Drocns¡ orSaru Dmco îr' ii .t i"'-' 'Ì' l'-'i- ' . ï t ',i\ii':¿_.. November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street SanBerna¡dino, CA 92405 Dear Monsignor Webber: I am enclosing a copy of the letterof ho hasmade allegations of sexual misconduct against Monsignor Malachy McGinn.,, As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I have located Jerri at the following address: . Shehasbeen in therapy for some time and'wás recommeñded to bring this allegátion-forwa¡d-as par-t-òT treatment.Sheis aware, I believe, thatthere are no grounds for legal action. Her intention is to make authorities and Monsignor McGinn aware so that such behavior will not occur in the future. oes not wish to be contacted by Fr. McGinn though shedid seem willing to speak with diocesan officials, if necessary. After speaking with , I did offer assistance by way of counseling at Catholic Charitieswhich shedid not feel was necessary sinceshewas already- in therapy,at leastat this time. V/hile shedid send a letter to FatherMcGinn shedoes not know if it reached him. As is ourpolicy, I will inform hattheDiocese of San Bernardino has been informed of this matter zurd that the allegations will be presented to Monsignor McGinn. If I can be of further help in this matter, please feel free to contact me. ffiffi Chancellor ilJn'¿-À^r.L ) '-' STD. JCL DJD/rs 0tl0 t) ;¿ ã P.\sroRÀL CEi\r'ER Marian Way, University of SanDiego + Post Ofl¡ce Box 85728 + SanDiego, California 92186-5728 + Telephone: (619) 574-6300 + Fax: (619) 574-0962 O[fice of theChancellor MCGINN-BBK000027

Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

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Page 1: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco

îr'i i .t i"'-''Ì' l'-'i-

' . ï t


November 12, 1993

Rev. Msgr. Don Webber1450 North D StreetSan Berna¡dino, CA 92405

Dear Monsignor Webber:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter of ho has made allegations of sexual misconductagainst Monsignor Malachy McGinn.,, As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I havelocated Jerri at the following address: . She has been intherapy for some time and'wás recommeñded to bring this allegátion-forwa¡d-as par-t-òTtreatment. She is aware, I believe, that there are no grounds for legal action. Her intention isto make authorities and Monsignor McGinn aware so that such behavior will not occur in thefuture.

oes not wish to be contacted by Fr. McGinn though she did seem willing to speakwith diocesan officials, if necessary. After speaking with , I did offer assistance by way ofcounseling at Catholic Charities which she did not feel was necessary since she was already- intherapy, at least at this time. V/hile she did send a letter to Father McGinn she does not knowif it reached him.

As is ourpolicy, I will inform hat the Diocese of San Bernardino has been informedof this matter zurd that the allegations will be presented to Monsignor McGinn. If I can be offurther help in this matter, please feel free to contact me.






0tl0 t) ;¿ ã

P.\sroRÀL CEi\r'ERMar ian Way , Un i ve rs i t y o f San D iego + Pos t O f l ¡ ce Box 85728 + San D iego , Ca l i f o rn i a 92186 -5728 + Te lephone : ( 619 ) 574 -6300 + Fax : ( 619 ) 574 -0962

O[fice of the Chancellor


New Stamp
Page 2: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

17 october L993

Father McGinn, you may not remember me after these many years;I ' I I t r y and b r i ng myse l f i n to focus fo r you . r t was 196g and rcame to the rectory, a f ter church one sundäy af te i " ; ; . r neededto get in touch î i t ! -a boy (a young rnan then) with whom r hadgone to s t . R i ta ' s schoor . r remember the dåy "o

*ã r r ; i t wàssunny and the rectory was quiet. vôu showed me into your off iceald r explaineg-my request. You rooked up some records and foundthat he was st i l r a member of the par ísh. you were seated atyour desk and r was rooking down over your shourder àt some paperand the next thing that r knewr yoür rért hand was on mybut tocks- Not l ¡ rusþír ,J against i t , not acc identry bumping in toi t , _but fu l ry , : ger iberateÍy rest ing ihere. And aô you know whatmy f irst thought was? r tñought tñat r must be misinterpreti ; ;-your act ion, that r sure iy must be mistaken. Af ter ar r yoo ã i .a pr iest and pr iests don ' t do those th ings¡ so of course, i t mustb? Tv faur ty percept ion. (Now r th ink hõw' in the worrd åo you-- -m is in te rp re t ' someone 's hand on you r f anny? ) r d Ídn i t sayanything. r thanked you for your herp and was ready to reave-- -+¡hen you came up to me and kiÁsed me ón the mouth. '-Afterlõu--k issed me you asked me i f r was surpr ised. rns ide my headl r *a=resonating with shock but r was zL ãnd struggring to be ,reiygroÌ.¡n up, and the most important thing-then was to be coor ändunshockable.

h le l l we went on f rom there. I 'm sure now that I wasn, t the f i rs twoman nor the last for you. And yêsr I was a chronological

"ãùitbut r was arso a product o f tz yeárs of cathor ic schooÍ ing,taught to acknowledge the authoii ty and to respect the stí i i tuafwÍsdom ( to k íds i t becomes genera l wisdorn) of i t ¡e pr iest i rood. r tya9 -thlough you that the sacraments were administeied; your handsheld the Euchar is t , a r i t t re whi re rater they touched me.usual ly we met in dark p laces, park ing lo tsr or out o f the waybars where we were unr ikery to encounter any of your f rock. youTgre probably at least 20 years o lder than Í was but dur ing thoset imes you were l ike some k ind of sexual ly s tunted adul t , cãr i inã-ÞoAy parts by chi lr l ish na¡nes, the kind of names that are meant todefuse the sexual i ty f rom our geni ta ls , the k ind that are used bysome adur ts wi th the i r ch i rdren. you were turned on by th iscontact between us, but you arso seemed to want me to read thewêyr for me to be responsibre for what you did or what youwanted. r can ' t remember ever feer ing aroused by what ùe dÍd. ronry remember feering anger and having tt¡e vague- sense thatsometh ing about th is was aberrant .

0 t j 0 u 2 6MCGINN-BBK000028

Page 3: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

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0 t J u t 2 7MCGINN-BBK000029

Page 4: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

D,iooru,,n Qaú,onof C¿ntenÍò,doo"t* of åan Rzznard.¿no

March 7, L994

MEMO TO FILE3 Reverend Monsignor Malachy McGin"PU

Monsignor McGinn has reported to Bishop straring and has givenhim a report from his therapist in Orange. The report r,rasdiscussed and retained by Monsignor McGinn. It appears thatthere is no problem that surfaced in the evaruation. McGinnhas asked that the statement of the alleged vict,irn, thesummary of his conversation with Bíshop stral ing be retainednot h is f i le here, in our of f ice, but a t B ishop Stra l ingrspersonal f i le at his residence. At a later date that may bedestroyed. I would have one concern that the summary of thisprocess be sent to San Diego, who is supervising this al lega-t ion, A copy of that memo be forwarded to Bishop.



0 t J 0 8 2 8

r45o JVoztß "b" åtntt{ 3oo ßtonorÁiro, Cottfoznta gz7oj Igogl 3E4-EeooMCGINN-BBK000030

Page 5: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

DrocEsE or SnN Dmco

C{BrufrffÈFËF'nj'} ¡råË-

November 12, 1993

Rev. Msgr. Don rilebber1450 North D StreetSan Bernardino, CA 92405

Dear Monsignor V/ebber:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter of ho has made allegations of sexual misconductagainst Monsignor Malachy McGinn. As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I havelocated at the following-address- .--She-has$een intherapy for some time and-was r-ecorämeñdêt'iö'biint--thíS-ãItegãtion-ñrwarrt-as-pari-oftreatment. She is awa.re, I believe, that there are no grounds for legal action. He¡ intention isto make authorities and Monsignor McGinn aware so that such behavior will not occur in thefuture.

a does not wish to be contacted by Fr. McGinn though she did seem willing to speakwith diocesan officials, if necessary. After speaking with i, I did offer assistance by way ofcounseling at Catholic Charities which she did not feel was necessary since she was already intherapy, at least at this time. V/hile she did send a letter to Father McGinn she does not knowif it reached him.

As is our policy, I will inform Miss Cota that the Diocese of San Bernardino has been informedof this matter and that the allegations will be presented to Monsignor McGinn. If I can be offurther help in this matter, please feei free to contact me.

ilL,krL^r f I-l

Rev. Msgr.Chancellor


Dan\ 1J. Dii labough,STD, JCL

Ût ¡0û23

P.\sToR{L CI:Nl.ERTe lephone : { 619 } 574 -6300 + Fâx : ( 619 } 574 -0962

OfIice of tlre Chancellor

Mar ian Way , Un ¡ve rs i l y o f San D iego + Pos t O l f i ce Box 85728 + San D iego , Ca l i f o rn i a 92186 -5728 +MCGINN-BBK000031







New Stamp
Page 6: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

Father Mccinn, you may not remember me after these many years;i l l l l t r y and b r i ng myse l f i n to focus fo r you . r t was 196g and rcame to the rectory af ter church one Sundäy af ternoon. r neededto get in touch with a boy (a young man thén) with whom r hadgone to S t . R i ta ' s Schoo l . r r emember the day so we l i j i t r " "

sunny and the rectory was quiet. You showed ñre into vå"r off iceand I explained my request. You looked up some records and foundthat he was st i l l a member of the par ish. You were seated at' your. desk and r was looking down over your shoulder at some paperand the next thing that I knew, your feft hand was on *ybut tocks. Not brushing against Í t , not ecc ident3.y ¡umping in toi t r -bu t f u I I y , ' de l i be ra te l y res t i ng the re . And dã you -know wha tmy f i rs t . thought was? I tñought tñat I must be mis in terpret ingyour act ion, that I sure ly must be mistaken. Af ter a l l -yoo aí"a pr iest and pr iests don ' t do those th ingsr so of course, i t mustbe rly faulty perceþtion. (Now I think how ín the world do youmis in te rp re t someoners hand on you r f anny? ) I d idn ' t sayanything. I thanked you for your help aird was ready to leave.

1 7 o c t o b e r l t g g g

il:i_Y"l came -up. tg me-and-kiésed me ón-the-nouû;--?\:ftër-TõEkissed me you asked me if r was surprised, rnside my headl t wasresonating with shock but r was zL ánd struggring to be veiy

: ---

grown up¡ and the most Ímportant thing-then was to be coor ändunshockab le .

b le l l we went on f rom there. r 'm sure now that r wasn, t the f í rs twoman nor the last for you. And yêsr I was a chronological adultbut r was arso a product o f tz yeárs of cathor ic schooÍ Íng,taught to acknowledge the authority and to respect the splr i tualwisdom ( to k íds i t becomes genera l wisdom) ot t t re pr iest i rood, i twas _through you that the sacraments were administered; your handsherd the Euchar is t , a r i t t te whi re rater they touched me.usua l r y we me t i n da rk p laces , pa rk ing l o t s r o r ou t o f t he waybars where we were unr ike ly to èncounter any of your f lock. ?ouwgre probably at least 20 years o lder than i was-but dur ing thoset imes you weie l Íke some k ind of sexual ly s tunted adul t , cãt i i t tgbody par ts by ch i ld ish names, the k ind of names that are meant todefuse the sexual i ty f rom our geni ta ls , the k ind that are used bysome adur ts wi th the i r ch i ldren. you were turned on by th iscontact between us, but you arso seemed to want me to lead thewêy, for me to be responsib le for what you díd or what youwanted. r can ' t remember ever fee l ing aroused by what we d id. . ronly remember feering anger and having the vague sense thatsometh ing about th is was aberrant .

t lüû I3rf lMCGINN-BBK000032

Page 7: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

I do remember weI I the last t ime that we saw each other . I t wasin the pa rk ing ro t o f t he K ing ' s rnn i n M iss io r r , va i i ey , l - ãm- ' - -s i t t i ng i n my-ca r , yoq a re s tand ing by the d r i ve r ' s s iae * i r , a -o *leaning toward me. And you have such-a look of naked hunge, o¡your face that r can bareJ-y maintain eye contact with youl rtgives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I- know thatI cannot see you again.

You seduced me duríng a t ime ín my l i fe when r was confused, anduncer ta in of my re lat ionship wi th the Church. b that you d id qraswrong and damagÍng to me. r was younger then than r knew. r didnot rea l ize the repercuss ions that i t wourd have in my r i fe . ram onry now beginning to dear with the pai.n and sorrow of i t .

cc : The D iocese o f San D iego

0 ü 0 û 3 iMCGINN-BBK000033


New Stamp
Page 8: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

%iou.Lan Qætono[ CentezE,¡,.o.t" of So, ßrnrooá¿ro

December 3, 1993

MEMO TO FILE: Reverend Monsignor Malachy McGinn

.â's of this date, November 30, r spoke to Monsignor Mcciirn, oDthe telephone, concerning an appointment with Dr. Joseph andBishop Stral ing to review the contents of the letter presentedby Monsignor McGinn says that he has notreceived the lett,er which she said that she sent to him. rhave reviewed with hím our procedure, 1) to meet with Bishopstral ing and Dr. Joseph, and review the contents of thisretter, 2) to do an evaluation with Dr. Joseph for the formalcrosing of the procedure, 3) there is no criminal or civitact,ion pending at this time, but it would be important to showthat we have acted appropriatery with this information.

ffiÀ)Reverend Monsignor Donald S. WebberChancellor/Moderator of Curia

0t }0CI3?

t45o JVoztß "b" åtrttt, åoo ßt"non/iro, Cottt'o,,.nio gz4oj lQogl 364-SzooMCGINN-BBK000034


New Stamp
Page 9: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

Drocnse op S¿N Drnco

November 12, 1993

Rev. Msgr. Don V/ebber1450 North D StreetSan Bernardino, CA 92405

Dear Monsignor Webber:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter of a who has made allegations of sexual misconductagainst Monsignor Malachy McGinn. As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I havelocate at the following address: She has been intherapy for some time and-was-iecöäimeñated'iö.bring- this ïõiwarrf-aslart offteatment. She is aware, I believe, that there are no grounds for legal action. Her intention isto make authorities and Monsignor McGinn aware so that such behavior will not occur in thefuture.

oes not wish to be contacted by Fr. McGinn though she did seem willing to speakwith diocesan officials, if necessary. After speaking with , I did offer assistance by wãy ofcounseling at Catholic Charities which she did not feel was necessary since she was already intherapy, at least at this time. Vfhile she did send a letter to Fathe¡ McGinn she does not knowif it reached him.

As is our policy, I will inform hat the Diocese of San Bernardino has been informedof this matter and that the allegations will be presented to Monsignor McGinn. If I can be offurther help in this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Il--Rev. Msgr.Chancellor



l l t lûü33

P.'lsroruqL Cr.NTIRTe lephone : ( 6 rg ) 574 .6300 + Fax : ( 619 ) S74 .0962

Otfìce of rhe Ch¿rncellor

J. Dillabough,

Marian Way, Univers i ty of San Diego .ê Post Oft ice Box BS728 + San Diego, Caf i fornia 92186-5728 +








New Stamp
Page 10: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

t7 october 1993

Father Mccinn, Yoü may not remember me after these many years ì' r r l l t r y and b r i ng myãer f i n to focus fo r you . r t was j . 96g and rcame to the rectory ãtter church one sundåy afternoon. r neededto get in touch Yit! -a boy (a young man then) wÍth whom r hadgone to s t . R i ta ' s schoor . r remember the day = " *ð i i J i t wassunny and the rectory was quiet. You showed ire intã-våur off iceand I explained my request. You looked uf some records and found; that he was st i l t a mémber of the par ish. - you were seated at' your desk and r was look ing down o ier your shoulder at -some paperand the next thing that r knew, your rert hand was or, ,nybut tocks. Not brusþi t ,J against i t , not acc identry buml ing in toi t , -but fu i ly r ' de l iberateÍy rest ing there. And aô you-know whatmy f i rs t . thought was? r thought that r must be mis in terpret ingyour act ion, that I sure ly must be mistaken. Af ter a I I yog a iea pr iest and pr iests don ' l ¿o those th ingsr so of course, Í t mustbe my fau l ty percept ion. (Now r th ink how Ín t t ¡e wor ld do youmis in te rp re t someone 's hand .on you r f anny? ) r a idn i i = "yanything. r thanked you for your help aãd was ready to leave_ . - . ç þ g ¡ y o u c a m e . u p t o m e - - a n d - k i s s e d ' o e ó n - t t r g . m o u t h - ; - _ - e r t e r Fk issed me you asked me i f I was surpr ised. Ins ide my head, I wasresonat ing wi th shock but I was 2 l ánd st ruggl ing to 'Uã n" iy-

: . - -grown up, and the most important thinE-then-úas to be cool ãndunshockabLe

$IeI I we went on f rom there. I rm sure now that I wasn ' t the f i rs twoman nor the last for you. And y€sr I was a chronologica l aOuf tbut r r . ras arso a product o f tz yeãrs 'o f cathor ic schooÍ ing,taught to acknowledge the authoii ty and to respect the splr i tualwisdom ( to k ids i t becomes genera l wisdom) ot tne pr iesthood. I t1ra9 _th-rough you that the sacraments were administeied; your handshe ld_ the Euchar i s t , a l i t t l e wh i re ra te r t hey touched me .usuarry we met in dark praces, park ing rotsr or out o f the waybars where we were unr- ikery to èncounter any of your f Iock. youTgre probably at least 20 years o lder than i was-but dur íng thå;et imes you were l ike some k ind of sexual ly s tunted adul t ,

"á f i i t tõ-Þo9V parts by chi ldish names, the kind of names that are meant todefuse the sevual i ty f rom our geni ta ls , the k ind that . r " r " .d btsome adur ts wi th theÍ r ch i ldren. you $¡ere turned on by th iscontact between us, but you also seemed to want me to lead thewâyr for me to be responsibre for what you did or what youwanted. r can ' t remember ever feer ing aroused by what we d id. ronry remember feeling anger and having tt¡e vague sense thatsometh ing about th is was aberrant .

0 t ¡ 0 û 3 4MCGINN-BBK000036

Page 11: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

r do remêmber werr the rast t ime that we saw each other. r t wasin the park ing ro t o f the K ing 's rnn in Miss ion va l Iey . r -ã* - ' - -s i t t ing in my car ' you are s tãna ing by the dr iver ' s s ide w indowreaning toward me. And you have süch-a look of naked hunte;- ; ;your face that r can barery maintain eye contact wi th you. r tgives me a sick feeling in the pit of iry stomach and r know thatI cannot see you agaÍn

You seduced me duríng a time in my rife when r was confused, anduncertain of my relat ionship wi th the Church. I , r lhat you did waswrong and damaging to me. r was younger then than r knew. r didnot real ize the repercussions that i t wourd have in my r i fe. ram onry now begÍnning to dear with the pain and sorrow of i t .


cc : The D iocese o f San D iego

r j û 0 8 3 5MCGINN-BBK000037


New Stamp
Page 12: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

D,¿ootâ.a.n Qal,tono[ C¿nt¿z

E,í,,ot* ot' á,,,o ßrnrorl.ino


T O :



FROM FAX NUMBER: ( e o e ) 8 8 4 - 4 8 e 0



- &zz- |


t45o JVo,r.tß "b" åt ttt, åol, ß.nro./.íro, Cahit'owø. gz4o5 l7t4l 364-gzoo

i l f t ncSF


Page 13: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

L7 october 1993

Father McGinn, you may not remember me after these many years;i l l l t ry and br ing myser f in to focus for you. r t was rgøg and rcame to the rectory after church one Sundäy afternoon. I neededto get in touch with a boy (a young man thén) with whom r hadgone to s t . R i ta ' s schoor . r remember the day so wer r ; i t wassunny and the rectory was guiet. You showed lne into your off iceald I explained-my request. You looked up some recorãs anO rounathat he was st i r r a member of the par Ísh. you were seated atyour desk and I was looking down over your shoulder at some paperand the next thing that r knew, your rärt hand was on mybut tocks. Not bru?l in ,J against i t , not acc identry bumpÍng in toi t , _br i t fu l ry , der iberarery rest ing there. And dõ you know whatmy f irst thought was? I tñought that I must be misl.nterpreting-your act ion, that r sure ly must be mistaken. Af ter ar r yor ,

" i "a pr iest and pr iests don ' t do those th ings, so of course, i t mustbg Tv faur ty percept ion. (Now r th ink hõw in the worrd åo yo; - - -m is Ín te rp re t someone 's hand on you r f anny? ) r d idn ' t sayanyth ing. r thanked you for your he lp and-*as ready to reavelvhen you came up to me and kissed me ón the mouth. After youkissed me you asked me i f I was surpr ised. rns ide my head, r wasresonating with shock but r was zL ãnd struggring to be ,eiygrorârn up, and the most Ímportant thinE-then-was to be coor andunshockable

hle l l we went on f rom there. r 'm sure now that I wasn ' t the f i rs twoman nor the last for you. And y€sr r was,a chronologica l aaùi tbut r was arso a producl o f Lz y"ärs of cathor ic schoor ing,taught to acknowledge the authoii ty and to respect the spÍri tualwÍsdom ( to k ids i t becomes generar wisdom) of i t re pr iesthood. r tya9 -th¡ough you that the sacraments were ad.¡ninisteiea; your rranãshe ld the Euchar i s t , a l i t t t e wh Í Ie l a te r t hey touched me .usuarry we met in dark praces, park ing ro isr 'o i -ã" [ -J t " ' fh . ,o"ybars where üre were unrikery to ãncounter any of your frock. youygre probabry at least 20 years o lder than i r "= 'un i aur ing thòset imes you htere l ike sgme k ind of sexuai ry s tunted àãur t , car l ing?"9v parls by chirdish names, the kind oi names that are meant todefuse the sexual i ty f rom our geni tars , the k ind that are used bysome adul ts wi th the i r chÍ ldreñ. you , " r " turned on by th iscontact between- us. but you also seemed to want me to lead thewêyr for me to be responêibre for what you did or wrrát-t; ;


wanted. r can ' t remember ever feer ing äroused by what we d id. rontry remember I": l ing anger and havitt i trre vague'"àrr=. thatsometh ing about th is was aberrant .

0 0 8 í Ì 3 7MCGINN-BBK000039

Page 14: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

I do remember well the last t ime that we saw each other. It wasí l the parking rot of the King's rnn in Missíon valrey. r ã*"---s i t t ing in my car, you are stãnding by the dr iver 's s i¿e wináowreaning toward me. And you have such-a look of naked hunger onyour face that r can barery maintain eye contact with youl rtgives rlê ä'r síek feeling in the pit of iry stornacn ánã- r know thatI cannot see you again

You seduced me during a time in my life when r was confused, anduncertain of my rerationship with the church. hlhat you did waswrong and damagíng to me, r was younger then than r knew. r didnot real ize the repercussions that i t wourd have in my I i , fe. ram onry now beginning to dear with the pai.n and sorrow of it.

cc: The Diocese of San Diego

0 t J 0 0 3 8MCGINN-BBK000040


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Page 15: Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco - BishopAccountability.org · Drocns¡ or Saru Dmco îr' ii 'Ì' .t i"'-' l'-'i-'. ',i\ii':¿_..ït November 12, 1993 Rev. Msgr. Don Webber 1450 North D Street

Drocnsn or SnN Dmco

November 12, 1993

Rev. Msgr. Don V/ebbe¡1450 North D StreetSan Bernardino, CA 92405

Dear Monsignor Webber:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter of who has made allegations of sexual miscónductagainst Monsignor Malachy McGinn. As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I havelocated at the following address: She has been intherapy for some time and was recommended to bring this allegation forward as part oftreatment. She is aware, I believe, that there ate no grounds for legal action. Her intention isto make authorities and Monsignor McGinn aware so that such beliavior will not occur in thefuture.

does not wish to be contacted by Fr. McGinn though she did seem willing to speakwith diocesan officíals, if necessary. After speaking with i, I did offer assistance by wáy ofcounseling at Catholic Charities which she did not feel was necessary since she was already intherapy, at least at this time. While she did send a letter to Father McGinn she does not knowif it reached him.

As is our policy, I will inform that the Diocese of San Bernardino has been informedof this matter and that the allegations will be presented to Monsignor McGinn. If I can be offurther help in this matter, please feel free to contact me.

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STD, JCLChancellor


0 tJ tJuSe

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Office of the Chancellor








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