This is the picture I will use. I have edited to add some contrast and brightness. There is quite a large gap at the top of the picture so I can fit text and objects there.

Double Page Production

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Page 1: Double Page Production

This is the picture I will use. I have edited to add some contrast and brightness. There is quite a large gap at the top of the picture so I can fit text and objects there.

Page 2: Double Page Production

The title of the page is just the name of the band. I chose this colour scheme as it is different from the cover and contents and still looks good. Magazines don’t have the same colour

scheme for every page so this follows conventions. At first, I chose a red background for the title but that didn’t look as good as blue.

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I added a box to the top left corner of the picture which helps balance out the page and also follows conventions: this article is a regular part of the magazine as it is about new music.

I also added the page number to the bottom left.

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On the right, I have chosen to add a large box with information about the band in. At the moment, I have just added tour dates but will add something else to the bottom half of it

later. The box helps balance the page and also makes it more interesting than if it were just another text column.

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The article is an interview with the band, so I have followed conventions of magazine interviews by stating the question and who is replying to it. Each question is a new

paragraph and the names of band members are in bold. The font I have chosen looks professional and interesting.

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I added another text column with a picture at the top of it. This picture isn’t to do with any of the questions but gives the reader something else to look at and can make them want to

read the article if they are interested in guitars.

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I added a quote in the centre of the picture. Magazines often highlight a quote from the interview. The quote sticks out and states that the band has played over 300 shows in a year,

which is very impressive. This draws the reader in to reading the rest of the article.

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I also added a quote which fits in the middle of the main text section. This is a convention of magazines and makes reading the article more interesting. The quote is highlighted in blue, which follows the colour scheme of the page. I have added a blue highlight to the UK tour

dates as well, which makes the side bar more interesting.

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I have added another section to the sidebar which is about the free CD. The information includes brief reviews of some of the songs on the CD. It follows the colour scheme of the

UK tour dates section and also the rest of the page.

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The page seemed unbalanced so I have added a banner at the bottom left corner which states that this article is an exclusive. This will give a message to the reader that this article

cannot be seen anywhere else, which will make them more likely to buy and read the magazine.

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This is the front cover that I will ask for feedback on.