A practical guide to service management for the entire enterprise Including real-world examples White Paper DXC Fruition

DXC Fruition...– IT administration • It will most likely require training • It is a new tool to support • It comes with a new provider and licensing model to manage • It

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Page 1: DXC Fruition...– IT administration • It will most likely require training • It is a new tool to support • It comes with a new provider and licensing model to manage • It

A practical guide to service management for the entire enterpriseIncluding real-world examples

White Paper

DXC Fruition

Page 2: DXC Fruition...– IT administration • It will most likely require training • It is a new tool to support • It comes with a new provider and licensing model to manage • It


By automating business services, service management enables companies to create

a modern workplace by replacing emails and worksheets to make work more efficient.

The entire organization benefits from streamlined processes powered by a modern

platform and, as a result, works faster while delivering a higher level of service.

Enterprise service management can be applied to a wide variety of business units,

such as facilities, human resources (HR), customer service, security operations and

many more. Some, but not all, of its benefits are:

• Saves time and costs

• Improves productivity

• Allows employees to concentrate on more important tasks

• Provides better service and customer experience

• Improves collaboration even for tasks that involve various departments (e.g., the HR

onboarding process)

• Helps move to a digital enterprise (as part of the digital transformation)

• Allows better control through monitoring

Over the past few years, enterprise service management has become an important topic for all types of organizations. The idea behind it is that all units of the enterprise are service providers that aim to offer an excellent service to their “customers.” In other words: reach service excellence.

Enterprise service management and its benefits

Table of contents

Enterprise service

management and

its benefits 2

How to extend service

management to the

entire enterprise 3

Service management for

the entire enterprise —

a real- world example 11

Conclusion 17

About the author 18

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Page 3: DXC Fruition...– IT administration • It will most likely require training • It is a new tool to support • It comes with a new provider and licensing model to manage • It

All units of an enterprise deliver and consume services, and if you ask some

managers, most will concede that the delivered services could be much more

transparent for their (internal) clients; measurable, so they can improve; have

better-planned resources; and, in some cases, be more efficient and convenient. In

the following sections, we explore how you can move away from clunky tools and

embrace a service management approach

Sell it internally. Ask the right questions.

Which services and processes could benefit from a service

management approach?

In their private time and thanks to technology, people got used to great user

experiences such as online shopping, ordering a cab or a pizza in two clicks, or

checking their account status on their bank app. In the professional world, the IT

department strove to improve with features such as the ability to request an item in a

self-service portal, getting notifications about a request’s progress, the ability to add

extra comments or reply by email with attachments being taken into account,

among others.

Therefore, if a specific department can achieve a good user experience, why not the

others? And what kind of services could benefit from it?

Here are some concrete examples:

• As a new employee, I’m being onboarded and, on top of IT-related items, I need an

access card, a desk, a phone and a parking space.

• As an HR agent, I need to know who has a parking space so I can deduct the

parking fee from that employee’s salary.

• As a business user, I need someone to get an item from the stockroom

(or bring it back).

– I need to book a room for a specific event and order such options as:

– Lunch, breakfast, drinks

– Special room setup

– IT devices, IT support

– Hosts, hostesses

– Security

– Booking parking spaces

– Coat rack(s)


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How to extend service management to the entire enterprise

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• As a facilities dispatcher, I need to coordinate various people to organize an event,

a move, an installation or a planned maintenance with a supplier.

• For the reception and shipment of goods, I want to move away from paper

and emails.

• I need to ask HR a question regarding my fund pension.

• As a reception agent, I receive items that I have to deliver internally, and I want to

keep the evidence that it has been received.

How long does it take and how much does it cost to do things differently

each time?

When no process is defined, users raise their requests via random intake channels,

requests are decentralized and from the requester’s point of view, they fall into

some sort of black hole. On the one hand, each user adopts a specific way to raise

his or her request, and on the other hand, each agent of the back office manages

incoming demands in his or her own way. No common process exists to evaluate and

process the demands. Without a doubt, for every manual process, there is room for

improvement, especially for recurring and no-value-added actions such as email

confirmations, recurring user questions, automatic assignments, reports, etc.

The unfortunate truth is that email has become the universal go-to tool to manage

all sorts of processes. Leaving unstructured, message-based communications and

moving to structured workflow approaches will make everybody look at the same

data in a very structured and transparent way. This is what we call a Single System

of Record/Truth, and it will bring some time (and cost) savings once in place.

How do we measure our activity and performance?

Having no single source of data or having multiple data sources (spreadsheets, Excel,

emails, etc.) means that reporting is impossible or, if not, so time-consuming that

you’ll simply not do it. It will result in a complete inability to answer the

following questions:

• What is the volume of requests we get?

• What are the types of requests? How long does it take to complete the process?

• What is the user’s level of satisfaction? Where is the knowledge?

The point is:

• If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it

• If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it

• If you don’t measure it, you probably don’t care

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You can’t manage what is opaque. Therefore, you need to create a structure that

allows the whole process to become transparent and measurable. In addition, with

several sources of data, poor data consistency and quality, it is hazardous to make

decisions and difficult to get them right.

How do (internal) customers perceive our service?

Do you know how requesters see your business unit? And the way you provide your

services? In the IT context, one of the usual pitfalls is the lack of transparency: From

the end user perspective, the request is falling into a black box, and they have no way

to see whether any progress is being made. Carefully think about your service, define

its pitfalls, the process and the way you deliver it. Think about what would delight

your customers and make them have a positive experience.

Is it worth implementing it?

In some cases, you have to streamline your processes and record users’ actions for

legal reasons, so the question of cost will be secondary. But more often, there will be

some questions about the return on investment (ROI) you can expect from taking the

service management approach. To measure it, you can compare current and future

situations in terms of:

• Number of workdays to support the process

• Licenses and support costs

• Investment and operation costs

This being said, you should not forget to add the time saved by users, their gain in

productivity, the decrease of errors in handling the requests, and the measurability

gained from centralizing requests and data in your ROI analysis.

Pick a tool that will do the job and take the time to assess the entire situation.

Which technology solution should we use? That is the big question, and the options

are countless. Companies might want to use a new solution or the best Gartner’s

Magic Quadrant tool in the targeted area. In this case, it is probably the best they

can get ... on paper. But ask yourself this question: “How many of the features will be

really used?”

Obtaining a new tool or platform means:

• It needs to be integrated into the existing IT ecosystem (master data, user directory,

single sign-on, etc.)

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• There will be a new interface, features and behaviors for:

– End users

– The back office

– IT administration

• It will most likely require training

• It is a new tool to support

• It comes with a new provider and licensing model to manage

• It can impair your scalability

Rather than acquiring a new solution, you should first check whether one in your

ecosystem already fits the needs. If so, there are many advantages: The platform is

already integrated within the company, which means that behaviors, capacities and

interfaces are known, and the master data exists.

There’s currently a trend toward the standardization of the number of solutions within

organizations so as to decrease the complexity of the IT ecosystem, the number of

integrations, and the training required for people interacting with the solutions. In

short, a trend to rationalize IT.

The importance of “demand management”

Any organization should have “demand management” in place. This process is meant

to identify business needs, check and decide if it is worth it or not, find the funds,

define the goals and, at the end of the day, convert the demand into a project. At

some point, the demand is reviewed by the technology/architecture board. Up front,

the organization must have defined the standards in the company. This is where the

question “What tool to choose?” should be raised. If ServiceNow is in the ecosystem,

why doesn’t the company leverage its capacities? The good news is that ServiceNow

has proven it can support various processes (HR, customer service, facilities, finance,

etc.), and we can go far beyond.


The following chapters of this book will be based on the assumption that

ServiceNow is part of your IT ecosystem and that it is the solution you’ll use to enable

Service Management for the Entire Enterprise. Of course, the important elements and

examples provided can apply to any other software that would present

similar capabilities.

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Establish the roadmap

When establishing the roadmap, make sure you involve the business process owners

and present what the platform covers and what it is capable of. Then, establish a list

of needs, and for each item identify:

• The business process owners

• The annual cost with details, such as:

– The licenses or software OPEX

– Support costs

– External and internal labor OPEX

• Wish date

• Priority


• Dependencies

Once you’ve gathered all these elements, you can establish the roadmap, present it

to the people in charge of approving it, and agree with them on the next steps.

Do it with the right team

Even if it sounds obvious, having the right people on your team from the beginning

is key.

As this cannot be repeated enough, we will say it again: Never underestimate the

importance of having the right team for a project. This team should not only include

process owners but process users as well.

Beyond selecting the right people, it is equally important to define, explain and

attribute roles.

• End users. These are the people requesting the service. At least some of the end

users should be involved as early as possible. Their role is to give feedback on what

is built and to make sure that the solution is going to be understood by the rest of

the end users.

• Agents. These are the people delivering the service. It can be a facility field agent,

an HR employee, etc.

• Dispatchers. The dispatchers are facilitators. Their role is to coordinate internal (or

external) resources and make sure that the agreed-upon deadline is met. They will

be the interface between the user and the back office.

• Process owners. They ensure an accurate process definition. The trap would be to

implement the current process without taking the opportunity to (re)design it and

make it more efficient. “Automating bad processes only gets you to a poor outcome

more quickly.”

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• Sponsor. Not highly involved in the project but “knowledgeable” and, ideally,

having some leverage within the organization so he or she can clear roadblocks.

• Architect. Ensures the consistency of the application and that the application

maps to the business. They also ensure and leverage the standards in place.

Handle or avoid roadblocks

• (Again) Make sure you have the right people

• Make sure the processes are defined and take the opportunity to improve them

• Keep it as simple as you can

• Avoid over-customizations

• Consider quick wins based on the native features

• “Push” the business to get as much information as possible about their

requirements. What are their problems?

• Ensure that the business leaders properly define the types of reports they want

and the KPIs they will need

• Clarify the security aspects

• Always keep scalability in mind

• Implement apps per the state of the art

• Implement apps at the right place

Some other important points that require special attention when you build a non-IT

app are:

Discovery workshop

It is easy to forget that not all the people in the room are familiar with ServiceNow

or with its out-of-the-box features. The aim of this discovery session is to show what

ServiceNow is, what the native features are, the reporting capabilities, security

aspects, present the service portal, etc. This exercise aims at providing a certain

volume of information and aligning the level of knowledge of all participants.


Confucius said: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It is quite hard for the business

users to imagine what the app will look like and how it will behave. A good practice is

to use a whiteboard to depict forms, mandatory fields, the view for the back office,

the view for end users, workflows with stages, notifications, etc. This will greatly help

everyone feel as if they can “touch” and “influence” the app you’re developing.

Focus on priorities

Find out what really matters, what is important. Since you probably have to deliver a

solution that works on time and within budget, the scope has to be flexible but

well-defined. Behaviors and features can be bright ideas, but how useful will they be?

White Paper

“No matter how

well-planned a project

is, there can always be

roadblocks that make

everybody’s life more

difficult. The following

points — if taken into

consideration early

enough — will help you

avoid them.”


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Very often the business expresses additional and very valid needs. At this point,

according to the scope and complexity, a phased approach is recommended. Even

if it sounds pragmatic, the business users might not feel comfortable with it, usually

because they have heard too many stories about “next phases” that never happened

or they fear future budget constraints. This also needs to be considered and

balanced with the deadline to ensure the successful completion of the project.

License compliance

Ensure compliance with the license model to avoid any “bad” surprises. Make sure

that you fully understand what the license model includes, what it does not

and whether it matches the envisioned development. If you struggle with this, ask

your implementation partner or another expert for help.

Prototype and validation run

It is recommended that you present a prototype as soon as possible and not wait

for the application to be fully “polished.” It gives the future users a chance to raise

comments, provide input or ask questions. At this stage, telling the business users,

“This is your chance to give feedback” will ensure that you get their attention. This

will also strengthen their trust in the project since it will become a partnership model.

For projects in the IT service management (ITSM) area, one validation run is usually

enough, but in an area without any framework or good practices, we recommend

having at least two validation runs. In some projects driven by DXC Technology, we

may reach up to four validation runs.

Have a pro with you when you start the user acceptance testing (UAT)

UATs are undeniably a “stressing” phase for the business users. They must plan it and

put the necessary effort in it.

Performing tests in a “dotted” mode is definitely not the best way, since it takes some

time for the users to dive into the process, and to remember what has been discussed

and decided. Also, test users need to define and execute the full use cases.

Now, imagine that a user is coming to the room where the UAT takes place, he or

she sets up the material and, at the first login, a failure occurs. This would result in

a great level of frustration. Therefore, at DXC, we usually make sure that one of our

team members sits next to the users and removes any roadblocks or issues, answers

questions, and helps test-users flag defects properly.

The people who participate in the UATs should be those who attended the workshops.

If not, you will get a bunch of “how-to” or “why” questions, which will slow down the

UAT phase. Also, plan enough time for UAT.

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Plan (enough) training sessions.

Train yourself and the process users on the new tool. Don’t underestimate the time it

takes to train people, and make sure they get enough training. This should ideally be

planned before the UATs, so the test users have all the knowledge needed to test

the application.

At all times, remember this rule: The simpler the app, the less will end users’ training

will be needed.


At DXC Technology, we handle this with a coaching approach. At the beginning, it’s

not easy for the business users to define the reports they want and need. So, during

the coaching meeting, we build some of the reports together and explain what can

be achieved with the tool. It’s a lot of information for the users to absorb, so we

encourage them to remember what they can do first, rather than how they can do it.

Then we meet again 1 month after the release of the application and go deeper into

reports. We create new reports based on the “what,” and go a bit further with “how”

they can create reports. At that stage, there is also real data that somehow belongs

to the process users and makes the whole thing more understandable.

Make users adopt the tool

For the back-office users, the first thing you should do to make them adopt the tool is

to involve them in the selection process. And then include them in the workshops

and decisions.

Don’t be surprised: You will always have people who keep the old habits. Talk directly

to the key people, use their phones or send an email. Don’t be too radical: There has

to be a transition phase. To smoothly operate the change, you can agree that at the

beginning an agent can raise requests on behalf of the users. In all cases, you have

to put in place a proper communication plan with the process owner and provide

guides and guidelines to all users, if needed.

Understand the differences between IT and non-IT users and projects

When going out of the traditional IT service management scope to embrace the

enterprise service management approach, you’ll start involving business users who

are probably not familiar with notions like kickoff, phases, UAT, milestones, scope,

time, costs, risks, etc.

It is therefore crucial that you take the time to explain these terms to them, what

they cover and how they apply to the project. If you do not do this, you run the risk

of having business users think that project management is an IT thing that does not

concern them. A way to avoid that is to have a project manager and a sponsor that

come from the business.

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“On the one hand, there

are the end users and, on

the other, there are the

process users. For the first

audience, keep things

simple with forms that are

as light as possible: Avoid

including every use case

in one form and focus on

the 80 percent, not the

exceptions. Ultimately,

each form should speak

for itself. According to the

complexity of the process,

in some cases, the best

scenario remains having a

coordinator between the

end users and the

back office.”

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Also, at DXC we spend more time on the following elements (compared to what we

would do in the frame of an IT service management project):

• Discovery sessions

• Reviewing the scope of the project

• Workshops

• Validation runs


• Training

• Hypercare

• Potential IT Integrations

• Coaching

Service management for the entire enterprise — a real-world exampleIn this section, we showcase some real-world examples implemented by one of our

customers — an international Swiss watchmaker that owns several worldwide-known

luxury brands — on the ServiceNow platform. The headquarters of our customer

include the offices of several of its brands and a research center. Today, more than

1,300 employees use ServiceNow (compared to 300 at the beginning of the

first project).

ServiceNow for facilities management

The first department that implemented ServiceNow was facilities. Before the project

started, the company used a basic application and emails to manage facilities. As

the headquarters began to grow and more and more people (over 900 users) needed

facilities services, the old solution was not sufficient anymore. ServiceNow is now

used whenever something needs to be replaced or fixed, but also for ordering office

supplies. Thanks to domain separation, every brand sees only its data.

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Self-service portal and email confirmation for facilities-related requests.

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When collecting their goods, recipients confirm the reception by an

hand-drawn signature on an iPad.

Custom application for reception of goods with hand-drawn signature

In the next step, ServiceNow was implemented for the reception of goods, since the

old application was not supported anymore. The different offices receive about 1,000

items per month, and goods arrive at the headquarters on a daily basis. Before the

ServiceNow implementation, the process was to send group emails to the recipients,

whereas now this is managed directly in the tool. When the company receives goods,

instead of sending an email, they now raise an incident in ServiceNow, and the

recipient automatically gets an email stating what he received, and where and at

what time they can pick it up. The collection of the package is confirmed with a

hand-drawn signature by the recipient.

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Boutique app with QR codes

In the next phase, our customer implemented ServiceNow for its internal store, where

employees can purchase the company’s products. With the tool, it is now possible to

handle the stock, the incoming goods, the selling process and the creation of invoices.

Together with the boutique app, a QR code application for managing the stock has

been implemented. The QR codes contain several details, such as article description,

brand, price, serial number and more that are helpful for inventory purposes. After

the QR codes are created with ServiceNow, printed and stuck on the items, they can

be scanned with an iPad or an iPhone and are directly registered in ServiceNow.

ServiceNow for the organization of onsite sales events

Every once in a while the company’s internal store organizes events for employees

where limited numbers of products are sold at a discounted price. Before the

implementation of ServiceNow, the organization of these events (including internal

communications, event registrations, rejection and acceptation of registrations,

cancellations and confirmations) was handled with Excel sheets and emails.

Following the implementation of ServiceNow, the events are now published in the

CMS, and employees can register for their preferred time slot. The capacity for each

time slot can also be defined. As soon as someone registers for a time slot and the

capacity is filled, that slot is no longer visible to other employees.

Once the registration period is over, all registered people get an email with their

confirmed date and time.

Visitors app

The security department of the company’s headquarters was searching for a solution

for the planning and overview of visitors and their check-in and check-out times. After

a review phase, it was decided to use ServiceNow for it. Visitors, groups or suppliers

are now announced via the CMS of ServiceNow.

On an iPad, the security department can visualize who is expected and when. Every

visitor arriving at the facility goes through the security checkpoint where security

staff does the first check-in. Then the visitor has a certain time period (customizable)

to park his or her car and get to the reception.

Each brand housed at the headquarters has its own reception area, and once the

visitor shows up, the reception agents confirm his or her presence with a second

check-in, also on an iPad. The same process applies when the visitor leaves, with a

first checkout by the reception agents and a second checkout by the security agents.

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If a visitor hasn’t reached the reception on time, agents are alerted.

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The visitors app includes the following functionalities:

• The security agent can quickly extract who is on-site in case of an evacuation.

• Each reception group sees only their visitors, they can only do the second check-in

if the first check-in has been previously done at the main security gate.

• Every evening, the list of visitors planned for the next day is sent out so the

back-office can prepare the access cards.

• A calendar is available for each reception.

• At the end of the day, visitors who did not arrive are flagged as absent.

• People not announced are tracked.

• If the second check-in does not occur within a certain time, the security office is

informed and staff will go out to find the person and take him/her to the

right place.

Sport lessons app

Every week, approximately 10 sports lessons take place at the company’s

headquarters. Those lessons are given by external sports teachers. Before applying a

service management approach, the process was:

• On a weekly basis, HR sent the timetables of the following week’s lessons by email

to all employees.

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• Interested people replied to this email, and an HR agent had to answer each of


– If there was enough availability, the email confirmed the participation in the

sports lesson.

– If there was no more availability, the email informed the employee, and

that person was added to a waiting list.

– If someone canceled his/her registration, HR had to find out who the first

person on the waiting list was and send this person an email confirming his/her


Managing this process by email meant approximatley 300 emails — one day a week

of workload.

With the implementation of ServiceNow, sports lessons are now managed in the tool,

and the following improvements have been achieved:

• People can register either for themselves or someone else.

• People can see the current availability before they register. If there is no more

availability, they are automatically added to the waiting list. If there is still space,

they receive an automated confirmation email.The visitors app includes the

following functionalities:

• The security agent can quickly extract who is on-site in case of an evacuation.

• Each reception group sees only their visitors, they can only do the second check-in

if the first check-in has been previously done at the main security gate.

• Every evening, the list of visitors planned for the next day is sent out so the

back-office can prepare the access cards.

• A calendar is available for each reception.

• At the end of the day, visitors who did not arrive are flagged as absent.

• People not announced are tracked.

• If the second check-in does not occur within a certain time, the security office is

informed and staff will go out to find the person and take him/her to the

right place.

• If someone cancels, the next one on the waiting list receives an email confirmation.

The sports teachers receive an email with a summary of who is registered one day

prior the lesson. If, between lessons, people cancel and/or people are added from the

waiting list, the teacher receives an updated list automatically.

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Employees can view the upcoming sports lessons and register online.

The main improvement is a high degree of automation with far fewer manual actions

needed and therefore time (and cost) savings.


Employees can rent a car space or get a contribution from the company to their

public transportation subscription.

• Parking spaces are managed in ServiceNow, their status and “owner” are known,

and HR relies on the tool to deduct the employee fee at the end of each month.

• Employees can request the organization’s contribution to their public

transportation subscription directly in the portal. The request is managed and

recorded in ServiceNow.

• If the employee requesting a public transportation subscription is renting a parking

space, the parking space is automatically canceled when the subscription starts.

The process is automated in ServiceNow.

With ServiceNow, several reports can be created, such as:

• List of parking spaces with their status: vacant, at capacity or partially occupied

• List of employees renting a parking space, in order to the deduct the monthly fees

from their salaries

• List of deltas: Who is starting to rent and who does not rent anymore

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Service management brings great advantages

The advantages are numerous: Not only do departments and employees become

more efficient and are able to focus on more demanding, value-added tasks, but

service management also allows the transformation of the enterprise and the

creation of a completely new workplace with a brand new user experience.

Ignoring service management can have severe consequences

Especially because technology today is progressing at a fast pace, it is important to

adapt to this changing environment and leverage the benefits it brings. If companies

keep sticking to old, hard-to-use tools, the probability is high that employees will

search for more user-friendly alternatives. As a consequence, IT will inevitably have to

face the Shadow IT phenomenon. It is also likely that employees will lose productivity

or become frustrated and demotivated by old and rigid processes and tools.

In conclusion, companies should not miss the great opportunities Enterprise Service

Management brings. It has the power to transform the entire company and to

modernize the workplace. There are a plethora of needs that can be addressed with

ServiceNow — as exemplified in this paper — and the only limit is your creativity. So

the question is not: “What can we do with ServiceNow?” but rather “What should we

do?” In any case, if you need a solid partner in your Enterprise Service Management

journey, get in touch. We are here to help.

In times where customers are more and more demanding, where employees

expect the same easy customer experiences at work as the ones they

experience in their private lives, and where technology is progressing and

advancing at a fast pace, companies must respond and offer the best user

experience possible to their employees.


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Learn more at www.dxc.technology/servicenow

White Paper


About DXC Technology

DXC Technology (DXC: NYSE) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, serving nearly 6,000 private and public-sector clients from a diverse array of industries across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent and extensive partner network deliver transformative digital offerings and solutions that help clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally. For more information, visit dxc.technology.

© 2018 DXC Technology Company. All rights reserved. FR-001. April 2018

About the author

Mustapha Boujida works as a senior solution consultant at DXC Fruition,

DXC Technology’s global ServiceNow practice in Nyon, Switzerland, and has a proven

track record in advisory, audit, configuration and implementation for various major

European companies.

With over 9 years of experience in IT service management, he is also ITIL Service

Operation and ITIL Foundation V3 certified. He has implemented several service

management projects in non-IT areas of the business: human resources, project

portfolio management, facilities management, governance risk and compliance,

and various custom apps.