DOSSIER NO. · VERTROUWELIJK International Federalist Club (I.F.C.) De International Federalist Club werd opgericht in begin 1952 door een zekere Ivo Wladimir BRUZA,

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DOSSIER NO.: .dB 206.a NAAM: Internatipnal....Pederalist Club.,



^ 33626 - '50

UitAan Paraaf





Aan Paraaf


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Aan Paraaf







foor zover van de «agendeerde stukken (in dit OD geborgen) het schutbladlanwezig was dit bijgevoegd» aug. '70*



Aangelegd op v«rzoek van B VI ddo. 18-4-52,ACE 40


5067 - '48


International Federalist Club (I.F.C.)

De International Federalist Club werd opgerichtin begin 1952 door een zekere Ivo Wladimir BRUZA,een Jonge Tsjechische emigrant, die in Delft stu-deerde.De bedoeling was om internationale contracten teleggen in de geest van een "penfriends"-club, endaarna gezamenlijk, in internationaal verband zichte bezinnen op de realisatie van een democratischewereldfederatie, gebaseerd op de Rechten van deMens zoals deze door de U.N.O. zijn opgesteld.

De leiding berust bij min of meer "weltfremde"idealisten.

Als vaststaand kan wel worden aangenomen, dat zijafwijzend staan t.o.v. het Oostelijke blok, waar-schijnlijk ook t.o.v* het westelijke.

Activiteit werd sedert de oprichting niet waar-genomen. Van politiek extremisme is niets gebleken.

10 Maart1956

SPECIALE INSTRUCTIES AAN ACD,(Slechts bij definitieve opberging in te vullen).



Interne aanwijzingen ACD.


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Voor HB en HC





No. 4228


Typ.: B.

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Van betrouwbare zijde werd betreffende het inmargine genoemde onderwerp het navolgend overzicht ontvangen.(Zie ook rapport 3944 dd. 22-1-1952).

De initiatieven tot oprichting van de Inter-national Federalist Club zijn geheel genomen door BRÜZA Jr. ,onder toezicht van zijn vader. Wat dit betreft, lijken dezemensen vrij "weltf remde" idealisten, vooral de zoon.

De bedoeling is vooreerst om internationalecontacten te leggen in de geest van een "pen friends" club.Het streven is te komen tot de formulering van het natuurlijkerecht in tegenstelling tot het staatsrecht en internationalerecht, dat op macht gebaseercTTsT~Dp~ïïet mó7BSnT s~"ê"r~2B±fs ---dë~lTêlïd'eTrz~iiü"fr-- recht — ( fTl I'07'T aan te passen bij de machtsbe-langen van de U. 3. A.

Door een uitgebreide correspondentie kan dezezaak van alle zijden worden bekeken. De definitie van het rechtkan dan gebaseerd worden op Europese, Aziatische en Afrikaansedenkwijzen. Het streven is dus zeer universeel en kan hetbeste worden omschreven als een poging om de mensheid eengemeenschappelijk grond ideaal te geven- een houvast waarvoorhet de moeite waard is om te leven. Politieke macht wordt niet-of nog niet- verlangd.

De practijk is vooralsnog, dat er diverse brievenom hulp komen uit het buitenland -veelal financiële hulp.Wel zijn er vele contacten met de Oost-Zone en Tsjecho-Slowakije,Deze namen worden niet gepubliceerd.

De voorlopige indruk is wel, dat deze mensenzeker niets met Rusland te maken willen hebben, maar ook nietmet het Westelijk blok.

KB, 18 Februari 1952.^

3UDV fièlA




Nr. j 3944

Betr.: International Federalist Club

Typ. A.

Bijl: twee


2 JAN 1952


Ten vervolge op rapport nr. 3582 d.d,7 December 1951 doe ik TI bijgaand een aanvullendeledenlijst der International Federalist Club toekomek,alsmede een door hen uitgegeven stencil.

22 Jan. 1952JV R I J VOO"< ACTIE

(3) ' January 1, 1952

.Members of ' international federalist Club. ' .

NOTEi Languages spoken, in the brackets.

Kamil AUTJBOURY. Lawyer's Bureau, Aimoteserfia St, 37^/3 »Baghdad, Iraq. lEnglisii, . Arabic , Persian, Kurdish)

Miss Edifh ALQNBO DOMINGUEZ , Esprbnceda 199, 1° 2&,Barcelona, Spain. (Spanisi, Frencii, Engiish)

Miss Psule Vanden BExlGiJl, 'Chausaée de Waterlóo 1329,Bruxelles-Uccle, Bèlgium. (Dutcii, ïrench)

Sam. S0 Q,uartey *Papafio GOKÊR, Engineering Brsncii,Posts & Telegrapüs Dept», Mampong Akwapim, Gold Coast,British West Africa. (

Mrs. Anna DAIyGAARD, Aarslev.St., ïyn,. Denmark,/- (Danisii, Englisii, German)

Ganesh Y.'DIXIT. Vsrala Pa t»^Guhagar , Dist, Ratnagiri,C Indi'a', '(Eng lis h)

Mrs, .Sue Mac DONALD, Blue .her o n Farm - B0x 402,New Westminster, Britisii Columbia, Canada, i

Erling EGEBO, Ravneiiolmevej 1 , Cope.nh.agen N , V 4 , Denmark»(•Danish, English and a "bit German)

Rapmèl EKEA3WANWU, 76:Ba^.e iStr^et.,' Ajeg-unle Apapa',ïïigerié , British^We.st. Africa. . (ïïnglish) • . ' • ' '

Asïiur ESBAYA, Kirkuk iStores, Kiriuk, Iraq.(Englisb, Arabic, Assyrian) - . . • ' • • , : ' . .

Ing. Are h. .E. A. GLUECKATO» c/o arch, E^-tenany,Jaakalir Stt. 17/IVtii.flr, Tel- Aviv, Israël.:

/ (Czech, Prench, English, German)

C-ornelie h., J, 't MRT, Kr.ieler,f.- 16, Rot,terdam-Z-,( (Dutcii, Prencja, Germen,

Eenk iïENDRIKSON, Zaailand 18„ Rotter-dam-Z,- hol land»(Du-t c h, German,

William Iz-ancis üBNRY, 5 Churcii St« , Buncrana, .Co.Do neg al, Ireland., (irieü, English,, a jLittle German) •

Chrisiian Kruse iiERMANSEN, JernTDanegade 3Ö/H,,Bramraiinge, Denmark. (Dsnisii) •' ;:

• - • - -, i t ~' "*•

Beiinan ISSA, Training Ce.ntre> - Ireq Petroleum. Cp* , Ltd.,Kirkuk, Iraq. (Englisii,, Arabic, Assyrian)

Miss Shirley IY1J1R, 48 Riversfield Road , Enfield, Middx.,England, (Englisia)

Jibrail JARJIS, Bleet, Dept,, Irsq Petroleum C 0 , , Xtd. ,Kirkuk, Iraq. ' (Eng lish, Arabic)

.lfl J

2 "

Anton JUTER&NIK, Ciril-Metodova ulica 10, Maribor-Studenci, Yugoslavia. (Serbian, German, English)

Vagn KROGfi, Üolsted, Denmark, D^nish, English, German,French)

üe.-nB M. LANGAGER, Kastrupvej 90/IV, Copon^gen S,Denmark, (Da.nish, Germen, a little French)

Johannos G, M. LELIEVELD, Certosiusstract 11, Denüolland. (Dutcii, English, German, .

Makoto KAKI, 6711, Kugonumr, Fujisawe, Kanegawa Préfec-ture, Jr.pan. (Japr.nese, Englisri, Germrn)

• Joseph MAHSALBK, S.P» 81 775-T. O.E. , pr .rB.C.M. Paris,Franco. (Czecb, Slovakian, Hussian, Frenc'h, German)

Ong Biong ui cm, Talün lor 10, Mplrng (Jrva) , Indonesia.(English)

Frederick PETER, Prod, Office, Iraq Petroleum C o , , Ltd.,Kirkuk, Iraq. (English, Arabic, Assyrian)

• Siegfred RAAE, aenrik Steffensvej 6 St. tv., Copenhsgen V,Denmark, (

D, HAGMVA REDDY, Penagaluru, Cuddrpah (Dt.) S. India.(English)

Altpfarrer Otto Marie SAENGEH, Dettighofen o"b Tiengen,(17^) t OToerrhein, Germany. (German, French, Italian,English, P little. Spanish)

N, SAKKANAN, Sennelgudi, Pal? vrmatham Post, Virudlwnagar,South India, (English )

Hizgrllp Girgis SEIF , 2 & 3 Winter Prlace Buildings,Luxor, Upper Egypt, Egypt. (English) .

ftenry SELL, Ullerslev-, Denmark, (Dr nis h, English, German,French) . .

Jarosla.v SütAÖEK, 3° B.E.P. - C. A. , Setif, Algèrie,French North Afr ica . (Czech, German, Polish, iiussian,French)

Drs. P.C. VEENSTRA, v, d. Kelstlasn 49A, Mlvorsum,B-olland. (Dut c h, English, German, French)

Address changed:. Miroslav MAHEÖEK, 1B^ C1^ - S.P.' 82.335-T.E.O. per B.C.M.Paris, France. (Czech, German, Frencjo)


f O K C B D L A B O V R C A H f S


At the begiftBiag of October 19S1 feurtt«n Csech prUoner* eacapedfroai tb* 'Jach'yBov'a arahinai »ine» to Conaany. This group one d»yvolontVriiy.worked » over time" and in*tead of going down the *ünetfcey «id the»aelve» ik the abandoned pit. «bout 100 Meter* under the••rfaee. Froei thi» place they duf thea»elvca out within tbree andhalf awnta* by *«an» of handtool* only to freedon. The tunnel tbeydüg 9«t «*d«d beyond the «ire* oi the Itbour cup, and the diataaceto the froBtier*. about 40 ka, they walked vit hou t •i»fortune dreaaedia pri»oaerP» clothea.

In the. Jachyoo*'» area there are theae labour and concentration caaipa:•Vyk«anovr Svornoat, Bovnoat, Maria'nk«, Eliaa I, El i a» II, Bratratvi I.Thrae other eajapa a're near in Horni Slavkov. It. ha* be eatinated thatin the Jacbyawv'* Mine» there ere over 30,000 pri»oners,

" WMTAS», BULLETIN OF RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL INFOMIATION PUBLISHED BY THECHM8TIAN ACADW OF CZECHOSLOVAKU r BOMA - Via della Conciliazione., l,preaent* in it» iaaue of Deceaber lst, 1951 a document about the condition*io the concentration camp* in Ciecho»lorakia. This report ia baaed an theperaooa) experience of Jonn Nejei-Bradley, a Ctechoalovak student, vho «a*

• proaecuted for having organited au ille'gal group of student» and havingapread underground prea* propaganda, Prenysl Hartmann, student of Prngue,an ea>inMate, too, and ao others'who do not wi»h to be «entioned.


I. Pen a l caatp»; Purpoac, location, number of camp*, inmates, guard*.II. General aituation in the caaip •III. Laboor condition*; ca»p " aelfgovernment1'.IV. feading. ;

V. Hygien* . :VI. Politieel indoctrination.

APPHflrfCES . .


Two kind» of foreed labour camp* haye been aet up in the country: 'a).Forced Labour Caups to which people are aent by order 'of % the Penal

Co»i**ion* which «re attached to Regional National Comnitteea.Tho*e directed there are per»ons who " have failed to fit into thegeaeral laboor achene and 'who dislike work, but al*o unaocial andpolitically reaciicnary element* whon the courts need not havefound c*ilty of «»y indictable offence.». Thi:» kind of 'camp i*, meanta* a reforaiatory for theai *o that they can in due cour»« be abaor-bed into noraal aociety.

b) Penal Caaqia witte Foreed Laboor, to which are aent incorrigible• aboteur* of the people' * deatocratic regiwe who had been condemncda* »uch by the State Tribun al* , but al*o comawn cri'ninal* who cannotbe reforaied by conpulsory labour alone. Thi» second category ofcanps t* a " cure or k i l l" n f f a i r , and proapective innates are toldco npoa being duMpod there trom their reapective transport*.

On September 16, 1949, by which time all priaoner» of war had been roleaaed,theae c aap s we re located only in the territory forned by the triangle

• JaehyaMT-Carlabad-Karianake Lasnc, i. e. in a region containing naturel


d«o>«*ita of «raaiimBl ore; th« pri»onera of war vho nntil then had been•orkUff there have been md «re bfting replaced by Cxech politieil «nd

crimiaal offenders. " -T

Once every month «11 regi n«l gaol* «end their transport* of convictedper*on* to the principal concentration camp «ituated behind the village ofVyk*a*ov not far from the expreas train route Prague-Oatrov-Cheb (Eger),om the highgate leadiag from Jachymov to Carlatad. From thia camp pri»oner»are being di*tributed over «11 the campa in the region. Thia camp also•erve* aa a centre for persons who are either wholly or partially unfit forwork. The cimp barrack* at any moment house about 7.000 pritoner*. Exter-a»l security i* en*nred by a formation (3000 men «trong) of the Corps ofNational Secnrity (police) wit h headqufter* for the «hole region at Ostrav;familie* of theae Security Service men here live also. A detachment ofPriaon Guard, conaisting of 20 men, is re»pon»ible of internal aecurityarragement*.

The main region eontaining the varioua canps lies to the North of Ostrovwithin a radius bcunded by the towns and villages Jachymov, Bozi Dar, Brei-tenbach, Pernink, Merklin, Hroznetin. There are alltogether about 60 oftheae camp*, the beat known of which are " Bratrstvi" (1.000 inmates),» Rovnoat" (1.050 innate»), "Elias" (600), "Eva" (700), " Marianka" (4?0), •• Svornoat" (800), •• Barbora" (300), " Jirina", » Sidliata", About 10.000 poWIreaien enaure external aecurity; of the*e the Kopecky-Vrsky forroation iamade up of 1.000, the Marianakn of 1.500 men. Each camp ha* from five to tenmembera of the Priaon Guard attending to internal «ecurity arrangement*.

The National Security (police) formationa are directly under the commandof Prague headquarters, whilst the Priaon Guard take their orders from thePriaon Service Comaand at the Plxen (Pilaen)-Bory Penitentiary. The latter

( i* genernlly referred to a» " Eedy Vision",

The civilian population of this region - a* far it has been allowedto *tay - conaiata of German miners, but mostly of Slovaka who have beenre-aettled there after 1945. Most of the village*, however, have no inhabi-tants, or houae only verious formations of the Corps of National Security(police).

There i* no ban on entering this region, but there ia a regular check-upe ach Saturday and Sunday on all traffic passing along the road* to and froMthe area, includipg railway». Loitering in 'the vicinity of the uraniummine* i* strictly prohibited, there i* rigoroua control, and entry only ^permitted for pit employees holding special passes. Otharvise, there i* onlyVpcea*ioaal checking during the week.

The personnel of the National Security and Priaon Guard Service is made upof apecially picked and trained Communi*ta, whoae behavour towarda theprisoner» i* arrogant and rough. They are mostly young people, holding theraak of sergeants. (Sec .Appendix I.)

The civilian population outaide ahowa friendlines*. Prisoner* werking onthe surface in groups autside the camp*, M far aa they get into contactwith these civilian neighbour* of their* have frequently been given ciga-rette* and food. Neverthele**, pritoner* are under atrict ordera to abstainfrom outiide contact*, and aayone caught talking to civilian employeea, re-

/ ceives corpor^al poniahment.

Bach uranium pit haa a penal camp atteched to it. The site for the latterha* invariably been aelected »o a* to offer Maximum advaatage* fro» theaecurity point of view, *uch as for example a alag-heap, a tree-Ie**, «heermoutaia-side (alope), a bare, level plai», etc. Wit h'i n a radio* of 500 •from each pit there i* n no man'a land which i* «trictty out of bouads foreverybody. Every pit i* ««rrounded by a dcable feace of barbed wire. A whoIe•yataai of aearchlight» | l»y* on the wire* at night. At very «hort di*taace*ïrom each other there »rc watch-tower* (observatioa post*) alonr the**feacea. manned by gaard armed with machine-guns.

T», camp* the*»*»*»» wé-ringe»! by aingl» barbed wir* femcing. witV their•m a«ta of «earchlighta bot h alongaide and witkin the camp. At tbe Bain gateia tbe coatrol room of the National Security Service. It check» «p on allarrival» and departare» - the ahifta, brigade», not even police and priaoagaard» are expected. In the centre of the caaip i» tha parade ground wbere thecoonting of priaoner*, reading of ordera and announcing of puniahmenta etc.tak*» place. Tbe caaip conaiata of a compouad of barracka each holding 20-30rooaw and cubiclea. Theae barrack* are in bad «tate, with leaky roofa anddamaged aide wall». Each room ha» a table, a number of chair» and a limitednoatber of bed», according to how enterpriaing and ingenioua the inmatea mayor a>ay not be. Some beda hare pallia*»ea. aoa>e only atraw, whiltt on other»the iamate* aleep on bare board». Owing to ahortage of water, floora arebeing acrwbbed only «nee a «eek and treated with a diainfectant aolution.laapite of that all room* are vermin-ridden. Ho»t of the room» are lightedby electricity. There ia a *tove in the middle of each room, with aawduatfor f nel; two drum* of the latter being allowed to etich room per day.

Beaidea the living-roon barracka the camp alao holda hou»ing the pri»on guardand adminiatrative officea, a block for the kitchen «nd atorage roon», anda aick-bay block

Eigbty per cent of ionate» are political prisonera aentenced after February194P, 15% political priaouers senteneed after 1945 (includiog German element*:former member» of the Ge*tapo, Hitlerian Black Guard -SS- end Naxia in gene-ral), and.SX common criminala. On arrival at the Vykmanov main concentrationcamp, each priaoner ia deprived of hia civilian clothea; hè ia imaediatelyput into a brown convict uniform and receivea a» a regulation ia»ue a «poon,an earthenware mug and two blankets. Onee a nonth there ia an iaiue of soap,and once a mout h the men'* onder we» r ia auppoaed to be changed. The life incamp ia regulated by ordera.iaaoed by the commnndant (See Appendices III andIV.). Moving about the camp ia limited to the men'a own qnarters and theparade ground; anyone ventnring eUewhere run» the riak of being beamen upby the Prison Guarda..The camp Haa covered latrinaa. One latrine haa to aerve about 200 inmate».


The inmate* are divided into three labour groups;

1). Priaoner» working in tbe pit*: These are aubdivided into three ahifta.Back shift in it» turn ia further divided into amaller unit* according to theandergrouod level at whicb they are working. Each level unit conaiata of anamber of partie» according to their taak. Each party ha* it» own partyleader. Civilian minera auperviae the party leader» and aet them their work.Each party leader haa a liet of hi* men; hè haa to record their performance»,and it ia hè who may racommend reward* in the form of cigarettea. He alaoi»»ue» the extra rationa to which the men ia the. minea are entitled, voice*their complaint* and haa to account for aay eacapes.

2). Priaonera working on tbe aurface: a) In the workshop», b) In tbe buildingcommando*, c) A* apaciali*t*. Tha»e men work in two ahift» and are dividedinto group» according to labonr done, and again partie» like the pit-worker».

S). Priaonera working outaide the camp: The»e are moatly very aick or el.ltrlypeople. They are given the taak of hauling the timber for tbe pits, work intba fore*t,-on the alag-heap», road monding and other special job*. Tl.ey are•ader police eacort and do not enjoy the privilege of minera' extra rationa.

Om the technioal. »ide, the mine i* being admini»tred by Ru»*i*n ena-iae^r» andtacanieiaa*. The man in charge of a pit i* invariably a Rua*ian. The uJar.nnr»,• tatiaticiana, architect», heada of laboratório and otber important c*epi>rt-me«t» are alao Ruaaian*. Tbe ahift matter, deputie* and minera are moatlyCsoch», Gormana and SJovak».

Th* «kift* work eight hour» • day eack. Tfcay have a U«*4 work ing target whichmtiac b« reached. The party leader* are responaibl* for thi*. Shock-work>.gparti** work only *ix faoar* • day. Anyone abaenting hlmaolf from • ahifcrocoÏT*. corporal pwii.k««t, ..e» if tb« cmmp do.t.r fi.d. tke .M to be aick.Baaidoa tbi*. eaek aick paraom bu to Mbmit tft •» «Mmittation by a apeeialivde»>f..t.d m^ber of tb* Pri.on Guard a. t* ki. fit...» for tbe job.


After éafh «kif l, th«ro are tvo havra of «ork wit h tbc volaatary laboar bri-f»éa. l* i» aoatly • e**e of vork iaaide the ciap (water aupply iaatallation*roaaif «f harracka, «te.).

HM «ark ia tko pit» coaaiata of clearing avey atonea, blaating and digging.Priaaavra are ala* eaployed ia tbc aortiag rooaa and on the alag duapa. Civi-liaai aiaer* oaly iaatraet tb* priaoaera.

Thora ia BO aoaetary reward for the vork done; all tkat tha priaonera werkingia the pita receite ara the aiiner»' aappleaentary rationa of foodatuffa and4-8 cigarettea a day. Shock-workera »ay receiTe riiitora and food parcela.

The e aap ia headed by tb* coaaaaeVaat of tha Priaon Guard wit h a peraonnelof 5-10 Ben, aecording to the aisa of the caaip. The coaMandant appoiata the«aap aaaior (leader) - a priaoa«r - uanally a mm coadeamed for lifer

Taa caap aaaior ia hia turn appqinta the leader of the varioua blocka andtheae appoiat leadcra of the rooaa ia their reapective blocka. Aay conplaintaof tlie inaiatea - theoretically - are paaaed by the rooai leader to the blockl e ad* r VBO handa the» over to the caatp aenior or aoaooao «n hiaa etef-f. It •ia the c aap aenior vho ordera the «hole caaip for counting on the paradegroaad, "h* coaaanda "A ten t ion" aad Makea hia report to the police offieero» dvty. Ra haa to report the exact n amber of «en, and thia ia checked bythe police.

The aanior aad hia ataff - priaonera - do not perfora aanu*! vork. They areaaploycd in the ea«p officea, aad aro reapemaible for order .in the caaip.They dlatribate the priaoaara' aai l, bot h letter* .aad par cel*. They keeprecord* «hoving hov priaoneri behave, fcow they vork otc, and report alltheir findiaga tv bke «ojaaajidaat of 'the Priaon Gaard. Accoxding to «hat hè iatold in thia «ray, the coaMandant deeid«»'oa r«*arda and poaiahamnta.

Ciayj aaaior a ave «oatly pioked tucm • tb» ««.qlt* of petaona vho vere condeanedfor eollaborating vith the Ge man a dnring the ocqup«tion pariod or for havingbaan aeabata of the Geatapo, fhaa;faj>«xaipl« the,caap aeaior at » Eliaa"Caap waa aa nir aaahar of the Brao Geatapo» Novak, vhilat tha aenior atM RovBoat" Ghfi~:aJiejd| t« f* •<rtliaf*r .*/f:'*he SA'a Jtrjaa.ch to Ceake BudejoTice,a aan callod Boly, vko vaa given a lifê aeatence for having acted aa in for-•or agaiaat Ciacha dHring the Nëti o'êcapation of Beheaia.

Ihefe^'rétyreaentativea" of the priaonapa alao aake «j>f««gaM»ta «ader the' '• •' •i?*'*' *he Ca(ap.iCöa»i«ii*Ée'r'for Caltaral Af^ééra - f*r laetarea

aad cWrat ^arfaraaace», for Éhe Irinding of booka front"tke;«aap libwary,aid^ «i.iaéaral, to aaè th'at the priaéoera gat politieally rè-o»ianted .aajTiÜM||!iaied. Theaè caap *enl«ra ar* aïlotred «wonjg Othef thiaga alao to f

• 'fai'fB)irélair grbw, and';th«y iré girei ten aigarèiltea a daf. «ne of >thea au-pifr|êé»'<il kitfchen, préécrfbei 4*4 éo*e#óf» the f»od rationa,'auperviaeaaiv'èavcliaa'èp dn the qvality'of tka fóöd dianad'óat aad haa the fight to pi»ea all eoaalaiata of thé priaoé caéj» jJójJtilition dtMctlt bef6re tha eanp


i "ét UU ota«r hwd. if anythiag happana te ine4t Éhë diapleaaare of the caop'• «èéilaMÉaat, tkeaë éaaq> f «actibaar i«al ididèrgo iér«ll«ia pwiabaeat and «re

' - . fki|tf4 (o aa othar ca»p or^ia «a«a of a •eriona •iadeawanour, they are aent„,»* »W «**ad*4,|>f«iteBtUry at Bory. Ther» pr^«o«era are kept on a atarvation

f «ia», »o (V** a*) •< th«« ara f l ad to be al(»ved to vorfc o«t*ide and ao at{ laMt to »btf^ fairly f»a»o»»b|e food r-tion.. All politie»)!* prpaiinent

•ooala art kopt ia thia dreMed priaoa for aacarity reaaoaa. High ranking of-Cia«ra a»aV «raigMTa ar» k*p« thara, «M ara bfi«g atriaUy iaolatad fro.aUloBba*v..4 tra»af*r t* **rj U regaraad «• »he aaTarot paiahaeat. The.

t vtet«re«« pita«aiat« ***Ma*»t the»», «apaeially tkoM «ao, haviag triedaMa|M| ajgrft.ratfaa^aM^,.** «a*f«t« - . f i .

aaaiahMMt i» boiag a»t*d oat by the caaip eoaaiaadaat on tha atreagth\fittmm» Maa »e«tor< It ia faai»« ,«aristd o-t 4y aaajbara of the•i_^A *.«, «• --* » . • • m • «M * - — . _ - _ _a*4 of tha Kraao» •

«f. aat éW «wi fm* », fc. c. Mr*a> UcMe fceoTeral.pt.

of a poaaltypriao-


HM fa«4 im all cae»>» i» a***taMO«a. Every •oraing f roei fiv» to aeve*w**l*cfc <•• priao«ere s»ay obtaia black coffee for breekfast, hst tb» breidi* b*Ug i«***4 to thee) th« night bcfore.

For lw*ck the Men fet 3/4 pint of soap daily. It is awatly luke-warai, vithaoaM vegetablcs floating on top. Soawtiswa rhrre is an addition of barleyor bcaas. It containa «o fat. Potatoaa and du»plin* are given a l t ernat ive ly .Petatoes ara aerved mn pee led (ia skin), three or four of thest per amn,straight into the gravy, which ia an wtdefinable liquid devoid of any fa t .Thai ateat served out i* jast a atorael, and the duaiplings are eilher h a l f -

cooked or overdone. The food aerved ia unelean, for the people working inthe kitche* are wostly eriainals who are ooi too fond of eleanliness. TheSemday dianer ia a siinute portion of pork fro» so»e esiergency alaughtering,a fair portioa af cabbage aad other admxtarea. a dusipling and gravy, butagaia in »iaate qoantity. The baaic food are of courae aoup and potators.Priaonera workiag down the MÏnea are given besides these general rationsapecial «inera or so cal led Puaaian extra rationa. Prisonera of this c«te-fory also receive soaie extra bread, cheese, butter etc., per sronth (SeeAppendix IV.).Froit and si»ilar foodatuffa ao essential for the health of the hunen bodyare only rarely iaaued. Priaonera «ere given «lamst putrid applea in thewis, t er of 19SO, not having bad any other frnit given to t hen throughout theproceding year. ' i

In sone of the ca»ps the inaates are allowed to receive food parcels, par-ticularly where a nuaiber of shock-working'groups exists. Even so theseparcela are -a eiixed bleasing inasnuch as they cause disorders of the diges-tiva organa, aince the stomach and body in'general, having go t used to re-gulatioO caaip f are, can no longer assiaiilate normal, aolid f are.

The food indeed i* a)ost deficiënt in nutritive value, a f act which affectathe young people in particular. They "ill piek up even potato peelinga(akina) and other. waa'te, just to fil l theif s t on ach somehow. Ironicallyenough, the cas«p authorities have placed a big. waste bin in. the niddle ofthe c Map, into which the prisonera are aupposed to throw unwanted food!

L.-BÏÏ3SÖ!Cacb casip haa a block eapecially «et apart for hoapita.1 treatnent, Exceptfor ita deaignation, it differa ia no other respect frorn other block*. Itconsist* of a aick-bay where all sick priaonera are being trested i rres-pect i ve of tha kind, of their diaeaae; of a consul ting r OOM, in charge ofa caap doctor (who ia alao a prisoner); of a store roost for varioua hygienicnecevsities aach aa toilet paper, DDT (inaect powder) and, f inal ly , it alsocontaias the, living roOM of the doctor and bia aaaistants.

The consul ting roo» is very plainly equipped. Beaides a SMall quantity ofbaadages and eetton wool, the doctor ha» at bia diapoaal qne inj eetionsy r in a-e, a pair of sciaaora, a few pincettea, a tberMone/tr and a aval]qvaatity of swdicaaienta. The «rticle chiefly in use is Darnol (purgative) -aa a cvreall for any aicknes* whatéver - and aspirine.

The laek of hygienic equipawnt of ten causes epideaiica which the cs»p doctoria powerleaa to stop. The only cure ia the case of an epidtnic ontbreek iatha l Lating of all the persons affected by it, end exeusing tbese Men froMatteadeace oa tha next ahift at work. Thua for exaapla on October 17, 1949there waa a Maas out break of dysantry at the « Rovnoat" Ca»p, affectipg ab-o«t 800 prisonera. All night long the aten «ere rock ed wit h pain. Sixteenlatrinea*provod inaufficient for such a coloaaa] nusiber of aick persons,In the awning, the canp was unreckonisable; (be Prisoa Gusrds theaaelvea•era a f raid to enter, for fesr of gettLng infected. Tbat day, only veryfew prisoaers reported for their sfaifta. Tki* dyseatry epideaüc waa causedby the cents, wko b*<« uaed for the Mtking of the «oraiag coffee soaie waterfroai tha pit, which on ecconat of ita high radio-activity waa aapplied tothe e*Mp for waahing purpoaea only.

Tkare ia d«ap awd all over the calap, eapecia|ly ii> aatuan. Bat even in•«•eter tha prisoaers who vork below Krotmd and have to stand abont inwater briag «p to the aar f ace aa>d to their barracka and living rooms a lot*) latriaea s Uvatories


•f m* Uat clian «* tfc.ir clothiag aad boot.. The rooaa CM only be acrubbedMM • WMh wl tfcoir coaditioa i. really unbearable. Th. only iaaecttcid.tftat i. Ui.g -aed i» • C«ech iaütatioa of the A«ericaa DOT, .ad thi. prove.t*tally iaeffective. A* f«r •* b*d-b«g» «re concemed. the pri.oner» try tof.t rid of Ue pe.t» by «ingeing t h. i r b«d»te.d« over a fire. provided theeeaf» coMMder «Ho** i t.rr«|««at .ccidentt h.ppe« down in the pit cauaed by inaufficient lechnical*q.ipawat. By frequent «11 aliding below ground, aany pnsoner» have .Ire.dylo*t their livea or have auataiaed fata] injuries. Otherwiae the genera!a*der-ao*ri»haent cau«e» varion» diaeaaea of the blood, end • lat of thepriaoaera are auffering froa raahea, dnodenal ulcers, eczeaaa r.nd acabie».laflaaaation of the conjuactiva is * frequent happening in the case* of •people *ho MC to «ear thick-lenaed apectacle* «nd were neverth*le»s aentoo«m to vork in the pit; thi» ha* brought «bout partial , and in one casetotal blindnea». Goed «any priaoner» auffer froc ruptare of the scrotum;the»e had to be given job» above ground.

Tnbercttloiia ia aaother frequent diieaae, eapecially anongct the young. Allaerioualy hurt and crippled people, or «en in anadvanced «tadium of anydiaeaae leading to their death are beiag tranaported to the nain concentrationcaaip at Vykaianov, vhere they are placed in the aurface coamando». They areput to work on all the roada and railway track» that are ünddr (re-)con9*ruc-^ioat throughout thi» region»

The victina of accident», priaonera ahot whilat trying to eacape and men whodied in conaequence of aoate illneaa are being aent by apecial transport iniron coffina to Bory (Iron Coanandoa), where their relativea may c la im thealready sealed coffin for bnrial at a place of their choice, but of courae•ithont a public funeral.


rolitical indoctrination ia an obligatory anbject in the curriculunof everycaaip. The debating circlea are being directed by a cultural inatructor out of theBMa4»era of the Priaon Guard who ia aaaiated at his work by aelectedpriaonera (at preaent aoatly purged Coamuniat Party functionaries).

Lecturea are beiag held each evening fron aix o'clock onward, Thoae partici-patiag ia the* are divided into debating circle» according to the werkingakifta they belong to. Each lecture ia proceeded by the (inging of Soviet orCiech Soeialiat aonga, wich erch priaoner «uat learn by heart. The aubject».for the Itcture ar* kept uniform in all the canpa, being the naterial nornal-ly aaed for the political training of party Benber», i.e. one that ha» been *•-.preacribed by the Central Executive Coaaiittee of C.P. of Czechotloveki*. "Lecture* anatly deal with Marxiat philoaophy and the teaching», Lenin andStalia» Priaoaera are pemitted to aak queation», but ahould any one of theejMatioaa aomnd auapicioua, i.e. ahould the queationer try to nake fun outof tae l eet «er or confnae hia, hè ge t* a beating and i» deprived of allprivilege», provided hè had BOBB. Next to the philoaophy of the UnholyTriaity, there are the probleaia of econoBÏca, and aaongat these, atre** i*laid oa Ucreaaing product!vity. The priaóner* are beiag urged to fona «hock-work group», tne bait beiag proaiaea of increaaed privilegea or even of COB-pleta auapeaaioo of hia «eatenca and diacharge from the caap. All of thepri»om«t« have aa opportunity to read the principal Coaamniat daily, RUCE" ia the l eet u re rooa; nader the wat ch f ui l eye and ear of the inatructor,

paper ia being read aloud and coMaented upon.

_ c aap kaa a library of abont 200 voluae. in which about five Soviet••tai»»» ar* repreaented by about 40 copiea each, writtea by people like Ehren-kawg, Polevoj, Fade je v and othera. Thi» Soviet literature i* intended totMri a poaitive iaflueace oa the political regeneration of the priaoner*.ftawetiae» it proved to be . LOOM raag. ffben a book by Boria Polevoj waapit int* eiremlatioa aaong»t the priaonera, a nuaber of theae, on reading•*)• a aaot-dowa Soviet airaan aanaged to e»cape froa Gerann captivity inapite of kia »OMda, atteaptcd to ge t away froa their pri.on in the aannert»«y had beea reading about. and oae of thea, Lientenaat SI uk a of Prsane••a ahot dead by the guarda in taat atte-pt.

Tfc. eaitural ia.tnietor ba. al.o the taak of organitiag a draaatic circle.Tae aea aelected for thi» t e aai are eaployed on aurface job» and work in ooly

e* ee te be able te take part ia rebaaraela af ter their day'aThe pritm g«ax4*e atteftd al l the cabaret per f oraaacea of

«h* priaeaera. «»d the «are Telgar'the progrea»>e ia, the better they likeit. Hut eva* here MaNt kiad «f »• aabetafte" ereepe in. At e cabaret parfor-•e»ce ia eaa ef the priao* c*Ppe o*e of the inaiataa, • ex-profeaaioaalaiager ia a fcao«ft jait erchaaW* front JBr»g»* •••* l*Ml Robeaaoa'a " Old ManMver**. The «altare! iaatnwtor approred thia awg, for i t» coapoaer waae precr**ai«e **•**« «Tewere*, dj* priaoeera arranged th« tam ia a«ch a wayaa te aak* erery on* ef the priaoa*re aedieace mderatand that the alavaaah* afeffer, «ing «ad tkreate* their Matere that ene day the eb a in • «nvldbe breken, ar* the participeata ia bro«n oei for M and the alavedri*«ra thegreeaeeata preaeat. At the ««d, ell the priaenera in the •tdieace begaa tej«i* i» the aofeg au« by the priaoaer-actor vith aeitable adapted worda;thia ffni^iifi aech W eKtraordiaary pattic aawagat the gaarda, that theyejriokly eallèd ia reiaferfeneata, cleared the roe* and forbada aay fartherperfermeacea lef aix naat* s, iMpeaing apccial taaka OM «veryoae.

A>y amaieieaa aawag the priaoaera are ceapelled te practica •maical taraaaad if et a eaf* 'a aéaber ef «eaiciaaa ia foaad, they are forced t« fora aaorcheatra. Tfe •* tliai" Caèp Oreheatra e, g. n»ed te toar ether fi^ta «i t hita Beate. Rbewrèr, the** er'èh'eatraa ar* Hoatly reqnired te piay at theliviaf qmmrtara ef the National Seeurity'Gbf p» per*onae], and en a nekec«aaion« they freqnenily witnea» dronken ergiea. Should their ammic beappreved by eae of the c aap ceaBaadera.,- the perforwer» are even exeaptedfraai aay laboar fottea and j vat go fiddling «bent the ca«p.


The lateat additie» te the cBrricaltM at eyery caap are ceeraaa inAttendanee at. theae ia likewiae obligatoryt failare to appeer ia ee^al te•iaaing a ahif t, a** rekel** i* 'e0rpo**al pafeiahewnt. Th* ed««*tieaaletaarfard ef theae eiacaea ia, verf 1««, f pr-the c*t£ter«l MaArve^ar* «k

j~ aelvea wulddoeitai aeppleawntary or even «leakatary begina«r'ft .they f i ad aeae little ti«e te apere, tff eeofae, thanpriaea*** .

ek are M«Mislm Oafcate* i* tkeiT «oea#. l>aMi«iPaUe*. in- anehdebetM. *«ia«a h***yj pjaalahaMM, aa>eca«Uy •%•» th*y< ar» «Ue^lad by aoa*«teel-pigeena'who oftaa infiltrat* the priaoaaveia a let of • inging, hgliah and other Vexlerp' la^aéfe» ai è beiaf tawghtiaoBetiae* on* ef the Men «aeceede in eaHiggliB» in »b^ai< ipetbeii eM>%eM(Uk-;

ere abe«lnt«ly taboe, and «nyoa* caught carrying «a, «tt«è'«hè* geta aa inha-•a» b*ati»g. Ia apite ** «ii», ••»•»•*,'' ce***' ar^- bsOTm lik*, «hm mt A' •ex-krefeaaer »< the ttarlae IbiTaraity"tot Fr«g«e'••*»*•%»• vHtimg «èoM-the life ie eaJapa, ehea* akatcbaa «are aanggjed oataide en» «eni «moMnMa«ly t* the lialtftry of * — ' - • - • •


i. UST or pnépfftt, i* ** JAcathtovPriaea Geard» BeïT|«f '

, Sen.'Varder anü Cenmndant ** Bratretvi»Atalf. «Wd*r, «ttariaake» Camp

Varder, " P«Tlieet«> Ceaq>

, tfcïafWardfcr, Oaamiandattt of Vy%a»aov,

Sem. Varder, Coa»eadant " Renkeat", Vard«f antf tbateMdant of * Mariaaafë»

Aaxil. Varder,- **Ho*no*t» CaapAaxil. Varder, « ttoyneat" CaapAnil» Verder, • Bratratvi" Caop

Cbrp* «f Natie«al Oeearity:8ft>Hej maOI, eow^diag «• Hariaaka" CaactEnaiga MTCL^-deputy ceaamader

Sgt. 9H9p« " Memeat** Ca«p•t MUf?*' *««M*atH Ceaa>at VeaOJ, •>R*va«at»Caam)


BaaaiM Techaiciaaa:Bvb** GBHORIAN, Dipl. Kagineer, Ia, t pee tor of the Jachyao»

Miniaa- Are*MACBALOV, Dipl. Bagiaeer, Ma*a«er of the Eva Mine.


NOK Jeaef, railway eaployee, f o» r yeara for abbeting partiaaaa.BILA. ahopkeeper of Prague, tvelve yeara for undergromd activitie*.CMA, joaraaliat, teateaeed for collaboration «ith the Naiia.CUCJA, of.Piaek, Csechoalovak Aray aerge'ant.DQBHNGOSKi, bricklayer of Bratialava, eight yeara iapriaonaent.DRUK. architect of Crake P«d«jovice.HJBflCT, Prag«e-B«be«e*, Ciechoalovak Aray Major.FAJBTL, R.C*, chaplaia of Pragae, eight yeara for refuaing to adait a

Coaaunitt «oaan to Holy Coaaunion. In fact the «aa convertëdby bia aad her «hole faainy left the Coaaunitt Party.

FEUTEUER. Csal. Aray Major, tenteneed «ith the Sixteenth May Group.•OftT,f Major of the Csechoalovak Aray, Prague.HALAMICEK Joaef, achpolaaater and Deputy Mayor of the City of Liberec.UARTMAIW Pfeayal, *tudent of Prague, Underground actirity in the Sef(k.JfiflC Vaclav, aaldier of the Ctecjioalovak Aray.JILECBK, R.-C. Prieat of Viaperk, aentenced for having aaaiatcd in eacapea

froai the country.Aray M^jor of Prague, aentenced for life-Sixteenth May Group.

Aray lieutantnt, tenteneed for life,jan., ttvdent of Pragae, 15 yeara iapriaonaent.Jan, atadeat of tfaeology

Doctor of aedicine, life aentence," BóvnoBt'* Caap doctor.kytfUK Ja», MS of the Czal. Aray» Kutna Hora, 12 yeara.LANBKl Aatonio, CBK of the Citl. Aray.UTTMWNi *ttor»ey*at-la«, Prtgae. • .LOUBAL, Profeaaor PrantiXek, Cbairaan of the National Coaaittee in Mortvia

af ter 1945, ex-lootte in.Nasia Dachau ->• died February 1951.Jaróailav, «alder, Vejprty.

falk, Radio Reporter, Prague.teftn, Radio Announcer.Pr., aecretary of Slorak Deaocratic Party, Youth aection,

BratialaTt.aveoa, 68 year* of age, 7 year*. iapritonaeht,Or. AUaülav, Catholic deputy.

PHpVKniK Aatoaia, Hotel-keeper, 8 year* for atteapt to eacepe.19K» iaaaraajee elerk.lailtflfA. lectarer oft Pragae, 12 year* for illegal eroaaing of the border.SADfJMBKf Joeef, glaa'a-vork clerk, Sokolov.SAÜit. Aray Major of Prague.

t, 62 yeara, for having helped *oa to croaa the frontier abroad.ET, Cr. I»an, Jtvyer, tenteneed for aaaiating Geaeral Vlcek in eietpe.t, Coloael of the Cottoa* Service of Prague, t«o yeara.

••via, at|Mie«t, teateoced for illegai activity ia oaderground group.l, police officer of Klatovy, underground activitie*.

, textile aerchant of Pragae.Kerel, Ia* traetor at the Aeadcay of A via t ion, Hradec Kralové.

ZMMML Joeef, eaplayee of the Military Technici) Inatitute, PragNe.ZIMA, Dr., of the Miniatry of ladoatry, Prague.

Tfcia liet eaeloeee. oaly the naaea of tboae pritonerttae vriter aet and «hoae naaea hè reaeabera.






N.a.v. een verzoek om inlichtingen, werd door eeninformant bijgaand schrijven van de International Federalist Clubontvangen, benevens de hierbij gevoegde ledenlijst»

I.7,,BRUZA is Ivo Wladimir BRUZA, geboren 26-4-1926,fte Praag, student T.H. te Delft, zoon van Wladimir BRUZA, geboren1,21-8-1899 te Rohilno (Tsj.Sl.( en Ludmila CAHOVA, geboren 2-6-01te Podklasteri (Tsj.Sl.).

Yolgens bevolkingsregister te utrecht geen kinderen.

KB, 7 December 1951 f






/ r

' - s


INTERNATIONAL FEDERALIST CLUBCentral Office: Rudolf Keil, PoststraBe 30, Berleburg/Westf., Germany.

andIvo V. Bruza, Bijlhouweratraat 5, Utrecht, Holland


Dear Friendl

We propose a possïbility to you to become a member of InternationalFederalist Club.

What it is the International Federalist Club? It is an internati-onal organization whose aim it is to establish a personal contactamong the individual federalists in the whole world by the meansof correspondence and personal meetings where possible.

We are federalists. that means we see in the democratie WorldGovernment a mean that can realize the peace and securlty in thewhole world. However. we think that only such a World Governmentcan be accepted that has in lts program the protection of theHuman Rights on the whole world and for all men and women withoutdistinction as to natlonallty. colour or religion. The bestassumation of Human Rights we see in the Universal Declarationof Human Rights as approved by the United Nations Assembly atParis on December 10. 1948.

Our aim is a great and difflcult one. The great aims can bereached by the men only who are enthusiastic for them. We see ourimmediate task in givinga feellng of world federalistsolldarityto the single and isolated federalist which would make hls workeasier to hlm.

Each member of the Club receives the full list of names of allother members. If you are interested in our activity write to usand glve in your letter your full name, address. age. sex,occupatlon. foreign languages spoken anö sorae remarks about yourspecial interests.

Expecting your soon reply. we reraain,

wlth cordial greetings,

Yours sincerely.

for the International Federalist Club:

Rudolf Keil Ivo V. BruzaPoststrasse 30 BijlhouwerstraatöBerleburg/Westf. UtrechtQermany Holland

P.S. It does not matter on whlch from our two addresses you wrlte.



October 19i 1951

To t*« members cf International Federalist Club.-•*~<m~mmmmmmmmm~mmmmmm m^mmmmm -•^••••••---••- ••••••••

De ar Friends,We put int o your x*ands the second issue of the members 'list of IFC. We ask you to use it , t o see in the w ome nand men mentioned t care your friends striving for toesame aima as you. Write t o t hem, iearn t o know eacaother, meet «ach other wr»ere possible. If our Club isto become e contribution to t^e "botter understandingamong people and na^^-ons, tnen we all must becomegood friends.Spread our propaganda letter, Read the UniversalDeclaration of human Rig^ts and discuss it. Be aware•f the fact thet in the present World of animosity andbad underetending we are representing "the highestaspiretion of common people into t^e advent of a woridin which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speecxiend belief and freedom from fear and want". .

Li eb e Freunde,wir geben in I^re Lande die zweite Ausgabe der Mit-gliederliste des IFC. Wir bitten Sie, von derselbenGebrau«ii zu macaen, in den Frauen und Mannern, diedorthin angefüiort sind, lüre Freunde zu sexten, welciaedenselben Zielen wie Sie nacJastreben. Schreiben Sieiimen, lemen Sie sich untereinander kennen, sprecJ&enSie miteinander, wo m"óglic£i* Wenn unser Club einenBeitrag für das bessere Verstandnie unter Menseden undNationen bedeuten soll, dann müsseij wir alle guteFreunde werden.Verbreiten Sie unseren Propaganda-Brief , Lesen Siedie Allgemeine Deklaration der Mensc^enrecirte unddiskutieren Sie über dieselbe. Seien Sie eicii dessenbewusst , dass wir in der Jaeutigen Welt gegenseitigerFeindsoiiaft und Unversöbnlicxokeit "die iiöc^steiioffnung der Henscjuieit auf die Geburt einer Welt,in der den Menseden /lede- und Gleubensfreijoeit und

Ton Angst und Not zuteil wird" , represent ie ren.

Beste vrienden,Merbij geven wij in Uw iianden de tweede uitgave vande ledenlijst van IFC. Wij vragen U iiaar te willengebruiken, in de vrouwen en mannen er op aangegevenUw vrienden te zien, welke dezelfde doeleinden als Unastreven, Sc/drijft aan hen, leert hen kennen, spreektmet elkaar, waar mogelijk. Indien onze Club een, bij-drage tot een beter begrip tussen de mensen en tussende volkeren moet worden, dan moeten wij allen goedevrienden worden.Verspreidt onze propaganda brief. Leest de AlgemeneVerklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en bespreekt haar*Vergeet niet, dat wij in de tegenwoordige wereld vanvijandschap en slechte verstandhouding "het hoogsteideaal van iedere mens op de komst van een wereld,waarin de mensen vrijheid van meningsuiting en geloofsullen genieten, en vrij zullen zijn van vrees en- • — — • — f — _- -- » - ; - «-» - __ - . - , - : - ____ ,,--- ...... _

(1) r ^ September 1951

Members of International Federalist Club,*M...*.......... mm* ................... «• •>.«•••

NOTE: Languages spoken in the brackete.

Elias Jiriee ABDO, Jifna-Hamallah;- E.K. Jordan.(Englieh» Arabic) ' • ,

Said BARGfiOUTY, Spinninge and Wéaving Co.,P. O, Box 410, Damaskua, S&rria.

Thomas BRIGJbCC, "Boley", Monkstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland.(Englitfii) -

Ivo Vla-dimlr BRTJ2A, Bijlüouwerstraat 5. Utreoiit, holland.(Czecii, Dutch, EnglisJa, German, Frencii) •

A.C. BUCKLEY, Building 110, RAF Kabrit, MEAF 15, Middle(j East. (irish, Englisii, French, Esperanto)

— Ivéclav FENCL, Mie 58.297, 3- BEP, Setiv,- Frencü NortüAfrica. (CzecJQ and all Slavic languages, French, EnglisJa,German)

— "iFranciesco FIGUEIRAS, c/o Bencuella xïailway Company,Lobito,, Angola, West Africa. (Porturuese, English,

f Caesar Anis iALABY, P.O. Box 1595, Accra, Gold Coast.(Arabic, Englisii)

^Svend-Aage £ESTOPT, Toemrergade 2, Copenhagen-N, Denmark,(Da nis h, Eng lis h)

^ i Rudolf KEIL» Poststraeee 30, Berleburg/Westf . , Germany.(German)

_-[MiroBlav MAREÖEK, 1er Cie - S.P. 8233? - T.O.E. par B.C.M.Paris, Prance. (Czech, German, French) --

MORCOS, 106 rue Foued 1er, Zama lek- Cairo» Egypt(Arabic, English, French) X

Guy MORRIS, La Sarre Abittibi, P.Q. Canada.(English, French)

-Jacobus van NIELEN, Dordtselaan 60a, Hotterdam-Z, iiolland.(Dutch, English, French, German)

Samuel C. OFILI, The Afrioan Continental Bank Ltd.,2. Yoruka Road, Kano, Nigeria, Brit i Bh West Africa.(English)

(2) - 2 -*

~[Artiïur KCRN, ( l3a) Einenfeld /ü. Birschau, Jaaue Nr. 34-,Germany, (Gernran)

- IKnud HARTENS, Tandlaege, FrederikssundsveJ 143,Denmark. (Danisii, Englisii, German)

.71 J. 'MITLLER, Mie 67035, ier cie, T.O.E., S.P. 82335, par^ B.C.M. Paris, France. (Dutcki, Oud Vlaams, Frencx-i, Engl


^wiuxi NAVRATIL. 60449, 361116 B.E.P. , CCB, Setif, FrenciiNcrth Africa. vCzecii, German, French)

/JMiss Gisela REJNARTZ, (21b) Laespiie/Iaiin, Benfestr. 1,Germany. (German,

Dr. P.<?. Ie ROUX, Fcrest Drive 126, Pinelands, Kaap,South Africa. (Afrikaans,

C ^ \s Ursula SAChAU, (21b) Berleburg/Weetf . , joocjastr* 13,Germany. (Gernen) .

h ShEBAKLO, Post Street, Ain Mreisseü, Beirut,Lebanon. (Arabic, Englisn, a little Frenc/i)

/( D. D. SbrilVASOJAVA, Agriculture College , Nagpur, India., iindi)

| Miss Elizabeth STUIVENBERG, Emmalaan 31» Veenendaal,iolland. (Dutch)

Mies Luise TREUDE, (21b) Berleburg/Westf , , Ederstr. 5,Germany. (German)

— |Mrs. Lita TUXEN, Rosendalsgd. 11, Ccpenijagen f6, Denmark.(Danieii, Norwegian, Englis^, a little German)

l^Miss Erika WAGNER, (21b) Berleburg/Westf . , Wiesenweg 6,Germany. (German)

J^JMisè Waltraud WAGNER, (21b) Berleburg/Westf ., Astenberg-t-^ Btrasse 8, Germany. (German)

WINZER, (24b) Lübeck-ScJfllutup, 4-8 Bögengang,Germany, (German, Frencii,

j Er i ch Wipper, (21b) Berleburg/Westf., Ederetrasse,Geimany. TGerman, Englieii)

( 1 ) - 2 -

, Eelena J, OTTESBN, Nursee1 £oine, Hoyal Infirmary,jVberdeen ( Sc o t land), Eng land. (CaecJa, Eng 11 8 n, Frenciiand a little German, Norwegian, Hussian)

-"/VaèlaY PSTRAÖEK. 1er Cie - S.*. 82335 - T.O.B, par B.C.H.Paris, Franc e. (Czech, German, a little French)

| Mrs. Elena SLYE-FINNBY, *Boley", Monkstown Avenue,' ' Konkstown, C*o. Dublin, Ireland. (irisii, InglisJa)

j Poppe STIENSTRA, Kelders 19B, Leeuwarden, .faolland.(Dutch, English, German)

i Emanuel ZAflHA, 2061-14-th Street, Detroit 16, Michigan," U.S.A. (English)

x|AJomed ZEfiBY, c/o I.P.C. T and T Office, Tripoli, Lebanon.' (Arabic, EnglisJa, French)

Miss SJouk ZIJLSTRA, Badweg 5a, Leeuwarden, Bolland.(Dutch)


(2) Cctober 17,

Members of International federalist Club.

NOTB; Languages spoken in tJoe bracket»,

iMise Eva Ursel BALD, Ederatrasse 7, Berleburg/Westf . ,(21 b) Germeny. (Germen)

* *

f Fred BOEÜ, Weidenüaueen /ü. Berleburg , Kreis Wittgenstein,\, (21 b) Germany. (German, Frencii, Englisi., ituseian)

Dipl. Ing. Vladim£r B n ^ A , Sr., Bijliiouweretraat 5,, Eiland. (Czecü, Dutoii, Englieii, German)

j ii.R. EEVDiiAR, B. A. B. T, , Guiiagat, Dist. Ratnegiri, India.i (English, hdndi)

s Ilse EGGERT, Im'Msriental 15 • ABcben/Riinld. ,Germany. (German, English)

Ö A Hugo EINSIEDLER, Inselstresee 14, Stuttgert-Wangen,Germany. (German)

i Emmanuel GEORGE, c/o Iraq Petroleum Compsny, Ltd. ,^ Product i on Dept. , Kirkuk, Ireq. (Arabic , Erv^lisa,

Turkish, Kurdish, Aseyrian, Armenian)

X» Soubiii GJ^ALEB» c/o T & T O f f i c e , Iraq Petroleum'Ltd. , Tripoli, Lebanon. (Arabic, Englis^)


.-iModrie GULBIS, 303 East 11tia, Fremont, Nebraska, U. S. A.(Latvian, Englisii, German)

^iMra. Olga AANEEN, 59Vester Allé, Vejen , Penmark.(Danieh, ,Englis^, German, a iittle

ÜAUPT, Am Westbaiinjaof 2, Essen-West, Germany.(German, Engliaii, fipanisii)

löregory Cbi IMEGW, 12 Little Road, Yaba- Lagos, Nigeria»West Afrioa.

JANSEN, Kindergarten, Flensburg-Adelbylund, (24a)Germany. (German, EnglisJa, Frencü,

l Coen E. de JONöE, Mauritaetraat 82, Utreciït,1 (Dutcii, German, Bnglisia, Frenöii, Swedish)


Rosi KOEhlJÜR, iiassenberg I9f ^oat Mitwit», KraisCoburg, (I3a) Germany. (Geman)


SPECIALE INSTRUCTIES AAN ACD,(Slechts bij definitieve opberging in te vullen).



Interne aanwijzingen ACD.

ACD. Dit.: 19-Wl far.:



Aantekeningen (Nummeren s.v.p.!):

1 0 1 9 2 - 5 l



Verbinding: 19 Datum: 20-11-51A/14 no 1172'51 Fed.

Onderwerp: International Federalist Club.

Hiermede wordt het navolgende gerapporteerd:Op een universitaire instelling te Utrecht was begin dezer

maand opgehangen een pamflet van de International FederalistClub (zie bijlage II). De daarop genoemde Ivo VI. Bruza isgenaamd: IVO VIADIMIB BEUZA, geb. te Praag 27-4-26.Hij woont niet aan de Bijlhouwerstraat 5 te Utrecht, dochheeft als adres 't Duivelsgat 24 te Delft, alwaar hij studeertaan de Technische Hogeschool.De ouders zijn genaamd: Vladimir Bruza, geb. 21 Aug. 1899

te Mohelno (Tsj.Sl.) en Ludmila Cahova, geb. 26 Aug. 1901 tePodklasteri (Tsj.Sl.). Deze wonen Bijlhouwerstraat 5 te Utrecht,De vader is werkzaam als ingenieur bij de K".V. Coq., Kanaalweg41 te Jutphaas, welk bedrijf te zijnen behoeve een werkver-gunning heeft, geldig tot 31-1-52. Het gezin Bruza vestigdezich op 1 Maart 1951 te Utrecht, komende van Amsterdam, Stad-gouderskade 117 en staat bij de Vreemdelingenpolitie te Utrechtingeschreven. Het is^sedert 31 Maart 1951 in bezit van eenverblijf svergunningJMer toestemming van de Procureur-G-ene r aalte Ben Haag, terwijl de vader in bezit is van een Ned. Vreem-delingenpaspoort no. 28809 d.d. 19 Deo. 1950, geldig tot 18Deo. 1951 en afgegeven door de Burgemeester van Eotterdamnamens de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken.Bij schrijven no. tv 43040 -B, d.d. 12 Nov. 1951 van het

Hoofd van de Bijksvreemdelingendienst werden aan de Hoofdcom-missaris van Politiemte Utrecht inlichtingen gevraagd omtrenthet echtpaar Bruza. Zulks staat in verband met een schrijvenvan het "Canadian Immigration Offive", ingekomen bij het lijks-reclasseringsbureau van het Ministerie van Justitie. Zulksdoet een ev. emigratie van het gezin Bruza vermoeden.De overige bijlagen bestaan uit fotocopieën van

I. antwoord van Bruza Jr. op een brief, houdende verzoek ominlichtingen omtrent de Int. Fed. Club, geschreven dooreen dezerzijds contact.

III. Een aanbevelingssohrijven van die ClubIV. ledenlijst, gedateerd Sept.1951 enV. idem, gedateerd 17 Oct. 1951, welke naar dezerzijdse mening

als aanvulling op IV bedoeld is.Met de op V. voorkomende C.E. de Jonge wordt bedoeld:COENEAAD EIDEBT DS JONGE, geb. ge Heerlen 1-4-30, wonendealdaar aan de Vlotweg 29, studieadres Mauritsstraat 82 teUtrecht. Hij stond voor het cursusjaar 1950/51 als medischstudent ingeschreven aan de Bijfcsuniversiteit Y*W& Utrecht.Zijn ouders wonen aan genoemd adres te Heerlen. De Jonge isv«rm. adelborst van de Kon. Marine. Van hem is overigens dezer-zijds niets bekend, zo ook niet van het echtpaa3{ Bruza.


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INTERNATIONAL FEDERALIST CLUBCentral Office: Rudolf Keil, PoststraBe 30, Berleburg/Westf., Germany.

•andIvo V. Bruza. Bijlhouwentraat 5, Utrecht, Holland


Dear Prlendl

We propose a possibility to you to become a member of InternationalFederalist Club. '

What it is the International Federalist Club? It is an internati-onal organization whose aim it is to establish a personal contactamong the individual federalists in the whole world by the meansof correspondence and personal meetings where possible.

We are federalists. that means we see in the democratie WorldGovernment a mean that can realize the peace and securlty in thewhole world, However. we think that only such a World Governmentcan be accepted that has in lts program the protection of theHuman Rights on the whole world and for all men and women withoutdistinction as to natlonallty, colour or religion. The bestassumation of Human Rights we see in the Universal Declarationof Human Rights as approved by the United Nations Assembly atParis on December 10. 1948.

Our aim is a great and difficult one . The great aims can bereached by the men only who are enthusiastic for them. We see ourimmedlate task in givlng a feeling of world federalist solidarityto the single and isolated federalist which would make hls workeasler to him.

Each member of the Club receives the full list of names of allother members. If you are interested in our activity write to usand give in your letter your full name. address. age. sex.occupatlon. foreign languages spoken and some remarks about yourspecial interests.

BxpBCting your soon reply, we remain.

wlth cordial greetings,

Yours sincerely.

for the International Federalist Club:

Rudolf Keil Ivo V. BruzaPoststrasse 30 BijlhouwerstraatöBerleburg/Westf. UtrechtGermany Holland

P.S. It does not matter on which from our two addresses you wrlte.

Octcber 19, 1951

To tra membera of International Federalist Club.

Dear Friends,We put into your hande the second issue of the members1list of IFC. We aak you t o üse it, t o see in the w ome nand men mentioned t£«re your friends striving for toesame alma as you» Write to them, learn to know eacnother, meet each other where possible. If our Club isto become a contribution to t^e better understandingamong people and na't ion a, t^en we all must becomegood friende.Spread our propaganda letter. Reed the UniversalDeclaration of human Rig^ts and discuss it» Be a war etf the fact that in the present world of animosity andbad understending we are represent ing "the highestaspiretion of common people into tiie advent of a worldin which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speechend belief and freedom from fear and want".

Liebe Freunde,wir geben in I/ire hande die zweite Ausgabe der Mit-gliederliste des IFC. Wir bitten Sie, von derselbenGebraueh zu macflen, in den Frauen und Mannern, diedorthin angeführt sind, Inre Freunde zu sehen, welchedenselben Zielen wie Sie nachstreben. Schreiben Sieihnen, lernen Sie sich untereinander kennen, sprechenSie miteinander, wo möglicü. Wenn unser Club einenBeitrag fiir das bessere Verstandnis unter Menseden undNationen bedeuten soll, dann müasen wir alle guteFreunde werden.Verbreiten Sie unseren Propaganda-Brief. Lesen Siedie Allgemeine Deklaration der Mensc.aenreci.ite unddiskutieren Sie über dieselbe. Seien Sie sich dessenbewusst, dass wir in der heutigen Welt gegenseitigerFeindsoheft und Unversöhnlicxokeit "die höc^stehoffnung der Henschel t auf die Geburt einer Welt,in der den Menseden Rede- und Glaubensfreiraeit undFreiüeit von Angst und Not zuteil wird", reprasentieren.

Beste vrienden,hierbij geven wij in Uw handen de tweede uitgave vande ledenlijst van IFC. Wij vragen U haar te willengebruiken, in de vrouwen en mannen er op aangegevenUw vrienden te zien, welke dezelfde doeleinden ale Unastreven. Schrijft aan hen, leert hen kennen, spreektmet elkaar, waar mogelijk. Indien onze Club eer; bij-drage tot een beter begrip tussen de mensen en tussende volkeren moet worden, dan moeten wij allen goedevrienden worden.Verspreidt onze propaganda brief, Leest de AlgemeneVerklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en bespreekt haar*Vergeet niet, dat wij in de tegenwoordige wereld vanvijandschap «n slechte verstandhouding "het hoogsteideaal van iedere mens op de komst van een wereld,waarin de mensen vrijheid van meningsuiting en gelooftullen genieten, en vrij zullen zijn van vrees engebrek", vertegenwoordigen.Sincerely yours, Mit besten Grüssen, Met beste groeten

Rudolf Keil, Ivo V. Bruza,Poststr. 30, Bijljüouweretraat 5»Ber leburg/Westf., Ut ree i.t,Germany. h.olland.

(1) September 1951

Members of International Federalist Club»••«•••• •«••••. •»*••* • _»_«._....___...___-..•_•._

NOTS: Languagea spoken in t JOB brackets.

Elias Jiries ABDO, Jifna-Ramallahy H,K. Jordan.Arabic)

Ahmed Said BARGfiOUTY, Spinning a and We a ving Co.,P.O. Box 41 0, Damaskus, Syria. (English)

Thomas BRIG-tff, "Boley*, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland,(Englitfh)

Ivo Vla-dim£r BRTJlA, Bijlhouwers t raat 5i Utrecht, holland,(Czech, Dutch, Englieh, German, French) • •

A.C. BVCKUÏY, Building 110, RAF Kabrit, MÈAF 15, MiddleEast. (irish, English, French, Esperanto)

Vaclav FENCL, Mie 58.397, 3- BEP, Setiv,- French NorthAfrica. (Czech and all Slavic languages, French, English,German)

Franciesco FIGUEIRAS, c/o Benguella Railway Company,lobito, Angola, West Africa. (Porturuese, English, French)

Caesar Anis hALABY, P.O. Box 1595» Accra, Gold Coast»(Arabic, English)

Svend-Aage EESTOFT, Toemrergade 2, Copenhagen-N, Denmark.(Danish, English)

Rudolf KEIL, Poststrasse 30, Berleburg/Vestf. , Germany.(German)

Miroslav MARBÖSK, 1er Cie - S.P. 82335 - T.O.B, par B.C.M.Paris, France, (Czech, German, French)

Naguib MORCOS, 106 rue Foued 1er, Zama lek- Cairo» Egypt*(Arabic, English, French)

Jean Guy MORRIS, La Sarre Abittibi, P.ft. Canada.(English, French)

Jacobus van NIELEN, Dordtselaan 60a, Hotterdam-Z, iiolland.(Dutch, English, French, German)

Seunuel C. OFILI, The Afrioan Continental Bank Ltd.,2. Yoruka Hoad, Kano, Nigeria, British West Africa.(ïnglish)

(2) - 2 -

Jour KCRN, (I3a) Enenfeld /ü. üirsciiau, naus Nr. 34,Germany, (German)

Knud MARTENS, Tandlaege, Frederikssundsvej 143, Br/Denmark. (Danish, Englisii, German)

J. MULLER, Mie 67035, 1er Cie, T.O.E., S.P. 82335, parB.C.M. Paris, Franc-e. (Dutcii, Oud Vlaams, Frenci-t,German)

lunir NAVRiTIL. 00449, 36*16 B. E. P » , CCB, Setif, Frenciih Africa. (Czecii, German, Frencia)

Miss Gisela RÏÏÏNARTZ, (21"b) Laeapiie/^a^n, Benfeetr. 1,Germsny. (German,

Dr. P.O. Ie ROUX, Fcreet Drive 126 f > Pinelenda, Kaap,Scuth Africa. (Afrikaans, English)

Misa Ursula SACi*AU , (2l t>) BerleburgA-eetf . , noc^etr. 13,Germany. (Gernen) .

ATodallah ShEBAKLO, Post Street, Ain Mreissetf, Beirut,Lebancn. (Arabic, Englisü, a little

D. D. Stj-lIVASCAVA, Agriculture College, Nagpur, India

Miss Elizabetii STUIVENBERG, Emmalaan 31, Veenendaal,heiland. (Dutch)

Miss Luise TREUDE, (2 lb ) Eerleburg/Westf . , Ederstr. 5,Germany. (German)

Mrs. Lita TUXEN, Rosendalsgd. 11, Ccpen^gen ^, Denmark.(Danisii, Norwegian, Englisra, a little German)

Miss Erika WAGNER, (21b) Berleburg/Westf . , Wiesenweg 6,Germany. (Geman)

Mis è Walt raud WAGNER. (21b) Berleburg/Westf . , Aatenberg:-etrasee 8, Germany. (German)

Ricriard WINZER, (24b) Lübeck-Schlutup, 4-8 Bögengang,Germany, (German, Frencii, EnglisJn)

Erich Wipt>er, (21t>) BerleburgAestf . , Ederstrasse,Germany. iGerman,

( 1 ) - 2 -

Mrs. Eelena J, OTTÏÏSEN, Nurses1 Eome, Royal Infirmary,AWrdeen (Sootland), Erfland. (CzecJa, Englisil, Frenciland a little German, Norwegian, Ruseian)

Vaclav PETHlÖEK. 1er Cie - S.*. 82335 - T.O.E. par B.C.M.Paria, Franco. (Czecii, German, a little Frencil)

Mrs. Elena 8LïE«FINÏïEY, "Boley", Monkstown Avenue,Monkstown, Go. Dublin, Ireland. (irisii, EnglisJQj

X| Poppe STIENSTRA, Kelders 19B, Leeuwarden, .Bolland.(Dutch, Englieh, German)

Emanuel ZAfiRA, 2061-14-th Street, Detroit 16, Miciiigan,U.S.A. (Englieii)

Aisned ZEifflY, c/o I.P.C. T and T Office, Tripoli', Letanon.(Arabic, Englisil, Frencil)

| Miss Sjouk ZIJLSTRA, Badweg 5a, Leeuwarden, üolland.(Dutch)

(2) Cctot-er 1?, 1951

Memters of Int e r nat i e na l federalist Club.

NOTB; Languagee spoken in the "bracket».

Mies Bva Ureel BALD, Ederetrasse 7. Berletiurg/Westf . ,(21t>) Germany. (German)

i 't

Fred BOEiL, Weidenjaaueen /ü. Berlebursc, Kreis Wittgenstein,Sciiule, (21t>) Germany. (German, Prencii, Englis*., Rueeian)

Dipl. Ing» Vladimfr BHuÏA, Sr., Bijliiouwerstreat 5»Utreo.ot, Lclland. (Czecü, Du t «Ja, Engliah, German)

h.. R. lïEVIDiiAR, B.A.B,!,' , GuJoagar, Diet. Ratnegiri, India.(Englisb, Jtdndi)

Miee Ilse EGGERT, Im'Mcriental 15. Aaciien/Rimld, ,Germany. (German, English)

üugo EINSIEDLER, Inaelstresee 14, Stuttgert-Wangen,Germany. (Germen)

Emmanuel GEORGE, c/o Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd.,Production Dept., Kirkuk, Ireq. (Ara"bic< JSrv^lisn,Turkieii, KurdisJo, Aseyrian, Armenian)

GhALEB» c/o T & T Office, Iraq Petroleum Company,Ltd., Tripoli, Le"banon. (Are"bic , Eng l i e^)

Modrie GULBIS, 303 East 11tia, Freraont , NeToraska, U. S, A.(Latvian, EngliaJu, German)

Hrs. Olga iiANSEH, 59 Veeter Allé, Vejen, Benmark(Denieh, Engliari, German, a little

fieinz KAUPT, Am Weefbaaniiof 2, Essen- West, Germany.(German, EnglieJa,

Gregory Cbi IMEGWJ, 12 Little Road, Yaba-Lages» Nigeria^Britieh Weet Afrioa.

Erwin JANSEN, Kindergarten, Flensburg-Adelbylund» (24a)Germany. (German( BnglieJa, Frenoii, Polieia)

Ccen E. de JONöE, Mauritsetraat 02, TJtreciit, Jaolland.(Dutcb, German, Bnglieb, FrenOJQ, Swedieh)

Mie» Rosi KCEiiLBR, haeeeriberg 19. ^o** Mitwit», KreieCoburg, Ï13a) Germany. (German)