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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///‘09 Tour Booklet

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Excerpts from Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper, © 2003, used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187, www.crossway.com.

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Only one life,’Twill soon be past;Only what’s donefor Christ will last.

(Pg. 12-13)

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TRIP LEE /// We all know that we only get one chance at this life and it doesn’t last forever. Our response? Some people just try to “live it up”. They stack up as much wealth as possible and seek their own enjoyment at any cost. And they do stay happy as long as they remain ignorant of the fact that death is coming their way one day. My thing is, We know that this life doesn’t last, so why put all your stock in it? That would be like me saying, “I know I only get to live in my house a few more days before it burns down. So let me buy some really expensive furniture, stash all my cash there, and enjoy it while I can.” Of course that would make no sense. So what kind of plans are these for life? There has to be more.

Have you ever noticed that nobody seems to look forward to death? On the contrary, people do all they can do avoid it. This is because death is unnatural. But sadly all of us will die, because all of us are sons of Adam, who disobeyed God. But here’s the crazy part, The Bible teaches that all of us are already dead in Adam. Romans 5:12 says, “Therefore just as sin came into the world though one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned...” But obviously we are not all dead physically.

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The Bible speaks of another kind of life and death, which is spiritual. And this spiritual life seems to be valued far above the physical. But this life is more than living and breathing; it is connectedness to God. We lost this connectedness because of our sin. In His holiness and justice, God has to punish sin. To say that God is not happy with sin would be a vast understatement. He loves holiness and is furious at sin.

As a result, not only will we lose our physical life, but we are also void of spiritual life. Our plans discussed above aren’t looking too good. We need a plan B! Well here’s the good news. God has a plan to restore everything. Jesus came and lived the perfect life. No sin, no disobedience, no flaw! And when He gave Himself over and was put to death on a cross only to raise three days later, He accomplished something for all of us who believe in Him. This something is eternal life. Jesus is the solution to the problem of death! Romans 5:17, “… much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.” So through the grace of Jesus our sins man be forgiven (He took our punishment), we can be reconciled to God, and now have a new life to put all of our stock in! Therefore, there is never an investment wasted. Through faith, we can be connected to God to glorify and enjoy Him forever.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 2: Tragedy in the MakingYou may not be sure that you want your life to make a difference. Maybe you don’t care very much whether you make a lasting difference for the sake of something great. You just want people to like you. If people would just like being around you, you’d be Studebaker satisfi ed. Or if you could just have a good job with a good wife, or husband, and a couple of good kids and a nice car and long weekends and a few good friends, a fun retirement, and a quick and easy death, and no hell—if you could have all that (even without God)—you would be satisfi ed. That is a tragedy in the

making. A wasted life. (Pg. 45)

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SHO BARAKA/// When my father passed away, the last thing I wanted to hear was, “He’s in a better place.” I knew that cliché was true, however, that didn’t help me with the current struggle of dealing with my father’s death. It goes without saying that he was in a better place. He was in the presence of our Lord, the creator of heaven and earth. He would no longer suffer or feel pain again (Rev 21:4). As much as I felt the hurt of no longer being able to speak to my father, I was just as disappointed and hurt that I would continue to face a variety of pains and sufferings. I couldn’t help but think that one day I may have to bury my wife and kids or they would bury me. I began thinking that I would possibly face persecution of some kind or be stricken with some terminal illness. The scriptures promised that I would face trials and suffering of some kind (James 1:2). I wondered how would I handle those trials and tribulations.

I came to the conclusion that pain and suffering is only as painful as we allow it to be. The disciples considered it a pleasure to suffer for the sake of Christ (Acts 5:41). For many of us, our treasures are in this world. So when God takes away our possessions, health, or people we love, we become rocked to the point of depression. I was very close to that tipping

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point. It’s not that Jehovah fi nds pleasure in seeing his children suffer, but he fi nds pleasure in his children being conformed to the image of his son (Rom 8:29).

When I was no longer mastered by my fear of suffering and death, then I was able to excel at living for Christ. We must understand that this shell we live in is temporary (2 Cor 4:7-10). Pain, suffering, and death are designed to remind us of this temporary life. It’s a necessary means to get the believer to loosen his grip on the world and keep an eternal perspective.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 3: The Calvary RoadWhat a tragic waste when people turn away from the Calvary road of love and suffering. All the riches of the glory of God in Christ are on that road. All the sweetest fellowship with Jesus is there. All the treasures of assurance. All the ecstasies of joy. All the clearest sightings of eternity. All the noblest camaraderie. All the humblest affections. All the most tender acts of forgiving kindness. All the deepest discoveries of God’s Word. All the most earnest prayers. They are all on the Calvary road where Jesus walks with his people. Take up your cross and follow Jesus. On this road, and this road alone, life is Christ and death is gain. Life on every

other road is wasted. (Pg. 76-77)

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LECRAE/// There are two kinds of people here. The fi rst is the person who doesn’t live for Jesus, and doesn’t get any excitement, joy, or pleasure from following Him. This same person is bored with Jesus and everything associated with Him, including church and the bible.

The second person thinks they are following Jesus. They check off a to do list of bible study, Sunday service, prayer, and good deeds. This person doesn’t do the hard things, though. Hard things like deeply loving enemies or sacrifi cing comfort to see people worship Jesus.

The fi rst person is not a Christian at all, and is missing out on life, meaning, and purpose in God. The second is the Christian that has life, but to them, to live is comfort and to die is shame. Both people choose toilet water over the living water of God. They would rather have earthly luxuries like cars, clothes, and comfort over heavenly luxuries like joy, kindness, love, and assurance.

Following Jesus has cost me comfort, money, time, and earthy luxuries. I made the decision not to pocket my album royalties and concert payments because for me

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following Jesus meant not loving and living for money. I wanted to make sure I was using money for the kingdom purposes in which God was being magnifi ed. It’s funny how giving up comfort here and following Jesus, even unto death, results in more joy, peace, and pleasure than I can explain. I want to live my life in such a way that it shows others that my treasures are being stored up in heaven and not on this earth.

While on earth, I am discovering the treasure of God’s wisdom and it will only get better when I die. We must continue to remember the words of the apostle Paul to the Philippians, - “To live is Christ and to die is gain.”

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 4: Daily Living Is Daily DyingIt would be a great mistake at this point if we separated the way death honors Christ from the way life honors Christ. The reason this would be a mistake is that the life of a Christian includes many deaths. Paul said, “I die every day!” (1 Corinthians 15:31). Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Daily Christian living is daily Christian dying. The dying I have in mind is the dying of comfort and security and reputation and health and family and friends and wealth and homeland. These may be taken from us at any time in the path of Christ-exalting obedience. To die daily the way Paul did, and to take up our cross daily the way Jesus commanded, is to embrace this life of loss for Christ’s sake and count it gain.

(Pg. 71)

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TEDASHII/// When I fi rst got saved, one of the toughest things for me to understand was “dying to self”. Everybody around me had made such a big deal about my “new life” in Christ, that the farthest thing from my mind was dying to self. Everyone around me was celebrating the fact that I was now a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17).

But I fear that we grow up in the faith with a poor understanding of this. Paul said in Eph. 2:1, writing to Christians, “you were dead”. Meaning before any of those people, or us also, were saved, we were in need of being rescued. Even in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul says old things have passed away, and so death is real to a Christian in many ways and should not be played to the left, or overlooked. Man, I wish somebody had remembered to mention all of that to me when I fi rst got started. Maybe the daily dying that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 15:31 or dying physically would not have been such a big issue.

I grew up not having a lot; so as I got older, I felt I was owed or deserved something. I think we all feel like that at some point for many reasons. When we become Christians, we think God is going to give us things to make up for what we missed out on earlier in our lives. This preoccupation allows us to miss

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how He is fi lling that void with Himself. Sadly, I was seeing salvation as just merely the ultimate hook-up. I was getting heaven plus blessings. But that can’t be true. God has arranged it so that death is how we get paradise with Him in the afterlife, but also how we get more of Him while we are here on earth.

As we live in this life, it should be fi lled with the purpose of serving others. That is how Paul not only became more like Christ, but the way he wanted to know Him more closely. He followed as Jesus instructed in Luke 9:23 by denying himself, taking up his own cross, and following Christ. We love the idea of following Jesus but we struggle with the command to deny ourselves and bear our cross. When I read that verse, I think of how soldiers are willing to count country above their own life. If we begin to see Jesus as more important to us than life itself, we will have no problem dying for Him.

No matter who or what is taken from us, even if we die, we remain satisfi ed in God because we have a relationship with Him. I won’t waste my life looking for ways to fi nd my own satisfaction. I will look to live this life waiting eagerly for the fi nal day when death becomes my way to paradise and the reward of His presence.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 5: A Single PassionGod created me—and you—to live with a single, all-embracing, all-transforming passion—namely, a passion to glorify God by enjoying and displaying his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life. Enjoying and displaying are both crucial. If we try to display the excellence of God without joy in it, we will display a shell of hypocrisy and create scorn or legalism. But if we claim to enjoy his excellence and do not display it for others to see and admire, we deceive ourselves, because the mark of God-enthralled joy is to overfl ow and expand by extending itself into the hearts of others. The wasted life is the life without a passion for the supremacy of God in all things

for the joy of all peoples. (Pg. 31)

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FLAME/// It is interesting to watch famous rappers give all their time, money, and energy to making themselves look tight in the eyes of other people. This is their single passion in life. Yet, in their most honest moments, they know that they are not who they claim to be. I can imagine their disappointing thoughts when people don’t consider them as the best anymore. They may feel this way when another artist sells more CD’s than them. Or perhaps, it’s when they have been well established in their rap career and a younger, hotter, and hungrier rapper is stealing their shine.

It is also interesting to see how the fans of these rappers, begin to idolize them. There is a part inside of every fan, which can’t help but become over occupied with these artists. The artist begins to shape what fans say, wear, think, and believe. This becomes the fan’s single passion as well.

Why is this? Why can’t the artist ever be content with his amount of skill and ability? Why can’t we simply appreciate their talent, yet not be infl uenced by their thoughts and actions?

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The answer is simple. It is because of sin. In Adam we all disobeyed God and are born with a sin nature. Sin robs us of balancing our desires and causes us to tip the scales, wanting more than God and what He has provided. No person or thing can be explored and admired forever. The only being that can never get old or boring is God! The artist will never keep the attention of the world forever. He can never be the main attraction of the entire universe. They are not interesting enough because they are not endless in worth. The fan will never be fully satisfi ed with an artist or fi nd they joy in seeking them.

This longing for complete satisfaction is designed for the endlessly enjoyable and perfect God! Once this is revealed to us, our desire is to put God at the center of our lives. God created us to enjoy feelings, relationships, and pleasures, but only to the extent that they show us how Holy and good God is in giving them to us. This should be our single passion to live by. God is the ultimate joy.

So if your single passion in life is to glorify God, enjoy Him! Display that joy in all you do so the world can see and begin to desire and enjoy God as well.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 6: The All-Satisfying TreasureIf Christ is an all-satisfying treasure and promises to provide all our needs, even through famine and nakedness, then to live as though we had all the same values as the world would betray him. I have in mind mainly how we use our money and how we feel about our possessions. I hear the haunting words of Jesus, “Do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things” (Matthew 6:31-32). In other words, if we look like our lives are devoted to getting and maintaining things, we will look like the world, and that will not make Christ look great. He will look like a religious side-interest that may be useful for escaping hell in the end, but doesn’t make much difference in what we live and love here. He will not look like an all-satisfying treasure. And that will not make others glad in God. (Pg. 107-108)

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TRIP LEE/// What does your life say about Jesus? Think about it. If you were the star of your own “Truman Show” and the world was watching your every move, what would they learn about our Lord? Would they come to know Him as just another check on your “be a good citizen in society” checklist? Would He be a cool friend that you could take or leave? Or would they see Him as the everlasting Lord, all-satisfying treasure, and key to unimaginable joy?

Jesus tells a short parable that goes like this, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his JOY he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44). Now this is a scenario that says something powerful about Jesus and His kingdom. The man in the parable found a treasure. He considered that treasure to be so valuable that he was willing to sell every single thing he owned just to get it. In an instant all of his former treasures became trash. That must have been some treasure!

The fact is, this parable should sound familiar to us as Christians. Actually, it should be our experience! Jesus can’t just be something we tacked on to our already busy lives. To live as if He’s just one thing among

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others doesn’t say much about Him. Once we’ve found Jesus, and been rocked with joy like no other, other things shouldn’t have the effect on us that they used to. After seeing Christ and His eternal glory, stacks of green paper and shiny metal just don’t have the same luster they once did.

And when we begin to leave everything else behind to pursue Jesus, He looks like the all-satisfying treasure that He is. The way that we regard other things, always says something about the value of our King. Often I have to evaluate my own affections for clothes and the hottest new technology and say, “Wait, what is the way I regard these things saying about Jesus?”

Brothers and sisters, we must be adamant about communicating the right things about Jesus. Otherwise those looking at our lives will get it twisted. The greatest part is this, we’re not trying to make Him look more beautiful than He is, we just want to portray Him accurately. Jesus IS the most incredible treasure in the universe. In the words of Paul, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8).

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 7: Living for GloryThe Bible is crystal-clear: God created us for his glory. Thus says the Lord, “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory” (Isaiah 43:6-7). Life is wasted when we do not live for the glory of God. And I mean all of life. It is all for his glory. That is why the Bible gets down into the details of eating and drinking. “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). We waste our lives when we do not weave God into our eating and drinking and every other part by

enjoying and displaying him. (Pg. 32)

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LECRAE/// Glory is the display of God’s perfection – His honor, fame, beauty, and greatness. But in Isaiah we realize that His glory is also to be displayed in our lives. In fact, we were made for His glory. God’s greatness is designed to be shown in our everyday lives. When we taste really good sweet tea, we should be able to sit back and say, “Man, God is so tight! He gave me taste buds, created all these ingredients: sugar, tea leaves, water, ice, and gave us the minds to put it together and make this delicious sweet tea!”

Everything about our lives should point back to God’s glory. That is what we were made for. Most people think living for their own glory, selfi sh ambitions, and fame is the reason they were put on this earth. Chasing our own glory is pointless.

I remember when I fi rst started to understand that God does everything for His own glory. I was in the Atlanta airport and things just weren’t going the way I wanted them to. After standing in a long line to catch an early fl ight, I not only missed my fl ight, but when I landed I found out that the airport had lost my luggage. I was bitter, frustrated, and began to selfi shly wonder if God was getting a kick out of me having a bad day.

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But I was comforted when I meditated on 1 Corinthians 10:31- “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”. This verse instructs us to do all to the glory of God, whether its eating, drinking, or anything! I realized that God was getting glory in me learning patience, which allowed me to become more content with my situation. God was allowing me to see Him as my joy, not my convenience, and therefore He was being glorifi ed in me. I was made to glorify God.

God, like the sun, gives off the light and we, like the moon, refl ect it. His glory shines and as we refl ect it, we become the ones who display it in our lives. This is the reason we exist. Why settle for anything less than living and refl ecting God’s glory, rather than seeking to pursue our own?

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 8: Fight the FogAt these moments, when the trifl ing fog of life clears and I see what I am really on earth to do, I groan over the petty pursuits that waste so many lives—and so much of mine. Just think of the magnitude of sports—a whole section of the daily newspaper. But there is no section on God. Think of the endless resources for making your home and garden more comfortable and impressive. Think of how many tens of thousands of dollars you can spend to buy more car than you need. Think of the time and energy and conversation that go into entertainment and leisure and what we call “fun stuff.” And add to that now the computer that artifi cially recreates the very games that are already so distant from reality; it is like a multi-layered dream world of insignifi cance

expanding into nothingness. (Pg. 125)

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TEDASHII/// Christ is more precious than life itself. My fear is that we are so distracted by this life that we live in such a way that Christ is greatly overshadowed. Like the fog that covers the bay area in northern California early in the morning and limits visibility for planes and drivers, our grown-up toys cloud our view of the Lord. But when the fog is cleared, we can notice how banging the Lord really is and all those things that were blocking our view are weak and just in the way.

There are so many people in this world that can’t see what we see because of all the stuff in their way, like sports, career, homes, and even family. Once God took away the fog, I saw that all of the things I was chasing were actually robbing me of my chance to enjoy real life.

It is almost like the world tells you that you really don’t have life until you have these things and are doing these activities. And if you are without them, then you fi ght until you do get them or live feeling empty. As Christians we should be the ones without devotion to all that stuff and show forth Christ. I am not saying that not having things is more holy than having things, but our possessions and toys distract us. When was the last time you played an Xbox game and it was all about Jesus?

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Why don’t people ask us about our hope? It’s because we look like we value the same things they do. We are supposed to look different in our lives and pursuits. Do we really believe Mathew 5 when it says our treasure’s in heaven? If you believe it, does your life refl ect that? This is the purpose of why men were created, to display God on the earth. Faith or money, praise or possessions, every person has a struggle of some sort and it is these struggles that do not show just how much we love the Lord (MK 12:42-44).

We all have so many distractions and so many things that we want, that it gets hard for us to focus, but it is necessary that we do just that. Life is wasted when we let all the “cool stuff” become our reason for everyday life.

To gain such an attitude and outlook on life we have to see everyday as warfare. We are in a daily battle to not get distracted by the meaningless things here on earth so we can show forth His glory. When we try to save our own life through means on the earth, we fall fully into the trap of wasting our life. We have to fi ght.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 9: He Is More Precious Than LifeTo make others glad in God with an everlasting gladness, our lives must show that he is more precious than life. “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you” (Psalm 63:3). To do this we must make sacrifi cial life choices rooted in the assurance that magnifying Christ through generosity and mercy is more satisfying than selfi shness. If we walk away from risk to keep ourselves safe and

solvent, we will waste our lives. (Pg. 107)

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SHO BARAKA/// Imagine this - a father and son are having intense discussions about the son’s future. The father is utterly disappointed at the news of his son dropping out of school three semesters short of his degree to pursue acting in Hollywood. The father urges the son to hold off on the dreams of stardom and fi nish college. He continues to explain to the young man, “Son, if you don’t make it in Hollywood, then at least you’ll have a college degree as a parachute to save you.” The son looked at him with all seriousness and replied, “But if I don’t have that parachute I’ll work harder knowing that it’s nothing but concrete beneath me.”

The son understood he could only give his life’s devotion to that which he believed in. He also knew that there could be no Plan B. He was so committed to this goal, that if Hollywood failed, then life as he knew it failed as well. The disciples had this same reckless attitude. They had a passion to serve God and His people. Once they encountered the truth that the Son of Man gave unto them, they knew there was no Plan B the world could offer. There was no parachute even when teachings were diffi cult and when persecution became common (John 6:48-69, Acts 4:17-21). Their commitment was so great that they forsook all to follow him (Luke 5:27-28, Matt 4:18-20).

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This type of lifestyle is missing in so many fellowships across the world. We must understand that our commitment to Christ is not a commitment that guarantees applause and accolades but one that demands sacrifi ce and selfl ess service to others and our Creator. Many men and women are hired hands for the sake of the Gospel (John 10: 11-13). They have parachutes strapped to their backs just in case this Jesus thing doesn’t go as planned. I believe that non-believers in Acts were impressed with the Church because they prayed, served, lived, and died as if there was no Plan B.

I will never forget a friend telling me, “Trusting in Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian. Trusting in Jesus ALONE is what saves a man from damnation.” If this thing called “Faith” goes down in fl ames, then you better believe I have no parachute to save me, and I’m going down with it.

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DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE ///SECTION 10: Risk Is Right“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37)… This is the promise that empowers us to take risks for the sake of Christ. It is not the impulse of heroism, or the lust for adventure, or the courage of self-reliance, or the need to earn God’s favor. It is simple trust in Christ—that in him God will do everything necessary so that we can enjoy making much of him forever. Every good poised to bless us, and every evil arrayed against us, will in the end help us boast only in the cross, magnify Christ, and glorify our Creator. Faith in these promises frees us to risk and to fi nd in our own experience that it is

better to lose our life than to waste it.

Therefore, it is right to risk for the cause of Christ. It is right to engage the enemy and say, “May the LORD do what seems good to him.” It is right to serve the people of God,

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and say, “If I perish, I perish!” It is right to stand before the fi ery furnace of affl iction and refuse to bow down to the gods of this world. This is the road that leads to fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. At the end of every other road—secure and risk-free—we will put our face in our hands and say, “I’ve wasted it!”

(Pg. 97-98)

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FLAME/// Growing up I remember being so impressed with gang members. I often fantasized about being in a gang. I even began to claim gang affi liation and started fi ghts in the name of the gang I looked up to. It wasn’t the going to jail or being shot and killed that impressed me, but it was the lack of fear from those consequences that seemed attractive.

I often wondered where does one get that type of boldness? How does one lose the sense of fear and go all out for what they love and believe in? How did the gang leaders become so passionate about training up others to be gang members in spite of the law, consequences, and what society would say about them? I was intrigued.

I now realize that gang members receive their boldness from their beliefs, values, and from the need to protect one another and their reputation. To the gang member, to live was to maintain respect and to die was to leave a legacy. Our sin nature perverts virtues like living wholeheartedly for your beliefs and dying for them. Gang members take these virtues and use them for ungodly causes.

The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:21- ”For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” He knew that Christ

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was his reason for existing and to die would only place him into a richer and endlessly deeper experience of the God whom he loved and worshiped. This drove his thoughts, actions, and the risk he took to make Christ known.

In this anti-Christ, hip-hop era we live in, there is no greater time to be a risk taker for the sake of Christ! We must begin to speak up in areas where there is silence concerning the good news of Jesus. We must also begin to say “no” in areas and things where the culture is saying “yes”. Doing so may cause us to lose our lives in several ways. It may be the loss of social status and respect at school or on the job. It may be the loss of a large bank account and a certain lifestyle. It may be losing your life literally on a foreign mission fi eld. If so, what’s the worst that can happen? You draw closer to the God you cherish who is endlessly more enjoyable than anything in the entire universe.

To not risk for the sake of Christ will suck you dry and steal your joy rather than preserve it. It’s like when you don’t fuel a car. It will eventually run out of gas and stop working. So it is with the Christian. The fuel for our journey is living by faith and taking risks in this world for the sake of our Lord.

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SHO BARAKA - lives in Atlanta, GA, with his wife Patreece and two kids. He is currently investing his time, treasure and talents to a local church plant in the downtown area. His heart is to see more men of his background plant churches so that the excellencies of God can be witnessed by many who are overlooked and marginalized.

LECRAE MOORE - lives in Memphis, TN, with his wife Darragh and two children. While volunteering at a local juvenile detention center, he saw the potential impact that music has on the lives of its listeners. His passion is to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ in a way that is understandable to the culture without compromise. He currently serves as the Executive Director of ReachLife Ministries.

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TRIP LEE - born William Barefi eld, grew up in Dallas, TX. He currentlyresides in Philadelphia, PA, and is a senior at Philadelphia Biblical University. His passion is the teaching of God’s Word and helping others to have a clear vision of the God we serve. He is a member of Epiphany Fellowship, a church plant in downtown Philadelphia which ministers in the inner city.

TEDASHII ANDERSON - was raised in Houston, TX, and currently lives inDallas with his wife Danielle. He is a graduate of the University of North Texas, where he met both Sho Baraka and Lecrae through Plumbline, the local college ministry there. His passion is for believers to walk in the new identity that they have been given in Christ.

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FLAME - born Marcus Gray, grew up in inner-city St. Louis. He accepted Christ at the age of 16 following a near-fatal car accident and the death of his grandmother. FLAME has released four albums since 2004. His latest, “Our World Redeemed,” was nominated in 2009 for a GRAMMY, Stellar, and Dove awards. He is married to his best friend Crystal Gray and has a passion for Biblical Counseling and Applied Theology.

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ABOUT REACHLIFE MINISTRIESAfter extensive traveling and standing before crowds, we felt a burden to go beyond CDs and concerts. God has given us a platform through music; while we have the ears of hundreds of thousands around the globe, we want solid, biblical truth to be heard in a culturally-relevant way. What happens after a concert? After they pick up a CD...what’s next?

ReachLife Ministries desires to be a trusted resource for parents, churches, and ministry leaders. Our multimedia curriculum can be used in a training series, one-on-one context, or even integrated into as part of a school curriculum. Our passion is to bring truth to the culture through biblically-solid, media-rich resources that continue the ministry once the show is over.

ReachLife is a non-profi t 501(c)(3) made possible by generous donations and prayers of people around the world. If you would like to join the Fellowship of Unashamed believers who support us, visit www.reachlife.org/donate.

For more questions about the ministry or music, visit us online at www.reachlife.org and www.reachrecords.com.

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