Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium

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  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    Dobutamine stress echocardiography in the evaluation of hibernating myocardiumAuthor Wilson S Colucci, MDSection Editor Warren J Manning, MDDeputy Editor Brian C Downey, MD, FACCDisclosures: Wilson S Colucci, MD Consultant/Advisory Boards: Merck [eart !ailure "#nala$ril%&' (ovartis [eart!ailure "#nala$ril%&' Janssen [eart !ailure&' Mast [eart !ailure&) #*uity +wnersi$/Stock +$tions: Cardio-yl [eart!ailure&) Warren J Manning, MD.rant/esearc/Clinical 0rial Su$$ort: 1ili$s Medical Syste2s [Cardiac M"32aging e*ui$2ent%&) #*uity +wnersi$/Stock +$tions: 1!i4er "1ar2aceuticals%) #*uity +wnersi$/Stock +$tions"S$ouse%: .eneral #lectric "32aging e*ui$2ent%) Brian C Doney, MD, !ACC#2$loyee o! 5$0oDate, 3nc)

    Contri6utor disclosures are reviewed !or con!licts o! interest 6y te editorial grou$) Wen !ound, tese are addressed6y vetting troug a 2ulti7level review $rocess, and troug re*uire2ents !or re!erences to 6e $rovided to su$$ort tecontent) A$$ro$riately re!erenced content is re*uired o! all autors and 2ust con!or2 to 5$0oDate standards o!evidence)

    Conflict of interest policy

     All to$ics are u$dated as new evidence 6eco2es availa6le and our  $eer review $rocess isco2$lete)"iterature revie current through# Fe6 89;) < $his topic last updated# Jun 9=, 89>)

    %&$'(D)C$%(& ? 32$aired le!t ventricular "@% systolic !unction in $atients wit coronary eart

    disease is o!ten a $artially reversi6le $rocess "ta6le %) As an e-a2$le, le!t ventricular !unction 2ay

    i2$rove 2arkedly, and even nor2ali4e, in su6sets o! $atients !ollowing success!ul revasculari4ation

    "!igure % [7&)

    Since 2any studies ave esta6lised a relation 6etween @ systolic !unction and cardiovascular

    $rognosis, it is reasona6le to s$eculate tat i2$roved @ systolic !unction !ollowing

    revasculari4ation would 6e associated wit a !avora6le e!!ect on outco2e) 0e su$eriority o!

    revasculari4ation co2$ared to 2edical 2anage2ent in selected $atients wit coronary disease and

    @ dys!unction is co2$ati6le wit tis y$otesis [>,;&) 0e 2yocardiu2 tat recovers !unction a!ter

    revasculari4ation as 6een called i6ernating) 0o te e-tent tat i2$rove2ent in regional or glo6al

    @ systolic !unction is a signi!icant goal in suc $atients, te a6ility to accurately assess regional

    2yocardial via6ility in a dys!unctional territory $rior to revasculari4ation 6eco2es an i2$ortant

    co2$onent o! te decision 2aking $rocess "ta6le 8 and algorit2  and algorit2 8%)

    "See Diagnosis and 2anage2ent o! isce2ic cardio2yo$aty, section on

    evasculari4ation and Clinical syndro2es o! stunned or i6ernating 2yocardiu2)%

    Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y as e2erged as an i2$ortant noninvasive clinical tool !or te

    detection o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2 [=,E&) 0e role o! do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y in te

    evaluation o! 2yocardial via6ility in te setting o! i6ernation will 6e reviewed ere) 0e use o! oter 

    2odalities in conunction wit do6uta2ine stress, suc as Do$$ler studies, te relative e!!icacy o!oter i2aging 2odalities "eg, radionuclide i2aging, 2agnetic resonance i2aging% !or te detection

    o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2, and $rotocols !or do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y are discussed

    se$arately) "See #valuation o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2 and +verview o! stress

    ecocardiogra$y, section on Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y)%

    D(B)$AM%&E S$'ESS EC*(CA'D%(+'A*- ? 1ar2acologic stress ecocardiogra$y

    e-a2ines te inotro$ic reserve o! dys!unctional 6ut via6le 2yocardiu2 at rest 6y te,5,7,5,7

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    ad2inistration o! an inotro$ic agent, wit do6uta2ine6eing te 2ost !re*uently used agent) ia6le

    2yocardiu2 sows i2$roved glo6al or regional contractile !unction "inotro$ic reserve%, as assessed

    6y si2ultaneous transtoracic ecocardiogra$y, in res$onse to inotro$e ad2inistration [G&) 0e

    $revalence o! contractile reserve in $atients wit CD and @ dys!unction is inde$endent o! te

    angiogra$ic e-tent and severity o! coronary artery disease, and te i2$rove2ent in contractility in

    y$o$er!used via6le 2yocardiu2 does not re*uire an increase in regional 2yocardial $er!usion[H,9&)

     A contractile res$onse to do6uta2ine a$$ears to re*uire tat at least ;9 $ercent o! te 2yocytes in

    a given seg2ent are via6le' te contractile res$onse also correlates inversely wit te e-tent o!

    interstitial !i6rosis on 2yocardial 6io$sy [&) 3n co2$arison, radionuclide 2yocardial $er!usion

    i2aging identi!ies seg2ents wit !ewer via6le 2yocytes) 3n one series, !or e-a2$le, do6uta2ine

    stress ecocardiogra$y and talliu2 i2aging sowed e*uivalent sensitivity a2ong seg2ents wit

    2ore tan E; $ercent via6le 2yocytes "EG versus GE $ercent% 6ut do6uta2ine stress

    ecocardiogra$y was 2uc less sensitive a2ong seg2ents wit 8; to ;9 $ercent via6le 2yocytes

    "; versus G8 $ercent% [8&)

    0e $redictive value o!  do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y a$$ears to 6e greatest wen tere is a6i$asic res$onse: i2$rove2ent at low dose and worsening at ig7dose do6uta2ine [,>&) 0e

    initial i2$rove2ent in wall 2otion re!lects recruit2ent o! contractile reserve during low7dose

    do6uta2ine, and ence re!lects via6ility [;&) 3n co2$arison, iger doses lead to su6endocardial

    isce2ia and worsening o! te wall 2otion a6nor2ality, identi!ying stress7induced isce2ia) 0us,

    testing at various doses a$$ears to 6e i2$ortant !or te o$ti2al assess2ent o! 2yocardial

    i6ernation 6y tis tecni*ue)

    0e concurrent use o! 6eta 6lockers at te ti2e o! te do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra2 can a!!ect

    te res$onse to do6uta2ine and reduce te nu26er o! via6le seg2ents detected [=&) 3! a study

    during 6eta 6locker tera$y sows only li2ited via6ility, it 2ay 6e use!ul to re$eat te test a!ter te

    dose as 6een reduced) "See +verview o! stress ecocardiogra$y, section on Do6uta2inestress ecocardiogra$y)%

    %mprovement in ". function after CAB+ ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y can 6e used to

    identi!y i6ernating 2yocardiu2 $rior to coronary artery 6y$ass gra!t "CAB.% surgery) Several

    studies ave sown tat it can 6e used to $redict te likeliood o! recovery a!ter CAB. [,E,G&:

    IA2ong G $atients wit coronary disease and @ systolic dys!unction wo underwent two7

    di2ensional ecocardiogra$y at rest and during do6uta2ine in!usion, = $ercent o!

    dys!unctional seg2ents wit inotro$ic reserve sowed i2$roved regional systolic !unction a!ter 

    CAB. [E&) 0e $ositive and negative $redictive accuracy o! do6uta2ine in!usion !or

    $redicting !unctional i2$rove2ent o! dys!unctional seg2ents a!ter CAB. was H and G8

    $ercent, res$ectively)IA2ong = $atients wo underwent serial do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y and

    radionuclide ventriculogra$y $rior to CAB., a 6i$asic res$onse "i2$rove2ent at low dose

    and worsening at ig dose do6uta2ine% was igly $redictive o! recovery, es$ecially in

    seg2ents wit te 2ost severe wall 2otion a6nor2alities at 6aseline [&) +ter $atterns o!

    do6uta2ine res$onsiveness were $redictors o! non7recovery "!igure 8%)

    I3n a series o! $atients, tose wit te largest a2ount o! dys!unctional 6ut via6le

    2yocardiu2, de!ined as = seg2ents i2$roving wit low7dose do6uta2ine, ad te greatest,10,10,14,14,17,18,10,14,17,18

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    !unctional i2$rove2ent in le!t ventricular eection !raction a!ter surgical revasculari4ation and a

    lower rate o! cardiac events during a 89 2ont !ollow7u$ [G&)

    Wile a 6i$asic res$onse to do6uta2ine is $redictive o! 2ecanical recovery a!ter CAB., te

    a2ount o! dys!unctional 6ut via6le 2yocardiu2 2ay 6e a 6etter $redictor o! long ter2 outco2e)

    0is was suggested 6y a study o! H; $atients in wo2 2ulti$le indices o! via6ility were 2easured

    6y do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y $rior to CAB. [H&) A!ter a !ive year !ollow u$, te a2ount

    o! dys!unctional 6ut via6le 2yocardiu2, as assessed 6y wall 2otion score during low dose

    do6uta2ine, was te 2ost i2$ortant inde$endent $redictor o! survival "a4ard ratio [& =)E, H;K

    C3 8)G to ;)G%) A 6i$asic res$onse to do6uta2ine, wile signi!icant on 2ultivaria6le analysis, was

    less i2$ortant)

    0e $redictive value o!  do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is si2ilar to tat o! $ositron e2ission

    to2ogra$y "1#0% scanning "!igure % [89&) 0e accuracy is less, owever, wen tere is a totally

    occluded coronary artery [8&) "See#valuation o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2, section on #!!icacy o!

    i2aging tests)%

    %mprovement in ". systolic function after percutaneous revasculari/ation ? 0e accuracy

    o! do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y !or $redicting recovery o! @ !unction a!ter $ercutaneous

    revasculari4ation in $atients wit sta6le coronary disease and @ dys!unction as also 6een


    I3n a study o! 89 $atients undergoing do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y, te accurate

    $rediction o! recovera6ility o! contractile !unction de$ended u$on te ty$e o! wall 2otion

    res$onse o6served during do6uta2ine [>&)0e greatest i2$rove2ent in @ systolic !unction

    was seen in $atients wit a 6i$asic res$onse to do6uta2ine, wit less i2$rove2ent in

    $atients wit eiter no cange or sustained i2$rove2ent a!ter do6uta2ine)

    I0e ad2inistration o! nitroglycerin 2ay i2$rove te accuracy o!  do6uta2ine stress

    ecocardiogra$y in detecting via6le 2yocardiu2) 3n an ani2al 2odel, nitroglycerin enanced

    te i2$rove2ent wit low dose do6uta2ine 6ut did not $revent ig dose do6uta2ine !ro2

    inducing isce2ia in i6ernating 2yocardiu2 [88&) 0e clinical e!!icacy o! nitroglycerin7

    do6uta2ine ecocardiogra$y was evaluated in a study o! 8 $atients in wo2 9H o! ;8

    2yocardial seg2ents were akinetic or dyskinetic [8&) 3n ter2s o! i2$roved contractility a!ter

    revasculari4ation, nitroglycerin7do6uta2ine ecocardiogra$y ad a lower sensitivity tan rest7

    redistri6ution talliu2 and 2yocardial contrast ecocardiogra$y "= versus H; and GE

    $ercent, res$ectively%, 6ut was te 2ost s$eci!ic "G versus E and >G $ercent%) (itroglycerin

    alone increased regional tickening in 89 $ercent o! via6le akinetic seg2ents, suggesting tat

    it 2ay 6e a use!ul addition to do6uta2ine sti2ulation)

    %mprovement in survival after revasculari/ation ? 1atients wit le!t ventricular systolic

    dys!unction wo de2onstrate 2yocardial via6ility wit do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y ave a6etter outco2e wit revasculari4ation tan wit 2edical tera$y [;,8>,8;&)

    I3n a study o! G $atients wit coronary eart disease and a le!t ventricular eection !raction

    L; $ercent, tose wit 2yocardial via6ility "as deter2ined 6y do6uta2ine stress

    ecocardiogra$y% ad a lower 2ortality at G 2onts wen treated wit coronary artery

    6y$ass gra!t "CAB.% surgery co2$ared to tose wit via6ility wo were treated 2edically or

    tose witout via6ility wo underwent CAB. "= versus 89 and E $ercent, res$ectively% [8>&),24,25,24,25

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    I0e results o!  do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y can also $redict long7ter2 outco2e

    [;,8;&) 3n a study o! GE $atients wit eart !ailure due to an isce2ic cardio2yo$aty wo

    were !ollowed !or >9 2onts, cardiac 2ortality in $atients wit at least ; "out o! 8% seg2ents

    sowing 2yocardial via6ility wo underwent CAB. was $ercent, wit associated

    i2$rove2ent in !unctional class and le!t ventricular eection !raction [8;&) 3n contrast, cardiac

    2ortality was , ;9, and >> $ercent in tose wit 2yocardial via6ility in at least ; seg2entswo were treated 2edically and in tose wit less tan ; seg2ents sowing 2yocardial

    via6ility wo underwent revasculari4ation or 2edical tera$y, res$ectively)

    Si2ilar 2ortality 6ene!its ave 6een re$orted wit all o! te 2aor i2aging tecni*ues !or te

    detection o! 2yocardial via6ility) 3n a 2eta7analysis o! 8> via6ility studies "wit via6ility deter2ined

    6y do6uta2ine ecocardiogra$y, talliu2 $er!usion i2aging, or $ositron e2ission to2ogra$y

    "1#0% scanning% involving 9GG $atients wit coronary artery disease and le!t ventricular

    dys!unction, 2yocardial via6ility was $resent in >8 $ercent [8=&) 0e $atients wit 2yocardial

    via6ility ad an G9 $ercent reduction in annual 2ortality wit revasculari4ation ")8 versus =

    $ercent wit 2edical tera$y%) 3n contrast, tere was no di!!erence in annual 2ortality wit

    revasculari4ation in $atients witout 2yocardial via6ility "annual 2ortality E)E versus =)8 $ercent

    wit 2edical tera$y%)

     A si2ilar di!!erence in 2ortality was noted in anoter review in wic annual 2ortality was reduced

    a!ter revasculari4ation only in $atients wit 2yocardial via6ility "E versus 89 $ercent wit 2edical

    tera$y% [8E&) "SeeDiagnosis and 2anage2ent o! isce2ic cardio2yo$aty, section on


    )se after M% ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is also use!ul !or esta6lising te $resence o! 

    i6ernating 2yocardiu2 due to a residual stenosis !ollowing a 2yocardial in!arction "M3%) 3n one

    series o! 88 $atients undergoing a do6uta2ine7atro$ine stress ecocardiogra$y witin one week

    a!ter M3, te $resence o! eiter an isce2ic or a 6i$asic res$onse in two or 2ore contiguous

    in!arction 4ones was 6ot sensitive "G8 $ercent% and s$eci!ic "G9 $ercent% !or a residual stenosisand ad a $redictive accuracy o! G8 $ercent [8G&) Sensitivity was greatest wen a 6i$asic res$onse

    was o6served) 3n anoter study sustained i2$rove2ent wit ig dose do6uta2ine was te 2ost

    s$eci!ic $redictor "99 $ercent% !or te a6sence o! signi!icant residual stenosis [8H&)

    Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is also o! use !or $redicting recovery and te e-tent o!

    irreversi6ly da2aged 2yocardiu2 a!ter direct angio$lasty in $atients wit an acute M3 [9&) 3ts

    $redictive value !or i2$rove2ent is iger !or y$okinetic tan akinetic seg2ents) ecovery o! rest

    regional @ contraction usually occurs *uickly a!ter revasculari4ation, altoug one7*uarter o!

    $atients re*uire u$ to si- weeks [&) 1atients wo recover rest !unction a!ter angio$lasty sow te

    2ost 2arked i2$rove2ent wit do6uta2ine' owever, so2e i2$rove2ent 2ay 6e seen in tose

    witout recovery o! rest !unction, $articularly wen tere was evidence o! isce2ia 6e!ore


     Altoug do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is use!ul !or $redicting recovery, dys!unctional 6ut

    via6le seg2ents 2ay sow less i2$rove2ent in 6asal contractility a!ter revasculari4ation tan

    $redicted) As an e-a2$le, one study $er!or2ed do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y 2ore tan

    tree 2onts a!ter CAB. [8&) Most in!arct 4ones wic sowed contractile reserve 6e!ore surgery

    6ut wic !ailed to recover a!ter surgery ad te sa2e or greater contractile reserve wit,25,25

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    do6uta2ine' so2e contractile reserve was $resent even in tose in!arct 4ones tat sowed no

    reserve $reo$eratively [8&)

    )se in ". dysfunction after M% ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y a!ter a 2yocardial

    in!arction "M3% can identi!y residual, isce2ic via6le 2yocardiu2 wic can act as a su6strate !or

    !urter events)

    I3n one study o! G $atients wit le!t ventricular "@% dys!unction !ollowing M3, te $resence

    o! 2yocardial via6ility was te only inde$endent $redictor o! recurrent isce2ic events "89

    versus E $ercent witout via6le 2yocardiu2% [&) owever, via6ility in te a6sence o!

    underlying isce2ia 2ay 6e $rotective in $atients wit glo6al @ dys!unction a!ter M3 in wo2

    te recovery o! @ !unction can o!!set te risk o! isce2ia)

    I3n anoter study evaluating > $atients wit 2oderate to severe resting @ dys!unction a!ter 

    an M3, te $resence and e-tent o! via6ility was associated wit a lower 2ortality at H 2onts

    ")H versus ;); $ercent !or no via6ility% [>&) 3n $atients wit a greater nu26er o! seg2ents

    sowing i2$rove2ent, tere was a larger i2$act o! via6ility on survival) 3n contrast, te

    $resence o! induci6le isce2ia was te 6est $redictor o! cardiac deat)

    )se in the elderly ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y can 6e used sa!ely in elderly $atients to

    evaluate cest $ain) 3n ;;9 octogenarians evaluated !or cest $ain, DS# was sa!e, $redicted te

    risk o! cardiac events over te su6se*uent two years, and identi!ied a su6set at ig risk o! a

    cardiac event [;&)

    Comparison ith perfusion imaging ? Direct co2$arisons 6etween nuclear i2aging tecni*ues

    and do6uta2inestress ecocardiogra$y are li2ited) owever, wen used !or te assess2ent o!

    2yocardial via6ility and i6ernating 2yocardiu2, do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y as 6ot a

    ig negative $redictive value as well as a ig $ositive $redictive value "!igure >%) "See #valuation

    o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2, section on 1ooled analysis o! rM13 and D# studies)%

    Comparison ith CM' ? @ate gadoliniu2 enance2ent cardiovascular 2agnetic resonancei2aging "CM% can accurately discri2inate nonvia6le !ro2 via6le 2yocardial seg2ents) owever,

    te accuracy o! low7dose do6uta2ineCM and low7dose do6uta2ine ecocardiogra$y is not

    known as tey ave not 6een directly co2$ared) owever, in a co2$arative study using ig7dose

    do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y and do6uta2ine CM, CM ad a iger sensitivity and

    s$eci!icity !or detection o! via6le seg2ents) 0is was $ri2arily related to nonvisuali4ation o!

    seg2ents on sur!ace ecocardiogra$y) Co2$arison o! late gadoliniu2 enance2ent CM versus

    low dose do6uta2ine stress CM suggests tat low dose do6uta2ine CM is su$erior, $ri2arily

    related to i2$roved accuracy !or $atients wit inter2ediate late gadoliniu2 enance2ent $attern)

    "See Clinical utility o! cardiovascular 2agnetic resonance i2aging, section on Myocardial


    'ole in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is use!ul !or

    esta6lising te $rognosis o! $atients wit an idio$atic dilated cardio2yo$aty, as an i2$rove2ent

    in le!t ventricular contractility "eection !raction or wall 2otion score% $redicts a lower incidence o!

    cardiac deat or need !or trans$lantation [=,E&)

    3n one o! te largest $ros$ective studies, do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y was $er!or2ed using

    ig7dose do6uta2ine "u$ to >9 g/kg $er 2in% in G> $atients wit a le!t ventricular eection

    !raction less tan 9 $ercent [=&) A!ter a ; 2ont !ollow7u$, $atients wit a large inotro$ic,37,37

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    res$onse to do6uta2ine "de!ined as a cange in wall 2otion score inde- 9)>>% ad a signi!icantly

    6etter survival "H> versus =H $ercent !or a s2all or no res$onse to do6uta2ine%) A large cange in

    wall 2otion score inde- was an inde$endent $redictor o! outco2e on 2ultivariate analysis)

    "See1redictors o! survival in eart !ailure due to systolic dys!unction)%

    E&(0%M(&E S$'ESS EC*(CA'D%(+'A*- ? Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is widely

    used to assess 2yocardial via6ility, 6ut te inotro$ic res$onse to adrenergic sti2ulation 2ay 6e

    attenuated in $atients receiving a 6eta 6locker) 3n addition, do6uta2ine 2ay so2eti2es induce

    isce2ia in $atients wit a critical coronary stenosis, wic 2igt 2ask i6ernation 6y $reventing

    te i2$rove2ent in wall 2otion)

     An alternative a$$roac is te use o! a $os$odiesterase ini6itor suc as eno-i2one

    or 2ilrinone, drugs wic ave 6een used !or inotro$ic su$$ort in te treat2ent o! eart !ailure)

    0ese drugs are relatively una!!ected 6y concurrent use o! a 6eta 6locker) "See +verview o! te

    tera$y o! eart !ailure due to systolic dys!unction)%

    0e $ossi6le role o! eno-i2one stress ecocardiogra$y was evaluated in one study o! >; $atients

    wit cronic coronary artery disease and le!t ventricular dys!unction wo underwent

    ecocardiogra$y wit 6ot do6uta2ine and eno-i2one [G&) Bot increased eart rate, 6ut

    eno-i2one did not cause a cange in systolic 6lood $ressure) Concordant results were seen in G;

    $ercent o! a!!ected seg2ents, 6ut eno-i2one ad a iger sensitivity "GG versus EH $ercent !or

    do6uta2ine% and negative $redictive value "H9 versus G> $ercent% in $redicting !unctional recovery

    a!ter revasculari4ation) S$eci!icity and $ositive $redictive value were si2ilar 6etween eno-i2one

    and do6uta2ine)

    Wile eno-i2one is not a$$roved !or use in te 5nited States, te $ar2acology o! 2ilrinone is

    very si2ilar, and tis agent could 6e considered !or use as a $ar2acologic stress agent in selected

    $atients on 6eta 6lockers) .iven te li2ited data, owever, we !eel tat !urter investigations are

    re*uired to validate tis a$$roac)

    %&!('MA$%(& !(' A$%E&$S ? 5$0oDate o!!ers two ty$es o! $atient education 2aterials, 0e

    Basics and Beyond te Basics) 0e Basics $atient education $ieces are written in $lain language,

    at te ;t to =t grade reading level, and tey answer te !our or !ive key *uestions a $atient 2igt

    ave a6out a given condition) 0ese articles are 6est !or $atients wo want a general overview and

    wo $re!er sort, easy7to7read 2aterials) Beyond te Basics $atient education $ieces are longer,

    2ore so$isticated, and 2ore detailed) 0ese articles are written at te 9t to 8t grade reading

    level and are 6est !or $atients wo want in7de$t in!or2ation and are co2!orta6le wit so2e

    2edical argon)

    ere are te $atient education articles tat are relevant to tis to$ic) We encourage you to $rint or

    e72ail tese to$ics to your $atients) "Nou can also locate $atient education articles on a variety o!

    su6ects 6y searcing on $atient in!o and te keyword"s% o! interest)%

    IBasics to$ics "see 1atient in!or2ation: #cocardiogra2 "0e Basics%%


    IDo6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is an i2$ortant noninvasive clinical tool !or te

    detection o! via6le i6ernating 2yocardiu2, or 2yocardiu2 tat recovers systolic !unction

    a!ter revasculari4ation) ia6le 2yocardiu2 sows i2$roved glo6al "eection !raction% or

  • 8/9/2019 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Hibernating Myocardium


    regional contractile !unction "inotro$ic reserve% in res$onse to inotro$e ad2inistration)

    "See Do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y a6ove)%

    IWen $er!or2ed on $atients wit isce2ic eart disease and le!t ventricular

    dys!unction, do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y $redicts te likeliood o! le!t ventricular

    !unctional recovery !ollowing 6ot surgical and $ercutaneous revasculari4ation) 3n addition, in

    $atients wit le!t ventricular dys!unction $ost72yocardial in!arction wo ave not undergonerevasculari4ation, do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y is use!ul !or esta6lising te $resence

    o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2 due to a residual stenosis) "See 32$rove2ent in @ !unction a!ter

    CAB.a6ove and 32$rove2ent in @ systolic !unction a!ter $ercutaneous

    revasculari4ation a6ove and 5se a!ter M3a6ove)%

    I1atients wit le!t ventricular dys!unction wo de2onstrate 2yocardial via6ility

    wit do6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y ave a 6etter survival wit revasculari4ation tan

    wit 2edical tera$y) "See 32$rove2ent in survival a!ter revasculari4ation a6ove)%

    IDirect co2$arisons 6etween radionuclide i2aging and cardiovascular 2agnetic resonance

    i2aging tecni*ues anddo6uta2ine stress ecocardiogra$y in te sa2e $atients are li2ited)

    "See Co2$arison wit $er!usion i2aginga6ove and #valuation o! i6ernating 2yocardiu2,

    section on 1ooled analysis o! rM13 and D# studies)%

    5se o! 5$0oDate is su6ect to te Su6scri$tion and @icense Agree2ent)


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