Dys152 Chat Archive

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  • 8/4/2019 Dys152 Chat Archive


    #dys152 Chat Archive

    [18:52] == shanebee [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [18:53] == dysciple-086 [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured[18:54] Blah.

    [18:54] == dysciple-086 [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:"http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"][18:57] We're very political today.

    [18:57] Indeed we are.

    [18:58] For me a regular day :-)

    [18:59] == Alex [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured[18:59] are we live?

    [18:59] Not yet..

    [19:00] I'm waiting on skype....[19:00] hang on russell. I'll drag you in when we're ready

    [19:01] are we live?

    [19:01] Just checking to ensure the system you use didn't change....[19:01] chatroom say yes ou non

    [19:01] yes ou non?

    [19:01] Yes

    [19:01] Yes[19:01] == Dyscultured45 [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [19:01] H Shane

    [19:01] weird[19:01] We can hear all of you

    [19:01] Mmm Shane's voice

    [19:02] delay on chatroom for me then

    [19:02] SHANE SUCK IT YOU KNOW APPLE PWNS[19:02] == MikeVardy [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:

    "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"][19:02] LOL

    [19:02] Very well, Shane

    [19:02] == HulkVardy [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [19:02] Angry Mike![19:03] Everbody: http://cl.ly/AF9q

    [19:03] That's what Shane was referring to

    [19:05] Grrr. Liberals.[19:05] Twewet out the #dys152

    [19:05] Tweet[19:05] Oh sick.[19:05] I went a whole two weeks without leaving my house in the summer

    [19:06] @Alex.. i'd go stir crazy..

    [19:06] @heywood Yeah... I had the Internetz so I was happy. :P

    [19:06] == Dyscultured45 [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:"http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]

    [19:06] == Barney [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [19:08] == Barney [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:

  • 8/4/2019 Dys152 Chat Archive


    "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]

    [19:08] You gotta be careful with Warren Kinsella. He's super litigeous.

    [19:09] thanks Henshaw

    [19:09] All Anth has to do is say he plays Black Ops on Zombies, and this whole Nazi thingwould blow over.

    [19:09] I know. Thanks @Henshaw.

    [19:10] Henshaw -- this whole issue is full of litigious folks. First experience withFarber was in the context of lawyer Richard Warman threatening people with lawsuits for not following

    through his demands for censorship.

    [19:10] lets's kill Hitler![19:10] Alex, we can't let Anth throw Trey Arch under the bus!

    [19:10] Lol!

    [19:10] http://propagandistmag.com/2011/09/20/non-nazi-and-non-story

    [19:12] == Henshaw [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:"http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]

    [19:12] == Henshaw [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [19:13] extrreme rainfall here all of a sudden[19:13] subtext!

    [19:14] well not that all of a sudden there was lighnting an hour ago

    [19:14] subpixel smoothing text[19:15] The reality is that it's a riding where he could win.

    [19:15] Not now. Hudak's got it now.

    [19:16] Gee -- would the Liberals really destroy somebody's character to win an election?I'm afraid that's how many of these people operate.

    [19:16] @rmocormond Dragging you in via Skype

    [19:18] WHO IS BREATHING?!?!

    [19:18] fixed[19:18] ish

    [19:19] thanks to @rmcormond

    [19:19] for joining us[19:21] Did the breathing just get quiet?

    [19:21] thoughts on new media folks running for office if this is how it's going to go

    going forward?[19:23] ever see a movie called 'Advise & Consent' ? about digging up dirt from the past in

    the world of politics that's affects a current candidate.. and this was way before social networking..

    [19:24] Good point Heywood. Haven't seen it. I'll have to check it out.

    [19:24] @hulkVardy.. the book was great too.. check it out[19:24] We will wrap this condo up in 5, folks. Don't worry.

    [19:25] Will do Heywood

    [19:25] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advise_%26_Consent_(film)[19:26] Thanks, shanebee

    [19:28] http://imgur.com/AuPQg

    [19:30] Thanks for putting up with our Anth talk, folks.[19:30] I know Anth wouldn't have wanted us to evoke of time to it, but....

    [19:31] *devote

    [19:34] http://business.financialpost.com/2011/09/21/crtc-slaps-new-conditions-on-telcos/

    [19:34] == toma [[email protected]] has joined #dyscultured

    [19:34] On mute, but still listening...

  • 8/4/2019 Dys152 Chat Archive


    [19:34] I love the stunned pauses because it really is a stunning decision.

    [19:35] LOL

    [19:35] What's more they've given cableco's a year to come up with a way for consumers

    to only pay for the channels they want.[19:35] Thank,s russell

    [19:35] Fllipped to /live/ to give you better sound...

    [19:35] Wow![19:37] what??? how does it take a year to come up with that?? simply pay for the

    channels you want.. what's the issue?

    [19:37] Re: HST in BC. 18 months to take away. Less time to implement.[19:38] Digital cable/satelite allows a-la-carte, but analog doesn't. That is one technical

    issue people will be confused by.

    [19:38] that's why i don't have satellite or cable any more

    [19:38] http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerkay/2011/09/19/netflix-cant-zig-for-zagging/[19:38] Glad Netflix separated DVDs from streaming!

    [19:39] Netflix didn't take DVD's out -- just got rid of the bundling... Stopping bundling

    is what we want CableCo's to do, so why not Netflix as well?[19:39] Rental of DVD's is regulated by copyright/contracts very differently than online


    [19:40] Agreed, Russell.[19:40] They can kill it as a separate company.

    [19:41] Howdy, toma

    [19:41] Studios also trying to kill off DVD's and move to BlueRay, which is not a stableplatform (DRM key revocation, etc).

    [19:42] The DVD service will really hurt if the US postal service cuts out the Saturday


    [19:42] http://business.financialpost.com/2011/08/30/social-media-startup-helps-couples-reignite-?ames/

    [19:43] Ahh, so the heavy breathing isn't me... :-)

    [19:43] Ryan?[19:43] LOL

    [19:43] Using technology to record private interactions?

    [19:44] 'Oh My...'.. oops sorry that's Takei[19:44] Do you really want to be telling marketers what you are doing in your most

    intimate relationships?

    [19:44] The Trojan Man comes to do your door.

    [19:44] whoops, Freudian slip.[19:44] Oh god HulkVardy

    [19:45] @HulkVardy that would save the embarrassing trip to the Shoppers Drug Mart..

    [19:45] lol[19:46] Just be glad this isn't London with all the extra cameras on the way to the


    [19:47] ...ummm... not screwed...[19:47] LOL

    [19:49] Agreed. Using iPhones nasty :-)

    [19:50] Connecting online constantly = disconnecting offline constantly[19:51] http://thenextweb.com/media/2011/09/16/sony-to-ban-playstation-gamers-if-


    [19:51] be right beer ...

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    [19:53] considering they provide the service for free i really don't a have a problem with

    this.. unlike the 360

    [19:54] doesnt have to be good if it's free but it should be safe

    [19:54] cavet emptor..[19:54] http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/nhl-unveils-social-media-


    +TheGlobeAndMail-Technology+(The+Globe+and+Mail+-+Technology+News)[19:54] No -- it's not buyer beware. IT is an attempt to eradicate consumer protection

    and other laws through contract.

    [19:54] http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/nhl-unveils-social-media-policy/article2168155/

    [19:54] ooGd point rmcormond

    [19:55] @rmcormond.. good point but it is still an argument

    [19:56] http://thetyee.ca/Life/2011/09/15/Open-Source-Teaching/[19:57] http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/simpsonstv-an-entire-channel-devoted-to-


    [19:58] 'Open University' in the UK in the 1970's.. isn't this kinda the same thing?[19:59] I prefer Netflix and DVD's to a "channel".

    [19:59] Farty Towels is the best evar.

    [19:59] who is up to speed on the Khan thoughts?[19:59] @rmcormond.. agree.. same here..

    [20:00] agreed, rmcormond

    [20:00] I like it[20:00] Started Fawty Towers on Netflix, and didn't get into it...

    [20:00] http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2011/09/linux-game-devs-upload-their-own-


    [20:00] And I just recompiled my kernel over that![20:01] @rmcormond... you're hard core.. :)

    [20:02] @heywood -- I'm paid as a sysadmin/software developer for Linux servers, so

    kinda just my life :-)[20:02] lol

    [20:03] just added rmcormond to my mobile Stallman shrine...

    [20:03] "Not for sale" is a much larger problem than Copyright infringement for mostcreators!

    [20:03] @heywood --- Was called a Stallmanist by many people, until they saw the two

    of us together not quite agreeing (I say FLOSS and Linux, and he hates both).

    [20:03] So true[20:04] Bravo to Anthony!

    [20:05] @rmcormond.. heretic....

    [20:07] getting ready to wrap[20:07] == Henshaw [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:

    "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]

    [20:07] slightly political episode.. thanks.. cheers all .. back to Thunderbirds to clear myhead..

    [20:07] Political orifice?

    [20:08] Installed Netscape Navigator 3 on Win 98.[20:08] I need a life.

    [20:08] == toma [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com

    ajax IRC Client"]

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    [20:08] @Alex.. last version of Windows i actually used.. you're not alone..

    [20:09] I have it running in a VM on my Mac.

    [20:09] Had customers with Windows -- never had on any machine I owned. Skipped

    right from AmigaDOS to NetBSD to Linux....[20:09] Weird to see the text rendering differences :D

    [20:09] I started with Windows, went to Linux, now on a Mac

    [20:09] There's a new Facebook?[20:09] LOL

    [20:09] I don't give a shit about FB now that I deleted my account

    [20:10] oh, yes...rmcormond[20:10] @Alex.. try to load up F15 or something.. it's was the 'Golden Age of Sims'..

    you've actually got me thinking.. i may dig out the old disks..

    [20:10] Took a lot of tinkering. Virtualbox is too high-powered for 98.

    [20:10] IE5 didn't know what to do with my 25mbps connection[20:11] bye all .....

    [20:11] == heywood [[email protected]] has quit [[ZN] Quit:

    "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"][20:11] thanks everonye

    [20:11] Hey, where is the "hell ya's" ....

    [20:11] thanks all[20:11] hell ya!

    [20:11] wow . what a day

    [20:12] Cheers all[20:12] podcast up later tonight!

    [20:12] It's also why less women!

    [20:13] Not sure what this has to do with "the Internet". This is a mainstream media

    being manipulated by partisan political war room![20:13] Does Netscape 3 not support CSS stylesheet