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Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

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Page 1: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system


Distributed quantum entanglement sharing modelfor high-performance real-time system

Chi-Yuan Chen • Yao-Hsin Chou • Han-Chieh Chao

Published online: 3 May 2011

� Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Two processors jointly provide a real-time

service which can be completed by exactly one processor.

Assuming each processor is allowed to announce only a

one-bit information in a distributed way to decide which

one should process the job, inevitably some of the jobs will

get lost if only classical resources are used. In this paper,

we proposed the distributed quantum entanglement sharing

(DQES) model to share quantum entanglement with pro-

cessors. Assisted with DQES model, not only the system

dependability can be enhanced, but the faulty processor can

also be identified. We also presented some possible

applications such like database consistency, job schedul-

ing, system dependability, and reliable communication


Keywords System dependability � Fault-identified �Quantum entanglement � Distributed system �Real-time system

1 Introduction

An example of this distributed system problems in real life

can be found in baseball. Assume Alice and Bob are two

outfielders in a baseball game. When the batter hits an

outfield fly ball, they run toward the ball and try to make a

catch. At the same time, depending on their confidence,

Alice and Bob announce their intention to catch the ball by

shouting ‘‘I’ll get it’’. However, when both of them want to

catch the ball, they will collide, fall down, and drop the

ball. Or, in order not to collide with each other, sometimes

neither of them will attempt to catch the ball and the ball

will drop. Worse yet, if the ball drops, they will blame each

other for having made the same decision. How can they

cooperate and successfully make the catch? Although this

is a scenario in baseball, similar situations happen in real-

time distributed systems.

A distributed system is defined as a collection of indi-

vidual components that communicate to achieve a common

goal. Various paradigms exist for building a high-perfor-

mance and reliable distributed system (Sedaghat et al.

2011). For example, in the memory sharing model, each

processor has its own computing power but share a com-

mon memory. They negotiate and communicate by writing

to and reading from the same memory in order to accom-

plish a given task jointly. Another approach is to allow a

communication channel to exist between each processor. In

this message passing model, all processors can perform

interprocess communication over the networks to provide a

given service.

Assume two processors want to jointly provide a real-

time service in a distributed environment. An incoming job

is completed if one and only one processor processes the

job. If each processor is allowed to announce only one-bit

information to decide which one to process the job,

C.-Y. Chen � H.-C. Chao (&)

Department of Electrical Engineering,

National Dong Hwa University, No. 1, Sec. 2,

Da Hsueh Rd, Shoufeng 97401, Hualien, Taiwan, ROC

e-mail: [email protected]

C.-Y. Chen

e-mail: [email protected]

Y.-H. Chou

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

National Chi Nan University, No. 1, University Rd,

Puli 54561, Nantou, Taiwan, ROC

e-mail: [email protected]

H.-C. Chao

Department of Electronic Engineering and Institute of Computer

Science & Information Engineering, National Ilan University,

I-Lan, Taiwan, ROC


Soft Comput (2012) 16:427–435

DOI 10.1007/s00500-011-0727-y

Page 2: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

inevitably some of the jobs will get lost if only classical

resources are used. To improve the system dependability,

the two processors can negotiate and decide which one to

take the job. This eliminates the collisions and hence

increases the system dependability.

However, things are different in a real-time distributed

system. A real-time system is loosely defined as a class of

computer systems that interact with the external world in a

pre-defined (usually limited) time period. In a distributed

system which relies on message exchange over a band-

width-limited communication channel, this is equivalent to

a limitation on the total amount of bits that can be

exchanged. As a result, in addition to study the problem

from a dependability point of view, the scenario described

above can also be studied from the perspective of com-

munication complexity (Yao 1979; Kushilevitz and Nisan

1997; Hromkovic 1997).

A typical two-party communication complexity problem

can be described as follows: Assuming X, Y and Z are finite

sets and f : X � Y is an arbitrary function, two physically

separated parties want to jointly evaluate f(x, y) (where

x 2 X; y 2 Y) under the condition that one party knows

only x and the other party knows only y. The communi-

cation complexity of the problem is defined as the number

of classical bits that have to be exchanged between the two

parties in order to evaluate f(x, y). In our baseball example,

x and y are the intention bits and f(x, y) is equivalent to

finding the decision of which one to process the job. It has

been shown that quantum resources such as superposition

and entanglement allow a dramatic improvement on the

communication complexity (Cleve and Buhrman 1997;

Buhrman et al. 1998, 1999, 2001; Raz 1999; Ambainis

et al. 1998; Brassard 2003).

In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for designing

a real-time distributed system and discuss how to enhance

the dependability of such a system with quantum resources.

The new model is based on a phenomenon called quantum

entanglement, which has been studied extensively in

quantum physics (Chou et al. 2007). Based on this model,

we show if these two processors share quantum entangle-

ment, not only the system dependability can be enhanced;

the faulty processor can also be identified.

2 Notations and preliminaries

2.1 Quantum bits and quantum gates

In a two-level quantum system, each bit can be represented

using a basis consisting of two eigenstates, denoted by j0iand j1i, respectively. Any state can be represented as a

linear combination of these two orthonormal eigenvectors

in a two-dimensional Hilbert space as

jwi ¼ aj0i þ bj1i

¼ cosh2j0i þ ei/ sin



where a; b 2 C and jaj2 þ jbj2 ¼ 1: Note that, the angles hand / represent the relative length and relative phase

between the two probability amplitudes, respectively

(Fig. 1).

To distinguish the above system from the classical

binary logic, a bit in a quantum system is called a quantum

bit, or qubit.

Multiple qubits can also form a quantum system jointly.

For example, the space of a two-qubit system is the tensor

product of their own spaces. Hence, the joint state of qubit

a and qubit b is spanned by the computational basis

fj00i; j01i; j10i; j11ig; i.e.,

jwiab ¼ aj00i þ bj01i þ cj10i þ dj11i: ð2Þ

If these two qubits are separable, we have

jwiab ¼ jwai � jwbi¼ ðaaj0i þ baj1iÞ � ðabj0i þ bbj1iÞ¼ aaabj00i þ aabbj01i þ baabj10i þ babbj11i


and the completeness of probability still holds. In general,

the space of an n-qubit system can be modeled as a

2n-dimensional complex vector space.

A quantum system can be manipulated by unitary

transformations called quantum gates. For example,

a phase-shift gate shifts the state for a degree of / (Fig. 2).

If we denote the phase-shift gate as P, then

Pdjwi ¼ Pdðcosh2j0i þ ei/ sin


¼ cosh2j0i þ eið/þdÞ sin



A special case of the general phase-shift gate is called

the Z gate. It performs a p phase-shift and can be denoted

Fig. 1 Bloch sphere representation of any single qubit

428 C.-Y. Chen et al.


Page 3: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

as Z ¼ Pp: Another example of quantum gates which will

be used shortly is the Hadamard (H) gate, which changes

j0i ! 1ffiffi

2p ðj0i þ j1iÞ

j1i ! 1ffiffi

2p ðj0i � j1iÞ:



Note that this gate makes the eigenstates into a

superposition of j0i and j1i with equal probability

amplitudes. Similar to a single-qubit gate, a two-bit gate

manipulates the state of a two-qubit system. For example, a

controlled-not (CN) gate consists of one control qubit

x and a target qubit y. The basis of target bit will be

inverted only when the corresponding part of control bit is

in the state j1i: The CN gate changes the state as jx; yi !jx; x� yi: This is equivalent to the following state


j00i ! j00ij01i ! j01ij10i ! j11ij11i ! j10i


The symbols of Z and H gates are shown in Fig. 3a, b,


2.2 Measurement, superposition, and entanglement

The single-qubit state described in Eq. 1 exhibits a unique

phenomenon in quantum mechanics called superposition.

When you measure the particle, the system is projected to

one of its basis, (i.e., either j0i or j1i). The overall probability

for each state is given by the absolute square of its amplitude.

That is, the probability of obtaining the post-measurement

state j0i is Pð0Þ ¼ jaj2 and probability of getting j1i state is

Pð1Þ ¼ jbj2: Note that jaj2 þ jbj2 should equal to one due to

the completeness axiom of the probability. For example, if a

qubit initially in the state j0i is measured along the z-axis,

according to quantum mechanics, the outcome will be found

in the state j0i for certain. However, if a Hadamard gate is

applied, the qubit will be in a ‘‘superposition state’’ (Eq. 5).

That is, after the measurement, there will be a 50%


2pÞ2) of the chance that the qubit is found in the state j0i

and another 50% of the chance in j1i:Another interesting phenomenon in quantum mechanics

is entanglement (Horodecki et al. 2009). Imagine that

Alice and Bob share a two-qubit system in the state

jwþi ¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i þ j11iÞab; ð7Þ

where a and b denotes Alice’s and Bob’s qubit. According to

quantum mechanics, if Alice takes a measurement on her

qubit a, the state of the qubit will ‘‘collapse’’ to j0i with

probability 1/2. Moreover, in this case Bob immediately

knows that the state of his qubit (the other qubit b) must be

j0i: In other words, once the measurement result of one qubit

is determined, the state of the other one is perfectly correlated

and can be instantaneously determined, no matter how far

away Alice and Bob are separated. Similarly, if the result of

Alice’s measurement is j1i; the other qubit will also be j1i:This non-classical correlation among multiple quantum

systems is called quantum entanglement, because they

cannot be written as separable states. The entangled state

shown in Eq. 7 can be implemented using the quantum

circuits shown in Fig. 4. Quantum entanglement has been

found to be extremely useful in some applications such like

superdense coding and quantum teleportation (Bennett et al.

1993). In addition, it is worth noting that a p phase-shift, (i.e.,

Z gate) performed by any party results in the same state,


Ppb jwþi ¼ 1


2p ðj0iaj0ib þ j1iaeipj1ibÞ

¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i � j11iÞ


Ppb jwþi ¼ 1


2p ðj0iaj0ib þ eipj1iaj1ibÞ

¼ Ppa jwþi:


Fig. 2 A phase shift of degree d on the Bloch sphere

(a) (c)


Fig. 3 The symbols of quantum gates (a) Z (b) H (c) CN(d) Measurement

Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model 429


Page 4: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

Moreover, assuming Alice has performed a p phase-shift

on her qubit, Bob can reverse the state change by locally

applying a p phase-shift to his qubit (and vice versa), since


a jwþiÞ ¼ jwþi ¼ Pp

aðPpb jwþiÞ: ð10Þ

Although it seems odd that Alice’s local operation can

reach a distant party (Bob), this property will be used

shortly in our protocol.

3 Problem and solutions

The baseball example described above can be formulated

as a dependability problem in a real-time distributed sys-

tem as follows: As shown in Fig. 5, two identical proces-

sors, Pa and Pb, jointly provide a real-time service in a

distributed environment. Requests that consume a variable

length of time come every t seconds and the job is done if

one and only one processor takes the job. The two pro-

cessors can exchange messages in order to have exactly

one processor to process the job. However, the bandwidth

of the channel is 1/t bps, so each of the processors is

allowed to announce at most one bit information to decide

which one to take the job.

Depending on its load and capacity, each processor has a

bit i (i 2 f0ðnoÞ; 1ðyesÞg) indicating its intention on whe-

ther to take the job. The probability of successfully com-

pleting the job is as follows.

When there is only one processor is currently processing

the job, its probability of success is

Ps ¼p i ¼ 1

q i ¼ 0:


The parameter p is the probability of successfully com-

pleting the job when a party is confident (i = 1) in doing

this. Usually, p � 1: On the other hand, when a party is

unwilling or unable to take the job (i = 0) the probability

of successfully completing the job would be p [ q [ 0 if

the processor is forced to take the job. However, when

either processors or none of them takes the job, the suc-

cessfully completing the job is Ps = 0. In the following

paragraphs, we present two classical solutions and discuss

the dependability for each of them.

3.1 Classical solutions

3.1.1 Classical solution #1

For a given job, each of the processors announces its sin-

gle-bit intention, ia and ib. If ia � ib ¼ 1; then the processor

who has announced ‘1’ as its intention performs the job.

Otherwise, if ia � ib ¼ 0; then neither of them proceed.

Assuming the probability of all possible ia and ib are

equally likely, the overall probability of success is


4� 0þ 1

4� pþ 14� pþ 1

4� 0 ¼ p

2� 50%: ð12Þ

Obviously the probability of success is not optimized,

since there will be about 1/2 of the chance that a job gets

lost due to an collision, even when both processors are

willing to take it. That is, even if p; q � 1; the

dependability is still 50% only. To enhance the

dependability, the following classical solution can be used.

3.1.2 Classical solution #2

Each of the processors announces its single-bit intention

(ia, ib) and behaves according to these intention bits if and

only if ia � ib ¼ 1: In case of ia � ib ¼ 0; they make their

decision on whether to take the job randomly. According to

the protocol, the overall probability of success is




4þ q


� �

þ p

4þ p

4þ 1



4þ p


� �

¼ 5p

8þ q

8� 75%: ð13Þ

Although the dependability is improved for (p ? q)/8 to

at most 75% when p; q � 1; it seems inevitably some of

the jobs will get lost if we use these classical solutions. In

the following section, we present some quantum solutions

which are optimal in terms of the system dependability.Fig. 4 A quantum circuit showing how to construct an entangled



Fig. 5 A diagram showing the formulated model

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3.2 Quantum solutions

The quantum solutions take advantages of physical

resources (for example, superposition and entanglement)

available only at or below nanometer scale to achieve a

given task. Here, we assume the two processors share an

entangled state and only one-bit communication is allowed

for each processor. We present two solutions as follows.

3.2.1 Quantum solution #1

This solution is shown in Fig. 6. Assuming Alice and Bob

share an entangled state

j/þi ¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj01i þ j10iÞab: ð14Þ

This entangled state can be prepared with the quantum

circuit in Fig. 4 by replacing the initial state with jai ¼j0i and jbi ¼ j1i: When a job is announced, they perform

the following steps:

1. Both processors calculate their remaining capacity.

Each of the processors sets its intention bit i = 1 if it is

willing to take the job; otherwise i = 0.

2. Each processor announces its intention bit i. If ia 6¼ ib;

each processor processes the incoming job according

to its intention; otherwise go to step 3).

3. Each processor takes a measurement along the z-axis

(the M boxes) and sets the result to rn (n 2 fa; bg).Each processor processes the incoming job according

to its result rn.

Note that, in this protocol, the entanglement in Eq. 14 is

used as an arbitrator. If there is a collision on the intention

bits (ia � ib ¼ 0), they use the entanglement to decide who

should take the job. Note that the entanglement is shared

between the two processors only. Once the measurement is

done, nobody knows the result except the processors

themselves. If a job is lost due to an intention collision,

there will be no way to track down and find out who is

responsible for the loss. In other words, the two parties can

repudiate their misbehavior if they are dishonest. In the

following section, we will introduce another solution such

that the two parties cannot deny their misbehavior in case

of a collision.

3.2.2 Quantum solution #2

With the same resources (i.e. quantum entanglement),

another solution is shown in Fig. 7. The assumption is that

Alice and Bob share an entangled state

jw�i ¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i � j11iÞab; ð15Þ

which can be generated by appending a Z gate to either

qubit in Fig. 4. When a job enters the system, they perform

the following steps.

1. Both processors calculate their remaining capacity.

Each of the processors sets its intention bit i = 1 if it is

willing to take the job; otherwise i = 0.

2. If in = 1, the processor performs a Z gate on its own

qubit. Otherwise (the intention bit in = 0), it does

nothing. This is shown in Fig. 7 as the Z-rotations in

the dashed boxes.

3. Both processors take a measurement along the x-axis.

This can be done by first applying an H gate and then

taking a measurement along the z-axis (the M boxes).

Each processor sets the outcome to rn and announces

the result.

4. If ra ¼ rb; each processor processes the incoming job

according to their intention. However, in case ra 6¼ rb;

each processor processes the incoming job according

to their results rn.

Following these steps, we verify the protocol as follows:

1. ia � ib ¼ 1: In this case, either ia = 0, ib = 1 or

ia = 1, ib = 0. As a result, either Pa or Pb (but not

both) applies a p phase-shift to its qubit. The state of

the entanglement becomes

jwi ¼ Pp 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i � j11iÞ

¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i � eipj11iÞ

¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i þ j11iÞ


After the Hadamard gates, the results of the

measurement should be the same, since

ðH � HÞ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i þ j11iÞab ¼


2p j0i þ j1i


2p j0i þ j1i



þ j0i � j1iffiffiffi2p j0i � j1i



¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i þ j11iÞ:

ð17ÞFig. 6 A diagram showing quantum solution #1

Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model 431


Page 6: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

This means either ra = rb = 0 or ra = rb = 1.

According to the protocol, each processor processes

the incoming job according to its intention. So, either

Pa or Pb performs the job.

2. ia � ib ¼ 0: In this case, either ia = ib = 0 or

ia = ib = 1. As a result, either both Pa and Pb

apply the p phase-shift to their qubits or neither of

them performs the phase-shift. As described in Eq. 10,

the state of the entanglement will be the same as the

original entanglement. After the Hadamard gates,

the results of the measurement should be different,


ðH � HÞjwi ¼ ðH � HÞ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj00i � j11iÞ

¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p j0i þ j1i


2p j0i þ j1i



� j0i � j1iffiffiffi2p j0i � j1i



¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p ðj01i þ j10iÞ:


This means either ra = 1, rb = 0 or ra = 0, rb = 1.

According to the protocol, ra = rb, both processors

process the incoming job according to their measure-

ment results. So, either Pa or Pb performs the job.

With this solution, the announcements by these two

parties clearly indicate who should take the job, so the two

parties cannot deny their misbehavior in case of a collision.

The overall dependability, following the assumption in

the previous section, is enhanced to




2þ q


� �

þ p

4þ p

4þ 1



2þ p


� �

¼ 3p

4þ q

4� 100%; ð19Þ

and the dependability can be 100% if p; q � 1 which is

optimal and cannot be achieved classically.

3.3 Multiparty protocols

In three-party case, Alice, Bob, and Charlie should share

two kinds of the entangled qubits, three 1ffiffi

2p ðj01i þ

j10iÞab=bc=ca and one 1ffiffi

3p ðj100i þ j010i þ j001iÞabc: The

first kind of entanglement will be held between each of

C32 ¼ 3 links from every 2 out of 3 parties. That is, between

Alice/Bob, Bob/Charlie, and Charlie/Alice, respectively.

The second kind of entanglement is shared with all mem-

bers of the party, and each party will have its own qubit,

a, b, or c. See Fig. 8.

Accordingly, for the n-party cases, we will need n - 1

different kinds of entangled qubits. And for the k-th kind of

entanglement, there must be Cnk combinations of shared

links between all k members of each subgroup.

For the cases that all members are going to catch the ball

or none of them wants to take the job, they can both share

the entangled qubits as follows:


np ðj100. . .0i þ j010. . .0i

þ j001. . .0i þ � � � þ j000. . .1iÞð20Þ

if each of them happened to have the same intention.

Furthermore, since

Cnk ¼ Cn

n�k ð21Þ





Cnk ¼ Cn

0 þ Cn1 þ Cn

2 þ � � � þ Cnn ¼ 2n ð22Þ

The total number of qubits used in this protocol are




k � Cnk ¼ 2 � Cn

2 þ 3 � Cn3 þ 4 � Cn


þ � � � þ n � Cnn

¼ n � 2n=2� n

¼ n � ð2n�1 � 1Þ


One way to reduce the total kinds of shared entangled

qubits is to measure their qubit in advance. For example,



3p ðj100i þ j010i þ j001iÞabc











2p ðj10i þ j01iÞbc


there will be about 67% chances, Alice will get 0 if she

measures her qubit first. And in that case, Bob and Charlie

will then share the remaining qubits in the form of

Fig. 7 A diagram showing quantum solution #2

432 C.-Y. Chen et al.


Page 7: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system


2p ðj10i þ j01iÞ while qubits b and c are still entangled.

Moreover, after that Alice can announce her intention as

yes (1) as long as Bob and Charlie both have the same

intentions, even if she is not willing to take the job.

4 Model and applications

Based on the nano-phenomenon in quantum physics, we

propose a new paradigm for building real-time distributed

systems, namely the distributed quantum entanglement

sharing (DQES) model. With this model, the dependability

can be improved and the communication complexity is

diminished. As depicted in Fig. 9, the DQES Model is

composed of message passing, memory sharing, and

entanglement sharing model. We also presented some

possible applications based on DQES model in this section

(Chou et al. 2006).

4.1 Database consistency and system dependability

Alice and Bob are two LAN monitors in a distributed

intrusion detection system logging the traffic on a high-

speed network (Lee et al. 1999). Alice is physically sepa-

rated from Bob but they cooperate with each other as a

distributed system to defend the threats from outside the

network. As depicted in Fig. 10, there is a central manager

in headquarters and the purpose of the manager module is

to store all useful characteristics of the traffic passing

through Alice and Bob. This record can be analyzed later

and can be used to perform further reactions such as

marking, filtering, or tracebacking when encountering an

intrusion or DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack.

Since this is a high-speed network, the traffic is so heavy

such that Alice and Bob do not have enough time (or

bandwidth) to negotiate who should log the record to the

database. With our entanglement sharing model, Alice and

Bob can just measure their qubits and announce only one-

bit information to decide which one should log the record.

Moreover, our scheme ensures that either Alice or Bob will

write down one and only one record for accurate statistical

analysis. Neither duplication nor omission is possible.

4.2 OS jobs scheduling and system dependability

Consider the following situation in our daily life: there are

two jobs for Alice and Bob and both of them can choose

whichever they want to do. However, sometimes both of

them want to take the same job, which means the other job

is taken by nobody. This is not acceptable to their boss.

With no partiality, they may decide the assignment by

tossing a coin. However, it is very difficult to perform a

remote coin flip in a distributed way. Nano-phenomenon

can help the aforementioned situation.

To do this, Alice and Bob can share the entangled qubits

and adopt our quantum solution. After the measurement,

Alice and Bob must be in opposite state with a random

behavior. That is, if Alice has state j0i; Bob must has j1i in

his hand which means he should take the job, and Alice has

to take the other one. In a system with multiple jobs

entering in a real-time fashion, they can announce only

one-bit information and resolve the contention without

repudiation. In general, this mechanism can be applied to

job scheduling in multi-processor real-time systems (Hsu

and Chen 2010).

The proposed protocol can also be used in fault-tolerant

systems. In many fault-tolerant systems, primary and

Fig. 8 Entangled qubits shared in a three-party quantum protocol

Distributed Shared Memory

Physical memory Physical memory Physical memory


EntanglementSharing Model

Memory Sharing Model

Message Passing ModelClassical Channel

Fig. 9 Three models of the distributed systems: message passing,

memory sharing, and entanglement sharing model

Fig. 10 The distributed intrusion detection system with entanglement

shared model

Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model 433


Page 8: Distributed quantum entanglement sharing model for high-performance real-time system

secondary (backup) servers are used to provide load bal-

ance. In some architecture the backup server become active

only when the primary server is down. Using our quantum

solution, the spare machine can run with the primary server

in parallel, instead of just standing by. This also prevents

the backup system from falling into a state of dilapidation

without being noticed. In addition, with no repudiation, one

can easily detect the malfunction part of the system and

then fix or replace it (Fig. 11).

4.3 Communication and network protocols

Alice and Bob are two servers that provide emergency

services to the nearby clients through a wireless channel.

They cooperate with each other to enhance the depend-

ability of the system. When somebody calls for help, one of

them, but not both, must respond immediately.

From the network point of view, this is what the MAC

(Medium Access Control) protocols do in the data link

layer. One possible way is to use the channel in turns, or

they can try using the CSMA/CD or CSMA/CA to resolve

the contention. However, these are time and bandwidth

consuming. Even worse, if all of the stations involved in

the collision attempt to retransmit their packets immedi-

ately after the jamming signal, another collision will occur.

To avoid this, a technique known as random back-off is

used in a distributed system. Using this technique, each of

the stations involved in a collision chooses to wait a time

ns before retransmitting. The value of n is a random integer

chosen independently by each station and bounded by a

constant L. Using all of these techniques, the stations

connected to the network are able to share the medium

without any centralized control or synchronization. How-

ever, these back-off/retransmit mechanisms not only delay

the response but also degrade the reliability of the emer-

gency system especially for those in great distance like


Assisted with our Model, the time of back-off can be

saved. Even better, some major problems in wireless net-

works such as fading, collision masking, and hidden sta-

tions (terminals) all can be effectively eliminated. In our

scenario, one and only one of them will answer the request.

This is also similar to the well-known anycast service in

IPv6 protocols (Partridge et al. 1993; Hsuan et al. 2008).

A host transmits a datagram to an anycast address and the

network is responsible for providing best-effort service to

deliver the datagram to at least one, and preferably only

one, of the servers that supporting anycast. As described

above, with nanotechnology, our solution is suitable for

implementing the anycast service as well.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have proposed a new paradigm for

building real-time distributed systems based on the nano-

phenomenon in quantum physics. The system dependabil-

ity can be improved and the communication complexity

can be reduced with DQES model. To a level which is not

possible classically, we also showed that the reliability can

be enhanced if processors share quantum entanglement.

How to reduce the total resources used in a multiparty

environment is the objective of our future work.


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