The Periwinkle Paper Division 18 March 2015 March 2015| Vol. 1| Issue 6

Division 18 March Newsletter

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Page 1: Division 18 March Newsletter

The Periwinkle Paper Division 18 March 2015

March 2015| Vol. 1| Issue 6

Page 2: Division 18 March Newsletter

Hello Division 18,

Bring the passion, take the lead, working together we will succeed! I’m looking for-ward to the experience of being your new LTG and to be meeting all you bright, won-derful key clubbers! I’m a proud panther at Abby Senior Secondary and have been devoted to Kiwanis since grade 8. It is an honor to be elected lieutenant governor of district 18 and I’m excited to see what our division can accomplish.

Volunteering in the community signifies passion and I feel it’s important to be passionate about what you choose to do. I’ve competed in public speaking for 5 years and love meeting new people! Broadcasting is one of my main passions and I absolutely love anchoring the school news. For the past 3 years I have also partici-pated and competed in Science Fair both regionally and nationally, and am now in the process of conducting an environmental study. I enjoy being involved with leadership class as it develops my leadership skills which I feel are very important. Other passions of mine include baking, cooking, photography, reading, singing, and watching movies. Whether it be saying “ballislife” (sports) or “schooliscool” (academics) I am a hard worker who tries to put her best effort in all she does. Sometimes the life of a student means sleeping at 1am from do-ing homework or waking at 5 am to study for that final but I’m able to pull through with the help and support from my friends, family and teachers!

As per my goals and aims for division 18, it’s about collaboration amongst all our different high schools to-wards charitable organizations. Here at Abby Senior we are passionate towards charitable organizations such as Free the Children, Grace Rwanda, and The 30 Hour Famine is the largest project and one of my favourites as well. The Eliminate Project is definitely something our clubs can collaborate on and it’s up to you bright members of what it is you want to pursue with different charitable organizations. DCON is an event I’m defi-nitely looking forward to and hope to have some great monthly DCM’s!

I realize being lieutenant governor is going to be an eye opening experience that is going to allow me to meet

some brilliant minds and help make a difference in the world. Opportunities allow us to engage upon new ad-

ventures and I’m anxious and excited to experience what this fantastic adventure with all of you will bring!

Meet Your New LtG:

Baneet Braich!

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Kiwanis Leadership Camp

Who: Open to all students Grades 8-12 associated with Ki-wanis When: April 10-12 Where: Camp Kawkawa, Hope, BC Cost: $60 CDN

Kiwanis Leadership Camp is Key Leader 2.0! Join us for a

weekend of skill-building and fun! This year, our time at

Camp Kawkawa will be much better than years past. Instead

of sitting through very long lectures, this Kiwanis Leadership

Camp will be activity based and will be focused on communi-

ty building and developing all attendees into excellent lead-

ers. Only one thing will stay the same, the mouth-watering


I look forward to seeing you all there!

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DCON Packing List!

If you are attending DCON, make

sure you pack these items!!


1 Business Outfit for Caucusing

1 Formal Outfit for the Banquet

2 Casual Outfits for Saturday and Sunday


Spirit Pack!!

Money for Dinner (around $30)



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Bye - Bye Platypi

Hello everyone,

Thank you for a great year! My term has been a terrific experience because I had the

luck of being surrounded by amazing salmon/Perrys. From Canada Rally to this

coming DCON, working with you all will be a part of my life that I will miss dearly.

It really has been amazing to see each member grow, along with the division. De-

spite expanding, you all have grown closer with each other regardless of which club

you are from. I know that Baneet will continue this trend and make this unit even

more cohesive.

We have all had our share of fun this year haven’t we? I still remember the feeling of

getting pied, and then having water dumped on my head at Canada Rally; thank

you all for that!

Over this past year, I have had the pleasure of seeing you all grow, learn, and serve.

From my first DCM to my last, you all never cease to amaze me with your will and

passion to help those who are in dire need. From you all, I have learned what it

means to be selfless, to work tirelessly for the next person with no hope of self-gain.

Completing the year, I realize that I have grown past where I expected to be when I

began my term. That is because I did not account for all of the components of the

division; you great students and adults that have allowed Division 18 to prosper.

Thank you for the memories, the experiences, and for inspiring me.

In Caring and Service,

Pranav Arya

Lieutenant Governor of Division 18


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Thank you for reading!

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