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Table of Contenls

W o t k - R a t e d H o i s t s . . . . . . . 2P a r a l l e l M o u n t e d . . . . . . . . . . . 3Cross Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Work-Rated Cut -away. . . . . .4 ,5T w i n H o o k H o i s t s . . . . . . . . . . 6E lec t r i cWinches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6D e c k M o u n t e d H o i s t s . . . . . . . 7T o p R u n n i n g T r o l l e y H o i s t s . . . . . . . . . . 7

W r i g h t A m e r i c a n H o i s t s . . . . . . . . . . . 8L u g M o u n t e d . . . . . . 94 W h e e l T r o l l e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9o w h e e l T r o l l e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Wright Ametican Cut-away . . . . . . . 10,11

W r i g h t - W a y H o i s t s . . . . . . . 1 2S t a n d a r d H e a d r o o m . . . . . . . 1 3C l o s e H e a d r o o m . . . . . . . . . . 1 3Wright-Way Cul-away . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15

H o i s t F e a t u r e s . . . . . . . 1 6 , 1 7F e a t u r e s / O p t i o n s T a b l e . . . . . . . . 1 8 , 1 9Reeving . . . . .20,21T r o l l e y S u s p e n s i o n s . . . . . . . . . - . . . 2 2H o i s t D u t y G l a s s i f i c a t i o n s . . . . . . . . 2 3How to Select and Order the Right Hoist . . . .24Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5G l o s s a r y o f T e r m s . . . . 2 6 , 2 7

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Electric Wire Ro e Hoists IIIRIEHT'

Work-Rated Wire Rope HoistsThe Work-Rated hoists are customengineered to meet your specifications andexacting material handling needs.

Wright American Wire Rope HoistsWright American hoists combine theengineered durability of custom specifiedhoists with the price and del ivery of off-the-shelf products.

Wright-Way Wire Rope HoistsThe p re -packaged so l u t i on t o manymater ia l handl ing problems.

WARNING:Equipment described herein is not designed for, and should notbe used for, l i ft ing, supporting, or transporting humans.Modifications to upgrade, rerale, or olherwise allsr the hoist orcrane equipment shall be authorized onty by the origlnalmanufacturer or qualif ied professional engineer. Failure tocomply wlth any one of the l imitalions noted herein may result inserious bodily injury. Specifications subject to change withoutnoltce.

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Work-rated@ HoistsCapacities-l to 25 fons*

These hois ts are engineered to meet yourpar t icu lar mater ia l handl ing needs. Severe,heavy and normal duly Work-Rafed modelsare of fered in each capaci ty . You buy exact -ly the ho is t you need, no more, no less.The bas ic conf igurat ion of the one ton ho is tis the same as the twenty- f ive ton capaci tyuni t , prov id ing a un i f ied des ign approachthat makes Ihe Work-Rated l ine the mostcomplete fami ly o f ho is ts avai lab le . Th isdes ign un i t y a l so s imp l i f i e s ma in tenance .The most current des ign and safetyfeatures are bu i l t in , not added on. Thesere l iab le , f ie ld tested des ign features com-bine wi th a wide range of mechanica l andelect r ica l opt ions to sat is fy the most exac-t ing user demands. Hois ts for spec ia l

operat ing env i ronments, for example explo-s ion proof ho is ts , are a lso avai lab le .Both oara l le l or c lose headroom crossmounted conf igurat ions are avai lab le in avar ie ty o f reev ing ar rangements to meethook t rave l and headroom const ra in ts .Hois t suspens ions avai lab le are:

. Lug mounted

. P l a i n t r o l l e y

. Geared t ro l ley

. Motor ized t ro l ley

. Deck mounted

. Base mounted

. Top runn ing t r o l l e y

- Hoists with capaci t ies greater than 25 tons areavai lable uoon reo uest.

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t;lt : t 1#-bl v

PARALLEL MOUNTED HOISTSWhen lateral hook travel, headroom andend approach are not concerns, a parallelmounted Work-Rated hoist provides a goodho i s t va l ue . The ho i s t t r ave l s i n alengthwise pos i t ion to the beam or t rackand requi res no counter ba lanc ing. S ing lereev ing is the most economic choice, butwhen lateral hook travel presents a pro-b lem, double reev ing, wi th t rue ver t ica l l i f t ,is a lso avai lab le on oara l le l mountedhois ts .

CROSS MOUNTED HOISTSFor situations where headroom and end ao-proach d imensions are cr i t ica l , c rossmounted Work-Bated hoists, that travelperpendicu lar to the t rack or beam, of ferthe c losest min imum operat ing prof i le o funderhung hois ts .



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Work-ratediu' Hoists




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Work-rated@ HoistsCapacities-l12 to 3 Tons

TWIN HOOK HOISTSWork-Rated tw in hook ho is ts a re des ignedf o r l i f t i n g l o n g o r b u l k y l o a d s . T h e t w i nh o o k s p r o v i d e s u p p o r t a t t w op o i n t s . . . m i n i m i z i n g l o a d s w a y , t i p p i n g o rro ta t ion . The compact c lose headroom pro-f i le i s idea l l y su i ted fo r severe du ty app l i ca-t ions in pa ten ted t rack , b r idge c ranes andl i f t ing sec t ions . The s t rong s tee l f rame,when a t tached to e i ther a p la in , geared orm o t o r i z e d t r o l l e y , m a k e s l i f t i n g a n dt ranspor t ing bu lky loads easy . The ba lanc-ed ho is t des ign centers the load hookd i r e c t l y u n d e r t h e t r a c k a n d e l i m i n a t e s t i p p -ino as the load var ies .

Capacities-l/2 to 5 Tons

ELECTRIC WINCHESWork-Rated winches meet spec i f ic l i f t ing orpu l l i ng needs whe re conven t i ona l ho i s treev ing is not requi red. Base or wal lmoun ted mode l s a re ava i l ab l e w i t h s i ng l eand double l ine reev ing and have the sameproven Wright constructron features asWork-Rated hois ts , except for the grav i tyl imit switch and the Wright overload cutoff.

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IURIGHTCapacities-l to 20 Tons

DECK/BASE MOUNTED HOISTSDeck or base mounted hois ts are des ignedfor l i f t ing appl icat ions where ho is t move-ment is not requi red, or where the cranebui lder wi l l fabr icate h is own t ro l lev .

Capacities-l to 30 Tons

TOP RUNNING TROLLEY HOISTSOur largest capaci ty Work-Rated hois t thatare des igned to run on top of the doubleg i rder crane br idge. A Work-Rated hois t ismounted on a f rame of welded duct i les t ructura l shapes for maximum st rengthand whee l / bea r i ng a l i gnmen t , w i t h an i n -dependent t ro l ley dr ive motor that dr ivesthe t ro l ley through the wheel ax les.

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Wright American Hoists

fhe Wright American hoist l ine combinesthe eng inee red du rab i l i t y o f cus tomspecif ied hoists with the price and deliveryof "off-the-shelf" products. Using highvolume Wright pafts, parts with years of iobproven dependabil i ty, creates cost savingproduct ion ef f ic ienc ies. Of fer ing a l imi ted

Standard Features. 2 ,3 , 5 ,7-112 and 10 capaci t ies. H-4 Duty Class. Low Headroom. Min imum End Approach. Lug mounted, Plain, geared and

motorized trolley susPensions. True Vertical Lift-2 part double

reev ing on 2 through 5 ton, and 4part double reeving on the 7'112and 10 ton capaci t ies .

. Hel ica l gear ing on h igh speedshaft

. Spur gear ing on the drum shaf t

. D.C. disc brake

. S ing le speed or two speed motor

. NEMA 3R Enclosure

. Compl ies wi th ANSI 830.16 andANSI/ASM E-4M specif ications


choice models (ava i lab le on ly in crossmounted, under hung suspensions) , wi ththe most f requently requested Wrightfeatures, resu l ts in a h igh qual i ty , very com-petit ively priced hoist delivered in two tof our weeks.

Optional Features. UPPer and lower geared l imi t

switc hes. Trolley motor brake. Main l ine contactoro Tro l ley wi th ACM or ba l last

resistors. Thermal overload relays. NEMA type 4 or 12 enc losures. Optional trol ley speeds-32 FPM on

al l models and 125 FPM on 2 and3 ton models.

. Operation on Patented tracko Ext ra oush but ton s ta t ions. Opt ional Paint co lors




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Wright Ametican hoists are available in lugmounted, plain, geared and motorizedt ro l ley suspensions. The 3 and 5 ton capaci -ty models are available in both 4 and 6wheel trol ley arrangements. The 6 wheeltrolleys have lower per pair wheel loads,making them ideal for operat ion on smal lerstructural beams and palented track.

LUG MOUNTEDCapacit ies-2 to 10 Tons

4 WHEEL MOTORIZED TROLLEYCapacit ies-2 to 5 Tons

6 WHEEL MOTORIZED TROLLEYGapacit ies-3 to 10 Tons


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Wright American Hoists





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Wright-Wayt HoistsCapacities-l14 to 2 Tons

Wright-Way hoists are built with many ofthe same construction features as theWork-Rated and Wright American hoists;const ruct ion fea lures un ioue to ho is ts o fthe i r s ize and or ice.The exclusive patented Wright overloadcutoff is standard equipment on all Wright-Way hoists. The device protects theoperator, the load and the hoist by sensingan excessive overload and interrupting thel i f t ing c i rcu i t , prevent ing l i f t ing but a l low-ing the overload to be safely lowered andremoved. The device then automaticallyresets and the hoist is ready for the next l i f t .Othet Wright-Way lealures include; dualbrak ing us ing an e lect r ic motor brake and a

mechanical load brake, automatic resetthermostats in the motor wind ings, a com-binat ion of he l ica l and spur gear ing encas-ed in an o i l - t ight a luminum housing, eas i lyaccess ib le cont ro ls in a tough NEMA 3Renclosure, duct i le i ron l i f t ing f rame andpreformed aircraft grade steel wire rope ona s tee l drum wi th machined grooves andlarge f langes.Wright-Way hoists are available in lug,plain, geared and motorized trolley suspen-s ions. In addi t ion to operat ing on s t ructura lbeams, standard Wright-Way trolleys canoperate on 3.25 and 3.33 inch patentedtrack.



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IIIRIGHTCapacities-1/4 to 2 Tons

STANDARD HEADROOMPara l le l mounted Wr igh t -Way ho is ts w i ths ing le par t reev ing are des igned fo r app l i ca-t ions where headroom and la te ra l hookmovement a re no t c r i t i ca l .

Capacities-l/4 to 1 Ton

CLOSE HEADROOMWhen headroom and la te ra l hook t rave l a reconcerns , c ross mounted doub le reevedWr igh t -Way ho is t , w i th t rue ver t i ca l l i f t , p ro -v ide the answer .

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Wright-Wayt HoistsMOTOR





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Hoist Gonstruction Features

GEAR TRAINQuiet, compact helical gearing and external spur drum gear areenc losed in the same o i l - t igh t hous ing . A l l gear ing is mach ine cu t ,heat-treated alloy steel with shock-resistant ducti le cores. Gearing isdesigned to AGMA standards for maximum life, and operates in an oilba th . Rugged a luminum a l loy hous ing prov ides rap id heat d iss ipa t ion .

EEARINGSPrecision heavy-duty ball bearings support allshatts. All bearings areeither solash lubricated. or lifetime Dre-lubricated and sealed.

HOOKDrop forged heat-treated steel hook swivels 3600 on a shielded rollerthrust bearing. Spring latch is standard.

WIRE ROPEEither improved plow steel (lPS), or extra improved plow steel (XPS) issupplied on Work-Rated and W ght American hoists. Prelormed air-cratt quality steel wire rope is supplied on Wflghl-Way hoists.

CONTROLSChoose lrom single., 2.speed or s.step variable speed on wo*-Ratedhoisls. On Wright Ametican and Wright-way hoists single and twospeed motors are available. Controls are magnetic reversing type,mechanically and eleclrically interlocked with 115.V control circuit.All wiring conforms to applicable NEC and CSA requirements. Includ-ed are time delay fuses tor branch circuit overcurrent protection andmotor running overcurrent protection. NEMA type 3R enclosures arestandald. Cover is lightweighl, tough, ABS material, deep.drawn lormaximum control accessibility.

LIMIT SWITCHA gravity-type upper hook travel limit switch is provided. The unit isequipped with an automatic momentary lowering circuit. An optionalgeared limit switch which can be lield mounted is also available.

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vMOTOR ERAKEWright rcclil ied D-C magnet-actuated disc brake has been proven inmi l l ions ot hours of in-serv ice operat ion. l t de l ivers rapid s tops wi thminimum to zero hook dritt. The motor brake assembly is seperatedfrom the gear housing for rapid cool ing. This mul t ip le co i l brake israted a min imum ot 150% ot lu l l load motor torque.Exclusive brake-sensing microswitch, standard on Work-Rated andWtight Ametican hoists, prevents molor from operating against theengaged brake. lt also prevents the motor from operating when brakerequires adjustment.

OVERLOAD CUTOFFExclusive palented Wright unit is standard on all Work-Rated andWtight-Way hoists except single line models. Protects load, hoist andoperator by in terrupt ing ra is ing c i rcu i t when hois t is over loaded. Theelect ro-mechanical device is designed to in terrupt the hois t l i f t ing c i rcuit if the load it senses exceeds the preset capacity of the cutoffdevice. When the l i f t ing c i rcu i t is in terrupted, the lower ing c i rcu i t re-mains in tact to a l low the load to be lowered and removed. When theover load is removed, the l i f t ing c i rcu i t is automat ica l ly restored.

MECHANICAL LOAD BRAKEAutomat ic Weston- type mul t ip le d isc brake can hold a tu l l capaci tyload independent of motor brake. This brake assures that load doesnot accelerate while being lowered. No wear compensation adjust-ment is reoui red.

MOTORStandard NEMA f lange, Class F Insulat ion, 3o-minute duty motor isprovided for standard commercial power supplies. The motor has astandard NEl t A shaf t extension.

DRUMThe large diameter steel drum has deep machined grooves and largef langes . A t leas t two fu l l tu rns o f rope remain on the drum a t thelowest hook position of rated l ift.

TROLLEY WHEELSOn the Wotk-Rated and Wright American hoists trolley wheels areforged steel with machined and hardened treads. On lhe Wright-Wayhoists wheels are cast iron with hardened treads. They come com-p le te w i th p re- lubr ica ted , sea led , heavy du ty ba l l bear ings .


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Hoist Features/Options Table

The table below shows at a glance what is available on Wright hoists as a standard, optionalor on-appl icat ion accessory or modi f icat ion.




Susponsiong Lug Mounted Standard Standard StandardBase Mounted Standard N/A Optional

Trolleys Stra ioh t Track Tro l lev -P la in Standard Standard StandardStraight Track Trolley-Geared Standard Standard StandardCurved Track On ADol icat ion N/A On AoolicationPatented Track Optional Oot ional Opt ionalBronze Wheels On ADol icat ion NiA Opt ionalSoecial DroD of Chain Optional Opt ional Opt ionalAluminum Hand Chain On ADol icat ion On Aoo l ica t ion On Aoo l ica t ionGrev lron Wheels N/A N/A StandardForged Steel Wheels Standard Standard On App l ica t ionDroD down luos & trollev bumoers On ADol ica t ion NiA On ApDl ica t ionRail sweeps On ADol ica t ion N/A On App l ica t ion

Trollov Drlve 65 FPM Sinols SDeed Standard Standard Standard32 FPM Sinole SDeed Optional ODtional Optional65122 FPM Two Soeed ODtional ODtional Opt iona l'125 FPM 5 SteD Variable SDeed Standard N/A On AoolicationACM (Acceleration Control Module) Optional Optional ODt ionalAC Disc Brake Optional Opt ional ODtionalTrolley Travel Limit Switch Optional N/A ODtionalNose Piece for Patented Track Optional On ADDlication On ADDl ica t ionBallast Resistors Optional ODtional On AoolicationSpecial Speeds On ADDlication N/A On Application

Electrillcatlon Col lector Mount ino Arm Oot ional Oot iona l ODtionalCollectors Optional Oot ional Oot ionalTaqline Tow Arm Opt iona l Opt ional Oot iona lPower Supply Cable Oot ional On AoDl ica t ion StandardCable Reel, Loose On ADDl ica t ion On ADol ica t ion Oot iona lCable Reel Base. 3600 On Appl icat ion On Aool icat ion Opt ionalCable Reel Base. 3300 On Aoo l ica t ion On Appl icat ion ODt iona lCable Trolleys On Appl icat ion On Aoolicalion ODt ionalFestooned Taoline Opt iona l Opt ional OotionalPower Plugs-Sinqle Phase N/A N/A On Aoo l ica t ionPower Pluos-Three Phase On ADDl ica t ion On ADDl ica t ion On Aoolication

Motors '115-1-60 Power (sinole sDeed onlv) N/A N/A Standard230- l-60 Power N/A N/A Standard200.3-60 Power Standard On Aoolication Standard230.3-60 Power Standard Standard Standard460-360 Power Standard Standard Standard575-3€0 Power Standard N/A StandardSpecial Voltaoe ODtional NiA On Aoolication'1800 RPM Standard 7-112 & 10 ton onlv StandardSlow Spesd ODt iona l N/A On ADDlicationHioh Temoerature lnsulation ODtional N/A On App l ica t ionSpecial Environment Insulation ODtional N/A N/AMotor Thermostat Optional N/A StandardMotor SDace Heater Ootional N/A N/AHazardous Environments On Aoolication N/A N/A

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Conlrollers NEMA tyoe 3R Standard Standard StandardNEMA type 4 Ootional Oot ional ODt iona lNEMA tvDe 4X On App l ica t ion N/A N/ANEMA type 7D On Aool icat ion N/A N/ANEMA tyDe 9 On ADDl icat ion N/A N/ANEMA tvoe 12 Oot ional Oot ional On App l ica t ionMotor Branch Circu i t Fuse Standard Standard On ADol ica t ionControl Circuit Fuse Standard Standard On AoDl ica t ionThermal Overload Relavs opt ional Opt iona l Oot ionaMain l ine Contac tor Opt iona l Opt iona l Oot ionaControl Space Heater ODt iona l N/A On Aool icat ionInchino Control Oot ional N/A On Aool icat ionTimed Delav Relav Ootional N/A On ADDl ica t ionOversized Transf ormers Oot iona l N/A On ADol icat ionExtra Controllers Opt iona l N/A On App l ica t ionLess Conlrollers Opt iona l Oot iona l Opt iona l115V Cont ro l C i rcu i t Slandard Standard Standard24VControl Circuit Standard On AoDl ica t ion Opt iona l

Limil SrYltches Overload Cutoft Device Standard N/A StandardGravity Operated Limit Switch Standard Standard StandardGeared Limit Switch ODt ional Opt ional OptionalPower Circuit Limit Switch ODt ional N/A N/ASlack Cable Limit Switch On ADDlication N/A N/AOverlao Limit Switch On Applicalion N/A N/ABrake Wear Limit Switch Standard tandard N/A

Push Builon NEMA tvDe 3R Standard i tandard StandardNEMA tvoe 4 Standard Standard StandardNEMA tvoe 4X On ADol icat ion N/A N/ANEMA tyoe 7 Opt ional N/A NiANEMA tvDe 9 On App l ica t ion N/A N/ANEMA tvpe 12 Standard Standard StandardExtra Push Buttons Opt iona l Opt iona l Opt iona lPush Button Deductions Opt iona l Opt iona l Oot ionaExtra Cord ODt iona l Oot ional Opt ionalSDecia l Name Plate Mark inos On Appl icat ion N/A On Aoo l ica t ionPush Button Balancer On Aool icat ion N/A N/AOutriooer Arm On AoDl ica t ion N/A On Aoo l ica t ionSurtace Mounted Station On Aool icat ion N/A On ADDl ica t ionPi lot L ioht On Aoo l ica t ion N/A On ADD| ica t ion

Load Blocks Sprino type latch hooks Standard Standard StandardSpecial Hooks and Fitt inos On Aoolication N/A On AoolicationSheaves and Load Blocks On ADDlication N/A On ApplicationSpecial Lengths of Wire Fope On Application N/A On AoolicationSpecial Environments On ADolication N/A N/ALess Wire Rooe Assembly ODt ional N/A ODtionalLess Bottom Block Ootional N/A Ootional

G6n6ral Pollcv Orawinqs On Aoo l ica t ion On ADD| ica t ion On Aoo l ica t ionTest ino Standard Standard StandardService Manual Standard Standard StandardSpecia l Paint ino On Aool icat ion On ADol ica t ion On Aool icat ionExport Packaqinq On ADol icat ion On Aool icat ion On ADDl ica t ionSpec ia l Taqq ino On Appl icat ion On Appl ica l ion On Appl icat ion


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Common Applications ol HOIST ReevingsReev ing re fe rs to the conf igura t ion o f the w i re rope, b locksand drum o f the ho is t . Beev ing e l fec ts headroom, l i f t ingspeed and capac i ty by inc reas ing the ho is t ' s mechan ica ladvantage. Reev ing a lso de termines i f the ho is t has la te ra lhook movement or true vertical l i ft.The three terms used in reeving ate; single, double andpar t . S ing le o r doub le re fe rs to the number o f ropes comingf rom the drum. Par t dea ls w i th the mechan ica l advantaoega ined by mul t ip le reev ing . For example . w i th two p t r ts ing le reev ing (2PS) the load is d is t r ibu ted over the twopar ts , and the mechan ica l advantage doub les the capac i tyo f one par t reev ing bu t reduces by one ha l f the l i f t ing orlowering speed of the hook.

Some app l ica t ions requ i re tha t the load no t move r igh t o rle f t o f the ho is t cen ter l ine wh i le be ing l i f ted . Th is i s ca l ledt rue ver t i ca l l i f t and requ i res tha t the ho is t be doub le reev-ed . Doub le reev ing a lso requ i res less headroom thans ing le reev ing .


Reeving changes hoist arrangement to the beam or track,minimum headroom distance, and lateral hook travel.

HEADROOM: Some app l ica t ions requ i re tha t the d is tancefrom the bottom ot beam to saddle of the hook be held to amin imum. Th is d imens ion w i l l de termine whether a s tan-dard or close headroom is required.



Lateral nHook Travel \ \ ,

TrueVertical Lit l

Some app l ica t ions requ i re tha t the load, when be ing l i f ted ,no t move r igh t o r le f t t rom ho is t cen ter l ine . l f th is requ i re -ment i s known, a t rue ver t i ca l l i f t ho is t must be used.These are described as two part double (2PD) or four partdoub le (4PD) and are ava i lab le in bo th para l le l o r c rossmou n ted ho is ts .

2 Part Single

4 Part Single

Producl Series 32 throuoh 35

(a)4 PD Reeving shown doesnol apply to lhe WRIGHTAMERICAN hoist.

Standard HeadroomParallgl Mounigd

Clos€ HeadroomPafallel Mount€d

Closs H€adroomCross Mount€d

R€evin9: 2 P S o r 4 P S 2 P D 2 P D o r 4 P D

MinimumHgadroom: Fair Good Best

Lat€ralHook Travel: Hook travels None NOne

Cost: High


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Common Types of WINCH ReevingsWork-rated winches can be reeved in various ways to gaindes igned mechan ica l advantages . The i l lus t ra t ions on th ispage demonstrate some of those advantages.Winch reev ing e f fec ts capac i ty , l i f t ing d is tance, l i t t ingspeed and cab le s ize . Winches are ava i lab le in s ino le anddoub le l ine ar rangements .The lead o f f ang le i s a c r i t i ca l spec i f i ca t ion in w inch ap-p l i ca t ions . S tandard lead o f f ang les are shown be low. Forthe op t iona l lead o f f ang les ind ica ted by the shaded areas ,the exac t degree o f the ang le o r range o f ang les i s requ i redwhen order ing .Standard Work-rated winches are supplied without wirerope. When wire rope is supplied, it is 6 x 37 preformed, ex-cept on app l ica t ions tha t requ i re non ro ta t ing , 18 x 7 con-s t ruc t ion cab le .The swaged on drum end fitt ings of the wire rope are pro-vided. A vareity of "dead-end" fitt ings, such as swivelhooks and load blocks, and idler sheaves, are available tomeet your spec i f i c app l i ca t ion .


Standard Arrangement AA Arrangement



LINE LEADOFF ANGLESWork-rcted winches are designed with a standard range orranges of leadof t angles. See the i l lust rat ion tor locat ionof the standard range.AEOUEST MASTER CATALOG SECIION NO 33.102 FOR DEIAILED INFOBMATION

BB Arrangement

DD Arrangement EE Arrangement

1 P S1 Part Single Feeving

1 P D1 Part DoubleDouble Hook (a)

2 - 2 P S2 - 2 Pa't Single (a)

1 P D1 Part DoubleSingle Hook

2 P D2 Part Double

CC Arrangement


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Trol ley Suspensions

Wright wlre rope hoists are avai lable lugmounted or in a var ie ty o f t ro l ley suspensrons .Wrightway, Wright Ametican and Work-ratedho is ts a re ava i lab le in p la in t ro l ley , hand cha indriven geared trol ley and motorized trol leyunderhung suspensions. Work-rated hoists area lso ava i lab le w i th top runn ing t ro l leys .

Tro l leys are ava i lab le to f i t s tandard 'S 'beams,wide f langed 'W' beams and pa ten ted t rack .(see F igure l on fac ing page) Ar t i cu la tedt ro l leys fo r curved t rack are a lso ava i lab le .Beam f lange w id th and th ickness and themin imum rad ius curve must a lways be supp l iedwhen order ing ho is t suspens ions .

P la in

Geared (hand chain)

Motor driven

Straight irack

Curved track


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Sr.nd.rd w{d. Ft.na. (WF) p.r.m.dTmr'l &!m or'll &rm


Hoist Duty Service Classification

To help in ho is t se lect ion the Hois t Manufacturers Inst i tu te has grouped these typ ica l areasof appl icat ion in to f ive c lass i f icat ions shown in the char t be low. These are on ly gu ide l inesand do not cons ider overa l l equipment l i fe or rout ine maintenance.

Duty Class Typical Areas of Application

H1Powerhouse and uti l i t ies, infrequent handling. Hoists are primari ly toinstal l and service heavy equipment, where loads frequently approachrated load, and where the hoist is idle for 1 to 6 month periods betweenperiods of operation.

H2 Light machine shop, fabricating service, and maintenance. Loads anduti l izat ion randomly distr ibuted. Rated loads infrequently handled.Total running t ime not over 12.5o/o of the work period.

H3General machine shop, fabricating, assembly, storage, and warehous.ing. Loads and uti l izat ion randomly distr ibuted. Total running t ime notover 25o/o of the work oeriod.


High volume handling of heavy loads, frequently near rated load insteel warehousing, machine and fabricating shops, mil ls, and foun-dries, with total running t ime not over 50% of the work period.

Manual or automatic cycl ing operations of l ighter loads with ratedloads infrequently handled such as in heat treating and plat ing opera-t ions, with total running t ime frequently 50% of the work period.

H5Bulk hand l ing o f mater ia l in combina t ion w i th buckets , magnets , o rother heavy attachments. Equipment often cab operated. Duty cyclesapproaching continuous operation are frequently necessary. Usermust specify exact delai ls of operation, including weight ofattachments.


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How to order check l ist IIIRIEHT'

How will the hoist be used? (CAPAC|TY)! Avg. load will be 65% of hoist capacity or less. Occasional litts made at full hoist capacity.! Avg. load wi l l be greater than 65% of hoist capaci ty. More frequenl l i f ts at or near ful l


How far must loads normally be lifted or lowered? (LIFT)n 1 . 3 f t . D 8 - 1 1 t t .! 4 . 7 f r . n 1 2 . 1 5 f t .

n 1 6 - t 9 f t .! 2 0 - 3 0 f r .

3. How many l imes wi l l the hoist be used in a typical hour? (LtFTS/HR.)(lt the hoist is used exlenslvely fot two hours ot a shift, report the times tot one of those nours;clo not average those lilts over the entire shitt)

n 1 - 4 t i m e s! 5 - 9 t i m e s

! 8 - 1 1 t i m e sI 15 - 19 t imes

n 20 - 24 times! 25 - 29 t imes

4 . what kind of suspension is required? (susPENSloN) 6ee ittustrction on pases 7 and 22)n lug mounted n deck mounted D geared trol leyn base mounted D plain t rol ley ! motor ized trol ley

a) Specify the type of beam or lrack on which the trolley will operate. gee Figute 1 on page 23)! SShape ! Wshape ! patented Track

b) Speci fy beam t lange widthc) Must the trolley operate on curved lrack?

l f so, speci fy curve radi i

What is the minimum beam to high hook distance? (HEADROOM)

What kind of hoist motor is required? (MOTOB TypE)n single speed n two speed- other

t n .

5 .

6 .

I n .

! 5 step variable speed

FPMa) What catalog l i f t ing speedb) Specify hoist power source


ls lateral hook travel a problem? (REEVING)! s ingle reeving n double reeving

8. What options or accessories are required?

9. Are there any special operat ing environment requirements?

When ordering any tvtight hoist, the first place to start is its proper Acco product number. The productnumber is speci f ic for the tol lowing informat ion: capaci ty, headroom, reeving, suspension, l i f t , l i f t ingspeed, hoist control and motor horse power. For Wright-Way hoist it also specifies motor voltage (foiwork'Rated a d Wtight Ametican hoists the motor voltage must be supplied along with the hoiat pro.duct number).Product numbers lo( Wrightway hoists are found in "Wright Hoists" Bulletin No. PD-2000. l,y/grlAmerican product numbers are found in "Wright American Electr ic Wire Rope Hoists" Bul let in No.PD-2010. Product numbers tor work-Rated hoists are found in the "Wright Products" engineeringcatalog sections 30 through 35.For more informat ion regarding ident i fy ing beams and track, the "Wright Structural Beam Guide" is ahelpful publ icat ion avai lable by order ing Bul let in No. PD-2020.

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Qual i t Assurance IURIEHT'

Wright Engineering and Manuf acturingWright acl ively part ic ipates in the HoistlVanufacturers Inst i tute, the Crane Manufac-turers Associal ion of America. the Monorai lManu fac tu re rs Assoc ia t i on , t he N4a te r i a lH a n d l i n g I n s t i t u t e a n d t h e I n d u s t r i a lDistr ibutors Associat ion, lo establ ish and tomeet the most currenl industry standards.Our extensive engineering staf f , experienced inana lyz ing and mee t ing you r ma te r ia l hand l i ngneeds, is supported by state-of- the-art com-puter aided design equipmenl (CAD) in their ongoing prod uct development programs.They assure lhal Wright hoists meet or exceedal l nat ional safety codes and speci f icat ions, in-c l u d i n g H o i s t M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n s t i t u l espec i f i ca t i ons l o r e lec t r i c w i re rope ho i s t s HMI100-74, "Safety Standards for Overhead Hoists"ANSI 830.16.1973 and the Nat ionat Etectr icalCode.A sixty year her i tage of qual i ty hoist manufac-tur ing cont inues in a modern 400,000 squarefoot faci l i ty. Your hoist 's progress througheach step of manufaclur ing is monitored withthe latest process control and documentat ionprocedures. Parts machined on digi ta l ly con-t ro l l ed equ ipmen t a re assemb led by a h igh l yski l led worklorce.Inspect ion and qual i ty control procedures forevety Wright hoist range from basic capaci tytesls to sophist icated dimensional checking.Constant inspect ion assures you a rel iable pro-ouc t .

fhe Wright Dealer NelworkYour f irst contact with Wright is your local Wright hoist dealer. Ex.per ienced, knowledgeable dealers are qual i f ied to answer quest ionsthat you might have regarding l /V/ lght equipment. The dealer organiza-t ion is strongly supported by Iactory representat ives, strategical lylocated warehouses and par ls and service cenlers. Product aool ica-t ion data is yours for the asking. Yo|;r Wright dealer can provide lac-tory t rained service personnel quickly to help you with your speci f icprootems.



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Glossary of Terms

ACM (Accelerat ion Control Module) A sol id state electronic control that providesgentle accelerat ion and decelerat ion of a hoist trol ley or crane throughout the en.t ire operation cycle. ACM minimizes load pendulum swing more eff iciently thanballast resistors or f luid coupling by control l ing accelerat ion up to 5 seconds afterstart while providing ful l motor voltage for the whole cycle.AGMA American Gear Manutacturers Associat ionANSI American National Standard lnst i tuteBallast Resistors Inserted in the power l ines to an induction motor, bal lastresistors control trol ley accelerat ion for smoother starts by reducing the voltagewhile start ing; in turn reducing torque; increasing the motor accelerat ion t ime,al lowing the motor to come to speed smoothly. Bal last resistors are f ield ad-justable.

CSA Canadian Standards Associat ionContactors Electro-mechanical devices for establ ishing and interrupting an elec"tr ic power circuit .

CMAA Crane Manufacturers Associat ion of AmericaEnd Approach The minimum distance that a hoist can travel to the end of a cranebridge or track without impacting a wall or some other obstruction. Crossmounted hoists have a lower minimum end approach than standard paral lelmounted hoists.Explosion Prool The property of an enclosure to contain internal sparking withoutcausing external hazard. Explosion proof hoists are used in operating en-vironments where f lammable gases are present.

FPM (Feet per minute) The standard measurement of hoist l i t t ing speed, trol leytravel and crane bridge travel.Headroom The distance from the bottom of the beam or monorai l on which thehoist travels to the bearing point of the load hook when the hook is raised to i tshighest posit ion. On a top running hoist, i t is the distance from the operating treadof the trol ley wheels to the hook high posit ion.

lmpact Loading The init ial impact of the load that creates greater stress to theblock, wire rope, drum, hoist frame and the other load bearing parts of the hoist.Inching Control Extra push buttons that permit small movements of the load hookor hoist trol ley through relays. The control can be adjusted to meet hook motion orhoist movement requirements for part icular appl icat ions.Invertor A sol id state electronic device that al lows inf ini te sDeed variat ion of elec-tr ic motors used in hoists, trol ley motors and crane drives.An invertor closely controls the frequency of the AC current; the motor gets onlyenough current to supply the required torque for a specif ic speed. l t el iminates in-eff icient and dangerous overheating result ing from unused electr ical energy, acommon problem of many other inf ini tely variable speed control methods.Limit Swiich Electro-mechanical devices that l imit travel of the load block hook.There are two types of l imit switches: gravity type and geared type.Gravity type l imit switches use a weight, paddle or a lever thal when i t contacts


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the load block, tr ips a switch to the open posit ion, that opens the raising circuitthat causes hoist contactors to open and breaks the power supplied to the motor.Geared l imit switches are driven by either the drum or gear reduction; a gearedl imit switch operates on a definite rat io of drum revolut ibns. l t is adjustable andcan be activated at any predetermined point of the hoist l i f t range, unl ike ihe gravi.ty switch which can only l imit upper hook travel. In the event of the wire rooebver-wrapping or jumping the drum grooves through misapplication of the hoisl, thegeared l imit switch is no longer synchronized and wil l not be activated when thehook reaches i ts upper l imit. For this reason geared l imit switches should be usedwith a gravity l imit switch as a back.up.MMA Monorai l Manufacturers Associat ionMainl ine Contactor A manually operated magnetic device that shuts off al l powerto the hoist and crane motors in the event of a malfunction.Mechanical Load Brake Part of thegear train of the hoist, the loadbrake serves as a back-up to theelectr ic motor brake. l t automatical-ly slows and controls loweringspeed and, i f the motor brake fai ls, B,holds the load while the motor ormotor brake is repaired or replaced.A Weston type load brake (see il- Brake L ninslustrat ion) uses a brake gear with aninternal hel ical thread which mateswith and rotates on a threadedshaft. Brake l inings bonded on bothsides of a ratchet gear are engagedby the screw actuated axial move-ment of the brake gear along the

the brake gear again moves to theleft slowing lowering speed andpreventing the load overdriving thehoist motor.

threaded shaft...to ihe teft toward c''e"""SCJ

the brake disc while raising the load $1and to the r ight away from the disc \while lowering the load. l f the load /s.tarts to accelerate during lowering, p"r,n,{c...

Eake Gear

Axa Movement By Screw

Check Sleeve

8ra(e Shatt

Adjusl ng Lugs

Motor Th€rmostal A bi-metal l ic, automatic reset thermostat is standard equip-ment on al l Wright hoists. l t is a thermally operated device that protects the hoistmotor from damage due to operating at a higher-than-normal current. Bui l t intothe motor windings, i t causes the motor control to be de.energized when thetemperature of the motor winding exceeds i ts predetermined l imit.NEMA National Electr ic Manufacturers AssocationTrue Vert ical Lit t A l i f t without lateral hook movement. Requires that the hoist bedouble reeved (see reeving section on page 20).


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