Multiverses Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo May 1, 2012 Opening Remarks VENERABLE Hi. Thank you again for the opportunity for the electrons of the universe to share thoughts and to contemplate the significance of our lives and the opportunity to generate what is beneficial and wisdom enhancing. Opening Blessing May our time together reveal the wisdom seed in each and everyone. And may appearances of confusion reveal the essence of awakened mind. May we see through the arising appearances as transparent and recognize that all appearances are a dream created by our speech and action. May the wisdom potential in everyone flourish and grow. When we speak of multi-universes, many thoughts come to mind. We can, on a very simple level, consider the concept of an ideal realm. Through religion, through philosophy, we have an idea of what is an awakened human being. And many of us aspire to that. And many of us have taken the vow to actualize that wisdom potential in our lifetimes. That ideal, in a sense, looks like it is outside of us, yet that which we aspire to become, the seed of it is also within us. Like Nesting Russian Dolls

Dyahni Ywahoo 2

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Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo

May 1, 2012

Opening Remarks

VENERABLE Hi. Thank you again for the opportunity for the electrons of the

universe to share thoughts and to contemplate the significance

of our lives and the opportunity to generate what is beneficial

and wisdom enhancing.

Opening Blessing

May our time together reveal the wisdom seed in each and

everyone. And may appearances of confusion reveal the

essence of awakened mind. May we see through the arising

appearances as transparent and recognize that all appearances

are a dream created by our speech and action. May the wisdom

potential in everyone flourish and grow.

When we speak of multi-universes, many thoughts come to

mind. We can, on a very simple level, consider the concept of

an ideal realm. Through religion, through philosophy, we have

an idea of what is an awakened human being.

And many of us aspire to that. And many of us have taken the

vow to actualize that wisdom potential in our lifetimes. That

ideal, in a sense, looks like it is outside of us, yet that which we

aspire to become, the seed of it is also within us.

Like Nesting Russian Dolls

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Like the Russian dolls nesting within each other, different

aspects of mind give rise to different understanding and also,

appearances of different realms.

When we consider that all appearances arise from space and

the new insight that is being understood about the energy of

light, it is clear that our thought, good vibes, good medicine,

conscious thought and action contribute to stability in our lives

and also, the energy of our minds through the power of prayer,

or clear intention also contributes to the body’s ability to receive

the light of that clear awareness and to be restored to its natural

state of awakened health and awaked understand.

Light, you can say, is a carrier wave. And on that wave we

project with our speech and action ripples which become the

lives we lead and, ultimately, the ripples become many worlds

and, also, the essence of life and wisdom within ourselves.

Excuse me one moment, please. [pause]

JENNIFER For those of you who don’t know, Venerable actually has a wolf

that lives with her and another dog and, sometimes they get into

things. They get excited by the teaching.

VENERABLE Sorry for the interruption. They left the keys in the house. The

intention to be here as human beings is the result of our

exploration, our echoes of dreams, activities of yesterday that

become the action of today.

In terms of the multi-universes we are already inseparable from

that awakened being. Yet attention is to, perhaps, three dolls

within the nesting set. And we’ll say there are 11 dolls nesting

one within the other.

The first doll is the awareness that the innermost is the

awareness that all appearances arise from space. And then the

second is the awareness of our bodies and our sense reception

and our interpretation of what the senses reveal.

And you can say the third doll is the ideal that we wish to

accomplish to polish our intelligence to understand how the

world works, to be in good relationship with family and friends.

And the fourth doll, we can say it relates to the potential of all of

us as one, yet reporting information into the field of light as

apparent, individual forces, understanding that, ultimately, we

are one.

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And the awareness that information is actually shared in the

field of light, has been uncovered by scientists in Russia by

impressing a salamander egg with the energy of the frog egg,

then the salamander literally becomes a frog.

This can be a message to us about the ambient thought forms

and the projections of mind that come through the media,

through our speech and how we think about ourselves and


Ultimately, we are inseparable from the awakened state, yet we

project the idea that we are not part of the universe. Or, we

project the idea that there are others and there are some are

good and some are not and, thus, the illusion of separation

wants to preserve itself by further building the wall of difference.

When we settle into the heart’s awareness, it is clear that all of

us drink water. We breathe air. We are sustained by the life of

the planet, and that there is limitless potential in this field of

mind, yet we choose a concept of not enough, or limit.

The same way a child who has been told again and again, “You

cannot understand. You cannot understand,” and then begins to

believe they do not understand. The mind’s projections and our

belief systems limit the view and the awareness of that fourth

doll and that shared consciousness as really being our ongoing


And we can say the fifth doll, that doll is mindful of the elements

and how the energy of light gives rise to water, fire, air, earth

herself, all this arising from space.

And, in our own bodies, we have some awareness of those

elements as we receive massage or acupuncture. And we find

that, “Oh, too much anger,” then the wood element is harmed

and the kidney element is harmed. And the antidote of

compassion and forgiveness opens the gate for that natural

potential of wellbeing to flow.

All this is happening in this very moment. We live in the world of

our senses. We live in the world of imagination. We also live in

the world of photonic energy and, through the communication of

these photons, we communicate with the past. And we also

communicate with the future.

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There have been some interesting experiences about quantum

entanglements. And I thought this was rather interesting

because it was similar to a meditation exercise that many of us

have done in the past.

And this is where one sits between two mirrors, eyes open and

a candle and bowl of water, and gives thanks for all that we

receive and ask how can we be all that we come here to be?

Entanglements As Aware States

There is an article and it is from Live Science. It’s entitled

Wacky Physics. And it talks about entanglements as aware

state, where two particles remain intimately connected, even

when separated over vast distances.

Future actions may influence past events when photons, or

electrons, are placed in front of a mirror. And so the mirror, in a

sense, gives information, or reflects information into the past,

and also into the future.

So, both pairs of photons are entangled and then the first two

particles in the first set are entangled with each other. And the

two particles in the second set are entangled with each other.

From one photon in each pair is sent somewhere. Of the two

particles that are left behind, one goes one place and one goes

the other.

The way to entangle one is to send them onto a half-silvered

mirror, Dillinger told Live Science. It reflects half of the photon

and transmits half. If you send two photons, one to the right and

one to the left, then each of the photons have forgotten where

they’ve come from, kind of like states of human condition.

And they leave their identities and become entangled. Dillinger

said the technique one day may be used to communicate

between super fast quantum computers.

What is interesting about these ideas of quantum entanglement,

is that they nourish the mystic’s inquiring mind in terms of the

idea of past, present and future and the concept of projections.

What do we choose to energize in this life? Ultimately, it is clear

that all appearances have arisen from the clear light. And, in this

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process, individual beings have arisen. And, simultaneously, we

are not separate from that natural awakened state.

How was it forgotten? Perhaps the concept appears to be

impermeable, yet it is not. And we know the concepts,

themselves, are not impermeable because they continuously


And when we examine with our senses, with our mind, how

such thoughts arise, as we peel away the concept of I, we see

this person I called myself is actually in relationship with myriad

other beings. And the reflection that appears as I, myself, is also

a reflection entangled in the lives of others.

The impact of another person’s action, if my friend has sorrow, I

sense their sorrow and I will reach out to them. And also, when

people feel my call, they reach out to me.

We do get demonstrated to us in this world our connection,

because when a friend is about to call, you have a sense that

they will. Or, when you wish to meet someone again, you find

that you do.

This can be explored as a field of energy. And we can call it

light, or we can call it energy. We can even call it mind. We can

call it God. Whatever is the field, we are all united in it.

The idea of multiple universes also explains how there are

galaxies, and also dimensions, that we have a sense of

because when they bend space, or we consider these possible

universes through mathematics and through contemplation.

The mystic’s way of considering these various dimensions of

considering these various dimensions is to explore the heart, to

look within and to examine how it is I have this precious gift of

the human body. How is it I have the good fortune of sense?

What are the means that have created the lives that we live?

As we begin to examine, who is this person I call I, it is clear

that it is not one person. It is energy that is changing. It is a field

of potential. And this I also has within all the knowledge and the

information of the field, yet it is forgotten through attachments in

the belief in I.

Our human bodies are very real. And these times are revealing

to us our human bodies as a field in communication. And the

opportunity to have a mind is, indeed, a precious gift. And with

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the eye of penetrating insight, we see how worlds are constantly

created and also fall away.

Many years ago, 1987 to be exact, many native elders from

Central America, sent runners to reach people in the North and

in the far South, asking that we put out yellow flowers in the

morning and make prayers, and that we give thanks to the

energy of the sun and the energy of the universe and the many

universes behind the sun.

The concept of multi-universes began as the idea of our sun

awakening to its wisdom nature through flows of energy coming

from another universe that began to vibrate the boundaries of

this world that we know. Just as the wind blows the trees, the

energy that is coming to our galaxy, or some refer to it as a

photon cloud, it is also blowing away those concepts which are

limiting and limiting our awareness.

What is being swept away? First thing being swept away is the

idea that we are separate and that our thought does not impact

upon the environment.

The first test, or the first example to test results was to work with

plants, some plants to totally ignore and others to say, “How

beautiful and lovely you are,” and also to say words of

appreciation over the water that which feed the plants that we

are in communication with.

Many students could see within three to seven days that those

plants they spoke kindly to, and also the water that was blessed,

gave rise to a faster growing and healthier looking plant.

And so what this means to each of us is to take note of our

speech. What are we thinking about ourselves? What do we

think about other people?

When we feel the winds of change, the winds blow the dead

leaves away from the ground revealing the new green grass that

is about to arise. And we see many belief systems are also

being blown away. Their illusory nature, like dust, flying off that

we can see more clearly the potential for awakened human

activity like the new green grass waiting to grow.

And so it grows within us also, where each of us, as we

examine our thought, our speech and action, take note of those

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thoughts and words that cut us away from the remembrance of

who we are.

What are those thoughts and words? To say I hate someone or

something is also cutting short one’s own life force. To have

envy is also cutting short one’s life force.

Reading From Transformation of Suffering

I’d like to read a prayer that is opening the book called

Transformation of Suffering: A Handbook for Practitioners,

Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche.

“I pay homage to the Vajra Mind of indestructible nature, the

basics of all immeasurable qualities, including great compassion

and wisdom awareness. Even though all sentient beings want to

be free from suffering, the darkness of ignorance is thick, as the

light of awareness does not penetrate. May the great, victorious

ones dispel their goodness.

The ocean of blood of sentient beings, desire is so deep they

cannot cross it without help. May the great compassionate one

bless them with enough strength to cross the ocean.

“The elemental fire of hatred is so powerful that it burns the silks

of peace and harmony. May the rain of wisdom of all victorious

ones quench those flames.

“The mountain peaks of pride and arrogance are so high that

these beings cannot surmount them. May the equanimity of

victorious ones give blessings so that beings can see others as


“The sharp knife of jealousy cuts the tree of virtue. May the

[unintelligible] give blessings so that beings may rejoice for


“Grant blessings to purify these afflicted emotions. Grant

blessings to achieve wisdom awareness which enables beings

to see their innate nature. Grant blessings so that genuine

peace, joy and happiness permeate all minds throughout the


That is a very wonderful prayer because it reminds us that

blessing do, indeed, flow. And, in a sense, we can say those

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blessings appear to come from another realm, yet we,

ourselves, are not separate from those realms.

The blood of desire is so deep we want, everyone one wants a

good place to live, good friends, fresh water, good food. And

sometimes the want becomes even larger. The one may want

power over, or one may believe there is not enough for


Ultimately, it is an abundant universe. And the message of the

elders from Central America in the offering of the yellow flowers

in morning prayers, the message was to recognize the bounty

that we received, and to give thanks, and to know that we are in

a circle of relationship.

Through the offering of prayer, we also acknowledge that

ourselves, and other beings, are awakening. As the sun in her

meditations, we seize grace from other dimensions.

We, too, see the dust of confusion swept away. So, things we

thought to be real, show themselves to be illusions. The power

of our voice, and our vow to achieve awakened mind, to live as

dignified human beings, and to benefit all those we meet, having

this intention, like a dream, sweeps away the dust of confusion.

And as we examine our hearts and give appreciation for all

those who made it possible for our life to be, as we offer this

appreciation, we also recognize and connect ourselves to the

energy of abundant creation.

So, when someone is hungry, or fearful of being hungry, this is

something that I learned from my grandparents. When you offer

food to another, in this way we will open the gateway for the

creative potential within ourselves to bring forth what is good for


How do we describe the energy that is coming and touching our

sun? Now, we are talking about the fifth doll, the sixth and the

seventh doll in a set of 11.

And the sixth doll is resonating with the pulse, the tone, of our

galaxy’s black hole. And its waves have given rise to what we

see. And from another dimension, is also coming a tone that is,

in a sense, raising the pitch, even changing the ways in which

the way atomic elements decay, so we are being speedily called

to the table.

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Come to the table and enjoy the feast. What is the feast? It is

the feast of awareness, the joy of our connection in a wondrous

world. We say that the one time cycle ends and a new one


And I’ve heard some elders in the past speak of setting the

tone, planning and energizing our awakened communities, our

loving communities, for the next millennium. Because how we

are today, how we speak in this moment, is energizing what

arises tomorrow.

Ultimately it is clear that yesterday, today and tomorrow is all

happening right now. So, in this very moment, through

contemplation, through appreciation, generosity, living a code of

right conduct, we are energizing a community of awake and

loving human beings.

There’s all sorts of stuff underneath. And the news is like an old

sickness, a fever playing out. These are the ways we have

looked at the world. These are the belief systems we have


And the real news is arising within our hearts. The real news is

that we are one in the field of light, and that it is a bountiful

universe and there are myriad aspects of ourselves that are

communicating with each other and that, ultimately, we are not

separate from that natural awakened being that we aspire to.

In our coming conversations, we will continue to explore this

more intensely. In this moment, I invite each of you to just

recognize yourself as blood, aware of the pathways of energy

as they move through your body, the spiraling energy of your

DNA attuned with the clear light from whence all forms have

arisen. And rest in that state for a minute. [pause]

That awakened being that we aspire to is inseparable from you

and resting within your heart. [pause] And so it is you have

direct access to that ideal of awakened beings, that each of us

are not separate from that awakened being. [pause]

Venerable Sings A Prayer

Although it exists only appearance, that presence of the

various body parts is like a hologram. The one moon is

reflected in many pools of water on the earth.

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Flesh and bones are not substantial, but like a shadow. All

things change in an instant, like a mirage. Aha! Everything

is a projection of mind, like a dream. Appearances depend on

causes and conditions, like an echo.

Everything appears, but is not there. Many arise from one

like clouds and hallucinations. Everything is clear-colored

and transparent, like a rainbow. Everything is quick and

shimmering like a lightening flash.

Everything arises in an instant like a bubble. Everything

appears but is void of self-nature, like a reflection in the


Firmly realize this and practice in your mind. And those words

are from Transformation of Suffering: A Handbook for

Practitioners by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche.

This concludes the lecture portion of our conversation. And now

I invite those who have questions to please speak them.

JENNIFER While we’re waiting for the questions, I actually have a question

for you. When you were talking about the frog energy being

impressed upon the salamander egg…


JENNIFER What it made me… and then it turned into a frog. I thought that

it was very apt that it was a frog, because I also think of the fairy

tale where you kiss the frog and it turns into a prince.

VENERABLE [laughter].

JENNIFER But I was thinking that one of the things that causes so many

people to suffer is that they hold judgments and opinions about

their loved ones.

You have the mother who so loves her son and she just keeps

thinking over and over again something like, “He’ll never

succeed. He’ll never succeed. He doesn’t have what it takes,”

that kind of thing when a person has a strong fear, judgment,

opinion someone they dearly love, and they keep energizing it

over and over again.

Is that the same kind of an energy as that energy of the frog on

the salamander egg completely changing the whole, I guess,

DNA and structure of the embryo?

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VENERABLE Certainly, it is clear that our thoughts have energy and what we

project upon another we also project upon ourselves. So, the

concepts of fear and limitation become a limit because we

energize them.

We can see through the concept of limit by considering, what is

it I can learn? Or, what is it we can accomplish so that the

wisdom potential within us does, indeed, flourish and grow.

So, the universe is not static. All things continue to change. And

having the gift of the human body, it is wise to know this both.

Fear arises. Concept of limit arises. What is the antidote and

how may I apply it in my life?

So, the fearful parent who sees the toddler toddling about

understands, “Oh, let me stand back and praise the wobbly

steps, and then strong walking becomes apparent.”

Even how we think of ourselves, in our mind chatter we have

judgments about how people love us or don’t love us, or how we

think love is expressed.

In a sense, it is like putting screens between ones’ self and the

moment. And the screens are sometimes composed of

experiences of the past. So, the first step is to be brave and to

peel away those screens of conditioned view.

The screen of unlovable, or the screen of supreme, whatever is

the idea of self we examine. And we begin to see, “Oh, this

comes from such and such a moment, or situation. It is not the

present. Let me see how it is in the present I choose to express

the ideal of right relationship?”

On some levels, the thought forms accumulate in the body like

stale energy, or stale water. And you asking the question and

analyzing the emotion, one begins to move away the screen

and, in a sense, dissolve it so that there is more clear

communication with the now.

There are many therapies that work to help the human being

unravel the emotional knots of the past and the present, and to

release that skillful energy in the moment.

And, of course, examining our own speech and action is the

first. And also, it is supported by awareness of an ideal. The fact

that one experiences dissatisfaction indicates there is an idea of

what is satisfaction.

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Examining The Ideal

Examine that ideal. Certainly, in a culture, one’s philosophic and

religious discussion, we have ideals of an awake human being,

of a compassionate human being.

And, rather than just seeing that as outside of ourselves, we

also recognize that potential as inseparable from us. Where do

we place our attention?

Do we draw that ideal of awakened, loving activity to our heart?

And do we see our family and friends as mirrors of ourselves in

a dance?

So, the person who has harsh judgment about a family member,

or a friend, this is also a mirror of one’s own self-judgment. So,

peeling it away, “Ah, I see. This is an idea, a thought form, but is

it really me?

In Vajrayana Buddhism, we speak of the awakened state that is

revealed with the dissolving of the appearance of ignorance. So,

hatred becomes compassion, and pride can become skillful


We don’t run from the emotions. We observe them and we see

them as we would look at the reflections on a pool. We know it

is not really us. It is our projection, a vibration, a thought form

we’ve chosen.

Back to your question, do we manifest what we speak? So, if

I’m saying to someone they’re clumsy, they’re clumsy, they’re

clumsy, in a sense, we are adding to the storehouse of their

energy of clumsiness, and also one’s own storehouse of


It is clear the importance of our speech. No, not as the… It has

no boundaries. We have notions. We think of, “If you really

loved me, you would do it this way. If you really cared, you

would show it this way.”

In relationships, people discuss how they wish to be with each

other. And both must courageously peel away the illusions of

what we think we are, to recognize who we are.

When the judgments are flowing, and we think our friends and

family are not doing it right consider, “Well, what can I do that is

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beneficial and how will I express love, skillful activity in a most

artful and pristine way?”

Is that helpful, Jennifer?

JENNIFER It’s very helpful. Thank you so much, Venerable.

STUDENT Hi, Venerable.


STUDENT Your answer and Reverend’s question, were so tied into what

question I have. In addition to when I’m getting negative

reactions to people at work, in addition to that judgment

indicating a projection that I’m having, that self-judgment, one

thing that I’m noticing when I examine that energy is that

sometimes also means that I’m looking to the outside to fulfill

me. And when I center into the oneness that’s within me, and

also within them, and I fill up through the oneness, then the

judgments go away.


STUDENT Can you describe that? Can you answer to that a little bit more


VENERABLE Yes. When there is someone to argue with, and when there’s a

tradition to be maintained, the reverberations go on and on.

When we settle into the heart and recognize that we’ve all

arisen from one space and we’re here together for a reason

we’ve chosen to be, then what was an argument becomes quiet

as we remember why we’ve come to be together.

If when we want to protect our opinion, what we know, or this or

that, that the argument arises. And then when we rest in, “Ah,

we are here together,” the argument dissolves and pathways of

skillful action and accomplishment become apparent.

STUDENT You are amazing. You tapped right into that one. Thank you.

VENERABLE Life is amazing and we are amazing. It is incredible to have the

gift of life and to walk on the earth, to share.

And because it’s so precious, it is wonderful when we examine

our minds and we commit our action to generating joy and

wonder and accomplishment.

Doctor Garajev claims that communication is not something that

happens only inside individual cells, or between one cell, or

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another being. He claims that organisms use this light to talk to

each other, and suggests that this could explain telepathy.

In a sense, we already have our own wireless Internet, based

on the spirals of light inscribed in our DNA. This is an article.

And the question is, is DNA the next Internet.

And Dan Eden examines some amazing claims made by

Russian scientists.

JENNIFER Venerable, we have a couple of questions that were written



JENNIFER One is thanking you for your wisdom and the question is, if we

have anger, or hatred towards someone who may have harmed

us, if we unravel that emotion and the feelings further, will we

eventually come to compassion? If they move through the

feelings, will they finally have the willingness to forgive?

VENERABLE Well, you want to have compassion for yourself and for others.

When there is anger and one has experienced harm, you also

want to consider the establishing of boundaries for right

relationship, so that there is not an opportunity for that person,

or any such situation, similarly to cause harm.

Yes, people hurt each other and have done many not good, and

unkind, things to each other. And one is continuously hurt even

after the situation is past, until one recognizes that harm was

done, and that we forgive ourselves and others. And we also

establish a clear boundary, like a permeable membrane, that

will only allow into our field that which is wisdom and life force


Different Parts of Forgiveness

So, I’m saying that there are different parts of forgiveness. If we

stay angry, then that person is still hitting us, or whatever. When

we recognize that person attempted to darken the light that is

this consciousness, then we decide, “All right. I release that pain

from my body.” And this is also a physical process because

there are physical and emotional scars that build up, so one

unwinds that experience and offers it that no other experiences

this suffering that I have experienced. And may no other cause

such suffering.

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As one is unwinding from the threads of memory, one also

changes the field so that there is invited more supportive

situations in one’s life.

Many years ago, one of my colleagues, Doctor Louise Feynman

was doing work in Africa working with people who experienced


And there was one man who was a Christian, and people asked

him, “How is it you are not bitter? You lost your whole family.

You lost your arms.” And his response was, “If I became bitter,

then they would still be harming me.”

There is a point where we pull out the water of bitterness that

others may not suffer that which was suffered, and that others,

and ourselves included, may learn how to create good

boundaries of right relationship. Is this clear?

JENNIFER It’s very clear. Beautiful. Thank you so much. We also have a

question from Simi who is feeling very grateful for your wisdom

and the teachings. And she says, “I feel so high right now I’m

having difficulty grounding myself. What advice can you give to

ground ourselves at a time like this?”

VENERABLE Breathe deep into the belly and gives thanks for all the

blessings that are your natural wisdom state. And as you

exhale, “May all beings know happiness. May all beings find the

way to the shore that is free from illusion.”

When we meditate, the electrons through the magnetic of the

telephone line and the recording, and through the light itself, we

taste those states of clear awareness. And let the taste be a

reminder that that state of awareness is your natural state.

And how we ground it is to breathe deeply. Exhale completely.

And also consider those who are refugees, or suffering,

whatever, that they may also recognize the state of grace that

flows within us all.

JENNIFER Thank you.

SHAN Hi, Jennifer. This is Shan.

JENNIFER Oh, hey, Shan.

SHAN Venerable, I have lately become aware of a pervasive learned

hopelessness, especially with young people regarding climate

change and what is happening with Mother Earth; as all the

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extreme changes. I was wondering, what is the wisdom you

would offer to remedy or transform this, both through spiritual

practice and enlightened action?

VENERABLE First, yes, the world is changing and the way things were no

longer work. And something wonderful is arising. And what do

you, as a young person, want to energize?

In a sense, the energy of hopelessness is a wave of confusion.

It is like the dust that has been shaken by the winds of

awakening. And as the dust arises, one begins to think that

that’s all, where actually, that dust is energy potential for new

soil, for new growth.

On an inner level, and I know many young people have great

concerns about their future, our planet’s future. And remind that

young person, or any young person, or any age, that after the

storm the flowers bloom.

And as a spiritual practice, when people would come for healing

when I was young, they would be given seeds and told to grow

a plant, to grow and nurture a flower, to nurture that seed of

potential within themselves and that seed of wisdom that they

wish to manifest in the world.

The first antidote is, “All right, it’s looking rough out there, what

can I do? What can I grow? I can plant these seeds, these

flowers, these vegetables. And by tending them, I am also

tending the potential of an awakened, or a well-fed family, and

an awakened community.

In many ways, the despair is like a net. And there are some who

would like that net to go on. And, in ancient times, there was a

regular period, or periodically there was forgiveness of all debts,

knowing that as human beings, as communities, we start anew.

What debts do we have? People think of financial debt. The

debts that weigh most heavily on a person is the debt to the

potential we have that we don’t use, the vision we saw that we

run away from.

When someone is feeling hopeless, it is good to, even in a

flower pot on a balcony, plant some tomatoes. And for those

who are regular practitioners of Mahayana Buddhism, then you

would chant.

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The chant that sweeps away illusion and clarifies the energy

pathways that one can see clearly the lucent nature of mind,

that would be:

Chant for Illusion



And for those who feel a more simple way, then just the open

sound of ah, ah, I understand. Ah. [Venerable sings] Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

When getting caught in a whirlpool of congested thought and

emotion, sing a heart song. Is clear?

SHAN Thank you very much. That was very clear, very helpful.

JENNIFER We have a question from Joan, Joan?

JOAN Hello, hi. Hello, Venerable. Thank you so much for helping us all

tonight. I have been struggling with a friend who seems to have

an alcohol and bipolar issue. And I’m having difficulty being

compassionate and oneness with this person.

I want to be separate and I’m feeling guilt because of not feeling

like I’m one with her, or don’t want to be around her, that type of

thing, and her behavior, so…

VENERABLE Yeah. Yeah, that’s a hard one when your friend, someone you

care for, is unwell. And you want to point the way to support

systems. And it is also helpful to address the awakening

potential within that person.

You can create very short, sweet moments where you may visit,

or see each other. And during that time, you energize the

pathways of healing.

You may share articles. And most importantly, you see the

chemistry of that person restored to balance. And you address

that person in their wholeness.

I’ll give an example. Many years ago, so that my children would

understand how precious life is, we would visit children in an

orphanage. These children had severe birth defects. Some had

very small heads, like almost as small as baseballs, yet they

had the body of a teenager. And they were strapped into


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I found that by addressing with my heart, the heart of those

beings, they became animated and responded. And the staff in

that place thought that they were not aware of what goes on

around them.

Yet, when we addressed that light wisdom which is given rise to

each of us, we also address the pathway of that person’s

awareness of their light and their potential to be well.

It is not a bad thing to say you don’t want to be around when

someone is acting out without understanding. What you do as a

friend and a human being is point the way.

Here are some possibilities for you and, most importantly, to

address that person as a whole person. Of course, you do it in a

very careful and orderly fashion because you want to, in a

sense, leave stones on the path so they can find their way back

to their wellbeing.

It is not wrong to say, “Oh, I cannot be in this situation.” And it is

wise and kind to leave hints on the road for that person’s

healing and wellbeing, because somehow you have chosen to

be in each other’s lives. Is there a way? Is that real for you?

JOAN I’m sorry. Is there a way?

VENERABLE Yeah, is there a way for you to relate in that manner, and do

these words ring true to you? Can you apply them?

JOAN Yes, I did try sending sort of a compassionate e-mail, but it was

returned with more abusive statements. I believe now, you’re

right. I should just pray for her wholeness and for her chemistry

to be restored, and do this silently.

VENERABLE Yes, and when you do speak, speak of the beauty of the

moment, the good things. Energize the positive. Something I

learned many years ago, a woman came to my grandfather.

She wanted him to make a medicine for her husband not to go

away. And what he did was reveal to her how she could love

herself. Make sense?

JOAN Absolutely.

VENERABLE You are welcome.

JENNIFER It’s such a beautiful teaching, Venerable. Thank you so much.

It’s gone by so quickly. We are at our time for closing.

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VENERABLE Yeah, where there is the sound cries, may there arise the

sounds of laughter and joy. Where are the sounds of refugees

wandering from place to place, may they find sanctuary. May

they find homes.

Where there is the sound of war, may there arise skillful

mediation. Where are those who are hungry, may abundant

gardens arise. May all beings realize the seed of wisdom within.

Thank you, Jennifer, for facilitating this and bringing it forth into

another year. It was a wonderful conversation.

JENNIFER Thank you so much, Venerable. It’s such a blessing for all of us.

Thank you. Thank you.

VENERABLE I believe in the light in our unity.

JENNIFER Oh, and here’s Anne to do the Long Life Prayer.

Long Life Prayer

ANNE Great Lady of the Buddha Families,

Who holds the secret Vajrayana

In the lotus grove of the teachings

Of the Practice Lineage

You are the glory of the Buddha's Teachings

And of all sentient beings

Blessed of the Vajra Dakini,

May your life, Dhyani Ywahoo,

Ever remain firm and long.

Emanation of Rainbow Light

Dharma Wisdom, Three Fires bright

Guide upon the Beauty Road

Calling all to see:

Crystal reflection, boundless compassion.

Caller of the four winds.

Wise Grandparents, Seven Sisters,

May Your Mission be accomplished,

May we assist you in the light,

May You receive many blessings,

And live a long, good life.

We thank you, Dhyani Ywahoo

Gift to the people, Great Mystery.

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VENERABLE Wadogh. This meditative state will go on for about 24 hours.

And for some for three days. And always remember, we are

all one in the light of clear awareness.

Have a good evening.

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