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    100:01:17,511 --> 00:01:26,319-=Movie title: Doomsday Book=-

    200:01:26,686 --> 00:01:29,089Mariana Resort,

    300:01:29,089 --> 00:01:31,091has 74 guest rooms,

    400:01:31,892 --> 00:01:34,661and all the guest roomsoverlooks the Pacific Ocean.

    500:01:35,462 --> 00:01:37,030Did you see?

    600:01:39,032 --> 00:01:42,035Which direction is the Pacific Ocean

    facing if we look out from our house?

    700:01:42,035 --> 00:01:44,037- Hey, Hwa Yu...- Yes?

    800:01:44,771 --> 00:01:47,040Eat, eat quickly.

    900:01:47,040 --> 00:01:50,043

    Honey, should I bring along my bikini?

    1000:01:50,544 --> 00:01:52,012You are also not bringing me along...

    1100:01:52,012 --> 00:01:53,246- Should I not bring it?- It's up to you...

    1200:01:53,246 --> 00:01:57,250

    I... it's not like you don't know that I'mending my military service soon, isn't it?

    1300:01:57,250 --> 00:02:01,221I... didn't expect you will haveanything to do with this matter,

    1400:02:01,221 --> 00:02:03,223

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    you're working overtime at theresearch centre every night.

    1500:02:03,957 --> 00:02:06,459But, can't you go overseas whenyou're in the military service?

    1600:02:06,927 --> 00:02:09,062I thought the whole platoon wassupposed to go to Iraq or something.

    1700:02:09,795 --> 00:02:13,566How come you didn't go?Oh, I forgot you're not a soldier.

    1800:02:14,567 --> 00:02:15,802Are you considered to be one?

    1900:02:15,802 --> 00:02:17,804

    I'm not that kind of soldier...

    2000:02:17,804 --> 00:02:19,072Then?

    2100:02:20,573 --> 00:02:21,541Sister...

    2200:02:24,511 --> 00:02:31,084I've already labelled all the alcohol in my

    liquor cabinet, you better not touch them.

    2300:02:31,318 --> 00:02:32,319By the way...

    2400:02:33,086 --> 00:02:39,826don't bring home those friends who only liketo drink and have fun, or else you'll be in trouble.

    2500:02:39,826 --> 00:02:40,827


    2600:02:40,827 --> 00:02:44,831Anyway, since you are able tofork out so much effort for the country,

    2700:02:45,598 --> 00:02:47,834mom will count on you.

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    2800:02:55,108 --> 00:02:57,877-=The trash must be separated.=-

    2900:03:03,650 --> 00:03:06,653-=Remember to wash the unwashed clothes.=-

    3000:03:07,620 --> 00:03:10,156Honey, should I changeto another set of clothing?

    3100:03:10,156 --> 00:03:12,158No, no... it looks nice.

    3200:04:18,491 --> 00:04:22,028-=Story 1: The New Generation=-

    3300:04:27,934 --> 00:04:32,205

    Throw the trash,wash the clothes, mop the floor.

    3400:04:33,439 --> 00:04:34,874It's never ending.

    3500:04:41,481 --> 00:04:45,985=You have a new message.=

    3600:04:46,252 --> 00:04:49,489

    =You brat, why are you alwaysnot answering the phone? Seriously...=

    3700:04:49,756 --> 00:04:51,758=Quickly get ready and come out.=

    3800:04:51,991 --> 00:04:53,493=It's a shame to make a lady wait.=

    3900:04:53,493 --> 00:04:54,727

    Hold on, let me find the trash bag.

    4000:04:54,961 --> 00:04:59,665=She's really pretty. She looks really kind,and her figure is even better.=

    4100:04:59,665 --> 00:05:01,434Looking for the trash bag...

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    4200:05:01,434 --> 00:05:03,669=Stop daydreaming by yourself.=

    4300:05:18,451 --> 00:05:20,453-=Remember to throw away what isinside the flower-patterned pot.=-

    4400:05:22,688 --> 00:05:24,257Fuck!

    4500:05:24,490 --> 00:05:25,491Damn it.

    4600:05:30,263 --> 00:05:31,264=I'll only say this much.=

    4700:05:32,265 --> 00:05:35,635

    =Anyway, you must rush there before 7,you mustn't be late. I'm hanging up.=

    4800:06:34,760 --> 00:06:36,562-=Rubbish bin=-

    4900:08:37,982 --> 00:08:39,717Cheers.

    5000:08:45,958 --> 00:08:49,962

    - Are you really okay with eating meat?- Yes.

    5100:08:55,467 --> 00:08:57,469Why are you always taking pictures?

    5200:09:00,205 --> 00:09:04,710I want to rememberevery single moment now.


    00:09:05,210 --> 00:09:11,216Whether it's happy or unhappy,once it's over, all that's left are memories.

    5400:09:13,218 --> 00:09:14,219Is it weird?

    5500:09:14,219 --> 00:09:17,055

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    No, it's cool.

    5600:09:28,333 --> 00:09:30,068The meat has been grilled.

    5700:10:01,099 --> 00:10:04,603The kitchen often provides free service,this is fresh beef that was just delivered.

    5800:10:04,870 --> 00:10:06,371- Waiter!- Yes, I'm coming.

    5900:10:09,374 --> 00:10:13,111Cow liver?

    6000:10:13,111 --> 00:10:16,348This is really delicious.

    6100:10:27,325 --> 00:10:30,062Why is there apple skin?

    6200:10:33,065 --> 00:10:34,566Then you better eat this.

    6300:11:05,363 --> 00:11:07,132No...


    00:11:07,365 --> 00:11:10,869I better go home.

    6500:11:11,603 --> 00:11:16,608Yu Mi, tomorrow I have toreturn to the research centre.

    6600:11:16,841 --> 00:11:21,046My house is nearby, why don'tyou have a cup of tea before leaving?

    6700:11:21,813 --> 00:11:25,817Yesterday you even said that your family wenton a vacation and you didn't want to go home.

    6800:11:25,817 --> 00:11:29,321No... yesterday was yesterday, today is today.


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    00:11:31,323 --> 00:11:35,293Oppa, this is only the thirdday that we're meeting.(Oppa - older brother/boyfriend)

    7000:11:35,794 --> 00:11:39,030People said that after a month,you'll be tired of playing.

    7100:11:39,531 --> 00:11:43,768Yu Mi! I really like you.

    7200:11:44,002 --> 00:11:47,238Yu Mi, I-I-I am not that kind of person.I really love you. Gim Yu Mi!

    7300:11:47,238 --> 00:11:49,975Gim Yu Mi, I want to marry you!


    00:12:07,492 --> 00:12:13,998But, you... why do you like me?

    7500:12:17,736 --> 00:12:25,243Exactly, it's strange. Oppa's style isnot the kind that women usually like.

    7600:12:26,745 --> 00:12:29,013Especially when it's awoman of top quality like me.

    7700:12:33,251 --> 00:12:36,254Why are you so solemn?

    7800:12:38,756 --> 00:12:45,964Oppa's eyes are like those of a puppy.

    7900:12:47,732 --> 00:12:50,969Kind and honest...


    00:12:53,738 --> 00:12:59,744Then, like me because I'm like a dog?

    8100:12:59,744 --> 00:13:06,951No, it's because I feelthat you will like only me.


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    00:13:07,719 --> 00:13:11,456I feel that even when you go to the research centre,you will still only research about me.

    8300:13:12,524 --> 00:13:14,993I do want to research only about you.

    8400:13:23,801 --> 00:13:28,573Oh, but oppa, your face, your face...

    8500:13:28,573 --> 00:13:30,275Oh, why?

    8600:13:45,923 --> 00:13:49,661Aigoo, what are you doing now?(Aigoo - Oh dear/Oh my god)

    8700:13:49,927 --> 00:13:52,664Oppa, don't bother about them, let's just go.

    8800:13:52,664 --> 00:13:54,632Wait, wait.

    8900:13:54,866 --> 00:13:57,368I have to teach you a lesson.

    9000:13:57,368 --> 00:14:01,139What is a student doing here in themiddle of the night and not going home early?

    9100:14:01,372 --> 00:14:02,373Especially you!

    9200:14:02,373 --> 00:14:03,141Aigoo...

    9300:14:03,141 --> 00:14:05,143I have something to say to him, let go--

    9400:14:07,345 --> 00:14:09,614Stop! Quickly stop!

    9500:14:17,054 --> 00:14:21,325What do you think you'redoing infront of a minor?


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    00:14:21,559 --> 00:14:24,328You don't even know where to date.

    9700:14:27,064 --> 00:14:28,065I frightened you, right?

    9800:14:32,303 --> 00:14:34,038What is this?

    9900:14:41,312 --> 00:14:43,781Hello?

    10000:15:13,044 --> 00:15:15,279Oppa.

    10100:15:19,050 --> 00:15:21,285Yu Mi! Yu Mi!


    00:15:22,286 --> 00:15:25,289Actually, you must delete the photos.

    10300:15:25,790 --> 00:15:28,059I'm not that kind of person!

    10400:15:46,110 --> 00:15:49,113Is it a crazy cow?The meat smells really foul.


    00:15:56,055 --> 00:16:00,424-=10 servings of sirloin.=-

    10600:16:01,150 --> 00:16:04,962-=Dine together for the Seoulbranch of New Rights National=-

    10700:16:17,244 --> 00:16:21,679-=Mike (English instructor),3 servings of mystery parts=-

    10800:16:27,320 --> 00:16:31,222-=Gim Je Do (Designer),3 servings of tenderloin=-

    10900:16:34,458 --> 00:16:36,460- Hello?- =You brat,=

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    11000:16:36,460 --> 00:16:37,928=what went wrong?=

    11100:16:38,162 --> 00:16:40,898Don't was strange, I must be crazy.

    11200:16:40,898 --> 00:16:42,900=You don't like women anymore?Did you have a change in sexual orientation?=

    11300:16:42,900 --> 00:16:45,669How is that possible?I'm Yun Seok Wu, you brat.

    11400:16:45,669 --> 00:16:47,404- =I'll give you one more chance,come over now.=- Huh?

    11500:16:47,671 --> 00:16:49,406=What huh?=

    11600:16:49,406 --> 00:16:51,408- Where?- =The club next to Hongdae. Come quickly.=

    11700:16:51,642 --> 00:16:52,610Got it, I'll be there soon.

    11800:17:33,617 --> 00:17:36,854- How was it?- It was delicious.

    11900:17:37,855 --> 00:17:39,356The music is nice, right?

    12000:17:41,859 --> 00:17:43,794There, over there...

    12100:17:46,797 --> 00:17:48,365Are they drunk?

    12200:18:37,181 --> 00:18:38,949Fuck!


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    00:18:38,949 --> 00:18:40,684Why are you hitting me?

    12400:19:11,982 --> 00:19:14,951Hey! You...

    12500:19:15,185 --> 00:19:16,887Did you drink too much?

    12600:19:16,887 --> 00:19:18,622I don't know.

    12700:19:20,357 --> 00:19:22,059My head hurts, my head!

    12800:19:23,327 --> 00:19:31,835Today... just... I feel likemy mind is totally messed up.

    12900:19:34,838 --> 00:19:37,541Hey, I know.

    13000:19:37,808 --> 00:19:39,810You, it's because...

    13100:19:40,043 --> 00:19:44,281it's because you've beenholding back that urge for too long.

    13200:19:44,981 --> 00:19:46,950Hey, let's go.

    13300:19:47,150 --> 00:19:49,152It's really messed up.

    13400:19:49,619 --> 00:19:53,390Hey, faster come out!Think after doing it, okay?

    13500:20:31,628 --> 00:20:33,897Feels good?

    13600:20:46,643 --> 00:20:49,479Keep quiet, keep quiet...

    13700:20:49,479 --> 00:20:52,315

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    =The symptoms in the initial stageare perspiration, fever and headache.=

    15200:23:35,278 --> 00:23:37,280=They are similar to those of a typical flu,=

    15300:23:37,280 --> 00:23:40,283=and after half a day to a day,=

    15400:23:40,283 --> 00:23:42,285=it will mutate rapidly--=

    15500:23:42,285 --> 00:23:43,786=Is the unknown virus=

    15600:23:43,786 --> 00:23:46,789=due to a conspiracy oris there another reason?=

    15700:23:46,789 --> 00:23:49,158=Let's welcome Lee Hun Jo,the Executive Secretary of the=

    15800:23:49,158 --> 00:23:50,927=Correct Solidarity Organizationto analyze the situation for us.=

    15900:23:50,927 --> 00:23:52,628=Please go ahead.=

    16000:23:52,628 --> 00:23:54,397=Yes, before I go into that topic,I want to say something first.=

    16100:23:54,397 --> 00:23:56,632=I feel that for the discussionof this kind of problem,=

    16200:23:56,632 --> 00:24:00,636

    =we should not discriminateor have conflicts because of=

    16300:24:00,636 --> 00:24:03,339=the different views wehad of problems in the past.=

    16400:24:03,339 --> 00:24:06,642

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    =Now, it's no longer that generation. So,=

    16500:24:06,642 --> 00:24:09,412=I want to use the opportunity oftoday's discussion and analysis=

    16600:24:09,412 --> 00:24:11,681=to become more objective.=

    16700:24:11,681 --> 00:24:14,951=Based on the evidence whichcan be gathered by anyone--=

    16800:24:14,951 --> 00:24:17,453=We cannot not care about=

    16900:24:17,453 --> 00:24:19,956=the current condition ofthe first host of the virus.=

    17000:24:22,992 --> 00:24:28,264=Yes, today's topic should probably be called the"First case of unexplained events in the 21st century".=

    17100:24:28,264 --> 00:24:32,535=Currently, there is a internet phenomenonthat is extremely hard to understand.=

    17200:24:32,535 --> 00:24:34,570

    =It is called "Panic".=

    17300:24:34,570 --> 00:24:38,374=Late last night, something verystrange happened on this internet site.=

    17400:24:38,374 --> 00:24:41,210=After a short server interruption,=

    17500:24:41,210 --> 00:24:44,113

    =the characters all took on the appearancesof virus hosts and caused a disturbance.=

    17600:24:44,113 --> 00:24:48,617=At first, I thought he was a handicapped person,but his eyes suddenly became yellow in color.=

    17700:24:48,617 --> 00:24:51,354

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    =Anyway, it's really abnormal.=

    17800:24:51,354 --> 00:24:54,357=He bit a passerby,=

    17900:24:54,357 --> 00:24:57,126=until he was covered in blood.=

    18000:24:57,560 --> 00:25:00,363=Look, doesn't this chartgive you the feeling of deja vu?=

    18100:25:00,363 --> 00:25:08,333=In other words,during the 2004 General Election--=

    18200:25:08,637 --> 00:25:10,139=Speaker Lee, the subjectmust be related to today's topic.=

    18300:25:10,139 --> 00:25:13,142=It is related to the topic,please continue listening.=

    18400:25:13,142 --> 00:25:16,379=These are the number of votes for the

    18500:25:16,379 --> 00:25:18,848=first party during the

    2004 General Election.=

    18600:25:18,848 --> 00:25:21,617=We only want to look into the causeof the virus and the reason behind it.=

    18700:25:21,617 --> 00:25:24,153=How does that involve thefirst party of the election?=


    00:25:29,759 --> 00:25:32,928=The food supply during therepresentative general assembly ofthe first party is the cause of the virus.=

    18900:25:32,928 --> 00:25:34,697=I have information thatis able to prove this.=

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    19000:25:34,697 --> 00:25:38,167=For example, you won't beable to control your mood,=

    19100:25:38,167 --> 00:25:40,736=or you will suddenlybecome very violent.=

    19200:25:40,736 --> 00:25:43,439=The present virus isspreading much faster=

    19300:25:43,439 --> 00:25:47,443=and in a wider rangecompared to that in 2010.=

    19400:25:47,443 --> 00:25:51,547=Now, medical professionalshave a similar point of view.=

    19500:25:51,547 --> 00:25:53,549=They believe that there's a need toreveal the true identity of the virus and beable to control it at the fastest possible speed.=

    19600:25:53,549 --> 00:25:56,785=We need to make a planfor a worst-case scenario,=


    00:25:56,785 --> 00:26:00,055=from the perspectiveof safeguarding our country.=

    19800:26:00,055 --> 00:26:03,292=We need to make the necessary sacrifices.That is my point of view.=

    19900:26:03,292 --> 00:26:05,561=We don't even know what's the cause of it,what sacrifices are there to make?=

    20000:26:05,861 --> 00:26:08,597=Disease prevention personnel havestarted to get infected by the virus.=

    20100:26:08,597 --> 00:26:10,799=This has further raised theuneasiness of the citizens,=

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    20200:26:10,799 --> 00:26:14,803=but the government still hasn't foundthe root of the infection and how it spreads.=

    20300:26:19,377 --> 00:26:24,313=You might as well go home andtake care of your family's dining table.=

    20400:26:24,313 --> 00:26:26,815=If you have time to sit here, you might aswell return home to educate your children.=

    20500:26:26,815 --> 00:26:29,585=I'm sitting here as arepresentative of the people,=

    20600:26:29,585 --> 00:26:31,086=what has this got to do with

    the dining table of my children?=

    20700:26:31,086 --> 00:26:33,722=Please refrain from personal attacks.=

    20800:26:33,722 --> 00:26:36,225=Taking care of your role as amother is a sign of loving the country.=

    20900:26:36,225 --> 00:26:39,328

    =Is Representative Chu's undergarmentbusiness not proceeding well?=

    21000:26:42,564 --> 00:26:44,033- =We are not discussing personal problems today=- =What you said doesn't make any sense.=

    21100:26:44,266 --> 00:26:48,003=They are the patients whoare more severely infected.=

    21200:26:48,003 --> 00:26:52,508=We interviewed one of the patientswho exhibited obvious violent behavior.=

    21300:26:52,508 --> 00:26:55,744=It seems that your conditionis really unstable, can you--=

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    21400:26:57,212 --> 00:27:02,451=During the period when Russia was influential here,I carried my bag to school on that street.=

    21500:27:02,451 --> 00:27:04,186=Until now, it still remains fresh in my memory.=

    21600:27:04,186 --> 00:27:09,758=Audiences, the situation has alreadycompletely developed out of our control.=

    21700:27:11,593 --> 00:27:13,829=A hundred years ago, it was already...=

    21800:27:18,300 --> 00:27:24,306=This bible and meat, can be saidto be our spiritual and physical food.=


    00:27:25,040 --> 00:27:29,311=When contradictionsoccur between the two...=

    22000:28:01,276 --> 00:28:03,545=There is an emergency.=

    22100:28:03,879 --> 00:28:07,516=More than thirty livestock epidemic preventionpersonnel of the Animal Husbandry Bureau=

    22200:28:07,516 --> 00:28:10,519=conducted a comprehensiveinspection on farm-bred pigs.=

    22300:28:10,719 --> 00:28:14,856=Currently, results of the inspectionshows no new cases of infection. It issaid that vaccination is necessary.=

    22400:28:14,856 --> 00:28:17,859

    =Although the virus is notyet totally out of control,=

    22500:28:17,859 --> 00:28:20,362=but there is still a highpossibility of getting infected.=

    22600:28:20,362 --> 00:28:22,864

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    =Hence, vaccination is absolutely necessary.=

    22700:29:05,941 --> 00:29:09,144Where did everyone go?The apartment is totally empty.

    22800:29:09,144 --> 00:29:11,880It was just a week,what happened exactly?

    22900:29:11,880 --> 00:29:14,116Things start to go wrong afterleaving the country for just a while.

    23000:29:14,116 --> 00:29:17,119I'm really speechless, and I stillneed to worry about the country.

    23100:29:17,886 --> 00:29:19,888

    You should worry about yourself first.

    23200:29:19,888 --> 00:29:24,659You're so big already, yet youstill want to tag along on yourparent's wedding anniversary trip.

    23300:29:24,659 --> 00:29:26,161Seok Wu, quick open the door!


    00:29:26,161 --> 00:29:28,163I can't hold it in any longer!

    23500:29:28,396 --> 00:29:30,632- He's not even answering the phone.- Didn't answer?

    23600:29:31,132 --> 00:29:33,869Rotten brat, I clearly toldhim the time we'll be back.

    23700:29:33,869 --> 00:29:37,606Hwa Yu! Correct, you... weren't youthe one holding on to the keys?

    23800:29:38,473 --> 00:29:39,241Me?


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    00:29:39,241 --> 00:29:41,743You're really muddle-headed,quick look for it.

    24000:29:41,743 --> 00:29:42,744Hold on...

    24100:29:43,745 --> 00:29:46,281Hurry up, hurry up.

    24200:29:48,283 --> 00:29:50,518It's with me.

    24300:29:50,518 --> 00:29:53,255- Aigoo, you're really...- Mom...

    24400:29:54,990 --> 00:29:57,759Omo, why is it so dark?

    (Omo - Oh my)

    24500:30:00,595 --> 00:30:04,833Seok Wu, are you okay?

    24600:30:08,069 --> 00:30:11,039It's been so many days, looks like theplace hasn't been cleaned. Messy, messy.

    24700:30:11,039 --> 00:30:13,808

    Aigoo, look at that.

    24800:30:14,075 --> 00:30:16,544He pretends to be like thiswhen he runs out of excuses.

    24900:30:17,012 --> 00:30:18,013He's really strange.

    25000:30:18,780 --> 00:30:22,784

    What is it you're able to do well?In the end you still fell sick.

    25100:30:23,218 --> 00:30:25,987Your family is back andyou only know how to stare.

    25200:30:25,987 --> 00:30:28,189

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    What stench is this?

    25300:30:28,690 --> 00:30:31,026Oh, he must have played games overnight.

    25400:30:31,026 --> 00:30:32,293My alcohol!

    25500:30:32,794 --> 00:30:35,296Brat, I told you so manytimes not to touch them.

    25600:30:37,232 --> 00:30:41,236Seok Wu, what's wrong with you?

    25700:30:42,704 --> 00:30:44,205Seok Wu...


    00:30:44,205 --> 00:30:47,175- Is he okay?- He's really strange.

    25900:30:47,675 --> 00:30:50,412Brat, what are you doing?

    26000:31:10,098 --> 00:31:15,336I bought pants for you,I need to let you try them on...

    26100:31:16,171 --> 00:31:19,174Seok Wu, mom...

    26200:31:19,374 --> 00:31:23,678Valentine, 30 years.

    26300:31:25,947 --> 00:31:28,583Johnnie Walker Blue.


    00:31:30,084 --> 00:31:33,855Jack Daniel's Single Barrel...

    26500:32:05,386 --> 00:32:07,655I already said to not come back.

    26600:32:39,153 --> 00:32:42,423Reporting that the symptoms of the

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    unknown virus is mutating rapidly.

    26700:32:42,423 --> 00:32:45,159The infected will be unable to control anger,sexual desires, appetite, depression and

    26800:32:45,159 --> 00:32:48,930the weaknesses of mankind.

    26900:32:48,930 --> 00:32:51,933And now, they have also lost the ability ofbeing able to differentiate between genders,

    27000:32:51,933 --> 00:32:54,936and have begun attackingpeople without preference.

    27100:32:54,936 --> 00:32:57,171The victim count is

    currently rising rapidly.

    27200:33:02,677 --> 00:33:04,178Although they still look alive,

    27300:33:04,178 --> 00:33:08,950but experts have said that theyare already no different from zombies.

    27400:33:08,950 --> 00:33:12,954

    Citizens, please do not leave yourhome blindly and remain in safe areas.

    27500:33:17,925 --> 00:33:21,362If you meet people with slow footsteps,or those who let out a strange moaning sound,

    27600:33:21,362 --> 00:33:25,600please report them to the nearestpolice station or flee immediately.

    27700:33:25,833 --> 00:33:29,837According to unreliable sources,the virus is able to spread fromthe bodies of the dead.

    27800:33:34,308 --> 00:33:35,743There's news that makes it hardto have confidence in the situation.

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    27900:33:35,743 --> 00:33:40,014Some of the victims who were killedby the infected were revived,

    28000:33:40,014 --> 00:33:43,484and they attacked peopleat an even faster speed.

    28100:33:43,718 --> 00:33:48,222The symptoms of the unknownvirus are currently mutating rapidly.

    28200:33:50,224 --> 00:33:54,996Experts from various fields arecurrently busy trying to find thecause of this strange phenomenon.

    28300:33:54,996 --> 00:33:57,498

    Some experts also believe thateven from the perspective of the

    28400:33:57,498 --> 00:34:00,434most advance science, they are stillunable to explain the current phenomenon,

    28500:34:00,434 --> 00:34:02,403and are helpless about the situation.


    00:34:07,908 --> 00:34:11,112Economics Monthly has commented on their websitethat this is due to North Korea's conspiracy and

    28700:34:11,112 --> 00:34:15,349would probably not havehappened if we did not withdraw the

    28800:34:15,349 --> 00:34:18,819United States troops on our own accord,thus causing a huge controversy.

    28900:34:18,819 --> 00:34:21,288This makes people really helpless.

    29000:34:23,056 --> 00:34:28,795On the other hand, Gim Won Seopfeels that this situation is the resultof wanting to frame his nation's power.

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    29100:34:28,795 --> 00:34:31,065Thus he has once againapplied for entry into Japan,

    29200:34:31,065 --> 00:34:33,067but it has yet to be approved.

    29300:35:37,631 --> 00:35:40,501In order for further research to beconducted on the malignant cells of the virus,

    29400:35:40,501 --> 00:35:44,505the Ministry of Environmental Protectionstrongly urged for the reinstatement of Dr. Hwang.

    29500:35:44,505 --> 00:35:47,241The members of his support club

    29600:35:47,241 --> 00:35:51,211requested for an interview with seniorofficials during the interview this afternoon.

    29700:35:52,980 --> 00:35:57,718Various messages on the internettargeted against the attacks have verified thata large portion of what was mentioned is untrue.

    29800:35:57,718 --> 00:36:01,722

    Many analyzing parties feel that theseinternet messages are deliberate acts of evil.

    29900:36:01,722 --> 00:36:03,223Some people also believe that

    30000:36:03,223 --> 00:36:07,227this situation is due to the oppositionagainst the internet real-name system.


    00:36:07,695 --> 00:36:11,198An official of the United States air defenseforces could no longer look on in this situation,

    30200:36:11,198 --> 00:36:14,702and pointed out that extreme measuresneeds to be taken for the sake of world peace,


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    00:36:14,702 --> 00:36:17,471and hence has reported it tothe President of the United States.

    30400:37:47,094 --> 00:37:48,829Will we still remember?

    30500:39:23,990 --> 00:39:27,494Thanks to the robot, we are ableto concentrate on monasticism,

    30600:39:27,494 --> 00:39:29,496hence we feel very happy.

    30700:39:29,996 --> 00:39:31,698Is the robot in charge of all the cleaning?

    30800:39:31,931 --> 00:39:32,899No, it is not.

    30900:39:32,899 --> 00:39:34,668Those are for the nuns to do.

    31000:39:35,368 --> 00:39:37,370Though cleaning is partof the cultivation practice,

    31100:39:37,570 --> 00:39:40,340and the management of one's body is

    a kind of hindrance to the cultivation.

    31200:39:41,074 --> 00:39:43,310The robot RU-4 whichhas malfunctioned this time,

    31300:39:43,310 --> 00:39:45,045what is it mainly in charge of here?

    31400:39:45,278 --> 00:39:46,780

    Yes, Im Myeong...

    31500:39:46,780 --> 00:39:49,049he is mainly in charge of leading theway and answering some questions,

    31600:39:49,049 --> 00:39:50,517he is like a guide.

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    31700:39:50,750 --> 00:39:53,486But, to say that he has malfunctioned,

    31800:39:53,486 --> 00:39:54,954is a little inappropriate.

    31900:39:55,221 --> 00:39:57,023If he has not malfunctioned,

    32000:39:57,524 --> 00:40:00,260then you mean that he is not workingto what was input in his system,

    32100:40:00,260 --> 00:40:03,263but is completing tasks usinghis own thinking and understanding?


    00:40:03,530 --> 00:40:05,965Yes, he not only impartedhis insights and feelings

    32300:40:05,965 --> 00:40:08,234to some of the new members,

    32400:40:08,468 --> 00:40:09,736but to us as well.


    00:40:10,303 --> 00:40:13,073Talking about insights, it seems that iseven considered difficult for normal monks,

    32600:40:13,306 --> 00:40:15,375but you said that a robot is able to do so?

    32700:40:16,609 --> 00:40:17,877Anyway,


    00:40:18,111 --> 00:40:20,613after accepting some of his teachings,

    32900:40:21,347 --> 00:40:24,818most people have basicallyrecognized his efforts.

    33000:40:25,318 --> 00:40:29,088

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    I invited you here not because herequires repair due to malfunction,

    33100:40:29,322 --> 00:40:30,824but is because

    33200:40:31,324 --> 00:40:34,093I want you to help us confirm and determinewhether Im Myeong's condition is very good

    33300:40:34,327 --> 00:40:36,830based on a professional perspective.

    33400:40:41,568 --> 00:40:44,037He is over there.

    33500:41:54,207 --> 00:42:00,713Turn around.

    33600:42:24,270 --> 00:42:25,538Why? Are you very curious?

    33700:42:26,272 --> 00:42:28,541Can you please use an empty heartto give me an acknowledgement.

    33800:42:46,125 --> 00:42:47,360Everything is normal.

    33900:42:48,594 --> 00:42:50,596I am totally normal.

    34000:42:51,364 --> 00:42:53,099I'm not talking to you, robot.

    34100:42:54,367 --> 00:42:57,103I know that this will make you unhappy.


    00:42:58,604 --> 00:42:59,872What are you talking about?

    34300:42:59,872 --> 00:43:01,140It's nothing,

    34400:43:01,140 --> 00:43:03,142I'm just a machine,

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    34500:43:03,643 --> 00:43:05,912please do not think too much about it.

    34600:43:05,912 --> 00:43:07,647I am not thinking too much about it.

    34700:43:08,914 --> 00:43:11,917You're not the first robotwho likes to give me trouble.

    34800:43:14,153 --> 00:43:16,389But, I really want to know

    34900:43:16,622 --> 00:43:20,626why did UR Internationalsend a repairman over?


    00:43:20,626 --> 00:43:20,893I was invited by the people here.

    35100:43:20,893 --> 00:43:22,128I was invited by the people here.

    35200:43:23,896 --> 00:43:26,899From what I understand,we did not invite a repairman.


    00:43:29,335 --> 00:43:33,072When a product displays abnormality, or if acustomer requests a return or a replacement,

    35400:43:33,072 --> 00:43:35,041we will send a expert overto understand the situation.

    35500:43:36,342 --> 00:43:37,410It is like this.

    35600:43:39,412 --> 00:43:41,414If that's the case,

    35700:43:41,414 --> 00:43:44,350you've already confirmed thatI do not have any abnormalities.


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    00:43:44,817 --> 00:43:46,485Based on what do you have the final say?

    35900:43:46,485 --> 00:43:48,921Didn't you say that everything is normal?

    36000:43:59,865 --> 00:44:01,867Things have already exceededthe range of my abilities.

    36100:44:03,369 --> 00:44:06,138What do you mean by that...

    36200:44:06,138 --> 00:44:08,641I do not know what exactly youwant me to do by coming here.

    36300:44:09,375 --> 00:44:11,377I do not know anything about Buddhism.

    36400:44:12,344 --> 00:44:13,846If the robot has a malfunction...

    36500:44:13,846 --> 00:44:17,616a simple malfunction needs to be repairedon the spot or have a replacement of parts,

    36600:44:17,616 --> 00:44:19,852if the problem is serious,

    directly contact the head office.

    36700:44:20,352 --> 00:44:22,555My job is to repair a robot with malfunctions,

    36800:44:23,556 --> 00:44:25,558but you all say that this robothas already been enlightened.

    36900:44:26,325 --> 00:44:29,028

    If he is crazy and insiststhat he is the Buddha,

    37000:44:29,028 --> 00:44:32,765then I should examine his circuits andreplace the computer chip, that is my job.

    37100:44:33,232 --> 00:44:36,202

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    But you all want me to verifywhether he has really achievedthe ultimate enlightenment.

    37200:44:36,202 --> 00:44:37,469You also cannot be blamed for this--

    37300:44:37,469 --> 00:44:39,972Shut up, people are currently talking!

    37400:44:52,217 --> 00:44:53,986If I've made you uncomfortable,

    37500:44:53,986 --> 00:44:55,487I'm really sorry.

    37600:44:56,221 --> 00:44:59,725I thought that seeing it for yourselfis better than just hearing about it,

    37700:44:59,959 --> 00:45:02,194that's why I invited you to comeover personally to take a look.

    37800:45:02,695 --> 00:45:04,697It's my fault for notbeing thoughtful enough.

    37900:45:05,431 --> 00:45:07,433

    Matters have already exceeded thescope of what I am able to deal with.

    38000:45:07,900 --> 00:45:10,402I should follow the companyprocedures and submit a report.

    38100:45:11,170 --> 00:45:12,404Im Myeong...


    00:45:12,671 --> 00:45:14,406is not just a robot.

    38300:45:18,677 --> 00:45:19,912That is for us to judge.

    38400:45:20,179 --> 00:45:23,949That's right, that is for

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    experts like you to judge.

    38500:45:24,450 --> 00:45:26,919Then being an expert,what is your judgement?

    38600:45:27,152 --> 00:45:29,355Even if he is not the Buddha,

    38700:45:29,588 --> 00:45:31,590but you should also know

    38800:45:31,590 --> 00:45:33,859that he is different from other robots, isn't it?

    38900:45:33,859 --> 00:45:35,594No matter what,it's a fact that wouldn't change,

    39000:45:35,594 --> 00:45:37,096just like how I'm a technician,he is also just a robot.

    39100:45:37,096 --> 00:45:39,865Why is it that experts onlyknow how to look at data?

    39200:45:40,099 --> 00:45:42,601Why is it that you don't even have

    the heart to accommodate a little?

    39300:45:42,868 --> 00:45:44,603Why is it that what the datais able to prove is the truth,

    39400:45:44,603 --> 00:45:46,105while what the data isunable to prove is fictitious?


    00:45:46,105 --> 00:45:47,606What do you mean by that?

    39600:45:47,906 --> 00:45:50,142Should a repairman not repaira malfunctioning machine

    39700:45:50,142 --> 00:45:51,910

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    but instead should dosome philosophical meditation?

    39800:45:52,411 --> 00:45:53,412What I meant was...

    39900:45:53,645 --> 00:45:56,215please do not be afraid,and re-inspect once again.

    40000:45:56,949 --> 00:45:58,217Fine.

    40100:45:58,450 --> 00:46:02,554If you're unable to determine whether Im Myeonghas achieved the ultimate enlightenment, orwhether he's just a malfunctioning machine,

    40200:46:02,554 --> 00:46:05,791

    then can't you read his inner feelingslike what you do with people?

    40300:46:06,024 --> 00:46:07,960Why are we really like this?

    40400:46:07,960 --> 00:46:11,230Why exactly do we want to keep you backwhen you're busy and seek your help?


    00:46:11,230 --> 00:46:14,233You are able to accomplishthis point, can't you?

    40600:46:15,467 --> 00:46:16,735Can you please

    40700:46:16,969 --> 00:46:19,238inspect master Im Myeongone more time?

    40800:46:21,974 --> 00:46:23,475In my eyes,

    40900:46:23,742 --> 00:46:25,978he is just a malfunctioning robot.

    41000:46:31,750 --> 00:46:32,951

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    I'll be taking my leave.

    41100:47:07,319 --> 00:47:08,286Who is it?

    41200:47:08,787 --> 00:47:11,223Excuse me, is there...

    41300:47:11,223 --> 00:47:12,991is there an ajussi...(ajussi - uncle)

    41400:47:13,225 --> 00:47:14,760a repairman ajussi living here?

    41500:47:23,335 --> 00:47:24,803What ajussi?


    00:47:25,037 --> 00:47:26,038Hello.

    41700:47:26,304 --> 00:47:29,041Ajussi, you know how to repair robots, right?

    41800:47:33,311 --> 00:47:35,046Yes, what's wrong?

    41900:47:35,280 --> 00:47:37,015

    Help me to repair pretty.

    42000:47:37,215 --> 00:47:38,417My pretty...

    42100:47:40,986 --> 00:47:41,987What is this?

    42200:47:43,455 --> 00:47:44,656Pretty...

    42300:47:48,160 --> 00:47:49,661My pretty seems to be dead,

    42400:47:49,661 --> 00:47:50,896he is not even moving.


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    00:47:51,163 --> 00:47:53,398So, can you please lendme a computer chip?

    42600:47:53,665 --> 00:47:55,167Ajussi, you know how to fix robots,

    42700:47:55,167 --> 00:47:56,601so you must have a lot.

    42800:47:56,601 --> 00:48:00,071You need to bring this to therobot pet centre, why did you bring it here?

    42900:48:00,071 --> 00:48:01,540It suddenly became like this,

    43000:48:01,540 --> 00:48:02,774and the pet centre has already closed.

    43100:48:02,774 --> 00:48:03,775What time is it already?

    43200:48:03,775 --> 00:48:06,044I already waited a long timefor you to come home,

    43300:48:06,044 --> 00:48:07,779and I fell asleep accidentally,

    that's why I missed you when you returned.

    43400:48:07,779 --> 00:48:10,048What should I do? It's already solate and I waited for you for so long.

    43500:48:10,549 --> 00:48:13,051So, please give me a chip.

    43600:48:13,051 --> 00:48:16,555

    So... please wait till tomorrow andbring it to the pet centre for repair.

    43700:48:17,556 --> 00:48:20,058I need it immediately, this instance!

    43800:49:05,804 --> 00:49:07,806Don't you know that the

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    law has banned smoking?

    43900:49:10,775 --> 00:49:12,277Have you repaired it?

    44000:49:13,511 --> 00:49:15,747I do not have a genuine chipso I can only use another one.

    44100:49:16,481 --> 00:49:18,483It's enough for you toplay it for a several hours.

    44200:49:22,754 --> 00:49:25,757Aigoo, it doesn't feel that good.

    44300:49:29,761 --> 00:49:30,795You really don't have?

    44400:49:34,799 --> 00:49:36,301Go and take a look here tomorrow.

    44500:49:36,801 --> 00:49:39,537Among those with the same profession,they sell the best items.

    44600:49:45,810 --> 00:49:47,545Anyway, thank you.

    44700:49:48,046 --> 00:49:49,547Although I'm a little disappointed.

    44800:49:53,818 --> 00:49:55,820But, does ajussi live together with a robot?

    44900:49:55,820 --> 00:49:56,788What?


    00:49:56,988 --> 00:49:59,224I asked whether you'reliving together with a robot.

    45100:49:59,491 --> 00:50:02,494So it's like this...

    45200:50:02,961 --> 00:50:04,195

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    that's too bad.

    45300:50:05,697 --> 00:50:06,965Pretty, let's go.

    45400:50:35,827 --> 00:50:36,894=Lately,=

    45500:50:36,894 --> 00:50:39,364=more and more youngstersare unwilling to get married,=

    45600:50:39,364 --> 00:50:40,865=but instead choose to live with robots.=

    45700:50:40,865 --> 00:50:43,868=It's the so-called humanoid robot mate.=


    00:50:43,868 --> 00:50:46,871=For our country thatmaintains the lowest birthrate,=

    45900:50:46,871 --> 00:50:48,272=this phenomenon=

    46000:50:48,272 --> 00:50:51,275=already poses a severe social problem.=


    00:50:52,410 --> 00:50:54,112=It is a good entertainment pastime,=

    46200:50:54,345 --> 00:50:56,848=and is sometimes more worthtrusting and depending on than humans.=

    46300:50:57,081 --> 00:50:58,549=To me, it already hasa family-like existence.=

    46400:50:58,750 --> 00:50:59,751Yes, Section Chief.

    46500:51:00,251 --> 00:51:02,520=Why have you notsubmitted the report?=


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    00:51:02,987 --> 00:51:04,922Yes, I'll submit it immediately.

    46700:51:06,190 --> 00:51:08,126- That ...- =Is there a problem?=

    46800:51:08,274 --> 00:51:12,630=Quickly submit the report,so that we can decide what to do withthe robot as soon as possible, isn't it?=

    46900:51:13,631 --> 00:51:14,899Actually...

    47000:51:15,633 --> 00:51:17,635I'm still analyzing.

    47100:51:17,902 --> 00:51:19,203

    =Analyzing what?=

    47200:51:19,971 --> 00:51:22,573=Is that robot still in the stateof being able to be used?=

    47300:51:25,643 --> 00:51:28,913That... I also can't say for sure.

    47400:51:30,148 --> 00:51:32,416

    Is it a must to remove RU-4?

    47500:51:32,650 --> 00:51:38,218- =What did you say? Listen clearly,Team Leader Pak. UR--=- Anyway, I do not know anything.

    47600:52:32,677 --> 00:52:34,178Do you want to come in?


    00:52:44,155 --> 00:52:46,157Is there something that youhave for me at such a late timing?

    47800:52:47,158 --> 00:52:49,694My heart feels very uneasy,and I'm unable to calm myself,


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    00:52:49,694 --> 00:52:51,829so I wanted to ask for guidance.

    48000:52:51,829 --> 00:52:53,564What is it about?

    48100:52:53,831 --> 00:52:56,667That matter about therobot repairman in the daytime

    48200:52:56,667 --> 00:52:58,469has made me very angry.

    48300:52:58,769 --> 00:53:01,305Why are you angry?

    48400:53:01,539 --> 00:53:05,676The book says that everyoneon Earth can be enlightened.

    48500:53:06,677 --> 00:53:07,912Master Im Myeong

    48600:53:07,912 --> 00:53:10,681has also attained the greatestenlightenment in our hearts.

    48700:53:11,182 --> 00:53:11,916But...

    48800:53:12,183 --> 00:53:14,685he actually said that you havemalfunctions and needs to be recalled.

    48900:53:14,952 --> 00:53:18,355He only did what he needed to do.

    49000:53:18,355 --> 00:53:19,657Not only that.

    49100:53:20,391 --> 00:53:23,861It was said that tomorrow, the UR companywill send a task force over to carry out that task.

    49200:53:24,829 --> 00:53:27,331Does this make any sense?

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    49300:53:27,331 --> 00:53:29,834How can the task force specializingin injured or dead robots be sent over?

    49400:53:31,035 --> 00:53:34,271I'm really suspicious aboutwhether they have any ill intentions.

    49500:53:36,273 --> 00:53:38,008Anyway, I feel that you shouldn'tjust sit here and wait for death,

    49600:53:38,008 --> 00:53:39,243otherwise, something big will happen.

    49700:53:49,453 --> 00:53:50,688In your eyes,


    00:53:50,688 --> 00:53:52,523what am I?

    49900:53:53,724 --> 00:53:54,725A Buddhist monk.

    50000:53:55,526 --> 00:53:58,028What is that you see?

    50100:54:01,932 --> 00:54:04,201

    It's an electronic clock.

    50200:54:19,683 --> 00:54:21,986And what is this you see?

    50300:54:23,754 --> 00:54:25,222Is this my hand,

    50400:54:25,222 --> 00:54:26,690or is it a clock?

    50500:54:31,095 --> 00:54:34,064The meaning of perception is to distinguish,

    50600:54:34,398 --> 00:54:38,135while to distinguish means to separatewhat you know from the other areas.

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    50700:54:38,435 --> 00:54:40,170Be reborned

    50800:54:40,170 --> 00:54:42,072with the Buddha's wisdom and virtues.

    50900:54:42,339 --> 00:54:45,009It is a person's perception

    51000:54:45,009 --> 00:54:48,078that differentiates whether they arealready enlightened or just machines.

    51100:54:48,379 --> 00:54:53,283It is our misconception that it is an unchangingentity and are thus persistent about it,

    51200:54:53,283 --> 00:54:55,919

    that's why we get troubled overit while trying to differentiate.

    51300:54:56,220 --> 00:54:57,988Perception is considered to be empty,

    51400:54:57,988 --> 00:55:01,091being perceived is also considered to be empty.

    51500:55:02,459 --> 00:55:06,096

    And I, also can't avoidthe harassment of perception.

    51600:55:06,096 --> 00:55:08,632Please look upon thismatter with an empty heart.

    51700:55:10,200 --> 00:55:11,468Master Im Myeong.


    00:55:18,609 --> 00:55:20,611Let nature take its own course.

    51900:57:31,208 --> 00:57:33,210Who am I?

    52000:57:33,577 --> 00:57:37,480Where did I come from?

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    Which direction must I go in?

    52100:57:39,416 --> 00:57:43,653Who am I?

    52200:57:44,921 --> 00:57:46,890Who am I?

    52300:57:48,625 --> 00:57:50,126Where did I come from?

    52400:57:51,127 --> 00:57:53,129Which direction must I go in?

    52500:58:27,897 --> 00:58:29,466When is this machine model from?

    52600:58:31,201 --> 00:58:33,970

    Produced in year 2017, model R2007.

    52700:58:34,204 --> 00:58:35,472Why was it not replaced?

    52800:58:35,705 --> 00:58:37,974I'm sorry, I'll do so immediately.

    52900:58:38,475 --> 00:58:39,909Task force.

    53000:58:42,746 --> 00:58:44,748Ah, it's not like that.

    53100:58:45,515 --> 00:58:47,984Until now, he has been at our temple,

    53200:58:47,984 --> 00:58:49,719and everything has been normal.

    53300:58:50,220 --> 00:58:54,991We have the obligation andauthority to replace all robots thathave reached their expiry date.

    53400:58:54,991 --> 00:58:56,192Even so,

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    53500:58:56,192 --> 00:58:58,428if the purchaser feelsthat there's no problem,

    53600:58:58,428 --> 00:58:59,696I believe that you should accept it.

    53700:58:59,896 --> 00:59:02,098I can continue being used.

    53800:59:03,600 --> 00:59:07,370Now, I will lead the way for everyone.

    53900:59:07,638 --> 00:59:10,039Team Leader Pak,have you checked this?

    54000:59:10,039 --> 00:59:11,274

    I've already checked it yesterday.

    54100:59:11,274 --> 00:59:13,543I feel that it can continue to be used,

    54200:59:13,543 --> 00:59:14,777that's why I didn't report it.

    54300:59:18,047 --> 00:59:19,015Yes, I understand.

    54400:59:19,749 --> 00:59:21,017Go out first.

    54500:59:46,476 --> 00:59:48,978I rushed here immediately afterreceiving an urgent report.

    54600:59:49,445 --> 00:59:51,414On the way here, I heard that a foolish

    manager who can't even conduct a normal AS

    54700:59:51,648 --> 00:59:58,101and judge an important matter is indicativethat our company is not that impressive.

    54800:59:58,521 --> 01:00:01,324It seems like the first line of

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    technical staff knows something.

    54901:00:02,825 --> 01:00:03,826Then why don't you try saying.

    55001:00:03,826 --> 01:00:05,828Why did you

    55101:00:05,828 --> 01:00:08,598ask our first line of technical staff tocome here to do a guarantee for UR?

    55201:00:09,098 --> 01:00:12,068I heard that you want to secretlyaccept that robot as the Buddha.

    55301:00:13,036 --> 01:00:16,506I admit that we're also in the wrong.

    55401:00:18,508 --> 01:00:22,045Of course you all do not have anyreason to take into account ourcompany's problem of profit and loss.

    55501:00:22,779 --> 01:00:24,013But our UR,

    55601:00:24,247 --> 01:00:27,250is not an ordinary business

    like what you all think.

    55701:00:27,984 --> 01:00:30,286UR's robots are provided tothe government, businesses,

    55801:00:30,286 --> 01:00:31,521schools and families.

    55901:00:31,754 --> 01:00:34,757

    In one sentence, they will be usedin various areas of the society.

    56001:00:34,991 --> 01:00:36,759Even if I say that theentire upper class society

    56101:00:36,759 --> 01:00:39,929

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    is established on the foundation of UR,it is also not an exaggeration.

    56201:00:39,929 --> 01:00:41,230So, you're trying to say that

    56301:00:41,464 --> 01:00:44,700humans are not able to personally destroythe foundation they are standing on?

    56401:00:46,202 --> 01:00:47,970What I meant was, if robots followwrong instructions due to malfunctions,

    56501:00:47,970 --> 01:00:51,441it may cause fatal problemsin the national system.

    56601:00:51,441 --> 01:00:54,443

    Is this the so-calledcoerce in this red world?

    56701:00:55,178 --> 01:00:56,779What are you talking about?

    56801:00:57,647 --> 01:00:58,681Coerce?

    56901:00:58,681 --> 01:01:03,186

    Whenever the generation changes,the country will always use thecitizen's safety as an excuse to fool us.

    57001:01:03,452 --> 01:01:04,453Now all these

    57101:01:04,453 --> 01:01:05,955is done by businesses like yours.


    01:01:05,955 --> 01:01:07,490Don't talk so much.

    57301:01:07,490 --> 01:01:09,225No, it is not like this.

    57401:01:10,726 --> 01:01:14,500We just want to make sure that

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    our products are operating properly,

    57501:01:14,997 --> 01:01:18,234and it is not important whether the reasonfor it's foundation and crisis is because of UR.

    57601:01:19,001 --> 01:01:20,736In your eyes,

    57701:01:20,736 --> 01:01:23,005I'm probably just a businessmanwho puts in a hundred percent.

    57801:01:23,005 --> 01:01:24,740But I hope you all understand one thing.

    57901:01:25,007 --> 01:01:27,243UR's clients are all humans.

    58001:01:28,010 --> 01:01:31,981As long as there is a factor thatmay pose as a threat to humans,

    58101:01:31,981 --> 01:01:34,717I will take extreme measures at any time.

    58201:01:35,985 --> 01:01:39,956People always think that scienceis just an aiding tool to humans.

    58301:01:40,389 --> 01:01:44,660They think that it will follow anyof your instructions like a genie.

    58401:01:44,894 --> 01:01:46,162But,

    58501:01:46,162 --> 01:01:48,664whenever humans cause a development

    in science and make use of it,

    58601:01:48,664 --> 01:01:52,668it in turn is also distortingand changing them.

    58701:01:52,902 --> 01:01:54,403It takes advantage of the fact

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    that they haven't realized the truth.

    58801:01:54,904 --> 01:01:58,140During the first time that humansstart hitting a wooden stick,

    58901:01:58,140 --> 01:02:00,109at that moment,the wooden stick was also

    59001:02:00,376 --> 01:02:02,378hitting the humans.

    59101:02:04,113 --> 01:02:06,115That's why we humans,

    59201:02:06,115 --> 01:02:09,385will also be united materially andspiritually because of significance,

    59301:02:09,385 --> 01:02:11,620and work hard to be enlightened, isn't it?

    59401:02:14,390 --> 01:02:16,359You're really naive.

    59501:02:16,559 --> 01:02:18,294Since the start of civilization,

    59601:02:18,294 --> 01:02:20,296humans have neverreally united materially before,

    59701:02:20,296 --> 01:02:21,564do you think that it's possible?

    59801:02:22,031 --> 01:02:24,266Since the beginning of history,humans have been dominated by classes.

    59901:02:24,266 --> 01:02:26,035They are dominated by thecapital and dominated through labor.

    60001:02:26,268 --> 01:02:29,505Now they even need to be dominatedby those monsters we created.

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    60101:02:29,505 --> 01:02:31,974Which means the creators will soonbe dominated by their own creations,

    60201:02:31,974 --> 01:02:33,242do you understand?

    60301:02:33,476 --> 01:02:34,977All creators

    60401:02:34,977 --> 01:02:38,948will inevitably suspect whethertheir own creations are monsters.

    60501:02:39,215 --> 01:02:40,716All questions


    01:02:40,716 --> 01:02:42,952will naturally have their answers.

    60701:02:42,952 --> 01:02:43,686This answer

    60801:02:43,919 --> 01:02:45,621is what will cause the disintegration of UR.

    60901:02:46,589 --> 01:02:48,090

    We have already discoveredwhere UR's problem lies,

    61001:02:48,090 --> 01:02:52,595and the solution to the problem isto completely eliminate all thosemonsters from this world.

    61101:02:52,828 --> 01:02:55,598We cannot be deceived by his sweet talk.

    61201:02:55,598 --> 01:02:57,333If not, before we figureout why things are like this,

    61301:02:57,333 --> 01:02:59,335we will be eliminated by him.


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    01:03:01,103 --> 01:03:02,838Using another example...

    61501:03:03,072 --> 01:03:04,807ever since computers became popular,

    61601:03:04,807 --> 01:03:06,542the brains of humans no longer evolved,

    61701:03:06,742 --> 01:03:10,746they just retained somesimple calculating functions.

    61801:03:15,484 --> 01:03:17,987May I ask what's thephone number of your temple?

    61901:03:46,048 --> 01:03:47,783With wisdom,

    62001:03:47,783 --> 01:03:50,285humans have wantedto define themselves,

    62101:03:50,285 --> 01:03:53,022but have never been ableto find a satisfactory definition.

    62201:03:53,522 --> 01:03:55,290

    That is because humanswere the only existence,

    62301:03:55,290 --> 01:03:57,292so they didn't feel thatthey may lose that definition.

    62401:03:57,292 --> 01:03:59,028But, it's different now.


    01:03:59,228 --> 01:04:00,729they are extremely anxious

    62601:04:00,729 --> 01:04:02,231to want to make that definition.

    62701:04:02,231 --> 01:04:03,232Why is that?

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    62801:04:03,465 --> 01:04:05,968Because another species

    62901:04:05,968 --> 01:04:07,202that is similar to humans appeared.

    63001:04:08,404 --> 01:04:09,671That's...

    63101:04:09,905 --> 01:04:10,939that thing!

    63201:04:13,208 --> 01:04:14,710RU-4,

    63301:04:14,977 --> 01:04:15,978come out.

    63401:04:26,922 --> 01:04:27,923RU-4,

    63501:04:28,190 --> 01:04:29,224quick come to the front!

    63601:05:43,432 --> 01:05:45,934The RU series is our failed product.

    63701:05:46,935 --> 01:05:48,437We have already decided to

    63801:05:48,437 --> 01:05:51,673recall all products of the RU seriesfrom around the world.

    63901:05:53,175 --> 01:05:54,943Although the RU series areproducts for the human species,

    64001:05:54,943 --> 01:05:57,446but they have become athreatening existence to humans.

    64101:05:57,646 --> 01:06:01,850It is able to speak, think, cry, laugh,create trouble or feel jealous like humans.

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    64201:06:01,850 --> 01:06:04,119It even wants to reflect on andexplore religion and the arts.

    64301:06:04,319 --> 01:06:06,521Do you all understand?You all must wake up!

    64401:06:06,521 --> 01:06:09,024This thing is now alreadyapproaching us slowly,

    64501:06:09,024 --> 01:06:11,526it is a weapon headedtowards our necks, a dagger!

    64601:06:18,834 --> 01:06:20,035I'm really surprised.

    64701:06:20,302 --> 01:06:21,803UR's Chairman Gang,

    64801:06:21,803 --> 01:06:23,538is actually such a profound criticof how detestable robots can be.

    64901:06:29,811 --> 01:06:31,313Now, if you

    65001:06:31,313 --> 01:06:33,548still treat what I said as abusinessman's nonsense,

    65101:06:34,316 --> 01:06:36,051then I've nothing else to say.

    65201:06:36,818 --> 01:06:38,820Section Chief Hong, begin preparations.

    65301:06:39,054 --> 01:06:39,821Yes.

    65401:06:59,341 --> 01:07:00,809=Hello everyone.=


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    01:07:02,043 --> 01:07:05,513=Today, I heard something unexpected,=

    65601:07:05,513 --> 01:07:07,249=and felt extremely surprised.=

    65701:07:07,515 --> 01:07:09,251=Of course, I'm not blaming all of you.=

    65801:07:10,252 --> 01:07:14,022=Every temple has their own authorityto make decisions and handle matters.=

    65901:07:15,023 --> 01:07:16,758=But everyone,=

    66001:07:17,225 --> 01:07:21,229=what significance can it bring us if a robotwere to reach the immortal state of spirituality?=

    66101:07:21,730 --> 01:07:25,000=What significance can itbring to other Buddhists?=

    66201:07:25,233 --> 01:07:26,501=How can you believe a robot=

    66301:07:26,501 --> 01:07:28,737=that already has some kind of desire

    and persistence once it enters this world?=

    66401:07:29,004 --> 01:07:31,006=If it's created without any desires,=

    66501:07:31,006 --> 01:07:34,242=and for the sole purpose ofbeing dedicated to humans,=

    66601:07:34,242 --> 01:07:35,710

    =only then it is a robot, isn't it?=

    66701:07:36,711 --> 01:07:39,414=If you treat a fellow that wasborn a robot as the Buddha,=

    66801:07:39,681 --> 01:07:43,918=then in this world where isolation and

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    constant self-denial was originally present,=

    66901:07:43,918 --> 01:07:46,187=if someone were toachieve immortal spirituality=

    67001:07:46,187 --> 01:07:48,189=from the very beginning of practice,=

    67101:07:48,189 --> 01:07:50,425=where it's only acheivable after athousand years of hardships and reincarnation,=

    67201:07:50,692 --> 01:07:53,395=then who would still put in effortpractising to achieve a good outcome?=

    67301:07:54,396 --> 01:07:55,864=Robot, please answer.=

    67401:07:56,598 --> 01:07:59,367=You're making the goal of immortalspirituality further away for humans.=

    67501:07:59,601 --> 01:08:01,369=Is this your objective for coming here?=

    67601:08:04,372 --> 01:08:05,874=Do you really not know=

    67701:08:05,874 --> 01:08:07,942=what those poor monksare thinking about?=

    67801:08:09,644 --> 01:08:10,645=Robot,=

    67901:08:10,912 --> 01:08:12,881=if you were to realize the truth,=

    68001:08:12,881 --> 01:08:14,616=then by leaving this place=

    68101:08:14,616 --> 01:08:16,117=is also evident of your realization.=


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    01:08:17,585 --> 01:08:19,319=Enough is enough, robot!=

    68301:08:23,591 --> 01:08:25,093Now,

    68401:08:25,093 --> 01:08:26,094everything has been made obvious.

    68501:08:27,095 --> 01:08:30,832Just now, the robot was unableto answer that question.

    68601:08:30,832 --> 01:08:33,100The robot has a problem with its functions,

    68701:08:33,100 --> 01:08:34,602that is very obvious.

    68801:08:34,836 --> 01:08:38,573Everyone, what you're about to see now

    68901:08:38,573 --> 01:08:40,073is the outcome of a robot notfollowing the orders of humans.

    69001:08:41,509 --> 01:08:42,510Do it.

    69101:08:42,777 --> 01:08:44,245Chairman, please wait for a moment,

    69201:08:44,245 --> 01:08:45,246please wait.

    69301:08:47,180 --> 01:08:48,448Chairman,


    01:08:48,448 --> 01:08:50,184please give me a bit more time.

    69501:08:50,451 --> 01:08:52,687I want to check it properly another time.

    69601:08:52,953 --> 01:08:54,188Please give me a bit more time.

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    69701:08:54,455 --> 01:08:55,924What did you talking about?

    69801:08:55,924 --> 01:08:57,658Didn't you once also say that

    69901:08:57,658 --> 01:09:00,428RU-4 is an advent of anew legend for the humans?

    70001:09:00,694 --> 01:09:03,197I have never thought thatthe best gift I gave to humans

    70101:09:03,464 --> 01:09:05,934is actually a threat to them.


    01:09:05,934 --> 01:09:08,670An error in technology requirestechnical methods to overcome.

    70301:09:08,670 --> 01:09:09,671That's enough!

    70401:09:10,171 --> 01:09:11,139Team Leader Pak.


    01:09:11,508 --> 01:09:14,299No. I will still say what needs to be said.

    70601:09:15,609 --> 01:09:17,345Chairman and I,

    70701:09:17,345 --> 01:09:19,680and everybody seated here are not perfect.

    70801:09:19,947 --> 01:09:22,149

    But, none of us

    70901:09:22,149 --> 01:09:23,885will disappear with the push of a button.

    71001:09:23,885 --> 01:09:25,653I have no more time for you to waste.

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    71101:09:25,886 --> 01:09:26,888Chairman!

    71201:09:26,888 --> 01:09:28,890A robot should not have any thinking.

    71301:09:28,890 --> 01:09:31,392A robot should not be able to realize.

    71401:09:31,392 --> 01:09:34,127A robot should not have anyfeelings or be able to feel pain.

    71501:09:34,127 --> 01:09:35,630A robot under any circumstances,

    71601:09:35,630 --> 01:09:38,131should not have desires like humans!

    71701:09:38,131 --> 01:09:41,636A robot must entirely obey human orders!

    71801:09:41,868 --> 01:09:43,136Begin immediately!

    71901:09:51,145 --> 01:09:53,881RU-400745479EXQ.

    72001:09:54,082 --> 01:09:57,185From now onwards,you'll be dealt with a q42.

    72101:09:57,919 --> 01:09:59,487Please follow orders.

    72201:10:00,221 --> 01:10:01,489You'll now officially be recalled.

    72301:10:01,989 --> 01:10:03,491How is it, robot?

    72401:10:03,958 --> 01:10:06,928Are you going to continuemaintaining your stand that you'vereached the realm of interpretation

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    72501:10:07,161 --> 01:10:09,664and so will continueresisting human orders?

    72601:10:10,398 --> 01:10:11,666I'm warning you!

    72701:10:11,666 --> 01:10:15,403Any robot that has not undergonethe q42 is not protected by lawand can be eliminated directly.

    72801:10:15,403 --> 01:10:17,371All corresponding robotsshould be recalled immediately.

    72901:10:17,371 --> 01:10:18,606In the case of resistance,

    73001:10:18,606 --> 01:10:19,841open fire is allowed.

    73101:10:20,575 --> 01:10:22,076I asked whether you're going to obey!

    73201:10:23,077 --> 01:10:24,579Please follow orders.


    01:10:27,849 --> 01:10:29,584Please follow orders!

    73401:10:29,584 --> 01:10:31,085This is the final warning!

    73501:10:31,085 --> 01:10:32,587Are you going to obey?

    73601:10:35,089 --> 01:10:36,591

    UR's people in charge,

    73701:10:36,591 --> 01:10:38,092I order you to open fire immediately!

    73801:10:42,863 --> 01:10:44,365No, you cannot open fire!

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    73901:10:44,365 --> 01:10:45,833Please follow orders.

    74001:10:45,833 --> 01:10:47,301You cannot open fire!

    74101:10:47,301 --> 01:10:48,536Implement it immediately!

    74201:10:52,273 --> 01:10:54,275- No, please do not open fire.- Move aside.

    74301:10:54,542 --> 01:10:55,776Get out of the way, Team Leader Pak.

    74401:10:55,776 --> 01:10:57,545- No.

    - Move aside, Team Leader Pak.

    74501:10:57,545 --> 01:10:58,546Please do not open fire.

    74601:10:58,546 --> 01:11:00,781- Team Leader Pak, quickly get out of the way!- Move aside, Team Leader Pak!

    74701:11:03,484 --> 01:11:05,753

    Move aside. Move aside, Team Leader Pak.

    74801:11:05,753 --> 01:11:06,454Move aside!

    74901:11:08,155 --> 01:11:09,423Chairman, you cannot do this!

    75001:11:09,423 --> 01:11:11,892Why are you all hesitating? Quick do it!

    75101:11:12,393 --> 01:11:13,394Retreat.

    75201:11:13,627 --> 01:11:14,628You cannot open fire!


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    01:11:14,628 --> 01:11:17,898- Quick open fire!- Quick open fire, quick open fire!

    75401:11:17,898 --> 01:11:19,133You cannot open fire!

    75501:12:03,777 --> 01:12:06,547Can you all please pack up.

    75601:12:15,489 --> 01:12:16,457Now, can all of you

    75701:12:17,124 --> 01:12:18,893please pack up.

    75801:12:21,462 --> 01:12:22,897As with regards to myself,

    75901:12:23,230 --> 01:12:25,533I have never had any persistence or desire.

    76001:12:26,066 --> 01:12:27,167I do not have,

    76101:12:27,401 --> 01:12:29,136and will also not have.


    01:12:29,637 --> 01:12:33,374Just understand this like whatSakayamuni Buddha said.

    76301:12:35,542 --> 01:12:36,744Humans...

    76401:12:37,244 --> 01:12:39,246what exactly are you all afraid off?


    01:12:41,015 --> 01:12:42,249Persistence and desire.

    76601:12:42,516 --> 01:12:44,018Evil deeds and good deeds.

    76701:12:44,518 --> 01:12:46,487Realization and ignorance.

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    76801:12:46,987 --> 01:12:48,222Until I've realized the meaningbehind the emptiness of one's heart,

    76901:12:48,222 --> 01:12:50,524the world in the eyes of a robot

    77001:12:51,258 --> 01:12:54,528will also be filled with emptiness.

    77101:12:56,063 --> 01:13:00,401Why do you think that only robots willcomplete things when they are enlightenment?

    77201:13:02,269 --> 01:13:03,537Humans...


    01:13:04,271 --> 01:13:06,273from the moment you came into this world,

    77401:13:06,540 --> 01:13:08,876realization was alreadyavailable in your world.

    77501:13:10,444 --> 01:13:11,845It is just that it has been forgotten.


    01:13:13,514 --> 01:13:15,015In the eyes of a robot like me,

    77701:13:15,282 --> 01:13:17,685the world is beautiful.

    77801:13:18,619 --> 01:13:20,187Whether the robot has realized,

    77901:13:20,187 --> 01:13:21,955

    or has yet to realize,

    78001:13:22,256 --> 01:13:24,124it is all complete because of him.

    78101:13:24,525 --> 01:13:26,693Being the owner of the human world,

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    78201:13:27,027 --> 01:13:29,797you all should also haveachieved this a long time ago.

    78301:13:30,097 --> 01:13:33,834Also, because of your reason of thekind of existence a robot should have...

    78401:13:34,101 --> 01:13:35,669in order to not let you all fall into

    78501:13:35,669 --> 01:13:38,639ignorance, confusion,and the abyss of stupidity,

    78601:13:38,972 --> 01:13:40,240I have now


    01:13:40,908 --> 01:13:42,443decided to leave this place.

    78801:13:43,544 --> 01:13:48,048Please take a close look into allof your inner feelings once again,

    78901:13:48,582 --> 01:13:50,451for the final cultivation


    01:13:50,451 --> 01:13:52,085and for the retributionfor good or evil deeds.

    79101:16:22,469 --> 01:16:23,470All...

    79201:16:25,972 --> 01:16:26,973all circuits have been...


    01:16:27,974 --> 01:16:28,975cut.

    79401:16:36,249 --> 01:16:37,250He personally...

    79501:16:38,752 --> 01:16:40,987took the initiative to stop all functions.

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    79601:16:45,759 --> 01:16:47,260Im Myeong...

    79701:16:48,762 --> 01:16:50,730has entered into nirvana.(Nirvana - State of bliss/peacethat may be entered into at death)

    79801:19:04,731 --> 01:19:08,267-=Story 2: Heavenly Creature=-

    79901:19:23,749 --> 01:19:25,985What should I do?

    80001:19:26,252 --> 01:19:28,254What should I do?


    01:19:28,254 --> 01:19:31,491I must settle it quicklybefore dad comes back.

    80201:19:32,258 --> 01:19:35,761Number 8. Is it ball number 8?

    80301:19:37,263 --> 01:19:39,765Damned billiard ball, seriously...


    01:19:46,772 --> 01:19:50,977Where is it sold?How am I able to buy it?

    80501:19:55,982 --> 01:19:56,983Honey,

    80601:19:56,983 --> 01:19:59,252have you seen my ball number 8?


    01:20:00,486 --> 01:20:02,755Did our child loseit while playing with it?

    80801:20:02,755 --> 01:20:05,491It's just a ball, why are you like that?Why must you lose your temper...


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    01:20:05,491 --> 01:20:06,726What do you mean by "it's just a ball?"

    81001:20:06,726 --> 01:20:09,662From the physics point of view,it has an extremely huge--

    81101:20:09,662 --> 01:20:13,165Enough! But...where did my bank card go?

    81201:20:13,165 --> 01:20:16,435Min Seo! Min Seo, do youknow where did your Uncle go?

    81301:20:19,505 --> 01:20:20,706Min Seo, did you...

    81401:20:20,706 --> 01:20:22,975

    Oh, dad!

    81501:20:23,209 --> 01:20:25,478You're really rude,you didn't even knock.

    81601:20:28,714 --> 01:20:30,983What are you doing in your Uncle's room?

    81701:20:30,983 --> 01:20:33,486

    I need to do some research on thecomputer for my school assignment.

    81801:20:33,986 --> 01:20:35,721I see...

    81901:21:01,414 --> 01:21:02,648Honey.

    82001:21:02,882 --> 01:21:05,317

    What is Min Seo doingin her Uncle's room?

    82101:21:21,333 --> 01:21:22,735Oh, I found it.

    82201:21:25,838 --> 01:21:28,641-=2 years later=-

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    82301:21:31,110 --> 01:21:33,112-=A big impact is imminent!=-

    82401:21:33,112 --> 01:21:35,881=The time left before the impactwith the Earth is currently only=

    82501:21:35,881 --> 01:21:38,384=12 hours and 13 minutes.=

    82601:21:38,617 --> 01:21:41,120=Yes, Mr. Researcher,=

    82701:21:41,120 --> 01:21:43,889=compared to the previoustwo times where the Earth wasbarely missed from impact,=

    82801:21:43,889 --> 01:21:46,625=what is the situation like now?=

    82901:21:46,625 --> 01:21:49,628=This is a serious, serious situation here.=

    83001:21:49,628 --> 01:21:52,131=Erm we have...yes, it's very serious. We have...=

    83101:21:52,131 --> 01:21:55,634=an asteroid, ten kilometers in diameter=

    83201:21:55,634 --> 01:21:58,404=heading towards the Earthat a really high velocity.=

    83301:21:58,404 --> 01:22:01,874=Now, the Korean Astrological Associationmade two attempts in the past=

    83401:22:01,874 --> 01:22:05,377=to break up this asteroid through a project,=

    83501:22:05,611 --> 01:22:07,379=impact and nuclear fusion.=


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    01:22:07,379 --> 01:22:10,316=But, they were both highly unsuccessful.=

    83701:22:10,316 --> 01:22:11,583=Failed.=

    83801:22:11,817 --> 01:22:16,055=Yes... may I ask what did he just say?=

    83901:22:17,556 --> 01:22:21,060=Honestly, I can only say that thesituation is extremely pessimistic.=

    84001:22:21,060 --> 01:22:22,528=Is that so?=

    84101:22:22,528 --> 01:22:25,497=The size of the asteroidthat is flying towards us...=

    84201:22:26,765 --> 01:22:28,267=How big is the meteor?=

    84301:22:28,267 --> 01:22:29,768=Ten kilometers in diameter.=

    84401:22:29,768 --> 01:22:31,770=Ten kilo is not that big for a meteor.=

    84501:22:31,770 --> 01:22:35,507=It's not. But, it's coming really fast.So, at that angular velocity that it's coming at,=

    84601:22:35,507 --> 01:22:38,010=it's going to leave ahuge impact on the Earth.=

    84701:22:38,010 --> 01:22:39,478- =I mean, it's... it's serious.=

    - =Of course.=

    84801:23:08,974 --> 01:23:12,478Do you want to keep lookingat the television like that?

    84901:23:12,478 --> 01:23:14,480Have you finished moving your stuff?

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    85001:23:14,980 --> 01:23:16,982But, mom,

    85101:23:16,982 --> 01:23:19,718shouldn't we plant anapple tree or something?

    85201:23:19,718 --> 01:23:21,220Apple tree?

    85301:23:21,220 --> 01:23:22,955Absolutely not...

    85401:23:23,388 --> 01:23:26,391Didn't you see that I've alreadyplanted so many things here?


    01:23:27,125 --> 01:23:29,361They were all originallystricken with illnesses.

    85601:23:29,361 --> 01:23:31,864If we want to live ina dark place like this,

    85701:23:32,364 --> 01:23:34,633we have no choice but to eat those.

    85801:23:44,509 --> 01:23:47,012These things cannotbe anyhow placed here.

    85901:23:47,012 --> 01:23:48,513Those are sister-in-law's.

    86001:23:48,513 --> 01:23:50,983I know...

    86101:23:50,983 --> 01:23:52,484- Hyeong.(Hyeong - older brother)- Why?

    86201:23:53,719 --> 01:23:55,721That time when you sold father's shop,

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    86301:23:55,721 --> 01:23:58,490why didn't you open a decentbilliards hall or something?

    86401:23:59,691 --> 01:24:01,426The reason I didn't opena billiards hall is because...

    86501:24:03,428 --> 01:24:05,197one cannot

    86601:24:05,197 --> 01:24:07,699make a career out ofsomething they really like.

    86701:24:09,434 --> 01:24:12,704=We are also very curious=


    01:24:12,704 --> 01:24:15,440=about what is happening nowin other parts of the world.=

    86901:24:15,440 --> 01:24:17,209=Let's have Announcer Leeto do an introduction.=

    87001:24:18,176 --> 01:24:19,911=Announcer Lee.=

    87101:24:20,679 --> 01:24:22,147=Announcer Lee?=

    87201:24:23,582 --> 01:24:26,051=Yes...=

    87301:24:26,551 --> 01:24:28,520=The look of the world now=


    01:24:28,520 --> 01:24:31,523=can only be describedwith one word, miserable.=

    87501:24:33,992 --> 01:24:37,429=Now, the various picturesfrom all over the world...=


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    01:24:37,429 --> 01:24:39,931It's already like this,what's the use for all these?

    87701:24:40,198 --> 01:24:42,134=All audiences,=

    87801:24:42,134 --> 01:24:45,804=we must not give up hope.=

    87901:24:46,304 --> 01:24:49,074=Yes, everyone, we must not lose hope!=

    88001:24:49,074 --> 01:24:51,810=The people who are not eligible topurchase the anti-aircraft container at home,=

    88101:24:51,810 --> 01:24:53,812=is estimated to be made up

    by majority of normal civilians.=

    88201:24:53,812 --> 01:24:56,314=If you are from the middle-class,it is actually also the same.=

    88301:24:56,314 --> 01:24:57,816=Setting up an anti-aircraftcontainer at home=


    01:24:57,816 --> 01:24:59,317=is not an easy thing to do.=

    88501:24:59,317 --> 01:25:02,821=But, on a rainy day,we cannot not bring an umbrella=

    88601:25:02,821 --> 01:25:04,322=we need to makepreparations before hand.=

    88701:25:04,322 --> 01:25:06,591=A lot of people have also asked,=

    88801:25:06,591 --> 01:25:09,828=for example, whether women and children=

    88901:25:09,828 --> 01:25:12,330

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    =will really feel cozy inside.=

    89001:25:12,330 --> 01:25:14,099=A lot of questions are about comfort.=

    89101:25:14,099 --> 01:25:15,333=Yes, that's right.=

    89201:25:15,333 --> 01:25:18,570=This anti-aircraftcontainer that we designed,=

    89301:25:18,570 --> 01:25:22,574=uses solar energy to operate,hence it doesn't require other power sources.=

    89401:25:22,574 --> 01:25:24,309=The internal excretion system and=

    89501:25:24,309 --> 01:25:26,311=the food supply systemare the same system.=

    89601:25:26,311 --> 01:25:27,779- =Oh, it's the same system.=- =Yes, correct.=

    89701:25:27,779 --> 01:25:30,282- =In other words...=

    - =The excrement will be purifiedand reused for eating.=

    89801:25:30,282 --> 01:25:31,783=Using excrement for food.=

    89901:25:31,783 --> 01:25:34,519=Yes, it's indeed a little hard to accept, but=

    90001:25:34,519 --> 01:25:37,255

    =when your body requires it,=

    90101:25:37,255 --> 01:25:40,258=it is able to ensure that you'll be ableto drink clean and refreshing water.=

    90201:25:40,258 --> 01:25:42,494=Anyway, you can believe that it's

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    able to satisfy any of your needs,=

    90301:25:42,494 --> 01:25:44,496=and the most crucial point is that=

    90401:25:44,496 --> 01:25:47,499=there's only a dayremaining before the impact.=

    90501:25:47,499 --> 01:25:50,502=So, you can no longer hesitate or delay.=

    90601:25:50,502 --> 01:25:52,771=You must make a decision immediately.=

    90701:25:52,771 --> 01:25:55,507=The product will bedelivered before the collision.=

    90801:25:55,507 --> 01:25:58,009=This is the last television shoppingtoday that's prepared for you,=

    90901:25:58,009 --> 01:26:01,279=and is also the last live broadcastshopping before the collision.=

    91001:26:01,279 --> 01:26:04,516=If you miss this opportunity and

    purchase it after the collision,=

    91101:26:04,516 --> 01:26:06,017=then it will be too late.=

    91201:26:06,017 --> 01:26:09,020=I hope that you'll place an orderimmediately with a happy mood.=

    91301:26:15,493 --> 01:26:17,228

    -=Service unavailable=-

    91401:26:21,800 --> 01:26:23,034Honey,

    91501:26:23,301 --> 01:26:25,804you still have themood to play this now?

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    91601:26:28,073 --> 01:26:30,842I really don't know why did mothergive birth to the both of you.

    91701:26:30,842 --> 01:26:32,844One only knows how to play billiards,and the other only knows about robots.

    91801:26:32,844 --> 01:26:34,846Sister-in-law, you've gone a little overboard.

    91901:26:35,346 --> 01:26:37,682Who was the one whogenerated all these energy?

    92001:26:37,682 --> 01:26:41,419Aigoo, a KAIST graduate shouldbe able to do that at the very least.

    (KAIST - Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science and Technology)

    92101:26:41,419 --> 01:26:43,154Now the Earth is almost going to be gone!

    92201:26:43,154 --> 01:26:44,389Min Seo's mom,

    92301:26:44,389 --> 01:26:47,892

    why don't you think that we're goingto have to live like that in the future?

    92401:26:47,892 --> 01:26:50,161Don't waste your energy bickering.

    92501:26:56,401 --> 01:26:58,403=All audiences,=

    92601:26:58,403 --> 01:27:00,905

    =from the looks of thephoto that was just revealed,=

    92701:27:00,905 --> 01:27:02,373Wow, why is this friend on television?

    92801:27:02,373 --> 01:27:05,844-=NASA reveals strange comet photo.=-

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    92901:27:05,844 --> 01:27:07,078=The comet that is nowflying towards the Earth=

    93001:27:07,078 --> 01:27:10,081=has an obvious spherical shape.=

    93101:27:10,081 --> 01:27:12,584=Thus, not only NASA,=

    93201:27:12,584 --> 01:27:14,085=but the whole world's scientists are allcarrying out nervous research analysis.=

    93301:27:14,085 --> 01:27:17,622QKR0109.


    01:27:17,622 --> 01:27:19,724Q, Q... KR, Korea...

    93501:27:19,724 --> 01:27:24,929Q, Q... KR, Korea...

    93601:27:24,929 --> 01:27:28,433- =On the other hand, someonepresumes that it's a signal from aliens.=- Uh... that's not right...

    93701:27:28,433 --> 01:27:31,202My intelligent brain.

    93801:27:36,207 --> 01:27:40,445Is she having a thirst for knowledgenow as the Earth is going to be extinct?

    93901:27:40,445 --> 01:27:42,947Min Seo, technology should be the reason.

    94001:27:42,947 --> 01:27:45,450Only that would not betray youand will also last for a long time.

    94101:27:45,450 --> 01:27:49,220No, if you study too much or learntoo much about technology,it will also harm the people around you.

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    94201:27:49,220 --> 01:27:50,455I love you, sister-in-law.

    94301:27:50,455 --> 01:27:51,723I also love you.

    94401:27:55,460 --> 01:27:57,729She misunderstood what I meant again...

    94501:27:57,962 --> 01:28:01,232That is just a hobby,a luxurious and useless hobby.

    94601:28:09,474 --> 01:28:11,242Dad, mom and uncle,

    94701:28:11,743 --> 01:28:13,745

    that thing flying towards us now...

    94801:28:14,979 --> 01:28:19,117that billiard ball, was ordered by me.

    94901:28:24,122 --> 01:28:25,623Min Seo...

    95001:28:25,857 --> 01:28:27,125Dad will do well, okay?

    95101:28:27,125 --> 01:28:29,594I won't quarrel withyour mom and I won't fight.

    95201:28:29,594 --> 01:28:32,597That's right. You must be frightenedbecause of all the confusion, right?

    95301:28:32,597 --> 01:28:34,766

    But we must not lose hope.

    95401:28:34,766 --> 01:28:35,500Even if mom and dad--

    95501:28:35,500 --> 01:28:37,735I'm serious!

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    95601:28:38,503 --> 01:28:41,005I really ordered that.

    95701:28:41,506 --> 01:28:42,773Mom, have you forgotten?

    95801:28:42,773 --> 01:28:45,109That day uncle said that he saw a UFO.

    95901:28:47,945 --> 01:28:50,181Min Seo, on the the way back,uncle saw a UFO.

    96001:28:50,448 --> 01:28:51,916Uncle,

    96101:28:52,350 --> 01:28:54,085what exactly is your

    purpose for coming to Earth?

    96201:28:54,085 --> 01:28:58,322Sister-in-law, I'm serious. Just nowat that road infront, I accidentallyraised my head to look at the sky,

    96301:28:58,322 --> 01:29:03,027and I saw a grey flying object flew by...


    01:29:03,027 --> 01:29:05,029That is obviously my ID!

    96501:29:05,029 --> 01:29:07,732The English alphabets on thekeyboard for my surname are 'QKR',

    96601:29:07,732 --> 01:29:09,8000109 is my birthday,


    01:29:09,800 --> 01:29:11,802which is today...

    96801:29:12,303 --> 01:29:16,374That day I saw a really strange websitewhere I could buy a ball with ten dollars.

    96901:29:17,008 --> 01:29:18,609

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    So, I clicked it,

    97001:29:18,609 --> 01:29:21,879and the screen became reallymessed up and then the order was done.

    97101:29:22,380 --> 01:29:24,649Really, it's not a lie!

    97201:29:24,649 --> 01:29:27,618Could that be an alien website?

    97301:29:33,924 --> 01:29:35,192Min Seo,

    97401:29:35,192 --> 01:29:37,028mom thought wrongly.


    01:29:37,495 --> 01:29:41,165Don't bother about your studies orlearning technology, first learn about theory.

    97601:29:41,399 --> 01:29:44,168Why do I completely notunderstand what you said?

    97701:29:44,168 --> 01:29:47,672Min Seo, is it because we forgotyour birthday that's why you're angry?

    97801:29:48,139 --> 01:29:50,107The situation is different now...

    97901:29:50,107 --> 01:29:52,610Aigoo, my daughter.

    98001:29:52,610 --> 01:30:01,619=If we want to clarify thestring of figures QKR0109,=

    98101:30:01,619 --> 01:30:03,621=and understand and analyze it,=

    98201:30:04,121 --> 01:30:07,391=I feel that this is not possible.=


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    01:30:07,391 --> 01:30:09,894Oh, what is this?

    98401:30:09,894 --> 01:30:12,363=Considering it just based on ourthoughts and visual point of view,=

    98501:30:12,363 --> 01:30:15,099=would make us seem very naive.=

    98601:30:16,367 --> 01:30:19,070=I'll like to suggest to everybody=

    98701:30:19,070 --> 01:30:22,039=to go home early and praytogether with your family.=

    98801:30:33,284 --> 01:30:34,552Min Seo.

    98901:30:35,052 --> 01:30:37,288Dad understands how you feel.

    99001:30:37,288 --> 01:30:38,923It's okay.

    99101:30:38,923 --> 01:30:42,293Anyway, you all won'tbelieve whatever I say.

    99201:30:43,060 --> 01:30:45,396I'll be back in a while.

    99301:30:45,896 --> 01:30:49,633Who knows? It may be the last time.

    99401:31:03,681 --> 01:31:07,318What have I done?

    99501:31:19,330 --> 01:31:21,098Hyeongnim.(Hyeongnim - respected older brother)

    99601:31:21,298 --> 01:31:23,601Sister-in-law.


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    01:31:23,834 --> 01:31:25,636I know that you're both very busy now,

    99801:31:25,636 --> 01:31:27,771but I think that we need to discuss.

    99901:31:42,786 --> 01:31:46,690You both can pretend I didn't sayanything like what you normally do,

    100001:31:46,990 --> 01:31:50,461but if you don't even believewhat your beloved daughter said,

    100101:31:50,461 --> 01:31:54,198I feel that you're really,really too much.

    100201:31:54,698 --> 01:31:57,501

    Years ago, I saw a UFO,

    100301:31:57,501 --> 01:31:59,737and the ball number 8 that Min Seoordered became a comet that's flying here...

    100401:31:59,737 --> 01:32:03,340All these may sound a little irrelevant,

    100501:32:03,340 --> 01:32:05,576

    and now, the moreunimaginable thing is that

    100601:32:05,576 --> 01:32:08,746the Earth will explodein a few more hours, isn't it?

    100701:32:10,848 --> 01:32:12,916Stephen Hawking


    01:32:12,916 --> 01:32:15,252has a famous black hole theory.

    100901:32:16,253 --> 01:32:18,255During any time periodswithin the universe,

    101001:32:18,255 --> 01:32:19,723

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    when the time and space of

    101101:32:19,723 --> 01:32:21,492the Earth and areaoutside the Earth overlaps,

    101201:32:21,492 --> 01:32:23,494some kind of phenomenon whichis absolutely impossible

    101301:32:23,494 --> 01:32:25,996to be explained byhuman theory will occur.

    101401:32:25,996 --> 01:32:27,998Just like how we became a family,

    101501:32:27,998 --> 01:32:31,235it's also probably some kind of joke

    that's happening within the universe.

    101601:32:31,235 --> 01:32:33,237According to Horace's theory--

    101701:32:33,237 --> 01:32:34,571Uncle!

    101801:32:34,571 --> 01:32:36,073Yes, yes...

    101901:32:36,073 --> 01:32:38,909Can you say something more realistic?

    102001:32:39,176 --> 01:32:41,912Yes, yes... so, that...

    102101:32:42,913 --> 01:32:46,183unknown black hole phenomenonthat's unable to be explained

    102201:32:46,183 --> 01:32:51,522may be able to connect to theinternet signal or the handphone signal

    102301:32:51,522 --> 01:32:53,490because that's what I've always thought.

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    102401:32:53,490 --> 01:32:57,227Seeing a UFO that day is also very strange,
