \\'cre Mr. and Mrs. ---­Schroeqer i'lnd Mr. Pierce Blrthda.y

Mrs. Chr'is Anderson Mr. a Guy Andersen SOn won hIgh; Mr. Nei




Clean Up': Paint:


ifui.:~. Woo~kman

. "gather- M~r~nadnd M~~s. d~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~', hom(' Fri-! . <!,nd Mr.s. Att MillN of Not ..

. . k, Mr. B:nd Mrs. Hemry Sydow of . Hnd Mrts. Stanton, Mr. anq Mrs,. Lenard Sy-10 Hoskins dow 'lnd hmJlyl of Stanton and

h of town. ,Mr. Hnd Mrs. 40l1n Asmus and resides on the family sp('nt oS nday cVf'ni,ng at Mr. and M115. the Clarence ,oackman home,

s~~: :~d' ~~5~ ~~~~riT~e Me';~n~~Ocj~a~'~e~trt~t 1\lrs. Rcl.l. playing cards. Lupchcon was

np, Mr. and served. . and Mrs. Er­

Mrs. Erwin UI-Sam Ulrich, Mrs. Minn,ie

and Ml'S.

Pe8-('f'j Rr-formt"d 'Chllr('fl (Rev. C. H. fiicdesrl, pastor)

Good Friday: Evening services at H.OO.

Eastf'r Sunday: F:l'rly services, 9:45. Su~day school, 10:45.

Immanud Refonnrd Church (Rev. C. H. Rledesel. pastor)

i~~fe;r~~a~:a;~r~~c;~i'C!~~ 511:'rS <,!-.m., with communion services. Sunday school, 10:15 a.m. _. .

El'angeliC'al {T. n. Church (Rev. EZ!""8 H. Sohl, pastor)

10 H.m., Blbk' school 11 a.m .. divinC' wonship 7:~(~ p.m., pl'Ogram. by youth [e1-

JO,.·,hlp. \ At the 1l:0~rvite wt"' will re­ive m('mbers into 1110 fC'llowship the church. At tho' evening serv-

ier an offering will be received for missions.

On Friday eveni we will ob-

One Coat Wc\.h~bl. INTERIOR ~l.OSS WALL ENAMEl:

$114 QUART

GALLON ...••• , •••.. $3.98 This wl::lShablo 81:!~m I I, especially adapted for kitchen nd raoms that noed cleaning frequ fiy. Leaves na brush moP· B u and whit •.

g~rv~ I hOly cOrrlmunlon in tion \Vith lhis Good Friday service. OU~~~~i~~S~ordiallY i,nvitcd to

(Ret.~~) ~S~t;.:~~~l~:,u;:~tor) Go~d Friday service at 10:00.

Holy communion. HoBdav service on Easter day at

10:00: German at 11:00. Sunday school at 11:00.

The choir will rehearse ne;<t Wednesday evening at 8:30.



.church 1n Osmond evening. She had been a patient IcC's Sunday at Chri~t- Luthf'ran nephew O'?Rr~~f;irlg!1 .:!~;e m::;'~ i~ the hospit&l. chUl)Ch in Norfolk. They were din-

~frs of the c~nfirma tion class. A Ja Md' and Mrs. Herman Me;s.g~~~ ~~a:h: s~:s~;I~f h~{:;;~ b nner. was gIven in their honor He~~lf~ei~~~/y![~:nd~~;~ters ian Jean Gall. I V;elr ~ts, ~r. and Mrs. W. ~lted Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. \\lesley Sohl and w~~ t~e (pon~I~~'O{i.llm.r;·B~~:! ~verett Newman horne. daughters visited Wednesday eve-m('1er. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maas and rung at the Vernon Behmer home.

Mr. and Mr!; Ed B family and Mr. and Mrs. Eve-rett Mr. and Mes. Vernon Behmer lie and Minn'l~ Br ru~mels,. ~esd Newman and family "Visited Sun- and family visited Monday evening Su.nday evening a~ec tl~:r r:f~~1:y ,Clay evening at the Thelma New- at the Willis Ritze home. WilSon home. man home. Mr. and Mrs, Awalt \Valker and

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deck and Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Hall and family "Were dinner guests of her Darlene viSIted Tuesday .evening famjly visi~ Thursday evening at mother, !'v1rs. Amelia Fuhrman, lO

at the William Deck home. th,r,,~araJnadn HMersrh.oJEShdeimKocJrJah,ohffiae·nd Norfolk Sunday. an~rfa~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~?~~ MT· a':ld. Mrs. ~i1mer Deck and Mi;i Mr. and Mrs. Ernesl Fuhrman visitors at the Reuben Ellenburger famJly. V!Sltf'd Thur~day evening at,' E~r~J; ft re h~uppeS gUJsts at the ~~~~r ~~~~ ~~:;'f'~:~t~U~~ ~~~ home, Norfolk. the Wilham Deck home. ",Mr. aandeM~~~rv~ H~ase Herman Martin home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund· Hahn of Mr. and Mrs. William Brogre~ Jerry and Emma Burnett of Nor- !\~r. and Mr,;. LHJnard Martin , Wyo., who viSited sev· anj Elroy of WinSide visited Sat~ folk were supper guests at the w{>re dinn{>r guests Sunday at the

the p~tw~el.·l;Ftren- ~~~:. evening at the Paul Dcc~ GC;~a~d~re~l~:C°n~e t~~n~~ekend ~~b~~{>r ~~~t~n ah/:~~'QOnT~i~~~~:e Friday , }-~erman Eckert of Norfolk waf; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and ::'I-Irs, Vernon Hokamp ~f

visit at the home of Mrs. Ed a dmner guest Wednesday at tht' Herbert Pfeil. Carroll were dinner guest, Sunday Vernon Sprengeler left for Paul Deck homc. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pfeil were at the Earl Ander<='on homt"' tine Monday morning where Mr. and Mrs. Otto Woockman evening visitots Sunday at the ~r and Mrs. H. C. Falk were

{~:ge~o t~he~~~~~ On their return ~~~.n Da~.r~rh~(' h~~~e~f S~~~~fia aM=t ~~~eMo~.M;:ie~fW~bfr~rents, Mr. ~~~d#~I~u~r:~.gu('st~ at the Reu-


Last week Wednesday Mr and ny In Pilgpr. ' .J Mr. and Mrs. Willard Maas and ~r. and Mrs. William J. QUf'pn.

~~~ a:gFusgr!;.~~IC:n~e~ne;n :~~ anWrco~~1e ~~~ ~~~~(>~a~i.tUn~1~ familyattended confinnation servo Jim. Dick and Cora UP of Umaha Robert drov(' to Omaha! They rc- afternoon at the Alfred Penti¢o r;;;;;==;::;;;;;::;:::;;;;;;::;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~ turned the same day. ' borne in Plcrce. '

Marlin Sprengeier, $tudent at Darkne Woockman visited SiI't-

Bl~,M~[i~~., t~:~i~'~d col~eg~os~f~ ~~~:. afternoon at thc Paul Deck last week Friday af1ernoon to Mr. and I\.1r,;. Paul Schwindt, sprnt his Easter vacation at his Larry and Donald visited FndaY

g:~~~~a~yhO;oe~b('~c S;~~g~f~rO~f ~~~~~g at the Arnold Miller Whi!{' River, Ariz. Norhert is also Mr. r'lnd :vtrs Norm!'!n Sv('nson a student at Dr. Martin Luther and Brf'nd1:l, Mr. and Mr<;. Willi<; college and is ~pcnding his Easter Rl1zf' and Dickll'. and Mr. and Mrs.

s~~~~i~~l:~"~~~et. at the Rev. W. F. ~~~~~nat ~~r~~garW~~erotzs'tPrrn~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred oochens were Sunday.

callelrs Sunday eVf'nin,g at the Ed Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Deck visit-

w~1~nSa~~m~~~. N~~fr1IkHinzman ~~~~~t~m~~'ening at the Hans I were supprr find evening ~est;.; at Fred Rathman of DaHan and

thMp'a~~.~i~~~.h~~e:~nolfa~~side. ~~~% ~~~~~a~. ri~~y V:;n;~~ec~t~~ Miri:am VISIted Sunday at the Rathman home Warltoch home. Henry Warnemundr was a sup-

Nbrris Schroeder was a pf'r guest Thursday at the Claus

~~~~. Friday at t~1 Ed R~~~aa"n~o~~·s. 'C1aus Rnthman Mr. and Mrs. Albort Behmer of and family were !jupper gUf'sts

No~fQ!k visited at the E. O. Beh- Sunday at the Mrs. Claus Rath­men home Saturday evening, the mfin, sr., home in Pilger. oec~sjon beihg Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mr. and Mrs. Cl<fus Rathman Betlmer's 53rd wedding anniver- and family w{'rc visitors at the

sa~~. Mattie Bowman of Pilger ~~~~y B:~;~in~~e. in Randolph ~prjl1t th(' w('ckcnd at the Reuben Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Koepke and Vo('eks home. fA.mily visitf'd Thursday ev('ning at

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pot ter spent the Alvin Johnson hOme. Saturday and Sunday in Omaha. Mr. and Mr;. Edwin Koepke and

~euf.~~Js~~;,y ~~~.te~d~~h L~i~:e~~ ~~;~r~~~e~o~~~~a~o~~~ning at

~~rh r:ll' ~~~f'~f~k ~~~~r~1~k~f~:r~ fa~i~Y a~i~i~dsT~~~~a~~ef~~~n~g~ noon. They also called on Mr. and at the Elmer Kirstine home in Mrs. Charles Hinnman in Council Picrce. -Bluffs. Mrs. Hans Hanson was an over-

Mr. and Mrs. Earl potter visitrd night guest at the H('rman Kling Saturday afternoon '''lith Mrs. home in Wayn(' Wedn('~day. Brown and Mrs. Rohrke in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Prn1 ico and

:;\11". and Mrs. Walter FIN't" of Douglas were callers Fritlay eve­Norfolk had the following as dln- ning at lhe Richard Seibrandt nEi'r guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. home.

Danger • •• Don't forget That

'Spring Fever' Hits Automobiles, too

DRIVE IN fOR A SPRING CHEtK-UP NOW The best way to get set for trouble free d~\;-ing this summer is to have yourrcar conditioned for spring ~'ight now ... and we know how to do the job fast and well a~ a moderate price.



Langemeier Oil Cbmpany 614 Main St. l't1ern Mordhorst, Lessee Phone 522·W

Henry Langenberg, sr., Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Pentict visil­Don of Omaha, Mr. and Mr~. H¢n- ed Mr. Pentico's mother, Mrs. ry Langenbf'rg, .ir., and Gene, Mr. Frrr::a~n~k-,p~e~n.:'ti::co,:: . ...'.i'.'.n..'P:,:ie':.'r:,:ce~T~h~ur~'~d:::ay~~===========:============\:::=======:::::::::~ and MrS. Bill Langenberg and -family, Mr. and Mrs. George La~g­('nherg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fleer, .1r., and familY, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wittler and fam·

~~d ~r~g~~(~~ ~11~;or1~1l1'I~~SJhC~~ and Louise Lfin(;:Wnberg of Norfolk.

Mrs. G. T. Miller· and Larry and Judy !Ellison of Omaha arrived Friday for a spring- vacation visit at lhe Ene Meierhrnry home.

Mrs. Peter Ulrich. Mrs. El\vin Ulrich and Sam Ulrich !:>pf'nt Mon­day in Omaha where Mrs. Peter UlrlC'h r('ceived m{'"dical cnrC'.

Mr. and Mr". Augu"l M('i(':"~f'nry kr! FridClY morning 10 vi).;1! \<;('\'­

er,il days a I the hom(' of :lwr h{'"r-in~law and sister, Rf'v. and . H. R. Knosp, in St. Francis,

Mr)'. A. Kll:'inbach ac('orn­thf'm RS far as Central

re ,;h(' sll'lvpn at the home son, Henry " Kleinbach, and

Neary arrivf'ct Thursday ramie, Wyo., to )'pend srv­

at the Erwin Ulrich

Mrs Clarenc(' Schroeder called at" the' Erwin Ulrich home Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Asn,ius, Ronnif' and Sandrll, and Mr. and

, Mrs. Dutch Opfer; Billy and Nancy visitrd Sunday evening at the Glen Frink home ..


and Mrs. Louis Bendin and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drevsen and Janet Kay visited at the Delmer Krempk"e home Wednesday evC· ning.

Mrs. Louie Gosch and Mrs. Louis Bendin spent Monday in Wa:-;ne attending the meeling of project clubs.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pingel and family w('re supper guests at the John Drevsen home MondaY. Mrs. Pingel rcturn('d home with them after she spent the weekend in Norfolk.

Mrs. Henry Langenberg, sr., of Omaha, Mrs. Dutch Opf£'r and Nancy and' Mrs. Mervin Wright and Judy of Norfolk eai1('d on Mrs. Hans Asmus Sunday after­noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan 'Herbol­sheimer and daughters \\'(-'re sup­per guest!'. Tuesday at the Hans Asmus home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pingel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drevsen and Janet Kay visited at the Louis Bendin home Tuesday

ters, Mr. sheimel' Mrs. Hans MI'; and' Mrs. J. Ann. The evem carris. A I ch

MIS, .' Winsid spe' the weekend at the Ed Schellenberg horne.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohneke and John Amende visited at thE! Robert Kennedy home Sunday

ev~~~g~nd -Mrs. Robert Kenned'y v;,-r-re dinnt'!r guests· at the Fred l<iennedY home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ern~st Lam~·enberg and DaWft visited Sunday evening al the F)<ank MiII~f horne.

Mr. and Mrs. J .. ' E. Pinge) and famtly, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marotz arid 'family arid Mrs. Minnie Mar­otz Ilisitiid Sunday I evening at the Walt Gut.man home.

I Mr. and Mrs. J .. E.· Pingel, Jackie. Ma.ry Ann I nnd Dickie at.­tended·' conf~~atio!1'- se'rViCes at.

! , I'

, ,


.,unnlng furnllure expressly designed

for loday'. lIying rooms

l~~~~ I Choie. 01 9 Exqllirite Hew Colors .

TodaY'$ modern.mind,d couple. will enjoy rile .Ieek, dean line. of Ihis new KROEHLER Jiving room suite. It's so designed that small tooms appear larger ~nd yet the .ofa and chair are generohdy proportioned and luxuri- ,I ously comfortable. An' am~zing flal., I

at ani, ,1118. Choice of9 ".w tohrro i

• i

I r '

'Ii . Ray,tI. ~O~;Ma~ S1;. '.,··.r··· .

~ur1~er ----,.~,

I I 'Phon~}3: W.

[ I, ..

Page 18: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State



E.~MELpID , (FULL PIN!' 'PLU,' "

PU~~m~~ESE BR , '1M •

~~dl Jhn I

Prizes in cfrdS were won: by Mrs. John Guynn, and Carl Janssen, Mrs. Carl J~nss.en and John G1.l.ynn,

Larry Fri'n~{'s Birtlulay , Larry Ftinl{ was hon9red at a

~~x;;,~dVria:~t~V:~i~~: Jurs~s F~~~~ the Lyle Jpnkins family, I Mr. and Mrs~ranlt Graffis and chil~ren,

'~, ~~~~sJ~~n KJ~~~l~~. S:~d ~:'LoI-f:G~s:O~~~iS and f children

I I Honor Mrs! Firenc'h

Gue~ts ..yho helped MJS. French cellebrate her bitthday her home lhursctay everJi:qg were

~i~:.·n~~ :~~°fu~~c~e:b~S~o~~~ son. Mr. and Mrs. RaYl110nd Otte and sons, I 'Mrs. W. R.' French, Frances and Darrell, and Lynn Roberts.

With Mrs.IKelley Guests &t. the Ray Kelley home

~~~:s~r!tlcI~t;r:~I~C fO~'~.rs. ~~~ Bcyclcr and Mr. and 11lrs. F. E.

~I;~~~ Ef,e~i;:a~~tt~~ ~~~7 Ma;: and Mrs. qrval Harrison and Doug_ las.

Bethany P~esbyterian Church (Dr. Oliyrr'B. 'ProNt, pastor) Friday,'IApril 15, Good Friday,

communion sCTvices, 1) p.m. Sunday ..... April 17; Eastcr ser­

viers. 9:1:1. Sunda,iPsc/lool, 10:15.

St. PI11~1'S. Luehf'Tan ('hun"II (Rev~ M, Reetz, pastor)

Sunday ,school, 10:00. Divine iorShiP, 10:45. ' Good F jday service, with eel£'·

brat ion 0 'Holy communion, April 15, 7:30 p.m.

Zion C~mgt('gationftl ('hurd) (Rev. t. R. Garver, pastor)

9:30 a.m,. worship sen:ice. Ser-

~~~: ~~~~c~a~~~t~~i~('.~sag~." 10:30

8 p.m., G@od Fddny servicc, April 15.

Theophilus and spent the week-end in the Roy F. Jones

were also guests of Dr. 'Mrs. Don Theophilul;j.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterken and family spent Sunday afternbon at the Rpbert Petersen home.

Guests a t the home o( Mrs. Fern Surber last Monday for a social I

afternoon in observance of her birthday were Mrs. Behrens, Mrs. Clyde Perrin, Mrs. Gus Paulsen and Mrs. Warren Wingett.

gu~lSo?~~~~ F~~:js ~t ~~e~~~ ry Ferris home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham were in Sioux City Saturday of last week, and were overnight guests at the Paul Raesidc home there.

Mi and Mrs. BeU<.:h Hurlbert were Sunday supper guests at the Bart n Bailey home.

1M . and Mrs. John Grier "I"ere Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the John Grier, jr., home.

f~~~\~~~~:i ~dO~~t~:J~y s~~~ the Joy Tucker family. ~

Merle Whitney was a Sunday and ~vernight guest of Dale Fran­zen at thf' Augu"t Franzen home.

The first' commercial factories to make plywood were erected in Russia in the 1880's.

oc~an waves reach a heig1At of 50 or 60 feet off the Cape of Good Hope.


WAT~H fOR IT! Rexall Original Xc Sale M,1. and Mrs. Ray Kf'lley and

t~~dJ)~~fnJa~~i~~~Yh~~~rnoon at COMING NEXT WEEK! El~anor Ann Hansen, Geraldine :.

Texl<ly, Dorathy Hurlbert and Ar- April 20, 21, 22, 23 .. ~6~~g~ai~~e~;e~ee~~~~~me from :

Mr'. and Mrs. Milton Stanley G II R II St · were Wednesday supper guests of rle'SS" exa ore: the Charles Whitney family. _

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham :

w::e~n~t~t~O~Ra~n~d~O~IP~h~F~r~id~a~y~O~f.l~a~st~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~ .. ~ .. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ••



Frigidaire De L~xe Model DJ-9 has more food-kefping advantages!

OJ. ft. size.

pt " flOW to see the big Spring Showing of Frigidcire Hom Applianc.es for kitchen and laundry. See ell the moder conveniences and features you get in Frigld~

I uire's nest line of home appliances. ~ee, too, how easy it I to own them.

Frigidaire AII-forcelain Automatic Washer has live.Water Action!

Just ~t in tlothes anti soap, set the Select-O·Dial and fo}get it! In less ,than half cn~o live-Wafer action washes clothes cleaner, rins them twice in c1eon water. And the Rapidry-Spin 'es them many pounds lighter ••• some -clothes are $0 "dry the), gfe read. fot ilJll1ledtote ironirw.1

bll.ftO,,,.lau, beauty eombinefl with conveniences to make cooking

tastier, be~er every day See all the Fri~idair' EJectric porceloin inslCfe ariel ouf­

individuat need$.

Frctm its full'!'widtb Supr~.Fre~zer Chest on top, to its big, ~Iass-topped [Hrclrator on the,~ bottom, this Frigidaire RefdgerQtor has deluxe conveniences­plus Meter-Miser derendClbility. Leam about all 9 Frigidaire Refrigero ors from 6 c;IJ. ft. size to 11!f,

I - , $289 $31:975 ()t er models from $209.75 $29975 Other model. from $,54.75

, : let ... lnl Ask about convenIent terms! Learn about aU ~hese f~OUS FrigIdaire fPPJlanee.1 ~

1~f81 ~,' , . , · ilf1,,:


tl-.ti;gil; Ei~c1~~N '" L ~-.' ;





Page 19: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

"My Dad griws the best corm in the. county!"


Yes, little girl,


Cornhusk~r . Hybridsl TheRe great h)~b ids hayc'thorough f-lelveg in the Neb "aska Yield Conte. Kansas Offi.ci,,1 tate Yield Tests, of farms.

See Us for . Dse 'Extra Bushel. "WiII Mean Extra Prbfits for You

National Guard NOTES


ployees ~ust attend fjeld for 15 d~ys. Early reports

. i~~~ri;.~n,~m~lo)'ers are

·1 1

she had spent six weelu; daughter and family, Mr. Bill Gatchenberger, Tbe berger.) have a new baby . Kay. .

Callers at the, Vernon Weoare £l1ld to welcome two new­

come.rs into the -battery. Robert BaU~ke ·and Emmett Fowler both

;;;;;;;;;;;;oo;;""-i:o-"";;;;-,'/ ;~~;:.~~~~' ~~n~~e~~~sr:~~~rro l~h~ cOJn_·I.~_. ___ .:-.rnaintenance section and

home the past week

. reporting for duty with cooking section .

. There ar~ 8,till a few openings for mechan~cs 1n the Guard. If you

. have experience or would like 10 learn and earn come to

COlrnhus1<er:.j National Guard 'armory, 100 W. 13th St., and get the low down.

Let's make it Clean Up

Paint Up

da~ g~~~~~~gdi~,rr~r a~'~s ~~~~n~~~g~ ard Lmk of Macy al the Gerald Fox home. Prcsent \veI!"e Mr. and j ____ ~_

~~:i·s 19~~~ ;..t~:('~ri(r~r:n~o~::t zen had chargf' of gomes. A cowr-\Vobbenhorst and M'r, and Mr'i. cn cllsh lunch was ;..crvcd.

~(~~al~n:~~·r's.Stf!;~~~llt~~~~s \\~c~~ U~i~n SPrvj('es idaughtl'rs of Hart ingtorl., Mr. and Tpe "pecied Lenten service Mrs . .Tohn Wobbf'nhorst and Mr. Thursday night, preceded by a land Mrs. Rohf'rt Gifford and cov(,red dish supper, was conduct­daughter!>. cd by Rp\. B. F. Helsman and was

IWith Mrs. ,Gifford The Cf'ri1etery assoclation met

~or the first tIme in 1949 at the

: orne of Mrs. Robert Gifford with 24. present. Plans wcre made for the Decoration day c1irtmer. Mrs. .Chris Arduser and Mrs. Hazel

were named to !;8cu.re a Mrs. Johnl Wobben­

Kermit Gra!f aI¥.l Mrs. . were visitors.

s('fv~d by tne hostess, " by Mrs. Robcrlt Wobben­:horst. Thf' May meetihg will be 'With Mrs. Ed Stapelman.

,67·t.h Birthday Dinnf'r ,

) ~i~Ihd~~:n~r.Raarid ;r~~~~l:;ih ~!~ , 'and family, Mr. and Mrs. Len Ar­

duser and Mr. and Mh. Bernard Arduser gathered for SundrJ.y..d.in­ner nt the Whipple home.

In'HIl Mrs.cRoot Th(> Womf'n's Society of Chris­

tian Service of the Methbdist church mC't \Vprlnesday aftf'rnoon at the home of Mrs. F. P. Root for

birthda~~:rt6ic:b~~~t;~d wf~d . and Mr:;. Hazf'l Arnt-

t you win want a I satisfactory and .. so choose ..


ONE-COAT HOUSE PAINT devell.pment·in years)

- ENDURANCE P AIN'T lasting beauty on floors * SPEED-WALL F~HES

. long-wearing, washawJ

of'I·Our City

:1 ,


well attended. During holy week, sf>rvic(' will he held Monday night with communion service Wednes­day night in Union church.

LOCALS Mr: and Mrs. Richard Claycomb

I of Mmneapolis wW spend their F:as-ter vacation at fhe Amos Claycomb and A. T. Cavanaugh homes.

lVlr." and Mrs. Walden Felber Were Frjday evenfng dinner guests at the Burr! Davjs home for the birthdays of Mrs. Felber and Mrs. Davis. )

Mrs. Anton Jensen left Thursday for her home in Holtville, Calif., after spending some time visiting

.parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Andrew Nielsen and othcr relatives. I

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fishrr and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kay of Los Angplcs came Friday to visit at I thf' Bf'1l Ah1vPfs homl' ;\,Ir. FIsher is MrR. Ahlver's brother.

Ruth Ruser, who as been ill with lhp mumps (or the past t\VU wC'f'ks, was able to return to wurk ~Ion­day.

!>olr. and ·Mrs. VernOn N (' Isen and

~:nt~~(' ~~I~~r~~~~; ~~:~ring~~~~~ i side. Mr. and Mrs. Don BaCkstromj and Leon and Mr. and Mrs. neu­bf'.J1 Hintz and daughters wC're also there'.

:vIr. and Mrs. Albert 2\liller and I Albe.rta and Mrs. Floyd :V.lillpr and I ~f~~~~o~~ ~~U~~le sfJenrb;~~hU~~~~~ home.

Mrs. Carl Wright spent sevPral days last weei< wIth the John Durrie and Andy Nielsen familics in Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard \VolJen­haupt and Bill plan to spend the Easter woel{end visiting relafives in Iowa. Thf'Y will be with :'\1rs. Wollen haupt's parpnts, til(' \Vil­liam Slezaks, in GJeTI\vood and at the home of Mr. Wollenhaupt's sis­ter. Mrs. M. E. Ostrus. in Wiota.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nelsen and Linda were -wsitors at the Ben


Fix Up Li'ght Up

Plant Up '. !I

all around town!: Cleanliness is an outward Jym.

hoI of alertness and. Chari] cter. The more you put in this

program-the more eu g~t 'Out of it. Neat and attrartlve

homes, yards, and ~! res .create favorable impreSSIons, Improve

morale and maiqtain property

value. I

Consult us a~out your finan­

cial prohlem.s, Wa-yne county's

oldest bank ~ at your service4


· rst Nat:ion~1 Ban~ '. '-HlSUICB"'Ce Corporation Member Federal Reserve' System





first step toward '-modemizationshoul4! be your See our new designs. Their exquisite beauty

i graceful lines ... convenience~ ... will win your ac­olaim. You can have a beautiful'bathroom. :. see us for £tee estimate.

Heating .:. Plumbing Air ConC{It:io~in9 * We Sell It! * We Install It! * We Service It!


Wellnst:all Eaves Troughs ..... _ Be ready for heavy rains. We carefully check every job ~. insure satisfactipn. Join~j';. are soldered. Immediate instanation. Don't wait •• ' have us do it NOW.


A&M1Sales & Phone miS 1

Page 20: E TE HERALDnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · fund:; for the ... thrS' m!~ht as well and lrl{']~ nf undrn;t;lndJng chR.rR.c-;J 11·rnot ... State

Frea Younal~L from f,equent .hopplng. Th s big Kelvinator Freuer holds full210pounds -onough for month's meals.

• Fr •• younG!' from kitchen time. Bake 'tr weeks ahead all al once.!· Le~ the Freezer keep your pa trie. aven fresh!

J Free YOUrSel~ of menu dull~ M ... Your K Ivinator Freezer holdl fun me Is ••• and out· .' ..... Ion Ir. ts for every day .rlh. yu.1 i

Come In and eee •••

~f.oJ& -or~l

Lester Electric

Phone 227-\V \\'ayne, Neb.


day to spend the afternoon' at the Orin Bishop home.

Mr. and Mrsi Evan Hamer and Kenneth and~ry Louise Thorn· as are piannin to go to Vwntine Frid{lY to spen t1'le Easter wee~~ end. ' "',

Mr. and Mrs. Don ~eks of Har­tIngton were ,S day guests ~.t the Roy Beeks ho e.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ream, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Vernle Brockman, Mr .. and Mrs. John Ream, jr., and children and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Glassmeyer were Sunday dinner guests at the Vern Stonn home in

Hamer and Laurel. . I $un- and.Mrs. Wilmer Griess and

'"elvinlJtor~8 ~i1bIJ

i utomatic Cookn

Blect,.ic Range


l\ow you can take the i off ••• anytime ••. ('(line

a piping 1;)t dinJirr. Y ('i •• the "Automatic C()(!lk"

. • the range does the rcst!


• Amazing Of'W {'onV"eniehce. :t\f"W

"f '1'.1 ){mll" Luit gi"C8 )011 a 41h Rur(,H'c unit or a thrifty SI:otrh Kettle •.. at the flidl: of a wria.tl

• Giant hroill"-l'·ovt"n hoMs II 25·1h . turkt"y \\ itlt ease. 'Wanner drawer, 8~v('n.hf"at surface units, aod a dozro olher ""onderful features fr>r cxtr:a value I


ghastly figures I.£or the toll taken by lire. Up will help to red lice this toll-if you

"do to make tOURSELF safer-Tllrp,ughout your houo"

1. Clean out old clothes and other u!ldeas articles from doseta

needing ill­painted roorp.s

inspire deanIine.. I

Replace defeetive elee-

r!e;!. e::~eetioJY ."d

In your attic 1. Clean Ollt old truh 2. Clean up the dUll and



chiJdren visited Mrs. ents in York Sunday.

Griess' par-' and

'.Mr. and ~rs.~ A!an Sandahl'were at the Homer BICrman home for dinner SUnday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. 'Morris Sandahl and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sandahl.

lumbus, STmday. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. harfi Most! and Mr. ¥.diS.

, . Fred Bartels,· who . will andj Mr. and Mrs. Kcnnit Andrews I roll wer~ at the. Andrl!W Parker some time at th:l;:;eikes took lona Heikes ba-ck to Omaha home Friday evemng: for Mr. Park-

Sunday evooing. er's bjrthday.

t~~ wZ:e~en~~~st eetep~cl M~~: !~p~r~a:~dr M~. i'~!~1i at~~~ ~~E~~~ts~~ ~~r ~~~~

Wednesday SUpper and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. LecRoy Griesch were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ehlers.

home in--Goldfield, la. Lindsay and JuniO. r SPC. nt last afternoon. Het'b Peters ~d Bo.nnic. and Mrs. C. A. Lederer and Tuesday evening With the W. E. and Mrs. Martha Lutt ere there were Swtday afternoon Lindsays. Wednesday evening. at the Dr. D. R Walters Sunday dinner guests at the Mrs. Mrs. C. H. Hendricks r pmns to

A. W. Ro~s home were. Mr. and spend Easter with her son and and Mrs. Walt Newell of Mrs. Melvm Wert a.nd family and family. the Max Bend icksons in

The LeeRoy Gricsch family spent Sunday afternoon and \verC supper guests at the Elmer Boeckenhauer home in Wakefield.

I Mr. and Mrs. Rod Love returned Thursday from Brooksville, Fla., where theY had spent the past three months visiting 'Mrs. Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlf!s Senter.

Mr. and·Mrs. Leo Zapp and Gor~ don were. visitors at the George Zapp hom~ in Winnebago Sunday. They 11150 called on friends in Da­kota City.

daM~ ra,tatnhde MArs· H, N' Ow, He, nBsruhgOmgeer' WI.]] Freda Sund was home from Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles oIlins and ... North Platte for the weekend. She family of Norfolk, Bill d Winnie

were evening callers Sun- Barbara Ley Vermillion. ~

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Swanson were in Oakland Suno.ay afternoon Dnd e~ening.

ha'{e as Easter dinner guests, Mr. plans to spend her Easter vaca- Collins of Laurel !and arry De~ and Mrs. Ed Larsoll, and Mrs Anna tion here with the Herman Sunds. nesia and Bob and tty were Tu~ker. \ Mr. and Mrs. John Horsman, Mr. Sunday afternoon. a d suppe['

'N1r. and Mrs. Pete orgensen and and Mrs. W. J. Echtenkamp, guests at the T. Collms erne. Wes Pflueger was in West Point Mrs. Kermit Andrews and Mrs.

Monday last week on busincss. Charles Heikes went to Dakota Frtd Wiend were a the Gilbert Mathies Holt, jr, and Donna, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Mlller and

W~k;.nSan~m~r~~e ~~~ ~~~:~:~ ~l~d.r~l~~~~~. ~.dJa~:cl?~~ Janr~ 1 ~~~~ ~:~u;~~!a:i:~I~~d:.t the ·Rev. and Mrs. William Goede City Thu.rsday to get Mrs. Heikes'

•.•.•••••••..•.•......•..••.. a •••.......• a....................... .................................................. . •..... I ' •

Clean Up '. Paint: Up • Fix Up Week ••. April 1,5.~2 / '

TIMf TO MODERNIZE We Builcl\ Beaui:iful Kit:chens

Your Dream Kit:chen Built the way you want it in your home .

, We offer Personalized Design Service to help you design a kitchen to fit your individualneeds . . :.:' "LET WAY CABINET FIX IT


We Install . -.

Sto·g·way Comb/nar/on

Window, offer /h... and

many other amazing yeor

'round benefit" Call u, 1 __

d fr •• demoJUfi'allOll.

• • Comfort:able Breakfast: Nooks

INCOMPARABLE QU4>LITY AND DURAIIUTY. ';"n ..... " 'h, fi,ld of C:lIllo.m_b .. .It 8, .. Hut Nooh. !h, n,m. AAA tn .. nl

fin, tn,lI,i,h !h,o"'Jhout. . ipKi,lI., "I'et,d "'00<1. .nd Up',t ~'~PMiu"ip in ..... y d.hil.

'AAA_Am~r;co'l Leor!ifl9 !,.oUOS' Nool MOflufoctrlr,'

~ .. -.••............... ~ .................. . • "'0 •• "lid I,do? ',prll."'"'''' t. '"0''' lo,.pl~ ~ , "'''''''a .. ' ,Ioi. ploe', 11", ~"ti., "0 "bliga-ti ...


.. Q,t~us ______________ _ . *

For Exira Convenience

~.nstall Package Shelves

Package Shelves help you find what fOU want when you want it. They save space, too .... We have them in stock .... Yes, we install.

* 'Cabinet: Work of All Types WE GO ANYWHERE


W~i Ylle Cabi"net Shop I r


I 'I 311 Y2 Main ~treet .

I ." . ". . .'


Wayne, ~ebraska

-'.' I ' -I I

;' • • i


.­• • • • • •