Displacement “Pilot” by Kevin Dooley [email protected] 6/18/2020

Displacement › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-19 · You gonna be a college boy? AJ scans the group, treads carefully. AJ It’s either that or get strapped

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Page 1: Displacement › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-19 · You gonna be a college boy? AJ scans the group, treads carefully. AJ It’s either that or get strapped



by Kevin Dooley

[email protected]


Page 2: Displacement › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-19 · You gonna be a college boy? AJ scans the group, treads carefully. AJ It’s either that or get strapped

EXT. DYMALLY HIGH SCHOOL – DAY SUPER: Green Meadows, Los Angeles, 2019 Locked steel gates scream prison, betrayed by a colorful hand-painted banner for the weekend’s basketball game. A rumble of voices add to the din of traffic as the gates slam open on the otherwise modern, inviting building. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS pour through the gates – roughhousing, yelling, dispersing to their individual paths home. AJ BURNS cuts through the crowd, laughing and jostling his classmates. He is 17, Black, clean-cut, with a clear glint of intelligence in his eyes. EDDIE – 18, confident, and fashionable – points to the banner.

EDDIEYo! You going to the game tomorrow night?


Naw man, I gotta go see my girl. PABLO – 16, pudgy, and geeky – uses air quotes as he chimes in.

PABLOWhen we gonna meet this “girlfriend”?

AJ shrugs.

AJWhen you wanna get out of the Meadows and head up to USC?


And get out of this dump? Can we go right now?


Ha! She’s got a thing tonight. How ‘bout I text you about tomorrow?


I’m down.


They say their goodbyes and head their separate ways.

Page 3: Displacement › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-19 · You gonna be a college boy? AJ scans the group, treads carefully. AJ It’s either that or get strapped

AJ pulls up his hood and slips in his earbuds. RICKY by Denzel Curry shuts out the noise of the world. AJ crosses the street, steppin’ to the beat. A Rottweiler barks, strains against its chain. AJ back pedals on the beat and slips down an alley instead. EXT. ALLEY BY SCHOOL – CONTINUOUS AJ, back in the groove. His hand runs along graffitied walls, feet dodge the trash. He cuts right and pops out onto: EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - DAY Older, rundown houses crammed into tiny lots. Forgotten bikes and toys in the yards. AJ bops along, in his own world. On one porch a handful of tatted up GANG BANGERS hold court. These are the 87th Street Gangster Crips – one of several gangs AJ passes on his way home. AJ is oblivious. 4STROKE – 20s, free flow twist hair, baggy jeans and blue flannel – draws on a big blunt and tosses it in an ashtray. He hops the porch railing and jogs across the yard.

4STROKEYo! Hold up!

AJ tries to dance around him.

4STROKEHey AJ! Wait!

4STROKE blocks his way forward. AJ pulls a single earbud out.

AJ‘Sup 'Stroke?

A couple other bangers make their way over, joining 4Stroke. Among them is LIL C - 20s, a series of unfortunate prison tattoos on his neck and face and an eager look in his eyes.


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AJ looks from one man to the next...

LIL CWhere you been, busta?


School... Work... staying busy. AJ, growing worried, scans the group and lowers his hood.

AJHey Stroke... We cool?


Yeah nigga, we cool. Just wonderin’ why you never come around?


Man you know I’m not about that thug life.


Heh. Too good for the Meadows?

AJNaw, it ain’t like that. My girl started up at USC - I been spendin’ time up there.


You gonna be a college boy? AJ scans the group, treads carefully.

AJIt’s either that or get strapped and start slangin’, right?


What you tryin’ ta say? AJ’s hands go up in surrender.

AJ(to 4Stroke)

Seems like you’ve got plenty of new friends, ‘Stroke.

4Stroke puffs up with pride.

4STROKEAin’t you heard? I’m running this street now. Meet my crew.


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4Stroke reaches out to put his arm around AJ.

4STROKEWhich is why I need you around – I need that big brain of yours to keep Five-Oh off my back...

AJ tries to step back - too late. 4Stroke makes contact...

FLASH TO:INT. SUV - NIGHT 4Stroke and his crew, all in “uniform”: LA Dodgers hats, blue bandanas covering their faces. Each of them loads and cocks a pistol.

4STROKEWe gonna smoke that Hoover andanyone with him.

Stroke pulls his bandana up to nods and a chorus of “Word”. EXT. STREET - NIGHT -The SUV cruises toward a house surrounded by cars. -On the porch BANGERS in orange Astros gear and WOMEN party. -Pistols peek out SUV windows, begin spitting fire and death. -The porch is chaos. Party goers dive for cover, some too slow. -Blood and smoke fill the air. -Screams reverberate as the SUV peels out.

SMASH CUT TO:EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - DAY AJ forcibly on his butt, as if he were shoved. He retches.

4STROKEWhat the fuck?! You sick bro?

AJ flails around, eyes jumping around the street.

AJI just... Did you...?


Yo... you okay?


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4Stroke offers a hand to help AJ up. AJ reaches for it before violently shaking his head and pushing away from him.


AJ scrambles up, eyes darting from one banger to the next.

LIL CThis busta’s losin’ it.

LIL C steps forward, 4Stroke puts out a hand to stop him.

4STROKEYou gonna make it? Need a ride?

AJ shakes his head again.

AJI gotta go... I’m...I’m gonna be sick.

AJ takes off, turning down the next alley. EXT. ALLEY - DAY Skittish, he keeps looking everywhere but where he’s running. He trips over a forgotten trash bag. He reaches for the bag. The instant he touches it--

FLASH TO:EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT Same place, different time. The trash bag still in the alley. Two cars parked front to front block the alley. Headlights create an island of light. Two GANG BANGERS posture, running their mouths. One of them kicks the trash bag into the face of the other one. The banger with trash in his face pulls a Glock. Bullets spray the car, the cinderblock walls, the other man.

SMASH CUT TO:EXT. ALLEY - DAY The trash bag hits the ground.


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AJ, barely holding back panic, bolts toward home. EXT. BURNS HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER AJ sprinting. Hard stop at his porch. While he gulps down fresh air, hands on his knees, he notices the day’s newspaper. He reaches out one cautious hand, hovering above the paper. A quick tap. Nothing. Another deep breath to steady himself then he grabs the newspaper and climbs the steps of their tidy home. INT. BURNS HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS AJ, still winded, enters calmly. At the couch, folding laundry, is ALLEN BURNS - mid 60s, clearly related to AJ, wearing a pair of dirty coveralls.

ALLENSurvived the walk home, I see.

AJ plays it cool, holds out the newspaper.

AJYeah. Dodged the dogs,slipped the gangs.


Classes go alright? Allen waves to the coffee table and finally makes eye contact.

ALLENYou okay? You look... off.

AJ drops the paper on the table and backs towards the stairs.

AJI... I’m not feeling great.I’m gonna lay down...

Allen, distracted, waves him away as he drops the paper and goes back to his laundry.

ALLENLet me know if you need anything. And don’t forget your homework!


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INT. AJ’S ROOM - DAY The door bursts open. AJ’s backpack sails across the room, lands by an orderly desk. The door swings shut as AJ crumples to the floor at the foot of his bed. The room is filled with shelves of graphic novels and models of characters from pop culture, anime, and comics. Against one wall is a workbench, his latest creation half built, model paints and craft knives nearby. The laptop chirps. AJ sighs, relieved at the distraction. AJ flips it open and answers the ringing video chat app. The screen fills with NICOLE LEE - 19, Korean, long black hair tucked behind her ears, comfy classroom attire. INT. NICOLE’S DORM ROOM - SAME Behind her is her tiny, but colorful dorm room - a bright red wall covered in BT21 K-Pop decorations and string lights.

NICOLEHey sweetie!

INTERCUT AJ/NICOLE AJ’s smile is genuine, but it hasn’t reached his eyes yet.

NICOLEJust wanted to say hi before I went to the prep meeting.


Hey – is there any way I can come up there tonight?


Sure! After we go over logistics and messaging we’ll be working on signs most of the night – wanna come help with that?


Naw... I was thinking we could find some place to talk?


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NICOLEI wish we could – but you know how important this protest is...


Yeah, yeah... I know – but someone else could make the signs, right?


Are you kidding? LA county is asking for the death penalty again... just because he’s black and from our part of town.


I get it, I do. It’s just... something weird happened today.


(oblivious)If we don’t stand up for--

She sees his condition for the first time.

NICOLEHey... are you okay?

He bites his lip... He’s not even sure what’s happening.

AJI ran into 4Stroke--



AJDeVante. He’s running the Eight-Sevens and wants me on his crew.


He always was trouble. You told him no, right?


Of course, but that’s not it.

NICOLEYou gotta get out of there. No good will come of you staying in Green Meadows.

Pushing past their ongoing fight to make his point...


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AJYeah. I know. But listen... DeVante put his arm around me... and I... I saw something...


What do you mean?

AJLike... a hallucination or... I dunno - ‘Stroke and his crew were doing a drive-by at night. Next thing I knew I was on my ass in the street with all of them staring at me.


Wait... So you had a seizure?

AJNo... it was like watching a movie in my head. And it happened again right after that in an alley.


You need to see a doctor. Tonight. Are you lightheaded?

AJ shakes his head.

AJI’m not sick – it’s not like that. I... I think I just need to sleep.

She’s not remotely convinced.



Seriously. I’m fine. I’m just gonna lie down for a bit...

He shuts his laptop and buries his head in his hands. INT. BURNS HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Allen finishes folding his laundry and piles it up in a basket. Before he picks up the basket he spies the newspaper from earlier. He scoops it up and instantly drops it in the basket. His hand shoots to his temple, massaging away a headache.


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INT. AJ’S ROOM - SAME AJ has the laptop open again. ON THE SCREEN Headline: LA County Seeks Death Penalty, Despite Governor’s Moratorium INTERCUT SCREEN/ROOM AJ winces, hand massaging his temple. He reads on: Jontavius “Trashman” Jones’ week long crime spree started with--

FLASH TO:EXT. TRAVEL STOP – NIGHT SUPER: Carbon Canyon Road, Sleepy Hollow, CA, 1999 CHARLOTTE - mid 20s in a dirty waitress uniform - buckles KAYLEE, 5 and adorable, into the back seat of a station wagon. Across the lot, dirty sneakers shuffle. They belong to JONTAVIUS “TRASHMAN” JONES, 20s. He’s filthy, fidgety, and angry - totally tweaked out. He pulls a sawn-off shotgun out of his coat.

He shouts angrily at a confused Charlotte and Kaylee. Gunshots. Smoke and silence. Tires squeal as Trashman peels out. Charlotte and Kaylee bleeding out in his wake.

RETURN TO:INT. AJ’S ROOM AJ flies back from his desk. He jumps out of his chair and slams his laptop closed.

AJWhat the hell was that?

He scans his room. His workbench catches his eye.


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AJNothing. That’s what that was. I just need to relax...

AJ moves the chair over to the model and starts laying out tools and paint brushes methodically. INT. KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Allen shuffles to a chair at the old formica table, plops down. He opens the paper and checks the headline. ON THE PAPER After 20 Years, Trial for Trashman Jones Begins BACK TO SCENE He skims the article and then sits back. His eyes go blank for just a moment. Allen shakes it off, sighs, and folds the paper closed. He pushes to his feet and shuffles across the kitchenette. INT. AJ’S ROOM - SAME A craft knife trims a piece for the model. AJ’s shiny, new class ring prominent on his hand. Dymally’s mascot, a charging knight, and the graduation year: 2021. Next to his hand is the box for this project. AJ glances at it. It’s an HG Wells-style time machine with a red, overstuffed victorian chair surrounded by elegant and complicated machinery. He pauses.


His eyes wander around his room. Across the motorcycle from Akira and Goku from Dragonball before landing on a DeLorean.

AJDefinitely not.

He continues to scan across a shelf of superheroes and stops on a pair of phone booths – the T.A.R.D.I.S. and Bill and Ted’s.


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AJNope. I can’t do this.

He opens a drawer and sweeps all the brushes and tools into it. A shelf in front of him grabs his attention. A line of white graphic novels with Japanese lettering on the side. He pulls down volume one. A plain white cover with a picture of a little girl in a red coat on one side and the word Erased on the other.


He grabs his phone, pops in his earbuds, and crashes on his bed with the manga. INT. GARAGE - DAY Not a speck of dust. Every tool in its place. Allen makes a beeline for a large, triple-locked cabinet. He pulls a key from around his neck and opens it. IN THE CABINET An empty top shelf. Each shelf below that has a labeled year: 2015201020052000199519901985...and so on through the rest of the shelves. On each shelf are a watch, a wallet, a phone or pager, and a set of clothes - all clearly from that year. INT. AJ’S ROOM - SAME AJ skims through the manga. He sits up, flips the comic closed, and dials his phone.

AJEddie. Hey. You ever read Erased?


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INT. EDDIE’S ROOM - SAME A modest room. Walls plastered with posters cinephiles love. His desk is overwhelmed by DIY and low-end camera gear. Eddie lies on his bed, thumbing through a comic.

EDDIEAbout that guy in time loops?


AJYou think that stuff is real?


The comic? Why would I think that’s real?

AJ moves to his laptop, opens it back up and starts browsing through Trashman articles.

AJNot the comic... but time loops?


You’re asking if I believe in time travel?

Eddie closes his comic, bored. He moves to his desk and fiddles with a camera and lens.

AJWell... yeah. Do you think people have the chance to fix things?


If people could travel in time, why did slavery happen? Why hasn’t anyone killed baby Hitler?

Skimming the articles has brought back a headache. AJ shuts his laptop, grabs his graphic novel, and moves to the shelf.

AJWhat if you can’t control it? Like you can only fix little things?

Eddie sets down the gear.

EDDIEIf we’ve learned anything from movies, there are no small things. Every change has side effects.


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AJThat’s what I’m worried about...

AJ slides the book back in the row of other volumes. INT. GARAGE - SAME Allen empties his pockets onto the top shelf. He looks at his coveralls and boots. Shrugs. He runs his fingers down the shelves until he finds 1995. He slides the wallet into his pocket and straps on the watch. Before closing the cabinet, he grabs a small, hooked knife from a sheath on the door and slides it up his sleeve. He locks the cabinet and slips the key around his neck. He checks the watch. ON THE WATCH The date and time are all zeros. BACK TO SCENE Allen sits on a mat on the floor, legs crossed, eyes closed. Inhales deeply... indecipherably muttering under his breath. INT. AJ’S ROOM - SAME AJ’s back in bed, trying to forget the day in his music. INT. GARAGE - SAME A faint glow surrounds Allen. Energy sparks as he contorts his hands to form arcane symbols. INT. AJ’S ROOM An arc of energy shoots up from the floor and across the desk. AJ whips his head up, yanks his earbuds out.


What the... He crosses to the desk and sits to inspect his laptop.


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INT. GARAGE Beams of energy lance from Allen’s fingers, surrounding him, building a column to the ceiling. The energy flashes. Thunder crashes. Allen is gone. INT. AJ’S ROOM Light swirls up from the floor, forming around AJ in his chair. He holds his hand out to the light, eyes wild. The same flash washes over AJ.


A hole opens beneath him. AJ falls through - chair and all. Silence in the empty room. EXT. DESERTED ROAD - DUSK SUPER: Carbon Canyon Road, Sleepy Hollow, CA, 1999 AJ, still seated, falls from nothing, 15 feet off the ground. The chair lands hard. AJ tumbles off. He pushes back to his feet, looks up to the empty sky.

AJWhere the hell?

He checks down the deserted highway as he pulls out his phone. No bars. On the horizon light splashes against the deepening dark. Out of options, AJ trudges that direction, sneakers scuffing against the rough asphalt. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DUSK A smooth concrete slab. Allen sits, surrounded by walls of studs. Several CONSTRUCTION WORKERS huddle near a job box, enjoying one last cigarette before heading home. Allen stands, eyes darting in all directions. No one saw him.


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He checks the watch again. ON THE WATCH It’s on the fritz – the digits cycling. Finally, they coalesce: 12/18/99. 7:30 PM. BACK TO SCENE Allen sneaks to the street, away from the workers. He tiptoes down a line of pickup trucks at the curb. The workers snuff out the smokes and start toward their trucks. Allen checks door handles and open windows until he spies... A set of keys in a center console. He slides behind the wheel and fires up the engine. The workers’ heads snap to the truck as tires squeal. They watch, stunned, as Allen peels out. EXT. TRAVEL STOP - NIGHT An oasis of concrete and neon light on the dark mountain road. AJ plods across the deserted parking lot towards the building. A single station wagon pulls in as he reaches the door. INT. TRAVEL STOP - NIGHT AJ darts for the drink coolers along the back wall. He pauses in confusion when he sees they’re all cans. Charlotte opens the door and Kaylee shoots through.



(over her shoulder)I’mma get an Amidala Pepsi!

AJ’s confusion deepens as he realizes the store is covered in Phantom Menace merchandise.

CHARLOTTESweetie, we’ve got pop at home. We’re just taking a potty break!


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AJ reaches in the cooler and snags a drink for him and an Amidala Pepsi for Kaylee. He crouches down as she slides to a stop.

AJHey! Look what I found!

A squeal of delight as she snatches the can of Pepsi from him.

CHARLOTTEWhat do we say Kaylee?


THANK YOU!!!! She hugs the can to her chest and runs back to her mom. AJ chuckles, shuffles to the counter, snags a beef stick. The BORED CLERK (20s, female) looks up from her crossword.

CLERKThat it?

The clerk punches buttons on an old, clunky cash register.

CLERKDollar forty-seven.

AJ digs out his wallet, hands over a crisp $5 bill. The colorful kind. From 2019. The clerk flips the bill over, clocks the back. Holds it up to the light. Checks the front again.

CLERKYou... uh... counterfeit often?


Naw. First time here. Wait, what? The clerk slams the bill on the counter, points to the date.

CLERKIf you’re going to print funny money – at least try not to date it 20 years in the future.

AJ locks in on the smoking age sign behind the counter which reads “Born before this date in 1981”.


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CLERKPretty design - shame it doesn’t look anything like the real bill.

AJ swipes the bill off the counter and backs away slowly. The cans. Phantom Menace. Gas priced at $1.20 a gallon.


No, no, no, no, no.... AJ stumbles away, his items forgotten on the counter. EXT. TRAVEL STOP – CONTINUOUS AJ leans against the wall.

CLERK (O.S.)(faintly)

No loitering! AJ checks his phone again and shoves it back in his pocket in frustration. He digs for a quarter, walks to the pay phone and dials.

AJHey Gramps, It’s me--


Thank you for making it a Blockbuster night. How can I--

The phone slams back into its receiver. Charlotte and Kaylee exit the convenience store. Charlotte juggles all the snacks they didn’t really need. Kaylee races for the car. AJ looks past her to a scruffy, tweaked-out Trashman Jones angling directly towards the car from the edge of the lot. Understanding dawns. Panicked, AJ scans the lot, desperate to find help. Charlotte opens the car door for Kaylee, drops the snacks on the seat, and starts to buckle her in.


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CHARLOTTEHold still Wiggle Worm!

Kaylee giggles. AJ’s paralysis breaks. He sprints toward the car.

AJHey! Lady!

Charlotte looks up, terrified... of AJ. She slams the car door shut and digs in her purse. Trashman pauses and glances around. He shrugs, opens his coat.

CHARLOTTEStay back! I’ve got mace!

AJ’s vision narrows and he watches in slow motion as Trashman draws his shotgun behind Charlotte pulling mace from her purse. Shattering the tunnel vision, a pickup truck screeches to a halt between Charlotte and Trashman. AJ pulls up short as he realizes Allen is behind the wheel. Trashman moves first. He yanks the door of the truck open.


Allen’s hands shoot up, he scoots over to the passenger seat.

TRASHMANSuit yourself.

Trashman climbs into the truck, never lowers the shotgun. Allen reaches for the seatbelt, Trashman panics, yanks the trigger. The window explodes next to Allen. Glass rips into Charlottes face. She falls, screaming. Trashman spins the truck around and floors it out of the lot.


AJ barrels toward Charlotte and rolls her over. She’s breathing but her face is in ribbons.


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AJI’m so sorry about this.

AJ grabs the keys from her feeble fingers and spins around. He yanks the car door open, unbuckles Kaylee, scoops her up and rushes her to the sidewalk.

AJYour momma is gonna be okay. Just get that nice lady inside to call an ambulance, okay?

Kaylee nods, stunned. AJ doesn’t wait for her to move – he jumps in the car and cranks the engine. He guns the car backwards, swings around, peels off after them. Kaylee bolts inside. EXT. DESERTED ROAD - NIGHT The truck barrels along, headlights piercing the dark. It swerves needlessly. INT. TRUCK - SAME Trashman steers with the shotgun propped in the crook of his arm so he can keep it leveled at Allen.

ALLENYou ever drive a truck this big?

Trashman whips the gun across Allen’s forehead.

TRASHMANYou think I can’t fucking drive?

Allen, groggy, blood trickles from his temple, hands still up.

TRASHMANPut your fucking hands down.

Allen complies, shifting as far away from Trashman as he can. EXT. DESERTED ROAD The station wagon races down the highway, chasing faint brake lights in the distance. INT. STATION WAGON - SAME The speedometer bounces on its upper limit as the engine roars.


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AJC’mon! C’mon!

AJ beats one hand against the steering wheel. INT. TRUCK Trashman splits his attention between the road and Allen. Eyes on the road, his gun hand droops in fatigue. Eyes whip back to Allen, the gun comes back up. Rinse and repeat.

ALLENI don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into - but maybe there’s something I could do to help?

Trashman glances at the truck bed, the gun turns with him. Nothing but tools and a half sheet of drywall.

TRASHMANDon’t think drywall can fix this.

Allen shrugs, raises his hands in surrender.

ALLENYou never quite know how someone could help until you ask.

Trashman snaps his gaze back to Allen, shotgun on target again, the wheel turning with him.

TRASHMANHands down! If I need something from you, you’ll know it.

The road noise is suddenly too loud. EXT. DESERTED ROAD The truck crosses over a grassy median, careens back right. INT. TRUCK Trashman panics. The shotgun clatters to the floorboard as he uses both hands to pull the big truck back on course. Realization hits. His eyes dart to the floorboard, searching.



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Allen hasn’t moved - hands still up, eyes calm. EXT. DESERTED ROAD The truck drifts left again, onto the wrong shoulder. AJ closes to a few car lengths. INT. TRUCK Trashman finds the shotgun. He snatches at it and lifts it by the trigger. INT. STATION WAGON AJ blinks his lights when-- BAM! A flash of light fills the cab of the truck.

AJNo, no, no! NO!

AJ slams on the brakes. INT. TRUCK The flash dies, a chunk of Trashman’s leg disappears in mist. The gun bucks out of his partial grip. Allen slowly pushes Trashman back against the seat, his hand close to Trashman’s throat. Is he choking him? His other hand on the wheel, pulls the truck back on the road. Allen pushes Trashman’s foot off the gas with his own. EXT. DESERTED ROAD The truck stalls on the right shoulder. The driver’s door opens and Trashman falls out unceremoniously. INT. STATION WAGON AJ yanks the car door open and jumps out. He sprints toward the truck. EXT. DESERTED ROAD Trashman slowly crawls across the highway, trailing blood.


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AJ pulls up short at the sight of blood. Allen shuffles around the truck, bends over Trashman. Allen lowers his head in prayer.

TRASHMANOh fuck. Oh fuck! Am I dyin’?Is that why you prayin’?

Allen inspects the wound, shakes his head.

ALLENYou missed your femoral artery.

Trashman nods, breathing easier.

TRASHMANThat’s good, right?


Nothing I can’t fix. Allen slips the knife out of his sleeve. A quick flick in the wound. A jet of blood. Trashman struggles to sit up. Allen pushes him back down.

ALLENEasy. It’s all over now.

The red stain grows around Trashman. AJ sprints toward Allen.


The pool of blood. AJ retches. Allen, wipes his knife on Trashman’s pants, squirrels the blade away, and turns AJ towards the truck.

ALLENHow did you get here?

AJ’s wide eyes dart from his grandfather to the body and back.

ALLENIt doesn’t matter. Get in.

Allen pushes AJ toward the passenger side of the truck.


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Allen reaches in the driver’s side, tosses the shotgun next to Trashman, and hauls himself behind the wheel. INT. TRUCK - NIGHT AJ, stiff and mechanical, struggles with his seatbelt. Allen clicks it in place for him and fires up the truck. INTERCUT INT./EXT. The truck kicks a rooster-tail of gravel over Trashman as it pulls away from the body and the station wagon. Allen checks the rearview, his watch, finally AJ.

ALLENYou’re in shock. So just nod when I ask a question - okay?

AJ nods.

ALLENYou’ve been having hallucinations – visions, right?

AJ turns to Allen, eyes wide in disbelief.

ALLENI’ll take that as a yes. Did they start recently?


ALLENYes or no?! Weird flashes, probably just the last day or so?

AJ nods.


Today. On the way home from school.


(sotto)Dammit, Why couldn’t this time would be different?

(to AJ)Welcome to the family secret.

The truck barrels down the dark road. The horizon behind them showing the first signs of light.


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ALLENIt starts with the flashes - and the headaches - always connected to something you touch.

AJ just looks at his hands.

AJI thought I was going crazy.

Allen’s eyes dart from road to mirrors, looking for pursuit.

ALLENYou’ll feel a tug toward one event – whatever that is, you won’t be able to get it out of your mind.


But you knew... You knew what was happening to me...

AJ turns his blank stare toward Allen.

ALLENIf you ignore it, you’ll be sick. Literally. Vomiting, fever...

Civilization starts to creep in as they get closer to the city.

ALLENBut it’s the headaches that’ll do you in.

AJ turns his stare out the window.

ALLENAlmost as if your brain is erasing all the new memories--


Memories like tonight? The truck pulls to a stop next to the construction site in the pre-dawn light.

ALLENPlus 20 years of differences. Sorting out new memories is hard... but doing nothing will drive you insane.

Allen searches and finds a pad of paper and a pencil. He scribbles a note and puts the keys back in the console.


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EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - MORNING A note under the wiper blade: Sorry for the inconvenience. Allen shuffles from the note to AJ and helps him out. The two walk to the spot where their garage will soon exist. AJ shivers. Allen motions for them to sit on the concrete slab.

ALLENI need my hands, so you gotta make sure we’re connected.

AJ, distracted, puts a hand on Allen’s shoulder.

ALLENI know what you saw was... horrible...

Allen contorts his hands. The energy arcs, surges, and then...

FLASHES TO:EXT. BURNS HOUSE - NIGHT The flash recedes through the garage door windows.A house stands in place of the studded walls.

AJ (PRE-LAP)HORRIBLE? You... you killed a man!

INT. BURNS HOUSE, GARAGE - NIGHT AJ drops his hand from Allen’s shoulder as he jumps up.

ALLENTechnically he did most of the work himself. I just... accelerated the process.

Allen pushes to his feet, begins the process of swapping items out in the cabinet.

AJAre... are you joking? About killing a man? WHO ARE YOU?

Allen’s shoulders hitch - did he chuckle? He turns to AJ, weary.

ALLENYou see this cabinet?

AJ nods.


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ALLENI’ve been doing this since before your mother was born. I’ve learned how to make sure I make it back, every time.



ALLENDo you have any idea what he would spend the next eight days doing?

AJ stammers...

ALLENSix total murders, nine counts of assault, and one rape before the police finally chase him down.


...and you prayed over him! Who did you even pray to?

(sotto)I mean, Jesus was a pacifist...

Allen slams the cabinet shut.


AJ’s eyes snap up, his anger barely restrained. Allen wipes blood off his forehead, holds his hand out to AJ.

ALLENI almost died tonight. I did what I had to do to survive.



ALLENThis takes a certain... resolve. And you clearly don’t have the stomach to do what needs doin’.

AJ drops his eyes, scuffs his shoe. He mutters the next line.

AJHate begets hate.

(building)Violence begets violence--


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ALLENPretty words... but what I’ve faced doesn’t care about pretty.

AJ, seething, in Allen’s face.

AJI refuse to live in a house with a murderer.


You have for the past 17 years... AJ’s eyes go wide.

ALLENYou think this is the first time I had to make that call?


What?! You’re no better than the fucking bangers.

Allen puts his hands on AJ’s shoulders, looks him in the eye.

ALLENEvery time I’ve killed someone it was horrifying. But I took on that horror to make the world better.

AJ shrugs him off and pushes toward the door.

AJAnd lost your soul in the process.

AJ slips through the door and slams it in Allen’s face. EXT. USC - NIGHT The doors of a city bus open. AJ slinks out. He stays deep in his hoodie, eyes on his feet as he crosses the still-bustling campus. PRE-LAP: KNOCKING INT. USC DORM - NIGHT The smooth, solid-wood door opens a crack, Nicole peeking out. Her hair is a cute, short cut – not what we saw earlier. A smile blossoms when she sees it’s AJ, but quickly falls when she realizes his condition.


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NICOLEBabe, what’s going on?

She stands back, opening the door wide. He pushes past her. INT. NICOLE’S ROOM - SAME The previously red wall is now blue. AJ crosses to the window.

AJI can’t stay there anymore...


What happened? Did DeVante come by the house?


No. It’s my grandfather. I just watched him...

AJ realizes how much he’ll have to explain and stalls out...

NICOLEWatched him what?


Nothing. He’s just not who I thought he was.


Oh c’mon – it’s not like you found a torture room in the basement...

AJ glances at her with a raised eyebrow. She laughs.

AJFor real. I can’t stay there tonight. Wait... What happened to your hair?


What do you mean?

AJYou got a haircut?


Babe... are you okay? My hair’s looked this way as long as you’ve known me.


What? And since when do you call me “babe”?


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Nicole holds a hand against AJ’s forehead.

NICOLEAre you feeling okay? Do you need to lie down?

AJ pushes her away.

AJNo. I’m fine. I don’t wanna be in the way – you’ve got to finish prepping for your protest.

It’s Nicole’s turn to raise an eyebrow.

NICOLEWhat protest?


You know - for the trial starting tomorrow. For Trashman.


Who? AJ scans the room, sees the complete lack of half-finished posters and other students.


The crime spree.. from 20 years ago. He killed all those people...

A blank stare from Nicole

AJExcept he didn’t...


So no one killed anyone? Distracted, AJ crosses to the door. She grabs his arm.

NICOLEWait – what is all this?


Nothin’. I just gotta check something out...

And with that he’s out the door, pulling it shut behind him.


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INT. PUBLIC LIBRARY - NIGHT AJ’s sneakers skid to a stop against the counter. The bored LIBRARY ASSISTANT - 20s, male, who’s only there for the paycheck, looks up, eyes narrowing when he sees AJ. AJ scans the large, open room, the modern art tastefully punctuating the few PATRONS who are packing up.

AJWhere’s the newspaper archives?

The assistant points towards a plain door marked STAIRS.

ASSISTANTYou’ll have to hurry. Library closes in five minutes.

AJ waves his thanks and hustles through the door. INT. ARCHIVES - MOMENTS LATER Long rows of tall shelves, fluorescent lights, concrete floors – not the pretty part of the library. AJ, checks a piece of paper in his hand, runs his finger along a shelf until he finds the right bin. He rummages, pulls a newspaper, and flips through to the back. ON THE PAPER Double Carjacking Ends in Self-inflicted Gunshot Death. INTERCUT AJ/PAPER AJ runs his finger along the article. LA County Sheriffs identified two of the three victims – Charlotte Graham and her daughter Kaylee... AJ stuffs the paper back and hustles to a computer kiosk. He types furiously, checking the clock on the wall. 8:00 PM Finding what he needs, he rushes back to the archives. He searches for the right bin when a SECURITY GUARD (40s, F) walks by the row.


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GUARDClosing time. Please take any borrow-able items to a librarian--

AJ’s got the right bin. He starts rifling through it.

AJJust a sec, I’m almost there.


I don’t have time to wait on every ‘almost there’. Library re-opens at ten a.m. tomorrow.

AJ keeps thumbing, finds what he needs, and pulls the paper. ON THE PAPER Apparent Murder-Suicide Blamed on Childhood Trauma AJ traces the article... Kaylee Graham, 15, left a note stating, “This is the only way we can be safe...”

AJ (O.S.)Holy shit...

BACK TO SCENE The guard stomps down the aisle.


AJ stuffs the newspaper under his arm and shoves the bin back. He backs away, keeping the newspaper hidden. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - NIGHT The bus doors open, AJ shuffles off, waves to the elderly bus driver, BECKETT.

AJThanks Beckett. See you tomorrow.

Beckett waves and drives off. AJ gets a good look at the street and stops, confused. This isn’t his stop. Now he has to walk home... At night.


In the distance - RAPID MUFFLED POPS - a barrage of gunfire.


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AJ ducks away from it and into an alley. EXT. ALLEYWAY - CONTINUOUS AJ, looking behind him, bumps into a car blocking the alley. The sound of a SCUFFLE. He looks past the car as... Gunshots ring out, over and over. A body drops. Just like his vision: The two cars. Trash still floating to the ground from the kicked bag. The wild firing. AJ backs away. Mind reeling. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - CONTINUOUS The SCREECH of brakes. He whips his head around. A black SUV slides on locked brakes, stops inches from AJ. The DRIVER, an irate Eight-Seven in his drive-by getup.



Hold up! That’s my boy! The back door pops open and 4Stroke hops out with a gun in one hand. He pulls down his bandana.

4STROKENigga, whatchu doin’ in the street?

AJ, eyes wide, stays silent. 4Stroke tucks the pistol into his waist and bounds to AJ, tossing an arm around him.

4STROKEGet in. We’ll take you home.

AJ doesn’t resist as 4Stroke pushes him in the back of the SUV.


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INT. SUV - NIGHT The back bench seat is full of EIGHT-SEVENS, including Lil C, fresh from the drive-by. AJ plops into an open seat, 4Stroke in the other.

4STROKEHead up to Colden and Towne to drop off my boy.

(to AJ)You cool man? You look like you seen some shit.

AJ shakes it off, tries to take control of the situation.

AJYeah, fine. I just... tripped. You can let me out here.


Yeah - you trippin’ aight. No worries, we’ll run you home.

AJ glances at the back seat.

AJI’d hate to keep you from your... business.

4Stroke cracks a smile.

4STROKEYou worried you gonna have to smoke someone?

An uneasy silence, the bangers in the back seat glower at AJ. Then... laughter as the facade breaks. AJ visibly relaxes.

4STROKEYou guys see his face? Nigga thinks we gonna make him ‘blood in’ tonight.

The laughter intensifies. Lil C playfully shoves AJ.

FLASH TO: EXT. FRONT PORCH - DAY A perfect, idyllic summer day. A less-tweaked out Trashman sits on the step next to his sister, JASMINE JONES - 20s, a mix of new mother glow and pure exhaustion.


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A fresh cast on one foot, he bounces an INFANT (0-1, male) on the other knee. The group is all smiles.

RETURN TO: INT. SUV AJ, eyes wide, stares at Lil C.

AJYou knew him...

Confused, Lil C looks around, pulls his bandana down.

LIL CKnew who? Whatchu sayin’?


Trashman. You knew Trashman Jones.

LIL CMy uncle Jontay? That dumb nigga got high and smoked hisself when I was like two. I don’t know him.


What’s wrong with you man? AJ shrugs it away.

AJNothin’. I was at the library earlier, reading up--


You gettin’ educated on the ‘hood at the library? You know you live here, right?

The back seat laughs. Lil C snags the newspaper out of AJ’s back pocket.

LIL CThey never tell you the good stuff in the papers. Like Trashman - you know how he got his name?

AJ shakes his head, snatches the paper back.

LIL CHis dumb ass jumped out a third story window into a dumpster to get away from the cops.

Eyebrows raised, AJ leans in to ask follow up questions.


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EXT. BURNS HOUSE - LATER The SUV pulls into the driveway. AJ hops out. 4Stroke runs his window down.

4STROKEAJ - hold up.

AJ pauses, turns back.

4STROKEIf anyone asks - we was with you most of the night, right?


For the last 20 minutes, sure.

4STROKENaw. Since like eight, when we picked you up at the library.Ya hear me?

AJ looks through the window at the back seat. The 87s are done laughing.

AJYeah. Sure...Whatever you say 'Stroke.

4Stroke breaks out into a grin from out ear-to-ear.

4STROKEMy man! Say ‘hi’ to Gramps for me.

The SUV backs out of the driveway as AJ waves, nodding. INT. BURNS HOUSE - NIGHT From the entryway, AJ clocks Allen watching a cop drama. He slides in the living room, Allen mutes the TV.

ALLENNo mention of the trial on TV--

AJ slams the newspaper down on the coffee table.

AJWe didn’t fix shit.

Allen glances at the paper. It doesn’t register.


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AJRemember that little girl? She lived her whole life thinking someone was coming for her.


We stopped a killer...

AJWe just created a new one! Therapist after therapist until she cracked and shot her own mother before she killed herself!


We can’t save everyone-- AJ towers over a seated Allen.

AJBUT WE CAN SAVE HER! Look – I need to know how this works.


I told you--

AJCan you travel to a specific time?


Yes – you concentrate on an event in the past, say the words, make the symbols, and poof.


You can do that whenever you need? Allen climbs to his feet.

ALLENAbsolutely not. There’s only enough energy to travel when you’re prompted. Once you’ve fixed the past, the power fades away.


But we didn’t fix this – so there has to be power left... right?

Allen closes his eyes a moment, feeling... searching...

ALLENThere’s not enough.


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AJBut you can feel something?

Allens eyes snap open, he pushes to his feet.

ALLENYes. But if the power fades while we’re in the past, there’s no way back... ‘cept the long way.


The long way?

ALLENYou live your life whenever you are and hope you live long enough to make it back...


But we have to try-- Allen waves off AJ.

ALLENToo risky. We saved most of his victims. That has to be enough.


That girl led a tortured life! She never got past that moment.

Allen shrugs.

ALLENLife’s what you make of it...She made her choice.


No. Life is what WE make of it.WE can fix this.WE can save her.

Allen shakes his head.

ALLENWe can’t go back to that night. We’ll already be there...


We’re not going back to that night. All I need is a five minute conversation... in the Gardens.

Allen starts shaking his head again.


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ALLENYou’re going to walk into Avalon Gardens, have one conversation, and make everything better?


Yeah. I am. And you’ll keep tabs on our exit – when the time is right – you pull us out.

Allen racks his brain for another reason out...

ALLENI’ll have to be there with you – to make contact...


No. You don’t. I wasn’t even in the same room last time and you drug me along by accident...

Allen gives up. He shuffles to the garage door, waves AJ to follow. INT. GARAGE - CONTINUOUS Allen opens the cabinet, motions to the empty shelf.

ALLENAnything from now, goes here. Can’t risk taking an iPhone back.

AJ and Allen empty their pockets.

ALLENNormally, I’d grab--


I’ve seen what you take.We won’t need a weapon.

Allen’s hands go up in surrender, he motions to the open space. AJ moves to floormat. Allen grabs a watch and joins him.

ALLENTell me what we’re shooting for...


Trashman jumped into a dumpster to avoid a raid on the Gardens... September of 1997. Is that enough?

Allen nods.


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ALLENFocus on that moment.

Allen begins tracing symbols in the air. He chants under his breath. Energy arcs. A wave of light builds up, flows around them both.

FLASH TO:EXT. OVERGROWN LOT - DAY SUPER: Green Meadows, 1997 The two are in the same positions, just in the overgrown rubble of a house that finally fell down and no one bothered with it. A YOUNG GIRL (6-8, adorable) sits on the porch next door, a forgotten doll falling from her hand. AJ smiles and winks as he holds a finger to his lips. The girl smiles, but grabs her doll and heads inside anyway.

AJWhat do you do when there’s someone else’s house here?

Allen shrugs.

ALLENHope it’s not supper time and that this is still the garage?

AJ gives a short bark of a laugh as he hops off the porch. Allen checks his watch as AJ starts down the sidewalk.

ALLENIt’s one-eighteen...


We don’t have long.You comin’?

Allen waves him off and follows. EXT. FRONT PORCH - DAY Trashman shuffles the paper bags of groceries in his arms to free up a hand. He knocks gently.


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The door opens a crack and Jasmine peeks out.

JASMINEJontay? What are you doing here?

He holds up the groceries.

TRASHMANI brought some formula and food for you two. It’s not much...

The door slips shut, Jasmine unlocks the chain and opens the door back wide, motioning for him to come in.

JASMINEQuiet, Carter just fell asleep...

EXT. OUTSIDE AVALON GARDENS - DAY AJ and Allen slow as they approach the apartment complex.

AJI think you need to wait here.


Absolutely not. I’ll wait for you in the courtyard.


No one will believe I’m buyin’ drugs with my grandpa. Plus, you still live around here...


I’m over off 74th and I NEVER would have come down here...


Not the point – you live here... You can’t go into a future crime scene and leave fingerprints...

Allen just smiles and holds up his hands in surrender.

ALLENIt’s not gonna solve that problem, but I’ll wait here.

AJ’s too distracted to catch the comment.

AJOnce the cops kick down Trashman’s door you pull us out, no matter what’s happening.


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ALLENWait. What are you doing?


(smiling)Getting arrested with Trashman.

AJ slips through the gate before Allen can respond. EXT. FRONT PORCH - DAY Trashman and Jasmine sit on the steps, holding iced lemonade.

JASMINEYou know we could make room for you here, right?


And leave the Gardens? Gotta stay where the customers are...

Jasmine rolls her eyes, exasperated.

JASMINEWhy you still slangin’?

It’s Trashman’s turn to roll his eyes.

TRASHMANI owe the AGs for lookin’ out for us after mom died. They’re the only family I got left.


FAMILY?!? You got me! You got Carter! We’re your family.

Trashman cracks a big smile at the mention of Carter.

TRASHMANLil C’s why I do this. Chronic and crystal are buyin’ that formula.

She slams her lemonade down as she stands.

JASMINEI ain’t about that life, Jontay. Don’t be bringing that trash around me and my boy. You hear me?

Trashman stands, shoves his lemonade at Jasmine.

TRASHMANYeah, I get it.



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TRASHMAN (CONT’D)You’ll take the food, but I ain’t welcome.

He spins on his heel and stomps toward the street.

JASMINEC’mon – it ain’t like that!

He ignores her and disappears around the corner. EXT. AVALON GARDENS COURTYARD - DAY Bars bolted over windows of the white stucco garden apartments. AJ makes his way toward a TRIO OF BANGERS, not all that dissimilar to the ones of his time.

AJWassup? Anyone seen Trashman?

DAUDE (20s, M) - shrewd but always ready to fight - bows up.

DAUDEI look like a fuckin’ janitor?

Confused, it’s a beat before AJ realizes his mistake. A beat is too long. The three aggressively circle AJ.

DAUDEWhere you from? Cuz it ain’t here.

AJ looks from one to the other. BABY PAC (20s, M) moves one side of his flannel shirt to show a gun in his waistband.

AJWhoa. Easy. I live over off 74th with my gramps. I just wanna score some bud without him knowin’.


So you come to the Gardens and call the first nigga you see a trashman to get it?


No. I... I’m lookin’ for Jones. We call him Trashman up by me.

SPIDER (20s, M) realizes who he’s talking about and chimes in.


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SPIDER(to Daude)

Yo, he means Jontay.(to AJ)

He ain’t here.


That’s not right...

DAUDEWhat’s that?

AJ scans the three again.

AJNothing. I was told he was here.


Baby Pac, he seem jumpy to you?

BABY PACJumpy as fuck.


You got one chance to turn around and head back to the Seven-Four.


What? No... I just... Daude motions to the other two. Spider and Baby Pac lift AJ off the ground by his arms. AJ struggles to get away, but it’s too late. The four head deeper into the apartment complex. EXT. OUTSIDE AVALON GARDENS - DAY Allen, eyes closed, concentrating on the ebbing energy. He glances at his watch, then back to the apartments. He backs up on the sidewalk, craning his neck, trying to see around the buildings for a peek at AJ. Trashman is walking by, Allen runs into right him.Trashman shoves him back.

TRASHMANWatch it, old man!

Allen turns, hands up in acquiescence.


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ALLENNo harm, no--

Realizing who shoved him, his anger flares up.

TRASHMANYou’re damn right, fool.



Yeah, it’s me. What? I know you? Allen shakes his head.

ALLENNot yet.

Trashman grabs two fistfuls of Allen’s shirt.

TRASHMANWhat’s that supposed to mean?

Allen moves to push Trashman off when sees his watch. His hands go back up with a wry smile.

ALLENForget it. We’re cool.


You best be backin’ up. He shoves Allen away from him and marches to the Gardens. Allen watches Trashman from outside the fence, keeping pace with him, peering between buildings and trees. Trashman climbs the steps outside one building, makes his way to the third floor and in his apartment. Allen moves to the edge of that building and winds up in: EXT. ALLEY BEHIND THE GARDENS - DAY Allen alone with a dumpster and a pile of clothes. The clothes move, standing up. AJ, swollen eye and split lip, brushes trash off his shirt.

ALLENJust having a conversation?


At least I haven’t killed anyone. There’s a problem - he’s not here.


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A police siren in the distance.

ALLENHe just got home.

Distant shouting. The sounds of running feet and scuffles.

AJFuck! I’ve gotta make sure he doesn’t jump out the window.

A squeak above them, followed by a large thud in the dumpster. The two men jump, eyes darting to the dumpster. On top, a large, open duffle bag, money and drugs poking out. Above Trashman holds up the window bars, climbing out. AJ and Allen shrug and shove the dumpster across the alley.

TRASHMANWhat the fuck? Leave that there!

Through his window, the sound of a door being kicked in. Trashman eyes the distance for the jump. He’ll never make it.

TRASHMANI ain’t fuckin’ around!

Trashman pulls a Glock from his waistband.

SWAT OFFICER 1 (O.S.)Gun, gun, GUN!


Trashman’s hand shoot up, the gun clunks to the floor. Two SWAT OFFICERS haul Trashman back in the window and drive him to the floor. A third looks out the window.

SWAT OFFICER 3You two! Wait right there.

Allen runs and drags AJ by his shirt, AJ waves to the officer.

SWAT OFFICER 3(into his radio)

We’ve got two unidentified males fleeing on foot. Need pursuit.

At the cross street, AJ and Allen pause to scan their options. Cop cars, lights and sirens hot, approach from both directions.


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AJ and Allen thread the needle through traffic and shoot across the street and into another alley. The cop cars criss-cross the alley opening, a UNIFORMED OFFICER hops out of each car, charges after the two men.


AJ checks Allen, who’s starting to get winded. Allen feels AJ’s eyes on him, waves off his worry.

ALLENJust find me 20 seconds of quiet so I can get us out of here.

A siren burps ahead of them. A cop car blocks the far end of the alley. The uniformed officers behind gain steadily. A door opens. A YOUNG ASIAN – teens, an apron over his t-shirt and jeans - hauls two bags of trash into the alley. AJ and Allen plow into him full speed. Trash bags spew their contents all over the alley. Allen catches the kitchen worker.

ALLEN‘Scuse us!

AJ bolts for the open door, yanks Allen after him. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT, KITCHEN - DAY A bustling restaurant kitchen. Three COOKS prep for dinner. Prep stops as AJ and Allen barge in, door slamming behind them.

COOK 1Employees only! You leave!

AJ and Allen pause, searching for the door out. They find it and shoot across the room, nearly hitting a dishwasher with a rack of glasses.


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INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT, DINING AREA - CONTINUOUS The two men slam into the nearly empty space. The few PATRONS having a late lunch look up. AJ scans the space.

AJWomen’s room?

They hear the door to the alley slam open again.

ALLENToo close. Run.

The two men skirt around the tables, head for the door. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT, KITCHEN - SAME The cops, now three strong, hustle across the kitchen. The dishwasher isn’t so lucky this time - one cop bulldozes right over him, broken glass flies everywhere. The two men hit the ground. One standing officer hesitates, reaches down.

COP ON THE GROUNDJust go! Get them!

EXT. STRIP MALL - CONTINUOUS A glass door marked Golden Palace slams open. AJ and Allen stumble out.

AJ(over his shoulder)

Sorry ma’am! The two slide to stop, looking for options. An almost busy strip mall parking lot. Sirens in the distance - backup on the way. A city bus approaches. Allen points to it. AJ points to the knot of people waiting.

AJWe’ll never get on in time.


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AJ spins, scanning the stores in the strip mall. The Golden Palace.Payday loans.A dentist.A pawn shop.A thrift store.



YES! Make for a dressing room! The two take off for the other end of the strip mall. Fling open the door of the thrift store, dive inside. The two cops burst out of the Golden Palace. One of them spots the closing door, the other the people getting on the bus.

COP 1I’ve got the store, you stop the bus!

The two split, each charging toward their chosen search. INT. THRIFT STORE - CONTINUOUS AJ and Allen just inside the door. Several SHOPPERS in the aisles and at checkout. The CASHIER looks over and raises an eyebrow at the commotion.

CASHIERWelcome? Good afternoon?

The two ignore her. AJ nods his head toward the back. They make for the nearest aisle.

CASHIERNo public restrooms!

AJ waves in her direction as they disappear down an aisle. He glances around as if looking for something to try on. They are surrounded by women’s formal gowns.


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A break in the aisle, Allen pulls AJ in the right direction. Now down a row of used overalls and work clothing. Heads down, both men grab items at random. A bell rings as the door opens again. The two men duck. The police officer fills the doorway. The cashier rolls her eyes, points toward the back. The officer scans that direction -- nothing but customers. He whispers into his radio.

OFFICERSuspects located in the Goodwill on Clark and 88th. Request backup.

His hand on his gun as he makes his way down the dress aisle. His eyes jump from one sign of movement to the next. AJ and Allen duckwalk down the men’s aisle. The officer reaches the mid-store gap. Two TEENAGE GIRLS point him down the aisle with work clothes. AJ and Allen pause... They scan the gap from aisle to dressing room-- --The officer slowly reaches the aisle-- --AJ and Allen are all clear. They dive across the gap-- --A DISTRACTED HOUSEWIFE wanders into the officer’s path-- --He pulls her out of the way and rounds the corner-- Empty. INT. DRESSING ROOM - CONTINUOUS AJ eases the door closed behind them. Allen sits and begins his incantation under his breath.


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CLOTHING AISLE Confused, the officer scans the store again. The pop and sizzle of electricity fills the silence. His eyes snap to the back as bright arcs fly around the dressing rooms. He sprints toward the dressing rooms. Customers flee from the crackling light show. He bangs on the door. DRESSING ROOM AJ holds the door shut.


The door strains against its frame.

OFFICER (O.S.)LAPD! There’s no way out!

CLOTHING AISLE The officer kicks the door. The frame cracks, the door sags. He’s answered with a giant thunderclap.


The officer pulls back to ram the door again when FLASH! He falls through the smoking space where the door used to be.

FLASH TO:INT. STOREROOM - DAY SUPER: 2019 The door, no longer attached to a frame, crashes to the floor. Dust covers empty shelves. Remnants of Halloween costumes litter the floor. AJ helps Allen up off the floor.


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AJWell, least it ain’t supper time.

Allen chuckles as they push through a swinging door into: INT. COSTUME SHOP - DAY Soaped over windows and more empty shelves. And a REALTOR (40s, F) with a pair of CLIENTS (30s, M/F) entering the shop.

REALTORAs you can see the space is ready to go. Any remaining fixtures--

The realtor notices the two men coming from the back. AJ waves sheepishly.

REALTORI didn’t realize there was another agent showing the space. We can--


Ah... Yes... He’s looking for a key to some storage in back...


(coughing)...and we thought we’d grab some fresh air... All this dust is bad for my allergies.

The two push past the confused realtor and slip out the door. EXT. BURNS HOUSE - DAY AJ bounds down the sidewalk. Allen tries to keep up.

AJThat was incredible! I can’t believe we shook those--

Allen waves him quiet as he notices a cop car in the driveway. The two approach the house as two OFFICERS, an overweight veteran and a bright-eyed rookie, return to their car.

ALLENMorning officers. Can we help you?


Are either of you AJ Burns?


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AJ hesitates before raising his hand.

AJYeah, that’s me.


That’s quite the shiner. Care to tell me how you got it?

AJ shrugs off the question.

AJCaught an elbow playin’ basketball. You know how it is.


What is this about? The veteran checks his notes.

VETERAN OFFICERSir, are you Allen Burns?

Allen nods, motions to AJ.

ALLENHe’s a good kid. Whatever you’re looking into, he didn’t have no part of.


Thank you, Mr. Burns. AJ - can you tell us where you were last night?


Ummm... yeah... I went up to USC to see my girl, then the library.


Your college girl got a name?

AJNicole. Nicole Lee. She just started there this year.

The senior officer makes a note.

ROOKIE OFFICERAnd what time did you leave the library?


When it closed. Just after eight.


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ROOKIE OFFICERAnd how did you get home?

AJ realizes why they’re here.

AJMy friend 'Stroke picked me up.

Allen gives AJ some side eye.

VETERAN OFFICERWould that be one DeVante Green - street name Four-Stroke?


Yeah... he was driving by and saw me waitin’ on the bus.

More note taking.

ROOKIE OFFICERWhen did you arrive home?

AJ thinks...

AJEight forty-five? Nine? Somewhere around there.


That sounds right. I remember you came home as my story was ending.


You spent an hour traveling a total of five miles?


Man, I don’t know. We was jokin’ around. Reminiscing and shit.

The veteran swings the notebook shut and nods to his partner.

ROOKIE OFFICERThank you. We’ll be in touch if we have further questions.

The officers get in their car as AJ and Allen enter the house. INT. BURNS HOUSE - CONTINUOUS AJ makes a beeline for the garage, Allen follows slowly.


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INT. GARAGE - CONTINUOUS AJ impatient, hand out for the cabinet key.

AJC’mon. I gotta call Nicole and let her know the cops might drop by.

Allen fishes the key from around his neck and tosses it to AJ.

ALLENFine, but when you’re done we gotta talk about you hanging out with the Crips.

AJ grabs his phone and calls.

AJNicole! Hey!

EXT. LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN COURTHOUSE - DAY Nicole, phone to one ear, a finger pressed against the other, tries to wrangle a placard. Her hair is long again. Behind her, a crowd of PROTESTORS, mostly students, all with signs and banners, chanting.

NICOLEHey sweetie - you okay? Where’d you wind up last night?


AJGood. I wound up at home. Long story. Where are you? It’s loud...

Allen starts clicking away on his phone.

NICOLEI’m at the protest - the one I spent all night prepping for...


Wait... what? A STUDENT PROTESTER (20s, F) taps Nicole on the shoulder, waves for her to come back. Nicole holds up a finger to ask for a minute.


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NICOLEProtesting overly long sentences at the appeal hearing for Jontavius Jones... Any of this ringing a bell?

Allen holds out his phone to AJ. ON THE PHONE A Facebook profile for Kaylee. The most recent post is a selfie of her with a group of friends at a bar. BACK TO SCENE AJ gives a thumbs up.

AJOh, right. Sorry. Hey... LAPD may visit you to confirm an alibi...


WHAT? Why?

AJPart of the long story...

A van marked California Department of Corrections pulls up to the curb with an LAPD escort.

NICOLEI gotta go – but this conversation is not over.

Nicole stuffs her phone back in her pocket and holds her sign up high, rejoining the row of protestors. State corrections officers escort Trashman, shackled and in a suit, from the van to the courthouse entrance. INT. BURNS HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - SAME The two men walk in from the garage.

AJSo... we did it?

Allen nods.

ALLENSeems like you might have what it takes after all.


I don’t want any part of this.


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ALLENSometimes you don’t have much of a choice.

AJ stands up to Allen - polite, but firm.

AJYou keep going back if you want.I just want to finish high school.

Allen shrugs his shoulders.

ALLENIt’s not that easy. Whatever this is, it’s already active in you.


Can we talk about this later? I need a shower before school.

Allen nods, shoos AJ off. Allen shuffles to... INT. ALLEN’S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Sparse. Military neat. Allen sits on the edge of the bed and slips his shoes off. On the nightstand, among the few pieces of jewelry, a worn and tarnished class ring. A charging knight on the side. The graduation year: 2021.


