DO NOW Good Morning! Get out your sketchbooks today! If you do not have a sketchbook, there is blank paper on the desk near the printer! Be ready to LISTEN

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● Your Shoe Design – ■ Slogan – ■ Name – ■ Logo – ● Z Shape ● No Copyrighted Imagery ● Must reflect the nature of the subject in a positive manner and must be school appropriate. Your ad must contain:

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DO NOW Good Morning! Get out your sketchbooks today! If you do not have a sketchbook, there is blank paper on the desk near the printer! Be ready to LISTEN. Your design can be anything you want: - ANY style - ANY colors - Rocket-powered or running on Pure Love. Whatever you want, but you must: Create a NEW shoe that does NOT yet exist, a unique marketing approach all your own. Your First Project: Create a Shoe Ad Your Shoe Design Slogan Name Logo Z Shape No Copyrighted Imagery Must reflect the nature of the subject in a positive manner and must be school appropriate. Your ad must contain: The client then gives you feedback likes and dislikes, suggestions and changes, and you must make revise your design accordingly. Only then, when your design is finalized and everyone is satisfied, are you free to begin working on the real thing. If you were in a real design firm and received a project like this, you would be asked to sketch your concepts on paper and create a mock up so your client can see your ideas. Included in your sketch must be a Logo, Slogan, Name for your Shoe, everything that is required. In an effort to make this assignment as real as possible, this project will follow the same steps: Sketch your ideas, get feedback, implement your changes, and then produce the final product. CAN MAGAZINE ADS BE ART? Yes! Magazine ads can be art. Here's why Art is designed to do basically 3 things: -Make you THINK about something. -Make you FEEL something. -Make you DO something. Advertising is no different! Designing an Ad cuts quickly to the root of this basic artistic endeavor. It is the Artist's desire to influence somebody. What makes good Art? The Elements and Principles of Design are the most objective way to analyze Art. Line Shape Value Space Size Texture Color Framing the Elements and Principles of Design in terms of their effectiveness in making you want to BUY something makes them more useful and tangible. This Project will happen in 3 parts: Part 1: Sketch your Layout Design Always Begins with Paper and Pencil! It doesnt matter if the end product looks nothing like your sketch! Your sketch SHOULD have: Attached GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Product name Logo Slogan Call-to-Action Z-Shape Must reflect the nature of the subject in a positive manner and must be school appropriate. FULL COLOR You will be given 5 extra points for every additional sketch up to four. EXAMPLES Part 2: Move to Photoshop -Take a photo of your sketch,it to yourself, and open it in Photoshop. -Then begin outlining your work with the Photoshop tools that you will be introduced to during the course of this project. Or, find a shoe from an image search that you like and outline it. It MUST be completely unrecognizable with your own logo and colors by the end of the outlining! You will have 2 options! Part 3: Final Product/Revision Stage There will be a total of 2 critique sessions for this project. You will be given peer feedback on your project, and then given the opportunity to revise your work for a better grade! You will then present your work to the class! It will be a brief overview of your product, and you will explain why you made the choices you made. ALWAYS save your projects using the following naming convention: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PROJECTNAME DO NOT name your project any other way - Improperly named projects will not receive credit and you will be sad. These are examples created by students following this project. Is this a good ad? Why or why not? Notice the Z Shape. English speakers read left to right. Advertisers know this Notice the Z Shape. English speakers read left to right. Advertisers know this Wheres the Z Shape? Is there a Z Shape? Does this have a Z shape? Is this a good ad? Why or why not? It this a good ad? Why or why not? Is this a good ad? Why or why not? What Shape do you see here? It this a good ad? Why or why not? It this a good ad? Why or why not? It this a good ad? Why or why not? It this a good ad? Why or why not? It this a good ad? Why or why not? What shapes do you see in this Ad? Stop Get into Groups - Find an Ad with a Z Shape. Be prepared to briefly explain to the class, Is this a good ad? Why or why not?