document - Web viewWe will also explore the power of music and ... sheets to record flow data. Computing will also be used throughout the wider curriculum using word

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In Religious Education, we will be looking at worship and festivals. We will discuss the importance of faith and religions and explore what is important to our own views and beliefs. We will be at how and why Hindus celebrate Diwali.


In Jigsaw, we will be learning and discussing: Being Me in the World. We will explore and identify different ways to make people feel welcome and accepted. We will practice our speaking and listening skills during circle time activities. During SMSC sessions we will be exploring British Values and identifying the role the police and legal system have in Britain. We will explore differences and similarities to our everyday life in school.


In PE, we will be focussing on gymnastic and dance skills this will link to our topic of rivers and how the river moves. We will be exploring balancing and routine skills. The children will have the opportunity to perform their own pieces in groups and independently.


This term we will be focusing on rivers, we will learn the water cycle and how to read and locate rivers on maps. We will explore different rivers around the world, recognising key vocabulary about rivers. Linking to this we will develop an understanding for activities that can be completed on and around the river, exploring why people have settled by rivers.


Base 5 will be exploring rhythm. We will look at the sounds of a river and follow the rhythm. We will work towards developing and sharing our own piece of music. We will also explore the power of music and learning throughout the wider curriculum using songs to learn new facts.


In computing we will explore spread sheets to record flow data. Computing will also be used throughout the wider curriculum using word processing to type up final pieces of work. The children will also use computing to research and present information.


Base 5 will use design technology to develop our own water wheel and explore hydropower. Linking in with our theme: Flow, the children will have the opportunity to make their own bridge. Here they will be able to select and choose their own materials and components to build a strong bridge.



In French, the children will explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes. We will recap on basic French vocabulary. We will begin to speak in sentences, asking and answering questions.

Additional Information

Please could I remind you that children are to take their PE kits home every Friday and return them to school on a Monday.

Homework will be handed out every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Wednesday.

Children must be reading at home as often as they can, recording evidence of this in their reading logs. Reading logs must be returned to school on a daily basis.

Friday journals will be sent home every Friday and are too be returned with their homework on a Wednesday, ideally with a comment from a parent or guardian.

Thank you for your support.


Base 5 will be studying a range of genres related to our theme Flow, linked to the book we are focussing on this term: Swallows and Amazons. Linking to our theme, we will be learning how to write newspaper reports. We will also explore poetry linking to the flow of a river. We will be exploring the idea of taking a journey down a river and writing a journal based on this. Base 5 will be researching into environmental pollution and using this to write and share reports. We will also be writing a set of instructions explaining how to make a river.


This term in Numeracy, we will begin by exploring data and data handling. We will explore continuous and discrete data and look after different ways we can collect and present our results. Throughout the term, we will be exploring and practicing all four operations: additions, subtractions, division and multiplication improving on methods and efficiency. We begin to compare and order fractions. We will link our maths learning to everyday life and the children will have the opportunity to explore using and applying their skills to real life situations. We will also be exploring measurement and time, linking in with our Flow theme. Numicon will be used throughout the year to provide a visual image for the children and help conciliate their learning and practicing of skills.


In Science this term, we will be exploring erosion; The children will have the opportunity to explore how river cause erosion over time, investigating the changes and patterns caused by this. We will be able to investigate and perform our own scientific lines of enquiry. Whilst investigating, we will discuss fair testing and explore different practical inquiries. Following our investigations, we will make observations and use our maths skills to record measurements and test water samples.


In Art, we will explore water colours. We will us water colours with blue and green tints to express how a river flows. We will design a model of the water cycle. Later on in the term, we will have the opportunity to improve our mastery skills and design techniques such as drawing and painting. We will be able to complete these skills using a range of materials.

Teagues Bridge

Primary School

Base 5

Autumn Term 2 2017
