DV NR St3 Report Artworks

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  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Darwen Vale High SchoolPublic Art Programme

    Stage 3 report - Artwork Proposals

    Noah Rose. April 2011

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Summary of Artwork Proposals:

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    1. Museum of Memory

    2. Face of Energy3. A Century of Students4. Brain Beacon5. Shelters6. Memory garden7. Concrete letters8. Paving portraits

    9. Sports hall wall10. Library lining11. Hoverpod

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 1. Museum of Memory

    Description:A small museum with a changing display including images from the schools photographic archive, artefacts salvaged from the old school, the exi sting warmemorial and other content related to the school and history/ development of Darwen to be determined by a newly-formed curatorial committee.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Museum of Memory proposal - showing view of main lobby area with display cabinets integrated into the curved outer wall of the hall.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 1. Museum of Memory

    Location:Main entrance lobby - curved wall of sports hall, plus the wall of old school building on outside of LRC.

    Materials/ construction:A series of cabinets integral to the newly built curved wall, constructed from same materials with Acrylic sheet window panes, internally lit with small LEDspotlights. The existing Bronze war memorial to be incorporated in the same style. Exact positions and dimensions to be confirmed. There will also be an ICTelement, probably in the form of a hot-screen within the computers in the LRC, linked to the Uniservity VLE, although the possibility of a dedicated study-booth is also being explored.

    Design Partners:McAslan Architects, Hoare Lea lighting, Northgate ICT.

    Public Engagement influence:The museum is a crucible for public engagement. Drawing strongly on the theme of memory, the various public engagement activities have established verystrong support for the museum, and helped to shape the content of the various cabinets and displays

    Budget:Value of Works influenced: 10,000.Additional cost to carry out work: 7,500 (estimated cost of cabinet construction and fitting)

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    L-R: Existing Bronze War Memorial, images from the schools photographic archive, Rheostat and poisons cabinet salvaged from old science labs.

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  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 2. Face of Energy

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation showing indicative layout of the plant in the energy centre going through a colour change sequence at dusk

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 2. Face of Energy

    Description:A lighting-based artwork, which turns the functional elements of the Energy centre into an illuminated spectacle. The front wall of the Energy centre will bepartially glazed, with the individual elements of plant (Biomass boiler, Water Tanks, Switchgear, ducting, pipework etc) theatrically lit as though they are actorson a stage. The lights will change colour and pulse in a sequence to be tied to the Building Management System so that the story of energy production for theschool is represented visually, in keeping with the theme of Creative Engineering. It may be possible to incorporate a large information screen to display thecurrent energy usage and other information such as current atmospheric conditions in visual format.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Construction and visualisation drawings of the energy centre building by McAslan Architects

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 2. Face of Energy

    Location:Energy Centre, facing directly onto main car park.

    Materials/ construction:Glazed Screen in Acrylic/ Polycarbonate sheet. Uplighters: LED colour change strips, driver sequence linked to Building Management System, LED display screen.

    Design Partners:McAslan, BBESL, Hoare Lea.

    Public Engagement influence:Artist-designed. No direct public engagement influence to date.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 450,000Additional cost to carry out work: 1,500 - 3,000 (costs TBC - LED lighting & drivers)

    Status/ Next steps:Main Energy centre building designed. Exact position of plant and lighting TBC in conjunction with BBESL/ Hoare Lea. Link to Building Management System TBC

    with Northgate.

    Potential for further public engagement:No further direct Public Engagement planned, although there may be scope for designing the visual display information with EG; Engineering students.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Examples of interactive lighting artworks highlighting industrial structures:L-R: Third Bridge Derry, N Ireland. Sculptural installation made from 130-year old railway bridge with colour-changing LED bridge of light feature - Noah Rose 2005.Environmental lighting- Virkkala power station, Finland - Ekku Peltomki Eastway Lighting.

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 3. A Century of Students

    Description:The school has a proud hi story stretching back 120 years - first as Darwen Grammarschool, in its old site in the town centre, then on the current site since 1938. Italso has a remarkable archive of photographs dating back to 1909 - a uniqueresource which fascinates everyone who sees it. Central to the theme of memory isthe notion of continuity between the past, present and future and these photos

    bring to life some of the many students (and teachers) from the past century.

    The artwork will consist of a series of images - students selected from the manyintriguing and often amusing photos, edited and cropped to highlight a particularlyinteresting face, long-vanished fashion or bizarre costume. The images will beback-projected onto the glazed frontage above the main entrance at the front of the school and will change constantly during the hours of darkness. A Century of Students is designed to complement Proposal 4 - Brain Beacon - the two artworksforming a subtle, intriguing interplay of light, highly visible from Blackburn Road.

    The projection can also form the main ceremonial sign announcing the schoolsname and a short slogan. This could also tie into the Digital Signage system beingdeveloped by Northgate.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Above: images of Darwen Vale students from the schools photographic archive.Left: visualisation of the main entrance showing the selected images projected ontothe glazed frontage.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 3. A Century of Students

    Location:Glazed screen, portico above the main frontage/ entrance.

    Materials/ construction:Semi-translucent film to inside of glazed frontage, projector mounted internally on ceilingof large first floor teaching space.

    Design Partners:McAslan, Hoare Lea, Northgate.

    Public Engagement influence:Initial public engagement has led to initial selection of images and interest in contributingmore photographic archive material.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 15,000Additional cost to carry out work: 5000(costs TBC - Data projector, computer & screen).

    Status/ Next Steps:Design and specification in discussion/ for further exploration with Northgate.

    Potential for further public engagement:Set up blog/ Facebook page/ enhanced Picasa web gallery. call for information andfurther archive material. Information on individuals in portraits and also furtherphotographic images could be sought.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    TOP: Detail of the ceremonial signage element,Bottom: examples of students past from t he schools photographic archive.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 4. Brain Beacon

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Description:The Brain beacon is a lighting artwork that measures and projects theamount of Brain activity going on inside the school at any given moment.The old bell tower will be illuminated internally so that the decorativecopper grilles are backlit with a bright white light. This light will pulseslowly throughout the day and night, the frequency of the pulse and theintensity of the light in proportion to the amount of learning going oninside the school. So it will be very gentle during the night and a littlemore active during the day.

    The Brain Beacon works by taking information from the BuildingManagement on student numbers inside the main teaching areas.

    It is designed to complement Proposal 3 A Century of Students (seeabove), the two artworks forming a subtle, intriguing interplay of light,highly visible from Blackburn Road.

    Location:The Bell tower, above the main frontage of the school.

    Materials/ construction:Two options are being explored at the moment:option a) has a light fitting installed internally below the insulated ceilingwith light beamed up a vertical shaft to an arrangement of mirrors insidethe bell tower itself.Option b) would see the light fitting installed and accessed externally fromthe rear (internally-facing) pitched slate roof.

    Design Partners:McAslan, Northgate, Hoare Lea, BBESL.

    Public Engagement influence:Artist-designed. No direct public engagement influence to date.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 2,500Additional cost to carry out work: 2,500(costs TBC - Lighting units, mirror/ lightshaft construction)

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 4. Brain Beacon

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Status/ Next Steps:Construction method in discussion with McAslan. Light fitting options in discussion with HoareLea, Link to Building Management System in discussion with Northgate & BBESL.

    Potential for further public engagement:Public engagement activity with local residents

    Left: Visualisation showingBrain Beacon in relation toA Century of Students

    Right: Draft sketch showinginstallation, access and maintenance options to thebell tower.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 5. Shelters

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Site plan showing position of sheltersand building/landscape elementsthat influence shelter

    forms.Right, top:Early sketches for

    various shelter designsRight, bottom:Draft sketch showingdifferent shelter formsrelated to buildingelements.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 5. Shelters

    Description:The new school design calls for a number of shelters of various sizes. Several different designs of shelters are needed to fit the various parameters of thebuilding and site. Essentially they are all there to provide rain cover but some have additional functions. There is a large bike shelter near the pedestrianentrance to the site, the shelter over the SEN/ Memorial Garden near the Community Entrance to the school building and the large shelter which provides coverfor the amphitheatre seating at the rear of the building.

    In order to unify these disparate shelters with each other and with the building, the proposal is to develop a unified visual pallette and construction design.Essentially all the shelters are variations on the same design, with individual plans related to elements of the plan of the new and old building and landscape.This relation of forms will be subtle and harmonious and will act as a sort of visual key to the building plan.

    In keeping with the theme of Creative Engineering, the structure of the shelters will be exposed, whilst the materials - Powder coated Mild Steel structure withAnodised Aluminium roof panels - will complement the visual appearance of the building. Integral seating will be incorporated in some shelters, whilst the Bikeshelter could be adapted with a mesh wall for security if needed.

    Location:Various around site - see plan.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Left: Outline of the old and new school building showing the forms of the main volumes.Right: Variations of shelter designs, based on building forms.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 5. Shelters

    Materials/construction:Powder-coated Mild Steelstructure and frame withcoloured AnodisedAluminium roof panels,assembled with insulatingneoprene strip & washers

    for watertightness and toprevent bimetalliccorrosion.

    Design Partners:McAslan, Plincke, WECEngineering Ltd.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Sketches showing construction and arrangement of seating/ anodised Aluminium roof panels for indicative shelter.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 5. Shelters

    Public Engagement influence:Artist-designed. No direct public engagement influence to date.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 50,000Additional cost to carry out work: TBC

    Status/ Next Steps:Further discussion on exact sizes/ positions with Plincke & McAslan. Further discussion needed with WEC Engineering Ltd. BBCJV to approach WEC re: potentialsponsorship.

    Potential for further public engagement:Darwen Youth Service, DVHS students in design/ layout workshops.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Left- right (3 views): For Reference: Beacon shelter - Beacon Youth centre, Salford. Galvanised Mild Steel, with integral LED lighting beacon. Noah Rose, 2008.Far right: Chapel Prow Bell tower, Lincolnshire, Painted galvanised Mild Steel, 11m high bell tower, fabricated by WEC Engineering Ltd. Designed by Noah Rose & Michael Trainor, 2008

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 6. Memory garden

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation of Memory garden showing shelters with t ree poles and memorial shards.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 6. Memory garden

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Description:The Memory Garden is a key feature in a key location of the new schoolwhich needs to fulfil a number of different functions. It is a garden of remembrance, serving as a memorial to former student Rebecca Duxbury,former Head Lynne Dunning and other people that the school may wish tocommemorate in the future. It is also a Peace garden, incorporating both theformer memorial plaques and the peace pole of the former remembrancegarden, and a SEN garden providing a stimulating sensory environment forstudents with Special Educational Needs.

    In addition it contains one of the several shelters and will act as an outdoorseating/ informal dining area.

    The artwork is a combination of shelter, sculptural installation, memorial andseating/ dining feature. It links to the two themes of Memory and CreativeEngineering not just through the content of the memorial but through its re-use of cut-down trees from around the site. These appear to be wrappedaround the poles supporting the shelter and serve as a visual and tactiledevice to unify the various functions and create an attractive peacefulgrove. Their split seams contain vertical slivers of brass which are laser

    cut/ etched with the various memorials.

    Location:Close to the community entrance to the school,a t the point where the oldand new buildings meet.

    Materials/ construction:Main structure in Powder-coated Mild Steel, roof panels in coloured AnodisedAluminium. Seat slats in Recycled hardwood, Sculptural trees made fromrecycled trees from the site, split in two and joined around the verticalsupports, infilled with laser-cut Brass memorial plaques. Additional trees tobe installed around the shelter to extend the grove across the wholegrassed area of the Memory Garden.

    Design Partners:Plincke, McAslan, WEC Engineering Ltd.

    Plan showing layout of Memory garden and shelter in relation to Community entrance of school building.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 6. Memory garden

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Construction sketch showing main structure, roof panels, seating and treetrunk installation with memorial shards.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 6. Memory garden

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 28,000Additional cost to carry out work: TBC

    Status/ Next Steps:Further discussion with Plincke and McAslan regarding design, further discussion with WEC Engineering Ltd regarding fabrication & costings. Furtherconsultation with school regarding content of memorials.

    Potential for further public engagement:Additional engagement work to be carried out with:DVHS students, Darwen Youth Service, Local residents and community groups.

    Left: Treetrunks cut down from DVHS site, stored for recycling.Centre: (for reference) Sculptural installation incorporating brass memorial plaques: Stefan Gec, Cardiff.Right: (for reference) sculptural installation incorporating memories carved directly into trees, Aleksandra Mir, Fundacion NMAC, Spain.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 7. Concrete letters

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation of concrete letters in r isers of curved amphitheatre wall. Text based on school plays from decades past.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 7. Concrete letters

    Description:A text-based artwork cast directly into the step risers and raised seating of the amphitheatre and along the sides of the main pathway. The text is indenteddirectly intot he body of the concrete construction. The curved walls of the amphitheatre give an interesting opportunity for a typographic compoition basedliterally on concrete poetry.

    Location:amphitheatre at rear of school, side walls along main approach path a t front of school.

    Materials/ construction:concrete cast in-situ.

    Design Partners:Plincke, Our Lady & St John (use of lasercutter for formwork letters)

    Public Engagement influence:Artist-designed. No direct public engagement influence to date.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 40,000Additional cost to carry out work: 10,000

    Status/ Next Steps:Further discussion with Plincke, OLSJ school and Groundworkers

    Potential for further public engagement:Potential for substantial public engagement in developing content of poetry - Local residents, young people and other groups to contribute.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 8. Paving portraits

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation of paving portrait looking along main pathway at front of school

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 8. Paving portraits

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Description:A portrait or portraits of students past, taken from the schoolsphotographic archive and recreated as a large-scale mosaic alongthe main approach and amphitheatre stage. The mosaic effect willwork with large scale paviers (300/ 400 mm square) due to the largearea being covered.

    Location:main approach path along front of school, amphitheatre stage torear of school.

    Materials/ construction:concrete paviers in 4-6 contrasting tones of grey.

    Design Partners:Plincke, Groundworkers, Marshalls.

    Public Engagement influence:Engagement to date with DVHS students and some local residents in

    editing and selecting suitable images.Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 50,000Additional cost to carry out work: 10,000

    Status/ Next Steps:Further discussion needed with Plincke, Marshalls andgroundworkers. Choice of images and designs to be finalised.

    Potential for further public engagement:Selection of images and further editing wit young people from youthservice and DVHS students.

    Plan showing layout of Paving Portrait in relation to main approach at front of school.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 9. Sports hall wall

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Above:Visualisation of perforated acoustic panel showing design based on archive sports photograph.Right, top-bottom:The stages in turning the images into perforated panels.

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 9. Sports hall wall

    Description:The upper part of the sports hall wall is clad in wooden acoustic insulating panels. These are created using a perforation pattern in Plywood. The Proposedartwork takes images of sports days, running races, gymnastic formations and other proud moments of the schools sporting history from the photographicarchive and turns these into halftone images of the kind used in newspaper printing, which can then be reproduced in the plywood panels. The large number of panels needed (around 300) means that a number of repeat patterns could be set up and alternated around the wall.

    Location:Sports Hall interior.

    Materials/ construction:Lasercut Finnish Birch Plywood and/or sheet material incontrasting woods, mounted on timber battens backedwith acoustic insulating material.

    Design Partners:McAslan, RW Joinery.

    Public Engagement influence:Artist-designed. No direct public engagement influenceto date.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: 37,350Additional cost to carry out work:10,000(costs TBC -programming and lasercutting)

    Status/ Next Steps:Design/ construction method for further discussion withMcAslan, lasercutting/ panel production for furtherdiscussion with RW Joinery.

    Potential for further public engagement:Images of sports activities for reproduction in the panels could be selected/ edi ted by the curatorial committee formed for the Museum of Memory.

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation of Sports Hall interior by McAslan Architects

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 9. Sports hall wall

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Various images from the Schools photographic archive,treated with different halftone effects to test visuallegibility and practicality for construction

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 10. Library lining

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Visualisation of library wall panel made from salvaged Oak panels from the old hall,showing lasercut halftoneimage of library in 1938.

  • 8/6/2019 DV NR St3 Report Artworks


    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 10. Library lining

    Darwen Vale High School. Stage 3 report - Public Art Proposals, Noah Rose, Lead Artist, April 2011.

    Description:The schools library interior has hardly changed since 1938. The new Learning ResourceCentre (LRC) will be remodelled within the existing library space, but with very differentfixtures and fittings designed by Space 0 in conjunction with DVHS students. The majorityof the space will retain its existing Oak panelling but the end part of the space (furthestfrom the main entrance) is unpanelled.

    The proposal is to reuse the Oak panelling salvaged from the now-demolished old hall tocomplete the panelling. Using a similar technique to the Sports Hall Wall panels, theartwork will take an image of the 1938 library interior from the schools archive, andlasercut this into a salvaged Oak panel. This will then be laid over a plain Oak panel tocreate a relief image of the old library interior within the new library interior.

    Location:Learning Resource Centre interior.

    Materials/ construction:Salvaged Oak panels, lasercut and laid over plain Oak panels, attached via battenarrangement to main wall.

    Design Partners:McAslan, Space 0 Design.

    Public Engagement influence:Influenced by DVHS Students research into schools photographic archive, also DVHSstudents design workshop at Space0 in Jan11.

    Budget:Value of Works Influenced: TBCAdditional cost to carry out work: TBC (costs of lasercutting & assembly)

    Status/ Next Steps:Subject to further discussion with McAslan and Space0.

    Potential for further public engagement:Choice of imagery could be influenced by further material selected/ edited by theMuseums Curatorial Committee. there are further options to influence design of bespokestructures such as Space0s proposed Quiet Folly structure using reconfigured salvagedlibrary shelving.

    Top:view of the library interior from1938.Middle:views of the library interior duringdemolition, 2010.Bottom (for Reference):Belvedere sculptural Pavilionshowing lasercut plywood paneldetail - Noah Rose 2010.

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    Detail of Artwork Proposals: 11. Hoverpod

    Description:The pod above the main performance steps will be an attractive andintriguing feature of the interior scheme. Looking unlike any other part of the school, finished in yellow moulded GRP cladding the pod s designed tolook as though it is almost hovering in mid-air. The Hoverpod proposal is alighting artwork designed to accentuate this effect. It will consist os abright white halo of light, ringing the pod. This cloud of light is a

    complement to the Brain Beacon; It will gently pulse and rise and fall inintensity as an indicator of the amount of brain activity going on in theschool at any given moment.

    Location:Pod above the performance steps, rear of main hall.

    Materials/ construction:LED lighting installation, linked to Building Management system. LED lightswill be hidden inside the metal mesh soffit so will not be visible even whenlight intensity i s low.

    Design Partners:McAslan, Hoare Lea, Northgate.

    Public Engagement influence:DVHS students.

    Budget :Value of Works Influenced: 50,000Additional cost to carry out work: 5,000

    Status/ Further Design needed:Further discussion with McAslan, Hoare Lea and Northgate needed for

    design detailing and costing.

    Potential for further public engagement:Youth Service - young performers/ musicians, dancers groups.

    Visualisation of Hoverpod lighting artwork operating at full intensity (due tomaximum brain activity in the school).