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Divorcing an alcoholic spouse

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Divorcing an Alcoholic Spouse

Alcoholism is one of the common reasons why

people file for a San Jose County divorce. From a

legal perspective, however, you might think that

alcohol abuse theoretically shouldn’t be an issue

unless minor children are involved and/or the di-

vorcing spouses are arguing over whether the

costs of that DUI legal defense was for the benefit

of the community and should be split 50/50 or as-

signed entirely to the party who got the DUI (or,

worse, if you show up in Court drunk, and the

Judge finds you in Contempt.) Because alcohol

abuse is such a common cause of divorce, any evi-

dence that a party has this problem can effect the

way a Judge might rule on many other factors.

If you are the sober party, and are getting a di-

vorce from the one who drinks, then you will need

a divorce lawyer in san jose & you should also

consider that in long term relationships where

only one party drinks there can be co-dependency

type issues that should be addressed by the sober

spouse. If you are suffering from co-dependency

issues it can make it harder to reach sound deci-

sions during the divorce process. A good divorce

attorney will help to steady you, but you cannot

afford to litigate when your decisions may be

clouded by irrational thoughts.

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