Distributed Systems 2 Introduction Alberto Montresor University of Trento, Italy 2017/03/07 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Distributed Systems 2Introduction

Alberto Montresor

University of Trento, Italy


This work is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


V. Hadzilacos and S. Toueg.A modular approach to fault-tolerant broadcasts and relatedproblems.In S. Mullender, editor, Distributed Systems (2nd ed.).Addison-Wesley, 1993.http:


A. Panconesi.The coordinated attack and the jealous amazons.http:


A. Panconesi.Coordination and the fall of Eastern Roman Empire.http://www.dsi.uniroma1.it/~asd3/dispense/fall.pdf.

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1 Getting StartedTwo generalsCommon KnowledgeByzantine generalsSummary

2 Themes of the courseImpossible vs practicalClassical vs extreme distributed systemsSyllabus

3 Modeling Distributed SystemsComputationInteractionFailuresTime

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Getting Started Two generals

Two generals

A thought experiment:

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Getting Started Two generals

A potential solution

General A: attack at dawn!

General B: ack, attack at dawn!

General A: ack ack, attack at dawn!

General B: ack ack ack, attack at dawn!

. . .


Under this scenario, there is no solution for the Two Generals Problem


By contradiction on the number of messages exchanged.

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A potential solution

General A: attack at dawn!

General B: ack, attack at dawn!

General A: ack ack, attack at dawn!

General B: ack ack ack, attack at dawn!

. . .


Under this scenario, there is no solution for the Two Generals Problem


By contradiction on the number of messages exchanged.2017-0



DS - Introduction

Getting Started

Two generals

A potential solution

• Let’s assume (by contradiction) that there is at least one solution tothis problem under this scenario.

• If there is one, there could be many.

• If there are many, we can find one which uses the minimum number ofmessages.

• Take the last message of this protocol: it can be received or it can belost

• The protocol should work in both cases. So we could avoid sending itat all!

• The resulting protocol uses less messages than the minimum, which isa contradiction

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Getting Started Two generals

Reality Check

Atomic Commit

An atomic commit is an operation in which a set of distinct changes isapplied as a single operation.

Example: ATM’s withdrawal

You whitdraw 100 euro from an ATM in Trento

Your balance should be decreased by 100 euro

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Getting Started Two generals

A pragmatic solution

Probabilistic protocol

Assuming messengers are caught independently of each other withprobability p

I General A:F Send n messengersF Attacks no matter what

I General B:F Attacks if receives at least one messenger

pn is the probability that the attack will be uncoordinated


We can decrease the probability of failure by increasing n...

But at the additional cost of sending more messengers!

Without be ever certain that the attack will be coordinated!Alberto Montresor (UniTN) DS - Introduction 2017/03/07 4 / 43

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

Muddy children

n children go playing

Children are truthful, perceptive, intelligent

Mom says: “Don’t get muddy!”

A bunch (say, k) get mud on their forehead

Daddy comes, looks around, and says “Some of you got a muddyforehead”

Daddy repeatedly ask: “Do you know whether you have a muddyforehead?”

What happens?

Slides from Lorenzo Alvisi

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

Muddy children


The first k − 1 times Daddy asks, they children says “No”

The k-th time, the k children say “Yes”.


By induction on k

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Muddy children


The first k − 1 times Daddy asks, they children says “No”

The k-th time, the k children say “Yes”.


By induction on k




DS - Introduction

Getting Started

Common Knowledge

Muddy children

Let k = 1.

• The first time daddy asks, the child with mud on his forehead say yes.

• Because all the other have no mud, and someone has mud on hisforehead, it must be him.

Let k > 1

• Every child with mud see k − 1 children with mud on the forehead.

• If there were k − 1 children with mud, they would have said yes at the(k − 1)-th time daddy asks, but they didn’t.

• So there are actually k children with mud, and they all say yes at thek-th time daddy asks.

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

Muddy children

Variation 1

Suppose k > 1

Every one knows that someone has a dirty forehead before Dadannounces it

Does Dad still need to speak up?

Let p = “Someone’s forehead is dirty”

Every one knows p

But, unless the father speak, if k = 2 not every one knows thateveryone knows p!

Suppose A and B are dirty. Before the father speaks A does notknow whether B knows p

If k = 3 , not every one knows that every one knows that everyone knows p ...

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

Muddy children

Variation 2

... the father took every child aside and told them individually(without others noticing) that someone’s forehead is muddy?

Variation 3

... every child had (unknown to the other children) put a miniaturemicrophone on every other child so they can hear what the father saysin private to them?

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

Two generals, reloaded

There is an entire logic that formalizes what knowledgeparticipants acquire while running a protocol

J. Halpern and Y. Moses. Knowledge and Common Knowledge ina Distributed Environment. E.W. Dijkstra Prize 2009.

Solving the Two Generals Problem requires common knowledgeI “everyone knows that everyone knows that everyone knows...”


Common knowledge cannot be achieved by communicatingthrough unreliable channels

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Getting Started Common Knowledge

A common knowledge puzzle

Albert and Bernard just become friends with Cheryl, and they wantto know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 dates:

May 15,16,19

June 17,18

July 14,16

August 14,15,17

Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and theday of her birthday respectively.

Albert: I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know thatBernard does not know too.

Bernard: At first I didn’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but Iknow now.

Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl’s birthday is

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Getting Started Byzantine generals

Byzantine generals


n Byzantine generals encircling a city

They must decide whether to attack or retreat!

Messengers are reliable and synchronous

Generals may be traitors

Nobody knows which generals are traitors

Problem specification

The generals require an algorithm to reach an agreement such that (i)all loyal generals decide on the same plan of action and (ii) a smallnumber of traitorous generals cannot cause the loyal generals to adoptdifferent plans.

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Getting Started Byzantine generals

A potential solution

Wait for a majority of generals to agree

WRONG! Possible scenario:

3 generals

1 vote “attack”, 1 vote “retreat”

1 traitorous general:I sends a vote “attack” to the “attack” generalI sends a vote “retreat” to the “retreat” general

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Getting Started Byzantine generals

The problem is solvable

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (1982)

L. Lamport, R. Shostak, M. Pease, The Byzantine GeneralsProblem, ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems,4(3):382–401, 1982.

A protocol that given n processes,can tolerate up to t traitorousgenerals with n ≥ 3t + 1

Example: 4 generals can tolerate up to 1 “byzantine” general

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (2002)

M. Castro and B. Liskov, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance andProactive Recovery, ACM Trans. on Computer Systems,20(4):398–461, 2002.

PBFT triggered a renaissance in BFT replication research

Still going on...Alberto Montresor (UniTN) DS - Introduction 2017/03/07 13 / 43

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Getting Started Byzantine generals

Reality Check

BFT sponsors in 1982I NASAI The Ballistic Missile Defense System CommandI Army Research Office

Nancy Lynch’s book on Distributed Systems:

I The agreement problem is a simplified version of a problem thatoriginally arose in the development of on-board aircraft controlsystems.

BitCoin, a peer-to-peer digital currency system, is based on BFT.

The 8-hour downtime of Amazon S3 in July 2008 is a well-knownexample of what happens when you don’t use BFT.

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Getting Started Summary

Take-home lessons

We need to properly model our distributed systemsI Reliable / unreliable communicationI Benign / malicious processes

Solutions depend on the underlying modelI “Approximate” or “probabilistic” solutionsI “Bounded” solutionI No solution at all!

Coordinating multiple processes is difficultI Unexpected events: failures, malicious behaviorI Lack of common knowledge

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Themes of the course Impossible vs practical

Theory vs practice

Yogi Berra says:

In theory, theory and practice are the same.In practice, they are not.

Yogi Berra

“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwisethey won’t go to yours”

“I really didn’t say everything I said”

“Nobody goes there anymore; it’s too crowded”

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Themes of the course Impossible vs practical

First theme of the course

Impossible vs practical

Several papers about impossibility results:

M. Fischer, N. Lynch, M. Paterson. Impossibility of Distributed Consensuswith One Faulty Process. Journal of ACM, 32(2):374–382, 1985.

S. Gilbert, N. Lynch. Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent,Available, Partition-Tolerant Web Services. ACM SIGACT News, 33(2):51-59,2002.

Yet, many of these problems have practical solutions:

T. Chandra and S. Toueg. Unreliable failure detectors for reliable distributedsystems. Journal of the ACM, 43(2):225–267, 1996.

L. Lamport. Paxos made simple. ACM SIGACT News, 32(4):18–25, 2001.

A general tension in Computer Science:

M. Vardi. Solving the Unsolvable. Comm. of the ACM, 54(7):5, 2011.Alberto Montresor (UniTN) DS - Introduction 2017/03/07 17 / 43

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Themes of the course Classical vs extreme distributed systems

Beyond technology

The Spanish Flu, 1918-1920

Pandemic: killed 20M people in a relatively short time, more thanWorld War I

Virus goal: spread itself as quickly as possible

Unreliable environment:I viruses may be killedI transmission may fail

Transmission network is a complex graph

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Themes of the course Classical vs extreme distributed systems

Beyond technology

Flocks of birds

Flying in a flock is good:I probability of being killed by a predator is reduced

Flying in a flock is bad:I probability of finding (enough) food is reduced

Birds self-organize themselves in a flock

No central authority

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Themes of the course Classical vs extreme distributed systems

Second theme of the course

Classical vs extreme distributed systems

Classical distributed system problems include agreement, totalorder broadcast, atomic commit, replication, etc.

Extreme distributed system problems include self-* properties,scalability, full decentralization, etc.

Special issue on Springer Computing (Sept. 2012)

Alberto Montresor, Gusz Eiben, Maarten van Steen, editors“Modern distributed systems may nowadays consist of hundreds ofthousands of computers, ranging from high-end powerful machines tolow-end resource-constrained wireless devices. We label them asextreme distributed systems, as they push scalability and complexitywell beyond traditional scenarios.”

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Themes of the course Syllabus


IntroductionReliable broadcastEpidemic protocolsImpossibility of consensusConsensus and failuredetectorsComplex networksP2P

Epidemics: Beyond disseminationRollback and RecoveryPaxosPractical Byzantine FaultToleranceByzantine, altruistic, rationalmodelBlockchains

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Themes of the course Syllabus

What’s next in the course?

Distributed system modelingI Which kind of failures exist?I Which kind of failures we tolerate?

Problem specificationI Formal description of the problem

Algorithms, algorithms, algorithmsI Pseudo-code descriptions of algorithms

ProofsI Just writing the code is not enough!I Sometimes, impossibility proofs

Reality checksI Learn about real systems where these protocols are applied

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Modeling Distributed Systems


Modeling distributed systems

Computation: Processes, deterministic vs probabilistic behavior

Interaction: Processes interact through messages, which result in:I Communication, i.e. information flowI Coordination, i.e. synchronization and ordering of activities

Failures: Which kind of failures can occur?I Benign vs malicious (Byzantine)I Process vs communication

Time: Determining whether we can make any assumption on timebounds on communication and computation speeds.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Computation


Process: the unit of computation in a distributed system.Sometimes we may call it node, host, etc.

Process set: denoted by Π, it is composed by a collection of nuniquely identified processes, like p1, p2, . . . , pn.

Typical assumptions:I The set is static (n is well-defined);I Processes do know each otherI All processes run a copy of the same algorithm; the sum of all these

copies constitutes the distributed algorithm

But in extreme distributed systems:I Dynamic setI Too many, too dynamic to know them allI Multiple algorithms

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Modeling Distributed Systems Computation

Deterministic vs probabilistic

Deterministic process: the local computation and the messagessent by a process is determined by the current state and themessages previously received.

Probabilistic process: processes may make used of random oraclesto choose the local computation to be performed or the nextmessage to be sent.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Interaction


Processes communicate through messagesI send(m, p): sends a message m to pI receive(m): receives a messages m

In some cases, messages may be uniquely identified byI Sender of the messageI A sequence number local to the sender

General assumption: every pair of processes is connected by abi-directional communication channel

I Through routingI Not true for P2P systems

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Processes communicate through messagesI send(m, p): sends a message m to pI receive(m): receives a messages m

In some cases, messages may be uniquely identified byI Sender of the messageI A sequence number local to the sender

General assumption: every pair of processes is connected by abi-directional communication channel

I Through routingI Not true for P2P systems




DS - Introduction

Modeling Distributed Systems



• In the receive operation, we do not specify the original sender; can be

• Fully connected topology may be obtained through routing. For

example, consider the following architectures:

– Fully connected mesh– broadcast medium (Ethernet, wireless)– Ring– “Internet” with routers

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Process failures

In a distributed systems, both processes and communication channelsmay fail, i.e. depart from what is considered its correct behavior.Hadzilacos and Toueg provide a taxonomy.

Benign process failures

Fail-stop: A process stops executing events, and other processesmay detect this fact.

Crash: A process stops executing events

Malicious process failures

Arbitrary failure, or Byzantine: any type of error may occur. Thismay be caused by:

I A software bugI A malicious behavior inspired by an intelligent adversary

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Process failures

A process that never fails is correct

A process that eventually fails is faulty

Several protocols are designed to work correctly if the number offailures f is bounded (for example, f < n/3).

In some models, processes may perform a recovery action:I After some time, a process may resume functioningI It suffers amnesia: the local state maintained in volatile memory is

lostI To limit the effects of amnesia, a log can be maintained

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Process failures

A process that never fails is correct

A process that eventually fails is faulty

Several protocols are designed to work correctly if the number offailures f is bounded (for example, f < n/3).

In some models, processes may perform a recovery action:I After some time, a process may resume functioningI It suffers amnesia: the local state maintained in volatile memory is

lostI To limit the effects of amnesia, a log can be maintained




DS - Introduction

Modeling Distributed Systems


Process failures

To avoid the problem of amnesia completely, every read/write would have to

pass through permanent memory; too expensive

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Communication failures

Benign communication failures

Process p performs send of a message m to process q

Message m is inserted in a local outgoing buffer of p(Send-omission)

Message m is transmitted from p to q (Omission)

Message m is inserted in a local incoming buffer of q(Receive-omission)

Process q performs receive of m

Malign communication failures

Messages created out of nothing, duplicated messages, etc.These problems can easily be solved through encryption techniques.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Communication failures

Possible causes of message failures:

Buffer overflow in the operating system

Congestion, routing errors in routers

Partitioning:I Processes are subdivided in disjoint sets called partitionsI Communication inside a partition is possibleI Communication between partitions is not possible

When a partition disappears, we say that partitions merge

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Modeling (faulty) communication channels

The idea: the channels cannot systematically drop a specific message.This is the minimum abstraction needed to create reliable channels.

Fair-Loss Channels

Validity – Fair Loss: If a message m is sent infinitely often by aprocess p to a process q and neither p and q crash, then q willreceive m infinitely often

Integrity – Finite Duplication: If a message m is sent a finitenumber of times by a process p to a process q, then m cannot bereceived by q an infinite number of times

Integrity – No creation: If a message m is delivered by someprocess p, then m was previously sent by some process q to p

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Modeling (correct) communication channels

The idea: channels are reliable, messages are never lost. It can beimplemented, but there is a price to be payed: asynchrony.

Perfect Channels

Validity – Reliable delivery: If p sends a message to q, and neitherof p and q crash, then q will eventually receive m

Integrity – No duplication: No message is delivered to a processmore than once

Integrity – No creation: If a message m is delivered by someprocess p, then m was previously sent by some process q to p

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

An Example Algorithm

Fair-loss Channel → Perfect Channel

upon init doSet sent← ∅Set delivered← ∅startTimer(timeout)

upon timeout doforeach (m, q) ∈ sent do

fairLossSend(m, q)


upon perfectSend(m, q) dofairLossSend(m, q)sent← sent ∪ {(m, q)}

upon fairLossReceive(m, q) doif m /∈ delivered then

delivered← delivered ∪ {m}perfectReceive(m, q)

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Modeling Distributed Systems Failures

Safety and liveness


“Something bad will never happen”

In other words, a distributed program should never enter anunacceptable state.

No message is delivered to a process more than once.


“Something good eventually does happen”

In other words, a distributed program eventually enters a desirablestate.

If p sends a message to q, and neither of p and q crash, theneventually q will receive m.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time


Global clockI For presentation simplicity, it may be convenient to assume the

presence of a global real-time clock, outside the control of processes.I This can be used to provide a global ordering of steps in a

distributed systems

In reality:I Each process is associated with a local clockI Local clocks may not report the perfect timeI Clock drift rate: refers to the relative amount that a computer clock

differs from a perfect reference clock.

Synchronization is possible, but expensive:I Atomic clocksI GPSI See: Google TrueTime API:

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Global clockI For presentation simplicity, it may be convenient to assume the

presence of a global real-time clock, outside the control of processes.I This can be used to provide a global ordering of steps in a

distributed systems

In reality:I Each process is associated with a local clockI Local clocks may not report the perfect timeI Clock drift rate: refers to the relative amount that a computer clock

differs from a perfect reference clock.

Synchronization is possible, but expensive:I Atomic clocksI GPSI See: Google TrueTime API:




DS - Introduction

Modeling Distributed Systems



• GPS does not work into buildings

• Atomic clocks: cost not justified

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Time measures associated to communication

Latency: The delay between the start of message sending from oneprocess and the beginning of its receipt by another. Possiblecauses:

I the actual time for bit transmission (e.g., satellite link)I the delay for accessing the network, especially in case of congestionI the time taken by the operating system to handle the message both

at sender and receiver

Bandwidth: Total amount of information that can be transmittedover a communication channel in a given time.

Jitter: Variation in the time taken to deliver a series of messages.Mostly related with multimedia data.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous

Distributed Systems vs Time

Distributed systems make difficult to reason about time, not only forlack of clock synchronization. It is also difficult to pose time bounds onevents and communication.

We may think about several different models:

Asynchronous distributed systems

Synchronous distributed systems

Partially synchronous distributed systems

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Asynchronous vs synchronous

Distributed Systems vs Time

Distributed systems make difficult to reason about time, not only forlack of clock synchronization. It is also difficult to pose time bounds onevents and communication.

We may think about several different models:

Asynchronous distributed systems

Synchronous distributed systems

Partially synchronous distributed systems




DS - Introduction

Modeling Distributed Systems


Asynchronous vs synchronous

• Asynchronous distributed systems

– No assumptions can be made.– Most of the problems cannot be solved

• Synchronous distributed systems

– Precise assumptions are possible on computation,communication time and clocks.

– Not really realistic / difficult to implement

• Partially synchronous distributed systems

– Some assumptions can be made, others not, OR– Assumptions can be made statistically, OR– Assumptions hold for arbitrarily long periods of time

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous

Asynchronous distributed system

There are no bounds on the relative speed of process execution.

There are no bounds on message transmission delays.

There are no bounds on clock drift.I OR, since we cannot count on their precision at all, there are no


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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous


These are not assumptions! These are “lack of assumptions”!

The worst possible model: services as simple as:I failure detectionI time-based coordination

are not possible

Advantages:I simple semanticsI easier to port to more “powerful” modelsI More realistic: several sources of asynchrony are present in a

large-scale network (like the Internet)

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous

Synchronous Distributed Systems

Synchronous computation:There is a known upper bound on the relative speed of processexecution.

Synchronous communication:There is a known upper bound on message transmission delays.

Synchronous clocks:Processes are equipped with local clocks. There is a known upperbound on the drift rates of local clocks with respect to a globalreal-time clock.

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous


The best possible model. Can be built, but not with standardhardware/software.

I Synchronous Ethernet vs CSMA/CD EthernetI Real-time OS vs normal OS

Many interesting properties:I Timed failure detection (e.g., ping)I Coordination based on time (e.g., lease)I Worst-case performance analysisI Synchronized clocks

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous

Partial synchrony

For most systems we know of, it is relatively easy to define physicaltime bounds that are respected most of the time. There are howeverperiods where the timing assumptions do not hold.

Delays on processes:I Machines may run out of memory, slowing down processesI A typical case of “no bound on relative speeds of processes”

Delays on messages:I Network may congested, and messages may be dropped.I Re-transmission protocols can ensure reliability, but at the price of

asynchronyMessages may be re-transmitted an arbitrary number of times.

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Asynchronous vs synchronous

Partial synchrony

For most systems we know of, it is relatively easy to define physicaltime bounds that are respected most of the time. There are howeverperiods where the timing assumptions do not hold.

Delays on processes:I Machines may run out of memory, slowing down processesI A typical case of “no bound on relative speeds of processes”

Delays on messages:I Network may congested, and messages may be dropped.I Re-transmission protocols can ensure reliability, but at the price of

asynchronyMessages may be re-transmitted an arbitrary number of times.




DS - Introduction

Modeling Distributed Systems


Asynchronous vs synchronous

In this sense, practical systems are partially synchronous

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Modeling Distributed Systems Time

Asynchronous vs synchronous

How to express partial synchrony? A possibility is the following:

Timing assumptions only hold eventually.

Theoretically, it means:

There is a time after which the system is synchronous forever

The system is initially asynchronous and only after a long timebecomes synchronous

How to read it:

The system is not always synchronous

There is no known bound to the period in which it is asynchronous

We expect that there are periods during which the system issynchronous

Some of these periods are long enough to terminate protocolexecution

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Reading Material

A. Panconesi. The coordinated attack and the jealous amazons.


A. Panconesi. Coordination and the fall of Eastern Roman Empire.


V. Hadzilacos and S. Toueg. A modular approach to fault-tolerant broadcastsand related problems.

In S. Mullender, editor, Distributed Systems (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley, 1993.
