The post 38 th GHACOF consultative meeting under the WB Horn of Africa Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative, 28 th September – 1 st October, 2014, in Eldoret, Keniya

DRM practice in Ethiopia and its Challenge ICPAC

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The post 38th GHACOF consultative meeting under the WB Horn of Africa Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative, 28th September – 1st October, 2014, in Eldoret, Keniya

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Introduction DRM Framework in Ethiopia DRM Program Framework DRM Mainstreaming CCA?DRM Integration Information and EWS EW tools and regular monitoring Provision of EW Main Challenges in our DRM system Conclusion

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Ethiopia has achieved a double digit economic growth over the last seven years and plans to increase it further (to the level of 14 percent) by the end of the Growth Transformation Plan period.

Despite such a tremendous achievement Ethiopia is still highly vulnerable to a wide range of CC induced natural as well as man-made disasters

Drought remains the country’s leading major hazard while flood is the second major hazard next to drought

Recent experience shows an apparent marked increase in area coverage and frequency of such disasters

Climate Change and associated risks are and will continue to affect the economy in general and agriculture and Food Security in particular

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Ethiopian Disaster Management system is transforming from :

Disaster Response to Disaster Risk Management (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery & rehabilitation)

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Institutional Set-UpPre BPR period: crisis management focused

Pre-1973: no organized DM system, ad-hoc response to crises 1973: Relief & Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) 1995: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) 2004: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (DPPA) 2006-07: Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Post BPR period: Risk management focused 2008: Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS)

Policy Perspectives Currently the National DRM Policy being endorsed by the council of

Ministers and the legal issues are on-going. Followed by lunch DRM Strategic Programme and Investment


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Climate affects multiple sectors including agriculture, food security, water resources, health and land use.

Climatic variability triggers crop failures, food insecurity, malaria epidemics, and shortages in hydro-power and irrigation. 

These types of impacts affect the ability of developing countries to achieve Millennium Development Goals related to poverty, hunger and human health. 

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Managing the risk associated with climate variability is integral to a comprehensive strategy for adapting agriculture and food systems to a changing climate.

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National Framework for Disaster Risk ReductionFive objectives linked to the globally agreed Hyogo framework for action

(HFA) Strengthen national disaster risk management strategies and

institutions Ensure risk and vulnerability assessments, early warning and

contingency planning and financing- in both rural and urban areas

Increase and sustain awareness creation, education and capacity building

Reduce underlying risk and vulnerability (and integrate DRR into sector planning and practices for example in water, health, environment…etc)

Improve emergency preparedness and response through capacity strengthening

DRM Framework in Ethiopia

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Specific objectives:

Identify and test innovations in partnership with rural communities that enable them to better manage climate-related risk and build more resilient livelihoods;

Identify and test tools and strategies to use advance information to better manage climate risk;

Support risk management through enhanced weather forecast and prediction of climate impacts on agriculture, and enhanced climate information and services.

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Divided along six components in three phases and one enabling environment:a)Pre-Disaster Phase

1. Prevention2. Preparedness3. Mitigation

b)Disaster Phase4. Response

c)Post-Disaster Phase5. Recovery and Rehabilitation

d)Enabling Environment6. Institutional Strengthening

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Roadmap for mainstreaming DRR in different sector plans and programs at federal, city, and regional levels

Integration of DRR in development plans and land use and physical plans at regional, city, and woreda levels

Integration of DRR in zoning laws and building regulations and codes

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Increased adoption and mitigation measures as CC adaptation initiatives

Integration of DRM and CCA coordination mechanisms

Climate change financing facilities Sustainable land management Environmental management

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EWS is part of the development undertaking of any country & as such should be incorporated in all sector activities to collect information. Information must be collected:-

Prior to the incident: Information about impending drought or deteriorating health conditions or structural weaknesses of dams before the impact takes place.

Current situation: as the impact is taking place (e.g. Weather information, water & pasture availability, levels of rivers and dams),

After the incident: information after the incident should be gathered to assess the damage and the needs for response

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Major components of Early Warning:- Monitoring (monitoring indicators relevant to

agriculture, health, water, Education, conflict, etc.);

Warning (Warning of the threat of disaster ahead of time); and

Triggering Timely and Appropriate Response (food and non-food assistance, etc…)

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Data collection

• Monitoring data is collected from different weredas on weekly and monthly basis.

• Weather information from National Metereological Services Agency.

• Different relevant data from UN agencies, NGOs and Other relevant agencies

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Different tools of Early WarningDifferent tools of Early Warning

Different Early Warning tools are currently in use to monitors indicators relevant to food and non-food components, analyse data and provide warning about impending disasters.

Main tools of EW:- monitoring checklists regular early warning reports

Satellite-based weather monitoring tool Livelihoods, Early Assessment and Protection (LEAP) System one of major tools to trigger risk financing mechanism

EW tools and Regular Monitoring…contdRegular Monitoring…contd

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Currently analysis, interpretation and warning of impending disaster is done at Federal & Regional level (Some Regions and the Weredas are expected to do their own analysis and early warning after the necessary capacity is in place)

EW BulletinsFortnight and monthly Bulletin are produced and disseminated to users through email and DRMFSS’ s website (http://www.dppc.gov.et. Moreover weekly situation update report produced and disseminated to decision makers.

Provision of Early Warning

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As DRM is a new direction in Ethiopia there is a scarcity of skilled man power to implement the system in a proper manner.

Low level capacity in terms of material resource Staff turnover Lack of awareness, how to interpret weather/climate

information at all level. Lack of clarity of weather/climate information from

the provider side Different level of understanding about DRM at all


Main Challenges in our DRM system

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Using weather/climate information in day to day work of EW and in the preparation of short-term, medium term and long-term DRM plan is very important for effective DRM activities.

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