The reason that you do not yet have millions in the bank is because you do not think like a millionaire/billionaire. Here are ten ways to think more like a millionaire, according to Donald Trump (with input from me): 1. Don't take vacations. As Trump says, if you have a job that makes you feel as if you need to take vacations, you're obviously doing the wrong job. I think there's an adage that perfectly describes this concept: "The man who loves his job never labors." If you find the perfect job, you won't really be working, and you won't have to take vacations. 2. Sleep is for the weak. Donald Trump says that he only sleeps four hours a night (from 1am to 5am). If you are awake longer than you're competitors, you already have an upper hand over them. Someone who is sleeping 10 hours a night is much less likely to do better than someone who sleeps around half of that amount of time. Plus, it gives off the aurora that you are omniscient (everywhere). If you're an owner of a business and you always seem to be awake, even at the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning, you're a lot more likely to gain the respect and admiration of your employees. 3. Have a short attention span. People are prone to talk a lot of fluff, especially if you are in a position of power. If you have a short attention span, you're very likely to get done with interactions with people much faster. Donald Trump says, regarding his interactions with people: "I'll know what they're going to say before they say it. After the first three words are out of their mouth, I can tell what the next forty are going to be, so I try to pick up the pace and move it along." 4. Don't depend on technology. This is kind of ironic for me to say, since I run an online company and am posting on a website, but Trump makes a valid point. An email is not as effective as paying someone a personal visit or at least giving them a phone call. Emails lack intonation, and it is very hard to convey emotions through an email. Donald Trump doesn't even have an ATM card! 5. Being underestimated is a good thing. When your opponents and competitors underestimate you, it allows you to take advantage of their mistakes and surprise them. Being underestimated is most always a good thing, for example, if you're playing poker with a bunch of poker veterans, chances are, they'll underestimate you and never think you're capable of taking their money. Also, when you're underestimated by people, and they hear of your accomplishments from other sources, their admiration and respect for you will multiply almost immediately. 6. You are a one-man army. You not only have to plan everything in your life like a general or commander-in-chief would do, but you have to get down and dirty and execute your plans as a soldier would do. If you keep thinking yourself as just the general of your one-man army, well, your


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The reason that you do not yet have millions in the bank is because you do not think like a millionaire/billionaire

The reason that you do not yet have millions in the bank is because you do not think like a millionaire/billionaire. Here are ten ways to think more like a millionaire, according to Donald Trump (with input from me):

1.Don't take vacations. As Trump says, if you have a job that makes

you feel as if you need to take vacations, you're obviously doing the wrong job. I think there's an adage that perfectly describes this concept: "The man who loves his job never labors." If you find the perfect job, you won't really be working, and you won't have to take vacations.

2.Sleep is for the weak. Donald Trump says that he only sleeps four

hours a night (from 1am to 5am). If you are awake longer than you're competitors, you already have an upper hand over them. Someone who is sleeping 10 hours a night is much less likely to do better than someone who sleeps around half of that amount of time. Plus, it gives off the aurora that you are omniscient (everywhere). If you're an owner of a business and you always seem to be awake, even at the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning, you're a lot more likely to gain the respect and admiration of your employees.

3.Have a short attention span. People are prone to talk a lot of

fluff, especially if you are in a position of power. If you have a short attention span, you're very likely to get done with interactions with people much faster. Donald Trump says, regarding his interactions with people:

"I'll know what they're going to say before they say it. After the first three words are out of their mouth, I can tell what the next forty are going to be, so I try to pick up the pace and move it along."

4.Don't depend on technology. This is kind of ironic for me to say,

since I run an online company and am posting on a website, but Trump makes a valid point. An email is not as effective as paying someone a personal visit or at least giving them a phone call. Emails lack intonation, and it is very hard to convey emotions through an email. Donald Trump doesn't even have an ATM card!

5.Being underestimated is a good thing. When your opponents and

competitors underestimate you, it allows you to take advantage of their mistakes and surprise them. Being underestimated is most always a good thing, for example, if you're playing poker with a bunch of poker veterans, chances are, they'll underestimate you and never think you're capable of taking their money. Also, when you're underestimated by people, and they hear of your accomplishments from other sources, their admiration and respect for you will multiply almost immediately.

6.You are a one-man army. You not only have to plan everything in your

life like a general or commander-in-chief would do, but you have to get down and dirty and execute your plans as a soldier would do. If you keep thinking yourself as just the general of your one-man army, well, your just never going to get anything done, are you? You have to be a very smart one-man army also.

7.Success Leads to More Success. As you've probably heard: Actions

speak louder than words. You're going to impress people much more by results and your success rather than anything that you can possibly said. If you are still young and have not yet had a success, Trump says you have to "create the impression of success". Its much easier to make deals with people once they see that you are successful. It is said that everything that Donald Trump touches turns to gold. If you have a reputation like that, who wouldn't want to do business with you?

8.Ponder each decision carefully. The only way your going to make

bucket loads of money is through a vast number of decisions throughout your career. Donald Trump says that people should "treat each decision like a lover". He calls the decisions that people can decide upon immediately "love at first sight". He goes on to say that when you have a meeting to hear different opinions before taking a decision is like asking all your friends what you think of the person you are currently dating. Decision making is a crucial part of making money, and you have to learn how to trust your instincts and your gut, because they are usually always right.

9.Trust your family. Friends are good to have, but you have to trust

your family. If you have good relationships with all your family members, you'll be successful. You need your family, and a healthy relationship with your family members will help you out in the long run. Blood runs thicker than water, and if you have treated your family members right, they will be much more trustworthy than any friend you can possibly have.

10.Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Successful people throughout history

have always been curious. Curiosity and innovation has always lead to the best ways people make money. They see a problem in the way things currently are, and then they improve them. If you are trying to understand everything in the world, you'll be more alive to your surroundings, making you much sharper. It has been said that every piece of knowledge you learn will always be used.