Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate

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Page 1: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate

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Obara, I. and Goulding, S.P. and Hu, J.H. and Klugmann, M. and Worley, P.F. and Szumlinski, K.K. (2013)'Nerve injury-induced changes in Homer/glutamate receptor signaling contribute to the development andmaintenance of neuropathic pain.', Pain., 154 (10). pp. 1932-1945.

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Page 2: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate

Nerve injury-induced changes in Homer/glutamate receptor signaling contribute to the development

and maintenance of neuropathic pain.

Ilona Obara,1,2

Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,

3 Matthias Klugmann,

4 Paul F. Worley,

3 and Karen K.


1Department of Psychology and the Neuroscience Research Institute, University of California at Santa

Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9660, 2School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health, University of

Durham, Queens Campus, Stockton on Tees, TS17 6BH, UK, 3Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins

University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, 4Translational Neuroscience Facility, School of

Medical Sciences, UNSW Kensington Campus, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052


Number of text pages (including figures): 44

Number of figures: 5

Number of tables: 2

Correspondence: IlonaObara, PhD ([email protected]) School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health,

University of Durham, Queens Campus, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6BH, UK, phone: +44(0)1913340818, fax:

+44(0)1913340374, http://www.dur.ac.uk/school.health/staff/?username=mgsn64

Page 3: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate



While group1 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and ionotropic NMDA receptors regulate

nociception, the precise molecular mechanism(s) contributing to glutamate signaling in chronic pain remain

unclear. Here we not only confirmed the key involvement of Homer proteins in neuropathic pain, but also

distinguished between the functional roles for different Homer family members and isoforms. Chronic

constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve induced long-lasting, time-dependent increases in the

postsynaptic density expression of the constitutively expressed (CC) isoforms Homer1b/c and/or Homer2a/b

in the spinal dorsal horn and supraspinal structures involved in nociception (prefrontal cortex, thalamus),

that co-occurred with increases in their associated mGluRs, NR2 subunits of the NMDA receptor and the

activation of downstream kinases. Virus-mediated over-expression of Homer1c and Homer2b after spinal

(intrathecal) virus injection exacerbated CCI-induced mechanical and cold hypersensitivity however

Homer1 and Homer2 gene knock-out (KO) mice displayed no changes in their neuropathic phenotype. In

contrast, over-expression of the immediate early gene (IEG) Homer1a isoform reduced, while KO of

Homer1a gene potentiated neuropathic pain hypersensitivity. Thus, nerve injury-induced increases in CC-

Homers expression promote pain in pathological states, but IEG-Homer induction protects against both the

development and maintenance of neuropathy. Additionally, exacerbated pain hypersensitivity in transgenic

mice with reduced Homer binding to mGluR5 supports also an inhibitory role for Homer interactions with

mGluR5 in mediating neuropathy. Such data indicate that nerve injury-induced changes in glutamate

receptor/Homer signaling contribute in dynamic but distinct ways to neuropathic pain processing, which has

relevance for the etiology of chronic pain symptoms and its treatment.

Key words: Homer Proteins, Group1 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors, NMDA Receptors, Spinal Cord,

Neuropathic Pain

Page 4: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate


1. Introduction

Peripheral nerve injury leads to the development of neuropathic pain as a consequence of injury-induced

central sensitization. This involves increases in excitatory neuronal firing, glutamate release within

peripheral and central nervous systems, and subsequent reorganization of the nociceptive network [e.g.

9,31,32]. Glutamate transmission, particularly through the Gq/o-coupled Group1 metabotropic glutamate

receptors (mGluR1/5), as well as (or in conjunction with) ionotropic NMDA glutamate receptors, has been

highly implicated in nociception [e.g. 7,16,45,72]. Thus, a likely molecular candidate contributing to

changes in spinal and supraspinal glutamate signaling in chronic pain is the Homer family of proteins, which

constitutes a part of the signaling scaffold regulating the trafficking, clustering and function of both Group1

mGluRs and NMDA receptors [e.g. 13,14,53].

Homer proteins are encoded by 3 genes (Homer1,2,3) that give rise to constitutively expressed, coiled-coiled

(CC; Homer1b/c/d/g/h, Homer2a/b and Homer3; a.k.a. CC-Homers) and immediate early gene (IEG)

products (from Homer1, Homer1a and ania-3) [13,14]. In contrast to CC-Homers, IEG Homers lack the CC-

domain and are incapable of multimerization or multi-protein interactions. Thus, their induction upon

synaptic activity destabilizes CC-Homer interactions (including those with glutamate receptors), enabling

synaptic rearrangement [6,26]. While the role for Homer proteins in regulating both pre- and postsynaptic

aspects of glutamate signaling is well-characterized [e.g. 53] and tissue/nerve injury-induced adaptations

within glutamate signaling were shown to be critically involved in the development and maintenance of

chronic pain [7,16,45,72], there is recently a growing line of evidence implicating Homer proteins in the

regulation of nociception. Homer proteins are expressed in brain regions conveying nociceptive information

[e.g. 33,53,56], as well as in the spinal dorsal horn neurons that receive sensory input [36,40,57,71]. Both

IEG-Homer1a and CC-Homer1b/c are selectively up-regulated in the spinal dorsal horn neurons in model of

chronic inflammatory pain and the manipulation of their protein levels alters inflammation-induced

mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia [57,71]. While Homer1a induction and increased Homer1b/c exhibit

distinct temporal profiles within the spinal dorsal horn following chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the

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sciatic nerve [36,37,40] or chronic compression of dorsal root ganglion [35], the functional relevance of

changes in Homers expression has been examined to date only in the early stage (4 h after CCI) of the

development of neuropathic pain [36].

Thus, in the present study, we used a combination of genetics and immunoblotting approaches to further

confirm the important role for Homer proteins in regulating pain sensitivity and more importantly to

delineate the relative functional roles played by different Homer family members and isoforms in the

development and maintenance of neuropathic pain in mice. We first determined the profile of changes in

Homer proteins expression after CCI together with injury-induced alterations in the protein level/activation

of Homers-associated mGluRs (mGluR1a/5) and downstream kinases (PKC, PI3K and ERK1/2) within

structures involved in nociception. Next, we examined the effects of Homers overexpression after spinal

(intrathecal) delivery and the global Homers deficiency on both the development and maintenance states of

CCI-induced neuropathic pain. Finally, we investigated whether the mGluR5-Homer proteins interaction

affects neuropathic pain hypersensitivity.

Page 6: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate


2. Material and Methods

2.1. Subjects

C57BL/6J mice. The expression of the CC-Homer isoform Homer1b/c is up-regulated within spinal cord

dorsal horn following sciatic nerve ligation [36,37]. Thus, immunoblotting experiments extended these

earlier data to another CC-Homer isoform, Homer2a/b, and related changes in CC-Homer expression to

those of their associated Group1 mGluRs (mGluR1a/5) and the NR2a/b subunits of the NMDA receptor, as

well as to the activational state of downstream kinases (ERK1/2, PKC and PI3K) to determine whether or

not chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve induces changes in the spinal and supraspinal

expression/activation of Group1 mGluR/Homer signaling pathways. Follow-up behavioral experiments then

assayed for the functional relevance of observed changes in Homer protein expression for neuropathic pain

hypersensitivity. All of these studies employed adult male C57BL/6J (B6) mice (8 weeks of age; 25–30 g;

the Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME). B6 mice were allowed to acclimate to the colony room for at

least 7 days after arrival and were housed in polyethylene cages (4-5 per cage), in a room controlled for

temperature (25°C) and humidity (71%) under a regular 12-h day/night cycle (lights on at 7:00 A.M.; lights

off at 7:00 P.M.). Standard laboratory rodent chow and water were available ad libitum. Animals were

habituated to testing procedures for at least 3-4 days before experiments. The handling and testing of the

animals were conducted during the light phase, between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Every effort was made to

minimize the number of animals used in the study. Experimental

protocols were approved by the

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of our respective institutions and were consistent

with the

guidelines provided by the National Institute of Health (NIH) Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory

Animals (NIH publication number 80-23, revised 1996) and the guidelines of the Committee for Research

and Ethical Issues of IASP published in [75].

Homer Knock-out (KO) mice. Our immunoblotting data revealed time-dependent increases in Homer1b/c

and Homer2a/b expression following CCI (Fig. 1) and earlier studies indicated an important role for

Homer1a in regulating inflammatory pain [50]. Thus, we employed a knock-out (KO) strategy to confirm a

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necessary role for IEG and CC-Homer isoforms (Homer1a, Homer1, Homer2) in the development and

maintenance of neuropathic pain following CCI. For this, the behavior of Homer1a, Homer1, and Homer2

gene KO mice was compared to their respective wild-type (WT) and heterozygous (HET) mutant mice. WT,

HET and KO littermates from all 3 KO lines were bred in-house at the University of California Santa

Barbara Biology II vivarium from mating of heterozygous breeder pairs (B6 X 129Xi/SvJ background).

Details of the generation of these mice are provided in Hu et al. [21] for Homer1a KO, Yuan et al. [73] for

Homer1 KO and Shin et al. [49] for Homer2 KO. WT, HET and KO littermate pups from a minimum of 4

different litters for each line were used for each replicate of the behavioral studies to avoid litter confounds.

Experimental mice were transferred to the Psychology vivarium at approximately 5 weeks of age and

allowed to acclimate to the housing conditions for 2-3 weeks prior to surgery and behavioral testing. All

experimental procedures involving WT, HET and KO mice were conducted on male littermate mice, 7-8

weeks of age, housed and handled under conditions described for the B6 mice above.

mGluR5 transgenic (Tg) mice. Our immunoblotting data indicated the co-regulation of CC-Homer

expression and mGluR5 by CCI (Fig. 1). Thus, we examined the functional relevance of mGluR5-Homer

interactions in neuropathic pain by assaying the pain hypersensitivity of a transgenic

(Tg) mouse with a

phenylalanine (F) arginine (R) point mutation within the Homer binding domain on mGluR5 at amino acid

position 1128 (mGluR5F1128R

) that impairs the capacity of Homer proteins to physically interact with the

receptor [12,61], but does not affect the total protein expression of either mGluR5 or Homers [12]. The

generation of Tg littermates and all experiments procedures involving WT, HET and Tg mice were

conducted as described for B6 and KO mice above.

2.2. Induction and assessment of neuropathic pain

Sciatic nerve injury. B6 mice, homozygous and heterozygous KO/Tg mice, as well as their WT counterparts,

were subjected to peripheral neuropathy induced by chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve as

described by Bennett and Xie [4], with slight modifications for mice [42,45]. The sciatic nerve injury was

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performed under isoflurane anesthesia delivered via a nose cone (2% isoflurane with oxygen as the carrier

gas). The skin was shaved and an incision was made just below the right hipbone, parallel to the sciatic

nerve. The biceps femoris and the gluteus superficialis were separated, and the right sciatic nerve was

exposed. Proximal to the sciatic trifurcation, the injury was produced by three loose ligations around the

sciatic nerve. The ligatures (4/0 silk) were tied loosely around the nerve with 1 mm spacing, until they elicit

a brief twitch in the respective hindlimb, which prevented from applying a too strong ligation. The total

length of nerve affected was 3-4 mm. Mechanical and cold sensitivity was assessed before sciatic nerve

ligation (as basal pain threshold) and then every 2nd

day for 2 weeks following the injury using the

procedures outlined below. Mechanical sensitivity was also confirmed in all neuropathic B6 mice employed

in the immunoblotting studies. In all experiments, the observer was not aware of the treatment.

Mechanical sensitivity. Mechanical sensitivity was assessed by measuring the withdrawal threshold of the

paw ipsilateral to the site of ligation in response to mechanical stimuli using von Frey filaments (Stoelting,

Wood Dale, IL, USA). Animals were placed in a plastic cage with a wire net floor and were allowed to

habituate 20 min before the testing began. Animals were also habituated over a period of 2-3 consecutive

days by recording a series of baseline measurements. The filaments were applied in ascending order, each

three times at an interval of 3-5 seconds to the midplantar surface of the hindpaw as described previously

[42,45] and the smallest filament eliciting a foot withdrawal response was considered the threshold stimulus.

Each animal was tested 2-3 times at the interval of 10 min to determine the mean threshold at the respective

time points. The strength of the von Frey stimuli ranged from 0.07 to 6.0g.

Cold sensitivity. For assessment of cold sensitivity, the acetone test was used as described previously [42].

Mice were tested for paw withdrawal response to a cold stimulus using a 50 µl drop of acetone applied with

a syringe fitted with a blunted needle at the centre of the plantar surface of a hindpaw ipsilateral to the site of

ligation. Acetone was applied alternatively twice with 5 min between each application and the responses

scored categorically. Responses were monitored for 1 min after application and were graded to the following

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4-point scale: 0, no response; 1, quick withdrawal, foot lifted and/or light shakes; 2, prolonged withdrawal

and/or prolonged shake of the paw; 3, repeated flicking of the paw with licking directed at the ventral side of

the paw.

Basal pain threshold. Basal pain threshold was assessed by measuring response latencies to mechanical

stimuli as described above, as well as to a thermal stimulus using the hot water (54°C) tail-immersion assay,

as described by Stone et al. [52]. Briefly, mice were gently wrapped in a soft cloth such that their tails were

exposed, and three-quarters of the length of the tail was dipped into the hot water. The response was defined

as the removal of the tail from the hot water in sec.

2.3. Modification of pain sensitivity by intrathecal microinjection of AAVs carrying Homer cDNA

The procedure for generating recombinant AAV vectors carrying the hrGFP cDNA or the hemagglutinin

(HA) tag fused to the coding region of rat Homer1a, Homer1c and Homer2b have been described in detail

elsewhere [e.g., 29] and were the same as those used in previously published studies

[e.g.17,29,33,53,54,56,57]. The procedure for infusing AAVs into the spinal was very similar to [59]. In the

present experiments, mice were anesthetized with isoflurane delivered via a nose cone (2% isoflurane with

oxygen as the carrier gas). For more precise AAV application, a caudal cutaneous incision (1 cm) of the

shaved skin above the spinal cord was made with a scalpel and a 27-gauge needle, connected to PE tubing

and a microprocessor-controlled minipump (World Precision Instruments), secured in place using a

manipulator arm and the AAV vectors were infused at a rate of 0.05 l/min for 5 min (total volume = 0.25

l). Following the 5-min infusion period, the needle was left in place for an additional 5 min and then

removed very slowly. Then, the incision site was sutured shut and animals were left undisturbed for 3 weeks

when AAV-mediated transgene expression peaks remained at stable levels [e.g. 29,30]. Following

behavioral testing, animals were deeply anesthesized, transcardially perfused with phosphate-buffered

saline, followed by paraformaldehyde. 80 m-thick sections of the spinal cord (L2-L6; vibratome) were

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examined for assessment of transduction efficiency and vector spread based on hrGFP-epifluorescence or

immunohistochemical detection of the (HA)-tag.

2.4. Evaluation of the subcellular distribution of protein expression/activational state of members of mGluR-

Homer-kinase signaling pathways

Subcellular fractionation procedures. Evidence indicates that sciatic nerve ligation produces a shift in the

relative PSD expression of Homer1a versus Homer1b/c within the ipsilateral spinal cord at 4 h post-injury

[36,37,40]. Thus, we conducted an immunoblotting study upon both spinal and supraspinal tissue to

determine whether or not injury-induced shifts in the subcellular distribution of Homer1 gene products: (1)

extend to Homer2a/b - another CC-Homer isoform critical for the regulation of glutamate transmission [e.g.

54,56]; (2) are accompanied by changes in their associated glutamate receptor expression and/or the

activation of downstream kinases [e.g. 12,17,43,47]; (3) persist for 2 weeks following injury indicating their

role in the maintenance of neuropathic pain; and (4) occur in brain regions involved in nociception

(thalamus and prefrontal cortex; e.g. [63]).

The procedures for preparing spinal and supraspinal tissue for subsequent analysis of subcellular distribution

of proteins was identical to those described previously [15,56,58]. At 1 day, 1 week and 2 weeks following

CCI, mice were decapitated and the L4-L6 segment of the spinal cord was dissected out over ice and

subdivided into the ipsi- and contralateral sides of the dorsal horn. Additionally, brains were sectioned (1.0

mm thick) along the coronal plane and the entire prefrontal cortex and thalamus were dissected out over ice.

Tissue was placed into 10 volumes of ice-cold homogenization buffer containing: 0.32 mM sucrose, 10 mM

HEPES at pH=7.4, 5 mM NaF, 1 mM EDTA, with protease inhibitors. The tissue was homogenized using 3-

5 strokes of a glass-teflon homogenizer and spun at 1 000 g for 10 minutes to obtain pellet of nuclei and

large debris (the P1 nuclear fruction). This pellet (P1) was homogenized in a medium consisting of 0.32 M

sucrose, 2 mM EDTA, 1% w/v sodium dodecyl sulfate, 50 μM phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride, 1 μg/ml

leupeptin (pH=7.2) and protease inhibitors, and then subjected to low-speed centrifugation at 12 000 g for

20 min. The remaining supernatants of the P1 fraction (S1) was spun again at 10 000 g for 15 min to obtain

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a crude synaptosome fraction (P2), and subsequently were lysed hypo-osmticaly in HEPES lysis buffer

containing 4 mM HEPES, 1 mM EDTA and protease inhibitors and centrifugated at 25 000 g for 20 min to

pellet synaptosomal membrane fraction (the LP1 PSD fraction). Protein determinations of both P1 and LP1

fractions were performed using the Bio-Rad DC protein assay (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) and homogenates

were stored at -800C until immunblotting.

Immunoblotting. The immunoblotting procedure quantified P1 and LP1 Homer levels and examined for the

co-regulation of Homer expression with the Group1 mGluR subtypes mGluR1a and mGluR5, the NR2a and

NR2b subunits of the NMDA receptor (that link to Homer through a Shank-containing multi-protein

scaffold; [41,60]), as well as the total and phosphorylated levels of ERK1/2, PI3K and PKC - 3 kinases

regulated by glutamate receptor activation/Homer expression [e.g. 12,43,47]. Protein samples (10-20 g)

were subjected to a SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bis-Tris gradient gels (4-12%) (Invitrogen,

Carlsbad, CA) were used for separation of Homers, PI3K, and the p(Tyr)p85α PI3K binding motif, the latter

of which was employed to index PI3K activity. Tris-Acetate gradient gels (3-8%) (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,

CA) were used for separation of the glutamate receptor proteins. Proteins were transferred to PVDF

membranes, preblocked with phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.1% (v/v) Tween-20 and either 5%

(w/v) bovine serum albumin (for p-ERK1/2, pPKCε and for p(Tyr)p85α PI3K binding motif) or 5% (w/v)

nonfat dried milk powder (for all other proteins) for at least 1 h before overnight incubation with primary

antibodies. The following rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used: anti-Homer 2a/b and anti-Homer 1b/c (Dr.

Paul F Worley, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; 1:1000 dilution), anti-mGluR5 (Upstate Cell

Signaling Solutions, Lake Placid, NY; 1:1000 dilution), anti-NR2a and anti-NR2b (Calbiochem, San Diego,

CA; 1:1000 dilution), anti-PI3K antibody (Upstate, Lake Placid, NY; 1:1000 dilution), and anti-p-(Tyr)

PI3K p85α binding motif (Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA; 1:250 dilution), anti-ERK1/2 and anti-

pERK1/2 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA; 1:500 dilution), anti-PKCε and anti-pPKCε (Santa

Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA; 1:1000 dilution). An anti-mGluR1a mouse polyclonal antibody

(Upstate, Lake Placid, NY; 1:1000 dilution). Even loading and transfer were confirmed by probing for

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calnexin using a rabbit monoclonal antibody (Stressgen, Victoria BC; 1:1000 dilution). Membranes were

washed and incubated with horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit (Jackson ImmunoResearch

Laboratories Inc., West Grove PA; 1:10,000-20,000 dilution) or anti-mouse secondary anti-body (Jackson

Immuno Research Laboratories, West Grove, PA; 1:10,000-1:20,000) for 90 min, and immunoreactive

bands were detected by enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL Plus; Amersham Biosciences Inc., Piscataway,

NJ). Immunoreactive levels for all proteins were quantified by integrating band density X area using

computer-assisted densitometry (Image J; NIH, Betheseda, MD). The density X area measurements for all

bands were normalized to that of its appropriate calnexin signal to provide a protein/calnexin ratio. The data

for experimental animals were expressed as a percent change from the mean control signal (n=3-

5/membrane) for each individual membrane. The optical density of the p-ERK1/2, and p-PKCε were divided

by that of the corresponding total protein band to yield a phospho-protein/total protein ratio prior to

expressing the data as a percent change from controls.

2.5. Statistical Analysis

Data analysis and statistical comparisons were performed using GraphPad PrismTM

, version 4.00 for

Windows, GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA. Both behavioral and biochemical results are

presented in the graphs as mean ± SEM. Each group included 8–12 animals. Statistical differences between

groups in immunoblotting studies were determined by one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) with

Tukey’s multiple comparison post-hoc tests. Behavioral results were analyzed by two-way analyses of

variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison post-hoc tests. Differences within groups

subjected to the estimation of basal pain threshold were evaluated using unpaired Student’s t test. A value of

p < 0.05 vs. respective control group was considered to be statistically significant.

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3. Results

3.1. Sciatic nerve injury up-regulates PSD expression of specific CC-Homer and associated glutamate

receptor proteins in spinal and supraspinal structures involved in nociception

Behavior: As expected [42,45], chronic constriction injury (CCI) to the sciatic nerve in B6 mice produced a

long-lasting (2-week) reduction in pain threshold to mechanical stimuli as demonstrated by the von Frey test

(2.68 ± 0.09 g for naïve vs. day 2 post-injury: 0.51 ± 0.08 g, day 7 post-injury: 0.53 ± 0.10 g, day 14 post-

injury: 0.57 ± 0.04 g; F(6,63) = 38.60, p<0.001).

Spinal Dorsal Horn: Protein changes induced by CCI were observed within the spinal dorsal horn

ipsilateral, but not contralateral, to the injury (Fig. 1 vs. Table 1).

Homers. The increase in pain sensitivity following nerve injury was accompanied by a time-dependent shift

in the PSD localization of Homer1b/c within the spinal cord ipsilateral to the injury [Time effect:

F(3,50)=16.57, p<0.0001; Fig. 1A], but no change in Homer1b/c localization within the contralateral dorsal

horn (Table 1). At 1 day after ligation, Homer1b/c levels were decreased in the PSD fraction from ipsilateral

dorsal horn, while protein levels were increased by 2-2.5-fold at 1 and 2 weeks post-injury (Fig. 1A).

Correspondingly, an opposite pattern of change was observed for Homer1b/c expression within the P1

fraction (Fig. 1B) [t-test between naïve control and 1 week after CCI: t(34)=1.95, p=0.03], supporting that

sciatic nerve injury elicits a time-dependent increase in Homer1b/c localization within the PSD within dorsal

horn and this shift in protein localization persists for at least 2 weeks post-injury. In contrast to Homer1b/c,

Homer2a/b levels within the PSD fraction from ipsilateral dorsal horn exhibited a non-significant (37-46%)

increase at the later time-points in injured animals (Fig. 1A) and exhibited no pattern of change within the

P1 fraction (Fig. 1B).

Glutamate Receptors. While the PSD levels of the glutamate receptor proteins failed to exhibit any

significant changes early post-injury (at 1 day), mGluR1a, mGluR5 and NR2b expression was elevated at 1

week post-injury and this effect persisted for NR2b for 2 weeks post-ligation (Fig. 1A) [mGluR1a:

F(3,45)=3.25, p=0.03; mGluR5: F(3,53)=2.93, p=0.04; NR2b: F(3,52)=5.83, p=0.002]. No changes in the PSD

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expression of the NR2a subunit were observed [F(3,45)=2.04, p=0.12]. Also, neither mGluR1a/5 nor NR2a/b

exhibited changes within the P1 fraction at any time (Fig. 1B). These data show for the first time that time-

dependent increases in the localization of Homer1b/c in the PSD within the ipsilateral spinal dorsal horn

after injury are accompanied by increases in PSD glutamate receptor expression and implicate enduring PSD

over-expression of Group1 mGluR/NR2b-containing NMDA receptor/Homer1b/c complexes in mediating

the increased pain sensitivity following sciatic nerve ligation.

Thalamus. The thalamus plays a key role in the transfer of nociceptive information since this structure

encodes details concerning the type, temporal pattern, intensity and topographic localization of pain [18].

Much evidence also suggests that glutamate and glutamate receptors within thalamus are involved in the

neuronal transmission of pain [19,51]. Thus, we also examined for changes in thalamic expression of

Homers and their associated glutamate receptors.

Homers. Thalamic PSD levels of Homer1b/c did not change early post-injury, but were significantly

elevated 2 weeks post-CCI (Fig. 1C) [F(3,46)=5.07, p=0.01]. The latent increase in LP1 Homer1/c expression

within thalamus was accompanied by a tendency for reduced protein expression within the P1 fraction

[compare 1C vs. D; t-test between naïve control and 1 week after CCI: t(33)=2.42, p=0.01]. The injury-

induced changes in thalamic Homer1b/c expression were paralleled by changes in Homer2a/b expression

with respect to both the increase within the LP1 fraction (Fig. 1C) [F(3,35)=9.92, p<0.0001] and the tendency

towards a reduction within the P1 fraction [Fig. 1D; t- test between naïve control and 1 week after injury:

t(33)=1.76, p=0.04; between naïve control and 2 weeks after injury: t(33)=1.86, p=0.04]. These data indicate

for the first time that the PSD expression of Homer2a/b is also responsive to sciatic nerve injury and that

injury-induced regulation of the PSD expression of CC-Homer isoforms may be regionally selective within

central nociceptive pathways.

Glutamate Receptors. Injury-induced changes in thalamic PSD Homer expression were accompanied by

increases in the LP1 expression of both Group1 mGluR subtypes, and both the NR2a and NR2b subunits of

the NMDA receptor (Fig. 1C) [mGluR1a: F(3,43)=5.65, p=0.002; mGluR5: F(3,42)=5.66, p=0.002; NR2a:

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F(3,39)=3.14, p=0.03; NR2b: F(3,41)=8.46, p=0.0002]. However, only the elevated LP1 levels of NR2b

persisted for 2 weeks post-injury (Fig. 1C). The tendency towards reduced CC-Homer1/2 expression within

the P1 fraction from thalamus were accompanied by increases in both mGluR1a and mGluR5 levels, with

the rise in mGluR5 persisting until the 2-week time-point [mGluR1a: F(3,50)=4.02, p=0.01; mGluR5:

F(3,56)=9.80, p<0.0001; Fig. 1D]. No changes in P1 levels of either NR2 subunits were observed. While the

precise subthalamic localization of protein changes cannot be discerned from the present study, these

immunoblotting data provide novel evidence to support a robust increase in the expression of glutamate

receptor-Homer complexes within thalamus, which is likely to impinge upon glutamatergic signaling within

this structure critical for relaying nociceptive information to cortical structures.

Prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is implicated in chronic pain [3,38], in particular in the

modulation of the emotional and cognitive aspects of nociceptive processing [67]. Also, different Homer

isoforms play distinct roles in regulating various aspects of glutamate transmission within this forebrain

structure [33,54].

Homers. LP1 levels of Homer1b/c were significantly reduced relative to controls at 1 day post-injury and

this was followed by an elevation in protein expression at the 2 week time-point (Fig. 1E) [F(3,49)=9.01,

p<0.0001]. While the data presented in Fig. 1F suggested that peripheral nerve injury elicited a transient

reduction in PFC P1 levels of Homer1b/c, this trend was not significant [F(3,55)=2.68, p=0.06]. In contrast to

the robust changes in thalamus (Fig. 1C,D), nerve injury failed to alter PFC Homer2a/b levels within either

the LP1 or the P1 fractions (Fig. 1E,F).

Glutamate Receptors. The only significant change in PSD glutamate receptor expression was an increase in

mGluR1a 2 weeks after CCI [F(3,41)=3.50, p=0.02] and this was accompanied by an increase in P1 levels of

this receptor at the same time-point [F(3,41)=3.50, p=0.02] (Fig. 1 E,F). While no changes were observed for

the LP1 levels of other glutamate receptor proteins, the P1 levels for mGluR5 and NR2b were reduced at the

1 day time-point within PFC [mGluR5: F(3,56)=5.69, p=0.002; NR2b: F(3,51)=4.22, p=0.009; Fig. 1F]. These

data indicate that sciatic nerve ligation does elicit time-dependent and enduring shifts in the subcellular

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localization of Homer1b/c and its associated glutamate receptors within PFC that is likely to enhance

glutamatergic signaling within this region [33] in relation to nociception.

3.2. Sciatic nerve injury up-regulates the activity of kinases involved in CC-Homer signal transduction

within spinal and supraspinal structures involved in nociception

Stimulation of Group1 mGluRs and NMDA receptors instigates both calcium-dependent and –independent

intracellular signaling cascades that involve, but are not limited to, activation of PKCs, PI3K and MAP

kinase pathways [13,14,54]. Moreover, activation of all 3 kinases (or isozymes thereof) under different

persistent pain states results in the induction and maintenance of pain hypersensitivity [23,66,69]. Thus, we

immunoblotted further our P1 and LP1 fractions from the spinal dorsal horn, thalamus and PFC for total

versus phosphorylated PKC, and ERK1/2, as well as total PI3K and phosphorylated p85 binding motif to

relate our time-dependent changes in glutamate receptor/Homer protein expression (Fig. 1) to the expression

and activational state of these kinases.

Spinal Dorsal Horn: Injury-induced changes in the levels of total and/or phosphorylated kinases were

observed within spinal dorsal horn ipsilateral (Fig. 2A and B), but not contralateral, to the injury (Table 1).

While injury did not alter the expression or phosphorylation state of PKC within the LP1 fraction (Fig. 2A),

the levels of phospho-PKC and the ratio of phosphorylated vs. total PKC were significantly elevated

within the nuclear fraction at the 2-week time-point (Fig. 2B) [phospho-PKC: F(3,56)=4.95, p=0.004; PKC

ratio: F(3,51)=13.06, p<0.0001]. Elevations in the PSD levels of PI3K and of phospho-(Tyr)p85 PI3K

binding motif (an index of PI3K activation; [74]) were observed at 1 week post-injury (Fig. 2A) [PI3K:

F(3,51)=3.93, p=0.01; p(Tyr)p85αPI3K binding motif: F(3,48)=3.11, p=0.03]. In contrast to the LP1 fraction, no

significant changes in PI3K expression or activity were observed within the P1 fraction (Fig. 2B). Finally,

nerve ligation elevated significantly PSD levels of total, as well as of phospho-ERK1/2 1 week after injury,

but did not change their relative expression (Fig. 2A) [ERK1/2: F(3,506)=3.57, p=0.02; phospho-ERK1/2:

F(3,48)=3.73, p=0.02; ERK1/2 ratio: p>0.05]. Together, the data presented in Fig. 2A and B indicate that

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sciatic nerve injury elicits enduring (1 week) changes in the subcellular distribution and the activational state

of several kinases within the spinal dorsal horn ipsilateral to the injury.

We observed an increase in PI3K and ERK1/2 activity at the PSD (LP1 fraction), which co-occurs with

increases in glutamate receptors and Homer1b/c expression – a finding consistent with a role for Homer

proteins in regulating glutamate receptor-mediated stimulation of PI3K/MAPK activity [e.g., 12,47]. We

also observed increases in indices of PKC activation within the nuclear fraction (P1 fraction), which are

most apparent at times when the levels of glutamate receptors and Homers are normalized within this

subcellular compartment. These data suggest that time-dependent increases in the PSD expression of

glutamate receptors and Homer1b/c following nerve injury (Fig. 1A) may facilitate the activation and

subsequent nuclear translocation of PKC within the spinal dorsal horn, which in turn would be predicted to

promote the transcription of genes implicated in nociception.

Thalamus. No changes in PSD PI3K expression or activity were observed in thalamus (Fig. 2C), while the

P1 levels of total PI3K were increased at the 1 and 2-week time-points [PI3K: F(3,54)=9.89, p<0.0001]

without any change in P1 indices of PI3K activity (Fig. 2D). Total LP1 levels of ERK1/2 and the P1 levels

of the total and activated ERK1/2 were unchanged by CCI within thalamus (respectively, Fig. 2C,D).

However, indices of activated ERK1/2 within the PSD fraction of thalamus exhibited a significant reduction

at 1 day post-injury, followed by increases at the later post-injury time-points [phospho-ERK1/2:

F(3,54)=3.49, p=0.02; ERK1/2 ratio: F(3,45)=3.09, p=0.04]. The levels of both total and phosphorylated PKC

were elevated within the LP1 fraction of thalamus at the 1 and/or 2 week time-point (Fig. 2C) [PKC:

F(3,46)=4.15, p=0.01; phospho-PKC: F(3,45)=6.64, p=0.0008], but the ratio was unchanged. Despite these

regional differences, we did observe an effect of nerve injury in common between the thalamus and the

spinal dorsal horn related to nuclear (P1) indices of PKC activation; the levels of phospho-PKCε and the

ratio of phosphorylated vs. total kinase tended to be low at 1 day post-injury, followed by a large increase in

expression at the 2-week post-injury time-point (Fig. 2D) [phospho-PKC: F(3,50)=5.23, p=0.003; phospho-

PKC ratio: F(3,46)=4.59, p=0.007]. These data indicate that the development of neuropathic pain

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hypersensitivity correlates with the activation and nuclear translocation of PKC at both the spinal and

thalamus levels, as well as increases in ERK1/2 and PI3K signaling that are distinct between these two sites

of nociception.

Prefrontal cortex: The patterns of change in kinase activity within the PSD fraction from PFC included

time-dependent increases in the levels of p(Tyr)p85 PI3K binding motif [F(3,49)=4.19, p=0.001], total

ERK1/2 [F(3,49)=4.51, p=0.007] and phospho-ERK1/2 [F(3,40)=6.18, p=0.001] (Fig. 2E). However, indices of

PKC activation were reduced within the LP1 fraction at 1 day post-injury (Fig. 2E) [phospho-PKCε ratio:

F(3,43)=3.06, p=0.04]. Within the P1 fraction indices of PI3K activity were significantly elevated at 2 weeks

following nerve ligation (Fig. 2F) [F(3,50)=4.24, p=0.009]. The pattern of changes observed for indices of

PKC activation within the P1 fraction of PFC was completely consistent with those observed for both the

spinal dorsal horn and the thalamus; the ratio of phosphorylated vs. total PKC exhibited a significant

reduction at 1 day post-injury followed by a persistent increase (Fig. 2F) [F(3,54)=13.75, p<0.0001]. These

data for PFC support a potential role for time-dependent changes in the activational state of PI3K, ERK1/2,

as well as PKC (including its nuclear translocation) in the development and maintenance of neuropathic

pain following sciatic nerve ligation.

3.3. AAV-mediated over-expression of CC-Homer isoforms exacerbates neuropathic pain

The proteomic data illustrated in Fig. 1 and 2 implicate a time-dependent up-regulation in endogenous

glutamate receptor signaling through PKC, PI3K and ERK1/2 at both at the spinal and supraspinal levels of

the nociceptive pathway following sciatic nerve ligation. The question remains as to the functional

significance of the injury-induced increases in CC-Homer expression for the development and maintenance

of neuropathic pain and alterations in basal pain threshold. To address these questions, AAV-Homer1c or

AAV-Homer2b were intrathecally infused to elevate protein expression within spinal cord (i.e., to mimic the

effect of peripheral nerve injury on CC-Homer expression; Fig. 1). As illustrated in Fig. 3A and 5A and

consistent with our earlier reports for AAV-mediated transduction within supraspinal structures [e.g. 12,

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17,29,33,53,54,56], the local infusion of AAV vectors at the level of L4-L6 produced HA staining. The

pattern of transduction throughout the dorsal horn of the spinal cord when assessed at 7-8 weeks

postinfusion indicates for AAVs localization within axons/fibers rather than cell bodies, thus suggesting the

possibility of further examination of dorsal root ganglia (Fig. 3A). The pattern was very similar to that

reported previously by Tappe et al. [59] and was not apparent in animals infused with our hrGFP-control

vector that lacked the HA tag (AAV-control in Fig. 3A and 5A). Thus, we confirmed selective transduction

of the spinal cord by our AAV infusion procedures that persisted beyond the duration of our behavioral


To mimic the effects of sciatic nerve injury on CC-Homer expression in the spinal cord (Fig. 1A), the first

behavioral experiment examined if and how AAV-mediated CC-Homer over-expression after spinal

delivery affects the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain. As expected, control mice exhibited

a time-dependent and persistent increase in pain hypersensitivity across the 14 days of behavioral testing

following CCI as measured by the von Frey test (Fig. 3B,D) and by the acetone test (Fig. 3C,E). However,

both Homer1c and Homer2b over-expressing mice exhibited exacerbated pain hypersensitivity following

CCI when compared to control animals as: (1) the pain threshold to mechanical stimuli (von Frey filaments)

was decreased in Homer1c and Homer2b over-expressing mice vs. controls (Fig. 3B,D); (2) for both

Homer1c and Homer2b over-expressing mice mechanical hypersensitivity increases with the passage of time

as mechanical pain hypersensitivity in CC-Homer over-expressing mice continued to worsen across the 2

weeks of testing, while those of control animals stabilized by Day 2 post-injury [AAV-Homer1c:

F(1,98)=12.33, p=0.0007; AAV-Homer2b: F(1,98)=13.66, p=0.0004]; and (3) both Homer1c and Homer2b

over-expressing mice exhibited increased sensitivity to acetone, although the magnitude of the differences

between over-expressing and control AAV mice did not change with the passage of time post-injury [AAV-

Homer1c: F(1,98)=34.07, p<0.0001; AAV-Homer2b: F(1,98)=73.12, p<0.0001]. Thus, the overall pattern of

change in mechanical and cold hypersensitivity observed following CCI matches, in large part, the profile of

CCI-induced changes in CC-Homer protein expression within the spinal cord in non-transfected (B6)

animals (Fig. 3D-E vs. Fig. 1A).

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Localized transduction after intrathecal delivery of AAV-Homer1c and AAV-Homer2b infusions did not

alter the basal pain threshold to mechanical stimuli before nerve injury (Fig. 3B,D – Day 0) nor did it alter

the latency of a separate group of non-injured mice to tail withdrawal (Table 2). Thus, over-expression of

both CC-Homer1 and CC–Homer2 isoforms increases sensitivity to both mechanical and cold stimuli for at

least 2 weeks following sciatic nerve ligation – effects that do not reflect changes in basal pain threshold.

Such data provide the first evidence that CC-Homer isoforms potentiate the development and maintenance

of neuropathic pain in mice following CCI and pose CCI-induced increases in the spinal cord CC-Homers

expression as an important mediator of neuropathic pain hypersensitivity.

3.4. Homer1 and Homer2 deletion does not affect neuropathic pain hypersensitivity

As both CC-Homer1 and CC–Homer2 over-expression after intrathecal delivery potentiated neuropathic

pain hypersensitivity (Fig. 3) and siRNA-mediated knock-down of Homer1 within the spinal cord was

shown recently to reduce pain behavior early (4 h) following sciatic nerve ligation [36], we next compared

mechanical and cold hypersensitivity between injured mice homozygous (KO) and heterozygous (HET) for

null mutations of Homer1 and Homer2 to their respective wild-type (WT) littermates. The pain behavior of

WT mice from both lines on a mixed B6-129 background was comparable to that exhibited by inbred B6

mice in the AAV study (compare Fig. 3 vs. 4). However, no differences were observed between Homer1

WT, HET and KO genotypes in mechanical (Fig. 4A) and cold sensitivity (Fig. 4B) following nerve injury

across the 2 weeks of testing. Similarly, no differences were observed between Homer2 WT, HET and KO

genotypes (Fig. 4C,D). Moreover, no genotypic differences were observed for either KO line regarding their

basal pain threshold to mechanical stimuli before nerve injury (Fig. 4A, C – Day 0) or tail withdrawal

latency (Table 2). These data indicate that single deletion of neither Homer1 nor Homer2 alters the

development and maintenance of pain hypersensitivity following peripheral nerve injury nor does it affect

basal pain threshold. These data contrast with recent data indicating that intrathecal injection of Homer1

siRNA alleviates signs of neuropathic pain early post-injury [36]. As Homer2 deletion does not affect CC-

Homer1 expression, at least in supraspinal structures [54], a possible explanation to account for the failure of

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Homer1 or Homer2 single gene deletions to block neuropathic pain hypersensitivity might relate to

compensation in scaffolding/signaling by injury-induced increases in the alternate Homer isoform within the

spinal dorsal horn or supraspinal structures involved in nociception (Fig. 1). Alternatively, developmental

compensations in glutamatergic signaling within nociceptive pathways, secondary to Homer1 or Homer2

gene deletion, may mitigate or mask effects of Homer deletion upon pain behavior.

3.5. Transgenic disruption of mGluR5-Homer interactions potentiates neuropathic pain

Homer proteins physically interact through an EVH1 domain with a proline-rich motif located on the C-

terminus of Group1 mGluRs and this interaction is critical for receptor trafficking and signaling [e.g.

2,5,6,25-27,61]. Sciatic nerve ligation up-regulates mGluR5 and CC-Homer1/2 expression (Fig. 1), which

likely increases their probability of physical interaction. The mGluR5 receptor is highly implicated in

nociception [e.g. 7,16,45,72] and the results of our AAV studies indicate an important role for the spinal

cord CC-Homer1/2 over-expression in mediating neuropathic pain (Fig. 3). In an attempt to simultaneously

address the issues of potential Homer1/Homer2 redundancy, as well as potential developmental

compensations in mGluR5 signaling, for pain processing in our Homer single gene KO mice (Fig. 4), we

examined the functional relevance of mGluR5-Homer interactions for the development and maintenance of

neuropathic pain following sciatic nerve ligation by assaying the mechanical and cold sensitivity in a

transgenic (Tg) mouse with an F1128R point mutation in mGluR5 (mGluR5F1128R

) reducing the binding of

Homer proteins [2,12,61]. For this experiment, we compared mice homozygous (Tg) or heterozygous (HET)

for the transgene to their WT littermates.

WT, HET and Tg mice from the mGluR5F1128R

transgenic line (Fig. 5B,C) exhibited a time-dependent

increase in sensitivity to both mechanical and cold stimuli, but this was augmented by the mutant transgene.

Tg mice demonstrated significant and persistent exacerbation of sensitivity to von Frey filaments, while the

phenotype of HET mice was intermediate that of Tg animals and WT controls (Fig. 5B) [Genotype X Time,

F(12,168)=2.59, p=0.003]. Tg mice also demonstrated exacerbated sensitivity to acetone, but this phenotype

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was not gene dose-dependent (Fig. 5C) [Genotype effect, F(2,168)=30.59, p<0.0001]. This mutation did not

reflect changes in basal pain threshold as genotypic differences were not observed for either transgenic line

regarding basal pain sensitivity to mechanical stimuli before nerve injury (Fig. 5B, D – Day 0) or tail

withdrawal latency (Table 2). These findings for mGluR5 transgenic mice were quite surprising as they

indicated that the physical interaction between mGluR5 and CC-Homers normally inhibits or protects

against the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury.

3.6. Manipulations of the IEG Homer1 isoform Homer1a alter neuropathic pain

In addition to the constitutively expressed isoforms Homer1b-g, the Homer1 gene also encodes the IEG

transcriptional variants Homer1a and ania-3 [e.g. 50,53]. The mRNA and protein levels of Homer1a are

significantly elevated within the spinal dorsal horn of a model of inflammatory pain [57], as well as during

the early stage of peripheral nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain, at a time when CC-Homer1 isoforms are

reduced (Fig. 1; [36,37]). Moreover, functional studies selectively targeting Homer1a indicate that spinal

cord over-expression of Homer1a protects against, while Homer1a knock-down with shRNA exacerbates,

symptoms of inflammatory pain [57]. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that Homer1a deletion would also

exacerbate the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury.

We first employed a Homer1a KO strategy [21] to determine whether or not preventing the induction of

Homer1a post-sciatic nerve injury [36,37] would exacerbate the development and maintenance of

neuropathic pain. In support of our hypothesis, a comparison of Homer1a WT, HET and KO mice indicated

a significant potentiation of sciatic nerve injury-induced pain hypersensitivity in mutant animals (Fig. 5D,E).

Persistent genotypic differences were observed across the 2 weeks of testing with both mechanical (Fig. 5D)

[Genotype effect: F(2,168)=39.89, p<0.0001] and cold hypersensitivity increased in KO mice, relative to WT

and HET animals (Fig. 5E) [Genotype effect: F(2,168)=25.38, p<0.0001]. The exacerbated pain

hypersensitivity observed in Homer1a KO animals following injury did not reflect changes in basal pain

threshold in the responses to mechanical stimuli before CCI (Fig. 5D – Day 0) or in tail withdrawal latency

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(Table 2). Thus, Homer1a induction is not necessary for basal pain threshold, but inhibits the development

and maintenance of neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury, in a manner consistent with the

notion that Homer1a induction is anti-nociceptive [57].

Next, we assessed the effects of spinal cord Homer1a over-expression via intrathecal infusions of an AAV

carrying Homer1a cDNA [30,57] to determine whether or not Homer1a over-expression protected against

the development and maintenance of pain hypersensitivity following CCI. AAV-mediated Homer1a over-

expression after intrathecal delivery (Fig. 5A) completely blocked the development and maintenance of

mechanical hypersensitivity post-injury examined by von Frey testing (Fig. 5F) [AAV X Time:

F(6,126)=15.23, p<0.0001]. Homer1a over-expression also significantly reduced the enhanced cold

hypersensitivity in the acetone test (Fig. 5F) [AAV X Time: F(6,126)=21.51, p<0.0001], but did not affect

basal pain threshold when assessed in the tail flick test (Table 2) or upon mechanical stimulation before

injury (Fig. 5F – Day 0). These data provide the first evidence that the induction of Homer1a within the

spinal cord following peripheral nerve injury inhibits the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain.

These observations extend earlier findings obtained for inflammatory pain [58] and further support the

hypothesis put forth by Tappe and colleagues [58] that Homer1a induction may serve as a negative regulator

of excitatory signaling underlying the development and maintenance of pain following peripheral injury.

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4. Discussion

The present report provides in vivo insight into the functional involvement of different Homer isoforms, and

their interaction with mGluR5, in the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain, thereby extending

previous indications of an important role for Homer1 gene products in regulating pain sensitivity


4.1. Nerve injury co-regulates CC-Homers and associated receptors/kinases

Nerve injury-induced increases in glutamate receptors [10,24,48,65], the activity of PKC, PI3K/MAP

kinases [66,69], and Homer1 expression [36,37,40] putatively contribute to the development of neuroplastic

changes associated with chronic pain. Consistent with this, Homer1b/c, as well as its associated glutamate

receptors (mGluR1a/5) and downstream kinases (PKC, PI3K, ERK1/2), were time-dependently up-

regulated within both spinal and supraspinal nociceptive structures after sciatic nerve ligation (Fig. 1 and 2),

in a manner temporally correlated with the expression of fully developed mechanical and cold

hypersensitivity (e.g., Fig. 3). However, injury-induced increases in PSD Homer2a/b expression were

observed only within thalamus (Fig. 1C). This novel finding indicates that Homer2a/b levels, at least within

thalamus, are responsive to nerve injury and suggests that glutamate sensitization within thalamus,

specifically involving Homer2a/b, may be additionally implicated in mediating neuropathic pain. While the

functional relevance of supraspinal changes in CC-Homer1/2 expression requires further investigation,

thalamic co-regulation of both CC-isoforms implicates a shared role in pain perception. Thalamic and spinal

nociceptive neurons sensitize to mechanical and cold stimuli during peripheral neuropathy [18,19,63],

posing an exclusive and non-exclusive role for Homer1b/c in the regulation of injury-induced glutamate

sensitization within, respectively, spinal dorsal horn and thalamus. This being proposed, Homer2b over-

expression exacerbated neuropathic pain symptoms in a manner qualitatively and quantitatively similar to

Homer1c over-expression (Fig. 3). Thus, despite their differential regional regulation following injury, CC-

Homer1 and 2 isoforms appear to be interchangeable with respect to pain perception at least at the spinal

cord level.

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Whether or not the injury-induced increased activation of PKC, PI3K and/or ERK1/2 throughout the

nociceptive network requires intact interactions between Homers and glutamate receptors and whether or not

neuropathy-induced elevations in kinase activity might contribute to injury-induced changes in

receptor/Homer expression remains to be determined. Supporting these possibilities, the co-activation of

Group1 mGluRs and NMDARs stimulates ERK1/2 activation in a Homer-dependent manner [70] and the

capacity of Group1 mGluRs and NMDARs to increase intracellular calcium and to activate MAP kinase

pathways are both prevented by Homer1a over-expression [57]. Moreover, blocking NMDARs or ERK1/2

activity prevents the transient rise and drop, respectively, in the spinal dorsal horn Homer1a and/or

Homer1b/c levels early post tissue or nerve injury [36,40,57]. Proline-directed kinases, such as ERK1/2,

phosphorylate mGluR1/5 within the Homer binding domain [44] (Park JM, Hu JH, Milshteyn A, Zhang PW,

Moore CG, Park S, Datko MC, Domingo RC, Reyes CM, Wang XJ, Etzkorn FA, Xiao B, Szumlinski KK,

Kern D, Linden DJ, Worley PF. A prolyl-isomerase mediates dopamine-dependent plasticity and cocaine

motor sensitization. Cell (submitted for publication)) and this increases the avidity of the receptor for Homer

[44,47]. Moreover, CC-Homer multimerization and binding to Group1 mGluRs occludes their respective

PEST (proline, glutamate, serine, threonine) sequences and reduces their ubiquitin-mediated degradation

[11,20,39]. Thus, we suggest that nerve injury-induced stimulation of PKC and/or PI3K/MAPK signaling

pathways (likely secondary to glutamate receptor stimulation) may induce transcription of Homer genes,

instigating an abhorrent feed-forward process of enhanced protein production and protein-protein

interactions, which enhances synaptic efficacy at all levels of the nociceptive network and exaggerates pain

hypersensitivity following nerve injury.

4.2. Distinct functional roles for CC-Homer and IEG-Homer proteins in neuropathic pain

Indeed, mGluR/NMDAR antagonists [e.g. 1,8,10,34,45,48,60], spinal cord Homer1 knock-down [36,71] and

spinal cord Homer1a over-expression [57], all inhibit pain sensitivity in various pain models. Consistent

with these observations, spinal cord CC-Homer over-expression exacerbated (Fig. 3), while Homer1a over-

expression inhibited, nerve injury-induced pain hypersensitivity (Fig. 5D-G) and none of our manipulations

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influenced basal pain threshold when assessed in the tail withdrawal test (Table 2). Thus, CC-Homer and

IEG-Homer isoforms display divergent functional roles in the regulation of tissue or nerve injury-induced


The observation that mGluR5 Tg mice exhibited heightened neuropathic pain symptoms akin to those

produced by Homer1a deletion (Fig. 5) is intriguing in light of recent evidence that these two mouse lines

exhibit opposite inflammatory pain phenotypes, with the mGluR5 Tg mice exhibiting an exacerbation of

symptoms consistent with Homer2/Homer3 double-KO mice [22]. Such findings, coupled with the evidence

herein that none of our manipulations influenced basal pain threshold, argue against a simple model of

Homer-mGluR5 in pain perception. Further supporting this argument, neither Homer1 nor Homer2 deletion

influenced pain hypersensitivity in neuropathic pain (Fig. 4), despite siRNA evidence that Homer1 gene

products within the spinal cord are required for the development of neuropathic pain hypersensitivity early

post-injury [36]. Given our AAV-cDNA results (Fig. 3) and the fact that Homer2/Homer3 double-KO mice

exhibit an inflammatory pain phenotype [22], it seems that developmental compensation secondary to single

Homer gene deletion or redundancy in Homer function may have masked or altered the neuropathic pain

phenotype of the KO mice in this study. Alternatively, the lack of an effect of single Homer gene deletion in

Homer1 and Homer2 KO mice might also relate to their differences in: (1) encoding of IEG isoforms [c.f.

50]; (2) affinity for Group1 mGluRs [25]; (3) effects upon NMDAR subunit expression and function [c.f.

55]; and/or (4) the ability to regulate extracellular glutamate levels within spinal cord, PFC [25,54,56], and

perhaps within other nociception-related CNS structures. Regardless, our data for Homer1a KO mice,

together with our collection of AAV-cDNA results, speak to distinct roles for different Homer gene products

in regulating neuropathic pain and indicate that nerve injury-induced increases in CC-Homer expression are

important, but not critical, for the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain.

The available in vitro literature indicates comparable effects of mGluR5F1128R

mutation and Homer1a over-

expression upon receptor signaling [e.g. 2,21]. While constitutive mGluR5 activity, which is CC-Homer-

independent [2], could contribute to the exaggerated neuropathic pain response in the mGluR5F1128R

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mutants, it is not is not likely to mediate pain hyper-sensitivity in Homer1a KO mice as Homer1a induction

stimulates constitutive receptor activity [2], but is consistently anti-nociceptive [57; Fig. 5]. The similar

behavioral phenotype of mGluR5 Tg and Homer1a KO mice (Fig. 5) may be explained in several ways.

First, interactions between mGluR5/Homer1a rather than mGluR5/CC-Homers within spinal cord may

critically mediate neuroplastic changes related to pain hypersensitivity. This further suggests that nerve

injury-induced induction of IEG-Homer1a and its consequent binding to mGluR5 protects against and plays

dominant roles in the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain. However, Homer1 deletion

prevents the induction of IEG Homer1 gene products, yet Homer1 KO mice (that lack both IEG and CC-

Homer1 isoforms) exhibited no obvious neuropathic pain phenotype following nerve injury (Figure 4).

Alternatively, given the wealth of evidence for NMDA receptors [e.g. 10,31,38,64] and mGluR1 [e.g.

1,8,34] in mediating pain, intact signaling through either of these receptors, or perhaps some other signaling

pathway(s), may be sufficient to maintain nociception in the mGluRF1128R

mutants and could potentially be

enhanced by virtue of the fact that CC-Homers are unable to bind to mGluR5 in the Tg mice. Third, other

proteins with PDZ binding domains (e.g. NHERF-2 or Tamalin) [28,46] may be able to scaffold and

maintain signaling through mGluR5, in the absence of Homer binding, and thus, mediate the pain phenotype

of the Tg mice.

4.3. Hypothetical mechanisms underlying Homer’s role in chronic pain

The mechanisms through which nerve injury-induced changes in CC-Homer expression exacerbate

neuropathic pain are putatively related to CC-Homer’s ability to regulate the signaling pathways activated

upon Group1 mGluR and NMDA stimulation [e.g. 25-27,47,70]. CC-Homers link Group 1 mGluRs to

intracellular calcium stores via scaffolding with the IP3 receptor and facilitate the integration of calcium

signals elicited by Group1 mGluR and NMDA receptor stimulation by virtue of binding to the NMDA-

associated scaffolding protein Shank [c.f. 65]. In contrast, the transient and rapid induction of IEG-Homer1a

uncouples CC-Homers from NMDA receptor/Shank and Group1 mGluRs and facilitates mGluR interactions

with ion channels [e.g. 26,27]. Nerve or tissue injury-induced Homer1a induction in the spinal cord appears

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to influence NMDAR-dependent calcium entry and reduces the efficiency of Gq signaling (including

MAPK activation), as well as the number of synaptic contacts on spinal cord neurons that process pain input

[36,40,57]. Moreover, CC-Homers, in particular Homer2 isoforms, normally occlude Group1 mGluR

inhibition of certain voltage-gated calcium channels [e.g., 26] and Homer1a over-expression, presumably

such as that induced by injury/pain [35-37,40], can remove this occlusion, facilitate mGluR-calcium channel

interactions and inhibition of calcium entry/neuronal transduction [5,25,27,62]. Either, or both, of these

mechanisms may be proposed to account for the bi-directional effect of manipulating Homer1a expression

upon nociception. However, in the WT animal, the accumulation of Homer1a in the PSD of spinal cord

following nerve injury is transient [36,40]. While an increase in Homer1a expression clearly protects

against the behavioral signs of neuropathic pain (Fig. 5C), it may also permit enhanced PSD trafficking of

both Group1 mGluRs and NMDA receptors, as well as CC-Homers and ultimately augment the cross-talk

between these receptors within the PSD [68]. While we did not examine for injury-induced changes in the

PSD localization of glutamate receptors and Homers within the nociception pathway in mGluR5F1128R

mutant animals, the exacerbation of pain produced by the F1128R mutation of mGluR5 (Fig. 5A) would

suggest increased glutamate receptor cross-talk, which is a finding in line with recent electrophysiological

evidence indicating that the mGluR5F1128R

mutation augments brain-derived neurotrophic factor-mediated

activation of NMDA receptor currents in the absence of Homer1a induction (Park JM, Hu JH, Milshteyn A,

Zhang PW, Moore CG, Park S, Datko MC, Domingo RC, Reyes CM, Wang XJ, Etzkorn FA, Xiao B,

Szumlinski KK, Kern D, Linden DJ, Worley PF. A prolyl-isomerase mediates dopamine-dependent

plasticity and cocaine motor sensitization. Cell (submitted for publication)). Thus, while not assayed directly

in the present study, potential long-term Homer1a-mediated synaptic remodeling changes within PSD may

paradoxically heighten signaling through glutamate receptor/CC-Homer complexes and eventually

contribute to the development of neuropathic pain hypersensitivity.

In conclusion, here we showed that the dynamic but temporally distinct regulation of both IEG and CC-

Homer isoforms contribute to long-lasting increases excitatory synaptic efficacy that underlies the

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development and maintenance of neuropathic pain. Moreover, the induction of the IEG-Homer1a isoform

may serve acutely to inhibit neuropathic pain hypersensitivity but facilitate synaptic rearrangement that

promotes pain sensitivity in the long-term. Thus, time-dependent and selective targeting of Homer

expression within the spinal cord may underlie the successful therapeutic intervention in chronic long-

lasting pain.


This research was supported by funds from UCSB, as well as NIH grants DA024038 and AA016650, to

KKS, NIH grants DA11742 and DA10309 to PFW, and by funds from UNSW, as well as the Australian

Research Council Future Fellowship, to MK. The authors disclose no conflict of interest in respect of this


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Figure legends:

Fig. 1 Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve produces time-dependent changes in CC-

Homers and glutamate receptors expression mainly within the PSD (LP1; A, C, E), than within the P1

(nuclear and large debris) fraction (B, D, F) of the ipsilateral spinal dorsal horn (A-B), thalamus (C-D) and

prefrontal cortex (E-F). Each graph represents summary of the change in protein expression obtained 1, 7

and 14 days after the CCI and expressed as a percentage of the average protein expression of the naïve

controls. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, n=10-12 of B6 mice per each experimental group. The

intensity of the bands for each antibody was normalized with the intensity of its appropriate calnexin signal.

The asterisk (*) denotes significance vs. naïve controls; *p<0.05 (one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s

comparison post-hoc test). Representative immunoblots correspond to the total protein levels of Homer1b/c,

Homer2a/b, mGluR1a, mGluR5, NR2a and NR2b.

Fig. 2 Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve elevates protein expression of the members of

the PI3K/MAPK signaling pathway mainly 1 and/or 2 weeks after the injury within the PSD (LP1; A, C, E)

and the P1 fraction (B, D, F) of the ipsilateral spinal dorsal horn (A-B), thalamus (C-D) and prefrontal

cortex (E-F). Each graph represents summary of the change in protein expression obtained 1, 7 and 14 days

after the CCI and expressed as a percentage of the average protein expression of the naïve controls. Data are

presented as mean ± SEM, n=10-12 of B6 mice per each experimental group. The intensity of the bands for

each antibody was normalized with the intensity of its appropriate calnexin signal. The asterisk (*) denotes

significance vs. naïve controls; *p<0.05 (one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s comparison post-hoc test).

Representative immunoblots correspond to the total protein levels of PKCε, phospho- PKCε, PI3K,

phospho(Tyr)p85α PI3K binding motif [p(Tyr)p85α], ERK1/2 and phospho-ERK1/2.

Fig. 3 AAV-mediated over-expression of CC-Homer isoforms potentiates neuropathic pain hypersensitivity.

(A) Representative images of green fluorescent protein (hrGFP) epifluorescence (AAV-control vector) or

immunostaining for the HA tag (AAV-Homer1c and –Homer2b cDNA vectors) using a specific antibody on

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L4-L6 spinal dorsal horn sections (80 μm) at 7-8 weeks after AAV infusion. HA staining was conducted

also on spinal cord tissue from AAV-control animals as a control for non-specific staining. Scale bar = 200

μm. (B-E) AAV-mediated overexpression of two CC-Homer isoforms, Homer1c (B-C) and Homer2b (D-E),

within the spinal cord exacerbates the injury-induced mechanical (B, D) and cold (C, E) hypersensitivity in

neuropathic pain. AAV-Homer1c and AAV-Homer2b were injected intrathecally in B6 mice. Mechanical

sensitivity was assessed using von Frey filaments; cold sensitivity was determined by the acetone test. The

measurements were assessed before chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve and then every 2nd

day for 2 weeks following the injury. The same control group was used in B and C, as well as in C and E.

Data are presented as means ± S.E.M, n = 8-10 in each group. The asterisk (*) denotes significance vs.

control; *p<0.05 (two-way ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni’s comparison post-hoc test).

Fig. 4 Deletion of Homer1 and Homer2 does not affect the development and maintenance of neuropathic

pain. Each graph demonstrates mechanical (A, C) or cold (B, D) hypersensitivity induced by chronic

constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve in Homer1 and Homer2 gene knock-out mice (KO),

heterozygous (HET) and wildtype controls (WT). Mechanical sensitivity was assessed using von Frey

filaments; cold sensitivity was determined by the acetone test. The measurements were assessed before CCI

and then every 2nd

day for 2 weeks following the injury. Data are presented as means ± S.E.M, n = 10-12 in

each group. The asterisk (*) denotes significance vs. WT; *p<0.05 (two-way ANOVA, followed by

Bonferroni’s comparison post-hoc test).

Fig. 5 Homer1a protects against mechanical and cold hypersensitivity following chronic constriction injury

(CCI) of the sciatic nerve. (A) Representative images of immunostaining for the HA tag (AAV-Homer1a

cDNA vectors) using a specific antibody on L4-L6 spinal dorsal horn sections (80 μm) at 7-8 weeks after

AAV infusion. HA staining was conducted also on spinal cord tissue from AAV-control animals as a control

for non-specific staining. Scale bar = 200 μm. (B-G) Each graph demonstrates mechanical and cold

hypersensitivity induced by CCI in transgenic mice with disrupted binding of CC-Homer to mGluR5,

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(B-C), in Homer1a gene knock-out mice (KO), heterozygous (HET) and their respective

wildtype controls (WT) (D-E), and in B6 mice after intrathecal injection of AAVs carrying Homer1a (F-G).

Mechanical sensitivity was assessed using von Frey filaments; cold sensitivity was determined by the

acetone test. The measurements were assessed before CCI and then every 2nd

day for 2 weeks following the

injury. Data are presented as means ± S.E.M, n = 10-12 in each group. The asterisk (*) denotes significance

vs. WT/control; *p<0.05 (two-way ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni’s comparison post-hoc test).

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Table 1

Summary of the lack of statistically significant changes in the protein expression of members of the Homers-

glutamate receptors-PI3K/MAPK kinases signalling pathway induced by chronic constriction injury of the

sciatic nerve evaluated through immunoblotting within membrane (LP1) and nuclear (P1) fractions of the

contralateral spinal dorsal horn 1 day, 1 week and 2 weeks following nerve injury. P(Tyr)p85α is

abbreviation for phospho-(Tyr)p85αPI3K binding motif. The values were determined by one-way ANOVA

followed by Tukey’s comparison post-hoc test. Each group included 8–12 animals.

LP1 P1

Homer1b/c F(3,44)=1.13 P=0.34 F(3,39)=0.07 P=0.98

Homer2a/b F(3,36)=1.49 P=0.23 F(3,52)=0.21 P=0.89

mGluR1a F(3,46)=0.62 P=0.61 F(3,50)=0.57 P=0.64

mGluR5 F(3,48)=0.34 P=0.79 F(3,56)=0.89 P=0.45

NR2a F(3,45)=0.31 P=0.82 F(3,56)=0.77 P=0.51

NR2b F(3,41)=0.18 P=0.91 F(3,50)=0.54 P=0.66

PKCε F(3,47)=2.76 P=0.06 F(3,55)=1.56 P=0.21

pPKCε F(3,39)=0.06 P=0.98 F(3,56)=1.01 P=0.39

Ratio pPKCε F(3,37)=0.19 P=0.89 F(3,56)=1.03 P=0.39

PI3K F(3,49)=0.45 P=0.71 F(3,50)=0.75 P=0.53

P(Tyr)p85α F(3,35)=0.52 P=0.67 F(3,50)=0.05 P=0.98

ERK1/2 F(3,51)=0.46 P=0.71 F(3,51)=0.99 P=0.40

pERK1/2 F(3,43)=0.41 P=0.75 F(3,51)=1.44 P=0.24

Ratio pERK1/2 F(3,44)=0.33 P=0.80 F(3,51)=0.90 P=0.45

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Table 2

Summary of the mean ± SEM of the basal pain threshold for control and AAV-treated mice as well as for

wildtypes (WT), heterozygous (HET) and Homer1, Homer2, Homer1a gene knock-out (KO) mice and


transgenic mice (Tg) with disrupted Homer-mGluR5 binding. The basal pain threshold was

measured in the hot (54°C) water tail-immersion assay. Each group included 10-12 animals. The last column

shows no statistically significant changes within groups as determined by one-way ANOVA followed by

Bonferroni’s comparison post-hoc test.

control/WT HET AAV/KO/Tg

AAV-Homer1c 2.63 ± 0.10 - 2.62 ± 0.19 t(14)=0.06 P=0.95

AAV-Homer2b 2.63 ± 0.10 - 2.47 ± 0.10 t(14)=1.10 P=0.29

AAV-Homer1a 2.63 ± 0.10 - 2.69 ± 0.23 t(14)=0.23 P=0.82

Homer1 2.81 ± 0.14 2.80 ± 0.09 2.84 ± 0.06 F(2,35)=0.03 P=0.97

Homer2 3.03 ± 0.12 3.24 ± 0.13 3.01 ± 0.08 F(2,31)=1.16 P=0.33


2.72 ± 0.11 2.76 ± 0.12 2.96 ± 0.17 F(2,34)=0.87 P=0.43

Homer1a 2.90 ± 0.10 2.82 ± 0.12 2.84 ± 0.10 F(2,26)=0.17 P=0.84

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Page 45: Durham Research Onlinedro.dur.ac.uk/13297/1/13297.pdf · Ilona Obara,1,2 Scott P. Goulding,1 Jia-Hua Hu,3 Matthias Klugmann,4 Paul F. Worley,3 and Karen K. ... WT, HET and KO littermate