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  • 7/25/2019 drone strikes -amneded .docx



    After the incident of September 11 2001, the collaboration between the

    United States and Pakistan was critical in capture and elimination of terroristelements and their supporters; however, this commonality of capturin terrosrists

    were overshadowed by the methodoloy!1 "rone strikes inside Pakistan#s

    soverein territory$specifically %A&A to root out the terrorists $and the surical

    strike aainst 'sama bin (aden in the arrison city of Abbottabad, remained a

    controversial issues and resulted in stern local opposition! 2&he United States,

    relyin on its success of weapon of war, considered drones as an effective

    instrument aainst terrorism!)

    *owever, their assumption reardin the use of drone as an effective

    weapon of +'& left them in isolation as the critics aainst the use of this

    weapon openly contradicted their claim! 'pposition to the drone strikes is not

    limited to Pakistan! -n a recent survey conducted by the Pew .esearch /entre,

    )1 out of ) countries oppose U!S! drone strikes!ven within the United States,

    3uestions have been raised over the leality of its use and also called for the

    4udicial investiation!5

    1 Maria Syed, Drone Strikes: Developing an Accord, NewsInternational, November 13, 213, http://www.ipripk.org/drone-strikes-developing-an-accord/#sthash.S1zO5Kc5.dpuf!2 Air "ommodore #$alid %&bal, Drones 'nder (N Scr'tiny, %slamabad)olicy *esearc$ %nstit'te, December 2+, 213,http://ipripak.org/articles/latest/duus.pdf! arlier it -as pres'med t$at t$ea't$orities in )akistan $ad given tacit approval to drone strikes, b't o.late, )akistan $as s$ed its ambig'o's stance, and $as opposed t$esestrikes at every .or'm!3 /ames %goe 0als$, $e ectiveness o. Drone Strikes in

    "o'nterins'rgency and "o'nterterrorism "ampaign, Strategic St'dies%nstit'te, September 213, ,http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.arm.mil/pdffiles/!"11$%.pdf!4 5r'ce Drake, *eport 6'estions Drone (se, 0idely (npop'lar7lobally, 5't Not in t$e (!S!, )0 *esearc$ "enter, 8ctober 23, 213,http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/&'1(/1'/&(/report-)uestions-drone-use-widel-

    unpopular-glo*all-*ut-not-in-the-u-s/!9 Syed, Drone Strikes!

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    Preemptive use of force in self defense has been in use even before the

    adoption of the U6 charter in the twentieth century! 7-t e8isted in the customary

    -nternational (aw before its adoption in the present form


    ! &he famous /arolineaffair:$a diplomatic episode that took place between the United States and

    ritain in the nineteenth century $laid the roundwork of customary rules for

    defense! &he name takes its

    roots from a steam ship, the /aroline, which the ritish alleed was used by

    Americans to help in insurency in /anada aainst the crown!

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    stressin the need for the apoloy and compensation to the victims, but the

    ritish stuck to teir roht of self defense for /anada!10

    &he analoy of the /aroline case can be applied to the drone issue! &he

    American supporters of the /anadian insurency represented ?+ood &aliban@ asthey created problems for the ritish mpire by supportin and harborin the

    /anadian insurents! &he ritish, in this case, acted in self>defence by attackin

    the /aroline in U!S! territorial waters! &he erstwhile carline case can be related to

    present day drone strikes inside Pakistans territory!

    -n the /aroline case, the United States contested that the 6ational (aw

    was applicable to the /anadian -nsurents even if they were supported by the

    United States! &he United States further arued that they should have been tried

    in the U!S courts! &hey furthered their case by makin an arument that the

    attack in self defense must not be used in the routine circumstances like defense

    or retaliation! &hey arued that it should not be used as a shield to aument their

    defense! 'n 'ne hand the ritish reretted e8ceedin into the U!S! territory, but

    maintained that destruction of the /aroline was necessary as United States was

    instiatin insurency in /anada and was instrumental in aidin the enemy!

    Boreover, the ritish concluded that the United States would have been unable

    to take action aainst the rebels!11

    &he aruments of the case perpetually transformed the riht of self>

    defense from a ?political e8cuse to leal doctrine!@12 -t also established some

    strict criteria for the claimC a state can e8ercise the riht of self>defense only if the

    ?necessity of that self>defense is instant, overwhelmin, and leavin no choice of

    means and no moments for deliberation!@1)'ther than fulfillin this condition,the

    sovereinty of the third state is considered to be inviolable! &he convenience of

    1 Noyes, $e "aroline, 23+!11 %bid!12 *! ?! /ennings, $e "aroline and Mc;eod "ases,American Journalof International Law32, no!1 B/an'ary 13http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2190632?uid=3739560&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21105096705933http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2190632?uid=3739560&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21105096705933http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2190632?uid=3739560&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21105096705933http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2190632?uid=3739560&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21105096705933

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    pre>emptive action to sustain a political or military e8cuse was not accepted as a

    suitable reason to embark upon the concept of self defense!

    1. Necessity, Immedicy, !d P"#$#"ti#!%ity

    &he /aroline incident set the stae for determinin three primary factors to

    establish the criteria for self>defenseC necessity, immediacy$commonly referred

    to as imminence$and proportionality!1 6ecessity is the first of the three

    fundamental factors considered for the use of self>defense !&o put it simply, a

    state needs to determine that ?the use of force by the other state was imminent,

    and that there was essentially nothin but forcible action that would forestall such

    attack!@15Boreover, ?DnEecessity can only be meet the re3uired criteria only if all

    peaceful alternative means have been e8hausted!@17

    -t concludes that a statemust use all other alternative means before makin the necessity All other

    practical measures must be taken and e8hausted before the necessity

    re3uirement is fulfilled!

    &he second re3uirement is the urency simply put it as -mmediacy that

    has a substantial correlation with necessity! &he urency of the perceived threat

    should be fairly established so that the action in self>defense becomes a

    necessity! -n the conte8t of the /aroline case! &he act must pose a pressinthreat to trier the act of self defense, leavin no other recourse, that can be

    adopted, to thwart the perceived threat! +oin by this analoy, the loner a

    overnment takes to trier an action or a response, the less immediate the

    threat becomes!19

    14 ;o'is>)$ilippe *o'illard, $e "aroline "ase: Anticipatory Sel.>De.ense in "ontemporary %nternational ;a-, Miskolc Journal ofInternational law, 1, no! 2 B24C: 1412, http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/6wwwdrint/&''&rouillard1.htm!19 *o'illard, $e "aroline "ase, 1+!1Sikander A$med S$a$, 0ar on errorism: Sel. De.ense, 8perationnd'ring reedom, and t$e ;egality o. Drone Strikes inside )akistan,Washinton !niversit" #lo$al Studies Law %eview, no! 1 B21C: 3,http://digitalcommons.law.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi0

    article31'1conte+t3glo*alstudies!1+ *o'illard, $e "aroline "ase!

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    Proportionality is third in line to establish the re3uirement to e8ercise the

    riht of self>defenseC -t says that the threat and the use of force should be

    proportional to each other! -n simple terms the act of self defense should be

    proportional to the suffered losses!1: .esponse by the attacker should be

    proportional to the losses suffered; -t further e8plains that the 3uantum of force

    that should be employed in e8ercisin the riht of self defense should not be

    e8cessive!1 -n contemporary scenarios, out of these three primary factors,

    determination and application of proportionality is the most critical and

    complicated than necessity because the necessity is more tanible and can be

    established with relative ease in the decision>makin process!20

    &he riht$or the claim$of self>defense has been in use ,4udiciously and

    e8cessively, many a times since the /aroline case; sometimes leitimately,

    mostly as an e8cuse for aressive action like in the invasion of "enmark and

    6orway durin the Second orld ar!21-n the initial days of the war, "enmark

    and 6orway both declared their neutrality in the war, throuh a non>aression

    pact; however, military necessity provided an e8cuse to e8ercise the riht of self

    determination to +ermany; "enmark was invaded by +ermany!22-n the case of

    6orway, +ermany claimed they acted in self defense for the fear of ritish and

    %rench e8peditionary forces landin that violated 6orways neutrality! oth the

    claims were re4ected by the tribunal investiatin the case!2)

    Another impostant case in the use of self defense is the /orfu channel


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    amounts to the violation of -nternational law!2&he Albanian overnment disputed

    both chares, but the -nternational /ourt of Hustice

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    After the nature of war transformed in the twenty first century, its first

    visible effect came into the 2002 U!S! 6ational Security Stratey

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    self>defense beins!) Article 51 states that, ?the inherent riht of individual or

    collective self>defense if an armed attack occurs aainst a member of the United

    6ations, until the Security /ouncil has taken measures necessary to maintain

    international peace and security,@)5 posits a stron condition$armed attack$

    before a state can act in self>defense! -n contrast, the /aroline case does not

    place an underlyin condition of an armed attack on a state while it act in self>


    &he U6 charter throuh Article 51 provides a clear route, but it also

    e8poses a sliht nonconformity from the customary riht of anticipatory self>

    defense! &he diverence relates to the precision, in eneral and precise

    comprehension of ?determinin the scope of the riht to use force in self>

    defense@ by customary international law and the U6 /harter, respectively! &his

    departure of interpretation has clearly bifurcated the e8perts! &he first roup, the

    so>called@ destructionists@, claims that, ?the Article 51 was aimed at e8plicitly to

    limit the use of force in self>defense to those situations in which an armed attack

    has actually occurred!@ &his view would put the receiver at a disadvantae

    whereby he can only react in self>defense only if an actual assault or attack has

    taken place meanin thereby that the initiative lies with the aressor!! )7

    34 Article 91 states t$at Not$ing in t$e present "$arter s$all impairt$e in$erent rig$t o. individ'al or collective sel.>de.ense i. an armedattack occ'rs against a Member o. t$e (nited Nations, 'ntil t$eSec'rity "o'ncil $as taken meas'res necessary to maintaininternational peace and sec'rity! Meas'res taken by Members in t$eeJercise o. t$is rig$t o. sel.>de.ense s$all be immediately reported tot$e Sec'rity "o'ncil and s$all not in any -ay aect t$e a't$ority andresponsibility o. t$e Sec'rity "o'ncil 'nder t$e present "$arter to takeat any time s'c$ action as it deems necessary in order to maintain orrestore international peace and sec'rity! Mentioned in "$apter K%% o.

    t$e (N "$arter: Actions -it$ *espect to )eace, 5reac$es o. t$e )eace,and Acts o. Aggression, http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter%.shtml!39 *o'illard, $e "aroline "ase, 1111!3 Arend, %nternational ;a-, 2@ #enney, $e National Sec'rityStrategy, 9@ "orinne ;e-is, DonHt Stop No-: $e Development o. t$e%nternational ;a-, *ig$t to 'se orce in Sel.>De.ense,Journal ofInternational Law Polic"%K, no! 1 B/'ne 2+C: +,https://www.law.upenn.edu/4ournals/4il/4ilp/articles/-1,ewis,;orinne.pdf!

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    &he second roup$ ?counter>destructionists@$of scholars, however,

    re4ects this narrow interpretation! As per their interpretation, Article 51 is a

    continuation of the previous acceptable international laws and it did not prohibit

    or restrict the riht of self defense or anticipatory self defense! Accordin to their

    comprehension of the law , they arued that condition of armed attack by an

    aressor is 4ust one of the many situations in which the riht of self defense can

    be e8ercised and it is not the only option where this option can be e8ercised!)9

    &he ush "octrine obviously followed the counter>destructionist standpoint and,

    in fact, nudes it further to include the issue of harborin non>state actors!

    &he bone of contention between the two school of thouhts is the riht of

    self defense and anticipatory self defense which does not put any condition of of

    immediacy! oth interpretations are widely reconiFed to be rationale but the

    latter has some comprehension issues! &he Un charter however clearly provide

    two instances where this riht can be e8ercised! Article 51 provides the space for

    the use of force when an armed attack has taken place and Article 2 provides

    the maneuverin space for e8ercisin this riht for the restoration of peace and

    security throuh collective action and measures! *owever, there are instances

    where states havin their own interpretation of the law use their perceived riht of

    anticipatory self defense to prevent an armed attack!):


    -n aftermath of the J11 incident, then>President +eore ! ush

    declaredC Ke will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed

    these acts and those who harbor them!@)&his statement became part of the

    foundation of the ush "octrine! &he ush "octrine resides on four

    fundamentals themesC 1= ?&ake the fiht to the enemy overseas before they can

    attack us aain here at home@; 2= ?/onfront threats before they fully materialiFe@;

    )= ?Advance liberty and hope as an alternative to the enemys ideoloy of

    3+ %bid!3< *o'illard, $e "aroline "ase, 114!3 rontline Sta, $e vol'tion o. t$e 5's$ doctrine, Frontline,23, http://www.p*s.org/wg*h/pages/frontline/shows/ira)/etc/cron.html!

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    repression and fear@; and = ?Bake no distinction between terrorists and the

    nations that harbor them, and hold both to account!@0&hese uidelines provided

    the re3uired ?leality@ to conduct pre>emptive and retaliatory strikes as part of the

    anticipatory self defense and self defense in Afhanistan and tribal Areas of

    Pakistan commonly referred to as %A&A!!

    /ontinuin with the interpretation of the ush ra, 'bama administration

    defended their riht of self defense aruinC ?&he condition that operational

    leaders present an imminent threat of violent attack aainst the United States

    does not re3uire the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack

    on U!S! persons and interests will take place in the immediate future!@1

    /onse3uently, the present administration still tows the line of ush era and still

    uses drones to kill suspected terrorists on forein soil ?who continue to remain an

    impendin threat to the American people!@2&he chane however was observed

    in the methodoloy in which these matters were handed over to "o" from /-A!

    &he 'bama Administration arues that Pakistan has some state actors, althouh there is a lack of evidence

    for authoriFin the non state actors to conduct the operations! ) &he 'bama

    Administration continues to believe that cross>border aression aainst its

    forces, with support of -S-, are conducted by &aliban and al>Laeda, who en4oy

    safe havens inside Pakistani territory!

    4 0as$ington )ost Sta, Decision )oints, by )res! 7eorge 0! 5's$:on oreign )olicy, Washinton Post, December 21, 2,http://www.ontheissues.org/rchive/2ecision,!oints,

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    1. P"e'em$ti#! !d P"ee!ti#!: T*e -/s* D#ct"i!e

    &he 2002 6SS document is considered as the main policy directive that

    revolves around the concept of prevention and pre emption in the twenty first

    century! -t has also evolved sinificantly since its implementation in the lastdecade!5 -nitially it revolves around the deterrence, seconded by the policy of

    containment, and concludin at strikin preemptively aainst the roue states

    and terrorists!7-t primarily focused aainst mitiatin the threat! &he concept

    emanates from a basic idea that asserts that ?DtEhe reater the threat, the reater

    is the risk of inaction$and the more compellin the case for takin anticipatory

    action to defend ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place

    of the enemys attack!@9 &he stratey inherently focused at determinin the

    intentions of states and non>state actors$unilaterally$makin it convenient for

    the use of force before these states and non state actors can act aainst the

    United States!:

    &he 2002 6SS stated that due to chane in the ways the modern wars are

    fouht and treated by other states, there was a need to redefine the concept of

    imminent threat so as to afford more fle8ibility in actin to prevent a potential and

    disastrous threat, specially those sponsored by roue states or non>state actors!

    &he stratey fundamentally ave way to the prevention with pre>emption at the

    second stae! &his stratey paper focused the limitation of the Article 51 that

    posed restriction and limitation at the use of force! -nterestinly , the stratey

    conveniently step aside the basic re3uirements re3uired under Article 51 of U6

    49 Ne- ?ork imes Sta, A.termat$@ t$e 5's$ Doctrine, New .ork

    /imes,April 13, 23, http://www.ntimes.com/&''(/'/1(/opinion/aftermath-the-*ush-doctrine.html!4 "$ris /! Dolan, $e 5's$ Doctrine and (!S! %ntervention, oreignServices Dispatc$es and )eriodic *eports on t$e (!S! Diplomacy, /'ne24, http://www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/archives,roll/&'','-'$/dolan,*ush/dolan,*ush.html!4+ Arend, %nternational ;a-,

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    /harter makin it easier for them to use force without oin into the procedural


    &he distinuishin aspect of the "octrine is its releation of an important

    factor of necessity aainst potential threats to periphery! &he 2002 6SSspecifically adhered to the concept of imminent threat by statinC ?e must adapt

    the concept of imminent threat to the capabilities and ob4ectives of todays

    adversaries!@ -n other words, the administration tilted the interpretation the law

    accordin to its re3uirement tailored in a way that eliminates the basic factor of

    necessity !the administration considered that new form of warfare suest that

    establishin the re3uirement of necessity would render the response late and

    would result in e8cessive losses at the hands of an invisible enemy!!50

    *owever, a wide circle of intellectuals and international scholars of the

    -nternational (aw disareed to this ne w phenomenon! Arend aruedC ?Althouh

    traditional international law would not re3uire certainty reardin time and place,

    it would suest near certainty! -f an attack is imminent, it is almost certain that

    the attack will occur,@ concludin that ush "octrine is tanent to the

    -nternational (aw!51

    &he fundamental issue revolves around the perception and establishin

    the re3uirement of imminent threat and preemptive strike with the advent of this

    new form of warfare! &he presence of al>Laeda, with a track record of attacks

    aainst the United States provide leverae in establishin imminence! &he

    terrorists due to their inherent ability in initiatin the strike at the time and place of

    their own choosin! *owever, accordin to ush "octrine, ?America is not oin

    to wait until the last minute before actin, but rather would neutraliFe threats well

    before they became imminent!@ &he United States decided to follow the standard

    4 /he National Securit" Strate" of the !nited States )**)@ ritF,%mminent $reat, Darling, Special Analysis!9/he National Securit" Strate", Septem$er )**)@ Arc$ives, )revent8'r nemies .rom $reatening (s, 8'r Allies, and 8'r riends -it$0eapons o. Mass Destr'ction, (!S! Department o. State, 22,http://georgew*ush-whitehouse.archives.gov/nsc/nss/&''&/nss5.html!91 Arend, %nternational ;a-, +!

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    self>defense rules aainst any threat bankin on preemption instead of

    prevention and containment!52

    After the implementation of the ush "octrine, the United States has used

    preemptive force without followin a standard procedure under the U6 /harter,includin air strikes aainst (ibya and missile strikes aainst l>Shifa chemical

    plants in Sudan, mistakenly tareted as a weapons factory, that violated

    -nternational law! &he perception of imminence and preemption is aravatin

    the the problem when the aression has not taken place and there is a

    probability that action can take place! -n this scenario, the law does not provide

    any tanible initiative to the states to undertake preemptive strikes aainst a

    likely aressor! &his undefined state is yet to be addressed by the -nternational


    &. .S. D#mestic L0

    &he U!S! constitution provide the initiative to undertake pre>emptive strike

    on forein soil! &he president en4oys substantial authority on the use of force

    throuh Article -- of the U!S! /onstitution!5 Boreover, a 4oint resolution$the

    AUB%$passed shortly after the J11terror attacks,55authoriFes the president, as

    commander>in>chief, ?to use all necessary and appropriate force aainst thosenations, oraniFations, or persons he determines planned, authoriFed,

    committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or

    92 Dore 7old, (!S! )olicy on )reventive Military Action against %ran,Jerusalem (enter for Pu$lic A0airs12, no! 3 BMarc$ 212C,

    http://4cpa.org/article/u-s-polic-on-preventive-militar-action-against-iran/@ Arend,%nternational ;a-,

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    harbored such oraniFations or persons!@57&he hite *ouse arues that the

    ABU%, backed by the U!S! /onstitution 4ustifies drone strikes on forein soil!59

    -n the wake of the newest form of warfare the U!S! officials maintain that

    the fiht in the +'& is not aainst al Laeda, but all the affiliated roups thatsupport them$associated forces$all around the lobe, whenever they emre or

    even try to commit an act of aression aainst the United States!5: &his

    linuistic used in the ABU% suests that leally the United States can strike

    aainst Al Laeda, and its affiliates like &aliban who committed terrorist acts

    aainst U!S! interests and personnel! &he larin e8amples of the act of terro

    inscribed in this interoperation of the U!S! law are orld &rade /enter attack in

    1), suicide bombin of the U!S! embassies in Menya, &anFania, and 6airobi in

    1:, the attack on the USS /ole in 2000, and the J11 attacks on the twin

    towers!5 *owever, the Pakistani &aliban and *a33ani network are not the

    associated forces because they are not involved in any of these attacks, directly

    or indirectly ! Net they are tareted throuh drone strikes which even by AUB%

    yardstick are considered e8cessive and overstepped reaction!70

    &he AUB% does not limit the power throuh time constraints! -n other

    words, it provides endless powers to continue an endless war aainst an enemy!

    &his also provide the 4ustification to continue DmisEuse of leal authority for

    9 A't$oriFation o. (se o. Military orce, )'b!;!No! 1+4, 2BaC, 119stat! 224, 224 BSeptember 1

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    e8ecutives to kill by kidnap and torture! arbara (ee, a conresswoman, the

    AUB% is ?a blank check for endless war I that ives any president the nearly

    unlimited authority to wae limitless war at anytime, anywhere, for any reason, in

    perpetuity,@ and recommend a check and balance system to keep a check on

    these discretionary powers that has not been done as yet! 71

    -n a later time frame when al>Laeda will be deraded to a level where it

    will not pose any real threat to the United States, responsibility would pass from

    the military to other law enforcement aencies!72&he authorities vested in the

    president by the AUB% throuh /onress will no loner be applicable to 4ustify

    the use of force! Heh Hohnson, then senior lawyer in the 'bama Administration,

    has stated that the United States ?will not be able to say !!! that our efforts should

    no loner be considered an armed conflict aainst al>Laeda and its affiliates!K7)

    6o one is able to predict when that is oin to happen althouh the U!S! has

    claimed many a times that Al>Laeda has been deraded to the e8tent of


    Another anle of this discussion is the covert operations bein conducted

    the /-A inside the Pakistani territory to help identify tarets and suest the

    preemptive strikes! hether the /-A can operate beyond the parameters of

    conressional authority is still aruable; however, with the AUB% in place, the

    ?President has the authority to issue findins to authoriFe /-A action beyond the

    parameters of /onressional authoriFation as lon as such action does not

    1 "redo Sta, ell "ongress: No 5lank "$eck .or ndless 0ar,"*D8 Action, 214, http://act.credoaction.com/sign/lee,aumf,&'1/!2 Nick, =opkins, (!S! $eading .or )oint -$en Military )'rs'it o. al>6aida S$o'ld nd, #uardian, November 3, 212,http://www.theguardian.com/world/&'1&/nov/('/us-war-against-al-)aida!3 %bid!4 7reg Miller, Al>6aeda argets D-indle as 7ro'p S$rinks,Washinton Post, November 22, 211,http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-securit/al-)aeda-targets-dwindle-as-group-shrinks/&'11/11/&&/gC?*E=FmF,stor.html@ A5" Ne-s Sta, So'rces:Al 6aeda ract'red, %neective,A-( News, http://a*cnews.go.com/"S/stor0id3'$$&!

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    otherwise violate domestic law!@75&he United States should provide leal basis

    for such actions because ?individual strikes could constitute acts of illeal e8tra

    4udicial assassination, and assassinations have lon been condemned in the

    US!@77 *owever, accordin to the white paper issued by the "epartment of

    Hustice, ?DaE lawful killin in self defense is not an assassination,@ as it would not

    violate the assassination ban!79


    &he third perspective of the e8istin law relates to the -nternational (aw as

    perceived by countries other than those who plan preemptive strikes inside

    another states! 'ne e8ample is Pakistan who neither has the capacity nor the

    intention to attack the United States directly or indirectly! Pakistan certainly is notat war with the United States! &hus, by the standards of international law, the

    United States can not conduct preemptive strikes inside the Pakistani territory ,

    both of which will be considered unlawful and deemed to committed violation in

    accordance with the -nternational (aw!

    &akin the -nternational (aw perspective into account, Pakistan has raised

    various issues raises several issuesC violation of its territorial interity; the

    3uestion of 4us ad bellum; the lawful and unlawful taretin of individuals

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    -n the Nicaragua vs. U.S. defense aainst 6icaraua for its alleed support of the

    insurents in l Salvador! "espite the evidence of @state support@ aainst

    6icaraua, the -/H ruled in favor of 6icaraua for the reason that the sabotae

    acts can not be attributed to the state as they are independent and individual! 90

    &he 4udment e8plicitly stated that the evidence in e8tension of support to

    insurents does not sum up to authoriFe the armed attack aainst 6icaraua! 91

    &he -/H held that ?for a state to be responsible for the activities of contras Dnon>

    state actorsE, it would have to be proved that state had effective control of the

    military or paramilitary operations in the course of which the alleed violations

    were committed!@92 Applyin the same analoy in the drone stirkes inside

    Pakistani territory, the United States, far from frEOom establishin the direct or

    indirect acts of terrorism throuh *a33ani network by Pakistan ,has been

    conductin the drone strikes inside the soverein territory of Pakistan which is

    clearly the violation of the international laws and norms! Pakistans role can be

    3uestioned reardin the ?state tolerance@ of the &aliban, but the issue of

    ?effective control,@ as stated in the 6icaraua case, cannot be made with any


    &he second case is the Prosecutor vs. Tadiccase! "usko &adic was a

    osnian Serb, a paramilitary official who committed e8treme crimes aainst

    humanity at Pre4idor and detention camps in osnia! &he tribunal declared that

    his criminal acts were ?acts of de facto state orans reardless of any specific

    instruction by the state,@ as the court focused on the ?subordination of the roup

    to the overall control of the state!@9)&he court held that ?to be a de facto oran of

    + "ase "oncerning Military and )aramilitary Activities in and against

    Nicarag'a BNicarag'a v! (!SC, %nternational "o'rt o. /'stice B/'dgmento. /'ne 2+, 1

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    the state, overall control over such outfit would suffice!@9 Pakistan does not

    e8ercise ?overall control@ of the *a33ani and &aliban network, the fact that is

    also supported and maintained by U!S! President 'bama, former Secretary of

    State *illary /linton, and Admiral Bike Bullen! Althouh the United States state

    that it has evidence suestin that Pakistan have some contacts with the

    personnel related to &aliban network but it does not have sufficient evidence that

    displays that Pakistan has ever authoriFed or approved any unlawful action ! 95

    &he third case elaborates the Uandan attack on /ono! Uanda

    conducted the attacks on the basis if information that rebels based inside the

    /ono had carried out armed attacks inside Uandan territory! &he -/H opined

    that a state cannot carry out an armed attack in self>defense aainst non>state

    actors by violatin the territorial interity of another state! -t further e8plained that

    lack if evidence does not suest that /ono as state was involved in carryin

    out attack inside the Uandan territory!97

    &he three cases discussed above provide an insiht into two main

    considerationsC maintainin contacts with non>state actors and nationality! -n the

    6icaraua and /ono cases, ?maintainin contacts@ does not form part of the

    state domain, so if the United States 4ustifies its armed preemption it is

    committin an unlawful act that violates international law! Additionally, nationality

    cannot be made the basis of state responsibility$international law$unless the

    unlawful acts of that particular national points to the involvement of the state itself

    as in the &adic case! Applyin the same analoy in Pakistan scenario, &aliban

    are neither the aent nor affiliated with Pakistan +overnment in any form! y this

    analoy the U!S! drone strikes in self>defense are difficult to 4ustify the conte8t of

    -nternational (aw!99

    &wo e8ceptions in Article 2

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    use of force is carried out with the consent of host state,@ and, second, the use of

    force is allowed ?where the host state is unwillin or unable to take appropriate

    action!@ As reards the first point, some analysts suspect that Pakistani

    authorities had tacitly supported the drone strikes! *owever, repeated public

    statements by the overnment officials about the illeality of the U!S! drone

    strikes cast doubt on the issue of consent notwithstandin the political

    e8pediency involved in it! As reards the second point, Pakistan has a mi8ed

    record of response! At times, leaders have turned a blind eye to violent non>state

    actors, but at times took out *G&s like Mhalid Sheikh Buhammad!9:

    &he caveats in international law of ?state consent and unwillinness@ do

    not rise to the level of state support for non>state actors as brouht out in the

    related three cases decided by the -/H! *owever, they provide sufficient leal

    cover to the drone strikes!

    &. C#%%te"% Dm)e !d T")eted Ki%%i!)s: A Di%emm

    "rones rely on intellience, which at times can be flawed! /onse3uently,

    drone strikes have resulted in much hiher numbers of civilian casualties than

    the militants! &areted killins within the conte8t of an armed conflict or outside

    armed conflict have leal implications! "ue to the involvement of non>stateactors, the United States claims it as a noninternational armed conflict overned

    by -*(, without meetin the leal criteria!9 -nterestinly, in the absence of an

    armed conflict, only -*.( applies! &areted killins are not lawful under -*.(


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    because durin armed conflict, -*( defense! Under these restrictions ?individuals cannot be

    tareted for lethal attack merely because of past unlawful behavior, but only for

    imminent or other rave threats to life when arrest is not a reasonable

    possibility!@:1 -n Pakistan, the drone strikes are contested because ?they are

    unnecessary, as other, peaceful means of facin the threat have not been

    e8hausted iven the time parameters involved!@:2

    -f there is an armed conflict$which the United States claims to be a non>

    international armed conflict$then the drone strikes are evaluated in accordance

    with -*(! &he U!S! administration has arued that tareted killins are 4ustified as

    a self>defense measure; the application of -*( is adhered to in principle, which

    should be determined on a case>by>case basis under varyin circumstances!

    *owever, the definition of associated forces and the leal points are not clarified

    by the U!S! administration, underminin the -nternational leal framework!:)

    &he killin of Anwar al>Awlaki, a U!S! citiFen of Nemen descent, in

    September 2011, is a case in point! *e was never chared with any crime, but

    the U!S! administration claimed that he was al>Laedas international

    propaandist and operation planner!:ein a propaandist is not a valid chare,

    but bein an operation planner 3ualifies Awlaki as a military taret only if he was

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    implicated in the past with the same chare! :5&he rationale behind the attack is

    still not clear! &he application of -*( dictates the leality of drone strikes throuh

    the principles of distinction and proportionality!:7

    &he U!S! administration arues that drones only taret the members ofarmed roups throuh sinature strikes!:9 ut the data collected by a non>

    overnmental oraniFation and Pakistani sources show that the United States

    carried out )00)9 strikes between 200 and 2012! &he tally of deaths of

    innocents rane from 00 to 00, with an additional 700 people seriously

    in4ured!:: &hese deaths occurred because of drone strikes taretin social

    atherins; noncombatants who had come to the aid of survivors would be

    enaed aain with the second drone strike presumin them to be terrorists

    helpin terrorists!

    Article 59 of the additional protocol to the +eneva /onvention reflects on

    the ?precautions in attack and specifies that the civilian population shall not be

    the ob4ect of attack!@:&he -nternational /ommittee of the .ed /ross has made a

    clean distinction between civilians who participate in unambiuous activity and

    those who keep a continuous combatant function; however, concerns about the

    strikes safeuard remain an issue in view of back>to>back strikes with no

    confirmation whether the taret is leitimate or otherwise!0

    Accordin to ureau of -nvestiative Hournalism, ?the /-A#s drone

    campain in Pakistan has killed doFens of civilians who had one to help rescue

    victims I specifically at least 50 civilians were killed in follow>up strikes when

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    they had one to help victims!@1&o this end, /hristof *eyns states, ?-f civilians

    Qrescuers are indeed bein intentionally tareted, there is no doubt about the lawC

    those strikes are war crimes!@2 ut, in the tribal environment of Pakistan,

    distinction between an innocent and a terrorist is a complicated and challenin

    issue, makin it difficult for sinature strikes!)Bilitants seekin refue in tribal

    areas do not wear any kind of uniform that make them discernible! Boreover, in

    tribal culture everyone carries a weapon, which makes it difficult for the drones to

    distinuish between the innocents and militants!

    &hus, it becomes an issue of proportionality! "rone operations are also in

    violation to Article 51 of the additional protocol re3uirin ?the protection of civilian

    population!@ vidence suests that mostly the civilian rescue workers,

    marriae ceremonies, and reliious places are tareted! 5ven if the leitimate

    taret is identified, the lare presence of innocent civilians in such a space

    makes the strike disproportionate!7 -f these civilians are intentionally tareted,

    the strikes leally constitute war crimes!

    1 7len 7reen-ald, (!S! Drone Strikes arget *esc'ers in )akistan and t$e 0est Stays Silent, #uardian, A'g'st 2, 212,http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/&'1&/aug/&'/us-drones-strikes-target-

    rescuers-pakistan!2 /ack Serle, (!N! Jpert ;abels "%A actic Jposed by 5'rea' Ga 0ar"rimeH, -ureau of Investiative Journalism, /'ne 21, 212,http://www.the*ureauinvestigates.com/&'1&/'$/&1/un-e+pert-la*els-cia-tactic-e+posed-*-*ureau-a-war-crime/!3;iving (nder Drones, 112!4 %nternational "ommittee o. t$e *ed "ross, )rotocol additional to t$e7eneva "onvention o. 12 A'g'st 14, and relating to t$e )rotectiono. Kictims o. %nternational Armed "onOicts B)rotocol 1C, /'ne e* 8G/%'-%5''$5!9 "$ris 0oods and "$ristina ;amb, "%A actics in )akistan incl'de

    argeting *esc'ers and 'nerals, /he -ureau of InvestiativeJournalism, ebr'ary 4, 212,http://www.the*ureauinvestigates.com/&'1&/'&/'/o*ama-terror-drones-cia-tactics-in-pakistan-include-targeting-rescuers-and-funerals/! Daily imes Sta, (N calls .or Drone Strikes to "omply -it$%nternational ;a-s, 'ail" /imes, December 2, 213,http://www.dailtimes.com.pk/foreign/&'-2ec-&'1(/un-calls-for-drone-strikes-to-compl-with-international-laws!

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    +. T*e N Pe"s$ectie

    Article 2de.ense,Journal ofInternational Law Polic"%K, B2+C: +,https://www.law.upenn.edu/4ournals/4il/4ilp/articles/-1,ewis,;orinne.pdf!1 )$ilip Alston, St'dy on argeted #illings, Special *apporte'r, May2

  • 7/25/2019 drone strikes -amneded .docx


    -nitially, Pakistan had an ambiuous stance on drones, and used to

    celebrate the killins of *G&s!101 ut this stance chaned over time due to

    internal political dynamics of the country! -n 201) the Prime Binister of Pakistan

    6awaF Sharif discussed the drone issue with President 'bama as a violation of

    ?territorial interity, and a ma4or irritant in DmutualE relations!@102 ven in the

    presence of consent, international law should not be used to evade human


    Pakistan has apprehended *G&s, includin Mhalid Sheikh Bohammad and

    Abu Rubaydah, in the past, and also continues to help the United States by

    providin actionable intellience!10&he thorny issue is of inability, where the

    arument of a weak state comes up! -n the article ?Adaptin Americans Security

    Paradim and Security Aenda,@ the author writes, ?Some states are weak

    because they cannot control parts of their territories!@105&houh it is true that

    Pakistan still faces problems in its tribal areas, some 150,000 troops have been

    deployed to control the situation!1076onetheless, the inability of a state raises

    serious 3uestions about the irreular forces$non>state actors$usin its territory

    aainst another state! &heresa .einold states that ?the criteria for enain non>

    state actors on forein soil must reconcile the victim states vital security interests

    11 Amnesty %nternational *eport, 0ill % be t$e NeJt: (!S! DroneStrikes in )akistan!12 AyaF 7'l, )akistani )M (rges Stop to (!S! Drone Strikes, 5oice ofAmerica, 8ctober 22, 213, http://www.voanews.com/content/us-accused-of-unlawful-killings-pakistan-drone-strikes/1%%&%$.html!13 As$ley S! Deeks, "onsent to t$e (se o. orce and %nternational;a- S'premacy, &arvard International Law Journal 94, no 1 Bebr'ary213C, http://www.harvardil4.org/wp-content/uploads/&'1(/'(/7C1'1.pdf!14 *ory Mc"art$y and /ason 5'rke, op P11 S'spect SeiFed in)akistan, #uardian and 6$server, Marc$ 1, 23,

    http://www.theguardian.com/world/&''(/mar/'&/al)aida.terrorism!19 National Strategy %n.ormation "enter, Adopting AmericanHsSec'rity )aradigm and Sec'rity Agenda, 21, 2,http://www.strategcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/&'11/'1/adapting,the,paradigm.pdf!1 Q'lL&ar Ali 5$atti, $e )akistan ArmyHs 8perations in t$e ribalAreas, %nternational %nstit'te .or Strategic St'dies B%%SSC, ebr'ary 1,214, $ttp:PP---!iiss!orgPenPeventsPeventsParc$iveP214>.13P.ebr'ary>e1cPoperations>in>t$e>tribal>areas>.1!

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    with the harborin states sovereinty!@109 Boreover, she further arues that ?the

    notion that sovereinty implies responsibility for effective territorial control has

    been used to support a more e8pansive interpretation of the riht to self>defense

    in response to irreular warfare!@10:

    &he United States has refused accountability and transparency on its

    policies of tareted killins, which is in violation of the international leal

    framework!10 -n his famous ?cross roads@ speech, President 'bama defined a

    time>bound policy for finishin the weapon>related employment of drones, and,

    thereafter would restrict drone usae to surveillance!110 +iven the diverent

    national security interests of both countries, it seems unlikely that the United

    States would re>evaluate its drone policies!

    1+ *einold, State 0eakness, 249!1< %bid!, 24!1 %bid!, 122!11 ;'cy Madison, 8bama: America at "ross *oads in ig$tingerrorism, (-S News, May 23, 213, http://www.c*snews.com/news/o*ama-america-at-a-crossroads-in-fighting-terrorism/!
