CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Jan. 1990, p. 13-31 Vol. 3, No. 1 0893-8512/90/010013-19$02.00/0 Copyright C) 1990, American Society for Microbiology Discovery and Development of New Antimicrobial Agents THOMAS D. GOOTZ Pfizer Central Research, Groton, Connecticut 06340 INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 13 PRECLINICAL TESTING STAGES ................................................................. 13 Discovery of New Antibiotics ................................................................. 13 Establishment of SAR ................................................................. 15 Animal Models for Studying the Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Antibiotics .................................. 16 Safety Studies in Animals ................................................................. 19 CLINICAL TESTING PHASES ................................................................. 20 HISTORICAL TRENDS IN ANTIBIOTIC DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT ................................22 Discovery of Penicillin G ................................................................. 22 Expanded-Spectrum Penicillins and the Aminoglycosides ..............................................................24 Cephalosporins, Carbapenems, Penems, and Monobactams ..........................................................24 Quinolones ................................................................. 26 CONCLUSION ................................................................. 26 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................. 27 LITERATURE CITED ................................................................. 27 INTRODUCTION In the past two decades, there has been unprecedented activity in the discovery and development of new antimicro- bial agents. One need only reflect upon the long list of new penicillins, cephalosporins, and quinolones that were not available in 1965 to form the opinion that such activity was the result of unrelated research and discovery efforts in many different chemical areas. A closer review of the events surrounding the evolution of antibiotic development, how- ever, suggests a much more orchestrated series of events in which the development of several of the different structural classes of compounds was closely interdependent. Technical advances in penicillin chemistry, for example, helped to push the subsequent rapid development of cephalosporins and other beta-lactams. Advances in understanding of bac- terial physiology led to development of structure-activity relationships (SAR) used to direct the chemical modification of antibiotics to improve their antibacterial activity. This approach also led to the discovery of new antibiotics that were active against bacteria that had acquired resistance to the older agents. The development process for a new antibiotic involves studies that characterize its mechanism of action and exten- sively assess its safety and efficacy in both humans and other animals. This process can take over 8 years to complete and represents a sizable investment on the part of the sponsoring pharmaceutical company (162). Given this investment and the current competitive environment with many new agents being marketed, it is incumbent upon the pharmaceutical industry to find new agents that demonstrate distinct advan- tages over existing antibiotic therapies. This review will discuss some experimental aspects of new antibiotic discov- ery and describe the various developmental stages through which a new agent must pass to reach the marketplace. An historical perspective on past research efforts in the most prominent antibiotic classes will also be given, to provide insight into the many factors that have influenced the devel- opment of these agents. PRECLINICAL TESTING STAGES Discovery of New Antibiotics The novel lead structures that have generated most new classes of antibiotics have been found by testing natural products. A number of these novel discoveries are listed in Table 1 and include penicillins, cephalosporins, cephamy- cins, aminoglycosides, clavulanic acid, glycopeptides, tetra- cycline, chloramphenicol, carbapenems, and monobactams. The discovery and isolation of the lead structures for each of these classes have provided a unique starting point for chemical modification in attempts to improve their spec- trum, pharmacokinetics, and human safety. Three basic approaches have been used to find new antibiotics from natural sources: (i) direct isolation from soil and marine microorganisms, (ii) genetic modification of known antibiot- ic-producing organisms to induce their production of novel metabolites, and (iii) diversion of natural metabolic path- ways of antibiotic-producing organisms by introduction of substrate precursors into the fermentation system (150). The sophistication of these approaches has evolved in industry over the years; the first methods for testing fermen- tation broths prepared from soil samples relied on the detection of antibacterial activity in agar diffusion plates seeded with susceptible target organisms (87, 120). The specificity of this approach was increased by testing broths with isogenic strain pairs that differed only by their degree of susceptibility to a specific class of antimicrobial agent. Even with such improvements, the isolation of minute amounts of a potentially novel activity from complex fermentation broths involved a heroic effort, using large-scale fermenta- tion methods and multiple chromatographic separations and biological assays to follow the antibiotic activity (120). Such fermentation discovery efforts initially rely on testing large numbers of soil samples by rapid, automated techniques. One early study, for instance, estimated that, of 21,830 fermentation cultures tested, 6,464 produced antibiotics, 490 of which possessed activities of interest; 6 were eventually submitted for structural determinations, from which two novel structures were isolated (178). Reports of new antimi- 13 on August 15, 2020 by guest http://cmr.asm.org/ Downloaded from

Discovery and Development New Antimicrobial Agentsapproach also led to the discovery of new antibiotics that were active against bacteria that had acquired resistance to the older

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Page 1: Discovery and Development New Antimicrobial Agentsapproach also led to the discovery of new antibiotics that were active against bacteria that had acquired resistance to the older

CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Jan. 1990, p. 13-31 Vol. 3, No. 10893-8512/90/010013-19$02.00/0Copyright C) 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Discovery and Development of New Antimicrobial AgentsTHOMAS D. GOOTZ

Pfizer Central Research, Groton, Connecticut 06340

INTRODUCTION................................................................. 13PRECLINICAL TESTING STAGES ................................................................. 13

Discovery of New Antibiotics ................................................................. 13Establishment of SAR ................................................................. 15Animal Models for Studying the Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Antibiotics ..................................16Safety Studies in Animals ................................................................. 19

CLINICAL TESTING PHASES................................................................. 20HISTORICAL TRENDS IN ANTIBIOTIC DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT................................22

Discovery of Penicillin G ................................................................. 22Expanded-Spectrum Penicillins and the Aminoglycosides..............................................................24Cephalosporins, Carbapenems, Penems, and Monobactams ..........................................................24Quinolones ................................................................. 26

CONCLUSION ................................................................. 26ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................. 27LITERATURE CITED ................................................................. 27


In the past two decades, there has been unprecedentedactivity in the discovery and development of new antimicro-bial agents. One need only reflect upon the long list of newpenicillins, cephalosporins, and quinolones that were notavailable in 1965 to form the opinion that such activity wasthe result of unrelated research and discovery efforts inmany different chemical areas. A closer review of the eventssurrounding the evolution of antibiotic development, how-ever, suggests a much more orchestrated series of events inwhich the development of several of the different structuralclasses of compounds was closely interdependent. Technicaladvances in penicillin chemistry, for example, helped topush the subsequent rapid development of cephalosporinsand other beta-lactams. Advances in understanding of bac-terial physiology led to development of structure-activityrelationships (SAR) used to direct the chemical modificationof antibiotics to improve their antibacterial activity. Thisapproach also led to the discovery of new antibiotics thatwere active against bacteria that had acquired resistance tothe older agents.The development process for a new antibiotic involves

studies that characterize its mechanism of action and exten-sively assess its safety and efficacy in both humans and otheranimals. This process can take over 8 years to complete andrepresents a sizable investment on the part of the sponsoringpharmaceutical company (162). Given this investment andthe current competitive environment with many new agentsbeing marketed, it is incumbent upon the pharmaceuticalindustry to find new agents that demonstrate distinct advan-tages over existing antibiotic therapies. This review willdiscuss some experimental aspects of new antibiotic discov-ery and describe the various developmental stages throughwhich a new agent must pass to reach the marketplace. Anhistorical perspective on past research efforts in the mostprominent antibiotic classes will also be given, to provideinsight into the many factors that have influenced the devel-opment of these agents.


Discovery of New Antibiotics

The novel lead structures that have generated most newclasses of antibiotics have been found by testing naturalproducts. A number of these novel discoveries are listed inTable 1 and include penicillins, cephalosporins, cephamy-cins, aminoglycosides, clavulanic acid, glycopeptides, tetra-cycline, chloramphenicol, carbapenems, and monobactams.The discovery and isolation of the lead structures for each ofthese classes have provided a unique starting point forchemical modification in attempts to improve their spec-trum, pharmacokinetics, and human safety. Three basicapproaches have been used to find new antibiotics fromnatural sources: (i) direct isolation from soil and marinemicroorganisms, (ii) genetic modification of known antibiot-ic-producing organisms to induce their production of novelmetabolites, and (iii) diversion of natural metabolic path-ways of antibiotic-producing organisms by introduction ofsubstrate precursors into the fermentation system (150).The sophistication of these approaches has evolved in

industry over the years; the first methods for testing fermen-tation broths prepared from soil samples relied on thedetection of antibacterial activity in agar diffusion platesseeded with susceptible target organisms (87, 120). Thespecificity of this approach was increased by testing brothswith isogenic strain pairs that differed only by their degree ofsusceptibility to a specific class of antimicrobial agent. Evenwith such improvements, the isolation of minute amounts ofa potentially novel activity from complex fermentationbroths involved a heroic effort, using large-scale fermenta-tion methods and multiple chromatographic separations andbiological assays to follow the antibiotic activity (120). Suchfermentation discovery efforts initially rely on testing largenumbers of soil samples by rapid, automated techniques.One early study, for instance, estimated that, of 21,830fermentation cultures tested, 6,464 produced antibiotics, 490of which possessed activities of interest; 6 were eventuallysubmitted for structural determinations, from which twonovel structures were isolated (178). Reports of new antimi-


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TABLE 1. Antibiotics discovered by natural product screeningAntibiotic Producing organism(s)

Pencillin G ................. Penicillium notatum, P. chryso-genum

Penicillin V ......... ........ P. chrysogenumCephalosporin C ................. Cephalosporium acremoniumCephamycin ................. Streptomyces lactamduransThienamycin.................. S. cattleyaClavulanic acid ................. S. cla'uligerusSulfazecin (monobactam) ........... Pseudomonas acidophilaSQ 26,180 (monobactum) ........... Chromobacterium violaceumVancomycin... S. orientalisRistocetin (glycopeptide) ........... Nocardia luridaStreptomycin .................. S . griseusErythromycin ................. S. erythreusOleandomycin................. S. antibioticusChloramphenicol ................. S. v'enezuelaeLincomycin ................. S. lincolnensisTetracycline ................. S. viridifaciens, S. aureofaciensPolymyxin................. Bacillus polymyxa

crobial agents published in the Journal of Antibiotics be-tween 1981 and 1985 indicated that, on average, 50 new

compounds worthy of communication were discovered peryear (120). The majority of these new antibiotics isolatedfrom fermentations have come from soil organisms of thegenus Streptomyces, although in more recent efforts novelmonobactams have been found in fermentations of Agrobac-terium and Pseudomonas species (15, 150, 173).Continued refinement of the process of antibiotic discov-

ery from natural products has substituted biochemical-basedassays for those that rely on killing of the bacterial targetorganism (120). The more specific assays have utilizedenzyme-linked immunosorbent techniques (179), beta-lacta-mase induction (161), D,D-carboxypeptidase inhibition (143),receptor ligand binding competition (127), and monitoring ofthe specific morphological changes in cells that are charac-teristically associated with exposure to a particular class ofantimicrobial agent (111). Several novel monobactams werefirst detected in bacterial fermentations by making use oftheir inherent property to induce beta-lactamase productionin Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 14580 (161). When the hy-drolysis of a chromogenic cephalosporin substrate was mea-sured to detect induced levels of beta-lactamase, nanogramquantities of novel beta-lactams could be detected in fermen-tation samples (161). Extreme sensitivity has also beenachieved with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay meth-ods, as described for the detection of novel aminoglycosides(179). In one typical system, an antibody with specificity forgentamicin was developed and used to coat the surface of amicrodilution plate well. A gentamicin-alkaline phosphataseconjugate was then added to the plate, which was subse-quently incubated before addition of substrate for alkalinephosphatase, p-nitrophenylphosphate (179). Competitive as-says were run with fermentation broths potentially contain-ing novel aminoglycosides. Following exposure to thesebroths, the amount of the original enzyme conjugate boundto the antibody in the well was quantitated by measuring thechange in absorbance after addition of the enzyme substrate.Such assays are specific for a particular class of antimicro-bial agent (in this case, aminoglycosides) and have beenreported to be far more sensitive for detecting the presenceof antibiotics than conventional plate diffusion assays thatmeasure bacterial growth inhibition (179). The state of theart in natural product screening techniques for antibiotics islimited only by the ingenuity of the researcher.

Once activities are detected, their chemical source mustbe identified from a fermentation broth that might containdozens of commonly known antimicrobial agents and onlypicogram to microgram amounts of a new agent. The numer-ous chemical procedures used to isolate novel antibioticsfrom fermentations include solvent extractions, ion-ex-change methods, gel filtration, and adsorption and partitionchromatographies (14). A complete isolation, together withthe final structural assignment of the new molecule bynuclear magnetic resonance or X-ray crystallography, cantake several months to complete. Given the complexity ofisolating novel antibiotics from natural products, it is easy tounderstand why even more compounds have not been dis-covered from this source.A more contemporary approach to natural product re-

search aimed at finding new antibiotics involves the use ofrecombinant DNA technology for isolating genes involvedwith antibiotic production. As reviewed by Hunter andBaumberg (79), cloning of genes from streptomycetes andfilamentous fungi has enabled the isolation and characteri-zation of specific genes for several metabolic pathwaysinvolved with antibiotic production in these organisms. Theisolation of these genes not only enables studies to under-stand better the pathways for antibiotic production, but alsoprovides the opportunity to mix DNA isolated from differentorganisms and to transfer it into a new host cell in attemptsto stimulate the production of structurally novel antibiotics(79). Efforts to obtain such genetic recombination betweenspecies was greatly facilitated by cloning antibiotic-pro-ducing genes on plasmids that could be readily transformedand maintained in recipient fungi (78, 97, 100). McAlpine etal. (100) used this strategy to transfer DNA from Saccharo-polyspora antibiotics, which produced the macrolide ole-andomycin, to an S. erythraea mutant that was blocked forproduction of erythromycin. This cross species mixture ofDNA resulted in the production of a structurally novelantibiotic, 2-norerythromycin (100). The result of suchrecombinant DNA studies has been the production of anti-biotics containing minor structural modifications of knownagents. The commercial application of this technology maydepend on devising genetic constructs that would producemore novel compounds with greater structural diversity (79).The third approach to natural product research for finding

new antibiotics involves biochemical diversion of normalsynthetic pathways in antibiotic-producing microorganismsby introduction of substrate precursors. Two methods havebeen used to pursue this approach. The first involves sup-plying precursors to wild-type organisms in an attempt todrive secondary metabolic pathways toward the synthesis ofnew antibiotics (123, 150). A modification of this approachinvolves the selection of mutants blocked in the normalmetabolic pathway for antibiotic production that can begiven unnatural chemical moieties from external sources(34). The goal of this mutasynthetic approach is to permit themicroorganism to complete the blocked synthetic pathway,using the new structural moiety, thereby increasing thechances for producing a new antimicrobial agent (34). Thismethod has accounted for the discovery of many structurallynovel aminoglycosides, macrolides, and beta-lactams; how-ever, yields of antibiotic have often been too small to makecommercial production realistic. These last two methods ofantibiotic discovery have not met with the same success forfinding new lead structures as those involving direct detec-tion from natural products.


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Establishment of SAR

The characteristics of most new antibiotics discoveredfrom natural product testing are not of immediate commer-cial interest. This may be due to important deficits inspectrum of activity or potency, in vivo stability and phar-macokinetics, or an unacceptable safety profile observed inanimal studies. To make the necessary structural changes inmolecules to achieve commercially desirable goals, the SARbetween chemical modification of a compound and theresulting biological activity must be understood. While thismay appear to be a calculable endeavor, in reality, many ofthe relationships between the chemical structure of an anti-biotic and its biological activity are never understood. Log-ical approaches to gaining this information are, however,well established for each class of antimicrobial agent andconstitute the major research and development effort towarddiscovering new antibiotics that possess significant advan-tages over other marketed agents. This goal is particularlyrelevant in the current antibiotics marketplace, which iscrowded with numerous, highly competitive agents. Theapproaches used to develop SAR usually rely on determiningwhich substitutions made on a particular molecule willtranslate to improved antibacterial activity. An understand-ing of bacterial resistance mechanisms to antibiotics can beindispensable in developing SAR. If, for example, the com-pound under study is an aminoglycoside, knowledge of themany different bacterial enzymes that can chemically modifyaminoglycosides and make them inactive as antibiotics isimportant in designing new agents that might avoid suchmodification. The most valuable approaches to developingSAR are those that have used biochemical data correlatingthe compound's resistance to inactivation by a bacterialenzyme or affinity for a lethal bacterial cell target withactivity against the whole organism. The importance ofestablishing SAR can be demonstrated by some examples.One of the clearest examples of the important relationship

between antibiotic structure and biological activity is in thedevelopment of cefoxitin from cephamycin C. In 1972, whencephamycins A, B, and C were discovered in fermentationmixtures (154), few antibiotics were available with activityagainst gram-negative bacilli that produced large amounts ofbeta-lactamase. The most active component of the cepha-mycin mixture was cephamycin C, which possessed activitypredominantly against gram-negative bacteria. Its structure(Fig. 1) differs from the classical cephalosporin nucleus bythe presence of a methoxy group in the 7-alpha positionwhich conferred on the molecule resistance to hydrolysis bybeta-lactamases (152). Compared with the cephalosporincephalothin, this stability led to potent in vitro activityagainst isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,and indole-positive Proteus sp. A major effort was begun atMerck Sharp & Dohme to make chemical substitutions onthe cephamycin C molecule to increase its activity againstenteric organisms further and to broaden its spectrum ofactivity to include gram-positive pathogens. The chemicalproperties inherent in the cephamycin nucleus made suchsubstitution difficult as compared with earlier efforts accom-plished in the cephalosporin class (152). New chemicalreactions were designed to permit side chain substitution,however, and a large number of analogs were made withsubstitutions at positions C-3 and C-7 (20) of the nucleus.One of these analogs, cefoxitin, contained a thienyl acetylgroup at C-7 in place of the alpha-amino-adipic acid moietyof cephamycin C (Fig. 1). This substitution broadened thespectrum of cefoxitin compared with cephamycin C to

H2Nji1 OCH3


CH2-0-C -NH2


Cephamycin C


0 1 :QC3

H32-C-2HN>¢ .


:hbt N.> CH2rO-C-NH2IO2H 3c o2~~CO2H :3-carbamoyl

cephem nucleus

CefoxitinFIG. 1. Structure of cephamycin C and cefoxitin illustrating

important side chain substituents. Redrawn from reference 11 withpermission of the publisher.

include gram-positive organisms and also increased its ac-tivity against gram-negative organisms severalfold (11, 152).Further chemical substitution made it possible to study theSAR of the 7-alpha-methoxy group of cefoxitin. The analogpossessing a hydrogen at the 7-alpha position in place of themethoxy group demonstrated increased potency againstgram-positive isolates, with decidedly decreased potencyagainst gram-negative bacteria (152). Studies measuring thestability of various substituted analogs to hydrolysis bybeta-lactamase revealed that both the 7-methoxy and thienylacetyl groups conferred resistance to hydrolysis and madecefoxitin highly active against many enteric organisms thatexpressed beta-lactamase. Interestingly, more recent studieshave shown that, on a weight basis, cefoxitin is an excellentinducer of beta-lactamase in certain gram-negative bacilli inwhich enzyme expression is usually repressed (70). This mayexplain why cefoxitin is not highly active against manyisolates of Enterobacter, Citrobacter, and Serratia speciesthat possess this enzyme. With the understanding that thealpha-methoxy group of cefoxitin conferred beta-lactamasestability, efforts were undertaken to make substitutions inthis position to find derivatives with even greater stability tothe enzyme. Using the unsubstituted compound as standard,it was discovered that any group at the 7-position larger thanmethyl conferred enhanced stability to hydrolysis of thebeta-lactam ring by beta-lactamase (152). The natural meth-oxy moiety, however, conferred the greatest degree ofstability without adversely affecting antibacterial activity,and it has been hypothesized that substitution at this positionsterically blocks the beta-lactam bond from attack by theenzyme (11, 152). Other lines of research established that thecarbamoyl moiety at C-3 increases the metabolic stability ofcefoxitin in vivo (11). Subsequent efforts attempting totransfer the beneficial properties of the 7-alpha-methoxygroup to cephalosporins have not always met with success.7-Alpha-methoxy-substituted analogs of cefuroxime, cefa-mandole, and cephapirin were shown to be less potentantibacterial agents than their unsubstituted parent mole-

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H_,J,-4a-Methyl Group

NH3 N N ,%CH3

hlazole Oxime AO SCH3

CHC02HaCH3 N.-Sulfonic Acid

Carboxyl GroupFIG. 2. Structure of aztreonam showing important side chain

substituents for biological activity. Redrawn from reference 156with permission of the publisher.

cules, and this effect was associated with a decreased affinityof the substituted analogs for several of the lethal penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in gram-negative bacteria (32).The result of such structure-activity studies with cefoxitin

illustrate how making changes in an active molecule can

translate into major clinical benefits such as lower suscepti-bility to inactivation. The broad spectrum and beta-lacta-mase stability of cefoxitin constituted a major breakthroughat the time of its discovery, and its availability was a majoradvance in the treatment of infections caused by organismsthat produce high levels of beta-lactamase.As the SAR around cefoxitin helped to explain its stability

to beta-lactamase, similar approaches were taken withmonobactams isolated from natural products to improvetheir antibacterial activity. Monobactams have been isolatedfrom fermentations of several bacterial species, and allcontain a 2-azetidinone-1-sulfonic acid moiety (Fig. 2). Thenaturally occurring monobactams demonstrated only modestantibacterial activity that was limited to gram-negative or-

ganisms. Competitive binding studies with radiolabeled pen-

icillin G and unlabeled monobactam indicated that thislimited spectrum resulted from the poor affinity of monobac-tams for the PBPs of gram-positive organisms (60, 61, 156,158). Attempts were made to broaden the spectrum ofnaturally occurring compounds by making side chain substi-tutions around the monobactam nucleus. Chemistry effortsat the Squibb Institute centered around making penicillin andcephalosporin side chain substitutions on the monocyclicbeta-lactam ring (60, 156, 158). As indicated by Sykes andBonner (156), however, because SAR do not translate wellfrom penicillins to cephalosporins, chemical moieties fromthese compounds when substituted onto the monobactamnucleus do not impart the same degree of biological activityas observed for the other beta-lactams. The monobactamhomologs of penicillin G, carbenicillin, and mecillinam were

less active than their penicillin counterparts against gram-

positive organisms, while the piperacillin analog had a

spectrum and potency similar to those of piperacillin (60,156). The cephalothin homolog had the same spectrum as

cephalothin but was less potent, while the cefoperazonehomolog was very similar in potency to cefoperazone againstgram-negative organisms (60). These patterns of activitygenerally followed the affinities of each agent for the lethalPBPs in gram-positive and gram-negative organisms (60).Some of the best activity against gram-negative organismswas obtained by adding the aminothiazole oxime side chain(Fig. 2) derived from expanded-spectrum cephalosporinsand through addition of a methyl group at position 4, whichgreatly increased stability to beta-lactamase hydrolysis(156). Several hundred monobactam derivatives were pre-

pared, which led to the properties found in aztreonam (Fig.

2). The high activity of aztreonam against gram-negativeorganisms can be explained by the presence of the aminothi-azole oxime moiety, which confers high affinity for the lethalPBPs 3 and la (60, 157). The presence of a carboxylic acidfunction on the oxime side chain was shown to improveactivity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (158). The ox-methyl group at position 4 increases the stability of thebeta-lactam ring to hydrolysis by beta-lactamase (156). Infact, aztreonam is reported to be a potent inhibitor of manytype I cephalosporinases that hydrolyze cephalosporins (19).Aztreonam is also a poor inducer of these beta-lactamases(158), although some mutants that are overproducers of typeI enzyme are resistant to the drug.Thus, it can be seen that the use of in vitro PBP and

beta-lactamase biochemical assays helped to develop theSAR that led to the discovery of aztreonam. The use of thesetypes of specific, mechanism-based assays has helped phar-maceutical researchers develop other novel antibiotics thatpossess properties that have translated into significant clin-ical benefits. SAR have also been developed for studyingparameters other than antibacterial activity. These includeincreasing the metabolic stability of compounds in vivo andimproving the pharmacokinetics of antibiotics as measuredby their distribution characteristics in animals. A number ofanimal models have been developed to perform these tests.

Animal Models for Studying the Pharmacokinetics andEfficacy of Antibiotics

As mentioned previously, mechanism-based studies arefrequently used in antibiotic research to guide the SARwhich defines those biological characteristics that make acompound effective against a broad range of bacterial patho-gens. In vitro activity, however, does not guarantee in vivoefficacy. All new antibiotic compounds with an interestingantibacterial spectrum must be tested in standard animalmodels to assess their safety, distribution in various tissues(pharmacokinetics), and efficacy against experimental bac-terial infections. Since these studies are the final assessmentbefore testing a new compound in humans, a major issue thathas confronted pharmaceutical researchers is to understandhow well test results in animals predict the performance ofthe antimicrobial agent in humans. This question can per-haps be answered best by considering some standard meth-ods for performing and evaluating pharmacokinetic studiesof antibiotics in animals.A number of sources provide details on the standard

methodologies for performing pharmacokinetic and meta-bolic studies with experimental antimicrobial agents in ani-mals (63, 104, 149). While the parameters measured and themethods used in animal studies are similar for all classes ofantibiotics, each experimental compound can present specialproblems with respect to its chemical stability, solubilitylimitations, toleration by animals, and ease of quantitation inbody fluids. At an early stage of testing, when supply ofexperimental compound may be limiting, the first animalstudies ensure that the compound is not rapidly metabolizedin vivo and that it is well tolerated. Administering antibioticsin rodents via the intravenous, subcutaneous, or oral route isusually the simplest way to determine the preliminary phar-macokinetics and safety of experimental compounds. Itshould be emphasized that in each case appropriate controlantibiotics must be run for comparison. The best controls touse are those for which extensive published data are avail-able in both test animals and humans (149). Usually 8 to 12mice or rats are used per administration route per dose, and


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1000 -



c 100-._








IL 1000--i


en.'usEX 100-


U) SR 10-



dog *_monkey p.~mb man

mouse .

_ - rat

I I I I01 .1 1 10 100

t½/2 (min), MONKEY BODY WEIGHT (kg)

FIG. 3. Comparison of serum elimination half-lives for cephalosporins between monkey and humans (A) and relationship between speciesbody weight and serum elimination half-life of ceftizoxime (B). (A) CFMZ, cefmetazole; CFZ, cefazolin; MX, moxalactam; CFPZ,cefoperazone; CFTT, cefotetan; CFPM, cefpiramide. Redrawn from reference 140 with permission of the publisher. (B) Redrawn fromreference 109 with permission of the publisher.

the dose ranges selected reflect the anticipated use levels ofthe agent in clinical trials in humans. As an example, acephalosporin that will be given in 1-g doses by the intrave-nous route to a 70-kg adult would be tested in rodents ataround 14 to 20 mg/kg by injection into the tail vein. Strictadherence to protocol is an important part of obtainingreproducible animal pharmacokinetic data, since blood sam-ples must be taken from all subjects at precise intervals,usually 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min after dosing (149).Rodents are usually bled through the orbital sinus, andserum or plasma samples are prepared to test for antibiotic.Biological assays which rely on the diffusion of test antibi-otic into a confluent lawn of a susceptible test organismgrown on an agar plate are usually the simplest ways ofmeasuring antibiotic levels in body fluids (145). With thismethod, the test agent must incubate overnight in the assayplate, and this can be problematic if stability data for theexperimental compound are not available. The current trendis to assay the level of drug in test samples immediately aftercollection or following storage at -70TC. Analytical chemi-cal methods such as high-pressure liquid chromatographyare now used to quantitate drug levels in body fluids sincethe assay time is short (73). This method of analysis is alsoimportant for identifying metabolites of the parent com-pound excreted in urine. This is important since metabolitesare often inactive in microbiological assays, yet they must beidentified for safety evaluation purposes.When the mean plasma drug levels determined for each

time point are plotted against sampling time, a pharmacoki-netic curve is generated from which important informationcan be obtained (149). The peak drug concentration (Cmax),time to Cmax (Tmax; particularly relevant for drugs givenorally), elimination half-life (tl/23), and area under the plasmaconcentration-versus-time curve (AUC) are all parametersthat can be compared with control compounds tested in agiven animal species. As an experimental antimicrobialagent is evaluated further, pharmacokinetic studies are car-ried out in additional species, usually including beagle dogsand monkeys. The goal of such studies is to obtain multiplepharmacokinetic "models" with which to compare the ex-perimental drug with data obtained from well-characterizedantimicrobial agents belonging to the same structural class.More advanced studies are performed on compounds ofdevelopmental interest to identify clinically relevant charac-

teristics that would distinguish the compound from existingtherapeutic agents. An example of such animal studiesinvolved experiments performed in mice, rats, dogs, andcynomolgus monkeys with a new macrolide antibiotic,azithromycin (65). These pharmacokinetic models indicatedthat azithromycin possesses a very long elimination half-lifein vivo and achieves high tissue levels compared with themacrolide erythromycin (65). Additional studies withazithromycin in mice have characterized the extensive ac-cumulation of this compound inside phagocytic cells that areinvolved with the resolution of experimentally induced in-fections (66). These tissue distribution studies define somepotential advantages of azithromycin over the standardmacrolide, erythromycin, and help with the design of clinicaltrials in humans (65). Among numerous other animal phar-macokinetic studies that have evaluated new antibiotics arestudies to measure the penetration of azole antifungal com-pounds into the eyes of rabbits (139), models to study drugpenetration into surgical wounds of dogs (133), and novelsampling methods to measure spinal fluid levels of antibiot-ics in rats (103).One of the most frequent uses of animal models is in

making pharmacokinetic predictions of an experimental an-tibiotic in humans. This is extremely important since newand efficacious antibiotics with long elimination half-livescan be administered less frequently and are therefore moreconvenient and cost effective to use. In one published study,the long-acting cephalosporin ceftriaxone was administeredfor surgical and ambulatory use in 42 patients with osteomy-elitis (48). Since ceftriaxone can be given once a day byintramuscular injection, patients can leave the hospital oncepostsurgical improvement is seen, receiving the remainder oftheir therapy at home. The use of this long-acting antimicro-bial agent resulted in an estimated savings of $204,340 inhospital room costs alone (48). Efforts to find such long-acting agents from research and development programspresent a dilemma. It simply is not cost effective to test allinteresting new antibiotics in human clinical trials to deter-mine whether they have significant pharmacokinetic advan-tages over existing agents.To approach this problem, investigators have developed

mathematical models for predicting various pharmacokineticparameters in humans from data collected for antibioticstested in a single animal species (16, 140). This approach

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(Fig. 3A) relies on analyzing data collected for severalstructurally related antibiotics in a single animal species(140). For example, by including many cephalosporins thathave been tested in both humans and other animals in theanalysis, a mathematical relationship can be made betweenmonkey (in this case) and humans for individual pharmaco-kinetic parameters such as elimination half-life. When theanimal model is found that generates the best data "fit," thehalf-life of experimental agents can be predicted for humansfrom data obtained in the animal model.

Another approach often used to predict the pharmacoki-netics of a new agent in humans makes use of a mathematicalprocedure for "scaling" data obtained in several differentanimal species (39, 110). While small mammals tend toeliminate drugs more rapidly than large mammals, pharma-cokinetic data can be mathematically compared betweenspecies as a function of body weight (110). This process isreferred to as allometric analysis of pharmacokinetic scalingand has been used to compare the data obtained withantibiotics in humans and other animals (Fig. 3B). Whileallometric analysis has been successfully used for predictingthe elimination half-lives of new beta-lactams in humansfrom animal data (26, 109), it appeared to be insufficientlyprecise for making such predictions with macrolides (42).Despite potential limitations, this approach holds an impor-tant place in discovery research.Animal models have also been used to study the metabo-

lism of new antimicrobial agents, as illustrated by theexample of imipenem. After the initial clinical testing of thiscarbapenem antibiotic in humans, it became apparent thatthe urinary recovery of intact imipenem varied considerablybetween subjects, ranging from 6 to 33% (86). Despite thisvariability, the plasma elimination half-life of the drug in allsubjects was around 60 min, and it was calculated that itsrenal clearance rate was only a fraction of the known rate ofhuman glomerular filtration (86). These findings, supportedby additional metabolic studies, suggested that imipenemwas metabolized to a high degree in the human kidney.Similar results obtained in animal studies led to the findingthat the enzyme renal dehydropeptidase I, located in thebrush border of the renal tubule, was responsible for the highdegree of renal metabolism of imipenem in both humans andother animals. For reasons that are still not completelyunderstood, some humans are high metabolizers of imi-penem, while others destroy it to a lesser degree in thekidney. The low urinary recovery and metabolic instabilityof imipenem in the kidney were of clinical concern withrespect to achieving optimal therapeutic levels of drug inurine (86). For this reason, a program was started at MerckSharp & Dohme to synthesize compounds containing thedehydropeptide bond that might act as inhibitors of renaldehydropeptidase I in vivo and could therefore be coadmin-istered with imipenem. Many analogs were tested and foundto be competitive inhibitors of the human enzyme in vitro.This approach addressed only part of the problem, however,since a potent inhibitor of renal dehydropeptidase I wouldstill have to match the pharmacokinetic characteristics ofimipenem to be effective in humans. In considering thisissue, it was determined that the chimpanzee most closelyparallels humans with respect to its metabolism of imi-penem. An integral part of the program, then, was to find themost potent dehydropeptidase I inhibitors and attempt tomodify them chemically so that they would have a pharma-cokinetic profile similar to that of imipenem, as assessedexperimentally in the chimpanzee (86). By having an animalmodel that was closely representative of a human, the









CilastatinFIG. 4. Structures of imipenem and the renal dehydropeptidase I

inhibitor cilastatin.

dehydropeptidase I inhibitor cilastatin was discovered (Fig.4). It is striking that, while the dehydropeptide bond of bothcompounds is structurally related, the remainder of thecilastatin molecule is dissimilar in structure from the antibi-otic imipenem. Coadministration of cilastatin with imipenemin humans has been shown to increase uniformly the recov-ery of intact antibiotic in the urine, and the combination ismarketed in the United States under the trade name Pri-maxin.Animal models have also been used to evaluate how well

a new antimicrobial agent cures experimental infectionsprior to clinical testing in humans (12, 183). These experi-ments are referred to as in vivo protection studies, and theyare most often performed in mice, rats, or rabbits givenlethal infections with human pathogens. Routine protectiontests are usually run in mice since a quantitative 50%protective dose measured in milligrams per kilogram formost experimental antimicrobial agents can be determinedby using a relatively small amount of compound (63). Thepathogenic microorganisms serving as challenge are grownin culture broth, washed in buffer, and suspended in physi-ological saline or some other appropriate medium. Tenfolddilutions of organism are made and then inoculated intraper-itoneally into groups of mice with 10 individuals per chal-lenge group. The minimum number of cells required to kill allof the mice in a group within 24 to 48 h postchallenge isreferred to as the lethal dose for 100% of the animals. Oncethe 100% lethal dose is established for each microbialpathogen, test doses of antimicrobial agent are given intwofold increments to individual groups of mice challengedwith 1 100% lethal dose. The route of drug administrationand length of treatment can vary depending on the virulenceof the microorganism (27). The drug dose in milligrams perkilogram that protects 50% of the animals in a group fromdeath is termed the 50% protective dose (PD50). PD50s can

easily be determined for several different pathogens, and thequantitative endpoints found for an experimental antimicro-bial agent can be compared with those obtained with controlcompounds. The finding that the new antimicrobial agent is


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very effective and produces low PD5Os may correlate withdata indicating that the agent also has high antibacterialactivity in vitro. Pharmacokinetic data obtained in rodentsand other animals may further indicate that the bioavailabil-ity of the new agent is greater than that of any other availablecompound in its class. These parameters, when consideredtogether, indicate how well a new antimicrobial agent curesexperimental infections relative to existing agents that havebeen tested in animals and used in humans.More complex animal protection experiments are de-

signed to test the efficacy of new antimicrobial agents forclearing infecting organisms from specific tissues. Infectionmodels that represent abscess formation, pneumonia, pyelo-nephritis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, and endocarditis havebeen developed in mice, rats, and rabbits (27, 58, 62, 105).Furthermore, with the increased incidence of immunosup-pressed patients seen in hospitals today, there is a majorneed for new antimicrobial agents that provide adequatetherapy in patients lacking an intact immune system (57, 98,134). Therefore, new infection models have been developedin immunosuppressed animals that measure the efficacy ofantimicrobial agents against bacterial and fungal pathogensfound in immunosuppressed patients (6, 91, 132). Usually,the animals are chemically immunosuppressed with repeateddoses of agents such as dexamethasone or cyclophospha-mide before challenge with a lethal inoculum of test organ-ism (91, 132). The antimicrobial treatment period for suchinfection models may be longer than the routine PD50experiments, since many infections in immunosuppressedpatients are chronic in nature and require treatment over aperiod of time longer than 48 h. Chronic protection studies ofthis type often require different criteria for measuring suc-cessful therapy compared with routine PD50 studies thatusually record lethality. These criteria can include countingviable microbial cells in one or more infected organs ofanimals sacrificed during, or at the completion of, a course oftherapy (91). Measurement of microbial cell clearance frominfected tissues is another way of assessing how well a testantibiotic might work in many of the serious infectionsencountered in humans.To this point, a number of approaches have been de-

scribed that aid in the discovery and early characterizationof new antibiotics. Obviously, the process for discovering anew antibiotic with advantages over existing therapies cantake years, with no guarantee of success. Once such acandidate is identified, however, a recommendation fordevelopment document is written which comprehensivelyreviews all of the in vitro and in vivo data generated andincludes a plan for testing the safety of the compound inanimals and clinical efficacy in humans. This document isreviewed internally by the pharmaceutical sponsor to deter-mine whether the perceived advantages of the compound aresufficient to warrant the time and expense necessary for itsclinical development. Before a new antibiotic can be testedin humans, however, it must first pass an extensive series ofsafety evaluations in other animals.

Safety Studies in Animals

In his discussion of the early history of cephalosporins,E. P. Abraham recounted that Giuseppi Brotzu, the discov-erer of cephalosporin C activity in a fungus, "appeared tohave dispensed with toxicity experiments in animals" andtested culture filtrates of the producing organism directly ininfectious skin lesions in humans (1). He subsequently madea crude extract of filtrate and "boldly injected it intramus-

cularly and intravenously into patients with brucellosis,paratyphoid infections, and typhoid fever" (1). While thesein vivo experiments were performed over 40 years ago,clinical investigators of today can ill afford to be so optimis-tic. Thorough safety studies of experimental antibiotics arenow performed in animals before they are given to humans.As reviewed by Hirschman (77), the federal government hastaken an increasingly active role in regulating studies thatevaluate the safety of prescription drugs marketed in theUnited States. In 1906, the Pure Food and Drug Act waspassed by Congress to more closely monitor the chemicalpurity and efficacy claims of new drugs. The Federal Foodand Drug and Cosmetic Act was then enacted as law in 1938as a response to the accidental deaths of over 70 peoplegiven sulfanilamide that was contaminated with a poisonoussubstance. This law provided that new drugs could not bemarketed through means of interstate commerce unless theyhad been described in a new drug application and hadundergone extensive safety testing in animals. The respon-sibilities of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) broad-ened in 1962 with the passage of the Kefauver-HarrisAmendments which placed additional governmental controlsover the safety testing, distribution, advertising, and clinicalmonitoring of new drugs.The protocols for routine toxicology testing of new anti-

biotics have been established in the United States by theFDA based on safety observations made historically fromdrugs already in clinical use (4). Each country has its ownregulatory board, with most European nations bound by theEuropean Economic Community set of regulations (4).There is no set protocol that specifically covers antibiotics;the types and duration of safety studies are genericallydictated based on the anticipated duration of clinical expo-sure to the drug.The types of animal toxicology tests conducted include

both acute and chronic dosing studies, tests to assess thegenetic safety of the drug, and studies to determine whetherit has any adverse effects on reproductive capability. Acutetoxicity testing involves administering a single or multipledoses of drug over a 24-h period at levels considerably abovethe anticipated use level in humans. These studies monitorbehavioral changes along with lethality and define the max-imum tolerated dose of antibiotic. Chronic safety testingexperiments can involve several different antibiotic dosingschedules in animals depending on the stage of developmentof the compound in humans (4). As an example, safetystudies in two animal species, one rodent and one nonrodent(including equal numbers of males and females), of 30 daysin duration at daily doses severalfold above the expectedhuman use level are required before a phase I multiple-dosestudy can be run in humans. For antibiotic candidates thathave progressed to phase II therapeutic trials in humans,6-month animal safety studies performed in two species mustbe completed before the drug is approved for marketing. Thedose of antibiotic administered and the duration of dosing inchronic testing are guided by the FDA's desire to identify atoxic dose for each new drug (4). This information definesthe maximum level of drug allowable in humans, which formost antibiotics is usually far above the projected use levelneeded to achieve efficacy. It should be remembered, how-ever, that some antibiotics, such as aminoglycosides, have anarrow therapeutic index, and animal safety tests are essen-tial for identifying the maximum dosing range allowed foreach new agent (126). A number of parameters are moni-tored in conjunction with chronic safety tests. Blood isdrawn during and after the completion of dosing, and the

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Phase IlIl

IND raseAdFiling Phase I

Discovery \

ProductFDA Review Launch




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Development Time (years)

FIG. 5. Time line for the development of a new antibiotic. IND, Investigational new drug; NDA, new drug application.

samples are analyzed for hematological and blood chemistryabnormalities. Tests are run to monitor liver and kidneyfunction as well as effects on the central nervous system. Atthe completion of antibiotic dosing, all animal subjects are

sacrificed and multiple tissues are examined for gross andmicroscopic histological abnormalities. For antibiotics givenparenterally, injection sites are examined for irritation thatmay have resulted from the drug. Other aspects of chronicsafety testing involve determining whether the new agent hasany effect on the reproductive capability in animals. Thesestudies are done in three segments that assess safety overeach phase of reproduction (112). The first stage involvesdosing of male and female rats prior to mating to look forunusual effects on spermatogenesis in males and embryogen-esis in females. Newborns are also studied for gross abnor-malities in these general stage I tests. The second stage ofreproductive tests involves a formal teratology test in whichsoft tissue and skeletal development of animal fetuses isexamined, while the mother is given drug during the periodof fetal organogenesis. These studies must be completedbefore a new antibiotic can be given to women of child-bearing age. The last stage of reproductive testing involvesgiving the drug to animals during the last trimester ofpregnancy to detect any effects on late fetal development,labor, lactation, or neonatal growth. For antimicrobialagents that give any abnormal response in standard mutage-nicity tests, a 2-year carcinogenicity study is run in rodents.Due to the time and considerable expense associated withthe carcinogenicity test, it is usually performed last in thesafety evaluation phase for a new antimicrobial agent. Sev-eral short-term genetic toxicity tests are usually run todetermine whether there is a need to examine an antimicro-bial agent in a 2-year test. The scientific community is not inagreement, however, about the reliability of these short-termtests to predict compound carcinogenicity (181).

All acute and chronic toxicology tests are subject to rigidrules of design and execution, including recording of data.Results of the required tests, along with all other experimen-tal data pertaining to the antibiotic candidate, must besubmitted to the FDA before any human trials begin in theUnited States. Planned clinical trials abroad are subject tosubmission of these data to the regulatory agency coveringthe country in question (4).

In addition to these standard acute and chronic toxicologytests, a number of other safety studies may be required thatassess whether the drug has any unusual effects in vivo thatcan be detected in a battery of general pharmacology tests orin laboratory experiments that may be specific for a given

class of antibiotics. With quinolones, for example, tests thatmeasure their effects on developing joint cartilage in youngdogs, central nervous system and ocular toxicity in adultdogs, and mutagenicity in both cell culture and animals areusually required (25, 76, 80, 99). Other examples of support-ive drug safety tests include in vivo immediate hypersensi-tivity tests for beta-lactams and tests evaluating the nephro-toxicity of aminoglycosides (126, 141).The successful completion of a series of safety studies on

an antibiotic candidate fulfills part of the criteria necessaryto allow its clinical testing in humans. At this point, thesponsoring pharmaceutical group is required to compile alldata on the compound pertaining to antibacterial spectrum,mechanism of action, experimental efficacy, and safety intoa document termed the investigational new drug filing. Thevarious studies included in this document can, in someinstances, take up to two years to complete. The investiga-tional new drug filing, in addition to being a comprehensivereview of the new antimicrobial agent, also outlines theinitial clinical plans to assess its safety and pharmacokineticsin healthy human volunteers. Once such a filing is submitted,the FDA has 30 days to review and approve it before suchclinical trials can take place. The investigational new drugfiling further serves as the reference document for theoutside clinical investigators chosen to study the drug inhumans.


The three clinical testing phases required for a newantibiotic are designed to assess its efficacy and safety. Afourth phase can also be delineated, and such clinical testsare conducted to characterize the antimicrobial agent morefully after it has been introduced into the market. The totalcost of discovering and developing a new antibiotic canapproach 100 million dollars, with 60% of this cost resultingfrom safety and clinical studies (162). The phase I to IIIclinical trials take 5 years to complete on average andinvolve thousands of subjects (64) (Fig. 5). As discussed in arecent review (64), the rules governing the execution ofphase I to III antibiotic trials were defined initially in twopublications compiled by the FDA in 1977 (52, 53). Thesedocuments provide for the medically safe and scientificallyaccurate evaluation of new antimicrobial agents in clinicaltrials and set specific criteria for testing efficacy (64).Phase I clinical trials are designed to study the safety and

pharmacokinetic profile of a new agent in healthy volun-teers. Such studies initially involve at least six individuals



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and verify pharmacokinetic parameters in humans as pro-jected from earlier experimental results obtained in animals.Blood levels, elimination half-life, and urinary recovery areall determined. Such data give an early indication of thedistribution and metabolism of the drug under "optimum"conditions of health in humans. The oral absorption of acompound can be studied (if appropriate) by dosing 6 to 12subjects orally and comparing the plasma concentrationcurves obtained with those derived from subsequent intra-venous administration of the agent in the same subjects. Thisexperimental format provides the most accurate determina-tion of the oral bioavailability of an investigational drug andusually requires only a small number of subjects (10). Moreextensive multiple-dose bioavailability studies, using esca-lating dose levels of an oral antibiotic, are important forestablishing dose proportionality (the proportional increasein peak plasma level seen with increasing dose) of the newdrug in humans (10). Understanding the absorption charac-teristics of an antimicrobial agent can be important, sinceampicillin and amoxicillin, for example, demonstrated de-creased rates of absorption at high dose levels (146). Thetotal number of subjects needed in phase I oral absorptionstudies may vary depending on the absorption characteris-tics of the particular antimicrobial agent in question. Mac-rolides, for instance, characteristically show erratic degreesof absorption between individuals, thereby necessitatingstudies enrolling up to 25 individuals to gain meaningful data(10). Other orally absorbed compounds such as beta-lactamscan be tested in phase I trials with fewer subjects since theirabsorption characteristics usually vary less between individ-uals. Dose-dependent pharmacokinetic changes can be seenwith parenteral agents as well. Ceftriaxone is a parenteralcephalosporin with a long elimination half-life, which ishighly bound to plasma proteins. At high doses of ceftriax-one, the percentage of unbound drug increases and is there-fore subject to more rapid elimination from the body byglomerular filtration in the kidney, thereby decreasing theoverall elimination half-life (121).The pharmacokinetic data generated from phase I studies

help to set the appropriate dosing schedule for subsequentclinical trials that will evaluate the efficacy of a new antibi-otic. The phase I trials may eventually involve severalhundred subjects and take as long as 2 years to complete(64). The data generated on a new antibiotic are carefullyreviewed at this point, since subsequent efficacy trials aimedat gaining FDA approval for the drug are costly and can takeover 5 years to complete. It is not unusual, therefore, for acandidate to be discontinued should the pharmacokinetic orsafety data obtained in phase I trials be less than that desiredto encourage further development.Phase II trials begin to assess the efficacy of a new

antibacterial agent in treating patients with diagnosed bacte-rial infections. The FDA guidelines suggest that each newagent be directly compared with an antimicrobial agent withan established efficacy record for the particular therapeuticindications in question (53, 64). There is provision, however,for running noncomparative trials for those indications whenthe degree of efficacy observed with standard agents is wellestablished (64). Early phase II trials are usually run inpatients whose infections are not life-threatening, such asurinary tract and soft-tissue infections in which the causativeagent is also easily identified by culture. In these studies, theefficacy of the new agent is carefully assessed by monitoringclinical cures, i.e., a relief of symptoms and a resolution ofthe signs associated with infection. The bacteriological cureis also measured by documenting the eradication of the

causative organism after treatment and, when appropriate,by a follow-up culture several weeks posttherapy. In thetypes of infections included in phase II trials, clinical curerates of 80 to 90% are routinely recorded (64). These studiescan take up to 2 years and involve several hundred patients.The safety and toleration of new antibiotics continue to beclosely monitored at this stage to detect any side effects thatwould advise against further clinical development. It iscustomary for the sponsoring pharmaceutical firm to meetperiodically with representatives from the FDA to monitorthe progress of the new agent and to approve plans for thebroader phase III clinical program.The design of phase III clinical studies is similar to those

in phaseII, and such studies are carried out to show efficacyfor multiple therapeutic indications with the new antimicro-bial agent. To achieve this goal, results from several thou-sand patients must be compiled. The FDA prefers thatefficacy be demonstrated for each organism at each infectionsite at which an indication for therapy is desired (64). Thismeans, for example, that for a new antibiotic to include K.pneumoniae in its indication list, a sufficient number ofpatients must be evaluated who have infections with thispathogen in the lung, urine, blood, and any other body sitefor which approval is sought. Several years can elapsebefore sufficient numbers of cases are reported and, there-fore, phase III programs require the greatest amount of timeand expense from the pharmaceutical sponsor. Many smallclinical trials are usually conducted simultaneously in med-ical centers throughout the world. It is customary for thepharmaceutical sponsor to design the clinical trials in orderto gain information about specific indications for the newdrug. Hospital-based infectious disease specialists, how-ever, are taking a more active role in designing advanced-stage clinical trials in view of their extensive experience inevaluating previous antibiotic products that often possesssome efficacy characteristics similar to those of the newexperimental agent (64).The most meaningful clinical data are obtained from

randomized, double-blind, comparative trials in which theperformance of the new agent can be evaluated against thestandard therapy (64). Since all modern antibiotics demon-strate a high degree of efficacy in humans, other exploitablecharacteristics of new compounds are frequently consideredin clinical trials. These include demonstration of an im-proved side effect profile, reduced dosing frequency, orreduced cost over existing therapies. In this regard, compar-ative trials of imipenem versus gentamicin plus clindamycin,for example, have proven the advantage of the single anti-microbial agent over the standard combination used clini-cally (142). Thus, the recent trend towards development ofantibiotics with broad spectrum or long half-life makessingle-agent therapy and reduced dosing frequency newparameters to consider in comparative clinical studies thathave traditionally compared efficacy only.The importance of phase III studies in demonstrating the

advantages of a new antimicrobial agent cannot be overem-phasized. While it is common practice to conduct manysmall clinical trials throughout the world, this traditionpresents a problem of data interpretation, since in someinstances the number of patients evaluated for a givenclinical indication is too small to provide convincing proof ofa clinical advantage over existing therapy. It has beensuggested that results from these many small studies becombined into a multicenter collaborative study format, inwhich a larger number of clinical cases per indication can beevaluated in a more significant manner (64). This is impor-

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tant to the pharmaceutical sponsor because clinical trials cantake several years to complete and cost tens of millions ofdollars. The magnitude of this investment can be appreciatedfrom the developmental time line presented in Fig. 5. Thistime line can be compared against the traditional 17-yearpatent life granted to a new compound, which guarantees thepharmaceutical sponsor sole marketing rights to the product.It is easy to see that much of this exclusive lifetime can beconsumed by developmental periods during which no in-come from the new agent is generated.

After completion of the phase II and III studies, thesponsoring pharmaceutical company must organize all of thecase report data in preparation for filing these results withthe FDA. No predetermined number of studies must be runto qualify a new antibiotic for FDA approval, and thedecision to submit a new drug application is based onwhether the sponsor, outside clinical investigators, and theFDA agree that a convincing body of safety and efficacy datahas been compiled to warrant approval for the indicationssought (64). Once this point is reached, a new drug applica-tion is compiled and all data must be reviewed by the FDA,a process that takes an average of 21 months for a newantibiotic (54). An effort has been made by the FDA toshorten the development time of new therapeutic agents,including antibiotics. In a published revision of the rules andregulations governing development, the FDA has suggestedways for the pharmaceutical sponsor to prepare and submithigher-quality new drug applications and improve the effi-ciency with which the FDA reviews them (180).

After approval of the new drug application, the newantibiotic is permitted to be sold in the United States. At thispoint, a large effort is placed behind organizing the world-wide introduction of the new antimicrobial agent into themarketplace. This includes publication of a symposium (86,155, 176) that reviews all of the relevant preclinical andclinical studies on the new agent. This type of peer reviewhelps to support efforts to gain hospital formulary accep-tance for the new agent. In today's highly competitiveantibiotics marketplace, this is not an easy task. In order notto overburden the pharmacy budget of a hospital, accep-tance of a new antibiotic onto the formulary often signals thediscontinuation of an older agent. This is accomplished withgreat difficulty unless overwhelming published evidencedocuments the clinical efficacy, safety, convenience, or costadvantages of the new agent.

It is expected that the total scientific and medical infor-mation available describing a new antibiotic supports its useclinically. In this regard, basic information concerning themechanism of antibacterial activity, human pharmacokineticprofile, and clinical efficacy all contribute to an understand-ing of the relative advantages of the new antimicrobial agentover existing therapy. The accuracy and thoroughness withwhich these studies are performed and their results dissem-inated to clinicians and other health care personnel areimportant factors in determining how well a new antibioticwill be accepted in this crowded therapeutic marketplace.The remainder of this review will give an historical per-

spective on the discovery and development trends observedfor certain classes of antibiotics. Some of the clinical andindustrial influences that helped determine the direction ofnew antibiotic discovery and development will be discussed.The improvements made in specific antibiotics that sup-ported their introduction into clinical practice will also beconsidered.


Discovery of Penicillin G

The discovery of penicillin G (Fig. 6) marked the begin-ning of the modern antibiotic era and served as a model forthe development of future agents in at least two ways. First,the isolation in 1957 of the active nucleus of penicillin G,6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) (Fig. 6), provided a keyintermediate for production of a large number of new semi-synthetic derivatives. The trend toward making chemicalside chain substitutions around an active lead nucleus wassubsequently followed for several other classes of beta-lactams, including the cephalosporins, carbapenems, pen-ems, and monobactams. The second way in which penicillinG influenced antibiotic research resided in its ability topromote the spread of bacterial resistance genes that limitedits own clinical effectiveness. The development of penicillinG was a result of pure necessity since the treatment ofinfectious diseases at that time was limited essentially tosulfonamides. Other penicillins, however, were later de-signed to combat resistance encountered from microbialelaboration of penicillinase.The penicillins isolated from fermentation broths of Pen-

icillium chrysogenum were found to be very active againstgram-positive and gram-negative cocci. Upon its initial in-troduction in the early 1940s, over 85% of Staphylococcusaureus isolates were susceptible to <0.1 Vig of penicillin Gper ml. However, penicillin-resistant staphylococci ap-peared within 3 years of the widespread use of this antimi-crobial agent, and by 1948 up to 50% of hospital strains wereresistant (51, 116, 131). This trend continued as the level ofresistance rose to 80% by 1957, the year that the structure of6-APA was elucidated (131). In 1944, Kirby identified theenzymatic mechanism responsible for penicillin resistance inbacteria (90). When other agents such as erythromycin,chloramphenicol, and tetracyclines were chosen more fre-quently to treat penicillin-resistant staphylococci, bacterialresistance to these agents also increased, limiting theirclinical use by the mid-1950s (92, 93). Penicillin G alsoserved as an alternative therapy for infections by Strepto-coccus pyogenes since, by the 1950s, resistance to tetracy-clines and sulfonamides was common in this organism (50,102, 129). Despite the occasional isolation of resistantstrains, pulmonary isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniaeremain susceptible to penicillin G and synergy is still com-monly demonstrated with penicillin G, in combination withaminoglycosides, against Enterococcus faecalis (43, 50).With the appearance of sporadic sulfonamide resistance inNeisseria meningitidis in the 1960s, penicillin G was usedempirically in suspected cases of meningitis (43, 116). In the1940s, isolates of N. gonorrhoeae demonstrated resistanceto sulfonamides and penicillin G became the drug of choice.By 1975, however, the appearance of penicillinase-pro-ducing strains required the use of alternative therapies,including cefoxitin, spectinomycin, and tetracycline (175).

Semisynthesis around 6-APA produced methicillin, ox-acillin, nafcillin, and the cloxacillins, and the resistance ofthese compounds to inactivation by penicillinase earnedthem a prominent position in the treatment of staphylococcalinfections. However, by 1961 the first methicillin-resistantstrain of Staphylococcus aureus was isolated (84) and be-came a source of nosocomial infections in Europe in the1960s and 1970s. This type of resistance was rare in theUnited States until the late 1970s (75, 163). Methicillin-


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CH2-NHC ~N 2 7y Cj3o0 ( COOH 0 COOH

Penicillin G 6-aminopenicillanic acid(6-APA)


,rCH2-NH2 ~~AAC(3)HOHO /-2

APH(3') N iN H2/PH1HOAAC(2')



ANT(2"), APH(2")

Kanamycin B (shown with sites of modification)




CephalMoxaoactamsOOH H orai AcH3

F12IN II +

11S ~~~~~~H3N S/CH(CH2)3CFNH S



Cephalosporin C 7-Aminocephalosporanic Acid7-ACA

0 0 0




Nalidixic Acid Flumequine CiprofloxacinFIG. 6. Chemical structures of some representative antimicrobial agents. Sites of adenylylation (ANT), acetylation (AAC), and

phosphorylation (APH) of kanamycin B are indicated.

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resistant staphylococci have increased in frequency steadily,yet they remain a nosocomial pathogen primarily at institu-tions such as large tertiary care hospitals and nursing homeswith a large percentage of chronically ill patients (3, 163).Strains that show intrinsic resistance to methicillin are alsoresistant to other beta-lactams and frequently contain addi-tional resistance determinants for several other classes ofantibiotics (3, 163). The mechanism responsible for intrinsicmethicillin resistance in staphylococci has been described inseveral reviews (23, 68, 96, 165) and involves the expressionof PBP 2a, which has a lowered affinity for methicillin andother beta-lactams. Due to its activity against these organ-isms, vancomycin has become the agent of choice for clinicalindications involving methicillin-resistant isolates (124).The development of penicillin for use against susceptible

gram-positive and gram-negative cocci was a major advancein the treatment of infectious diseases when physicians hadfew agents from which to choose. Its broad use has beenlimited by the transfer among these pathogens of plasmid-encoded penicillinases, a prime example of how quicklyselective pressures from antibiotic use in the hospital canpromote the spread of resistance. The trend toward devel-opment of resistance to penicillin G prompted research in thearea of the penicillinase-stable penicillins and eventually toagents with a broader antibacterial spectrum.

Expanded-Spectrum Penicillins and the Aminoglycosides

A major impact of the discovery of penicillin on thepharmaceutical industry was the subsequent successful useof 6-APA as a nucleus for the synthesis of many other newantibiotics. A natural extension of the synthetic chemistrywork with 6-APA involved efforts to expand the spectrum ofpenicillin to include gram-negative bacilli. This was accom-plished in 1961 with the introduction of the semisyntheticanalog ampicillin. Ampicillin was effective against manyenteric bacilli that did not elaborate high levels of beta-lactamase. Ampicillin also gained favor in the 1960s for thetreatment of Haemophilus influenzae infections, since con-cerns over the hematological toxicities of chloramphenicolrestricted its use. Plasmid-encoded beta-lactamase in H.influenzae was first noted in 1974, however (7, 164), and by1976 between 2 and 15% of isolates worldwide were resistantto ampicillin by this mechanism (47, 116, 144).The spectrum of penicillin derivatives was further ex-

panded to include P. aeruginosa when carbenicillin wasintroduced in 1967 (131). This was followed by ticarcillin,and the novel ureido penicillins azlocillin, mezlocillin, andpiperacillin were introduced in 1981. All of these agents hadan extended spectrum of activity over ampicillin and carben-icillin, with piperacillin being the most potent agent againstP. aeruginosa (45, 46, 72, 82, 108). Thus, the trend fordiscovering penicillin derivatives up to this point has been todetermine SAR that lead to development of molecules thatare resistant to inactivation by beta-lactamases and thatpenetrate the outer membrane surrounding gram-negativecells. The trend toward development of broader-spectrumagents has continued with the aminoglycosides.The aminoglycoside (aminocyclitol) antibiotics have had a

major impact on the treatment of infectious diseases. Mostclinically useful members of this class belong to the 4,6-disubstituted deoxystreptamine antibiotics of the kanamycinand gentamicin group (37) and are produced by members ofthe genus Streptomyces. Two of the best semisyntheticderivatives, amikacin and netilmicin, have been widely usedclinically. The initial efforts in aminoglycoside research were

directed toward discovery of potent compounds. In 1944,streptomycin was the first such agent (introduced for thetreatment of tuberculosis) and it was followed by kanamycinin the 1950s, gentamicin in 1963, and tobramycin in 1968, allof which were used predominantly to treat serious infectionswith gram-negative bacilli (21, 37, 38, 172). A number offactors have limited the introduction of new aminoglyco-sides, including their inherent potential to cause ototoxicityand nephrotoxicity. A large number of modifying enzymeshave also been identified that spread among clinical isolates,limiting the antibacterial potency of these agents (35, 36, 81,106, 126). Aminoglycosides can be inactivated by more than12 different classes of bacterial enzymes that can modify areactive hydroxyl or amino group by phosphorylation, acet-ylation, or adenylylation (Fig. 6). The 2"-adenylyltrans-ferase, 6'-acetyltransferase, and 3-acetyltransferase en-zymes are particularly prevalent among clinical strains in theUnited States (18). With the rapid development of resistanceto kanamycin that occurred in the late 1960s, this agent wasreplaced by gentamicin for empiric therapy of serious infec-tions (44, 55). The discovery of the aminoglycoside-modi-fying enzymes changed the direction of aminoglycosideresearch after the early 1960s. The development of newaminoglycosides followed a pattern aimed at identifyingSAR that blocked susceptible sites for enzymatic modifica-tion on the molecule while retaining the acceptable safetyprofile of the earlier agents (9, 17). While many new analogswere tested clinically (33, 126, 138), amikacin remains one ofthe most useful due to the relatively infrequent occurrence ofresistance encountered (13, 107). Amikacin use was oftenrestricted in many hospitals in hopes of preventing theemergence of resistant strains, but its use for empiric ther-apy in combination with beta-lactams has been widelyadopted in centers where resistance to the older aminogly-cosides is common.The effort behind continued aminoglycoside development

has largely been shifted to other classes of antimicrobialagents perceived to have a better safety profile and broaderspectrum of activity against susceptible organisms. Despitethe discovery of some new agents, it is generally believedthat the incentive for research and development of amino-glycosides has reached its end (126).

Cephalosporins, Carbapenems, Penems, and Monobactams

Unquestionably, the cephalosporins have taken a preem-inent position in the research and development efforts of thepharmaceutical industry over the past two decades. Thediscovery of the fungus Cephalosporium acremonium byBrotzu in 1945 enabled Abraham to isolate cephalosporin Cin 1953 (1, 2). The rapid discovery of new semisyntheticderivatives of cephalosporin C (Fig. 6) was in a large part aresult of previous synthetic chemical expertise gained with6-APA. As pointed out by G. N. Rolinson (131), the removalof the side chain from cephalosporin C was necessary toproduce the nucleus 7-aminocephalosporanic acid, the com-mercial starting material for synthesis of the semisyntheticcephalosporins (Fig. 6). Since chemical removal of the sidechain was a difficult task in the early days of cephalosporinresearch, Rolinson credits the earlier success with 6-APAanalogs as the motivation behind the cephalosporin effort(131). This early work laid the foundation for the discoveryof an unprecedented number of structurally novel and clin-ically useful cephalosporins. The relatively broad spectrumand excellent safety characteristics of cephalosporins, ascompared with aminoglycosides, led to chemical exploita-


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tion of the two modifiable substituent positions on the7-aminocephalosporanic acid nucleus.The first semisynthetic cephalosporin developed for clin-

ical use was cephalothin in 1962, followed 2 years later bycephaloridine. These compounds were followed by agentsthat were better tolerated upon injection, such as cefazolin,cephapirin, and cephacetrile, and the orally absorbed agentscephalexin, cefaclor, and cefadroxil. A major thrust ofcephalosporin research was then aimed at expanding theirantibacterial spectra by increasing their resistance to hydrol-ysis by beta-lactamase. The broader-spectrum compoundssuch as cefamandole, cefuroxime, and cefonicid possessedgreater activity against the members of the family Entero-bacteriaceae but often lost some activity against gram-positive organisms (24, 137). Perhaps the best representativeof these agents was the novel cephamycin derivative cefox-itin (28, 89, 113, 114, 136, 153). The improved resistance ofthis compound to beta-lactamase and the timing of itsintroduction into the marketplace established it as one of themost successful of the broader-spectrum agents. A similarcephamycin analog, cefotetan, possesses greater potencythan cefoxitin against isolates of Enterobacter cloacae andCitrobacter freundii, although it is less potent against somegram-positive bacteria (118).The expanded-spectrum cephalosporins were distin-

guished from the earlier compounds based on the inclusionof P. aeruginosa in their activity spectra (137). A greatnumber of SAR have been determined with expanded-spectrum cephalosporins, and these have been covered inseveral reviews (56, 117, 118, 137). Cefotaxime and cefoper-azone were among the first expanded-spectrum cephalospo-rins tested clinically, cefotaxime having a relatively highresistance to beta-lactamases and cefoperazone character-ized by its good activity against P. aeruginosa (24, 85, 115,147, 170). In addition, the twice-daily dosing frequencyachievable for cefoperazone presented an economic advan-tage over competitor compounds which required administra-tion every 6 h (170). This improved dosing schedule occurredat a time when cost containment was becoming a major issuein health care. Another expanded-spectrum cephalosporin,moxalactam (Fig. 6), is a structurally unique 1-oxocephalos-porin containing an oxygen in place of sulfur at position 1 ofthe cephalosporin nucleus. This substitution confers highbeta-lactamase resistance on the molecule (117). Moxalac-tam use, however, was complicated by a relatively highincidence of a vitamin K-responsive coagulopathy, and thishalted its use in the United States (88).

Unlike the case with many of the preceding classes ofantimicrobial agents, bacterial resistance to the expanded-spectrum cephalosporins has not occurred to a high degree.This is due in part to their high affinity for lethal PBPs in thebacterial cell and their comparatively high resistance toinactivation by a broad variety of beta-lactamases. Problemorganisms, however, include Enterobacter sp., Citrobactersp., Serratia marcescens, and certain indole-positive Pro-teus sp., all of which produce chromosomally mediatedcephalosporinase whose expression is under an inducibleform of genetic regulation (70, 94, 95, 135, 160). Undercertain laboratory (and clinical) conditions, mutants thatconstitutively produce high levels of beta-lactamase can beselected upon exposure of the cells to cephalosporins (31,69, 71). The enzyme hydrolyzes the cephalosporin beta-lactam ring or simply binds the drug, impeding its progressacross the periplasmic space to the lethal PBPs on thecytoplasmic membrane surface (67, 166). Such mutants havebeen associated with clinical failure of cephalosporins, but

the overall incidence of associated clinical failure has beenlow in comparison to the spread of plasmid-mediated formsof resistance observed with penicillin G (50, 116). Certainisolates of Pseudomonas sp. have also remained refractoryto therapy with the newer cephalosporins, and this has beenattributed to high beta-lactamase production, decreasedouter membrane permeability, or lowered affinity for lethalPBPs in the cell (67).

In the 1980s, the developmental trend for new cephalo-sporins has been directed toward improving their pharmaco-kinetic performance as much as increasing their potencyagainst problem pathogens. Ceftazidime has demonstratedan increased potency against P. aeruginosa compared withcefotaxime and, like cefoperazone, has the additional eco-nomic advantage of twice-daily dosing (118). The develop-ment of ceftriaxone further capitalized on this advantage,requiring only a once-daily dosing frequency as a result of its6- to 8-h elimination half-life in humans (118). This advantageallows for ease of administration in the hospital and encour-ages its use in outpatient settings for the treatment of chronicinfections such as osteomyelitis. In these situations substan-tial cost savings to patients are achieved, giving ceftriaxonea significant competitive marketing advantage, an importantfactor in the current atmosphere of cost control legislated bythe diagnosis-related-group system of health care payment.The advantage of cost savings is an important one becauseexpanded-spectrum cephalosporins are expensive to synthe-size. For this reason, they must show a significant advantagein a crowded marketplace in order to gain acceptance on thehospital formulary. Research and discovery efforts for newcephalosporin agents have been guided by this objective. Inthis sense, some of the emphasis in recent years has changedfrom finding compounds active against resistant organismsto finding those with improved pharmacokinetics and con-venient dosing characteristics that distinguish them fromother therapies. The change is also in response to economicpressures to reduce the costs associated with antibiotictherapy.Other research approaches have been to identify new

compounds that could compete with the cephalosporins forcertain therapeutic indications. Beta-lactamase inhibitorshave been discovered that are active primarily against theTEM-type, plasmid-encoded beta-lactamases (22, 83, 130).Clavulanic acid and sulbactam are the most notable exam-ples that have been introduced to improve the activity ofamoxicillin and ampicillin, respectively, when used in com-bination against strains possessing plasmid-encoded beta-lactamases (22). Monobactams are monocyclic beta-lactamsthat possess activity predominantly against gram-negativeorganisms, including P. aeruginosa (156, 159). The first ofthese agents, aztreonam, has proven to be a safe andefficacious agent in clinical studies. A number of new oralcephalosporins and orally active prodrug esters of parenteralagents show an improved spectrum or pharmacokineticcharacteristics over cephalexin and cefaclor (168). Theseinclude BMY-28271, cefixime, FK-482, cefpodoxime, andthe carbacephem analog of cefaclor (168).Some of the broadest-spectrum antibiotics have been

derived from the carbapenem and penem structural classes.Penems are totally synthetic beta-lactams, while the carba-penems were derived from fermentation products, withthienamycin being the first member of the group identified(86, 151, 182). Unlike carbapenems, the penems discoveredto date lack activity against P. aeruginosa. Carbapenemssuch as imipenem also have an advantage over expanded-spectrum cephalosporins in that they demonstrate high ac-

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tivity against staphylococci, anaerobes, and almost all gram-negative bacilli, including P. aeruginosa (5, 86, 167). Thebroad spectrum and potency are unprecedented comparedwith any other class of antibiotics, leading to broad clinicalindications for imipenem (5, 169). Several penem com-

pounds have undergone clinical trials, but none has had thewide spectrum of imipenem. For reasons relating to unac-

ceptable side effects, the remaining penems evaluated so farhave not progressed to the marketplace (119, 122, 128, 182).One of the drawbacks of carbapenems and penems is theirunique susceptibility to degradation by eucaryotic renaldehydropeptidase I found in the brush borders of the kidney(86). As described previously, imipenem was found to be so

susceptible to dehydropeptidase I inactivation that an inhib-itor of this enzyme, cilastatin, was developed for coadmin-istration in order to stabilize the urinary metabolism ofimipenem (86). While the combination of imipenem-cilas-tatin has been widely used, research continues in an attemptto identify new agents of this class, such as SM-7338, thatare potent antibacterial agents and have the added advantageof being resistant to destruction by the renal enzyme dehy-dropeptidase I.

The penems have also demonstrated another highly desir-able characteristic, oral absorption. SCH-29482, FCE-22891,and SUN-5555 have shown relatively good oral absorption inhumans (74, 168, 182). This characteristic could result in a

dual mode of dosing for these agents: an intravenous formu-lation for treating serious infections in the hospital and a lessexpensive oral formulation to be used as follow-up therapyonce clinical improvement has occurred. While the first oralpenem, SCH-29482, has not been developed for clinical use,

it remains to be determined whether or not other agents ofthis interesting class will become successful products.


Quinolones are derivatives of nalidixic acid, which was

first introduced in the 1960s. Historically, nalidixic acid (Fig.6) has been reserved for use only in urinary tract infectionsdue to its poor tissue distribution and the rapid emergence ofbacterial resistance (59, 101). Many new fluoroquinolonederivatives of nalidixic acid have been developed, and thesecompounds possess much greater antibacterial potency thanthe original compound. The primary target of the new

fluoroquinolones in the bacterial cell is the A subunit ofDNA gyrase; inhibition of gyrase function elicits a rapidbactericidal effect accompanied by induction of DNA repairresponses (8, 29, 125, 148). Since the A subunit of bacterialgyrase is a unique site of attack for these antimicrobialagents, many resistance mechanisms that have limited thesusceptibility of bacteria to other agents do not affect sus-

ceptibility to quinolones. High-level resistance to the newquinolones has been observed but not with the same fre-quency as is characteristic for nalidixic acid (49). Thesedesirable characteristics, along with good oral absorptionproperties, have prompted continued efforts in the areas ofsynthetic quinolone research. Derivatives such as oxolinicacid, cinoxacin, and flumequine followed nalidixic acid butlacked sufficient antibacterial potency to be viewed as sig-nificant therapeutic advances. Flumequine (Fig. 6) was a

breakthrough compound in synthesis efforts because it wasthe first analog to contain a fluorine in the quinolone nucleus.This change was found to impart improved spectrum andpotency (174) and furthered efforts such as addition of activesubstituents (e.g., the piperazine moiety) on the fluoroqui-nolone nucleus, which in turn led to the discovery of the

broader-spectrum agents in development today (30). Nor-floxacin has been introduced recently as an orally activeagent for urinary tract infections, but lacks the potencynecessary for the treatment of serious systemic infections(176, 177). More potent compounds such as fleroxacin,ofloxacin, enoxacin, and ciprofloxacin are markedly im-proved over the earlier quinolones and meet the criteriarequired for therapy of serious infections, including bacter-emia, osteomyelitis, and pneumonia, as well as P. aerugi-nosa in cystic fibrosis patients (30, 40, 41, 171). Perhaps themost useful property of the quinolones is their good oralabsorption in humans. Ciprofloxacin is the broadest-spec-trum, orally administered antibacterial agent developed.This compound fills a need for oral outpatient therapy ofosteomyelitis and pulmonary infections associated with cys-tic fibrosis, as well as many other indications, and is avail-able worldwide.Even though a large number of fluoroquinolones have

been synthesized and tested, the SAR needed for optimalantibacterial potency are not as well established as for otherantibiotic classes such as the beta-lactams (30). In fact, thespecific interaction among DNA, gyrase, and quinolone thatleads to bacterial cell death is poorly understood. Despitethese limitations, however, the quinolones represent anevolving area of synthesis research that is expected toproduce improved broad-spectrum antibacterial agents ableto treat a wide variety of bacterial infections.


Over the last two decades, the introduction of many newantibiotics has drastically changed the available therapy forinfectious diseases. Early trends in antimicrobial discoveryand development were directed toward finding agents withimproved activity and an expanded spectrum, includingbacterial strains that had developed resistance to the olderantimicrobial agents. The development of some classes suchas the beta-lactams and aminoglycosides occurred at a rapidrate, characterized by the marketing of a large number ofcompounds that represented incremental improvementsover existing therapies. Further understanding of bacterialphysiology aided the development of SAR that producedcompounds with high antibacterial activity and that were notas affected by the multitude of resistance mechanisms foundin clinical microorganisms. More recent trends in antibioticdiscovery and development have included placing greateremphasis on finding efficacious new agents with pharmaco-kinetic advantages that can be administered in ways thathelp to address the rising costs of health care. The develop-ment process for such new antibiotics takes many years andinvolves extensive safety and efficacy studies in humans andother animals. While this situation is not likely to changesignificantly, more extensive collaboration between the FDAand pharmaceutical sponsors may help to shorten the devel-opment time for new antibiotics that offer important thera-peutic advantages. Such agents are likely to be those that arewell tolerated and possess improvements in areas that arenot covered well by existing therapies. New agents of thistype would include those that are efficacious in chronically illindividuals such as immunocompromised patients and pos-sess potent antibacterial activity against a wide variety ofclinical pathogens. Although many effective antibiotics areavailable, the constant evolution of bacterial pathogens andthe changing nature of health care needs will create oppor-tunities for significantly improved agents.


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I thank Katherine Brighty, Ray Johnson, John Stam, and PaulWatts for helpful comments during the preparation of this manu-script. The invaluable assistance of Doreen Gale is also greatlyappreciated.


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