Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan Student Name: Student Number: Initial Enrollment Date: Initial Advisor: Permanent Advisor: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Important PhD Steps This package includes: PhD degree information sheet Comprehensive Exam information and subject sheets Dissertation committee and deadlines information sheet Permanent Graduate Advisor Request Form Example By Arrangement Request Form Graduate information sheet Sign up for Comprehensive Exam: Yes No Date(s): Comprehensive Exam subject areas (at least one must be outside the students area of interest): 1. 2. 3. Comprehensive Exam results: Pass Fail Conditional Pass If conditional pass, conditions & due date: Conditions met: Yes No Dissertation committee selected and GO-16D submitted: Yes No Dissertation committee: 1. 2. 3. 4. (Optional) 5. (Optional) 6. (Optional) Prospectus date: Doctorial Request For Advancement to Candidacy Form (GO-23) submitted: Yes No Applied for graduation: Yes No Schedule dissertation defense: Yes No Date: Provide abstract to department one week prior to defense: Yes No Doctoral Recommendation For The Degree Form (GO-17D) submitted by Dissertation Chair: Yes No Thesis signature page submitted: Yes No Final dissertation submitted: Yes No Please see Dissertation Information sheet and Comprehensive Exam sheet for deadlines/dates details.

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

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Page 1: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum Plan

Student Name:

Student Number:

Initial Enrollment Date:

Initial Advisor:

Permanent Advisor:

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering

Important PhD Steps

This package includes:

PhD degree information sheet

Comprehensive Exam information and subject sheets

Dissertation committee and deadlines information sheet

Permanent Graduate Advisor Request Form

Example By Arrangement Request Form

Graduate information sheet

Sign up for Comprehensive Exam: Yes No Date(s):

Comprehensive Exam subject areas (at least one must be outside the students area of





Comprehensive Exam results: Pass Fail Conditional Pass

If conditional pass, conditions & due date:

Conditions met: Yes No

Dissertation committee selected and GO-16D submitted: Yes No

Dissertation committee:




4. (Optional)

5. (Optional)

6. (Optional)

Prospectus date:

Doctorial Request For Advancement to Candidacy Form (GO-23) submitted:

Yes No

Applied for graduation: Yes No

Schedule dissertation defense: Yes No Date:

Provide abstract to department one week prior to defense: Yes No

Doctoral Recommendation For The Degree Form (GO-17D) submitted by Dissertation

Chair: Yes No

Thesis signature page submitted: Yes No

Final dissertation submitted: Yes No

Please see Dissertation Information sheet and Comprehensive Exam sheet for deadlines/dates details.

Page 2: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Doctorate Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum Requirements

(Total: 81 credits)

Courses Prereqs* Credits Term Grade**

45 C



ME 603 - Dissertation 27

ME 6XX 4

ME 6XX 4

ME 5XX or 6XX 4

ME 5XX or 6XX 4

ME 5XX or 6XX 4

ME 5XX or 6XX 4

ME 5XX or 6XX 4

Electives 27

Advisor Signature Meeting Date

Advisor Signature Meeting Date

PhD Curriculum Plan





Summer Total


Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions:

Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers and substitutions policy.

*Please check prerequisite in the bulletin for

approved electives.

Total Credits

**Only courses with a grade of B- or higher will be applied to the degree.

ME graduate electives can include graduate credits earned while completing a master’s degree. Students

should review their Degree Audit Report (DARS) with their advisor to see how many credits of electives

are needed.

Students can apply up to three credit hours ME 607 Seminar towards their degree. Nine credits per term is considered full time for graduate students.


Page 3: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Students pursuing an ME PhD degree must complete 81 credit hours of graduate level coursework. This can include credit hours from a master's degree*. In addition, students must take and pass a comprehensive examination, a prospectus defense, and final dissertation defense.

Students can apply up to three credit hours ME 607 Seminar toward their degree.

Only courses with a grade of B- or higher will be applied to the degree. The MME Department does not accept ME 502 Independent Study credits.

Required Coursework

ME 603 Dissertation 27 Credit Hours

ME 6XX 600 Level ME Courses 8 Credit Hours

ME 5XX/6XX 500 or 600 Level ME Courses 19 Credit Hours

ME 5XX/6XX ME Graduate Electives* 27 Credit Hours

Total 81 Credit Hours

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

The PhD program in Mechanical Engineering aims to

educate technical experts and researchers to fill key

leadership roles in industry, research and education.

The program culminates in a written dissertation

representing an original contribution to knowledge in

the field.

PhD applicants must have a master’s of science degree.

Specialty Areas Include:

• Building Science & Energy Systems

• Controls and Dynamics

• Fluid Mechanics

• Heat Transfer

• Materials Science

• Mechanical Design

For more information visit www.pdx.edu/mme/graduate • Email: [email protected]

*ME graduate electives can include graduate credits earned while completing a master's degree. Students should review

their Degree Audit Report (DARS) with their advisor to see how many credits of electives are needed.

**Please see website www.pdx.edu/mme/me-phd-degree-requirements for PhD requirements AY 2015-2016 and earlier.

A PhD student must complete the following departmental requirements:

• Pass the Comprehensive Examination.

• Complete an approved program of study, which includes a minimum of 27 hours of approved coursework, with at least 8** credits in 600-level courses. Up to 3 credits of ME 607 seminar may count toward this total.

• Complete 27 credit hours of dissertation credit (ME 603) leading to the completion of a doctoral dissertation.

• Present and pass a Prospectus Defense for advancement to candidacy.

• Present and pass a public final oral Dissertation Defense.

• Submit the written dissertation in compliance with University guidelines and deadlines.

Please contact the MME department for the full, official overview of the program.

PhD Requirements (AY 2018-2019 and later)

Page 4: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers
Page 5: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Comprehensive Exam

Mechanical Engineering PhD students are required to take and pass the Comprehensive Exam (CE) prior to their

prospectus. Students have eight terms (excluding summer) from the time of admission to pass the CE, with a max-

imum of two consecutive attempts. Master’s candidates intending to continue on for a PhD may take the CE in

their second year of master’s-level studies. Students sign up for the CE in the winter term and take the exam in

spring term.

Comprehensive Exam consists of:

• Three written exams, each in a different subject. Each exam is two hours.

• One oral exam. This generally occurs one week after completion of written examinations.

Comprehensive Exam Grading

The PhD Comprehensive Exam Committee will assess the student's overall performance and assign a grade of

pass or fail. In order to develop exam consistency, all exams and corresponding grading will be available to the en-

tire faculty after students have completed them.

Students will be notified of the exam results within one week of the oral exam, preferably on the same day as the

oral exam.


Passing the written and oral exams in all three subject areas will result in a passing grade. The Report on Passing

Comprehensive Examinations form (GO-22) will be completed and the official CE completion date will be the

date of the oral exam.

Passing the written and oral exam in two subject areas and failing the written and/or oral exam in one subject area

will result in a tentative passing grade. Students will need to retake the failed portion of the exam at the next availa-

ble offering. Prior to retaking the exam, students will need to complete the condition(s) imposed by the exam

committee. The conditions are designed to prepare the student for the next round of testing.

Possible conditions:

• Enroll in additional coursework to strengthen weak areas

• Complete a special project in the deficient area

• Act as TA for special classes to address any deficiencies

Students who complete their conditions and pass the exam retake will have their tentative passing grade converted

to an official passing grade. The GO-22 will be completed and the official CE completion date will be the date of

the exam retake. Failing to complete the conditions and/or failing the exam retake will result in a failed grade and

expulsion from the PhD program.

Continued on back

Page 6: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Comprehensive Exam Subjects

Students must choose three subjects to be tested on. One subject must be outside of the student’s area of interest.

Students should reach out to faculty listed for the subjects they plan to be tested on for study preparation. Subjects

are listed on the Comprehensive Exam Subject sheet.

Comprehensive Exam Grading Continued


Failing two or more subject areas in either the written or oral portion of the exam will result in a failed grade. Stu-

dents must retake the entire qualifying exam at the next available offering. Students retaking the exam are not re-

quired to choose the same subject areas they were originally tested on, however, they may be required to complete

various conditions prior to retaking the exam. Students who fail the CE twice will be expelled from the PhD pro-

gram. The conditions are designed to prepare the student for the next round of testing.

Possible conditions:

• Enroll in additional coursework to strengthen weak areas

• Complete a special project in the deficient area

• Act as TA for special classes to address any deficiencies

Please note that a conditional pass is no longer an acceptable outcome in the CE.

Page 7: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Subject Heat and Mass Transfer

Faculty Gerald Recktenwald Email: [email protected]

Mark Weislogel Email: [email protected]


Courses ME 323

• Fundamentals of engineering heat transfer with design applications; steady-state and transi-

ent analysis of conduction in one and two dimensions; concepts of convection, forced con-

vection, internal and external flows, natural convection, and heat exchanger design; study

of radiation concepts and radiation exchange between surfaces.

• Prerequisites: Mth 256, Mth 261, ME 320, ME 321.

Subject Thermodynamics

Faculty Derek Tretheway Email: [email protected]

Raúl Bayoán Cal Email: [email protected]



ME 321

• Study of energy sources and utilization; First and Second Laws of thermodynamics; closed

and control volume systems: thermodynamic processes and cycles; thermodynamic proper-

ties; heat power systems.

• Prerequisites: Ph 223, Mth 252.

Comprehensive Exam Subjects

AY 18-19 Faculty Assignments

Note: AY 19-20 assignments will be made during Winter 2020

Subject System Dynamics and Vibration

Faculty David Turcic Email: [email protected]

Faryar Etesami Email: [email protected]

Corresponding Courses

ME 351

• An introduction to vibrations and system dynamics for single and multiple degree-of-

freedom linear systems. The course includes: free and forced vibrations; resonance; model-

ing of mechanical and electrical systems; Laplace transformations; and dynamic system re-

sponse in the time and frequency domains. Computer analysis and solution techniques will

be utilized.

• Prerequisites: EAS 215, Mth 256, Mth, 261, ECE 241, ME 350.

Page 8: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Subject Engineering Mechanics

Faculty Chien Wern Email: [email protected]

Hormoz Zareh Email: [email protected]



ME 313

• Stress and deflection analysis of structural components including review of stress and strain;

curved beams; pressure vessels, impact loading, stability, and energy methods. Topics will be

synthesized in a design project.

• Prerequisites: EAS 212, Mth 261.

Subject Machine Design

Faculty Faryar Etesami Email: [email protected]

Hormoz Zareh Email: [email protected]

Corresponding Courses

ME 314

• Analysis and design of machine elements and systems, covering failure theories, fatigue, fas-

teners, welds, gears, springs, bearings, introduction to stochastic design. Topics will be syn-

thesized in a design project.

• Prerequisite: ME 313.

Subject Fluid Mechanics

Faculty Raul Cal Email: [email protected]

Mark Weislogel Email: [email protected]



ME 320

• Properties of fluids; hydrostatics; fluid dynamics, Bernoulli’s Equation; conservation of

mass, energy, and momentum; differential analysis; and dimensional analysis.

• Prerequisites: EAS 215, Mth 256.

Subject Material Science

Faculty Tae-Kyu Lee Email: [email protected]

Lemmy Meekisho Email: [email protected]



ME 213

• Basic properties, behavior, and survey of engineering and industrial applications of metals,

polymers, ceramics, and composites.

• Prerequisite: Ch 221.

Page 9: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Dissertation Information

Dissertation committee breakdown

Committee must consist of:

• A dissertation advisor/committee chair. Must be a regular, full-time MME instructional faculty, ten-

ured or tenure-track, assistant professor or higher in rank.

• A Graduate Office Representative. Must be a regular, full-time PSU instructional faculty, tenured or

tenure-track, assistant professor or higher in rank.

• Two to four additional committee members. May include adjunct or fixed-term PSU faculty and/or

one member of the OHSU faculty.

• If it is necessary to go off-campus for one committee member with specific expertise not avail-

able among PSU faculty, a curriculum vitae (CV) for that proposed member must be presented

with the GO-16D form.

• All committee members must have doctoral degrees.

A dissertation committee must be approved by OGS using the Appointment of Doctoral Dissertation Committee

form (GO-16D). No proposal defense shall be valid without a dissertation committee approved by OGS.

Fall Winter Spring Summer

GO-16D Submission (committee


This will always be done prior to graduation term

GO-23 (advancement to candidacy/

dissertation proposal approved)

This will always be done prior to graduation term with a minimum of 4

months prior to dissertation defense

Apply to Graduate Oct. 4 Jan. 10 Apr. 3 Jun. 26

Dissertation Abstract sent to


At least one week prior to defense

Dissertation Defense Nov. 8 Feb. 14 May 8 Jul. 10

Dissertation Submission Nov. 22 Feb. 28 May 22 Jul. 24

GO-17D Submission

(recommendation for degree)

Dec. 17 Mar. 24 Jun. 16 Aug. 18

Dissertation Signature Page Aim for same day as dissertation submission

Dissertation Deadlines AY 19-20

Please note that the GO-16D and GO-17D should be submitted to the MME department, not OGS. Students are

prohibited from handling their GO-17D.

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Page 11: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Satisfactory Academic Progress and Dismissal Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

• All admitted graduate students must enroll and complete at least one credit per

term*. Students who wish to take time away from their studies must complete a

Graduate Leave of Absence Request and adhere to the Leave of Absence Policy

outlined by the Graduate School (GS).

• A student’s Permanent Advisor will determine if satisfactory progress has been made

each term*, especially in regards to dissertation, project or thesis credits and

research. If the student is within their first two terms and a Permanent Advisor has

not been established, satisfactory progress will be determined by term GPA and

credits completed. Students without Permanent Advisors must earn a B- or higher in

each course and a term GPA of 3.0.

• In addition, conditionally admitted students must complete all conditions within one

year of admission as outlined in the admission letter; and

• PhD students must meet the program’s comprehensive exam timeline and criteria as

well as the University’s prospectus and dissertation timelines.


• An admitted graduate student will be placed on SAP probation if:

o the student does not register for at least one credit and does not have an

approved Graduate Leave of Absence Request for the term;

o if the student receives a grade of I, X, W or AU for all credits attempted; or

o the Permanent Advisor determines that satisfactory progress has not been

made, or, for a student without a Permanent Advisor, term grades and GPA

do not meet SAP guidelines.

• A student who is placed on SAP probation will be ineligible to hold a GA (TA or RA) or

hourly position.

• A student will be removed from SAP probation if the student:

o registers and completes at least one credit in the term after beginning

probation status; and

o the Permanent Advisor determines that satisfactory progress has been made

in the term after beginning probation status. A student who does not have a

Permanent Advisor must meet the grade and GPA requirement in the term

after beginning probation status.

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Post Office Box 751 503-725-4290 tel

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 503-725-8255 fax

Engineering Building Suite 400 [email protected]


Page 12: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers


• Dismissal occurs if:

• the student fails to register and complete at least one credit in the term* after

beginning probation status;

• the student fails to make satisfactory progress in the term* after beginning probation

status; or

• the student becomes subject to a SAP probation a second time within their degree


• In addition, conditionally admitted students will be dismissed if all conditions are not

completed within one year of admission; and

• PhD students will be dismissed if: the program’s comprehensive exam timeline and

criteria are not met; the University’s prospectus timeline is not met; or the

University’s dissertation timeline is not met.

• Students who are dismissed may not: register for graduate credits; perform research

within an MME lab; or hold a GA (TA or RA) or hourly position.

*Excluding summer

Page 13: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Dissertation, Project and Thesis Policy

Master’s students pursuing the project option must complete a final report* and

presentation. Master’s students pursuing the thesis option must complete and defend a

thesis. PhD students must complete and defend a dissertation.

All final documents must contain the following items:

• Title Page

• Table of Contents

• List of Tables and List of Figures

• Nomenclature

• Introduction

• Other Chapters

• Conclusion

• Reference/Bibliography

All students should refer to their Permanent Advisor for additional information regarding

content. The formatting of thesis and dissertation papers is standard for the University and

all documents must meet the requirements outlined in the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation

(ETD) Formatting Requirements.

All student must submit their final documents to their project, thesis or dissertation

committee at least one week prior to presentation/defense.

*Master’s students pursuing the project option may substitute a fully peer-reviewed paper

in lieu of the final report with Permanent Advisor approval.

Prospectus Policy

All PhD students must complete a prospectus, which consists of a written and an oral

presentation of a dissertation proposal.

The written proposal must contain the following items:

• Introduction

• Background

• Preliminary work/results

• Proposed work

• Expected date of completion/result date

All students should refer to their Permanent Advisor for additional information regarding


All student must submit the written proposal to their dissertation committee at least one

week prior to presentation.

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Page 15: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers

Permanent Graduate Advisor Request Form

To request a change of advisor, please complete and submit this form to the Mechanical &

Materials Engineering Department. A permanent advisor must be chosen by the end of your

second term after admission or you will be moved to the coursework-only track of your

degree program.

To be completed by student:

Name: ___________________________

Student ID: _______________________

PSU Email Address: _________________

Current Advisor:


Requested Advisor:


Has your current advisor been notified of

your request? Yes_____ No_____

To be completed by requested


This signature indicates that requested

advisor, __________________________,

agrees to serve as the permanent advisor

for ______________________________.

________________________ _______

Permanent Advisor Signature Date

What degree options are you pursuing?

Thesis _____

Project _____

Coursework _____

Dissertation (PhD Only) _____

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Post Office Box 751 503-725-4290 tel

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 503-725-8255 fax

Engineering Building Suite 400 [email protected]


Page 16: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers
Page 17: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers
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Page 19: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Plan · Pre-admission, course transfers and substitutions: Must see Student Coordinator or Graduate Committee Chair for course transfers



Mechanical & Materials Engineering (MME)

Machine Shop

• Provides support for various faculty research,

student projects and academic courses

• All students must complete the MME

Machine Shop Safety Class to be able to

work in the Machine Shop

• This class is held in two session -- an online

MME Machine Shop Safety Class D2L

module and in-person session

• The quiz, agreement and standards form

located on the D2L module must be

completed to be eligible for the in-person

safety session

• The Machine Shop Safety Class is not

required for students who have successfully

completed ME 240/L at PSU

• Additional information can be found at


MELT (Mechanical Engineering

Laboratory Team)

• A team of qualified MME students who

train and assist non-MELT students on

various ME equipment in the Department

and Machine Shop

• Students can request assistance from MELT

technicians to support students for various

course-related projects/prototypes. Before

requesting MELT support, students must

complete the Machine Shop Safety Class.

Fees may apply.

• Learn to use equipment such as the 3D

printer, Laser Cutter, CNC (or Conventional)

Mill or Lathe, Welding

• Addition information could be found at


MME Resources



[email protected]



These are the minimum grades

needed to pass a course within


• Graduate Courses: B-



Admitted students seeking to

graduate with their Master’s

Degree visit


ures-masters-degrees for a

summary of procedures.

Admitted students seeking to

graduate with their Doctoral

Degree visit


ures-doctoral-degrees for a

summary of procedures.



te-candidate-deadlines for

graduate candidate deadlines.

Please contact the Graduate

School at 503.725.8410 or

[email protected] or visit 184

Parkmill for more information..

Materials Store

• Contains a supply of materials, such as Multipurpose Aluminum (various thickness /width /length),

etc., that are not tied to a specific class & students may purchase for use

• To request materials for purchase, please see the Machine Shop page located on our website


• If requested materials are in stock, or easily available for purchase, you will be sent a purchasing

link via your pdx.edu email

Project Presentation & Thesis Defense

• Scheduling and abstract submission must

be done through

https://tinyurl.com/MMEPresentation this

must completed and submitted at least

two weeks prior to intended

presentation/defense date.

• Please see various deadlines at



Permanent Graduate Advisor Request


• A permanent advisor must be chosen by

the end of your second term after


• To complete a permanent advisor request

form, visit


MME Course Override Form

• Fill out form if you need an override for any

ME course

• Course Override Request Form located at



• Please note that if you are receiving a

closed-course error for a split 400/500 level

course, you will need to check both the 400

and 500 level registration counts because

seats are split between the two sections. Any

open seats you see in the 400 level course

option are taken by students registered in

the 500 level option, and vice versa.