Diversity: Musings of a minority, Christian student in a western community

Diversity: Musings of a minority, Christian student in a western community

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Page 1: Diversity: Musings of a minority, Christian student in a western community

Diversity: Musings of a minority, Christian student in a western


Page 2: Diversity: Musings of a minority, Christian student in a western community

What is diversity?

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•Abundance of Species?

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The argument rages on!

Ecologist: abundance of species Poor: when they seek a piece of the cake

they never helped to bake Racist: the us against them syndrome Religious Bigot: God against Mammon Politician: A cheap attempt at correctness Philosopher: creationism vs. evolutionism

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The bigger picture

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Gen.9: 16-17

16The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.

17So God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth (NIV).

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1 Jn 1: 5b

God is light

And in Him there is no darkness at all

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The Colour of Excellence:

Our beauty is bestWhen every colour is in the bunchWe will never get the best Until everyone is given a chanceWhen some are left out Our collective strength is diminishedVisions get blurred When we see only black or whiteAnd like the black-holeWe die slowly.

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Thank you.

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Contact:Ezeah, Chukwunonye

Research Centre in Applied Sciences

School of Applied Sciences

University of Wolverhampton

Tel: Ext.5128

Email: [email protected]