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Henley Driving School System

System Analyze and Design


Lecture Code: CT026-3-1-SAAD

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Feasibility Study.....................................................................................................................................3

Proposed System...................................................................................................................................7

Selection of Methodology.....................................................................................................................8

System Analysis...................................................................................................................................14

Logical Design......................................................................................................................................17

Individual Parts....................................................................................................................................29



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Henley Driving School is a company which is located in Kuala Lumpur that teaches people

how to drive a car. This company is using a manual paper bases system in order to record and

organize booking for driving lessons. Since the company has been growing continuously, the

current system in not appropriate anymore and causes lots of problem.

Every system has its own problems and there no way that we say a system is completely

prefect. The current Henley Driving School (HDS) system has its own problems. The first

problem is that the system is paper based. This simply means that, tracking the record are

hard, problem might be made during submitting information by accident, searching for

information takes so much time, loss of information in case of accidents like fire,

synchronizing information are (updating and removing information of current clients),

Instructor’s schedule might overlap and so on.

We identify each problems and then try to overcome this problem by providing solution for

them. By doing this, simply we minimize the problems and errors in the Hanley Driving

System (HDS) and prepared the new HDS system which is not paper based and solved almost

solved all the problems of existing one. The new system was develop by ASP.Net technology.

HDS now can run on the PC which mean all the data are stores inside the computers instead

of papers.

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Feasibility Study

Schedule feasibility

Work Flow Matrix

Duty Valikhan









Medet Iskakov









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Gantt chart

[Next Page]

Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is process of determining how well a new system solves problems of

existing system. In the analysis phase of system development, operational feasibility

identifies the requirement satisfies. Operational feasibility, determined whether the system

will operate and used once it is installed. Operational feasibility dependent on number of

available human resources. Operational feasibility is also known as PIECES which stand for,

Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency and Service.


A system can perform well once it has high efficiency and short response time. In order the

determined current system’s performance, we need to identify efficiency and response time.

The current system (HDS) in paper based. So once they want to register new student, they

need to fill out from and then store it. It is possible that during this process clerk accidently

enters the wrong information. So it will reduce the efficiency of the system since the

information is incorrect. Also if students want to register or even book an instructor, they

should do it by using telephone. This is very time consuming. It might takes some times for

the clerk to pick up the phone. Since the system is paper based, it also possible that two or

more instructor schedule overlap. It is obvious that the current system is not performing well.

For the new system, we try to reduce to response time as much as possible and also increase

the efficiency by using validation where data is entered which leads to a system with high

performance and minimum errors.


Information is one of the most important parts of our system. Our customer information is

very sensitive and essential to us. The existing system, using paper to store information. It has

so many problems such as, updating customer information takes so much time and it might

make duplicate data. The information can be lost by accident such as flood or fire. Searching

for a particular file is time consuming. There is high chance that incorrect information entered

the system.

In the new system, we used computer to store data instead of paper. It has so many benefits

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such as, searching for a particular file can be done instantly. Updating information can be

done without in duplicity in data. Data bases are used to store data so that data can be

remove, managed, update more easily. Validation is done to prevent system from incorrect



The current system has become inappropriate because of rapid growth of the company. In

order to overcome this problem, new Henley Driving School (HDS) needs to firstly hire more

instructor since they are already lots of customers. In order to cut the costs, HDS can also

provide vehicle for its instructor who has not have any vehicle. Since majority of HDS’s

customers are students, HDS should provide a package with discount for students according

to their budget. HDS, can also advertise in student’s universities or college in order to

increase customer.


Controlling the data flew in current system is almost impossible. There is no way to backup

entire system’s data. Duplicated data might appear in the system. There is a chance that

customer’s sensitive information might be access by thief. In the new system, it possible to

back up the whole system in couple of hours. Back upping the system is done more often.

Monitoring and tracking the recent activities can be done easily. Encryption has been used in

data bases in order to prevent data from hackers and thieves. A login panel has been added to

the system, so only authorized personnel can gain access to the system.


The current HDS does not make an efficient use of all available resources including human

resources. Instructor’s schedule may interact with each other due to huge amount of

customers. If it happens, times and effort has been wasted and it might ruined HDS reputation

over time if it happens regularly. Since the system is not real time, it is possible that a student

book an instructor which is already allocated to another student. Inaccurate information might

be recorded inside the system.

In new system, in order to increase the efficiency, we digitalize the system. This turn our

system into a real time system. So, as soon as an instructor has been allocated to a particular

student the system will update the information and shows that particular instructor is

occupied during that hours. At each stage that information is entered, we used validation to

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prevent system from any inaccurate data. So we minimized the accidental errors and also

increase the system’s speed. In one sentence we can say, the overall efficiency of the system

has been increased.


The main service of HDS is providing driving tutor for the student who demands for it. It

might seems simple but the current system makes it so complicated. The process of booking

is complicated and can be done by using telephone. Registration is complicated as well.

During these stages, there is high probability that mistakes happens. In the new system we

solve this problem, by computerizing our system which leads to a simple and understandable

application that can be used by everyone. In order to book, server buttons must be pushed and

it’s done. The new system is error free which means there is now way that two or more

instructor schedule overlap.

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Proposed System

Henley Driving School system, is an application that based on the web. This application try

to solve exciting problems like removing paper from daily working, tracking customers

activity in better manner, increase accuracy of instructors job and increase customer

satisfaction too. Another big problem of the current system is, always one clerk should notify

user for every activity done in system, because the current system hasn’t any User Interface

for users (students). But the proposed system define system with multi user captivity. In HDS

system, we define three type of users, admin, instructor and students. The admin is high

position staff that work directly with all features of website, this role could access to all part

of the system, change/ modify and delete the records of the system. The role of student has

limited access. For example creating Instructor profile is not accessible for students, so

student could check their invoices box. The instructor also has limited access based on the

task that they have. For example they could create diary for themselves and put every task

that done for current day. Also they could check their schedule. Another part of this system is

reporting. The report part is open just for admin of the system. It calculate the total money

that system made for a month or current day.

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Selection of Methodology


Introduction to SSADM

SSADM stands for Structure System Analysis and Design Method which is a method that

deal with information system design. In early 1980s, SSADM was developed in the UK by

CCT which is also known as Central Computer and Telecommunication. SSADM. After the

development of SSADM, SSADM has been used as a standard method for carrying out the

system analysis and design stags of an information technology project in UK.

SSADM can be used for developing medium or large project. However, it can also be used

for small projects which is called ‘micro SSADM’. The process of SSADM is starts first

from, defining the information system strategy. The next step is, developing a feasible study

module. This steps are followed by requirements analysis, logical system specification,

logical system specification, requirement specification and a final physical system design.

After the establishment of SSADM, new versions of SSADM had been released. In 1990, the

fourth version of SSADM was introduced. Currently, SSADM version four is the latest one

which is available for free for using in companies, industries and factories. Currently,

SSADM is being adopted by so many countries in Europe. It is worth to say that, SSADM

sometimes offers Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) as well as support and even


Major Tools of SSADM

SSADM takes shape around three major key techniques which are, Data Flow Modeling,

Logical Data Flow Modeling and Entity Event Modeling. In the following section, we

explain each of these key techniques in details.

Data Flow Modeling: This is the process of identifying, modelling and documenting

how data flows around a business information system. A Data Flow Model consists of

a set of integrated Data Flow Diagrams supported by appropriate documentation.

DFDs represent processes(activities which transform data from one form to

another), data stores (holding areas for data), external entities (things which send

data into a system or receive data from a system and finally data flows (routes by

which data can flow

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Logical Data Modeling: This is the process of identifying, modelling and

documenting the data requirements of a business information system. A Logical Data

Model consists of a Logical Data Structure (LDS - The SSADM terminology for an

Entity-Relationship Model) and the associated documentation. LDS s

represent Entities (things about which a business needs to record information)

and Relationships (necessary associations between entities)

Entity Event Modeling: This is the process of identifying, modelling and

documenting the business events which affect each entity and the sequence in which

these events occur. An Entity/Event Model consists of a set of Entity Life Histories

(one for each entity) and appropriate supporting documentation.1

By using the above techniques, different viewpoints of the same system are provided. In

order to provide each of these viewpoints, a complete model of the system must be

designed. Since these three techniques are cross referenced, they will guarantee the

accuracy and completeness of the entire project.

SSADM Stages

SSADM uses the waterfall life cycle modeling starting from first stage which is

feasibility study to the last stage which is physical design stage of development. The main

reason that makes SSADM different from other methodologies is involving user in

requirement analysis stage. This simply means that by involving user in each stage of

development, they will assure that the requirements are met which leads to the final

project that almost satisfy users need. SSADM consists of five primary stages which are:

Feasibility Study Stage: It involves a high level analysis of a business area to

determine whether it is feasible develop a particular system. Using Data Flow

Diagram (DFD) demonstrate how the current system is working and detect the


Requirements Analysis Stage: At this stage, the current business environment is

modeled and also requirements are identified. Business system options are

produced and presented. After choosing one of this options then refining it,

Logical Data Modeling and Data Flow Modeling can be used as techniques during

development of this stage.

1 Unknown, Introduction to Methodologies and SSADM, [online], Available at: http://web.utm.my/fsksm/staf/zaidi/20082009/SEM1/LecturerSubjectsAllocation/Cohort7/MCB1163-HW%20SW%20CC/NotesSlides_Zaidi/SW_1163/introtossadm.htm

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Requirement Specification Stage: As a result of the previous stage, all

functional and non-functional requirements are identified. Data Flow Modelling,

Logical Data Modeling and Entity Event modeling can be uses as technique

during this stage.

Logical System Specification: In this stage, the development and implementation

environment are specified. The logical design of update and enquiry processing

and system dialogues are carried out.

Physical Design Stage: During the development of this stage, the logical system

specification and technical specification are used to create a physical design and a

set program specifications.

Each stage in SSADM is relevant to another. To be more specific, in order to proceed to

the next stage, the current stage must be completed which means the quality of the system

is controlled step by step.

Advantages of SSADM:

Like other methodologies, SSADM has its own advantages. The following section shows

the advantages of SSADM.

Usability: SSADM focus on the analysis of user needs. At the same time, the

system model is developed and a full demand analysis is carried out. This shows

that both of are trying continuously to determine whether they are completely

suitable for each other or not.

Better Quality: SSADM decreased the rates of error in Information System

simply by defining a certain quality level in the beginning of the project. On the

other hand, the quality level is check on each stage continuously.

Cut Costs: SSAM simply separates the logical system design from the physical

system design. So, implementing the system with new hardware or software is not

needed at all.

Timeline: SSADM provides a situation for programmer to have better controlling

over the project. Programmer has the ability to manage, control and plan the

project. Hence, the project is prevented from failure and guarantee that the project

will be ready before the deadline.

Improve Productivity: By using SSADM, productivity of a specific project as

well as company is improved. This is achieved by, on-time delivery, ensure better

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quality, using human resources effectively, meeting business requirements and

preventing the project from bureaucracy.

Effective Use of Skill: SSADM is so simple and can be understand by everyone.

SSADM uses common modeling and diagramming tools. On the other hand,

CASE tools is also provide which allows the staff to easily set up SSADM.

Responding to Changes: The documentation of the project’s progress is taken

very seriously, since the establishment of SSADM. During the time that project is

being develop, issues like business objectives and business needs are considered.

Disadvantages of SSADM

Each methodologies has its own problems and no methodologies if perfect. The following

sections shows SSADM disadvantages:

SSADM requires too much documentation

SSADM can be so complicated since the documentation consists of many stages

SSADM is not appropriate for small project.

Learning and understanding of SSADM is time consuming.

Object Oriented Programing

Introduction to Object Oriented Programing

Object Oriented Programing (OOP) emphasize on the object itself rather than other elements.

Models from object rather than actions, data and logic in Object Oriented Programing. Object

Oriented Programing has two special features that separate it from other methodologies and

make it unique which are, cutting the cost and simplicity of the program.

Object Oriented Programing in details


As it stated before, the main element in OOP is Object. So in order to understand OOP, first

we need to know definition of an object. In the real world, there are object around us. Each of

this objects have two characteristics which are behavior and state. As an example, a cat has

state (Color, Race, Name, Weight, and Color) and behavior (Jogging, Sleeping and Eating) as


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In virtual world which is also known as the software area, objects are similar to the real world

objects .They have both state and behavior. Object stores its state in variable and the behavior

is represented by method. Method provide communication among the objects. Methods are

used in order to ensure that an object’s data is used correctly so that, the functionality of the

application is provided. Objects are required building blocks of software. It is possible for

programmer to use many objects of different types in his application. During the development

of an application, each of this object is related to specific class of that type.


Class is blueprint or template that explains the details about object. It simply demonstrate

type of objects. For building an application, many classes has been used. Each of these

classes are programed and designed to do one task. An instance is a specific object which is

built from specific class. All of instance’s properties as well as method can be accessed by

allocating an instance to a reference variable.

To make it clear, in our real world, there is a possibility to find many individual objects all of

the same kind. As an example, hundred card might be existed from the same template or blue

print. In this situation, car is an instance of the class object known as cars.


Inheritance is one of the main concept of Object Oriented Programing. By using inheritance,

new classes can inherit properties and method from the existing classes. Showing relationship

among classes can be done by using inheritance. Building a new object that is similar to the

one already exist. This simply saves times since the programmer is not forced to develop the

class from beginning.

Superclass is a class which is used as basis for inheritance. Subclass is a class that inherit

from super class.


Object Oriented Programing allows programmer to hide the internal complexity of an object.

The process of hiding internal complexity of an object is called encapsulation. Using

encapsulation has two benefits

First benefit is that, encapsulation avoid complexity of the code inside the object and keep the

object simple which leads to more understandable code. There is no need to know the

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complexity of the code and how they work. The only think which is important is that, how

this object will function and what is its duty. By hiding the complex functionality of the

object, everyone can reuse the codes in for the future development. Main factor in object

oriented design is to keep the implementation details hidden from the rest of application.


Polymorphism refers to ability to request the operation to be performed by wide range of

different types of thing. Polymorphism is related to inheritance. Polymorphism allows user to

treat a child class like the parent class. This will simply makes inheritance more flexible.

Objects can have different attributes according to their data types used in the

operation which means polymorphism.


Process of proving essential features without bringing unessential details and explanations.

Abstract classes are declared by using abstract keyword. Abstract class can be used only as a

super class for other classes that extend the abstract class. The implementation of abstract

class get completed once it is being realized by a sub class.

Advantages of Object Oriented Programing

Reusability: OOP, allows programmer to reuse codes in several parts of his

application. This will simply saves so much time. Since the programmer is not force

to write the code from beginning. In long term, this can save so much time.

Ease of Use: Passing an object to a function is much easier rather than having a

function with many parameters or many global variable.

Safety: OOP provide a high level of safety for the code. By using Private classes,

information inside the classes are safe and hide from rest of the classes. This means

that information cannot be over written by other classes.

Organization: Codes in OOP are more organized. This features is done by hierarchy

of classes and interface. Millions of new function can be added to the program

without and then, OOP simply separate them into logical group in order to keep the


Modular Design and Extensibility: A single object can be updated instead of

updating many files including function that do not all needed to be updated by using


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Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programing

The first this advantages of OOP, is that the code can be used by others easily. This

means even though the programmer has gone through so many problems in order to

provide the code, but others can get access to his effort easily and without paying any


Object Oriented Programing is not that simple, sometimes adding the object to

program will increased the complexity and also size of the application. This problem

may become more important once the application is running on the low power

computer. As the size of application grows, it brings more complexity. Hence,

application uses more memory (RAM). In one sentence we can say that OOP will

increase the size of application as well as complexity.

Chosen Methodology

In previous section we have discussed two methodologies which are SSADM and OOP. We

went through each of them and explain in details their sections, advantages and also

disadvantages. For the Henley Driving School (HDS), we have chosen OOP as our


The first reason for choosing OOP is that, we have used ASP.Net technology for developing

new Henley Driving School (HDS). ASP.Net is completely compatible with OOP. On the

other hand, OOP also becomes much useful during the analyze phase, design phase and also

developing phase. As an example, we used CASE tools in order to determine process between

system and actor. OOP especially helps us during the develop phase, since OOP reduce the

code by providing reusable classes. Also, by using some amazing features of OOP like,

inheritance and polymorphism during the development. It is worth to say that, OOP let us

manage our application easily and also provide safety (by using private classes and

preventing them from being over written). In some sections, we used encapsulation to hide

the complexity of the code.

System Analysis

Intro to Analysis

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The main goal of analysis design is, identify user needs before go to logical design. This step

perform by different techniques like questionnaire, interview. In this part we just select

interview from part of system users. After that all part of system will review in terms of



Interview technique is one of the popular between software companies and individual system

designers to know the user needs via some key question. In this part company send someone

to the user that want to work with the software in future. Questionnaire ask some question

about the current problem that user faced, take some suggestion from them for proposed

system and ask about they could cope with future features that will put? The questionnaire

ask and gather information and send to company. Designer of the system and project manager

will decide based on this questionnaire

1- Manage students and instructors

This part design for admin of the system that could add student profile and instructor profile

directly from the system. So if one student hasn’t profile and want pick up want lesson, then

he should register first by admin of the system. Each student and instructor has unique ID.

Admin of the system responsible to tell ID of them when they register their profile. ID use

for some part of the website.

2- Booking

Booking section is a place for admin to book an instructor and lesson, after booking student

receive invoice from the system. Students could change their decision and cancel the request

by calling to company and tell to system admin.

3- Diary Instructor

In diary part just instructor and admin access to it. At the end of the day, instructor add his

classes that done by current day with detail information. The propose of this section is

tracking instructor works and also generating reports from this information later.

4- Invoices

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Invoices part is just design for students to check it. If one student order/booking something

in system then he should have invoice in his profile. Invoice is detail of the order that he

made. He could access to all invoices at any time. In this part he just need to enter his ID.

5- Instructor Schedule

In this part, instructors could see and check their schedule, this part generate based on

booking section, because everything booking and verify then it come to instructor schedule.

For showing data here to instructor, two conditions should be full filed, first the ID of

instructor should be correct when he enter it, second the booking should be confirm by

students. The booking that doesn’t confirm, it doesn’t show on this part.

6- Report

This part is just accessible for admin of the system. Two type of report generate here, first

total paid in one month and total paid for daily basis.

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Logical Design

ERD design

Class Diagrams

The application is based on User controls and pages. User controls define the content of page.

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Data Dictionary

Data dictionary or metadata repository is centralized repository of information about data such as

meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format.

In this part we just point to base tables.


Data Structure:

Create Booking = BookingID +StudentID + InstructorID + LessonName + (Done) + Date

Data Elements

Name: BookingID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Primary

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: LessonName

Element Characteristics

Data Type: NVarchar

Length: MAX

Output Format: “String”

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

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Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: InstructorID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Foreign Key

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: StudentID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Foreign Key

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: InstructorID

Element Characteristics

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Data Type: integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Foreign Key

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: Date

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Datetime

Length: 8

Output Format: 12/12/2012

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: Done

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Boolean

Length: 1

Output Format: True or False

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

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Allow Nulls: No

Instructor Diary

Data Structure:

Create Booking = DiaryID +StudentID + InstID + Attend + LessonName + NextLessonTime

+ (Done) + Date

Data Elements

Name: DiaryID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Primary

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: LessonName

Element Characteristics

Data Type: NVarchar

Length: MAX

Output Format: “String”

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

Allow Nulls: No

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Data Elements

Name: InstID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Foreign Key

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: StudentID

Element Characteristics

Data Type: integer

Length: MAX

Output Format: 12345

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): Foreign Key

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: Date

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Datetime

Length: 8

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Output Format: 12/12/2012

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: NextLessonTime

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Datetime

Length: 8

Output Format: 12/12/2012

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

Allow Nulls: No

Data Elements

Name: Attend

Element Characteristics

Data Type: Boolean

Length: 1

Output Format: True or False

Key Type (Foreign or Primary): None

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Allow Nulls: No

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Use Case Diagram

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ELH (Entity Life History)

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Create Booking Booking Life

Update Booking record

Delete Booking Record

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Create Instructor Instructor Life

If Instructor hasn't any relate data in

another table then it could be Update

Delete Instructor Record

If Instructor hasn't any relate data in

another table then it could be Delete

Instructor Diary

Create Diary Instructor Diary Delete Diary Record

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Individual Parts

Medet Iskakov (TP026850)

Try to define and develop Schedule of instructor pages and user controls/ develop Booking

part/Manage Student and Instructor too. These two parts implement by two User Controls and

two pages that showing them. These User controls collect data from database of system and

manipulate them and passing them to user interface (web page).

Part of SQL Code

SELECT * FROM [Booking]

The booking part load student IDs with Names and also instructor IDs with names, it

implement because admin of system could find their name very easily. These two things done

by dropdown list that ASP.NET provide.

C# Code for creating Booking Records

if (!txt_less.Text.Equals(string.Empty))


SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(SqlBooking.ConnectionString);


SqlCommand cmm = new SqlCommand();

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Create Student Student Life

If student hasn't any relate data in another table then it could be


Delete Student Record

If student hasn't any relate data in another table then it could be


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cmm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Booking

(StudentID,InstructorID,LessonName,Done,Date) VALUES


cmm.Connection = cnn;

cmm.Parameters.Add("@st_id", System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar);

cmm.Parameters["@st_id"].Value = drp_student.SelectedValue;

cmm.Parameters.Add("@ins_id", System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar);

cmm.Parameters["@ins_id"].Value = drp.SelectedValue;

cmm.Parameters.Add("@less_name", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);

cmm.Parameters["@less_name"].Value = txt_less.Text;

cmm.Parameters.Add("@done", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit);

cmm.Parameters["@done"].Value = chk.Checked;

cmm.Parameters.Add("@date", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);

cmm.Parameters["@date"].Value = Calendar1.TodaysDate.ToShortDateString();




txt_less.Text = "";

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{ Error_.Text = "Fill up all fields"; }

Valikhan Utemissov (TP023377) (Group Leader)

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I doing the analyzing project solutions and feasibility study parts, beside this handle part of

logical design.

The assignment was to study and analyze the current system of Waiters on wheels. We had to

work as developers and identify the problems that the current system faced and propose a

new system for the Company. Finally, we have successfully completed the whole project as a

group in teamwork. Now as an individual I am supposed to explain the parts I have done.

We have faced some problems during doing this project. The major problem I have faced was

in analyzing the current system and suggesting a new system, I had to think of new methods

in order to overcome the issues that occur in the current system. Besides that, in the economy

part of Operational Feasibility I did not know how to overcome the economic problems and

make the system more profitable however, I exceeded the current task from a help from my

friend who studies Business in higher level and he could suggest me some great ideas to

make the system profitable. Thus, based on the information he provided me by, I thought of

other methods to make the system gainful and save more money. Moreover, I have faced a

problem in choosing the appropriate Server for our new system. I did not have that much of

information and experience about servers to choose and judge which Server is suitable for the

proposed system. Therefore, I did some researches and I found out what are the essential

specifications of the Server and what are the different types of servers.

Kabi Toksanbayev (TP023315)

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Minutes of Meeting Arranger and Database Design

During these couple of months we had lots of meetings in university since we are mostly

always with each other and we tried to resolve any probable ambiguity in our university

meetings. A large amount of our arguments also were being performed via internet

messengers and messages we left each other. But I can point to two main meeting sessions

which we made them in two of group members’ place. First one returns to the 43 days ago in

which we tried to distribute duties among all four group members [Member 1], [Member 2],

[Member 3] and [Member 4]. This appointment took around 2 hours plus some minutes of

problem solving.

Devolving the different parts was done in full consensus and every one picked a portion from

system design and a part of relevant documentation. Each member expressed any useful

methodology and guide lines for future effort.

In this meeting, we found what measures should be through the interviews and the idea of

how we can use to what extent. Equipped with the same version of the best PC website and

equality to create and run the project. In the end of the session, everyone can find what kind

of program, should start.

In parallel with the project creation we maintained numerous alongside meeting and callings

to find out how the project is being carried out. The number of the times we met in university

for this case exceeds 5-6 times consisting around 7 hours of useful conversation.

After partial completion of the actual tasks we regrouped in same venue this time in absence

of Ismael. Later we were in contact with him to compensate the absence. We needed to merge

and examine the whole group efforts and see if they are not in contrast points. This meeting

Document Inspector is another important issue, we take a look at our second main venue. We

welcome any criticism or the opposite point of view, at this stage, because we can still work

on the project and edit it in the best possible way.

The database design part, it consist of four tables that all website information stored on them.

In ERD part all tables shown by details. Each table has its own unique key, and also we have

relationship between tables. This database developed with Microsoft SQL Server

Shynggys Iskakov TP026449

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Developing user controls and pages of Invoice/Schedule. These pages also bond to database

and collecting data from database. The data show in Gridview control. In the schedule part I

have some challenge to filter the data from database. Below will show the code

SelectCommand="SELECT StudentID, LessonName, InstructorID, Done, Date FROM

Booking WHERE (StudentID = @StudentID) AND (Done = 'True')">


<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txt" Name="StudentID" PropertyName="Text"

Type="Int32" />


In this code I filter the booking records those are confirmed by the students and also ID of

instructor is correct.

The next part that I’ve done is methodology section. In this part I compare two

methodologies with each other object oriented programming and SSADM methodology.

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ConclusionTo sum up everything, in this assignment all group members introduce with different aspect

of analyze and design of software. We could apply our theory to action with web application.

In this project we most focus on design of system than User interface of application. Last but

not least, we know the difference of methodology and how implement OOP in action.

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