DRAFT Good Corporate Governance.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 DRAFT Good Corporate Governance.pdf


    Good Corporate


    J. P. SOEBANDONODrs (ec), S.Psi, MM, M.Si (psi)

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    Good People do not need laws to tellthem to act responsibly while bad

    people will find away around thelaws.


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    Good Corporate Governance (GCG)

    GCG is the key to successful growth for long termbenefits and to win the global competition. And, Theeconomic crisis in Asia and Latin America is believedwas due the failure in implementing GCG (Daniri,2005).

    In 1999, Indonesia the slowest country to recoverfrom the financial crisis in East Asia. It was NOT thecompetition among countries but rather the

    competition between the corporations in thosecountries. So, it was really depended upon the ablitiesof those corporations in the respected countries.(Moeljono, 2005).

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    Stewardship theory and Agency theory(Chinn,2000; Shaw,2003).

    Stewardship theory - based upon the philosophicalbeliefs that human is trustworthy, capable to act withresponsibilities, honesty and integrity to each other.Inthis theory management can be fully trusted to actfor the stakeholders interest as well as the public

    Agency theory (Johnson,1998), - that managementas the Agents of the shareholders, acts consciously

    for their own behalf, not for the interest ofshareholders. The Agency theory is more acceptablesince it is closely reflecting the reality

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    Good corporate governance (GCG)

    defined as a system that manages andcontrol the company to create addedvalues for all stakeholders

    (Monks,2003). The right of shareholders to get the right

    information timely

    The obligation of the company to give accuratedisclosure timely, and transparently on allinformation regarding performance, ownershipand stakeholders.

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    Corporate governance

    Enhancing organizational performance

    through supervision or monitoring ofmanagement performance and accountibilityto the stakeholders based upon the rules andregulations

    peningkatan kinerja perusahaan melalui supervisiatau pemantauan kinerja manajemen dan adanyaakuntabilitas manajemen terhadap pemangkukepentingan lainnya, berdasarkan kerangka aturan

    dan peraturan yang berlaku

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    Corporate Governance

    A system of checks and

    balances between theboard, management andinvestors to produce anefficiently functioningcorporation, ideally geared

    to produce long-termvalue

    The Conference Board

    Corporate governance is afield in economics that

    investigates how tosecure/motivate efficientmanagement of corporationsby the use of incentivemechanisms, such ascontracts, organizational

    designs and legislation. This is often limited to thequestion of improvingfinancial performance, forexample, how the corporateowners can secure/motivatethat the corporate managerswill deliver a competitive rateof return. (Mathiesen, 2002)

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    Corporate Governance

    "Corporate Governance isconcerned with holding the

    balance between economicand social goals and betweenindividual and communalgoals. The corporategovernance framework isthere to encourage the

    efficient use of resources andequally to requireaccountability for thestewardship of thoseresources. The aim is to alignas nearly as possible theinterests of individuals,

    corporations and society" (SirAdrian Cadbury in 'GlobalCorporate GovernanceForum', World Bank, 2000)

    Corporate governance isabout how companies are

    directed and controlled. Goodgovernance is an essentialingredient in corporatesuccess and sustainableeconomic growth. Researchin governance requires an

    interdisciplinary analysis,drawing above all oneconomics and law, and aclose understanding ofmodern business practice ofthe kind which comes fromdetailed empirical studies in a

    range of national systems.- Simon Deakin, RobertMonks Professor of CorporateGovernance

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    Corporate Governance

    "Corporate Governance isconcerned with holding the

    balance between economicand social goals and betweenindividual and communalgoals. The corporategovernance framework isthere to encourage the

    efficient use of resources andequally to requireaccountability for thestewardship of thoseresources. The aim is to alignas nearly as possible theinterests of individuals,

    corporations and society" (SirAdrian Cadbury in 'GlobalCorporate GovernanceForum', World Bank, 2000)

    Corporate governance is themethod by which a

    corporation is directed,administered or controlled.Corporate governanceincludes the laws andcustoms affecting thatdirection, as well as the goals

    for which the corporation isgoverned. The principalparticipants are theshareholders, managementand the board of directors.Other participants includeregulators, employees,

    suppliers, partners,customers, constituents (forelected bodies) and thegeneral community. -Wikipedia

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    Components of GCG

    Four components of GCG concepts(Kaen, 2003; Shaw, 2003):




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    1. Transparency(keterbukaaninformasi), yaitu keterbukaan

    dalam melaksanakan prosespengambilan keputusan danketerbukaan dalammengemukakan informasi materiildan relevan mengenaiperusahaan.

    2.Accountability(akuntabilitas), yaitukejelasan fungsi, struktur, sistem,dan pertanggungjawaban organperusahaan sehingga pengelolaanperusahaan terlaksana secaraefektif.

    3. Responsibility(pertanggungjawaban), yaitukesesuaian (kepatuhan) di dalampengelolaan perusahaan terhadapprinsip korporasi yang sehat sertaperaturan perundangan yangberlaku.

    4.Independency(kemandirian), yaitusuatu keadaan dimana perusahaan

    dikelola secara profesional tanpabenturan kepentingan dan pengaruh/ tekanan dari pihak manajemenyang tidak sesuai dengan peraturandan perundangan-undangan yangberlaku dan prinsip-prinsip korporasiyang sehat.

    5. Fairness (kesetaraan dan kewajaran),yaitu perlakuan yang adil dan setaradi dalam memenuhi hak-hakstakeholderyang timbul berdasarkanperjanjian serta peraturanperundangan yang berlaku.

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    The Importance of Internal & External Controls and Auditto Sound Corporate Governance

    The external audit

    Report toboards audit


    Importance of independent, external auditor iscommunicated throughout the company

    Independence must be real: no/limited non-audit services

    At minimum, rotation of external

    audit partner

    Managementletter issued

    The internal audit

    Direct reporting to theboards audit committee


    Internal controls

    Monitors compliance with corporate

    governance rules, regulations,codes and policies

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    Issues in Corporate Governance

    Asymmetry of power Asymmetry of information

    Interests of shareholders as residual owners

    Role of owner management

    Theory of separation of powers Division of corporate pie among stakeholders

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    Current status on corporategovernance

    Insistence on forms and structures

    Overarching regulations

    Regulatory overkill

    Lack of adequate number of strong, independentdirectors

    Large liabilities for companies and officers

    Has the pendulum swung too far?

    For the first time in the decade-long history of the Index ofEconomic Freedom, the U.S. is no longer among the top ten

    most free countries

    Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation Index ofEconomic Freedom

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    Governance and performance

    Good governance leads to good performance It creates an open and transparent system

    It improves communication and breaks downsystematic barriers to flow of information

    Good governance allows decision making based ondata. It reduces risk

    Good governance helps in creating a brand andcreates comfort for all stakeholders and society

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    Does performance depend ongovernance

    Medium to long term performance requiresgovernance

    Most companies which have grown in the last 25years have outstanding performance and have goodgovernance structure

    A good governance structure treats all stakeholdersfairly

    Governance alone cannot ensure performance

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    Governance and Performance -issues

    Is governance a luxury that can be afforded only bythe performing companies?

    Do strategies and tactics need to change toaccommodate governance with performance?

    Is there a time-lag between governance andperformance?

    Are stakeholders concerned about performance orpromised performance ?

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    Governance and Performancemeasurement - issues

    Is governance behavior motivated by legislation?

    Do standards vary with jurisdictions or do you adopt thebest option?

    Do you choose the right thing to do irrespective ofwhether its mandatory or not?

    Is performance evaluation limited to valuation metrics?

    Is it only ROE, Net margin, growth, shareholder wealthcreation?

    Do performance measures need to be holistic?

    We need to encompass all stakeholders

    Governance is an enabler for holistic performance

    How do managers better understand governancerequirements?

    Do we need market research for governancerequirements?

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    Greater emphasis on leadershipby example

    Boards are returning to basicvalue systems

    Each culture should look back toits roots for value systems


    the moral fiberof the



    the moral fiber

    of the

    corporationValue systems are helpingbuild corporate governanceframework for companies

    Boards are redefining valuecreation

    Not merely increase in stock


    What is the Current Status on Corporate Governance Practices?

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    Survey by Booz-Allen (1998) indicated that Indonesia

    had the lowest GCG index in East Asia: 2,88, muchworse than Singapore (8,93), Malaysia (7,72) andThailand (4,89).

    McKinsey & Co (2000) found out that:

    The majority of the values of the companies in thestock exchange before the 1998 crisis wereovervalued.

    It was suspected that there were dishonesties in thecapital market

    Values were based on growth expectation rather thancurrent earning stream.

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    Investing in Corporate Governance

    Companies need to invest in good governance

    Corporate governance has a direct bearing on businessperformance and thereby ROI

    Leverage the power of IT

    On average, businesses with superior governance practices

    generate 20 percent greater profits than other companies A study based on 256 companies conducted at the MIT Sloan

    School of Management