Katherine-Marie Chaparro There’s a saying that goes, “If you put a piece of meat in front of a dog, it’ll go for it.” As a dog owner, I decided to test the theory and I found that if you sternly tell the dog to stay there, it’ll stay there and that’s more than I can say for men. The aforementioned quote is brought up many times when young, or not so young, men find themselves being tried for raping a woman, that and the famous, “She dressed older than her age” or “She was showing too much skin” or “He can’t help it” etc. Why is it that the woman has to be punished for dressing provocatively when it’s the man who should be punished for actually raping her? The CDC estimate the number of women raped a year in the U.S. at 1.3 million and fifty four percent of those rapes will go unreported. What’s even worse is that, out of every hundred rapes, fourty get reported to the police, ten lead to an arrest, eight get prosecuted, four lead to a felony conviction, three rapists will spend one day in prison, and the other ninety-seven will walk free,

Do You Hear the Victims Sing?

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A paper I wrote for my english class enjoy

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Katherine-Marie Chaparro

Theres a saying that goes, If you put a piece of meat in front of a dog, itll go for it. As a dog owner, I decided to test the theory and I found that if you sternly tell the dog to stay there, itll stay there and thats more than I can say for men. The aforementioned quote is brought up many times when young, or not so young, men find themselves being tried for raping a woman, that and the famous, She dressed older than her age or She was showing too much skin or He cant help it etc. Why is it that the woman has to be punished for dressing provocatively when its the man who should be punished for actually raping her? The CDC estimate the number of women raped a year in the U.S. at 1.3 million and fifty four percent of those rapes will go unreported.Whats even worse is that, out of every hundred rapes, fourty get reported to the police, ten lead to an arrest, eight get prosecuted, four lead to a felony conviction, three rapists will spend one day in prison, and the other ninety-seven will walk free, according RAINNs article Reporting Rate.
