ANNUAL REPORT of the College and Foundation Greenfield Community College 2013

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ANNUAL REPORTof the College and Foundation

Greenfield CommunityCollege


2 2013 annual report

Vision and mission Statements

Vision: Strengthening our Community

Lives change for the better every day at GreenfieldCommunity College. Families grow stronger and sotoo our community. Our vision is to strengthen ourcommunity one student at a time. We understandour role and responsibilities, as a college in theglobal community, to create a better world for all.

mission: teaching and learning together

Our mission is to teach, in a small, supportive andintimate learning environment, the knowledge andskills necessary for our students to reach theirhighest potential. Our doors are open to all whoseek to learn. In striving to fulfill this mission we alsoseek to learn the knowledge and skills necessary toreach our highest potential as a college. At GCC, weare passionate about teaching and learning together!

GCC foundation


The Greenfield Community College Foundationgathers and manages the resources required toensure that Greenfield Community College is thenation’s finest small college; a conduit for regional,national, and international philanthropic investment;and an instrument for helping the College toachieve its vision for the future.

Initiatives of particular interest to theFoundation include:

• Access and opportunity for every student• Mutually beneficial strategic partnerships

and collaborations• Programs to identify and support

future leaders• Recognition of diversity and the evolving

needs of our community


Our mission is to support the mission of GreenfieldCommunity College — its students, faculty, staff, andalumni — by building relationships and raising fundsthroughout a service area that encompasses Franklinand Hampshire counties in western Massachusetts,the counties of southern Vermont and NewHampshire and beyond.

Greenfield Community ColleGe

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 3

message from…

…the President of Greenfield Community College:

There is something transformational that begins to happen as youdrive into Greenfield Community College. It is on that windingroad that one begins to feel the transition from a world ofincreasing individualism and isolation to one of inclusion andcollaboration. The word “community” defines GCC as a college.More than a definition of who to serve; community identifies anenvironment created by faculty, staff and students that encouragesengagement, nurtures learning and cultivates sustainable change.

GCC faculty and staff have always understood the powerfulpotential and privilege of small classes and the need forindividualized attention. Students get to know college faculty andstaff – and they get to know each other. Instead of large lecturehalls and teaching assistants, students at GCC experience teachingand learning in small, intimate learning communities and developlasting relationships on which to grow and develop.

That is the GCC experience. What impact does thatexperience have on student success? According to theCommonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Higher Education,GCC has the highest rated student success scores (graduation,retention and transfer rates) of all 15 community colleges overa six-year period of time.

As we have every fall semester for the past 51 years, GCChas once again opened its doors to all who seek a better life forthemselves and their families. Lives will change for the better asa result, then families will grow stronger and so too ourcommunity. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, theBoards of Trustees and the GCC Foundation, I thank you for allthat you do to make that possible and for your help fosteringand sustaining the GCC experience.

Bob Pura, PresidentGreenfield Community College

…the President of theGCC foundation Board of directors:

As President of the Board, I am pleased to oversee the campaign tosupport GCC’s programs, help purchase equipment and provideneeded scholarships. Because the Commonwealth’s contribution topublic higher education is less than half the College’s total budget,monies raised in the Foundation’s campaign are essential to helpingoffset the burden of students’ tuition and fees.

The 2013 Foundation campaign raised $954,330. That members ofour community were willing to donate generously is a powerfuldemonstration of their willingness to invest in the College’s mission.This has helped many people attend the College, their first step in alife transforming journey.

GCC students are representative of our community, people youencounter daily. They attend school full time and part time. Manyhold jobs. Some are raising families. Many struggle to pay life’snormal living expenses, plus the costs of their education: tuition,textbooks, school supplies and transportation.

Twenty percent of the GCC students who applied for Foundationscholarships graduated in June. The remaining eighty percent willneed financial aid. Our scholarships are modest, but combined withother resources they can make a difference between staying inschool and dropping out.

GCC is for everyone: for high school students from the top tenpercent of their classes who know exactly which of GCC’sprograms fit their path; for those not sure what they want to dowith their lives; for adults eager to acquire the education or trainingneeded to increase their earning potential. GCC is where all canset out on the journey to realize their dreams and your support ofGCC‘s mission makes that possible.

Diane H. Esser, Esq., PresidentGCC Foundation Board of Directors

4 2013 annual report

academic year 2012-13 Highlights

July• Sher Hruska joins the GCC college community as

Chief Academic & Student Affairs Officer.

auGuSt • GCC introduces new Farm & Food Systems

Degree Program.

SePtemBer• the mary Stuart rogers Women’s resource Center

at GCC is dedicated. The Foundation was representedby Janet Rogers, granddaughter of the benefactor.

• the college celebrates the successful transfer ofGCC students to the 5 Colleges. Current studentsfrom Smith, Amherst, Hampshire and Mount HolyokeColleges and the University of Massachusetts arerecognized.

oCtoBer• State representative Paul mark meets with

GCC students to discuss the upcoming elections.

• “GCC day” at mike’s maze was a great success!

noVemBer• GCC recognizes its 50th anniversary with a day and

evening of activities and celebration.

• the Channing & marie Bete Veterans Center at GCCis dedicated. The Betes are proud supporters ofGCC’s veteran students.

deCemBer• GCC music Program students perform for the

community at semester’s end.

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 5

academic year 2012-13 Highlights

January• GCC art student Susan Valentine wins second place

in The Artist’s Magazine’s 2012 National ArtCompetition for her oil painting, Daylily 2.

feBruary• the massachusetts legislature holds a Ways & means

Committee Hearing on the GCC campus to solicitinput on the State FY14 budget. President Robert Puraprovides testimony.

marCH • GCC retiree ethel “risky” Case receives the

“Standing on Her Shoulders” award from theWomen’s Foundation of Western Massachusetts.

aPril • the nahman-Watson library at GCC is dedicated

in honor of former faculty members Phyllis Nahmanand the late Gretchen Watson. Nahman and membersof the Watson family were present.

• GCC announces the launch of its newmedical assistant Certificate Program.

may• GCC foundation Scholarship awards Ceremony

thanks the community for the $281,978 in scholarshipfunds raised this year.

• GCC dance Program students perform at the annualDance Concert at Greenfield High School.

June• eric risinger serves as Student Speaker at the

2013 Commencement, representing the 417 studentswho graduated from GCC this year.

6 2013 annual report

Student, faculty/Staff & alumni awards

andrew m. Curran ‘13GCC graduate and now AmherstCollege student Andrew M. Curran wasone of the 2013 “29 Who Shine,” agroup of outstanding Massachusettspublic college and university graduateshonored by the Department of HigherEducation for their academicachievements and record of studentleadership and community service.

In his nomination, President Bob Puracommented, “Andrew’s intelligence andpassionate commitment to social justiceare just two of the qualities that makehim a shining example of the GCCstudent body. His long journey broughthim to GCC where he found clearpurpose and meaning. Andrew’s facultysaw his potential even before he did andtogether they worked to achieve it.”

“At GCC,” Andrew said, “theenvironment is encouraging andaccommodating. In my classes, the focuswas on real discussion where the facultytreat students as peers.”

Assistant Professor of English TrevorKearns, Andrew’s mentor, said “Andrewis one of the most impressive studentsI’ve seen. He’s able to make immediateand insightful connections between newideas and his formidable knowledge ofhistory, society, and film.”

Andrew participated in a GCC classthat brings college students inside jails tostudy alongside incarcerated students.He served as President of the Peace,Justice and Environmental ActionAlliance and helped facilitate a film serieson environmental issues. He also wasfounder and a leader of the GCC FilmSociety student club.

linda CavanaughGCC students and alumni aren’t theonly ones who know Linda Cavanaughis a superb math teacher and dedicatededucator - the Learning AssistanceAssociation of New England (LAANE)presented Linda with their OutstandingSupport to Developmental EducationAward. In her 32 years at GCC, Lindahas been a champion for GCC’sdevelopmental math courses, thosecourses that prepare students to docollege-level work in math.

Linda recognizes that students inGCC’s developmental courses havestruggled to learn math as it istraditionally taught. She knows theyoften come to those courses with agap of many years since taking mathand/or with feelings of self-doubt andanxiety along with a lot of courage andperseverance. For many students, GCCprovides their first opportunity tosucceed in math. Linda has initiated andsupported learning communities atGCC from course centeredcommunities, such as one focused ondevelopmental math, reading, andwriting, to the establishment of theMath Studio.

According to Linda, good teaching goesbeyond good techniques. She said,“Teaching is all about heart. You have tobe willing to give of yourself sincestudents are giving so much ofthemselves. GCC is a place with a verybig open heart. None of myaccomplishments have been done inisolation. We have dedicated our livesto helping people achieve their goalsand recognize their potential.”

Chris BilodeauWhen former Deerfield police officerChristopher Bilodeau was notified ofhis selection as the 2013 GCCDistinguished Alumnus, his first wordswere “I am honored to have beenchosen.” No light remark from theperson who in January received theAward for Heroism from Secretary ofState Hillary Rodham Clinton for hiscourageous actions in Pakistan in 2011.

Special Agent Bilodeau of the U.S.Department of State DiplomaticSecurity Service was recognized forgoing to the aid of two other specialagents after an improvised explosivedevice exploded a few feet from hismotorcade in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Bilodeau came to GCC’s CriminalJustice Program in 2001, and thentransferred to Western New EnglandCollege where he received hisBachelor’s degree in Law Enforcement,becoming a U.S. Department of Statespecial agent in 2008. Bilodeau is nowworking stateside in the DiplomaticSecurity Command Center in Maryland.

Bilodeau explained why he will proudlydisplay the GCC Distinguished Alumniaward alongside the Secretary of State’sAward for Heroism. “Of all things I havedone for my education and career, mytime at GCC is the most memorableand important to me.”

“Chris Bilodeau has distinguishedhimself in many ways,” commentedGCC President Robert Pura. “Hisservice is to nation, community andfamily.  GCC is pleased to recognizesomeone who is such a shiningexample of a civil servant.”

Andrew M. Curran ‘13 Linda Cavanaugh Chris Bilodeau

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 7

2013 financial & Student data

GCC foundation inc. Balance Sheet Comparison

2013 2012aSSetS

Current Assets 4,231,424 2,799,590 Fixed Assets 925,102 964,840

total assets 5,156,526 3,764,430

liaBilitieSCurrent Liabilities 56,087 52,365Long Term Liabilities 159,908 184,130

total liabilities 215,995 236,495

net aSSetSUndesignated 268,203 (204,497)Investment in Property 925,102 964,840 Board Designated 605,450 539,253

Total Unrestricted 1,798,755 1,299,596

Temporarily Restricted 321,361 618,956 Permanently Restriced 2,820,415 1,609,383

Total Restricted 3,141,776 2,228,339 total net assets 4,940,531 3,527,965

total liabilities and net assets 5,156,526 3,764,430

� Naming Campaign ($1,050,000)Annual Fund Campaign ($954,330):

� Donations for College Programs & Scholarships ($464,609)� Donations for General College Support ($248,279)� Contributions to Endowment ($241,442)

� Grants & Sponsored Programs ($28,278)� Investment Income ($72,784)

� Annual Scholarships ($281,978)� GCC Programs ($152,042)� Endowed Scholarships and Programs ($42,509)� Grants & Sponsored Programs ($31,645)� General College Support ($130,000)� Naming Campaign ($50,000)� Administrative Expense ($56,220)

GCC foundation annual fund Campaign raised $954,330GCC foundation major Gifts naming Campaign raised $1,050,000

Greenfield Community College fast facts


Fall 2013 unduplicated credit enrollment: 2,238

• Male: 40% Female: 60%,• Enrolled Part-Time: 64%,• Enrolled Full-Time: 36%,• Average age: 27 Median Age: 23• Domestic students from 128 Massachusetts

towns and all 6 New England states• 12 International students from 10 countries

Graduates & transfers

• 2013 GraduatesAssociate Degrees: 315Certificates: 102

economic impact

• GCC creates ~ $21 million/year in economic activity • 320 faculty and staff work at GCC

1% 3%












GCC foundation, inc. Support

GCC foundation, inc. disbursements

8 2013 annual report

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns(m) indicates a corporate matched gift • (iK) indicates a gift-in-kind

leaderSHiP GiftS

$10,000 + individuals

Anonymous (2 donors)Rob ‘71 and Mary Cohn ‘05Skip and Kathy HammondSherry and Don RiceDr. Anne M. Wiley and

Dr. Steven G. Budd

$10,000 + Businesses

AnonymousCommunity Foundation of

Western Mass.Ethel Dow Wells FoundationGreenfield Co-operative BankGreenfield Savings BankMary Stuart Rogers FoundationOliver Hoagland Keep EstateThe Recorder (IK)Sandri CompaniesTraprock Center for Peace

and Justice

PaCeSetter GiftS

$5,000 - $9,999 individuals

AnonymousHelen F. ClarkRichard Geidel and Nancy Braus

$5,000 - $9,999 Businesses

Florence Savings BankGreen River FestivalPeople’s United BankU.S. Charitable Gift Trust

PreSident’S CluB GiftS

$2,500 - $4,999 individuals

Pat CrossonDavid EllenbogenJoan ‘95 and Michael HaleyCarolyn Nims McLellan ‘66Bob, Marje, and Mary PuraRichard and Sharon RothElizabeth and William SillinJames Slavin and Monica MottoleseJack and Nancy Spanbauer

$2,500 - $4,999 Businesses

Channing Bete Co., Inc.Cohn & Co. Real Estate Agency

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Greenfield Co-operative Bank

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Greenfield Savings Bank

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)The Keith and Nancy Johnson

Family FoundationKennametal, Inc.Rice Family Foundation, Inc.Small Corp.Snow & Sons, Inc. (IK)Teddy Bear Pools, Inc.

Partner GiftS

$1,000-$2,499 individuals

Mark and Patricia AllenMichael Assaf (IK)George and Cynthia Bluh (M)Bob Budd and Ramona RoseRebecca CapliceCharles Cohn and Catherine SmithChia Collins and Michael CohenMary CommagerMargo CulleyRegina Curtis ‘86 and Mark MaynardThomas DonovanDr. Sharon A. Edwards and

Dr. Robert W. Maloy ‘67Diane Esser and Wil RobertsFrank R. FosterJim, Sophie, and Andrew GardnerJosh and Marina GoldmanStan and Peg GradowskiThe Hammond Family

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Shane P. HammondArthur and Marilyn HannanJames HardiggHeather HolstDavid ‘91 and Betsey HydeJoan and Howard LeavittPhil ‘79 and Debbie LemerePeter and Carol LetsonArthur and Roberta LevinKim A. Levitch and Nancy A. FournierSharon ‘78 and William MeyersIra ‘78 and Mary MitchelNorman MullerGordon and Pamela Oakes, Jr.Ted and Carole PennockDiane ‘80 and Douglas PetersonLorna E. PetersonCarles G. Pi-Sunyer ‘90 (M)Joseph A. PoirierFrances RisingerPeter Rosnick and Sandra SobekPete and Sandy RuggeriKathe I. Scott ‘87 (M)Jerry and Cathy Sheehan

Robin Sherman and Rob Allen (M)Mary and Alfred Siano (M)Carol and Warren ThomasEdward Tombs and Judith CarterTim and Wendy Van EppsJeanne Wiley and Howard NelsonDouglas E. Williams ‘78Nancy WinterMan-Ping Wu ‘77Robert Mugar Yacubian

$1,000-$2,499 Businesses

Argotec, Inc.(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Anonymous(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Berkshire InsuranceGroup/MassOne Insurance(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Bete Fog Nozzle Inc(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

The Blanker Foundation—William and Ann Blanker,Charles and Sheila Blanker,Alan and Joyce Blanker

E. W. Martin Electrical Contractor, Inc.(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

GCC Bookstore/Follett (IK)GCC Dance ProgramGilmore & Farrell Insurance Agency, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Amy Jamrog, Northwestern Mutual (M)Kringle Candle Co.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Mowry & Schmidt

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)PR Solutions (IK)People’s United Bank

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Rice Family Foundation, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Sandri CompaniesSnow & Sons, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Taylor’s Tavern

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Valley Steel Stamp

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)WHAI/WPVQ/WRSI (IK)

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 9

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns

Warner Farm/Mike’s MazeWinchester Precision Technologies

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)World EducationThe Yankee Candle Company, Inc.All individuals, businesses,foundations, and clubs who made agift of $1,000 or more are 2013members of the Grace MayersLeadership Giving Society.

adVoCate GiftS

$500-$999 individuals

Anonymous (3 donors)Lynne Ball ‘90Michelle BarthelemyMr. David BartlettJane Rawson Bensche ‘89Jeffrey, Toby, Leah, Tara, and

Trevor BillerIngrid BraceyBill ‘68 and Phyllis CanonJohn W. ClarkKate Cole & Jim GeismanLawrence A. DeanDeborah Deskavich ‘77 and

Stephen RobertoChris ‘78 and Herb ‘74 ForgeyWilliam and Phyllis FreemanMorris & Lillian P. Gould

Family FoundationJanet G. HaasMary Ellen Kelly and Steve Morgan Donna ‘71 and Rick ‘68 LozierSuzanne and Jon McGowanMr. Jeffery Millar and

Mrs. Sheila MacNab Millar ‘08Janice A. McGuane (M)Tom Miner and Whitty SanfordGloria Y. MyersTom Newton ‘88Robyn S. Provost and

Tom C. CarlsonDennis ‘75 and Sondra ‘76 PutnamLeigh and John RaeDavid and Karen RamTom and Kathleen RiceHana and Steven RivkinWhitney K. Robbins

Sharon ‘78 and David RogalskiJoseph and Taffy RuggeriRuth S. Shaw (IK)Albert and Gertrude SheafferJean ‘65 and Dick SimmonsBob and DiAnn SpethJack and Betty ThomsonPhyllis Treusch and Karen T. LordDavid Torcoletti ‘80Del and Bob ViarengoCate Woolner

$500-$999 Businesses

Baystate Franklin AuxiliaryCenter for Extended Care

at AmherstFlorence Savings Bank

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Foster’s Supermarket (IK)Hassay Savage CoInfinex Investments at

Greenfield Savings Bank (IK)Pepsi/Leader Distribution Systems, Inc.

(IK)Power House Energy ConsultingSubway of North Greenfield

locally owned by Ira ‘78 andMary Mitchel (IK)

Whalley Computer(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

SuStaininG GiftS

up to $499 individuals

Jim ‘83 and Jeanne AbelsMark and Wendy AbramsonBruce M. AlbertCarol Wheeler Aleman ‘71Randy AmesBill and Nancy AmesRobert and Louise AmyotRuth Anderson-ZabreSharon ‘06 and Paul AndrewCarol AngusAnonymous (7 donors)Montserrat ArchbaldSharon ArslanianMichael AssafPatricia Auchard ‘94David ‘80 and Kim AudetteFrancis X. Aumand, III ‘74Barry Auskern and Joanie BernsteinJennifer Austin ‘00Aida BahrawyMichael BainesJoan ‘75 and James Baker (M)Jan BaliseCarol BallShel Ball ‘03Lee W. BanningRuzica BanovicRobert BarbaStacey BarnesLori ‘81 and Ray Baronas ‘97Carolina Barreat de Kenny ‘04Patricia ‘89 and John BarryMichael Barson and Jean BehrendMarie and Sam BartlettCarmen L. BassettMichael BathoryJohn and Jan Jee BeanTom ‘70 and Ellen Bean ‘70H.A. and S.L. BeaudoinWilliam and Tamara BeauregardMichele and Fred BecktaLinda R. Bedard ‘83John and Elizabeth BednarskiMarie T. BeechingSuzanne Belcher

Lucille ‘87 and Pierre BelhumeurMarilyn and Robert BellowsBradley Bellville

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Ray ‘92 and Ruth BennettLaurie Benoit ‘87 and

Barry DelCastilhoPam and Ben Bensen

(Daniel and Madeleine)Bill and Karin BensonChristina BerbenJohn ‘71 and Catherine BergeronCarla Bernier ‘80Doreen Bittel EvansKarl and Doris BittenbenderRuth M. BlackNancy M. Blackmer ‘76Judd and Beaty BlainAndrew Chase and Rachel BlainAlan and Cathy BlakeRobert O. Blakely ‘00Eve M. Blakeslee ‘85Ed and Claire BlatchfordRosalie Bleznicki ‘95David Bliss ‘84 and Regina Harris ‘84Paul and Sheree BloombergMary L. Blumberg ‘99Thomas Boisvert and Joanne GardnerJon A. Bolaski ‘74Daniel and Muriel BolducSue Booth-Daniels ‘85Marlene BorerStanley and Shirley BoronJean ‘96 and Gregg BouciasWilliam J. Bourbeau ‘81Joan Bowler ‘74Susan BowmanTheresa A. BoyceTimothy BraimMarie S. BrehenyNan ‘76 and George Brosky (M)Bruce Brown and Mary Thorpe BrownLeslie M. Brown ‘02Leslie P. BrownLucinda S. BrownBill Brown and Pat RyanRobert BrownsteinGretchen ‘91 and Scott Bruso

10 2013 annual report

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns

Bill and Nancy BuchananElizabeth Budd and Sean CondonAngela H. BurkeRichard and Mildred BurnhamWilliam R. Burns (M)Jen BurrillStan ‘76 and Cyndee ‘92 ButtonMichael and Julie CadranColleen and Glenn CafferyCarol and Paul CampbellChris P. CaouetteGail CarberryDr. Kathleen CareySandy and John CariddiCheryl A. CarleyAndrea R. CarlinDavid CarlsonTom C. CarlsonDaniel and Susan CarmodyKit Carpenter and Rick SchuetzElizabeth Carroll ‘85Melissa Carson ‘13Ethel ‘Risky’ CaseMark Casella ‘74Linda M. CavanaughO. Stuart ChaseJacqueline Choate ‘79Robert ChurchRick and Jan ClarkSterling and Nancy ClarkAbigail H. ClarkeDoug and Amy Clarke (M)Carol N. CoanDvora Cohen ‘02Robert CohenKaren L. ColeKimberly G. Collins ‘78Gail Connor and Jeffrey Comenitz ‘75William T. ComfortCarol ‘76 and Leo ConleyT. A. Conti ‘73Jill Ker ConwayDr. H. William and Christine CopelandJody CotheyCynthia CoughlinDonna CoveyCarol A. Crafts

Margaret M. CraigMarion L. CroninPatricia and Clifford Hatch CrosbyRegis A. Crosby ‘85Bruce and Meg CummingsRoland and Lynne CurrierMargarita CurtisDr. Linda DagradiHon. Therese Wiley Dancks and

Kip DancksPeter J. Danielson ‘91Marion E. DavenportAllen J. Davis and Felicity M. PoolDiane Dean and Kevin CasuttoKathryn Dean ‘89Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeaneMary DearbornKim Wallace Delaney ‘78Emil and Beverly DemarsThomas F. DevineKate DevlinRobert and Marjorie DeweySusan W. DillonCarolyn J. Doerpholz ‘69Tom Doherty and Kristen DavisBeth Donovan and Patrick BurnsElizabeth DonovanAnne M. DormanKate and Paul DouglasAnne DownesBernard DrabeckRick ‘66 and Cheri DucharmeLaurel ‘92 and Angus DunPaul DunphyRosamond T. DyeCaryl A. DyerLaura and Mike EarlDebra ‘88 and Miles EastmanTom and Anne Echeverria

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Joyce EckBetsy Egan ‘83Cami and Peter ElbowShirley A. EmanuelliGerry Emerson ‘71Susan Emond ‘91Jean Ross Falla ‘64W. Busby and L. A. Fandel ‘08

Audrey S. FarnumNorman and Elinor FarrPat ‘73 and Wayne FarrellLeon and Janet FarrickStein FeickMartha and Barry FieldDavid and Jane FilkinsKate FinneganRobert and Nan Fischlein ‘02Bill ‘84 and Holly FitzpatrickMarcheterre M. Fluet ‘87James ‘88 and Victoria FlynnDiane ‘78 and James FoleyClifford J. Forster, Jr.Kathleen N. Forster ‘08Nurten Foster ‘01Paul Foster-MooreVenita and James FotopulosChristine M. Foudy ‘00Rosemarie Freeland ‘93Donald and Margaret FreemanDorothy B. Freeman ‘89Timothy Fullam ‘11Sally J. FullerElizabeth Fydenkevez ‘72Mary Ellen and Tom FydenkevezDan and Liza GahertyJeffrey Galbraith

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Ruth E. Gallagher ‘93Zulma C. Garcia Ph.D.David Gardam and Mary McCarthyBruce and Mary Lou Gardner (M)Susan E. Garfield-Wright (IK)Debra J. Gass ‘78Lauretta M. GassWendy ‘01 and William GayBecky GeorgeLois GiffordJay ‘80 and Debra ‘75 GilbertKaren E. GillespieBrian Gilmore ‘67 and

Theresa GaffneySuzanne Gluck-SosisSandy Gokey and Judy HolmesDr. and Mrs. Steven GoldsherErica GolemanSandy Goodman

Chris and Cheryl GoodwinRichard Gordon and

Jeanne Canteen (M)Mildred H. GrantVin GrassettiTerry L. Gray ‘75Dale and Lori Greabell FamilyJudith Greene-CorveeHerb and Maureen GregoryJoe and Lori Grover ‘83Diane ‘77 and Leonard Grybko, Jr. ‘76Jay and Meghan GumpPeter Gundelfinger and

Suzanne Smiley (M)Stephen M. Gunn ‘01Sarah Gurvitch ‘83Jean GustafsonKaren A. GuthrieVivian E. Hale and Forrest D. MeaderAmy HamelPaul HamelAnn HamiltonThe Hannan FamilyJoy and Richard HanrahanMary J. HardingJudy Ann Harlow ‘05Liza HarringtonChris Harris ‘70Dolores M. HarveySandy Haughey ‘95Robert E. HawkinsJoanne McNeil HayesJay and Elizabeth HealyWin HealyMary H. Henderson ‘75Nancy Henry ‘89Ellen HewettElizabeth P. Hiden ‘84Clare HigginsRichard HillierDoug and Polly Hillman ‘75Mr. J. Lincoln Hirst II, CPAHerbert and Janet HodosSherrill HogenAmy S. Holich-Dunn ‘84Beryl R. Holloway ‘87Linda M. Horta ‘93, ‘07John R. Hough

up to $499, individuals, continued

David F. HowlandMargaret E. C. HowlandSteven HowlandSher HruskaMargaret HughesAlmon P. HunterHattie J. Hustler ‘68Mark Huston ‘78Leo HwangDeb and Greg IslesRena G. JacquesMyrtron Jaquay-WilsonRita Jaros ‘88Abbie JenksPeter Jessop and Maureen HumpagePhyllis and Peter JeswaldJulie Jock ‘92 and Megan Green ‘92, ‘10Carol A. Johnson ‘78David M. Johnson, Psy.D.Michael and Amelie Johnson ‘92Ted Johnson and Mary Milay ‘77Ed and Regis JohnstonHope F. JonesIrmarie JonesDawn M. JosefskiJeanne and Norton JusterKen and Laurel KahnSilja KallenbachBob and Sandy KeirV. Kell and D. ArgoPaul R. KellerAlice M. KellsM. Lane KellyLiz KentonJudi Ketchum ‘86Denny and Carol Keyes ‘94Tracy KidderEllen Kiely-Eldridge ‘90Rebecca King ‘93Dave and Anne Marie KittredgeRosemary A. KlaesLaurence and Debra Klein ‘79Dr. R.B. Kniskern, Ph.D, OMD ‘78Michael J. Kolemba ‘89Kathleen ‘83 and Dennis Koonz ‘81Kathleen L. Korb ‘90Walter and Virginia Kostanski

Janice and Fred KreitnerKatherine KrummeRepresentative Stephen KulikDan and Jane Kunhardt (M)Kim KusekAudrey LaBonte ‘86 and

George HandscuhRobert A. LaPalmeDonald and Rita LaPierreMichael and Karen LarabeeRon LaRoche ‘73Kenneth R. and Judith A. LarsonLarry LaVoice ‘78Louise G. LeGouis ‘01Simon L. Lesser ‘77Merrilyn and David LewisThomas D. LewisJody LintnerRichard and Suzanne LittleCynthia ‘65 and Hormidas Lively ‘75Sam Lively ‘93, ‘02David Livingstone ‘77Holly Lovelace, M.Ed.Annabelle Lucas ‘71Joe ‘76 and Kate LucasBrian H. Luippold ‘80Seth A. Lustig ‘95Terry LynnBrenda LyonsMisty LyonsWilliam M. MacDhubhainJohn and Barbara MackinPhyllis H. Magoon ‘80Kathleen Maisto and Jerry CarboneKaren and Bryan MalloyMary ‘83 and Thomas MaloneyPaul A. Mann ‘78Mildred C. MarchRepresentative Paul W. MarkKate B. MarmarasWilliam Martin ‘91Evelyn W. MasonIsaac ‘99 and Angela MassRosemary Mathey ‘81Joseph and Susan MatteiCheryl L. May ‘81 and

Wayne J. DeGrenier ‘88Dirk Mayhew ‘92

Richard B. McAdooKathryn A. McArthurLinda McCarthySheila A. McCarthy

R.N. Nursing Class of 1972Susan ‘78 and Thomas ‘79 McCarthyWilliam and Betty McClellandAlan and Patricia ‘88 McClellandMary McClintock ‘82, ‘88Patti ‘85 and Ronald McConnell ‘91Francis L. McDonaldSusan Lichtenthal McDonald ‘83, ‘84Tim and Bunny McDonoughCyndy McDonoughMary McEnteeJoanne and Bill McGeeJean R. McGowan ‘86Dr. Colleen McGuane ‘86Elizabeth McKownLuella and George McLaughlinMary M. McNallyCarol ‘99 and Thomas McShaneMary A. MelloGloria J. MeluleniKenneth and Elizabeth MelzenBelden R. MerimsRobert L. MerriamJohn F. Merrigan ‘97Timothy ‘83 and Laurie MeyerVictor MikalunasDorothy ‘77 and Irving MilewskiBrian J. Miner ‘85James ModenaMargaret E. MoriartyAnna L. MorrisonJohn Moruzzi ‘90, Fire Chief, LeverettJoAnne Brosky Muench ‘79Dana Muller and Gary SteigerwaltEd Murphy and Amy HenryLeslie ‘84 and Joe MusiakMildred MyersOksana M. Nagayets ‘97Phyllis and Archie NahmanAndy NashMichael NixMichele NortonColin and Kara O’BrienPhyllis O’Hara ‘81

Deborah F. OekyEllen C. OharaAlvin F. OickleRaymond and Arabella OlanderDiane M. OlanykSuzanne ‘89 and Douglas OlsenJohn and Rose OlverMartha J. Olver ‘97 ‘99Christine Orlen ‘85Amber Ortiz Houghton ‘02Deb and Joe Palmeri—

Palmeri ElectricMargaret E. (Grogan) Palmeri ‘70Jennifer A. ParisPauline A. ParkerElaine and Richard ParmettDorothy ‘87 and Lloyd ParrillDave PatrickLillian T. Pearsall ‘79Virginia Peck ‘89Jose D. PeczonCynthia PetersDennis ‘69 and Dawn Peters ‘69Skeeter PetersonDr. Jan Peterson ‘77 and Phil DayKristin Peterson ‘85Leah PetersonLorna E. Peterson (IK)Lou Peugh ‘79 and Ed OlmsteadBob Phillips and Bambi PhillipsMary E. Phillips ‘92Dave Pierrepont ‘96Joan ‘75 and Dennis Pillsbury ‘95Albina A. Pluta ‘80 (M)Roasalind PollanHazel M. PorterBrian DeVriese and Pamela PorterEric PoulinBetsy PowellMary and John PrestonMarietta PritchardMarcia M. ProvostBob and Jessica ProvostEllen Sweeney Purinton ‘81Gloria Jean Purinton ‘69Deborah ‘69 and Cornelius PutnamSteve Quann and Diana SatinNorma Quesada

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 11

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaignsup to $499, individuals, continued

12 2013 annual report

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns

Professor Stanley RabinowitzAlan and Sheila RainfordSheila M. RainfordEllen RainvilleGertrude E. RalphGloria Rapalee ‘71Gloria Anne Ratcliffe ‘08Lynne Page and Roland RattéLinda ‘93 and Robert RaymondReva Reck and Tom WyattMina ReddyJeanne and John ReesDouglas ReidP. Carey ReidGerard ReillyDebra ‘80 and David RejniakMichael Loughman ‘06 and

Susan RenfrewSusan ‘86 and James RhenowFrank Ribeiro ‘82 and Ann CahillJohn M. Richardson ‘77Attorney John W. Richardson ‘71Carol N. RigolotPhillip Ringwood ‘03Peter Ripley, M.D. ‘78Constance RobertDiana Roberts ‘84Sally Richardson Roberts ‘92Gwendolyn RogersJames S. RomanTherese B. RomanoRuth E. Root ‘83Deliah RoselStan C. RosenbergJanis Ross and Bradley PetersAndy and Cyndie RothschildDavid R. RoulstonRachel M. Roy ‘02Arthur and Leeanne RubeckAndrea Rudolph ‘94Dianne and Bob RyanRobert and Claire ‘96 SagorArthur Schwenger and Carol SartzGail SawosikSandy Sayers ‘85 and Joe WhiteSteven and Debra SchechterleRevan SchendlerBette and Bob Schmitt

Hope B. SchneiderMichael R. Schultz ‘76Michael G. SchwartzArthur SchwengerValorie and Ted ScottPeter SennettMargarita C. ShannonRuth S. ShawBlanche SheaPaul Sheren and Miguel RomeroSaul SherterEsther and David ShortTamar, Richard, Rebecca, and

Jonah SiegelSue and Rick SigdaPhilip and Jessica Corwin-SilvaMary L. SirumMichael ‘82 and Carol SkorulskiTracy SloanDorothy P. SmithLinda and Harlan SmithMartha ‘86 and Charles SmithSandra and Richard SmithAnn SorvinoKaryl StachowiczWilliam H. and Brenda C. StaffordAlan Stefanini and Dianne BensenFrank R. Sterpka, Jr.Patricia A. Stevenson ‘92Beth Stinchfield ‘74Janet E. StinchfieldKaren E. Stinchfield ‘84Marsha Stone and

Norman HirschfeldPhyllis Ann StoneDouglas and Frances StotzDouglas and Frances Stotz

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Helen L. StotzJay W. StrykerAnne E. H. Stuart ‘90Elizabeth S. StuartEdmund B. and Frances Wood SullivanConstance M. SumbergEric ‘85 and Mary Sumner ‘85Bob SunderlandAlan and Mary Allen SwedlundCrawford ‘70 and Mary Sweeley ‘71

Holly Sweeney ‘92Maggie and Kevin SweeneyBill SweeneyAmy SwisherCorrine E. Sysun ‘99Richard and Mary TafernerKaren A. Tarlow and

John A. MontanariLuanne TellerJoyce ThatcherMs. Melody TiltonLynn Stowe TombSamuel Topal and

Cathy WeismanTopalEileen J. Torchio ‘74Karen D. Totman ‘87Thomas W. TravisChristine TrenholmFaythe E. TurnerMs. Virginia TurnerMirrless R. UnderwoodCarol E. VarnerJoseph J. VeselyTimothy G. Vielmetti ‘00Paul ViensPaulo and Cristina VieraCarl A. VigelandKathleen M. VranosPatricia A. WachterKatherine K. Waitkus ‘79Barbara and John WallaceJohn T. Walsh ‘89

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Kester Warlow-Harry ‘96Steven J. Warnecke and

Rebecca BoundsDavid ‘76 and Leta WarnerRichard L. Weil, Jr.E. Joshua and Johanna WeinsteinStephen K. Welch ‘96Deborah and Harold WheelerJeanne M. WhiteLisa R. WhitePatricia ‘74 and Michael WhiteBill and Marilyn WhiteElizabeth M. S. WileyBob Smithing and Madeline WileyGeoffrey A. Wilson

Katrina Wilson ‘00Michael and Sarah WingDeborah Wingreen ‘81Paula Winn ‘70 and Jim Winn 87 (M)Edward and Maureen ‘83 WinseckPam WolanskeEdwin M. WolfAndrea and Dale WoodsBernadette and Warren WymanAndrew T. YagerRuth YankaPriscilla and David YetterBreta E. Yvars-PetracciaCynthia ZafftPhoebe ZaxLou Turner ZellnerNorman Russell and Sharon ZinglerPeter and Melanie ZschauWilliam Z. Zwemke ‘80Joanne V. Zywna

up to $499 Businesses

A. Ruggeri & Sons, Inc.Adams Donuts (IK)Akey Insurance Agency, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Albert Allen Insurance Agency

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Albert Allen Insurance AgencyAll Souls Church Mid-Week MusicAmherst Golf Club (IK)Applebee’sBaird Ceiling SystemsBaranoski Plumbing & Heating, Inc.Beaver Brook Club, Inc. (IK)Blackmer Insurance Agency, Inc.Booska’s FlooringBrattleboro Country Club (IK)Bridge of Flowers Business CenterBrown Motors, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Carriage House DesignsThe Cartelli family and

Toyota Ford of Greenfield(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Clayton D. Davenport Trucking, Inc.(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Coldwell BankerUpton–Massamont Realtors

up to $499, individuals, continued

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 13

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns

Connecticut Valley Oral SurgeryAssociates, P.C.(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

Cooke and Jones, Inc.The Cookie Factory (IK)Country Club of Greenfield (IK)Crumpin-Fox Club (IK)Dillon Chevrolet, Inc.

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Dillon Chevrolet, Inc.-Thanks folks!Doris A. Bilodeau TrustFacey Plumbing & HeatingFairview GardensFarren Care Center

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Food Forest Farm (IK)Future’s Unlimited

The Gill TavernGinger Garden (IK)Harmon Personnel ServicesHunt & Cote, P.C./Scott CoteJack’s CleanersJim McDonald Golf Instruction (IK)Kostanski Funeral HomeLaPierre AdvertisingLundgren Honda

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Maniatty Real EstateMcCarthy Funeral HomesThe McCarthy ProgramMcDonald’s of Greenfield

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Meadows Golf Course (IK)

Melanson Heath & Co, PCMeyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.Minuteman Pest ControlMohawk Real EstateNorthampton Country Club (IK)Northfield Golf Club (IK)Orthopedic Physical TherapyAlden Booth, The People’s Pint (IK)Alden Booth, The People’s PintPioneer Hearing Services

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Popcorn NoirThe Recorder

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)Richardson’s Candy Kitchen (IK)RK Solutions of Western Mass., Inc.

Royal Food Products (IK)Sandri Companies (IK)Sudbury Nurseries West (IK)Summit Ice, Inc. (IK)Thayer Street AssociatesThomas Memorial Golf &

Country Club (IK)Thyme Herbal (IK)Tom Carlson dba HomestylesWelsh and Associates

(Golf Tournament Sponsor)

this donor list represents gifts to the GCC foundation recorded by June 30, 2013. if you do not find your name in these lists, we mayhave made a mistake. We regret any errors and appreciate your correcting us if this is the case. Please call (413) 775-1600.

up to $499, Businesses, continued

14 2013 annual report

Gifts to the 2013 annual fund and major Gifts Campaigns

additonal GiftS

Alice and Barstow BatesMary Stuart Parker Cosby Alice Parker Pyle

matching Gift Companies

GE FoundationGenworth Financial FoundationGoogle Matching Gift ProgramLinkedIn Matching Gifts ProgamMetLife FoundationNew York Life FoundationNortheast Utilities Foundation, Inc.Northwestern Mutual FoundationPfizer FoundationRasmuson FoundationRaytheon CompanyState Farm Companies FoundationSun Life FinancialTyco Employer Matching Gift ProgramVerizon Foundation

Gifts Given in memory of

Grace AntoneAlice D. BitzerArnold Black Barbara J. Hannon BourneRichard BowlerRichard D. BroderickPaul E. CaouetteSara Graham ClarkeHerbert CohenAndy & Nell ContiDaisyJonathan DeVittTricia DonovanAndrew D. DucatDouglas FluetDr. Kent FredricksonAlista E. GradowskiHoward S. Greene, Sr.Delight G. HainesDavid A. HarveyMichael J. HigginsWallace JonesValorie A. KnowltonPauline M LaddAlastair G. Maitland

Martin A. McGuaneJoan M. MerriganZimbul and Elie NahmanWallace F. NelsonHarrison ParkerHenry RomanoEthel and Myer RubinArthur ShawMorton A. SlavinCarleton P. StinchfieldGretchen S. WatsonJerry WinterJan WoodIn loving memory of Dad and Poppy

Gifts Given in Honor of

Shel Ball Christopher BilodeauNancy and Bill Buchanan’s

60th Wedding AnniversaryRobert CarmodyEthel CaseAllen DavisLarry DeanVeteran Christopher DemarsFred and Helen EllisLaura Geidel, and the interpretersBeryl R. HollowayMorgan Hoyle-CombsMary Ellen KellyMary Ellen Kelly and Peter Rosnick

for excellent teaching andservice to students and GCCcommunity

Jess Kommel-BernsteinBettie S. KravetzJoan LaPierreMichael Lewis his for service to

the collegeJoseph J. Litner, Class of ‘67Horace MannTeresa Miner ‘85Phyllis NahmanJuanita NelsonMichael PritchardRobert PuraNorma QuesadaPeter Rosnick, in honor of

his retirement

Sharon Santana and all the firstgeneration alumni and students

Wyatt Scherm-MartinPamela Simanski-PageJean Doherty SimmonsEileen TorchioFaythe TurnerLaura WhalleyLindy WhitonAnne WileyRobert Mugar YacubianTom YoungAll past/present/future

success storiesThe amazing faculty and staff

at GCC

lewis o. turnerlegacy Society

Anonymous (2 donors)Hazel AppleyJoanne M. BallJeff and Nancy BohnePeggy CareyPhilip and

Deborah Hubbard ChristensenFrances M. ClarkArline CohnRobert ‘71 and Mary ‘05 CohnHenry and Mary CommagerJill Ker ConwayDick CromackPatricia Crosson and Charles AdamsJean and Stan CummingsAllen J. DavisLawrence A. Dean, in honor

of his daughter,Emily Lynn Dean Lawrence

David EllenbogenHelen and Fred EllisGerard and Tricia ‘71 EthierGeorge Farber

Doris FeltonLorraine C. FerranteEvalyn N. FitzroyKent FredericksonEleanor GoodmanStanley and Marguerite GradowskiShane P. HammondSkip and Kathy HammondChristine Harris ‘70Richard and Marian ‘95 HolbrookMargaret E.C. HowlandBill and Eleanor HubbardWilliam and Patricia JolicoeurLeonard Kramer and

Nancee BershofSteve ‘81 and Michele Kravetz,

Sharon Meyers ‘78, andBettie Kravetz

Dan and Jane KunhardtPeter and Carol LetsonEdith and Alan LippBeth (Nell) LorenzJames ManillaGeorge and Luella McLaughlinCarolyn Nims McLellan ‘66Helen MugarRobert Pura and

Marjorie MacDonald-PuraBob and Marjorie ReidMel RiceTimothy and Elise RiceSharon and Richard RothArthur and Margorie RugglesJoanne Santos ‘93Mort and Sue SlavinBetty Turner ThomsonEdward N. TombsVincent P. Traina, Jr. ‘82Jeffrey ‘73 and Susan ‘68 WebsterBen and Evie WinerWilliam A. and

AnneTonon WithingtonRobert Mugar YacubianLou Turner Zellner

Anyone who makes a current gift of $10,000 ormore to the endowment or puts the Foundation in

their will for $10,000 or more becomes a member ofthe Lewis O. Turner Legacy Society.

www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation 15

trustees, foundation Board members and Volunteers

Co-ChairsBeth LorenzJoseph Ruggeridivision leadersRobert Cohn ‘71Gail ConnorDiane Esser (alum)Mike JohnsonBeth LorenzSharon Roth Robert Yacubianregional teamsDiane Esser (alum)Ruth Gallagher ‘93Joseph RuggeriArt Schwenger

team membersEric AlmeidaShel Ball ‘03Carmen Bassett (alum)Jean Boucias ‘96Mary Cohn ‘71Krystyna ColburnKathy ColeLinda DagilusPenny DavisLarry DeanBob Diamond ‘75Sue DillonRuth Gallagher ‘93Marina GoldmanArt Hannan

Chris Harris ‘70Margaret E.C. HowlandDan KunhardtBob LaPalmeJudy LarsonPhil Lemere ‘79Misty LyonsMary McClintock ‘82Sue McGowanIra Mitchel ‘78Susanne NewmanDorothy Parrill ‘87Lorna PetersonTerri PhelpsRobyn ProvostKathleen Rice

Whitney RobbinsSteven SchecterleMatt Sheridan ‘99Mary SianoLiz SillinJean Simmons ‘65William SweeneyAnne Stuart ‘90Eileen Torchio ‘74Faythe TurnerMolly WoodBernie WymanDave YetterEric Yetter

Greenfield Community College Board of trustees

GCC foundation Board of directors

GCC foundation Staff

2013 annual fundraising Campaign Volunteers

ChairmanRobert Cohn ‘71Vice-ChairElizabeth Sillinalumni trusteeAmy Holich-Dunn ‘84Student trusteeMichael Lewis

trusteesScott CotePatricia CrosbyTimothy FarrellJonathan HealyClare HigginsTracy KidderMaria Tarajano Rodman

GCC alumni association Board of directorsPresidentRegina Curtis ‘86Vice-PresidentJean Simmons ‘65directorsEric Almeida (alum)Carmen Bassett (alum)

Emily Bouthillier-Joseph ‘08Mark Burton ‘79Andrea Carlin (alum)Jeanne Dodge ‘07Amy Holich-Dunn ‘84Isaac Mass ‘99Anne Stuart ‘90

executive directorRegina Curtis ‘86

accounting/database CoordinatorAndrea Carlin (alum)

administrative assistantShannon Larange ‘06

PresidentDiane Esser (alum) Vice PresidentMichael JohnsonSecretaryRobin Sherman treasurerNancy Fournier (alum)alumni representativeCarmen Bassett (alum)Student representativeJessica Clarkfaculty/Staff liaisonSharon Roth

directorsLarry DeanMarina GoldmanJoan Haley ‘95Misty LyonsIra Mitchel ‘78Lorna PetersonRobyn ProvostArt SchwengerHonorary directorsRobert S. Cohn ‘71Robert Mugar Yacubian

Diane Esser (alum), President,GCC Foundation Board of Directors,at the evening gala for GreenfieldCommunity College’s 50th Anniversary

Robert Cohn ‘71, Chairman of theGreenfield Community CollegeBoard of Trustees

2013 Campaign Co-chairs, Joseph Ruggeriand Beth Lorenz

…for your support ofthis community’s college!

affirmative actionGreenfield Community College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on basis of race, creed, religion, color, gender, sexualorientation, age, disability, genetic information, maternity leave, and national origin in its education programs or employment pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws,Chapter 151B and 151C, Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with DisabilitiesAct, and regulations promulgated thereunder, 34 C.F.R. Part 100 (Title VI), Part 106 (Title IX) and Part 104 (Section 504). All inquiries concerning application of theabove should be directed to the College’s Affirmative Action Officer and/or the College’s Coordinator of Title IX and Section 504 at (413) 775-1313.

Greenfield Community Collegeone College driveGreenfield, ma 01301(413) 775-1000www.gcc.mass.edu

Greenfield Community College foundation270 main StreetGreenfield, ma 01301(413) 775-1600www.gcc.mass.edu/foundation