vancouver.ca/rezoning Welcome E 48TH AVE WAVERLY AVE E 46TH AVE ELLIOT ST E 49TH AVE E 45TH AVE NANAIMO ST WALES ST VIVIAN ST RALEIGH ST Corpus Christi School Nanaimo Park Waverly Elementary School Corpus Christi Parish GLADSTONE ST The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 2499 East 48th Avenue from RS-1 (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is for a four-storey Senior’s Community Care Facility that includes: a 100 unit Class B Senior’s Community Care Facility; a total floor area of 7,669.95 sq. m (82,558.67 sq. ft.); a total floor space ratio (FSR) of 1.91; a building height of 13.7 m (44.9 ft.); 44 underground parking spaces; and 12 bicycle spaces. Applicant Contact: Laurie Schmidt, Schmidt & Associates Development Planning Ltd. [email protected] Rezoning Planner: Tiffany Rougeau, City of Vancouver [email protected] Rezoning Application: 2499 East 48th Avenue

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Page 1: E 45TH AVE E 46TH AVE - Rezoning Centre, …...vancouver.ca/rezoning Welcome E 48TH AVE VE E 46TH AVE T E 49TH AVE E 45TH AVE T T Corpus Christi School Nanaimo Park Waverly Elementary



























Corpus Christi School

Nanaimo Park

Waverly Elementary


Corpus Christi Parish







The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 2499 East 48th Avenue from RS-1 (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District.

The proposal is for a four-storey Senior’s Community Care Facility that includes:

• a 100 unit Class B Senior’s Community Care Facility;

• a total floor area of 7,669.95 sq. m (82,558.67 sq. ft.);

• a total floor space ratio (FSR) of 1.91;

• a building height of 13.7 m (44.9 ft.);

• 44 underground parking spaces; and

• 12 bicycle spaces.

Applicant Contact: Laurie Schmidt, Schmidt & Associates

Development Planning Ltd.

[email protected]

Rezoning Planner: Tiffany Rougeau, City of Vancouver

[email protected]

Rezoning Application: 2499 East 48th Avenue

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Success today means hearing from everyone in a safe manner.

• Show respect. Every participant brings information, points of view and ideas to contribute.

• Treat everyone here with the same respect and tone you would want for yourself, your child or your parent.

• Threats, insults, intimidation and abusive language will not be tolerated.

• Photography and video recording are limited to the presentation materials. The photographing and/or recording of participants or conversations are not permitted (without advance permission).

This event is hosted by the City of Vancouver Department of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability which is responsible for its conduct.

Creating a welcoming environment

Event Guidelines

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The Rezoning Process

What guides development?Community plans and policies are developed by City staff with public input, and are adopted by Council.

They lay out the long-term vision of the community and direct future growth and associated amenities.

These plans and policies outline where rezoning applications can be considered and what may be allowed on a site.

What is a rezoning application?Zoning regulates what can be developed, including the use (e.g. office) and physical form (e.g. height). A rezoning application is required when a proposal does not conform with the existing zoning.

An application must conform to the rezoning policy for an area and other applicable City policies. A rezoning does not mean there are no restrictions on what can be built.

How is my feedback used?Staff read every comment we receive. Feedback from the public and advisory groups informs the review of the application. Applicants may be required to re-submit their proposal based on the feedback. Staff make a recommendation to Council. Council makes the final decision on whether to approve, modify, or refuse a rezoning application.

What are the benefits to the community?Development, including rezoning, can support community benefits, including parks, community facilities, social housing, street upgrades and more.

Public Input:Speak or write

to Council

Public Input:Open house,

comment forms and advisory groups

Public Input:Engagement on

plans and policies

ImplementationAfter Council approves a rezoning application, the

proposal becomes a development application. This process finalizes the project design, as well

as the delivery of public benefits.

Planning comes firstThe City consults with the public to develop

community plans and policies that define what can be considered through rezoning.

Policy and public input guide the reviewStaff from various departments review each rezoning application to see if it meets the policies and goals previously set by Council.

Feedback from the public is an important part of this review.

Supported by policy

Approved by Council

Not supported



Rezoning enquiry

Council-approved plans

and policies

Public hearing and Council vote

Construction and delivery of public benefits

Staff report to Council with


Development application


Rezoning application

Review by City staff

Considered under rezoning policy

Permitted under current zoning

Example of Planning Policy

Example of a Development Proposal

Example of a Future Neighbourhood

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Why We Are Here

Submit online feedback at vancouver.ca/rezapps

Fill out a written comment sheet

We want to hear from you

We are here to listen to community feedback about this proposal. Your input informs staff’s recommendations to Council as part of the review process for this rezoning.

1. Review the material on display.2. Ask questions to City staff or the

applicant. 3. Share your feedback.

Page 5: E 45TH AVE E 46TH AVE - Rezoning Centre, …...vancouver.ca/rezoning Welcome E 48TH AVE VE E 46TH AVE T E 49TH AVE E 45TH AVE T T Corpus Christi School Nanaimo Park Waverly Elementary


Victoria-Fraserview/Killarney Community Vision In 2002, Vancouver City Council approved the Victoria-Fraserview/Killarney (VFK) Community Vision. The document provides direction on a range of issues in the neighbourhood, such as housing, local shopping areas, parks, and community safety. The VFK Community Vision also identifies directions that may require detailed future planning.

21.1 Seniors’ Housing

ApprovedSome small developments designed for seniors should be considered near parks, shopping, and transit to allow seniors to stay in the community as their housing needs change.

21.2 Types of Seniors’ Housing

The forms of seniors’ housing which should be considered include (Respondents could select none, any, or all of the following options so responses do not add up to 100%. Percentages below are only for respondents agreeing to 21.1):

a. small projects such as Abbeyfield Houses - 58%/55%

b. low-rise apartments - 68%/69%

c. mid-rise apartments (6-11 storeys) - 23%/26%

d. high-rise apartments (12 storeys or more) - 10%/10%

33.1 Community Involvement in Decision Making

ApprovedCommunity residents should have greater, and more timely, input into decision making about changes in their community, involving matters like provision of facilities and services, development projects, street and traffic changes, transit changes, and park design.

Relevant VFK Vision Directions

Policy Context

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Healthy City Strategy In 2014, City Council uniamously approved the Healthy City Strategy. The Healthy City Strategy is guided by a vision of A Healthy City for All: a City where together we are creating and continually improving the conditions that enable all of us to enjoy the highest level of health and well-being possible.

Land Use: Community Care Facility Class B Guidelines• Community Care Facility - Class B is residential care which provides a secure supervised

physical environment, accomodation, including 24-hour professional (nursing) care, to clients who cannot have their needs met at home or in assisted living.

• It is desirable for these facilities to be located in residential neighbourhoods. Therefore, this use is conditionally permitted in all residential zones throughout the City.

• The Council adopted Community Care Facility - Class B and Group Residence Guidelines are used in assessing rezoning applications which include this use.

• Location, sitting, form (design) and circulation and access (traffic) are all considered in evaluating applications.

Policy Context

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Thank you for coming!

Staff read and record every comment we receive and present a summary to City Council. Public comments can be submitted any time throughout the rezoning process.

Please share your feedback.

Share Your Thoughts

What do you think?

Submit online feedback at vancouver.ca/rezapps

Fill out a written comment sheet