U3A Dubbo Chapter Inc. Box 962 Dubbo 2830 www.dubbo.u3anet.org.au NEWSLETTER FOR TERM 2 COMMENCING 2020 Officers and Executive President: Nola Younghusband [email protected] 6884 5127 Secretary: Barbara O’Brien [email protected] 0427 251 121 Treasurer: Colin Johnson [email protected] 0406 003 776 Class Coordinator: Nola Younghusband As Above Vice President: Margaret Carolan [email protected] 6882 4561 Registrar: Lee Cooper [email protected] 6884 3498/0406 044 946 Newsletter: Jo Sutton [email protected] 0412 646 223 Publicity Officer: Lesley Young: [email protected] 6882 0197 Committee Lorraine Wilson: 0447 907 606 Lyn Wilson: 0429 826 228 John Benson: 0458 387 044 Julie Wilson: 0408 429 156 Gemma Gordon: 0428 690 738 Life Members Judith Kitson, 2000; Ron Dean, 2002; Bob Young, 2009; John Summers, 2009; Bill Heinle, 2012; Lloyd Giffin, 2013; Elaine Denning, 2014; Colin Jones, 2014; Leonie Saville, 2016; Pat and Peter Dargin, 2017; Maurice Campbell, 2018; Gloria Ryan, 2019 Edited by executive committee - Jo Sutton and Nola Younghusband - Term 2 19 Page 1 UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE DUBBO CHAPTER Inc. Established 1991

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Page 1: Dubbo 2830 - dubbo.u3anet.org.au · Web viewUNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGEDUBBO CHAPTER Inc. Established 1991. Mailing Address: U3A Dubbo Chapter Inc. Box 962. Dubbo 2830

Mailing Address:

U3A Dubbo Chapter Inc.Box 962

Dubbo 2830www.dubbo.u3anet.org.au



2020 Officers and Executive

President: Nola Younghusband [email protected] 6884 5127

Secretary: Barbara O’Brien [email protected] 0427 251 121

Treasurer: Colin Johnson [email protected] 0406 003 776

Class Coordinator: Nola Younghusband As Above Vice President: Margaret Carolan [email protected] 6882 4561

Registrar: Lee Cooper [email protected] 6884 3498/0406 044 946 Newsletter: Jo Sutton [email protected] 0412 646 223 Publicity Officer: Lesley Young: [email protected] 6882 0197


Lorraine Wilson: 0447 907 606 Lyn Wilson: 0429 826 228 John Benson: 0458 387 044 Julie Wilson: 0408 429 156 Gemma Gordon: 0428 690 738

Life Members Judith Kitson, 2000; Ron Dean, 2002; Bob Young, 2009; John Summers, 2009; Bill Heinle, 2012; Lloyd Giffin, 2013; Elaine Denning, 2014; Colin Jones, 2014; Leonie Saville, 2016; Pat and Peter Dargin, 2017; Maurice Campbell, 2018; Gloria Ryan, 2019

Deadline for your Contribution to the U3A NewsletterI will make every effort to include your article in the next Newsletter

Please no photos or coloured additions to help with costs

Term 2 – 2020: 3rd July

Please send your articles to Jo Sutton, 28 Umangla Street, Wongarbon, 2831

Or Email [email protected]


Edited by executive committee - Jo Sutton and Nola Younghusband - Term 2 19 Page 1


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Hello All

I hope you are all well and surviving this terrible time alright.  I am stuck at home but I borrowed ten books from the library before it closed. I am redesigning my back garden and have installed two raised beds in which I am growing vegetables (it is nearly impossible to get either seedlings or seeds, although I was lucky and got all I needed). I have also found some unfinished craft items and am now nearly fin-ished a long cardigan that I started knitting 5 years ago!

 It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Margaret Samuels a few days ago. She was a great supporter of U3A over the years. Her membership dated from the early days of our chapter. She will be sorely missed (especially in my art history class). The world won't be the same without Margaret.

Diana Evans has taken over the electronic dispatch of the Newsletter. She had some training at Leading Edge recently and as she is an Apple user, shouldn't have too much trouble getting on top of it. However if there is a glitch, try to be tolerant. It may take her a couple of goes to get it right. Let me know if you don't get your Newsletter. You may have to get it in PDF if you are (like me) on Word.

We had a very successful morning lecture on dementia on 19th February. This was done by Dementia Australia. We had about 30 people turn up for the lecture, which was followed by morning tea.

There is a note about resumption of classes elsewhere in the Newsletter. Until then, take care and keep safe

Nola Younghusband



The Website has been regularly updated with information about U3A - what it is and what it does as well as news, photographs, tributes and the latest and past newsletters. It is a very useful tool for members and a starting point for those who may be considering becoming members.

Simply type U3A Dubbo into Google or your preferred search engine, or use the internet address on the heading of the newsletter.


The Committee wishes to extend their condolences to all members who have lost family or friends since the last Newsletter. Pleased be assured our thoughts are with you.

As most of you are aware Margaret Samuels passed away on Sunday 22 March.  I cannot express how much we at WPCC will miss her – Kent Buchanan has written the following tribute to Margaret, which ex-presses how we all feel.

I can confidently say that without Margaret Samuels, Dubbo would not be the sophisticated city it is today. She, along with a small group of passionate community members, worked tirelessly for many years to cultivate and reveal the cultural activity present within the community of Dubbo; the mortar that binds the foundations of a healthy, modern city. Furthermore they championed the need for culture to be legitimised through infrastructure and resources. In the face of resistance, and sustained disinterest, Margaret and her ilk, promoted and encouraged dance, theatre, fine arts, embroidery, flower arranging, gardening, music, literature, and much more besides. Margaret was always marvelling at the wonder of human expression, from far off places and times, and more importantly, that which could be found in our midst. Historically, Dubbo has always held culture at its heart, yet during the 60s, 70s and 80s it had become predominately a staunch sporting town. Many saw culture as mere frippery; something for the ladies. People like Margaret knew otherwise. Initially, the need for an art gallery became the focus for a commit-

Edited by executive committee - Jo Sutton and Nola Younghusband - Term 2 19 Page 2

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tee tasked with exploring its feasibility, ensuring it remained on the civic agenda. And indeed, on both counts, it was. Due to that committee’s passion and hard work, we now live in a city with a cultural centre that incorporates an Art Gallery and Museum, and a Theatre and Convention Centre, working together with countless groups and individuals actively contributing to the economy, our edification and ultimately our well-being. Margaret was a volunteer, Guide, Advisory Board member, and easily our biggest critic. Never shying away from telling you how she felt, I had many conversations with her about what she didn’t like or didn’t understand. She often questioned me about why I chose to program a particular show, angered or offen-ded by its content; sometimes leaving in a huff. Yet she would always turn up the next day and go into the gallery and ponder the very thing she had a problem with 12 hours earlier. Such was her innate de-sire to understand that which she didn’t. As Education Officer I spent many hours with her and the volun-teer guides, talking about art and culture, learning from them, I think, much more than they did from me. Margaret always listened actively, seeking clarification, sometimes gently correcting. She consistently praised and encouraged me, and despite the age gap, I felt very much like her peer, even though her knowledge and wisdom was so much deeper and richer than mine.     I have never met anyone so incessantly thirsty for knowledge. I will forever be inspired by her veritable lust for everything there is to know and understand about the world (she’d giggle at that descriptor by the way). I loved running into her at the Cultural Centre, book in hand, looking for her missing keys or hand-bag, shaking her head at the book (which she didn’t like due to its inappropriate language or subject mat-ter) yet alas still reading it and very much looking forward to discussing it with the rest of the U3A Literat -ure class. We would talk and inevitably she would confess, with concern, that she still didn’t know enough. And, like the abrupt hanging up of a phone receiver, she’d be gone.For many years Margaret was a teacher, yet in spite of this, she was a student first and foremost; an autodidact. Margaret’s world was rich with the beauty of music and song, words, flowers and family. She passionately insisted upon lauding those talented individuals she championed as well as those who worked hard to facilitate them, yet she was always so blushingly modest and humble when anyone tried to acknowledge her own considerable work. Her civic pride was inspired by her forebears; by civilisation; by her faith. As one of Dubbo’s foremothers, she spent her life getting things ready for us, providing us the susten-ance of ideas, poetry and beauty, growing and facilitating the culture into which we all arrived. I am shedding a tear as I write this, for I wish she could read this to know how important she is to us and how forever grateful we will remain. Mrs Margaret Barrington Samuels nee Hughes, exited this mortal coil on Sunday 22nd March 2020. Dubbo is forever altered by her presence, and hitherto absence. Margaret is survived by her talented children, grandchildren, extended family, friends and everyone who has been inspired by her. We are all her legacy. Margaret, I can’t believe I won’t ever see you again. Rest in peace my dear. ARTES SERVIUNT VITÆ; SAPIENTIA IMPERAT (I won’t translate the above quote by Seneca, as, in the spirit of lifelong learning I would like you to take a leaf out of Margaret’s book and find it out yourself). Kent BuchananCuratorWestern Plains Cultural CentreDubbo Regional Council


Coronarvirus Update

The Government has recently announced that all their restrictions are in place for 90 days. Then they will review the situation. This means that the earliest our classes can resume is third term. It is possible we won't be back until August. We should be able to give you a more definite date in the Third Term News-letter. We are very sad that we are unable to continue with classes due to the Coronavirus and hope it won’t be long before we can recommence. Stay safe!

Next year, we will celebrate 30years as Dubbo U3A. Any ideas for celebrations will be gratefully received

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Every year we apply for a grant from the Dubbo Region. If you can think of anything we should apply for, please let us know. It has been suggested that a suitable Hi – Fi would be an idea

It has been suggested that we might like to include a music appreciation course next year. Please con-tact Nola if you are interested in being the class leader

Be Connected: Free Digital Skills training for people over 50. One-on-one or small group support.

Using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer Being safe and feeling confident online Video calls to family and friends who live far away Searching the internet, banking, shopping online

Talk to a digital mentor about your interests or if you would like to be a volunteer digital mentor

Call 1800 319 551 or visit Dubbo Neighbour Centre at 1/80 Gipps St. Dubbo



U3A is always interested in new ideas for future courses. If you know of potential tutors who are willing to share their knowledge, please contact our Class Coordinator, Nola Younghusband Due to the Coronavirus, many have not had information to give to the newsletter


The Art classes were going along very well until we had to close down. The Printmaking Class was a particularly interested group and had just got their first lot of new materials from Sydney. The Painting class was smaller than usual but keen nevertheless and the Art History class was just getting interested in the early painters of Australia most of whom were transported for forgery and other lesser crimes. Some could not keep out of trouble and kept being gaoled even after they served their terms.

Nola Younghusband - Class Leader


Some words from Australian History. We discussed William Morris Hughes and the 1919 election around a year of Spanish Flu and disastrous drought to the formation of the Country Party in 1920 and the Breaking of the Drought—all a remarkable 100 years ago when we didn't even have radios only newspa-pers and steam trains. Pat talked of the formation of the Country Women's Association that evolved from the success of the Country Party and of Dame Alice Berry who became the world wide president of the Association. This led to information on the development of Imperial Awards that recognised the public service of women.

In a Back to the Beginning the early years of James Cook were examined in light of the factual errors floating in the media—many from the mouths of our leaders. When we return to normal the relationship with Cook, Banks and the 'Endeavour' will be the focus plus a look at the secretive planning of the British Government and some revisiting of previous lectures that have additional information of interest and ex-planation of little known aspects of The Beginning becoming The Present. In this context epidemics and pandemics that arrived in Australia will be studied with particular reference to Elizabeth Kenny—her in-novative, inventive and controversial treatment of polio victims and the usual difficulties with established medical bodies both male and female.

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And of The Future—History is Ongoing; it will be there at The End.

Peter Dargin – Class Leader


Message from John Summers

Thanks to all those expressions of support and to everyone who has visited me, especially to Mary. My progress is slow. I’m a poor patient, I fear. Maranatha House is comfortable, the food plentiful, the activit-ies varied and well organised and the care excellent. The total lockdown is difficult but necessary.   I hope to be on my feet soon with the help of a frame


Welcome everyone!  What a great feeling it was to be back in the Zoo Friends room for our first present-ation for 2020! 

Bec O'Riordan (our Zoo Coordinator) gave us an inspiring talk about hers and Mark's year in the DRC, working at LWIRO Primate Rehabilitation Sanctuary. Their aim was to rehabilitate a variety of primates (previously rescued from the pet/meat trade) and to ultimately release them into the "wild", which would consist of a safe and securely fenced forested environment.

An amazing year of securing funding for and constructing the 3hectare safe and secure forest enclosure to replicate their wild habitat, and finally releasing into their new home the primates, many of which they had come to know so well! What a wonderful contribution they have made to the lives of so many needy animals! Great job, fantastic presentation! Thank you Bec!

Anthony Dorian, our second presenter, told us about the highly successful rat eradication program re-cently completed on Lord Howe Island. Rats were known to have been responsible for the extinction of many species of plants, animals, birds and insects in the 100 years that they had inhabited the island. The $9m project, funded by the NSW government, saw the extermination of the rat population while, at the same time, ensuring the survival of two native bird species, the Pied Currawong and the Wood Hen.

When our talks will recommence we do not know at this stage. Stay safe, take care and keep well.

Carole Henderson


Plants & Other Garden Stuff Term 12020 Kay DavidsonWell, the year began well with some very welcome rain which has continued at regular intervals. Great for the gardens around the area. We have over 20 enrolments and we welcomed many first-timers. Our first two classes followed our usual pattern of safety/emergency procedures, getting to know each other and our soil types, structure and texture. Anthony O’Halloran from Bilby Blooms gave a very interesting talk, with a powerpoint presentation and cuttings about some of the mallees he grows for cut flowers. We were then able to purchase from a variety plants he had brought with him. It was a very interesting afternoon and we all enjoyed it. Our final class was to be a practical propagation afternoon at my place, but this has been deferred to some time ahead, possibly in Term 3, thanks to CoVid-19. Hope you all stay well and spend some positive time in your gardens.


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This year we are doing some soil science and we began by getting our hands dirty, making ribbons out of clay, loam and sand to test the texture and structure of soil. We had just  dealt with organic materials in soil when we had to close down.

Nola Younghusband – Class Leader


Mary McGhee Tai Chi  Beginners Monday 12.30 , Thursday 2.00

Intermediate Monday 1.30 , Friday 9.00

To everyone , keep well , try to take a walk . Do Tai Chi warm up and do as much Tai Chi as you can re-member . I certainly miss doing it as a group and hope that it will not be too long before that can take place . 


Recorder Ensemble

It was a sad day indeed when our recorder gatherings were terminated due to Covid19.Playing recorder by yourself is not that interesting especially for those who don’t play the main melody.

So I am suggesting that the group go surfing instead.....well internet surfing as there are many free music options for the recorder. Some are tutorials others provide graded music to download or play off the screen. If I had enough download and expertise I would suggest we do the same as Eric Whitacre’s Virtual choir. The choir learn their parts at home and post them in to be combined to make a world wide choir on line.


For recorder: Graded music with piano and metronome options



http://www.capotastomusic.comSarah Jeffrey gives helpful hints for beginners and more advanced players. She has many tutorials . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2944Wc2V_4

Once one starts surfing it is a bit addictive and one almost forgets to play!

Anne Johnston – Class leader


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Anatomy and Physiology

Mark de Hattersley

No Phone PO Box 1228 Dubbo

Ancient History Mark de Hattersley

No Phone PO Box 1228 Dubbo

Armchair Travel Bill Stanford 6884 0073 [email protected] History Nola

Younghusband6884 5127 [email protected]

mAustralian History Pat & Peter Dargin 6882 5671 [email protected] & Exploring Virtual Worlds

John Page [email protected]

Calligraphy Veronica Morgan 6882 9751 [email protected] for the Environment

Chris Owens 6882 0407 [email protected]

Current Affairs Chris Owens 6882 0407 [email protected] Photography Bevan Tatnell [email protected] Species Gloria Ryan 6882 3965English Literature John Summers 0455 577

[email protected]

Gentle Exercise Cherie ReaBarbara Ward

0414 171 7350448 850 010

[email protected]

Islam and Us Bob Young 6882 2912Military History Maurice Campbell 6882 1293 [email protected] at Art Sally Forsstrom 0408 229

[email protected]

Painting for Pleasure Nola Younghusband

6884 5127 [email protected]

Plants & Other Garden Stuff

Kay PayneKay Davidson

6884 10616887 2997

torilla@bigpond [email protected]

Printmaking Nola Younghusband

6884 5127 [email protected]

Recorder Ensemble Winsome Heckendorf

6889 0131 [email protected]

Recorder Practice Anne Johnston 6885 69440404 838 166

Sing for Life Brenda Lesueur 6887 2527 [email protected] Countries of Europe

Mark de Hattersley

No Phone PO Box 1228 Dubbo

Tai Chi for Health Laney Luk 6882 4680 [email protected] Chi for Arthritis Mary McGhee 6884 4680

0412 389 001

[email protected]

Tai Chi 24 Forms Richard Macfarlane

6888 5656

Tai Chi Practice Richard Macfarlane

6888 5656

The World of Plants Nola Younghusband

6884 5127 [email protected]

Ukuleles Dennis WilsonDon Nicholson

0417 679 007

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