DM Condition & Specification of Building

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  • 7/27/2019 DM Condition & Specification of Building


    Dubai Municipality

    Continue Regulation of Building Conditions & Specifications

    Article (42): Sanitation Works:-

    (A) No drainage works shall be made except after obtaining the

    building license from the competent authority.

    (B) All materials used in the sanitation works and designing the drainage

    works in the buildings and constructions must be compatible with the

    standard conditions and specifications issued by the competent


    (C) Connection of the buildings relating to the public drainage network

    shall in no way be made apart from the Municipality as the concerned

    authority is the sole party authorized to do the same.

    (D) No changes shall be made to the drainage designs of any building after

    the issuance of the building license without obtaining the necessary

    license even if such changes are acceptable as to the technical andengineering aspects thereof.

    (E) The competent authoritys approval to connect drainage lines of the

    buildings to the public network as set forth in the drawings of the

    building license is an initial approval not binding the Municipality if it

    has become clear thereafter that the connection in this manner is

    difficult or impossible. The competent authority may ask for making

    changes to drainage system of the building in such cases in order toconnect drainage lines of the building to the public network in the

    proper technical and engineering manner.


  • 7/27/2019 DM Condition & Specification of Building


    Dubai Municipality

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    Article (43): Provisions and Conditions of Sanitation Works:-

    (A) The following documents and plans must be presented as minimum for

    the sanitation works upon applying for the building license:-

    1- Paying the drainage connection fees if there is public drainage

    network and the connection location document (home joint F.I.C) with

    this network.

    2- Sheet of the sanitation works conditions and specifications according

    to the competent authority instructions signed and approved by the


    3- Setting-out plan explaining the public drainage lines in the area

    surrounding the plot of land, if any, and the external drainage lines,

    check rooms within the plot, the last check room, and the home jointlocation with the public drainage network lines and levels, and

    dissolution tank and absorption hole if there is no public drainage


    4- Plans of sanitary supplies and water supplies of all floors of

    the building.

    5- Any other documents or details required by the competent authority.

    (B) Surfaces of toilets, urinals and washbasins must be soft, easily cleaned

    and non-absorbable. Such installations must be made and installed in a


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    Dubai Municipality

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    way insuring complete draining of their contents through a water spigotproofed against water evaporation and dryness. In addition, all siphons

    of the latrines and urinals must be of an efficient and powerful type to

    clean the excrements and to endure heavy usages in public places.

    (C) In the buildings which are less than 20 floors in height, the drainage in

    the ground floor shall be separately connected to the check rooms

    directly and not to be connected on the same vertical columns of the

    higher floors.

    (D) In the buildings which are more than 20 floors in height, the drainage in

    the ground and first floors shall be separately connected to the check

    rooms directly and not to be connected on the same vertical columns of

    the higher floors.

    (E) The internal drainage system in the buildings must be supplied with the

    necessary ventilation pipes and with a size sufficient to the purpose oftheir use provided that the internal caliber thereof shall in no way be

    less that (50) mm. in the internal connections and (75) mm. inn the

    vertical columns. In addition, they must be vertically installed and

    raised to its minimum by one meter above the highest hole in the

    building and by horizontal distance of not less than (2) meters.

    The competent authority may ask to raise the ventilation pipe or to take

    it away from the pits beyond what was mentioned if there are technicalreasons requiring the same. In addition, the pipes ends must be covered

    by their own covers.


  • 7/27/2019 DM Condition & Specification of Building


    Dubai Municipality

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    (F) The washers water shall not be discharged to the ground drains or thenormal drainages columns, and it must be discharged directly to the

    work columns or check rooms by way of a deep water spigot.

    (G) The work pipes and normal drainage pipes buried under ground must be

    made of strong and solid materials, and their calibers and inclinations

    must be compatible with the specifications determined by the competent

    authority. In addition, the joints thereof must be water- and air-proof

    and not producing any obstacles inside the pipes, and to be able toendure a pressure of not less than the minimum pressure, a height of (3)

    meters of water. Such pipes must be extended and spread out according

    to the conditions of the soil and load and based on the instructions of the

    manufacturer companies.

    (H) A check room must be constructed at every point in which the direction

    of the drainage pipes shall be changed or at which the degree of their

    declination shall be changed or at which a pipeline shall be connected toanother one. The distance between any two subsequent check rooms

    must not be more than (15) meters, and the check rooms must be made

    in accordance with the specifications determined by the competent


    (I) It is not permissible to build check rooms inside the ceiled buildings

    except in the skylights, corridors, services rooms, garages, and passages

    of sufficient ventilation provided that they shall be of the dry kind. Inaddition, the drainage pipes extended under ground and wall must be

    protected against any external works or against the floor collapse, and


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    Dubai Municipality

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    the cleaning pits thereon must be secured by distances of not more than(10) meters.

    (J) All check rooms must be constructed within the limits of the plot, and at

    the time of designing and determining the check rooms locations, it is

    necessary to take into consideration choosing the location and the

    appropriate levels of the last check room as to the easiness of

    connection to the public drainage network and fulfilling the conditions

    of the competent authority.

    (K) All ground floors (vaults) must be supplied with the means and

    equipment appropriate to water discharge and purification such as (sand

    sedimentation rooms pumps fat traps.. etc.) and in case there in no

    need to the fat traps in the current supposed design, it is necessary to

    make the supplies required to install them if need be.

    (L) The drainage lines shall not be extended through the columns, bridges,foundations and electricity rooms except as approved by the competent

    authority. In such cases, the pipes shall be extended through pits to be

    constructed in advance at the time of founding the concrete. The pipes

    must be supplied with the necessary flexible joints.

    (M) In case of discharging large amounts of fats or oils to the drainage

    network from the restaurants or kitchens and the like, a spigot of a

    design approved by the concerned authority must be installed for fatsand oils.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (N) The commercial and industrial wastes shall not be discharged to thepublic drainage network without obtaining the consent of the concerned

    authority, and this consent shall not be granted except in case of

    providing the supplies appropriate for initial management of such

    wastes. In addition, the heaters water exceeding (37 C.) shall not be

    discharged to the public drainage network before being cooled.

    Article (44): Sanitary Accommodations:-

    (A) Minimum sanitary accommodations required to be provided in the

    buildings shall be as follows provided that at least (75%) thereof

    (toilets) in the public activities locations must be of the eastern model:-

    1- Housing Units:

    Every housing unit in the building must be supplied with the necessary

    sanitary accommodations including bathrooms, toilets and kitchens andat least one toilet not to be entered thereto from any housing room.

    2- Studios:

    Every studio in the building must be supplied with the necessary

    sanitary accommodations including bathrooms, toilets and kitchens as


    3- Offices, Shops and Fairs:A- Offices:


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    One water closet (WC) must be provided for every separateoffice or for every (2000) square meters of the open offices in

    case of making collective bathes.

    B- Shops and Fairs:

    One WC at least must be provided for the commercial space from (1) to

    (3000) square meters, and two WCs for men and one for women for the

    space from (3001) to (10000) square meters, and adding one WC for

    men and another one for women for every increase of (10000) squaremeters.

    4- Trade Centers and Public Entertainment Buildings:

    A- At least three WCs for men and two WCs for women must be

    provided for the commercial or entertaining space from (1) to (10000)

    square meters, and adding one WC for men and another one for women

    for every increase of (5000) square meters along with providing WCs

    for women equal to half of the number of men WCs.

    B- At least two additional WCs one for men and one for women must

    be provided the handicapped people if the commercial or entertaining

    space is more than (20000) square feet.

    5- Labor Housing:

    A- The sanitary accommodations must be provided in accordance

    with the labor housing stipulations referred to in article (31) ofthis Regulation.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    B- WCs shall be separated from the washbasins and bathrooms insidethe collective services.

    6- Nurseries and Schools:

    The sanitary accommodations must be provided for schools and

    nurseries in accordance with their stipulations referred to in article (34)

    of this Regulation.

    7- Stores and Workshops:A toilet and washbasin must be provided for every store and workshop.

    However in case of the collective services, a toilet and washbasin must

    be provided for every (5000) square meters for the first ten thousand

    square meters of the total space of the buildings then one toilet and

    washbasin for every (15000) square meters following the first ten

    thousand square meters provided that such washbasin must be external.

    8- Hotels, Hotel Restaurants and Hostels:The sanitary accommodations must be provided in accordance with

    hotel stipulations referred to in article (37) of this Regulation.

    9- Mosques:

    The sanitary accommodations must be provided thereto in accordance

    with mosque stipulations referred to in article (32) of this Regulation.

    10- Other Specialized Buildings:The sanitary accommodations must be provided thereto in

    accordance with the special studies and approved international

    specifications and measurements.


  • 7/27/2019 DM Condition & Specification of Building


    Dubai Municipality

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    Article (45): Dissolution Tanks and Absorption Pits:-

    In case there is no public drainage network in the area in which the

    building is to be constructed, the building must be provided with

    drainage, collection and dissolution tanks in accordance with the

    following conditions:-

    A- To be within the limits of the plot.

    B- To be in a location near the road and away from the main building

    and neighboring area, and to be easily reached for cleaning,

    maintenance and discharge purposes provided that the competent

    authority shall approve such location, and to be easily connected to the

    public drainage network in the future.

    C- The ceilings of such tanks must be built by reinforced concrete so

    that they shall endure the cars passing above them in need by.

    D- To have an opening with a heavy type cover that can be tightly

    closed, and with sufficient dimensions.

    E- The level of their ceilings shall not be higher than the level of the

    ground of its location.

    F- The capacity of such tanks must be appropriate and calculated based

    on the daily personal consumption according to the standard tables.


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  • 7/27/2019 DM Condition & Specification of Building


    Dubai Municipality

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    (B) Every open surface in any building must be made with an inclination ofnot less than (50:1 to 70:1) so that the water shall flow out thereupon to

    appropriate ductules or outlets leading to drainage pipes or waterspouts

    appropriate for this purpose.

    (C) The ductules, waterspouts, outlets and drainage pipes must be made

    with an inclination angle of not less than (90:1) and made of strong

    materials and waterproof joints, of sufficient sizes and installed in a

    strong and secure manner.

    (D) Rainwater shall not be discharged in the drainage pipes, dissolution

    tanks, absorption pits or in the neighboring areas, but it should be

    discharged in the surfaces of roads and ways. The rainwater may be

    discharged directly into the public rainwater drainage network or the

    absorption pits in coordination with the concerned authority.

    (E) Conditioners and terraces water shall not be discharged to the streetsdirectly or to the rainwater drainage lines, and they must be discharged

    to the public drainage network.

    (F) Waste waters shall not be discharged to the rainwater drainage network

    regardless of any reason.

    Article (47): Water Supply:-


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (A) All used materials and their specifications, network designs,workmanship of water supplies must be in accordance with the

    conditions and specifications of Dubai Electricity & Water Authority.

    (B) Every building or construction must be connected to the public water

    network except no water is procured in any way approved by the

    competent authority.

    Article (48): Drink Water Tanks:-

    (A) Drink water tanks must be made of stainless or non-wearing materials,

    and not to affect the natural and chemical properties of water, and not to

    cause any change in the color, taste or odor of the water, and not to be

    affected with heat or moisture, ant to be non-penetrable of light and

    having no harmful effect on the human health.

    (B) The tanks must be provided with openings for cleaning with an

    appropriate measurement and allowing tight closing and of the type

    specialized to the water tanks (double seal) and such openings to be

    with a capacity sufficient for the entry of one person to perform the

    regular cleaning inside the tank, and its location to be in a clean area

    and away from the daily direct movement and way from the pollution

    sources, and to be higher than the ground level.

    (C) Upon designing, it is necessary to take into consideration to make the

    tank free of any strict angles causing the accumulation of dirts and

    microbes or hindering the regular cleaning works.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (D) The tanks must be supplied with openings for water filling, distribution,

    discharge of washing water and ventilation with measurements

    appropriate to the tank size, and consideration must be taken for the

    distribution openings to be of a height of less than (6) cm. above the

    tank bottom level, and for wash water drainage openings to be inside the

    tank bottom, and for the tank filling and ventilation openings to be in

    the upper part of the tank, and for all such openings to be supplied with

    spigots to control opening and closing, and for the ventilation tube to bedesigned in away preventing the entry of any materials or insects which

    may pollute the tank, and for all such openings and connections to be

    made of stainless materials of no harmful effects on the human health.

    (E) The tank must be placed in clean locations and away from any source of

    pollution, and to be raised on poles of not less than (20) cm. from the

    ground, and to take into consideration to install the tank in a way not

    affecting the insulation layers of the surfaces, and it is recommended toplace the tank in a shaded place and not to appear in a way deforming

    and impeding movement on the surface.

    (F) The water tanks must be cleaned once every (six months at least) taking

    into consideration that the materials used in cleaning shall not include

    any toxic materials or harmful to the public health, and the health

    conditions must be strictly observed in the cleaning process.

    (G) Taking into consideration to choose the water tanks location to be away

    as possible from the drainage lines, check rooms, dissolution tanks and

    absorption pits. In all cases, it is not allowed to place the drainage lines


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    above or beside the water tanks in case the tanks are under the groundsurface level.

    (H) The capacity of water tanks shall be calculated based on the actual

    needs of the building in accordance with what is determined by the

    competent authority.

    (I) The inspector has the right to enter to any building to inspect the water

    tanks to make sure they are compatible with the health and technicalconditions.

    Article (49): Storage of Home Gas Cylinders:-

    The following conditions must be met as minimum in the places of

    storing the home gas cylinders.

    (A) The home gas cylinder must be placed in a covered and well-ventilated

    place and such place must be outside the kitchen or housing area.

    (B) The cylinders store in the public buildings must be of a well-ventilated

    place and easily reached to exchange the empty cylinders and to be

    easily isolated and to combat the fires erupted therein in case of


    (C) All gas supplies must be made in accordance with the approved

    standard specifications of the competent authority.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (D) In case there is a central store of gas cylinders in the buildings, thebuilding owner must perform annual inspection for all joints and pipes

    of gas connection to the housing units to make sure they are safe and

    there is no leaks therein.

    (E) All cylinder stores must be supplied with fire combat and alert systems

    in accordance with the specifications and conditions determined by the

    competent authority, and to regularly maintain the extinguishment


    (F) Not to store the flammable materials such as car tires, carton and paper

    with gas cylinders.

    Article (50): Insulating Materials:-

    The following provisions shall be applied to the heat and moistureinsulating materials:-

    (A) Insulating layers must be placed on the floors of bathrooms, kitchens,

    and WCs.

    (B) Moisture and heat insulating layers must be placed on the last ceiling of

    the building to protect the last floor ceiling from rainwater infiltration

    and heat.

    (C) Insulating layers must be placed around the building foundations to a

    height of one foot above the natural level of the ground.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (D) All metals which are subject to rust must be painted and protected by

    insulating materials and to be maintained on regular basis especially the

    drainage and supply pipes.

    (E) All conditions and specifications set forth in the heat insulation

    regulation approved by the competent authority upon designing,

    implementing and calculating the heat and electrical works of the

    building including (ceilings, walls, windows, doors, building direction,location arrangement, tree planting, electrical lighting, mechanical

    ventilation, conditioning, .. etc.)

    Article (51): Conditions of Waste Rooms and Complexes:-

    (A) Buildings and housing, industrial, educational, health, entertaining and

    tourist complexes must be supplied with a waste complex within thelimits of the plot and within the building fence, or in a room to be built

    in the ground floor of the building itself, to collect the wastes therein as

    a preliminary step toward moving the wastes outside the building to get

    rid thereof.

    (B) The waste rooms specifications are as follows:-

    1- To be built in a place near the street or on the road in case there is nostreet to facilitate the process of getting out the containers and taking

    them to the vehicles of waste collection without obstacles.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    2- The entrance measurements shall be appropriate to get the containersout and in easily therefrom, and the entrances shall be supplied with

    slopes with inclinations appropriate for this purpose.

    3- The measurements and areas of the rooms and complexes shall be in

    accordance with what is determined in article (52) of this Regulation.

    4- The floor and entire height of rooms walls shall be made of ceramic

    tiles to be easily cleaned.

    5- To be supplied with water directly from the network or from the

    elevation tank.

    6- To be connected with the drainage lines in the building.

    7- To be of a good lighting and to be supplied with a good ventilation


    8- All windows to be tightly closed and supplied with soft metal screen

    to prevent insects and rodents from getting into or out thereof.

    9- The collection room door must be made of stainless metal material

    (aluminum) along with being supplied from the lower part with

    ventilation beams (Louver) or mechanical ventilation system and to

    make the door opening direction outwards.

    10- Waste containers complex shall be in the ground floor, and the level

    thereof shall not be less than the specified areal reference, and its


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    Dubai Municipality

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    entrance shall be connected to the street with a slope of appropriateinclinations, and to be paved with washable ceramic tiles and supplied

    with water point.

    (C) The building must be supplied with a chute system if the building is

    more than three floors in height above the ground floor and the area of

    the plot is more than (2500) square feet, and ???????? shall not be

    considered as a floor if its use was subsidiary to the ground floor.

    (D) In the plots of not less than (5000) square feet, the waste chute may be

    replaced by providing small waste rooms with (6x4) feet in every floor

    in addition to the main waste room in the ground floor provided that the

    width of its door shall not be less than (90) cm and to open outwards

    and to be supplied with the door closer along with providing mechanical

    ventilation, and it is not allowed to provide ventilation through

    ventilation openings (Louver) in the door.

    (E) The caliber of waste chute from the floors to the collection room must

    not be less than (60) cm provided that the waste throwing openings in

    the repeated floors must be preceded by a small room of not less than

    (3x3) feet and the width of its door shall not be less than (80) cm. and

    its door shall open outwards along with installing the door closer.

    (F) In the buildings in which the chute system is not required and the floor

    is more than (10000) square feet, small rooms of less than (4x6) feetshall be provided to collect the waste bags in every floor provided that

    the width of its door shall be not less than (90) cm and its door shall

    open outwards and supplied with the door closer along with providing


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    Dubai Municipality

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    mechanical ventilation and not allowing the ventilation through(Louver) openings in the doors.

    (G) Chute system can be replaced with an alternative service elevator to be

    placed in an area separated from the main elevators along with building

    small rooms for collection with the same area of the elevator in every

    floor so that the elevator shall be near the main waste rooms of the


    (H) The building owner or his authorized representative shall be responsible

    for cleaning inside the building and the external areas surrounding and

    attached thereto to the borders of the general street, and for carrying and

    moving the waste containers from the waste rooms to the nearest street

    in the specified times for the same along with returning the containers to

    the rooms after completing the process of discharge.

    (I) The normal compactor shall not be considered as an alternative for thenumber of containers or the area of waste rooms.

    (J) If the location of chute system is away from the streets surrounding the

    plot, a waste collection room can be built in a place near the street or the

    road in case no street is there.

    (K) It is strictly forbidden to throw the active chemical wastes, toxic

    materials or hazardous liquids inside the waste containers.


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    Dubai Municipality

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    (L) To contribute to environment protection, the garbage must by recycledthrough assigning and classifying the waste containers based on the

    main types of the thrown materials.

    Article (52): Measurements of Waste Rooms and Complexes:-

    (A) In the buildings which are less than 2000 square meters, a waste room

    of (4x6) feet must be provided in the ground floor only along withproviding mechanical ventilation for it provided that the width of its

    door shall not be less than (90) cm. and to be supplied with the door


    (B) In the buildings which are more than 2000 square meters, waste rooms

    must be provided as follows:-

    1- Up to 100 kg. of


    One room taking one container of (1

    and 1) cubic meter.

    2- Up to 250 kg. of


    One room taking one container of (2,5)

    cubic meters, or two containers of (1

    and 1) cubic meter for every container.

    3- Up to 500 kg. of


    One room taking two containers of (2,5)

    cubic meters.

    4- Up to 750 kg. of One room taking three containers of


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    wastes (2,5) cubic meters.

    5- Up to 1000 kg. of


    One room taking four containers of

    (2,5) cubic meters.

    6- More than 1000 kg.

    of wastes

    Number of waste rooms shall be

    determined in accordance with a special

    study or the same previous rates shall be

    calculated for half of the quantityexceeding (1000) kg.

    (C) The quantities of wastes shall be calculated in accordance with the

    following rates:

    1- The housing usage at a rate of (12) kg. for every (1000) square feet of

    the used area.

    2- The commercial usage at a rate of (12) kg. for every (1000) square

    feet of the used area.

    3- The office usage at a rate of (5) kg. for every (1000) square feet of

    the used area.

    4- Hotels at a rate of (3) kg. for every room and (5) kg. for every suite

    and the remaining elements are based on the type of activity.

    (D) To determine the areas of waste rooms, the following measurements

    shall be approved:


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    1- The waste rooms shall take all required containers in accordance with

    the measurements approved for the containers as follows:

    - Container of (1 and 1) cubic meter (188 x 136) cm.

    - Container of (2,5) cubic meters (148 x 204) cm.

    2- A distance of one foot shall be left between the containers and the

    waste room walls.

    3- A distance of one foot shall be left between the containers with one

    another and away from all directions.

    4- A distance of two feet shall be left between the container and the

    room front in which the waste room is existing.

    5- The width of the internal passage of waste room shall not be less than

    (4) feet.

    (E) The door of waste room must be of a width allowing the containers to

    get in and out easily provided that such width shall not be less than (6)

    feet as minimum.

    (F) The height of waste room must not be less than (8) feet as minimum.

    (G) Measurement of the waste room and its door depends on the manner of

    distribution and movement of containers therein and the possibility of

    access to all containers and taking them out.


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    (H) In hotels and specialized institutions, a hydraulic compressor can beprovided after presenting a special study and the concerned authoritys

    approval provided that its size shall not be less than what is required.

    (I) In educational institutions, a complex must be provided for waste

    containers taking not less than two containers of (2,5) cubic meters, one

    for the paper and the second for the remaining materials.

    (J) In health institutions, a complex shall be provided for waste containerstaking not less than two containers of (2,5) cubic meters in addition to

    the special and necessary containers for the patient rooms, offices and

    administrative areas which shall be calculated based on (12) kg. for

    every (1000) square meters of the net area thereof.

    (K) In labor housings, a waste complex must be provided taking the number

    of required containers at a rate of (2,5) cubic meters for every (10000)

    square feet of the total area of buildings and one container as minimum.

    (L) In industrial institutions (warehouses or workshops of light industries),

    a complex for waste rooms must be provided with an area of not less

    than (10 x 10) feet paved with washable tiles and supplied with a water

    point for washing so that it shall take the number of required containers

    at a rate of (2,5) cubic meters container for every (20000) square feet of

    the total area of buildings, and in the areas of heavy industries and

    specialized large projects and sports clubs, the waste rooms and typeand number of containers shall be determined in accordance with

    studies relating thereto approved by the competent authority.


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    (M) In housing villas, the following must be observed:-

    1- In the complexes of investment villas, collective waste rooms shall

    be provided in accordance with the specifications set forth in article (51)

    of this Regulation and according to the following table:-

    Number of Villas Capacity of


    Number of


    1 10 2,5 cubic meters 1

    11 20 2,5 cubic meters 2

    21 30 2,5 cubic meters 3

    31 40 2,5 cubic meters 4