TBA» : MAS THE LARGEST -t : ; Northern New Jersey. DOVER, MORBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1893. NO. 51 ) KVKBY'rKIDiY UY TiiDDoMPrMsiCoipy, FUBUSHKIU) ANU Office <mBlackuxtl Street, next d/xr to the National Union Bank. » Of ODBflOEIPrlON ABI>r UT ADVANJiJ, O«Y«AB ........ ; ..,.Wiw BIXHOSTHH... .; ............. TOBU Homaa. ....... 100 ADTJtBTIBINQ BATES "SPACK ,1 wk,,U« COLUMN. P«ro~>CAg» added lor HXBAH. Load uoitoe. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office lu tbe Tone Building, - OV»J;A Lyo«>Broiut, DOVKR, «. J. i. O. CUMUINB, U. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, AID •nOIAUBT Uf XHB TBIJ.1KCKT OF UKIU- t . HATUtf AMUMAIAAAIAL PIBff ftffF" D«e. onnorth <Mfl of SUolt*ell street aud about 900 TMt WMt of Warren .troet, DOVBB, M. 3. HEATH \ PRAK£, TJII i tin WI»K|nin(-riirB(l<ilUrIo-<lnyUKnuilii (Han 4.1 j- U t ,re. WB Ut-iiioiwirait! tb •lay In ttw loriud. il. punitUJUts ur ini nt, IUHI nn> a,w uiT.-rtii K-iuctni VQIIUM In BLACK GOODS All Wool Henriettas, 5Oc. 6Oc. 69c, 75c per yard and upward Silk Warp Henriettas, 79 #1.00, $1 10, $1.25, $1.50 per yard and upward. Silk Warp Alma, $1.50, SI.75 per yard. Silk Warp Melrose,-SI.25 $1-50 $1.75, $200 per yard All—Wool Alpine Cloth 50c, 60c, 75c. 84c 90c. per yard upward. All - Wool Thibet Cloth 50c, 60c. 75c. 84c, 90c. and upward. storm serges 5OC. . 75c, $1.00 $1.25 per yard, SPECIAL Surah Twills. India Twills, ramnl's Hnir, Prlnoeas Clots, Corkscrew Serges, Orantte Cloth, Diagonals, eto. etc All the newest and most attrao tivo doi igr s in fancy weaves at very moderate Drioes. A U piuw* of 40 inch Silk Wurp HimMtns, $1, $I.IO, $1.25 Pel- -v«rd on, ->al°o tl 10, $1.60, $1.65 M u l l o r d e i j i p r o m p t l y attoDded t o H p l .PIIL upon »p|>lloatloi). 777 & 779 BroadSt., NEWARK, N, I. Gr ,_E0WiV V; BOWER, MOKfUHTOU'N, N J. Ovrios PAH* 1'LALK, LUII'MAHKKI tin OUsk & HOSKINU'B BAKkHY oKftWli Brill, C.k«.iui (•!«• dally. A ..'••': : : .r-. .BUBSRXBTREKT, !-,-... ) D M J X. T. E.BHB., DOVEE. N, J. Tinning, Plumbing, —AMD— BTEAM FITTING; In all their brmiwW. : f; ADBBT FOR THE WELI- KN0WH Perfect Steam Heater A LOT Or Sooond-hand Parlor Stores in good condition and for **le at * Iwrsalii Htotn rc>|Mlri nf MI blnild will be IWnfobed at plinrt nctln. Particular attention given to bllraooh •.'..TOHM-OnyMMERW-:'. -. ': .- : ; ''aHAVffia : A«iuAuuju'ririSG BALODN. '••'•: ••:': ••y.'JBOSBlX STWUI, ". •;';•_• •. lUrrWKHf MAliBKin Houra AND D.WTJ ' : B d v a « , H . 1. '•>•'. •:••- i _ r c wft-W I , I" /' MAfiOH AND SLalKK. T , , POUT 0»AM, N. J m U w lor 4klt kinda dt work In * <* ****** u4-ttw bMtn»t«riftW E a H « a v M H > m a , ^ M « | i . ; i i K . - . t . v - - . . . . . Eu.., Onus MBAB CUKTIAL DKfOT , 13-U ' or rusuc SCBOOLB Oy'nos-lLiCCWELLar, nnvEK. H, J. EK. MODUiaA.M.tolllli «v.lj SAlotday /-VLWEHa MIKES1AN, OARPKKIKE AND BUILDEK, BH«W JIR8E7IRONICIHINSCO. nmtniuu ( VAHHIHS ADD TIMBER 5 IK BOKRIB CgUSTlf, A bUdl l u ! Fre Oram, If J. IKMIjHeoJr. ^ A baUdlnc lou !• Fare Oram, If J __ AdanatL 0 BlEBWIKMIH I. JOHKBON, niinarwtturer and dealer iu DKKHTB,nEAD3T0SEa,UANTELS •dallwurkllillaibliaiidpraiille. All work of Ike bart order and priOH reaeouujle L BTUCCT, DOVER, N.J. . H. SFASOLEK, JE,, . ~-••.-'.•'•.'•'. "l^vPLOBiST;^:^;:'; • : -';v - : ooii BTIWT, DOVEB, N. j. . " __iffis i tha HOB of tie ?,"I* ^ATTOBNBif-Ar-tAVy, *. . IUJTDKABTER INCHANCERY |\tx- ;«D'MOTAKT;PUBLIC, • • •".:: ;: g^.^j-VSTAHHOr*, H. J. ,',.';•, • ..'.; ^'iaV'PBARCE,;'; .'.'•/.'•''J. •''••;='".»''• yjucix^wlWrwitaonM) f pVARFBNTERANI), I '" '- ••;•- •'; i f - . . . ' - ."' - - "• . . . w i t ; barn and lot ott FrMptct atreefi i*t»aduf Oucotnnt atoeet: .Will be soil flgnrta elUwr oi a wbola or. without sr portion of lot unit porcha»*ra. J* U B1ERWIBTH. >rntestaUof Wta.George. AM/A, islieil 20 Years KD ARE BESPONSIBLE. vei n Boiler Works, r. V. Olllt U, - - Prapnuior, SaiokB Stawti, OU Taata, nlMl Ff"*. Ore Duokefat MMI *1] Uudi OCBIMM Iron Work. RSFAIBIIfQ PBOJQTLYATTBITDfiflTO AMbn takMi (a exduusjel^Oojil «id RUokwetl Htraet, oj.r*- (Bucc'Ksaoit TO A, WIOHTOK.) MANUFACTURER AND DKALBIt IN STOVES, EAN6ES, FURNACES, Tin,! Copper and Sheet iron Roofing, Zinc, Shoot Load, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sta. THE GORTON H0VBEHEAT1NQ STEAM GENEHAT0S A arictAMT. DR. EDWARDS'S Blackberry Brant >- WABRANTED the best P*1n Ar|[«f | QUM , fnr AttMtbM ofiht Btomnoh awl Bo**I>, •» DUrrbMi. PaidTla the SUinuu* or Bow*li, GimmpaA^ChDlor*, Choi em MorbM Dnetf tW7,Wofc HMdtnW.lndlgfl.Uoo, Flatnluioa or Wind Collo WMI S«^ Slokiwa. . ,., 'It U « valaBble Family M'dlrtnt. V l bliildkl JwVHrfloMU. tocbliilrMi.iidklHMta.rft main, i rcllavlog njepeyl*, Nrrtoa* Head- •che, OittdlDM*, BupnreaMil Hecratioaa, ato Bold »t UM i t m in «kj and Mto boUte r-- lDM*, BupnreaMil Hecratiaa, a itmi in «kj. and Mto. b o U t e ^r Horse Shoeing. tflta anbscribor hi* opned afione-Bhoalafi finnan In connection wlib his other baameaa, ' *" * -'Beriea 8la«DoT». [••« « pnulloal and eioerhwecd horse-shoer, oad I. "-'" nUoltt share of pciblfepr Geo. MoGrackeri. FRANK F. APGAR, H1RD.L AIT DEPOT, DOVER, X J MAflur.tarCHtH A*DSOTTLIR or Soda nnd Mineral Mnteri), bULTZEB, VIOnV, Era Celebrated Extra B Luger, Porter. Iu. PIROT-C7LABS UOODH A BFSGIALTT, J. .1. VKEEL AND, CARPENTER'""BUILDER, SPECIAL NOTICE Amos H. Van Horn FOBMEELY OF DANVILLE, WABBEN 00., N. J. Will Offer the Following Goods at the '. Folio wing Prices : PABLOR SUITS. 100 Porlor Suits. uahoiianT finished fraiuon, in rug covering Only 132.60 1U0 Parlor Suits, muhocanj fiuisheil frampB, ID plnsh ooverina . Only 122.60 (fOTK NAME AMOS BEFORE ENTEEINO THE STOKE. BEDEOOM SUITS, 100 Antique Oak Bfdroom Suits, per suit.. 100 Antique Oak Bsdroom Baits, per suit.. Only »10.00 Onfjr*20.00 CARPETS. CARPETS. 100 Pieces Tapestr; Brussels Carjiut, per yard ;Only 50 ett. 100 Piooes All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard Only SO ots 100 PieotB LowFrioed Ingrnin Onrpet, per yard..... Oaly 25 ota. NOTE NAME A BOS BEFORE ENVEB1HQ IBB 8T0EB. PORTLAND RANGES. Oil aooonut t>f tlie wiirm weatlior I am able to supply the demand. If the weather liud been oold IwoulJ not hare oeen able tofill orders, on aooonnt of the popularity of tbia famous range. Linoleum at Oilcloth Prices. . I amclosing ont remnants of Linoleum*, snitable for stores, balls . and kitohona, at oilcloth prices. ' ' Reductions in Prices in Every Department Terms to Suit Purchasers. Best SuLtir Cured n*XM only Bert Siigur Cured Shouldtn only Best Salt I'ork only ...,.,... Ib. cau Oom«d Uoaf only , ID. nui Itoost l)oc( only Dow Mluce Meat 8 pockagt*ouLj-, 'ftp Top CODdaiKd aiUk only Olb.i«Ucf Jelly , 11). package (fold D u t . . . lUItoUedOnt*.; Furnitme stored at reacouable rateB QQ in Ihe NEW BOILDINQ OO 58O. Goois Delivered Free or Charge 10 any Pail ol m t state, Flour! Flour! Flour! VERY BEST MINNESOTA PATENT FLOUR REDUCED TO $4.48 PER BARREL. LARGE KIT NO. l SALT MACK- EREL REDUCED TO 98 CENTS. (LIMITED) 73 Market Street, NEWARK. N.J, Vear PlaaetSt.. ECONOMY! COMFORT! SAFETY! I hwe » fall line of them at Ibwwit prioM OIL STOVES AND! OH. OA8 STOVB9, EEFKIOEBAT0B8, OBXAM n t B t t l B S . I shall tell the NEW DEERING MOWER, which bw giyea the beat aatiBfaotlop. One of (heM lo UM dx yean, ooitlng only 76 oehta far rep*!™. Plumbln*. Tinning, Steam Heating ud Hot Witir Hrattng done In the best manner. IK 8. ALLEN, Dover, N. J. The Celebrated CORNISH PIAN WABSBO0KS: xtipAtronafS of tfcVpMt and will I t o are his friends' In nit new plans. 'FIvia, Sptfciftistlofaa s~ J »•-*•- rf fo* every Had of ¥~ lo-rft U H Inftfh*rt rr •* Ctr^Blackwell and Morris,Sts. v Dover, \:0/\ : '-" J.-RyDALRYMPLE, Manager, ' ... : Alao dealer In Small Husloal Iutramenta of all kinds, Trim- mings and Supplies, Sheet Musio and Mnslo Books. Plctof. PmnM on band andirade to older. Onten ultra for Crayon andOO Portrait*. • HAKT OF THE LOTS ':"• '-^ '' •'•''••: T H A T -'• ••'' - : - . '•::.'. offnredat ••-'• -; . ' REDUCED .RATES : have been taken.; Whon the rest have been sold the price will be \ ASOTJT BOTJBI^l. -boM wlahinitotiwm da.watt to applj AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance concernltif Riverfitteet ' •'* P«c.:i. Be 11 orfaUKdbj-Ujo.il. ~- * AMermen-mul Cbmroun OoutidlnnuThat tha atrset kooim aa Hire.' Street, aboil he same WHereby aiurad by*oeauaB a suip o* u d betnff °f U 1 * wldtb of tinO> feet and ad- 00., BUCKWELL STREET, -3EALERS IK- -:- LUMBER OFALL KINDS -:- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. BRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER. COAL, f 000 AMBUG MATERIAL «i yi enhind. Baring latwy anetad a Urga Coal TnatU mth CKITIUUD HKIBUBV amd *eayadtT«f «U budfM oara, m OM l t fe«t ltk «DBT AND SCB££N£D COAX. *' IN ROUNDING UP THE SALE nothing is left in Ladies' wear excepting about 50 paiiis of sinall sizes 2 1-2, 3 and 3 1-2, and In gentlemen's wear No 7 in fine and 7 and 8 in heavy wear- I "ill slice the knife still farther in this little lot and thus close the most successful sale of shoes that has ever been held iu this community. An immense assortment of regular goods clean, fresh and durable, made expressly for Winter service, is now at your disposal at prices that are always right. THROUGHOUT THH STATE. P. O. HEAGAN, Opp. D L & W. R. R. Depot. DOVER, N.J. L. Lehman & Co' GRAND 10 DAY SPECIAL SALE. Altbollfli time* BTOlinrd we nreaolllng goods vlimivr Ilian en-r. We Iwvu im.ile w-inf IIIHrtdiittiiHK lluvugloot ourcullru stuck of which va nttutf ou but a few. All Koods txiw ntid fnvti. tiunlltj- gtinrati' ic«0 or money refunded 10 Days Special prices Not 11 Days. ROCK BOTTOia PRICES. I ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. .,,..160 Wo 2fiC eo ... llto [ Standard JertH-y TOmnUn;. EncutBiiKHrCaiAi.Sunus.. Now Buact, quart Nt-w Unm Bvam, qtuirt New Grwrti PCM a Ib. Hoi llamlu/ only S Ib. box of flue SewCTupTea.. j 4 Urn. Pout Turklih Viu nes.. •, • • NEW CANNED FRUITS- Dur Ho. Crnid cf ApriiMla 15c. " " Peadiea I8o. " " Peon I8o. " " (ilierrles 11 C5c " " Btntwburrloa! )Bo ••inc. " •• EBuI'lumi. .....Ifle " ffikt. " " Cnlirnrtila Pnivbwl Ito L. LEHT1AN & CO., NEXT DOOR TO DOVER POST-OFFICE. J'. Turbitt, who VBB lutcmM lu tbe coiir panr. bought tnoat of the strck. lavtm yearn In State prison," Judge Kirk- pilriot, He-inrk, sold MowJ»j to Brooi§, colored. Bru^k* u i o i Wkill John Cuurseu, aod 11 i>Iaeveial thotea' Llm. The armory la tbe Ciij UM, Bobakou, formerly occupied by tlie becowl R-glnmnt, ion orcu[>led j cater day an a ttctaool. AtXMit tbiee huudrert l.oyi wore enrolled aa jiuplln. Tbe public avhiiola ore overorowdrd. P«,Ur Wolf had bia loft h.od out oir Mm- d»y whilowurklug at a plaining uiocliiue lu :beearpeuUr hhou of Drake &Co., N».4l Cuuip alrett, Newark. Ho*o»Ukeu tu St. what UojpiUtL Wolf ilvw In I tuu. Capt. William Oudbsr, of Engine Com- pany Ho. 8, or NoNork, has been flity yoaru reman. Iu oomuiomo ration of lory Cttut. Collty, of £U([lae Company 2, .f Hew Vori, lias preseuted toblin an olsuumte ribbop Udgti. John Mngulrn couldn't see any tblng smaller than a bouse Moudsy. Hlafcoewaa all out of sbaua wb<m be aupeorcd in tho ThirdJ 1 luct Pulloe Court, Newark, and told huw Michael Lyucli knocked tim down and kicked his fata aud btad, Ljoch waa eked up. Albert Bliler, ot Newnrlr, IIXUMQ yvars old, a Meapwl Inmate ur tbeCity Homo, gave ID truaut ofllcrrs a lung ohaso from William and Waihltigtou a re eta mutotf tonn Mouday. Ho tras 04UK«t «oil will ti« raturned. HU or olTuitso was breaking wludaws will) a Piubert rltle. While Johu Murny, of No. 85'J Onk etreet, 'B«KnIe, nun pUyiujt with powder last night >inuunedrt)j>iJidalight*<i clgarattt) tutu Uie under. M.uriuj'« ujeliruws were nurued II and bisTave MODhlisturixl. Ivmo Wbltu, colorod boy, «n» Lndly huiued. John aud Wlllluin Vewib had iwwdur blowu Into tliuir The Nun Jernej Bupreiue Court Int relyitd t order tbe Unit]eniown City <"ouuoil lo couatruutaaenur tbrougb Iliinap«ite'g Park, in this olty. Ta« tutt w»a brought by St. Viawmt du Paul'u Crtllega, uf Q^iuiautowo, tlth nwuit tbegtaunda. It is claimed e fiom faoturiuB rua through the grcuuds. Huulcla J000,111un died Uumlay ut St. licliael'a Uwpiwl, Na-rurli, from iujurlos wticed while ut wuik faattnne quarry at Avoudulu. lie full fi oin tlie top of a d< rriuk 'bile adjusting the ro[iCB preparatory to olitli>K a hoavy block ot stone. Joaqulua wai thlrty-iix jear^ old. Hlawlilow Mud liBHHunslivelij Italy. The New JorBty Division of the Sousof tbe AuiDrfcan Earolutlon aro niaking arrange- inentafurtbuauDtialbauiiuet, tu be held lu ~4etraik ou Deo. 20 The eomtuittM oonslats if .H^nry R. UatOeld, Jobu J Uubbell, Albyrt U BuMwin, Morcuj W, Baldwin, Samuel Uwl»r, llliarlt* H. K. Ualaey, E-l<rarilI). Bt«rliugaiidOIJ«oii K. Ladlow. .Tbe body of a fenisle child waa found tied up lua Buarso sack In ths localltf known aa i" UorUngton, Mouday aftornuon by John Davis. Tlio child «el shed 1 pound?. It bad aot bad medical at- tendance.. Tbt.ro wena i J. Hairhouse, VAT0IHAEEB AMD JEWELER, UiLU W Diamonds, Watches; Clocks, Jewelry, Sllvor and Bllver-Plated Ware, Gold Puu, Bllver-PUUd Knivaa, Porks and Spoons, AT TUB LUWKBT MA.RKBT PHICE. WEDDIXG AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, SOD- VBN1R SPOONS, thalarnatuaortaiaitnM'abainiliiDoTer. Alnll lln.o: SLWUCII. uid I;, akaaal. lo U n a ol UoM. SMI andRuhbar, prop«rlj lltled to tba aj*. I am oonriuUj nnJaDlahbiK mr atock In aiTlta depart. nuiu Ton wtU ^ w . j . O»dU»T.l«t paturua and .ljl». tW All klola ol WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY REPAIRED or otfcarvlM Htwmtad M nqttlfad. mil WATOUBB ADJDBTEDTOTBkIKRATUR£AMDP03niOH. Watches Sold on Instalments. KANOUSE & PARSONS. —DUUBB IS— Instnunonts —JOINT FOB— Peek A Bea'a Opera Ptoaoa, Deeker Broi. Pianos, Weber Plaaos, C. P. Bewlbj's Organs. Can furabb inrtninnnU uf m y mtika dulmd cheaper than any otlwr d«leni In thli Hctlon Caah or*e»*y nontlily ttftymenbi, Call sod m our ioitrumeut* before nurubatdug. aa we ou«.v»you mooay. WAREROOMS HO, IDSOUTH STREET, MORRISTOWN. N. J. "Seeing is Believing." Simple, Beautiful, GcoJ— these words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly. Its mar- velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light, and more cheerful than either. The choicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van- , derbilt reveals nothing finer. We have 2,700 ^. artistic varieties, in brass, bronze, silver and black iron. ., Ladies often like t o p i down among the large wholesalefaouteaan<tbuy of tint bind*. TbeywilUnd at oursaletroonu (Ibe largest In tbe trorld) anracollection cf ArtlaUmpa, AcataloLruetoMndyouIf JDU cannot come. TUB nocmtSTEU z.Aini> co., Rochester." EVERYTHING, •ran MooDd-baBdla marketable, lona wbur. XI jtra -wlih to BELL or BUY maebinerj, •applha, manuftetund prodnoti, fp«lal lots, job lota, «to, write aw, aa am tlwmjt vmAj for a tnuli. Band lor lwtl.it. GO TO T H E Q| OLD RELIABLE HOUSE JOSEPH 0. JOHNSON -won AH— tfphdittrlbg and TornitUB Work. Brief NOLM of the Hup] I Jmnes Alltii., cutniH), admltiej tQ JU(JK( Kirk|«6*'I<ik iu Nowm-If MonU«y Lbat La wax Ttiv 8j|JiiJ0it- l"ourt JTOUIOII iti U p»ving comract cubes In NefAfK, w liealMl to tlie Court ol Errors. l(i-gl»ttr-*)ect Itlhor, of EP*O* Co •worn in MIDJ«J !I» liai leluc Uot aa blH depute iu tlia udtcc. ' Klieabelb Jtotcuu, oul.irwl, wan r to tno }oar» for i tea ling C10U frou Marc Orange. Tbe effecti cf tlie MewJerie; Ofgar Cow' i Nk ld Md Jh in Nowtik i « Bold Monday. John isrks ot violence. except a cut on OIIB leg and mverul small marha. Coroner Kelly will make au autopsy Tuesday. Israel L«utter, fourteen years old, waa be- i-eJuatloe Prefect, in Newark, Monday, on I a complaint of *«gi«uoy madeby bis motbe-, Katber^Lautter.of Ifo, 199 Court street. The boj'8 bead was covered with flmpUona md he waa so ill ho w u tesroely able to itand la tbe court room. That was latd to be the reason why bl« parents wanted •omethliui Ions with him., Tuu police had him sent to the City Hospital. The myitertons nun bat ogafn Appeared is Lanway.aoarlogmilileniDMulyoutol tbeir wIU. Be folluwi girl uotil tn opportuoity itc itself, when he captures, bugs and her. Several yoilni women from Rant Railway were followed Monday night, but wire rescued by jonng nun friend*, who ea- eortad them to. their homes. Then they ibased the stranger. He disappeared down Lafayette street.- The Coroocr'a Inqunt lo the Z«laa munter ouoreconvctted Monday afternoon at Tine- land. One of the wltnassea gave evidenoe •hiohhMledtoanarreatooniBpldoii. The effioets are reticent la girkg out the factp, Fearing a lynching party will organlie. Ziiaa aald tohave toM the officer tbat the burglar wore mask wben be encouutered htm In Ibe back yard. The jury rein n«da lerdlct nf murder by DeraoDi unknown. Jamb Taylor, ORed Mty, etnp.oysd by Jua- Moa John G. W«bb, o( Uiror E.-ge, went to Monday fur a load of brick. While returning home and when near Ander- street Taylor fell ott the wagon. Tbe wnveli pasted over bli back. Dr. St. John had the Hospital. e W. Jaiinwtoii, In Irrfngton, tent month, hla burrj ti net out of tbu b.use P(wd Llnhrtt, orid thtt Ind to bis Idoutlfl uu. Tliree years iu H:Hte uriNtn wna the dune nieterl out to dim Ttimnao Congm- d la t* a for in, I)r«w K thrt Co.'« In bat* from facUiry 111 WoU U, gftiiH tliot lojttd un uuuiu-ujiled bouse ou ilw Urangu lli-iititolii •uuie time ago. Ilium A. lJliiliMley, an Iron manufw: ', left iiilrf t-pnrt about four months ngc after CDnHlderali'e dilUrulty with bla crodt turn, in wbfcli tin eiriicU were levied tiuou. He went tu Arleutonru. l'a. Tbo il^ardoi Trade of that city *Urt«l him la LuBinow •pltol of #S000 Tho Allen'o-rn Iron Worlm b«*e enters Judgment for .$3,000 •K»Inrt Rldkeely, who bu dl»pp«ar«l. s«arch waa mad 1 for bim at the works, w a large number of FUIUBWB uatteraa x found ieady for shlpmeit. The Bhr-riff boa taken charge of bit e ITcon. Ann FaUnoD, au ageil reoluM, wai dead UuDifay aftoruo in on th« Dwr or her hovel. In <1IB Wucdaof Union Towwblji. Hb« iu led a liuielj- life there for tbe |*at twenty IvaytatM. It w«n suppose 1.at flrat that the had Imn killed >iy ti County PhjBlclaiiOlti^lly, of RlUabeth, da- elded Uiat tht *VIIUKI dkd of huan dlw)oM> Bins *U4 about alziy-teven yoais old. Khi kuonuhvall Uie old InlialittantH of tb< UHblji. WbutoatiHedbertoIead the life of a recluao mtbud> lu Union knowi. Sbo tputed tn tiavo iniuej. but ui Found ou her uursou. man removed to the Hickeiuack p Be died about S o'clock. He leaveta widow. The home ran away after (he accident end collided with a tree on np- per Main atfeeL Prank CrUDtiberg and bla aon, Willtai AN APDttEBB From tne Btate' Bapublican league " New Jersey. To Til* REPUHLIUAS CLUBBS— Tho rfiulta of tb« election in Now Jurttty a Tuesday Isif ar« uuBtttratif^lug. It in a lumi'li ot Ian und order over vice and Im- morality, fiverr goud clilsen or tbe Utate orflduutly looks forward to H F Ie br tlie Republican party ryitallted luto legli-UKou. They mutt not br di»an>otnted. Tae work done by the Lugus Club*one Bar ago, prepared LIIB Intelligent voters to nnttorstand, appr^ulsUi andnitot the IIKUMof iis caiiipDlen. Now great ruHpiniftlbliillea hav« bero pluued upouua; thu Leaf.ua Clubs must take if this nbw worb ana amlHL ttie regulur pjriy orgaiitmtlou, Iji the repeal of tlie Icluutf li-gultttiou uuder nhloti tbepeople ol is StfttuaroHuiroring. The League Uiuhacau be uf the gwntMt asstttBuce In (hla ivurk. If hungrj partlsaD- itiip in eihlhltod and perslnU>nt demami nm.le the rfllitlal plotions crwitwi by ibu locrata fo* their hetichmon, our loane uf Ituwer will bu slior;. Holf restraint at.t Luanrti needed. evicts otficv uiurt be uUvliihrti aud Clubs must leud ihetr inflUHice and oBalatauue to lecure this result, Ttio wntcfl-wurd of tbe party In IU it-^inU- tlau during f.be coming session ought to be UEl'BAL. KIrat aud forvwofit of all, and ou tlie very lay of urgauliitiou, tha Ram Truck -tutu Bhuuld U rfpealed by liutb HnufM uud uut tbe Qovemoi- for ble slK»aturu. Tbeu lb« faiti'iui! gerryuauder must be totaled and auiuf e« adoptod, ao fair and just as to give ch coaimuoity an ujunl rep re«en tall ou lu the Uouuo of Aaasmbiy. Be wiM aud patrl ttio, Kcmember we now bava with UM tbe intelligent, Imiep-udeut voters of Ibe btat*; bey will coodotnu tu ala . If we ibon our- no more worth; of the truat than tbe pnrty tbat lias jutt boeti hurled ftOiii uawer. A« rapidly BS pukslble, bllla ouKbt tn ba In- Tvdacbd repealing oa*h and every uue of tht nota condemned by the people, Iu -ludlug Ibe EKOIBO UoiuiainnlnD, Boards of ~ nbllo Worlrt, Police Boards, Police Jiutloes, Eltolloa of Freeholder* from (ferryuiawlered aibly Diitrlcte, Ibe Bialo folice, and all tbe rest of tbat brood, tomake a IbC ol which would ue to rtpeat almost by Utie, ivery Act of tba Ltgtalatur« fur the last three or lour seinlous. Scarlet muit be reduced; all new ami u«e- lees ofllMra abollabed; aud tbe uowapauera ice mora freu from p&rtlaan ciutroi. Tha newschema* of taxation MO ouuniogly iavlsed to provids funds topay the great horde of usaifS* oQloialB, must ba mode to obntrlbute to the relief of Uie people irom Ibe burden of local taxation and used either tbeBupportof Uie icnoola, tHe building >( roads or other publla enterprises. Tbe law authorising tbe Governor to draw upab tha Treasury for rnicb pwpows aabo ICM fl Itliout an spiroorlstlon bill, mu.t ba ibollshed Ths partiaan boorda uadsr wblcb th« r% an»t» uf our tiUU lo.UtuUou* L»vt U-m veiled bnndrsds of tboueanda of dollars an- ually ore to bs abollshei and tbe nob-par tl«an boards re estauiiibBd, Tfle purity of tha ballot must be preserved; the aunaetlaw re enacted; regiitratlon laws povIdoB* ta prevent repaititig, aul tbe ballot v amended BOas to nitlte It a more perfect, protection to tha right of suffrage. 9 ara but a few nf tht>iniuy thiog. whloh mutt be done to redeem our pledgee,' •nd reetora to tbe people ot tbeState the good government they 0000 enjoyed. Above all, our Public School tyttem must bo maintained in all it* i»Uyrtt]/t and the outrageous aot of tho Democratic LegUtatare In diverting a portion uf tbas.-nool fund* to the ordinary expenats at tbe State govern- ment, be At ths carlleat momant repealed. Local self-government mustb* reajtored and the appointing p-wer of tha Dove/nor re- rictcd to ths appntntment of, tbe ciTlcen. named nthe Cans Itatlon. Ail <taer uiDoara ibould IM elected ta jglnt meeting or by the peopis. TfaelieagueOlubB am appealed to to use tlielr Influsnce with their Senators and Mfltc OOMUOlt O0UHDILPB00BEDINOS. The regular meeting of the Cotnui 11 (bun- ell was hell Monday eveulug In Uie oouacll room at seven o'clock. Fruecnt—Mayor llc- CrackHti, ltt)»<rdor B*>cb( Alderman Brown, and Uounciluitn Broad wull, Cook and Vre«- land. The uiltmUw of tbt preoedlcg niuetlng were rend and approved. Unrabal Uagan's rupirt nbuwing seven ar Bliflcd flora imputed la tins amount of III for OCMNT, WBS received and on motion placed on lilt). A communication «fgnwl by Philip J. U. Biuaett, Wllllnui I'ollur.t, Henry Debler aud Frank Cox, as a cniutnittoe represstitfrg V(g- it Engine Co. N a i. rwiuwtloK tba Coun- cil ta provide aald oompany oith a KUliable two wheeled boee jumper fo be u»»J at Urea, tbe present one uft©d It too heavy and ' greaUy out of order, was roceived and 611 - mutton rvforrud to tba KIreaoil Lamp Com- mlttue tu report. Comuiunlcatlon received frum Jinglue Co. No-1, approved by tbe Clilef Kpginuer, atat- \g the election uf William J Vkltety and the espulaluu of Uesirr. I'. T. Everett, Uob't nidi and R. O. Tfllyer was received and on uifitlou the octlou conflrmed. Oommutilcdtion from ProUctlou Uoak aud Lad ter Cnmnany * to ting the olactiun of Aug. C Oiiea •* a member, and tbe reinstatement nf Albert Richards wu received and on mo- on aollon o^nflrnied. Oummuulcatiuti from tbe Dover Hoard of Hcaltb. staUng tbe resignation or John S Able from tbo Hoard, and tlie election of W. a. Byram to nil the unexpinxt term of Mr. Abie, reilgued, wan reoelr«t and on motion plooed on Die. On motion Wiu. H. Byrom was ducted a intmlwr of the Board of Health to fill the Uneipired term nf John 8 Able, r«iigoed, Coiuniu- icatlon from Jaaieo Casey, Osorge MuCarty audJames Brown, r*qutstlug tbe council to releftw them front tbe Morris nounty Jail, was rasuived nml on motlun their cijuut iranted. - un motion tbe Council resolved lUeir Into (Joinmissionere of Appeal to bear coinplafntt of taxatluu, and 00 tuch as were present tbe ~ illowiug action! was taken: Hamual DiBlerway allowed tbe tSOO deduc- tion acoouut of solilier, Lewis Brtaut Hedd-n, dog tax remltUd. William 11. JUw, amount «r «JO0perfonal >rup«rty remlttiHt, KmII AiulerwKi uomplalnud of autttiment too l.tKb ; on tnutiun ao reductiou made, Ueur(jo lljdurer uamplulned of aMewnmni m bigti j on motion no reduction made. Mi;Fuilan estate along tbe uoutb el do of the I). L uud W. K. it OMosned at |J,000; 00 lotion reduocd to *600, Cltai. A. Otto allowed tbe $500 deductioL xount uf II "oman. Albert lUoliarde allowed the ttjliadeduction iccount of lir«aiaii. It >Ur>rt Killgor* allowed tbe « deduction Mxniut oE <v>ldler. CommunicnUou of WU lima Z Carl Ing re- uiRtlug the Council to transr*r the solwn ceiiKi now titid by him to John Hart waa reoelTod aud Ordinance Committee directed to prepare an ordioauuj covering tbe trans- Tbla appllcition baa been latbe hind* uf ibe Clerk for some time, several days Iw- fort* tbe adoption of the milutlon by thin n NnvemlMtr 4th, In regard tn transfer uaM following bills belug referred to tba Pt Dance Committee and approved by them wero ordered paid : Luintwr Company $UbM UniUd BUt«a Gipreia Company.. W.O. Tm-mpion T Uagon ber« of Assembly in the latertstj of good . government ana fur tbe accomplrnhment of M l their home, No. « Lewia slreet, Jerwy- j the above obj*U. There may be oouut«r In- i City, Sunday af lernoon to go llibiug on tbe fluencea from selfish partiwms; thnt mu.t be Uadensock Btver. They wont to the foot of' counteracted and overtanied, Sowar* avenue. CruatLb»rg,In*uiBavorIng I To« are requeattd to call a meeting of to climb to tbe Pennsylvania Ilsllrond bridge, your Olub at an early day, pan resolutions lissed bis footing andfell Into the rirer. He' npon tbm nhjaets and appoint a committee as drowned In the light of bli sou,, though ; to wait upon your SenaWra aod Member- of ibe latter tried to reicue him. Cruekberg! AMumbly. You are aluj farn«tly%njolned, *M formerly amember nf t l u Jmoy City ' fLdlvnually towatch ttie EJrt&dluk wf tb. Pollen Department. He leavesa widow and ' Lfglilatura and ai children. Iwavoa iwnoy, a bricklayer, fell ofT t h e ' aa faithful p edge o( tbe dock ac Gibbon's Manalou House, j "" " ?assalc, Monday afternoon and WAS drowned ' In the FOBMIO River. Ha had been< tome repairs In the cellar and went to t a hoat to ave him, but ths tide ly. Ba wan a member Unloo, No. 07, of Btrlc and family In Ireland. David Lnrner woa art-ai|uo/io the Police Oourt at Ell«t>etli MonJijf charged with WD. Ue pleaded out guilty. Lamor had hecoud-Lund sture In one of tbt buildings on BIIcAhcth avenua which wero barntd lut £Io sought to prove au alibi, saying hq aluptat the houw ofhl s ihtw, MM. Beigai, Spruce etrrot, Newark, tho night of tba tire. The police have necured evidence that iswwn IMVIDK bli iiore a few minutes l«fur« tbe fire wag dlicovered, lie had in- sured his stock for C1.IW1 four days before the "•0. Tlie night aft* r Retting ibe Inanranee |KilIc> hn wo* *Ofu at raiilul^ht, tha police iy, rnlti»fc abarre! of W j a m i Into his alow. Th« Biipreiuf Court ba* rendered a deeMm 1the cats or Hurao* h,. Asronaon, uf Burl- |pgtoD. B*was ^py|et«d of tavlng forged let. to the amounto'f |£,(K>0 on the Hechan- IM' National Bank cf flurllugton. Tbe dod- of tbe lower c»urt IH luatained. Itfwn- teoced Aaronsao ta twoyeifk and nix months State prison. He was •enCenctd last De- onnber. Be baa been In tba c o W y Jdil ainue lut August. Howard Parker, Vs partner, was lenteooed to Btatt prison, inWnas per- donod a snort time ago. Tbe arguluqt for a new trial was based onthafactthatllXJury- itn wera exonsad bcotnae they officers, Aoroottn. will ba nnored Jid Book Oontatmnir all tbe Haabr Lettera for one Dollar. luanawrr to a general drmnud from all parti of tbe United States, thoToledo Blade u<i(i published In one volume, dotb bound, all of the "Nahby Letteis"' ever written by tho late D. R. Loolie, omittina pcrhapa a few no- " important lettoni.nn local or forgotten tuples. Only a f«w ot tlisaa letter* were ever ' jiuMtnbed in bjokifortn. Bvnrybody ba* read sums of tiipm, hut who has road all of ' them! Tbe book coatnlm over '>flO larg" 1 pages, and all tbo Ntiby Lottqrs written durliiKsperlKdnf twenty-five yt*n\ alto a 1 partralt ot D. It. Locke from bla last photo- graph. It would Mil a t one dollar or maro, but Mil never on p|ac*l on *ale. Ou« iiuildrwl Uioiiuud oojiiei are now being priuted and bound, and<m« copy will be ipnt 1 postpililby nt»U free to every person >ibis winter rorolU au*dollar far the W< ' Blade oneyenr. Evtryttndj invited to rand for »fjMOlmen copy cf lbs Weekly Wide, whleh will give a lull dwcrlptlon of the book "TlioNasbr letters." Tbo Toledo Wwkly Diode la the best and most popular weekly newspaper published In thin country. It has tba largeat cireulajon ' ot any weekly uewipapfr, and goes to every I Htnte, Territory and neaily every county .of j tbe Union. Only 001 dollar a year, including ' the above mentioned book free. Bend postal to the Blade, Toledo, Ohio, foi a free speci- men copy cf tfct paper. Send the tddrtatts foe. V. Baker Andrew Hud ore r, Jr C l U nfelD m. W.HIII .25. 40.00 90.00 1000 7 CO 35.00 SI,00 7.85 1.03 10.80 a 75 144112 18.89 11B65 pay roll for October of $&B IS ordered paid when approved by tbe Finance Cotnioittefl, and bills of the Outta Perch* & [tubber Manufacturing Co. for f B0 forhose i'es were ordered returned as Uuy bad not been s"Oru tg, motlOD tbB Clerb was directed ta render Qlila ogaluat Win, H. Voorbeea, f I-H.llj; «Taa. ' K-F]Ie7,f18.8S; and J. Wellington Coster- loe, I112.C5, and present thesame for pay- ment and If partlea do not settle; place tbe bill* with tbe city attorney for settlement. On motion the Glertr was directed to plaoe - tlie bill or tit.%5 agalurt Andy B. Byram - Ith tbe «ity attorney for colleatlon. On motion an ordinance transferring the license or Wm.tt, CeHIng waa read forlu-1 rujallou, read the second time bysections, ' id 011 motion plaotd npon Its final passage , which resulted In Ita adoption by a unan- . mu< vote. Fire and Lamp Committes reported that ie tmotlon pipe of So. 1 engine shottld be re- paired, andimmediately, and could cot be done In town The matter was referred to the Kir* and Lump Committee with power to Council adjourned. A Plain Statement of latii. From toe Kastou Kree I'reW. Country Democratic papers, boplng pa gull tbeir rural readers, are talking about tba sar- jilui left by President Cleveland whan be retired from tha Presidency in 1689 as having squandered try President Harrison. To* Fauis about tha surplus arothe«<! - .'• On the let day of Uarob, 183B, ton* days . before the inauguration of President Harri- son, Uw surplus in tho treasury waa tl79,0j7.- ' 139, Inciadlng the 1100,000,000 gold reserve Wed by the resumption act. On the* 1st day of March, 189,, three days previous to Ur. Olevala&d'senuanoelnto offloe, tba net surplus in the treatury was 1125,630,788, In- cluding the 1100,000,000 gold reserve. Differ* ince, t47.»M<701. National debt paid oft during the four years of General Harrlaxft. imbency, 8213,000,000; decrease id- In- terest on the National debt per annum, tH,- - DOC.OOO. Daring the Harrison admintatratbn sugar «aa put on tne free Hat, reducing the ' itles collected ViUfiOO.OOO, beside transfer- ring a number of other articles totbe free lu>t andgreatly thereby reducing tbe govern- mGDt'a tDoomo. Daring Uie provlous admin- IstmUon ol Preuldent Cleveland a "con- tloD, not a theory." oouf routed him, which eroded by lending tui.OOO.OUO to favond National Banks without Interest instead of ipplylcg the money to the payment of the iblle debt. THE EMPEEOE'8 HiEEM, rnfortanates Hsld OasUvs In th« Palasa at Pakln." The "^fe» of Earth'a Keiwee' 1 Is when* tttna boldi htr court and 1 over fc^tapriol harem, whose only 'orid la what tiey lowerganlen. The __„ __r_. in (uldition to his il ooncublneajluu already no 1MS one hundred and thirty others In hta n.—H. O'Sliea'sarUde, (a tho Illustrated lean. Buch is tbo life of the moat high:' ly favored of Cblnrwi women—prisoners ' within the palace walls they eke out anex- istence In real slavery. American women iw no slavery but that which depend* on themselves Sometime* they are overworked, 'run-dnwa," weak and allfog—then Is the lime to turn tothe right medicine, Tha ona who tabea Dr. Pferc*'# Pavorit« Prescription spates ber«elf from her wealnesa and becomee a stronger and a happtar wntuon— ' more than tbat—a healthy t>oe. For all the weakneoeee and ailments peculiar to woman- hood, " FaTorlta Prtscriptlun" li a positive remedy. And because it's a certain remedy, it's made a guarantoeuV'one. If It folia to benefit or cure, laj&y case, yon get your mousy buk. Cur^onukmonl |" ' $S Voi-Sole. (Twotor motor, No. 13, rated at four iwer, complete with gavunor. aU •at* valve*., 16 la laflnt-olass000- abarpln. Apply

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:; Northern New Jersey.




Office <m Blackuxtl Street, next d/xrto the National Union Bank.


O « Y « A B . . . . . . . . ; . . , .WiwBIXHOSTHH... . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .T O B U Homaa. . . . . . . .



"SPACK ,1 wk,,U «


P«ro~>CAg» added lor HXBAH. Load uoitoe.



Office lu tbe Tone Building,

- O V » J ; A Lyo«>Broiut, DOVKR, «. J.

i. O. CUMUINB, U. D.,



D « e . on north <Mfl of SUolt*ell street audabout 900 TMt WMt of Warren .troet,

DOVBB, M. 3.

HEATH \ PRAK£,TJII i tin WI»K|nin(-riirB(l<ilUrIo-<lnyUKnuilii

(Han 4.1 j - U t ,re. WB Ut-iiioiwirait! tb•lay In ttw loriud. il. punitUJUts urini nt, IUHI nn> a,w uiT.-rtiiK-iuctni VQIIUM In

BLACK GOODSAll Wool Henriettas, 5Oc.

6Oc. 69c , 7 5 c per yard andupward

Silk Warp Henriettas, 7 9#1.00, $1 10, $1.25, $1.50per yard and upward.

Silk Warp Alma, $1.50,SI.75 per yard.

Silk Warp Melrose,-SI.25$1-50 $1.75, $ 2 0 0 peryard

All—Wool Alpine Cloth50c, 60c, 75c. 84c9 0 c . per yard upward.

All - Wool Thibet Cloth50c, 60c. 75c. 84c,9 0 c . and upward.

storm serges 5OC. . 7 5 c ,$1.00 $1.25 per yard,

SPECIALSurah Twills. India Twills,ramnl's Hnir, Prlnoeas Clots,Corkscrew Serges, OrantteCloth, Diagonals, eto. etcAll the newest and most attraotivo doi igr s in fancy weavesat very moderate Drioes.

A U piuw* of 40 inch SilkWurp HimMtns,

$1, $I.IO, $1.25Pel- -v«rd

on, ->al°o t l 10, $1.60, $1.65M u l l o r d e i j i p r o m p t l y a t t o D d e d t o H p l. P I I L u p o n » p | > l l o a t l o i ) .

777 & 779 Broad St.,NEWARK, N, I.

Gr,_E0WiV V ; BOWER,


Ovrios P A H * 1'LALK, LUII'MAHKKI tin

OUsk & HOSKINU'B BAKkHYoKftWli Br i l l , C .k« . iu i (•!«• dally. A

..'••': : : .r - . .BUBSRXBTREKT, ! - , - . . .) D M J


Tinning, Plumbing,• • — A M D — •

BTEAM FITTING;In all their brmiwW. : f;


Perfect Steam HeaterA LOT Or

Sooond-hand Parlor Storesin good condition and for **le at * IwrsaliiHtotn rc>|Mlri nf MI blnild will be IWnfobed atplinrt nctln. Particular attention given tobllraooh •

•.'..TOHM-OnyMMERW-:'. -. ': .- : ;

''aHAVffia:A«iuAuuju'ririSG BALODN.'••'•: ••:': • • y . ' J B O S B l X S T W U I , " . • ; ' ; • _ •

•. l U r r W K H f M A l i B K i n H o u r a AND D . W T J

• ' : B d v a « , H . 1. '•>•'. •:••- i

_ r c w ft- W I ,I" / ' MAfiOH AND SLalKK.T , , POUT 0»AM, N. J

m U w lor 4klt kinda dt work In* <* ****** u4-ttw bMtn»t«riftW

E a H « a v M H > m a , ^ M « | i . ; i i K . - . t . v - - . . . . .

Eu.., O n u s MBAB CUKTIAL DKfOT , 13-U

' o r rusuc SCBOOLBOy'nos-lLiCCWELLar, nnvEK. H, J.EK.

MODUiaA.M.tolllli «v.lj SAlotday

/ - V L W E H a MIKES1AN,




A bUdl l u ! F r e Oram, If J.IKMIjHeoJr.

A baUdlnc lou !• Fare Oram, If J__ A d a n a t L 0 BlEBWIKMIH

I. JOHKBON,niinarwtturer and dealer iu


•dallwurkllillaibliaiidpraiille. All workof Ike bart order and priOH reaeouujle


. H. SFASOLEK, JE,, . ~-••.-'.•'•.'•'.

"l^vPLOBiST;^:^;:'; •:-';v -

: ooi i BTIWT, DOVEB, N. j . .

" __iffisi tha HOB of tie


| \ t x - ;«D'MOTAKT;PUBLIC, • • •".::;:

g^.^j -VSTAHHOr*, H. J. ,',.';•, • ..'.;

^'iaV'PBARCE,;'; .'.'•/.'•''J. •''••;='".»''•• y j u c i x ^ w l W r w i t a o n M ) f ;°


'" ' - • • ; • - •'; i f - . . . • ' - ."' - - "•

. . . w i t ; barn and lot ott FrMptct atreefii*t»aduf Oucotnnt atoeet: .Will be soil

flgnrta elUwr oi a wbola or. withoutsr portion of lot u n i t porcha»*ra.

J* U B1ERWIBTH.>rntestaUof Wta.George. AM/A,

islieil 20 YearsKD ARE BESPONSIBLE.vein Boiler Works,

r. V. Olllt U, - - Prapnuior,

SaiokB Stawti, OU Taata,nlMl Ff"*. Ore Duokefat MMI *1]Uudi OCBIMM Iron Work.

RSFAIBIIfQ PBOJQTLYATTBITDfiflTOA M b n takMi (a exduusjel^Oojil « id

RUokwetl Htraet, oj.r*-

(Bucc'Ksaoit TO A, WIOHTOK.)



Tin,! Copper and Sheet ironRoofing, Zinc, Shoot Load,

Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sta.



A arictAMT.


Blackberry Brant

>- WABRANTED the best P*1n Ar|[«f |Q UM, fnr AttMtbM of iht Btomnoh awl Bo**I>, •»DUrrbMi. PaidTla the SUinuu* or Bow*li,GimmpaA^ChDlor*, Choi em MorbM DnetftW7,Wofc HMdtnW.lndlgfl.Uoo, Flatnluioaor Wind Collo WMI S«^ Slokiwa. . ,.,

'It U « valaBble Family M'dlrtnt.V l b l i i l d k lJwVHrfloMU. tocbliilrMi.iidklHMta.rft

main, i rcllavlog njepeyl*, Nrrtoa* Head-•che, OittdlDM*, BupnreaMil Hecratioaa, atoBold »t UM i t m in «kj and Mto boUte r--

lDM*, BupnreaMil Hecratiaa, ai t m i in «kj. and Mto. boUte r


tflta anbscribor hi* opned a fione-Bhoalaf ifinnan In connection wlib his other baameaa,

' *" * -'Beriea 8la«DoT».[••« « pnulloal and

eioerhwecd horse-shoer, oad I . "-'"nUoltt share of pciblfepr

Geo. MoGrackeri.


MAflur.tarCHtH A*D SOTTLIR or

Soda nnd Mineral Mnteri),bULTZEB, VIOnV, Era

Celebrated ExtraB Luger, Porter. Iu.


J . .1. V KEEL AND,




Will Offer the Following Goods at the'. Folio wing Prices:

PABLOR SUITS.100 Porlor Suits. uahoiianT finished fraiuon, in rug covering

Only 132.601U0 Parlor Suits, muhocanj fiuisheil frampB, ID plnsh ooverina. Only 122.60


BEDEOOM SUITS,100 Antique Oak Bfdroom Suits, per suit..100 Antique Oak Bsdroom Baits, per suit..

Only »10.00Onfjr*20.00

CARPETS. CARPETS.100 Pieces Tapestr; Brussels Carjiut, per yard ;Only 50 ett.100 Piooes All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard Only SO ots100 PieotB Low Frioed Ingrnin Onrpet, per yard.. . . . Oaly 25 ota.


PORTLAND RANGES.Oil aooonut t>f tlie wiirm weatlior I am able to supply the demand.If the weather liud been oold IwoulJ not hare oeen able to fillorders, on aooonnt of the popularity of tbia famous range.

Linoleum at Oilcloth Prices.. I am closing ont remnants of Linoleum*, snitable for stores, balls. and kitohona, at oilcloth prices. ' '

Reductions in Prices in Every Department

Terms to Suit Purchasers.

Best SuLtir Cured n*XM onlyBert Siigur Cured Shouldtn onlyBest Salt I'ork only . . . , . , . . .

Ib. cau Oom«d Uoaf only ,ID. nui Itoost l)oc( only

Dow Mluce Meat 8 pockagt* ouLj-,'ftp Top CODdaiKd aiUk onlyOlb.i«Ucf Jelly ,

11). package (fold Dut...lUItoUedOnt*.;

Furnitme stored at reacouable rateB Q Qin Ihe NEW BOILDINQ OO


Goois Delivered Free or Charge 10 any Pail ol m t state,




73 Market Street,NEWARK. N.J,Vear PlaaetSt..


I hwe » fall line of them at Ibwwit prioM


• • EEFKIOEBAT0B8, OBXAM n t B t t l B S .

I shall tell the

NEW DEERING MOWER,which bw giyea the beat aatiBfaotlop. One of (heM lo UM dx yean,

ooitlng only 76 oehta far rep*!™.

Plumbln*. Tinning, Steam Heating u d Hot W i t i r Hrattngdone In the best manner.

IK 8. ALLEN, Dover, N. J.

The Celebrated CORNISH PIAN


xtipAtronafS of tfcVpMt and will Ito are his friends' In nit new plans. •

'FIvia, Sptfciftistlofaa s~J »•-*•-rf fo* every Had of ¥ ~

lo-rft UH In ftf h*rt rr •*

Ctr^Blackwell and Morris,Sts.vDover,\:0/\:'-" J.-RyDALRYMPLE, Manager, ' ... :

Alao dealer In Small Husloal Iutramenta of all kinds, Trim-mings and Supplies, Sheet Musio and Mnslo Books.

Plctof. PmnM on band and irade to older. • Onten ultra for Crayon and OO Portrait*.


':"• '-^ '' • ' • ' ' • • : T H A T -'• ••'' - : - . '•::.'.

offnredat ••-'• -; . 'REDUCED .RATES:

have been taken.; Whon therest have been sold the

price will be \A S O T J T B O T J B I ^ l .-boM wlahinitotiwm da.watt to applj

AN ORDINANCE.An Ordinance concernltif Riverfitteet ' •'*P«c.:i. Be 11 orfaUKdbj-Ujo.il. ~- *

AMermen-mul Cbmroun Ooutidlnnu —That tha atrset kooim aa Hire.' Street, aboilhe same W Hereby aiurad by*oeauaB a suip o*u d betnff °f U1* wldtb of tin O> feet and ad-




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER.

COAL, f 000 AM B U G MATERIAL« i yi en hind. Baring latwy anetad a Urga Coal TnatU mth CKITIUUD HKIBUBV

amd * eayadtT «f «U budfM oara, m OM l t fe«t ltk



nothing is left in Ladies' wear exceptingabout 50 paiiis of sinall sizes 2 1-2, 3 and3 1-2, and In gentlemen's wear No 7 infine and 7 and 8 in heavy wear- I "illslice the knife still farther in this littlelot and thus close the most successful saleof shoes that has ever been held iu thiscommunity.

An immense assortment of regular goodsclean, fresh and durable, made expresslyfor Winter service, is now at your disposalat prices that are always right.


P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. D L & W. R. R. Depot. DOVER, N.J.


Altbollfli time* BTO linrd we nreaolllng goods vlimivr Ilian en-r. We Iwvu im.ile w-inf IIIH rtdiittiiHKlluvugloot ourcullru stuck of which va nttutf ou but a few. All Koods txiw ntid fnvti. tiunlltj- gtinrati'ic«0 or money refunded

10 Days Special prices Not 11 Days.ROCK BOTTOia PRICES. I ROCK BOTTOM PRICES.

. , , . . 1 6 0




... llto [ Standard JertH-y TOmnUn;.EncutBiiKHrCaiAi.Sunus..

Now Buact, quartNt-w Unm Bvam, qtuirtNew Grwrti PCMa Ib. Hoi llamlu/ onlyS Ib. box of flue Sew CTupTea..

j 4 Urn. Pout Turklih Viu nes.. •, • •

NEW CANNED FRUITS-Dur Ho. Crnid cf ApriiMla

15c. " " PeadieaI8o. " " PeonI8o. " " (ilierrles

11 C5c " " Btntwburrloa! )Bo••inc. " •• EBuI'lumi. .....Ifle" ffikt. " " Cnlirnrtila Pnivbwl Ito


J'. Turbitt, who VBB l u t c m M lu tbe coiirpanr. bought tnoat of the strck.

lavtm yearn In State prison," Judge Kirk-pilriot, He-inrk, sold MowJ»j toBrooi§, colored. Bru^k* uioi W kill JohnCuurseu, aod 11 i>Iaeveial thotea' Llm.

The armory la tbe Ciij UM, Bobakou,formerly occupied by tlie becowl R-glnmnt,ion orcu[>led j cater day an a ttctaool. AtXMit

tbiee huudrert l.oyi wore enrolled aa jiuplln.Tbe public avhiiola ore overorowdrd.

P«,Ur Wolf had bia loft h.od out oir Mm-d»y whilowurklug at a plaining uiocliiue lu:beearpeuUr hhou of Drake & Co., N».4l

Cuuip alrett, Newark. Ho*o»Ukeu tu St.what UojpiUtL Wolf ilvw In I


Capt. William Oudbsr, of Engine Com-pany Ho. 8, or NoNork, has been flity yoaru

reman. Iu oomuio mo ration oflory Cttut. Collty, of £U([lae Company2, . f Hew Vori, lias preseuted to blin an

olsuumte rib bop Udgti.

John Mngulrn couldn't see any tblng smallerthan a bouse Moudsy. Hlafcoewaa all outof sbaua wb<m be aupeorcd in tho Third J1

luct Pulloe Court, Newark, and told huwMichael Lyucli knocked tim down andkicked his fata aud btad, Ljoch waa

eked up.

Albert Bliler, ot Newnrlr, IIXUMQ yvars old,a Meapwl Inmate ur tbe City Homo, gaveID truaut ofllcrrs a lung ohaso from William

and Waihltigtou a re eta mutotf tonn Mouday.Ho tras 04UK«t «oil will ti« raturned. HU

or olTuitso was breaking wludaws will) aPiubert rltle.

While Johu Murny, of No. 85'J Onk etreet,'B«KnIe, nun pUyiujt with powder last night>inuunedrt)j>iJidalight*<i clgarattt) tutu Uieunder. M.uriuj'« ujeliruws were nuruedII and bisTave MODhlisturixl. Ivmo Wbltu,colorod boy, «n» Lndly huiued. John aud

Wlllluin Vewib had iwwdur blowu Into tliuir

The Nun Jernej Bupreiue Court Int relyitdt order tbe Unit]eniown City <"ouuoil lo

couatruutaaenur tbrougb Iliinap«ite'g Park,in this olty. Ta« tutt w»a brought by St.Viawmt du Paul'u Crtllega, uf Q^iuiautowo,

tlth nwuit tbegtaunda. It is claimede fiom faoturiuB rua through the


Huulcla J000,111un died Uumlay ut St.licliael'a Uwpiwl, Na-rurli, from iujurloswticed while ut wuik faattnne quarry at

Avoudulu. lie full fi oin tlie top of a d< rriuk'bile adjusting the ro[iCB preparatory toolitli>K a hoavy block ot stone. Joaqulua

wai thlrty-iix jear^ old. Hla wlilow MudliBHHunslivelij Italy.

The New JorBty Division of the Sousof tbeAuiDrfcan Earolutlon aro niaking arrange-inentafurtbuauDtialbauiiuet, tu be held lu~4etraik ou Deo. 20 The eomtuittM oonslatsif .H^nry R. UatOeld, Jobu J Uubbell,

Albyrt U BuMwin, Morcuj W, Baldwin,Samuel Uwl»r, llliarlt* H. K. Ualaey,E-l<rarilI). Bt«rliugaiidOIJ«oii K. Ladlow.

.Tbe body of a fenisle child waa found tiedup lu a Buarso sack In ths localltf known aa

i" UorUngton, Moudayaftornuon by John Davis. Tlio child «el shed

1 pound?. I t bad aot bad medical at-tendance.. Tbt.ro wena i



Diamonds, Watches; Clocks,Jewelry, Sllvor and Bllver-Plated Ware, Gold

Puu, Bllver-PUUd Knivaa, Porks and Spoons,AT TUB LUWKBT MA.RKBT PHICE.


thalarnatuaortaiaitnM'abainiliiDoTer. Alnll lln.o: SLWUCII. uidI ; , akaaal. lo U n a ol UoM. SMI and Ruhbar, prop«rlj lltled to

tba aj*. I am oonriuUj nnJaDlahbiK mr atock In aiTlta depart.nuiu Ton wtU ^ w . j . O»dU»T.l«t paturua and .ljl».

tW All klola ol WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY REPAIREDor otfcarvlM Htwmtad M nqttlfad.


Watches Sold on Instalments.


Instnunonts—JOINT FOB—

Peek A Bea'a Opera Ptoaoa,Deeker Broi. Pianos,

Weber Plaaos,C. P. Bewlbj's Organs.

Can furabb inrtninnnU uf m y mtika dulmd cheaper than any otlwr d«leni In thli HctlonCaah or*e»*y nontlily ttftymenbi, Call sod m our ioitrumeut* before nurubatdug.

aa we o u «.v»you mooay.



"Seeing is Believing."Simple, Beautiful, GcoJ—

these words mean much, but tosee "The Rochester" will impressthe truth more forcibly. Its mar-velous light is purer and brighterthan gas light, softer than electric

light, and more cheerful than either. Thechoicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van-

, derbilt reveals nothing finer. We have 2,700^. artistic varieties, in brass, bronze, silver and black iron.

., Ladies often like topi down among the large wholesale faouteaan<t buy oftint bind*. TbeywilUnd at oursaletroonu (Ibe largest I n t b e trorld)anracollection cf ArtlaUmpa, AcataloLruetoMndyouIf JDU cannot come.

T U B nocmtSTEU z.Aini> co., •


•ran MooDd-baBd la marketable, lona wbur.XI jtra -wlih to BELL or BUY maebinerj,•applha, manuftetund prodnoti, fp«lal lots,job lota, «to, write aw, aa am tlwmjt vmAjfor a tnuli. Band lor lwtl.it.




tfphdittrlbg and TornitUB Work.

Brief NOLM of the Hup]I Jmnes Alltii., cutniH), admltiej tQ JU(JK(

Kirk|«6*'I<ik iu Nowm-If MonU«y Lbat La wax

Ttiv 8j|JiiJ0it- l"ourt JTOUIOII iti Up»ving comract cubes In NefAfK, wliealMl to tlie Court ol Errors.

l(i-gl»ttr-*)ect Itlhor, of EP*O* Co•worn in MIDJ«J !I» liai lelucUot aa blH depute iu tlia udtcc.

' Klieabelb Jtotcuu, oul.irwl, wan rto tno }oar» for i tea ling C10U

frou MarcOrange.

Tbe effecti cf tlie Mew Jerie; Ofgar Cow'i Nk ld Md Jhin Nowtik i « Bold Monday. John

isrks ot violence.except a cut on OIIB leg and mverul smallmarha. Coroner Kelly will make au autopsyTuesday.

Israel L«utter, fourteen years old, waa be-i-eJuatloe Prefect, in Newark, Monday, on

I a complaint of *«gi«uoy madeby bis motbe-,Katber^Lautter.of Ifo, 199 Court street.

The boj'8 bead was covered with flmpUonamd he waa so ill ho w u tesroely able toitand la tbe court room. That was latd to be

the reason why bl« parents wanted •omethliuiIons with him., Tuu police had him sent to

the City Hospital.

The myitertons nun bat ogafn Appeared i sLanway.aoarlogmilileniDMulyoutol tbeir

wIU. Be folluwi • girl uotil tn opportuoityitc itself, when he captures, bugs andher. Several yoilni women from Rant

Railway were followed Monday night, butwire rescued by jonng nun friend*, who ea-eortad them to. their homes. Then theyibased the stranger. He disappeared down

Lafayette street.-

The Coroocr'a Inqunt lo the Z«laa munterouoreconvctted Monday afternoon at Tine-land. One of the wltnassea gave evidenoe•hiohhMledtoanarreatooniBpldoii. Theeffioets are reticent la g i r k g out the factp,Fearing a lynching party will organ lie. Ziiaa

aald to have toM the officer tbat theburglar wore • mask wben be encouuteredhtm In Ibe back yard. The jury rein n«dalerdlct nf murder by DeraoDi unknown.

Jamb Taylor, ORed Mty, etnp.oysd by Jua-Moa John G. W«bb, o( Uiror E.-ge, went to

Monday fur a load of brick.While returning home and when near Ander-

street Taylor fell ott the wagon. Tbewnveli pasted over bli back. Dr. St. Johnhad theHospital.

e W. Jaiinwtoii, In Irrfngton, tent month,hla burrj t i net out of tbu b.use b«P(wd Llnhrtt, orid thtt Ind to bis Idoutlfluu. Tliree years iu H:Hte uriNtn wna the

dune nieterl out to dim Ttimnao Congm-d la t* a for

in, I)r«wK thrt

Co.'« Inbat* fromfacUiry 111 WoU U,

gftiiH tliot lojttd un uuuiu-ujiled bouse ouilw Urangu lli-iititolii •uuie time ago.

Ilium A. lJliiliMley, an Iron manufw:', left i i i lrf t-pnrt about four months ngc

after CDnHlderali'e dilUrulty with bla crodtturn, in wbfcli tin eiriicU were levied tiuou.He went tu Arleutonru. l'a. Tbo il^ard oiTrade of that city *Urt«l him la LuBinow

•pltol of #S 000 Tho Allen'o-rn IronWorlm b«*e enters Judgment for .$3,000•K»Inrt Rldkeely, who b u dl»pp«ar«l.s«arch waa mad 1 for bim at the works, wa large number of FUIUBWB uatteraa xfound ieady for shlpmeit. The Bhr-riff boataken charge of bit e IT con.

Ann FaUnoD, au ageil reoluM, waidead UuDifay aftoruo in on th« Dwr or herhovel. In <1IB Wucdaof Union Towwblji. Hb«i u led a liuielj- life there for tbe |*at twentyIvaytatM. It w«n suppose 1.at flrat that the

had Imn killed >iy tiCounty PhjBlclaiiOlti^lly, of RlUabeth, da-elded Uiat tht *VIIUKI dkd of huan dlw)oM>Bins *U4 about alziy-teven yoais old. Khi

kuonuhvall Uie old InlialittantH of tb<UHblji. WbutoatiHedbertoIead the life

of a recluao mtbud> lu Union knowi. Sbotputed tn tiavo iniuej. but ui

Found ou her uursou.

man removed to the Hickeiuackp Be died about S o'clock. He

leaveta widow. The home ran away after(he accident end collided with a tree on np-per Main atfeeL

Prank CrUDtiberg and bla aon, Willtai

A N APDttEBBFrom tne Btate' Bapublican l e a g u e

" New Jersey.To Til* REPUHLIUAS CLUBB S—

Tho rfiulta of tb« election in Now Jurtttya Tuesday Isif ar« uuBtttratif^lug. It in alumi'li ot Ian und order over vice and Im-

morality, fiverr goud clilsen or tbe Utateorflduutly looks forward to H F

Ie br tlie Republican partyryitallted luto legli-UKou.They mutt not br di»an>otnted.Tae work done by the Lugus Club* one

Bar ago, prepared LIIB Intelligent voters tonnttorstand, appr^ulsUi and nitot the IIKUM of

iis caiiipDlen.

Now great ruHpiniftlbliillea hav« beropluued upouua; thu Leaf.ua Clubs must take

if this nbw worb ana amlHL ttie regulurpjriy orgaiitmtlou, Iji the repeal of tlie

Icluutf li-gultttiou uuder nhloti tbe people olis StfttuaroHuiroring.The League Uiuhacau be uf the gwntMt

asstttBuce In (hla ivurk. If hungrj partlsaD-itiip in eihlhltod and perslnU>nt demami nm.le

the rfllitlal plotions crwitwi by ibulocrata fo* their hetichmon, our loane uf

Ituwer will bu slior;. Holf restraint at.tLuanrti needed.evicts otficv uiurt be uUvliihrti aud

Clubs must leud ihetr inflUHiceand oBalatauue to lecure this result,

Ttio wntcfl-wurd of tbe party In IU it- inU-tlau during f.be coming session ought to beUEl'BAL.

KIrat aud forvwofit of all, and ou tlie verylay of urgauliitiou, tha Ram Truck -tutu

Bhuuld U rfpealed by liutb HnufM uud uuttbe Qovemoi- for ble slK»aturu. Tbeu lb«faiti'iui! gerryuauder must be tota led andauiuf e« adoptod, ao fair and just as to givech coaimuoity an ujunl rep re«en tall ou lu

the Uouuo of Aaasmbiy. Be wiM aud patrlttio, Kcmember we now bava with UM tbe

intelligent, Imiep-udeut voters of Ibe btat*;bey will coodotnu tu ala . If we ibon our-

no more worth; of the truat than tbepnrty tbat lias jutt boeti hurled ftOiii uawer.

A« rapidly BS pukslble, bllla ouKbt tn ba In-Tvdacbd repealing oa*h and every uue of tht

nota condemned by the people, Iu-ludlug Ibe EKOIBO UoiuiainnlnD, Boards of~ nbllo Worlrt, Police Boards, Police Jiutloes,

Eltolloa of Freeholder* from (ferryuiawleredaibly Diitrlcte, Ibe Bialo folice, and all

tbe rest of tbat brood, to make a IbC olwhich would ue to rtpeat almost by Utie,ivery Act of tba Ltgtalatur« fur the last

three or lour seinlous.

Scarlet muit be reduced; all new ami u«e-lees ofllMra abollabed; aud tbe uowapauera

ice mora freu from p&rtlaan ciutroi.Tha new schema* of taxation MO ouuniogly

iavlsed to provids funds to pay the greathorde of usaifS* oQloialB, must ba mode toobntrlbute to the relief of Uie people iromIbe burden of local taxation and used either

tbeBupportof Uie icnoola, tHe building>( roads or other publla enterprises. Tbelaw authorising tbe Governor to draw upabtha Treasury for rnicb pwpows aabo ICM fl

Itliout an spiroorlstlon bill, mu.t baibollshed

Ths partiaan boorda uadsr wblcb th« r%an»t» uf our tiUU lo.UtuUou* L»vt U-mveiled bnndrsds of tboueanda of dollars an-ually ore t o bs abollshei and tbe nob-par

tl«an boards re estauiiibBd,Tfle purity of tha ballot must be preserved;

the aunaetlaw re enacted; regiitratlon lawspovIdoB* ta prevent repaititig, aul tbe ballot

v amended BO as to nitlte It a more perfect,protection to tha right of suffrage.

9 ara but a few nf tht>iniuy thiog.whloh mutt be done to redeem our pledgee,'•nd reetora to tbe people ot tbe State thegood government they 0000 enjoyed.

Above all, our Public School tyttem mustbo maintained in all it* i»Uyrtt]/t and theoutrageous aot of tho Democratic LegUtatareIn diverting a portion uf tbas.-nool fund* tothe ordinary expenats at tbe State govern-ment, be At ths carlleat momant repealed.

Local self-government mustb* reajtored andthe appointing p-wer of tha Dove/nor re-

rictcd to ths appntntment of, tbe ciTlcen.named n the Cans Itatlon. Ail <taer uiDoaraibould IM elected ta jglnt meeting or by thepeopis.

TfaelieagueOlubB am appealed to to usetlielr Influsnce with their Senators and Mfltc

OOMUOlt O0UHDILPB00BEDINOS.The regular meeting of the Cotnui 11 (bun-

ell was hell Monday eveulug In Uie oouacllroom at seven o'clock. Fruecnt—Mayor l lc -CrackHti, ltt)»<rdor B*>cb( Alderman Brown,and Uounciluitn Broad wull, Cook and Vre«-land.

The uiltmUw of tbt preoedlcg niuetlng wererend and approved.

Unrabal Uagan's rupirt nbuwing seven arBliflcd flora imputed la tins amount of III

for OCMNT, WBS received and on motionplaced on lilt).

A communication «fgnwl by Philip J. U.Biuaett, Wllllnui I'ollur.t, Henry Debler audFrank Cox, as a cniutnittoe represstitfrg V(g-

it Engine Co. Na i. rwiuwtloK tba Coun-cil ta provide aald oompany oith a KUliabletwo wheeled boee jumper fo be u»»J at Urea,

tbe present one uft©d It too heavy and 'greaUy out of order, was roceived and 611 -mutton rvforrud to tba KIreaoil Lamp Com-mlttue tu report.

Comuiunlcatlon received frum Jinglue Co.No-1, approved by tbe Clilef Kpginuer, atat-

\g the election uf William J Vkltety andthe espulaluu of Uesirr. I'. T. Everett, Uob'tn i d i and R. O. Tfllyer was received andon uifitlou the octlou conflrmed.

Oommutilcdtion from ProUctlou Uoak audLad ter Cnmnany * to ting the olactiun of Aug.C Oiiea •* a member, and tbe reinstatementnf Albert Richards w u received and on mo-

on aollon o^nflrnied.Oummuulcatiuti from tbe Dover Hoard of

Hcaltb. staUng tbe resignation or John SAble from tbo Hoard, and tlie election of W.a. Byram to nil the unexpinxt term of Mr.Abie, reilgued, wan reoelr«t and on motionplooed on Die.

On motion Wiu. H. Byrom was ducted aintmlwr of the Board of Health to fill theUneipired term nf John 8 Able, r«iigoed,

Coiuniu- icatlon from Jaaieo Casey, OsorgeMuCarty aud James Brown, r*qutstlug tbecouncil to releftw them front tbe Morrisnounty Jail, was rasuived nml on motlun theircijuut iranted. -un motion tbe Council resolved lUeir Into

(Join mission ere of Appeal to bear coinplafnttof taxatluu, and 00 tuch as were present tbe~ illowiug action! was taken:

Hamual DiBlerway allowed tbe tSOO deduc-tion acoouut of solilier,

Lewis Brtaut Hedd-n, dog tax remltUd.William 11. JUw, amount «r «JO0perfonal

>rup«rty remlttiHt,KmII AiulerwKi uomplalnud of autttiment too

l.tKb ; on tnutiun ao reductiou made,Ueur(jo lljdurer uamplulned of aMewnmni

• m bigti j on motion no reduction made.Mi;Fuilan estate along tbe uoutb el do of the

I). L uud W. K. i t OMosned at |J,000; 00lotion reduocd to *600,Cltai. A. Otto allowed tbe $500 deductioLxount uf II "oman.Albert lUoliarde allowed the ttjliadeduction

iccount of lir«aiaii.It >Ur>rt Killgor* allowed tbe « ( « deductionMxniut oE <v>ldler.CommunicnUou of WU lima Z Carl Ing re-uiRtlug the Council to transr*r the solwnceiiKi now titid by him to John Hart waa

reoelTod aud Ordinance Committee directedto prepare an ordioauuj covering tbe trans-

Tbla appllcition baa been la tbe hind*uf ibe Clerk for some time, several days Iw-fort* tbe adoption of the milutlon by thin

n NnvemlMtr 4th, In regard tn transferuaMfollowing bills belug referred to tba

Pt Dance Committee and approved by themwero ordered paid :

Luintwr Company $UbMUniUd BUt«a Gipreia Company..W.O. Tm-mpionT Uagon

ber« of Assembly in the latertstj of good. government ana fur tbe accomplrnhment of

M l their home, No. « Lewia slreet, Jerwy- j the above obj*U. There may be oouut«r In- iCity, Sunday af lernoon to go llibiug on tbe fluencea from selfish partiwms; thnt mu.t beUadensock Btver. They wont to the foot of' counteracted and overtanied,Sowar* avenue. CruatLb»rg,In*uiBavorIng I To« are requeattd to call a meeting ofto climb to tbe Pennsylvania Ilsllrond bridge, your Olub at an early day, pan resolutions

lissed bis footing and fell Into the rirer. H e ' npon t b m nhjaets and appoint a committeeas drowned In the light of bli sou,, though ; to wait upon your SenaWra aod Member- of

ibe latter tried to reicue him. Cruekberg! AMumbly. You are aluj farn«tly%njolned,*M formerly a member nf tlu J m o y City ' fLdlvnually to watch ttie EJrt&dluk wf tb.Pollen Department. He leavesa widow and ' Lfglilatura and ai• children. Iwavoa

iwnoy, a bricklayer, fell ofT the' aa faithful pedge o( tbe dock ac Gibbon's Manalou House, j "" "?assalc, Monday afternoon and WAS drowned 'In the FOBMIO River. Ha had been <tome repairs In the cellar and went to t

a hoat to • ave him, but ths tidely. Ba wan a member

Unloo, No. 07, of Btrlcand family In Ireland.

David Lnrner woa art-ai|uo/io the PoliceOourt at Ell«t>etli MonJijf charged with

W D . Ue pleaded out guilty. Lamor hadhecoud-Lund sture In one of tbt buildings on

BIIcAhcth avenua which wero barntd l u t£Io sought to prove au alibi, saying

hq aluptat the houw ofhl s ihtw, M M . Beigai,Spruce etrrot, Newark, tho night of tba

tire. The police have necured evidence thatiswwn IMVIDK bli iiore a few minutes

l«fur« tbe fire wag dlicovered, l ie had in-sured his stock for C1.IW1 four days before the"•0. Tlie night aft* r Retting ibe Inanranee|KilIc> hn wo* *Ofu at raiilul^ht, tha policeiy, rnlti»fc abarre! of W j a m i Into his alow.Th« Biipreiuf Court ba* rendered a deeMm1 the cats or Hurao* h,. Asronaon, uf Burl-

|pgtoD. B* was ^py|et«d of tavlng forgedlet. to the amounto'f |£,(K>0 on the Hechan-

IM' National Bank cf flurllugton. Tbe dod-of tbe lower c»urt IH luatained. Itfwn-

teoced Aaronsao ta two yeifk and nix monthsState prison. He was •enCenctd last De-

onnber. Be baa been In tba c o W y Jdil ainuel u t August. Howard Parker, V s partner,was lenteooed to Btatt prison, inWnas per-donod a snort time ago. Tbe arguluqt for anew trial was based onthafactthatllXJury-

itn wera exonsad bcotnae theyofficers, Aoroottn. will ba n n o r e d

Jid Book Oontatmnir all tbe HaabrLettera for one Dollar.

luanawrr to a general drmnud from allparti of tbe United States, tho Toledo Bladeu<i(i published In one volume, dotb bound, allof the "Nahby Letteis"' ever written by tholate D. R. Loolie, omittina pcrhapa a few no-

" important lettoni.nn local or forgottentuples. Only a f«w ot tlisaa letter* were ever

' jiuMtnbed in bjokifortn. Bvnrybody ba*read sums of tiipm, hut who has road all of

' them! Tbe book coatnlm over '>flO larg"1 pages, and all tbo Ntiby Lottqrs writtendurliiKsperlKdnf twenty-five yt*n\ alto a

1 partralt ot D. It. Locke from bla last photo-graph. It would Mil at one dollar or maro,but Mil never on p|ac*l on *ale. Ou«iiuildrwl Uioiiuud oojiiei are now beingpriuted and bound, and <m« copy will be ipnt

1 postpililby nt»U free to every person> ibis winter rorolU au* dollar far the W<' Blade oneyenr. Evtryttndj invited to randfor »fjMOlmen copy cf lbs Weekly Wide,whleh will give a lull dwcrlptlon of the book"TlioNasbr letters."

Tbo Toledo Wwkly Diode la the best andmost popular weekly newspaper published Inthin country. It has tba largeat cireulajon

' ot any weekly uewipapfr, and goes to everyI Htnte, Territory and neaily every county .ofj tbe Union. Only 001 dollar a year, including' the above mentioned book free. Bend postal

to the Blade, Toledo, Ohio, foi a free speci-men copy cf tfct paper. Send the tddrtatts

foe. V. BakerAndrew Hud ore r, JrC l U

nfelDm. W.HIII

.25.40.0090.0010007 CO


10.80a 75


11B65pay roll for October of $&B IS

ordered paid when approved by tbe FinanceCotnioittefl, and bills of the Outta Perch* &[tubber Manufacturing Co. for f B0 for hose

i'es were ordered returned as Uuy badnot been s"Oru tg,

motlOD tbB Clerb was directed ta renderQlila ogaluat Win, H. Voorbeea, f I-H.llj; «Taa.' K-F]Ie7,f18.8S; and J. Wellington Coster-loe, I112.C5, and present the same for pay-

ment and If partlea do not settle; place tbebill* with tbe city attorney for settlement.

On motion the Glertr was directed to plaoe -tlie bill or tit.%5 agalurt Andy B. Byram -• Ith tbe «ity attorney for colleatlon.

On motion an ordinance transferring thelicense or Wm.tt, CeHIng waa read forlu-1

rujallou, read the second time by sections, 'id 011 motion plaotd npon Its final passage ,

which resulted In Ita adoption by a unan- .mu< vote.Fire and Lamp Committes reported thatie tmotlon pipe of So. 1 engine shottld be re-

paired, and immediately, and could cot bedone In town The matter was referred tothe Kir* and Lump Committee with power to

Council adjourned.

A Plain Statement of l a t i i .From toe Kastou Kree I'reW.

Country Democratic papers, boplng pa gulltbeir rural readers, are talking about tba sar-jilui left by President Cleveland whan beretired from tha Presidency in 1689 as having

squandered try President Harrison. To*Fauis about tha surplus aro the«<! - • .'•

On the let day of Uarob, 183B, t o n * days .before the inauguration of President Harri-son, Uw surplus in tho treasury waa tl79,0j7.- '139, Inciadlng the 1100,000,000 gold reserve

Wed by the resumption act. On the* 1stday of March, 189,, three days previous toUr. Olevala&d'senuanoelnto offloe, tba netsurplus in the treatury was 1125,630,788, In-cluding the 1100,000,000 gold reserve. Differ*ince, t47.»M<701. National debt paid oft

during the four years of General Harrlaxft.imbency, 8213,000,000; decrease id- In-

terest on the National debt per annum, tH,- -DOC.OOO. Daring the Harrison admintatratbnsugar «aa put on tne free Hat, reducing the '

itles collected ViUfiOO.OOO, beside transfer-ring a number of other articles to tbe freelu>t and greatly thereby reducing tbe govern-mGDt'a tDoomo. Daring Uie provlous admin-IstmUon ol Preuldent Cleveland a "con-

tloD, not a theory." oouf routed him, whicheroded by lending tui.OOO.OUO to favond

National Banks without Interest instead ofipplylcg the money to the payment of the

iblle debt.


rnfortanates Hsld OasUvs In th«Palasa at Pakln."

The " ^ f e » of Earth'a Keiwee'1 Is when*tttna boldi htr court and

1 over fc^tapriol harem, whose only'orid la what t i eylowerganlen. The

__„ __r_. in (uldition to hisil ooncublneajluu already no 1MS

one hundred and thirty others In htan.—H. O'Sliea'sarUde, (a tho Illustratedlean. Buch is tbo life of the moat high:'

ly favored of Cblnrwi women—prisoners 'within the palace walls they eke out an ex-istence In real slavery. American women

iw no slavery but that which depend* onthemselves Sometime* they are overworked,'run-dnwa," weak and allfog—then Is the

lime to turn to the right medicine, Tha onawho tabea Dr. Pferc*'# Pavorit« Prescription

spates ber«elf from her wealnesa andbecomee a stronger and a happtar wntuon— 'more than tbat—a healthy t>oe. For all theweakneoeee and ailments peculiar to woman-hood, " FaTorlta Prtscriptlun" li a positiveremedy. And because it's a certain remedy,it's made a guarantoeuV'one. If It folia tobenefit or cure, laj&y case, yon get yourmousy buk. Cur^onukmonl

|" ' $ S Voi-Sole.(Twotor motor, No. 13, rated at fouriwer, complete with gavunor. aU•at* valve*., 16 la la flnt-olass 000-

abarpln. Apply

Page 2: DOVER, MORBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/1893-11-17.… · TBA»: MAS THE LARGEST -t:; Northern New Jersey


Friday, Nov. I7, 1893.

TboniM J. O'Brfen li reporta] to Lave uldtbed»3 after election, "Sly blank fly blaoli,the next time the Democratic party waut tosltct anjonn tn Worrl. Giuotj tbujr

>• ton

Tbe imprenaion Bieina to bo getting abroidUirt WillLwu Juyw Suite 11 1. Uio liutr <t|iparent to tbo 8eaa t»h l togs wLfcli J0L1Rbodariek MacPberwn will duff uuxt jearMr. Beiroll b u doii* aoiim wrvi.ro fur t e Kipublican party, but bo h u been rnlly paid inhouon And oinolutn?u1^ imd it wouM b+?(ooUiudy for tlie Itupulillcan party, whiflbni Jiut won BIKU n trmiieudiHii victor; dythe help of people who rebelled aguiustboarfim, to plain tiieir twiurc iu jiM»(>i.r<Jy liyoonfetnU)g Allegiance to a. loss as abiuluUt inuU deoinmU, though more reM^tUHu in bismethods, as tbe men wliu through jmruly wl-flab icnUuwtiU anil autocratic assume ioaah»ve wrecked llio Denti>cratic party. Thereare mon In tbo lU'pulilitau purly, »l«o lorJoan bav« fought iUbatltoi without rtiivunl,whowouMbe mi huuur to iLu Htute uud acredit to Uiu party, awl tliolr elaiitw bliouldbo recognized, nvea if they do not suiuiilthem with a great noltus. There in tin goodrwnon that cau bo advanced to tlioiv wbyona UIAQ idiuuld have u prrpftuul cjafni upon&np oJUce tliat tlio Jl<>iru.il.i-iiii jjurty uf NunJersey may have to give uut.

The pruUluatut a grant i-*iiulilic lendinght* «ld to tbo rebtoraUon ut a monarchywhich unaovertUrimu by tbe IH-»)»1O localisetbeJrrlRtilitBtlUeii vMatul, is ilia thought•UggHling political ipltolo ut ibe prcfuntwtok. OnBaturJsy iflitbttTftury Urtabamgare out ll« cotclUflona lu tbo HawaiianquMtloD,ba«ul U|MIII thu riipnrt of I'dramountfilount to tbe effect tbat tbia poverowuitwould lielji to rrature the depone.! QuopuLIUuokalaDl to tbe thruut) of the BimdwlciiIsland! and turn down tbu guvermntiii ut ttiepeople which bad revolted when tbe viciousand licentious iluran hsd aUtm^teJ t*» u'tollnl)lbs ootutl lull on uf loin by her Hat HIMIU, andthus nuke her tule uud^f the duel- Uialtoti ofher baU'brred pntomour absolute. Tlie M.i^w^Bip BetreUiy »t Bmta lifts ullowisi bisTlodlctlve maliguity to«ft tli» t«itt>r at lilaJudgment. In nttemptlHg to c u t odiumupon hli predeceuor lie lias itiown liiniself anam, and demoiiRtatud Ilia UbtltiuiB for soIniportaat a poaltlou. The Ainurk'au peoplefreed Uiemwlvos from tlie yoku of monarchyfor leaf cauie (bau tbe Honeiinm bod, atidttaa praldeat bw loarued e'er tfald tbat beb u nude anolber atupeodoui blundor.

Clifrter toTVOtblp tettaa it have btea tl" B m w " township (or <HU.

Many of our Hejjubllcam Attended the IiaUUatMu of Edaiuud A. Utclusr aa Sheriffl u t Tuesday at tbe county srat. Farming atGre«nVm«KB 1> bealtny, O«a»r I

The annual ''Uouatluu V1.IL" for ltev £.B. Enjland, wiU 1» held m tbe Congrega-

23d, We truit that the peoule will make anexit* effort to matte Mr. Koglind aucli agrand donation U>at be will never forget it.Mr. Eoglanil serve* hfi people very Uithfull vand we con bear ooly words of pratm forhim, Come one, coma all, nod moke the

KCharlie Youngs and company roturusd.

from tbeir Fenn*ylranU buutiog tour l u tSaturday P. it. They were oot very «ucceei-ful tbls time in ba?gtng much «am8. Theblrdi were ell on tbe ltciiubllcsa aide ofPucono, and conse()ueutly they didn't Qnd

thtm.Thfi Milldalt r*"I' la "^ n"» k e ltaV- U ' J-

H u t B. ••DoDftUun Vlsll" on Thursday tvtii'Ing, Nor SOtfa, a t Jacob Tndnrai'R, at Milldale, or Hanklabainey si famlhmtv t»'»v.n,Lflt tb* people turn out and give Mr. HuLs(rand donation a« h» ban been vciy faithfulID going down and preaching at Mifldaacb month. Mr. Hart In woll worthy oftheir ablest support,

K. B, Mutt the |«opb'« choice,Hurrah I hurrah 1

They all pro claimed It v+llh one voi;e,Hurrah I burrab I

Our honest Clerk be will beAnd lteep our record* truly.Wo voted for E, 11. Holt,He waatbcpeopio'ri uliolce.Oui> honrst voters did all Agree,

Hurrah 1 burrnh IThey all supported tbe nominee,

Hurrah I burrab IManufactured paper tboy cried,Bat tie lie we iMlwl.We voted for K. 11. Mott,

. Be m i Ihepeujle'u choice.Rockavay Ictl tbe van,

Butrah I hune.li IAid Boonton followed on,

Hurrah 1 hurrah !Than band In hnod tbey marched alongAnd balled vlubiry by thoumiud* utroug,

' We voted for IS D. Alott,Be-wMtbeptopltt'B choice.


I « M Praater, of Nswark, !• spending at«w days with bis paronU, Ur. ami Sire.Jacob Pruter , of tbls plaun.

A.. B. Cuuk, one vt uur tac*t jitomiilagjGiing men," baa accepted u elirkibip luAustinSuitcn'aiwitBat lAbaoon, N. I .

C. D. Yonng tpem a (on dayt Inot veokbunting in fenusjlvaula. We underataudbe did not log much name, which t» tcaxoo ina i l p a r u o i umoouDU-f liiu KJISOU.

Mr. Whilebe*), a student of Drew Semin-ary occupied the pulpit of the II. D. Churchl u t Sunday, bulb niuruiug and ereuiug.

Tbo T. P. B, V. a., of tiie CoBgrPgstlomlCburcu heltl its uiuiilhly buiiuetm and kuoialmealing In Utctianio'a Uall oa Tuftday eveulngDl thin week. Tbow who *are pr«Hntreport having spent a very cr Joy able evening

TUe firut mow ul theMdviu tmiuil MH OIiy g

Tl»vyjuifcupptw given t j tbe t . I1, a. U.B. ol tbtiFniabjUiilau Couicb on Tuurwlsjof laitwttk.ntttwlttittt tXu\& atw«n di»iIan.

Madima Rumor uiji ooa of uuf jounamerchaotB mil become a benedict about theaOthof thii month.

H. F. Bautdarson la duing a basvy builDeuID the ttore bade this week, and bai beencompellfd totmploy more help iu cider tosupply t ie itemaud.

ltou't forget (be lecture on the World'sFair at tbe Pretbyterlari Churtli oaT d y evening. BOIBOMHI

WOODFOBT.The Hew Jeney lea Company hivo com-

menced operations by putting up their icehonssattne old deck Hurdtown. Kamortsthat they will put in a switch In the spring.

Tbey are In) ing off flotcttol the afo^Ie wetiat the Heckcber mine, IVeldon.

I*st Friday nigbtM two gonUcinen (I didoat Je*rn Ineir names) were driving tliroughCooke'* WbOdi, this Bide ot Noliu1* Point,ttwy were stopped iu the road bj two un-known men, but in • fsw minutes were per-mitted to go •gala. It appears they wvrethere for toma evil pcrpose nnd stopped the•wrODC pwty. There a n to niauj trampa anthe nmA now that I think It would be WBD(or people to U ready tor tiioin.

Mrs. Reuben Siliiwortuy, of Itockawaj.bat formerly of Ibis p l w , died very mid-deoly at BUnhopi lait Sunday inorning.Sba wai the mother of Jatuca Sunders, ofWoodport. The bereaved friend* have ourfaeartielt sympathy. The deceotud was tUyaars of aga.

GtMrge Lj«t it very low with rheumntkmat Hum tow u.

If yoa want a mesa of |ilck-rel now ii theUmato catcD them. Tbey are biting very(atrt in tha Woodport COVB on lira bait.

Eev. Mr. Charleston, of Cheater, occupiedthe pulpit ia ourchmch hurt Bun day. HUtext w u taken tram ilie Brut of tbe uluveotbchapter according to St. Luke: ."Lurd Uwebus to pray m Jobn dlJ lib dl>clph«,rwLich lie pniM'hMl an excellent •eruitn.wlsb to &>ar him vgaiti.

Mr. aod Ur*. IKGurfc mad* a short visit toPhlUdUphlh thi. wttk. .

IV* w*re eorry ta bear of tho deathTow my Tutteyt ot T*«bo, wtio died Irinjuries by taU bora* running anay hatSaturday.

We Were much surprised on arousing cutof our beds but Wednesday morning to seetbat old Motlier Oucao niturucd Mtii herfirst snow of tbe i eaaoo,

Oamo don't teem to Wvery plenty in tbiasection, wo the huntara aay. HARD TACK.

HT. r a C E B O K .Cbas. Tro»brid£O,nbohBa been t*ken to

th«hoa^(*Klat New YOCK, hMUow letunieJ,but not tuuuli Unprarod, Uuah sjiopatbyla u o r e f ad. Cur tho ktEUcted funity.

Urs. Cbas. Wood, woo h u bean Bpondiaga nttmbor of wteka at ErwUJyu, la expectadhome on Friany or tbhi weet,

A nnmUr frcci around litre attendsi tbeexcursion at Nen ark on ."VVednctdiy.


onr big adTtniwinant on Ur»t ptite withoutItil M the cnu>de»t tnedal MIS W# ev«r baldwUl aod on W«lnMdty evKiiEI, Noiamber

POBT HoaitZB.I wrote aomeUiuig about Kreaiy waste

last week and «ieu>)-siu the oiilcewt It up[reavy "water" which onlf shows bow oiU' 'be average printer knows about but bon

Juit try tw Mt fir» to grwsy *at«r • 'tnetlnaod see ho* It will burn.

Theodore Holbrooka house U nearly rlowed. You ie*thistowii Is growing.I went to Neir York on No. 13 Sunday

I. Frank Blugbaui happened to be ftductor. Dowu tbe uth'f aliJe of I'ateniiloine one on the Otber Ride ot the aisleibouUd "then goes a mile lu leu than a

A lady in twat ut m»•What la that you aaldr "»'» »*« Just

made a mile la 44 Beouuds." he repU*d, a* heheld bis gold walcb In bis hand, and tbe carrede an euy u a rocking chair and was builtat Dover •bops, 1 noticed. 1 went down toSew York nn purp w» to u«.r tbe famuux DrCbarln H. P*rkl urut a i d I got there. HU

btskringniwuitar thrt manner of Jamaa TJliH'd, of Netoung. Uii hair fa gray nndworn 1 Hig. Kur soinatlaie be has be«n athorn in tba fleali of fMoe hupeotor Uyrn»and Iilutueu, sune ot wboni get mad andjay t lino pretty bard thing,) about tnedoctor.It bului£ so soun aft«r eltciion I erjuwted hewould K>VB raminftuy anil it* pet Uger 11U,but ha came iutu tha pulpit with a blackawnatHiawLLlecouceru around bla neck,

.yhicb migbt bave been woru by MartluLulhrf ur Jubn Ual«in or Juhn KnoE. 1look n(ie of tbe children to bear ltev. FatherOram, ol blessed memory, U-furo tbo [irutljlittle Catholic Cliurvb at Netcuug wu* builtThe youngster wai Udgety and no reel lo*a tbat[ bad to take him out lor tlio comfort of tbeoot uf the caugreitatlun. After wa got out

,u(bantreetXaakedth9boy why hi could notbehave bfuitelf Inuuurcb aud bo aiutwered,aa hu rubbud his ey» wlLU bis «ltw»e"tiiepriest wuro pettlciwU." Tuitt wan uuly auLilds reason, ol courts, but I was reuiludeduf it a* I looked nl Dr. 1'nrkhurat ID ttie pulpit. t ie never Bali Ttuniaany i>noe *.ui thelute election nilgbt bare t*eu In JbUial-^nfuroll IleamedftUjutlt'.rosuitie B-nv,u •(Dr. 1'urkbur.t. But lie prtacbed an MO- ; ' im

irtuuu alt the ttauie, «ud nuiiu Lheru was uu[lumpt at oratory, no trick of gesture; you•It tbat the good dornlnle bad the cjurage olIs cuuvktiuna. Union TheuluK'cal Beta In

u*y in under a cloud jild uotr. The circulardmlrlbiittd In the ptinB miid: "The ou"«ritiguiniie this morufn. will he In bebulf of the

rd of Education." But before thu col.w.Juu » " Ukeu up th« Ur. said: "Tlie relutluuo bttwe*n thut church and the Unionrtieolugical Ijcuilu-try hud aMvdys beencculiar. TUB foutidtr of that church bodwn a prwJdeut of Uuion. Thu F««&y-iry Vnt'i wi fli«1 it Ihni >tn* bo>s at V iiiDijbo uoedMl uld IXuld not roc«(vu a cent frombo f uud» ol lfat> Uwtttd ol Edua»Uun and be

WHS glad to say that tbe wiuiiou of thattliusxti bud T«suLv«d utiauioiuutly to d«vaUthe oirttriug of that iiornlDg to Union

Kwtu4twUtitui.0B.ry, but it auyonu wliliwd> cuutrlbuMou W go in a dillerent directionbad only to ludiuaU bio With aud it *ouhJ

i an he or ehe might ile»iio. 1 HU*«a It all..cut to Uulon thougl), aud JudgluH bj Urnplate that p»*s«l uiy way and tta. bilk iheiooutt won <iuit« a rekpoctabla collection,i'bu uuly attempt at geature wan a punctu-aUoij ot liia uiuat luiportont lenUoOoiby striking the fljgcni of QUO baud agoluatthe palnu uf the otber with a for^e that couldbo lieurd all ovor Uie cburcb, everybody wasHO tlUl. Ono uf the girls iu the cLoir song abOlo that was remarkable tor Its distinct audclear enunciation, aa well as ita music 1nave a pretty goud memory tor »uuawhen toey plsaae my funoy, and if yipermit me, B. ro 1» one suuxa:

"0, Jeaiw, ThoUBrtdtanilhig(luttUilo thu (asl-tkntwl ili>ir,

lu lowly lutlitiiuu nnJtiiiBT.> itQM thi.- Ilimilnnd oVr:HU uauio ami »l«n *« Uur;

You know tbe i«ollce of Mow York have beensaying tfrnt Dr. l*ftrkbUT8t'i,fharges about thewlckudueaso! some places in tbe city woreill fudge and only children ot tbe Doctor'sdieted imagination, According to the goodpolice captains you could not get a drink In" city to save > ou on Sunday. Well, after... ierv.ee Tvaa over in tlie church I went

Into a place not t»vo blocks from the churchto get tome dinner aiid alter i hail ttieaub-Btantlala of the meal tho waiter said aathough bo keA learned it by vote, "coffee,milk or beer t" I preferred tlie coffee, butthe waiter's question aha wed that I could havehod beer if I wanted It, if It was Sunday andtvitbin a aUmeethiw of Dr. ParkUurat't,cliurou. I noticed them were a few baldbends and now and then a gray headainonetlie congregation, but Uis great majoritywere young men and women. Tuore must besoul* cohesive force about tbe Dttctor to keepthem togottier. Perbaps you have hadenough of that for one letter.

Ttie Muiconetcong race track people, ofStanhope, are working Dice beavers to finishheir track. This is cons of your bettingrace-tracks, you fcnow, only & place to speedyour horse, if you hava A good one. \ If theywill only build a little railroad arouuii it

9 of our Port Morris fallows might behi i t

Some of tbe boys up tills way are taking up. BiiWripUon to buy wlitte dreues tor ttiowTwo UtlloOirlsio Blue". Somafolks slughout no much. Moet oltiten*

tills county are Americans first, aiDuinocrata, Republican's Prohibitfonltta,or What Ibey phaae afterwards, tlicwf"re Itgoca atfiu* the groin when tha president oftliia great republic goes around buildingbox tbixnea for monarch*, whose sut>Lhare dethroned them once lying about tlieliving and the dead to make an excuse fordoing It, for I do Euppoee that ex-MtuisterHt evens lias aa much regard for tbo ten coui

ilinaula as Bectetary Oreiihaui andthough ex-1'realilvut Wairlsoii may not beas big a man pa Ur. Oloveland 1 liou't sup-pomihe wtuld be ndmlttwl to tbe AuaniiuCluli any quicker tban ourprtsuent President," ' long since one Prenldent bos had a right

i. In judgment on the actions at lib pre-asori Who tunde Becreiary Orealiam

judge ot tlie actions ot Secretary BltJnfi am ouly a railroader, you know, and ask" .r luroruiatlon,

Ur. Johnson, tba Surrogate-fleet of Sussexcounty, was in Utstilinpe Uio Friday beforeelection talking confidently of bfi cbanreo forelection. " Ym," thu man Mill, " you umu-

. to go before tlte Kepuulican conveationaud get yourself uouilututl nnd that l« allthe good it will do )ou " Talking the Diattornver «ltli ono of ibe oldest IlepubllcaaB inat^iohope and telling him Sir. Juhi.wu bolloved be Lad a tlgaUuR cbauo', Uis oldgentleman repll<d: "Thertj Ua chance tbatlightning will strike bun, too." The morning after election both grnilenien were as-lonished lo Hod that llgbtuiug bad structUr. Johnson.

First snow of tb» soaMn on Wednesdaymorning tbe 16th lust. Thry Ui1S me Bnowwaa four inches deep on POMIIO on the tanitday and uo BOOM at all iu Dover.

The Hbinbope axe factory hangs lire yet,D . J .

ilra. Margaret Nuna baa been quite sick,but it nicely improving at presortt,

rbs Lutheran congregation will tendertbem ptitor a donation virit on Thursdayevening next, Ski lost-

ThaMigEesUmltr,^ White Botue,Sunday vrilh their uncle, K M. Barties.

We noticed Mr. Carpenter, of Clinton, In)wn on Hunday.John M. Totlil and Fred D. Stephens repre-

tented the Gertnnn Valley Enctmpinenr, No,41, at Trenton Grand Lodgo, on Tuesday. "

Jacob lVUlet received a telegram ou Tuea-day to come to bb father, E. C. Willet,AI. D., in Colorado, It in miruiised as la veryHI. Ur. Wlllet left on the first afternoontrain.

Hra EUtnhnh A. Welch, wlcW of the tat*ohn t " ' ^ ^ ^ . explrtil at an early houraturdftTi/, I%VW< oftpr a aevent illnon or

several weeid^Hii-bad a complication ofdiaeasM, when typLV^Bver set In, fromwbicb she w u ft greavWvrer. Stag boreler sUfTeringa with great Chmekvi fortitude.

She waa one of those sweat, qa1

women that none know but tottroaUtt Joy and pleature wtra iu*thorn In nerdnr dUtTMa. Her prraenc* wtl,be sadly mii.tcl In I ho hooia circle, aa well asla the church »nrt lad (cm1 missionary society.Her funeral took place from the Presby-terian Cliurcb, of whfcli thn had b»on a life-long inemb'-r. She IAHV«< t« o BOOH to mournher Inss, be*ld#« n largo drcle of relative*.Hov. CbsmtMrn, hur pastor, preached thedlacourtw and llev. BHuvelt, of Itowlle, au 'Uev. D«lp, of this place, were In attendeeHii nvphewa acted u pall bearers; Le..Farrow, M D., E. D N«ugbright, William}waekbamer, Jnoob Trimmer, James Trim-nor and David Trlnitn-r. Interment took)lac« (a th« ftuntly plut at Middle Valler.

John Hoftman aud Stewart Neighbor areit Trenton tliU*e«k rcpresetiUuw the Odi•'allow* LoJg9.Df this plae^, at tbe OraudLodge bing b-ld there.

Wo regret to announce tbat Mr*. CbaibenU quite t l -ki t this Kritlug. Wo bot»

"irr sptedy recovery.

*100 ,Thsmid^rotthUpitpor will beV)««*rd tn

learn thnr. ihrra l ia t b-Nstousdread*! (!(•<•*••lhat cetei C4 hut been Bhl» to cure ia all l uitagM, antl that ii Catarrh. Ball'* CatarrhCuretNtbeonlypialt'VD cam bnnwn to th«medical fraternity Ciur rh being a cmutl-tmlonal d u t a e , rrquire* a coustituii naij y u Unit's C»Urrb Cure U lakra in-

Mraally. actliis directly oa tha blood andMirfacea <if iha aynt#in, thereby de-

K tbe fiiuudiitli n uf thfl. disease, andslvlng tbe iwitent aueuRth by hnlldlng upibe coaaUtoUuu and sudsiing nature in doingIU work- T h e m p n r t o r s t - v e m miicli f-ltrhi Its curative) power*, ttiat thry < ffer O Ptluuilred D^Uan far M>y cue ihat I t f

H d Cor Hat of i«f

y < ffer O Pt I t fall* tolcare, B«ad tor list oT Uf timonlals.

[JTC * boVToWo, O.

" ^

BOUVTO1T.Who »Wle the rooster from Mayor Harris ITb» ltev Thomas Carter, ot ths Prwliy-

ter/an Cburcb. exchanged ptilpita on 8uDda~bwt with the H-v. Mr. Noblft of ManJham.

Cardu are out for tb» marrisg* of MbvaEmily Fuller to • Ur, Parkw, too ol Mr.Vnrtlaivl Parker, of Ns-ark. on the afur-Dooutif Soveuil«r 23d, In tU Jobn'a Churchla tbl* place. One thuuaand invitations har tbopn tent uttt.

Our liethodM friends prcpoM building anew par«o&«Be. They ad»«rtU« tb« prMsntperaouage at public aalo on Tuunday of thii

"Extra meetings an> W H B b»ld In the Matb-wli.t Church during thin week.

E3. Myem baa a nonlty lo »be shape of aia) wagon palnU>d white. Jt looks ratherr-id, but attrocU cou«iJnrabla nutlc* and Iuppow thftl'a -ha l Kl la after.Tnu UIMM Anna aud Mwy COB expect ui

.art fur Fjuridn sburtlj-, wbero they willspend tbe wiuter.

Mrs. To ike atraker aod family aalled (..rEuulaud on Uouriay of last we«k.

John Carson aud wife will occupy tbeWootUra liouaeou CorueKa street during tbawint*r, tbe Mine* Wootton baviuK movad toN A.. UyetB1 baam on tbe s*tao atr««t.

A Miai iilttle, tram B^too, will giro bu-ninraua and dramatic readlags In the Presby-terian chape) for tbe benefit of tbe V. P. H.U. E an Friday evening of tbia week.

Nick Dawsog has opened a shoo store in tbttnew buifdiug just flnislied oo Wain struet,idjulnlug Broiru'* drug it jre,

"Tbo HoMtou" Is thu name of a new genUe-uaii's lurnlohluK awre about to b« opened lu

the Price buildlug ou Malu streetXbe Chiiral Uulon will give thuir Btlb con-

cert iti tbe Frwfbyteriau UUurcb, Tuesdaytiveuing next, November a 1st,

A new building la being arected on tbe.uukeJo property on Mala street, O B « to U»

UuIWd Btatea flotel, or ratbsr what waa thobotel belorc the (Ire of A.uguat, IB. Wbeucompleted, all uf the district then burnedwill have oeeu built up exoeut the hotel,

i.kh is an eye sort) to look at. What a pity.uat the old walls are left a landing, and thatboiuebvdy couldn't tie induced to build a goodbuUil, or erect a nice building of somo Pjrt.I t Is oue of tbo best JocaUuiu En town.

LltUa dodgem are circulating about townasking " Who «Wlu me ituoater from MayorNun t a r Tbey bave caused canaideraoleauumitiiBut and it li getting to be a regularby word, and there are many hereabouts whowonder at such * query, as we all know thattbe Mayor don't aeep chickens. Well, theaoiutiun lo it is, that the firemen are going to

an entertainment in tbs Opera Bou tWednesday eveul&s UQEIBT thodlrwUou

of a Mr. Xellugg, of New York, and it is toUs a Mock Trial. Ttw Mayor will a-upear r.itbe caniplalniuit, W. H, Oliver the defend*ant, Ed. Looker the Ulerk uf the Ouurt, th«(JourtCrlw, Jotin K. blocum, AtWniey«,C.A. DeCfliup aud Harrj H. PirUi, and tbedberilT, N. A Wyern, besides a holt of wit-leuea. Tlie eoturUlnuient uromjaes to bo'ory good, and our Uremen should recalve

tba support of olir |K0i>le.Oacnr Juiiea and Jack Waldron, nbo have

been languishing in the county jail for sometime past, on the charge Of stealing chiclceoa,werefuundEullty on Tuesday and will proba-bly be aent to BLate prlioa.

Uusplcloiu looUnf character* bave beanboveriug about town lately and on Mondayoight Marshal Gllmartln, assisted by two oribrca ethers, arraaud lour men. Th»y wen1

tirougbt to the town building and 'a smallCS&IM bag waa tskun f ruiu out ol ibtm eon-tainlng steel drills and a quantity of dynamite. The Uartbal thinks vtu>y *vld«&U3meant mls&ief.

laid iUoshaw who dtlvt* Husk's bakery_ i, was relurnlog home Wedueaday nlfbt

(rum uue ot bU out of Uwu route*. Whenbetwwn UoonMu and Taylor town be wattbeWupbyaB»ngoiroiigbi1who»r»K*" _In tbli nulghborbood, who demanded hismoney. Ifc nfuwd to gh* them any »ndtbey then jumped on him, struck htm oil the«lde ot thn head and endeavored to Uk« ttfrom him by force. He milted, u d man-aged to flght th«m off, and ha Jumped oa hi*wagon and started his horse on a run, thusgetting away from them. Tba sams niahtthteret broke Into tbe new shoe store of NickPawson, opened on Wednesday for the drattime, and stole about one hundred and sixtydollars worth of shoes. Th.y forced an entrance through a rear window and escapedthe same way unnotiaed. I understand thats scouring party is going out this (Tbur>da>)afternoon on a buutlng expedition far tb«Mfollows and we sincerely bops they will bagtbelr game

Wblle driving to tbe ratlroad atatliWednesday afternoon, Franclaoo'a sUf .driven by ens of blsboya, struck a wagon asa* wai trying ta pass It, ton off tba wbetl oftbe oUier ftUow'b wagon, brok»U»axle andtbe man, wboso name Is Snyder, waa thrownuut. Ue followed the, stag* to tit> depot and•ccoeUd Francisco for bis careless driving.Tba latter waa rather impudent wltb bU r«-pllra, and tbe man Boyder wads a complaintbffore Justice Kj(«, A heartnc will be heldIn * few dajs.

A bronca a'todatlon of tha New JeneyBuIJdiDg Loan and Investment Company,with tttelr boadquarten at 'irentou, wu or-ginizid in this Dlaco on Tuesday «vanlan.The following officers were elected: Wm. 1.Powers, Prailtlent; Dr. C. Wigg, Vloa Presl-d«nt; J . T. Trowbridge, Beo'j and Trees.Directors, Edward Kelly, Wm, I Powers,DP. IVIgg, William Qrubb, Walter A Voung,U. LujanorlU, Frank £. Blaxham, Geo. U.Mutchler and E, P. Look«r. Tbe orKanka-tlon Btarts out with a membership of twenty-one, rtprea-ntictg some two hundred «tiares.

Humor had it that a new new-paper to beknown as the Boonton Herald, waa to make_. apyarwee here thii week, fcut a» yet itbai not materialised. It wai to be Independ-ent tn politics. A rtranger ha« born goingtbo rouuda of our buslnen men soliciting ad-vertfaemeuta ami saylug the BrstUiuft wouldcoma out this work. Where ths oftlca will be

» the paper will be printed it a matterof conjecture and no one seems to kuow any-thing about It, so I presume It will <Ma a unt-

il death.Jeesrs. Capttick & Sons, of the Columbia

print works at Montvilte, Intended erectinga reservoir between Boonton and Monlvllle,tbe object being to supply tbelr build lugswith water. Ft re hydrant* will bo pl&crdaround tbe buildings. Tho con'root for tliobuilding of tho dam, whloh will bo aboutfour buiidrttt (ett long and an average heightnf about fouiteeu feet, has beeu awarded to

ro Ringielb, of thin place, who cotn-tho HO,k on WediwwUy last.tMlSiipkifUiUiMlaibb home In tbl*

pine* at 6:!iO o'clock Wednesday morulug.Tba twwtX wrv im will be beU Frtd*}nfternnou Mr, tlopklus bis been a greatnuiTerer fur aome two jeari or mt»« withUiat dread dlsoaw coniumptlon aud whichcaused hla destb. He Uavet a wlf« aadimall cblld, Mrs. Hopkins has the it upatblraof a boat of Boonum frlenda in this «adaflllction.

There soenu to be a set of young hoodlums[a5d old ones, too, for that matter) aroundbera who should be token care of in somemanner. Tbey dfHgbt ininiultUig ladies atnight, prtentiises cbairfug tbem unUl theyrush forsifety Into aonie ons's house for pro-tection. Scaroelyaday paasts but tbat wehear of BODIB, EUCU performance and yetnothing U done to capture tbsae fellown who-;ever they are. I t i> hardly aafe for ladle* tobe out alter dork. I bear of one case luparticular wbemtevenl young bDji or menperhaps they might call themselves, enteringa certain }&rd Just before dark in an almostnude condition and were only frightenedaway by Um t&dy of the house appearing oathe porch with a revolver lu hand andthreatened to shoot U they did Dot l e w .They left then in a hurry, but dally wt bearof Mute one being chased and I think It timethat something should be dons ta protect ourwives and slaters and daughters from tfaetarufHani. We organise committo- s to protectproperty, etc , would It not be • Rood planto organize some >ort of a body of men to seeIf t bis nuisance can't ba stopped I


and you may Teat assured of tbat. We can sell

Fall and Winter Clothingskeaper tliau aujone in DOVER aud we are going to do ifc. We areunder no exjH'me, so we'll give you the benefit of it and aell yon

Tto Best d o i n g of ae Latest StyleFor lesH money tban anyone tAm da.ro to do. Do not believe false ad

isers, but come find Bee for yourself.

MUMay Beach, of J e n s / City, has beanipaodlofCito week with MlMClar*Dtfllwr*on.

Uld Ullie Vaaierhoof ii visiting friends tnVewarlt.

VuQraca Dk-kersoi Is In Brooklyn.Berny Kttler doe*not imp'ovt as fast *s

his friend* would like to lee Mm.ChKlw M>flrs, or tblspLiM, h u tba coo

tract ta npafr tHo Rookaway Valley IL EChurch. ' ;

O*Ofgo Van OrJeo hod a vair ot BUBSU opeevening this week, la a couple or tea yearold bojs who nere lrpm J t rwr City. Ttoyleft their home In tba morning for sohool,but ctunalag tbelr minds bo*rd«» * D. I*, wadW. cost train which ta- did thorn In PortUoirls, ttom wWA pU-» thay walKrf toDtnTlUe and wore banalng around tba depot,Ull Mr. Von Ordeu took tmar«e of them forthe nfsbt, next morning bo r o t tbem boms

Tbe Infant child of Fnd . K. Colllos, ofTabor, died Monday of this *reek withpoctimonlai

All sbonld stUod. tfaa flag prMeoUUoaTbanknlTing afternoon at tbo tobool boaM.Tbo exerdsea "111 bsltistMu I»eiod*lfl.ftUogCEUIUOby • bandfornlsaed by tha - --•-tioo iirrsral.DK th» &*l

Tbtt Uncos Club will g l « * reception inU»ir sew «luo bouse H«*«n>ber 28th.

Tba new churcb leago* ar« at ranging a(Ui««tklarulumaattortM«oK»th which, willba olTan Thujkiglf ing night a t tbe residenceo( Vf.h. Dickenon,nasT Tabor, All comeand bATe a good time.

Tba IsdilM uf the cbnrofa are arranglnj; fora supper for tbe t*n«6t *f tbt steward!,which wiU b* glvta n*xt Tuanday nigbt

enr big advertlMticnt on flrat pit* wlthootfall •* tba graodwt apeolal «a)« we mnr baldwUl «ad on. WadaMda; e;Twlng( »otan)b**

The Latest in Style!The Lowest in Price!




LEECH, STILES &, CO.,tlie riilladi-liililn Eye Bjx^lnlfsls, will be tn DOVER,

Wednesday, Nov. 22, at the Mansion House,(formerly JUIIUV'H tlotul) from I) t. u. lo ft r. u. IVrrtans r h o havetiKJUlni-lie nr ufni*-1 eytflmv cminlng ilJKCOw/ori HliouJdcall UponllieirH|X.-olullKt. oiid Ihey will rmflvc int«lll|(cai and ihUirm aifen-

iiulr of Kifl»«ai onlvivil Is Kimraiilpt-a to Uu BiiUsTiictOi7.

FALL OPENINGOf a Large and Handsome lineof Stylish


Made from extra fine material at PricesPositively Lower than the most CommonCloaks are usually sold for at

Sovereigns Building,







Ladies' Black Beaver with Cape and Fur Trimmed

SDover, S, J , . Nov. 16, IKia, Geo. Boliii,

PV.tertck Buley, Jin-. Cal«il1J. W. Cb»mp)In, Wahlnu Clark,J'Cob Prnrad, Firii Crater,Win. B. H«(, Jtrn. It. Murray,Heury B. Palroer, Mrs. A- «a M. 6bsrp,"ban, Tynll, Amosr . Wllwn,

To oi Uin nay ol tU aluive lulteri nay "itd-vertlsed" and give data of Iblnjist.

D H. ALLKS, P . M.

ROffE-FRANCIBUO—Mi.v IStli, at Ii D,Tilljer'aouGnld Ptrotrt l.y the Uev 3 II.Ue«Wofthi)QiaceU. IS Ufaurcli, F.i.uci.Itnwe an<< Nita V. Vtauuteoo, b .tbof D vor.

!103KIN0-KAMPP-Ou WeJnp.diy even-fug, Nov. ]5.b, 1603, at the reeidmco ofUnnsou U«artQK, Kq , Park Ave, Duver,by Uev. William Day. Mr. Prod. H. H-<ak'lut, of Bxn to j , dttl yimi larrlu Kuoivf,of Uaoetutown. .


f bMorris, made on tlia lltli day ot

M A. D. wm UvouwaJ utgui. lmwimitr-tiirwi, noUou In ln-rubj-KlronlOttll ixir-

-lng L-liiIuiH SKUIIUL tha BSWU) of Tht-oilorenteuf the ttonnty of MorrU, uociwwd, to

jinawut itie name, niutor nnUi or aitlnnallon, 10 thesubscriber, uu ur Uiforu Uio lltli day ot AnguuttiL.it, \teh\g niue inn nil a from tint dote of mildunlur; and any creditor nuxluctlnu to bring in uiiil» b l l ! t W, orher clniin, mfuiT u A or aniriuaUnn.

Mtatbl l i iBmiHiuluM, n i | l bo forunr ImrmiUurucUuiilhunruraBuJiutltioKxtH.'iilrii.le *;l<»-eutli diw <jf iVjvonii^r, A.. D, ttua,

MABV I C L K A H K I ' I I .IKNIilNUS,bUraiilHx.

Milton. UorfluCo-, X. .1. . B1-1U w.

BTAJVD BY THE POUCY,Sublime, Patriotic, and National,

America for tho Residentsif Aniertctt. l>o not abandon tbe eyiitem wlilcli.ivt* the vomitry tlie beat O|ii«ortunities tor IUKnnnem, Uwluiiilcs, and Ywuiffl'enjJe. Uieywte ever luul; >'n lnt«f«rww wltti tiw VrvH-v-live Turitl awl no llrjivnl 1 -. ...

' TramplB UponBVcrj jiroiHisiUon fur Unllnilinl fn-v CUIIISKUUIUllver Do(larB which aw worth pnlj- 73 cunt* onthe Oollu. Mike tlwLH tt"ortk a (Xvtl Dollar. Ttie«14!UKN>,°00 ot tfiitlonal Bank Notes withdrawnrromciivulitUuu tdnw JWi liave ta*i; TepltutfU 1K-OTW SsH.VXW,twn ot KiWi* w.il«U .w« Uee» jmt tn\.Sow Dialiu llu> ]>«o|il(i*s Hilvor money worth ~raw.foryourowii Iwni'ilt!

Rei< rva the Public LandsTor actual m-tilern ami w.-e them froii

. Oat and apcottatim. 1 Trote " 'Invlun. >KU4ri-:

No InlerfeiIUI tho iinnfTwwdw ;iullct«i of tlici RvimliHuiii

.- .Jittrans; exuuJltiK tl1nti>r«Ut*) C»iiimt.rw.!

^BchtioU: l'TOtwAijis ABWrtwi.i BeiwriiitflledinNdty wKliothrrAneiiusn

«is ilpnwn«liJK n«w E»i>i««lon of the lv>|>-...UlnKtrcUuni., *na an llooetrt UVmnl ; K\.

b>nitlnic Ajmrtenn foinniiTco : Hurtviiitt Auitviosii\K; TtMiijitinuin!; and ItMtralnlii^ Trustn.

The Superb Market'RtpetiioiTiuiN. V. "wrtnlwi Iff m:

lutroducuig Die Fetsta BtectrU Bpwh, -.

TRIXY HAMILTONAnd the Accomplished, Toun* Aotw -

FREDDAROY.Rii|)jiortod by a Oamtmny ct Dramallo sod

BrwclallyAHiyt* Hentote frith - .

TIIIIIIIM J i i u i i i i i j , : " : : ' ,, IIUIHM tiiniitt,

x Union vcuransU t 1ntfr«Ut*

t flpomi«*ltivi)y i\u< l«,t

ew Vurk \My Til*ui-wximiwrul l r ""to olw illslila

iwiRiire now i«*ltivi)y i\u< lmaiwiiertii Sew Vurk \My. Tiliiily ui-wxi I N \penuullr ""to oveiy mar

slilwa wevk tolu. OUier jini^incfniOnm. Unm-

l Ht T" I S S S P S M ^ K E B «•JUKI-.... (luutoUoiiM larKtV fi „mnvial IMVCIITB nay unnnhiioiwly Hint TimTnnu!(K's Uarktit Jlfpottn are I lie U*,L THI:TiumntK nuff beam all mala in ttie auc-urocj mul

ul L-ouililfU-tien* or ila ijUotntloiis, Hi In-:ul, s |inu.-tii«l mid \evrl IH-UIIKI Hum uimiXv UilomwJ M t o ITlcwtuia(hv Watt atrtt» ran lw .loins liy laklngTan TIIIH.SIL

Illusiratlotiaof tiie nun-* or tlie day nn> Tm-ly u^.1 In 'I'mTIUBUUB. Till* (jojior linn Its own ccriw urnnioHSJHI iilwno<iURra<tfcns i<uuit.. It iMtHnlim fvnlnn^fnf tne indJwt and culiilntn; TOIVIK'I luttcrs uu<Ib«ik reriewm, and many Kixvlnl tmiu

No Matter Whetheryrm a ^ WIUITUB ». V. TnimsK or tiu't, iu U-•rnUmenW. am jpw attnnl Et>v w n*\\ Hi* DollarWjcBKi-r, rvKularlr. wliUu a niutJotuu-)- jaHy In•nini-tjranadiiriiiK

Them Times o( Change?TIIK N. Y. Tumcni In the alih-nt, mrt. ojrci-.*

Ave, fctwl •MHutmt odvorate ol ttEinA>llciui iwH-d*» Wliai ttio ltf|itili]icuii naru imenUa tuu btirumsd fn.w TUK >. Y. THUWNK. TUB TuiBifi«*-«luitloS* the Trutli mul uuiy IlieTruih. Tliuttrd<jkitorikwweliu. lion-, on Uio Tariil, Currency,Woscti t i c will l» foiiilnniil. . .•

HcmBmbjrl • . •''.TUB S. V. Tttim-SE Is HID cie«tt*i, uurat, and

iftltM ut ncwBUaivm for yoiir family. YHK-a aWn-kb' newK|kii«r. nulcli liirmlis the Lomo wlltiUuiuamllly. w-uwdon, aud filsthood, rcculiv yourBAiieilifn> "Hiu tinwd toluuina ana inrye jirtut olTUK N. Y. TIUDLKI: tn»k«J l*Uiu twulait i»i«r tp

TUB TniBrxB hM tlio larRfrt <i«ulatfon of anyWwkly in tua Unllttl Btat«a, Uwkd Irom me omuool a Uailr. »Vo lu>ia cliaUcntied tbe oauittry furj-BM.wltb »Otaken., > ' . , . ; . . ' : -

" Wathlngton's Farewell"Wriw for lh« full. 1UUM»1«I Preinlum Llrt c_

N Y. TKIBTO*. A coi'j will bo walled, free

basait to crery out) [toyliiir Sl.ai fbisMper. Otter«xce«llngly mitrwittniionuvitubjaartlclM *m inUudnl u TaiTiu»ocii%i lint

i 'Terms for 189*.Biunplc coplo Tree. IVCKII.Y, (I, SKUWTKKXI

ft*. UAUT, tncliuiiBC SMIU1«J\ 8ia TRC UUKIU..

iSi^nff^y iDJanuary. K) ceata, oil DTCTIUUI iiura-




The Ituutlful WMtetti Romance -

Funny SpecUHIa,

Five Comedlam. .

Play ^ 6ood Compam

Admission - 36oReserved Seats, 50c

U r o c, nioMaalih, UwwWwXbo aay doubt tboul}t you ga to EI.Y^andbaveblmtakeyour

.iire for a DffW aiilf.'' la OofltreBS nuny meaa-MOiclunppotlUonaiiil Konie fall to paaa.

EI.V8 meanimt, thoui[li,paH br a uoaniraotuvnta In Ui«" Onngrvit of good drewpn u ooniwti•iMltliaLrjlakntatlbliiaulU above critidKii. Hillthe tadlM'tnd maVe rourwlf oorrect by tlujr UM\IELY'S MIIU leare no doubt an tkl> point Theran- atock' ot. material* tocludea OMTIOU, FancyWorsted* Vlcuuloa, Elyriitui, ChinchliW, natlna*.M E E

AN ORDINANCE.To repUate aiij conirol tbe transfer or a lloetun i

BTWWJ U> W-QUBOI 2. ChrlliM to keep i ^an Warren Rtnwt In lh«Tow?af Dorer.

Hia. i. Belt drtalaed br*thS JuSyorfueooMerIdcnnea and Coiuuion CouDcQmS oi the Town

to WtliisroZ.


•unanccanndn>gulatk>nsQE0UQK Mi

sU Jo«. V. B u n , CMt.

Notice of BetUementNotice U huvbr elnn that Ui«

wiUvriber. Exeuutor of Job 1cn»Md, irtll lw audliai "







lade for ttiis seasons








It nTM-me pleMore to acquaint my frienduwith Sao t u t Umt tbe/ can bare teeth eitraotedwithout paia br the UM ot Di. Jeonop's I»aalAiawtheUo at Ibe offioe ot Dr. Freeman, Dover.

Man. Wisrau> Piunm,; ' Book.wayN. J , April 8th, 1893.

Try tlu "Local Anassthetio at Dr. FreeuiHii'ioffioe and be Conyinoed that it i» all that ia claimedtot it. M M . H Eerwian,'

Nelcong, N. J., April 21«t, 1893.

I oau obeerfullr reoonimeud the " Local Anna-thetio" tor ntnot ing teeth.

M M . THOXAS K«NHA,, . Port Oram, April 24th, 1808.

. .UM. FniffiHiti inn VHHEUKD : . .- DEJLB SIRS:—I am m veil pleraeii witk.thn UMot the Looal ADsesthetio io baring teetb 'eitraotedthat yon have my permieaion to use my name anyway you pleaae as referenoe.

Ms. LBWIB WHITE, .ttwnljopo, N. J., Maj, l»t, 1889.


DR. R. O V B E E L A N D , .after teu years experience, haviuK a well knownreputation (or extracting tooth, Eaa aompted apomtion wtth Dr. Freeman. ^

DB. FEEBMAN baa the erolu aivenghtto u«eDr. Jeseop'a Looal Anaeathetic.

FAUUCU0THINGF0Rt30YS,Anotbor in here, demanding utiotlior trip to otir storewift."tbe boTi loi" W) ojothi c As UBUUI, wa ore in tbe.froDtrank, both^ in tbfe, variety of tbe UjleS we have to nbow yousuid the •olid.valaea we nre giving. Now, bright, cheerful,hHukomrt aitiyi erblusivo eeleotiona ia striking contrast with" bsvnkrnpt Biooks " and "job lots," about wtioh BO much

•noiaeiB Kia>r}a::::; l

. In ourp»od exhibit you find all the merit ol excellence both; in fashion and mute. : ,. "v l n tha etapla Btylea, tho regulnr Evmy-dny Suits, the "DoobL

bieasted Sack is all-popnlar and we )invo tixna from the honestUuion Suits At $2 up to regular beantit s at | 8 and 910:Any mother can give yon a string of n aeons, long »a joor•.irm—Rood, sensible, strong, paving, pati factory reaBotH, 'it pays to olotbe yoiir boya here. • • -

FOR BIG BOYS, 1 A TO 19Another rand showing. The nearer ]ik« tHi.or*ina|(iUR thobetter the Bis Boys are pleased. Bore'n the iiome in LongPantSaits, neither bo>ish nor ninonUIi, bat poised just bo-

. tween. Genteel and oomely I'iccadilly faoka and l)oT«tailGotavays "fill the bill," never disappoint, Xibiuc Pants Saiiti(com $5 to »15. ' •


Qoing to befutld at priceH that will Bweep4L\em off ouroouutcra.. Knee Pauta »t 21c ; Buya' Suits II 45, II 60, 11.90; Boya'' OverooaU, aces Ironj i to 13 yearo, with capes, wortU H,

now ti 00: Men's B nek Double Breasted Snita, worth 19,now 16.60; Men'a Working Pants, warrauted never to rip,95o.; l isa's Bluu BUok Overcoftto, the ltteat atyle, I 9 6 0 ;MOD'S Scarlet Wool Undfrwoar IBo, Men's Natural All-woolUnderwear redooud from II25 to* 1.00. Everything reduced in

Hats, Caps and Gents' Finishing Goods!Fine Laundered Shirts for ,49c This ruaaua good luck br

- every buyer who ittta innule of our itore Uiia season Call iuasdaeeths bargain*, lb« olean goods ol Uen'a.Boya, Ohil-aren'a ( lotbbg and Gents' FnmlBliins Goods at LIVING-8TON BB08.,ih>'oli»aperttolutliingBtoroin Dover. Trnnko,Valiaea and Baps in variety nnd prioaB to pleaae yon. i l lgooda guaranteed or wouoy refunded.


MCGREGOR & CO.850 4 852 Broad St.. NEWARK, N. J.


Property and Furniture. ' IK TB» • ' .


\JI3SET8, - - •-:

D. R. HUMMER,Iiaaruoi ud R~l E<uu i t

is'. coLuyFtb.•eXTpbolaterer

PUKNITUBE^: i^AttPBTS,Bedding, Shad«B, Curtains.

',;"• Pol8B.Oli01pth. . • ; .



SHOES• Another " raoy "translation utteredwith upright headought to inspirethe morning prime,shoe buying oirole

•. to fridgei pyerf anoooasional;' intito-

• sip •wrorth sReoed-ing beating downthe advocaoy ; ofdarkness againstepping forwardpreserving withjealous care themoderrfhue whichhas sp.mblance otthe dames andknights of amique'

.' d a y s . ' . . ; ; . ':"':••'.•.'••.• • ' ^ ' ' : "V

J . 0 , (<AMiNski;

• JENNING3 & DDTLEH.•• ,7 . / ' l t * a « a « i

Ai UMDld lUiid oti Morrta MUW, a doon iraniniclntilunwc ,Oontraeta takeni and nulariAlH




OrtlCEUOUBflt;! ta.|;Umjid D;» bi 0 r:,' DjULV,.«Mpt VoaUf u d m u ^ . . ' .

: SuBdAK i to t-Mottuy.,.:..;','

NEWARK BEE HIVE,1Things SoldThere That Maks

TheGfeat Store Ills I

Hint nin nil sin lor KHimiof


itillerCud 0u*lLADIES' and Gcna«ne

. Focketboola »ad Fiirua,GENTUIHEK'S WJIrl., Bill Bool*-'

. tlon no d Eolftmil TI<.kl°\juS!"U -LADIES'Silk Kolil>nn.riLADIES' 01ut«Ula«, Btccl And O0t

GHttDREH'S rB mClGHttDREHS ri«k.llm<,ta «ml IMSMI.

CkjLW.. B.11.S &,», ! B.g, Book•ncKTitmk 81n,p,. Truck u d Bl<T.m'tor J.omii, I t llnlnud Conenfc?PoRkbtliool.s, Bi slon Blinpplog andSilk IWl, CI.MeIa.uo u d Clofh Bohool1<..S«, Emb,oIiUr«J oi,d ]dlt,d OtoUi

- S*«S {.«noh Itoo»a nod Sbav Bailafc.•Jfnjla-golla «ml l o l b n Oolluuil OaKSgl l iDosOol I im>t01I L l t

B E L T S .FOE ULDLES- and Oemlanan. In

jri . ;> F A N S . •:." .•. ' ' .• ' -

Bilk; Bnlta,: IWa 'u . Topa,o i l l f r »o l r i l p 1 U ™ '

TRUNKS AttD^BACSpi"""*""" Book, BleainB u d •

Ktnna Itarrnl Top,aotibls inaiai ,'aroaa

..GLADSTONE, Cabfci, 'Oifbrd: "toadna" rtod Clnb JJnus • '•<:•• .;.:.:.- .

Ia.S.Plaut & Co.,:;7C(7tb; 721 Broad St.

Page 3: DOVER, MORBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/1893-11-17.… · TBA»: MAS THE LARGEST -t:; Northern New Jersey

Friday, Nov. 17,1893.tfaaVott Olttc* at Dover, M. / .


L O O A F t


T. 1?. Brani and family have goue to tbetity for tbo whiter.

ttrnait tlmilh, ot Newark, kpejit Sunday

lu Haw JBfBay out) ilivorou Is granted U>

The pmldWl at Oifunl furuaea bavt b«*tnieduosd awutber fortj wtilo |«r ton.

Hup't. fiaker, who hoi been coullned to tliebouse for a wtek Is able to bmUiuutagali

Tue Coctnou Council u CommtiMioiiarg ofApi»eli bad vory little to do MouiUy night

Hun Amy Becker, of MorrMowu, «ipuudey »ud Monday wltb relatives lu tbla

f dlpfatberja In B u c c u u j a .Th. gunning aod*. n t «r' . I» ,^r b . r a beeu

Tan greater la number tbin UiuaLF. W. Uirter»ntol Denrtlle, wfll go out

^ tU ptwtogrtpb buslww in BooLwiy

The pipe « • n m that hM been «Wal«d"at

O M •** <*• "•*« huntlhU erfelrs Hut baaU

*>*« ol Mr. and Mr.,Wadneaday

i f

Tht imimb,,, 0 [ c^np 5, p. 0 . B. ot A ira«OJ«Ujr m q u u M t l

• J}ebertKllI|W«peutaf«iwdeyNUilBwe«kvlBitlug III* pweuui nt F.uuilnguui, Huurter-rionCouuty.

Toe gr«et grocery bi-uwuf Tuurbur, IVby-land & Co. baafaiuM], and gut* Into Ibe hand*a.• TUe Vigilant foot Boll Until ileTvated I lie

povtr PublloPchiol team tatt Baturday by• swre vf *J—0. .'

TfaB DIattlct meeting of the K-ilgbU ofFytfala* ot t||U dlrtriot lakes iileou at Port0 am to-nlgfat. , •

Tb» silver repeal bill baa IMWUIIIV a lai


to l

Ne rton, B mm,,, l w J hashing',about au t q u i l muulMr o t * < * • ! *n*t tftfii, HoouUm iH«, aud Wa-ufugw

T b s Board of u - a U h n-Dorm Lhare m> uaw u w a <

tiiMltarUie Board will imarantlne erery« o .

There U a rumor all oat lu H>ickaway thatU t bioyolB work* will . u n up a*out tb» ftretof ibu mouth but wo cwinot >u,iob (or tbe

liUi ut U.

0r. Hatlowsy win preach Unmlay sreulugUiB«condiwrruiniiiprai "Too f d i I S "

t I th

Ou Buuday nioruiaK , IH l l i l

liar Sd, U«»

but tlie laboring men have tint tletiwted euybenefits from It. ,

le KMpaugli, aged 10, wait ttllrd In-p g , g ,y weak Monday by a gun a

- fee m i leaning going off., IVvduMday we naw llie flrat flakes of wluter

lu Dover^ Coal train* w«it through with- M T M I I bicbea of wnow <m tliein,

Hlobael Htigbea, b*Haudi.r at tb* UaiulonHMUB h4ia very i i i e eye, tint rtmilt tit a

k a l h l t b. Secretary Pawley and bride arrived lu

- towa Sunday morning «u4 are now wiltlwl inUIBUIIIB* houioon Qolii *tffl«c

'awley, nf WilmUjfttoii, lJel.,aktorof Secretary PewUy, of ttie Y. M. O.

• A,, has been vUlijug lilt) UiU week.'• Toe p»troiui aud fr(eud* of John P. Brown,

tbe NewfoundWuil bot"l keeper, willbeguu!loloein that hIn health It Improving.. Cbloken thle>en bave looted the henu*ry of

I), h. Plenum, wbo re.ldes on tbe road IiIng fn<m Uorrtt Plelm to TV bitfwtuy,

General Panatnger Agent Hoi will, bai' sued *n fcrder loUketag-nt* to Bell ticket*

' toteacherdal tbnaameraU a*to pupil*.' State H cretary Lucsi, of t ie V. M. C. A.,

. eddrenwd a large gathering of youug men fi;, ttisHorrlBtowii V. M. C. A. tlwll Munday.

Alvab flidner, son of Anwm IJ. Kldner.fHI, o»er ihBtailing of tbe UUIIMUII nUtx>t canal

farfatja Tiiwdey and w u quite U d y Injured- A larp-e atou* romntty ilmppud from tbe

- loof m tb* Oxford turn') and delajed tralnione bnUr Mid a half, wlllo It w u being

Ur. Hallo*ay - i l l j.^aob a .pwUIMorrlaCouncil Jimlur 0. U A. U , and the-lemtwn will attend In a body.

Cards are uut lor tlie weddlug of Him IdaM , daughter of Itfiv. W. a, lilakeslee, ofPerth Aroboy, and Mr Cbai-lea B. Cbrystal,of tlit* tomi, »u Thanksgiving Day.,

The members of tbe Congregational Chunk,at Ubtstar, will give a douatlcu to tlielrpaiwr, Ilev. K. U. Ei'gtand, on Tburadayafternoon ai.d evening ot next week,

Hopewell Lcdg«. Knlgbta of

Monaon Hearing,y oc, tfae «cailon being tb«

raarriaie of Mln Oar/ia Kwnpf, or Haclct., .town, to Mr. Pred. H. Hiking , of Boont-aiwraerly of I>0T»r. nltb Baker B*at L-^igtaforwitieappolnud lime for Ibe oeranunythe frleode begu to arrive and at flv« o'tba appuln«d time. H U Abba V*n4iu«tookbtraa«t«tthe ptano, the muloebarM,and all «yee wexi> fl.rf to oatob a sllinuie oCthatwoi totweraiMntobeoue . TtemanA.w«a M by two htde ttrb in w u i o , MiamUartba frwlgemao aad Ell ih fiwrlug, wbu

l bU.ii ,iria, and tu»y w r»>Ul«<nUnu.<lf Itant.

0. OHUUH, u NM».,h, f«,rme*ly ot H


tow., j tbcee InU'twe.) uy W* lirlde

Albwt HUDI), rf UerraDn VOIIPJ, FBI• elected Orrniid Rniior Warden, of Lha Braud

Kr.c«niiuufOt of Odd Ke'low* at Trenton.onTO

Bemuulf"K 1 ' t Wfdnetday evening a*rt gaveaome ixrflloit nmsio. Keep It up boyt,you ari" duing n«w1. , V -

: Rea'duiiUtof Murl-Pl- l ixore •BfUllu|j a.; nwroDieiil f r tlm con-tmct'oii df a railway

to Uorrlt't»wnl Ilia motive |K>«*r to be eitherboneaPpUieirolley »y«t»ni. . ",

Joim H. Lowe, toe genial igent at Ut.Arllugiou ataUoo, and ttlfe, have started torUtJc , H. Y., on « well earned vacation.May fcbeyhaviB^pleanuit lime. \

..'• IfetnbrAiioui ataup U oRlcUUy dtwlaredLhy- the New York Beard of RealMi to be•••;—.—i-..- - « j la.sow clamed uiider Hie

glv* OD enlArttlDiueDt In PjlhUn Hall, PortOraiu, ou TharikAglvlog bve, and a very in-torertUig program U bring arrauRad.

Tbe tnemben of Horrb Ooundl No. 60, J iO. U. A I f , are rrquetUi to attend UMmeellug n u t WednfiaUj night at tuatttra olgrrat inporUuce ara to ba oanatdmd.

1 t o kdlw uf the Mt, Fun Oourot willbuldaJuutdharcbUf Btctalntthe rwidemwol-7. C. »barp on W.dmri.J erralotf U est

•e ffilud, and a good time Ii pnjnfaad. IfnUrt-my mxtralr uiaht.

A now tlmo Ubte villl go IQIU tttmst ontfoudny u m im ibe Laukawuiua. No Ualn*will bedlttouiiauHl, hut it I, likely tbat tha"l*ort U o n l . Fiy»r" Kill rod iu tri|fbvreInetcnl of going I under up tue ruad.

Ne«t Tuttday evamng tiore will Us «•wrvoutioon eiblblttun In iha Uhtatcr Pre«-byUJritn Church, couslttlOK of HO aelwtodview, of the World* Pair, wltb ihe Interioror many, together with several BUte build-

it featttrei of the .Midway

whHemKBWlca.rrjlogabu.ijo .. __tbemunu, ti«d wlu> a loog w n i te « l 4 tluponthBaraoltbagroowdrBMBdioa•ult. Tlie oeremony wa, perfoitno.1 iijwe Rat. Wm. Day, of tbl* oUy, u*lug tl.Hnt-Mreoiouy. A f tar tbe knot *a» Ued oup»tul»tloni oam» from all aoraen . .-1 WflLreceived hwrt'lj by Mr. and U n . HnaUut,T U w»tfewmouienU were ipeta In refreahIpg tba inner man, and i l l pnmotilld them.•elf eajuatlot without faar.

Amon« <h. maj that w n r

noticed Mm. Eaupfand Mn Oart, Ibe w<*h*r«nd Wottwr Of t ie bride ; Ur. and Mr.. WinJ. Hoaktnr, of Dloomlpgdalo, and Ur. ElmerHiking, of Do«r , bmtfaBra of too grnwi.Dr. and Mn. Va*RyckK Hf. and R.-a.Whlu,Ur. B4J Ura. UarUtt, Ur*. Klota, U n . Aok-ley, MUMB Dufford and Block, aa.i Mswn.CUrkB Oiatua mad T. U. Plate, ot HackaUa-town, MlH Klw, of German Valley, and Mr.•nd Mra. DoUad, Mr. acd Mra J. Halrbotue,Mr awl U n . C D U . Otto, Mr. and Mr.. F*aiBeajliii .Mr.aodMr. L Y. Howell, Dr.. t K 1Uru. rrecman, Urm E. Htrierbrrt. Mr.UuDitnel, Mlwa JenqlB ttodRtman and BadleM w r . and Umn. M M M K M O W - . JOB. V.liaier and Wm H. Hocltlng, of Rarm.

Mr. and Mr.. HoakloK nntni a largeuumbrr of btauUral u d Tlluabl* glfu-Aniaog Uwm w u * hand-palaUd ohlnatour ew*i W B I « « u , ttra taw bo*i«,«.dlibaa, .U»ar pickle owtota, silver iugar bowl,twodoteni>llvar-•oM lined)

Corda hav« been received In D o w for tbeinairlage of U I M Ch.rluite R. Becnttt, ofPitUlmrg, Pn., to Jemee Dunbar-Bruntuu, M.il.Btl>»lk'i(lillaiite,Uamln|taDlBn|l«tld,ODNoveuibei JJUud, Idiat Bennuttie >ell knownU) oiany jieople iu I)u»er who wtll wlib herwell in her buns beyond the an .

TbeBoouU.il Oboral Uukm will bold Uwrll/tfa aouDal oouoert va Tuetday ei»olnj; next,tue aut luit. under Ibe Ireotlon of Prol. B.M. Youtg. If the former ooooeria oaa betakeiiMCiiteriuue ibte will be • deliftbt tonude lovem. PeiKim detlring to alteudItem Duyer cnu return ou Utm train tbat

leavti Bovnton at 10:1ft

Btcllr If aok, of Teabo Mine, w u drunk *nddiecrderly around fee D , L. aud W, depoton Monday and Martbal Bagan wai called totake ber In. Hte nfuetd to walk until theUartbal got tba ambu aoce and tben ebe

iMl hn mlad. Alter • night in tbe iU-tlon bouw tfae wei taken before JuiOoe'

bwi-j ttbu gave her aome a/«d advk* andlet ber go on ber promUa 10 get out of loamat c o n and never to return. •

v A tn*n' In VUmbertvino, pun&rdon^ County, died fr tti dUappototraentovei- the"• deftat of. au Afsemblymin. . He Wai a

Democrat and axpwied aa omoel: .-'- A new; weekly papec will be started fuBodnloo 'past w « k . ; It will be Independintwith DemMratio leaningii, an both nf UIB p

NextwiMklhetnlnit-or tbe L«ckav,-4will begin ruunliia; over tba Central bridgeto tn« FourUt •treet Btatfon At Eartun; aui"n e * Unia table will go Into tlTeot. ' . .

Tlw Mt.-OUve PmbjUrian Oburch *g t « their paitpr, Rac, John H, Bdiofleld, a

. drwatlna vuilt on Tburaday ermilng, Nov.83d, 1808, at the pem-nag*. A hearty wtl-

'.'. -fim fUadolpb lowr.hli.Ufnjury Tnaeday. The caw-wan for ohlokrnitaaling and Uiay foond tie (udietod menguilty! ThelOMowae being tried Uio-iecouJ;tUM, Uw flnt Jury Uvlng d(Msi«ed.' - Tha mw triba of tUA Henon Uooday night. Tbe Tribe will atari off

,w«h 100 member* The Qrand Oflloeri wUIba praaent At Ibe meeting va Monday right,

:an4 tbamerliaof ihe tribe freely rat forth... The JaorrU:County:ChlWrei.VH..me h i .Miooteded in paying off a lnortgage of H,-G00 tm IU property, ;wblcb la no« entirelyfree from dttit The Home *aa UIB. recipientduring ib* pant y««r of legacies ;atii'ountlitg,

• t o i i , 3 M . * - " . • " • , : . - . • : - / - : • , • . • • " ; ' - ' • • , ' • : ; • . '

'.An order JiBi baea iiHued liy the lAdcawannaofflGlalaatwtlncan thrfrm'neB on full time,Tfcia la laid t o concern 5,000. men aiSd boys,and thli obaerlsc aiftie of affairs la told to beap» to (VWIUDM duriai'-tbe majorltyo! ti»

• A thinly cUd woman . foll,>wlug a halfdrunken BOBU to Uw door of a aaloKu'and airouBtag hlu^oC bavtug iobbod.her lo .gutmonajr for baar Indlnu one to the.^boughttbai Uwra.are'eama m«a> .whom it were

j to call en!*-'. :: ' • • ^ S ' -v. •1 ,:.

, Aauooearfulniilon raeeUnj of to* 'YiuiigPaoplB^aaooiaUdacanncotod with tho oburcbwat llarr'atowD »a i h*Ll Utt 6aoda» evenlogla the Sunday tcbool room of theaforrfi'ovK E Chnreb. Anaddrca* m i deilvertd IDr. Theodora Cuilir, of Brooklyn. .'P iauf i fraer eouiuhdon to. 'Newark, i

Wadoeaday, wai • ; great «U«*SB ID point ofBurobari, tba eight can Wylog; D o w abouihalf fllUd. "It waa a n<ml and oipenalvo ad-varUabig Bcaecie, but'thl*'tbrewil-!flnn ofmerchant! knew what thiy were about.

Uf a no*nt order twued by Oo£fral P m m -f i r Agent HolwiU, of tb* .the.' Delaware,lAckawanpo and Weatarn Railroad, achuolUacLen patronliloj tbe Morrl* and Bai-x'branch will be allowed rat«i for Uok-ta atthe atnie pric« which pupil* are charged..'

Amnog thBoawaV mentioned for treanirarof Haw' Jarasj U that o( John H. OILi-n, ardtba pBOpla of tbla aeetlou wbo know him a»dramember hl» BCITICM: to tba'Rrpubllcanptrtj thiok It would oi>Iy be jnit that ibeteaavlontnauld ba rMCpnleed End mwBrd«).- The Whjpponotuj Hall Ataoclatlon haibmight a UtMe-acre traat.of uuid nn tthlehitoerect a temperahca o'nb' hon^,'«nd townshipball for Un we of the pe-ple of Jfabovertownihlp.'. It will nqulra I3.OK) to ctrry theprajeot, W.O0O of wblob bai already; beea

• b e Wouldn't be Swindled.Un. MMJ Hunion, of Dover, w u one

of iha tboueand or .mure pereona who want tofowark Wednotday on Plaut'e free •on- On ber way totaeiUtion ao« ttopprd

Into on auction reom and the auctioneerknocked down a watou lo bar although ababid made no bid, However, tbe w u willingtoP»y*B.uiforitit Itwaigold, a« wal*ged,aud taklnf a. woeipt went to a Jewelersto bate tte timeplros exemuud |i) WM proBounctd valuelm and •ba-;ietuiiwd to theauotloo room* and demandtd ber mooeybank/1 The woman In obaria nturotd flOOatidfaid tbe other dnlUr would baf« Jo goto paj- the auoilonam ootnnilaalon, KiQeulun lanotitlpgy^utebe'ie a woman a•plrlt uxj ote MhodoeeDotgoaroandpaMlniont dollan to keep ihark-dnlo*ury, aoeb*poetedoff totbepolloeMaUoa nod report^•trixpHleoce. A poUownao WB«. takt backto 111* aton with her and baton Uuy gotfalrlyintotbeittoretheytiunt woman oltrkbad tbe dollar out of tbe drawer. Bally forMri HenJon. It all womeo.and m a a toobadihe«punk to otend up for their right*Ibera would be • gocd many obeap Johna outof btulnw. , •:•-•". •.-'•.:•

EH OUT HIS TUSOAT.;Tbe people1 of this town were gr-atly mr-

pruwp to bear on Wedn*ad*r mirolog thatCbarlee Gm.t, the night watobman at taw earabouaoad oommttted aulofcto. V About Iwoyears ago be bad « m e r e aanatroke fromwhich be never recoiered and be woafd oftencomplain of terrible t»lna la DM head. U*tried medicine but ouuMgac notUog tie*would bring about a o m e . A b a n t mlduigbion Mawtey be went f 10m the abop* lo hie hotMtbgcteooHtuedlclneaiMlMbebadbeeaiooavplamui lately bit wife beoanw aairMd analInquired how he felt..: He «Mwere4 thai towaa fMling belter aodVtnY back^to woikaitbouih Un. B r u t urged him to remain atDOOM: ' WbanbeearoebameTneaiTmoralajibe ootloed Uwt he did not lookiaa W l uumal. n a t d a y b e e o u l d aot sleep tmd, atlaet abe pennaded him to aUy at ham Toai-dajnlghtandbaveaaotberiaaui work for Urn.Ha lay-awake until about 8 vfctoak • Wadaw-dayBurstc««bf*.begoCnpaaildraa«d andtoldbliwlfe, wbowaeawakmedbyhbmoT^menta, that be wai lo lo f out..- Oa flgkted Ua

d l d M E

wa* of tka waat aide. At UM awn* Ume thagrooo aa4 ate baa* man, Dr. O. O. Bacbman^feaebed la* altar by UM * u t aiato, being;praoBBdcd b j t N otbar two uiben, Frank L .Ooffao, oPRooDtattr, and B. Valr or thisplaea.. Tha hrkU and h-r maid wara Uim-foUy atUred In whlta gowna, and <mn-fa*wUU cryBantbecnum*. Tt» church < # »aikdwItklnltadKoaatatowltiUMBUM :,KrS u i d f r a m I h e nmony: Followlas, oama a rmwutlon • | thereddeaoBof tbe brtWi pirattta. Oal y tberalatlrta of t*B happy .ooupla, ' t r ^ t t U rwith lt»M who officiated la the eeVir , par-took.^\*B BoaBftu-^a waddlna;- Mppw,Amno, the w«lUi«praMOt. WBTJI tfm, thatlrtof tb« brM*'. trotter; a brr*tV dockfrom UM directors of tba tocal Y, V Q A, •* ciM of vM allf ar lmn»a from11 n . Waat-iaghosM, and DUtneroiu othec v Mfol andoraajuaaW raoManbraiK^. T ft. happy. 7 be bippjooopto toft for taelr fa tnn hoer... l n Davar,N . J . , Friday nKralng,th h W f hla* heat wiahea of a luat of l | a«da,-,WauirJOJ (W. Y.) tfBWi > ^ ••'••'

; : A iamtn belmnui'g.tii.aflorga'JlHrvey, ofIIODI*, became fright*ned at UM, ran l«ilToaaday aftarnoan aad .managed to: tear uptbe tie post' In front; nf ; BdrcbBlI> markot,11t were not for the timely aatUUn'M of theby-atflitdenlit lalikely Oiflr wonld have been

'.Davptaia'McLean, of the Monistown branch)f theSalrati'ni'Arinj, j*raach*d blB.fare-lraUTiarmon:iait Buuday ra!(hU. BlnostheCaptain \\%» b*-n ut ebargaat Korttrtjwn hakaa "JMtL:, •.•Butrtantlal1 _brioW: bulMliigf.1IDWater atrwt, 'which ii xmA aa a meethtjt

M p f t V H u f i ^.SawaTi,'iil«peotor' ofiha 8tato B Wrd of, Healin, - b u qdarantlnnlOwatable at'&•&'-, Rodemond, *Mor>l«town,-B« cUhui that o M R d a V b

Oodlng that ba.had not ratoroad the got dp tolook fur him. On BOlng: down i l a ln lnta a•tualltnUrklloaaaakeiawhar husband t»-

wiUi filt threat ont from aw to tar and theblood fJowirg from |ha woond lo Btnanw andfuming ingieatctoUaroond e i n om ikw floor:Tbe poor woman «aa nearly cnatd and amifor Dr. Cook who ba.Un+d t> Ik* (iae* oalyto Rod that Ernii was bayood baman aid.Tbe doctor found Inert w e n two wounds. Inthe throat and UpOBclaair lavaaUgatlaa Itwas found tUtbbadiwvlMblyaatdtharaiortheflrntlmelnths'ijutar kltflbtn. and thanwent Into tba parlor to die, as a Irall ef bloodlad bmweM tba two room*. Than, to makesure ol bla work, he w n t back to tba kitchenaud nasd tfae ranr the BBOOnd Ume with.terrible «fftct. H« waa hinaat, atAar aaa)ioda>triop», 8B years of age, and p i aby all who knew U n and it la thought, Uath committed soMde wUIe tampororDj f^

n*. "He ™ilMUiedbathe C K M M Vrlepj

C K M M Vrleade'

Tn* faoeral aertlosa will be held this after-100 «t tb* bouee and 3 i » at tfae Presby ter luCburcb, of "bleb be wi

."•• •,;• "•• •; • A » » t a I l > r l T » . • . ' , • •

Tbomaa Vuixj,ot Cnkago, a son of Joknuiv.'bf Teabo, ouneoatoactend tBefnnwal

of hie titter a short time ego. Ou Batardayhestairted out .fora, drive to Dover wltlt Ugcouilo. •' In luma manoar his carraaajaawl theouriag* of E. J. Roai collided.'• Tn«y :.WMthroivn ant aud teterely Ibjored, Ha died cjtMonday from' CODOMSJOO of tbe brain with Mr«tafoini cobaalonanau,'' The. funeral webeldatlit..Hopejejterdtjv-"••,',,•'.'•'••-. '"•• .

IvertMrryipoiMi,_ - trer kuiras aud forte,

M o atlver buttar kolTH, Btlvar Jtllf spoon.ailver gravy ladle, large quantity of tableand bad llneu, blanket*, table spread*; haud-paluted lambrequin from lod lua , aet toiletbottlea, two *\*%tn\. parlor clocks, parlorlamp, pliuh maker, an elfgmnt mpe Ublf,pab- (.ronta vasu, picture of tba groom'smother, bwkt, tray elotha, pin w-hionanda l a n e number of gifts thai warn u a t toBoenton dlnet where the ne» is marriedo«n-le will » tUe in a newly luiolil^d faonssaud commenc* 111* I H * . AS Mr. Boaklugaai.nol ka*e kla bustuere in Bonatia he willm»ke but a v»rj aluirt trip to BrooUyn withbU priai to SM tha ftrootn'a tlater, U r . Ch«..BennaU, wbo waa unable to be p i w o t at Umreremony. The Night Owl guarUUa mad*.Mr. u d Mn. Hoiking a very phaaaDt nailthe Utter part of ihe evening. W. with thatne*lT married ouuplu a long and happy life-

' OAGK—HaKBlB.The mipllaU of i l l » Agnea Oage, daugbl „

of I'olloe Juitloe u. B. Bade, and Wm. V,Harris; wrre aolemnited at tha home nt UMbride Thnraday afteruoon at five o'clock lnthe ptwenoe of a large number of guorta.I be bride WBB aiUred In a charming goou: ufWhite Chlnaallkandcarrl*d ohryMnUiemn m..Rer, Dr. Halloway performed the cenmaaythe rlfig asrUre belus tued. The weddingmarch wts played by the bride'N fitter, ML-*.P. W Flsgge The houas waa hnutifufiydeoontud by Bpaagler, and after the, oerre-mooy an elegant luncheon was served byDay, of Morrfetown, Quests were preventfrom Newark, Brooklyn, Orange, Morrlatown,Chester and Hanover. Tha brld* raoelvedmany baautlf ul preientB Mr. andt l ira , Har-ris k f t on the 0:48 train for a sbort w»ddingtourand on tbelr'returo will go to'houss-keepiini In one of Jcseph G I W B mw looseson Hutbon street, wbieh b furnUMd andready to reoBive throi.

The marriaga of Hlai Allan L.burg to William C Pawlsy, of Dava-, D . J ,

soltmnlafd in the M. R, Churoh at 8ck ..p. Mi-. TJ* eiureh wai pe

dsoonted, EverBiBan covered aramamdlrfrlbabdelOBRtbeaiala., a « l a aOM spanned tkeallar. Suspmtfel froni thelatter arch wai a bsll of BryaaatbeauiaiU n d * tkU the fcrfattl party atoaddurfnr tosremouy. TheRe» . i . F.Baebe, yaator i_tfae ccurch, parfoniltd UM twrasaooy, asdataitby ike B a r R. H, Muaffr, of Auburn. Tba>bride a«d htr brtdnaMld, H I M Harrait K.Pawky, preoBedei ny twnof the u*b*r-, R i l -HB Hoffmvi t:af Newarl, and D a * M A . '

yoang man of Illbernla, died aiill bnmfl an Huaday after an IllneM o•eek. Ho waa US yean of age and

married and waKentemberof Htadog A trowTribe; No. 41.1 O. H. M , of Hcekaway andAnchor Loilge, K. of P., of Hlbernla.

MtUt. BLUIA ANK WBUJU.In there days of agitatlou for a mure publio

lirofdr-wunieu.it la euuouragiiiK to find sucha tribute ur ronpeet paid lo ewe who bad nudenlro,aa aha Bought no opportunity to beeeeu or k a o n t ouUIde the u&rrow circle ofberhomellfe Mra. Ellas Ann WeWi, widowof the lata John O. Welsh, dl«d Baturday,Hov.llUi (atft£3Oi..M,atClerm*n Vnlley,

With ountlnneJ wuakneM to canUuA wltli,tliU HtliDable lady always found lime tonavu her household duUea attended to withouotnwe and punctuality, Unobtrusive and

•lest Rh*> alwayn reapondad to tvary appeal• help aud adtnlnliAered wltli her o»u baud

wlwrover poesibie, twr retuly cUrity. N<were the niora Important du'Ieeto berchld u n ever neglected. Aluaya rejilolug Intkelrouccewand auirlngin their every Joywnd HOITOW, the never failid to use all h»tnBuenoe and authority to keep them atead-

ut in the. ohristlau f utb and duty.tntbecfaoroh which atae i«lned maretliau

10 yearn idnoe, the occupied a foremost poei-tionlo every branch of woman's work,her death will leave a large vacancy ln thecircle of faithful workers for Christ.

large circle of relative* nearlyBverj family In the Valley wa» representedin the large audlenoe prsMiitat bflrfun*ralon Wednesday, which crowded tbe Preubyterian Church to tbe doom

UBB. A. J. UOAOLARDUra. A. J. Uoagland, wlfr of Mahlon Hnag.

,.<!, of White Meadow, died last Rundayafternoon about three o'clock from paralyali.~ r fctekneas dat»a from b i t aprinc when ihi

Ited WaabingitoD, D. C. but she wai confloed to bn room but three weeks prior to herdMlb. Mrs, Hoagland WB' a d tighter ofCol. Tfaouuu Mulr and she sod ifr. Hoaglaed

J married nearly fifty ytsui ago.w u asfentyyeara of age aad bad lived IDWhite Meadow, about two ntlee from Rock-away, all ber life, Bhe wa« a leading n

ot tfae Jtoduwaywith which iba had beat Identified for yeara,and alwaya took a lively interest In a)l kindiof church work. Bhe waa highly raspeoteil>y rlob and poor alike and nude frlendi

whereavar ahewent. The toneral serticerwere heldst the bouei on Wednesday after-

a at 8^0 o'olDBk and the Intermfnt w«tb In. the family plot In the Rcckaway

Prnbytertan oemeUry, T ie bousa wsa notlar|e enough to accommodate all who wanted

attend and manr had to stand ontalde.in* followed the remains to tba grave Inrriagve as alert token of ttoelr esteem andwae the lai-gent funeral ssen In Bockawayyears.Urs.'HoailUMl IsBvat a husband an) five

ohlldren, Mrs. . a s . L. MaxWo. of Wart Vlr-•tola,*Thee. H. Uoagland, itahlonHiailand,

r.( Mxa. H.' D. Btralt and Mrs, J. F . Tutlk,II of Rtckaway.

Gould, off tk

the aburofa b rU

•t g with them

oanaat Ihe Court Hcwu oa, T»ieBday, to mthe new Sheriff awtm BBI» office. It wanshorty after 11 oYtfook -when Judge Cutleraad Aawctata jsMlfM Hardln and Wllaonoam«dpwB>toUM Cleric's orHoeend afUreswnlalottend o*rtlfyioC the bands ot theSharlff, stork and Depiatr Clerk. JudgeCutler uttnlalatered the. oath of office to

' MUcker.ElIaaiB.HoUandrJamel> r . Backer'i.nioadsmeu wereM.

& Ooadit, Qny lUlton. JeeVn F. Post, Johu B.Vnekuid, Kaoek aananawd, Qeorge W.JeaUns and Joahoe. ft. fiouxum.. Ckrk HoU'ibondeBwn' ym»:-. Bdn-Aind D. HaUey anaGeorge Wi Stickle. Mr, Backer took Im

aM wlU always be, ftboae whobavab

na dy to attaod toitb b a l b

p ibtatioiu. Ur.ahbi family »» Xorrlvtown

Wh« U Chajanlon Trap Shot of1 •!? •" Haw JaraarF ' ' '

* IBOH Baa, I •aaathacWm.F. Claat, of HorrU*

tows, i s kla aattobaa with Wm. J. A. K.KUott,at»laa tamaalf ••CbAmpkai ot NewJ " I l d U k W ClJanay." Iwofil

pWm. Claaoa

g be okdms tbat Utlal U it ba-caaaa ka kaa t««n defeated for It ID iwo eon-aeeattv* aMlriiee by mel It wo, haveaotbug.to>aj, eicept that it I* the flratout nn Tocwrd wbora the dofaatad paity evar

A W l I h bpy

Itrsemsbi me that be-fonWnuUlaaiaBaiimutbat titim. It wouldbe naxwaiar} for him to wio it. If there bany fjaA tn tba amylng that " to the /rloto/'b l t t l l "

- v.'- Donauon Bantladteeof th*DMitUUH,B. Chiitdt willa tooiBi;enterialnmant;nnd. lappar a t

toe pawoniar, Ttiaiiday eva*jm Vor.'SKAllare Invttta.' If •tortoy ct

our big aditrUakinent u a « n t pac«>tthoatfall aa thi> gtanden «|Xj*al aatr WB emir M dwill and on Wednesday; evaotojt. Ko'renbarg * i ' ; L L l * Q R ' ; w "'

,' • Yoora Betpactf ally, *: :.;,* JOHN RiaOOTT.

toefcaway, M. J ' WOT. 14, lb03.

The amtnat visit cf tha Board of Free-hoJden and the press to U» Poor Honae tookplaof, on WedMBday, and Ilka aU tbe n n .

i moat enjoyable^ .Theren tfae party and tbe doaw

Jd to tfae very ercelleocy Mrs, Miller. The turkey-

WBB cooked to parfecuoo, tba pig dona to a.turn, and in faSTtbe wbola.cuumie wm« de-Udooa. Tba h a m b In DraVrate) oondltloni

J. it DalryWipla U doleg a nse trade l iti>taUara frameeand baa tbe flneet «tock oTmoulding to be found In thla waeUaa. U»also haa all klnda of 'mdrioel Inatrummta,ana the iataat'productloiu in vocal sod lo-itinmantal.. niuric Tbe ' Morrii County

h b d t


1 Hkews, a well kuiiwn aud big LI;

Th« Hiibjeot of UilsBketchdJedatthehotnehia Bister, Ifra. H. J. falmer, In thli towiWednesday morning a t about 4 o'clock,.

d when tbe uandte ot hte life WB* muffedlUtone'of those large-hsarterlt. well-rounded•emnalitlBS whose inflnenoa Is all for good

i: th's Bllent majority. , Mr.leiitloy was bom in Brooklyn 58 yeam . aguind for forcy ye«ra has lad the lire o f a Tall-

Whtinthe H. & B. was firstipened bu wan ticket agent a t ' MorrlsUrwii

went to Newark lu tlie n n wuapacity, and also served flta y e a i t u itatlon

at at Dover. Ue af wrwtnls took a trainand lu the capacity of conductor roundeJ outtwenty yaars of tMrvfce with the if. & E,,ttoen allured by tho goldea cnarut of toe

gA ol tba West he (rent out t

He only remained UMTBd b b k


r, ami wbeu be came back be wantito the employ ol tfae Long Uland Ballroadompany aa oooductor, wbtoh jwaitlcra hu•Id until a fen- monUui ago, wluut be took, a

special espren meawtiger on'the B.0 Ita Iroad, running from New York toirglnia When be started on hi* last triproVeeki ago he was not feelinf well, but

e only oocaldered bin UlnnsabUlctui attack.He grew' Worse and when he reacted thesouthern rod of bis trip be was a very rick

D. He came t tek to D o w an soon as heId, where be has b#sn m^Ung his hometbo Uat two months, and under the

pnytlaian'a care weemed to begetting better.Tuanday be watt apr arantly ranch improved,

•utin tfae night fae loddenlf became worse" a t 4 o'clock .Wednesday breathed his

last. Heltawra fcurchildreii, two sons and)daughtera, his wife bavloa; died twentyin ago, For the last eight. y » a n he-hasm a conitst4nt and faithinl member ot the

Hetbodbt Cbiireh, aoUve andsfforta to do good, and among tfae railroadmen where be was btrt known, the remem-iranoe ot his kindly nature and generous Inr•uUea will be fondly obeiiabed. The funeral

will take place a t the raatneooe Df 8. J, Pal-mer to-morrow (Saturday) at 11 o'clock.Tha Interment wiUb* at Motrlstowtf at theonienienoc Ot tfae family. '

FB.OBX SALOON TO DEATH.LewU Suiter, of GraflDvlIU, w«ut U> I t e k

away un election day U> vote. He was alsoto onltr some lumber and tuaaom1 mBterialHfur a ueir bouse b« lutended to build, tbecontrast* (or which bad bean (lv»n outntidwork on which was to b a n been begun OlMonday of tola week. Instead of goion bam

•fated around Koakewsy until TbaNdajwhen he ordered tba tblngn (fir bts bouso.Hit family did not know what wms keepinghim away and on Friday his yonugartcame to Rockewajr In search of blin but couldnot flDd falm. HIB Harsh biought to lightthe fact tbat be bad lait bttu Mn wheitMvlug Atno's aalnon between 10 and 1j'dect au Thursday atgU. As tUs ssloca Inear tbeoinal tt wai tbooght he ml^bt bkviwalked off the tow p*th and bran di-oiBut it was too lata on Friday night then tolook for him eo on Baturday morning a num-ber of people began t/j drag the bottom uf tbc«nal with grappling Iroui and atnnit teii-olnok Uanlel Holly pullfd blDl up Hollybad a canvas boat and couldn't got the uorpeeInto it so ha called for halu and Wllllwn andQrorg« Hall name t» bis awbtanoe, aud, pullIng tbe body fmm tbe canal Ihey rarriwlllto tbe rear of tha saloon. Coroiur Hnghsua,ifMorrbtowD, was luramuQcd and arrhM

on the 1:4U train and prooMded to tbe placeacvcrnpBDtrd fay Dr. F. W. Flagge. Tn* bodywas than runoved to tbe underteklng eatab-Ilihmeut of J. C. MoOrath where Dr. Flaagestamined It but could flud no mark* l'dlcat-Ing fogl play u d tie Coronet decided thatIt waa a ce*e of acoldsntsl drowning and no' Kjueit was neoeetary. All that was found

i the pockets n i twenty-five cants, a matchbox, a tobaooo pjuon aud a few coffee cakoe.Rtalter, won was OT years of tge, leaves a\widow andelfbtohildi*n,Bllgrown. Ha hada titter drewtxd fa tbe look at Powrrvllleabout Ut yean ego. He was unite a wellmown character In thla lection and we tin'

demand would go off on a ipres nooulonalljrbut be went on on* too lUBiiy.

. - A afvatery *Us Tu«eday tbe Newark Evening News

abtlabed a special dispatch from Morrie-1 giving the parttcaUre of a taypterioue

oocorranoa a t that pkoe, • Tba Banner of thisweek baa thia to say about It: "Tberaaeenutobeaometbiivin theuadlngof a» Iron pot

tbe Keanelly wtate, on Soutn Street, irlttitbe ear mirks of having been recently

reeurreetod by parties wbo bid buried it liprmtouB y r a n The caUto Is being laid ontio building lota, and aa landmark* are beingwmoved it I M H I to have Impreawd theiwneni of tbs pot of money or papsn, orwbauver l tmsy have been, tbat It wa< Umethey dug it. np. A fate days Uoce a well-dnwcd.man of about 60 appeared: on the

diagram he beld, marking Bsveral spot*.That night tkre* n»n were seen on,the|ii in i i w . suit tbo following morning tlie coo*tractor who ii doing tbe work on the placefound that t W deep bolee had been dug In

i night, and In one Df them wai found the)lten Iron pot, meuUonBd abort, and a flatne that hid evidently bean cementedmi on top ot It whenburied. Thli laal]

tbereia lo the matter, but putting all Uiefacta togeUier It 1 is to be qtillecleirtbatraluables of tome kind bad been, burled In

Tjeara and Just recovered." ;

• 7allan Into U n e . •Tba.Prudential'Insurance Company has

imp in UOB with the otlivr oompuilM andidllad to grant paid up policies to any•ana person whose policy hnd bran in forcerejean or more prior to June last at the

aVpiemiuni* casatd to be paid,; Ferso&i'bo hare paid premium* for one full year orlare^at the tune thsy ceaneitopay may

nt a new policy at tbe present age and

Tan Collar Oloak,ve you HWU tbe gftat Teu Dollar Cloak

at Dickeraoa'* In Htack, Tan aud Na»y. l t udandy.

tontfllninc ure ur li*s, ni i v r.wt of intHl U.

k l l f d V \ [

Md glaoden and the animal win condemnedIt l r U f >

«41'jprtpoeM to fight tbe matter, '•' :

e'on our krwee^to Brol Tomar andc«n«ratulatlaue -- W-; ;' UneJ* Bedny"

we remeaiber with admlraUonbiat! •twUcmeer In all that coaatrj

whoa* ragged homrty willo* Warren a Mean and oorape^

' ^

MndcaJ Waiaroonul*1 the proper pbud to goDonV m l * tlw ten d«y apetrla] aa:», com-p ,lloaday, Nonmbmr. HOu, 11 ti.p

f J a 0 d i

with taaM patn £1 taa back whan Killgore'aX X Forana Fkatarwill glvayou relief. . ;

big advartiaetnant on firrt page wltitiutl special atle we evBr held

U nA on Wadnartay artnlng, Novemberall aa tbe ifraudect special sale wm ever heldTha-Tlorlda Steam Heater.

viUl end on WGloflediy erealBg, Vovember884,

T . X . O . A. NOTES.The Uoloti meetlDH Imt Huud«y Iu

Churoh was fairly well attended, but goes toBhow that ram's meeting! are more iwpularto mtn than mlxrd meeliugs. 1'rettiduut Hul-

tapokeoonoerningcoUego wo. k, and Rev.W, fibawgu- ccacernlug the purpo«w and ao-ooiuplUlinMuts of essociatlon work. After afow remarks by the Secretary a collection

ran taken lor tbe Inloruatloiial Committee.Tbe 3oyi< meeUns lut^Bonday was led by

Tltui SnydT, Chairman* of Reception (iltUe. •Tbe tervlces faeld during this week bare

been very well etUnited' arid w« believe thework done wlU bear fruit. Kev, E. B. K05-Und h u been untiring ln Ills elluru to makethese meeting* a sucotu and hia wrmnnn weioonvlnolng and eearchlng. Ho g<w* frtnn 1wltb our bnt wUbea for bla future whereverbU lot may be cart.

To-night the last union meeting of Iof prajer services will be held hi the Treaby-tertni) Church A number of youug menwill •peak. The,church choir and Dire. May-berry will ting. .A Mrvlce.replete with in

it U assured. Everybody welnotno. Comeout and bear tliem.

Launcelot Ely will lead the boys' bnlf-hnisong servlcu next Buwtay attemouu ut fourO'clock. .. Hen's mat* meeting In' the baaament of thePratiyterlan Church,'• Sunday afternoon,Nov. llltli, nt foar o'olwk. Ilev. IV*. W. Hal-leway, 1). D., will speik.

Buuday aiterooou, Kovfmber 9t)ib, spocUITbankiigivlEg aerrfce. Hl*ak»r, Hev. U.Clark, pastor of thu'H. E. Cliuruh at Rock-awav. , Bpealal vocal and Inistrumcntal muoioat tbe*> servicw.' For mtsu only.

A reception will be (riven to mou at ourbuilding November 9>th, (Thankgivlnf? uve)from eight till Mn,'- \ -

Open IIOUM ThaukflglvlDg day. Uroot coun-try run at U *. 11. Balf-hour urayer. Mrvlueat tbe building at,0 r. u All men weloome.

GOTOT K I W S .The aiiontlou of i*e Morris County Court

of Quarter Seationa was taken up for twodaynthli week by the aeaond trial of Wm.1, Jccienand Johu iValdron who are accitked

f nUaliug chlolfetu." Tbe jury brought lu awHuti.f guilty, - -•John Plyuti, accuBsd ffT emliezxlemeut,

plead gtillty.- : .Mary aoorc, of Du'vrr, ncciuwl uf IYCOIT-V stolen goodN wan trlwl nn Wednesday

aud found not guilty.Mm. MarUa P w . ' a itiiddla-aged widow

who owns a farm at Jacksonville, appearedthe Harris County Court of Quarter

Sessions Tuesday as the complainant agalrutCharles E. Davenport, • nelgbborlng farmer.The prisoner was. indicted, cfau-god withhaving on the night of July 7 laat brokenInto tbe bouse' occupied by the widow byforcing open / a second-story window, alsowith burglary and criminal awauit TUBcomnlainantgave a detailed account of theaffair and w u corroMraUd by ber fifteen-year-old ion Thcodnte, Connsallor MoCue,who repKeeated the prisoner, Informed tfaajury upon beglonlag tfae defence that If fadclient was convicted on all three counta hewould be liable to be tent lo tbe Btate Prisonfor .thlrtyflra yean*. The defence set upw u that Davenport w u drunk: at the time.Tba jury rendered a verdict of guilty againstthe accused on tbe account of breaking andentering.' Ttieutfaer tiro counts of the In-dlcttnont were not taJcen Into consideration.Persons found guilty will be sentenced to-day.

" Odd re l lowsat Trantcn.The Grand EneamptmeiUV of, New Jersey

Old Fellowi'iraa la session Tueediy atHuoUio Temple, Gland Patriarch Bran Dal-ryupla, of PblIllpibuia'I presiding. GratrfBcribe Lewii Parker's report BOOMS that therea n flity-seven encampment! under t ie Juiia-dlotion of the State, and tfaeaa b*ve a totalmambershioof 3,01!!. Tbeamonnt paid fortbe relief of patriarch!, funeral beneflts andspecial relief Is •lt.UU.1M. The officerselected were Grand Patriarch, Wm. H. Bld-dla, of Atlantic City; Grand Sigh Price*Jos. acUabon, Newark; Grand Senior War-den, Albert Buna, German Valley; GrandScribe, IAWUI Parker, Trentonf GrandTreasurer, Wm. H. Courier, Jamerburg;Grand Junior Warden, George Loiiplerre,Jersey City; Grand Hepresentatire, J. Bar-toi Smith, Newark; "Grand Inside Sentinel,PkUipHeckwdom, Newark; Grand OutsidaBenticel, Bamuel Mills, Camden; Grani)Marshall, Joieph B. Ua-t, Wi.odbiiry.

TnesUtletb anuiial meeting'ot tbu OiatdIi«lg*, I. U. O. P., began at TreuLui AVednis-day and rnded yest rdijv The irand KISS-ter's report shows that ssvin new ludgw bavebeen iniUtubxl wlihln the put yaar, ai fol-k m . : Oak Lodg*. Ho. 23S. Madbwo ; Puritan,Ho. 337, Blaintown: Swrlfrg, Ko. 330, New-ark ; LoUw, No. U35, O.dengbtint! Vesper,So. 2S9, bbinuui fiutbwford. No UIU, Ruth-erford ) Culumbli lUlitkab, So. 14, Atlantic*City. B4LT»tary Lewis Parker n^wts a totolof 28,834 members ID thi Htuta, an tncrMM nf701 tluio tba last rt-port. Tba total reliefpaid I* |U0,4l8.c7and tbe mMipta tm',115 00,Tta following oDldara wtra eieoted 1 GrandSiasUr, Flank W. ?ui*#y, Carndsa; DeputyGiand "Warden, Jobn U GriftUtu, rhtlllpS'burg ; Grand Warden, l\ A. Deunls, Prince-ton; Grand Secretary, Lewis Parker, Trrn-'ton ; Orand TreaannT, Jtmtph L. Lamb, Jul-io* town ; Grand BepreesnlaUys, Augustarasainaa H beken

METOONQ.Corn buakiugls uvail> Jliiiihud Iti tbU vniiy and crop »a* not vt-ry brgp.A. L. Kitlmou, or Ut Ollvp, \m» IHH-II OH tli

nick USE fur n t«w uayii.(lee A Drake lim lweu Improving some •>

hia bulldloga *We noticed U. A. Wulfe'a 11,1m pluwlng „

WedaeitdityTbo Dr. [>loLur«un plaoe. at Klauderw, was

Wirchaau] la»t week by A. J. Koad, wlioouplei tba premise*, lor flfi.Ofl

Several Mt. Gilve cltlxeus have bn-n hiIng In Uussex tills week with good micelu tbla welkin (lu* fauulera M*U, tooiiliiun:

Hev. J. H. fckihotbld •rlit bogUun a l u u vtlvnvialtby Ut* PrMb/U-ilam of Ut. Ull'jjiSt KMk wU Tbui«da> o*eUiu», wbk-li allare oordlslly Invited t - attend.

Rev. I H. Conditpr«aubcd«ttiaKerstown,Ud., last Sunday aud the PrfbbytcrlaupulplL

" . . . . - - , U w iput N. Y . , wh>

l l

trlut, IH e

l>y tbo pulpii

ar, the fort Uraui SCIKKII muter,IB for Die Awemlily lu thin dlt HrMt-clutu auotljiieer, at I em. I

,»ay wbu utlend«d J. L.1 Uaturday.Home changes will I* matin Julie I)., I.,

and IV. Ume iat>kueii week. YtMturdsynts pay day UD > hu road In Milt vk-lulty.

Mo. HUdvroitny.nf Knka<fay. a alniiJobn Hj.Udo, wut Uk»o kick witn iyp

" 1 aiiudny.lot far m l of tbu1 Id WI»TI> accuin-iHor. Ifiib. Auout

two iachm nf mow i«ll tin', morulngiu tb«Iclnlty »f NeluuuK, altbuiigU nt Flintier

and otber pl»u<* tb«i>aow w~ti aluiiMt luiperofpUble Tt>» cold ware t i t led dawn 01WMlnoediy night sul itwiiin lo iwaMwi fcood•uylug qualities,

We notice ttmt our Mt Ullvccuutemporarylndul|Bd iu but Hflek'a ludaz iu aume rellect-

OMtKlltlup uf tbe r 'My"

fever lait Heck aud died u"OIn Probability" «a i

way irbea be pndlcted apauleo bj rnow to begin

i b f ill

_i Uluir niolbraibreu.

Prof Fltury, of Waterloo, wbo lias IHMIIbloycllog to and from FUuder* reoeuUy, mbtwith an accident the other day winch re-moTedeeienilepobei from fall wbral; cou-terjuently he lauracllolug pwlu»Lriiuilgii agslu

Moat of the school! of this vicinity were liMtalou ou election day aud will t.e uloaeri ttithe Friday followiubringing the two ]getfaer and avoiding liof two Bf parate weeks.

itctruptlou la (be workp

Mr. Ubas, W. Raton drove to Horriiitownand baok Saturday aud hptiut the afternixii

with rlieuinttlBut.alurnedrroui bla trip

&£n. Whitelicad~ wbo b u tmn ill neiirlyall ituiuiuer, died at tier homo near the reier-

l l H d f Thr laet Holiday afte* place to-day,

t H i t

The funeral

County Huperintondont Coi visited tliofjtanhape school this woelt end orfeiwl utoauber's iMwltfuu to UIM Kill Uauoy, whopaused Uie last leadier'a examination, JkiiesHaaoy, hiwover, declined tlia offer uud will0iuain at school during tho ri'iuatudur of tlenr.Toe Uuiconeicong Driving l'ark seeuu to

be an assured fact, oven If New Jersey liaselected a Legislature which will electSpeaker instead of a "siarter," Work 1Uie iiradlug was U-KUn laat week.

At thu busloesi meeting of the HUniioiwGpwortli League, held last Alondny eveniog.Goorga BUnoliard wax eloctod Pj enMeut: H.A. Tlmbrell, 1st Vice Prwlrfent 1 Him BosniaBull, Beoretary, aud MJBS Ekla Bmitb, 'freiut-rer.The gate house at the d*|nt ban been Im-

jiroved In appearanro onil rendered mureconvenient by placing the linndlc* a shortdlstanca up tlio hill from their foi

Country town* seem to bo KOttlng tlicit* fullHlmre of en'ertaiiiuivuU this year. 'lnnt«<rn oxhlltltlnu wen p i ttif* »Flanrtars, Ut Uilvu and Drakcatowu'.recently at Otter IIIALVH iii tbla vicinity,neoonil one thin season.

That Bldewalk brH((e near tbo lUptlstUharch doetn't K T ? * batter ae It gn>»s nldeLookeBi If might tw nearly a bundled, 100.

- ' 8V0OASTJNHA.W T.-FlUherusrt is at Mlltou tli la v

Kiwlug tlie UAttvtrB bow to iiliooltlia wildanlnmbof thutsectlou, .

MinCarilo llfllce.of I'lalnfluld, KiMutl«xluik In tliln vicinity vlHL'int; frlendri.SJIMS Saifte Jtoger, taaoTiur at ihe ChiUrfir.

Homo, Pnrrlppniiy, 8] wnt Hot unlay and Hunday nt her hmiio in this place.-

Jantes Love, of Piftloflfl', in vlnitltig at,lilitime this week.A party of about ttlrty ymniK fo|hs called

on Mi» Berth! Bnrway'nn MnnrUy nlgbtand spent tho evening very pleiB4iitly with

A. U. Pkelloiiijer ami Ulu Lsna Curl, buthDf llils place,.ivern married on Wninwdsyeveulug b j the Hov. Dr. Htoddanl, TJipyleft Thuradsy tnontiug for a w«ek'i mijonniIn tbe lower part(of tlte tttaip. V,'v uxU'aJour oongratulaUons and wl.li tlmm greathnppincM and proiiwrity lu tbelr Journeythrough llfs.

Mlas Kttel VVllltaoiBon, or CalifDD, spentRunday with Uie Mines Aui.a and UuraThorp, of this place. - \

Don't forget our g snd niuBlcal convonUati(hat will begin November Hist and end witha concert on tlie evening' ol the iMtlt Tilepeople of the PitabyierianCburdi have madeevery Decenary prejiaraUoa for tlio enter-tainment of all siugu-a who come from adistance. Tbe music wlocted will ba ut thehighest order.' Our tnutruotor, Prof. J. A.DeCamp, of Itroohlyu, uomoe'to iu lilgblyrecommended. MIBB lV'ailcer, one or the first.sopnuiotoIoUUof Brooklyn, will accompanyhim, to Uut all wbi attend the conventionwill bn well |ia[d for their trouble.

X T AELINOTON,Mr. and Mr* J. H. Lowe are waking a Ulp

through New Yurk 8(&te. Tbls la the tintvacation Mr, Lou efcaa token In twenty-five,yean u d all «bh him a pleasant time and

ife return. " *J. L. Baker, of Hobokcn, was renewing ac-

qualnUnoea In thli vicinity tbl* wcvli.Mm F. L. Benalar ind clillilnn are spend-

iug a few diya in Brooklyn..Mm D. T. Tiundy and daughter, Mi«

Gthal, are flailing at Alaufaatsett, X. I.Mr. and Un, Joho Raillaeorl.bratod tliUr

silver wedding 1B» ^royal msnurr A nOjver sod Flcialty wcie prettntnud eujoyeiltbBmHl'ee wltb dancing and other amuse-mente until tbe wee inia'hoiin. Mr. snl

Hudhe «ere <b« redpieuU of manyvelnabtspieietits, mingled with te . t winuetfor twenty Ore raw

" Devil'a Uiue," one of tboin border- Ifedramas In uhlch thereto nudtarth ot«ottlngincident, «aa flaytd at Um Nattunal lutnlgnt liefore ao audlince that waxed veryantbualutlo wbenuver ihe lituatlcmi liecamp

vtban usually "ill iring" lo the thirdact a soena of real draiuatlc tnterest is idtro

iced, and Uieie are otber feature* th&( nti-juml kucMMftilly to tovera.'of the meludrauiatia Fnd. Paroy, • tio figured na the bero,

ck Bawky, « u very eifttUvf, «i,d oilier*tbe ctmpmy.inuludlng T««y Hamiltou,py


e itlav—. nilaUcipbia L«>ig«r,

Tbla company will appear a t l lakcr OprrnHouse ou Jdonday night.

our big advertisement on Bnt page withoutf l l tb dt il l l

MOEBIS PLAINS.SUBW JIUIIIIU l'oii((lit spcut tuit Weduc

with lior *i*Uir, MIHH E.liiu Vuuglit.Tliu Y. P. H. C. E. *OA lud hy BIlw. liny

liwt Sunday «>rning. Tha «-c!cty I* pru-firt^slne very nicely.

graadJucithur lu H[irinj(tilJ.Mla« Carrie Prixiuiaii Sp lit a taw ilnys thL-euk at liuiue.Wo are very glad to HOC JUIINH 'i>ii»i

arruudajjalu. He hiu bteu quit« III tor 1iroek.

Kurd. Cantlxlil k < bnd bin iwnxl.iii ruIMWDtl UHftill.

It. « . Willittiiut mid John Hay upout MJVKI adays in Uie rlciulty uf l'urt Murray liuntliijrTh«y reiurnod Thursday anil reported im/-log kiU'd fourtceu rabltlti, cut* orow amiscared up one jiartrldi(i>.

Tbe Mfuhin Hand gave a social at Ifr.Xwws ( lark's on TburtJay evening. TI11veiling wai fllli<d up with sinning and nrl<L*U(HIH. A ocllfctlnn waa tahen for tbo Imndiiut the rptunix Uave not been bonnl j i.t.

M<M Kflitli Ml"»-c, of Emioti, I'a , I- vl»lt-Inn Mm J ihn CHIPUIBII.

Tim Duo Hue cji-ursfoii |i«s*t,l tl.r->nslinre I flat U'ednt^lny. Ignite a IIIIIIIIHT (r.<l<« I'lnlim twik adraiMBKe cif |r. 1nHre H,(urtj tbreu Ui-keu tykl liure oriel tbey xnher* w»s about nliio bumlrad umiiilo wrii*.

iw. Mr. Prylliiirilcllvfrrd twit very HUJU,iunw In ihe PreibytutUu (Jburch ln«tday wbiob *aiKreatl)at>i.r«iTlatml.

preach *u>ilu Suuday, and mauy monhnpa

The CbrlKtluti Undtavnr meeting Hund*>milngwailed l>y X\n Heinle Hay. Theiplc WRS " victory tbrotigh Clirint."Mn Ferris, <JF N«« York, Hp«nt HIIIMIM

witb ber uareuta.Mr. and Mra. NerT, Hj nt HunJay at I V t

A Inrgu iiuwlrtT fniiu ttin flu Inn lookranuge ot Um Ino rlile to NewarkWednesday, tbocar* wtre tilled tollielr utmmt

Churcb la iiuderj(ofii£

Tynan it (lull* ill at

yis Pr«bjtftrla

iiimo rppifm.Mr«.

TltillK.A fair is rumored in the near future.Thin void wave routlLdiMij Uint wlnUtfBt llBlli.New* li rather hoarva tbU wix-k.

TCANDBRS.f T. ami Mr*. BnUor Kuillb IJQVO r tui11 tliulr wBbUtru trl|), hnving altm.dod UiB

»iIK«ltIoti m UUIragi) nurl Miciit home tinwith rolatloun In lllluoiit.

Very i>leaHaut services n-uru liulit In DMnectlon w tli tbe Uyliift of tlio miriiur nUirnf tbo now M. M. Cboruli Clmpel i>n lint M01Jay afternoon.

Clecrfia Pell, nf Nowark, wax In trie villagefor a brief ntny thin weuk

Andrew J. Head purcbiuetl laat work tholiroperty uwnml by tb« lute Ur. I)tck«rsou.

Kfchonl Howcll, editor of U10 Itrldgej-ort,[Uonn) ITorahl, npeut a port ot tlie week lutlm vllhge.

AJI oyaler supiwr unil lulr in to be buld inbalutwintiutniid clmpel ol tba l'resl>yt*r!auOliurcll nn Tuoaday ovenlng, Nov. ->8Ui AIInro cordially invited. Tbe wull koowu cul-inary akill of tbo Flaudem woiueu neoda noodvertfuiiiK- A pl«amut time Is boi«d foril'o Die literal patroiiasa of our many

frlonds. Prooetdi for the lwnciit of thechurvb.

C. II Hoivull, of Newark, Mwnt Sundaywltb his fotuily at Itiia place.

Tluodure Vaigentert and family ivv aroInd Ui welcome back from Dariley. Tlioy

rccoutly remuvod to this place.On next Sibbath AvenUiic prtivi.lMiwj, „.

mltllng, the Rev. Mr. Smith «lll prunoli totbayouiiBFeopl*. Uny thure bu a largo at-leii'tnuceof tbeyoJth.

For BheumatieminJ (w n geaural LIliiinoiit.KIUji iro'a X Xi^mplwrcairtbebeit.


At litwDovoi' Ilaiar, ,Hpeolal rale for teiulnyti only, cviiituunnlUH1 Monday, November'JtlLb. Circular*glvfugilufMof tills ml* wilt be teat outon Mimiiuy.

ilsBuroyou KDtune.if ootsend *end to Uiestort) for 0110 U (L will pay ynu big. •

J. II. UitiMU.

liesant cut Ovnrooata that Wutaon & Co.aliOWataOo-roont. b j o w u n u n l

retail tatei .Uuji.iul all quueUnu Watn.111 .t fo . uwku tlm

.nudsmnuit uvercoabi in Newark and nowibow lu ttll'lhelr ifr.wdBud Mirkct n(rtotrudown eletfuut llnntoimra, Fur Dctivt-rr,Hack UtlUiUK, Dearuni, Axtrakaiw nnil nil

.he nntlil Rbadus ot Kenwys at 113, fir>, t\H,ind V!5; wlilu-l nounot ba duplicated lor

rtj le ur,pri«« outalrie, of tlielr cunoerriH, RH[boy nude them In tlielr well or^an'zed ahopHit lb» pl'>Bitt flituru* ooiiBfiicnt ultb perfoot

EtiiauHblp If you want a really band-1 HanueiiL try one if tlielr IIBW Attio-iioiv nellUii for $'M.


Sheriff's Sale.in UtUMJticY ur'NKir J

Sunn hir LiX'il f l

Uunn ««1 Tkoi SunUaiiUt PI. fa. for solo ofItutumitbli- lo Fdinwr)- Terta,

O W ,Q V vlrtltu ot thu ntxivo Htntwt writ nf fieri racinH9 In II1T hambl 1 ulinll iirtmwt for wild ut Ihibllo

Vendua a l thi- Court Home In VatrlkSm S, un

SIONl'AV, tint letli itay ol DECKJIUEH,Ii. IHlS, U t w w n tlie hours o f « I I . and B oVW-k

ld ilny, a l l t i w M tiro tmct ior IWRVIH or land

ilount:Jt^Cliiiiliiff nt llui xpoond vamur of a lo

jy Cluu-lca E. Npwle otnl wife to Tunnw

rmiutHuwltli tlie


tlu> imrty 01 tiiti woonil \ta.rt, IIIH lid™ ami nmaipNttnll I'nx-t Mid tnnlntnln wlint rfnctm oru rniimnlnilt Mid lilt; Slid wcvoiid. lluit Uiu juirty nf t...tietonil [BUT, Ub luUni and KJ«LTW, umll hulltl uit

. I^UBIMKIUWI to ^ u w d gmy iii

id (.-oudiUaiLB. nud mid jirwiilfwiidllloiui B-iT» bj nld TlioinjtiVHml - to Jielvfi. 8. GdiHlit, midid wlfu I" -'tuiinniiil

(jy tuiiil CoLilit 1il.iih dutei! Jm

yThe ttvj

he 0I1! Hi

_K U IB uf Iid HX..

uald Wleu Diutu. liyand •"—"*•- •- -• -id m

n fol"[I r»*!Ht!-


n( Tract WInnliiK.it a Hi lite driven In[>>ry " w , tlm w m e lni:iK *1WJ tlm

. . . ^ -rirmirof wild Ellen ltimu'i him™IIILKOIII stake being dlMtniit on n toiireu t-wtu.i'lfttitj--Uiive di'sru-i and [Iires mlnnics m«l onUIH uortlierly litioof sakl Elteii Itiimi'n lot fniintbtteaMtfly akb Uu*oL Atnu avemiLv t h m m d

- HIP (ililUuitvu Oorj linn MUIIJI, uin-e di-itrimt

\V.t;iwi,lilH wira;Uicj>w(>!i *)irtli, i-lKlity-Um<eikt.Ti\ci Nint, l ldny Tttt inaKUibv tti^ncuf-Hnorili, U I I W tlM-rnn nud fiirty-rivu inlnudw etutt,urtj- ht+ to a «nke, a winier of 1 audit«,],! u» Tni-

corjkdln^Clerks otUc^libir E u ' e ^ J S ,

0 A.. BACKEK, BHarlll




MEN'S FURNISHINGScheaper than any small concern orwould be competitor in Morris county.Our advantages are plain to every one.

We buy in large quantities for ourtwo stores. We ask no time, but payfor the goods as soon as they are re-ceived, thereby availing ourselves ofa big discount for the cash. Fortu-nately we have our own building, hav-ing no rent or interest to pay; andlast, but not least, we are judges ofthe goods we buy. and we will giveyou the benefit of our 25 years' expe-rience and our spot cash payments.


99DOVEB, N. J.

Calka ilwa^i sharp, aud cactinnKFd lu • fewIVITHOI'T 1*1331«VI\O THE

ftUOK ril(»>l Till": KIKIX.






Hew 10635




CAPES;m a s s * ••'•'.-.




$2,000.00Ear the convenience of our lady

ctfstomers we have increased ourstock of



Metropolitan Catalogues and De-lineators for sale.

Fashion sheets free on applica-tion. A lady always in attendance.


Page 4: DOVER, MORBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/1893-11-17.… · TBA»: MAS THE LARGEST -t:; Northern New Jersey


Za I t Any Wonder >CinlBt*t> B re titDowar

BUhop Phlllipa Brooks Sled M the He-• D U of Overwork.

TLnr. Henry I*nrford, the EminentPr*«ch*r, Jnst 8»Tod from m m F«to,

Overwork kills.The great Blihop, Pbilllpa Broofai. wan

•Uicheu down in tbe prime of bla tuanbouJu d uftefulnwi u the dliwt reiult ot pbyilcaland nervoua exhaustion brought on by over-work.

Mow COUJM lbt> newi l b « lUs/. HenryLangford, tbe smlntut ISip'ut ill rhi", ofWwton, West V*., biu just ewwped Utteruervoui and physic* I pMnntion.

He it psittor of four eburcbw. la It BDJwonder tbnt be broke down In bealth I

Tbe reverend genUemaii glveaa rerj [nt«r-eitlng account of hlmwilf and bit troubles:

"For lea yearj," b« mid, " I h&ve b l l a n

neiToui and growlus trorte oil thew yeuri.DurlBR tbe last four or fire years I beoiniBso nervous I could acarcelr »I«n my uams W>It could ba rtad, J n u so nervous tliat [could uot read my own sermon notos aftertber bad been laid ailds awhile

" I was uuable to bold toj head tteady inUJB pulpit., our c uM I Iwld or baadle mybook* and papers without cmbftrsKm-'iit,owing to tho treuliliug end wenliness of mybandB and arm a I wu *o uervnus that Icould icarcely feed uivielf. Iu fact uiy nerv-GUI tyitfin K U wrecked.

I tiieJ niBiiy remedies recommended bj, butrnut»i ra,*rraBueut relief.

., 4U.. 1*1 i»

W. II. ViiinVluMu....U. y. Drink-Ill11. JMnlt-inKilunnl A. Tii.-rs

ntv. Huxnr LASOFOUD,"One day I « B » lu i lmau i i . ot H H Ogden,

• t P a r d i i , W. Va., aud be la'd to me: 'Youtake two bottlei of Dr. Greenu'a Nervurablood and nervo remedy and if you My ftdon't belp y . u , you ueeil nut pay fur it. '

" I took two tattlai or ttal* medicine amifiunrf to mueli relier Hint I l.ou«ht IWi. tiirr»

l r i n o - [ l H t llIn


y did 1 I c-ty 1 Ib.artil* mud trutl.lully letHtfuiiiend It t-i 11»iuk. Tim much cannot be said iu prnl.ethin »pteudld medicine

" 1 tay thin for the good of other luffurefrom Btrvcu* aud prostrating dltrases ncan be cured by tbls remedy. Fur luyuHfam tbaukful to God tbat 1 found Or. UtecnaNnvuia blocd eud tierre remedy cud f.wbat It has done for me."

You wuo mffer vtltb nervous and physicalwrakoHaand pioalrollon from overwork orother cause have unly to follow tbe exampleand nwuunrnilaliuu of Her. Mr. LstigfonIn urder to loeure a return of health and•treiJgtb. Tbls truly remarkable odd barm-let! vrgeUble remedy 1« I be disuuvtry vt llie•ucorifful atwclalisC lu curlujj uorvuus audcbropio dhcaws, Dr. Greene, of 8S »e*tHibitrwc, Heir York, Tbe dector can be turn-•Llted tn all catoa frco uf chu-ge, Uor by letter.

Win. K. twoiWm. SI««*iiA. J- TllfW.Tliun. J. Alii

.1 H. YmntF. F. BirthF. F. HircliJohn i t (ttinliuiAndrew KodL'rcri K i a

Wm UiillaifhcrWiirn"n t-". .t M. Co.Wanvn F. 4 31. Co. «I'n.-*nic Hollins. PKil Co U

t r . .MoKeLliS JI

10 UiWO <«

Joint r . .io-uuiur

. U Stan In fouk 43 •>"Frank M. BU'tibvnii s» 78John M. Bmltu JB H

liwta KiUttfer ""'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. !~HJ ftiJ.S1. hTiwl « MU'.J. Ih'dull 48 W

8opt.L3.SI. K.TIinrii WISH.J .M,Km, . . . , Wf t

.Martin I'.xik...,. Hft Su

W.J.Bwl.-ll...'.".'.'.'."•',!.'.' 4(1 l!JE.A. lltiL'ktr OS »(

Juliii D. HllLlYli".'.'..^,",' 53 HOcL Il.J.hii I), timltli 41 14

A. F. I'nulmliT. SOWLouiBKtiHi.tr WIUJM.r r .wL 4f.«0Win. dill (0 MW. J. Itvildl US WM. D. LllOl 08 10

POOH UODSE.Aug. » nt'»KM|llur | 7BB)

JDUB Uu>k »nia

ft.mll.il Prer...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,'. 311<0

i. U L

tcialu'u'.'.'.' . VU-0

s« t o

W A a.em, si D.. .Jnm»L<u(i . . . . ,{• tl A'l-It. H D . . .

1 Ui] K\\\ ter

U.lu.ivi l'«r .. .lhrtn* n tunerJr tnfKw. .- •

Quarterly Report of CountyCollector for Quarter end'ing Nov. 7th( 1893,

1KB R E C E I P T SAug. 0 Balance t 839 81

ON lluvlison, (orunxtM) U 71A V iWltuEtr, T n m i'onr IIMMH.. I * ftO«car UtuUltiy. Bliwiff I m uIYoHii.'uUini fi*s, January twin fOnwir Llnditley, Hlii-rllT I I I M n

I'niM.'cuWinift'es.ainyU'nii.... ( " * w

Kutiuiml Iruul lank, mite ill*1 t-....]B.«xi«14. J II Handera. J . ]>., lluu of Jim. A.

Muniwn (dJaonlei-ly)"...81. Iwuu! VIUHMNIS, i t - - *

Sept. 1. Hut '

NIMIV), 100nin.luH soliool fund mi 85r.l ' . . nnoofb. liar-

i n Mm. (leo! 'w"voiVi l nt Ktiilly it

. IBtfi, tl T

if A»J-ih

j K y liliiBoii auiu.AUff. IBtfi, to Kov. ISIlF. i'nulTnlt.r, Tn-BB. !V«r MinimF. l*uuluiler. old mnlcHul iwlit i l I H n k note dlsc'l

A. F. inulTA. F. l*uulNational I

611 h Ckuuluiler. old mnlcHul iwlil 4

National Iron Hank, note dlsc'l. . . .H.OOO16.11. h. Cook, Co). B u h l f d :

Oct. 7. JUartln V. II. scnrlnI ' l b H r i b

ote dlscl. . . .o . olfnnd.:. . . .scnrlnK, euanllan oriiK, buurd, Aug. IDUi

ito Nov. IBtli BO IS11. KuUunol Irau Bank, note 14,000 00

W. J. Italell, old muteriuf - " ' " "J. H. Mlltd "


. . ..lieu 81,00000Wm. O.Uarratiraat tHSb>A. J .Tuer s 8700TboninsJ. llenklli 4060Eunb £ 1'ai Idiuwt 10310Jobn D. Ooilliw 63 H4James U. Jinien U 00J. II.Ileistleinliot TOOL y u u m Kluu OUTWin. 8 . Bwoohtui i i iur . . . . flOOEllas SI. Borl lea , . SUMV.X N. illOm W002


E J L'wurr

Borrl* Aqct Cu

r iiiinrd. II jFUilffnnl

O«irI.<adilej,BU«rlir. . 1813}

1 GO Hojiplnn . ! : .'.'.* (ifloMorrli (.'oEicctncCo.... 1QU1)Morrl t Aqueduct Co. B? BOMorrlMown Q u Ltubt Co. 14 D9(Mi t LloJiley, itierlff . . BWWI

fllutpli lirrltten 1A3 iiGCForeeft lion 4 tflaJnOMpli tn mum

Oct 11 BIDTMII Rrolbera 1T8B3Sturm. Unilbcia 1,8*100TbciUcirm 8 000Biniuai P Oilier iOJSOQtoW ttowtr l'-OlX)


w uai'ifo ~!!!M!I saia* —lOConpflr tsu

u HCummlufl* 30 UO

W UQIJ«ranM l i

Tbot F Job(•MI ff tlnm.

'•"Ml! si oo

STATIONERY.1 » U F Nnrrii . .

u«ti tn»«piuai ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; i s o s


D O H1100

i t Mayur. (X Iioretnu»

Joseph IlilbertJohn S. AliMtughJolm Castner.John llaldwln ,CELLortuPatrick Morrison ,Cliu. B. Kniinoiia ,Clms-H. Kiinnon*

&«77/7777Tt iea IUngleltiJotepl i UBoGKoven » liluaTheo. EIVIIIIBII* 1U 71Lewis VanUurne 1G700

Thoa. WliliUuFrank SearchBut NormanEnuJ«A 1'arkhurat.

flept 18. Tnoe. J. Allen 1George A, DrakeGeorge Lake „fttrk-1 ,auvy.

uriurnfttrwk0. U. U

"KnmltU.Uoti!d.'.V.V.V.V.GB.£aunonaK. C. makeOeortm 11. Goddla

. Vf ia.HL ColemsuWm. BaiUeyJtBons....

JohnF. Foal"'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.JahnF.Cuco

A. J. Tuere .".'.'!!.'"J, JI. HurlliertMdrv4 & KennedyAbram lkwkoren

SBi'aSHenry 1*. 1V«W>J. ILbalmonTh(M.K. WllkliuunGeo. O. BonncllGmlOi* l-'annlnitEdward I* AtnoUmllh&FannlnRBamuel OrtmanlKUUMealar

tano. RUifctdn.ohn A. Uriant


80 V0

I WOO40 00

HITS7SHSu goB.100




COUHT EIPEfME.AU2 firODjrtrr tl D. . . .. f IS00

II T UtlltMl, M U Ill IK)hEfftfU Uffl

aept t WWOnihr 2S00J13 OtctrLindticf, ibtrld,.. DSM

ElliaU Mbit 15J0D1 I V C M Ji»iui

Dot 18 W W OulUr •

i£SSg::::::::::::::•. r .nirr i if. K. Birch

Eliha Mt*Lcr

SZKfcift &:::::IVBOOI Uerty.L.V. i\Ull*n»W

L.V. i\Ull*n»WarrtnF. & 3L Co.George TnllmanItlchwl F. Kyan.

itior.SI WKliO


PaNMlc Hulling JU1I Co...Oct. 11. LunLTKUi & brown

J n a C Cooperflea. O. l.joti. , .John U'Dnnnell

CHILDREN'S ilOSIE.Ana BEDIUlMj.Tr | 47OF88opl 19 B D tl»l«-j, Tr RBJ 70" - "I B D ll«lirj, Tr 3-B10


Aop UK>tir>n*lIroi>B.D* ... .tmiOOReut 13 Naili.nl Iran B.tk 88*00Dot II KatlDLII IraoBitk 2fl 6d

COItONEnS AND POST M0UTEUB.ino 0 o A [I'cWr BOO»pll8 lu D'iUf|l'i t iu

FIVFtiitf UD Ill (inON UiiKbmii HI 70

l i t 11 D i o ~ -;• I i McOntb ia:o

S»pl IB

Stpt 13


I J B U t t Hr.plt.1 11,71101DVCRTiaiNO ANDrlllKTIKO.i4tiLii B(u» | j . , . . . IUJS0

. . L AIIJIDI " • -'•lUrdnnfeOllfl.,..JUrVuul

. Si -J8.. Ili7 M

et 11 Huwuni * Mljtr 7a IBO«. JTtueh 8118


J1AILHOAD AND OASAL TAXES.Oct 11 i L K.nomo, t).i|,..» II3BI

II L Cook.BUDbn. B.wte,IMIOVBO Nut,

Win u am libJct*» W.tU.

Jnhn T Livreara,

Oil B*uiiHt,'rrol

;i ••'•

111 SI61 10

US 414!l<37i m

BUM3176!9 :i f8MB ii

1111 ll

NOT a W W CotUr .

. 3IBI

BEOAPITULAT10N.l u g 9 B I U B M , I ,T.1)37

EeceipU to Not 7 . . ~.•V ,1.1*37


OtmaXj IlrldRrrerbnliI«r«a


Poorooaie 1JMCoon Hotm lod Jail lo i l i

Iaip Dtiuit Uixiwand i n ) , 4,41e D t i l * w i

rtldnii •nd rrlntinff

laliroad »ort OanilTiiV*.'.'.'.'

unlit. istifj



OHO. MaOBAOKKK.Oonnlj Collator.


In this railigbtettcd

„ » PlwiMint r c l— better been use" tto.wnnllQsr,

to take andflanUttin their netinu,totter boouuo tiwy dolading good. •-

^Ilieiy Tiave a tnnteeffect on tiw liufnn;Bj«nbran*a, and per-nwawtly eura Couttl-pfttton, Bfllounnora,

Inrtig««,lon. BIftk oiTBiltoui EcadochM,Tiprvm an«w n u) (rvny rlivaitgauont of I ialiver •tomach • vl tiownla.



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

Du)»]»x Ktoam ftnil 11 t W«t.r HMtrs . Tlu;•re maila uf Hrnuffht bniler iroa, liav# c>p[*>r flue., nud d. lal vuperlDrty In tb» follu.IDS n-luts ; Ore«t F0"immr lu fu.l I BI'iipllo,y of «on«truatl.m 1 Nn unu^p^lbla j i l a f'i, |.mK fl.i.B <r Imitlnff Biir'.o) diBlault i', p rlo.w ! Ea.y to niAiiBRe I No outl to llfitUetopofalar^euiBtluliiul P.rfeot wfety

linp«HU)venuniHut Air Furn^oe«ote»enrtptlnn ; Hard ware, Cu'lury, Tin-ware, Oilii*. Cirjieui, eta Uttilnh and Horantoo

^>al. Lump", Prtlnbi. Oil*, Kuirbank1. Hasletiud Hojt1 . Rubber Bucket CbninPcmi*



nk ' i TABLE lEf Ji*«£CI OCT. StU. 1&83


Fur Nev York, Newark and Eliz-wth, at 6 46, A. if.; 3 28,6:03 t. uJKDAYS, 5 62 p. in.

Fur Philadelphia at 6 40, A If,1:28 P. H.

For Long Brooch, Ocean Qrove.Asiiur.r TKrk and poiutu oa NewYurk »ud LOUK Brdauh Builtat 0:40, A. s i ; 8:28 p. a.

For all stations to High Bridgtit 6 46, 4. ir; 3:28, 6:03 P. M3DNDAY8, 6 62 r. M.

For Liikn Hopatcong at 8:49,i 2:25, 6:55 p. ll.

For all stations to Edison at 8:49A. l l .

ForKockaway at 7:45,9:20, A. M.;!:47,4:28,6:2G,'7:27 P. M. SDNDiVB,:10 P .M.

For Hibcraia at 7:45, A. au; 4:23M. SUNDAYS, 4:1C P. U.For En&ton.Allentown aud Uatioh

Iliuak at 6:46, A. .M.; 8:28, 6:03,M. BUNDAVS, 5:52 p. M.


Leavo Now York at 6:00, 11:46M.; 4:30 r. M. SOBDAVB, 1:00 p H.Leavo Uockintny at 0 87, 8:35,M.; 2:15, :18, 6:53 6:45 p.

IUKDAYS, 6:44 p, u.Leave Port Oram at 7:40, 0:16,

. M.; 2:43, 4:18, 6:20, 7:22 p. M.ItTHDAYfl, 4:11 P. M.Leave HIRII Bridge at 816, A. a.;

:46 ,C:22P. JI. SUNDAYS, 300 P. v.J. H. OLHAUtjQH,

Oenl. Bupt.




tYecident—flBNRY W. MILLER. -Vlce-PresWent—AUURLtUS B. BULLBecretar? aud Trooaui-ar—H, T. BULL.


nry C. Pitney, Tlenry W. tUUer,

Hampton O. Marsh, Aurellus B. Hull,

PnlUp H. EoSroan, Faul Revere,

Y. 8wan, U. D. Edmutid D, Halts;,

John Thatcher.


Iut«n«tlB(tocliiredand paid In January soduly vt well year from the profit* of tbe pm-oua six rooutlm' bUBlnoM

Deprolta randu on or before the Sd da j i ol- - - - ~ " T - y and Ootoher, drmw ii!

daya ol M U montlu r»spMtlvely.



Ma II. Pirrwu, complain nut, and John J.

or wita of inaKitagod premlwa. Itgturatblo toVbruurj' term, A. 1). 1HUL • .

FOBD D. Sutra.''By virtue of tlic nboro staled writ or Fieriiny liiuids, 1 slioll OJtpose for mala at PubldUQB'Um Court HOIUM In Uorrtatown,M,J,,i<K0AV, THE SUrn DAY OP NOVEMBERrt, A. D. 1KU. Iwtvcen tie hourt OIU k.and Slook p. JI.. tliat Is to Boy at 8 o'clock In ths «fter>

' said day, all tlmt certain tract or parcel ofd premise* situate, lying and being In the

wn or Dover, In Uiu uounty or UorrU,«inl8Ut«• Jcrstj-, UiiwdMl mid dmiibed H • - " —

•art of tho Mine tract ol lamia tUt to Cj'ruR W. Carpunlur, liy deed from 8un-

CimH. ilnlml Jiiniuuy itiUt, 1BM0. uidraoorded in(Jiorna Couutr Itecordi of U™ih, In Dook'O 10,

Said by Robert C

THE PEHGPEOTOGRAPH.4 OfirBiMI iDTeatlon by fVblnb B»

Urswlua^i Arv ICnlBxgir*!.The oft felt wlsli of man ; of our o

Utlt! readers, to he able to enlargiorlffliiol dmwiuffa without itrouble, has hitberto remained ungnitlflp'1, hut now, nays th« HdOKon. tliwill ccrtatal j rcjoico to licar ofolcTor little ID vent ion by which ninIculinical (IKDcultlcs may be overcomeTbo leading1 feature 1H an elastic bund,on which a small bead U threaded. Asthis bead fits no tight that It cau onlbe tnovod when the clastic 1B stretched•to the utmost, we may oooHfdorit to boQrm wheruver flxed. Ono end of theeiafitio is secured between two metalplates forming* a sort of button, &otlio other runs Into tho movable cont«rof an ordinary pencil cose, which tito prevent the twUting- of tho elostltwhen ID UBO. Tho button, the emailoriginal and tho sheet for the cop; urufntttened with drawing pins on thdrawing1 board, tlie two fanner to thupper loft part. Thou the pemjll iiUtliQti lu the haml&ndgulded to fuliithe movements of the bead over theoutlines of the original. Curious antho work &eeina at Unit, the handbecomes acoustomed to the involuntarymotion and begins to foci as if It wero' win? with the bead Itself rathuthan witli the pencil, while the cffeclIs bath useful and intcrrstUig'.

The directions and Instrument arcequally easy, the actual length of tlielastic having nothing to do with theproportions; thn position of tlie lialone determines the BUO of the oojiy.lay, for instance, the original HIUBB-urea eight and ouc-balf iucliCH highand tro wish the copy to be twentytwo, all we hare to do Is to place thepencil a t iweuty-two Inches, end theLead nt eight and one-luilf. Whenttiue arranfred It Is Impossible toob-

i other positions, whatever threlative position of origin nl, copy orpaper may be. The nbove dcKL'rlbcd IBtmucnt rnn, liowerer, only be usedfor large designs, as the bead einbrtntoo much Hpnuc to allow of very finelines, no fur photographs, mhilntti•mnil engravings, etc., a somewhatfiner npparutuslKproforable. IlyilHthe fiiiGKt as well H« the thlnltpstlcan bo produced. In place of tho beadwo have a strip ot mutul, with a pointas Qne as a ncedlo. capable of tracing' smallest curves of features; this U

fixed between two parullel elastlibands, whufto ends arc fustened witha spring to two metal dines, ending inthe pencil CUED and the motive powerof the nucdle, otherwise the rtilett urutlie Game as for tho single thread ap-paratus, The new perspeotograph is apatented Gorman Invention.

IT HURT,Wherefore, get out of myway replies that shade mag-nanimous. P. O. search vourleok and there you'll find;he belts that bind it on. Youwant "ME " I want you.




A1B U03iPBE88QBi}:qf high-

at efficiency. ••:,:.;.' ;'0I8TINQ ENGINES, 'duplex

and reversible." ;


qnd eooHomwaL;;;;,' . . -VaOBM8HPUMPa;do<iik or

EAR1K0 and PULLEYS, large^ * amltnudL :••-•-:-

•i'- amm i n wosn, ;. ' . !

a r a a i r ; " '•• . DOVBR. '».

; tMncewert Utty feet

lot; tlien™(4>aJongtbee«»t lluenamed lot south one bnnilrMl feet



Arrlctin ViUaye Au'ttkeucd MI Aililnlelit Illnrrlc roun Hnlilrr*.

Sonic 4»v£.uiu|f i-oii look nround tlvilhigf uud MM: tlic {icuplc nt theiisiuil (K'(:upat iurih. aud later un re tiroto ret.1. writfs Dr. Luwi,, \v the Z MHuconi SutkK.jilv tlie midulglitDCSS \H brolicn by a dUtiint cull,ali'i-t. you ruihe yoiirwjlf to listen. Tlvcull monies iiuurer. und is tnken u}> ampnst>cd by otliur voicus, uud woiurc cwiivinrSd it to tin: cry of nlin'url war: A few luirmtcH more amthe vill'jRit iwnslir. the poonle rushiii]hither uml thither; Boukinp to HtiBiifuty in Urn thiuliOHt Viush— n mo tinnnlllntr for her tliiHn-u, or child Umother, but uimblc to tlud each othci

iy\ tIn* IJIn nd

have M.-purattul them.You spend n miltcful nnd watchful

oi«ht. not knowing wherii tho cmmay be. nor where lilt nttncli may takeplace. After long, nnxlous, wearyhours you are thankful to noticifirst glimmer of daxvn showing1 iUolfIn the L-QKL A dangurtmb hour passesby ard tho enemy who has bee a ex-pected is not Keen: but litter on youBCU runoke rihiug from a villnge mi!c«away, and in the course of i* few houryou uiny sco man, women nnd childre

•ill) tcrmr-stricifcn faces, torn llinbsa<1 bleeding feet hurrying past, or, Itmy be, comiiiff to you to get their

wounds dressed. As you seek to re-Hcvn their pnln you hoar of how onechild ie miaslcg, another has been car-ried away captive nnd a third mur-dered, and the homes of all, with theirstores of grain, have been burned to

A NEW ZEALAND WONDER.Uncurtain Whether to L'liil II M »n Ani-

mal or • 1'lant.Tho roost ourlouB of all object* in

New Zoaluud, nays Chambers' Jour-nal, is that which the Maoris call•nwoto," One IB uncertain whether to

call it an animal or a plant. Ia thefirst Btoges of its existence it is sim-ply a caterpillar about three or (oui' " L-H in length, and a I way a found Inconnection wiru the ratu tree, a kindif flowering- myrtle. It nppeers that

when It reiieboe full growth it buries; f two or throe Inches underground, wliero, instead of undergoingthe ordinary chrysalis process, It be-

2a gradually trans formed into aplant, which exactly Oils tha lioUy,end ehoota up ut tlio nealctau holffht

[gilt or ton inches. Tills plant re-jlos In uppearanoo u itimlnutivo

bulrush; and the two, aoimiU andplant, aro always found lniseparable.One is itpt lo relegate it to the domainof Imagination, umoag drigons andtiprmaltis; but then Iti existence andlattiro liavo Iwen accepted by the late

Fraul; Uucltlund. Uow It propagatesIts species IB a mystery. Ono traveler,after describing its dual nature:, calm-ly states that It Is tho grab of thelight butterfly, If so, then tha grub

must also become a butterfly, or whatrnoH of the species? One would

bu riady to (suppose that tho grub, dooireally KU, nnd that equie fungus findsihe cust-yf? nlotitfh oongenlaj quartersFar its (frontIt. Hut as far us present

rvatlou goes the grub never be-cuinos a butterfly, but in changed in ev-ery OIHO Into a pluuL

PTtrj thing DU It* O*e.Chemists turn scrap iron Into Ink,

aid bones Into lucifer matches, theilmvlngsof tho blacltatnlth bhop intoVussian blue, fuHul oil into oil of ap~ilcs and penrs, the drainings of cow

I) an BOB into fashionable porftimery,bogTjnrs' ragu into new pilot coats,cesspool tilth Into ammonia and tar

\Ui into nnilinpdycgand saccharine.n PnriKthcy Hrnt utilize rats to olearl,o lfc&li from Uiu lionet, uf curcubHes,.hen lcill tlic rats, uso up their fur forrirumingft, their Bit in for glares, thoirigh bones for. tootlipialts and theirmlooB aud bones- for - (f elfttino wrap-,

Loss of FleshIs one of the nrst signs ofpoor hoalth. Coughs, Colds,-Weak Lungs, Diseased Bloodfollow. .


tho. Cream of Cod-UyerOU^cures all or these weakness-es. Take it In tlipc to .avert'illness if you can. Phyiiekms,Lhe world over, endorse1U .

Or: Bal^'HooMk'olC Olatamt.1 •:ti th. fiowt remtdy in tba world. It t1 h I l l. N M B ( « « n d

CUTM pll« litttugte, CnrwMlt rbtum in tbi mort tootklj*

f t d d l dougba mod ookb.* O n bo taktay

p o r i f « •psclDo for pMvmooU, Cato,•nilM*; bartu,obllbjtltw,wo&totloaf irUnd-og, oarM «od,hanlooi.sn enrad quioklj [

different from AIICIH ; npcrldr to *U atat j Ithju DO *qutl f'Sda uid Ue. box*. t

h ^ l d B t KMTDragflton,-SoVtr,HPJ,

Tba be«t ulTB in th* World for CuU. Bom,iliM, Uleim, Bait KhHnt.r»vw A

ftttiir, Cb»pprd-HftKU, Cbllbldo< Corn,and all BUn Ernptloni, «nd portUt» j . caret

,or oo pay rtqulnnV .'It la quaranIve pafect Mtbfaotioa, or mo&ej r*-

laodAd, Price inntv-fln oentt per hot.Mile hy Robert Klllgora, Do*er,: Oram,

Etanoa A Co.; Port Oram, nod P. N, Jenklna,

Fonr Big fencoaaH*.

Having tba oewlrd merit to mnra than makeRtx>d>U Uead ra tlilDE claimed for tkem, tbafnllowlng four nmedlet have raachad m, phc-lomenal tale. Dr. King1* New ery,

:or Consumpilon, Goughs and Cold*, etch bot-lo gunrantoed—Electrto Bitten, tha graat

remtdy for Liver, Btomaah aud Kidney p.Bnokluu'* Arnica, Ralva, taa betl la tbe world

nri.Dr.-K(ng> N«w Lite Pillt,- which aperfect pill. AHthflM rem«dl» are s u a ntevd Ui dit j m t what u cudmed for them and

ia it-akr whose ntroa U attachrd herewith

HUwgUrltotOl yen more of tb«m Boldy Hobgrt KlUgoro, DnuK-at, DOTBT, R- F,?nun & Co., Port Oram, and F.-N J k l 1

Uruit Store. Ch«ataK . ' • " •

A Million Frtentu.-A friend In limit U a friend Indeed, and not'

, lea than ime mllUon peoule twvc found JustRucb a friend In Dr, •: King's New Dbafnr CoQtunipUun. Couttha and Caldt Jt yburp tipvrr u-«l ibln Grfrtt Congh Medicine,onotrinrMUtfju/in.-e ynu. tUt It L u

I derf al c u » t IVP powers In alldimuaa of throat,; cbrni nud lung*. Each bottfo i« Knaranteed" to d« nil tlwt Is rlnloird or nione; will berelonilrd Trial bottla free at.Robert Kill-gnre'« Drug Store, Doyw; Oram, Ihnoe &Vo.'t Drug Store, Part Oram, and F . N. Jen-UDS' Oruft Hiore. cbmur. Urga botUei 50cta .audi t . <: - • 1




that a Urgo parcastan,e of dsattw iii thii onun-tr>,ar« ca'bMd. by conHuuptlgn u d lungtmtbtc I A Ultlu OiiM urglected In tha b *glcolns' often tvnuiuatei in oontutnpum.Krery Hmi* jou cousb jou^ Increase thotrouble, and an Inflammation b toon atarted,wblcb U difficult to' oontrol. -Tbera ii oneremedy.lb»t wirai qtilohly tytry Hod of *-oougb. TbattoDr. Hale'a HouiefaDld CoDgbCure. I t it ttia best.. Are you nat entltladU> the bMtf Vor Ml* at 8Se. aod BOo. « bob-tla at RoWt EiH«or«'i Cornw Crok Store,

. „ p.», , . \

61 Adoma, N: Y., st« notling but dry breadCor three years on ancmnt of that UnlbledlnaM, d j f p ^ a . Be atatva lfaathe wra en-tirely cured b j Dr. Hale> Hmnehold Tea and

« t anytblngv^Tma tn - tw t madj-,

|Carlyle \z "Who called himself =

n "oatmeal cpiciivc, 3

I t#cu]tivnted literature I

: on a I'ttle oatmeal."' z

I whrit would tlio result 1

: h;nv been hud he Unown =

"^/Oatmeal =j the perfect grain ?

• 11-0 Id pfi-Mna a lormr proportfon oflirafn and mutclu prnduc'ngclfincnu Uim any vaftnMe.


(IT. T. SNYDEB & CO.W E A N N O U N C E A '.••


LINEN GOODS!• 10 days, ccmcscinj Salurc'uy, Nov. i 8

orrtlilnK iu the deiMU-linonL Mill I» flold Qtrcuilnxl iii-lcoi {liirlne this Gale. WB '

uore trlvp ii pnrtlm lint of im- - *I#r1utit ilimiR. . • , i

Table Linens.Ucarliwl Oemiiui Domiuk, 1)0 Indiai wldo,

aaaortwl desleun, regular prlw! COc , Bt 4«fl.

* 'itHl Goraiati Uauieak, m inahea wide,

»idteton"'''HKl"r"r ia ! "'"••""""IrhJl llaiiiiuk, IKJ Ini-lii* wjilo, regular:*i Tr«., apocliU piloo '17c.IrWi Uauiatfc, 70 Inrjlies tvidu.ilitj, ivgular prlre luu. ui Hoc.

aducuil pr[cvs:

The following olroular letter. Bent Jby The Prudential Iofluranoo Oompftn^ to it«field foroe of five thousand Superintendents, Assistant Superintendenta ahd Agenta,speaks for U s e * . ', • ,, ^ ^ C ^ ^ ¥ W


TO THE FIELD STAFF :Newark, N. J., Novembsr fet, 1893.

The hard times of the past teyf montlis have pressed heavily t iponeveiy kind of

nisiuuss and upon people of every calling and condition of life:, . • / ' ~ - ' ^ ! ; : - ' .

H would be strange if among the nearly two millions of policy-holders in The Prudential many' were

ot unable to continue the payment of premiums. ' , • . : . ' / . , '., .:;' . : • : ; ; ; ; : . .'

" Regular Industrial" policies issued prior to January ist, i8oi, hadrno provision {or a'paid-iip policy

n event of a failure to pay premiums. ' Such policies issued since that date.do so provide^ . • :"- • -J;

The present financial and commercial stringency, have caused, the management. 6f tbe') Coinpany

much solicitude ivith respect to the question :" How -can-relief be extended'tb.pojicyjiolderi wip'are

unable to continue the payment of premiums, under a'plari.: at orice'safeto the Company^anaiiberal

to the insured. . . . • • ^ . ' .'. : ' . • • • • v ' : ' . 1 ' : - ^ " ^ ' : : : ^ • • / : . : ' - ' - ' " ' • • ^ ' • • ' - ^ ; r ' . ' ^ :

After careful reflection it has been decided -to make to those whose policies haye lapsedrsiie'e" Juno

:st, last, as a consequence of the hard (imes,' the following concessions:; . . - ' . : ' . : . '^^ ...'•': :;^t-, :'

1. If the policy has ken in force as an«advli policy'}'for fiveyeareor'moreatthe timjpr0i^i/mat

to be paid, a paid-vp policy will be granted in accordance faith th* terms and' conditions "i^i^pn

for paid-vp policies pulUslxd on the bach\tj'"'regular i

' . 2, hllcuof tUfortgoing,policy-holderi whtihave \

of lapse, may take out a mm policy at the present oj

8i Proofs of death may befitted out and submitted in.the usual 'tiayUanycase if death happening

betweett June 1st, last and November, 6lh, 1893, if policy has been in force for'five, yeanor mow.on tlx

• life of the insured and has ken lapsed ''since.June 'lit', last, inmnseguenceof'theha^ti^i':(fthe

• claim is correct in every respect, except with regardifo: the 'policybein'ji lapsesI for th-cause aforesaid,

' it will be recognited and paid in accordance toith the iermf.and conditions of lite provision for ,pdidyip

, policies heretofore referred to. . . \ \ , . \ •';/•.':;'."' ' '•'.--.;' : . . ./^ •. V1 :. • •

Tnfnntik and ethsr policies to which the.pf6vision. for, paid-up policy is not applicable';;.Will be

reated (under the rules of the Company) on a basis consistent therewith. . . . : - fc J :ft l - ,

No medical examination will :be required;of thoae who avail themselves of Concession'i, noj of

hose who take Concession a, provided their original policies shall have been in force atJeaat^iive years,

j" Those who have.not paid prerfliunis^for five years or more, cannot take Concession a,'i'^itbeut

lassing a satisfactory medical eicimination under the usual rules of the Company. "-'' ", C- , :.;'

Persons interested, who wish to receive the benefit offered by either of the .foregoing ebneessions

m policies lapsed between June ist, 1893, and November 6th, 1893, must make appHcation'for, the'.same

i f i f o r e J a n u a r y i s t | J 8 9 4 : •'".'"• •• ' • . - •'.'-;: '-.• '.•'--.-.-.•. •. '•. " ' ' ' } . • ; '••• ' • ' •. " i ; ; ' . - • ' : , : . " ; ' : " , v v ' i : ' - • ' '

As the hard times were not fejt. before June iBt, last, neither of .the foregoing concessions will

extend to policies, lapsed prior to that date, but hs the business depression to some'extent'.stiii continues,

thb' above cohcessions \yill. be continued so long as there may seem to the ; management.to'be'iilsufficient'

, t greatlyUamask, OU Im'

Napkins.••• IPcrsons desiring, to take advantage of the foregoingi while these concessions; are- coritinued, on

ralfcies1 that m.ay.beiapsod subsequent to November *6th,ii8gj, must mate application for'.the same

rithin eight weeks from.the date .of default in payment ofpremium. Applications, for ' benefits \iinder

l l d l J I V I I I S , . thpseiconcesslons are to be mode on forms provided by the Company.and ISied'-ilt'th^'II^'pffl^'Meoin-

. ' ^ .• pafiled'by tile original-policy, by the time above specified for the purpose, • '• - : <; ! ' : ' -^ ' :i- ' .•-K^'v-. ' 'D l o n i ' h i K l a u r m a i t - r M i n a i i k N a p - • • , ' . ' • • • ' " - , * . • " • • - ' • - ' : ' . • : .- • - , •. - ^ ' ' . . ' • • ^ : . v . ; ; . • ' : . - f - . -"^ ; i ' ' " - •iMrtt Bpednl Kc Kr.dra. , " I t is believed, that the .fprcgpjntf is unprecedented in' point of liberalltv in theh i s to ry i f insurancei L l i i u u K a p V i i w , B I D a t l i e d , B l z f t l , '• '• ; • ' • . • ^ . ' • : - y ; - , ' , " . : , . ' • • • • . - • * , ' • - . • . ' : - • ^ . . - . - / : ; - . - • ; • . / : . . : .'

and certainly in1 the hisfprj1 of industrial insurance, : c,, , ; ;• „ . ; ^ ; ; S(:^+'<,''^>.fij>.'Jrti,^'

We aresconfidentthat';.thiH action on the part of the Company wiilbev'fiiliy*apprewatte3JyTb9th by

the fi'eliii staff and the Company's large constituency. :.' ,;;. . : •; ' '•':^'- '• % ' • • ^V'j^- ^•^->' :\^i' :--

• , i' \ - ' \ \ ^•?';:-.r:- , • : •' I.reinain, • ' ':':'}J' : ; : ; . / ' ' - ! '•'. :':. r-''..V'. f v ^ - ^ v ' ^

v ' -'/ . • . . ' : - \~j~-1\i'- -.:• '• '.; ' Very truly. yoursiT? '^-t !.'.-.:.'-i'.Zl-^iiyJ.&i'T&Z-.'

. . . GBTOOD Dnnuslc Nap.. . ,»,!.)«tjwcldl. . .

anfl % NnpkliiJi. all gradM,! nt vpry low


owels.•MxK, HsmKltcim Boricri/ac each

hese are "only a few of ^he

.many /bargains to' be had

' : during the; sale, _ •. •

Dl, 703 aqd TB5 Broad Sireeu' •••-•'••NBWARIC,'.N;.1J.'•'.;,'-

B." 1' «=a -1 •QTS»S'; |*S


Notice of Sottlemiiiit -

Yotir Palhte*1

has often w u t c d time and materiaJ iniftag to, obtain a afaade of color, and

has even resorted to the use of readym i n d paints; the iugredUntG of whicl;be knew nothing, because of the dllK-culty ia making a shade of color wit)white lead. ThTs waste can bo aveidac.by the use of National Lead Company <

Pure White I>eabVTinting. ColorsThese tints are a combination of per-

fectly pure colors, put up hi small cans,and prepared so that one pound willtint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White.ead to the shade shown on the can.

By this means you will' have the bestuunt In the world, because made ofbe best mater ia ls - • ' . / ... V;v. -.".v;

Strictly:White; Lead

and pure colors. laslBt on hivite oneof toe brands of white lead thai arestandard, manufactured. by the '.'OldDntch" process,-aad kaomf-to -beatiicUj* pure t - .• .-•._.;. . : : - . • • • . ' : ; : . .

Atlantic "' !" Bradley "Brooklyn'.' "jewett"

$6 line: pf^SHOES a t IMVJ PrifiiesVifo:

*« •'«•*«»••< H i d \.g. • ruTa .wnNntisc Colon »fc for Bale bj.thsItble daaltnin pilot* everywhere.If you are going to mint, It will

p ten!) to Ui Tor a boot containin ts»t d

pining idferrdollar j It w


frank: H.-Tippett,; FIEE IHSUHAnTOE ;


DOVER, •:• Mew Jersey;; ; SaTABLIBDED 1S30.'




Bxocutoin or IsSu B. J^ U t l d t t ] b v t


• r A s p W b b BTOOK uw :

«iLiit«OTiaocfor>ALL aod WINTER'-w<«r, ccuilrtJn*Ofa pntndiiulBTornoieltieiiand new ahtpmin BfHISa BONNfiTO- and HATH, -hlohwill dallght all t£e ladlfi OaU Kt ono*andibtniDthoadvanUKaofftKoadnieetlon.:- .

' Mas'. 9^oi PABB,_ Port Ontni N. J

H.B / V r l G A I N - | ^ |

BIDCK, D O M , H.A SYSTEM OF OBED1T18 BA:DO trust and tremesdoqii l o K tiiipripBS afc • bar store.' - Bat goomod*-at low figures TOB 0 A 8 BFinorea'tliat O R O W D ^ O J ibTOBE while other; menhiul

l their;' oonaton. -; 1 ttid ( d

p . ; todreumbg of ths d»y o(«ud rnin, awaitinK all who buj olong prioe and sell on l



':'JSS!" ''FinfrBolagna Sausaga.WaWmakli^tbBlltlMfc Bolt DkfiauM .

offM«l to IB* owl**, u l ' m r . BTOirliig n:•---— tUt U» iieopbwpnduelt^lt

oala Dtmruui ridbllj,or at Uiigrowy MOHMof Jw 'H. DtdunuL Wwrn

•I UN rton of Jokn DcwnJnf, Fort OwnHKUUBM HHOS, B a t e b a n ,

JM:.;i •-.' ..-.,•=.' CENTRE OROVE.S. 4

, - . • • : ™ . T ^ * ^ " 5 T " r . . t . ! ~ J ^ * * « " " T - " ! , . ••:••'-•;•}.:*:'•


~" BLOCI£ -TOLBLAbKWfELLthe store

-':•; If it 's advertisedYou'll find it. th


USE «'i' 1 ' ' r '

Soda aid iCliier»iW»tor«

ind Bgllderj.

•/'JobolniPromptlr «itH*<lli>.


, ""•" ' •"""• • f t m

O < ^ F T O ^ L V AWUBTKD Aim


iOD8raorKOMPn.Vini.iuaD m•Jvi'v-^A'i.'-W^.KiSJSSi-J?1,. ''• S:ft"»nF-:6»;|lDoa9ir«iort