To Loop Trail 0.5 mi G r av ell y H ill R oad Post Ro a d R e d H o u s e R o a d Scenic Lookout Polly's Rock Jone s C a mp T r a il P o l l y ' s R o c k L o o p D u V a l T ra il Ly n ' s L o o p D u V al T ra il D u V a l T ra il Loop Trail 1 No n- s y s t e m Trail Distances Non-system Trail Lyn's Loop - 0.58 mi DuVal Trail from parking area to Gravelly Hill Road - 0.7 mi Duval Trail from Gravelly Hill Road northeast to Red House Road - 1.7 mi Polly's Rock Loop - 0.7 mi Jones Camp Trail - 1.2 mi Points of interest: Directions to Trailhead: DuVal Trail System 0 1,000 2,000 Feet

DuVal Trail Systemsklt.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/DuValUpdate.pdfDuVal Trail from parking area to Gravelly Hill Road - 0.7 mi Duval Trail from Gravelly Hill Road northeast to Red

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Page 1: DuVal Trail Systemsklt.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/DuValUpdate.pdfDuVal Trail from parking area to Gravelly Hill Road - 0.7 mi Duval Trail from Gravelly Hill Road northeast to Red

To Loop Trail 0.5 mi

Gravelly Hill Road

Post Road

Red H



Scenic LookoutPolly's Rock

Jones Camp Trail


R ock Loop


Lyn's L


DuVal Trail

DuVal Trail

Loop Trail 1.6 miNon-syst em

Trail Distances

Non-system Trail

Lyn's Loop - 0.58 mi

DuVal Trail from parking areato Gravelly Hill Road - 0.7 miDuval Trail from Gravelly Hill Road northeast to Red House Road - 1.7 miPolly's Rock Loop - 0.7 mi

Jones Camp Trail - 1.2 mi

Points of interest: The DuVal Trail System c ro sses numero us parcels p ro tec ted by SKLT and RIDEM between 1983 and 2013. These trails feature the hill and kettle to p o graphy o f a terminal mo raine left by the retreating glaciers o f the last ice age. Visito rs enjo y a sweeping view o f the o cean and Blo ck Island to the so uth fro m a scenic o verlo o k. Susanna’s Wo o ds is no ted fo r its stands o f o ak and thick under-sto ry o f mo untain laurel. Histo rically, the w o o ds were used as w o o dlo ts fo r the plantatio n families who farmed the flat land nearer the c o ast. Tho ugh the area was never cleared, it has been c o ntinually c ut fo r 300 years.

Directions to Trailhead: Fro m Ro ute 1 so uthbo und take the sec o nd exit marked Po st Ro ad / Perryville. Bear right o nto Po st Ro ad and c o ntinue fo r 0.4 mile. Parking area will be o n the left at the fo o t o f the Quaker Burial Gro und.

DuVal Trail System

0 1,000 2,000 Feet