DNA: The Stuff of Life

DNA: The Stuff of LifeThe Hershey-Chase Experiment • The Hershey-Chase Experiment –Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase studied viruses—nonliving particles smaller than a cell that

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  • DNA: The Stuff of Life

  • Griffith and Transformation • Griffith and Transformation

    • In 1928, British scientist Fredrick Griffith was trying to

    learn how certain types of bacteria caused pneumonia.

    • He isolated two different strains of pneumonia bacteria

    from mice and grew them in his lab.

  • Griffith and Transformation Performed the first major experiment that led to the

    discovery of DNA as the genetic material

  • Griffith and Transformation

    – Transformation

    • Griffith determined that bacteria could pass genetic

    information from one to another.

    • Griffith called this process transformation because

    one strain of bacteria (the harmless strain) had

    changed permanently into another (the disease-

    causing strain).

  • Oswald Avery

    1931 - Oswald Avery repeated Griffith’s work

    to determine which molecule was most

    important for transformation.

    Identified the molecule that transformed the

    R strain of bacteria into the S strain

    Concluded that when the S cells were killed,

    DNA was released

    R bacteria incorporated this DNA into their

    cells and changed into S cells.

  • The Hershey-Chase

    Experiment • The Hershey-Chase Experiment

    – Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase studied

    viruses—nonliving particles smaller than a

    cell that can infect living organisms.

  • • Bacteriophages

    • A virus that infects bacteria is known as a


    • Bacteriophages are composed of a DNA or RNA core

    and a protein coat.

    The Hershey-Chase


  • The Hershey-Chase


    • If Hershey and Chase could determine which part of

    the virus entered an infected cell, they would learn

    whether genes were made of protein or DNA.

    • They grew viruses in cultures containing radioactive

    isotopes of phosphorus-32 (32P) and sulfur-35 (35S).

  • The Hershey-Chase


  • Hershey and Chase Used radioactive labeling to

    trace the DNA and protein

    Concluded that the viral DNA

    was injected into the cell and

    provided the genetic

    information needed to produce

    new viruses

  • Chargaff Chargaff’s rule: C = G and T = A

    •The percentages of

    guanine [G] and

    cytosine [C] bases are

    almost equal in any

    sample of DNA.

    •The percentages of

    adenine [A] and thymine

    [T] bases are almost

    equal in any sample of


  • Two Groups of Bases in DNA

    • Pyrimidines are

    single ring bases.

    – Thymine & Cytosine

    • Purines are double ring bases.

    – Adenine & Guanine









    C C

    C C







  • X-ray Diffraction

    Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction data

    helped solve the structure of DNA

    Indicated that DNA was a double helix

  • Watson and Crick

    Built a model of the double

    helix that conformed to the

    others’ research

    1. Model was a double helix

    2. Backbone made of sugars and


    3. Base pairs attached to deoxyribose with A

    & T in equal amounts and C & G in equal


  • DNA Structure

    DNA often is compared to a twisted ladder.

    Rails of the ladder are

    represented by the

    alternating deoxyribose

    and phosphate.

    The pairs of bases

    (cytosine–guanine or

    thymine–adenine) form the


  • The Components and

    Structure of DNA • Watson and Crick discovered that hydrogen

    bonds can form only between certain base

    pairs—adenine and thymine, and guanine

    and cytosine.

    • This principle is called base pairing.

    Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

  • • DNA Double Helix

  • DNA Structure


    Consist of a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate

    group, and a nitrogenous base

  • DNA Replication DNA DNA

  • DNA Replication

    – Duplicating DNA

    • Before a cell divides, it

    duplicates its DNA in a

    process called


    • Replication ensures that

    each resulting cell will

    have a complete set of


    • Occurs in the S phase of


  • DNA Replication • DNA must be copied in order for cells to

    multiply in number and maintain genetic information.

    • The DNA molecule produces 2 IDENTICAL new complementary strands following the rules of base pairing:

    A-T, G-C

    •Each strand of the original DNA serves as a

    template for the new strand

  • DNA Replication

    • Semiconservative


    1. Watson and Crick

    showed: the two strands

    of the parental molecule

    separate, and each

    functions as a template

    for synthesis of a new

    complementary strand.

    . Parental DNA

    DNA Template

    New DNA

  • DNA Replication

    • DNA Replication • Each strand of the DNA double helix has all the

    information needed to reconstruct the other half by

    the mechanism of base pairing.

    • In most prokaryotes, DNA replication begins at a

    single point and continues in two directions.

    • In eukaryotic chromosomes, DNA replication

    occurs at hundreds of places. Replication proceeds

    in both directions until each chromosome is

    completely copied

  • DNA Replication

    The sites where separation

    and replication occur are

    called replication forks.

    Nitrogen Bases

    Replication Fork

    DNA Polymerase

    Replication Fork

    Original strand New Strand

  • DNA Replication • DNA must first unwind and “unzip”

    • DNA helicase, an enzyme, is responsible for

    unwinding and unzipping the double helix.

    – Single stranded binding proteins hold the DNA open

  • DNA Replication • DNA primase adds a short segment of RNA, called

    an RNA primer, on each DNA strand.

    • DNA polymerase continues adding appropriate

    nucleotides to the chain by adding to the 3′ end of

    the new DNA strand.

    • This creates Okazaki fragments.

  • DNA Replication • Okazaki fragments, sections of nucleotides

    created by replication in small segments, must be

    joined together.

    • Finally, DNA ligase links the fragments together

    to form the full complementary strand.

  • DNA Replication • Give the complementary sequence for the

    following strand of DNA:

    – DNA 5’ A T C C G A A G C T T 3’

    – DNA 3’ T A G G C T T C G A A 5’