3/3/2014 Supreme Immune Health Formula™ http://minisiteexpert.com/clients/tomwaid/html7/# 1/19 Do You Suffer from Primary Immunodeficiency? According to the Mayo Clinic , one of the most common signs of primary immunodeficiency is an increased susceptibility to infections that last longer and are harder to treat. You may also get infections that a person with a healthy immune system likely wouldn't get, which are known as opportunistic infections. Frequent and recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis sinus infections, ear infections, meningitis or skin infections Blood infections Digestive problems, such as cramping, loss of appetite , nausea and diarrhea In addition to frequent infections, other problems that may occur include: Inflammation and infection of internal organs "If you can cut down on the number of pathogens able to get into your body, your immune system can put its full attention on protecting you from catastrophic diseases -- and keeping you healthier overall." Phillip Tierno Jr., PHD, Director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at Tisch Hospital, New York University Medical Center (WebMd) Dear Health Conscience Friend, What you are about to learn will probably shake the foundations of what you've read or been told by western medicine pundits … and especially by the pharmaceutical industry Make no mistake: It's an epidemic of immense proportions. And it needs your attention. For yourself… and for your loved ones. Studies show us 1 in 12 Americans will develop problems with their autoimmune disorder. Compare that to the estimate that one in 20 adult Americans will have heart disease 1 And because it is, virtually all chronic diseases are associated with out-of- control levels of chronic inflammation, suppressed immune health and

Do You Suffer from Primary Immunodeficiency? · sinus infections, ear infections, meningitis or skin infections Blood infections Digestive problems, such as cramping, loss of appetite,

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Do You Suffer from PrimaryImmunodeficiency?

According to the Mayo Clinic, one ofthe most common signs of primaryimmunodeficiency is an increasedsusceptibility to infections that lastlonger and are harder to treat.

You may also get infections that aperson with a healthy immune systemlikely wouldn't get, which are known asopportunistic infections.

Frequent and recurrentpneumonia, bronchitis

sinus infections, earinfections, meningitis or skininfections Blood infections

Digestive problems, such ascramping, loss of appetite,nausea and diarrhea

In addition to frequentinfections, other problems thatmay occur include:

Inflammation and infection ofinternal organs

"If you can cut down on the number of pathogens able to get intoyour body, your immune system can put its full attention onprotecting you from catastrophic diseases -- and keeping youhealthier overall."

Phillip Tierno Jr., PHD, Director of clinical microbiology anddiagnostic immunology at Tisch Hospital, New York UniversityMedical Center (WebMd)

Dear Health Conscience Friend,

What you are about to learn will probably shake the foundations of what

you've read or been told by western medicine pundits … and especially by

the pharmaceutical industry

Make no mistake: It's an epidemic of immense proportions. And it

needs your attention.

For yourself… and for your loved ones.

Studies show us 1 in 12 Americans will develop problems with their

autoimmune disorder. Compare that to the estimate that one in 20 adult

Americans will have heart disease1

And because it is, virtually all chronic diseases are associated with out-of-

control levels of chronic inflammation, suppressed immune health and

GIG Peter
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Blood disorders, such as lowplatelet counts or anemia

Breast Prostate

Lungs Liver

Colon Ovaries

Brain Cerebellum

Uterus Bone

Rectum Bladder

Intestine Kidneys

Skin Throat

Face Lymphatic system

Blood system Spinal column

Holistic Care Giver Believes Inthe Benefits Aloe Arborescens

"I am a holistic oriented caregiver anduse the Aloe Arborescens myself andprovide it for my clients, some ofwhom are following the Budwigprotocol.

I love the idea of cell renewal andimmune system boost and my clientsare holding their own despite serioushealth issues.

I would recommend it to anyoneinterested in maintaining their health"

~ B Williams, Austin, Texas

the toxic over load of the body including almost all cancers.

Please keep an open mind with what is about to be revealed to you -- for it

can truly shape the future quality of your life.

The plain truth is this:

If You... or Anyone You Know is Suffering From Ailments that Affect TheseOrgans...Or If You're Experiencing Debilitating Health Then This Could be the MostImportant Letter You Read THIS Year!

Know this you can turn the tables on this toxin filled scoundrel and help your bodynaturally heal itself. However, before explaining it all, I want you to…

Imagine cleansing your body and living a longer and healthier quality of life than you

could ever imagine

Imagine synergistically maintaining a healthy cell functioning 24/7 that gives your

body more vitality… more energy… and more ways for you to banish poor health

Imagine your own doctor looking at your test results, smiling, and saying…

"Keep doing what you're doing… you blood work came back excellent, all within normal range…"

For thousands of Americans and Europeans, this is not a pipe dream. It's a reality that's happening

now and it's all documented.

We’re here to introduce you to an all natural, nutraceutical dietary supplement that's unlike anything

you have ever tried. It contains two of Mother nature's most potent ingredients.

So effective, that many western medicine critics are turning into true


For instance, many health practitioners, such as

Dr. Lee Cowden, Director of The Academy of

Comprehensive Integrative Medicine, calls it…

“…one of the most powerful plant-based

substances -- if not THE most powerful ever

found on earth ‘the miraculous natural healer."

Internationally Known OncologistsAre Astonished by Patients Surviving andThriving…

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Whole Family Uses Recipe

"I came to know about the multiplebenefits of this health formula througha friend and placed an order a coupleof months ago for my father in law.

He liked the product so much that herecommended it to the rest of thefamily as well. Now my entire family isreaping the benefits of this miraculousformula!

It’s improved our digestion and has leftgiven me a feeling of lightnessbecause of the detoxifying action. Iwould recommend this to everyone!"

~ P. Fernando - Chennai, India

The Medicinal Miracle of AloeArborescens

Thousands of scientific studies showAloe Arborescens contains a numberof medicinal properties that enhancethe activities of all of the immunesystem functions.

23 Polypeptides serve asimmune system stimulators,helping the body to control abroad spectrum of immunesystem disorders.

20 Polysaccharides increasethe action of white blood cellsthus increasing the productionof "killer" T-cells andinterferon. They alsochemically enhance the actionof the "killer" T-cells that attackabnormal cells and cause their


One of these polysaccharides,acelated mannose, has been patentedas Acemannen

The body’s own interferon andinterleukin production is enhanced --all the while attacking abnormal cellsand viruses in the body.

Not only that, but Lectins andemodines are two potent anti-tumorchemicals found in Aloe that supportthe body’s natural immunesystem’s destruction of malignan


A common denominator in all thebeneficial actions of acemannanmolecules are all found in AloeArborescen's juice.

Remarkably, it coats all thegastrointestinal surfaces.

In turn, this increases the fluidity andthe permeability of these membranes.In this way, it allows the easyexpulsion of toxins and an even fasterabsorption of nutritive factors.

For instance, there’s world renowned oncologist

Dr. Paolo Lissoni, at the St. Gerardo Hospital in

Milan, Italy, division of oncology, Dr. Lissoni along

with 6 other top scientists, conducted a study

using the recipe supplied by Father Romano Zago

of Brazil and Deca Aloe of Italy with 240 patients.

Half of them were given this remarkable recipe

and the outcome was nothing short of


The results verified the formula inhibits the

proliferation of errant cells (thereby supporting

permanent remission)... exhibits immune-stimulating and antioxidant

effects... enhances patients' survival time... and reduces toxicities, as

proven by radiological evaluations.

Dr. Giuseppe Nacci, M.D., a distinguished

pioneer of nuclear medicine, and author of

"Thousand Plants Against Cancer without

Chemo-Therapy" also confirms the therapeutic

benefits of this remarkable health giving recipe.

He participated in the first experiments on humans

using oncological (cancer) radio-immuno therapy.

Dr. Nacci's research of the recipe found it

normalizes the biochemical functioning of the

body in 2 to 6 months.

Little Known Super Food is Called a HealingMiracle… & With Good Reason

Around for centuries, a version of this phytonutrient is found in many US


And if you asked anyone about aloe vera, they'd undoubtedly tell you they

use it for soothing therapeutic relief for cuts, burns, upset stomach etc.

Nevertheless… what you might not know is there are over 300+ versions of

aloe. The one we referring to is called Aloe Arborescens (AA).

Research shows that Aloe Arborescens is one of the most powerful

varieties of aloes ever discovered. Proven by the fact in many parts of the

world it is grown, harvested, and sold as an immune health revitalizer.

In the anti-aging world when a product erases the years off of someone’s

face, many will call the product “The Fountain of Youth!

Well, the folks directly benefiting from this 5000 year old Brazilian formula

are calling Aloe Arborescens the "Fountain of Health."

All due to its unprecedented ability to help the body heal itself

naturally of major ailments that have afflicted it for years.

That’s because this miraculous natural healercontains all the essential nutrients necessary tosustain life.

Included in this Botanical Super Food are 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18

amino acids, phytonutrients, monosaccharides, polysaccharides,

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It simply stops the immune systemfrom intervening in internal digestivesupport, which could cause itscompromise… thus saving theimmune defenses for where they may

be really needed.4,10

From Father Romano Zago’s Book“Aloe isn't Medicine… And yet, it Cures!”

The ingredients of the "recipe" aresimple: 3 or 4 large leaves of aloearborescens (must be at least 5 yearsold), 1/2 kilo (1.1 pounds) of bees' honey(raw and unrefined, not synthetic), and 6-8 teaspoons of distillate. Clean theleaves with a dry cloth, and remove thespines. Then, cut them into pieces andblend them together with the honey anddistillate until smooth.

The recommended dosage for taking the resulting tonic is 1tablespoon 3 times a day (preferably before meals) for 10consecutive days. Then, stop for 10 days and then start again.

terpenoids, proteins, essential fatty acids and enzymes, to name a few.

These broad-based immune health benefits from Aloe Arboresdens (AA)

are due to the synergistic activity among 250 therapeutic constituents found

in the sap, gel, and the entire whole leaf.

Research reveals the nutrients stored in the skin of the leaf (released to the

gel only as needed), makes it 4 to 8 times more potent than the gel itself.

Even Hippocrates, the "Father of Modern Medicine," used it 2,400 years ago to heal many diseases.11.

Not only that, but…

Recent Studies by the Palatinin Salzan Venezia Institute in Italy have discovered that Aloe

Arborescens is 200% Higher in Beneficial Phytonutrients and nuetraceutical properties than Aloe

Vera 2

Used as directed, it will:

Promote normalization of body functions

Promote healthy blood and cardiovascular health

Gently Cleanse your body of all toxicity, and

Rejuvenate your Immune system

For centuries, Aloe Arborescens has shown a

surprising ability to help the body’s own healing

mechanisms alleviate a wide variety of health


However, for now, know the most stunning health

benefit of , Aloe Arborescens is its ability to

support normal cellular structure… thereby

supporting permanent remission of ailments

that afflict you daily.

Aloe Arborescens simply goes into the your

body’s cells and "Re-Natures" them to function

optimally, as they were originally designed.

Thus, aloe gives life to the cells, tissues, glands,

organs, and other systems -- doing so, delivers

you the best health and balance possible.

Best of all, this clinically proven formula can synergistically enhance and repaire your immune system which helps your

body heal itself ten times faster.

Now before going into more detail about your immune system, and what it means to your health and life, let’s go back in

time to…

Before going on, we want to tell you about

Father Romano Zago - OFM

A humble country priest Father Romano Zago, learned about a remedy made by poor country people, while he was serving

at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo (RS) Brazil. In 1988, he heard about a solution made by the impoverished

people to resolve serious illness. He began to investigate, and learned the simple formula, which uses Aloe

arborescens, pure untreated honey, and a small amount of distillate was powerful enough to reverse a serious, potentially

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A healthy Immune System

helps protect the body from harmfulsubstances called antigens.

Examples include bacteria, viruses,toxins, cancer cells, and foreign bloodor tissues from another person orspecies.

Luckily, when the immune systemdetects an antigen, it responds byproducing antibodies that destroy theharmful substances.

Your immune system response alsoinvolves a process calledphagocytosis. During this process,certain white blood cells swallow anddestroy bacteria and other foreignsubstances.

Do YOU Suffer fromMaligestion?

“The most striking commonality foundin individuals suffering with immunedepressive conditions is the highincidence of digestive dysfunction and

fatal disease.

In these books, he reveals the formula that consists of only three ingredients (see


Joy and gratitude filled Father Zago, and he began to share the formula with

everyone who needed it.

In fact, Father Romano Zago, OFM (Order of the Friars Minor), Brazilian

scholar, aloe researcher and author, went on to publish for the benefit of

mankind two books on the effectiveness of Aloe Arborescens based

Supreme Immune Health Formula. They are available at Amazon.com

Father Zago has had pastoral assignments in Israel and other parts of Europe

where he has given lectures and conferences in Portugal, Spain, Switzerland,

France, Italy and Brazil about the ability of the human body to heal and regulate

itself when supplied with the cell-required concentrated micronutrients found in

the polysaccharides (complex sugar molecules) of this Aloe plant species used

in the potent Aloe Arborescens based formula. This has brought

internationalization of the formula on five continents.

Father Romano Zago also collaborated with world renowned oncologist Dr. Paolo Lissoni, at the St. Gerardo

Hospital in Milan, Italy, division of oncology, along with 6 other top scientists, in conducting a clinical study using the

recipe supplied by Deca Aloe of Italy with 240 patients.

This Superfood Helps Thousands Who Had GivenUp Hope to NOW Enjoy a Disease Free Life

Thankfully, today, this recipe has spared thousands worldwide from

suffering and dying.

One such person was Giovanni Mariani.

In one of Father Roman's Zago's books, he reveals the story of Giovanni of

Forqueta, Brazil, who was given a terminal diagnosis.

Sullenly his doctors said, "There is no cure for his case ... he only has a

few days to live."

Father Zago gave the aloe arborescens recipe to Giovanni's wife, Gemma,

and asked her to give the bed-ridden Giovanni the natural remedy 3 times a


Unfortunately, Gemma was skeptical, and didn't give it to Giovanni.

Thankfully, their son, Rubens, did.

Soon thereafter, Rubens reported that the swelling in his father's stomach,

which was "as large as a tennis ball, had disappeared!"

After a few days, Giovanni left his bed... started to walk up and down the

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At the intestinallevel, aloepolysaccharides(found in aloe)act as potentanti-inflammatoryagentsneutralizingmany of the

enzymes responsible for damagingthe mucosal wall and, in effect,quenching the fire.

This anti-inflammatory action occurswhile at the same time boosting theimmune system!”

~ John C. Pittman, M.D. MedicalDirector and Founder The Carolina

Center for Integrative Medicine, P.A.Raleigh, NC USA

2 1/2 Years Disease Free

"My doctor recommended AloeArborescens as a way to help rebuildmy body's immune system againstday to day and age related diseases.

I've been taking it for almost threeyears now. I used to come down witha cold once and sometimes twice ayear and then a case of laryngitisannually.

I went through about a 2 1/2 yearstotally disease free.

I also feel much better on a daily basisdue to the detoxifying properties of thealoe arborescens.

~ Terry C, Southlake Texas

hallway… and then outside. Soon after, he returned to work.

Astonishingly, as of 2002 when Father Zago first documented this true


Giovanni Mariani was still alive at over 80 yearsold -- and in perfect health!

This was just the beginning of witnessing

firsthand, dozens of patients like Giovanni

experiencing remarkable therapeutic benefits

after drinking this potent Immune Health


For over 20 years, Father Zago experienced many more miracles of hope

from this recipe… not to mention, hearing the stories from thousands of

locals of their triumph over debilitating health.

Daughter Owes Mom's Health and Recovery to ThisHeaven-Sent Tonic!

Jocelyn's mother suffered from a terminal condition for which they thought

there was no hope. "

Jocelyn wrote…

"We owe my mom's health and recovery to this heaven-sent tonic” During

her therapy she was not nauseous… did not lose her hair… or lose any


In fact, it was the opposite of all the nightmares you hear about. Her hair

only thinned, but she still had a full head of hair, and her blood levels were

always perfect.

Her doctor was always dumbfounded at her results every time he

saw her and her blood was drawn.

Not only that, but her doctor is still amazed and

she’s still doing great today, years later."

Excerpted from a letter from Jocelyn Chang, New Jersey, sent to Luis Quiroz Ravines of The Miracle of Sharingwebsite

The beauty of this all natural health food supplement is that it can be used as part of a person’s

diet in conjunction with other therapies your doctor may have prescribed for you.

Unfortunately, This Clinically Proven Health Miracle is NOT Readily Available

…and it’s also quite awkward for most people to prepare by themselves.

The Good News is Deca Aloe Arborescens International, Inc. has collaborated with Father Romano Zago to

make a bottled version of the Brazilian recipe available to the public strictly as a dietary health food


It's called Aloe Arborescens Supreme Immune Health Formula. (SIHF)

Make no mistake: It’s the ONLY product Father Romano Zago vouches for its authenticity and pure compliance to the

original Brazilian recipe.

How the Miracle Benefits of Supreme Immune Health Formula CanDefend Your Body's Immune System Against All Invaders!

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It's a never ending battle!

From the day you're born---throughout your entire life! Your body's in a constant fight to ward off vast armies of microscopic

enemies who want to invade and conquer it.

From the day you're born---throughout your entire life! Your body's in a constant fight to ward off vast armies of microscopic

enemies who want to invade and conquer it.

By any means, these pathogens, be they bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses, will do

everything they can to breach your bodies’ natural defenses.

Through wounds, through the mouth (when you swallow, even when you breathe in).

Once inside --- they'll grow and multiply causing abnormal cell formation … all with

destructive costs to your overall health.

Your immune system is made up of lymphoid tissue in the body, which includes the bone

marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils, and parts of the spleen and gastrointestinal tract.

Proteins and cells in the blood are also part of the immune system.

I cannot make this any clearer: Just by damaging your cells or releasing their poisons into them, these

pathogens cause a host of illnesses.

From common colds to measles to potentially fatal conditions like Lime Disease, tuberculosis and malaria …and yes,

even cancer.

As mentioned earlier, our bodies have a natural internal defense mechanism (your immune system) designed to combat

these threats:

Its purpose is to recognize, disable and dispose of all intruders that attack your cells, tissues and organs.

As you can imagine, these disorders create a dysfunction of your immune system characterized by you either having

an overactive (autoimmune disorder)... or underactive (immunosuppression/ immune deficiency disorder.)

More Importantly, at the Core of the Immune System is Your Body’sAbility to Tell the Difference Between Self (you) and Nonself (foreign)

Remember: If there is a flaw, and your body can’t tell which is which, your immune system is compromised!

Once this occurs, your body makes auto antibodies that attack normal cells by mistake.

At the same time, special cells called regulatory T cells fail to do their job of keeping your immune system in line.

The result? A misguided attack on your own body which creates damage we know as autoimmune disease.

This could lead to a host of health ailments such as Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic candidiasis,

HIV infection and others (not to mention, high incidence of digestive dysfunction and maldigestion).

The #1 Life Threatening

Destroyer to Your Body

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Doctor Recommends AloeArborescens to Her Patients

"After surgery I faced a fewunexpected side effects. Testsconfirmed, many gall stones. Knowingmy friend has a great knowledge aboutnatural treatments I asked his advice.

Well, his first response was veryaccurate. Aloe Arborescens.

I used 2 bottles only asrecommended and no pain for thelast 5 months. I had total 4 painattacks and my primaryrecommended removal of gallbladder.

Results are unbelievable. My doctorasked me what was it because she iswilling to suggest it to her patients.

I can say it's amazing. I know AloeArborescens has many other positiveapplication and I am using it.Recommend to everyone.

~ K. Delran - USA

The first line of defense in protecting your body against disease is inflammation, normally a pro-active and protective

response to pathogens or “Agents of Disease.”

When these pathogens are detected, NK cells (natural killer Cells) flood your inflamed tissue, destroying the pathogens

and abnormal cells.

The Good News...

Researchers discovered that natural killer (NK) cell activity is increased

substantially following continued ingestion of Aloe Arboresdens.(NK cells

are your immune system’s first line of defense against invading pathogens

or disease ridden cells.)

The defeated pathogens and dead cells arewhisked away and inflammation subsides within8-10 days.

The Bad News...

When your body is unbalanced, your protective system stops working.

Inflammation runs rampant.

This is chronic inflammation. And is almost always accompanied by tissue

destruction that secretly and silently destroys cells.

Here’s an important point: Virtually ALL chronic diseases are associated with out-of-control levels of

chronic inflammation, suppressed immune health and toxicity of the body including almost all cancers.

Not only that, but...

THESE Hidden Toxic Culprits Are

Compromising Your Body’s Immune

System Daily!And it's NOT your fault! That’s because Man-made toxic chemicals (included in our water and western diet), attack us

daily and are destroying your immune system.

Even the carpets you walk on, the shampoos and toothpastes you use, the pots you cook in and the dental fillings in your


Sadly, it's "An Inconvenient Truth." Modern life is an unrelenting bombardment oftoxicity that destroys our bodies.

Your goal in leading a long and disease free life is to naturally boost your immune system.

For optimal results, at least once a quarter if you're healthy and daily if your immune system is compromised until your

condition improves.

Again, if this is not corrected, your body’s inflamed organs and tissues becomes a game of dominos, with one knocking

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Does Your Body Carry THESELife Threatening Toxins?

There are several types of toxicbuildups in the body that need to bedealt with when fighting degenerativediseases like cancer.

1) First there is cellular toxicity causedby the shunting of toxins into cells. All due to excess acidity in the blood, andthe inability to release toxins.

2) Next is heavy metal and chemicaltoxicity coming from years of exposureto highly toxic heavy metals andchemicals.

3) From the environment, silveramalgam fillings, many vaccines andsome other drugs put mercury andother toxins into our body.

4) Most large fish have elevatedmercury levels.

5) Elevated levels of heavy metalsdisrupt the immune system, and mustbe dealt with especially when fightingcancer.

6) Also, there's toxic buildup in thecolon of undigested foods.

Nutrient absorption is disrupted, andtoxins sitting in that decaying messare reabsorbed back into the body.

down the other.

Domino #1 Chronic disease begin with unhealthy cells that accumulate toxins.

Domino #2 Your body has deficiency of important nutrients.

Domino #3 Other culprits, like prescription drugs, enter into the equation-- and also

contribute to this nutritional deficiency.

You cannot even imagine the stress these toxic chemicals put on your liver.

They rob many important vitamins and minerals in your system. In a nutshell: The stress creates The Perfect Storm for an

unhealthy environment within your body – just as the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy does.

Did you know that…

Since 1940, we’ve increased the number of synthetic chemicals in the environment by 380 times?

The average person today has 1000 times more lead in their body than people living 500 years ago?

25 BILLION pounds of synthetic chemicals are created by industries every year.

2,000 different man-made chemicals are found in most municipal water supplies?

10 lbs. of unnatural food additives are consumed by the average American every year. These often are stored

in the body fat and slowly released over time? In addition, Biotech companies are aggressively promoting

genetically modified food. Every independent study shows the array of health problems, including abnormal

cell growth, associated with eating genetically modified food.

Plastics used in food wrap preparation. Even water bottles contain hazardous chemicals such as

Bisphenol A. Believe it or not, studies reveal these chemicals mimic natural hormones such as


And guess what? They're easily absorbed into the body and may disrupt the immune response.

Thankfully, with our Supreme Immune Health Formula… you can

properly combat, defend, and WIN against these disease threats.

Our proprietary formula floods your body with plant based

polysaccharides — “Agents of Life” -- which nourishes, fortifies, and

cleanses the cell, improving cellular metabolism and the cell's optimal


Your relief is fast… and lasting… with recommended daily servings!

Clinically proven to revitalize your innate immune

system and to gently detoxify your body --

Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM helps

your body heal itself from all chronic

health challenges.

They include gastrointestinal dysfunction,

ulcerative conditions throughout the digestive

tract, heart and arterial conditions

Luckily, in order to perform this astonishing feat, our immune system has

armed itself with 2-Step Attack against the Pathogen Invaders. 11,12

#1 Some components of the immune system will engulf and destroy all and

any pathogens indiscriminately.

#2 Others produce specialized proteins designed to wipe out specific

foreign organisms, or their poisonous products with pinpoint accuracy.

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This creates a constant stress on theimmune system, and a further load onthe body's detoxification systems.

Remember: DISEASE starts in theColon and it NEEDS to be cleaned!

The buildup of toxins in your bodyreduces cell oxygenation and toxinswill damage DNA, causing cellmutation.

The key is to protect your cells bymaking sure you are taking plentyof antioxidants and get rid of thebuildup of toxins in your bodyusing safe and natural detoxifiers.

Why a Good Defense is YOUR Best Offense for aLifetime of Enriched Health

According to Aloe Scholar Father Romano

Zago, AA is for anyone who's interested

in health maintenance or health

restoration -- not just those who have a life-

threatening or chronic disease since it

nutritionally supports normal health function.

Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D., M.D., North Texas

Research Laboratory, Grand Prairie, Texas,

is recognized as one of the world’s top

experts on aloe. His pioneered critical work

is aimed at isolating aloe’s healing

nourishing agents and identifying over 300

therapeutic properties.

Briefly, here's how to Optimize the functioning of the entire immune system:

Detoxify, purify, and cleanse the body (especially cleanse and normalize the blood)

Facilitate the repair of cells, tissues, and organs

Support the body's natural ability to regulate the destruction and elimination of invading foreign matter,

including, bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites and cancer

Scientists such as Dr. Aldo Facetti, (phytology technician and herbalist at the Palatinin Salzano Venezia Institute in Italy),

found that Aloe Arborescens is 200% richer in medicinal substances and contains more than 70% of anti-cancer

properties compared to Aloe Vera, which contains 40% of these properties

The aloe arborescens recipe has an undeniable ability to provide optimal support to your

immune system -- and make it work the way nature designed it to.

Why is this Important?

Simply because (and most medical doctors agree on this) your body's immune system is capable of healing

just about anything -- if it's NOT suppressed, weakened or compromised.

In addition, when your immune system is working correctly -- you can successfully battle and win the war against other

ailments and diseases.

Remember: If your immune system is weakened --- it’s no longer capable of warding off pathogens, viruses

and disease microorganisms.

Aloe Arborescens Supreme Immune

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Health Formula™ Soothes an "Acidic Gut

Gone Wild" for Total Relief An irritable gut, burning acid in your throat… stomach pain… bloating… embarrassing gas, diarrhea, constipation, even

nausea and chest pain — are all signs of a gut under attack and unable to switch on the body’s own NK cells (Natural Killer

Cells) necessary to stop inflammation and soothe your gut wall.

Not only does Aloe Arborescens Supreme Immune Health Formula ™ wake up your body’s NK cells… the

polysaccharides I mentioned earlier play a special role.

That's because polysaccharides have the ability to pass through the stomach and digestive tract into the blood

stream without being destroyed by stomach acid or digestive enzymes.

What does this mean for you?

It simply means you’re not wasting your hard earned money on a formula or “solutions” you've tried in the past that’ll

exit your body through expensive urine.

The polysaccharides actually allows our proprietary formula to reach your blood stream, where they're able to fulfill their

immune-supporting functions.

Make no mistake: our recipe is designed so Aloe Arborescen's powerful arsenal of nutrients delivers you a FULLY

OPTIMIZED Immune System.

That’s not all: Father Romano Zago, publisher of the Brazilian Immune Formula, allowed his name to be on the Supreme

Immune Health FormulaTM label. This endorsement vouches for the complete authenticity of the original formula inside

each bottle.

Supreme Immune Health Formula

Recommended By 7 Time Alternative

Health Nobel Prize NomineeOne of the most prestigious health centers in the world, the Budwig Center, offers Father Romano Zago's recipe to the

Center's clients.

The Budwig Center was founded by Dr.Johanna Budwig. She is a seven-time alternative health Nobel

Prize nominee who spent 50 years helping thousands of people regain their health. According to the center,

Dr. Budwig states the Brazilian recipe works to provide the body's immune system a potent remedy for a

wide variety of health conditions.

In addition, there are reportedly more than 1,000 testimonials from over the past 20 years -- rock solid

proof -- that shows people how to control and regained their health.

Other doctors, like Dr. Lloyd Jenkins ... Dr. Steven Nemeroff ... Dr. Thomas Antone ... and Dr. David Tanton are

part of a growing list of doctors who are offering the recipe to their patients as part of integrative therapy and diet.

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Even Death Sentences are Reversed

"Over and over, alternative holistic therapies have helped the body cured itself ... when

traditional therapies (surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy) have failed. After doctors

gave patients their ultimate death sentences, (normally a few months to live), it was then in

desperation that some finally turned to complimentary and integrative therapies."

~ Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D., Holistic Nutrition, Clayton College of Natural Healing

This Brazilain "Fountain of Health"

Delivers Rejuvenation to the Four Corners

of the World... and now it's YOUR turn

to try it RISK FREE!Father Romano Zago of Brazil receives letters from people all over the world who tell remarkable healing stories.

Following are true, documented case studies of health restoration published in his books available on amazon.We have

many amazing, and yes, documented case studies that cannot be include here because compliance with Federal regulations prohibit us fromdoing so. We trust these case studies are a good cross-section of the range of typical results that people in the circumstances described havebeen able to attain.

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Forget the Imitators: This is the ONLY Authentic Recipe Available in the World Today!

Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM, is the only aloe arborescens product that Father Romano Zago

vouches for its authenticity and adherence to the original Brazilian recipe.

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Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM is Simple to Take & Gives Your

Body 24/7 Phytotherapeutic Health Protection! Guaranteed!

For therapeutic purposes: Take 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day for 10 days. Stop for 10 days. Resume foranother 10 days. Continue this regimen until all signs of compromised health condition disappear. Monitorsymptoms and test results regularly.

To summarize, 10 days on, 10 days off, 10 days on, and so on, until full health recovery is achieved.

For health maintenance: Do the 10-day regimen of 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day, once every 3 months

(just 4 times a year).

At 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, one bottle lasts about 10 days. Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM has a

one-year shelf life.

From the 1st Drop of Aloe to the

Last --- Your Satisfaction Is

Completely GuaranteedBy taking the Supreme Immune Health Formula you can take control of your Immune System once and for all…

It's the perfect daily health regimen to helping your revitalize and maintain your immune system for a healthy and long life…

And of course, you’ll discover it’s the perfect solution to helping you conquer degenerative health issues.

Prove it to yourself that Supreme Immune Health Formula is everything it is reported to be and more.

So TODAY -- you are invited to test drive it 100% RISK FREE.

Get ready to experience firsthand the soothing therapeutic health enriching results that thousands of people all over the

world have felt -- once they made the wise choice of making Aloe Arborescens a part of their daily lives.

You've read the testimonials from customers… as well as doctors and health practitioners who have recommended this

potent health food suppliment to their patients…

You've hopefully noted the documented the rock solid science behind Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM

Ask yourself, right now…

What is the value of providing your body with optimal immune support that could help ward off life threatening


What would you to pay to detoxify your body.... turbo charge your natural defenses... normalize cellular

functioning... and banish foreign and toxic material from your body?

You can give yourself "The Fountain of Health" for as little as 65 cents a day!

Yes, that's right. Best of all; if you're in good health and need to just maintain your health, the maintenance

level of Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM will cost only 65 cents a day (4 bottles a year). Just think:

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45-Day Money-Back Guarantee

That's one-third the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks!

Life Changing, Immune Boosting Health

Benefits for Less Than The Cost of Your

Favorite Smoothie

And best of all, these health benefits last a lifetime!

Remember: Your body's own immune system is capable of healing just about any health condition -- if it's not

suppressed, weakened or compromised.

Best of all, when your immune system is optimally firing on all cynlinders the way nature intended it to work -- the likelihood

of you getting life threatening ailment is greatly reduced to a minimum.

The statistics of people suffering due to illness is staggering… please don't become yet another statistic… We want to

help you beat the odds…

So if you or a love one is looking for a solution for a health condition that you are suffering from… what would it be

worth if you could be in permanent remission?

What would you pay to make it virtually impossible for disease filled toxins and pathogens to survive in your body -- and

restore yourself to vibrant health and well-being?

For less than $4 a day ($19 bottles a year), you can have the therapeutic level of Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM

deliver you optimal health.

Imagine, that's less than the price of a fruit smoothie at Jamba Juice!

Whether you purchase one bottle, the 4-pack or the 6-pack of Supreme ImmuneHealth FormulaTM... your purchase is backed by a 45-day "Bottom-of-the-Bottle" unconditional guarantee.

Look, if you're not totally, 100% completely satisfied after consistently using therecipe, simply contact Deca Aloe Arborescens International, Inc.

Within 45 days of receipt of your shipment and return thebottles of the product you purchased, even if they're empty --and you will get a prompt, courteous refund. No questionsasked.

The Secret to Growing and Harvesting The World's #1

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Dietary Elixir Can Be Found in the Ground

In the unspoiled soil of Italy, grow the aloe arborescens plants that go into the

Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM

Remarkably, the Deca Aloe greenhouses produce an annual harvest that yields

over 15,000 tons of aloe arborescens leaves.

The company follows precise processes and strictgrowing and harvesting

methods, including:

Soil conditions for plant growth are completely organic and


The Aloe arborescens plants will not be harvested until they're at least 5 years old and PLUS they have to be at

peak nutritional potency.

No rain must have occurred during the past 5 days before harvesting.

For optimal effectiveness, the Aloe arborescens leaves are picked at the right time of the daywith the least

amount of light. Usually early morning or late evening. This preserves the active properties.

The leaves are immediately ground into juice after picking.

Again, 15,000 tons of leaves delivers 23 million bottles of the original recipe every year. What does this mean?

It means the manufacturer has the amazing capacity to meet global demand for this recipe… for people like yourself

to want to maintain their present good health or restore themselves back to perfect vim and vigor.

Remember: Deca Aloe Arborescens US, LP is the ONLY North American company that manufactures Father

Romano Zago's original recipe

WARNING: Beware of Imitations

Other liquid aloe products available in some stores and on the Internet are NOT the same as Father Romano

Zago's original recipe.

Even if those other products do contain aloe arborescens...

The plants are usually grown in soils that are not pristine, organic and chemical-free.

The leaves are harvested before they are 5 years old, and picked at times of the day that are notideal.

The sap, gel and the entire leaves are over-processed, heated or diluted.

And the light exposure is not controlled during the harvesting to preserve the active properties.

Deca Aloe uses only premier quality 5-year-old (and older) plants processed by grinding the leaf into a liquid

without heating. They use all-natural preservatives to stabilize the liquid aloe formula in order to retain all the active

healing properties of the aloe arborescens leaves.

Father Romano Zago proudly promotes Deca Aloe worldwide as the one and only source that upholds the integrity, quality,

and effectiveness of the original recipe.

He recommends the Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM from Deca Aloe as the only reliable source because other

manufacturers don't go through the painstaking process to get the formula perfectly right -- and because he realizes that

people cannot possibly prepare the recipe themselves

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Obviously, just on the basis of the remarkable information you've read about the aloe arborescens recipe, you already want

try to Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM -- especially since there's absolutely nothing to lose. Your purchase is

protected by an iron-clad 45-day money-back guarantee.

And before I tell you the low price for a formula that can undoubtedly help give you the daily optimal health you deserve,

know this…

Whether you try Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM

for health maintenance or health restoration,

here are the key broad-based health benefits

you can expect:

Optimal immune function fortification and rejuvenation support for serious immune system


Gentle cleansing of toxicity for the whole body

Stimulating white blood cells that attack abnormal cell suicide-self distruction

Supporting the release of interleukins and cytokines which activate immune cells

Supporting apoptosis

An adjunctive, complementary and integrative health care product without contradictions

Normalizing body functions

Promotes gastrointestinal health

Promotes healthy blood and cardiovascular health

Contains the complete array of aloe's health-promoting, active glucomannan polysaccharides 4%such as mannose (2ml per serving) to guarantee maximum effectiveness in immune system


Furnishes the body the complete spectrum of aloe's beneficial phytonutrient properties

derived from liquid made from the whole leaf of the plant

Don’t forget, there’s absolutely no risk to you or your loved ones when you start taking Father Romano Zago's original

recipe for all its health-promoting benefits

The Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM is a safe dietary supplement that has no contraindications.

Many doctors and health practitioners are recommending it to their patients because its health benefits are stunningly


So if you or a loved one is looking for a solution for a debilitating health condition... what would it be worth if you

could be in permanent remission?

WARNING: Beware of Imitations.Good Aloe Arborescens Juice is

not Cheap. Cheap Aloe Arborescens Juice is not Good. Deca

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45-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Aloe makes the Most Potent Brand you can Buy.

That’s Why it Works

Other liquid aloe products available in some stores and on the Internet are NOT the same as original Brazilian

recipe published and endorsed by Father Romano Zago.

Even if those other products do contain aloe arborescens...

The plants may be wild crafted plants grown in soils that are not pristine, organic and chemical-free (Our plants are grown on Greenhouses at our farms in Italy under controlled environmentalconditions).

The leaves are harvested before they are 5 years old, and picked at times of the day thatare not ideal.

The sap, gel and the entire leaves are over-processed, heated, freeze dried or diluted.

And the light exposure is not controlled during the harvesting to preserve the activeproperties.

The formula has been adulterated by adding in other ingredients like calcium bentonite claywhich may absorb toxins but may also create a problem when the clay is not fully excreted fromthe body and creates toxicity.

Honestly, what would you pay to make it virtually impossible for disease filled toxins and pathogens to survive in your body -

- and restore yourself to vibrant health and well-being?

Well, for less than $4 a day ($19 bottles a year), you can have the therapeutic level of Supreme Immune Health

FormulaTM deliver you optimal health.

Imagine, that's less than the price of a fruit smoothie at Jamba Juice!

Whether you purchase one bottle, the 4-pack or the 6-pack of Supreme ImmuneHealth FormulaTM... your purchase is backed by a 45-day "Bottom-of-the-Bottle" unconditional guarantee.

Look, if you're not totally, 100% completely satisfied after consistently using therecipe, simply contact Deca Aloe Arborescens International, Inc.

Within 45 days of receipt of your shipment and return thebottles of the product you purchased, even if they're empty --and you will get a prompt, courteous refund. No questionsasked.

You have nothing to lose and everlasting health to gain!

And that’s a life filled with vibrant wellbeing and freedom from disease!

To your everlasting good health,


Common Wealth of Dominica

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P.S. Father Romano Zago, OFM (Order of the Friars Minor), Brazilian scholar, Aloe Researcher and Author, publicized

this Brazilian immune formula for the benefit of mankind. His name in the trademark/logo recognizes his collaborative

contributions and vouches for the authenticity of the original Brazilian Immune Health Formula in each bottle.

P.P.S. When you order TODAY, you’ll get the eye-opening book, "The Scientific Monograhic History of Aloe Vera and

Aloe Arborescens.” In it, you will learn the full story on the miraculous healing components of Aloe Arborescens and what

they can do for you. ($25 Value).

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease.

1. Donna Jackson Nakazawa , The Autoimmune Epidemic, Simon & Schuster, 20082. Cancer Can Be Cured! (2002) Father Romano Zago, OFM3. A Randomized Study of Chemotherapy Versus Biochemotherapy with Chemotherapy plus Aloe Arborescens in Patients with Metastatic Cancer(2009) DR.PAOLO LISSONI, M.D., FRANCO ROVELLI, FERNANDO BRIVIO, ROMANO ZAGO, MASSIMO COLCIAGO, GIUSEPPINA MESSINA, ADELIO MORA andGIORGIO PORRO. Division of Radiation Oncology, Division of Surgery, St. Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Milan, Italy4. The Great Aloe Book, History, botany, composition, & pharmacological aspects of this legendary plant, USA Edition 2005 Alessandro Bassetti, Stefano Sala5. Private Research Test on file of constituents of Aloe Arborescens whole leaf juice conducted by U.S. Aloe Research Laboratory6. Thousand Plants Against Cancer Without Chemo-Therapy (2008) Dr. Giuseppe Nacci, M.D.7. The Miraculous Healer: An M.D.'s Clinical Perspective Dr. Lee Cowden, M.D.8. Beating Cancer with Nutrition (2005) Quillin, Patrick9. Taking the Mystery Out Of Cancer: Cancer Prevention and Cure Is Possible (2011) Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D.10. Immunomodulatory and Protective Action of Aloe aborescens and Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) 2013 / Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D., M.D., North TexasResearch Laboratory, Grand Prairie, Texas11. http://www.serovera.com/dr-ivan-danhof/">http://www.serovera.com/dr-ivan-danhof/12. http://www.naturalnews.com/028239_aloe_vera_FDA.html#ixzz297gpKZCH13. www.budwigcenter.com



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