Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewing Ranch

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  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi




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    Author Topic: OPERATIONAL CHAT 2 (Read 1,126 times)



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    CCPsych EDO/MCNCLV/ GT Investigator

    Joined: Apr 2012Gender: Male

    Posts: 526

    Re: OPERATIONAL CHAT 2 Reply #60 Today at 12:44am

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(x21) "Was D interviewed by a radio host via telephone from London, England, a day ago?'


    He spoke with one and after being offered, indicated that he could not at this time give any such

    interviews or authorize publication. Other matters were discussed but they are not for this post. :) (His

    job is too hard to be giving interviews.) truly,..Link to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged


    Stan Goldstein, Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) / Doctor of Science



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  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    CCPsych EDO/MCNCLV/ GT Investigator

    Joined: Apr 2012Gender: Male

    Posts: 526Re: OPERATIONAL CHAT 2

    Reply #61 Today at 12:50am

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------REALITY! JUST AS DESCRIBED TO THE PUBLIC 4 YEARS AGO.



    (Before continued requests: yes, they have the tie-dye shirts made for each other by each other, for their

    marriage, but they are not for sale or even "donation" at any price. They have already turned down 1

    offer for a high number in the 6 figures, for each shirt. truly,..)

    Link to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged


    Stan Goldstein, Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) / Doctor of Science

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  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    We are thre backbone of the Majestic!


    Reply #64 on May 26, 2013, 5:37pm

    Listen everybody, it's like this....

    The people are fed up with what's coming out of DC.

    The media get's hold of it, and chews on it. (Packaging up everything into 15 minute segments they replay over

    and over and over again, like a dog working on a bone.)

    People are interested (for a while)

    but get fed up hearing the same old thing, without seeing any action.

    People get bored. (DC is counting on the shortened attention span to work in their favor.)

    In a couple of weeks all the energy people had dies off.

    Why? Because, most people think that listening to the media "talking heads' drone on about a problem, is the

    same thing as taking action!

    In most people's minds they actually did something besides sitting on the couch watching the news.

    It's like the weekend sports jockeys cheering for their favorite team, eating lots of chips and dip and thinking

    that somehow, in some magical universe, they actually DID something!

    And guess what? DC knows all about this, and they depend on it! They depend on the media to chew an issue todeath for them, so they never actually have to do anything about it.

    Congratulations! The American public wins!

    In short:



    Don't like what I have to say?

    I could say 'vote smarter next time! ' but the truth is, our choices are usually between 'bad and worse'.

    MarciLast Edit: May 26, 2013, 5:40pm by Marcia Ann Crain, Ph.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Reply #66 on May 26, 2013, 7:47pm

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi




    I understand your frustration. There are a few people out there who either never fell asleep or have finally

    woken up to the smell of coffee (in the form of our global issues, humanitarian, financial and other).

    But here's the problem as I see it - a rebel group, however well informed and well intentioned, is fighting an

    uphill battle when the overwhelming majority of people in a position to vote, and positions of power just don't


    The thing about a democracy, everybody is treated equally. Great! Wonderful for human issues, but

    unfortunately, something else when it comes to voting people into power.

    They consider their own interests first, and many love to be handed things, and patted on the head for being

    sooo good. They'll vote anybody into power that promises their little gravy train won't derail.

    Can anybody out there give me an example of a democracy that has stood the test of time, and held strong over

    the last thousand years? One still going strong today?

    We also are a Representative Democracy, who elects people to speak for us, in the halls of power.

    As long as stupid, self-absorbed, greedy people outnumber others, nothing is going to change. In fact, it's

    probably going to get worse. A lot worse.

    The American Revolution worked because the overwhelming majority of people were united in thought and had

    the same or similar interests.

    In our current situation, it comes down to leading a horse to water..... you can make your point all day long and

    get lots of people to nod their heads in agreement, but it all comes down to what people will do when nobody is

    watching, when they don't have to impress anybody (ie: the voting booth).

    We are defined by what we do, and we don't leave people hanging whenever we possibly can help, but we also

    know that the politicians (Illuminati ones included) are not going to go against their gravy-train, any more than

    the voters will. And in fact, it would be downright stupid to try to tear down the existing power structure, as

    horrible as it sometimes is, because if we did so, the world's economic and social structures would collapse in a

    matter of days or weeks.

    The Illuminati politicians, and the others as well, view the rest of us in terms of Pharaohs looking at the peoplepulling their sedan chairs or fanning them in the sun. They don't want us to wake up or take stock of our

    situation - they want us to stay right where we are - so their needs are met.

    If the situation ever reversed itself, the rich and powerful would collect their liquid assets, move their other

    assets in a way that people would not notice, then go to ground somewhere in the world that would afford them

    an easy pleasing life - leaving the rest of us to muddle through the collapse, as best we could.

    We believe in helping people stay informed, helping our family and friends through rough times and extending

    our reach to those in trouble, wherever and whenever we can.

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Right now, that's about all any of us can really do. (I'm saying this on the level of policy making, not just people

    reaching out to help their neighbors.)

    Personally I think the bail outs and hand outs need to stop, and if things wobble, and some businesses and other

    entities find they can't keep their footing and stay afloat - we probably didn't really need to keep them afloat in

    the first place. The economy needs to reboot, not be propped up.

    What we eventually will end up with, at least in my opinion, will be much better than what we were keeping

    alive on financial transfusions.




  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi



    The truth: wholesale destruction of the so called "Illume banksters" is an order away. Retreating within

    the system, they know it. They also know it's an order in conscience for the People I cannot and will

    not give. The system has been set with...if I may borrow a term from the "Cold War": Mutually Assured

    Destruction ("MAD"). Moments of "seemingly" righteous anger would result in what would amount todecades and could amount to a century or more of economic and cultural collapse.


    Then (not aimed at emeraldsun) spare me the presently useless UTOPIAN PLATITUDES - people

    know what they are:



    BULLSHT! Tell that BULLSHT to someone who hasn't lived! Oh, think again! Tell the bullsht to an

    8y.o. muslim kid who's bleeding out because a fking IED just blew his femoral artery open! Who'scollateral damage now?

    This earth has always been a battlefield. That's the truth. Do I truly believe that ONE DAY (you helpme define when that really means and I'll give you a cupie doll)...ONE DAY...we will 'beat our swords

    into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks?'


    Look at the Biology of the world. Battles and cooperations. Here is a depiction of MIGHTY ROME,


    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co....estre_18 90.jpg

    The people have been saved from TERRIBLE ROME! The wonderful people who brought it about are

    led with the peaceful symbol of......





    Ladies and gentlemen (oh, I know not you because you are the EVOLVED ONE...sure you are...): we

    are still apes dreaming of being angels.

    It may mean little to some and I understand...however...

    I can assure and attest, G-d willing I am allowed to live (or not be replaced) through this tenure, that,

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    1. I will never run away while confronted in this capacity, nor otherwise likely anyway... ...

    2. That I will always to my best ability stand between the People and perceived and known dangers,and

    3. That no matter how we, ever-more together, end up by 2022 - by "transfusion, collapse or hopefully

    other" or by "reboot, collapse, or hopefully other"...I accept that the flaming arrow pointing towardthose in Leadership will point toward me while others hide. So be it! Then, here I make my stand!

    Love (which comes in many packages),


    Some people have rose colored glasses glued on them. It hurts when they fall down and they get rippedoff like a scab. On Tuesday, D is going to force feed the presence of the Public to the Consistory. The

    fight is starting to rise in him. It's only the start. Stand or fall I'm withya Dan! BC


    Speaking frankly? One thing that makes the s.o.- redeemable is that he stands behind his decisions.McConnell never did.


    Cutting through the bullsht minus the i good then. Hi Dan. OK. We have the best financially, we

    overtake the Illume bstards? We've been talking about it since Kath's fav ran the show.Also got one or more more?

    Mechaven. Kabbalist. Ready to run the big show under the big top with your biology discovery. Man of

    Goddon't swing at me for it on Tues? It's caus of what happened to you.

    How are you doing inside? This must be > i don't know for you? Geo


    We'll be in, in a few. As the Consis grinds on and they expect his presence, D is still up in the Office.

    He is personally involved with a threat issue. The threat is not toward any of us and is serious. He hashonestly elected to make sure that the focus of the threat is protected. Without coming out and saying

    it, understand? If necessary and if another agency doesn't get the person first, he is already ordering a

    Maj Fast Response Team to "collect" the person making the threats. truly,..

    "Bless all those from the Heartlove."

    [email protected]

    To "Mr. Ewing":

    Message received. I happened to have D's personal phone in my jacket pocket so he wouldn't forget itwhen on the way to the Grand Hall. It beeped in my pocket. I hope you don't mind my hearing? It

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    came too close on Dr. Stan's post for me to turn from it and D was on the line to DC at the time. I can

    assure you that events are not directed toward your ranch.

    D already took care of the prior issues by sending our teams to confront deployed individuals and

    ordered some "directly retired" to send the ultimate message to those who sent them. Teams are in

    permanent station near you and others and they will not let anyone through. You may relax honey.

    Ann ADC/1



    signal on/ADC9: Right here mam.

    Chair: We are waiting for another motion?

    2018: Requesting stay?(LAUGHTER)

    2018: Mam?

    2018: It is a violation of the Charter to ignore the Opposition Counsel. Shall I quote chapter verse?SAA: Chair!

    Chair: You're not being ignored Opposing Counsel. I'll get to you. SAA?

    SAA: We have reached the seating capacity limit for the Hall. I am now ordering the Guard to preventfurther entries to the floor.

    Chair: Understood. The Clerk is ordered to play the Theme. I will remind the Opposing Counsel to

    remain silent during it?

    (LAUGHTER)Clerk: Yes mam.

    SAA: All rise for the Theme!

    (D is just offstage in the Chambers.)

    SAA: All rise for he who is seated at the First Seat!(SILENCE)

    1: I immediately request the Chair yield the gavel?

    (This has a cold professional feeling about it?)

    Chair: Of course.1: Thank you.

    2018: Chair: my request for stay?

    Chair (D): By all means, sit and stay.(LAUGHTER)

    Chair: At this time, I order the SAA to open the doors to the Regiment of the Dame Garde Franais, to

    allow them to take positions in this great Hall!SAA: Yes, sir!

    2018: Chair! I demand continued recognition!

    Chair: Proceed.

    (The Hall doors have been opened and about 25 ladies are marching in, swaying like they do, their allblack attire with weapons showing.)

    2018: Chair, I have a pending request for a motion for stay of motion 13 dash 2474 dash 1?

    (Oh. He has stepped from the Podium and waved off security. he's walking down the stairs to the floor

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    with gavel in hand. This can be done but I have never see it done before.)

    (He's standing on the front side of the Echelon Podium staring in silence at 2018. The place is deadquiet.)

    Chair: 2018, as I will keep you dignfied under your number - (pause)

    PA/SESQ: ECS Floor Audio Full.

    2018: Sir?Chair: Thank you.

    (Still quiet. D is clearly tired of 2018. But he has a responsibility here and he knows it. I can see his

    mind calculating.)

    Chair: Sir.(Awkward.)

    2018: Dan? The Majestic incorporated the leftovers from the Illuminati struggle in 2011. Your actions

    are putting us into potential schism?Chair: Potential. Look at this gavel? It has the potential energy of falling toward the floor. But, I retain

    grasp of it. I believe it was Butler who said: "G-d cannot alter the past, though historians can."

    (Pause)Chair: Now, we have listened to you go on and on and your stays would last until doomsday if you

    could have it.

    2018: Sir, you could order the Guard or any of the Ladies to turn a weapon on me and shoot me deadhere and no one would stand and oppose it. It's my job, and you pay me for it, to be a loyally opposing

    force in a Consistory that you and your wife recreated after the catastrophe of the Cycles Cross was

    defeated. I will stand here and do my job whether you like it or not?

    (Still face to face at the Echelon Podium)Chair: Sir. Of the many things which science has taught me, I have learned that simply because I have

    the power to do something, the existence of that power does not indicate that it, any one thing should

    be done.(silence)

    2018: I would urge you, sir, to apply that logic to the potential of the motion that the screen is showing.

    (The Seated members at the Table including M are now standing watching.)Chair: Sir, I am convinced that your loyal opposition, your advocacy, stands on the wrong side of what

    will be history.

    2018: Right or wrong? The nations have not come to union. The peoples of the world haven't come to

    union yet?Chair: My G-d man! Don't you understand that without the fires we light, others could become

    impossible to extinguish?

    2018: Leading to? The Hall and whatever rabble other is listening. Right? I oppose. Answer or bedam/ed!

    2018: You've seen? (yelled)

    (pressure, he glanced just a second at M and she dropped her head, shook it and closed her eyes.)(A few in the Hall are yelling "answer!")

    Chair: Make your motion in full.

    2018: You're afraid of something.

    Chair: You would trade the hidden energy in the possible for the calculated energy in the potential. Foreveryone, that path cannot be followed. Where in your memories in the middle of the night do you hide

    when your demons come to call? Now make your dam/ed motion or shut up and sit down. (mean)

    (silence, staring at each other)

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    2018: I move for a continued stay of motion 13 dash 2474 dash 1.

    Chair: In the name of the Consistory of the Majestic: overruled! (loud, aggressive)

    (He struck the Echelon Podium with the gavel! He struck the front top edge of the Echelon Podium sohard with the gavel that the top edge broke upward and almost off. I can see the opening and nails. He's

    walking away from the Echelon Podium.)

    (The Consis floor is almost all standing and loudly cheering. he's walking back up the stage stairs.)

    Chair: Motion 13 2474 dash 1 as amended, allowing those unsworn to enter the Grand Hall and beheard, is now called! (Mean, he's ready to fight)

    Chair: You are rabble? Have you heard that from your homes? You are rabble? That is not what weconsider you. That is what opposes the path of history as we interact with it! That idiotic mindset!

    2018: Chair?

    Chair: SAA?

    CCS: Sit down or I'll sit you down!Chair: The Peoples' right to be heard must move forward! I declare that in their names by Fiat as he

    who is Seated at the First Seat!

    (loud cheering)Clerk: Chair, shall the motion stand?

    Chair: Yes. I want to know where others stand.


    Chair: Before calling the number, please direct your attention to screen 2.

    Me: SESQ, copy/paset quote?SESQ: But we were born of risen apes, not fallen angels, and the apes were armed killers besides. And

    so what shall we wonder at? Our murders and massacres and missiles, and our irreconcilable

    regiments? Or our treaties whatever they may be worth; our symphonies however seldom they may be

    played; our peaceful acres, however frequently they may be converted into battlefields; our dreamshowever rarely they may be accomplished. The miracle of man is not how far he has sunk but how

    magnificently he has risen. We are known among the stars by our poems, not our corpses. - Robert

    ArdreyChair: Obviously, please accept the quote's words an nongender specific.

    LFG1: Oui!

    SAA: Chair, we have over 200 ladies and gentlemen waiting at the gate?Chair: The Chair is aware. I call to the Clerk to play Fanfare For The Common Man.

    Chair: Motion 13 2474 dash 1 as amended, is now called. The Floor shall vote first.

    Chair: Calling the motion for second, with understanding of the cloture arrangement made over theweekend?

    (We had over 100 "second" calls.)

    Chair: Those from the floor may delegate1 to discuss if so so choose. Caucus 1 through 6 make yourcall?

    Caucus3 leader: no sir.

    SAA: those waiting?Chair: They cannot enter until their right to do so is declared under gavel after vote. The Charter?

    Caucus2 leader: no sir.

    SAA: (nodded)

    Caucus4 leader: no sir.Caucus1 leader: no sir.

    Caucus6 leader: no sir.

    Caucus5 leader: no sir.

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Chair: The man behind the Chair, behind the Seat, says thank you for the trust.

    Chair: Cloture being automatically called, I now call the motion to vote from the floor. Those agreeing

    with the motion please signify by saying, "yes."Chair: Chair: Those disagreeing with, opposing, the motion please signify by saying, "no."

    (about 90 yes/10 no)

    Chair: recorded.

    Chair: The Chair now turns to the remaining 12.(silence)

    9: I rise to insist on the presence of the Echelon Guard around J1.SAA: Guard to the Podium, lock and load!

    CCS: The members on the floor are informed not to approach the Podium or they will be sh/t!

    Chair: The Chair now calls the vote of the 12. The First Seat is standing. All those in favor of the the

    motion as amended, those in the Hall, please rise.LFG1: DGF to the stage front.

    Chair: Thank you. Recorded. Recording by teleconference screen. Those in favor raise their right hand.

    Chair: recorded. The 12 of 13 having voted in the affirmative by a count of 8 yes, 2 no, and 2 notpresent.

    Chair: SAA? Kevin, have they been checked? Do some wish to speak at the SOA Podium?

    SAA: They've all been checked and cleared. They all wish to speak.4: Dan, when that door opens, we should be in Chambers.

    Chair: The Table may retire to Chambers.

    Chair: All rise!Chair: The Chair having heard the votes declares the motion, number 13 2474 dash 1 has been passed!


    (He lightly tapped the gavel which got even me laughing.)

    SAA: The gates are open to those authorized and all business before this Consistory may be heard.SESQ: "Stan said" "Kevin, Steve, Dan is going to walk down to them when they come in. Bad idea.

    For his safety get him out of here."

    Chair: I yeild the gavel to 9891.CCS: Dan, follow me.

    (The doors are open and I see a small parade of women walking into the Hall. Applause from thew

    members.)1: I am going this way.

    COS: No. Your battle for today is over.

    SESQ: "Stan said" "Dan, you just started a revolution. See Lexington Concord in your mind. Go with

    Brent now."(Some of the ladies are throwing thank you kisses. He's listening to security. Finally.)

    SESQ: Sorry I have no auth to continue the signal.

    signal off/ Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 7:15pm by Stan

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Dan told me he would be here tomorrow to answer to the posts. He has a terrible "back issue" today

    that none of the other team members mentioned.

    "Is this not the position that EDO has taken, the Rebel Group? Granted you are now connected with

    The Majestic Group but has it not gone rougue from it's former Mission statement?"

    People want changes. Everyone saw one. The Rebel Group just started a w/r within the most powerful

    socalled secret society ever. The funniest thing ever is that those who said they wanted things out arenow the biggest forces to keep people ignorant. (example the phoney doofs in ufology)

    And you read it as it happened. I wish I could have opened the video. Dan had a job the other day. It

    was to send a message that he is willing to fight to the death for the rights people have had all the time.He sent a message of W/R today.

    He acted BOLDLY and is only using strong means when the Peoples' rights are being trampled into themud.

    He realizes he can't afford to sit on a fence and say he's willing to step to the side and look all cleanthrough this.

    I guess others can be the angels? How holy they must be?

    Sometimes stepping to the side now matter how you convince yourself it means you're of higher mind

    really just is stepping off the sidewalk and allowing others who think they're superior to kick the sht out

    of you. After you step out of the way you prevent a battle for awhile?


    Please, someone tell me that my father could have just raised his consciousness enough not to have

    sung WE SHALL OVERCOME by sitting on his /ss at home instead of joining in the REAL WORLD


    Prayer and hope without action does nothing in the real world.


  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Speaking frankly? One thing that makes the s.o.- redeemable is that he stands behind his decisions.

    McConnell never did.



    Kath sysbz

    I got to chew on this for awhile. You are right 'bout responsibility. I read one the rb notice D's word We.

    He sounds like he knows D and we don't know him. Suppose he has a higher right to be here anyway.

    What I have to chew on is this: D was in a prison for years. The prison was built by some of the peoplethat work for him now. Forget Deb. It was built by people with power and she just used it to get her

    whatever. He runs Mother Maj now and he forgave so many? Eagles Disobey springs up like a weed

    with big thorns all with 9s name on them and they call themselves REBELS. Rebels they are. Butthey call themselves rebels

    break free away from the Illuminati and Majestic (can't happen JFC!!)

    Help save the fing world from the cycles cross and ourselvesthey take over Majestic (JFC!!!)

    Announce they are bringing the PUBLIC (for Christ's sake) into Majestic's circles.

    Do it.

    And they remain asked why they aren't rebels?

    What some of us heard could be right. WTF has been going on out here since we were here??????? Geo

    Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 1:12am by SoA / Echelon

    George Tenet ?

    Georgyporgy let's put it this way:

    I don't really care?

    I've been listening to live PA

    for hours since he brought them in. Nonstop.

    Some of the wives have cracked on the actions of the heavyweight E's and they are refusing to yield the pod.

    Cobweb rules adapted: D's lead affects 4Billion or more so when confused: don't smile and look busy.

    DM returned to the Condo and are in the sunroom, George, if you want to call. SESQ

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Kathy, buzz. Hello your fav here dear? What you are really listening to is the unsworn at their Podium

    and the Echelons trying to defend themselves from a thin lectern stand. I want Franklin to send you aphoto of Dan when he was informed that the Echelon Podium he damaged had to be removed to have

    its top cut off for it to be preserved in the Archives! The call was placed on speaker phone in M's home

    office and she gave him a kiss on the cheek when his mouth dropped open in shock! M looked at him

    and said, "What? You forgot you made history today?" Then he said, "Oh, G-d now I have to pay for anew one and give an order reason?" M "lost it!" I wonder if the new Ntc/Jud committee is expecting to

    see that? I asked him what went through his mind when he broke the podium open on him and he said,(swear on a stack ): "I had two targets in mind. I struck the one of higher intelligence!" For certain we

    are now in the days of Rum and peppermint sticks! Truly,..

    34 arrested so far. We expected a larger splinter. They are finding out they can't stand on two sides of a fence at

    the same time. What's worse is they are learning we were ready. A ADC/1

    We love you 3 too. I was there at the start. I feel terrible for him, every day. That's my truth. Watchinghim successfully, sometimes, doing a job that should never have been created. I was there at the start,27 years ago and after watching all that time I'll stand in front of him on the other end of the journey.


    What the hell is going on?

    For the first time since the Maj front at Sunchase Apartments: D returned to the Consis last night andwas going to sleep under his Desk. M found out (me ) and things did not "go well". She was very

    angry. He was provided a special bed near his Desk. (She won't let him sleep on the floor like he was

    forced to for almost 15 years to stay away from DKB.)

    The Consistory gates being covered ready for anything.

    The opposing attorneys are briefing the Group's Charter's Judicial Committee to try to force a Lottery.They are trying to remove him.

    24 hours and 400+ in custody who refuse to accept the new rules.

    Hot battles rage in 14 areas worldwide between different Maj units. We have suffered fallen operatives

    on both sides.

    Personal threats issued against D and M. And me, and our cats and dogs and??????? wtf!

    Threats issued to reconvene the CotM in DC as an alternative. (They don't have enough to get traction.)

    Actionable intelligence shows 3 North American Illuminati Units have joined in a Devil's deal with a

    few splinter units to try to help them. D's response: he has sent chopper and ground units. TheEU/Asia/Africa contingents within Maj are almost shrugging shoulders saying "we knew".

    24 hours and verbal battles rage between the SOA's and technical members of the public (unsworn) andthe Echelons for rights. (MaMaj is starting to look like it's taking a democracy turn.)

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    292 motions made by the public,

    Caucuses being set up by admin assist/s for the procedures to separate debate being Open Floor,

    NatSec. Int/NatSec so the first public members can hear a broad enough range of information to be able

    to debate, while secured intelligence may remain safe to the countries.

    D has let the debate continue but has suspended motions until briefs can be written and the public

    members'/+SOA and Echelon caucuses have time to write and consider them.

    My team is now armed and we will defend ourselves.

    D is at his Desk in Operations and is looking at something about the progress on the virus spreading inEurope. He has already brought a "special base" (north?) up to alarm level and they are working.

    I don't see how D can spend any time here. Not right now.

    Franklin White, CIS


    To the beloved PUBLIC:

    The dangerous game (pardon the term) is "on." I apologize for my absence. It will be, G-d willing,

    temporary. We will keep the public safe from this: that is mutually agreed between all parties. My job is

    to steward the establishment of a "just" peace, if possible. That justice must include the people.

    To those who now oppose us in this great evolutionary leap:

    Beware. I already have you in blind check and will call mate! I am not following certain rules. Thoserules? Minus the safety of the public which is paramount: the ones you expect I am following. We

    started laughing at the "new salmon-orange cable." It's the one we expected you would use. WE HAD

    ACCESS TO IT. It is pretty, though.

    Reconsider your actions by remembering the past.


    At 18:15 hours today (about 18 minutes ago) the Judicial Committee within the Consistory released its decisionon the Opposition's attempts to Open Lottery against D.

    It seems it could be too expensive? We have people on that Committee who can listen VERY carefully.

    Frances Ortiz, (S/F)


  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi



    Franklin White, CIS



    Secure-24 Adds Las Vegas-based Switch SuperNAPs to Data Center Network

    May 29, 2013 1:53 PM

    SOUTHFIELD Secure-24, a provider of IT operations, application outsourcing and cloud

    computing, announced that it is adding the technologically advanced Switch SuperNAPs to its networkof data centers.

    Located in Las Vegas, Nev., Switch is the developer of the renowned Switch SuperNAPs, the largesttechnology ecosystem in the world.

    Secure-24 is now part of Switchs Cloud Ubiquitous Business Exchange (C.U.B.E), an evolving,growing, sustainable collection of services and capabilities where each element symbiotically serves

    the other to advance customers businesses.

    As a Certified SAP Cloud and Hosting Partner, and Oracle Gold Partner, Secure-24 provides expertmanaged hosting for business critical applications. From complete IT outsourcing to managing specific

    components of an organization, Secure-24 provides a wide range of custom IT solutions to enable

    business operations.

    Companies are demanding faster performance and agility to accommodate changing business needs,

    and our enterprise cloud is designed to provide exactly that. Clients benefit from our solutionsleveraging Switch SuperNAPs to provide them with unparalleled power, energy efficiency and constant

    uptime, said Switch CEO Mike Jennings.

    Secure-24 provides expert management and support for business-critical applications for mid to largeclients with operations around the globe.

    The company partners with leading technology providers such as EMC, Cisco, VMware, and manyothers to provide scalable and innovative solutions.

    Secure-24s entrance into Switch C.U.B.E. is a tremendous benefit to new and existing customers ofSecure-24 and Switch, said Switch executive vice president of cloud services Jason Mendenhall.

    Their enterprise approach to cloud service delivery is a perfect match to Switchs position in the

    market as a leader in innovation, reliability and security.

    The Switch SuperNAP Las Vegas campus has the worlds highest density, ultra-scale and energy-

    efficient data center, supported by the proprietary, patented designs of Switchs advanced technologies.

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    Secure-24s operations in Las Vegas will be fully operational by June. Secure-24 has other data centers

    located throughout Michigan and Arizona.

    Secure-24 manages complex IT landscapes and business critical applications for mid-market and

    Fortune 500 organizations that operate globally. Secure-24 is a SAP Certified Hosting and Cloud

    Provider with a broad SAP Basis Competency Center, and an Oracle Gold Partner hosting Oracle

    Enterprise Performance Management software, such as Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, JDEdwards, and Hyperion.

    The Laws of this land will be upheld. The People will be protected. The Consistory will be preserved.

    It's time for our prodigal children to peacefully come home and the Illumes to withdraw from the field

    or be put in their place- INSTANTLY!

    Expected him to negotiate with insanity or with the existence of the Rights of the People? No. To us the

    Peoples' RIGHTS are inviolable!

    The message has been sent to those on the other side of the field: this trouble ends very soon.


    C'est la guerre!

    Ann McDowell, (S/F)

    Aide de camp, J1

    That's what I mean.

    The wall of black steel is rising Danny!

    Like to offer a song to all the teams tonightwith mine in mind. I love each every one of my operatives and all of them who are standing and saying

    the people are first! You make me so proud!!!!! No more talking. Let's do what we have to do. Kath



  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi



    "With the clear indications and censored direct intelligence photos we provided to the opponents perDr. Dan (he believes in very old rules for combat )

    that massive clandestine assets were in place and preparing for a "dominating, comprehensive, andoverwhelming assault"

    within hours after receiving an individual communique of defiance from one of their top RegionalLeaders,

    Dr. Dan has received a telephone call from the Grand Areopagus of the North American Council of the"Illuminati" (NAC).

    The telephone call was described, as "short and frank".

    In the call the Grand Areopagus made it clear that he wanted to assist the CotM splinter units in their

    actions to oppose the recent changes to the CotM but he would not risk what would amount to the

    complete elimination of his group.

    Information received to this operative shows that chatter neared a panic level when it was learned

    that Dr. Dan himself and his Team (Foxtrot 5) would spearhead rapid sequential operations, codenamed

    "True Light",

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    against the upper echelons of the Illuminati while simultaneous worldwide operations would be

    conducted against the other "groups" within the Illuminati.

    Calls apparently flooded the NAC from those other groups and the pressure became too much to


    The economic considerations, worldwide, would have been terrible, but Dr. Dan made it clear that the

    CotM would not be threatened and that working within the systems, by present tacit detente, was theonly way to proceed in a peaceful manner for the present best welfare of the People.

    Previous calls from those other Illuminati groups, not in North America, were purposely left

    unanswered as no negotiations were authorized by Dr. Dan on behalf of the CotM.

    This brinkmanship, backed by evidence, built the pressure on the NAC to a breaking point. (They will

    have their own interpretation.)

    Since the telephone calls, active intelligence, through the Company's "Special Activities" unit has

    conclusively shown that the NAC's liaisons to the CotM's splinter units has been severed.

    Following the abrupt severance of the NAC's offers to the splinter units, and matching evidence of acts

    of overwhelming domination within hours,

    70 of the 71 splintered "unit groups" (of about 16 operatives each) within the CotM have willingly

    surrendered their positions without any violence.

    They realized that just over 1,100 splintered "unit groups" facing over 6,000 loyal to the CotM (and Dr.

    Dan) and all the outside assets which were being raised against them, was a losing cause.

    The last of those "unit groups" is now being pressured by the surrendered "unit groups" to stop their

    actions while Dr. Dan has now "upped the ante"

    by stating his willingness to host those who "splintered" at a conference here in Las Vegas, Nevada, to

    "peacefully air their differences"

    in an atmosphere where their comments would remain in camera and where the worst disclipline theywould likely face is an "individual permanent file record" of the events.

    All 70, and we soon expect it to be 71, have agreed to the post surrender and job-remediationarrangements. Both sides will individually deal with their fallen personnel.

    (From Frank: 'Eat your heart out' E.H. with your failing media games. )

    Eagles Disobey and the Consistory of the Majestic would like to offer its heart-felt gratitude to all who

    prayed for a peaceful end to what could have evolved into a destructive schism,

    following Dr. Dan's overtures to ensure that the first "baby-steps" would be taken to make the public

    included in the important deliberations and actions which take place inside the CotM.

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George E--97 Mr. Ewi


    He, and the rest of the Seated Numbers somewhat understand the fears of the formally splintered "unit

    groups" following over 65 years of intense secrecy and actions to 'cover-up' a reality that affected every

    living human being on the earth.

    Dr. Dan, as holder of the "Compass and Keystone" wishes to communicate that he will continue in his

    efforts to invite members of the public, worldwide, into the decisions and actions of the CotM."

    (Transferred to here as dictated by Ann McDowell (S/F), aide de camp to Dr. Dan /1. Spell check not

    applied yet.)

    Normal operations, here at the "Golden Thread" and elsewhere is expected to be authorized and

    conducted as soon as this weekend.

    Thank you for your time.

    Franklin White, CISCotM

    "Dr. Dan" "Marcia Ann Crain" "Ann McDowell" "Frances Ortiz" "Dr. Stan Goldstein" "FranklinWhite" Steven Ortiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic "George /E--97" "Mr. Ewing" Ranch

    Dr. Dan Marcia Ann Crain Ann McDowell Frances Ortiz Dr. Stan Goldstein Franklin White StevenOrtiz Kevin Public Burisch Crain Majestic George /E--97 Mr. Ewing Ranch