DNA polymerase ? contributes to genome-wide lagging strand synthesis Downloaded from: https://research.chalmers.se, 2020-07-09 10:56 UTC Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Kreisel, K., Engqvist, M., Kalm, J. et al (2019) DNA polymerase ? contributes to genome-wide lagging strand synthesis Nucleic Acids Research, 47(5): 2425-2435 http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky1291 N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. research.chalmers.se offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology. It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since 2004. research.chalmers.se is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library (article starts on next page)

DNA polymerase η contributes to genome-wide lagging strand ... · DNA polymerase (pol ) is best known for its ability to bypass UV-induced thymine–thymine (T–T) dimers and other

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Page 1: DNA polymerase η contributes to genome-wide lagging strand ... · DNA polymerase (pol ) is best known for its ability to bypass UV-induced thymine–thymine (T–T) dimers and other

DNA polymerase ? contributes to genome-wide lagging strandsynthesis

Downloaded from: https://research.chalmers.se, 2020-07-09 10:56 UTC

Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Kreisel, K., Engqvist, M., Kalm, J. et al (2019)DNA polymerase ? contributes to genome-wide lagging strand synthesisNucleic Acids Research, 47(5): 2425-2435http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky1291

N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper.

research.chalmers.se offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology.It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since 2004.research.chalmers.se is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library

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Page 2: DNA polymerase η contributes to genome-wide lagging strand ... · DNA polymerase (pol ) is best known for its ability to bypass UV-induced thymine–thymine (T–T) dimers and other

Published online 28 December 2018 Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5 2425–2435doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1291

DNA polymerase � contributes to genome-widelagging strand synthesisKatrin Kreisel1, Martin K.M. Engqvist1,2, Josephine Kalm1, Liam J. Thompson1,Martin Bostrom1, Clara Navarrete1, John P. McDonald3, Erik Larsson1, Roger Woodgate3

and Anders R. Clausen1,*

1Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Gothenburg, 40530 Gothenburg, Sweden,2Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Swedenand 3Laboratory of Genomic Integrity, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutesof Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

Received October 19, 2018; Revised December 11, 2018; Editorial Decision December 13, 2018; Accepted December 14, 2018


DNA polymerase � (pol �) is best known for its abilityto bypass UV-induced thymine–thymine (T–T) dimersand other bulky DNA lesions, but pol � also hasother cellular roles. Here, we present evidence thatpol � competes with DNA polymerases � and � for thesynthesis of the lagging strand genome-wide, whereit also shows a preference for T–T in the DNA tem-plate. Moreover, we found that the C-terminus of pol�, which contains a PCNA-Interacting Protein motifis required for pol � to function in lagging strand syn-thesis. Finally, we provide evidence that a pol � de-pendent signature is also found to be lagging strandspecific in patients with skin cancer. Taken together,these findings provide insight into the physiologicalrole of DNA synthesis by pol � and have implicationsfor our understanding of how our genome is repli-cated to avoid mutagenesis, genome instability andcancer.


The nuclear genome is replicated primarily by three DNApolymerases (1): DNA polymerase � (pol �) and � (pol�) synthesize the lagging strand, while DNA polymerase ε(pol ε) continuously synthesizes most of the leading strand(2,3). This phenomenon has also been described as the ‘di-vision of labor’ among replicative polymerases. The strin-gent discrimination by replicative DNA polymerases limitstheir ability to replicate DNA at sites where the templatestrand is difficult to replicate, or damaged (4). These sitesin the genome may cause the replication fork to stall. Al-ternatively, helicases can uncouple from the stalled DNApolymerase and continue to unwind the double strand fur-ther allowing DNA synthesis on one strand to continue

but leaving stretches of unreplicated single strand DNA infront of the stalled polymerase (5). To prevent DNA breaksand replication fork collapse, cells can synthesize acrosssuch sites through a mechanism called translesion synthesis(TLS). TLS is facilitated by a number of specialized DNApolymerases equipped to handle a variety of perturbations(6).

DNA polymerase � (pol �) is best characterized by itsability to accurately bypass UV-induced thymine–thymine(T–T) dimers (7). All Y-family polymerases, such as pol �,possess a typical ‘right-hand’ structure that can adapt tothe encountered DNA substrate. Its protective and benefi-cial role in normal cells is apparent when one considers thestrongly increased predisposition for cancer in XerodermaPigmentosum Variant patients, which is caused by the im-pairment of TLS across DNA lesions due to loss of pol �function (7,8). It is evident, however, that in addition to TLSof UV-induced lesions, pol � also has several other cellu-lar roles, such as promoting somatic hypermutation (9,10),replication of common fragile sites (11,12), replication of re-combination intermediates (13,14), replication of cohesion-bound DNA (15) and the maintenance of telomere DNAsin undamaged cells (16,17).

Given that TLS pol � also participates in a variety ofDNA transactions in undamaged cells, it is of interest toknow where in the genome pol � is active and if there isa strand bias (leading vs. lagging) for pol �’s activities asobserved for the replicative polymerases (1). As previouslyshown for the replicative DNA polymerases �, � and ε, ri-bonucleotide incorporation by their respective steric gatevariants can be used to track DNA polymerase activitywith high resolution. Using the HydEn-seq method, whichmaps incorporated ribonucleotides genome-wide at singlenucleotide resolution level (3), a footprint of the polymeraseis revealed. To understand where pol � may gain accessto the DNA and compete with replicative polymerases westudied its function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We uti-

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +46 766 18 50 79; Email: [email protected]

C© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original workis properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]


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2426 Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5

lized a steric gate mutant of pol � (rad30-F35A) that hasan increased propensity to incorporate ribonucleotides intoDNA, but also possesses an increased deoxyribonucleotidebase-selection fidelity on undamaged DNA (18). To en-hance the detection of pol �-dependent ribonucleotide in-corporation, we made use of strains where RNH201 wasdeleted and are therefore defective in ribonucleotide exci-sion repair (RER), which is the major pathway for ribonu-cleotide removal. Since nucleotide excision repair (NER)serves as a back-up pathway for the removal of ribonu-cleotides incorporated into DNA in the absence of RER(19), NER was abolished by deletion of RAD1 to furtherincrease the detection of pol �-dependent incorporated ri-bonucleotides. Lastly, the strains lacked the catalytic sub-unit of DNA polymerase � (pol � ) through deletion ofREV3, which is responsible for the majority of spontaneousmutagenesis in yeast (20,21) and which might compete withpol � for access to the undamaged DNA (22).

Our data reveal that pol �’s activities can be trackedacross the entire yeast genome and mapped to the lag-ging strand, where it competes with pol � and � duringgenome replication. Furthermore, our data suggests thatpol � prefers T–T template sequences and that pol �’sstrand-specificity is mediated by its PCNA-Interacting Pro-tein (PIP) motif. Finally, in human melanomas we detecteda weak strand bias for WA>WG transitions attributed topol �, suggesting an evolutionary conservation of strandspecificity.


Experimental model and subject details

All yeast strains used for this study can be found in the Sup-plementary Table S1. All strains were freshly thawed fromfrozen stocks and grown to mid-log phase (OD600 ≈ 0.5) at30◦C in YPDA medium containing 0.1 mg/ml adenine.

S. cerevisiae strains

RAD1 and REV3 deficient strains were constructed by re-placing the RAD1 and REV3 gene with a LEU2 cassetteand TRP1 cassette, respectively, using HR-mediated in-tegration of PCR-generated fragments according to stan-dard methods. S. cerevisiae yeast strains used were isogenicderivatives of strain pol2-M644G rnh201Δ, pol2-M644Lrnh201Δ, pol3-L612M rnh201Δ, pol3-L612G rnh201Δ,pol1-L868M rnh201Δ, pol1-Y869A rnh201Δ and rnh201Δ(3). The rad30-F35A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ and rad30-F35Arnh201Δ strains are derived from W303 and were previouslydescribed (18). The double mutant strains used in the ex-periments described were obtained by mating appropriatemutants and sporulating the resulting diploids. Freshly de-rived spore clones were frozen and subsequently genotypedby PCR verification. RAD1 and REV3 deficient strains(including rad30-F35A(1–622)) were constructed by Top-Gene Technologies, Inc., Montreal, Canada.

HydEn-seq protocol

The HydEn-seq protocol was performed essentially as pre-viously described (3). Briefly, mid-log phase yeast cells from

independent cultures were harvested and genomic DNA(gDNA) isolated using the MasterPure Yeast PurificationKit (Epicentre, no RNase A treatment). 1 �g of gDNA washydrolyzed with 0.3 M KOH for 2 h at 55◦C. DNA frag-ments were purified using ethanol precipitation, denaturedand phosphorylated with 10 U of 3′-phosphatase-minus T4polynucleotide kinase (New England BioLabs) for 30 minat 37◦C, followed by heat inactivation at 65◦C for 20 min.DNA was purified using CleanPCR beads (CleanNA), de-natured and ligated to oligo ARC140 overnight at roomtemperature with 10 U T4 RNA ligase (New England Bi-oLabs), 25% PEG 8000 and 1 mM CoCl3(NH3)6. AfterDNA purification with CleanPCR beads and denaturing,the ARC76-ARC77 adaptor was annealed for 5 min at roomtemperature. Second-strand synthesis was performed using4 U of T7 DNA polymerase (New England BioLabs) andDNA purified with CleanPCR beads. Libraries were PCRamplified with primer ARC49 and index primers ARC79 toARC107 using the KAPA HiFi Hotstart ReadyMix (KAPABiosystems). Libraries were purified with CleanPCR beadsand pooled for sequencing. 75-bp paired-end sequencingwas performed on an Illumina NextSeq500 instrument, tolocate 5′-ends generated by alkaline hydrolysis.

Sequence trimming, filtering and alignment

Trimming for quality and adaptor sequence of all reads wasperformed with cutadapt 1.12 (23). Pairs containing one orboth reads shorter than 15 nt were discarded. Bowtie 1.2(24) was used to align Mate 1 of all remaining pairs to thelist of index primers used to prepare the libraries; all match-ing pairs were discarded. All remaining pairs were alignedto the sacCer3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae reference genomewith bowtie (-v2 –X2000-best). Single-end alignments werethen performed for mate 1 of all unaligned pairs (-m1, -v2).The count of 5′-ends of all unique paired-end and single-end alignments was determined for all samples and shiftedone base upstream to the location of the hydrolyzed ribonu-cleotide.

End count scaling and background subtraction

For visual comparison of individual libraries (Heatmapsand meta-analyses) end counts were normalized to countsper million uniquely mapped reads (divided by the total ofuniquely mapped ends and multiplied by 1 000 000). Foranalyses of strand bias maps requiring weighted averag-ing of multiple libraries and background subtraction, endcounts were scaled as previously described (3). For analyses,where individual replicates were combined to create an aver-age dataset, samples were averaged after the normalizationto per million reads mapped. To remove reads stemmingfrom free 5′-ends, scaled end counts from strains with wildtype polymerases were subtracted from the steric gate mu-tants. For the pol2-M644G variant, we used the pol2-M644Lrnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ variant as a control background,while for the pol � and � variants we used the rnh201Δrad1Δ rev3Δ variants as a control background. For each po-sition where both the forward and reverse strands presentednumeric values, the forward strand value was divided by thesum of the forward and reverse strand values. If no reads


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Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5 2427

were encountered in both the forward and reverse reads, ano value was returned. If the forward read was numeric, butthe reverse read was not numeric, then 1 was returned, Forthe inverse scenario where the reverse read was numeric butthe forward read not, then a 0 was returned.

Statistical analysis

Statistical comparison of the bedgraph files and Braid plots(Supplementary Figures S1 and S2) was performed as fol-lows: All reads in each bedgraph file were binned into 200bp bins. For every chromosome, a Spearman correlationcoefficient was calculated between every binned library. Toobtain an average sample r value, a Fisher transformationwas performed after which the mean across all chromo-somes for each library was obtained. Z-scores were con-verted back into r values and this was plotted as a heatmap.Coding, plotting and statistics were performed using Pan-das, Seaborn and Numpy.

Meta-analyses and heatmaps

Total counts of the per-strain 5′-ends intersecting same- andopposite-strand bins centered on genomic features of in-terest (ACS, nucleotide dimers) were determined with cus-tom tools, excluding all mitochondrial and telomeric an-notations. For origins, reads from –2 kb to +2 kb aroundeach of the known OriDB ACS sites (using liftOver to sac-ccer3) were scaled to per million reads and aggregated intobins of 50 bp (Figure 3 and Supplementary Figures S3 andS4). Heatmaps generated with the R ‘image’ function depictcounts in all bins. For origin meta-analyses the sum acrossall features was then obtained for both sample and control,and sample data was then divided by control data and plot-ted using R and ggplot2. Reads for each of the 16 possibledimers were gathered, scaled to per million reads mappedand positions 1 and 2 of the dimer were averaged (Figure4). Reads present in telomeric or ribosomal regions were re-moved and replicates of the steric gate (rad30-F35A), non-steric gate (RAD30+) were averaged, and finally the fractionof steric gate reads was divided by the non-steric gate readsand plotted using ggplot2.

To determine whether sequence context was present inthe distribution of included ribonucleotides, the number oftrue dimers present in the reference genome were counted.Dimers were defined as being flanked by bases dissimilar tothose bases of the dimer, e.g. dimer TG could have A/C/Gat the 5′, but not T and A/C/T/ at the 3′ end but not G. Allother combinations were discarded and dimers in the telom-eric and ribosomal regions were removed. The sum of eachof the 16 possible dimers was divided by the total number ofall true dimers in the genome to obtain a percentage whichwas plotted as a bar diagram.

To determine whether the pol � steric gate mutant incor-porates ribonucleotides at preferred dimer sequences as op-posed to purely random incorporation, a paired t-test wasperformed between the pol-� relative ratio values for the 16dimers for each lagging, leading and none designated dimersub-groups against a hypothetical value of 1 for each dimerwhich would have been the expected value if the steric gatemutant did not incorporate ribonucleotides due to sequencepreference.

Analysis of TA→TG mutations in melanoma

Coordinates of origins of replication were taken fromsequence-derived ‘N-domains’ (25) and lifted over fromhg17 to hg19 using liftOver (26), resulting in 1047 ori-gins. Whole genome somatic mutation calls from theAustralian Melanoma Genome Project (AMGP) cohort(27), downloaded from the International Cancer GenomeConsortium’s (ICGC) database (28), were pooled withwhole genome mutations from The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA) melanoma cohort (29), called as described previ-ously (30). Mutations overlapping with population variants(dbSNP v138) as well as duplicate samples from the samepatient were removed, resulting in a total of 221 samples.The number of TA→TG mutations in the samples werecounted and aggregated in 100 kb bins around the origins,and strand bias was calculated as the log2 ratio between themutation counts of the top and bottom strands.


Using ribonucleotides to track pol � enzymology genome-wide

To understand where pol � may gain access to undam-aged DNA and compete with DNA replicases, we utilizeda RNH201 deficient yeast strain expressing the pol �-F35Avariant that has an increased propensity to incorporate ri-bonucleotides into DNA (18). We mapped the locationsof incorporated ribonucleotides by HydEn-seq, hydrolyz-ing the genomic DNA with alkali and sequenced the re-sulting single strand fragments using 75-bp paired-end se-quencing. The reads were aligned to the sacCer3 genomeand we determined the location of ribonucleotides genome-wide. We deduced the identity of the ribonucleotides forthis strain and calculated the fraction of ends that mappedto the top strand and compared those data to previouslypublished data for the three replicative DNA polymerases,DNA pol �, � and ε (Figure 1, Supplementary Figures S1and S2) (3). Specifically, we calculated the fraction of gen-erated 5′-ends mapping to the top strand in bins of 200 bpfor chromosome 10 to investigate the strand specificity ofpol � more closely. A representative graph of chromosome10 and magnifications are shown in Figure 1. DNA frag-ments from the rad30-F35A rnh201Δ strain aligned to thetwo DNA strands in an alternating pattern (Figure 1, lightpurple lines). We compared the 5′-end read counts from li-braries of the pol � steric gate mutant to those generated bysteric gate mutants of replicative pols �, � and ε. We foundthat the strand specificity switches at origins of replication(Figure 1, red diamonds) and that the alignment weakly re-sembles the strand-specific patterns of pol � (Figure 1, lightgreen lines) and � (Figure 1, light red lines), which primarilysynthesize the lagging strand and show a behavior contraryto the localization of pol ε (Figure 1, light blue lines), whichprimarily synthesizes the leading strand during replication.

Strand specific tracking of replicative DNA polymerases inthe absence of NER and pol �

Based upon previous studies in Escherichia coli, NER servesas a back-up pathway to remove ribonucleotides incorpo-


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2428 Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5

OriDB-confirmed originspol1-Y869A rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

pol1-Y869A rnh201∆

rad30-F35A rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆ pol3-L612G rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

pol3-L612G rnh201∆

pol2-M644G rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

pol2-M644G rnh201∆

ARS1012 ARS1014



n of


s m


ng to





Chromosome 10 position (kbp)

rad30-F35A rnh201∆

Figure 1. Strand specific tracking of DNA polymerases ε, �, � and � on chromosome 10 in yeast deficient or proficient in RAD1 or REV3. Fraction ofends from the pol2-M644G rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain mapping to the top strand (blue). Fraction of ends from pol1-Y869A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strainmapping to the top strand (red). Fraction of ends from pol3-L612G rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain mapping to the top strand (green). Fraction of endsfrom rad30-F35A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain mapping to the top strand (purple). Light blue, light red, light green and light purple lines correspond tothe RAD1 and REV3 proficient parent strains. Confirmed origins of replication are depicted as red diamonds. Top: map of chromosome 10 showing thefraction of reads mapping to the top strand in bins of 200 bp. Middle: 200 kb region of chromosome 10. Bottom: 70 kb region of chromosome 10. All linesshow average values from three independent libraries.

rated into DNA in the absence of RER (19). For this rea-son, a yeast strain also deficient in NER (by deletion ofRAD1) was employed. To potentially increase the accessof pol � to undamaged DNA, the strains were also de-ficient in the low-fidelity DNA pol � , which plays a ma-jor role in promoting spontaneous mutagenesis in yeast.To determine whether this genetic background still reflectsthe previously described division of labor among replica-tive polymerases, we used steric gate variants of pols �,� and ε in this genetic background and mapped the lo-cation of the incorporated ribonucleotides. The eight in-vestigated strains included one wild-type strain, two vari-ants of pol ε (pol2-M644G and pol2-M644L), two variantsof pol � (pol1-Y869A and pol1-L868M), two variants ofpol � (pol3-L612G and pol3-L612M) and one pol � variant(rad30-F35A). Previously, it was shown that in a RNH201deficient yeast background, the pol2-M644G strain incor-porates more ribonucleotides than the wild-type enzyme onthe leading strand, the pol2-M644L strain incorporates lessribonucleotides than the wild-type enzyme, the pol1-Y869Astrain incorporates more ribonucleotides than pol1-L868Mon the lagging strand and the pol3-L612G strain also incor-porates more ribonucleotides than the pol3-L612M strainon the lagging strand (3). A summary of strains and geno-types used in this work can be found in Supplementary Ta-ble S1. We analyzed three independent libraries for each ofthe RAD1 and REV3 deficient strains and calculated the

mean Spearman correlation coefficient for each library, forall 16 nuclear chromosomes of the same genotype on bothforward and reverse strand (Supplementary Figure S3). Dif-ferences between different steric gate mutants of the samepolymerase (e.g. pol �-869A and pol �-L868M) can be ex-plained by distinct ribonucleotide incorporation signatures,resulting in distinct ratios of incorporated ribonucleotides(Supplementary Table S2) and possibly differing behaviordepending on the sequence context, while a high correlationbetween replicates of the same strain was observed.

We plotted average values from three replicates of chro-mosome 10 for each of the steric gate variants deficientin RAD1 and REV3: maps of pol2-M644G, pol1-Y869A,pol3-L612G (Figure 1, blue lines, red lines, green lines, re-spectively) were compared to the maps that were previouslymade using strains proficient in RAD1 and REV3 (Fig-ure 1, light blue lines, light red lines and light green lines,respectively) (3). 5′-ends from the pol2-M644G rnh201Δrad1Δ rev3Δ strain (Figure 1, blue lines) aligned with thepol2-M644G rnh201Δ strain (Figure 1, light blue lines). 5′-ends from the pol1-Y869A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain(Figure 1, red lines) aligned with the pol1-Y869A rnh201Δstrain (Figure 1, light red lines). 5′-ends from the pol3-L612G rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain (Figure 1, green lines)aligned with 5′-ends from the pol3-L612G rnh201Δ strain(Figure 1, light green lines). These observations were alsomade for the two other variants of pol � and � (Sup-


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plementary Figure S4): The 5′-ends from the pol1-L868Mrnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain (red lines) aligned with thepol1-L868M rnh201Δ strain (light red lines) and the 5′-ends from the pol3-L612M rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain(green lines) aligned with the 5′-ends from the pol3-L612Mrnh201Δ strain (light green lines). Equally, the Spearmancorrelation coefficients of these libraries reflect this behav-ior (Supplementary Figures S3 and S5). Interestingly, thefraction of ribonucleotides incorporated by pol � showed ahigher strand-specificity for the lagging-strand in the RAD1REV3 deficient background (purple lines). Based on theseobservations, it is possible that pol � may also be involvedin some leading strand synthesis during normal DNA syn-thesis, when pol � is present. The contribution of pol � and� on the leading strand maybe be necessary at difficult toreplicate regions where pol ε may stall. Further studies areneeded to clarify the role of � and � on the leading strand(such as a mediating role for pol � ), for example by track-ing steric gate variants of DNA polymerase � when pol �is absent or present. Alternatively, a bias of NER for thelagging strand, as was recently found in human time se-ries excision repair sequencing data (31), could contributeto a lower level of detectable ribonucleotides on the laggingstrand in the RAD1 REV3 proficient background, thereforeleading to a less clear detection of pol � in this genetic back-ground. It also should be noted that it is possible that DNAsynthesis on the lagging strand by pol � may be less fre-quent in a wild type strain. It is conceivable that the lag-ging strand specificity observed in this study may be due tostrand-displacement DNA synthesis of DNA polymerase �during Okazaki fragment maturation, an activity that hasbeen observed on homologous recombination, e.g. in hu-mans (13) rather than during replication.

To assess pol � usage genome-wide in the RAD1 REV3deficient background, 5′-end read counts of the pol � stericgate mutant were plotted for all 16 nuclear chromosomesand the same alternating pattern of alignment to bothstrands was observed. Figure 2 shows representative graphsfor all chromosomes of all four polymerases combined (notethat the fraction of ends mapping to the top strand was usedfor pol ε, while the fraction mapping to the bottom strandwas used for the other polymerases. Again, pol � acts on thelagging strand, following the pattern of pol � and �. Takentogether, these results support the idea of strand-specific pol� usage and its coupling to lagging strand replication in anundamaged cell.

We conclude that deletion of RAD1 and REV3 does notdisrupt the division of labor previously observed for replica-tive polymerases during normal growth. This indicates that,in a yeast strain deficient in RAD1 and REV3, pol � primar-ily synthesizes DNA on the lagging strand, where it com-petes with pols � and � (Figure 1, bottom panel). Further-more, these data suggest a direct role of pol � in generallagging strand DNA synthesis.

Pol � usage at replication origins

Previously, it has been shown that switching between DNAstrands of replicative polymerases occurs over several hun-dred base pairs centered on the autonomously replicatingsequence (ARS) consensus sequence (ACS) (3). Moreover,

the site of the observed transitions of pols �, � and ε betweenthe two strands, coincide with confirmed replication origins(Figures 1 and 2, Supplementary Figures S1 and S4, red di-amonds) (32). Similarly, we also made this observation forpol �: Heat maps (Figure 3, upper panels) and meta-analysis(Figure 3, lower panels) of 5′-ends in 50-bp bins near ACSrevealed that pol ε has a relatively sharp transition betweenthe strands, while the transition for pol � and � seems lessrapid. We also observed a pattern for the transition of pol� at ACS that shows the same directionality as the transi-tions of pol � and �. It is however less sharp than for pol �and �. This observation of strand transition alongside pol �and � further supports the idea of pol � being linked to thelagging strand replication.

Lagging strand synthesis involves the synthesis of thou-sands of Okazaki fragments and each 3′-end may be a sub-strate for pol �. Moreover, pol � may be recruited to thelagging strand by PCNA or Rev1 via the C-terminus ofpol �, which contains a PIP and Rev1-interacting region(RIR). To determine if pol � is recruited to the laggingstrand through this domain, we deleted the ten C-terminalamino acid residues containing the PIP and RIR motif(33,34) in pol �-F35A and tracked where this polymerasevariant, rad30-F35A(1–622), incorporated ribonucleotides.We plotted the strand bias across origins of replication andthis variant did not display any lagging strand preference,thus we conclude that pol � is recruited to the lagging strandthrough its 10 C-terminal amino acid residues containingthe conserved PIP and RIR motifs (Figure 3).

To characterize how pol �-F35A incorporates ribonu-cleotides in vivo, we wanted to determine if pol �-F35A in-corporates single ribonucleotides, or multiple consecutiveribonucleotides, by replacing the rnh201Δ allele with thernh201-P45D-Y219A allele. This allele retains the ability tonick at polyribonucleotide tracts, but not at single ribonu-cleotides (18). Reads were again centred across a 4-kb win-dow of the origins and we determined the strand specificityof pol �-F35A, when only stretches of ribonucleotides arerepaired (Figure 3). We observed that the lagging strandspecificity was completely abolished and in contrast, we ob-served an increase in ribonucleotides in the region of 0–0.5kb on the top strand and –0.5 to 0 kb on the bottom strand.This suggests that the majority of ribonucleotides incorpo-rated by �-F35A are short stretches of multiple consecutiveribonucleotides.

Sequence context-dependent template usage by pol �

To further characterize the behavior of pol �-F35A, weidentified the dinucleotide sequences containing incorpo-rated ribonucleotides in the rad30-F35A rnh201Δ rad1Δrev3Δ strain and compared it to the rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δstrain. Based on the strand bias maps for the three replica-tive polymerases, we binned the dinucleotide template se-quences corresponding to lagging strand sequences (Figure4, upper panel), neither lagging strand nor leading strand(Figure 4, middle panel), or leading strand dinucleotide se-quences (Figure 4, lower panel). Again, we found that pol�-F35A incorporates more ribonucleotides on the laggingstrand as signified by ratios greater than 1 (Figure 4, upperpanel), while ratios below 1 were calculated for the leading


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Position (kb)

50 kb

OriDB-confirmed origins



n of


s m


ng to





or b


m (


α, δ




















100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 70000

pol3-L612G rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

rad30-F35A rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆ pol1-Y869A rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

pol2-M644G rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

Figure 2. Genome-wide tracking of DNA polymerases ε, �, � and � in yeast deficient in RAD1 and REV3. Fraction of reads mapping to the top (pol2-M644G rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain, (blue)) or bottom (pol1-Y869A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain (red), pol3-L612G rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain (green)and rad30-F35A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ (purple)) strand genome-wide. Confirmed origins of replication are depicted as red diamonds. All lines show averagevalues from 3 independent libraries.

strand (Figure 4, lower panel). Without any sequence con-text dependence, the expected enrichment of dimers com-pared to the observed dimer bases on the DNA context(Supplementary Figure S6) will result in a ratio of 1 anda paired two-tailed t-test comparing the observed versusexpected enrichment factors gives p-values of 3.8 × 10−6,3.1 × 10−2, 5.1 × 10−16 for dimers replicated as lagging,none and leading strand, respectively. Of the 16 possibledimers, the seven with greatest increase in reads all con-tained a template T. Most ribonucleotide incorporation wasdetected for a T–T template, where a 2.2-fold increase inreads was observed. Assuming that consecutive rAs can beincorporated opposite template T–T as seen in vitro (18),the ratio for rA–rA incorporation may be underestimated

by our method, because it does not allow a distinction be-tween one, or multiple consecutive ribonucleotides.

Deletion of T:A base pairs in CAN1

Previously, spontaneous mutation types caused by pol �-F35A were analyzed using the CAN1 forward mutation as-say (18). Expression of rad30-F35A in the rnh201Δ rad1Δrev3Δ background increased the overall mutation rate 2.5-fold compared to the RAD30 rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain.The overall rate of one base pair substitutions and 2–5 basepair deletions are similar, but surprisingly there was a 17-fold increase in mutation rate for single base pair deletions.Single base pair deletions were observed 73 times at 7 differ-


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Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5 2431


Mdn + SD

Mdn - SD


ric g




(wil d





rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

-2 0 2


-2 0 2

-2 0 2







pol1-Y869Arnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆


-2 0 2 -2 0 2

-2 0 2

Distance from ACS (kb)

pol3-L612Grnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆


-2 0 2 -2 0 2

-2 0 2

rad30-F35Arnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆


-2 0 2 -2 0 2

-2 0 2


-2 0 2 -2 0 2

-2 0 2


rad1∆ rev3∆

-2 0 2

-2 0 2 -2 0 2


rad30-F35A(1-622)rnh201∆ rad1∆ rev3∆

Top strand

Bottom strand

Figure 3. Tracking of DNA polymerases ε, �, � and � near replication origins in rad1Δ and rev3Δ strains. Heat maps (upper panel) for the top (+) andbottom (–) strands of the nuclear genome for steric gate variants of pol ε, �, �, �, � (1–622) and pol � with rnh201-P45D-Y219A allele. Counts are scaled permillion reads and centred across a 4 kb window of the yeast replication origins (ACS (32)). Meta-analysis (lower panels) of strand specific ribonucleotidesin steric gate mutant strains of pol ε, �, � and � at ACS, scaled as reads per million (RPM) and in bins of 50 bp.

ent positions (positions 165–167, 387–389, 540–543, 936–939, 1022–1025, 1048, Figure 5A) on the CAN1 gene. Thesedeletion events corresponded to 69 T deletions, 3 G dele-tions and 1 C deletion on the coding strand. The 69 T dele-tions can either result from deletion of a template T on thecoding strand, or deletion of template A on the non-codingstrand. When the pol �-F35A variant incorporated ribonu-cleotides in vitro, only the incorporation opposite a templateT was efficient (18). Using single base pair deletion events inthe CAN1 gene as a marker of replication enzymology com-bined with the in vitro assays demonstrating that the stericgate variant preferably uses T as a template, suggests thatthe T:A base pair deletions are a result of pol � replicatingA on the non-coding strand, but these data do not showif this strand bias is related to specific leading, or lagging,strand synthesis.

CAN1 is located on chromosome 5 at position 31,694–33,466. A confirmed origin, ARS504.2, is located 20 kb up-stream of the CAN1 reporter gene, while the closest con-firmed origin downstream is ARS507 and located 26 kbaway. Based on the two origins’ distance from the CAN1reporter gene, it is not possible to determine if the non-coding strand is replicated as the leading, or lagging strand.To determine on which strand pol � is replicating CAN1using ribonucleotides as a marker of replication enzymol-ogy, we used the HydEn-seq method and plotted the frac-tion of reads that mapped to the top strand for rad30-F35Arnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ in a region spanning 0–80 kb of chro-mosome 5 (Figure 5B). From the HydEn-seq data, we ob-serve that at ARS507, pol �-F35A demonstrates an abruptchange in strand preference, while at ARS504.2, pol � doesnot demonstrate a clear transition between the strands. Asa consequence of the clear, abrupt change of strand prefer-

ence at ARS507, we observe that the non-coding strand ofCAN1 is replicated by pol �-F35A. These data imply thatsingle base pair deletions found in the CAN1 reporter geneare a result of ribonucleotide incorporation by pol �-F35Aon the non-coding strand and HydEn-seq data confirmsthat pol � is replicating the non-coding strand of CAN1 asthe lagging strand.

Strand preference for pol � induced mutations in melanomas

To investigate if the strand bias of pol � found in S. cere-visiae is evolutionarily conserved in humans, we studied thereplication strand bias of likely pol �-induced mutations inmelanoma. Human pol � preferentially causes WA→WGtransitions that arise when a template T is mispaired witha G (35,36). Among these transitions, the TA→TG substi-tutions are particularly useful when assessing strand asym-metry since this dinucleotide is present in equal numbers onboth strands. Recently, the majority of substitutions at A:Tbase pairs in melanoma have been estimated to be caused bypol � acting on undamaged DNA (37). In a cohort of 221melanomas subjected to whole genome sequencing (27,29),we identified 313 751 TA→TG mutations and they showeda weak strand bias around predicted origins of replication(25) consistent with a likely lagging strand preference forhuman pol � (Figure 5C). This finding was recently furthersupported in the analysis of damage sequencing data in UV-treated human fibroblasts, that suggested TLS of bulky le-sions is giving rise to mutations during replication (31).


DNA polymerase � is best characterized as a TLS poly-merase. In vitro studies in S. cerevisiae suggest that pol �


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Figure 4. Dinucleotide template sequences associated with HydEn-seqsequencing reads of pol �-F35A. Bars show the relative ratio of readcounts from the rad30-F35A rnh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain compared to thernh201Δ rad1Δ rev3Δ strain by template dimer from either the laggingstrand (upper panel), neither leading nor lagging strand (middle panel) orleading strand (lower panel). Values are from three independent libraries.Error bars show the standard error of the mean.

has an ability to bypass a variety of DNA lesions includingcis–syn T–T dimers (7,8), C–C and T–C photoproducts (38)and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) (39,40). Moreover,in vivo studies support pol �’s relevance in the bypass of cis-syn T–T dimers (41,42) and 8-oxoG (43). In addition to itsrole in specific lesion bypass, pol � has been shown to be in-volved in other cellular processes, such as somatic hypermu-tation, replication of common fragile sites and maintenanceof telomere DNA (12,17,37).

As previously shown for the whole yeast genome, replica-tive polymerases perform DNA synthesis in a pattern re-flecting the course of leading and lagging strand synthesisduring replication (3). The results of our current study illus-trate that under normal growth conditions and in the ab-

sence of NER and the TLS polymerase � , pol � is mainlyactive on the lagging strand (Figure 5D) and the recruit-ment of pol � to the lagging strand has a mutational cost inhumans (Figure 5C). The observed increase in rA incorpo-ration at undamaged template T–T is most likely related topol �’s main role in accurately replicating past cis–syn T–Tdimers (7). The lagging strand specificity of pol � is consis-tent with studies of the related Y-family TLS polymerases,pol IV and pol V, in E. coli (reviewed in (44)). In this case,pol IV and pol V may gain access to abandoned primer ter-mini generated by pol I during Okazaki fragment process-ing, and thereby become recruited to the lagging strand (45–47). Our results are also consistent with studies in buddingyeast, where pol � was mainly found to be involved in by-pass of 8-oxoG lesions on the lagging strand in a forwardmutation assay (48). Our findings are furthermore consis-tent with structure-function studies of pol �, where it wasdemonstrated that the PIP motif in pol � is essential forinteraction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)(33). Accessibility of specialized TLS polymerases to un-damaged DNA therefore appears to be conserved through-out evolution and TLS polymerases may have increased ac-cessibility at lagging strand templates which are not effi-ciently repaired by NER.

Our findings suggest that the concept of the division oflabor among replicative DNA polymerases may extend tothe specialized DNA pol �. It seems reasonable to hypoth-esize that this is connected to the different mechanisms ofleading and lagging strand synthesis: After pol � has syn-thesized a primer, pol � performs the majority of DNA syn-thesis of the Okazaki fragment. In contrast to the laggingstrand mechanism, leading strand replication involves pol ε,which performs the majority of continuous DNA synthesis.Current models suggest that the stalling of pol ε still allowscontinuous unwinding of the template strands so that lag-ging strand synthesis may continue (5). Uncoupling of heli-case and pol ε may thus expose a relatively large stretch ofsingle stranded DNA. Post-replicative gap filling by special-ized TLS polymerases other than pol �, or template switch-ing, are strategies to tolerate such lesions. In both cases, theextension after successful bypass of the replication stallinglesion may be performed more efficiently by another (TLS)DNA polymerase. The genetic background of the strains in-vestigated in our study suggests, however, that pol � is notessential for this process.

Why the recruitment of pol � to the lagging strand is fa-cilitated remains to be fully elucidated. The ring-shaped ho-motrimeric PCNA, a protein belonging to the sliding clampfamily (49), was identified as an auxiliary protein of pol �(50). It plays a role in modulating replication fork assem-bly and replicative polymerase activities (51–53). It servesas a platform to mediate a number of cellular processes (54)including DNA repair (55) as well as an inheritance andformation of chromatin structures (56,57). Furthermore,links between PCNA and TLS have been discovered (58,59)and PCNA may act as a ‘tool belt’ to facilitate polymeraseswitching. Our data supports the idea, that when pol � isstalled, it may be exchanged for pol � via its PIP motif(58). Pol � can then bind to the template DNA and bypass


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Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5 2433

3´620-625 540-5431,022-1,025 387-389936-939 165-1671,048



TGA TTT TCA-- -- -- -- ----

-- -- -- -- --∆








(6)∆(62) ∆








−500 −400 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300 400 500

Distance from origin (kb)








g 2)

Chromosome V position (kb)



n of


ds m



to to

p st



pol η




40200 60 80

Chromosome 5 position (kb)



Distance from origin (kb)


Pol ηPIP


leading strand

lagging strand


Figure 5. Strand specific mapping of pol �mutational signatures using T–A deletions in yeast or TA→TG mutations in humans. (A) Preferential replicationof the lagging strand template by pol �-F35A. The orientation of the CAN1 reporter is indicated by the direction of the arrow. Deletion hotspots areidentified numerically within the arrow. The deletion hotspot sequences are shown in bold. (B) Fraction of reads mapping to the top strand on chromosome5 from 0–80 kb and origins of replication around CAN1. (C) Ratio of likely pol �-induced mutations (TA>TG) between the top and bottom strand in 100kb bins around 1047 origins of replication in human melanomas (n = 221). (D) Model of lagging strand specific recruitment of pol �. Pol � is recruited tothe lagging strand through the PCNA binding motif (PIP) and has a preference for T–T dinucleotide sequences in the template.

replication-blocking lesions, thereby providing tolerance toDNA damage. In particular, PCNA was shown to physi-cally interact with the C-terminus of pol �, to stimulate itsactivity together with replication factor C and replicationprotein A in vitro and to be essential for pol �-mediated UVresistance in vivo (33). Whether the ubiquitination status ofPCNA has an effect on the TLS efficiency or if it is merelyrelevant to the recruitment and polymerase switch remainscontroversial (59,60). It would be interesting to track thegenome-wide effects of PCNA dysregulation on in vivo poly-merase utilization. It is possible that pol �’s strand-specificusage would switch to also include the leading strand whencells are challenged with UV-light, DNA-modifying agents,or when the competing TLS polymerase, pol � , is avail-able. These possibilities can be determined tracking enzymeactivity through ribonucleotide incorporation as outlinedhere.


The sequencing data has been deposited in the GeneExpression Omnibus database under accession no.

GSE110241. Custom scripts are available upon request tothe corresponding author.


Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.


We would like to thank the GeneCoreSU NGS platforms,at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska Hospital.Authors contributions: K.K., J.K. and C.N. performed ex-periments. K.K., M.K.M.E., L.J.T., M.B., E.L, R.W. andA.R.C. analyzed data. R.W. and A.R.C. designed experi-ments. J.P.M. provided reagents. All authors were involvedin data analysis. K.K. and A.R.C. wrote the manuscriptwith input from all authors. Correspondence and requestsfor materials should be addressed to [email protected].


Swedish Research Council (www.vr.se) [2014-6466 toA.R.C.]; Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (www.


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stratresearch.se) [ICA14-0060 to A.R.C.]; Genomics CoreFacility at University of Gothenburg for sequencing; Na-tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development,National Institutes of Health, Intramural Research Pro-gram (to R.W. and J.P.M.); Chalmers University of Tech-nology provided financial support (to M.K.M.E.); SwedishResearch Council (to E.L.); Swedish Cancer Foundation (toE.L.); Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (to E.L.);Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (to E.L.); Theresults published here are in part based upon data gener-ated by The Cancer Genome Atlas pilot project establishedby the NCI and NHGRI, and upon data generated by theAustralian Melanoma Genome Project and hosted by theInternational Cancer Genome Consortium. We are mostgrateful to the patients, investigators, clinicians, technicalpersonnel, and funding bodies who contributed to theseprojects, thereby making this study possible. The fundershad no role in study design, data collection and analysis, de-cision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Fund-ing for open access charge: Vetenskapsradet.Conflict of interest statement. None declared.

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