Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization ! Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder & Directional Leader

Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder & Directional Leader

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization!. Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder & Directional Leader. O R L A N D O. N O V 3 - 5. Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization !. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in

Church Revitalization!

Dr. Tom CheyneyRenovateConference.org

Founder & Directional Leader

Page 2: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader




Page 3: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms inChurch Revitalization!

To get the app, you can go to the Google Play Store or the Apple Apps Store and search for Renovate Conference. You can download a copy of this presentation or subscribe to the Church Revitalizer Weekly Blog from Tom Cheyney.

Page 4: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

I want to talk about surviving the storms in church revitalization and renewal. If you are going to work in the field of church revitalization you will often be facing various squalls, tempest, gale winds, thunderstorms, a typhoon or a raging hurricane. How you deal with these frequent storms will determine your ability to lead a church through the tremor’s which frequent the storms keeping a church from experiencing church revitalization and renewal?

Page 5: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

• We should all learn how to survive and thrive in the midst of difficult circumstances in the life of the church as is goes through the revitalization process.

• Weather you are a pastor, staff member, one who works alongside of these churches as a revitalization specialist you will often have storms. One just cannot allow these storms to deter you in your efforts to help revitalize churches today. As we move through these storms of increasing intensity, we must learn how to deal with these spring showers, and even thunderstorms by utilizing some basic survival skills.

Page 6: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Sebastian Junger in his book called it the "perfect storm."

Page 7: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

“On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him (Mark 4: 35-41)?”

Page 8: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

It was a storm a lot like the perfect storm on the Sea of Galilee that Mark described in our text for today. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and measuring only four miles across, the Sea of Galilee was a prime target for the most ferocious onslaughts of nature. The purpose of Mark's record of this storm certainly emphasized God's power over nature. The continuing lesson for us is more about the storms we face in our personal lives and Christ's ability to see us through them. As a church revitalizer one will experience various storms during their efforts to revitalize a church. They will often be a mixture of personal, professional, public, and procedural storms.

Page 9: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

No on can escape such storms. They often continue to escalate in intensity all around us. Our faith and fortitude cannot insulate us from the common experiences of life. Tragic events come into our lives regardless of who we are. And they sometimes strike so suddenly. We are going to talk about the Category 5 hurricanes that blow through our churches as we work towards church renewal. To survive these you need to use everything at your disposal.

Page 10: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

First, lets identify what these storms look like. These storms are usually even more intense than thunderstorms and tend to be of longer duration. There is a real danger in these storms. These are not the “blown out of proportion problems of life” but are the storms that really have great risk involved. These are the storms that endanger ministries, threaten church health, and test our stability and faith. While thunderstorms are full of sound and fury, more bark than bite, but usually little consequence, these church revitalization storms have the ability to reek havoc within our churches. Even the sturdiest of churches can be threatened by these storms.

Page 11: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The passage before us finds the disciples in the middle of this Sea of Galilee pulling against the oars because of a rebellious wind. Even though the waves were high and the wind blowing there was no fear in them that day because they were experienced fishermen, and they had survived many similar storms.

The see of Galilee is actually known for its fast moving storms. It sits 600 feet below sea level and is surrounded by hills and mountains. Often storms very quickly and ferociously blow down onto the Sea of Galilee without any warning.

Page 12: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The storm of Mark 4: 35-41 is different from the one recorded in Matthew 14 where Jesus walked out on the water to greet the disciples. This time, these experienced seamen are scared. The water is breaking over the bow and the boat is filling up with water. They are sinking and they realize what is about to take place. They also know that they are too far from shoreline to survive this storm and they know that this could be it.

Page 13: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

So as Church Revitalizers What Do You Do When You Confront these Types of Storms?

• You need to remember that God is with you in the Midst of the Storm - you and your churches are not alone.

• You need to remember not to blow your individual storms out of proportion. Seldom will you face weekly storms.

• You need to remember to throw out the anchor that holds all of us firm. It is God’s unchanging nature and purpose.

• You need to remember to resist the temptation to give into our fears. When you give in your fear will permit you to make terrible decisions.

• You need to remember to find the source of your refuge and remember He is the strong and mighty one. Only God is sufficient.

Page 14: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

So as Church Revitalizers What Do You Do When You Confront these Types of Storms?

• You need to remember to find our strength in the streams of Gods goodness inside.

• You need to remember to listen to the direction and wisdom of God. He declares: “Be still and know that I am God.”

• You need to remember that it is essential for us to understand that this event in the boat took place after Jesus had just finished talking about faith – he told parables pertaining to faith as a seed. Sometimes to hear it is one thing, but to live it is another. You must live it everyday as a church revitalizer if you are going to weather the storms of revitalization and renewal.

Page 15: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Three things about this story that should have given the disciples confidence in the middle of the storm!First, Jesus promised that they would go over to the other side. As a church revitalizer, sometimes, all we can do is take God at His promises. Although God gives us his promises, he never promised an easy ride through life. Second, Jesus was with them (God in the flesh). They had previously seen what He was capable of through His miracles and ministry. But for some reason they just could not connect his capabilities into their circumstances. Sometimes, we have seen the capabilities of God and yet we are incapable to convert them into our own circumstances. Third, Jesus was perfectly at peace in the midst of the storm. While the storm was raging and waves were crashing, Jesus was asleep on a cushion. And if Jesus was fine with the situation, then they should have been fine with it.

Page 16: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

All three of these things should have calmed them down and their faith should have remained strong, but it did not. As any human being, we have to go through tough times in order to watch our faith flourish. A strong faith is often a tested faith.

Page 17: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

James 1:3-4 tells us:

“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

Page 18: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story (Mark 4: 35-41) that will

help us get through the storms of renewal?

Page 19: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the storms of


1) Do not jump to conclusions about God (v38).

The disciples said a few words that we tend to say at times to God – “Teacher, don’t you even care?” The disciples walked with Jesus everyday, the saw his power, they heard his teaching. But look at what they say when they finally wake Jesus up. “What is the matter with you - don’t you care that we are about to die” Don’t you care about us at all?” ̈

Page 20: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Even David the Psalmist felt like this at times. Listen to King David’s words in the book of Psalms.

O Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble (Psalm 10:1)?

My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help? 2 Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief (Psalm 22:1-2).

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the storms

of life?

Page 21: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Is not it interesting that when the storms get strongest we begin to question God? We begin to wonder if God really cares - if He really knows what’s going on, if He is really in touch with reality. Instead of relying on my feelings and emotions we need to go to the truth.

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the

storms of life?

Page 22: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Here are some things that I can assure you of from scripture today. Every Church Revitalizer when facing the storms of church revitalization and renewal should understand: God knows and cares about what is going on in your life.

Matthew 10:29-31 tells us: What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the storms of


Page 23: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

God knows how you feel He knows what you are going through. Remember, He has walked the face of this planet and He has gone through every human emotion, every disappointment, every bit of sadness, and every type of joy that we have faced.

Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us: “This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testing’s we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the

storms of life?

Page 24: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

God wants to work within your storm We read Jesus’ words in Matthew 23:37: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.”

In the same way that Jerusalem was reluctant to come to Christ for comfort, we often are too suspicious or too hurt to be gathered into His arms for comfort. For us to jump right to the idea that God does not care goes contrary to the truth: God does care about what is going on in your life, your pain, your struggles, your insecurities, all that is happening in your life.

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the storms of


Page 25: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

1) Do not jump to conclusions about God (v38). 2) Recognize the Power of God (v39).

The Disciples gave up. Jesus stands in the midst of the floundering boat and simply says to the wind and the waves – “hush, be still.” There is a force to the words that Jesus uses in the Greek. It means “to put a muzzle on ones mouth.” It as if He stands and says - SHUT UP - STOP. The wonder is that the winds and the waves obey. As easily as we speak to a group of children or people - Jesus speaks into creation itself. God’s power to still the storm is manifested in two different ways in our lives:

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the

storms of life?

Page 26: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Sometimes God Stills the Storm Like this day in scripture, sometimes God miraculously intervenes in the course of events, suspends the laws of nature and the universe and accomplishes His deliverance. We have seen it biblically in the crossing of the Red Sea, the plaques of Egypt, the crossing of the Jordan, the defeat of Jericho, the deliverance of Peter from prison and the list goes on and on.

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the

storms of life?

Page 27: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Sometimes God Stills His People in the Middle of the Storm Peter went through his shipwreck, Paul was beaten and stoned, John was exiled to Patmos, but always God was faithful. Many church revitalizers can and do testify that God has seen them through storms that could have ended their life or marriage. God has walked with them through squalls and seas that threatened to sink their ship. David certainly knew what he was writing when inspired by the Holy Spirit of God as he penned the words of the Lord’s Prayer. He wrote in Psalm 23:4: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley (the shadow of death), I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”In the midst of these hurricane storms of revitalization we have to use all the tools within our arsenal to survive.

What do we learn as Church Revitalizers from this story that will help us get through the storms

of life?

Page 28: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving Your Individual Storms As a Church Revitalizer

There are all types of storms you will face as a church revitalizer! There are those which hit quickly, violently and dissipate rapidly. There are storms which intensify slowly and build to a huge crescendo. There are storms of disagreements and controversy. And then there are always the relational storms. You know the type. Those are the ones we find ourselves in because of someone else’s directions or comments.

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Page 29: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Here are a few quick storms every one of us faces at times during the church renewal process:• There are Short Shower Storms – These while they are light

storms they will just drench your efforts towards revitalization until the sun comes out and the light begins to shine.

• There are Spring Time Storms – These storms often provide the refreshment that is needed for a congregation yet those former members often feel threatened because of the new foliage added to the congregation.

Page 30: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Here are a few quick storms every one of us faces at times during the church renewal process:• There are Summer Storms – These storms come while

everything is heating up and growth is all around you. Once they hit they are ferocious in their nature and usually become a category 1-5 in and of themselves.

• There are Thunder Storms – When you are hit by these sudden cracks of noise it will often cause you to hunker down and seek a safe place when remaining calm and continuing the journey is the preferred reaction.

Page 31: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Here are a few quick storms every one of us faces at times during the church renewal process:• There are Lightning Storms – These storms are the things, which

light up the skies because of their danger and beauty all at the same time. There is no doubt you are in the storm because there is ample demonstration of its ferocity as some try to demonstrate their strength and resolve to kill the good things happening.

• There are Wind Storms – Windstorms blow and make considerable noise yet at the end they fizzle out because their ability to maintain pressure dissolves as quickly as it began.

• There are Sand Storms – A sand storm stirs up much mess and moves loose debris everywhere. Do not allow the accumulation of debris to remain un-confined.

Page 32: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

Storms pass and as a church revitalizer it is important to allow them to move on as soon as possible. After the storm it is wise to consider why you faced the storm in the first place. What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

Page 33: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

A diversified and varied pressure contributed to your storm.Actually, many pastors just do not like conflict so they hid their head in the sand hoping that the storm will be avoided in the first place. Though it is not likely to happen they hope they can avoid such problems. Remember that there was pressure, which came upon Jesus as a result of His foes (Mark 3:1-6). Some times your foes like the Lords will be church leaders. Some times your friends will be the cause of your storms and pressures (Mark 3:21). At times your family will be the cause of your storms and pressure (Mark 3:31-35). Even your faithful followers can become the cause of your storms and pressures.

Page 34: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

A difficult phase can contribute to the storm you are facing.

Not everyone within your church actually wants to see it grow! When your members are spiritually immature there will often be storms created because they are juvenile in their actions. Even Jesus when he walked on water did so because the disciples were not able to handle the raging seas and it exposed their faithlessness, failure, and fears.

Page 35: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

A divine individual can contribute to the storm you are in.

In Mark 4:35, Jesus had to decide who would go and who would not. Some did not like it they were the ones not going. Jesus also decided where they were going and the church today struggles with allowing the under shepherd to lead the flock over a few who do not want to relinquish control. The shepherd says we are going to the other side and we must move or face the fact that some will be left behind.

Page 36: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

What were the causes of the storm? Often they fall into a few areas:

A demanding place can contribute to the storm you are facing.

Continuing in Mark 4:36, Jesus did something very interesting to me in light of church revitalization and renewal. Jesus sent away the multitudes that were not really committed to the effort. Jesus then did something without the multitude as the other ships around Him joined in for the cause. Church Revitalizer: Your storms in a demanding place will either make you bitter or make you better. These storms can create doubt about the presence of Jesus and the power of Jesus if you let them. Some storms in a demanding place are all about you as the leader and it is the Lord, which is seeking to show you His way.

Page 37: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The Results of Going through the Storms

What are the results of going through the storms of church revitalization and renewal? I love sailing and yet those times in the past where I got caught in a storm out on the water, while fearful, they always taught me a thing or two. Storms for a church revitalizer act as a means for you to grow (Mark 4:39-40). You will rise up stronger once you finish the storm if you keep your eyes on the Lord. Jesus in the middle of the storm rebuked the wind and there will be times you must as well. These storms also allow you ample opportunities to glorify the Lord (Mark 4:41). When you are afraid it prepares you to especially be open to praise Him.

Page 38: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

5 Storms to Revitalize ChurchDr. James H. Wigton

First Baptist Church of Cape Coral, FL

1. Resistance to change. Even a church on life-support will not recognize that there are reasons they are on the verge of death. They are slow to embrace the type of change that will save them as a church. They want you to make the same-old-same-old succeed. Amazing.

Page 39: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

5 Storms to Revitalize ChurchDr. James H. WigtonFirst Baptist Church of Cape Coral, FL

2. Dead wait on staff. Usually a church revitalizing is on a tight budget. But here you are stuck with people who are untrained and incapable of doing the job. For example, you have a secretary who knows little of how to handle media, website, etc. She has been typing an old-fashioned bulletin for 20 years. It is tricky to change or replace staff. Each of them has a network of friends and relatives. You do not want to disrupt, but you absolutely need new blood.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

5 Storms to Revitalize ChurchDr. James H. WigtonFirst Baptist Church of Cape Coral, FL

3. Music. Music is always a major issue – especially for #1 above. 4. Finances. Sometimes you inherit tremendous financial burdens. Here at Cape Coral we have a beautiful building, but $3.5-million debt. They have been servicing only the interest for about 5 years.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

5 Storms to Revitalize ChurchDr. James H. Wigton

First Baptist Church of Cape Coral, FL

5. Trying to attract and keep young and new families during the transition. They are looking for a church which has already arrived at where you want to be. It is tricky to impress them that you need them to get to where they want you to be. This is not so much a storm – but it is a real problem. If you over-sell, you will be quoted – and word will get back to the seniors who have held the church together in the past, but who are resistant to change.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The Storms That Come with Revitalization Dr. Terry RialsCrestview Baptist Church of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

1. An Excited Congregation. Often the revitalization effort stalls right at the beginning. The church expects an instant start and an instant result. Instead of an instant start, there are months of spiritual preparation needed prior to the official onset of the revitalization project. Nehemiah prayed for four months before he ever approached the King about Jerusalem. He spent another four to five months traveling to Jerusalem from Susa to begin the project. There is every reason for the church to pace itself and proceed with careful planning and implementation of their revitalization strategy. The church needs to prepare itself for what God intends to do and prepare itself for the changes that need to take place when God begins to work, and that takes time.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The Storms That Come with Revitalization Dr. Terry RialsCrestview Baptist Church of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

2. An Entrenched Leadership. In their book Medicine Man Chief, Renier Greeff and Trevor King described the leadership dynamics of Native American tribes. Their research revealed that although the chief is the identified leader of the tribe, often the real power behind the decision making lies in the medicine man who can override the chief’s decisions and leadership. Often in a revitalization situation, the entrenched leadership of the church prevents the pastor from implementing key changes that are necessary for revitalization. This is a formidable barrier. The entrenched leadership will resist, ridicule, and even enlist others to oppose the revitalization project. If the pastor moves forward with revitalization, then the pastor must either work around these entrenched leaders or discover a way to work with them.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

3. An Exasperated Pastor. The increasing opposition within the church will wear on the pastor. Frequently, the pastor, the key revitalization leader, will become tired and will run low on energy. If the pastor has served the church for very long, he has certainly encountered his share of challenges and opposition. He has attempted to address the problems of the church, trying every trick he knows. He begins to lose confidence in himself and begins to assume much of the blame for the condition of the church. Without an effective team to help him address the problems and without a mentor or coach to help him implement the new program, the pastor will rarely be successful. A fresh, inspired, and well-motivated pastor is essential in leading a church revitalization project. If revitalization is to be successful, the pastor cannot leave for another church or retire. He must be committed to a long process of three to five years. Mark Twain’s old adage holds true, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!”

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

4. An Extraordinary Change. When the necessary changes begin to happen within the church, the comfort level of the membership will begin to decline; you can be certain of this. The church’s organizational structure, practices, and even worship service will change. A few people may even abandon the church in this time of crucial change. Though the familiar may be replaced with the effective, the contentment level of the church will definitely change. As church revitalizers, we often hear members say that their church doesn’t feel like their church anymore—and that is half the battle! It isn’t their church, it never was! It is the Lord’s church. The change is essential if the church is to experience a turnaround. Changing years of practice in the church is risky, but unless the revitalizer is willing to risk, he will never achieve his objectives.

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Thom Rainer BlogThom Ranier the President of LifeWay Christian Resources shares five common issues churches are dealing with as they move towards church revitalization and renewal. What were some of the warning signs? Though the list is not all-inclusive, these five issues were common. Some of the churches had one or two on the list; some had all five. 1. The church has few outwardly focused ministries. Most of the budget dollars in the church are spent on the desires and comforts of church members. The ministry staff spends most of its time taking care of members, with little time to reach out and minister to the community the church is supposed to serve.

Page 47: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Thom Rainer BlogThom Ranier the President of LifeWay Christian Resources shares five common issues churches are dealing with as they move towards church revitalization and renewal. What were some of the warning signs? Though the list is not all-inclusive, these five issues were common. Some of the churches had one or two on the list; some had all five.

2. The dropout rate is increasing. Members are leaving for other churches in the community, or they are leaving the local church completely. A common exit interview theme we heard was a lack of deep biblical teaching and preaching in the church.

Page 48: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Thom Rainer BlogThom Ranier the President of LifeWay Christian Resources shares five common issues churches are dealing with as they move towards church revitalization and renewal. What were some of the warning signs? Though the list is not all-inclusive, these five issues were common. Some of the churches had one or two on the list; some had all five.

3. The church is experiencing conflict over issues of budgets and building. When the focus of church members becomes how the facilities and money can meet their preferences, church health is clearly on the wane.

Page 49: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Thom Rainer BlogThom Ranier the President of LifeWay Christian Resources shares five common issues churches are dealing with as they move towards church revitalization and renewal. What were some of the warning signs? Though the list is not all-inclusive, these five issues were common. Some of the churches had one or two on the list; some had all five.

4. Corporate prayer is minimized. If the church makes prayer a low priority, it makes God a low priority.

Page 50: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Thom Rainer BlogThom Ranier the President of LifeWay Christian Resources shares five common issues churches are dealing with as they move towards church revitalization and renewal. What were some of the warning signs? Though the list is not all-inclusive, these five issues were common. Some of the churches had one or two on the list; some had all five.

5. The pastor has become a chaplain. The church members view the pastor as their personal chaplain, expecting him to be on call for their needs and preferences. When he doesn’t make a visit at the expected time, or when he doesn’t show up for the Bible class fellowship, he receives criticism. In not a few cases, the pastor has lost his job at that church because he was not omnipresent for the church members.

Page 51: Dr. Tom Cheyney RenovateConference.org Founder  & Directional Leader

Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

In Acts 27 we are given several principles every church revitalizer ought to heed dealing with the storms of revitalization and renewal.

Let me give you seven principles for church revitalization and renewal taken from Acts 27:5-44 dealing with how you we should labor to survive the storms which will come your way in church revitalization and renewal:

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

1. Avoid the Storm When Possible (really!)There are some pastors and some lay people who just prefer storms. They are good at creating them and they are good at watching them explode on others. Some of our ministers like a good old church fight. There are many laity that would rather fight than read their Bible. You might be tempted to stop reading this right now because you are one of those but do not stop. You have a taste for church fighting and it never goes away once you have won your first encounter. There are some people, which love to stir up the pot of contention just so they can see the swirls in the soup. These types would rather create negative feedback than have no feedback. There are those who want to be in these storms because they crave the attention it brings to them personally. They are lonely so a storm is a place to be noticed. Living as one who creates storms is a very unhealthy way to live and to minister.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

But as a minister sometimes these storms are our fault because of the choices and sins we allow to go on. We are not always blameless in these instances. I know of one pastor, which is struggling to renew his church and has nothing but troubles. He finally admitted that his trouble led to him and his family being unfaithful in their tithe of the Lord’s work. He could have avoided his troubles yet until he repented of this sin God was not going to bless his work or his church. As much as he would like to blame someone else, he could have avoided this one.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Some of you feel that you cannot avoid the storm because you have got to help an individual. Maybe so, but be aware that if you enter the storm, you might not survive the storm. Nearly every storm has casualties and it might be you church revitalizer, so do not get in unless you are prepared.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

2. Listen to the Voice of WisdomMany Church Revitalizers are often guilty of taking the first favorable sign that fits within their individual desires and assume that is the hand of God and His complete providence. They say: "Lord if I make it through the next light, then it will be your will that I make this decision in life." Caution should be given towards not going by our feelings and what appears to be easily available. The Scripture says that this storm rushed down on them. But they did not need to be there, and many of the storms you will face as a church revitalizer can be avoided if we will listen to the voice of wisdom. For some of you, you have gone your own way and ended up in the storm, but you can humble yourself and receive aid and wisdom to get out or at least to survive and move forward.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

3. Know When to Surrender to the WindsWhen the storm comes, there is a time to surrender to the storm, you cannot fight it, so let go of control on the storm and just worry about controlling what you can control. Within your church there will be time where you need to batten down the hatches. That means to tie everything down, close and lock all the doors, try to minimize the damage. If there is a health storm, or a financial storm, or something else lashing at your churches ministry, if you cannot control the storm, tie everything else down so you can minimize the collateral damage. Make sure that your relationship with Christ remains strong.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

When you batten down the hatches you also release unnecessary things. Be sure that the things you hold on to are critical things or eternal things. Dump any dead weight. I was working with a pastor in my area recently and five times I suggested he dump the dead weight within his church finances. He never got it and yet he still wants to hang on. They might loose their building all because he is incapable of dumping the dead weight.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

4. Use Your AnchorYour anchor in Jesus really does hold. I have experienced it time after time in my life. Sometimes your hope is in the only anchor that holds. Sometimes your hope is in the Lord of the Storm and HE becomes your anchor that holds, while the world around you rages. God gives us anchors of past blessings, timely answers, and God’s power. The greatest power we can have to anchor us in a storm is to believe and then act on that belief. The power that we believe is not our own but the power of the almighty that we serve. Use your anchors of the past action of God, present purpose, power for today, and promise for tomorrow.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!5. Feed Yourself Early and OftenWhen the storms rage, make sure you get the nourishment that you need individually. When I visit with families in the hospital or in a Funeral Home, I often ask the questions, are you eating? Are you getting your sleep, are you leaning on the Lord? I also give them opportunity to talk about the one who is close to them that is distressed or they may have lost to death. It has been said - that an "army fights on its stomach"; - They say "you are what you eat"; That when you "bump a glass, what spills out is what's on the inside." If you are going to survive the storms you need to be well fed. Do not let depression take over. Elijah defeated 400 Prophets of Baal and the next thing you know he is depressed hiding in a cave saying he is all alone.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

You cannot stand on the anchors if you do not know God, His promises, His purposes for you, the power and authority that is yours in Christ Jesus, as well as the promises of hope for the future that are yours, you cannot survive the storms. You need to know what the word of God says, be full of it in order to survive the storms!

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

6. Encourage Each Other as Church Revitalizers

Only once in this story do you find Paul reminding them that they made the wrong choice and that they should have listened to him. But he mentions it in passing, more as a reason for them to listen to him now. Paul did not rub it in their face. Paul did not brush them off in anger for putting them all in this predicament. No, he encouraged them, he served them, and he gave instructions for what to do next.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

7. Rest in the Hope You Have

Remember when you are in the storm church revitalizer that the resurrection is yours. Move towards the shores of Jordon’s stormy banks. Storms never catch God off guard. God is not surprised at your storm, and God is not wringing his hands wondering what to do next.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

What Paul was doing was anchoring to the Lord of the Storm when he couldn't beat the Storm. Those spiritual anchors The Past, Our Purpose, the Power in the Present, our Promised Hope … they are all one thing, one name, one person, JESUS CHRIST, the anchor of our Soul. We can survive the storms because our anchors are not anchored to anything or anyone on this earth; they are anchored, behind the curtain, in the inner sanctuary, the Holy of Holies in Heaven.

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The famous Thomas Nast, in a public exhibition of his skill, once performed a strange feat with his brushes. Taking a canvas about six-feet long by two-feet wide, he placed it nearly horizontal upon an easel before his audience, and began to sketch rapidly a landscape. In quick succession appeared green meadows with cattle, fields of grain, the farmhouse and surrounding buildings, with orchard near; while, over all, the bright sky, with fleecy clouds, seemed to pour Heaven's benediction upon the scene below. At length no finishing touch was necessary. Still the artist held his brush, as he stepped aside to receive the hearty plaudits of the admiring audience.

Thomas Nast (September 27, 1840 – December 7, 1902) was a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist who is considered to be the "Father of the American Cartoon".

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When the applause had subsided, Mr. Nast stepped back to the canvas, as if he had not quite completed the picture. Taking darker colors, he applied them most recklessly to the canvas. Out went the bright sky. "Did you ever see a picture like this?" he asked, as he blotted out the meadows, fields, orchards, and buildings. Up, down and across passed the artist's hand, until the landscape was totally obliterated, and nothing but a daub, such as a child might make, remained. Then, with a more satisfied look, he stepped aside, laying down his brush as if to say. "It is finished.”

Thomas Nast (September 27, 1840 – December 7, 1902) was a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist who is considered to be the "Father of the American Cartoon".

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But no applause came from the perplexed audience, and Nast then ordered the stage attendants to place a gilded frame around the ruined work of art, and to turn it to a vertical position. The mystery was revealed, for before the audience stood a panel picture of a beautiful waterfall, the water plunging over a precipice of dark rock, skirted with trees and verdure. It is needless to say that the audience burst into rounds of applause.

Thomas Nast (September 27, 1840 – December 7, 1902) was a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist who is considered to be the "Father of the American Cartoon".

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

The point is not that God is messing around with your life, but the point is that God has a different perspective on the storm than you do and all things work together for good, for those who love God. I would say one other thing that I left out. How do you survive the storms of life? Simply, Cry Out For Help! One of the things that concern me most is that I do not believe we cry out for help enough. We do not cry out to God. We do not cry out to one another. We do not want anyone to know that we are hurting, struggling, floundering, weak, in need, and less than perfect. We should be crying with other fellow church revitalizers and committed godly believers. You can survive the storms church revitalizer.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

I have three challenges for you today as a church revitalizer:

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

First, will you commit yourself to following Christ where He directs? This just might mean that your next 1000 days might be the hardest you have ever worked in the ministry. Are you willing to allow the Lord to redirect your efforts each and every day so you might become an instrument for renewal in your church?

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

Second, will you commit yourself to following Christ through the unavoidable storms? Church revitalization is not easy. Even as you seek Gods best for the church there will be those who will work to undermine the good changes taking place. There will be storms on the horizon so there needs to be that deep seated conviction to follow Christ through the storms coming. It is easy to run but it is hard to buckle down and watch God slowly but surely begin to turnaround you and your church.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!

And finally, will you commit yourself to following Christ whatever the cost? There is a cost for church revitalization and renewal. For some it will be a cost of friends who just do not understand why the church is not all right as it is. For some of you even after you work to revitalize the church and things are good again, God just might release you to take your experiences somewhere else and do it again. Are you willing to follow at all costs? It might be more preferred to relax and look around at the handy work of God over staying in the work of renewal.

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A Parting Prayer for every Church Revitalizer!

Let me pray for all of those church revitalizers within the storms, those getting ready to face the storms and those who have just come out on the other side of the storms.

Thank you Lord that we can come to you in the midst of our routine challenges as church revitalizers! So many times, we become afraid and fear for our lives as the waves of temptations seek to drown us. These temptations are often to just do nothing and let the church continue to coast down the slope of decline until another time. It is not an easy job to revitalize a church Lord and some are just not willing to count the cost and risk their personal comfort to advance the church. In our sorrow, we call upon you to intervene.

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A Parting Prayer for every Church Revitalizer!

Let me pray for all of those church revitalizers within the storms, those getting ready to face the storms and those who have just come out on the other side of the storms.

Help us, dear Lord, to call upon you and thank you when things are right and we are not afraid. Help us build that trust as a church revitalizer, which your love gives to each of us, so that when the waves of evil seek to drown not only us as the revitalizer but our churches as well, that we will know with certainty that you are here working to renew our lives and our churches. Thanks you in advance for these people of God who are called to revitalize churches and to work diligently for the cause of church renewal all across our land.

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Surviving the Storms in Church Revitalization & Renewal!You can connect with Dr. Tom Cheyney and the RENOVATE Church Revitalization Virtual Coaching Network additionally via Facebook at RENOVATE Conference. Tom is the co-author of Spin-Off Churches (B&H Publishers), a conference speaker and a frequent writer on church planting, new church health, and church revitalization. Be looking for The Biblical Foundations for Church Revitalization by Tom Cheyney and Terry Rials later this year. If you or your church would like more information you may contact him at [email protected], or [email protected].

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Surviving the Storms in

Church Revitalization!

Dr. Tom CheyneyRenovateConference.org
