Drug Hazards Medica’ons (OvertheCounter and Rx) and Illegal Drugs: Cau’ons and Guidelines for the Workplace Megan E. Thompson, Pharm.D. Director of Experien<al Educa<on Associate Professor of Pharmacy Prac<ce UNM College of Pharmacy

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Drug  Hazards  Medica'ons  (Over-­‐the-­‐Counter  and  Rx)  and  Illegal  Drugs:      Cau'ons  and  Guidelines  for  the  Workplace  



Megan  E.  Thompson,  Pharm.D.  Director  of  Experien<al  Educa<on  

Associate  Professor  of  Pharmacy  Prac<ce  UNM  College  of  Pharmacy  


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1.  Common  Medica<ons:  Indica<ons,    Cau<ons  and  Side  Effects  •  Over-­‐the-­‐Counter  (OTC)  Medica<ons  •  Rx  Medica<ons  

2.  Drug  Test  Implica<ons  3.  “Designer  Drugs”  (Spice,  Bath  Salts,  etc.)  

•  Use  in  the  workplace  •  Drug  Tes<ng  

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Over-­‐the-­‐Counter  Medica<ons  “OTC”  

•  Medica<on  that  does  not  need  a  prescrip<on  

•  Medica<ons  in  front  of  pharmacy  counter  •  Includes  medica<on  for  common  illnesses  like:  –  Allergies  –  Cough/cold  –  Pain  –  Stomach  problems  (gas,  diarrhea,  heartburn,  etc.)  

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Commonly  Used  Over-­‐the-­‐Counter  and  Prescrip<on  Medicines    

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Allergy  Medica<ons  (An<histamines)  

Non-­‐seda)ng  •  Clari<n®  (loratadine)  •  Allegra®  

(fexofendadine)  •  Zyrtec®  (ce<rizine)  

(all  above  products  are  available  in  “D”  formula'on,  i.e.,  Clari'n-­‐D,  Allegra-­‐D,  Zyrtec-­‐D)  

Seda)ng  •  Benadryl®  

(diphenhydramine)  •  Chlor-­‐Trimeton®  

(chlorpheniramine)  •  Dimetapp®  


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•  Used  for  allergies  AND  sleep  •  Allergy:  Can  be  used  topically  for  bug  bites  and  skin  

irrita<on  from  plant/animal  exposures  •  Sleep:  

–  Not  to  be  used  greater  than  2  weeks  –  Can  build  a  tolerance  to  the  seda<on  

•  Side  Effects:  Drowsiness,  dry    mouth,  dizziness,  nausea,  cons<pa<on,  dry  eyes,  headache,  nervousness,  toxicity  =  coma    

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Too  much  Benadryl®…  •  Can’t  See  •  Can’t  Pee  •  Can’t  Spit  •  Can’t  Sh…Defecate  


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Cough  and  Cold  Products  

•  DayQuil®,  NyQuil®,  Tylenol®  Cold  and  Sinus,  Advil®  Cold  and  Sinus,  TheraFlu®  

•  Contain  ingredients  like:  – Acetaminophen  or  Ibuprofen  =  pain/headache/body  ache  

–  Pseudoephedrine  =  conges<on/stuffy  head  – Diphenhydramine  =  runny  nose/watery  eyes/sleep  – Dextromethorphan  =  cough  – Guaifenesin  =  chest  conges<on  – Alcohol  =  sleep  

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Cough  and  Cold  Products  *Cau<on*  

•  Read  labels!  •  Most  cough/cold  products  contain  mul<ple  ingredients  

•  Easy  to  overdose  (especially  on  acetaminophen)  

•  Mul<ple  ingredients  =  drug  interac<ons  with  prescrip<on  medica<ons  

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Cough  and  Cold  Products  *Side  Effects*  

•  Drowsiness  •  “Hangover  Effect”  in  the  morning  •  Nausea  •  Liver  toxicity  •  If  you  need  it  longer  than  2  days  you  may  have  infec<on  and  need  a  prescrip<on  (an<bio<c)  

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Dextromethorphan  (DXM)  •  Cough  suppressant  •  Common  in  cough  and  cold  prepara<ons,  ocen  as  a  

combina<on  product.  •  High  doses  can  affect  brain  –  Commonly  abused  –  “Robo-­‐tripping”  

•  Decreases  responsiveness  (don’t  drive/use  machinery)  •  Can  last  for  varying  amounts  of  <me  (Delsym  vs.  NyQuil)  •  Only  use  measuring  cup  included  in  packaging  

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Energy  Drinks  •  Caffeine  Content  –  Coffee  (8oz)    108mg  –  Espresso  (2oz)    100mg  –  Brewed  tea  (8oz)  40mg  – Mountain  Dew  (12oz)  54mg  –  Coca-­‐Cola  (12oz)  34.5mg  

– Monster  Drink    80mg**  –  Red  Bull      80mg**  

**Per  serving.  Also  includes  taurine,  panax,  and  guarana  



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Energy  Drinks  and  Benadryl®  •  Using  Energy  Drinks  to  combat  effects  of  Benadryl  

•  Energy  Drinks  •  High  doses  of  caffeine  -­‐  ~4x  amount  •  Can  be  hidden  as  Guarana  or  yerba  mate  (Herbal  caffeine)  

•  High  amounts  of  sugars  –  converted  to  short  term  energy.    


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Sleep  Aids  •  Diphenhydramine  (Tylenol  PM®)  •  *Zolpidem  (Ambien®)  

–  Should  not  be  used  for  >30days  –  SE:  Dizziness,  HA,  N/V,  rebound  insomnia,  hallucina<ons  

•  *Eszopiclone  (Lunesta®)  –  Can  be  used  for  >  6  months  –  SE:  Altered  taste,  headache,  dry  mouth  

•  *Benzodiazepines:  Alprazolam,  Clonazepam,  Diazepam,  Lorazepam  –  Can  be  used  for  about  4-­‐6  weeks,  used  as  needed  –  SE:  high  withdrawal  (life  threatening)  

*  =  prescrip<on  only  

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Commonly  Used  Prescrip<on  Medica<ons  

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Prescrip<on  Medica<ons  

•  Medica<on  that  must  have  a  legal  prescrip<on  •  Medica<ons  kept  behind  pharmacy  counter  •  Includes  medica<ons  for  common  illnesses  like:  – Pain  – High  blood  pressure  – High  cholesterol  – Diabetes  – Cancer    

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Blood  Pressure  Medica<ons  

•  General  Tips:  You  will  feel  worse  before  you  get  bener  •  First  <me  users  will  experience  dizziness  •  Need  to  s<ck  with  it,  let  body  readjust  

•  “Water  pills”:  HCTZ,  furosemide  •  Corrects  Blood  pressure  by  removing  water  •  Good  idea  to  take  in  morning  •  Furosemide:  potassium  intake  

•  ACEi  or  ARBs:  lisinopril,  enalapril,  valsartan,  losartan  •  Internal  Blood  Pressure  regula<on  •  Cough  from  ACEi  in  some  people  

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Diabetes  Medica<ons  

•  Insulin,  Meqormin®,  Glucophage®,  Glyburide®  •  Can  cause  severe  upset  stomach,  diarrhea  •  If  not  taken  appropriately,  can  cause  drama<c  drop  in  blood  sugar  

•  ↓  blood  sugar  =  drowsiness,  difficulty  in  concentra<ng,  fain<ng,  coma  

•  Uncontrolled  diabetes  is  extremely  dangerous  

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Common  Pain  Relievers  

•  NSAIDs  =  Motrin  (ibuprofen),  Advil  (ibuprofen),  Aleve  (naproxen)  

•  Tylenol  (acetaminophen)  •  Bayer,  Excedrin,  St.  Joseph’s  (aspirin)  •  *Ultram  (tramadol)  •  *Percocet  (oxycodone/acetaminophen)  •  *Lortab,  Vicodin  (hydrocodone/acetaminophen)  •  *MS  Con<n  (morphine)  •  *Oxycon<n  (oxycodone)  

*  =  prescrip<on  only,  narco<c  

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NSAIDs,  APAP,  ASA  •  NSAIDs    –  Non  Steroidal  An<-­‐inflammatory  Drugs  –  Pain  reliever  for  inflamed  areas    

•  Ideal  for  injury  pain  – Max  Doses  

•  Ibuprofen:  3200mg  each  day  •  Naproxen:  1500mg  each  day  

–  Side  effects:  Stomach  issues  (biggest),  Anxiety,  headache  

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Acetaminophen  (Tylenol®)  

•  Is  in  many  OTC  products  •  Used  for  pain  relief,  but  not  effec<ve  for  injuries  with  swelling/inflamma<on  

•  Also  used  for:  – Headaches  –  Pa<ents  who  are  unable  to  take  NSAIDS  –  Fever  reducer  –  all  ages  

•  Max  Dosage  •  3000mg  each  day,  total  from  all  products  •  Liver  damage  

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Aspirin    (Bayer®,  Excedrin®,  St.  Joseph’s®)  

v Used  for  minor  pain  –  Body  aches    

– prevent  blood  clot  forma<on  •  Baby  aspirin  (81  mg)  vs.  regular  aspirin  (325  mg);  benefit  vs.  risk  

– Max  dose  •  Variable  

– SE:  Major  stomach  irrita<on,  bruising  

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Aspirin    (Bayer®,  Excedrin®,  St.  Joseph’s®)  

•  Used  for  minor  pain,  body  aches  •  Preven<on  of  blood  clots  •  Baby  aspirin  vs.  regular  aspirin  for  heart  problems  

•  Side  Effects:  Major  stomach  irrita<on,  bruising,  NOT  TO  BE    USED  IN  CHILDREN  (any  dose)  

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Alterna<ve  Pain  Reliever  •  Glucosamine  &  Chondroi<n  –  Considered  a  natural  alterna<ve  –  Can  be  ideal  if  you  can’t  take  NSAIDs  –  Glucosamine  may  be  beneficial  for  moderate  to  severe  pain  but  is  not  available  by  itself  

– Mad  Cow  Disease?  –  Data  is  conflic<ng  –  Side  effects:  Nausea,  stomach  upset,  cons<pa<on,  diarrhea  

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•  Opium  derived  from  poppy  plant  •  All  are  controlled  substances  •  Require  prescrip<ons  •  Highly  regulated  (Schedule  II  drugs)  •  Appropriate  for  severe  or  chronic  pain  sufferers  •  High  abuse  poten)al  –  Psychologically  –  Physiologically  


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•  Medica<ons  in  the  opiate  family  include:  – Morphine  (MS  Con<n®)  – *Oxycodone  (Oxycon<n®)*  – Oxycodone  w/Acetaminophen  (Percocet®)  – Hydrocodone  (usually  combined  with  acetaminophen;  Lortab®,  Vicodin®)  

– Hydromorphone  – Codeine   *  =  chemical  structure  

almost  iden<cal  to  heroin  

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Other  Prescrip<on  Pain  Killers  •  Tramadol  (Ultram®)  –  Now  a  schedule  IV  narco<c  –  Used  frequently  in  animals  

•  Fentanyl®  –  Patch  –  Injectable  

•  Demerol®  –  Usually  used  for  pa<ents  who  can’t  take  opioids  

•  Flexeril®  (cyclobenzaprine)  – Muscle  relaxant  –  Non-­‐narco<c    

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•  Appropriate  for:  – Chronic  pain  sufferers  – Cancer  pain  – Trauma<c  injury  (limb  amputa<ons,  surgery,  major  bone  fractures,  severe  burn)  

– Pain  scale  7-­‐10  

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Prescrip<on  Pain  Killers  *Cau<on*  

•  All  will  show  up  on  a  drug  test  •  ALL  pose  a  risk  for  misuse  and  abuse  •  Highly  addic<ve  •  If  misused/abused,  body  depends  on  them  to  func<on  normally  

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Prescrip<on  Pain  Killers  *Side  Effects*  

•  Pain  does  not  disappear  –  you  just  don’t  care  about  it    

•  When  used  for  the  first  <me:  – “High”  feeling,  foggy,  “out  of  body”,  not  in  control  – drunk-­‐like  effects    (slurred  speech,  droopy  eyelids,  pin-­‐point  pupils)  

– Drowsiness  – Cons<pa<on  (can  use  stool  soceners)  – Nausea/vomi<ng  

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Prescrip<on  Pain  Killers  *Side  Effects*  

•  Chronic  users  – Cons<pa<on  – Erec<le  dysfunc<on  – “high”  feeling  goes  away  – Body  depends  on  drug  to  func<on  normally  – Addic<on    

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An<-­‐Anxiety  Medica<ons    (Benzodiazepines)  

•  Xanax®,  Valium®,  A<van®,  lorazepam,  alprazolam  

•  Referred  to  as  “Benzos”  •  Narco<cs  (Schedule  III-­‐IV)  •  Require  a  prescrip<on  •  Have  some  abuse  poten<al  

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•  Highly  effec<ve  for:  – Panic  anacks  – Mild-­‐severe  anxiety  – Sleep  – Nerve  pain?  – Common  fears  (public  speaking,  flying,  heights,  etc.)  

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Benzodiazepines  *Cau<ons/Side  Effects*  

•  Will  show  up  on  a  drug  test  •  Causes  relaxa<on  •  Delays  responsiveness  (i.e.,  slow  to  react)  •  Drowsiness  •  Cons<pa<on    

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Medica<ons  and  Alcohol  •  Alcohol  and  Acetaminophen-­‐both  can  harm  liver  •  Alcohol  and  aspirin  or  NSAIDs-­‐increased  risk  of  ulcer  or  bleed  •  Alcohol  and  Benadryl-­‐increased  likelihood  of  blackout  and  

slowed  breathing  •  Alcohol  and  DXM-­‐increased  risk  of  slowed  breathing  and  

impaired  movement  •  Remember:  just  because  you  don’t  feel  the  medica<on  

anymore  doesn’t  mean  its  not  in  your  system.  These  effects  can  s<ll  occur.  

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Drug  Tests:  What  do  they  test?  

5-­‐  Panel    (can  be  any  5  of  the  following)  

•  Cocaine  •  Amphetamines*  •  Methamphetamines  •  THC  •  Methadone*  •  Opioids*  •  PCP  


10-­‐Panel  (can  be  any  10  of  the  following)  

•  Cocaine  •  Amphetamines*  •  Methamphetamines  •  THC  •  Methadone*  •  Opiates*  •  PCP  •  Barbiturates*  •  Benzodiazepines*  •  Tricyclic  An<depressants*  •  Propoxyphene**    *Prescrip'on  Medica'ons  

**Removed  from  market  in  2010  (Darvon,  Darvocet-­‐N)  due  to  fatal  heart  rhythm  abnormali'es  

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Drug  or  Drug  Class   Examples  of  substances  associated  with  False-­‐Posi)ves  (urine  drug  test;  immunoassay)  

Amphetamines   Amantadine,  buproprion,  chlorpromazine,  desipramine,  doxepin,  labetalol,  methylphenidate,  phenylephrine,  promethazine,  pseudoephedrine,  rani)dine,  trazodone,  Vicks  inhaler  

Barbiturates   Ibuprofen,  naproxen  (0.4%  false  posi<ve  rate)  

Marijuana*   NSAIDs  (ibuprofen,  naproxen,  ketoprofen),  PPIs  (Prilosec,  Nexium,  Protonix,  Prevacid,  Aciphex)  

Opiates   Dextromethorphan,  diphenhydramine  (methadone),  doxylamine,  quinolones,  quinine,  rifampin,  verapamil  (methadone)  

Phenylcyclidine  (PCP)   Dextromethorphan,  diphenhydramine,  ibuprofen,  imipramine,  ketamine  

*neither  passive  marijuana  inhala<on  nor  inges<ng  hemp-­‐containing  foods  likely  cause  posi<ve  result  on  Federal  workplace  drug  tes<ng  

Source:  “Urine  Screening  for  Drugs  of  Abuse”,  The  Pharmacist’s  LeVer/Prescriber’s  LeVer,  PL  Detail  Document  #280219,  February  2012  

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Beyond  Marijuana:  “Designer  Drugs”  

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History  of  “Spice”  •  Synthe<c  cannabinoid  •  Designed  as  a  research  tool  to  study  cannabinoid  systems  

•  Found  in  herbal  incense  products    •  Sold  on  internet,  gas  sta<ons,  convenience  stores,  tobacco  shops  and  head  shops  

•  Smoked  for  psychoac<ve  effects  •  No  legi<mate  use  for  these  substances  •  Plant    material  is  purposely  spiked  with  these  substances  (“Spike  99”)  


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How  it’s  used  •  Can  be  smoked,  ingested  as  an  infusion  or  inhaled  

•   Generally  used  by  teenagers  and  young  people  interested  in  using  psychotropic  drugs  

•  Some<mes  smoked  together  with  cannabis  •  Difficult  to  separate  the  desired  proper)es  from  unwanted  psychoac)ve  effects  

•  Content  of  ac<ve  ingredient  varies  from                      5  mg  –  2000mg  


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Effects  reported  from  users  •  “pressure  behind  the  eyes  and  front  brain”  •  “<red,  stoned,  fuzzy”  •  “…different  feeling  in  the  brain”  •  “euphoria”  •  “waves  of  unusual  body  energy”  •  Severe  anxiety,  paranoia  •  Sudden  depression  has  been  reported  during  withdrawal  

from  chronic  use  •  Paranoia  and  hallucina<ons  acer  1  use  •  Psychosis    

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Legal  Implica<ons  

•  Federal:  DEA  made  “Spice”  illegal  in  all  50  states  (2010)  

•  State:  New  Mexico:  illegal  to  sell  “Spice”  or  “Spice”  containing  products  even  if  it’s  labeled  as  incense  

•  Some  smoke  shops  in  NM  s<ll  selling  it  claiming  it’s  “…made  with  new  ingredients  that  …are  not  included  in  the  law  banning  the  substance”  

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Legal  Implica<ons  

•  Misdemeanor  or  Felony  depending  on  quan<ty  (treated  in  the  same  manner  as  marijuana)  –  Possession  =  misdemeanor  (if  >  8  oz  =  felony)  –  Distribu<on  =  felony  –  Cul<va<on  =  felony  –  Paraphernalia  =  misdemeanor  (distribu<on  of  paraphernalia  to  a  minor  =  felony)  

•  First  <me  offense  =  $50-­‐100  fine  and/or  15  days  of  imprisonment  

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“Bath  Salts”/”Plant  Food”  •  Sold  legally  in  most  areas  in  US;  head  shops,  adult  stores,  gas  sta<ons,  skateboard  shops,  internet  

•  Ingested,  inhaled,  injected,  smoked,  snorted  •  Synthe<c  cathinones  –  Central  nervous  system  s<mulants  –  Effect  similar  to  amphetamine  –  Found  in  Epsom  Salt  

•  Undetectable  in  rou<ne  urine  drug  screens,  field  tes<ng  kits,  drug-­‐detec<ng  canines  

National Drug Intelligence Center

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Prescrip<on  Cathinone  medica<ons  •  Buproprion  –  Zyban®  – Wellbutrin®  –  Indicated  for  depression,  tobacco  cessa<on  

•  Diethypropion  (IV)  –  Tenuate®  –  Indicated  for  weight  loss,  decreases  appe<te  

•  Pyrovalerone  (V)  –  Centroton®  –  Psychoac<ve  drug  with  s<mulant  effects  –  Indicated  for  depression,    chronic  fa<gue,  lethargy,  appe<te  suppressant  

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“Smiles”,  “Izzy”,  “Isabel”  

•  Synthe<c  phenethylamine  chemical  (serotonin  receptor  agonist)  

•  From  the  maker  of  Ectasy  (Alexander  Shulgin)  •  Untraceable  in  standard  drug  tests  •  Seizures,  kidney  failure,  fatally  high  blood  pressure  

•  “Uncoupling”  –  muscles  cannot  uncontract  – Users  can  ‘t  stop  smiling  


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Thank  you  for  your  anen<on!