Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing Computer Science and Engineering Department UC San Diego La Jolla, CA {baksanli, tajana}@ucsd.edu Eddie Pettis Google Inc. Mountain View, CA [email protected] Abstract— Datacenters are large cyber-physical systems with continuous performance and power measurements, and real-time control decisions related to workload placement, cooling and power subsystems etc. In our work we focus on the non-ideal UPS system used to shave peak power demands. Our novel distributed battery control design has no performance impact, reduces the peak power needs, and accurately estimates and maximizes the battery lifetime. We demonstrate that models which do not take into account physical characteristics of batteries overestimate their lifetime by 2.4x. In contrast, our design is within 3.3% of the centralized battery control in terms of battery lifetime with 10x reduction in the communication costs, while shaving 23MWhrs/week of energy in a 10MW datacenter, equivalent to adding 8760 more servers at no additional power cost. Keywords— datacenters, peak power shaving, batteries, distributed control I. INTRODUCTION Warehouse-scale datacenters can be viewed as large scale cyber-physical systems, consisting of computational components (e.g. servers), and support subsystem which ensures correct server operation (e.g. cooling subsystem, uninterruptible power supply - UPS). While quite a bit of work has been published on job scheduling and resource management among servers, and on cooling subsystem control, the topic of using batteries present as a part of a UPS system to reduce peak power is very new. Furthermore, the few papers that recently did address this topic [1], [2], [3], neglected to consider more realistic physical characteristics of the batteries, and, as a result, estimated benefits were too optimistic - by more than a factor of two. This illustrates the need to correctly model both the physical properties of the system (in this case batteries), along with the cyber components. Datacenters often enter long-term power contracts with usage limits based on the expected peak to limit the cost of energy. The fundamental problem with power provisioning involves using as much power as possible without exceeding a fixed power budget. The overages charged at market prices may be five times more expensive than the contracted rates [4]. Although individual servers may reach peak power during normal operation, entire clusters of servers rarely operate at peak power simultaneously [5]. Several studies have proposed peak shaving (also called power capping) to increase power utilization [1], [2], [3]. This involves reducing the contracted power level and preventing utility-facing (or breaker-facing) power consumption from exceeding the contracted power with no cost to performance. Figure 1. Peak shaving with batteries Many mechanisms have been proposed to prevent servers from exceeding the provisioned power, including dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) [5] [6], virtual machine power management [7], online job migration [8] [9], and batteries [1] [2] [3]. Batteries are particularly useful because they remove the performance overhead associated with meeting the power budget. Figure 1 illustrates peak shaving with batteries. The horizontal axis represents a 24-hour interval. The vertical axis is the aggregate power consumption. The upper horizontal line shows the original peak power demand and the lower one represents the power cap. If the demand is higher than the power cap, the batteries discharge to provide energy. They recharge during low power demand in preparation for the next peak. The extra energy required to recharge the batteries should be adjusted so that it does not create power cap violation. The difference between the original peak power draw and the power cap corresponds to energy savings. Alternatively, we can add more servers to the datacenter with the original power cap instead of saving energy [3]. In our work we also present the energy savings and number of additional servers we can put within the same power budget of a 10MW datacenter when using batteries for peak power shaving. Google’s 10MW datacenter with 45 containers and 40000 servers is a good example of such a large scale deployment [10]. We show that our approach shaves 978-1-4799-0623-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

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Page 1: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power

Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing

Computer Science and Engineering Department

UC San Diego

La Jolla, CA

{baksanli, tajana}@ucsd.edu

Eddie Pettis

Google Inc.

Mountain View, CA

[email protected]

Abstract— Datacenters are large cyber-physical systems with

continuous performance and power measurements, and real-time

control decisions related to workload placement, cooling and

power subsystems etc. In our work we focus on the non-ideal

UPS system used to shave peak power demands. Our novel

distributed battery control design has no performance impact,

reduces the peak power needs, and accurately estimates and

maximizes the battery lifetime. We demonstrate that models

which do not take into account physical characteristics of

batteries overestimate their lifetime by 2.4x. In contrast, our

design is within 3.3% of the centralized battery control in terms

of battery lifetime with 10x reduction in the communication

costs, while shaving 23MWhrs/week of energy in a 10MW

datacenter, equivalent to adding 8760 more servers at no

additional power cost.

Keywords— datacenters, peak power shaving, batteries,

distributed control


Warehouse-scale datacenters can be viewed as large scale

cyber-physical systems, consisting of computational

components (e.g. servers), and support subsystem which

ensures correct server operation (e.g. cooling subsystem,

uninterruptible power supply - UPS). While quite a bit of work

has been published on job scheduling and resource

management among servers, and on cooling subsystem control,

the topic of using batteries present as a part of a UPS system to

reduce peak power is very new. Furthermore, the few papers

that recently did address this topic [1], [2], [3], neglected to

consider more realistic physical characteristics of the batteries,

and, as a result, estimated benefits were too optimistic - by

more than a factor of two. This illustrates the need to correctly

model both the physical properties of the system (in this case

batteries), along with the cyber components.

Datacenters often enter long-term power contracts with

usage limits based on the expected peak to limit the cost of

energy. The fundamental problem with power provisioning

involves using as much power as possible without exceeding a

fixed power budget. The overages charged at market prices

may be five times more expensive than the contracted rates [4].

Although individual servers may reach peak power during

normal operation, entire clusters of servers rarely operate at

peak power simultaneously [5]. Several studies have proposed

peak shaving (also called power capping) to increase power

utilization [1], [2], [3]. This involves reducing the contracted

power level and preventing utility-facing (or breaker-facing)

power consumption from exceeding the contracted power with

no cost to performance.

Figure 1. Peak shaving with batteries

Many mechanisms have been proposed to prevent servers

from exceeding the provisioned power, including dynamic

voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) [5] [6], virtual machine

power management [7], online job migration [8] [9], and

batteries [1] [2] [3]. Batteries are particularly useful because

they remove the performance overhead associated with

meeting the power budget. Figure 1 illustrates peak shaving

with batteries. The horizontal axis represents a 24-hour

interval. The vertical axis is the aggregate power consumption.

The upper horizontal line shows the original peak power

demand and the lower one represents the power cap. If the

demand is higher than the power cap, the batteries discharge to

provide energy. They recharge during low power demand in

preparation for the next peak. The extra energy required to

recharge the batteries should be adjusted so that it does not

create power cap violation. The difference between the original

peak power draw and the power cap corresponds to energy

savings. Alternatively, we can add more servers to the

datacenter with the original power cap instead of saving energy

[3]. In our work we also present the energy savings and

number of additional servers we can put within the same power

budget of a 10MW datacenter when using batteries for peak

power shaving. Google’s 10MW datacenter with 45 containers

and 40000 servers is a good example of such a large scale

deployment [10]. We show that our approach shaves

978-1-4799-0623-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

Page 2: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

23MWh/week of energy or enables us to add 8760 more

servers within the same power budget.

If the datacenter uses a centralized UPS for peak shaving,

then all systems in the datacenter are switched to batteries until

they exhaust their capacity or the peak subsides. This technique

is useful primarily for peaks that are a few minutes long due to

low battery capacity [4]. Recent trends in warehouse-scale

datacenters focused on distributed UPS architectures, where

individual servers [10] or collection of racks [11] have their

own UPS. The distributed design shaves power more

effectively due to its finer granularity but only works for

datacenters willing to commit to a non-standard power

architecture [3]. It also requires a control system to select

discharging batteries carefully because management that does

not take account of physical properties of batteries, may reduce

battery lifetime and increase the overall cost. But, this

coordination requires significant communication overhead that

may increase reaction time during sudden spikes, causing

expensive overages.

We revisit the analyses for existing peak shaving designs

using more realistic battery models. Existing centralized

approaches discharge batteries in a “boolean” fashion: the

entire datacenter power domain is fully disconnected from the

utility power and supplied from the UPS. This requires

batteries to discharge at much higher currents than rated,

lowering both their lifetime and the actual capacity they can

deliver. Simplistic models overestimate battery lifetime by 2.4x

and the actual capacity by 1.2x.

Distributed UPS design addresses boolean discharge

problem at the whole datacenter level by providing the ability

to discharge only a subset of batteries at a time, but a battery

that is selected for discharge still operates in boolean fashion.

The previous designs [2] [3] leveraged battery models that

cannot capture the negative effects of this boolean mode and

thus overestimated the peak shaving capabilities by up to 63%.

In addition, that work does not address how to manage the

coordination among the distributed batteries. The coordination

is required to both reduce the communication overhead and to

maximize the battery lifetime. Centralized controller for

distributed batteries performs well in terms of both peak

shaving and battery lifetime, but may take multiple seconds to

respond to a power spike. To solve this problem, we present a

distributed battery control mechanism that achieves the battery

lifetime and power shaving performance within 3.3% and 6%

of the best centralized solution with only 10% of its

communication overhead. This power shaving enables

23MWh/week energy shaving or 8760 additional servers

within the same power budget when scaled to a typical 10MW



Energy and power management is a major problem for

datacenter operators because of high demand and job

criticality. Approaches taken include applying power shaving

mechanisms such as DVFS [5] [6] and virtual machine-based

power management [7] to move the jobs where energy is less

expensive [8] [9]. However, all of these solutions negatively

impact performance, e.g. DVFS slows down the applications;

consolidation and migration both incur network delays.

In contrast, batteries have been proposed to reduce the peak

power of datacenters with no performance overhead. Govindan

et al. [4] suggest using existing batteries within the centralized

UPS. However, the UPS can shave only peaks of a few

minutes long because it powers the entire datacenter and uses

lead-acid batteries (LA). Wang et al. [12] investigate additional

options, such as flywheels and ultra-capacitors. Palasamudram

et al. [2] and Kontorinis et al. [3] use overprovisioned

distributed batteries to sustain peaks of several hours. Even

though there is finer grained control of the battery output, each

battery powering a single server requires high discharge

current, known to decrease both the effective battery capacity

and the useful battery lifetime [13]. A key problem is that these

publications do not model and manage physical capabilities of

batteries well, as they do not capture the negative effects of

high discharge currents and thus overestimate the battery

lifetime. The distributed UPS implementations do not study the

overhead of managing the distributed batteries at large scale.

We show in this paper that this is necessary and significant.


In this section, we first revisit the architectures of the

existing designs. We show that their peak shaving capabilities

are not accurately calculated without modeling the actual

battery behavior observed in the peak shaving context. There

are two battery placement architectures: centralized and

distributed. The centralized design uses batteries within the

datacenter-level UPS and does not require additional power

equipment. A common power delivery hierarchy for this

design is shown in Figure 2-a. When peak shaving occurs, UPS

powers the entire datacenter, discharging the batteries at high

rate. According to Peukert’s Law, this drains battery capacity

quickly [14]. Furthermore, the AC-DC-AC double conversion

reduces UPS efficiency and decreases useful battery capacity

by up to 20%.

The distributed design co-locates the servers and batteries

and eliminates the DC-AC battery power conversion [2] [3]. A

sample design is shown in Figure 2-b. Each server may be

switched to battery independently. This leads to finer grained

control of the aggregate battery output because only a fraction

of the servers are powered via battery at any given

time. Together, conversion efficiency and fine-grained control

permit hours of peak shaving compared to a few minutes of the

traditional centralized designs.

A. Issues with the Previous Designs

Even though the distributed design achieves finer grained

control, each battery still needs to power the entire server with

high discharge currents. The existing distributed architectures

do not account for the negative effects of high discharging

rate. Figure 3 shows the peak shaving capability of the

distributed design with and without a detailed battery model.

We assume that each server is attached with a 20 Ah LA

battery. A power cap is defined for each server at 255W. This

Page 3: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

Figure 2. Centralized vs. distributed battery placements

a) State-of the art power distribution with centralized battery

b) State-of-the-art power distribution with distributed batteries

PDU = Power Distribution Unit

UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply

Figure 3. Peak shaving capabilities of the distributed design







275 285 295 305 315 325Pea

k s


g d




Per server magnitude of the peak power pulse (W)

Distributed SoA

Distributed-Detailed Model

Figure 4. The maximum battery capacity with random battery selection

1 year random

Avg. 1 year best

Dead battery

Full capacity

2 year random

Avg. 2 years best

Dead battery

Full capacity

value reflects the average maximum server power that the

datacenter can allocate. For example, some servers can go

higher than 255W that have more stringent needs, and some

can have less than that. But the average power should not be

more than 255W. This defines the datacenter power cap by

restricting the total datacenter power consumption to

255W*#servers. The horizontal axis illustrates a range of peak

server powers. The vertical axis represents the peak shaving

duration. The upper curve estimates peak shaving duration with

a simplistic battery model and the lower curve uses a more

exact model, both outlined in section III.B. We see that the

power shaving duration can be overestimated by up to 62%

without a detailed battery model.

The ability to discharge batteries independently is crucial in

the distributed design. However, since not all batteries are

discharged at the same time, they may have very different

discharge patterns, depending on server load. This variation

results in capacity imbalances between them. Figure 4

represents this variation one and two years after the batteries

are deployed when selecting batteries randomly each time

battery power is needed. The outermost circle represents the

nominal battery capacity. The innermost circle corresponds to

the end of the battery’s useful life. We consider a battery dead

when it can use only 80% of its nominal capacity [15]. Each

battery is denoted by a ray extending from the center. The

length of the ray indicates the battery capacity. The line

between the nominal and dead capacity indicates the ideal

battery lifetime at each age. This graph illustrates that

remaining battery capacities significantly deviate from the

ideal. This deviation increases over time, resulting in early

battery replacements, increasing the battery related costs. We

may reduce this variation by selecting batteries more

effectively. This requires coordination between the batteries,

which may have delays on the order of seconds depending on

network congestion. Large delays can lead to miscalculating

the total available battery capacity, reducing the peak shaving.

B. Detailed Estimates of Battery’s Physical Condition

UPS-based peak shaving requires accurate estimates of

battery’s physical condition. This section provides estimates of

battery’s depth-of-discharge (DoD), available capacity after

recharging and discharging, and a method for calculating

useful capacity over time. The available battery capacity at a

given time is defined as the state-of-charge (SoC) and reported

as a percentage of the maximum capacity. State-of-health

(SoH) quantifies the maximum capacity over time as a

percentage of the initial capacity.

Battery lifetime modeling has been extensively studied

before, especially in the context of mobile devices, e.g. [16]

[17]. We combine a few models as a part of our work.

Coulomb counting method presented in [18] describes the

relation between DoD level and SoH using. The impact of

using high discharge current rates on SoH is studied further in

[13]. We also include Peukert’s law which states that the

effective capacity of a battery decays exponentially depending

on discharging current [14]. The main benefit of the model we

present is its simplicity and ability to easily leverage it in a

large scale installation as it requires only voltage and current

readings for all the calculations. We start describing our model

by first calculating released capacity during a discharge event:


where Δt is the length of the time interval and is the

discharge current. Then, we compute the DoD as the released

capacity over the effective capacity:




where is the effective capacity when using and

is the rated capacity. H is the rated discharge time in terms

of hours (normal hours) and is obtained from the data sheets

[14]. Peukert’s exponent, k, reflects battery chemistry. The

typical value is 1.15 for lead-acid (LA) and 1.05 for lithium

iron phosphate (LFP) batteries [19]. is also scaled with an

SoH value (defined in equation (3)) to reflect the capacity loss.

The DoD is subtracted from the SoC at the end of each

interval. When the discharge ends, we save the total DoD

value, as (100-SoC)%.

The effective capacity decreases with higher discharging

currents. Figure 5 shows this effect on 20Ah LA and LFP

Page 4: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

batteries. The horizontal and vertical axes show the effective

battery capacity and discharging current respectively. The LA

battery has significantly less capacity at high current because it

has greater nonlinear behavior, represented by a larger Peukert

exponent. At 40A, the LA battery loses 42% of its nominal

capacity, but the LFP battery loses only 15%.

The battery SoH is updated after a complete

recharge/discharge cycle [18]. This update depends on the

battery chemistry, effective capacity and . The

number of available cycles decreases with larger We

use a lookup table for each battery chemistry to define the

effects of shown in Figure 6. This data is available in

battery datasheets. In Figure 6, the horizontal axis shows the

DoD level for charge/discharge at 20h discharge rate, which is

defined as the current that drains the battery in 20h. The

vertical axis illustrates the number of cycles a battery can

provide for a particular DoD level. As DoD increases, the cycle

count decreases exponentially.

We calculate the impact of each cycle on SoH by

normalizing the effect of one cycle with value over

the lifetime. The lifetime is defined as the interval in which

battery SoH is between 100% and the SoH value that

determines when the battery is dead, . It is generally

assumed to be 80% [15]. If the battery has

cycles available with value, the SoH of battery is

updated as [13]:


Battery management unit normally monitors and manages

battery voltage and current, making it easy to implement our

model which just requires these two measurements. In contrast,

the simple battery model used by previous work [1] [2] does

not calculate . Instead, it uses nominal battery capacity,

to compute DoD, resulting in up to 42% overestimated

discharge duration. It also does not account for the effects of

decreasing SoH on the , which further increases errors.


Battery Error

Li-Ion5 4.3% ± 2%

Li-Ion6 5.8% ± 3.6%

Li-Ion7 3.8% ± 2.7%

Model verification: We use battery data available from the

NASA Ames Prognostics Data Repository [20] to validate the

accuracy of our model. The repository includes the results of

the experiments that charge/discharge the 2Ah Li-ion batteries

at different currents and temperatures. Each result set consists

of the complete charge-discharge profiles of a single battery

until it reaches end-of-life. We use the results of 3 batteries,

tested at room temperature, to check our model and compare

the SoH values at the end of each charge/discharge cycle.

Table I shows that our model has a 4.6% average error

compared to the battery measurements.

C. Distributed Control Mechanism

The distributed architecture permits finer grained control

than centralized architectures because server batteries may be

discharged independently. This process requires intelligent

selection of batteries during each power peak. In section III.A,

we demonstrate that simple battery selection algorithms may

distribute power load unevenly and induce high variations in

battery SoH. This variations lead to premature battery

replacements because capacity is reduced sooner than

expected. Therefore, the distributed design requires a

mechanism that monitors battery health and selects batteries in

a way that minimizes this variation.

The distributed controller first estimates the number of

batteries to discharge during each peak power pulse as follows:

⌉ (4)

where ⌈ ⌉ is the ceiling function, is the peak power

demand at a given time, is the peak power threshold

to be maintained, is the single battery voltage and

is the single battery discharging current. We use 12V

batteries [10] and set to 23A. Since the servers use

the battery power without AC-DC conversion, the battery

incurs no conversion losses in the server. In our experiments,

the measured server peak power is 350W and power supply

unit (PSU) efficiency is 80%. Therefore, the server actually

uses 280W, which corresponds to 23A discharging current.

An ideal controller for the distributed design should poll

every server to gather data on server power demand, battery

SoC and SoH. This process requires message exchanges

through the datacenter network. However, the controller

becomes subject to communication delays between the

thousands of servers and large background traffic. Previous

work shows that the switch delay can increase by over 100x

with excessive queuing in the switches [21].

Our new method groups the batteries into multiple

distributed controllers to address the communication

complexity. Table II lists the possible group sizes and shows

the corresponding level in the datacenter power hierarchy. The

two extremes represent fully localized control, at each

individual server, and the datacenter level, which is equivalent

to fully centralized control. In between are rack level, PDU,

which consists of approximately 10 racks, and cluster level,

which is about the size of a typical datacenter container. We

Figure 6. Cycle life of LA and LFP batteries rated at 20h [27], [28]





0 50 100



er o

f C



DoD level


Figure 5. Effective capacity of 20Ah

LA and LFP batteries in our model







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40





. (A


Current (A)


Page 5: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana




Level Size of a


Policy Communication

Server 1 Random Local

Rack 20-50 [4] LRU(Iterative) [3] Local

PDU 200 [3] Max-SoH-local Local

Cluster 1000 [3] Max-SoH-global Global






comm. 3 groups


limited-comm. 2 groups

Calculate number of batteries to use

Send signal to other groups

Wait response

from other groups

Group 1

Group n


Other groups communicating with group i

If the selected battery is in

another group

Start discharging

local battery

If the selected battery is local

Timeout when waiting data

Power demand Battery SoH, SoC


Select the batteries

Figure 7. Battery selection with communication based policies

chose these hierarchy layers as they correspond to the typical

organization found in the datacenter’s power hierarchy.

Each level of the controller implements one of the policies

shown in Table III to select a battery. Random, Least-Recently-

Used (LRU) and Max-SoH-local policies make a local decision

regarding which battery to use for peak power shaving from

their immediate group. Random policy selects a random battery

from available ones. LRU, also used in [3], always selects the

next available battery from its local list. Max-SoH-local

chooses the available battery with the greatest SoH value. We

assume that the controllers do not know or predict the length of

the upcoming peak power pulse. Hence, selecting the battery

with the greatest SoH value is the best a controller can do

because it minimizes the probability that the selected battery

empties during the peak power pulse. These policies result in

lower latency with smaller groups, but their knowledge about

total power demand and battery status is limited.

We implement three other Max-SoH policies to address this

problem. They are similar to Max-SoH-local, but controllers

can communicate with other ones during a decision process.

The Max-SoH-global policy represents a centralized controller

and uses all data available in the system. Although this

controller can make the best decision, it leads to large

communication delays and becomes a single point of failure.

Max-SoH-limited and –more-limited communication policies

are limited to two and one other groups. Each group’s partners

are assigned statically based on power and network

infrastructure. We compare these policies with the local ones to

demonstrate the trade-off between the communication

overhead and power shaving, and battery lifetime performance.

Figure 7 shows the peak shaving and the battery selection

process of a single group when communicating with others.

The number of sharing groups depends on the policy. The

controller first awaits power consumption and battery data

from its sharing groups. It next computes the peak power that

can be shaved by finding the number of batteries required and

selects the batteries to use. Local batteries discharge

immediately. Remote batteries require explicit signals to their

controller. We use a timeout when waiting for the data from

other groups to avoid problems, including miscalculating the

total available battery capacity. The timeout may decrease the

quality of selection since less data will be present.


We present our experimental setup and describe how we

use it to evaluate different battery designs and control

implementations. We start with power measurements and the

description of the workloads we use. Since our measurement

infrastructure is not of sufficient size to compare to effects

observed in large scale datacenters, we also design and

describe our simulation platform. Lastly, we present a number

of test cases that illustrate the improvements with a detailed

battery model and the benefits of using distributed control to

manage the batteries. Our results show that both power shaving

capabilities and battery lifetime is overestimated with a simple

battery model. Distributed and hierarchical control decreases

the communication overhead of the centralized solution by 10x

while staying within 6% and 3.3% of the centralized control

performance in terms of power shaving and battery lifetime,


A. Power Measurements and Workloads Run

We use measurements from our datacenter container on

campus to estimate the overall power cost for a larger scale

datacenter. Our container has 200 servers consisting of

Nehalem, Xeon and Sun Fire servers running Xen VM. We run

a mix of commonly used benchmarks to measure power and

performance of service and batch jobs on our servers. We use

RUBiS [22] to model service-sensitive eBay-like workload

with 90th percentile of response times at 150ms, and Olio [23]

to model social networking workloads with response times

ranging from 100ms up to multiple seconds, depending on the

type of request (e.g. text post vs. video upload). Multiple

Hadoop [24] instances are run as batch jobs. We measure

performance at 10ms sampling rate and obtain power at 60Hz.

The measurements are used to create an event-based

simulator that embeds the power information and the workload

characteristics to simulate a larger datacenter environment. We

model each 8-core server with an M/M/8 queuing model, and a

linear CPU utilization based power estimate commonly used

by others [5] [6]. Table IV shows that the average simulation

error is well below 10% for all quantities of interest, with 3%

average error for power estimates, while performance for

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Figure 8. Datacenter workload mix Figure 9. DoD level variation









Cluster PDU Rack Server





Peak power/

server (W) –

shaving %

Centralized – 3200Ah total capacity LA Distributed – 20Ah/server LA – 40Ah/server LFP

Power capping duration (min) Error


Power capping duration (min) Error (%)

Model simple model detailed model LA LFP

Simple Detailed LA LFP LA LFP

300 – 15% 8 4 100% 240 480 148 423 62% 13%

310 – 17% 7 3 133% 186 372 114 327 63% 14%

320 – 20% 7 3 133% 135 270 82 237 64% 14%

services has only 6% and MapReduce completion times are

within 8% of measured values.


Parameter Ave. Error

Avg. Power Consumption 3%

Services QoS 6%

Avg. MapReduce Comp. Time 8%

To understand the benefits of peak power shaving, we

model the typical user request load for a full datacenter. We

use a year of publicly available traffic data of two Google

products, Orkut and Search, as reported in Google

Transparency Report [25]. A week’s worth of workload

combinations based on the waveform shown in Figure 3 of [26]

where Social Networking and Search workloads represent

service jobs, and MapReduce is for batch jobs. Table V shows

the workload parameters, while Figure 8 compares each job’s

contribution to the total datacenter load. The maximum load

ratio is around 80% with average of 45%.


Workload Average Time

Service Interarrival

Search [6] 50ms 42ms

Social Networking [23] 1sec 445ms

MapReduce [26] 2 min 3.3 min

B. Datacenter and Battery Simulation

Fine event granularity in simulation is computationally

expensive, so we limit our datacenter simulation period to a

week. We extract the datacenter power consumption along with

the each battery’s charge/discharge profile. These values are

scaled to longer time intervals in order to analyze the required

battery DoD, the discharge current profile and to get an

estimate of the lifetime.

Figure 9 shows the DoD level variation with different level

controllers over a week when DoDgoal is set to 60%. Higher

level distributed controllers are more consistent. They use all

the available battery capacity, because the battery power output

can be distributed evenly across them. In contrast, the DoD

value is uniformly distributed between 20% and 60% with a

server level controller because individual server power profiles

vary and there is limited coordination between the servers.

After analyzing short-term battery usage profiles, we use

the battery model described previously and simulate only

charge/discharge cycles to estimate the battery lifetime. We

simulate several years of simulation time and consider a battery

dead when its SoH goes below 80% [15]. We include both LFP

[3] & LA [1], [2], [4] batteries in our study. The battery

capacity is sized to the maximum volume that fits per server

(40Ah and 20Ah respectively) with 12V nominal voltage [3].


A. Accuracy of the Battery Model

We start our evaluation by comparing the power capping

capabilities of the state-of-the-art (SoA) battery placement

designs with both LA and LFP batteries. The SoA centralized

design adjusts the battery capacity to handle only emergency

cases, which last only a few minutes. We assume that this

design has a 3200 Ah LA battery as proposed in [10], [3] to

support a single datacenter container. In distributed case, each

server has a dedicated 20Ah LA or 40Ah LFP battery, the

maximum possible given their volume, same as in [3]. These

battery capacities are adjusted to match previous work. In

Table VI, we compute how long the batteries can shave a fixed

average peak power pulse per server with specified magnitude

where the datacenter power cap is defined at 255W/server. We

first apply the simplistic battery model used by recent SoA

publications. This model accounts only for the total battery

capacity and ignores the effects of high discharge currents and

nonlinear behavior of different battery types [2] [4]. Table VI

shows that the centralized design can shave a peak for only 7

minutes whereas the distributed design can successfully shave

peaks of over 3 and 6 hours with LA and LFP batteries,


Next, we use the detailed battery model presented in

section III.B to account for the battery type and the negative

effects of high discharging currents. Surprisingly, the peak

power shaving amount can be overestimated by 133% in the

centralized design. The discharging current in the distributed

design is still high, but the rate of the discharging current is

lower relative to total battery capacity. This results in error of

64% for LA batteries, and 14% for LFP. LFP’s error rate is up

to 4.5x lower than the LA’s because of its more linear

discharge behavior. However, the error, a result of an

inaccurate model and interaction with physical devices – the

Page 7: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

batteries, is still significant to affect peak power shaving

decisions, such as determining battery design or the total

needed capacity.



Low current rated estimations 3 years 10 years

Our estimations 1.4 years 4.1 years

We use our battery model with our long term battery

simulation to estimate the average lifetime of an LA and LFP

battery when shaving peak power. Table VII compares our

long-term battery lifetime estimates with previous work [3],

[2]. Neglecting the effects of high current results in high error:

as much as 210% and 240% longer battery lifetime estimates

leading to severely underestimated battery costs and overstated

cost savings due to peak shaving.

B. Performance of the Distributed Control

We next evaluate the performance of our communication

based distributed controllers, which increase the overall battery

lifetime by balancing the power demand across the batteries.

We use 1000 40Ah LFP batteries [3] with configurations

shown in Table II, with policies described in Table III. Tables

VIII and IX summarize the comparison between different

policies and group sizes in terms of peak shaving and average

battery lifetime. To calculate the best peak power shaving for

each configuration we first use the workload distribution

shown in Figure 8 to create the power profile of the datacenter

over a week. We initially set a power cap, e.g. 280W/server,

and reduce it in each simulation experiment until we cannot

guarantee that cap. We then compute the power shaving

percentage with the amount of power shaved over the peak.




Datacenter partitioning

1 cont. 5 PDUs 10 PDUs 50




Local 30










Max-SoH – glob.

30 (19%)

30 (19%)

30 (19%)

30 (19%)

30 (19%)

Max-SoH –

lim. comm.











Max-SoH – m-lim. comm.

30 (19%)

18.1 (17%)

11.2 (15%)

4.8 (12%)

2.5 (10%)

Table VIII shows energy savings per week due to various

peak power shaving strategies scaled to a datacenter of peak

capacity 10MW, along with peak power shaving percentages

for each configuration based on the smallest power cap we can

guarantee. Google’s 10MW, 45 container datacenter, with

40000 servers [10] is an example of such a deployment. The

best peak power shaving can be achieved with a centralized

controller – as much as 19% of the peak power of the entire

datacenter, equivalent to 30MWh/week of the 10MW

datacenter, or 9380 more servers with no additional peak

power cost. Although we have the same total battery capacity

in all of the configurations, the power shaving capability

decreases significantly with lower level controllers because of

their limited knowledge of the total power demand. They shave

up to 50% less power and 92% less energy compared to the

best solution. In contrast, we observe that our PDU level

controllers with communication can shave 18% of the peak

power and 23MWh energy, within 6% and 23% of the

centralized solution.

Table IX shows the average battery lifetime, normalized to

the case with the individual server level controllers. Local

policies perform poorly regardless of their battery selection

algorithm as they are unaware of batteries in other groups.

Changing the group size does not affect performance of the

local policies, except for Max-SoH, which reduces to Max-

SoH-global when there is only one group. The centralized

controller gives the best results, performing 2x better than the

local policies by processing the data from all the batteries. The

performance of policies with limited communication depends

on the group size and communication span. Increasing span

with 5 PDU level controllers using limited communication by

one group results in up to 20% longer battery lifetime, within

3.3% of the centralized solution. Thus, our distributed

controllers well approximate the performance of the centralized

controller in terms of both power shaving and battery lifetime,

showing that intelligent control and good characterization of

datacenter’s physical infrastructure can dramatically improve

the overall system efficiency.



Datacenter partitioning











Random 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.00

LRU 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.00

Max-SoH-local 1.97 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.00

Max-SoH – glob. 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97

Max-SoH – lim. comm.

1.97 1.91 1.76 1.77 1.73

Max-SoH - more

lim. comm. 1.97 1.59 1.59 1.51 1.48

C. Communication overhead analysis

In this architecture, each group controller polls the servers

in its group using the datacenter network to collect server

power consumption and battery statistics. The controller then

delivers the battery selection decision to the servers. Intra-rack

communication is extremely fast, but relaying messages

through multiple switches introduces far more delays.

Assuming a common a fat-tree topology, we model the links in

the network with 10 Gbps capacity, which can transmit a 1K

package at 1us. We evaluate an ideal network, without queuing

delay, a network with normal level congestion where a single

message transmission delay in a switch is 50us and a network

with a high level congestion reaching 350us delay [21]. In this

experiment, container level models global communication.

Figure 10 shows the results of the communication analysis.

The vertical axes are on a log scale. The total delay increases

exponentially with higher level controllers because of the

increasing number of out-of-rack communication signals,

going over several hops. Rack level controller gives the best

Page 8: Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving …seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/IGCC13_Aksanli.pdfDistributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Datacenters Baris Aksanli and Tajana

results with only tens of ms total delay even in the presence of

high congestion. However, it has 32% less power shaving and

11% shorter battery lifetime compared to the centralized

solution. In contrast, the container level controller may have

seconds of delay, 100x more than the rack level in high

congestion. With 5 PDU controllers there is a 10x decrease in

the total communication delay relative to the global solution

while being within 6% and 3.3% of the centralized controller in

terms of peak power shaving and battery lifetime. Clearly this

is a great replacement for the centralized control for peak

power shaving with batteries.

Figure 10. Communication overhead


Peak shaving with batteries has gained significant

importance because of its ease of applicability and no

performance overhead. Previous work does not model the

physical characteristics of the batteries and therefore

overestimates the benefits by as much as 2.4x longer battery

lifetime and up to 113% longer peak power shaving duration.

We propose a distributed control mechanism to manage the

physical properties of the batteries. Our mechanism removes

the single point of failure of the traditional centralized control

and reduces its communication overhead by 10x while being

within 6% and 3.3% of its peak power shaving and battery

lifetime, respectively. This power shaving leads to 23.1 MWh

energy shaving when scaled to a typical 10MW datacenter

[10]. This work illustrates the benefits of correctly modeling

and tracking the physical phenomena (batteries). Thus,

designing an appropriate infrastructure to manage the batteries

is critical for obtaining great results.


This work was sponsored in part by Google, NSF ERC

CIAN (grant number 812072), NSF IRNC TransLight–

StarLight (grant number 962997), and CNS. The authors also

acknowledge the support of the Multiscale Systems Center

(MuSyC), one of six centers under the Focus Center Research

Program (FCRP), a Semiconductor Research Corporation

program (SRC).


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50 Racks 10 PDUs 5 PDUs 1 Container


l D







er o

f si



Average out of rack Average within rackTotal delay - ideal Total delay - high congestionTotal delay - normal congestion