DyKnow Training Evaluation

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  • 7/30/2019 DyKnow Training Evaluation


    DyKnow Training Evaluation

    Prepared for

    Culver Educational Foundation


    Culver Technology Support Committee

    Phillip Cook, Director

    October 9, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 DyKnow Training Evaluation


  • 7/30/2019 DyKnow Training Evaluation



    Executive Summary

    As a result of past discussions amongst faculty at Culver Academies, the Instructional

    Technology department at Culver has installed a server to run DyKnow Vision and Monitor

    software and purchased licenses for student, faculty and staff machines at Culver, beginning in the

    spring semester of the 2012-2013 school year. All faculty and staff at Culver are trained on proper

    use of DyKnow Monitor, with faculty receiving additional training in the use of DyKnow Vision

    over the course of a two-day training. All staff attends the first day of training, focused on DyKnow

    Monitor. The primary goal of the training is to ensure that faculty and staff are able to

    appropriately implement DyKnow software within the academic activities that occur on campus.

    Training is designed to be interactive, with both sessions focused on using the software within the

    context of a classroom setting. This evaluation is designed to determine the effectiveness of

    training, as well as gauge the impact of DyKnow software upon the academic community at Culver.

    Evaluation planning began in August of 2012, headed by the Director of the Technology

    Support Committee on campus at Culver. The Technology Support Committee (TSC) is comprised

    of fourteen faculty and staff and is charged with the design and implementation of technology

    related trainings and evaluation on campus at Culver. In early August, four members of the TSC

    received training from DyKnow representatives; those members then trained the remaining

    members of the TSC in the use of DyKnow through designated TSC meetings in September and

    into early October. As a result of the initial trainings within the TSC, the following three objectives

    were identified: faculty and staff competency in the use of DyKnow Monitor to manage classroom

    and related academic settings, the use of DyKnow Vision by faculty to create digital collaborative

    situations within the classroom, and the ability to create DyKnow Vision compatible presentations

    for use within the academic classroom. Based upon these objectives, competencies of

    management, design and implementation were developed. Utilizing Kirkpatricks evaluation

    framework, instruments were created to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program in

    regards to these competencies related to the first four levels of the framework: reaction, learning,

    behavior and results. Level one (reaction) survey gauges the effectiveness of the training in

    regards to training materials, training methodology, instructor implementation and setting. Level

    two (learning) evaluates comprehension of basic terminology and skills, and consists of a real

    world situation which is peer evaluated using a supplied check sheet. Level three (behavior)

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    involves an observation of the use of DyKnow within a classroom or related academic setting by a

    member of the TSC. Level four (results) consists of a written self-reflection as well as

    implementation and usage data collected via student experience questionnaires administered at

    the end of term 3 and term 4 on campus.

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    DyKnow Vision and Monitor software provides a digital means for faculty and staff to

    collaborate and monitor academic activities on campus at Culver Academies. The DyKnow

    training program was developed based upon the need for a diverse group of employees to be able

    to utilize appropriate feature sets during academic class and study periods. DyKnow Monitor

    provides a much desired means to observe student laptop screens remotely, and allows for the

    enabling or disabling of specific applications and websites. DyKnow Monitor is viewed as an

    additional tool to ensure that students are using their school-issued laptops appropriately and are

    making good use of instructional time. In addition to the observational benefits that DyKnow

    Monitor provides, DyKnow Vision allows for the creation of digital collaborative learning

    environments, both face to face or across campus. Faculty can easily present class material

    remotely to students, and students can work collaboratively on projects using the team-centered

    features offered within the DyKnow Vision software package. Overall, the ability to create

    managed collaborative digital learning environments is very attractive, and makes good use of the

    schools existing 1:1 laptop program.

    Of primary interest regarding this evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of training,

    increased fluency in terminology and skills related to the implementation of appropriate use of

    DyKnow Monitor and Vision software within the academic classrooms at Culver Academies. As

    mentioned previously, Kirkpatricks evaluation framework serves as the basis for the preparation

    of each of the four evaluations developed. These levels and corresponding instruments are

    described in the evaluation framework that follows.

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    Evaluation Framework

    Level 1: Reaction

    A Level 1 reaction survey was designed in order to evaluate faculty and staff response to

    training in regards to learning environment, relevance, delivery, and overall training experience.

    The survey uses a four point Likert scale. Faculty and staff will be administered the survey

    immediately following the conclusion of each of the two day training sessions. The level 1 survey

    can be found in the appendix.

    The survey provides timely feedback regarding the two-day training session. Specifically,

    evaluation questions focus on classroom environment, utility of training, and effectiveness of the

    instructor and instruction related materials. This data is important to ensure that training is

    identified as useful within the classroom and similar academic settings and was clearly

    communicated within an effective learning environment. Results from the level 1 instrument will

    be reported using mean scores as well as standard deviations. Positive scores will indicate faculty

    and staff feel prepared and able to use DyKnow Monitor and Vision appropriately on campus at


    Level 2: Learning

    DyKnow Monitor training is scheduled for Saturday, November 24th, 2012. The learning

    evaluation is administered during the final hour of the training. Participants are assigned a peer

    reviewer and given one of two related tasks involving the use of DyKnow, as well as a scoring

    check sheet. The peer reviewer will provide the scored check sheets to the training instructor.

    Level 2 instrument scores will be reported using mean scores as well as standard

    deviations. Mean scores on individual check sheet components are useful in determining topics in

    need of follow-up with future trainings and can help to identify areas in need of greater coverage

    and illustration during training.

    Level 3: Behavior

    The measurement of behavior occurs via academic observations through the submission of

    an observation sheet. Individual faculty and staff are each observed within their respective

    academic setting (either classroom or within the dorms & barracks on campus) by a member of

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    the Technology Support Committee. The observing TSC member records an overview of the

    observation and uses an observation sheet to mark observed uses of DyKnow Monitor and/or

    DyKnow Vision (see the appendix for observation sheet). Each TSC member will observe trained

    faculty and staff on two separate occasions, with each trained faculty and staff member being

    observed a minimum of two times. All observations will occur after training during terms 3 and 4

    in the spring 2013 semester.

    Observational data within context is ideal for showing the extent to which DyKnow

    software usage is being implemented on campus at Culver. Results from the observations are

    compiled at the end of term 4 of the 2012-2013 school year and analyzed for frequency of

    observed usage, broken down by item from the observation sheet. The results from the behavior

    instrument serve to identify departments that may require follow-up regarding implementation of

    DyKnow as well as identifying departments on campus that are making exceptional use of


    Level 4: Results

    Results are determined via two methods: self-reflection and student feedback. The self-

    reflection (located in the appendix) is administered to faculty and staff during June week

    (beginning June 10, 2013) at the conclusion of the 2012-2013 school year, and consists of prompts

    related to the change of classroom or academic environment as the result of the use of DyKnow

    Monitor and Vision, with responses to prompts consisting of rated values and written comments.

    In addition to the self-reflection, students will provide feedback in regards to the impact that

    DyKnow Monitor and Vision software has had within their academic courses and within academic

    study times on campus during the spring semester. Questions addressing impact are inserted into

    the existing Student Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ) that is administered to students at the end of

    term 3 and term 4(attached for reference within the appendix).

    TSC members will collate results from the faculty and staff self-reflections, and summarize

    common themes expressed within the written portions of the instrument. Rated prompts will

    have data collected and analyzed, with mean values and standard deviations presented. Results

    will also be broken down by department to identify regions of campus that experienced the most

    significant results. This analysis is particularly useful for future training planning for the 2013-

    2014 school year, where training can be focused within departments that have had lesser results

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    during the initial rollout of the software. The results data will also be shared with the Head of

    Schools, the Director of Instructional Technology, and the Co-chairs of the Academic Instructional

    Technology Department, all of whom are stakeholders in the funding and decision to bring

    DyKnow to campus at Culver.


    In education, it is always a key concern to maximize instructional time. DyKnow Monitor

    and Vision software provide a means by which faculty and staff can minimize distractions during

    academic time, and as a result increase learning on campus. The proper training of faculty and

    staff is critical for ensuring that the software is used appropriately and has maximum impact upon

    the learning environment at Culver. Being able to conduct appropriately designed Monitor

    sessions and create interactive collaborative Vision sessions are key skills that are a focus of the

    DyKnow training program.

    DyKnow software is not cheap, and the initial investment in software licenses and server

    equipment must be justified through increased on-task behavior of students during academic

    times. Building a community that leverages DyKnow software for good and enhancing the

    technology skills of an already talented faculty and staff serves to improve not only the overall

    quality of education of students at Culver, but also opens the possibility for future thought

    leadership in the thoughtful implementation of technology programs amongst accredited college-

    preparatory boarding schools.

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    Evaluation Plan

    Evaluation Plan

    Project DyKnow Training EvaluationScope Evaluation of two-day training program administered to faculty and staff at

    Culver Academies

    Identification DyKnow Training Evaluation Plan, October 9th, 2012


    Purpose Determine the effectiveness of DyKnow training

    Levels of


    Levels 1-4: Reaction, Learning, Behavior & Results

    Objectives that

    will be


    1. Teach faculty & staff proper protocol in the setup of DyKnow Monitorsessions and plans.

    2. Teach faculty & staff skills related to facilitating DyKnow Monitorsessions during academic time.

    3. Teach faculty skills and techniques in using DyKnow Vision to createdigital collaborative sessions.


    Item Date Due Who

    Create evaluation plan 8/9/12 TSC

    Develop instruments 10/30/12 TSC

    Observe DyKnow training 11/24/12;



    Administer and collect level 1 data 11/24/12;12/1/12


    Administer and collect level 2 data 11/24/12;


    Peer evaluators

    Observe DyKnow usage by faculty &

    staff within academic setting

    5/31/12 TSC

    Collect level 3 data 5/31/12 TSC

    Analyze data from levels 1-3 6/1/12 Phil, Megan, Oliver, Lauren

    Administer and collect SEQ data 6/7/12 All faculty & staff

    Administer and collect level 4 data

    from faculty & staff

    6/7/12 TSC

    Analyze data from SEQ and level 4 6/10/12 TSCPrepare final report 6/11/12 TSC

    Present results to Head of Schools,

    Director of IT and AITD

    6/14/12 Phil

    Evaluation Budget

    N/A; Evaluation completed in-house

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    Data Collection

    Data Item When How Collected From Whom By Whom

    Reaction to


    After training Survey Faculty & Staff TSC Members

    Learning After training Peer evaluation Faculty & Staff Peer evaluators

    Behavior After trainingduring terms 3

    and 4


    Faculty & Staff TSC Members

    Results June week, 2013 Self-reflection;

    Student SEQ


    Faculty, Staff &


    TSC Members

    Data Analysis



    Methods of



    How to control

    for other factors

    Who will perform analysis?

    Reaction Mean scores; SD Trainers leave



    Learning Mean scores; SD Testing scenarios

    similar to



    Phil, Megan, Oliver, Lauren

    Behavior Observation;


    Observation via

    more than one

    TSC member

    Technology Support Committee

    Results Frequency; Mean

    scores; SD


    and SEQ data

    weighted equally

    Technology Support Committee

    Report of Findings

    What results are reported To whom How communicated

    1. Reaction results Head of Schools,

    Director of IT &


    Written report

    2. Learning results Head of Schools,

    Director of IT &


    Written report

    3. Behavior results Head of Schools,

    Director of IT &


    Written report

    4. Self-reflection & SEQ results Head of Schools,

    Director of IT &


    Written report

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    Gantt Chart

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  • 7/30/2019 DyKnow Training Evaluation


    Level 1 (Reaction) Instrument

    DyKnow Training Survey

    Level 1

    Instructions: Thinking about the training that you just completed, please indicate to what degree

    you agree with each statement using the following scale:

    Please provide comments along with your rating to help the TSC improve this training in the


    Learning Environment

    1. The training environment helped me to learn 1 2 3 4

    2. There were no major distractions that interfered with my learning 1 2 3 4


    3. The training will be helpful for my success using DyKnow in the future. 1 2 3 4

    4. I will be able to immediately use what I learned. 1 2 3 4

    1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= Agree 4= Strongly Agree



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    5. I was well engaged with what was going on during the training. 1 2 3 4

    6. The activities and exercises aided in my learning. 1 2 3 4

    7. I was given adequate opportunity to demonstrate what I was learning. 1 2 3 4


    8. The training met my expectations. 1 2 3 4

    9. I am clear on how to apply what I learned on the job. 1 2 3 4

    10. I would recommend this training to my colleagues. 1 2 3 4



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    Level 2 (Learning) Instruments

    DyKnow Training Scenario

    DyKnow Monitor Training

    Peer Evaluation Scenarios

    Instructions: Select a partner within your training group to serve as a peer evaluator. Next,

    select one of the two scenarios, and respond to the prompts.

    Scenario A

    You are an instructor in a humanities class and you have designed an activity where students use

    online resources to research the life of Antoine Laviosier. To ensure students remain on task, you

    would like them to be able to access the internet, and use only Microsoft Word or Microsoft

    OneNote to record their research findings.

    1. Identify and record the settings within DyKnow Monitor that you would utilize toaccomplish this task in the space below.

    2. Create an appropriate plan with these settings within DyKnow Monitor.3. Demonstrate proper use of the plan to your peer evaluator.

    Scenario B

    You are a dorm supervisor in Beason in charge of facilitating academic study time from 8pm to

    10pm. Lately there have been issues with students using their computers for non-academic tasks

    during academic study time. Specifically, the use of Skype, twitter and facebook have been causingsignificant distractions.

    1. Identify and record the settings within DyKnow Monitor that you would utilize to minimizedistractions during academic study time.

    2. Create an appropriate plan with these settings within DyKnow Monitor.3. Demonstrate proper use of the plan to your peer evaluator.

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    DyKnow Vision Training

    Peer Evaluation Scenarios

    Instructions: Select a partner within your training group to serve as a peer evaluator. Next,

    select one of the two scenarios, and respond to the prompts.

    Scenario A

    You are an instructor in a science class and you would like to conduct a DyKnow Vision

    collaborative session where you will present a series of slides illustrating the changing models of

    the atom. You have created the PowerPoint already, but need to convert the presentation to be

    able to use it with DyKnow.

    1. Within Microsoft PowerPoint, create a DyKnow compatible version of the suppliedPowerPoint file.

    2. Demonstrate how you would import the file into DyKnow to your peer evaluator.3. Demonstrate proper use of Vision, using the converted PowerPoint to your peer evaluator.Scenario B

    You are a dorm supervisor in Argonne and several of the girls from the dormitory have requested

    a collaborative session using DyKnow Vision to discuss dormitory issues.

    1. Identify and record the settings within DyKnow Vision that you would utilize to create acollaborative session.

    2. Create an appropriate session with these settings within DyKnow.3. Demonstrate proper use of the session to your peer evaluator.

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    Peer Evaluation Checksheet

    DyKnow Training

    Peer Evaluation Checksheet

    Name of person being evaluated:_________________________________________

    Name of evaluator:______________________________________

    DyKnow Monitor

    Faculty or staff member being evaluated utilized:

    Start/Stop Monitor Allow Applications Block Applications Allow URL Block URL Attention Send File

    Remote Control Shutdown/Restart Poll Status Monitor class view Monitor individual view

    DyKnow Vision

    Faculty or staff member being evaluated utilized: Chat Group session Presentation Quiz inserted within presentation Status Request file Collect file Return file Share screen Presenter control Presentation view

    Training: Monitor Vision Scenario: A B

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    Level 3 (Behavior) Instrument

    DyKnow Training

    Observation Sheet

    Name of person being observed:______________________________________



    Instructions: Record the frequency of DyKnow skills and features that are used during your

    observation using tick marks.

    DyKnow Monitor

    Faculty or staff member being observed utilized:

    Start/Stop Monitor Allow Applications Block Applications Allow URL Block URL Attention Send File

    Remote Control Shutdown/Restart Poll Status Monitor class view Monitor individual view

    DyKnow Vision

    Faculty or staff member being observed utilized:

    Chat Group session Presentation Quiz inserted within presentation Status Request file

    Collect file Return file Share screen Presenter control Presentation view

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    Level 4 (Results) Instruments

    Faculty & Staff Self-Reflection

    DyKnow Training Self-Reflection

    Name (optional):______________________________________

    Instructions: Reflecting back upon your use of DyKnow Monitor and Vision over the past two

    terms, respond to the following questions. Your responses will help the TSC to assess the impact

    that DyKnow training has had upon .

    What is your current position at Culver?

    a. Faculty memberb. Staff member

    Which department are you a member of at Culver?

    a. Fine Artsb. Humanitiesc. Scienced. Mathe. Modern & Classical Languagesf. Student Lifeg. Other:______________________________

    1. I use DyKnow Monitor during academic settings on campus at Culver.a. Alwaysb. Frequentlyc. Sometimesd. Occasionallye. Never

    2. I use DyKnow Vision during academic settings on campus at Culver.a. Alwaysb. Frequentlyc. Sometimesd. Occasionallye. Never

    3. The use of DyKnow Monitor has resulted in fewer technology related distractions.a. Strongly Agreeb. Agreec. Disagreed. Strongly Disagreee. I do not use DyKnow Monitor

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    4. The use of DyKnow Vision has resulted in greater classroom collaboration.a. Strongly Agreeb. Agreec. Disagreed. Strongly Disagreee. I do not use DyKnow Vision

    5. As you reflect upon your use of DyKnow Monitor, how have you observed the use ofMonitor affect the learning environment at Culver?

    6. As you reflect upon your use of DyKnow Vision, how have you observed the use of Visionaffect the learning environment at Culver?

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    Student Experience Questionnaire

    Excerpt of DyKnow prompts from the Student Experience Questionnaire

    Section E:DyKnow Software

    Instructions: The questions that follow relate the to use of DyKnow by your instructor as well ascounselors and other staff during academic time on campus at Culver. Read each statement

    carefully, and then indicate to what degree you agree with each statement using the following


    1. Many faculty and staff are using DyKnow on campus during academic time.2. Faculty and staff use DyKnow in helpful ways.3. DyKnow helps me to stay focus on learning within the classroom.4. DyKnow helps me to stay focused on learning during academic study time.5. My study behaviors have changed as a result of DyKnow usage on campus.6. DyKnow has improved the quality of instruction on campus at Culver.7. I am using technology more frequently in class as a result of DyKnow.

    1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= Agree 4= Strongly Agree