Dublin Diocesan Archives: Hamilton Papers (9) Author(s): Mary Purcell Source: Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 52 (1998), pp. 42-72 Published by: Catholic Historical Society of Ireland Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25484163 . Accessed: 14/06/2014 16:58 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Catholic Historical Society of Ireland is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Archivium Hibernicum. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 16:58:56 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Dublin Diocesan Archives: Hamilton Papers (9)

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Dublin Diocesan Archives: Hamilton Papers (9)Author(s): Mary PurcellSource: Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 52 (1998), pp. 42-72Published by: Catholic Historical Society of IrelandStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25484163 .

Accessed: 14/06/2014 16:58

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Mary Purcell

Dublin Diocesan Archives: Hamilton Papers (9)

Here is presented the ninth extract from the calendar of the papers of Dr John Hamilton (1800-62), dean and later archdeacon, and secretary to Archbishop Murray of Dublin. The papers calendared below are contained in the file num

bered 36/5 in the Dublin Diocesan Archives, and cover the year 1842. The late

Mary Purcell calendared the papers. The Editor wishes to thank His Grace, Dr Desmond Connell, archbishop of

Dublin, for permission to publish this calendar, and Mr David Sheehy, the diocesan archivist, for his generous assistance in the preparation of the material for publication.

Dublin Diocesan Archives File 36/5

Papers of Archdeacon John Hamilton, 1842

1. (1842) A copy of the Morning Register for 28 January 1842, containing a

long letter from Dr Hamilton to the governors of Jervis Street Charitable Infirmary, commenting on the system of management in the hospital and suggesting how things might be improved.

Date: 27 January 1842. Having been by

2. (1842) A copy of the Morning Register for 2 February 1842 with a reply to the preceding letter from the medical officers in Jervis Street

Hospital. They refute charges made by Dr H. The letter was

signed by nine doctors. Date: 1 February 1842. A letter having appeared

3. (1842) A letter from Mr Guy, evidently a legal man, Westminster, to Dean Hamilton, concerning the case of Dr Hughes and the Junta in Gibraltar with a report of judicial committee sitting in London to investigate same. Date: 23 June 1842. Your two last

4. (1842) A letter from Peter Purcell, Kilcullen, to Dr Murray, asking Dr M. to lend his name to others calling a meeting to raise a testimonial to Fr Mathew. Date: 8 October 1842. / beg respectfully

5. (1842) A letter from Fr B. Kirby, Manor Street, to Dr Hamilton. He sends a copy of his letter to the bishops; the portion Dr H. found offensive was suggested by a number of priest friends, one a

cousin of Dr H.; the latter can vouch for the accuracy of the mat


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ter. The indirect allusion to the Protestant bishops was intended to

enlist monetary aid from the Protestant laity. 'Don't be hasty in

commending me as a heretic'. Date: 13 October 1842.1 send you

6. (1842) A copy of the Christian Spectator, a monthly record published by the Religious Tract Society, London. Date: 19 October 1842. The

following is

7. (1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, to Dean Hamilton, con

cerning a book she has written; she agrees with Dr Murray that certain deletions should be made. She explains why she included certain gospel narratives and omitted others. Her son won a

steeplechase last week; she thinks racing the least sinful of young men's pursuits; in her young days it was the gambling tables and

profligacy of all kinds. She wishes the clergy would stop attack

ing one another in the public press; it scandalises the people and is cause for joy to enemies of the church, etc. etc. Date:

November 1842.1 feel very


8. (1842) A letter from Dr Blake, Dromore, to Dr Hamilton. Ne wry. He encloses ?33; ?10 for Dr Cullen; ?20 for Irish College, Rome, and ?3 for the Propagation of the Faith which he asks Dr H. to

acknowledge and to forward. Date : 26 January 1842. Knowing from experience

9. (1842) A letter from Dr Haly, Kildare and Leighlin, to Dr Hamilton. From Carlow. He was absent, hence the delay in replying. He has sent Dr H.'s query to the P.P. of Baltinglass who will supply the needed information promptly. He was sorry to hear of Mr Corcoran's illness but is glad that he now out of danger. Date: 27

February 1842. You are perfectly

10. (1842) Same to same. From Kilcock. He regrets that the P.P. of

Baltinglass did not reply as requested by Dr Haly to Dr H.'s

urgent query. Meanwhile Dr Hamilton is granted any facilities he

needs; he regrets that Dr H. has been unable to marry the couple due to unanswered letters. Date: 14 April 1842. / am to infer

11. (1842) A letter addressed to Dean Hamilton, containing a marriage dis

pensation addressed to the parish priest of Carrickedmond and

granted by Dr Higgins, bishop of Ardagh. Date: 27 April 1842.

Propter noticium in

12. (1842) A letter from Dr Haly to Dr Hamilton. From Carlow. He recom

mends the bearer who would make an excellent servant to any


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priest; he was with the Rev. Fr Phelan, Tullow, for some years. He lists the man's good qualities. Date: 12 May 1842. If there are


13. (1842) Same to same. From Carlow. He asks permission to marry a for mer parishioner now living in Dr Haly's parish; the ceremony is

to take place on 24 May. Date: 20 May 1842. 7 am asked

14. (1842) A letter from Dr Burke, Elphin, to Dr Hamilton. From Maynooth College; as Miss Balfe of his diocese has not yet received an answer from her P.P. Dr Hamilton is authorised to celebrate the

marriage of Mr Courage. Date: 23 June 1842. Miss Ellen Balfe

15 (1842) A letter from Dr. Higgins, Ardagh, to Dr. Hamilton. From

Ballymahon. He asks Dr H. to look over enclosed papers and to instruct Mr McGauran how to cash the bill. Also as the signature, J. Joyce, was to the letter he did not know if that was the signa ture of the president of St Patrick's College, so he has not yet acknowledged the same; he wishes to be informed as to address of person to be thanked. Date: 2 September 1842. Will you have

16 (1842) A letter from Dr Cantwell, Meath, to Dr Hamilton. From

Mullingar. He refers to a case where a couple from his diocese

got a priest in Dublin to marry them, on the plea that they were

emigrating to America. This is becoming a common practice; this

couple had no notion of going to America; there was an impedi ment which prevented them from marrying; the woman already has seven children; the man is a 'young scamp'. Dr C. considers that this is a case of the sacraments of penance and marriage

being profaned. He dealt severely with the couple; in future Dublin priests should not heed such pleas and should first contact the parish priests of the parishes. Date: 22 September 1842. I

request you

17. (1842) A letter from Dr Higgins, Ardagh, to Dr Hamilton. From

Ballymahon. He thanks Dr H. for his letter and assures him that

though he had differences of opinion with other bishops and

priests and may have been somewhat warm in expressing these

opinions, nevertheless he did not utter one uncharitable word, either in public or in private, but worked for peace and goodwill.

Date: 23 September 1842. Your note of

18. (1842) A note from Dr McLaughlin, Derry, to Dr Hamilton, asking him to forward an enclosed letter to a Mr O'Neill. Date: 19 November 1S42. As I take

19. (1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, to Dr Hamilton. (Cf. 7


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above). A long letter enclosing copies of correspondence she had about the life of Christ she wrote for schools. He objected to the

completed texts though earlier he had approved, she alleges. Date: 8 December 1842. The accompanying correspondence


(1842) A letter from Dr Hughes, Gibraltar, to Dr Hamilton. He wrote to Mr Mullack (?McCullagh) to know if he would come as chaplain

to the soldiers, but has received no reply. The Irish priest who was in Gibraltar is leaving and he urgently needs a replacement. He heard that there was in St Catherine's parish a Carmelite who

speaks Spanish. He asks Dr H. to find out if this priest would be

willing to come and assist; conditions are not so good. He asks that Maynooth be informed of how things are in Gibraltar. This is

most urgent (supplying of a priest). He also asks for a list of holy days and fast days in Ireland. Date: 6 January 1842. For several months

(1842) A note from Charles Addis, London, to Dr Hamilton, enclosing a

letter he received from Dr Hughes. Date: 18 April 1842. / enclose


(1842) Enclosed in preceding. A letter from Dr Hughes to Addis. Mr

Wynne has ceased to be Dr Hughes's agent and he has asked the

archbishop of Dublin and other friends there to act as his agent and take up the case (his appeal against the junta in Gibraltar). He himself has not interfered at all in the proceedings, therefore he cannot make any report on same. Date: 8 April 1842. Your letter


(1842) A letter from Dr Hughes, Gibraltar, to Dean Hamilton. He wrote to Mr O'Reilly, as advised by Dr Hamilton and trusts he (Mr

O'R.) has got matters moving; copies of the papers must be with the court and counsel; it will be expensive getting those copies done in Gibraltar; he gives some details of earlier documents from Propaganda, but these documents are in the archives of the

junta. Further comment and information on the situation between himself and the junta. The time for presenting his appeal has almost expired. He hopes Dr Murray will use his influence with

Dr Montague (Maynooth) that someone may be sent to assist him

(Dr Hughes). Date: 14 April 1842. / am very

(1842) A letter from Dr Power, Montreal, to Hamilton. A Father

McDonagh of Kingston wishes four or five months' leave to visit his mother in Ireland but needs letters from some Irish priests; Dr P. recommends him highly to Dr H. As he is now a bishop and


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has to prepare a plan of education he asks Dr H. to forward the

particulars of the National System of Education in Ireland, also the rules of same. Date: 9 May 1842. The Rev. Mr

25. (1842) A letter from Dr Hughes, in London, to Dr Hamilton. He received his letters; he had not known that Mr Addis had been appointed solicitor in the case but, in any case, all the relevant papers had been forwarded to Mr Addis. He had a letter from Gibraltar; all is

peaceful there since he left, the governor obligingly granted his

requests (made before he left). And no one will dare do anything now that he is so near Lord Stanley in London. Date: 8 June 1842.1 have received

26. (1842) Same to same. He received Dr Hamilton's letter. He saw Mr

Addis; counsel was to have met, but so far he has had no news of what transpired. Addis said that the funds for the presentation of the appeal were ample and he (A.) was writing to Dr Hamilton for ?150. He himself is writing to strengthen A.'s request. He feels that the change of Ministry will not injure the Catholic reli

gion in the British Colonies. He will not accept any money him

self; it is to be sent to Addis. He is better in health and hopes to be able to leave soon. Date: 10 June 1842. This morning I

27. (1842) Same to same. The case is being heard on Monday. Pemberton cannot attend being previously engaged; he has been replaced by

Kindersley. His (Dr H.'s) health is better. Date: 18 June 1842. I have just

28. (1842) Same to same. Although the case finished on Monday, the judg ment has not yet been delivered, but the solicitors heard it read. He gives the substance of it. He will consult legal opinion on the course he should adopt in Gibraltar. Word came from

Propaganda, through Mr Weld, that they cannot pay any of the

costs; neither can the Catholics of Britain. He expects that the

generous subscription from Dublin archdiocese has all been

expended. He hopes to visit Ireland shortly. Date: 24 June 1842.

Although the hearing

29. (1842) A letter from Dr Walsh (late priest in Kingstown), bishop of

Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Dr Hamilton. He has just said his first Mass in the cathedral; five priests were present. He is going with his vicar-general to visit Dr Frazer. Dr H.'s friend, Mr Dease, has not been behaving well. Dr W. relates what has happened. Mr Dease and Mr Davis of Longford came out by the last steamer and Mr Dease caused a row in the seminary; a Scottish student has been removed. Fr O'Brien is in trouble with the bishop and dismissed from the college

- all this because of Mr Dease; Halifax have a glorious future, though it will take time and


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patience to reform the abuses; he has heard that his tact and diplo macy have been favourably commented upon. He sends his greet ings to all friends. Date: 18 October 1842. / did not

30. (1842) A letter from Dr Hughes (no address) to Dr Hamilton. Fr Doyle called on him with a contribution of ?30 from his parish. The

writer was tempted to put it into his pocket. Date: 12 December 1842. This morning the


31. (1842) A letter from W. Maher, Maynooth College, to Dr Hamilton. He

sends, by Dr Murray, a copy of the Calcutta Catholic with a copy of an address to Dr Murray from the Catholics of Calcutta. Today he had a letter from Dr Carew saying that the original address was not forwarded to Dr M. by the last mail. If it has not yet appeared in the Dublin papers the writer asks Dr H. to have it done. When these appear copies should be sent to Dr Carew and to Dr Fennelly. Further news from Maynooth. Dr Gaffney is still an invalid but improving. Date: 21 January 1842.1 sent you

32. (1842) A letter from Jeremiah McCarthy, Irish College, Paris, to Dr Hamilton. As Dr H. requested he called to the offices of the Catholic union paper inquiring re the amount of Dr H.'s subscrip tion. They said that, although they sent the paper regularly to Dr

H., it was merely as a sample and invitation to become a sub scriber. What is the writer to do with the pound Dr H. gave him?

He gave Dr H.'s respects to Dr McSwiney. Dr H. is to tell the writer's mother that he is well and happy; the same holds for Dr H.'s friend, Mr Doyle, also studying the humanities. The winter is not so severe. Date: 23 January 1842. It is with

33. (1842) A letter from Fr Mullock, Cork, to Dr Hamilton. Absence from home meant that he did not receive Dr Hughes's letter until now.

(Cf. 20 above). In any case circumstances will not allow him to

join Dr H. in Gibraltar; he regrets this as they old friends. He

hopes, however, that some priest may be found to assist Dr H. Date: 31 January 1842. / received the

34. (1842) A letter from Fr Lawless, P.P., Athy, to Dr Hamilton, looking for a

dispensation for a couple who wish to marry; they are distantly related but persist in their intent to marry. He also wants faculties for Mr Gaffney to absolve a penitent. Date: 3 February 1842. Lest the archbishop

35. (1842) A letter from Fr Stafford, P.P., Rathmines, to Dr Hamilton. After consultation with his curates he has decided to let things stand as

they are; a change would mean that Mr McDevitt would have no


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situation and he has been a long time in the parish. The writer is

sorry for all the trouble. Date: 5 February 1842. On reflection after

36. (1842) A letter from Fr P. Crump, Paris, to Dr Hamilton. A long explana tion of his delay in replying to Dr H.'s letter. An equally long pas sage concerning a bourse and the pension he has to pay and diffi culties Dr McSwiney is experiencing in having the bourse removed to an Irish house. Mr Doyle is getting on well since he

came; he has put on weight and his superiors are very well

pleased with his conduct. In a P.S. he tells how he missed seeing Dr H. and Dr Murray when they were in Paris. Date: 12 February

1842. Your patience must

37. (1842) A letter from Fr O'Reilly, Cavan, to Dean Hamilton, enclosing a letter for James F.... His wife, a native of Cavan, sends this. James used to be addicted to drink but has reformed; she wishes to know if he is keeping the pledge. Date: 24 February 1842.1 am directed

38. (1842) A letter from Fr Lalor, Baltinglass, to Dean Hamilton. (Cf. 10

above). The parties mentioned in Dr H.'s letter to Dr Haly are

related in the second, not the third degree of consanguinity. Date: 28 February 1842. The parties, Pat

39. (1842) A letter from Fr Henry Young, Finglas, to Dr Hamilton. He apolo gises for expressions he used in a previous letter about three

priests, also for opposing the archbishop and clergy on the fixed

days question; he asks Dr H. to correct him. He has further scru

ples about entries in the Directory he is helping to edit and describes these at length. He asks for directions in several points. He will never again oppose Dr M. or the clergy and asks pardon of God and of them. Date: 12 March 1842. Since I forwarded

40. (1842) A letter, marked Private and Confidential, from P.W. [Fr Woods's

handwriting] to Dr Hamilton. He refers to the cause of his down fall and asks Dr H. to pray for him sometimes. After eighteen years he is now 'on another's floor, without a halfpenny in my

pocket, with one pair of shoes'. He lives like a recluse, etc. etc. Date: 16 March 1842.1 cast the few

41. (1842) A paper with a draft of a note of thanks to those who contributed ?5 to the Pro-Cathedral fund. Dean Hamilton's handwriting. Date: 17 March 1842. In acknowledging the

42. (1842) A letter from Fr Morgan O'Brien, P.P., Donaghmore, to Dean Hamilton. It is a long time time since they corresponded, though Dr H. promised to write once a month. He finds Sunday the most

fatiguing day of the week. He hopes Dr H. will fulfil his promise


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to come for a visit; July would be a good time as Fr O'B. will be more free then; Dr H. will be pleased with the two Donaghmore curates who live with Fr O'B. He is again engaged in a dispute

with the Education Board over the four schools he built in his

parish and which involve him in debt; the Board now threatens to

deprive him of ?74 due on one of the buildings; they say he gave an inaccurate answer to one question on a form; he wrote back

pointing out that the inaccuracy was theirs and that of their agent. He has written to Dr Murray as a commissioner on the Board about the matter. Date: 19 April 1842. It is now

43. (1842) A letter from Fr Dunne, Francis St., to Dean Hamilton. He has discussed the subject with Dr Hamilton before but now returns to

it; he would like a change to a country curacy and as Kingstown is now vacant owing to Dr Walsh's departure for Halifax he

would apply to Dr Murray for the vacancy if Dr H. thinks such

application advisable. He asks his opinion. Date: 28 April 1842. / should have

44. (1842) A letter from Fr McGavin, Carrickedmund, to Dr Hamilton, ask

ing him to marry a couple from his parish, for whom a dispensa tion has been granted, before they leave for America. Date: 27

April 1842. Because Andrew Kelly

45. (1842) A letter from Fr Murphy, Irishtown, to Dean Hamilton. He apolo gises to Dr Murray and the Council for his delay in replying to

Mr O'Brien and explains the causes of the same. Date: 5 May 1842.1 have the

46. (1842) A copy of an address of the Swords Total Abstinence Society president, Father Mathew, when presenting a piece of altar plate to Father Carey, P.P., Swords, on the occasion of the Jubilee Year.

Date: 20 May 1842. We, the members

47. (1842) A letter from Fr Murphy, Irishtown, to Dr Hamilton (cf. 45

above). He thanks Dr H. for his letter. In reply to Mr O'Brien, the latter's accusations are erroneous and untrue. He does not owe Mr

O'Brien any money, nor does he owe anyone money. Further on same lines denying Mr O'B's claims on him. Date: 24 May 1842. / can not

48. (1842) A letter from Fr P. Woods, Rathdrum, to Dean Hamilton. He describes the wretched condition of the cope and other vestments and asks if any from the Pro-Cathedral - used ones - could be

spared. The pink vestments presented by Mrs O'Brien which Dr H. considered unecclesiastical would be a wonder in Rathdrum. He gives a long account of the parish and the priests. Date: 27

May 1842. Ever since May


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49. (1842) A letter from P. Crumpe, Irish College, Paris, to Dr Hamilton. He has been very ill but is now somewhat better but cannot perform his duties so he has resolved to leave Paris altogether; he asks if Dr H. can get him any post at home. Failing that he may be able to procure him a place on the English mission or on a foreign

mission. He will stay in Paris until he has Dr H.'s reply. Their mutual friend, Fr Brady, has died; he describes Fr B.'s illness and the 'quack' remedies; he suffered much, died well and left furni ture etc. which should realise 3000 francs. He gives further infor

mation re Fr B.'s effects. The two Dublin students in the Irish

College are well, but he has not seen them since before his ill ness. If Dr H. has any commissions in Paris he will look after same. Date: 20 May 1842.1 return you

50. (1842) A letter from Fr P. Woods, Rathdrum, to Dr Hamilton. He is grate ful for Dr H.'s kind letter. Mr McKenna hopes Dr H. will come out and stay to realise the difficulties of a country mission. Mr

McKenna and Mr Clarke are very good priests. He himself, having eaten the husks of the swine, is bearing the slights he gets with

humility. He hopes Dr H. will come down; the local people are very 'cute'; he gives examples of their comments. He himself looks after

catechism and the poorhouse. Date: 29 May 1842. You know my

51. (1842) A letter from Fr Henry Young, Finglas, to Dr Hamilton. He is so

busy hearing confessions in view of the approaching confirma tions that he has hardly time for a meal. He writes at length about feasts to go in the church calendar he is helping to prepare for the

printers. He asks about the duties of a Confirmation godfather. Date: 31 May 1842. On account of

52. (1842) A letter from Fr Hyland, Dunlavin, to Dr Hamilton. He wishes to

give his views on his curate to Dr H. who is to repeat same to the

archbishop. Mr O'Farrel and Mr Keating are excellent, Mr K. wishes to have a change, Mr O'F to remain. Mr Murphy is also

good but his health does not fit him for the duties of such an extensive parish. Date: 31 May 1842. The great kindness

53. (1842) A letter from Fr Henry Young, Finglas, to Dr Hamilton. He describes the confirmations; 523 persons were confirmed. 'He is still asking about items re feast of saints to go in the Directory he is helping to prepare; the parcel with corrections etc. is to be sent out by Mr Dowling's bakery boy. He will add passages on his

objections and difficulties. Date: 7 July 1842.

54. (1842) Same to same. He told his brother, Fr James, of his wish to be

changed to Meath St. but Fr. J. is unwilling to part with him; if Dr

Murray were to appoint the writer he is sure his brother would

accept the change as God's will. He would like Meath St., not


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because it is his native parish but because he would be near the

printers of the Directory. As James is unwilling to let him go letters for himself are to be left c/o porter in Marlborough Street and he

will collect them when in town. In Meath Street he won't need a

horse, bridle, harness or horse-boy, 'all of which I compare to Saul's coat of armour on David'. Date: 26 July 1842. On last Friday

55. (1842) Same to same. A long letter re change to Meath Street. His broth

er, Fr James, seems more amenable now to the idea of his (Fr

Henry's) leaving. In Meath St. he wants to be placed as a super numerary and not a claimant for a share of the dues in that parish.

Date: 24 June 1842. / regretted my

56. (1842) A letter from Fr Morgan O'Brien, Donaghmore, to Dr Hamilton. He chides him for neglecting to write to an 'old rusticated com

panion and friend of former days'. In Cloyne they are busy cele

brating the Jubilee; he expected Dr H. to visit him but because

they are now so busy he would like him to defer his visit to early August when they would have more time to talk. Date: 25 June

1842.1 am almost

57. (1842) A letter from Fr H. Young, Finglas, to Dr Hamilton. He accepts Dr H.'s and Dr Murray's refusal of his application to go to Meath Street as the will of God. Several convents, Blackrock, Maynooth and Mullingar, want him to go to them; he has to attend to his duties in Finglas so must refuse these and asks that the nuns in

Maynooth, who want him next Sunday, may be notified that he cannot come. Date: 29 June 1842. In reply to

58. (1842) A note from L. Gerard, near Sheffield Potteries, to Dr Hamilton. He encloses ?1 given some time ago by a person for the poor of the diocese. Date: 1 July 1842. It is some time

59. (1842) A letter from Matthew Rogan, Kilquade, to Dean Hamilton. He encloses ?10 for Dr Hughes, Gibraltar, given the writer by Rev. Richard Hunt, some time ago. Date: 12 July 1842. / beg leave

60. (1842) A letter from [name illegible], near Carrickmacross, to Dr Hamilton. The widow Farmer, poor but honest, would prefer that her unfortunate daughter remain in an asylum in Dublin, rather than return to disgrace and afflict her brothers and sisters, who are well conducted but weak of intellect; if she returns, she may

relapse into her former evil habits and she would be a bad influ ence in the whole neighbourhood; but if she repents and promises to amend her poor mother will take her back, but is too poor to send her money or clothes. If she returns the writer and his curates will do all they can for her; he encloses ?7 for Dr Hand's

missionary college. Date: 22 July 1842. The exceedingly


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61. (1842) A note from Fr Redmond, Arklow, to Dr Hamilton. His people are not inclined to subscribe towards the Pro-Cathedral fund as they feel their own chapels have priority and these are in a ruinous state. He will try again in a month's time. The present month 'between the new and the old' is not time for collections. Date: 25

July 1842. In reply to

62. (1842) A letter from Fr McKenna, Avon Park (Rathdrum), to Dr Hamilton. His people are in too much distress at present to be asked to subscribe to Dr H.'s collection; he will ask them in the

middle of October. Fr Woods is well and sends good wishes. Date: 26 July 1842.1 beg to

63. (1842) A letter from Fr Whitty, Old Hall Green, Ware, to Dr Hamilton.

Concerning a youth Dr H. wishes to be accepted as a student in Ware College. Dr Griffiths sometimes accepts boys from other

English districts; if Dr Murray presses him, he would probably make an exception for the boy Dr H. wrote about. Dr G. thought Dr H. was right in not allowing the boy to go to the English College, Rome, for the reasons he gave in his letters. Further comments on the pros and cons of having Irish boys in Ware.

Date: 31 July 1842. On my return

64. (1842) A letter from a Fr McCloskey, New York, to Dr Hamilton, intro

ducing the bearer, Dr Pire, a friend of Ireland, who he hopes Dr H. will receive with the same kindness extended to the writer when 'in your beautiful and hospitable city'. Date: 8 August

1842.1 take the

65. (1842) A letter from Fr O'Rourke, Celbridge, to Dr Hamilton. A query about a couple who applied to Dr H. to marry them. Dr H. wrote to Fr O'R. re this but the couple sent the letter through 'two car

men' and a boy. As the man is an itinerant and not a parishioner Fr O'R. asks what the statutes lay down re his right to marry them. The girl from Kilcock parish (Kildare and Leighlin dio

cese). Date: 13 August 1842.1 received

66. (1842) A letter from Fr Fagan, Cabinteely, to Dr Hamilton, concerning the consecration of altar stones. Date: 14 August 1842. According to your

67. (1842) A letter from Fr Whitty, Old Hall, Ware, to Dr Hamilton (cf. 63

above). Dr Griffiths is three months in Europe, for health reasons, but is expected back to London soon. The president will then tell him about the boy Dr H. wishes to send; he has hopes for the

boy's acceptance. Date: 21 August 1842. Dr Griffiths has

68. (1842)


A letter from Fr Patrick Farrelly, Redhills, Cavan, to Dr

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Hamilton, describing a retreat given by Dr Gaffney, Maynooth, in Cavan College. He praises Dr G. highly. Fr Tom Maguire came

here from Donegal. Date: 21 August 1842. So many days

69. (1842) A letter from Fr O'Kelly, Maynooth, to Dr Hamilton. As Dr H.

requested in his letter, the writer tried to make peace in the dis

pute between the president and the Maynooth parish, especially in view of Dr Murray's impending visit. He regrets to state that the

president has adopted a 'no surrender' attitude. Further re same. Date: 28 August 1842. In accordance with

70. (1842) A letter from Fr James O'Neill, Portadown, to Dr Hamilton. To

complete his beautiful little chapel he needs more funds. He dares not ask Dr H. again but wonders if 'the eloquent von ...'to whom Dr H. once gave him an introduction, would consent to advocate the praiseworthy cause if approached. He asks Dr H.'s opinion.

Date: 28 August 1842. lam still

71. (1842) A letter from Fr Henry Young, Finglas, to Dr Hamilton. He is sur

prised that Mr Coyne the printer complains of the delay in having the Directory copy ready for the press. He complained to the

V.G.'s without first complaining to Fr Y. He is also concerned about Mr C.'s complaints of how Fr Y destroyed several sheets of

proofs, which caused monetary loss to printer. In a very long let ter he explains all the circumstances. He himself is an 'idiot in

money affairs'. Further re the Directory. Date: 1 September 1842. This moment on

72. (1842) Same to same. Further re the Directory and delays at the printers. He comments on Mr Battersby's English Directory. He explains why he did not include some notices. In a P.S. he refers to sick calls which should be referred to his brother Fr James at St

Margaret's. Date: 9 September 1842.1 gave yesterday

73. (1842) A letter from Fr Heslin, Drumshambo, Carrick-on-Shannon, to Dr Hamilton. He asks Dr H. to use his influence to have his brother

(Heslin's) ordained at next Quarter Tense, as Dr O'Higgins, Ardagh, is unwell; the writer's brother has finished his studies and has dimissory letters from Dr Higgins to be ordained for the diocese. Date: 12 September 1842.1 take the

74. (1842) A letter from Fr James Hughes, at Abbey Street, to Dr Hamilton. He encloses some letters from Fr Cullinan; these prove that Fr C. acted properly throughout the affair and was submissive to his

superiors; also enclosed is the writer's letter to Dr McHale re the

matter, but Dr McH. would give no written reply, but write a note on one of Mr C's letters. This means that Mr C.'s application for

apostolic investigation is useless. Dr MacHale has placed Fr C. in


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a state of punishment and suffering and has charged him with with immorality but gave him no opportunity of vindicating his character etc. Date: 16 September 1842. / beg to

75. (1842) A letter from Fr Heslin (cf. 73 above) to Dr Hamilton. His brother has gone to Galway on hearing that ordinations will be there on

Saturday; the writer thanks Dr Hamilton for his kindness; the let ter will ensure that Heslin's brother will be received if not in

Galway in Dublin. Date: 19 September 1842.1 feel particularly

76. (1842) A letter from Fr P. Fleming, Balbriggan, to Dr Hamilton, re a

marriage celebrated by Fr Burke, Pro-Cathedral, of two parish ioners of Fr F.; Fr B. kept the dues though not entitled to do so. Fr

F. asks Dr H. to intervene. Date: 13 October 1842. Two of our

11. (1842) A letter from Fr O'Reilly, Balbriggan, to Dr Hamilton. He is sorry he missed Dr H. when he called as he wished to provide for the

chaplaincy he spoke of to Dr H. The young Armagh priest recom

mended by Dr Montague, Maynooth, has not replied, so the writer will call on Dr. H. tomorrow to see what can be done in the matter. Date: 18 October 1842.1 have to

IS. (1842) A letter from Fr Murphy, Irishtown, to Dr Hamilton. He again refutes poor Michael O'Brien's slanders; explains his own lack of

money; he promises to pay M. O'B. ?100 over the next two years if he ceases traducing him. Date: 23 October 1842.

Notwithstanding poor Michael

79. (1842) A letter from Fr J. Hughes (cf. 74 above), Claremorris, to Dr

Hamilton, asking if there is any news re the education question. Nothing has appeared in the Freeman's Journal, and Dr MacHale becomes daily a more inveterate opposer of the system. His

cousin, Fr Cullinan, of whom he wrote, has been thrust into a

parish in the wilds of Connemara while he himself suffers daily annoyances because of his feelings on the National Education

system. Date: 11 November 1842.1 did expect

80. (1842) Same to same. For some years he has been paying for the girls' national school; he applied for a grant but got no answer; he can

not afford to pay for the school any longer, but sees the girls going to the Protestant parson's school. He has now renewed his

application to the board and asks Dr H. to request Dr Murray and Mr Kelly of the National Board to forward his petition. If they knew how Dr MacHale is harassing him they would surely help. Date: 2 December 1842. / regretted very much

81. (1842)


A letter from Fr F. Archer, Hillsborough Hall, Kilcullen, to Dr

Hamilton, complaining about how the fee for the chaplaincy to

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the [Naas?] workhouse has been divided, the C.C. getting the lion's share when it should have been the other way about. He

protests at the arbitrary and unjust decision by the vicars general. Date: First Sunday of Advent 1842. Having been informed

82. (1842) A letter from Fr James Redmond, Arklow, to Dr Hamilton. He

apologises for delaying in making collection for the Pro Cathedral building fund; he was ill when Dr H.'s letter came, and

away from the parish; on his return he had to postpone collection until they saw how the winter fishing went; but it a disappointing season and local distress is so great that he has to postpone the collection for a further period. But the local people do not forget

Dr Murray who laboured in the parish many years ago. Date: 30 December 1842. / beg to


83. (1842) A letter from Dr Myles Gaffney, Maynooth, to Dr Hamilton.

Introducing and highly recommending the bearer, Mr Conway, a

deacon of Dunboyne house. Mr C. wishes to be introduced to Dr

Murray and Dr G. asks Dr H. to do this for him. Date: 14 January 1842. The bearer, the

84. (1842) Same to same. A confidential query as to Dr H.'s opinion re send

ing G.'s brother John to Kingstown to Dr Walsh's place, now vacant. His mother could live with him there. Date: 27 April 1842. Entre nous, what

85. (1842) Same to same. He asks Dr H. to enquire from Dr M. two matters

concerning the Jubilee: these and another query are mostly on

faculties for confession. Date: 8 May 1842. You would oblige

85. (1842) Same to same. His eye is almost better. He cannot see what

grounds there are for objection to the publication of Dr Polding's letter; some say its publication would injure our prospects with the government, re an increased grant if it were known that sever

al students left Maynooth for foreign missions. But the entire world knows this and for many years past. He does not think that

any M.P. would cite Dr Polding's letter as a reason for voting against the grant. The complimentary references in the letter to Dr

Montague and to himself (Dr G.) might give offence to some but this has pleased many Irish priests and the people. He wonders how the letter came to be published. Dr H. gave it to Dr

Montague and that original copy he never showed to anyone. Dr

Gaffney did not publish it, neither did Dr Hamilton; the whole affair is mysterious. Dr Murray and Dean Meyler came to visit last Monday; they never mentioned the letter. Mr Dowley men


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tioned it to Dr Montague but not to Dr G. He will call on Dr H. soon and invites him for Pentecost. He is not well but must give the retreat; he returns the humoursome letter of Dr H's friend.

The president will see Mr Ellis today and he himself hopes to see

Fr Cainen (P.P., Maynooth) and to succeed with him and Mr Ellis so that Dr Murray may have no trouble next Monday. Date: 2

September 1842. / must write

86. (1842) Same to same. When the Archbishop asked him last Monday if he would go to Bolivia he responded immediately that he would not.

On reflection he thinks he should not have answered immediate

ly; though the idea is naturally repugnant to him, he may be going against the will of God. If he thought God wanted him to go, he

would. He asks Dr.H who knows him well after their close friend

ship of eighteen years, to ask Dr. Murray to give him ten days to

reflect on the matter when he will reply again. Date: 22

December 1842. Eighteen years long

87. (1842) Same to same. He thanks Dr.H for his kind letter which decided

him at once not to go to Bolivia and restored his peace of mind. Date: Christmas Day 1842. Your truly kind


88. (1842) A letter from Fr Peter Kenny, S.J., Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton. He has not yet received any reply though Fr Bracken wrote to the Provincial in Paris to obtain a place in Acheul or any house in France he would mention. The French provincial may be

away or enquiring of others. He had not mentioned the priest's name. Fr Bracken learned that from one of the bishops who dis cussed the public occurrence with him, but he has not divulged the name. Date: 10 January 1842. / regret to say

89. (1842) A letter from Fr Solente, Acheul, Amiens (Jesuit retreat) to Dr Hamilton. He received Dr H.'s of 5 January with bank bill on

London; thanks him for the information on Fr Woods in whom he is very interested. He shares Dr H.'s hopes for Fr W. since the lat ter's return from Rome; he is glad he is under the care of Fr

Mathew which will be one of Fr M.'s conquests. He wishes sin

cerely that this conversion may be permanent. Date: 17 January 1842. [In French] Je vous accuse

90. (1842) A letter from Fr R. Haly, S.J., Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton,

asking if Dr H. has a vacancy in the widows' home for an old

lady, who has not long to live; she is a saintly person, very poor. Date: 20 April 1842. If you chance


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91. (1842) A letter from Fr John Spratt, O. Carm., to Dr Hamilton; they will receive the poor boy, James Jones, recommended by Dr H. into the orphanage whenever Dr H. sends him. Date: 14 October 1842.1 am glad

92. (1842) A letter from Fr Curtis, Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton, concern

ing a couple who were clandestinely married but who now want to regularise their union. He sends them to Dr H. to ask if he may absolve them - he has the faculties - and also if they may be mar

ried. Date: 14 November 1842. The bearer -Kelly


93. (1842) A letter from Fr Mathew, Cork, to Dr Hamilton. He introduces the

bearer, Dr Lynch, who has removed his practice from Naas to Dublin. He is a brother of Mr Lynch of the ... Schools in Carlow and Cork which should be sufficient introduction. Date: 23

December 1842. In my anxiety


94. (1842) A letter from Sr M.J. Roche, Tullow, to Mrs Watson, Wm. St.

Orphanage. She will send the childrens' bonnets and shoes early next week. She asks if he can get one of the former orphans into a

lunatic asylum; she is Mary Burke who, for the past few weeks, has been wandering around the Tullow area, quite deranged; the local doctor and gentlemen have done all they could to have her admitted to Carlow asylum but without success as she is not a

native of the county; she describes M.B.'s misery. Sr Watson adds a note to the end of this letter which she forwards to Dr Hamilton. She says Mary B. was consigned to the care of her father in

Gregg's Lane in 1837. She did not get on with her stepmother; they have not heard of her for a long time; she is now eighteen. Sr. W. asks Dr H. to advise her how to reply to Sr Roche. Date: 18 February 1842. / expect to be

95. (1842) Same to same. One of their nuns is very ill and cannot fast for

holy communion which she has not received since Christmas

Day. She asks if they may give her a drink before receiving. Date: 15 February 1842. Our dear Mother

96. (1842) A letter from Sr Borgia, Gardiner St. convent, to Dr Hamilton. A widow in the home has died; friends have offered to meet funeral

expenses. There is now a vacancy so a widow can be nominated.

The cost of having the roof repaired is 5s; she asks will she give orders for the repairs to be done as the rain is coming in. Date: 26

February 1842. Allow me to


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97. (1842) A letter from Sr Roche, Tullow, to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for ?14 received for the orphanage. Date: 8 March 1842.1 hasten to

98. (1842) Same to same. She received second halves of notes (cf. see 97). She paid the nurses and the shoemaker; all debts are now cleared; she encloses receipts. Date: 13 March 1842. / received your

99. (1842) Copy of a 22-page manuscript by a Sister of Charity, 'Macte vir tute esto'. A devotional work to be copied and corrected before

publication. Date: 1 April 1842. Gentle reader-it

100. (1842) A note, unsigned, from Loreto, Rathfarnham, telling Master Lawless that a car will collect him on Monday or Thursday next at 8 a.m. at Loreto, Stephen's Green, to take him to Rathfarnham to tune the organ. Date: 5 August 1842. Mr Lawless will

101. (1842) A letter from Lucy Sherlock, Killaspy, Waterford, now evidently entered in St Mary's, the Ursuline convent. She is happy and

hopes she will persevere. She gives news of the family and hopes he will call to visit them and when there will call to see her. Date: 31 December 1842. Though I have


102.(1842) A letter to Dr Hamilton from Jeremiah Clarke, Irish College, Rome. He describes his arrival, examinations, studies, health, etc. He thanks Dr H. for introducing him to Dr Moriarty and gives a

message for Dr Murray to have Mr Mulhall recalled home. Date: 1 January 1842. A length of

103.(1842) A letter from 'Henrietta', Clontarf, to a Mrs Walsh. (20 pages

long). The writer, a convert to Catholicism, is evidently deranged; she blames her state of mind on Dr Hamilton who was her con

fessor and who now refuses to see her. The letter is tied with a

green ribbon. Date: 1 January 1842. What an age

104. (1842) Copy of a spiritual extract, A rule of life. No name, no source

given. Date: 1 January 1842. Let us conform

105. (1842) A printed notice sent to Dr Hamilton for the meeting of the Jervis Street Hospital Committee to be held on Tuesday. Date: 4 January 1842. You are requested

106. (1842) A letter from M. MacGrath, secretary, Jervis St hospital, to Dr Hamilton. The surgeon has seen Lucia Mary Quins and does not think her a fit object for admission to the hospital. Date: 10

January 1842. / beg leave


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107. (1842) A letter from Charles Addis, Queen St., London, to R.D. Farrell, North Great George's Street. The O'Reillys have not paid him for work done on the Hughes case; he is uneasy at not having been

paid by Dr Hamilton and trusts Mr F. will remind him of the jus tice of his claim. Date: 20 January 1842. / am really

108. (1842) A note from Rd. Stapleton, chairman of Jervis St. hospital com

mittee, to Dr Hamilton. They have been allowed to inspect the books and regret that Dr H's request cannot be granted as it is

against the regulations. Date: 20 January 1842. That the commit tee

109.(1842) A letter from George Brophy, G.P.O., to Dr Hamilton. He has

abjured the Presbyterian sect but has some queries he lists for Dr H. to answer on the Mass, vestments, etc. Date: 29 January 1842. / have abjured

110 (1842) A letter from Mrs Faulkner, Camden Street, to Dr Hamilton. The usual accusations against the Mulkerns and her son who are

threatening to evict her, when she will have no place to go, only the Mendicity or the streets. She asks Fr H. to get into some char itable institution. Long list of complaints and accusations in her former letters to Dr H. Date: 2 February 1842. / should not

111 (1842) A card from Mr C. Moore, London, to Dr Hamilton to say that he will be at 70, Great Britain Street, today 3 p.m. to dusk, to meet Fr Mathew. Date: 7 February 1842. Mr Moore's compliments

112. (1842) A letter from Anthony Williams, Marlboro St church staff, to Dr Hamilton. Abusing Dr H. for his treatment of him, claiming ?20; he is resigned but will not leave until he gets his rights. Dr H. will hear more of this. (cf. nos 83, 86 and 91) in File 31/9 and subse

quent begging letters from A.W. to Dr Murray. Date: 8 February 1842. As you seem

113. (1842) A letter from M. O'Brien, Mountjoy Square, to Dr Hamilton,

enclosing school accounts for last year and hoping he will be able to continue the arrangements for so important a work. Date: 12

February 1842. / send you

114. (1842) A note from J. Cowan, Jervis Street Hospital, to Dr Hamilton,

enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by the Committee on 10

February. Date: 12 February 1842. / humbly beg

115. (1842) A letter from Isabelle Sherlock to Dr Hamilton. She is sorry to have missed seeing him but glad to hear of someone going to Rome: she has a small parcel, mostly music, to send if he lets her know where to leave it. Date: 15 February 1842. / regretted not


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116. (1842) A letter from M.A. Molloy, Belvedere Place, to Dr Hamilton.

Thanking him for consolation in a painful event. Date: 15

February 1842. / should have

117. (1842) A letter from E. O'Callaghan, Smithstown, to Dr Hamilton. She encloses a letter she received and asks his advice before she answers it. She heard nothing of Fr Smith since she left Dublin.

Date: 20 February 1842. I enclose a

118. (1842) A letter from H.H.B.F., to Dr Hamilton, asking him to dismiss the head collector, Doyle, who actually voted for Gergory. If such a wretch continues to collect many of the congregation will go to other churches. Date: 20 February 1842. / respectfully beg

119. (1842) A letter from Wm. Reilly, Dundalk, to Dr Hamilton. He read Dr H.'s and Dr Murray's letters and one to Lord Stanley. The moment he is free after the assizes he will reply to the letters. Date: 25 February 1842.1 snatch a

120.(1842) A letter from Mary Gonzales, Tuam, to Dr Hamilton. Her hus

band, though in poor health, tries to support her and their family. He is too proud to ask for help. If some good people could collect a small sum that would enable her to start a small shop and she

might be able to alleviate her husband's (Theodore's) worry. She heard so much of Dr H.'s goodness that she is emboldened to write to him. Date: 25 February 1842. The genuine humanity

121.(1842) A letter from Lewis Detrey, to Dr Hamilton, recommending Patrick Jordan, the bearer, for the vacancy for a gardener in the National Schools. P.J. was formerly with Wm. Matthews of the Castle for 15 years and is most reliable. Dr H. is asked to interest Dr Murray and other commissioners on P.J.'s behalf. Date: 28

February. The bearer, Patk

122. (1842) A letter from Terence O'Kelly, Tullow, to Dr Hamilton. The bear

er, Mary Fahy, is taking two orphan children to Dublin with her. He hopes that she will get them in and will take two others in their place. Date: 1 March 1842. This will be

123. (1842) A letter from James Gamble, Wicklow Street, to Dr Hamilton,

asking Dr Hamilton to vote for him when the post of assay master of the goldsmiths' company becomes vacant. Date: 2 March 1842. As the situation

124. (1842) A letter from Mrs Faulkner, now in sheriff's prison, Green Street, to Dr Hamilton. The surroundings are injurious to her health. She blames the Mulkerns for her misfortunes. A long and incompre hensible account of her refusal to sign financial proposals made


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her by the Mulkerns and Mr Smyth; because of her refusal they removed her, an old woman, to 'this loathsome place'. Date: 3

March IS42. As I get

125. (1842) A note from James Corballis, Pembroke Road, to Dr Hamilton,

enclosing a subscription for the orphanage. Date: 4 March 1842. / now beg

126.(1842) A note from D. Tottenham, New Ross, enclosing the usual ?10 for Mrs Kearney, a half-year's allowance from I February. (A

receipt for same from Mrs Kearney is added to end of page). Date: 5 March 1842. Mr D. Tottenham

127. (1842) Two copies of printed notice; sermons by Dr Miley in aid of Nth. Wm. Street orphanage. Date: 6 March 1842. The guardian

128.(1842) A letter from Maria Louisa O'Kelly, Montgomery Street, to Dr Hamilton. Her husband has gone to Bray where his brother has offered him a post as overseer on a mansion he is to build for the chancellor. She cannot join him for a fortnight as she has to see to the house here; they were badly advised when they married not to

stay in Bray, where they would have been better off. The landlady and lodgers are kind but she hopes Edward may find a small cot

tage in Bray that will suit them, etc. etc. Date: 7 March 1842. / would call

129.(1842) A letter from D. (illegible name), Law Chambers, Ormond

Quay, to Dr Hamilton. He would gladly comply with Dr H.'s sug gestion but the situation is that Mr Dillon has lost his reason and is in a mental home. The writer has called to see him several times but he refuses to allow any moneys to be given to 'this per son'; the writer has paid her out of his own pocket. The best thing she could do would be to return to her father who is willing to receive and maintain her until Mr D. recovers. Date: 9 March 1842.1 am favoured

130. (1842) A letter from N.M. O'Conor, Belanagare, to Dr Hamilton, making arrangements for a novena of masses for the coming feasts of St

Joseph and the annunciation, also masses for deceased members of the family. Her brother and family are all well. Date: 9 March 1842. The approaching feasts

131. (1842) Same to same. From Clonalis, thanking him for a gift which she has not yet read but appreciates very much. Date: 11 March 1842. / accept with

132.(1842) A letter from Anthony O'Brien, Mountjoy Square, to Dr Hamilton. He is surprised at Dr H.'s demand for a subscription


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for the church and reminds him of the amounts already paid which total ?800 not counting what his deceased sister gave. He has other calls on him which have priority of claim, but when it is convenient -

by no means at present - he will contribute. Date: 12

March 1842. Having duly recovered

133.(1842) A letter from M. O'Conor, Clonalis, to Dr Hamilton. [Ink too

faded to be read]. Date: 13 March 1842. With gratitude

134.(1842) A letter from Anne Browne, Cashel, to her sister, Alicia. She thinks A. would be wise to leave France; they are a mysterious people; 'as for the tyranny, Louis Philippe deserved his fall'; she is sorry he found shelter in England after how he persecuted

O'Connell. Date: 14 March 1842. Your little note

135. (1842) A note from M. O'Conor, Clonalis, to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for his kind present; her brother returns tomorrow or after. Date: 15 March 1842.1 feel sincere pleasure

136.(1842) A letter from Peter White to Dr Hamilton. [Ink very faded]

137. (1842) A letter from J. Clarke, Irish College, Paris, to Dr Hamilton, ask

ing him about a bourse which, up to this, he has benefited by, but which he fears will now be withdrawn from him. Date: 27 March

1842.1 feel myself

138. (1842) A letter from Richard Fitzpatrick, Galway, to Dr Murray. He asks Dr Murray to get the pastor of St Mary's church to forward his

baptismal certificate; he gives the necessary dates and other details. Date: 30 March 1842. To cause the

139.(1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, Co. Mayo, to Dr

Hamilton, concerning her book of gospel extracts for the school

children; she does not like the author being named as a Roman Catholic lady, but wants that changed to 'by a lady'. She makes further suggestions. She called to see Dr MacHale but got no sat isfaction from him; she gives other details re Lady McDonnell and a disagreement writer had with Lady McD.'s brother-in-law.

Date: 1 April 1842. Messrs Goodwins

140. (1842) A letter from J. Dwyer to Dr Hamilton. He was sorry not to have met him last night; sends a paper, a legal document re a case

involving Fr Laffen. [Very illegible]. Date: 2 April 1842. Sorry that I had

141. (1842) A letter from Ned Elliott, Thomas Street, to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for getting Mrs McGeough into the widows' home and stating that he will allow 10s. a week. Date: 3 April 1842. At the request


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142. (1842) A letter from J. Harrington, Rutland Street, to Dr Hamilton, ask

ing for a line of recommendation which may enable him to get work. Date: April 1842. Seeing I am

143. (1842) A letter from Charles Addis, London, to Dr Hamilton. Though he

applied five months ago he has not been paid his costs for work in the Dr Hughes case; neither has he had any information as to how the affair is going. He comments at some length on the case

of Dr Hughes from whom he has not heard a word. Date: 8 April 1842. It is now

144. (1842) A letter from Stephen Simpson to Dr Hamilton. He hurt his knee while out hunting; at present he cannot become one of the deben ture-holders of the church but he may be able to do as in the future. Date: 7 April 1842. Inconsequence of

145. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Harold's Cross, to Dr Hamilton. His

employment with Mr Christian has been suspended owing to business losses in firm. He asks Dr H. what he should do. Date: 9

April 1842. It would be

146.(182) A letter from Thomas and Ann Kelly, Baltinglass, to Patrick

Kavene, Marlboro Street. They give their consent and blessing to him to make sure the marriage is celebrated in accordance with the laws of the church. Date: 14 April 1842. Dr Pat. This goes

147. (1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, Mayo, to Dr Hamilton.

(Cf. 139 above). Further re her book of extracts from the gospels for schools. She is having a dozen copies sent to him and wishes one to be given to Dr Whaley and another to Mr B. to convince them that papists are not kept entirely ignorant of scripture. She also writes about Lady McD. and her financial difficulties. Date: 18 April 1842. / have received

148.(1842) A letter from Mrs McKenna, Rutland Square, to Dr Hamilton,

asking to have Mass offered on her husband's anniversary for the

repose of his soul. Date: 23 April 1842. May I beg

149. (1842) A letter from H. O'Neill, Clontarf, to Dr Hamilton. He called to see his uncle who did not mention his escapade. Better leave mat ters so. Further re same; he writes of something known only to Fr

H., himself and his uncle. Date: 23 April 1842. / hasten to

150.(1842) A letter to Dr Hamilton from Mr Ryan, Galway prison, re

arrangements for Mr Leahy to travel down by boat (L. is evident

ly a teacher, and R. governor of prison). Date: 26 April 1842. Permit me to


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151. (1842) A letter [no signature] to Dr Hamilton; very incoherent and obvi

ously on a matter of conscience and by a person not of sound mind. Date: 27 April 1842. / take the

152. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Harold's Cross, to Dr Hamilton (cf. 145

above). He thanks Dr H. for his letters and for getting him a situa tion and asking him to instruct 'in some rules of etiquette in high society'. Date: 28 April 1842. It would be

153. (1842) A letter from J.B. to Dr Hamilton. At a meeting of the society [unnamed] proposals were taken from competent persons for

making an entrance to the rooms. The bearer, Mr Byrne, Clarendon Street, has been declared competent but tables, forms etc. are needed. Mr B. awaits Dr H.'s convenience. Date: 3 May 1842. At a particular

154. (1842) A note from Mary Ann Reynolds to Dr Hamilton. She is in great distress and anxiety; she thought Dr H. would have contacted Mr

Meldon but Dr H.'s letter today was the same as yesterday's. Unless he helps she will perish. Date: 3 May 1842. / have spent

155.(1842) A letter from Mary Byrne, to Dr Hamilton. A former Polish

grandee lives in poverty at 43 Cumberland Street. He is need not

only of pecuniary aid but also of spiritual help. His wife and her

mother, Scottish Presbyterians, scoff at the Catholic faith; the man is dying and the writer begs Dr H. to call on him. Date: 7

May 1842.1 write to

156. (1842) A letter from E. McKenna to Dr Hamilton. She is grateful for the introduction of Fr Spenser. It is a blessing to be under his influ

ence; she wishes her children were more capable of appreciating it. She was grieved to hear of Dr Kinsella's illness; she is sure Dr

Murray is worried about this. Further re persons they both know. Date: 15 May 1842.1 feel most

157. (1842) A letter from Mr Simpson, attorney, to Dr Hamilton. Concerning finances in connection with the Pro-Cathedral. Date: 18 May 1842.1 gave directions

158. (1842) An agreement by James Walsh, David Walsh and Patrick Kelly to

pay Catherine Read 3s. per week as long as she in need of same. Date: 20 May 1842. We the undersigned

159.(1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton (cf. 152

above). He thanks Dr H. for his kindness in getting him appointed tutor to Mr Ryan's family and tells of how he feels competent to teach some subjects, incompetent in others. (Mr Ryan is evidently the prison governor). Date: 23 May 1842. Although I would


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160. (1842) A note from Francis Morgan, Arran Quay, to Dr Hamilton. Re a

legal form being drawn up by Mr Simpson for signing by the writer and Dr H. Date: 27 May 1842. / had an

161. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton; a long letter

concerning his health which has deteriorated and his spiritual state. Date: 31 May 1842. As you are

162. (1842) Same to same. He had a talk with Mr and Mrs Ryan about his constitution and liability to attacks of illness. They were very kind to him. He asks Dr H.'s advice re a confessor. Date: 4 June 1842. Aware of your

163. (1842) A letter from Mr Simpson, attorney, to Dr Hamilton, enclosing his account and asking Dr H. to accept that sum as a donation to the

building fund. Date: 7 June 1842. In accordance with

164. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. Thanks for Dr H's letter; he gave his message to Mr and Mrs Ryan who were

very pleased. He describes the progress of the four children at their lessons. Date: 9 June 1842.1 yesterday received

165. (1842) A letter from Charles Addis, London, to Dr Hamilton. Concerning the Dr Hughes (Gibraltar) case and the advisability of making a

petition to the queen re same. Date: 9 June 1842. / heard with

166. (1842) A letter from J. Madden, Limerick, to Dr Hamilton. [Very illegi ble]. He is surprised to hear that he gave a message to someone

for Dr H. as he did not do so. Eliza Madden is getting on well. If she would stay one year more where she is, all would be well.

Date: 12 June 1842. / heard with

167. (1842) A note from Mrs Sweetman, Clane, to Dr Hamilton, asking when the orphan, Anne Cahill, aged 13, can be admitted to William Street orphanage. Date: 16 June 1842. Will you excuse

168. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. A further

report on the progress of his charges; he teaches French but needs a book on French pronunciation which can be got in Elephant Lane. Mr Roche's hours of confession are awkward; Mrs Ryan allows him go but he does not like causing her inconvenience.

Date: 22 June 1842.1 again proceed

169.(1842) A letter from James Dillon, Dr Gregory's home, Finglas, to Dr

Hamilton, asking him to come out on Saturday to hear his confes sion as he wishes to make the Jubilee; if that is not possible Dr H. is asked to write Dr Gregory and ask him when driving into town


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in his gig to bring the writer and leave him for an hour in Marlboro Street chapel. Date: 23 June 1842. May I take

170. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. He asks for a

loan of a book to help him teach himself Italian. Also for a guide to French pronunciation. He heard that there was a French dictio

nary of pronunciation in a shop in Elephant Lane; he will repay Dr H. He gives directions as to how the books may be sent. The

Ryans are pleased with the children's progress; he asks Dr H. to

recommend a book for reading to the children on Sundays and

holydays. Date: 30 June 1842.1 again intrude

171. (1842) A letter of recommendation from John Walsh, Bolton Street, to S.

Redmond, who is a reporter in the Law Courts. He praises his work and recommends him for a post on a daily paper. Date: 1

July 1842./ feel bound

172. (1842) John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for a letter of introduction to the bishop, Dr Browne; also for the books received. Date: 4 July 1842.1 have the

173. (1842) A letter from Miss Donoghue to Mr Farrell, Marlboro Street. She sent the money owing by Mr O'Reilly some time ago; as usual he

delayed paying it; she has written him now telling him to pay same at once. Date: 6 July 1842. Miss Donoghue has

174. (1842) A letter from Mr O'Reilly, in Boulogne, to Dr Hamilton. He has received his sister-in-law's letter about delay in paying Mrs

O'Reilly's funeral expenses. He has written to Mr Farrell,

explaining that he is waiting until the affairs of deceased are set

tled; he will pay that and any other debts outstanding them. He

regrets any inconvenience caused to Dr H. Date: 17 July 1842. / have been

175. (1842) A letter from James Doyle to Dr Hamilton. He writes on behalf of Mr Farrell and points out that it is sixteen months since Mrs

O'Reilly died and Mr Farrell was never told at the time that he must wait for payment until estate is settled. But Mr O'Reilly had no means only what his brother-in-law gives him. Mr Hussey lent him ?10 to pay his way to France where he is now. Date: 9 July 1842.1 beg leave

176. (1842) A letter from Anne Chambers, London, to a Mrs Sandford. She is

glad that Mrs S. and her sister are recovered from their illness; her family, too, had illness all winter. She encloses a letter from her mother for Dr Hamilton, who is interesting himself in getting her brother a change from his present post to another department


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in the Revenue which has better openings for promotion. Date: 13

July 1842. / received your

177.(1842) A letter from Rd. Southwall, Mount Dillon, to Dr Hamilton.

Introducing Signor Ralli and his wife who live in Dr H.'s parish for the past year. The pope is conferring an order or cross on

Signor R. but he needs to have a letter of a priest from the place where he resides. His wife is a daughter of Prince R... They want ed the letter from Dr Murray but the writer has explained to them that Dr M. was very occupied and that Dr H.'s letter would be next best. Date: 28 July 1842. The bearer of

178. (1842) A letter from F. A. King, London, to Dr Hamilton, asking for a

letter of recommendation to Fr Kelly, P.P., Hammersmith, for the

McCarthys; Mr McC, formerly a butter merchant in Cork, is father of the poetess writing as Christabel. The writer is interested in a member of the McCarthy family and would be much obliged if Dr H. would write to Fr K. as requested. Date: 18 July 1842.

The circumstances

179. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway to Dr. Hamilton. He continues to follow Dr H.'s instructions re his doubts. He asks for prayers for the Ryan family and himself. Date: 1 August 1842. / still con


180. (1842) Same to same. He is disturbed because Mr Ryan has not settled his account with Dr. H. He is due to be paid his quarterly salary next

week; he wonders if he will be kept on. He presented Dr H.'s let ter of introduction to Dr Browne, bishop of Galway, who received him kindly. Mr Roche, prison chaplain, whose confession hours do not suit, recommended him to go to another priest, Fr

Lionnard, whom he prefers. Date: 8 August 1842. It is really

A letter from Mrs Molton, Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton. Her

daughter has taken up with someone her mother regards as unde

sirable, a fortune-hunter etc., etc. The girl has gone to live with her aunt. Mrs M. asks Dr H. to try and contact the girl and advise

her, at least to see a solicitor and be advised. Date: 10 August 1842.1 beg leave

A letter from Michael Doyle, Irish College, Paris, to Dr Hamilton.

[Ink very faded]. Concerning his studies and whether he should

change to Saint-Sulpice for theology. Date: 15 August 1842. / should have

A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. He sends ?2 first payment of what he owes Dr H. for paying his expenses to





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Galway. Mr Ryan seems satisfied with L. as a tutor for the chil dren. Date: 22 August 1842. / write in

184. (1842) A letter from P. Purcell, Perth, to Dr Hamilton, sending six brace of grouse; two brace of grouse to be given to Dr Murray. Date: 26

August 1842. / send you

185.(1842) A printed paper, advertising Mrs Magawley's school for young ladies in Cadiz; fees, subjects, etc.; addresses from which further

particulars can be obtained in Ireland and England. Date: 1

September 1842. Mrs Maria Teresa

186.(1842) A document stating that James Fitzpatrick is nephew of Fr

Fitzpatrick and giving his curriculum vitae. Enclosed is a certifi cate from the rector of the Pontifical College, Rome, stating that Fr Fitzpatrick has spent four years there and got a doctorate in

philosophy and other distinctions. His conduct, fr?quentation of the sacraments etc. have been exemplary. Date: 5 September 1842. James Fitzpatrick, student and Testor ego infrascriptus

187. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. He still owes Dr. H. money but told Mr Ryan he need not pay him until conve

nient; so he cannot pay for another while. He enquires re a book on teaching method used in the Model Schools; he would be glad of a copy. He expects that Mr Ryan has reported to Dr H. by now on how he (L.) is doing as tutor. He still follows Dr H.'s spiritual advice; the new Galway confessor he has is excellent. Date: 7

September 1842. / have a

188.(1842) A letter from Lucy Sherlock, at the Terrace, Tramore, to Dr Hamilton. News of the family; she is better; so is Alex though they know he will not recover. They are anxious to get a post for

Miss Gahan with nice people. (Miss G. was governess to the

Scully children whose mother, Lucy's sister, died earlier in the

year.) Date: 12 September 1842.1 received your

189. (1842) A letter from M. Heslin, Dominick Street, to Dr Hamilton, send

ing him the letter for his (Heslin's) brother's ordination and ask

ing him to amend any defects that may be in it. Date: 14

September 1842. / return you

190.(1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, Co. Mayo, to Dr Hamilton. She wonders what reception her compilation of Gospel stories met with from the bishops to whom Dr H. sent them; fur ther queries re same. Mr Spencer (CP.) preached in Mayo but did not arouse much enthusiasm. Date: 19 September 1842. lam very



A letter from J. Hughes, Abbey Street, to Dr Hamilton. He read

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the remarks of Candidus on the papal rescript re the National Education system; C.'s analysis seems to favour Dr MacHale. He writes four pages of comment on same. Date: 20 September 1842.

Yesterday I was

192. (1842) A letter from John Leahy, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. He thanks him for his message to his (L.'s) sister, also for books and asks about a spiritual book. Date: 21 September 1842. / have been

193. (1842) A letter from ... O'Conor (?), Barna, Galway, to Dr Hamilton. Faded and illegible.

194. (1842) A letter from M. Graham to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for his letter and enclosure re John; the latter's health has not been good and he needs a warm climate; but what they hear of the Irish

College, Rome, is not reassuring. It is in an unhealthy part of Rome and conditions are not good, the students being supported on bourses from his country. The writer aks if John could be

placed in some college elsewhere. Date: 6 October 1842. / thank


195.(1842) A letter signed F. O'B. to Dr Hamilton. From Lancaster. He received the Abb? Furon's letter about Ursula, who is so attached to her sister that she will not agree to leave her; the abb? thinks that to remove her would have bad effects. So they will leave her and pay the extra money. Mary Anne and the children are well but are busy unpacking. Date: 7 October 1842. / have duly

196. (1842) A letter from Louisa Moore, Moore Hall, Mayo, to Dr Hamilton. Further re her book of Gospels extracts; she explains why she

changed from one evangelist to another and asks if she could obtain a notice of approval from the four archbishops to be insert ed in the book. Date: 8 October 1842. / have been

197. (1842) A letter from Lucy Sherlock, Killaspy, Waterford, to Dr Hamilton. She thanks him for his letter and gives the good news

that Tom, her eldest brother, who was years away from the sacra ments has made a general confession and now all is well. They attribute this conversion to a request sent to P?re de Genettes at the shrine of Mary Immaculate, refuge of sinners (Our Lady of

Victories) in Paris. Other family news. Date: 12 October 1842. / have so often

198. (1842) A note from Theobald McKenna to Dr Hamilton, enclosing a

money draft for items specified. Date: 13 October 1842. / beg leave

199. (1842) A note from Anthony O'Brien, at Rahan Lodge, to Dr Hamilton,


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enclosing ?3 for parochial purposes. Date: 14 October 1842. / take this

200.(1842) A letter from F. O'Byrne, Lancaster, to Dr Hamilton, (cf. 195

above). Asking for news of his sister, Margaret, who has a fever. Date: 15 October 1842. Some days ago

201. (1842) A letter from N. Kelly, Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton. He called twice to thank him personally for the good news. He encloses the debenture for ?50. They are moving into town today for the win ter and invite Dr H. to dine on Sunday. Date: 21 October 1842. / called two

202. (1842) A letter from Lucy Sherlock, Waterford, to Dr Hamilton. A long letter discussing her vocation. Date: 22 October 1842. / should


203. (1842) A notice from the surgeons and doctor in Jervis Street (printed), complaining that during the illness of a highly esteemed col

league a canvass has been organised in anticipation of her death;

they trust that the governors will disapprove of this and disassoci ate themselves from it. Date: 3 November 1842. That the Medical

204. (1842) A letter from Mrs MacDonnell, near Clane, to Dr Hamilton. She was glad to hear from him. A Mr Kearney of Clane is giving ?8,000 for the new college in Dublin. She does not know yet what her income will be; her children stayed for a few days with their aunt in Dublin but did not visit Dr H., as she would have

wished. Date: 10 November 1842.1 had flattered

205. ( 1842) A letter from Michael Doyle, Irish College, Paris, to Dr Hamilton. As Dr H. advised he changed to the St Sulpice country house; he

gives an account of his studies, difficulties etc.; when he finishes his course he hopes he will have a year in the Paris house to per fect his knowledge of French. Date: 13 November 1842. As it has

206.(1842) A letter from Monica Purcell, Halverstown, to Dr Hamilton.

Apologising for Mrs Magan's inability to call on Dr H. as

promised; the fault was the writer's. Date: 15 November 1842. Mrs Magan is

207. (1842) A letter from Mrs O'Brien, Mountjoy Square (at Rahan Lodge), requesting his company at dinner on Christmas Day and on 11

December. Date: 25 November 1842.1 am united

208. (1842) A letter from Alicia Browne, to Dr Hamilton. She thanks him for his letter and describes the lady to whom she is companion. When she has gout she curses, swears and abuses A.B. When better she


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gives dinners and soirees which are just as objectionable. Sometimes she takes the halldoor key to bed with her on Saturday nights, to prevent A.B. from going to early Mass on Sundays. A.B. would like another post but not in Dublin. Date: 26 November 1842.1 must not

209. (1842) A letter from Mr O'Neill, Rathgar, to S. Redmond. Mr O'Neill, Gloucester Street, owes him ?5000 and other moneys; Fr Hamilton and S.R. have made statements re this which, if pub lished, would disgrace them for ever. Further re same. S.R. adds a note to letter (to Dr H.) saying he is puzzled and so will Dr H. be

by the contents. He thinks writer must be a 'perfect lunatic'. Date: November 1842. It is my

210. (1842) A note from M. O'Connor to Dr Hamilton, thanking him for his letter and enclosing the Debenture which Dr H. can lodge at Bank as writer has to leave for the country. Date: 8 December 1842.

Allow me to

211. (1842) A letter from Mr O'Beirne, Gardiner Street, to Dr Hamilton. He

carefully read Mr Colgan's explanation and thinks that, as the charitable establishment which was the subject of the enquiry no

longer exists, therefore that share is at Dr Murray's disposal. The writer will see to that tomorrow. Date: 12 December. I have very

212. (1842) A letter from Monica Purcell, Halverstown, to Peter Purcell. The

foxhunting gentlemen called yesterday to know if all they heard of Mr Murtagh's conduct was true. She tried to deny it but

Bouger and Cott were present. She wrote to John Doyle to know the facts and encloses his letter. He told her that 'the whip was

laid on' which she denied 'from shame'. Date: 23 December 1842. / was attacked

213.(1842) [Enclosed with preceding]. A letter from John Doyle, Kilcullen, to Monica Purcell. He thanks her for her letter and the wine for his son; he describes the fracas; how he and Mr McMahon were

treated. There were two Protestants in the crowd so the thing will not remain secret; he cannot understand how a clergyman who called to enquire for his son's health should be so treated; at pre sent, because of how he is situated, he must suppress his feelings on the subject but the people around feel very much for what has

happened. Date: 23 December 1842.1 feel grateful

214. (1842) A letter from Mr Reddan, Clare Street, to Dr Hamilton. He got Dr H.'s letter now on his return from London. Eliza Madden is going on well and he hopes she will continue. He wishes Dr H. a happy Christmas. Date: 24 December 1842. / only just


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215. (1842) A printed notice giving particulars of All Hallows College. Date: 1842. The object of

216. (1842) A letter from H.M. O'Conor, Belanagare, to Dr Hamilton. She and her sister thank him for his kindness. Her sister wonders should she send her boy direct to Priors Park School, Bath, or to

try some Irish college. Dr H. might advise re this. Date: 1842. The late hour

217.(1842) A letter from Lucy Sherlock, Killaspy, Waterford, to Dr Hamilton. Her sister, Helen Scull, has a premature confinement and is dying; she is unconscious. Prayers are asked for Mrs S. and her young family. Alex is very ill and her father had influenza. Date: 1842 (fairly early in that year). Our dear Helen

218. (1842) Two legal documents, printed, for the appellant and respondents in the case of Dr Hughes, Gibraltar, and the elders of the R.C. church there. Date: 1842; June 1842. (i) Take notice that (ii)

Upon hearing a

219. (1842) A printed document with the names of Governors of Jervis Street


220. (1842) Bills and receipts for 1842 for Pro-Cathedral, parochial and Dr Hamilton's personal accounts: 59 items.


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